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A11777 The holie Bible faithfully translated into English, out of the authentical Latin. Diligently conferred with the Hebrew, Greeke, and other editions in diuers languages. With arguments of the bookes, and chapters: annotations. tables: and other helpes ... By the English College of Doway; Bible. O.T. English. Douai. Martin, Gregory, d. 1582. 1609-1610 (1610) STC 2207; ESTC S101944 2,522,627 2,280

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after this it happened that Manasses an Apostata highpriest by intercession of Sanaballar whose daughter he had vnlawfully maried obtayned licence to build a temple in Garizim which the Samaritanes afterwards pretended to be more ancient then the temple of Ierusalem against which our Sauiour gaue sentence loan 4. v. 22. It was also decided by king Ptolomeus in Alexandria as Iosephus witnesseth li. 13 c. 6. by way of arbitrament finding that the temple of Ierusalem and the Highpriestes therof had a perpetual succession from Salomons time and that their pretence of Iacobs adoring in Garizim was not to the purpose seing there was no succession that temple being lately built Neuertheles the same Ptolomeus to gratifie Onias an other Apostata sonne of good Onias Highpriest and Martyr 2. Macab 4. v. 34. gaue leaue to build an other temple in Aegypt which stood likewise in schisme against the true temple of Ierusalem wresting to their purpose the prophecie of Isaie ch 19. v. 19. In that day there shal be an altar of our Lord in the middes of Aegypt Which S. Ierom sheweth to be vnderstood of the Church of Christ. Before this last schismatical temple and after the former were the Seuentie two Interpreters or Translators of the Hebrew Bible into Greke of whom S. Ierom and al ancient Fathers speake much esteme of very great Canonical auctoritie In the time of the Grecians Monarchie prophane lerning florished more then before and Philosophers abunded but differed excedingly amongst themselues and al erred in the principles both of Natural Moral knowledge For wheras in dede God omnipotent was the only maker of the whole world and al thinges therein al these Philosophers supposed and taught that some material thing was coeternal with God and so they put the same thing to haue bene the beginning of al other thinges Which some say was the water some the Ayre some the Earth some the Fyre some al these foure Elements some the Atomos or indiuisible smal bodies some one thing some an other Wherof S. Epiphanius writeth in compendio contra h●reses And the like absurde conceiptes they had of the chiefe Good or Summum bonum Which the Pithagorians thought to be nothing els but a certayne immortalitie of the soule and so as it may stil be in a bodie And therfore seing both men and beastes do dye they held opinion that when a soule parteth out of one bodie it goeth into an other Yea and maketh transmigration from one species or kind to an other As from a mans bodie into the bodie of a horse or an oxe and contrariwise from a brute beast into a man againe and from one beast into an other The Stoikes put the chiefe good in vertues but could reach no further then to a certayne contentment of ioy in their minde not knowing the reward of vertues to consist in seeing God Platonikes or Achademikes conceiued more of God and pure spirites but thought both corporal and spiritual creatures were coeternal with God The Peripatetikes placed the chiefe good or felicitie in the aggregation of best spiritual corporal and worldlie thinges together The Epicures esteemed carnal and bodilie pleasures aboue al. And al these and their folowers iudged so diuersly of the right true felicitie contradicting and condemning ech others opinions that they were multiplied into innumerable Sectes As S. Augustin declareth out of Marcus Varro and opposeth against them al the one assured fayth and iudgement of Gods Church in his 19. booke de ciuit Dei c. 4. And concludeth with the Royal Prophet and S. Paul that their cogitations are vaine which wil haue happines to be in anie other thing but in seing God or to be obtained by anie other meanes without Gods grace And not only before since but also in the same times the auctors of The Bookes of wisdom Ecclesiasticus taught right doctrine against those erronious Philosophers For profession also of true fayth and religion the Machabees both suffered and labored most notably When king Antiochus Epiphanes 1. Mach. 1. v. 43. wrote to al his kingdom that al the people should be one and euerie one should leaue his owne law And whosoeuer should not doe according to the word of Antiochus they should dye Against which most wicked decree and cruel execution therof Gods grace so abunded that v. 65. manie of the people of Israel determined with themselues that they would not eate the vncleane thinges and they chose rather to dye then to be defiled with vncleane meates and that they would not breake the holy law of God so were murthered As is more particularly recorded 2. Mach. 5. v. 14. how there were in the space of three dayes fourescore thousand slayne fourtie thousand in prisoned no lesse sold After this with more pretence of iustice but with more malice endeuoring to terrifie others to draw them to yelde or make shew of conformitie to wicked lawes ch 6. v. 10. Two wemen were accused to haue circumcised their sonnes whom when they had led about through the citie with the infants hanging at their breastes they threw downe headlong by the walles And v. 11. other people were burnt with fire for secretly keping the day of the Sabbath Thirdly v. 18. Eleazarus being vrged to eate swines flesh and intreated by his familiar freindes to make shew of conformitie would neither eate nor feyne to ●a●e it but dyed most constantly leauing an example of vertue fortitude Fourthly seuen bretheren and their mother 2 Mach. 7. yelded also their liues in most glorious Martyrdom because they would not yelde conformitie to wicked lawes After which heroical constancie in suffering it was also Gods prouidence that others should shew their fortitude in deliuering his Church from these calamities and dangers For Matthathias of the tribe of Leui and stocke of Aaron Priest and after the apostasie of Iason li. 2. c. 4. v. 10. High-priest lamenting the pitiful state of Gods people with resolute mind and inuinoible corege resisting wicked Antiochus 1. Mach. 2. of iust zele with his owne handes slew one who for feare of death was readie to offer sacrifice to idols withal killed the kings commissioner who came to compel men to committe idolatrie and then gathered troupes to defend so hohie a cause Against whom the enimies fighting on the sabbath dayes killed manie which of scruple would not resist But vpon further consideration the rest resolued to defend themselues also on the sabbath day if they were assaulted Next to him succeded his sonne Iudas Machabeus in both the offices of Highpriest General captaine who as good order required first pursued the wicked towitte amongst his owne subiectes inquiring them out and such as trubled his people them he burned with fire 1. Mach. 3. v. 5. and his enimies were repelled for feare of him al the workers of
v. 3. :: This legate vvas sent almost two yeares before to Rome ch 14. v. 24. and now brought letters not only to the Ievves but also to sundrie kinges and peoples in their behalf :: Simon subdued these tvvo tovvnes because they anoyed the Ievves but because they othervvise perteyned not to Iurie he payed for them an hundred talentes :: By the riuer of Cedron ouer which Dauid passed 2. Reg ●● v. 23. and our Sauiour Ioa. 18. a citie vvas novv built or rather repared being decayed before :: After Simons death his eldest sonne Iohn surnamed Hyrcanus succeeded him in gouernment spiritual and temporal v. 24. :: He beginning to gouerne in the yeare 170. ch 13. v. 41. 42. had difficulties the first last yeares in the rest they had peace To be inebriated signifieth no more but to be rep●enished vvith drinke competently or abundantly vvithout excesse As Psal 64. v. 10 the earth inebriated and v. 11. riuers inebriated That is abundantly replenished vvithout excesse S. August q. 144. in Gen. :: Out of the booke here mentioned some thinke the fourth booke of Machabees vvas translated See Six●us Se●en li. 1. Biblioth pag. ●● * li. 2. ● ● v. ● This Appendix cōcerning tvvo epistles of the Ievves vvas added to the historie of the first booke by him that vvritte this second e :: As they had vvritten before in their afflictions so novv they exhorte their bretheren to be thankful to God and amongst other meanes to shevv their gratful minde by celebrating the feast of dedication of the nevv altar li 2. ● 4. v. 7. :: It semeth that either this Iudas vvas the first sonne of Iohn Hyr●amus othervvise called Aristobolus or rather Iudas Essenus of vvhom ch 2. v. 14. and of vvhom Iosephus vvriteth li. 13. ● 19. :: Chaldea being nere to Persis is sometimes comprehended vnder the same name so Mamertinus in Panager●ca ad Iulia reciteth Tigris and Euphrates amongst the riuers of Persi S. Chrysostom ho. 6. in Math. saith the Ievves vvere deliuered from captiuitie of Per●●s meaning Babylon :: In this fire vvere foure miracles First it vvas not changed into ayre but into vvater v. 20. :: Secondly this vvater being cast on the hostes of sacrifice vvas kindled as fire v. 22. :: Thirdly it burned also being cast vpon stones v. 32. :: Fourth it vvas extinguished by the light that came from the altar v. 32. :: Nephthar signifieth deliuerie vvhich is the effect of purification for the temple other holie thinges being purified were deliuered from prophane vse :: S. Ambrose li 3. c. 14. Offic. vvriteth at large of this miracle Epis Iere. Baruc. 6. :: Neither the tabernacle nor the arke vvere caried avvay by Nabuchodonosor but vvere preserued by some meanes and most like besides the auctoritie of this scripture by Ieremie the propher vvho had spocial fauour of the Babylonians vvhen Ierusalem vvas taken Iere. 39. v. 11. Ex● 40. 3. R●g 8. ●euit 9. 7. 24. :: This semeth to be the same Iudas Essenus vvho vvith others vvritte this epistle ch ● v. 10. * li. 2. c. 15. v. 38. :: After the auctor had written this Appendix to the former booke he resolued also to adde an abridgement of the vvhole historie vvherunto he maketh this Preface signifying the matter vvherof he vvil vvrite v. 20. in vvhat maner v. 24. and why v 25. auouching his diligence v. 26. vvith breuitie v. 29. A :: God assisting the vvti●ers of diuine histories doth not alvvayes deliuer them from labour in seeking to knovv the same of sueh as knew particular thinges So S Luke vvritte the Gospel hauing diligently attained to al thinges Luc. 1. v. 3. * exact declaration * li. 1. c. 1. v. 1. The first part The persecution of the Church by Antiochus :: Three thinges make a cōmonwealth to be in good state C 1 Good agreement of principal men amongst themselues with the commonaltie 2 Exact obseruation of good lavves 3 And eminent vertue of the supreme gouernour vvith exercise of pietie and hate of sinnes Other three thinges do truble the state Obstinacie in offenders not content to be corrected 2 Inueterate malice seking reuenge against iust Superiors 3. and auarice of princes to robbe the holie or common treasure :: These virgins remained in places nere to the temple brought vp in exercises of pietie fasting and praying til they were despoused 1. Reg. 2. v. 22. S. Amb. li. 1. de virgine S. Greg. Nissen Orat. de Christ Natiuit S. Damas li. 4. c. 13. :: 4. Reg. 2. v. 11. A firie chariotte and firie horses caried Elias from Elizeus 4. Reg. 6. v. 17. And the mountaine appeared ful of horses and of firie chariots round about Elizeus no lesse strange then this vision See S. Ambrose li. 2. c 29. offic discoursing vpon this historie :: It is the common practise of al traytors to calumniate and defame good gouerners And the best remedie a gainst such seducers is by auctoritie of Superior povvre not by the people vvho are commonly more prone to fauour faction then iustice * li. 1. c. 1. v. 11. E :: VVhere true Religion is abolished most men neglect al shew of religion and rather applie themselues to vanities or woise sinnes * li. 1. c. 1. v. 17. G :: This king falsly pretended to restore his kinsman his sisters sonne to the kingdom being depriued by his younger brother Liuius li. 44 but the true cause of his sending Apolonius into Aegypt was to subdue that kingdom to himself 1. Mach. 1. v. 17. :: Menelaus brother of Simon v. 23 of the tribe of Beniamin ch 3. v. 4. vvas not by the law capable of the priesthood which only perteined to the progenie of Aaron of the tribe of Leui So in this trublesome time the right succession of high priestes was intermitted and restored in Mathathias li. 1. c. 2. :: True and solide vertue moued the common people to compassion the King himself to teares the Tyrians to honour the bodies of the innocent with costlie burial v. 49. :: Strange thinges aboue the ordinarie course of nature doe euer signifie Gods vvrath for mens transgression and are admonitions to turne from sinne vvith spede that vve may escape the heauie hand of Gods iustice So the Emperour Charles the Great interpreted the apparition of a great Comete as vvitnesseth Fasciculus temporum Lacedemonians othervvise called Spartians descended from the stocke of Abraham li. 1. c. 12. v. 2. * li. 1. c. 1. v. 21. I ch 3. v. 23. 27. :: Al rites of religion vvith temples and other holie thinges are ordayned to the Seruice of God and for mens spiritual good and therfore vvhen men cease to serue God as holie thinges are destroyed or taken avvay :: Iudas vvas the tenth lawful highpriest from the Monarchie of the Grecians :: Sanaballat in the time of Alexander the great procured a temple to be built in Garizim like to that in Ierusalem An other was
Morales and 36. chapter vpon the third chapter of Iob recounting certaine principal Patriarches among the rest saith Noe for that he pleased Gods examination vvas saued aliu●in the vncleane vvorld and after a large catalogue of other iust men in confirmation of this doctrine that some were iust in the law of nature concludeth thus Neither is it to be beleued saith he that only so manie vvere iust before the lavv vvas receiued as Moyses contracteth in his most briefe description 15. Three hundred cubites Apelles an old heretike scholar of Marcian but after leauing him and amongst other new coyned heresies reiecting the Law the Prophetes would by this place impugne Moyses saying it was vnpossible that in so smale rowme as was the arke by this descriptiō the designed payres of al kindes of beastes foule serpents should be contained with the eight persons and al their prouision of meate for a whole yeare VVherupon he concludeth that this narration which he calleth a fable hath no probabilitie nor possibilitie to be true To whom al such calumniators it may be answered that Moyses euen in an heretikes owne cōceipt if malice obscured not his sense must needes be thought wise ynough if he had benne disposed to fayne fables to frame them probable or possible especially when he pretended not to signific a miracle in the smalnes of the rowme to receiue so much as he reporteth Origen to answer him supposeth a cubite here mētioned to haue cōtained six ordinarie cubites and so doubtles the arke might easily containe al thinges that are here spoken of for so it were like to a great citie But this opinion neither hath good warrant that euer the Aegyptians of whom he supposeth Moyses might haue learned it or any other nation vsed such long cubites neither can this measure of a cubite be agreable to Moyses meaning who no doubt speaketh of the like cubites here as he doth in other places And in Exodus he describeth an Altar to be made fiue cubites long fiue broade and three in height VVhich would be by Origens measure euetie cubite contayning six ordinarie cubites that is nine foote at least in length and likewise in breadth 45. foote and 27. foote in height Againe Deut. 3. Moyses telleth of an iron bed of Og King of Basan that was nine cubites long foure broad VVhich make according to Origens measure of a cubite fourscore and one foote in length and in breadth 36. foote which in deede haue no probabilitie And therefore S. Augustin and other Doctors supposing that Moses in al these bookes written for instruction of the same people whom he brought forth of Aegypt speaketh of one sorte of cubites do likewise iudge that he meaneth ordinarie knowne cubites which containe a foote a halfe euerie cubite as Vitruuius Agricola and others do proue or a foote and three quarters of a foote which is the greatest cubite that semeth to be mentioned in holie Scripture called a mans cubite or cubite of a mans hand And so the Arke was atleast in length 450. foote in breadth 75. in height 45. or at most in length 525. foote in breadth 87. and a halfe in height 52. and a halfe And either of these capacities was sufficient to receiue al the thinges here mentioned considering the loftes partions that were in the whole arke CHAP. VII Noe vvith his familie and paires of al kindes of beastes and foules being entred into the arke 12. it raineth fourtie daies and fourtie nights 21. Al men and other liuing creatures on the earth without the arke are destroyed AND our Lord said to him Get thee in thou and al thy house into the arke for I haue sene thee iust in my sight in this generation † Of al beasts that are cleane thou shalt take seauen and seauen male female † but of the beasts that are vncleane two and two male female Yea and of the foules also of the ayre seauen ●eauen male and female that seede may be saued vpon the face of the whole earth † For yet a while and after seauen dayes I wil rayne vpon the earth fourtie dayes and fourtie nights and I wil cleane destroy al substance that I haue made from the face of the earth † Noe therfore did al thinges which our Lord had commanded him † And he was six hundred yeares old when the waters of the floud flowed ouer the earth † And Noe entred and his sonnes his wife and the wiues of of his sonnes with him into the arke because of the waters of the floud † Of beasts also the cleane and the vncleane of foules and of al that moueth vpon the earth † two two went to Noe into the arke male and female as our Lord had commanded Noe. † And after the seauen dayes were passed the waters of the floud flowed ouer the earth † In the six hundred yeare of the life of Noe in the second moneth in the seauententh day of the moneth al the fountaines of the greate deapth were broken vp and the floud gates of heauen were opened † and the raine fel vpon the earth fourtie dayes and fourtie nights † In the verie point of that day entred Noe and Sem and Cham Iapheth his sonnes and his wife and the three wiues of his sonnes with them into the arke † they and euerie beast according to their kind and al cattle in their kinde and al that moueth vpon the earth according to their kind and al foule according to their kind al birds and al that fly † went to Noe into the arke two and two of al flesh wherin there was breath of life † And such as entred in male and female of al flesh did enter in as God had commanded him and our Lord shut him in on the out side † And the floud gr●w fourtie daies vpon the earth and the waters increased and lifted vp the arke on high from the earth † For they ouerflowed excedingly and filled al on the face of the earth moreouer the arke fleeted vpon the waters † And the waters preuailed out of measure vpon the earth and al the hiegh mountaines vnder the whole heauen were couered † Fiftene cubites higher was the water aboue the mountaines which it couered † And al flesh was consumed that moued vpon the earth of foule of cattle of beasts and of al creepers that creepe vpon the earth al men † and al things wherin there is breath of life on the earth died † And he cleane destroied al substance that was vpon the earth from man euen to beast as wel it that creepeth as the foules of the ayre and they were destroied from of the earth but onlie Noe remained and they that were with him in the arke † And the waters held on aboue the earth an hundred fiftie dayes ANNOTATIONS CHAP. VII 16. Shut him in God who
I wil enter into Aegypt † and euerie first-begotten in the Land of the Aegyptians shal dye from the first begotten of Pharao who sitteth in his throne euen to the first-begotten of the handmaid that is at the mil al the first-begotten of beastes † And there shal be a great crie in the whole Land of Aegypt such as neither hath bene before nor shal be afterward † But with al the children of Israel there shal not a dogge mutter from man euen to beast that you may know with how great a miracle our Lord doth diuide the Aegyptians Israel † And al these thy seruantes shal come downe to me and shal adore me saying Goe forth thou al the people that is vnder thee after this we shal goe forth † And he departed from Pharao exceeding angrie And our Lord said to Moyses Pharao wil not heare you that manie signes may be done in the Land of Aegypt † And Moyses and Aaron did al the wonders that are written before Pharao And our Lord hardned Pharaoes hart neither did he dismisse the children of Israel out of his Land CHAP. XII The maner of preparing and eating the Paschal lambe sprinckling the dore-postes with bloud therof 15. eating no leuened bread seuen dayes together 29. The first borne of men and beastes among the Aegyptians are slaine 35. The Israelites goe away spoyling Aegypt 43. Incircumcised me● may not eate the Phase AND our Lord said to Moyses and Aaron in the Land of Aegypt † This moneth shal be to you the beginning of monethes it shal be the first in the monethes of the yeare † Speake yee to the whole assemblie of the children of Israel say to them “ The tenth day of this moneth let euerie man take a lambe by their families and houses † But if the number be lesse then may suffice to eate the lambe he shal take vnto him his neighbour that ioyneth to his house according to the number of soules which may suffice to the eating of the lambe † And it shal be alambe without spotte a male of a yeare old according also to which rite you shal take a kidde † And you shal kepe him vntil the fourtenth day of this moneth and the whole multitude of the children of Israel shal sacrifice him at euen † And they shal take of the bloud therof and put vpon both the postes and on the vpper-dore-postes of the houses wherin they shal eate him † And they shal eate the flesh that night rosted at the fire and vnleauened bread with wilde lettice † You shal not eate therof any thing raw nor boyled in water but only rosted at the fire the head with the feete and entralles therof you shal deuoure † Neither shal there remaine any thing of him vntil morning If there be any thing left you shal burne it with fire † And thus you shal eate him you shal gird your reynes and you shal haue shoes on your feete holding staues in your handes and you shal eate speedely for it is the Phase that is the Passage of the Lord. † And I wil passe through the Land of Aegypt that night and wil strike euery first begotten in the Land of Aegypt from man euen vnto beast and in al the goddes of Aegypt I wil doe iudgements I the Lord. † And the bloud shal be vnto you for a signe in the houses where you shal be and I shal see the bloud and shal passe ouer you neither shal there be among you a destroying plague when I shal strike the Land of Aegypt † And you shal haue this day for a moniment and you shal celebrate it solemne to the Lord in your generations with an euerlasting obseruation † Seuen dayes shal you eate azimes in the first day there shal be noe leauen in your houses whosoeuer shal eate leauen that soule shal perish out of Israel from the first day vntil the seuenth day † The first day shal be holie and solemne and the seuenth day with the like festiuitie shal be venerable no worke shal you doe in them except those thinges that pertaine to eating † And you shal obserue the azymes for in the selfe same day I wil bring forth your armie out of the Land of Aegypt and you shal keepe this day vnto your generations with a perpetual rite † The first moneth the fourtenth day of the moneth at euen you shal eate azymes vntil the one and twentith day of the same moneth at euen † Seuen dayes there shal not be found leauened in your houses he that shal eate leauened his soule shal perish out of the assemblie of Israel as wel of strangers as of them that are borne in the land † Nothing leauened shal you eate in al your habitations you shal eate azymes † And Moyses called al the Ancients of the children of Isael and said to them Goe take a lambe by your families and sacrifice the Phase † And dippe a bunche of hyssope in the blould that is at the doore and sprinkle the vppertransome of the doore therwith and both the doore cheekes let none of you goe out of the doore of his house til morning † For our Lord wil passe striking the Aegyptians and when he shal see the bloud on the vppersil and on both the postes he wil passe ouer the doore of the house and not suffer the striker to enter your houses and to hurt † Keepe this thing as a law to thee and thy children for euer † And when you are entred into the Land which our Lord wil geue you as he hath promised you shal obserue these ceremonies † And when your children shal say to you What is this religion † you shal say to them It is the victime of our Lords passage when he passed ouer the houses of the chidlren of Israel in Aegypt striking the Aegyptians and deliuering our houses And the people bowing them selues adored † And the children of Israel going forth did as our Lord had commanded Moyses and Aaron † And it came to passe at midnight our Lord stroke euerie first-begotten in the Land of Aegypt from the first-begotten of Pharao who sate in his throne vnto the first-begotten of the captiue woman that was in the prison and euerie first begotten of beastes † And Pharao arose in the night and al his seruantes and al Aegypt and there arose a great crie in Aegypt for neither was there a house wherin there lay not a dead one † And Pharao calling Moyses and Aaron in the night said Arise and goe forth from my people you and the children of Israel goe sacrifice to the Lord as you say † Your sheepe and heardes take you as you demanded and departing blesse me † And the Aegyptians vrged the people to goe forth out of the land quickly saying We shal al die † The people therfore tooke dough before it was leauened and tying it in their clokes
