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A13296 A short compend of the historie of the first ten persecutions moued against Christians divided into III. centuries. Whereunto are added in the end of euery centurie treatises arising vpon occasion offered in the historie, clearely declaring the noveltie of popish religion, and that it neither flowed from the mouthes of Christs holy Apostles, neither was it confirmed by the blood of the holy martyrs who died in these ten persecutions. Simson, Patrick, 1556-1618. 1613-1616 (1616) STC 23601; ESTC S118088 593,472 787

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conscience a great number of them entrea●…e this argument In like maner the factes and wordes of ancient Fathers are miserably abused When Papistes reade in the Epistles of Augustine that the Emperour went vnto the tombe of the Apostle Peter sometime a fisher and laide aside his Emperiall Diademe and humbly bowed his knees and prayed at the sepulchre of P●…ter they clap their handes and shout for joy as if their cause were wonne But such transparent visardes will blind no mans eyes except onely the eyes of simple ignorant people and the eyes of those who are wilfully blinded because the praying at the sepulchre of Peter will not proue that the Emperour prayed vnto Peter but onely to GOD. And this custome was the more tolerable because Christians for the space of three hundreth yeeres were accustomed to heare GODS worde preached to receiue the Sacramentes yea and to pray in such places whereinto Martyres had glorified GOD by patient suffering of death for CHRISTES sake In all these actions they worshipped GOD whose worde they hearde preached in that place whose blessed Sacraments they receiued also in that place and they bowed their knees and prayed to GOD and not to the Martyres in that place yea and when the persecution ceased and Temples were builded there was a reuerent commemoration of the names of the Martyres without any inuocation and praying vnto them as Augustine expresly declareth Nowe let this grounde bee deepely setled and rooted in our heartes that GOD is the onely Fountaine and giuer of all good giftes who also knoweth all our miseries and is Omnipotent and can support them at such time as his Majestie knoweth to be expedient For the vision of GOD as saith the Prophet hath the owne appointed time and at the last it shall speake and not lie though it tarie Waite for it shall surely come and shall not stay And so much the more let vs with patient expectation awaite vpon the support that commeth from the throne of the grace of GOD because the LORD neuer commeth to vs with an emptie hande and neuer visiteth vs out of season as earthlie Phisitions doe oft times but euen when hee findeth vs lying in our graues and rotting in the stinke of a tab●…rnacle forsaken by the ghost who was wont to dwell into it then can hee raise vs out of graues as hee did LAZARUS This grounde beeing deepely fixed in our heartes I proceede to the n●…xt heade to declare that no man can approach neere to GOD without a MEDIATOR and that CHRIST is the onely MEDIATOR both of our Redemption and also of our Intercession and none other except hee onelie As concerning the first assertion that wee haue neede of a MEDIATOR there is no man so voide of vnderstanding who will denie it Like as in the fabricke of the worlde fire and water are elementes of so discrepant qualities that the Lord would not set them contiguouslie together lest the one should haue comsumed the other Therefore the Lord in his vnspeakeable wisedome hath set an element of a mid nature betwixt them to wit the Aire In the vppermoste parte of it not abhorring from the qualities of the fire and in the lower region of it conforming to the qualities of the water Euen so there can bee no fellowship betweene the holy God and sinnefull man without a Mediator And it was well said by Iosua Yee cannot serue the Lord for hee is an holy God he will not pardon your iniquitie nor your sins Therefore necessitie driueth vs in the Treatise of Inuocation to speake of the Mediator I will not paine my selfe to proue the thing that is not denied Papistes themselues grant two thinges First that Christ is the onely Mediator of our redemption Secondly that Christ is the onely Mediator of intercession betwixt God and vs. But herewithall they affirme that the Saints are mediators betwixt Christ vs. Of that which is fully grāted that Christ is the only Mediator of our redemption I infer according to the grounds of holy Scripture that Christ is also the onely Mediator of intercession For these two are vnseparably lincked together and he who hath the one honour hath both In the Epist. to the H●…brues it is said that Christ is the onely Mediator of our redemption and hereof it is inferred that hee is the onely Mediator of our intercession the wordes of the Apostle are these speaking of Christ But this man because hee indure●…h for euer hath an euerlasting Priesthood In these wordes Christ is set downe as the onely Mediator of our redemption Now marke that which followeth as a necessary consequence vpon the fore-mentioned grounde