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water_n air_n element_n fire_n 13,062 5 7.1789 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12044 Shake-speares sonnets Neuer before imprinted.; Sonnets Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. 1609 (1609) STC 22353A; ESTC S121830 40,758 84

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heauy sleepe on sightlesse eyes doth stay All dayes are nights to see till I see thee And nights bright daies when dreams do shew thee me 44 IF the dull substance of my flesh were thought Iniurious distance should not stop my way For then dispight of space I would be brought From limits farre remote where thou doost stay No matter then although my foote did stand Vpon the farthest earth remoou'd from thee For nimble thought can iumpe both sea and land As soone as thinke the place where he would be But ah thought kills me that I am not thought To leape large lengths of miles when thou art gone But that so much of earth and water wrought I must attend times leasure with my mone Receiuing naughts by elements so sloe But heauie teares badges of eithers woe 45 THe other two slight ayre and purging fire Are both with thee where euer I abide The first my thought the other my desire These present absent with swift motion slide For when these quicker Elements are gone In tender Embassie of loue to thee My life being made of foure with two alone Sinkes downe to death opprest with melancholie Vntill liues composition be recured By those swift messengers return'd from thee Who euen but now come back againe assured Of their faire health recounting it to me This told I ioy but then no longer glad I send them back againe and straight grow sad 46 MIne eye and heart are at a mortall warre How to deuide the conquest of thy sight Mine eye my heart their pictures sight would barre My heart mine eye the freeedome of that right My heart doth plead that thou in him doost lye A closet neuer pearst with christall eyes But the defendant doth that plea deny And sayes in him their faire appearance lyes To side this title is impannelled A quest of thoughts all tennants to the heart And by their verdict is determined The cleere eyes moyitie and the deare hearts part As thus mine eyes due is their outward part And my hearts right their inward loue of heart 47 BEtwixt mine eye and heart a league is tooke And each doth good turnes now vnto the other When that mine eye is famisht for a looke Or heart in loue with sighes himselfe doth smother With my loues picture then my eye doth feast And to the painted banquet bids my heart An other time mine eye is my hearts guest And in his thoughts of loue doth share a part So either by thy picture or my loue Thy seife away are present still with me For thou nor farther then my thoughts canst moue And I am still with them and they with thee Or if they sleepe thy picture in my sight Awakes my heart to hearts and eyes delight 48 HOw carefull was I when I tooke my way Each trifle vnder truest barres to thrust That to my vse it might vn-vsed stay From hands of falsehood in sure wards of trust But thou to whom my iewels trifles are Most worthy comfort now my greatest griefe Thou best of deerest and mine onely care Art left the prey of euery vulgar theefe Thee haue I not lockt vp in any chest Saue where thou art not though I feele thou art Within the gentle closure of my brest From whence at pleasure thou maist come and part And euen thence thou wilt be stolne I feare For truth prooues theeuish for a prize so deare 49 AGainst that time if euer that time come When I shall see thee frowne on my defects When as thy loue hath cast his vtmost summe Cauld to that audite by aduis'd respects Against that time when thou shalt strangely passe And scarcely greete me with that sunne thine eye When loue conuerted from the thing it was Shall reasons finde of setled grauitie Against that time do I insconce me here Within the knowledge of mine owne desart And this my hand against my selfe vpreare To guard the lawfull reasons on thy part To leaue poore me thou hast the strength of lawes Since why to loue I can alledge no cause 50 HOw heauie doe I iourney on the way When what I seeke my wearie trauels end Doth teach that ease and that repose to say Thus farre the miles are measurde from thy friend The beast that beares me tired with my woe Plods duly on to beare that waight in me As if by some instinct the wretch did know His rider lou'd not speed being made from thee The bloody spurre cannot prouoke him on That some-times anger thrusts into his hide Which heauily he answers with a grone More sharpe to me then spurring to his side For that same grone doth put this in my mind My greefe lies onward and my ioy behind 51 THus can my loue excuse the slow offence Of my dull bearer when from thee I speed From where thou art why shoulld I hast me thence Till I returne of posting is noe need O what excuse will my poore beast then find When swift extremity can seeme but slow Then should I spurre though mounted on the wind In winged speed no motion shall I know Then can no horse with my desire keepe pace Therefore desire of perfects loue being made Shall naigh noe dull flesh in his fiery race But loue for loue thus shall excuse my iade Since from thee going he went wilfull slow Towards thee I le run and giue him leaue to goe 52 SO am I as the rich whose blessed key Can bring him to his sweet