Sanctuarie and leauing them there † he shal wash his flesh in a holie place and shal be clothed with his owne garments And after that he hath gone forth and offered his owne holocaust and the peoples he shal pray as wel for him self as for the people † and the fatte that is offered for sinnes he shal burne vpon the altar † but he that hath let goe the goate of dismission shal wash his clothes and bodie with water and so shal enter into the campe † But the calfe the bucke goate that were immolated for sinne and whose bloud was caried into the Sanctuarie to accomplish the expiation they shal carie forth without the campe and shal burne with fire aswel the skinnes as their flesh and the dung † and whosoeuer burneth them shal wash his clothes and his flesh with water and so shal enter into the campe † And this shal be to you an euerlasting ordinance The seuenth moneth the tenth day of the moneth you shal afflict your soules and no worke shal you doe whether he be of the same countrie or a stranger that soiourneth among you † Vpon this day shal be the expiation of you and clensing from al your sinnes before the Lord you shal be clensen † for it is a sabath of rest and you shal afflict your soules by a perpetual religion And the priest shal expiate that is annoynted and whose handes are consecrated to do the function of priesthood for his father and he shal be reuested with the linnen stole and the holie vestments † and he shal expiate the Sanctuarie and the tabernecle of testimonie and the altar the priestes also and al the people † And this shal be an ordinance for euer that you pray for the children of Israel and for al their sinnes once in a yeare He did therfore as our Lord had commanded Moyses CHAP. XVII Al Sacrifices must be offered at the doore of the Tabernacle 7. with special prohibitiō of Idolatrie 10. None must eate bloud 15 whosoeuer eateth caraine flesh is contaminate and must be washed AND our Lord spake to Moyses saying † Speake to Aaron and his sonnes and to al the children of Israel saying to them This is the word which our Lord hath cōmanded saying † Anie man whosoeuer of the house of Israel if he kil an oxe or a sheepe or a goate in the campe or without the campe and offer it not at the dore of the tabernacle an oblation to the Lord shal be guiltie of bloud as if he had shed bloud so shal he perish out of the middes of his people † Therfore shal the children of Israel bring to the priest their hostes which they kil in the filde that they may be sanctified to our Lord before the dore of the tabernacle of testimonie they may immolate them pacifique hostes to our Lord. † And the priest shal poure the bloud vpon the altar of our Lord at the dore of the tabernacle of testimonie and shal burne the fatte for a swete odour to our Lord † and they shal no more immolate their hostes to diuels with whom they haue committed fornication It shal be an ordinance for euer to them and to their posteritie † And to them thou shalt say The man of the house of Israel and of the strangers which seiourne with you that offereth an holocaust or victime † and bringeth it not to the dore of the tabernacle of testimonie that it may be offered to our Lord shal perish out of his people † Anie man whosoeuer of the house of Israel and of the strangers that seiourne among them if he eate bloud I wil sette my face against his life and wil destroy it out of his people † because the life of the flesh is in the bloud and I haue geuen it to you that vpon the altar you may make expiation with it for your soules and the bloud may be for an expiation of the soule † Therfore haue I faid to the children of Israel No soule of you shal eate bloud nor of the strangers that seiourne with you † Anie man whosoeuer of the children of Israel and of the strangers that seiourne with you if by hunting or fowling he take wild beast or foule which it is lawful to eate let him poure our the bloud therof and couer it with earth † For the life of al flesh is in the bloud wherupon I said to the children of Israel The bloud of no flesh shal you eate because the life of the flesh is in the bloud and whosoeuer eateth it f●al die † The soule that eateth carraine or that which is taken of a beast aswel of them of the same countrie as of strangers shal wash his clothes and him self with water and shal be contaminated vntil euen and in this order he shal be made cleane † And if he doe not wash his clothes and his bodie he shal beare his iniquitie CHAP. XVIII Mariage prohibited in certaine d●grees of consanguinitie and affinitie 18. And diuers carnal and execrable sinnes committed in other nations are strictly forbidden AND our Lord spake to Moyses saying † Speake to the children of Israel and thou shalt say to them I the Lord your God † according to the custome of the Land of Aegypt wherin you haue dwelt you shal not doe and according to the maner of the Countrie of Chanaan into the which I wil bring you you shal not doe nor walke in their ordināces † You shal doe my iudgements and shal obserue my precepts and shal walke in them I the Lord your God † Keepe my lawes and iudgmentes which a man doing shal liue in them I the Lord. † No man shal approch to her that is “ next of his bloud to reueale her turpitude I the Lord. † The turpitude of thy father and the turpitude of thy mother thou shalt not discouer she is thy mother thou shalt not reueale her turpitude † The turpitude of thy fathers wife thou shalt not discouer for it is the turpitude of thy father † The turpitude of thy sister by father or by mother which was borne at home or abroad thou shalt not reueale † The turpitude of thy sonnes daughter or of thy neece by thy daughter thou shalt not reueale because it is thy turpitude † The turpitude of thy fathers wiues daughter which she bare to thy father and is thy sister thou shal not reueale † The turpitude of thy fathers sister thou shalt not discouer because she is the flesh of thy father † The turpitude of thy mothers sister thou shalt not reueale because she is of the flesh of thy mother † The turpitude of thy fathers brother thou shalt not reueale neither shalt thou approch to his wife who is ioyned to thee by affinitie † The turpitude of thy daughter in law thou shalt not reueale because she is thy sonnes wife neither shalt thou discouer her ignominie † The turpitude of thy brothers
that thou shalt perish vtterly † As the Nations which our Lord destroyed at thyne entrie so shal you also perish if you be disobedient to the voice of the Lord your God CHAP. IX Lest they should impute the victories which they shal haue to them selues 6. they are put in mind of their often prouoking Gods wrath 12. by idolatrie 22. by murmuring by concupiscence by contempt and other sinnes 25 for which they should haue bene destroyed but God spared them for his prou●●se made to Abraham Isaeac and Iacob HEARE Israel Thou shalt goe ouer Iordan this day to possesse verie greate nations and stronger then thy selfe huge cities and walled euen vnto heauen † a great people and tal the sonnes of the Enacims whom thou hast seene and heard against whom no man is able to resist † Thou shalt know therfore this day that the Lord thy God him selfe wil passe ouer before thee a deuouring and consuming fyre who shal destroy and abolish and bring them to nothing before thy face quickly as he hath spoken to thee † Say not in thy hart when the Lord thy God shal haue destroyed them in thy sight For my iustice hath our Lord brought me in to possesse this land wheras these nations were destroyed for their impieties † For not because of thy iustices and equitie of thy hart doest thou enter in to possesse their landes but because they haue done impiously at thy entring in they are destroyed and that our Lord might accomplish his word which by oath he promised to thy fathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob † Know therfore that not for thy iustices hath the Lord thy God geuen thee this excellent land in possession wheras thou art a verie stiffe necked people † Remember and forget not how thou didst prouoke the Lord thy God to wrath in the wildernesse From the same day that thou camest out of Aegypt vnto this place thou hast alwayes contended against our Lord. † For in Horeb also thou didst prouoke him and being wrath he would haue destroyed thee † when I went vp into the mounte to receiue the tables of stone of the couenant which our Lord made with you and I continewed in the mounte fourtie daies and nightes not eating bread nor drinking water † And our Lord gaue me two tables of stone written with the singer of God and conteyning al the wordes that he spake to you in the mounte from the middes of the fyre when the assemblie of the people was gathered † And when fourtie dayes were passed and as manie nightes our Lord gaue me the two tables of stone the tables of couenant † and he said to me Arise and goe downe from hence quickly for thy people which thou didst bring out of Aegypt haue quickly forsaken the way that thou hast shewed them and haue made them a molten idol † And againe our Lord said to me I see that this people is stiffe necked † suffer me that I may destroy them and abolish their name from vnder heauen and may set thee ouer a Nation that is greater and stronger then this † And when I came downe from the burning mounte and held the two tables of couenant with both handes † and saw that you had sinned to the Lord your God and had made you a molten calfe and had quickly forsaken his way which he had shewed you † I cast the tables out of my handes and brake them in your sight † And I fel downe before our Lord as before fourtie dayes and nightes not eating bread not drinking water for al your sinnes which you committed against our Lord and prouoked him to wrath † for I feared his indignation and anger wherwith being moued agaynst you he would haue destroyed you And our Lord heard me this time also † Against Aaron also being exceeding angrie he would haue destroyed him and for him in like maner did I pray † And your sinne that you had committed that is the calfe I tooke and burnt it with fyre and breaking it into peeces and bringing it wholy into dust I threw it into the torrent that de●cendeth from the mount † In the burning also and in the tentation and in the Sepulchres of concupiscence you prouoked our Lord † and when he sent you from Cadesbarne saying Goe vp and possesse the Land that I haue geuen you and you contemned the commandement of your Lord God and did not beleue him neither would you heare his voice † but were alwaies rebellious from the day that I beganne to know you † And I lay before our Lord fourtie dayes and nightes in the which I humbly besought him that he would not destroy you as he had threatened † and praying I said Lord God destroy not thy people and thyne inheritance which thou hast redemed in thy greatnes whom thou didst bring out of Aegypt in a strong hand † Remember thy seruantes Abraham Isaac and Iacob regard not the stubbournes of this people and his impietie and sinne † lest perhappes the inhabitantes of the land out of which thou hast brought vs say The Lord could not bring them in vnto the Land that he promised them and he hated them therfore did he bring them forth that he might kil them in the wildernes † Which are thy people and thyne inheritance whom thou didst bring forth in thy great strength and in thy stretched out arme CHAP. X. Moyses receiuing the second tables of the tenne commandments and making an arke put them therin 6. with mention of certaine places where the children of Israel had camped of Aarons death and to the Leuites offices and possesstons 12. be inculcateth the feare and loue of God and the keping of his precepts 16. namely to circumcise the hart 19. to loue strangers 20. and not to serue nor sweare by false goddes AT that time our Lord said to me Hewe thee two tables of stone as the former were and come vp to me into the mounte and thou shalt make an arke of wood † and I wil write in the tables the wordes that were in them which before thou didst breake and thou shalt put them in the arke † I made therfore an arke of the wood Settim And when I had hewed two tables of stone like to the former I went vp into the mount hauing them in my handes † And he wrote in the tables according as he had written before the ten wordes which our Lord spake to you in the mount from the middes of the fyre when the people was gathered and he gaue them to me † And returning from the mount I came downe and put the tables into the arke that I had made which are there til this present as our Lord commanded me † And the children of Israel remoued their campe from Beroth of the children of Iacan into Mosera where Aaron died and was buried for whom Eleazar his soone did the function of priesthood † Thence they came into Gadgad from the which place departing
into the campe of Galgal † For the fiue kinges were fled and had hid themselues in a caue of the citie of Maceda † And it was told Iosue that the fiue kinges were found lying hid in a caue of the citie of Maceda † Who commanded them saying Rowle great stones into the mouth of the caue and sette industrious men which may keepe them shut in † and stand not you stil but pursew the enemies and kil al the hindermost of them that flee neither let them enter into the ●ortes of their cities whom our Lord God hath deliuered into your handes † The aduersaries therfore being slaine with a great slaughter and almost consumed to vtter destruction they that could escape from Israel entered into fensed cities † And al the hoste returned to Iosue in Maceda where then the campe was safe and the ful number and no man durst once mutter against the children of Israel † And Iosue commanded saying Open the mouth of the caue and bring forth to me the fiue kinges that lie hid therin † And the ministers did as it was commanded them and they brought to him the fiue kinges out of the caue the king of Ierusalem the king of Hebron the king of Ierimoth the king of Lachis the king of Eglon. † And when they were brought forth to him he called al the men of Israel and said to the princes of the hoste that were with him Goe and sette your feete vpon the neckes of these kinges Who when they had gone and troden with their feete the neckes of them lying vnder † againe he said to them Feare ye not neither dread take courage and be strong for so wil our Lord doe to al your enemies against whom you fight † And Iosue stroke and slew them and hanged them vpon fiue gibbettes they hung vntil euening † And when the sunne was downe he commanded the soldiars to take them downe from the gibbettes Who cast them being taken downe into the caue wherin they had lyen hid put on the mouth therof great stones which continew vntil this present † The same day Iosue tooke Maceda and stroke it in the edge of the sword killed the king al the inhabitantes therof he left not in it so much as sm●le reliques And he did to the king of Maceda as he had done to the king of Iericho † and he passed with al Israel from Maceda vnto Lebna and fought against it † which our Lord deliuered with the king therof into the handes of Israel and they stroke the citie in the edge of the sword and al the inhabitantes therof they left not in it anie remaines And they did to the king of Lebna as they had done to the king of Iericho † From Lebna he passed vnto Lachis with al Israel and placing the hoste round about assaulted it † And our Lord deliuered Lachis into the handes of Israel and he tooke it the day folowing and stroke it in the edge of the sword and euerie soule that was in it as he had done to Lebna † At that time went vp Horam the king of Gazer to ayde Lachis whom Iosue stroke with al his people to vtter destruction † And he passed from Lachis vnto Eglon and compassed it † and wonne it the same day stroke in the edge of the sword al the soules that were in it according to al thinges that he had done to Lachis † He went vp also with al Israel from Eglon vnto Hebron and fought against it † tooke it and stroke it in the edge of the sword the king also therof and al townes of that countrie al the soules that remained in it he left not therein anie remaynes as he had done to Eglon so did he also to Hebron al thinges that he found in it consumning with the sword † Thence returning vnto Dabir † he tooke it and wasted it the king also therof and al the townes round about he stroke in the edge of the sword he left not in it anie remaines as he had done to Hebron and Lebna and to their kinges so did he to Dabi● and the king therof † Iosue therfore stroke al the hillie countrie and south and champaine and Asedoth with their kinges he left not in it anie reliques but euerie thing that could breath he slew as our Lord the God of Israel had commanded him † from Cadesbarne vnto Gaza Al the Land of Gosen vnto Gabaon † and al their kinges and countries he tooke and wasted at one assault for our Lord the God of Israel suoght for him † And he returned with al Israel to the place of the campe in Galgal CHAP. XI Iabin a more principal king somoneth other kinges to ioyne with him against Israel 6. Iosue animated with Gods promise of victorie 7. ouerthroweth them al. 16. Subdueth their countries 12. killeth also manie of the giantes stocke VVHICH thinges when Iabin the king of Asor had heard he sent to Iobab the king of Madon and to the king of Semeron and to the king of Achsaph † to the kinges also of the North that dwelt in the mountaines and in the plaine against the south side of Ceneroth in the champaine also and countries of Dor by the sea side † the Chananeite also on the East and West and the Amorrheite and Hetheite and Pherezeite Iebuseite in the mountaines the Heueite also which dwelt at the foote of Hermon in the Land of Maspha † And they issued forth al with their troupes a people exceeding manie as the sand that is in the shore of the sea their horses also and chariottes of passing great multitude † And al these kinges assembled together in one at the Waters of Merom to fight against Israel † And our Lord said to Iosue Feare them not for to morrow this selfe same houre wil I deliuer al these to be wounded in the sight of Israel their horses thou shalt hoghsinew and their chariottes thou shalt burne with fire † And Iosue came and al the hoste with him against them to the Waters of Merom sodenly and ranne in vpon them † and our Lord deliuered them into the handes of Israel Who stroke them and pursewed them as farre as great Sidon and the Waters of Maserephoth and the field of Masphe which is on the East side therof Therfore he stroke al so that he le●t no reliques of them † and he did as our Lord had commanded him their horses he hoghsinewed and their chariottes he burnt † And returning immediatly he tooke Asor and the king therof he stroke with the sword For Asor in old time among al these kingdomes held the principalitie † And he stroke al the soules that abode there he left not in it anie remaines but to vtter destruction he wasted al thinges and the citie it selfe he destroyed with fyre † And al the cities round about their kinges also he tooke stroke destroyed as Moyses the seruant of God