Wherefore hee is able also perfectly to saue them that come to GOD by him seeing hee euer liueth to make intercession for them Heere Christ is pronounced to bee the onely Mediator of our intercession and this conclusion is gathered vpon this ground because hee hath saued vs by his euerlasting sacrifice which is as much as to say because hee is the Mediator of our redemption Againe holie Scripture will inuert this order and set intercession in the first place and vpon this ground that Christ is the only Mediator of our intercession will conclude that Christ is also the onlie Mediator of our redemption Marke the words of the holy Apostle My babes these thinges write I vnto you that yee sinne not and if any man sinne wee haue an Aduocate with the Father IESUS CHRIST the Iust and hee is the reconciliation for our sinnes and not for ours onely but also for the sinnes of the Whole Worlde In these wordes Christ is first called our Aduocate and hereof is inferred that hee is our propitiation which is all one as if hee had saide CHRIST is the onely Mediator of our redemption In the Law of Moses the high Priest was only but a type of the true Mediator of intercession yet while hee was presenting the blood of the sacrifice of propitiation into the most holy place all the people stood without and neither Priest nor people remained within the court where the Altar of brunt offering was vntill the high Priest came foorth out of the moste holy place Now seeing our Lord Iesus hath offered a sacrifice for our sins ●…nd hath caried the blood of the euer lasting Couenant vnto the moste holy place that is vnto Heauen and is actually performing the office of our great Aduocate and making intercession for vs let no man presume to step to the Alt●…r and to take vpon him to bee a Mediator of redemption or intercession our high Priest is doing that worke in his owne person tarie vntill hee come foorth out of the moste holy place and then there shall bee no more disputation anent Mediators of interc●…ssion Augustine vtterly excludeth Peter and Paul from this honour to bee counted Mediators of our intercession because like as they prayed for others euen so in like maner
vnto him In Scripture we reade of many great vials of the wrath of God powred downe vpon vnrighteous men but these are greatest that resemble by most viue representation the great condemnation of the wicked at the last daye such as the flood of NOE the ouerthrow of Sodom and destruction of Ierusalem The flood of NOE was vniuersall and sudden so shall be the condemnation of vngodly men at the last day Mat. 24 37. 38. 39. The ouerthrow of Sodome and Gomorrha was a destruction vnsupportable and the more meete to be an example of the vengeance of eternall fire epist. Iud. ver 7. The destruction of Ierusalē the forerunning tokens therof are so mixed with the tokens preceeding the condemnation of the great day that it may be clearly perceiued that God hath appointed the one to be a type and figure of the other Mat 24. So ost as wee call to remembrance the flood of NOE the ouerthrowe of Sodom and the destruction of Ierusalem let vs feare and stand in awe to fall into the condemnation of vngodly men because all the terrors of these judgements concurre and are massed together in the judgemēt of the last day What are the deep Weeles of water what are the shoures of fire and brimstone what is famine pest and sworde both intestine and forraine in comparison of that worme that neuer dieth and that fire that shall neuer be quenched the blacknesle of darknesse with weeping and gnashing of teeth c. It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the liuing God Concerning the number ofthem that were slaine in Galile Trachonitis Samaria Iudea chiefly in the Metropolitane towne Ierusalem ouer and beside those that were sold to be siaues and those that were deuoured by wild beastes in the triumph of FLA. and TITVS at Rome reade Ioseph d●… bello Iud. lib. 6 cap. 45. Titus AFter FLAVIVS reigned TITVS VESPASIAN his sonne two yeeres two months twentie dayes Bucolc index Chron. The nation of the Iewes being nowe subdued there was great peace in all parts of the Romaine dominions both by sea and land and the temple of IANUS in Rome was closed and locked vp againe Bucolc Domitian FLAVIVS DOMITI AN was associat to his brother TITVS in gouernement during his lifetime and after his death was his successor hee reigned 15. yeeres Chytr chron He was proud like NERO persecuted innocēt Christians as he did so prone bent is our corrupt nature to sin to follow euill examples Now againe the Church of Christ militant vpon the earth must learne obedicnce by suffering must giue a proofe before the world that the Couenant of God is written in the tables of her heart and so deepely ingraued by the finger of God that no tribulation anguish persecution famine nakednesse nor death it selfe can separate her from the loue of Christ. The members of the Church were the good marchants of whom Christ speaketh Mat. 13. who hauing found a pearle of vnspeakable value were content to sell all that they had for loue of gaining it they had tasted of the Well of water springing vp into eternall life and thirsted not againe for the water that cannot satisfie the heart of man with full cōtentment Ioh. 4. 