vp-locked treasure The which he will not eu'ry hower suruay For blunting the fine point of seldome pleasure Therefore are feasts so sollemne and so rare Since sildom comming in the long yeare set Like stones of worth they thinly placed are Or captaine Iewells in the carconet So is the time that keepes you as my chest Or as the ward-robe which the robe doth hide To make some speciall instant speciall blest By new vnfoulding his imprison'd pride Blessed are you whose worthinesse giues skope Being had to tryumph being lackt to hope 53 WHat is your substance whereof are you made That millions of strange shaddowes on you tend Since euery one hath euery one one shade And you but one can euery shaddow lend Describe Adonis and the counterfet Is poorely immitated after you On Hellens cheeke all art of beautie set And you in Grecian tires are painted new Speake of the spring and foyzon of the yeare The one doth shaddow of your beautie show The other as your bountie doth appeare And you in euery blessed shape we know In all externall grace you haue some part But you like none none you for constant heart 54 OH how much more doth beautie beautious seeme By that sweet ornament which truth doth giue The Rose lookes faire but fairer we it deeme For that sweet odor which doth in it liue The Canker bloomes haue full as deepe a die As the perfumed tincture of the Roses Hang on such thornes and play as wantonly When sommers breath their masked buds discloses
grac'd by him So on the tip of his subduing tongue All kinde of arguments and question deepe Al replication prompt and reason strong For his aduantage still did wake and sleep To make the weeper laugh the laugher weepe He had the dialect and different skil Catching al passions in his craft of will That hee didde in the general bosome raigne Of young of old and sexes both inchanted To dwel with him in thoughts or to remaine In personal duty following where he haunted Consent's bewitcht ere he desire haue granted And dialogu'd for him what he would say Askt their own wils and made their wils obey Many there were that did his picture gette To serue their eies and in it put their mind Like fooles that in th' imagination set The goodly obiects which abroad they find Of lands and mansions theirs in thought assign'd And labouring in moe pleasures to bestow them Then the true gouty Land-lord which doth owe them So many haue that neuer toucht his hand Sweetly suppos'd them mistresse of his heart My wofull selfe that did in freedome stand And was my owne fee simple not in part What with his art in youth and youth in art Threw my affections in his charmed power Reseru'd the stalke and gaue him al my flower Yet did I not as some my equals did Demaund of him nor being desired yeelded Finding my selfe in honour so forbidde With safest distance I mine honour sheelded Experience for me many bulwarkes builded Of proofs new bleeding which remaind the foile Of this false Iewell and his amorous spoile But ah who euer shun'd by precedent The destin'd ill she must her selfe assay Or forc'd examples gainst her owne content To put the by-past perrils in her way Counsaile may stop a while what will not stay For when we rage aduise is often seene By blunting vs to make our wits more keene Nor giues it satisfaction to our blood That wee must curbe it vppon others proofe To be forbod the sweets that seemes so good For feare of harmes that preach in our behoofe O appetite from iudgement stand aloofe The one a pallate hath that needs will taste Though reason weepe and cry it is thy last For further I could say this mans vntrue And knew the patternes of his soule beguiling Heard where his plants in others Orchards grew Saw how deceits were guilded in his smiling Knew vowes were euer brokers to defiling Thought Characters and words meerly but art And bastards of his foule adulterat heart And long vpon these termes I held my Citty Till thus hee gan besiege me Gentle maid Haue of my suffering youth some feeling pitty And be not of my holy vowes affraid That 's to ye sworne to none was euer said For feasts of loue I haue bene call'd vnto Till now did nere inuite nor neuer vovv All my offences that abroad you see Are errors of the blood none of the mind Loue made them not with acture they may be Where neither Party is nor trew nor kind They sought their shame that so their shame did find And so much lesse of shame in me remaines By how much of me their reproch containes Among the many that mine eyes haue seene Not one whose flame my hart so much as warmed Or my affection put to th smallest teene Or any of my leisures euer Charmed Harme haue I done to them but nere was harmed Kept hearts in liueries but mine owne was free And raignd commaunding in his monarchy Looke heare what tributes wounded fancies sent me Of palyd pearles and rubies red as blood Figuring that they their passions likewise lent me Of greefe and blushes aptly vnderstood In bloodlesse white and the encrimson'd mood Effects of terror and deare modesty Encampt in hearts but fighting outwardly And Lo behold these tallents of their heir With twisted mettle amorously empleacht I haue receau'd from many a seueral faire Their kind acceptance wepingly beseecht With th'annexions of faire gems inricht And deepe brain'd sonnets that did amplifie Each stones deare Nature worth and quallity The Diamond why t was beautifull and hard Whereto his inuis'd properties did