of Ionathas his sonne and gathering the bones of them that were crucified † they buried them with the bones of Saul and of Ionathas his sonne in the Land of Beniamin in the side in the sepulchre of Cis his father and they did al thinges that the king had commanded and God was made propitious agayne to the land after these thinges † And there was a battel made agayne of the Philistianes against Israel and Dauid went downe and his seruantes with him and fought agaynst the Philisthijms And Dauid faynting † Iesbibenob which was of the kinred of Arapha the yron of whose speare weyed three hundred ounces and he was girded with a new sword assayed to strike Dauid † And Abisai the sonne of Saruia reskewed him and striking the Philistian killed him Then sware Dauids men saying Thou shalt no more goe forth with vs into battel lest thou put out the lampe of Israel † There was also a second battel in Gob against the Philistians then stroke Sobochai of Husathi Saph of the stocke of Arapha of the kindred of the gyantes † There was also a third battel in Gob agaynst the Philistians in the which Adeodatus the sonne of the Forest a broderer the Bethlehemite stroke Goliath the Getheite the shaft of whose speare was as it were a weauers beame † The fourth battel was in Geth in the which was a tal man that had six fingers and six toes on eche hand and foote that is fowre and twentie and he was of the race of Arapha † And he blasphemed Israel and Ionathan the sonne of Samaa the brother of Dauid stroke him † These foure were borne of Arapha in Geth and they fel by the hand of Dauid and of his seruantes CHAP. XXII King Dauids Canticle of thankesg●uing for his deliuerie from al enemies 44. VVith a prophecie of the reiection of the Iewes and vocation of the Gentiles AND Dauid spake to our Lord the wordes of this song in the day that our Lord deliuered him out of the hand of al his enemies and out of the hand of Saul † And he sayd Our Lord is my rocke and my strength and my sauiour † God is my strong one I wil hope in him my shilde and the horne of my saluation my lifter vp and my refuge my sauiour from iniquitie thou wilt deliuer me † Our Lord prayse worthie wil I inuocate and from mine enemies I shal be saued † Because the pangues of death haue compassed me the streames of Belial haue terrified me † The ropes of hel haue compassed me the snares of death haue preuented me † In my tribulation I wil inuocate our Lord and I wil crie my God and he wil heare my voice out of his holie temple and my crie shal come to his eares † The earth quaked and trembled the fundations of the mountaynes were strycken and shaken because he was angrie with them † A smoke arose out of his nosethrels and a fyre from his mouth shal deuoure coles were kindled from him † And he bowed the heauens and descended and miste vnder his feete † And he ascended vpon the Cherubins and flew and slidde ouer the winges of the winde † He put darkenes round about him a couer stilling waters out of the clowdes of heauen † By the shyning in his presence the coles of fire were kindled † Our Lord wil thunder from heauen and the high one wil geue his voice † He shot his arrowes and dispersed them lightning and consumed them † And the ouerflowinges of the sea appeared and the fundations of the world were discouered at the rebuking of our Lord. at the breathing of the spirit of his furie † He sent from hygh heauen and tooke me and drewe me out of manie waters † He deliuered me from my most mightie enemie and from them that hated me because they were stronger then I. † He preuented me in the day of my affliction and our Lord became my stay † And he brought me forth into latitude he deliuered me because I wel pleased him † Our Lord wil reward me according to my iustice and according to the cleannes of my handes wil he render to me † Because I haue kept the wayes of our Lord and haue not done impiously from my God † For al his iudgementes are in my sight and his pre●eptes I haue not remoued from me † And I shal be perfect with him and shal keepe my self from myne iniquitie † And our Lord wil restore vnto me according to my iustice and according to the cleannes of my handes in the sight of his eyes † With the holie one thou shalt be holie and with the strong perfect † W●●● the elect thou shalt be elect and with the peruerse t●ou ●●●lt be peruerted † And the poore people thou wilt saue and the hautie in thyne eies thou wilt humble † Because thou art my lampe o Lord and thou wilt illuminate my darkenes † For in thee I wil runne girded in my God I wil leap● ouer the wal † God his way immaculate the word of our Lord is examined by fyre he is the shield of al that trust in him † Who is God beside our Lord and who is strong beside our God † God who hath girded me with strength and made euen my perfect way † Making my feete equal with the hartes and setting me vpon my high places † Teaching my handes vnto battel and framing myne armes as it were a brasen bow † Thou hast geuen me the shield of thy saluation and thy mildenes hath multiplied me † Thou shalt enlarge my steppes vnder me and myne ankles shal not fayle † I wil pursew myne enemies and bruise them and wil not returne til I consume them † I wil consume and break them that they rise not they shal fal vnder my feete † Thou hast girded me with strength to battel thou hast bowed vnder me them that resist me † Myne enemies thou hast made to turne to me the backe them that hated me and I shal destroy them † They shal crie and there shal not be to saue to our Lord and he wil not heare them † I wil destroy them as the dust of the earth as the myre of the streates wil I bruise and breake them † Thou wilt saue me from the contredictions of my people thou wilt keepe me to be the head of the Gentiles the people which I knowe not wil serue me † The children alienes wil resist me with the hearing of the eare they wil obey me † The children alienes are fallen away and shal be straytened in their distresses † Our lord liueth and my God is blessed and the strong God of my saluation shal be exalted † God which geuest me reuenges and throwest downe peoples vnder me † Which bringest me out from myne enemies and from them that resist me dost lift me vp from the wicked man thou shalt deliuer me † Therfore wil I confesse vnto thee o Lord among the
Goe ye forth into the mount and fetch branches of the oliue tree and branches of the most fayre tree branches of the mirtle tree and boughes of the palme trees and branches of the thicke leaued tree that tabernacles may be made as it is written † And the people went forth and brought And they made themselues tabernacles euery man in his house toppe and in his courtes and in the courtes of the house of God and in the streate of the water gate and in the streate of the gate of Ephraim † Therefore al the church of them that were returned from the captiuitie made tabernacles and dwelt in tabernacles For from the daies of Iosue the sonne of Nun the children of Israel had not done it in such sort vntil that day and there was exceeding great ioy † And he reade in the booke of the law of God day by day from the first day til the last and they made the solemnitie seuen dayes in the eight day a collect according to the rite CHAP. IX The people repenting in fasting and sakcloth put away their wiues of strange nations 5. Esdras confesseth Gods benefites and the peoples ingratitude 32. prayeth for them and maketh league with God AND in the foure and twenteth day of the moneth the children of Israel came together in fasting and sackeclothes and carth vpon them † And the seede of the children of Israel was seperated from euerie strange childe and they stood and confessed their sinnes and the iniquities of their fathers † And they rose vp to stand and they read in the volume of the law of our Lord their God foure times in a day and four times they confessed and adored our Lord their God † And there arose vpon the steppe of the Leuites Iosue and Bani Cedminel Sabania Bonni Sarebias Bani and Chanani and they cried with a lowde voice to our Lord their God † And the Leuites Iosue and Cedmihel Bonni Hasebnia Serebia Odaia Sebnia and Phathahia said Arise Blesse our Lord your God from eternitie to eternitie and let them blesse the high name of thy glorie in al blessing praise † Thou the same o Lord alone thou hast made heauen al the host therof the earth al thinges that are in it the seas and al thinges that are therin and thou dost giue life to al these thinges and the host of heauē adoreth thee † Thou the same o Lord God which didst choose Abram broughtest him out of the fire of the Chaldees and gauest him the name Abraham † And thou didst finde his hart faithful before thee and thou madest a couenante with him that thou wouldest geue him the land of the Chananite of the Hetheite and of the Amorrheite and of the Pherezeire and of the Iebuseite of the Gergeseite to geue vnto his seede and thou hast fulfilled thy wordes because thou art iust † And thou sawest the afflicton of our fathers in Aegypt their crie thou didst hear● vpon the Read sea † And thou gauest signes wonders in Pharao and in al his seruants and in al the people of his land for thou didst know that they had done proudly against them and thou madest thyself a name as also at this day † And thou didst diuide the sea before them and they passed througth the midst of the sea in drie land but their persecutors thou threwest into the depth as a stone into the rough waters † And in a piller of a cloude thou wast their leader by day and in a piller of fire by night that the way might appeare to them by the which they went † To mount Sinai also thou didst descend and spakest with them from heauen and thou gauest them right iudgements and the law of truth ceremonies and good preceptes † Thy sanctified Sabbath thou didst shew them and the commandements and ceremonies and the law thou didst command them in the hand of Moyses thy seruant † Bread also from heauen thou gauest them in their hunger and water out of the rocke thou didst bring forth to them thirsting and thou saidest to them that they should enter in and possesse the land vpon which thou didst lift vp thy hand to diliuer it them † But they and our fathers did proudly and hardned their neckes and heard not thy cōmandements † And they would not heare and they remembred not thy merueylous workes which thou hast done to them And they hardned their neckes and gaue the head to returne to their seruitude as it were by contention But thou a propitious God and gratious and merciful long suffering and of much compassion didst not forsake them † Yea and when they had made to them selues a molten calfe and had said This is thy God which brought thee out of Aegypt and they did great blasphemies † But thou in thy manie mercies didst not leaue them in the desert the piller of the cloude departed not from them by day to lead them into the way and the piller of fire by night to shew them the way by which they should goe † And thou gauest them thy good spirite which should teach them and thy Manna thou didst not withhold from their mouth and thou gauest them water in thirst † Fourtie yeares didst thou feede them in the desert and nothing was wanting to them their garmentes waxed not old and their feete not worne † And thou gauest them kingdomes and peoples and didst part lottes vnto them and they possessed the land of Sehon and the land of the king Hesebon and the land of Og the king of Basan † And thou didst multiplie their children as the starres of heauen brought them to the land wherof thou hadst said to their fathers that they should enter and possesse it † And the children came and possessed the land and thou didst humble before them the inhabiters of the land the Chanan●ites and gauest them into their hand and their kinges and the peoples of the land that they might doe to them as it pleased them † They therfore tooke the fensed cities and fatte ground and possessed houses ful of al goodes cesternes made by others vineyardes and oliuetes manie trees that bare fruite and they did eate and were filled and became fatte and abounded with delicious thinges in thy great goodnes † But they prouoked thee to wrath departed from thee and threw thy law behind their backes they killed thy prophetes which admonished them ernestly to returne to thee and they did great blasphemies † And thou gauest them into the handes of their enemies and they afflicted them And in the time of their tribulation they cried to thee thou from heauen didst heare and according to thy manie cōpassions gauest them sauiours that should saue them from the hand of their enemies † And when they had rested they returned to do euil in thysight thou didst leaue them in the hand of their enemies and they possessed them And they
him darkesome water in the cloudes of the aire Because of the brightnesse in his sight the cloudes passed hayle and coles of fire † And our Lord thundered from heauen and the Highest gaue his voice haile and coles of fire † And he shot his arrowes and dissipated them he multiplied lightnings and trubled them † And the fountaynes of waters appeared and the fundations of the world were reueled At thy rebuke ô Lord at the blast of the spirit of thy wrath † He sent from on high and tooke me and he receiued me out of manie waters † He deliuered me from my most strong enemies and from them that hated me because they were made strong ouer me † They preuented me in the day of mine affliction and our Lord was made my protectour † And he brought me out into largenesse he saued me because he would me † And our Lord wil reward me according to my iustice and according to the purity of my handes he wil reward me † Because I haue kept the waies of our Lord neither haue I done impiously from my God † Because al his iudgementes are in my sight and his iustices I haue not repelled from me † And I shal be immaculate with him and shal keepe me from mine iniquitie † And our Lord wil reward me according to my iustice and according to the puritie of my handes in the sight of his eies † With the holie thou shalt be holie and with the innocent man thou shalt be innocent † And with the elect thou shalt be elect and with the peruerse thou shalt be peruerted † Because thou wilt saue the humble people and the eies of the proud thou wilt humble † Because thou dost illuminate my lampe ô Lord my God illuminate my darkenesse † Because in thee I shal be deliuered from tentation and in my God I shal goe ouer the wal † My God his way is vnpolluted the wordes of our Lord are examined by fire he is protector of al that hope in him † For who is God but our Lord or who is God but our God † God that girded me with strength and made my way immaculate † That perfited my feete as it were of hartes and setting me vpon high thinges † That teacheth my handes to battel and hast put mine armes as a bow of brasse † And hast geuen me the protection of thy saluation and thy right hand hath receiued me And thy discipline hath corrected me vnto the end and thy discipline the same shal teach me † Thou hast enlarged my pases vnder me and my steppes are not weakened † I wil pursew myne enemies and ouertake them and wil not returne til they faile † I wil breake them neither shal they be able to stand they shal fal vnder my feete † And thou hast girded me with strength to battel and hast supplanted them that rise against me vnder me † And myne enemies thou hast geuen me their backe and them that hate me thou hast destroyed † They cried neither was there that would saue them to our Lord neither did he heare them † And I wil breake them to powder as the dust before the face of winde as the durt of the streates I wil destroy them † Thou wilt deliuer me from the contradictions of the people thou wilt appoynte me to be head of the Gentiles † A people which I knew not hath serued me in the hearing of the eare it hath obeyed me † The children being alienes haue lyed to me the children alienes are inueterated and haue halted from their pathes † Our Lord liueth and blessed be my God and the God of my saluation be exalted † O God which geuest me reuenges subdewest peoples vnder me my deliuerer from mine angrie enemies † And from them that rise vp against me thou wilt exalt me from the vniust man thou wilt deliuer me Therfore wil I confesse to thee among nations ô Lord and wil say a psalme to thy name Magnifying the saluations of his king and doing mercie to his Christ Dauid and to his seede for euer PSALME XVIII Gods perfect goodnes and glorie is shewed by his great workes and by his Apostles sent with heauenlie commission to preach in al tongues to al nations 6. Christ coming into the world and returne vnto heauen 8. his immaculate Law 13. Wherin notwistanding the iust shal haue nede to pray for remission of smaller and daylie sinnes † Vnto the end the psalme of Dauid THE heauens shew forth the glorie of God and the firmament declareth the workes of his handes † Day vnto day vttereth word and night vnto night sheweth knowledge † There are no languages nor speaches whose voyces are not heard † Their sound hath gone forth into al the earth and vnto the endes of the round world the wordes of them † He put his tabernacle in the sunne himself as a bridgrome coming forth of his bridechamber He hath reioyced as againt to runne the way † his comming forth from the toppe of heauen And his recourse euen to the toppe therof neither is there that can hide him selfe from his heate † “ The law of our Lord is immaculate conuerting soules the testimonie of our Lord is faithful geuing wisedome to litle ones † The iustices of our Lord be right making hartes ioyful the precept of our Lord lightsome illuminating the eies † The feare of our Lord is holie permanent for euer and euer the iudgmentes of our Lord be true iustified in themselues † To be desired aboue gold and much pretious stone and more sweete aboue honie and the honie combe † For thy seruant keepeth them in keeping them is much reward † Sinnes who vnderstandeth from my secrete sinnes cleanse me † and from other mens spare thy seruant If they shal not haue dominion ouer me then shal I be immaculate and shal be cleansed from the greatest sinne † And the wordes of my mouth shal be such as may please and the meditation of my hart in thy sight alwayes O Lord my helper and my redemer ANNOTATIONS PSALME XVIII ● The lavv of our lord is immaculate conuerting soules Gods law in it selfe being most pure and immaculate is the proper meanes wherby the Holie Ghost conuerteth soules from sinnes to iustice Not that euerie one is iust fied vvhich readeth heareth or knoweth the lavv but by keping it through grace of the Holie Ghost VVho is the author and vvorker of ius●●e by disposing the soule to cooperate in maner partly here described Gods faithful and most true testimonie by his lavv geueth vvisdome faith and knovvlege to the humble his right iustices comfort the hartes of the saithful his clere precept teacheth them their dutie his holie feare perseuireth vvith them his true iudgements are most delectable and
and at the tribulation of the sinner Because they haue wrested iniquities vpon me in anger they were trublesome to me † My hart is trubled in me and the feare of death is falne vpon me † Feare and trembling are come vpon me and darkenes hath couered me † And I said Who wil geue me wings as of a doue and I wil fly and rest † Loe I haue gone far flying away and I abode in the wildernes † I expected him that saued me from pusillanimitie of spirit and tempest † Precipitate ô Lord and diuide their tongues because I haue sene iniquitie and contradiction in the citie † Day and night shal iniquitie compasse it vpon the walles therof and labour in the middest therof and iniustice † And there hath not ceased out of the streetes therof vsurie and guile † For if myne enimie had spoken euil to me I would verely haue borne it And if he that hated me had spoken great thinges vpon me I would perhaps haue hid myselfe from him † But thou a man of the same minde my guide and my familiar † Which diddest take swete meats together with me in the house of God we walked with consent † Let death come vpon them and let them goe downe quicke into hel Because there is wickednes in their habitations in the middes of them † But I haue cried to God and our Lord wil saue me † In the euening and morning at midday I wil speake and declare and he wil heare my voice † He wil redeme my soule in peace from them that approch to me because among manie they were with me † God wil heare and he which is before the worldes wil humble them † For there is no change with them they feared not God he hath streached forth his hand in repaying † They haue contaminated his testament they are diuided by the wrath of his countenance and his hart hath approched His wordes are made softer then oile and the same are dartes † Cast thy care vpon our Lord and he wil nourish thee he wil not geue fluctuation to the iust for euer † But thou ô God wilt bring them downe into the pitte of destruction Bloudy and deceitful men shal not liue halfe their daies but I wil hope in thee ô Lord. PSALME LV. Dauid being in danger before Achis king of Geth confidently implereth Gods helpe against the great malice and powre of his enimies 8. foretheweth their ruine his owne exaltation 12. and offereth praises and thankes Vnto the end for a people that is made far from the Sainctes Dauid in the inscription of the title when the foreners held him in Geth 1. Reg. 12. v. 12. HAVE mercie on me ô God because man hath troden vpon me al the day impugning he hath afflicted me Myne enimies haue troden vpon me al the day because they are manie that warre against me † From the height of the day I shal feare but I wil trust in thee In God I wil praise my wordes in God haue I hoped I wil not feare what flesh may do to me † Al the day did they detest my wordes against me al their cogitations are vnto euil † They wil inhabite and keepe secret they wil obserue my heele As they haue expected my soule † for nothing shalt thou saue them in wrath thou wilt breake peoples O God † I haue shewed my life to thee thou hast set my teares in thy sight As also in thy promise † then shal mine enemies be turned backeward In what day soeuer I shal inuocate thee loe I haue knowne that thou art my God † In God I wil praise the word in our Lord wil I praise thee saying I haue hoped in God I wil not feare what man can do to me † In me ô God are thy vowes which I wil render praises to thee † Because thou hast deliuered my soule from death and my feete from falling that I may please before God in the light of the liuing PSALME LVI The Prophet prayeth in tribulation 4. testifieth Gods helpe 6. praiseth his greatnes 8. promising and inuiting al nations to praise him Vnto the end destroy not to Dauid in the inscription of the title when he fled from the face of Saul into the caue HAVE mercie on me ô God haue mercie on me because my soule hath trusted in thee And I wil hope in the shadow of thy winges vntil iniquitie passe † I wil crie to God the highest God that hath done me good † He sent from heauen and deliuered me he hath geuen into reproche them that trode vpon me God hath sent his mercie and his truth † and hath deliuered my soule out of the middes of Lions whelpes I slept trubled The sonnes of men their teeth are weapons and arrowes and their tongue a sharpe sword † Be exalted aboue the heauens ô God and thy glorie vpon al the earth † They prepared a snare for my feete and bowed downe my soule They digged a pit before my face and they are falne into it † My hart is readie ô God my hart is readie I wil sing and say a Psalme † Arise my glorie arise psalter and harpe I wil arise early † I wil confesse to thee among peoples ô Lord and I wil say a Psalme to thee among the Gentiles † Because thy mercie is magnified euen to the heauens and thy truth euen to the cloudes † Be axalted aboue the heauens ô God and thy glorie vpon al the earth PSALME LVII Holie Dauid inueigheth against dissembling wicked men 7. describeth their manifold punishment 11. wherin the iust shal be comforted † Vnto the end destroy not to Dauid in the inscription of the title IF in very dede you speake iustice iudge right thinges ye sonnes of men For in the hart you worke iniquities in the earth your handes forge iniustice † Sinners are alienated from the matrice they haue erred from the wombe they haue spoken false thinges † They haue furie according to the similitude of a serpent as of the aspe that is deafe and stoppeth his eares † Which wil not heare the voice of the inchanters and of the sorcerer inchanting wisely † God shal breake their teeth in their mouth the checke tooth of the lions our Lord wil breake in peeces † They shal come to nothing as water running downe he hath bent his bow til they be weakened † As waxe that melteth shal they be taken away fyre hath falne on them and they haue not seene