14. In this second great persecution the belooued disciple of Christ the Apostle IOHN was banished to the Isle of Patmos for the worde of God Euseb. eccl hist. lib. 3. cap. 18. FLAVIA DOMICILLA a woman of noble birth in Rome was banished to Pontia an Isle lying ouer against Caieta in Italie Euseb. eccl hist. lib. 3. cap. 19. PROT A'SIVS and GERV ASIVS were martyred at Millain Chytr Chron. concerning the miracle wrought at their sepulchres God-willing wee shall speake in the thirde Centurie and in the treatise of reliques CHYTRAEVS writeth that the Euangelist TIMOTHIE was stoned to death at Ephesus by the worshippers of DIANA and that DIONYSIVS AREOPAGITA was slaine by the sword at Pareis DOMITIAN had heard some rumours of the Kingdome of Christ and was afraid as HEROD the great had beene after the Natiuitie of our Lord but when two of Christs kinsemen according to the flesh the Nephewes of the Apostle IYDE were presented before him and hee perceiued them to bee poore men who gained their liuing by handie labour and when hee had heard of them that Christes Kingdome was not of this world but it was spirituall and that he would come at the latter day to judge the quicke and the dead hee despised them as simple and contemptible persones and did them no harme Euseb. eccles hist. lib. 3. cap. 20. In ende as the life of DOMITIAN was like vnto the life of NERO so was he not vnlike vnto him in his death for his owne wife and friends conspired against him and slew him his body was caried to the graue by porters and buried without honour The Senat of Rome also decreed that his name should be rased and all his actes should bee rescinded Sueton. in Domit. Ierom. catal script eccles Nerva COCCIVS NERVA after DOMITIAN reigned 1. yeere 4. months Euseb. lib. 3. cap. 21. Bucolc And hitherto all the Emperours that ruled were borne in Italie from this foorth strangers doe rule for TRAIAN the adoptiue sonne of NERVA his successor was borne in Spaine NERVA redressed many things that were done amisse by DOMITIAN and in his time the Apostle IOHN was relieued from banishment and returned againe to Ephesus where hee died Euseb. cccles hist. lib. 3. cap. 21. CENT I. Chap. 2. AFter the Lordes resurrection his twelue Apostles were indued with grace from aboue and sent foorth to conqu●…sse all people to the obedience of Christ whose trauailes the Lord so wonderfully blessed that within a short time many thousands of all nations languages whom God had appointed to eternal life were conuerted to the faith of Christ. This conquest that Christ made by the ministerie of 12. poore and contemptible men is more worthy to be called a conquest then all the valiant exploites of CYRVS ALEXANDER CAESAR and other conquerours For he made this conquest by a small handfull of poore and infirme disciples also he conquessed not only the bodies of men but also their hearts to his obedience finally hee made this conquest not by shedding of peoples blood but by preaching of his owne death and blood shed for the redemption of many Neither conquessed hee free men to make them slaues as other conquerours had done but they who were slaues indeede to Satan vnto thē he gaue the libertie of the sons of God Now these 12. Apostles the more faithfully they laboured in the worke of their ministery the worse were they intreated by the vnthankfull world according as Christ had forctold Iohn 16. The most part of them were put to death the rest were not free of many painfull sufferings rebukes which they willinglysustained for the Name of Christ. PETER PAVL are supponed to haue beene
the name of Christians is strengthened by the Emperours commandement The trumpets of the Monarches of the world sound the alarme against him who made them Kings and rulers on the earth The poore innocent Lambes of the sheepfold of Christ appointed for the shambles strengthened their heartes in God in the power of his might and chused rather to suffer aduersitie with their brethren then to enjoy the pleasures of sinne for a season Heb. 11. ver 25. they were content to bee racked and would not be deliuered that they might be partakers of a better resurrection Heb. 11. ver 35. whose bodies lacerat with stripes vntill their very inward bowels were patent to the outward sight witnessed the vnrent firmnesse and stabilitie of their faith They were so supported with the power of that grace that commeth from aboue that they were not terrified with the multiplied numbers of cruell torments newly excogitate for dashing that inuincible courage of faith which was seene in Christians Yea further then this When the persecuting enemies were compelled to change the high tuned accent of their menassing speeches and to craue but a litle conformitie to the Emperours desire in swearing by his fortune the holy men of God would not once seem to fall away from their profession by answering with timorous and doubtsome wordes but glorified God with a cleare and constant confession of their Christian faith POLYCARPVS B. of Smyrna and IVSTINVS