tend The deepe greene Emrald in whose fresh regard Weake sights their sickly radience ●o amend The heauen hewd Saphir and the Opall blend With obiects manyfold each seuerall stone With wit well blazond smil'd or made some mone Lo all these trophies of affections hot Of pensiu'd and subdew'd desires the tender Nature hath chargd me that I hoord them not But yeeld them vp where I my selfe must render That is to you my origin and ender For these of force must your oblations be Since I their Aulter you en patrone me Oh then aduance of yours that phraseles hand Whose white weighes downe the airy scale of praise Take all these similies to your owne command Hollowed with sighes that burning lunges did raise What me your minister for you obaies Workes vnder you and to your audit comes Their distract parcells in combined summes Lo this deuice was sent me from a Nun Or Sister sanctified of holiest note Which late her noble suit in court did shun Whose rarest hauings made the blossoms dote For she was sought by spirits of ritchest cote But kept cold distance and did thence remoue To spend her liuing in eternall loue But oh my sweet what labour i st to leaue The thing we haue not mastring what not striues Playing the Place which did no forme receiue Playing patient sports in vnconstraind giues She that her fame so to her selfe contriues The scarres of battaile scapeth by the flight And makes her absence valiant not her might Oh pardon me in that my boast is true The accident which brought me to her eie Vpon the moment did her force subdewe And now she would the caged cloister flie Religious loue put out religions eye Not to be tempted would she be enur'd And now to tempt all liberty procure How mightie then you are Oh heare me tell The broken bosoms that to me belong Haue emptied all their fountaines in my well And mine I powre your Ocean all amonge I strong ore them and you ore me being strong Must for your victorie vs all congest As compound loue to phisick your cold brest My parts had powre to charme a sacred Sunne Who disciplin'd I dieted in grace Beleeu'd her eies when they t' assaile begun All vowes and consecrations giuing place O most potentiall loue vowe bond nor space In thee hath neither sting knot nor confine For thou art all and all things els are thine When thou impressest what are precepts worth Of stale example when thou wilt inflame How coldly those impediments stand forth Of wealth of filliall feare lawe kindred fame Loues armes are peace gainst rule gainst sence gainst shame And sweetens in the suffring pangues it beares The Alloes of all forces shockes and feares Now all these hearts that doe on mine depend Feeling it breake with bleeding groanes they pine And supplicant their sighes to you extend To leaue the battrie that you make gainst mine Lending soft audience to my sweet designe And credent soule to that strong bonded oth That shall preferre and vndertake my troth This said his watrie eies he did dismount Whose sightes till then were leaueld on my face Each cheeke a riuer running from a fount With brynish currant downe-ward flowed a pace Oh how the channell to the streame gaue grace Who glaz'd with Christall gate the glowing Roses That flame through water which their hew incloses Oh father what a hell of witch-craft lies In the small orb of one perticular teare But with the invndation of the eies What rocky heart to water will not weare What brest so cold that is not warmed heare Or cleft effect cold modesty hot wrath Both fire from hence and chill extincture hath For loe his passion but an art of craft Euen there resolu'd my reason into teares There my white stole of chastity I daft Shooke off my sober gardes and ciuill feares Appeare to him as he to me appeares All melting though our drops this diffrence bore His poison'd me and mine did him restore In him a plenitude of subtle matter Applied to Cautills all straing formes receiues Of burning blushes or of weeping water Or sounding palenesse and he takes and leaues In eithers aptnesse as it best deceiues To blush at speeches ranck to weepe at woes Or to turne white and sound at tragick showes That not a heart which in his leuell came Could scape the hane of his all hurting ayme Shewing faire Nature is both kinde and tame And vaild in them did winne whom he would maime Against the thing he sought he would exclaime When he most burnt in hart-wisht luxurie He preacht pure maide and praisd cold chastitie Thus meerely with the garment of a grace The naked and concealed feind he couerd That th'vnexperient gaue the tempter place Which like a Cherubin aboue them houerd Who young and simple would not be so louerd Aye me I fell and yet do question make What I should doe againe for such a sake O that infected moysture of his eye O that false fire which in his cheeke so glowd O that forc'd thunder from his heart did flye O that sad breath his spungie lungs bestowed O all that borrowed motion seeming owed Would yet againe betray the fore-betrayed And new peruert a reconciled Maide FINIS INGENIO PYLIUM GENIO SOCRATEM ARTE MARONEM TERRA TEGIT POPULUS MAERET OLYMPUS HABET Stay Passenger why dost thou go so fast Read if thou canst whom enuious Death has plac'd Within this Monument Shakespear with whom Quick Nature dy'd whose Name doth deck the Tomb Far more than Cost since all that he has Writ Leaves living Art but Page to serve his Wit Ob Ano. D ni 1616. Aetat 53. Die 23 Apr