that he might saue al the meeke of the earth † Because the cogitation of man shal confesse to thee and the remanes of the cogitation shal keepe festiual day to thee † Vowe ye and render to our Lord your God al ye that round about him bring giftes To the terrible † and him that taketh away the spirite of princes terrible to the kinges of the earth PSALME LXXVI Anie faithful deuout person meditating Gods benefites 7. examineth his cōscience that nothing be in his soule that may offend God Who is alwayes readie to forgeue 11. and therfore he stil reneweth his purpose to serue God sincerly 15. particularly remembring the deliuerie of Israel from Aegypt Vnto the end for Idithun a psalme to Asaph † VVith my voice I haue cried to our Lord with my voice to God and he attended to me † In the day of my tribulation I sought God with my handes in the night before him and I was not deceiued My soule refused to be comforted † I was mindeful of God and was delighted and was exercised and my spirite fainted Myne eies preuented the watches I was trubled spake not † I thought vpon old daies and the eternal yeares I had in minde † And I meditated in the night with my hart and I was exercised and I swept my spirite Why wil God reiect for euer or wil he not adde to be better pleased as yet † Or wil he cutte of his mercie for euer from generation vnto generation † Or wil God forget to haue mercie or wil he in his wrath keepe in his mercies And I sayde Now haue I begune this is the change of the right hand of the Highest † I haue bene mindful of the workes of our Lord because I wil be mindful from the beginning of thy meruelous workes † And I wil meditate in al thy workes and in thy inuentions I wil be exercised † O God in the holie is thy way what God is great as our God † thou art the God that doest meruelous thinges Thou hast made thy powre knowne among peoples † thou hast with thine arme redemed thy people the children of Iacob and Ioseph † The waters saw thee ô God the waters saw thee and they were afrayd and the depthes were trubled † A multitude of the sounding of waters the cloudes gaue a voice For in deede arrowes doe passe † the voice of thy thunder in a wheele Thy lightenings shined to the rounde world the earth was moued and trubled † Thy way in the sea and thy pathes in many waters and thy steppes shal not be knowne † Thou hast conducted thy people as sheepe in the hand of moyses and Aaron PSALME LXXVII The royal prophet exhorting the people to attend 5. reciteth manie great benefites of God towards their forefathers whose ingratitude often rebellion and chatisement he stil noteth 9. as in their entrance into the land of Chanaan 12. also before the same in Aegypt and in the desort 42. How God plagued the Aegyptians 52. protected and conducted his people into the promised land 56. where likewise they often offended were punished 65. yet were stil conserued 69. and the tribe of Inde exalted in king Dauid Vnderstanding to Asaph MY people attend ye to my law incline your eare vnto the wordes of my mouth † I wil open my mouth in parables I wil speake propositions from the beginning † How great thinges haue we heard and haue knowne them and our fathers haue told vs. † They were not hid from their children in an other generation Telling the prayses of our Lord and his powers and his meruelous workes which he hath done † And he raised vp a testimonie in Iacob and made a law in Israel How great thinges he commanded our fathers to make the same knowne to their children † that an other generation may know The children that shal be borne and shal rise vp and shal tel their children † That they may put their hope in God and may not forget the workes of God and may seeke after his commandmentes † That they become not as their fathers a peruerse generation and exasperating A generation that hath not directed their hart their spirit hath not bene faithful towards God † The children of Ephrem bending and shooting with bow were turned in the day of battel † They kept not the testament of God and in his law they would not walke † And they forgate his benefites and his meruelous workes which he shewed them † Before their fathers he did meruelous thinges in the land of Aegypt in the filde of Tanis † He diuided the sea brought them through and he made the waters to stand as in a bottle † And he conducted them in a cloude by day and al the night by light of fire † He stroke the rocke in the desert and gaue them water to drinke as in a great depth † And he broughtforth water out of the rocke and made waters runne downe as riuers † And they added as yet to sinne vnto him they prouoked the Highest to wrath in the place without water † And they tempted God in their hartes so that they asked meats for their liues † And they spake euil of God they saide Can God prepare a table in the desert † Because he stroke the rocke and waters ranne torrentes flowed Can he also giue bread or prepare a table for his people † Therfore our Lord heard and made delay and fire was kindled in Iacob and wrath ascended vpon Israel † Because they beleued not in God nor hoped in his saluation † And he commanded the cloudes from aboue and opened the gates of heauen † And he rayned them Manna to eate and bread of heauen he gaue to them † Bread of Angels did man eate he sent them victuals in abundance † He transported the Southwinde from heauen and in his powre he brought in the Southwestwinde † And he rayned vpon them flesh as dust and as the sand of the sea fethered fowles † And they fel in the middes of their campe about their tabernacles † And they did eate and were filled excedingly and their desire he brought to them † They were not defrauded of their desire As yet their meats were in their mouth † And the wrath of God ascended vpon them And he killed their fat ones and the chosen of Israel he hindered † In al these things they sinned as yet and they beleued not in his meruelous workes † And their daies failed in vanitie and their years in hast † When he slew them they sought him and they returned and early they came to him † And they
the time of death 9 He vvil not be angrie alvvayes Origen misunderstood this place and some other like holding an erronius opinion that al euen the most wicked sinners both men and d●uels shal at last be saued and not eternally damned which is a condemned heresie contrarie to euident places of holie Scriptures Psal 9 v 6. The impious hath perished their name thou hast destroyed for euer for euer euer Mat. 2● The wicked shal goe into fire euerlasting into euerlasting punishment Apoc. 20. The beast and the false prophet and the same reason is for al the vvicked shal be tormented day and night for euer and euer Neither are the●e vvordes God vvil not be angrie alvvayes spoken vniuersally touching al sinners vvhosoeuer but are limited v 13 17 to those that seare him and kepe his testament vvheras al those that dye in mortal sinne are stil o●●●●na●e in malice and can neuer rightly repent nor rightly feare God nor kepe his commandments PSALME CIII The Psalmist inuiteth himself and others to praise God for his meruelous workes in the heauens 5. the earth and water 9. limiting their bondes producing al thinges necessarie for al liuing creatures in conuenient seasons 27. With continual prouidence of al. † To Dauid him self MY soule blesse thou our Lord ô Lord my God thou art magnified excedingly † Thou hast put on confession and beautie being clothed with light as with a garment Stretching out the heauen as a skinne † which couerest the higher partes therof with waters Which makest the cloude for thee to ascend on which walkest vpon the winges of windes † Which makest spirites thine Angels and thy ministers a burning fyre † Which hast founded the earth vpon the stabilitie therof it shal not be inclined for euer and euer † The depth as a garment is his clothing vpon the mountaines shal waters stand † At thy reprehention they shal flee at the voice of thy thunder they shal feare † The mountaines ascend and the plaine fildes descend into the place which thou hast founded for them † Thou hast set a bound which they shal not passe ouer neither shal they returne to couer the earth † Which sendestforth fontaines in the valles betwen the middest of mountaines shal waters passe † Al the beastes of the filde shal drinke the wilde asses shal expect in their thirst † Ouer them shal the foules of the ayre inhabite out of the middes of rockes they shal geueforth voices † Watering the mountaines from his higher places of the fruite of thy worke shal the earth be filled † Bringing forth grasse for beastes and herbe for the seruice of men That thou mayst bring forth bread out of the earth † and wine may make the hart of man ioyful That he may make the face chereful with oile and bread may confirme the hart of man † The trees of the silde shal be filled and the ceders of Libanus which he hath planted † there sparowes shal make their nest The house of the hearne is the leader of them † the high mountaines for hartes the rocke a refuge for the Irchins † He made the moone for seasons the sunne knoweth his going downe † Thou didst appoint darkenes and night was made in it shal al the beastes of the wood passe † The whelpes of lions roaring to rauen and to seeke of God meate for themselues † The sunne is risen and they are gathered together and in their couches they shal be placed † Man shal goe forth to his worke and to his working vntil euening † How magnified are thy workes ô Lord thou hast made al thinges in wisedom the earth is filled with thy possession † This great sea and very large there are creeping beastes wherof there is no number Litle beastes with great † there shippes shal passe This dragon whom thou madest to delude † al expect of thee that thou geue them meate in season † Thou geuing vnto them they shal gather it thou opening thy hand al shal be filled with bountie † But thou turning away the face they shal be trubled thou shalt take away their spirite and they shal faile and shal returne into their dust † Thou shalt sendforth thy spirit and they shal be created and thou shalt renewe the face of the earth † Be the glorie of our Lord for euer our Lord wil reioice in his workes † Who looketh vpon the earth maketh it to tremble who toucheth the mountaines and they smoke † I wil chaunte to our Lord in my life I wil sing to my God as long as I am † Let my speach be acceptable to him but I wil take delight in our Lord. † Let sinners faile from the earth and the vniust so that they be not my soule blesse thou our Lord. PSALME CIIII. The Israelites are exhorted to sing praises to God 5. for his meruelous benefites towards Abraham Isaac and Iacob 11. whose particular familie being then smal went from Chanaan into Aegypt 17. Whither Ioseph by Gods prouidence was caried before there increased in number was persecuted 26. deliuered by Moyses and Aaron working manie great miracles 36. protected and fedde in the desert 44. and finally possessed Chanaan Alleluia CONFESSE ye to our Lord and inuocate his name shewforth his workes among the Gentiles † Chaunt to him and sing to him tel ye al his meruelous workes † Prayse ye him in his holie name let the hart of them reioice that seeke our Lord. † Seeke ye our Lord and be confirmed seeke his face alwayes † Remember ye his meruelous workes which he hath done his wonders and the iudgments of his mouth † The seede of Abraham his seruantes the children of Iacob his elect † He is the Lord our God in al the earth are his iudgementes † He hath bene mindeful for euer of his testament of the word which he commanded vnto a thousand generations † Which he disposed to Abraham and of his oath to Isaac † And he appointed it to Iacob for a precept and to Israel for an eternal testament † Saying To thee wil I geue the land of Chanaan the corde of your inheritance † When they were of smal number very few and seiourners therof † And they passed from nation into nation from kingdom to an other people † He leift not a man to hurt them and he rebuked kings for their sake † Touch not my annointed and toward my prophetes be not malignant † And he called a famine vpon the land and he desstroyed al the strength of bread † He sent a man before them Ioseph was sold to be a seruant † They humbled his feete in fetters yron passed through his soule † vntil his word came The word of our Lord inflamed him † the king sent and
loosed him the prince of the people and released him † He appointed him lord of his house and prince of al his possession † That he might instruct his princes as himselfe and might teach his ancientes wisedom † And Israel entered into Aegypt and Iacob was a seiourner in the land of Cham. † And he increased his people excedingly and strengthned them ouer their enemies † He turned their hart that they hated his people and to worke guile toward his seruantes † He sent Moyses his seruant Aaron him selfe whom he chose † He did put in them the wordes of his signes and of his wonders in the Land of Cham. † He sent darkenes and obscured and did not exasperate his wordes † He turned their waters into bloud and killed their fishes † Their land broughtforth frogges in the inner chambers of their kinges † He sayd and the caenomyia came and the cinifes in al their coastes † He made theyr raynes haile fire burning in their land † And he stroke their vines and their figtrees and he destroyed the wood of their coastes † He said the locust came and the bruchus wherof there was no number † And it did eate al the grasse in their land and it did eate al the fruicte of their land † And he stroke euerie first begotten in their land the first fruictes of al their labour † And he brought themforth with gold and siluer and there was not in their tribes a feeble person † Aegypt was glad at their departure because the feare of them lay vpon them † He spred a cloude for their protection and fire to shine vnto them by night † They made petition and the quaile came and he filled them with the bread of heauen † He diuided the rocke and waters flowed riuers ranne in the drie ground † Because he was mindful of his holie word which he had vttered to Abraham his seruant † And he broughtforth his people in exultation and his elect in ioy † And he gaue them the countries of the Nations and they possessed the labours of peoples † That they might keepe his iustifications and seeke after his lawe PSALME CV The prophet exhorteth the people to render thankes and praises to God 6. for remitting their manifold sinnes in the desert 34. and in the conquered land 38. foreshewing like sinnes to come Gods wrath and punishment for the same 44. and that he wil geue grace of repentance to some 47. for which he prayeth and praiseth God Allelu ia CONFESSE ye to our Lord because he is good because his mercie is for euer † Who shal speake the powers of our Lord shal make al his prayses to be heard † Blessed are they that keepe iudgement and doe iustice at al time † Remember vs ô Lord in the good pleasure of thy people visite vs in thy saluation † To see in the goodnes of thyne elect to reioyce in the ioy of thy nation that thou maist be praysed with thine inheritance † We haue sinned with our fathers we haue dealt vniustly we haue done iniquitie † Our father 's in Aegypt did not vnderstand thy meruelous workes they were not mindeful of the multitude of thy mercie And they prouoked thee to wrath going vp vnto the sea the Read sea † And he saued them for his name sake that he might make his power knowen † And he rebuked the Read sea and it was made drie and he led them in the depths as in a desert † And he saued them from the hand of them that hated them and “ he redemed them out of the hand of the enemie † And water ouerwhelmed those that afflicted them there did not one of them remaine † And they beleued his wordes and they sang his praise † They had quickly donne they forgot his workes and they expected not his counsel † And they coueted concupiscence in the desert and tempted God in the place without water † He gaue them their petition and sent saturitie into their soules † And they prouoked Moyses in the campe Aaron the holie of our Lord. † The earth was opened and swalowed Dathan and ouerwhelmed the congregation of Abiron † And a fire flamed vp in their sinagogue the flame burnt the sinners † And they made a calfe in Horeb and they adored the sculptil † And they changed their glorie into the similitude of a calfe that eateth grasse † They forgat God which saued them which did great thinges in Aegypt † meruelous thinges in the land of Cham terrible thinges in the Read sea † And he sayd to destroy them if Moyses his elect had not stood in the way before him To turne away his wrath that he should not destroy them † and they estemed for naught the land that was to be desired They did not beleue his word † and they murmured in their tabernacles they heard not the voice of our Lord. † And he lifted vp his hand ouer them to ouerthrowe them in the desert † And to cast doune their seede among the Nations and to disperse them in the countries † And they were professed to Beelphegor and they did eate the sacrifices of the dead † And they prouoked him in their inuentions and ruine was multiplied on them † And Phinees stood and pacified and the slaughter ceased † And it was reputed to him vnto iustice in generation and generation euen for euer † And they prouoked him at the waters of contradiction and Moyses was vexed for them † because they exasperated his spirit And he playnely affirmed in his lippes † they destroyed not the nations of which our Lord spake to them † And they were mingled among the nations and learned their workes † and they serued their sculptils and it became a scandal to them † And they immolated their sonnes and their daugheters to diuels † And they shed innocent bloud the bloud of their sonnes and of their daughters which they sacrificed to the sculptils of Chanaan And the land was infected with bloud † and was contaminated in their workes and they did fornicat in their inuentions † And our Lord was wrath with ●urie vpon his people and he abhorred his inheritance † And he deliuered them into the handes of the nations and they that hated them had the dominion of them † And their enimies afflicted them and they were humbled vnder their handes † he did often deliuer them But they exasperated him in their counsel and they were humbled in their iniquities † And he saw when they were afflicted and he heard their prayer † And he was mindeful of his testament and it repented him according to the multitude of his mercie
the ruines of them † Nurter thy sonne and he shal refresh thee and shal geue delightes to thy soule † When prophecie shal fayle the people shal be dissipated but he that keepeth the Law is blessed † A seruant can not be taught by wordes because he vnderstandeth that which thou sayst and contemneth to answer † Hast thou seene a man swifte to speake follie is rather to be hoped then his amendement † He that nourisheth his seruant delicatly from his childhood afterward shal feele him stubburne † An angrie man prouoketh brawles and he that is easie to indign 〈…〉 shal he more prone to sinne † Humiliation foloweth the proude and glorie shal receiue the humble of spirite † He that is partaker with a theefe hateth his owne soule he heareth one adiuring and telleth not † He that feareth man shal soone fal he that trusteth in our Lord shal be lifted vp † Manie seeke after the face of the prince the iudgement of euerie one commeth forth from our Lord. † The iust abhorre an impious man the impious abhorre them that are in the right way The sonne that keepeth the word shal be out of perdition CHAP. XXX Aright wiseman thinketh humbly of himself 4. knowing that Gods workes are inscrutable and perfect 8. desireth truth in al thinges mediocritie in riches 11. Abhorreth certaine sortes of men 1. 5. certaine execrable thinges 18. noteth certaine thinges hard to be knowen 21. other thinges intolerable 24. others admirable 32. the tongue dangerous THE wordes of the Gatherer the sonne of Vomiter The vision that the man spake with whom God is and who being strengthened by God abiding with him sayd † I am most foolish of men the wisedom of men is not with me † I haue not learned wisedom and haue not knowen the science of saints † Who hath ascended into heauen and descended who hath conteyned the spirit in his handes who hath bound the waters together as in a garment who hath raysed vp al the borders of the earth what is his name and what is the name of his sonne if thou know † Enerie word of God tryed by fyre is a buckler to them that hope in him † Adde not any thing to his wordes and so thou be reproued and found a lyer † Two thinges I haue asked thee denie them not to me before I dye † Vanitie and lying wordes make far from me Beggerie and riches geue me not geue only things necessarie for my sustenance † lest perhaps being filled I be allured to denie and may say Who is the Lord or being compelled by pouertie I may steale and forsweare the name of my God † Accuse not a seruant to his master lest perhaps he curse thee and thou fal † There is a generation that curseth their father and that blesseth not their mother † A generation that semeth to itself cleane yet is not washed from their filthines † A generation whose eies are loftie and the eielids therof set vp on high † A generation that for teeth hath swordes and chaweth with theyr grinding teeth that they may eate the needie out of the earth and the poore from among men † The horseleach hath two daughters that say Bring bring Three things are vnsatiable the fourth neuer sayth it sufficeth † Hel and the mouth of the matrice the earth which is not satisfied with water but the fyre neuer sayth it sufficeth † The eie that scorneth his father that despiseth the trauail of his mother in bearing him let the rauens of the torrents pick it out and the young of the eagle eate it † Three thinges are hard to me and of the fourth I am vtterly ignorant † The way of an eagle in the ayre the way of a serpent vpon a rocke the way of a shippe in the middes of 〈…〉 and the way of a man in youth † Such is also the way of an adulterous woman which eateth and wyping her mouth sayth I haue done no euil † By three thinges the earth is moued and the fourth it can not susteyne † By a seruant when he shal reigne by a foole when he shal be filled with meate † by an odious woman when she shal be taken in matrimonie by “ a bondwoman when she shal be heyre to her mistresse † There are foure the least thinges of the earth and they are wiser then the wise † The antes a weake people which prepareth in the haruest meate for themselues † The leueret a people not strong which placeth his bed in the rocke † The locust hath no king and they go our al by their troopes † The stellion stayeth on his handes 〈…〉 in kings houses † There are three thinges which 〈…〉 l and the fourth that goeth happely † The lyon the strongest of beastes shal feare at the meeting of none † the cocke gyrded about the loines and the ramme also the king against whom none can resist † There is that hath appeared a foole after that he was listed vp on high for if he had vnderstood he would haue layd his hand vpon his mouth † And he that strongly presseth the pappes to wring out milke strayneth out butter and he that violently cleanceth his nose wringeth out bloud he that prouoketh angers bringeth forth discordes ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXX 1. The vvordes of the Gatherer Some Interpreters take these foure Hebrew wordes Agur Iache Ithiel and Vcal conteined in this first verse to be proper names of men supposing that a certaine wiseman named Agur the sonne of Iache spake the sentences folowing in this chapter to his sonnes or scholars called Ithiel Vcal And so this supposed Agur not Salomon should be the auctor of this chapter But the old Interpreter whom S. Ierom approueth and foloweth translated the same wordes as noones appellatiues Neither doth anie ancient Father account this Agur amongst the writers of holie Scriptures And if there were a peculiar auctor of this chapter it is like the same should haue bene placed last and not before that which now foloweth and is by al men confessed to be Salomons And therfore we thinke it more probable with S. Beda and the common opinion that there vvas no other auctor of anie part of this booke besides King Salomon VVho is here called CONGREGANS the Gatherer because he gathered these excellent Parables and Prouerbes as the sonne of the Holie Ghost signified by the word IACHE povvring forth diuine sentences for instruction of ITHIEL VCAL that is of al those vvith vvhom God is by his grace and vvho are streingthened by God abiding vvith them 23. A bond vvoman vvhen she shal be heyre Of al thinges in this world it semeth most absurde that heresie doth dominiere ouer Catholique religion vvhich God some times and in some places suffereth for the greater merite of his elect CHAP. XXXI
that they must be iust and gentle and hast made thy children of good hope because iudging thou geuest in sinnes place of repentance † For if thou didst punish the enemies of thy seruants and that deserued to die with so great consideration geuing time and place whereby they might be changed from their wickednes † With what diligence hast thou iudged thy children to whose parents thou gauest othes and couenants of good promises † Therfore when thou geuest vs discipline thou scourgest our enemies very manie wayes that iudging we may thinke vpon thy goodnes and when we are iudged we may hope for thy mercie † Wherfore to them also which in their life haue liued foolishly vniustly thou hast geuen great torments by the same thinges which they did worshipe † For they wandered long in the way of errour esteming for goddes those thinges that in beasts are superfluous liuing after the maner of sensles infants † For this cause thou hast geuen iudgement on them as on sensles children to be in derision † But they that were not amended by scornes and reprehensions haue tried the worthie iudgement of God † For in what thinges they suffering tooke indignation by those whom they thought goddes when seing they were destroyed in them him whom in time past they denied that they knewe they acknowleged the true God for the which cause the end also of their condemnation shal come vpon them CHAP. XIII Men folowing their phantasies knew not God by his creatures but honored the creatures for goddes 10. Most sottishly also worshipped thinges fashioned by mens handes as goddes BVT al men be vame in Whom there is not the knowlege of God and of these good thinges which are sene they could not vnderstand him that is neither attending to the workes haue they agnised who was the workeman † but either the fyre or the wind o● the swift ayre or a circle of starres or exceding much water or the sunne and the moone they thought to be goddes rulers of the world † With whose beautie if being delighted they thought them goddes let them know how much the Lord of them is more beautiful then they For the author of beautie made al those thinges † Or if they merueled at their vertue operations let them vnderstand by them that he which made these is stronger then they † for by the greatnes of the beautie and of the creature the creator of them may be sene to be knowen therby † But not withstanding there is yet in these lesse complainte For they also perhaps erre seeking God and desirous to finde him † For whereas they conuerse in his workes they enquire they are perswaded that the thinges be good which are seene † But againe neither ought these to be pardoned † For if they could know so much that they were able to estimate the world how did they not more easely find the Lord therof † But they are vnhappie their hope is among the dead who haue called the workes of mens handes godds gold siluer the inuention of art and the similitudes of beastes or an vnprofitable stone the worke of an old hand † Or if an artificer a carpenter cut streight timber out of the wood pare of al the barke therof cunningly and vsing his art diligently frameth a vessel profitable for the common vse of this life † and vseth the chippes of that worke to dresse his meate † and maketh that which is left therof which is for no vses but being a crooked peece of wood and ful of knobes carueth it diligently in the holownes therof and by the skil of his art fashioneth it and maketh it like to the image of a man † or compareth it to some beast straking it ouer with redde and with paynting making the colour therof ruddie and layeth a colour ouer euerie spot that is in it † and maketh a worthie habitation for it and setting it in a wal and fastening it with yron † lest perhaps it fal prouiding for it knowing that it can not helpe it selfe for it is an image and it nedeth helpe † And concerning his substance his children for mariage making a vow he seeketh to it He is not ashamed to speake with him that is without soule † and for health certes he besecheth the weake and for life asketh the dead and for helpe inuocateth him that is vnprofitable † and for a iourney asketh him that can not walke and for getting and for working and for the euent of al thinges he asketh him that in al is vnprofitable ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XIII 1. They could not vnderstand him that is Philosophers discussing the nature of manie creatures saw that euerie creature proceded of some other thing so there must nedes be one beginning of al absolute of itselfe neither proceding nor depending of an other nor a limited substance As the thing that is a man is not a beast an oxe is not a horse c. and telling what anie thing is we exclude therby that it is not other thinges but saying without addition HE WHICH IS we shew the beginning of al in no sorte limited and this is God VVhom some Philosophers by such discourse found knew in general sometimes confessed but did not honour him as God and therefore were inexcusable as S. Paule concludeth against them Rom. 1. CHAP. XIIII Foolish men intending to saile honour woodden idols in regard of the profite they receiue by shippes 6. by which some were saued in the general diluge 8. Idols and idolmakers are cursed 12. They were not from the beginning 15. but were deuised for memorie of the dead and worshipped with diuine honour 22. So men forgetting God proceeded in idolatrie with other abominable and cruel enormities AGAYNE an other thinking to sayle and begynning to make a iorney through the fierce waues inuocateth wood more fraile then the wood that carieth him † For couetousnes of getting inuented it and the craftesman by his wisdom framed it † But thy prouidence ô Father doth gouerne because thou hast geuen a way euen in the sea and among the waues a most sure path † shewing that thou art able to saue out of al thinges yea if a man goe to the sea without art † But that thy workes might not be voyde of wisdom for this cause also men commit their liues euen to a little wood and passing ouer the sea are deliuered by shippe † But from the begynning also when the prowde giants perished the hope of the world fleing to a shippe rendered to the world feede of natiuitie which was gouerned by thy hand † For blessed is the wood by the which iustice is made † But the idol that is made by handes cursed is both it and he that made it because he in deede wrought it and the same being fraile was called god † But to God the impious and his impietie are odious
and his hope vaine earth and his life viler then clay † because he was ignorant who made him and who inspired into him the soule which worketh and who breathed into him the vital spirite † Yea and they estemed our life to be a pastime and the conuersation of life made for a gayne that we must get euerie way euen of euil † For he knoweth that he offendeth aboue al men which of the matter of earth fashioneth frayle vessels and sculptils † For al the vnwise and vnhappie aboue measure of the soule proude are the enemies of thy people and rule ouer them † because they haue estemed al the idols of the nations for goddes which neither haue vse of eies to see nor nosthrels to take breath nor eares to heare nor fingers of the hands to handle yea and their feete are slow to walke † For a man made them and he that borowed breath the same fashioned them For no man can make God like to himself † For wheras himself is mortal he maketh a dead thing with his wicked handes For he is better then they whom he worshippeth because he in deede liued though he were mortal but they neuer † But they worship also most miserable beasts for the senslesse thinges compared to these are worse then they † Yea neither by sight can any man see good of these beasts But they haue fled from the prayse of God and from his blessing CHAP. XVI God plaguing the Aegyptians for idolatrie and crueltie deliuered the Israelites 5. Chasticed them also but againe shewed them mercie 20. and fedde them with Manna FOR these thinges and by the like to these they haue worthely suffered torments and were destroyed by a multitude of beasts † For the which torments thou didst wel dispose of thy people to whom thou gauest the desire of their delectation a new taste preparing them the quaile for meate † that they in deede coueting meate because of those thinges which were shewed and sent them might be turned away euen from necessarie concupiscence But they in short time being made needie tasted a new meate † For it behoued that without excuse destruction should come vpon them exercising tyrannie but to these onlie to shew how their enemies were destroyed † For when the cruel wrath of beastes came vpon them they were destroyed with the bytings of peruerse serpents † Howbeit thy wrath endured not for euer but for chastisement they were trubled a short time hauing a signe of saluation for the remembrance of the commandment of thy law † For he that turned to it was not healed by that which he saw but by thee the sauiour of al † and in this thou didst shew to our enemies that thou art he which deliuerest from al euil † For the bitings of locusts and flies killed them and there was found no remedie for their life because they were worthie to be destroyed by such thinges † But neither the teeth of venemous dragons ouercame thy children for thy mercie coming healed them † For in memorie of thy wordes they were examined were quickly saued lest falling into deepe obliuion they might no● vse thy helpe † For neither herbe not pla●ster healed them but thy word ô Lord which healeth al thinges † For i● is thou ô Lord that hast powre of life and death and bringest downe to the gates of death and fetchest agayne † but man certes killeth by malice and when the spirit is gone forth it shal not returne neither shal he cal backe the soule that is receiued † but it is vnpossible to escape thy hand † For the impious denying to knowe thee haue bene scourged by the strength of thine arme suffering persecution by strange waters and haile and rayne and consumed by fyre † For that which was meruelous in water which extinquisheth al thinges fyre more preuayled for the world is reuenger of the iust † For a certayne time the fyre was mitigated that the beasts which were sent to the impious might not be burnt but that they seing might know that by Gods iudgement they suffer punishment † And at a certaine time the fyre aboue his powre burnt in water on euerie side that it might destroy the nation of a wicked land † For the which thinges thou didst nourish thy people with the meate of Angels and bread prepared thou gauest them from heauen without labour hauing in it al delectation and the sweetnes of al taste † For thy substance did shew thy sweetnes which thou hast toward thy children and seruing euerie mans wil it was turned to that that euerie man would † Yea snow and yee susteyned the force of fyre and melted not that they might know that fyre burning in hayle and lightening in rayne destroyed the fruites of the enemies † And this againe that the iust might be nourished it forgat also his owne strength † For the creature seruing thee the Creatour is fierce into torment against the vniust and is made more gentle to doe good for them that trust in thee † For this cause euen then being transformed into al thinges they serued thy grace the nource of al at their wil that desired thee † that thy children might know whom thou louedst ô Lord that not the fruites of natiuitie doe feede men but thy word preserueth them that beleue in thee † For that which could not be destroyed by fyre forthwith being heated with a litle beame of the sunne did melt † that it might be knowen to al men that we ought to preuent the sunne to blesse thee and at the rysing of light to adore thee † For the fayth of the vngratful shal melt as winter yee shal perish as vnprofitable water CHAP. XVII Horrible darkenes falling in Aegypt 19. the rest of the world had ordinarie light FOR thy iudgements ô Lord are great thy wordes inexphcable for this cause the soules lacking discipline haue erred † For whiles the wicked are perswaded that they can rule ouer the holie nation fettered with the bands of darknes and long night shut vp vnder roofes they haue lyen fugitiues from the euerlasting prouidence † And whiles they thincke that they lie hid in obscure sinnes they were dispersed by the darke couert of obliuion being horribly afrayd and disturbed with exceding admiration † For neither did the denne that conteyned them keepe them without feare because the sound coming downe trubled them and sorowful visions appearing to them put them in feare † And no force certes of the fyre could geue them light neither could the clere flames of the starres lighten that horrible night † But there appeared to them soden fyre ful of feare and being stroken with the feare of that face which was not sene they estemed the thinges that were sene to be worse † and there were added derisions of the magical art and contumelious rebuke of the glorie of
intreating they had cast forth them they pursued as fugitiues † for worthie necessitie brought them to this end and they lost the remembrance of those thinges which had chanced that punishment might fulfil the thinges that wanted to the torments † and that thy people certes might passe through meruelously but they might finde a new death † For euerie creature according to his kind was fashioned agayne from the begyning seruing thy precepts that thy children might be kept without hurt † For a clowde ouer shadowed their campe and out of the water which was before there appeared drie land and in the redsea a way without impediment and of the great depth a springing filde † through the which al the nation passed which was protected with thy hand seing thy meruelous thinges and wonders † For euen as horses they fed on meate and as lambes they reioyced magnifying thee ô Lord which didst deliuer them † For they were mindful of those thinges which had bene done in their seiourning how for the nation of beasts the earth brought forth flies and for fishes the riuer yelded a multitude of frogges † And last of al they saw a new creature of birdes when allured by concupiscence they desired meates of deliciousnes † For in comfort of their desire there came vp to them the quaile from the sea and vexations came vpon the sinners not without those arguments which were made before by the force of lightninges for they suffered iustly occording to their wickednes † For they instituted a more detestable in hospitalitie some certes receiued not the vnknowen strangers and other some brought the good strangers into seruitude † And not onlie these thinges but in deede there was an other respect also of them for they against their wil receiued the strangers † But they that receiued them with gladnes did afflict them with most cruel sorowes that vsed the same rightes † but they were striken with blindnes as they in the dores of the iust when they were couered with sodaine darkenes euerie man sought the passage of his doore † For whiles the elements are turned in themselues as in an instrument the sound of the qualitie is changed and al keepe their sound wherfore it may be certainly iudged by the very sight † For the thinges of the fild were turned into thinges of the water and what soeuer were swimming thinges passed into the land † The fyre had force in water aboue his powre and the water forgot her quenching nature † On the contrarie the flames vexed not the flesh of corruptible beasts walking therewith neither did they melt that good meate which was easely dissolued euen as yce For in al thinges thou didst magnifie thy people ô Lord and didst honour them and didst not despise them at al time and in euerie place assisting them THE ARGVMENT OF ECCLESIASTICVS IN what sense this Booke is sometimes called Salomons we haue shewed in the argument before the Booke of wisdom As likewise that it is Canonical Scripture Wherto we might adde more testimonies of ancient Fathers as S. Clement of Alexandria li. 1. c. 8. Pedagogi Origen ho. 8. in Numer ho. 1. in Ezech. S. Cyprian de opere eleemos S. Athanasius in Synopsi li. de virginitate S. Basil in regul disput resp 104. S. Gregorie Nazianzen Orat. 2. aduers Iulian. S. Epiphanius haer 76. in Ancorato S. Hilarie in Psal 144. S. Ambrose de bono mortis c. 8. Ser. 22. in Psal 118. S. Chrysostom ho. 33. ad populum Antioch S. Augustin li. 2. ca. 8. Doct. Christ li. 17. c. 20. de Ciuit. S. Gregorie the great in Psal 50. and manie others expresly cite this booke as holie Scripture But chiefly we re●ie vpon the auctoritie of the Church defining that it is Canonical It was written by Iesus the sonne of Sirach in Hebrew about the time of Simon Iustus otherwise called Priscus and translated into Greke by the auctors Nephew as the same Translator testifieth in his Prologue but expresseth not his owne name It is called Ecclesiasticus which signifieth a Collector or Gatherer as a common title of euerie ordinarie preacher instructing and exhorting the multitude gathered to a sermon with difference from Ecclesiastes Which signifieth The Preacher as a greater title of the chief or principal Preacher of anie Church Citie or Prouince and agreeth most eminently to Christ our Sauiour Who preached and sendeth preachers to the whole world And for the excellent contents it may also rightly be called Panaretos that is a Receptacle or storehouse of al vertues for the instruction of al in general to cooperate with Gods grace in this life and so enherite eternal glorie In fourtie and three whole chapters are mixtly the commendations and precepts of al sortes of vertues sometimes in particular but more often vnder the general names of wisdom and Iustice In the other eight chapters are recited manie excellent examples of most renowmed holie men with praises and thankes to God THE PROLOGVE VPON ECCLESIASTICVS OF IESVS THE SONNE OF SIRACH THE knowlege of manie and great thinges hath bene shewed vs by the Law and the Prophetes and others that folowed them in which we ought to prayse Israel for doctrine wisdom because not onlie they in speaking must nedes be cunning but strangers also both lerning writing may become most lerned My grandfather Iesus after he gaue himselfe more amply to the diligence of reading the Law and the Prophetes and other Bookes that were deliuered vs from our fathers himself also would write some of those thinges which perteyne to doctrine and wisdom that such as are desirous to lerne and to be made counning in the same thinges may more and more be attent in minde and be confirmed to the life that is according to the law I exhort you therfore to come with beneuolence and to read with attent studie and to pardon vs for those thinges wherein we seming to folow the image of wisdom may fayle in the composition of wordes for the Hebrew wordes also fayle when they shal be translated to an other tongue And not onlie these but the Law also itself and the Prophetes and the rest of other bookes haue no smal difference when they are spoken within themselues For in the eight and thirteth yeare in the time of Prolomee Euergetes the king after I came into Aegypt and when I had bene there much time I found there bookes leaft of no smal nor contemptible doctrine Therfore myself also thought it good and necessarie to adde some diligence and labour to interprete this booke and with much watching I brought forth this doctrin in space of time that men may lerne those thinges which teach them that wil applie their minde how they ought to order their maners them that purpose to lead their life according to the Law of our Lord. ECCLESIASTICVS CHAP. I. Wisdom procedeth from God
Honour of parents procureth Gods blessing 11. dishonoring them his curse 19. Mekenes and modestie auaile much but curiositie to know secret mysteries is dangerous 27. A charitable sincere and docile hart 33. with workes of mercie merite reward THE children of wisdom are the Church of the iust and their nation obedience and loue † Heare your fathers iudgement ò children and so doe that you may be saued † For God hath honoured the father in the children and inquiring of the mothers iudgement hath confirmed it vpon the children † He that loueth God praying shal obteyne for sinnes and shal refrayne himself from them and shal be heard in the prayer of dayes † And as he that gathereth treasure so he also that honoureth his mother † He that honoureth his father shal haue ioy in children and in the day of his prayer he shal be heard † He that honoureth his father shal liue the longer life he that obeyeth the father shal refresh the mother † He that feareth our Lord honoureth his parents and as his lordes he wil serue them that begat him † In worke and word al patience honour thy father † that blessing may come vpon thee from him his blessing may remayne in the later end † The fathers blessing establisheth the houses of the children but the mothers curse rooteth vp the foundation † Glorie not in the contumelie of thy father for his confusion is no glorie to thee † For the glorie of a man is by the honour of his father and the father without honour is the dishonour of the sonne † Sonne receiue the old age of thy father and make him not sorowful in his life † and if he fayle in vnderstanding pardon him and despise him not in thy strength for the almes to the father shal not be in obliuion † For good shal be restored thee for the sinne of thy mother † and in iustice it shal be builded to thee and in the day of tribulation there shal be remembrance of thee and as yee in the clere weather shal thy sinnes melt away † Of what an euil fame is he that forsaketh his father and he is cursed of God that doth exasperate his mother † Sonne doe thy workes in meekenes and thou shalt be beloued aboue the glorie of men † The greater thou art humble thy self in al thinges and thou shalt finde grace before God † because the might of God onlie is great and he is honoured of the humble † Seeke not thinges higher then thy self and search not thinges stronger then thy habilitie but the thinges that God hath commanded thee thincke on them alwayes and in manie of his workes be not curious † For it is not necessarie for thee to see with thyne eies those thinges that are hid † In superfluous thinges search not manie wayes and in manie of his workes thou shalt not be curious † For verie manie thinges are shewed to thee aboue the vnderstanding of men † Manie also haue their suspicion supplanted and haue held their senses in vanitie † A hard hart shal fare il in the later end and he that loueth danger shal perish in it † A hart that goeth two wayes shal not haue successe and the peruerse of hart shal be scandalized in them † A wicked hart shal be laden with sorowes and the sinner wil adde to commit sinne † To the synagogue of the proude there shal be no health for the shrubbe of sinne shal be rooted vp in them and it shal not be perceiued † The hart of the wise is vnderstood in wisdom and a good eare wil heare wisdom with al desire † A wise hart and that which hath vnderstanding wil absteyne it self from sinnes and in the workes of iustice shal haue successe † Water quencheth burning fyre and almes resisteth sinnes † and God is the beholder of him that rendreth grace he remembreth him afterward and in the time of his fal he shal finde a sure stay CHAP. IIII. An exhortation to practise workes of mercie 12. With commendation of wisdom 23. obseruing due times not to omite for anie feare or sham fastnes to say the truth 34. also to be diligent meke and liberal SONNE defraude not the almes of the poore and turne not away thyne eies from the poore † Despise not the hungrie soule and exasperate not the poore in his pouertie † Afflict not the hart of the needie and deferre not the gift to him that is in distresse † Reiect not the petition of him that is afflicted and turne not away thy face from the needie † From the poore turne not away thine eies for anger and leaue not to them that aske of thee to curse thee behinde thy backe † For the prayer of him that curseth thee in the bitternes of his soule shal be heard and he that made him wil heare him † Make thyself affable to the congregation of the poore and to the ancient humble thy soule and to a great man bow thy head † Bow downe thyne eare to the poore without sadnesse and render thy debt and answer him peaceable wordes in mildenes † Deliuer him that suffereth iniurie out of the hand of the proud and be not faynt harted in thy soule † In iudging be merciful to pupils as a father as an husband to their mother † and thou shalt be as the obedient sonne of the Highest and he wil haue mercie on thee more then a mother † Wisdom inspireth life to her children and receaueth them that seeke after her and wil goe before them in the way of iustice † And he that loueth her loueth life and they that shal watch to her shal embrace her sweetnes † They that shal hold her shal inherite life and whither soeuer he shal enter God wil blesse him † They that serue her shal be seruants to the holie and them that loue her God loueth † He that heareth her shal iudge nations and he that beholdeth her shal remayne confident † If he beleue her he shal inherite her and her creatures shal be in confirmation † because in tentation she walketh with him and first of al she chooseth him † Feare and dread and probation she wil bring vpon him and she wil torment him in the tribulation of her doctrine til she trie him in her cogitations and credite his soule † And she wil establish him and make a direct way vnto him and reioyce him † and wil disclose her secretes to him and wil heape vpon him as treasures knowlege and vnderstanding of iustice † But if he goe amis she wil forsake him and deliuer him into the handes of his enimie † Sonne obserue time and avoyd from euil For thy soule be not ashamed to say the truth † For there is shame that bringeth sinne there is shame that bringeth glorie and grace † Accept no face against thine owne face nor against
