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water_n air_n element_n fire_n 13,062 5 7.1789 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16289 The boke of comfort called in laten Boetius de Consolatione philosophie. Translated in to englesse tonge; De consolatione philosophiae. English Boethius, d. 524.; Walton, John, d. 1410. 1535 (1535) STC 3200; ESTC S113387 114,493 220

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euer the ferre they ben a way ther fro ¶ But they reioycen myghty to be holde And wylt thou trow hym myghty for to be That may not worken that he faynest wolde Or for to walken wyth a company Of myghty men that lusty ben to se And at hys byddynge al a realme a rereth And yet hym selfe n stondeth in thys degre He dredeth the same that he fereth ¶ And for he wolde myghty seme stronge He must put hym selfe n in daunger As of the mayne wyche he ys amonge And of hys lyffe he standeth in a wher Or wyth a kynge to be famylyer To what hyt shal a vayle I can not sayn Syth often ys hyt shewed a monge ous here That kynges of ther mayne haue be slayn ¶ And often tymes ys thys y shewed expresse Of some that wyth kynges haueth be nye That these kynges of ther cruelnesse Haueth them put at myschef sodenly Som tyme styred by malyce enuy Of wycked folke that worse ben than fendes And kynges often standeth slyperly And yf they fallen falleth eke ther frendes ¶ For loo Nero that cursed emperour Made Seneca hys awne deth deuyse That was hys master hys gouernour And Antoninus in the same wyse Papynyan that had hym don seruyse And a ful myghty man had longe ben He made hys knyghtes ful of cowardyse That wyth ther swerdes al they shuld hym slayn ¶ And both ij yet wold they haue ben glad To haue forlete ther power vtterly And Seneca loo al the good he had He wold haue geuen hyt Nero wyllyngly And ben exyled euer perpetuelly Forsakynge al hys occupation And so haue lyued solytaryly And led hys lyffe in contemplation ¶ But he that menteth downward for to go Hys awne wight wyl draw hym doune in hast And therfore nether of them both to Ne myght hys purpose hauen at last Thys power than that euery man so fast Desyreth thus what ys hyt wold I se Syth he that hath hyt ys ther of a gast Ho so wyl forlete hyt may not syker be ¶ And vhen thou woldest hyt wyllyngly forsake Loo at thy wyl thou mayst hyt not forgon And frendes wyche that fortune doth the make And vertu not what profyt may they don when lusty fortune forth ys fro the gon Than al her frendes wyth her goeth in fere A more perylous myschef ys ther none Than ys thy foo wyththe famylyer Metrū v. Capitulū x. Qui se volet Phia Philosophia loquitur ¶ Ho so desyreth myghty for to ben And of hys foes to haue the vyctory Fyrst hys corage that ys so fers kene He must repressen wel myghtely So that the foule lust of lechery May haue no maner mastery in hys mynde For thogh thou be so hawte so hye That men the dredeth in the land of Inde ¶ And eke the I le that ferrest ys of al Out in the west that Tyle cleped ys Be to the suget as thy bound thral yet yf thy foule derke besynesse wyth sore complayntes of thy wrecchednesse Thus in ther boundes haldeth the so fast That thou ne myght them voyden ne represse I say hyt ys no power that thou hast Prosa vj. Capitulū xj Gloria vero quam fallax Phia Philosophia loquitur BVt hye renoune how ful of vanyte How foule hyt ys often deceyuable As a tragedyen in hys dyte Not causeles thus cryeth in a fable Ow renoune seyth he false varyable To many a thousand of thyn homagers In no thynge elles art thou commendable But as a wynde that swelleth in ther yeres ¶ For many one by false opynyon Of nyce folke haue had a hugy name But certenly a foule confusyon Hyt ys so falsly for to haue a fame For nedes retorne to them moste shame when that they ben comended wrongfully And thogh they haue deserued yet that same what shal a wyse man furdred be ther by ¶ That meteth not the mesure of hys mede By veyn rumor of folkes audyence But putteth al the meret of hyr dede In very vertu of ther conscience And yf thou hald hyt for an excellence Thy noble renoune for to ben extended Than wyl hyt enswe euen of consequence That thou were foule but yf thou were cōmended ¶ But as I sayd a lytel here beforn That nedes must be many a nation To wyche one mannes name may not be born The wyche as in thyn estymatyon A man of worshype ys of renoune Loo than as for the most quantyte Of al thys lytel wordly regyon He must nedes vnrenouned be ¶ I hald hyt not ful moche expedyent Of comen people to be commendable That haueth no reson in ther Iugemente For hyt ys fletynge not perdurable They dyscord in dryth moysture for fyre ys dry ayer ys mostey thys dyscord letteth them for to medle that eueryche kepeth hys kendly place ¶ Also the ayer the vvater accordeth in moysture they dyscordeth in hete colde for ayer ys hote vvater cold vvyche dyscorde lettethe thē to medle vvater erthe accordeth in cold dyscordeth in moysture drythe for the erthe ys dry the vvater moystey Fyre erthe accordeth in drouthe so that the erthe may not dysioyne fro hys place ne the fyre fro hys they dyscord in cold hete vvherefore they may not medle but euerych kepeth hys kendly place Also the elementes that of qualyteys ben contrary he byndeth to gether by intermene elementes acordynge in qualyteys vvyth bothe as fyre vvater that ben very contrary in qualyteys ben bounden to gedres vvyth ayer that ys intermene acordyng vvyth fyre in hete vvyth vvater in moysture Erthe and ayer ben knet to gedres by vvater that ys entermene accordyng vvyth erthe in cold vvyth ayer in moysture ¶ For clere vnderstandyng of thys chapytre hyt ys for to knovv that he that shal helpe a nother hyt nedeth that he be myghty vvyse and vvel vvylled For yf a thyng be asked of a man the vvyche he may not do ne can not ne hys vvyl skylefully may not consent of very ryght he may denye hyt for no suche thyng ought to be asked ¶ Therfore fyrst he shevveth the suffysance of god in myght in asmoche as he gouerneth al the vvorlde not by grete labour as creaturs gouerneth but by perdurable reson For syth he fyrst set the vvorld in gouernance the natural progression neuer varyed but haldeth hymself alvvay in the fyrste ordynance Also in producynge of creaturs he shevveth hys beneuolence good vvyl to al that ys consonant to reson In that he shevveth that ys to say In that he maketh the elementes as sede mater vvherof ben engendred al erthly thynges And thus doth he not cōpelled of no foreyn cause as men ben compelled but only of the habundance of hys goodnesse ▪ vvyche ys euer vvas perfe●ly in hymself the vvyche goodnesse vvas so entensyfly habundant that hyt must nedes of reson be extēded by cōmunyon ¶