Selected quad for the lemma: water_n

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water_n air_n element_n fire_n 13,062 5 7.1789 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18555 The loue and complayntes bytwene Mars and Venus Chaucer, Geoffrey, d. 1400. 1500 (1500) STC 5089; ESTC S106471 9,669 30

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Mars to stryf warre and enuye Phebus to wysedom and to hygh prowesse Mercurye to be chaungeable and doublenes The mone mutable now glad now drypyng And gnery Uenus full of newfauglenes Make men vnstable here in her lyuyng ¶ The disposicyon of the xii sygnes Aries is hote and also coleryke And in the hede kepeth his domynacyon Taurus in the throte be man hole or syke That part hath he in supportacyon G minis eke by reuolucyon Hath in tharmes his Influence and werkyng How shold a man than be stedfast of lyuyng Cancer hath the brest in his demayne Of the herte lorshyp hath the lyon Uirgo the gouernaunce hath of twayne Of nauyll and wombe and Libra lower doun The membres of man guerneth the scorpyon By this reson the philosophers seyng Is that man can not be stedfast in lyuyng Of all the sygnes rekenyd here to forne The thyes of man gouerneth sagittarye And knees and lengges hath Capricorne Eke the calf dounward pertayneth to aquarye And the feet I wyll not long tarye Pisse hath them in his kepyng How shold a man be stedfast of lyuyng ¶ The desposicyon of the iiii cōplexions The sangweyn man of bllood hath hardynes wrought to be louyng large of dispence The fleumatyk mā slouthe expssith with dulnes whyte of visage rude of eloquence And syth ther is to man suchedufference By complexions diuersly werkyng Answere herto concludyng this sentence How that a man myght be stedfast of lyuyng The coleryk man subtyll and deceyuable Sklender leue and cytryne of his colour wroth sodeynly wode and not tretable And full of enuye malyce and rancaur Drye thurstye and a grete wastour Disposed to many a sondry thyng with pompe and boost hasty to doo rygour Ben suche men stable in her lyuyng Melancolye of his complexyon Disposyd by kynde for to be fraudelent Malicyous froward and by discepcyon Forgyng dyscordesr double of his entent whiche thynges peysed by good auysement I dare conclude as to my felyng By confirmacyon as in sentent Fewe men ben be here stable in her lyuyng ¶ The disposicyon of the iiii elementes The world soo wyde the ayre soo remeuable The cely man soo lytyll of stature The graf and ground of clothyng so mutable The fyre soo hote and subtyll of nature water neuer in one what creature Made of these foure whiche ben soo flyttyng May stable be here in this lyuyng Man of therthe hath slouthe and heuynes Flux and reflux by water made vnstable Lryndely of ayer he hath also swetnes By fyre made hasty wode and not tretable To erthe agayn by processe comperable Selde or neuer in one poynte abydyng How shold he thenne be stable in lyuyng Fyre resolueth erthe to be watyre And waterye thynges fyre torneth in ayer Makyth hard thynges nesshe fyre naturelly Soo chaungeth many thynges varyably Though harde he is that shone bryght fayr whiche element hath in man grete werkyng How shuld he than be stable in lyuyng Ayer of kynde yeueth Inspiracyon To mannes herte thyng moost temperatyf And kyndely hete yeueth respiracyon Of subtyll ayer and a grete medicatyf To tempre the spirytes by vertu vegitatyf And syth that ayer in man is thus meuyng How shold he than be stedfast of lyuyng water som whle is congeled to crystall Cold and moyst as of his nature Now ebbeth now floweth whiche inespecyall The mygth of the mone doth her cours recure And syth this element by recorde of scripture Is one of the foure compact of our makyng I wold enquyre what maner creature Made of these foure were stedfast of lyuyng ¶ The disposicyon of the four seasons of the yere Man hath in somer dryenes and hete In thyr bookes as auctours lyst expresse And whan phebus entrith the Ariete Dygeste humours vpward don hem dresse Poorys opene that season of swetenes And exaltacyons dyuersely werwyng How shold man be stable in luyng Autumpne to Ueer fcunden is contrarye As Galyen sayth in all his qualytees Dysposyng a man that season to varye To many vncouthe strauge Infirmytees Of canyculer dayes takyng the propertees By reuelacyon many folde chaungyng How shold men thenne be stable in lyuyng Man hath in wynter in this plesaunt lyf By disposicyon cold and humydyte whiche season is to flewme nutrytyf Spoyleth herbe and tre of theyr fresshe beaute Colsyth constrayneth the pooris mē may 〈◊〉 Causeth kyndly hete inward to be werkyn How shold man thenne be stable in lyuyng By Ueer man hath hete and eke moysture Atwene bothe a man of temperaunce In whiche tweyne grete lust he doth recure If colde hym put not in dystemperaunce This meynt with drede is man̄s gouernaun Ay in noo certeyn by record of wrytyng How shold he thenne be gable in lyuyng ¶ The dispocyon of the world The monethis varye eueryche hath his sygn And hard it is alle wedrs for to knowe The tyme som while is gracyous benygne And vpon hyilles and valeyes that benlowe The foure wyndes contraryous doo blowe In euery storme man is here abydyng Some to relyue and some to ouerthrowe How shold man thenne be stedfast in lyuyng The worldly answere fortune transmutable Trust of lordshyp a feynte sekernes Euery season varyeth frendshyp is vnstable Now myrthe now sorowe now he le now sekenes Now ebbe of pouert now flodes of riches And stont ī chaūge now losse now wynnyng Tempest in see and wyndes sturdynes Make men vnstable and ferfull of lyuyng Tytan somwhyle fresshly doth appere Then̄e cometh a storme doth his light deface The soyle of somer with flouris glad of chere wynters rasour doth them a way race Alle erthely thynges sodenly don pace whiche may here haue noo syker abydyng Eke alle estates fals fortune doth menace How shold a man be steafast of lyuyng Beholde and see the transmutacyon How the season of grene lusty age Force of Iuuentus strong hardy as a lyon Tyme of manhode wysedom lad of corage And how decrepitus torneth to dotage Caste all in a alaunce and forgete nothyng And thou shalt see in this lyf a pylgremage Ie whiche ther is noo stedeast abydyng The 〈◊〉 ●yfte vp thyn eyen vnto heuen And praye thy lorde whiche is eternall That sytte soo ferre aboue the sterrys seuen In his ryall place moost Imperall To graunt the grace in this lyf mortall Contricion shryft ho wsyll at departyng And er thou parte hens remssyon fynall To ward te lyf where Ioye is euerlastyng AMEN ¶ Thys in pryntyde in westmoster inkyng strete For me Iulianus Notarii