worketh it shal be honoured therin † Blessed is the man that shal continew in wisdom and that shal meditate in his iustice and in vnderstanding shal consider the prouidence of God † He that considereth her wayes in his hart and hath vnderstanding in her secrets going after her as a searcher and consisting in her wayes † He that looketh through her windowes and heareth in her gates † He that resteth by her house in her walles fastening a stake wil set vp his corage beside her handes and good thinges shal rest in his cottage for euer † He shal set his children vnder her couering and shal abide vnder her boughes † he shal be protected vnder her couering from the heate and shal rest in her glorie CHAP. XV. The fruictes of fearing God 7. Which fooles and liers reape not but the wise only 11. God is no way auctor of sinne 14. but sinners themselues are the auctors abusing their freewil HE that feareth God shal doe good thinges and he that hath iustice shal apprehend her † and she wil meete him as an honourable mother and as a wife from virginitie she wil receiue him † She shal fede him with the bread of life and vnderstanding and geue him the water of wholsome wisdom to drinke and she shal be made sure in him and he shal not be bowed † and she shal hold him fast and he shal not be confounded and she shal exalt him before his neighbours † and in the middest of the Church she shal open his mouth and shal fil him with the spirite of wisdom and vnderstanding and shal clothe him with a stole of glorie † Ioy exultation she shal heape vpon him shal make him inherite an euerlasting name † Foolish men shal not apprehend her wise men shal meete her foolish men shal not see her for she is far from pride and deceite † Lying men shal not be myndful of her and true men shal be found in her and shal haue successe euen to the beholding of God † Prayse is not comelie in the mouth of a sinner † Because wisdom proceded from God For prayse shal be with the wisdom of God shal abound in a faithful mouth the dominator wil giue praise to yt † Say not It is by God that she is absent for doe not thou the thinges that he hateth † Say not He hath made me erre for impious men are not necessarie for him † Our Lord hateth al abomination of errour and it shal not be amiable to them that feare him † God from the beginning made man and left him in the hand of his owne counsel † He added his commandmentes and precepts † If thou wilt keepe the commandment and keepe acceptable fidelitie for euer they shal preserue thee † He hath set before thee water and fire to which thou wilt stretch forth thine hande † Before man there is life and death good and euil what pleaseth him shal be geuen him † Because the wisdom of God is much and he is strong in mighte seing al men without intermission † The eies of our Lord are towards them that feare him and he knoweth al the worke of man † He hath commanded no man to do impiously and he hath geuen no man space to sinne † for he desireth not a multitude of faithlesse and vnprofitable children CHAP. XVI A few good children yea none at al are better then manie wicked 9. Gods wrath falleth vpon the euil and his mercie on the good 14. workes of mercie merite great reward 15. Nothing is hid from God 20. but manie thinges from men REIOICE not in impious children if they be multiplied neither be delighted vpon them if the feare of God be not in them † Credite not their life and respect not their labours † For better is one fearing God then a thousand impious children † And it is more profitable to die without children rather then to leaue impious children † By one wise a countrie shal be inhabited and the tribe of the impious shal be made desolate † Manie such thinges hath mine eie sene and myne eare hath heard thinges of more force then these † In the synagogue of sinners a fire shal flame and in an incredulous nation wrath shal waxe hotte † The old giantes did not obteine for their sinnes who were destroied trusting to their owne strength † and he spared not the peregrination of Lot and he detested them for the pride of their word † He had not pitie on them destroying the whole nation and extolling themselues in their sinnes † And as the six hundred thousand foote men which were gathered together in the hardnes of their hart and if one had bene stiffe necked it is meruel if he had bene vnpunished † For there is mercie and wrath with him Mightie exoration powring out wrath † according to his mercie so his chastisement iudgeth a man according to his workes † The sinner shal not escape in robberie and the sufferance of him that doth mercie shal not slacke † Al mercie shal make a place to euerie man according to the merite of his workes according to the vnderstanding of his peregrination † Say not I shal be hid from God and from on high who shal remember me † In a great people I shal not be knowen for what is my soule among so innumerable creatures † Behold heauen and the heauens of heauens the depth and al the earth the thinges that are in them in his sight shal be moued † the mountaines together and the litle hilles the fundations of the earth when God shal behold them they shal be shaken with trembling † And in al these thinges the hart is senseles and euerie hart is vnderstood of him † and his wayes who doth vnderstand and the storme which neither the eie of man shal see † For manie of his workes are in secretes but the workes of his iustice who shal declare or who shal susteine For the testament is far from some and the examination of al is in consummation † He that is lesse of hart thinketh vaine thinges and the vnwise and erring man thinketh folish thinges † Heare me my sonne and lerne the discipline of vnderstanding and attend to my wordes in thy hart † and I wil speake discipline in equitie and wil search to declare wisedom and to my wordes attend in thy hart and I speake in equitie of spirit the vertues that God hath put vpon his workes from the beginning and in truth I shew forth his knowlege † In the iudgement of God are his workes from the beginning and from the institution of them he distinguished their partes and their beginninges in their nations † He adorned their workes for euer neither haue they hungred nor laboured and they haue not ceased from their workes † Euerie one shal not vexe his neighbour for euer † Be not
they shal not inhabite nor walke therein and they shal not leape high into the congregation † Vpon the iudges seate they shal not sitte and the ordinance of iudgement they shal not vnderstand neither shal they declare discipline and iudgement and in parables they shal not be found † but they shal confirme the creature of the world and their prayer shal be in the worke of their art applying their soule searching in the law of the Highest CHAP. XXXIX Goldie knowlege 16. puritie of soule 20. humble conceipt of our selues 27. and consideration of eternal reward are good dispositions to spiritual contemplation THE wise man wil search out the wisdom of al the ancientes and wil be occupied in the prophetes † He wil keepe the narration of famous men and wil enter withal into the subtilities of parables † He wil search out the hidden senses of prouerbes and wil conuerse in the secretes of parables † In the middes of great men he wil minister and in the sight of the president he shal appeare † He shal passe into the land of strange nations for he shal trie good and euil in men † He wil geue his hart to watch early vnto our Lord that made him and he wil pray in the sight of the Highest † He Wil open his mouth in prayer and wil entreate for his sinnes † For if it shal please our great Lord he wil fil him with the spirit of vnderstanding † and he wil power forth the wordes of his wisdom as showres and in prayer wil confesse to our Lord. † And he wil direct his counsel and discipline and in his secretes he wil consult † He wil open the discipline of his doctrine and wil glorie in the law of the testament of our Lord. † Manie wil praise his wisdom and it shal not be abolished for euer † The memorie of him shal not depart and his name shal be required from generation to generation † Nations shal declare his wisdom and the church wil shew forth his praise † If he continew he shal leaue a name more then a thousand and if he rest it shal profite him † I wil yet consult that I may declare For as with furie I am replenished † In voice he saith Heare me ye diuine fruites and as the rose planted vpon the riuers of waters fructifie ye † As Libanus haue ye the odours of sweetnes † Florish ye flowres as the lilie and geue forth an odour and bring forth leaues in grace and praise with songue and blesse our Lord in his workes † Geue magnificence to his name and confesse vnto him in the voice of your lippes and in songues of the lippes and harpes thus shal ye say in confession † Al the workes of our Lord are exceeding good † At this word the water stood as an heape and at the word of his mouth as it were receptacles of waters † because in his commandment placabilitie is made and there is no diminishing of his saluation † The workes of al flesh are before him and there is nothing hid from his eyes † From world to world he beholdeth and nothing is meruelous in his sight † It is not to be saied What is this or what is that for al thinges shal be sought in their time † His blessing hath ouerflowed as a streame † And as a flood hath watered the drie land so his wrath shal inherite the nations that haue not sought him † euen as he turned waters into drught and the earth was made drie and his waies are direct to the waies of them so to sinners stumbling blockes in his wrath † Good thinges were created for the good from the beginning so for the wicked good thinges and euil † The beginning of the thing necessarie for the life of men water fire and yron salt milke and bread of flower and honie and the cluster of grape and oyle clothing † Al these shal be conuerted to saintes into good so also to the impious and to sinners into euil † There are spirites that were created for vengeance and in their furie they haue confirmed their tormentes † in the time of consummation they shal power our strength and they shal accomplish the furie of him that made them † Fire haile famine and death al these were created for vengeance † the teeth of beastes and scorpions and serpentes and sword reuenging the impious vnto destruction † In his commandmentes they shal make merrie and on the earth they shal be prepared when nede is and in their times they shal not pretermitte a word † Therefore from the beginning I was confirmed and I haue consulted and thought and leaft written † Al the workes of our Lord are good he wil geue euerie worke in his houre † It is not to be said This is worse then that for al shal be approued in their time † And now with al hart and mouth praise ye and blesse the name of our Lord. CHAP. XL. The first matter of spiritual meditation may be mans miserie contracted by original sinne 4. and increased by actual 17. reliued by God grace 22. which geueth manie benefites 27. man adding his voluntarie cooperation GREAT trauel is created to al men and an heauie yoke vpon the children of Adam from the day of their coming forth of their mothers wombe vntil the day of their burying into the mother of al. † Their cogitations and feares of the hart imagination of thinges to come and the day of their ending † from him that sitteth vpon the glorious seate vnto him that is humbled in earth ashes † From him that weareth hyacinth and beareth the crowne euen to him that is couered with rude linen furie enuie tumult wauering and the feare of death anger perseuering and contention † and in the time of repose in bed the sleepe of night changeth his knowlege † A litle is as nothing in rest and afterward in sleepe as in the day of watch● † He is trubled in the vision of his hart as he that hath escaped in the day of battel In the time of his safetie he rose vp and merueleth at noe feare † With al flesh from man euen to beast and vpon sinners seuenfold † Beside these thinges death bloud contention and sword oppressions famine and contrition and scourges † for the wicked al these were created and for them the floud was made † Al thinges that are of the earth shal turne into the earth and al waters shal returne into the sea † Al bribing and iniquitie shal be cleane taken away and fidelitie shal stand for euer † The riches of the vniust shal be dried vp as a riuer and they shal sound as great thunder in rayne † In opening his handes he shal reioyce so transgressors shal pine away in consumption † The nephewes of the impious shal not multiplie boughes nor vncleane
out of garments cometh forth the moth and from a woman the iniquitie of a man † For better is the iniquitie of a man then a woman doing a good turne and a woman shaming vnto reproche † I therefore wil be mindeful of the workes of our Lord and I wil shew forth which I haue seene By the words of our Lord are his workes † The sunne illuminating hath looked through out al and ful of the glorie of our Lord is his worke † Hath not our Lord made the sainctes to declare al his meruelous thinges which our Lord the omnipotent confirmed to be established in his glorie † He hath searched out the depth and the hart of men and in their subtilitie he hath considered † For our Lord hath knowen al knowlege and hath beheld the signe of age declaring what thinges are past and what are to come reueling the tokens of secret thinges † No cogitation escapeth him and no word hideth it self from him † The glorious workes of his wisdom he hath beautified who is before the world and world without end neither is there added † nor diminised and he needeth not anie mans counsel † How are al his workes to be desired and which is as it were a sparke to consider † Al these liue and remaine for euer and in al necessitie al thinges obey him † Al thinges duble one against one and he hath made nothing to want † He hath confirmed the good thinges of euerie one And who shal be filled seeing his glorie CHAP. XLIII Gods incomparable excellencie appeareth in the heauens 2. in the sunne 6. moone 9. other starres 12. rainebow 14. snow 15. cloudes 16. hayle 17. winde 18. thunder 21. frost 22. christal 24. dew 26. the sea and innumerable thinges therin 29. No man is able to praise God sufficiently THE firmament of height is his beautie the beautie of heauen is in the vision of glorie † The sunne in sight declaring at his coming forth a meruelous instrument the worke of the Highest † At noone it burneth the earth and who can abide in the presence of the heate thereof kepeing a fornace in the workes of heate † the sunne three times so much burning the mountaines casting out fyrie beames and shining with his beames blindeth the eyes † Great is our Lord that made it and by his wordes it hath hastened his course † And the moone in al in her time is the shewing of season and the signe of age † By the moone is the signe of a festiual day a light that diminisheth in consummation † The moneth is according to her name increasing meruelously in consummation † An instrument of the campe on high shining gloriously in the firmament of heauen † The glorie of the starres is the beautie of heauen our Lord illuminating the world on high † In the words of the holie one they shal stand to iudgement and shal not faile in their watches † See the bow and blesse him that made it it is very beautiful in his brightnes † It hath compassed heauen in the circuite of his glorie the handes of the Highest haue opened it † But by his commandement he hath hastened snow he hasteth to send forth the lightninges of his iudgement † Therefore are the treasures opened and the cloudes flie forth as birdes † By his greatnes he hath set the cloudes and the hailestones are broken † In his sight the mountaines shal be moued and at his wil the south winde hath blowen † The noyse of his thunder shal beate the earth the tempest of the northwind and the gathering together of wind † and as the bird lighting downe to sitte he scatereth snow and the falling thereof is as the locust dyuing downeward † The eye shal admire the beautie of the whitenes thereof and the hart quaketh at the shower thereof † He shal power out frost vpon the earth as salt and when it freeseth it shal be made as the toppes of a thistle † The cold north winde blewe of water there frose chrystal vpon al gathering together of waters it shal rest as a brest plate it shal put it self vpon the waters † And it shal deuoure the mountaines burne the desert extinguish that which is grene as fire † The remedie of al is in the hastie coming of a cloude and a dew meeting it by the heate that cometh shal make it quaile † At his word the wind was stil and with his thought he appeased the depth and our Lord planted Ilandes therein † They that saile on the sea tel the perils ther of hearing with our eares we shal meruel † There are goodly workes meruelous diuers kindes of beastes of al cattel the creature of mightie beastes † Through him is the end of their iourney confirmed and by his word al thinges are set in order † We shal say manie thinges shal faile in wordes but the summe of our wordes is he is in al. † Glorifying him how far shal we be able for the omnipotent himself is aboue al his workes † Our Lord is terrible exceeding great his might is meruelous † Glorifying our Lord as much as euer you can he shal yet surpasse and his magnificence is meruelous † Blessing our Lord exalt him as much as you can for he is greater then al praise † Exalting him be ye replenished with strength Labour not for you shal not comprehend † Who shal see him and shal declare him and who shal magnifie him as he is from the beginning † Manie thinges hid are greater then these for we haue seene few of his workes † But our Lord made al thinges and to them that liue piously he hath geuen wisdom CHAP. XLIIII Praises of holie fathers in general 16. and in particular of Enoch 17. Noe 20. Ahraham 24. Isaac and Iacob LET vs praise glorious men and our fathers in their generation † Much glorie hath our Lord made by his magnificence from the beginning of the world † Ruling in their dominions men great for force and endued with their wisdom declaring in the prophetes the dignitie of prophetes † and ruling in the people that was present and by the vertue of wisdom most holie wordes to the peoples † In their kil seeking out musical melodies vttering songnes of scriptures † Rich men in force studying beautifulnes liuing at peace in their houses † Al these in the generations of their nation haue obteyned glorie and in their daies are praised † They that were borne of them haue leaft a name to tel their praises † and there are some of whom there is no memorie they are perished as they that neuer were are borne as not borne at al their children with them † But they are men of mercie whose godlie deedes haue not failed † good thinges continew with their seede † their nephewes are an holie inheritance and their seede hath stoode in the
