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water_n air_n element_n fire_n 13,062 5 7.1789 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19525 The craft of graffing and planting of trees 1563 (1563) STC 5954; ESTC S121130 8,059 16

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kernels but a vyne it behoueth to cut that is downe warde next the erth with great cōninge and fleyghte If thou wylt haue a vyne growe on a chery tree haue the taste of cherys set a vyne by a chery tree tyll it growe and in the begenning of seuerel what time it be make an hole through the cheritre in what place thou wylt as often as thou wilte and drawe through the hole a braūche of the vyne so that it fyl the hole shaue a way the old barke of the vyne as moch as shal be in the hole And put it in so that the shauen place of the branche stop full the hole of the chery tree and thā cut away the rot ende of the vine and wrape it wel a bout wyth good earth binde it well wyth a lytle cloth kepe it well in all thynges it is sayd in other graffynges but some men leaue the rote ende on cut a yeare tyll it be sowdred with the chery tree and than cut it a waey and thys is a good maner and a sure and so it may be done with diuers trees of diuers fruytes and the grape and the vyne shall haue sauour of theym And so of euery tree may be graffed in other and it is a maruelous graffyng If thou wylt haue a tree beare dyuers fruytes and of dyuers coulours and dyuers sauoure in the fyrste yeare graffe in diuers braunches of a chery tree diuerse apylys to thy lykyng cleaue some of the brauches vngrafted the second yere make holes through the chery tree and drawe through that hole vyne branches the vtter ende shauē of as is before sayde and in the same maner through an nother hole read rose and therewith as is be fore sayd of the vine and this diuersite thou may do after thyne owne liking If thou wilt haue fentes of dyuers coloures thou shalt make an hole in a tree nyghe to the roote euen to the pith of the tree and a none do in the hole good a sure of almayne so that it be nygh full and than stoppe the hole well and iust with a shorth pyn and wrappe it well withe tempered earthe ād bynde it well as thou doest a graffe and the frutes shall be blewe coloure and thys maye be doone with all coloures ¶ Also here begynneth a lyttle treatyse of the .iiii. seasons of the yeare and also of the .iiii. elementes whiche they be and of what nature and of the canyculer dayes THe foure elementes be these ayre fire earth and water also there ben foure himours in man they be these bloud redde coloure blacke to lolour fleweme Also there be foure seasons in the yeare in which a man ought and behoueth to be gouerned The first is vere ād that beginneth the viii I de of february endureth to the .vii. I de of Maye in this thime wexeth blood this is the fyrst humour of man and accordeth with the ayre that is the fyrst element for it is watry hote as is vere that is the fyrst time of the yeare And that time bokes of medecyne lerneth vs to take drynckes solyble for to purge the body of euil humours to eate fleshe drynke drynkes that be holsome for manes body as yonge porcke cleane moton and lambes fleshe kyddes and foules that be of the land but no water fowles And freshe water porttes tame neps and percely and other herbes of medecine to drinke good cleane ale and no stronge ale And these thynges make cleane bloud so they be not surfetly taken The seconde tyme and season of the yere is somer and begynneth the .vi. Ide of May and lasteth vnto the .vii. of August In that tyme waxeth red coloure to the second element that is fyre for that is hote ād drye I that tyme men shulde not drynke herbes nor let bloude but yf it were for greate nedenor muche faste It is good in that tyme to eate well soden fleshe of all maner of beasles ād all maner of fowles saue porcke in May is good to forbeare and eate all maner of fyshe wyth vyneger or yuse of grappes of ver gius made with good herbes sage and sauery and sede of anneys fenell sede and comin it is good to drinke wormoode iii. tymes in the weke tempred wyth wyne all so temper it wyth water and drincke no stronge ale and vse louage seede and letous and they shall temper well the redde colour kepe them from sycknes The thyred tyme of the yeare is Autumpnus or haruest and it be gynneth the .vii. I de of August lasteth vnto the .vii. I de of Nouembre in that tyme waxe the blacke colour that is the thirde humoure in man and accordeth to the .iii. elemēt that is erth and that is coulde ād drye In that tyme is it good to take dryncke solyble that purgeth the bodie of eueri blacke colour that muche is in a man he mai some tyme be let bloude in that season And eat litel fyshe fleshe and namely frutes biefe and milke is good to dryncke and good wyne mesurably and good stayle ale and newe ale eate scaled fyshe peper wyth ginger and galingale eate bayes and stanmarchesed and comyn browort rotes wyth wyne or with other lycoure fasting and eate not an houre or two after The .iiii. tyme and season in the yere is hyems or wynter begeneth the .vii. I de of Nouembre and lasteth to the vii I de of February in that tyme entreth flewme that is the fourthe humour in man accordeth to the fourthe element that is water for that is colde and most as is wynter and in that tyme men should let them bloud in theyr bodyes by grafynge but not no vaynes but if it be the more nede And a man must kepe hym frō drinkyng of strong drynkes And poudred flesh is good to eate and for as muche as al fishes after water be flumattike therfore thei be better rost than soden and vse mustard ād peper and oft tyme chewe in thy month pellater of spayne and suche other thinges as wyll cause the flew me to voyde and also eate fenelsede comyn eche of these seedes destroye flewme that all the euylles in mans body begynneth of THe Laniculer dayes begynneth the .xv. kalē des of August and endure to the .iiii. Nonas of Septembre in whiche season is great peryl to take syckenes ād it is perillous to take drinkes or medecines or to be let bloud but if it be great nede and that must be after the myddes of the daye ¶ The fourme and the measure to mete land by THe lenght of a barlei corne thre times make an ynche so that the barley growe in comyn sorte not to leuē to much composted and .xii. ynches make a fote and .iiii. fote maketh a yearde .v. quarters of the yarde make an elle fiue fote make a pace a hundred .xxv. pace make a forlonge and eyght forlonges make an englyshe inyle and syxtene forlonges make a frenche lewge fyue yardes din make a perche in London to mete land by and that perch is xv fote din longe in dyuers other places in this lād they mete ground by poles gaddes and r●ddes so me be of .xviii fote some of .xx. some of .xxi. But of what length so euer thei be .c. lx perches make an aker for as a marke of englysh moneye conteyneth on .c. lx pence so euery aker of land conteyneth .c. lx perches as a noble conteyneth .lxxx. pence so halfe an aker of lande conteyneth .lxxx. perches and as the halfe a noble conteyneth .xl pence so a rode land coteyneth .xl. perches a perche of ground shall contayne in length of that perche euery way in the maner of a checker so that it be as longe as broade xvi ●ote a halfe maketh a perch as is a boue said that is .v. yardes and a halfe .vi. L. fote by liuescore to the hundred maketh a forlong that is .xxviii. perches saue two fote viii furlonges make an english myle that is .v. M. fote so LL. .iii. perches al so are an englyshe myle ¶ Here endeth this lytle treatyse that speaketh of plantyng and graffeyng of trees and dyuers other matters and also of dyuers medycynes for mans health ¶ Imprynted at London in Lothbery ouer agaȳnst S. Bargarets church by me Wyllyam Lopland