MARTYR a man of singular erudition were both martyred in the feruent heate of this persecution But aboue all other places the consuming flame of the fornace brast out most vehemently in France that happie nation whereinto both of old and late time so many were found worthie to giue their blood for the Name of Christ. VETIVS EPAGATHVS MATVRVS PROTHENVS ATTALVS SANCTVS and PHOTINVS B. of Lions all suffered for the testimonie of Christ in France And BLANDINA a worthie woman suffered many torments and renued her spirituall courage by continuall iteration of these wordes Christianasum that is I am a Christian Euseb. eccl hist. lib 5. cap 1. Bucolc Index In like maner Christians were persecuted with the slāderous speches of Pagans objecting vnto them the bankets of THYESTES the chambering of OEDIPVS that is the eating of mens flesh incestuous copulations Euseb. ibid. But men who are giuen to the mo-mentaneal delites of sin are not willing to die because that by death they are separat from all bodily pleasures The Christians by patient and willing suffering of death for Christs sake clearely witnessed vnto the world that they were not addicted to the deceitfull pleasures of sinne Iustin. Martyr Apol Neuerthelesse these slanderous speeches were credited by the Pagans and tooke such deepe root in their heartes that these who seemed before to be more meeke and moderat then others now they became full of madnesse and rage against Christians and that which was foretolde by our master Christ it was fulfilled at this time to wit The time shall come that whosoeuer killeth you shall thinke hee doth God seruice Iohn 16. 2. the huge number of martyrs that were slaine in the furie of this persecution are both accuratly and at great length set downe by that holy man of God who lately wrote the booke of the martyrs I onely point out shortly the estate of the Church at this time In this Emperours time good men were not inlacking who admonished him to appease his wrath against Christians such as CLAVDIVS APOLLINARIS B. of Herapolis and MELITO B of Sardis But nothing could asswage his cruell heart vntill hee was casten int●… the fornace of grieuous troubles himselfe for his arm●… that fought against the Germanes and Sarmatians fell into great distresse for want of water but was supported by the prayers of the Christian legion that was in his armie For they bowed their knees to Christ and prayed for helpe and the Lorde Iesus sent raine in aboundance to refresh the armie of the Romanes and dashed the Barbarians with thunder and fire In remembrance whereof the Christian legion was after that time called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Fulm●…natrix Euseb. lib. 5. cap. 5. After this victorie he asswaged his anger and wrote to the Senat of Rome to deale gently with Christians by whose prayers hee acknowledged both himselfe and his armie to haue receiued deliuerance from God Commodus COMMODVS the sonne of ANTONINVS reigned 13. yeeres Euseb. eccl hist. lib. 5 Cap. 27. Many of the Roman's not without a cause called him INCOMMODVS He presumed to doe great things and to change the names of months and would haue the month of December to be called C●…mmodus like as the two names of two months Qu●…ntilis Sextil●…s had bene changed in time bypast and called Iulins and Augustus for honour of these two welbeloued Emperours But hee was not so well fauoured of the people that this ordinance could haue place any longer then during his owne lifetime The Churel in his dayes was not altogether free of persecution for APOLLONIVS a man of noble birth in Rome and a man of great erudition fuffered death because hee would not forsake the Christian religion His accuser also was punished to the death Euseb. lib. 5. cap. 21. Such aduantages Iudges might easily haue taken finding so many discrepant lawes some made in fauour and some conceiued in disliking of Christians Pertinax and Julianus AELIVS PERTINAX Imp. 6. months DIDIVS IVLIANVS 21 months Chytr Chron. EVSEBIVS maketh no mention of D. IVLIANVS but of PERTINAX alanerly to whome succeeded SEVERVS Euseb. eccl hist. lib. 5. cap. 27. Chap. 2 IN this second Centurie the Bishops of Rome for the most part prooued faithfull and worthy seruants of Christ. A great number of them were baptized with the Baptisme of Christ dranke of the cup that Christ drank of and were drenched with their owne blood and they watred the Church of Rome with the streames of their blood as Egypt is watred and made fruitfull with the inundation of Nilus Men of blessed remembrance DAMASVS writeth that from S. PETER to TELESPHORYS all the Bishops of Rome were martyrs Others added that vntill the dayes of SYLVESTER who liued in the time of the reigne of CONSTANTINE all the Bishops of Rome had the honour of martyrdome But in these hyperbolicke speeches neither hath the distinction betweene a Martyr and a Consessour beene rightly considered albeit well marked by Eus●…b eccl hist. lib. 5. cap. 2. neither hath the historie of the reigne of ANTONINVS PIVS bene rightly pondered in whose dayes HYGINVS and PIVS liued and were not slaine for the testimony of Christ. Alwayes it is a maleuolous minde that holdeth backe from worthie men their due praise and commendation both in doing of good and patient suffering of euill for Christes sake In rehearsing the names of the Romaine Bishops I thought meete to follow IRENEVS and EVSEBIVS rather then PLATINA In the first Centurie after
