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water_n air_n element_n fire_n 13,062 5 7.1789 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17500 The Dutch suruay VVherein are related and truly discoursed, the chiefest losses and acquirements, which haue past betweene the Dutch and the Spaniards, in these last foure yeares warres of the Netherlands, with a comparatiue ballancing and estimation of that which the Spaniards haue got in the Dutchies of Cleeue and Iuliers, with that which they haue lost vnto the Dutch and Persians, in Brasilia, Lima, and Ormus. VVhereunto are annext the Mansfeldian motiues, directed vnto all colonels, lieuzanant-colonels, sergeant majors, priuate captaines, inferiour officers, and souldiers, whose seruice is engag'd in this present expedition, vnder the conduct and commaund of the most illustrious Prince Ernestus, Earle of Mansfield. W. C.; Crosse, William, b. 1589 or 90, attributed name. 1625 (1625) STC 4318; ESTC S107365 20,410 46

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for the battery and besides they built two small Ships of Warre not drawing much water vpon the Rhine to this intent that all the land passages being stopt the aduenues by water being also shut vp time and hunger two powerfull instruments much made vse of by the Fabian Generals of Spaine might worke the conquest and deliuerance of this place The euent answered their expectation for the Defendants being prest with this vnresistable difficulty surrendred vp the Sconce about the latter end of the yeare 1622. vpon condition to depart with bagge and baggage And thus you see a full suruay of those greater and more substantiall losses which the States haue suffered since the expiration of the last twelue yeares truce from their ancient and sworne Enemies of Spaine The relation of their victories followes suparlatiue to their dammages both for the respect of honour and the waight of their importance and these may be reduc'd vnto two heads vnto their victories acquired at Rishame and Ormus Ilands seated vpon the coast of Persia and aunciently belonging to that Kingdome or to their Conquests in Brasilia and Peru Prouinces of the new world discouered by Americus from whence it tooke his name for the vse of Ferdinand and Isabella their children heires and successours For although in the Conquest of the fore-said Ilands the Dutch as well as our English were but auxiliaries vnto the Persians yet because they were pars magna laboris they had I say a great share in the labour and danger of this exploit by way of reducement and not improperly it may bee fylde amongst the number of their atchiuements This Rishame or Rhisme is a small Iland distant from Ormus some foure leagues and separated from thence by a small fret of the Sea commonly called the sound of Balsora The Portingals had built a strong Castle in it manned with three hundred Christians and fiue hundred Negroes commanded by Rufero their Gouernour Our Fleete vpon the 24. of Ianuarie 162● came within shot of the Castle and plied the Defendants with diuers peales of Ordinance and by the fauour of our shipping and Cannon gaue meanes to the Persian to land ten thousand of his Souldiers These Mahometan Troupes were commaunded by one of their Sultans for so they call their Lords a man of great valour and conduct as the sequele shall make good Vpon their first landing they play the Terriers put themselues into the earth bring their approches within a neere distance Rufero terrified with this strait assignement as being inuironed both by land and water and hauing no Element to helpe him but the all-common Ayre and the fire of his Cannon demaunds a parlee to hinder farther effusion of blood it was graunted But the conditions proposed were dislikt by the Assailants for the Portugall wholy ayming at the preseruation of Ormus and sleighting that of Rhisme because he saw no possibility to keepe it offers presently to surrender the Castle vpon condition that his men both Spaniards and Blacks might haue free liberty to passe ouer vnto Ormus Any man that had but Poliphemus eye might see through the mist of this pretence Our Captaines Blight Weddall and Mr. Monnox men much honoured for this seruice were apprehensiue enough to conceiue the aduantage of this proposition Therefore they reiect it and fall to their battery againe so that waighing neerer to the Castle they bestowe seauen or eight hundred great Shot vpon the Curtin and Bulwarkes The Persians likewise from the land side draw their rowling trenches within a stones cast and ply the Castellans with vncessant vollies of their small Shot who answered them with the like and flung diuers Pots of Wilde-fire and Granadoes into their Workes which did them much hurt The terrour of this caused a second parlee wherein Rufero offers to surrender the place vpon these cautions following that he might depart to Ormus with his Armes and Munition and race the walls of the Castle downe to the ground This second motion being reiected like as the former we saluted them afresh with the thunder of the same curtesie But the Defendants seeing themselues thus distressed on all sides yeeld at the last vppon these conditions That they should depart with bagge and baggage and all other things that they had their Armes Munition and Ordnance expected and that the Souldiers as well Blackes as others should be transported vnto Muskat a Towne which the Portingals hold vpon the Arabian shore onely some of the Principals were to be detayned aboord our Shippes and to be disposed of as occasion should require so the Castle of Rhisme was surrendred vnto the Persians the 30. of Ianuarie 1621. and all the Articles were performed on both sides sauing that the Sultan caused some fourescore of the captiue Negroes to be murdered contrary to the dignity and faith of his promise After the Conquest of Rhisme the Christian Fleete set saile for Ormus and the Persian land forces wasted ouer in 200. Boates made for that purpose This Iland was made tributary to the Portugals anno 1606. who taking aduantage of the Persian troubles and their neglect of maritine affaires fortified themselues strongly in this place which they kept to their great profit and honour aboue fourescore yeares vntill after the death of Sebastian and the Conquest of Portugall it was vnited together with the Terceraes Ginnie Brasilia and the East Indies vnto the Kingdome of Spaine Although it were barren and had little or no fresh water yet was it reasonable well inhabited and payd for their customes yearely to the King being a Mahometan 140000. Seraffs with whom the Spaniards cried at the least halfe share It is seated in the Persian Gulph opposite to Combrene on the maine land of Persia and in respect of the commodious scituation it stands fitly for the traffique of Arabia Persia and India Of this Iland the Arabians vse to say Si terrarum orbis quaqua patet annulus esset Illius Ormusium gemma decusque foret Which we may English thus If the world a ring were then the precious stone Of that rich ring were Ormus I le alone The present Sophie being sensible of this thorne which so long had stucke in his predecessours foote resolues vppon a remedy befitting the greatnesse of his Designe And euer since his acquaintance with Sir Robert Sherlie resoluing vpon the conquest of this Iland now vndertakes it with the auxiliarie Forces of the Dutch and English and that Land Armie which subdued Rhisme now re-inforced with new supplies from the Continent The 10. of February 1621. the Persians landed 3000. of their men who marched straight vnto the Towne which being a place of no great defence they tooke it without any resistance at all The Portugals the Moores retiring themselues into the Castle with their goods and treasure Vpon this the Christian Fleete plies the Forte and the Enemies Frigats which lay vnder the Lee thereof with their Ordnance and the Mahometans Land their whole Armie