the cloudes of glorie and as a flower of roses in the daies of the spring and as the lilies that are in the passage of water and as frankensence smelling in summer daies † As fire glistering and frankensence burning in the fire † As a massie vessel of gold adorned with euerie precious stone † As an oliue tree budding and a cypresse tree aduancing it self on high when he tooke the robe of glorie and was reuested to the consummation of strength † In going vp to the holie altar he made the vesture of holines glorie † And in receiuing the portions out of the hand of the priestes himself also standing by the altar About him was the ring of his bretheren and as the ceder plant in mount Libanus † so stoode they about him as boughes of the palme tree al the children of Aaron in their glorie † And the oblation of our Lord in their handes before al the synagogue of Israel and executing the consummation on the altar to amplifie the oblation of the high king † he stretched forth his hand in oblation of moist sacrifice and offered of the blood of the grape † He powred out on the fundation of the altar a diuine odour to the high prince † Then cried out the children of Aaron they sounded with beaten trumpets and made a great voice to be heard for a remembrance before God † Then al the people together made hast and fel on their face vpon the earth to adore our Lord their God and to make prayers to God omnipotent the Highest † And the singers amplified in their voices and in the great house the sound was encreased ful of sweetenes † And the people in prayer desired our Lord the Highest vntil the honour of our Lord was perfected and they finished their office † Then coming downe he lifted vp his handes ouer al the congregation of the children of Israel to geue glorie to God from his lippes and to glorie in his name † and he repeated his prayer willing to shew the power of God † And now pray ye the God of al who hath done great thinges in al the land who hath encreased our daies from our mothers wombe and hath done with vs according to his mercie † geue he vnto vs ioyfulnes of euerlasting † that Israel may beleue that the mercie of God is with vs to deliuer vs in his dayes † Two nations my soule hateth and the third is no nation which I hate † they that sitte in mount Seit and the Philisthijms and the foolish people that dwel in Sichem † Iesus the sonne of Sirach a man of Ierusalem wrote the doctrine of wisdom and discipline in this booke who renewed wisdom from his hart † Blessed is he that conuerseth in these good thinges and he that layeth them in his hart shal be wise always † For if he doe them he shal be able to doe al thinges because his steppes are in the light of God CHAP. LI. The auctor rendereth praises and thankes to God 18. and inuiteth others to do the same by his owne example 31. and by earnest exhortation THE prayer of Iesus the sonne of Sirach I wil confesse to thee ô Lord king and wil praise thee God my sauiour † I wil confesse to thy name because thou art become my helper and protectour † and hast deliuered my bodie from perdition from the snare of an vniust tongue and from the lippes of them that worke lying and in the sight of them that stoode vp thou art become my helper † And thou hast deliuered me according to the multitude of the mercie of thy name from them that did roare prepared to deuoure † out of the handes of them that seeke my soule and from the gates of tribulations which haue compassed me † from the oppression of the flame which hath compassed me and in the middes of fire I was not burnt † From the depth of the bellie of hel and from a defiled tongue and from the word of lying from a wicked king and from an vniust tongue † my soule shal praise our Lord euen to death † and my life was approching to hel beneth † They haue compassed me on euerie side there was none that would helpe I looked toward the helpe of men there was none † I remembred thy mercie ô Lord and thy operation which are from the beginning of the world † Because thou deliuerest them that patiently expect thee ô Lord and sauest them out of the handes of the nations † Thou hast exalted my habitation vpon the earth and I haue prayed for death to passe away † I haue inuocated our Lord the father of my Lord that he leaue me not in the day of my tribulation and in the time of the proude without helpe † I wil praise thy name continually and wil collaude it in confession and my prayer was heard † And thou hast deliuered me from perdition and hast rescued me from the wicked time † Therfore wil I confesse say praise to thee and blesse the name of our Lord. † When I was yet young before I erred I sought for wisdom openly in my prayer † Before the temple I prayed for it and vnto the later end I wil se●ke after it and it shal flourish as the grape timely ripe † my hart hath reioyced in it my foote hath walked the right way from my youth I searched after it † I bowed mine eare a litle and receiued it † I found much wisdom in myself I haue much profited therein † To him that geueth me wisdom wil I geue glorie † For I haue consulted to doe it I haue had a zele to good and shal not be confounded † My soule hath wrestled in it and in doing it I was confirmed † I stretched forth my handes on high I lamented foolishnes † I directed my soule to wisdom and in knowlege I found it † I possessed with it an hart from the beginning for this cause I shal not be forsaken † My bellie was trubled in seeking it therefore shal I possesse a good possession † Our Lord hath geuen me a tongue for my reward and with the same I wil praise him † Approch vnto me ye vnlerned and gather yourselues together into the house of discipline † Why slacke ye yet and what say you herein your soules are exceeding thirstie † I haue opened my mouth and haue spoken Bye it for you without siluer † and submit your necke to the yoke and let your soule receiue discipline for it is very neere to finde it † See with your eyes that I haue laboured a litle and haue found much rest to myself † Take ye discipline in a great summe of siluer and possesse abundance of gold in it † Let your soule reioyce in his mercie and you shal not be confounded in praise † Worke your worke before the time and he wil geue you your reward in
of the earth † But if you wil not and wil prouoke me to wrath the sword shal deuoure you because the mouth of our Lord hath spoken † How is the faythful citie ful of iudgement become an harlot iustice hath dwelled in it but now mankillers † Thy siluer is turned into drosse thy wine is mingled with water † Thy princes are vnfaithful companions of theues al loue giftes folow rewardes They iudge not for the pupil and the widowes cause goeth not in to them † For this cause sayth our Lord the God of hostes the mightie one of Israel Alas I wil comfort myselfe vpon mine aduersaries and wil be reuenged of mine enemies † And I wil turne mine hand to thee and I wil boyle out thy drosse til it be pure wil take away al thy tinne † And I wil restore thy iudges as they haue beene before and thy counselers as of old After these thinges thou shalt be called the iust a faithful citie † Sion shal be redemed in iudgement and they shal bring her backe in iustice † And he shal destroy the wicked and the sinners together and they that haue forsaken our Lord shal be consumed † For they shal be confounded for the idols to which they haue sacrificed and you shal be ashamed of the gardens which you chose † When you shal be as an oke the leaues falling of and as a garden without water † And your strength shal be as the isles of to we and your worke as a sparke and both shal be set on fire together and there shal be none to quench it CHAP. II. Al nations shal come to the Church of Christ which shal beginne in Ierusalem 6. And the Iewes shal be reiected for their idolatrie auarice and other sinnes 11. Proud men shal be humbled Gods glorie shal increase 18. Idolatrie shal be destroyed THE word that Isaie the sonne of Amos saw vpon Iuda and Ierusalem † And in the later dayes the montaine of the house of our Lord shal be prepared in the toppe of montaines and it shal be eleuated aboue the little hilles and al nations shal flowe vnto it † And manie peoples shal goe shal say come and let vs goe vp to the mount of our Lord and to the house of the God of Iacob and he wil teach vs his wayes and we shal walke in his pathes because the law shal come forth from Sion and the word of our Lord from Ierusalem † And he shal iudge the Gentiles and rebuke manie peoples and they shal turne their swordes into culters and their speares into siethes nation shal not lift vp sword against nation neither shal they be exercised any more to battel † House of Iacob come ye and let vs walke in the light of our Lord. † For thou hast reiected thy people the house of Iacob because they are filled as in times past and haue had southsayers as the Philisthijms and haue stucke fast to strange children † The land is replenished with siluer and gold and there is no end of their treasures † And their land is replenished with horses and their chariotes are innumerable And their land is ful of idoles they haue adored the worke of their handes which their fingers made † And man bowed himself and man was humbled therfore forgeue them not † Enter thou into the rocke and be hid in a pitte in the ground from the face of the feare of our Lord from the glorie of his maiestie † The loftie eies of man are humbled and the height of men shal be made to stoupe our Lord onlie shal be exalted in that day † Because the day of the Lord of hostes shal be vpon al the proude and loftie and vpon euerie one that is arrogant and he shal be humbled † And vpon al the ceders of Libanus high eleuated vpon al the okes of Basan † And vpon al the high mountaines and vpon al little hilles eleuated † And vpon euerie high towre and euerie fensed wal † And vpon al the shippes of Tharsis and vpon al that is fayre to behold † And the loftines of men shal be bowed and the height of men shal be humbled and our Lord onlie shal be exaited in that day † And idols shal vtterly be destroyed † And they shal enter into the caues of rockes and into the pittes of the earth from the face of the feare of our Lord and from the glorie of his maiestie when he shal rise vp to strike the earth † In that day shal a man castaway the idols of his siluer and the idols of his gold which he had made him to adore mowles and battes † And he shal goe into the clefts of rockes and into the caues of stones from the face of the feare of our Lord and from the glorie of his maiestie when he shal rise vp to strike the earth † Cease therfore from the man whose spirit is in his nosthrels because he is reputed high CHAP. III. The Iewes shal be depriued of wise men 4. and be subiect to childish and effeminate gouerners 8. for their greuous sinnes 16. The proud curious and lasciuious attyre of their wemen 24. shal be turned into ignominie and sorow FOR behold the dominatour the Lord of hostes shal take away from Ierusalem and from Iuda the valiant and the strong al strength of bread and al strength of water † The strong and the man of warre the iudge and the prophete and southsayer and the ancient † The prince ouer fiftie and the honorable of countenance and the counseler and the wise of workemasters and the skilful of mystical speach † And I wil geue children to be their princes and the effeminate shal rule ouer them † And the people shal rush violently man against man and euerie one against his neighbour the childe shal make tumult against the ancient and the base against the noble † For a man shal take hold of his brother one of the house of his father Thou hast a garment be thou our prince and let this ruine be vnder thy hand † He shal answer in that day saying I am no physicion in my house there is no bread nor garment do not appoint me prince of the people † For Ierusalem is gone to ruine and Iuda is fallen because their tongue their inuentions were against our Lord to prouoke the eyes of his maiestie † The knowlege of their face hath answered them and they haue proclaimed their sinne as Sodom neither haue they hid it woe to their soule because euils are rendered to them † Say to the iust that it is wel because he shal eate the fruite of his inuentions † Woe to the impious vnto euil for the reward of his handes shal be made to him † My people their exactours haue spoyled wemen haue ruled ouer them My people they that cal thee blessed the same deceiue thee and dissipate
wither and I wil turne riuers into ilands and wil drie vp the standing pooles † And I wil lead the blind into the way which they know not and in the pathes which they haue bene ignorant of I wil make them walke I wil make darkenes before them to be light and crooked thinges streight these words haue I done to them and haue not forsaken them † They are turned backward let them be confounded with confusion that trust in grauen thing that say to the framed thing ye are our goddes † Heare ye deafe and ye blind behold to see † Who is blind but my seruant and deafe but he to whom I haue sent my messengers Who is blind but he that is solde and who is blind but the seruant of the Lord † Thou that seest manie thinges wilt thou not keepe them thou that hast eares open wilt thou not heare † And the Lord hath bene willing to sanctifie him and to magnifie the law and extol it † But the same people is spoiled and wasted al are the snare of yongmen and they are hid in the houses of prisons they are made a praye neither is there to deliuer them a spoile neither is there that sayth Restore † Who is there among you that wil heare this attend and harken for thinges to come † Who hath geuen Iacob into spoyle and Israel to the wasters hath not our Lord himself to whom we haue sinned And they would not walke in his wayes they haue not heard his law † And he hath powred out vpon them the indignation of his furie a strong battel and hath burnt him round about and he knewe not and set him on fyre and he vnderstoode not CHAP. XLIII God comforteth his Church promising euer to protect the same 11. blameth the Iewes expostulating their ingratitude AND now thus sayth our Lord that created thee ô Iacob formed thee ô Israel Feare not because I haue redemed thee and called thee by thy name thou art mine † When thou shalt passe through the waters I wil be with thee and the floudes shal not couer thee when thou shalt walke in fyre thou shalt not be burnt and the flame shal not burne in thee † Because I am the Lord thy God the holie one of Israel thy sauiour I haue geuen Aegypt thy propitiation Aethiopia and Sale for thee † Since thou becamest honorable in mine eies and glorious I haue loued thee I wil geue men for thee and peoples for thy soule † Feare not because I am with thee from the East wil I bring thy seede and from the West I wil gather thee † I wil say to the North Geue and to the South Hinder not bring my sonnes from a farre and my daughters from the endes of the earth † And cuerie one that inuocateth my name for my glorie haue I created him formed him and made him † Bring forth the blind people and hauing eyes the deafe and he hath eares † Al the nations are assembled together and the tribes are gathered which of you can shew this and shal make vs heare the former thinges Let them geue their witnesses and be iustified and heare and say In verie deede † You are my witnesses sayth our Lord and my seruants whom I haue chosen that you may know and beleue me and vnderstand that I myself am Before me there hath no god bene formed after me there shal not be † I am I am the Lord and there is no sauiour beside me † I haue shewed and haue saued I haue made it heard and there hath bene no strange one among you You are my witnesses sayth our Lord and I God † And from the beginning I my self and there is not that can deliuer out of my hand I wil worke and who shal turne it away † Thus sayth the Lord your redemer the holie one of Israel For your sake haue I sent forth into Babylon and haue plucked downe al the barres and Chaldees glorying in their shippes † I the Lord your holie one that created Israel your king † Thus sayth our Lord that gaue a way in the sea and a path in the vehement waters † Which brought forth the chariote and the house the arme and the strong they slept together neither shal they rise agayne they are broken as flaxe and are extinct † Remember not former thinges and looke not on thinges of old † Behold I make new thinges and now they shal spring forth verely you shal know them I wil make a way in the desert and riuers in the place not haunted † The beast of the fielde shal glorifie me the dragons the ostreches because I haue geuen waters in the desert riuers in the place not haunted that I might geue drinke to my people to mine elect † This people haue I formed for myself they shal tel my prayse † Thou hast not inuocated me ô Iacob neither hast thou labored in men ô Israel † Thou hast not offered me the ramme of thyne holocaust and with thy victimes thou hast not glorified me I haue not made thee to serue in oblation nor put thee to payne in frankincense † Thou hast not bought me sweete cane for siluer and with the fatte of thy victimes thou hast not inebriated me But thou hast made me to serue with thy sinnes thou hast put me to payne with thine iniquities † I am I am he that take cleane away thine iniquities for mine owne sake and I wil not remember thy sinnes † Bring me into remembrance and let vs be iudged together tel if thou haue any thing that thou mayst be iustified † Thy first father sinned and thy interpreters haue transgressed against me † And I haue profaned the holie princes I haue geuen Iacob to destruction Israel to reproch CHAP. XLIIII Christ foundeth and establisheth his Church 6. Inueigheth against idolaters 26. and promiseth deliuerance from the captiuitie of Babylon AND now heare ô Iacob my seruant and Israel whom I haue chosen † Thus sayth the Lord that made and formed thee thy helper from the wombe feare not ô my seruant Iacob and thou most righteous whom I haue chosen † For I wil powre out waters vpon the thirstie ground and streames vpon the drie land I wil powre out my spirit vpon thy seede and my blessing vpon thy stocke † And they shal spring the herbes as willowes beside the waters running by † This man shal say I am our Lords and an other man shal cal in the name of Iacob and this wil write with his hand To the Lord and in the name of Israel he shal be resembled † Thus sayth our Lord the king of Israel and the redemer therof the Lord of hostes I am the first and I the last and beside me there is no God † Who is like to me let him cal and declare and let him expound me the order since I appoynted the
where is he that brought them out of the sea with the pastours of his flocke Where is he that put in the middes of him the spirit of his holie one † He that brought out Moyses to the right hand by the arme of his maiestie that diuided the waters before them that he might make to himself an euerlasting name † He that brought them out through the depthes as an horse in the desert that stumbled not † As the beast that goeth downe in the plaine filde the spirit of our Lord was their conductor so didst thou bring thy people that thou mightest make thee a name of glorie † Attend from heauen and looke from thy holie habitation of thy glorie where is thy zele and thy strength the multitude of thy bowels and of thy mercies they haue held backe them selues toward me † For thou art our father and “ Abraham hath not knowen vs and Israel hath bene ignorant of vs thou ô Lord art our father our redemer from the begynning is thy name † Why hast thou made vs erre ô Lord from thy waies hast thou hardned our hart that we feared not thee Returne for thy seruants the tribes of thine inheritance † As nothing haue they possessed thy holie people our enemies haue troden downe thy sanctification † We are become as in the begynning when thou didst not rule ouer vs neither was thy name inuocated vpon vs. ANNOTATIONS CHAP. LXIII 16. Abraham hath not knovvne vs. The faithful people considering their ovvne great frequent inueterate sinnes vvith the extreme calamities wherinto they vvere fallen for the same supposed that their progenitor Abraham vvhom God had particularly called out of his countrie Iacob of vvhose tvvelue sonnes the vvhole nation vvas propagated did no longer acknowlege them for their children because they had so greuously offended God vvere not vvorthie of anie fauour Al vvhich notwithstanding yet they hoped in Gods incomparable mercie that his diuine goodnes being Creator of al who had elected them for his peculiar people brought them out of Aegypt and often deliuered them from sundrie afflictions vvould againe reduce them from capti●itie and as their merciful father remitte their sinnes and releue their miseries though Abraham Iacob and other Patriarches had iustly reiected them as lost children This being the proper literal sense of this place according to S. Ieroms and other ancient Doctors explication it maketh nothing at al for the old and new heresie of Vigilantius Luther denying that Sainctes in an other life do knovv vvhat is donne in this vvorld For albeit the Patriarches in zele of iustice did not acknovvlege their carnal posteritie because of their great sinnes for their children yet they knevv their state as S. Augustin li. de cura pro mortuis interpreting this and other places of holie Scripture teacheth partly by relation of such as passed from hence to them partly by holie Angels and especially by diuine inspirations As it is clere that Abraham knevv the state of poore Lazarus of the rich glutton describing vvhat ech of them had deserued and consequently receiued Much more both the old Patriarches and al other Sainctes in eternal glorie knovv ●●h other though neuer sene nor knovvne before in this vvorld as S. Gregorie teacheth li 4 c. 33. Dialogi The glorified Sainctes see also in God that vvhich perteyneth to their clientes that pray vnto them in earth so farre as God doth ordaine more clerly by light of glorie then prophetes see by light of prophecie as S. Augustin teacheth But touching the maner he saith it exceeded the reach of his vnderstanding hovv Martyrs do helpe those vvho it is certaine are holpen by them So discoursing at large of the vncertaine maner shevveth that there is no doubt at al of the thing it selfe that Sainctes in heauen do knovv mortal mens necessities hea●e their prayers and helpe them by their intercession and merites vvhich he confirmeth also li. 20. c. 21. cont Faust Tract 8. in Ioan. Ser. 5. de Sanctis Likevvise S. Ierom against Vigilan●ius S. Gregorie li. 3. Epist ep ●0 li. 7. ep 126. li. 9. ep 38 and others in manie places CHAP. LXIIII. The Iewes in captiuitie pray to God for release 4. acknowleging his former great benefites and their owne sinnes fleing now to his mercie VVOVLD God thou wouldest breake the heauens in sunder and wouldst descend at thy presence the mountaines should melt away † As the burning of fyre would they melt the waters would burne with fyre that thy name might be made knowen to thine enemies at thy presence the nations should be trubled † When thou shalt doe meruelous thinges we shal not sustayne thou art descended and at thy presence the mountaines are melted † From the begynning of the world they haue not heard nor receiued with the eares the eie hath not seene ô God beside thee what thinges thou hast prepared for them that expect thee † Thou hast mette him that reioyceth and doth iustice in thy waies they shal remember thee behold thou art angrie and we haue sinned we haue bene alwayes in them and we shal be saued † And al we are become as one vncleane and al our iustices as the cloth of a menstrued woman and we haue al fallen as a leafe and our iniquities as the winde haue taken vs away † There is none that inuocateth thy name that ryseth vp and holdeth thee thou hast hid thy face from vs and hast dashed vs in the hand of our iniquitie † And now Lord thou art our father and we clay and thou art our maker and al we the workes of thy handes † Be not angrie ô Lord ynough and remember no more our iniquitie loe regard al we are thy people † The citie of thy holie one is made desert Sion is made desert Ierusalem is become desolate † The house of our sanctification and of our glorie where our fathers praysed thee is turned into the burning of fyre and al our thinges worthie to be desired are turned into ruines † Wil● thou vpon these thinges conteyne thyself ô Lord wilt thou hold thy peace and afflict vs vehemently CHAP. LXV The gentiles shal seeke and finde Christ 2. Whom the Iewes wil persecute and shal be reiected only a few reliques reserued 13. So the Church shal multiplie and abound in graces THEY haue sought me that before asked not they haue found that sought me not I said Behold me behold me to a Gentilitie that did not inuocate my name † I haue spred fo●th mine handes al the day to an incredulous people which goeth in a way not good after their owne cogitations † A people that prouoke me to anger before my face alwayes that immolate in gardens and sacrifice vpon brickes † That dwel in sepulchers and sleepe in temples of idols that eate swines flesh and profane potage in their vessels † That say