God saw the daughters of men that they were faire and tooke wiues vnto themselues whome they liked Gen 6. ver 2. And on the other parte when God will needes reueile his blessed will by the written word then will wee flie to vn writtē traditions euen to such as be repugnāt to the writtē word And so men become like to a shadow whē the sun shineth in the East the shadow goeth toward the West when the sunne goeth down in the West the shadow inclineth to the East so do men obstinatly repine against the wil ofGod Beside this wee are to consider what great detriment hath ensued vpon those who leauing the certaintie of the written worde leaned vpon the vncertaintie of Apostolicke traditions Beside PAPIAS B. of Hicrapolis who fell into the errour of the Chiliasts CLEMENS ALEXANDRINVS trauailed through many nations but tooke better heed to tradition then to the written word of God whereby it came to passe that he filled his bookes called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with most vngodly and foolish opinions as hath bene declared in the historie of his life When we haue said all that we can say that place of the second epistle to the The ssalonians cap. 2. ver 15. ringeth so lowd in their eares that they can heare nothing that soundeth to the contraric wherefore we are to consider the illatiue words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is therefore which coupleth this verse with the preceeding text wherinto the Apostle admonished the Thessalonians of the comming of the Antichrist whose comming is after the working of Satan in all power and signes and lying wonders ver 9. And his comming shall be so strengthened by the hand of the deuil that he cannot be borne downe but by the breath of the mouth of God and brightnesse of his comming Now to the ende that the poore handful of the sheepe of Christ may be saued from the deceite of the Antichrist hee exhorteth them to adhere fast vnto the Apostolicke doctrine which they had receiued both by word and write Scripture is abused when it is wrested to another sense different frō the meaning of the writer but it is more abused when it is drawen to the cleane contrarie sense This place is set downe to teach vs to beware of the deceit of the Antichrist by fast adhering to the Apostolick doctrine but the Papists abuse it to make vs beleeue that their traditions repugnant to the word of God should haue alike authoritie with the writren word of God which is the ready way to fall into the snare of the Antichrist and not to be fred from his deceits To conclude like as DAVID did great honour to ABISHAI when as in great matters of weight importance hee tooke him to be his follower to viewe the host of SAVL 1. Sam. 26. ver 7. euen so God doth great honour to his holy scriptures when he vseth them as an instrument to doe his great works by them Christ reigneth as a King and he hath made his word to be the scepter of his kingdome Psal. 110. Christ is the shepheard of our soules the word is his shepheards staffe Ps. 23. Christ is the builder of his fathers house the word is the measuring line of the building Christ is our Sauiour and the word of God is the power of God to saluation toeuery one that beleeueth Rom. 1. ver 16. Seeing Christ hath done so great honour to the scriptures what are we that we should regard any thing spoken in the contrary God graunt wee may conforme our selues to the will of Christ Amen Of the doctrine of Deuils THe Heretiques called Gnostici disallowed mariage allowed fornication and the Heretiques called Encratite damned the eating of flesh and drinking of wine as a sinne and abhorred the Epistles of PAVL as hath beene declared in the historie and the Romanists themselues acknowledge that Gnostici and Encratitae were Heretiques and taught a doctrine of deuils as likewise the Manicheis of whome we shall speake in the next Centurie Godwilling but the doctrine of the Romaine church concerning prohibition of mariage and meates is different from the doctrine of Gnostici Encratitae and Manichaei True it is there is some difference concerning persons times some other circumstances For the Heretiques called Gnostici damned mariage in all persons the Romaine church damneth it only in the person of Priests men hauing church orders Likewise Eucratitae damned at all times the eating of flesh drinking of wine but the church of Rime only prohibits the eating of flesh at certaine seasons and vpon certaine dayes such as in Lent and vpon Fryday c and that without prohition of drinking of wine moderatly Thirdly the Manicheis counted the good creatures of God fl●…sh and wine to be in themselues polluted and vncleane but the Romaine church thinketh not so but for memorie of the Lordes suffering for mortification of the flesh for preparation to receiue the sacraments and for testimonie of obedience to the vicar of Christ successor of PETER it is necessary to abstaine in maner abouewritten This difference is cast in to exeeme the Romaine church from the imputation of the doctrine of deuils yet is not the difference very great for the Romaine church forbiddeth mariage meats to some men at all times and to all men at sometimes but consider againe that differences of magis and minus that is of more and lesse doe declare a communion rather then a contrarietie as IRENEVS speaketh Plu. minus non de his dicitur quae inverse communionem non habent sunt contrariae naturae pugnant aduersus se sed de his quae sunt ejusdem substantiae communicant secum solum autem altitudine magnitudine differunt lib. 4. cap. 22. As a litle water and a litle fire differeth from a great water and a great fire not in substance but in quantitie euen so the Papistes differ from the Manicheis not in substance but in the discrepance of Plus and Minus The wordes of the Apostle are the ground whereupon all this treatise is founded Nowe the Spirite speaketh euid●…ntly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giuing beede vnto spirits of errour and doctrines of deuils speaking lies in hypocrisie hauing their conscience seared with an hote yrone forbidding to marrie and commanding to abstaine from meates which God hath created to be receiu●…d with thankesgiuing of them which beleeue and k●…ow the trueth for euery creature of God is good and nothing to bee refus●…d if it be receiued with thank●…sgiuing 1. Tim. 1. 2. 3 4. In these words the Popish church will grant that the Mam. hets and other forenamed Heretiques are damned but they denie that these predictions of the holy Apostle doe damne the doctrine of the Romaine church anent forbidding of mariage to some persons and meates at some times as a doctrine of deuils crying out that it is not to be
charitie euen toward their hatefull enemies Euseb. lib. 9. cap. 8. The second time whereinto MAXIMINVS seemed to change his minde toward Christians was after the victorie obtained by CONSTANTINE and LICINIVS against MAXENTIVS The said two Emperours set foorth edictes in fauour of the Christians and MAXIMINVS rather fearing CONSTANTINE then louing God began in his bounds also to stay the rage of cruell persecution as the letter written to his Deputie SABINVS clearely declareth Euseb. lib. 9. cap. 9. But incontinent after hee altered his minde and set foorth newe commandements to persecute the Christians Yet the Lord pitying the grieuous afflictions of his persecuted Church brought this Tyrant to an ende For hee made warre against LICINIVS beeing counselled thereto by his sorcerers and charmers who promised vnto him good successe in his battell against LICINIVS but the contrarie fell out for hee was discomfited and cast off his imperiall ornaments and fledde feeble and naked and mixed himselfe with the effeminat multitude wandering through townes and lurking in villages hardly escaped the handes of his enemies After this he killed and put to death those enchanters and deceiuers who had bewitched him all his dayes and had put him in esperance of victorie in his battell foughten against LICINIVS and shortly after oppressed with a certaine disease glorified the God of the Christians and made a most absolute lawe for the safetie and preseruation of them And so the Tyrant of Tyrants by the vehemencie of his sicknesse ended his life Euseb. eccl hist. lib. 9. cap. 10. After wee haue spoken a litle of MAXENTIVS who was chosen Emperour by the Praetorian souldiers resteth nothing but to conclude this short summe of the historie of the ten persecutions with the ende and death of that notable hypocrite LICINIVS MAXENTIVS was so villanous in his behauiour that hee abstained not from abusing of the wiues of noble senatours whome hee reft violently from their husbands and contumeliously abused them and sent them backe againe Euseb lib. 8. cap. 14. The like villanie also hee intended till haue done to a certaine Christian gentlewoman at Rome called SOPHRONIA whose husband neither could nor durst make resistance to the vile appetite of the proud Emperour but this noble woman desiring libertie to goe to her chalmer to adorne and decke her selfe a shorte while and after shee would goe with the messingers to the Emperour shee chused rather to put her selfe to death in her chalmer then to be abused by him Euseb. lib. 8. cap. 15. Which lamentable fact being reported to him hee was nothing mooued therewith neither abstained hee any white from his wonted sinnes The people of Rome beeing wearie of his villanie sent to CONSTANTINE for aide who gathered an armie in France and Brittaine to represse this Tyrant to whome when hee approched hee feared MAXENTIVS charmes wherewith hee was supponed to haue vanquished SEVERVS whome GALERIVS MAXIMINVS had sent against him before and stood in doubt what to doe and as hee was doubting hee cast his eyes oftimes to heauen and sawe about the going downe of the sunne a brightnesse in the heauen in the similitude of a Crosse with certaine starres of equall bignesse giuing this inscription like Latin letters In hoc vince that is in this ouercome Euseb. lib. 1. de vita Constantini After this vision his banner was made in the similitude of a Crosse and caried before him in his warres MAXENTIVS was compelled to issue out of the towne against CONSTANTINE whose force when hee was not able to sustaine he fled and retired in hope to get the citie but was ouerthrowne off his horse about the bridge called Pons Milvius and drowned in the flood DIOCLETIAN hearing tell of the prosperous successe of CONSTANTINE and what edicts hee had set foorth for the peace of Christians for very griefe hee died Others alledge that he poysoned himselfe Ann. 317. LICINIVS was made CAESAR by MAXIMINVS as said is He was very familiar with CONSTANTINE and was his colleg in the gouernement 7. yeeres and maried CONSTANTIA the s●…er of CONSTANTINE Euseb. lib. 10. cap. 8. Likewise he concurred with him to subdue the tyrant MAXENTIVS Also he ouercame MAXIMINVS in battell He purposed likewise to haue circumueened and slaine the good Emperour CONSTANTINE to whome he was many wayes greatly addebted but the Lord disappointed his counsells preserued CONSTANTINE to the great benefite and well of his Church But LICINIVS failing of his purpose conuerted his rage against the Christians notwithstanding he had set out edicts before to procure their peace Hee pretended this quarrell against them that they prayed for the welfare of CONSTANTINE and not for his welfare Euseb. lib. 2. de vita Constantini He set foorth against the Christians three cruell edicts 1. Inhibiting assemblies and conuentions of Bishops to consult in matters belonging to their religion 2. He discharged women to resort to the assemblies where men were to pray or to be instructed in matters pertaining to religion 3. Hee commanded that no man should visite imprisoned Christians or succour them with any reliefe threatning against the contraueeners such punishment as the imprisoned persons were to suffer Euseb. li. 10. ca. 8. After these edicts the mountaines woods wildernesses began to be the habitation of the Lords saints Euseb. lib. 10. cap. 8. The Bishops about Libya and Egypt were taken cut in pieces and their flesh cast into the sea to be baite to the fish And this was done by the flatterers of LICINIVS supponing to gratifie him by the cruell handling of the Lords seruants In his time were put to death these 40. martyres of whome BASILIVS writeth who were set in a pond of water all night lying open to the blasts of the cold Northerne winds and in the morning they beeing frozen and almost senslesse with the extremitie of the colde yet were caried vpon carts to be burned with fire to the ende their poore carkeises might feele by experience whether the extremitie of cold or heate were the greater torment Of these 40. noble souldiers of Christ one beeing stronger then the rest indured the vehemencie of the cold better to whome his mother came not to desire him to embrace this present life by a filthie denial of Christ nor to weepe for the paines of the tormented body of her sonne but rather to exhort●…her sonne to perseuere constantly in the faith of Christ to the ende for shee craued licence to lift vp her sonne with her owne handes into the cart admonishing him to accomplish that happie journey he had begunne But whether these were the 40. martyres who suffered the like punishment in Sebastia a towne of Armenia or not Sozom. lib. 9. cap. 2. it is not certaine in respect that some circumstances set downe by BASIL doe not agree to those of Sebastia Basil. Magn. in 40 martyres Likewise in this persecution suffered BARLAN a noble man mentioned in a sermon of BASILIVS who
clothed in his fathers house that he would not eat any longer of husks and the food of Swine euen so our heauenly father hath fed vs with that Manna that came downe from heauen and it is no time nowe to vs to be fed with the huskes of PLATOES schoole any longer The cause wherefore foolish people are so addicted to Purgatorie albeit it be but an Ethnicke inuention is this a carnall affection that men carie toward their defunct parents or friendes to whome they are so affectionat that if any action done by liuing men could helpe them that are deade they would doe it with all their heart and of olde time it was a custome that when men were recently departed this life their friends would thrust the sacrament in the mouth of the dead body meaning thereby to procure some reliefe to the soule which custome was damned in the third Councill of Carthage Canon 6. In respect Christ biddeth giue the sacrament with this commandement Take eat but dead bodies can neither take nor eate Alwayes it was carnall affection not ordered with knowledge that mooued friends so to doe And in our dayes men that are in heauinesse and full of affection toward their owne friendes are both timorous and credulous so timorous that they feare that their friendes after death should be pined in Purgatorie so credulous that they beleeue that the prayers and almes deades of the liuing their saying of Masses or buying of pardons can helpe the dead either to mitigat their paine or to procure vnto them haistie reliefe out of paine If these two grounds could be remoued that simple people would not preposterously bee both timorous and credulous the conceit of Purgatorie would cease Papists themselues that are corrigible I would exhort before I answere to their arguments that they would doe this honour to Iesus Christ not to make his majestie like vnto ADONIIAH 1. Reg. 1. This proud man called IOAB the Captaine of the hoste and ABIATHAR the Priest and the kings sonnes except SALOMON to banket and by not inuiting to that banket SALOMON and BATHSHEBA his mother and NATHAN the Prophet and ZADOCK and BENAIAH no doubt but hee was minded to bring innocent people vnder the guiltinesse of treason as their speeches to DAVID clearely declare that they forsawe this inconuenient But Iesus Christ is not like vnto ADONIIAH to seek e a quarrell against innocent people whom he himselfe hath purged from all sinne in the precious fountaine of his blood 1. Ioh. 1. Will the Lorde Iesus after hee hath purged vs from all spot of sin in the fountaine of his owne blood send vs to Purgatorie when wee die and not call vs to that celestiall banket of endlesse pleasure in heauen seeing the not calling of vs to that banket importeth a disliking and casting off of vs as ADONIIAH disliked SALOMON and his mother and NATHAN the Prophet the rest whom he inuited not to his banket Surely whomsoeuer the Lord hath loued so dearely that hee hath purged them from all spot of sinne by his blood he will not be vncouth to them by sending them to Purgatorie when they should be inuited to his banket Now in this disputation of Purgatory fire a solide ground is to be laide downe that euery man may know of what sort of paines after this life we dispute All paines are either temporall or eternall Of eternall paines there is no disputation in this treatise Temporall paines say we are inflicted vpon men onely in this life for their amendement if they bee of the number of Gods elect or else are forerunning tokens of euerlasting wrath if they be of the number of the reprobate For this cause the Apostle saith that there is no chastisement joyous for the present vntill it bring foorth the good fruite of righteousnesse Heb. 12. ver 11. And heere hee declareth clearely that temporall chastisements are inflicted vpon the godly for their amendement On the other part the prophecie that was in the mouth of ZARESH the wife of HAMAN albeit grounded onely vpon experience yet it declareth that the downe-casting of wicked men is a forerunning token of a greater downe cast to followe after Ester chap. 6. ver 13. And this is a shorte summe of our opinion anent temporall punishments But Papistes defend that euen after this life there is temporall punishments in Purgatorie the suffering where of satisfieth God for off●…nces committed by men when they were aline and purgeth them that their soules may be meet to goe to heauen This opinion of theirs is linked with another absurde opinion that when out sinnes are freely forgiuen wee are not absolued both from guiltinesse and paine but from guiltinesse only but it remaineth still that we should suffer paines yea such paines whereby we satisfie for our sinnes committed after Baptisme what is this else but to make vs our own sauiours in a part and manifestly to contradict both scriptures and fathers for the scripture plainly saith There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ who walke not after the flesh but after the spirit Rom. 8. And AVGVSTINE saith Culpa est quod injustus es poena quod mortalis es Christus suscipiendo panam non culpam poenam debevit culpam August de verbis domini serm 37. that is thy fault is this that thou art vnrighteous thy punishment that thou art mortall but Christ by taking vpon himselfe our punishment and not our fault hath abolished both our fault and our punishment Arguments brought in to prooue Popish Purgatorie are of three ranckes First some arguments taken out of the wordes of Canonicke and Apocryph scripture Secondly out of the writings of fathers Thirdly out of visions dreames and apparitions where of some are put in write for a memorial to the posteritie In the booke of the Psalms it is written Wee passed through fire and water into thy rest Psal. 65. ver 12. alias Psal. 66. ver 12. Here say they meńtion is made of Purgatorie fire But AVGVSTINE writing vpon this Psalme doth expone it otherwise The fire saith hee burneth the water rotteth both are to be feared the burning of trouble and rotting of water When there are disasters and vnhappie things in this world they are like vnto fire when we are in prosperitie and al things plenteously abound this is like water This is the exposition of AVGVSTINE In the prophecie of ZACHARIE it is written Thou also shalt be saued through the blood of thy couenant I haue loosed thy prisoners out of the pit wherein is no water Is this also spoken of Purgatorie There is in that chapter a prophecie of Christ of his office humilitie power loue and the operatiue vertue of his blood by which blood beeing his own blood the blood of the euerlasting couenant of God we who were sinners and bond-men of Satan are set at libertie and wee who were heires of hell and condemnation are fred from