youth † Sacrifice and libation is perished out of the house of our Lord the priests our Lords ministers mourned † The region is destroyed the ground hath mourned because the wheate is wasted the wine is confounded the oyle hath languished † The husbandmen are confounded the dressers of vines haue howled vpon the wheate and the barley because the haruest of the filde is perished † The vineyard is confounded and the figtree hath languished the pomegranet the palmetree and the appletree and al the trees of the filde are withered because ioy is confounded from the children of men † Gird yourselues and mourne ye priests howle ye ministers of the altar goe in lie in sacke clothe ye ministers of my God because sacrifice libation is perished out of the house of your God † Sanctifie ye a fast cal an assemblie gather together the ancients al the inhabitants of the land into the house of your God and crie ye to our Lord † A a a for the day because the day of our Lord is at hand and as destruction from the mightie it shal come † Why are not the victuals perished before your eyes ioy and exultation out of the house of our God † The beastes are rotted in their dung the barnes are destroyed the storehouses are dissipated because the wheate is confounded † Why groned the beast why lowed the flockes of the heard because there is no pasture for them yea and the flockes of the cattel are perished † To thee ô Lord wil I crie because fire hath eaten the beautiful thinges of the desert and the flame hath burnt al the trees of the region † Yea and the beastes of the filde as a garden bed thirsting for a shower haue looked vp to thee because the fountaines of waters are dried vp fire hath deuoured the beautiful thinges of the desert ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 4. The residue of the eruke loeust bruke blast Eruca a vvorme that destroyeth herbes and fruictes Locusta a fleing beast vvith long hinder legges destroying corne and fruite Bruchus an other fleeing litle beast that deuoureth not only fruite but also the leaues of trees and Rubigo the blast or burning myst that consumeth the eares of corne euen to dust do metaphorically signifie the Chaldees and other souldiars of sundrie nations in the armie of Nabuchodonosor inuading wasting the kingdom of Iuda And that at foure seueral times euer worse worse First when Nabuchodonosor beseeging Ierusalē subdued king Ioakim and his kingdom taking hostages for assurance of subiection amongst vvhich vvere Daniel and the other three children and caried avvay part of the holie vessel of the Temple 4. Reg 24 v. 1. The second vvhen eight yeares after Nabuchodonosor returned and killed king Ioakim for rebelling and caried his sonne king Ioachin othervvise called Iechonias into Babylon with his mother and Ieremie the Prophet also manie other principal persons and much riches ibidem v. 10. The third vvhen eleuen yeares after he tooke and spoyled Ierusalem destroyed the Temple killed al king Sedecias sonnes in his sight then put out his eyes and caried him blinde into Babylon vvith much more people and spoyle 4. Reg 25. Fourthly when shortly after he sent Nabuzardan general of his armie and caried avvay more men and vvealth leauing only the basest people to til the land ibidem v. 8. Al vvhich shevveth clerly the fulfilling of this Prophecie according to the historical letter In like sorte vve might explicate the rest of this and other prophetes but it is not our purpose to be so large Much lesse to prosecute the Mystical sense vvhich is manifold as appeareth in the vvorkes of the ancient Fathers VVherof see F. Francis Ribera CHAP. II. The Chaldees wil assault afflict the Iewes with great violence 12. After humble repentance in captiuitie 18. Gods benignitie wil comforte them 23. with abundance of spiritual grace by Christ 28. sending also the Holie Ghost 30. And terrible signes before the day of Iudgement SOVND ye with the trumpet in Sion howle in my holie mount let al the inhabitants of the land be trubled Because the day of our Lord cometh † because the day of darkenes and of mist is neere the day of clowde and whirlewind as the morning spred vpon the montaines much people strong the like to it hath not bene from the beginning and after it shal not be euen vnto the yeares of generation generation † Before the face therof a deuouring fyre and after it a burning flame the land before it as it were a garden of pleasure and after it the wildernes of a desert neither is there that can escape it † As the appearance of horses their appearance as horsemen so shal they runne † As the sound of chariots vpon the toppes of mountaines shal they leape as the sound of a flame of fire deuouring stubble as a strong people prepared to battel † At his presence the people shal be vexed al visages shal be made like a potte † They shal runne as valients as men of warre they shal scale the wal the men shal march in their wayes shal not decline from their pathes † None shal presse his brother they shal walke euerie one in his owne pathe yea through the windowes they shal fal shal not demolish † They shal enter the city they shal runne on the wal they shal climbe the houses by the windowes they shal enter as a theefe † At his presence the earth hath trembled the heauens are moued the sunne and moone are darkened and the starres haue withdrawne their shining † And our Lord hath geuen his voice before the face of his host because his campes are exceding manie because strong doing his word for great is the day of our Lord terrible excedingly and who shal susteyne it † Now therfore sayth our Lord Conuert to me in al your hart in fasting and in weeping and in mourning † And rent your hartes and not your garments and turne to the Lord your God because he is benigne and merciful patient and of much mercie readie to be gracious vpon the malice † Who knoweth if he wil conuert and forgeue and leaue after him benediction sacrifice and libament to the Lord your God † Sound ye with the trumpet in Sion sanctifie a fast cal an assemblie † gather together the people sanctifie the Church assemble the ancients gather together the litle ones and them that sucke the breastes let the bridegrome goe forth of his chamber and the bride out of her bride chamber † Betwen the porch and the altar the priests our Lords ministers shal weepe and shal say Spare ô Lord spare thy people and geue not thine inheritance into reproch that the nations haue dominion ouer them Why say they in the peoples Where is their God † Our Lord hath bene zelous to his land
buckler of his valiants fyrie the men of the armie in scarlets the raynes of the chariot fyrie in the day of his preparation and the driuers are brought asleepe † In the wayes they are trubled the chariots strooke one agaynstan other in the streetes their appearance are as it were lampes as it were lightning running to and fro † He wil remember his valiants they shal fal in their wayes they shal quickly scale the walles therof and a bowre shal be prepared † The gates of the riuers are opened and the temple throwen downe to the ground † And the souldiar is led away captiue and her handmayds were led away mourning as doues murmuring in their hartes † And Niniue her waters as it were a fishpoole of waters but themselues are fled Stand stand there is none that wil returne † Spoile the siluer spoile the gold and there is no end of the riches of al vessels that are to be desired † She is dissipated and rent and torne and pyning hart and dissolution of the knees and defect in al reynes and the faces of them al as the blacknes of a pot † VVhere is the habitation of lions the pasture of lions welps to which the lion went to goe in thither the lions whelpe and is there none to make them afrayd † The lion hath caught sufficiently for his welpes and hath killed for his lionesses and he hath filled his dennes with praye and his couch with rauening † Behold I to thee saith the Lord of hosts and I wil burne thy chariots euen to smoke and the sword shal eate thy litle lions and I wil destroy thy praye out of the land and the voice of thy messengers shal be heard no more CHAP. III. A description of Niniues ruine 5. made ignominious to al nations 17. forraine souldiars fleing away and al their owne terrified VVO to thee ô citie of blouds al of lying ful of tearing spoile shal not depart from thee † The voice of the whippe and the voice of the violence of the wheele of the neighing horse and of the feruent chariot and of the horsman mounting † And of the glistering sword and of the glittering speare and of a multitude slaine and of a greuous ruine neither is there an end of corses and they shal fal on their bodies † Because of the multitude of the fornications of the harlot beautiful grateful and hauing sorceries which hath sold nations in her fornications families in her sorceries † Behold I to thee sayth the Lord of hosts and I wil discouer thy priuie parts in thy face and wil shew to the Gentils thy nakednes to kingdoms thine ignominie † And I wil throw vpon thee abominations and wil vse thee contumeliously and wil put thee for an example † And it shal be euerie one that shal see thee shal leape backe from thee and shal say Niniue is wasted who shal shake the head vpon thee whence shal I seeke a cōforter for thee † Why art thou better then Alexandria ful of peoples which dwelleth in the riuers waters round about it whose riches the sea waters the walles therof † Aethiopia the strength of it and Aegypt there is no end Afrike and the Libyans haue bene in thine ayde † But she also in transmigration was led into captiuitie her litle ones were dashed in the head of al wayes and vpon her noble ones they haue cast lot and al her great men were made fast in fetters † Thou also therfore shalt be made drunke and shal be despised and thou shalt seeke helpe of the enemie † Al thy munitions as figtrees with their grene figges if they be shaken they wil fal into the mouth of the eater † Behold thy people wemen in the middes of thee to thine enimies the gates of thy land with opening shal be opened fyre shal deuoure thy barres † Draw thee water for the siege build thy munitions enter into the clay and tread making morter hold the bricke † There the fyre shal eate thee thou shalt perish by the sword as a bruke it shal deuoure thee be gathered together as the bruke be multiplied as the locust † Thou hast made thy merchandises more then are the starres of heauen the bruke was spred flew away † Thy kepers as the locusts thy litle ones as it were the locusts of locusts which swarme on the hedges in the day of could the sunne arose they flew away and their place was not knowen where they were † Thy pastours slumbred ô King of Assur thy princes shal be buried thy people lay hid in the mountaynes and there is none to gather them together † Thy destruction is not obscure thy plague is very sore al that haue heard the fame of thee haue clapped the hand vpon thee for vpon whom hath not thy malice passed alwayes THE PROPHECIE OF HABACVC HABACVC borne in Bezochar prophecied the same time with Nahum foreshewing the victories of the Chaldees subdewing manie nations namely the kingdom of Iuda destroying Ierusalem and the temple and carying the people captiue into Babylon and afterwards the ruine of the same Chaldees and relaxation of the Iewes at last the coming of Christ with diuers particular Mysteries described in a Canticle from his Incarnation to the general Iudgement and eternitie of the next world CHAP. I. The prophet lamenteth the imminent ruine of the people by the insolent crueltie of the Chaldees 12. especially for that the holie citie shal be ransacked by idolaters and most wicked men THE burden that Habacuc the prophete saw † How long ô Lord shal I crie and thou wilt not heare shal I crie out to thee suffering violence and thou wilt not saue † Why hast thou shewed me iniquitie and labour to see praye and iniustice against me and iudgement is made contradiction more mightie † For this cause is the law torne iudgement came not to the end because the impious preuaileth agaynst the iust therfore doth there come forth peruerse iudgement † Behold ye in the nations and see meruel and be astonied because a worke is done in your dayes which no man wil beleue when it shal be told † Because loe I wil rayse vp the Chaldees a bitter swift nation walking vpon the latitude of the earth to possesse tabernacles not their owne † It is horrible and terrible out of it self shal the iudgement and the burden therof procede † His horses lighter then leopards and swifter then euening wolues and his horsemen shal be spred abrode for his horsemen shal come from a far they shal flie as an eagle hastening to eate † Al shal come to the praye their faces a burning winde he shal gather together as the sand captiuitie † And he shal triumph ouer kinges tyrants shal be his laughing flocke and he shal laugh vpon euerie munition and shal cast vp a mount and shal
magnificence in gold siluer and furniture abundant and he was astonied and told him the kings wordes † And Simon answered him and sayd to him Neither haue we taken other mens land neither do we hold that is other mens but the inheritance of our fathers which was a certaine season vniustly possessed of our enemies † But we hauing oportunitie challenge the inheritance of our fathers † For concerning Ioppe and Gazara that thou complaynest they made a great plague among the people and in our countrie for these we geue an hundred talents And Athenobius answered him not a word † But with anger returning to the king he reported vnto him these wordes and the glorie of Simon al thinges that he saw and the king was wrath with great anger † And Tryphon fled by shippe to Orthosias † And the king appointed Cendebaeus captaine by the sea cost and gaue him an armie of foote men and horsemen † And he commanded him to moue the campe against the face of Iurie and he commanded him to build Cedron and to fortifie the gates of the citie and to conquer the people But the king pursewed Tryphon † And Cendebaeus came to Iamnia and began to prouoke the people to conculcate Iurie and to take the people captiue and to kil and to build Cedron † And he placed there horsemen and an host that going forth they might walke by the way of Iurie as the king appointed him CHAP. XVI Simon sendeth two of his sonnes to fight against Cendebaeus 8. whom they ouerthrow 11. Ptolemee Simons sonne in law inuiting him to a feast treacherously killeth him and his sonnes Iudas and Mathathias 19. sendeth also men to kil Iohn but he being warned of the treason killeth them 23. and succeedeth to his father in the gouernment AND Iohn went vp from Gazara and told Simon his father what Cendebaeus did amongst their people † And Simon called his two elder sonnes Iudas Iohn and he sayd to them I and my bretheren and the house of my father haue expugned the enemies of Israel from our youth euen to this day and it hath prospered in our handes to deliuer Israel oftentimes † And now I am old but be you in place of me and my bretheren going forth fight for our nation the helpe from heauen be with you † And he chose out of the countrie twentie thousand fighting men and horsemen and they went forth to Cendebaeus and they slept in Modin † And they arose in the morning and went into the plaine filde and loe a mightie great armie coming to meete them of foote men and horsemen there was a running riuer betwen them † And he camped agaynst the face of them him self and his people and he saw the people fearful to passe through the torrent and he passed through first and the men saw him and they passed ouer after him † And he diuided the people and the horsemen in the middes of the footemen and the horsemen of the aduersaries were exceding manie † And they sounded with the holie trompets and Cendebaeus was put to flight and his campe and there fel manie of them wounded and the rest fled into the hold † Then was Iudas Iohns brother wounded But Iohn pursewed them til he came to Cedron which he built † and they fled euen to the towres that were in the fildes of Azotus and he burnt them with fyre And there fel of them two thousand men and he returned into Iurie in peace † And Ptolomee the sonne of Abobus was appointed captayne in the plaine of Iericho and he had much siluer and gold † For he was the sonne in law of the high priest † And his hart was exalted and he would gayne the countrie and he purposed treacherie against Simon and his sonnes to dispatch them † And Simon walking through the cities that were in in the countrie of Iurie and being careful of them went downe into Iericho he and Mathathias his sonne and Iudas the yeare an hundreth seuentie seuen the eleuenth moneth this is the moneth Sabath † And the sonne of Abobus receiued them with guile into a litle fortresse that is called Doch which he built and he made them a great feast and hid men there † And when Simon was inebriated and his sonnes Ptolomee arose with his companie and they tooke their weapons and entered into the feast and slew him and his two sonnes and certain of his seruants † And he did great deceite in Israel rendered euil for good † And Ptolomee wrote these thinges and sent to the king that he should send him an armie for ayde and he would deliuer him the countrie and their cities and tributes † And he sent others into Gazara to dispatch Iohn and to the tribunes he sent epistles that they should come to him he would geue them siluer gold and gifts † And he sent others to take Ierusalem the mount of the temple † And one running before told Iohn in Gazara that his father was perished and his bretheren that he hath sent that thou also mayst be slayne † But as he heard it he was excedingly afrayd and he apprehended the men that came to destroy him he slew them for he knew that they sought to destroy him † And the rest concerning the wordes of Iohn his battels and the valient actes which he did manfully and the building of the walles which he built the thinges that he did † loe these are writen in the booke of the dayes of his priesthood from the time that he was made prince of the priests after his father THE SECOND BOOKE OF MACHABEES CHAP. 1. The Iewes in Ierusalem write to the Iewes in Aegypt 7. signifying that they had wri●te before of manie afflictions past 9. and now write againe rendering thankes to God for their deliuerie from Antiochus 18. exhorting their bretheren to kepe the feast of Scenopegia rec●●ing the miracle of water returning into fire 24. when Nehemias prayed 33. and that the king built a temple in memorie therof TO THE bretheren the Iewes that are through out Aegypt the bretheren the Iewes that are in Ierusalem and that are in the countrie of Iurie send health and good peace † God doe good to you and remember his testament that he spake to Abraham and Isaac and Iacob his faithful seruantes † and geue he vnto you al an hart to worshippe him and to doe his wil with a great hart and a willing minde † Open he your hart in his law and in his precepts and make peace † Heare he your prayers and be he reconciled vnto you neither forsake he you in the euil time † And now here we are praying for you † When Demetrius reigned in the yeare one hundreth sixtie nine we Iewes wrote vnto you in the tribulation and violence that came vpon vs in these yeares since Iason reuolted from the
holie land and from the kingdom † They burnt the gate and shed innocent bloud and we prayed to our Lord and were heard and we offered sacrifice and fine floore and lighted the lampes and serforth there breades † And now celebrate ye the dayes of Scenopegia of the moneth Cesleu † In the yeare one hundreth eightie eight the people that is at Ierusalem and in Iurie and the senate and Iudas to Aristobolus the maister of Ptolomee the king who is of the stocke of the annointed priestes and to those Iewes that are in Aegypt health and welfare † Being deliuered by God out of great dangers we geue him thankes magnifically as who haue fought against such a king † For he made them swarme out of Persis that haue fought against vs and the holie oi●ie † For when he was captaine in Persis with him a very great armie he fel in the temple of Nania being deceiued by the counsel of Nan●a●s priestes † For Antiochus his freindes came to the place as to dwel with her that he might receiue much money vnder the title of a dowrie † And when Naneaes priestes had layde it forth and he with a few was entered within the compasse of the temple they shut the temple † when Antiochus was entered in a secrete entrance of the temple being opened casting stones they stroke the duke and them that were with him and diuided them in peeces and cutting of their heades they threw them forth † Blessed be the God in al thinges who hath deliuered vp the impious † We therefore meaning to keepe the purification of the temple the fiue and twentith day of the moneth Casleu thought it necessary to signifie vnto you that you also may kepe the day of Scenopegia and the day of the fire that was geuen when Nehemias after the temple was built and the altar offered sacrifice † For when our fathers were caryed into Persis the priestes that then were the worshippers of God taking the fire from the altar hid it secretly in a valley where there was a pitte deepe and dry and therin they saued it so that the place was vnknowne to al men † But when manie yeares had passed and i● pleased God that Nehemias should be sent of the king of Persis he sent the nephewes of those priestes that had hid it to seeke our the fire and as they told vs they found not fire but thic●ke water † And he bad them draw bring vnto him and the sacrifices that were layd on the priest Nehemias commanded to be sprinckled with the same water and the wood and the thinges that were layde therupon † And as this was done the time was come that the sunne shone forth which before was in a cloude there was kindled a great fire so that al merueiled † And al the priestes made prayer whiles the sacrifice was consuming Ionathas beginning and the rest answering † And the prayer of Nehemias was in this maner O LORD God creatour of al dreadful and strong iust and mereiful which only art the good king † only giuer only iust and omnipotent and eternal which deliuerest Israel from al euil which madest the fathers elect and didst sanctifie them † Receiue the sacrifice for al thy people Israel and kepe thy part and sanctisie it † Gather together our dispersion deliuer them that serue the Gentils and regard the contemned abhorred that the Gentils may know that thou art our God † Afflict them that oppresse vs and that doe contumelie in pride † Place thy people in thy holie place as Moyses sayd † And the priestes sang hymnes til the sacrifice was consumed † And when the sacrifice was consumed of the rest of the water Nehemias cōmanded the greater stones to be throughly washed † Which thing as it was done out of them was kindled a flame but by light also that shined from the altar it was consumed † And as the thing was made manifest it was told the king of the Persians that in the place wherin those priestes that were transported had hid fire there appeared water with the which Nehemias and they that were with him purified the sacrifices † And the king considering and diligently examining the matter made a temple for it that he might approue that which was done † And when he had approued it he gaue to the priestes manie good thinges and diuerse giftes and taking them with his owne hand he gaue to them † And Nehemias called this place Nephthar which is interpreted purification But it is called with manie Nephi CHAP. II. Holie fire and the booke of the law were conserued by Ieremie the prophet in the transmigration into Babylon 4. Likewise the Tabernacle of Moyses the Arke and Altar of incense in a secrete place 8. As Moyses had dedicated the Tabernacle and Salomon the Temple 14. so Iudas Machabeus ●lensing the Temple and making a new Altar instituted a feast of the Dedication therof 20. The Preface of the Auctor abridging the historie of the Machabees written by Iason in fiue bookes AND it is found in the descriptions of Ieremie the prophet that he commanded them that went in transmigration to take the fire as it was signified as he commanded them that were caried away in transmigration † And he gaue them a law that they should not forget the precepts of our Lord and that they should not erre in their mindes seing the idols of gold and siluer and the ornaments of them † And saying other like thinges he exhorted them that they would not remoue the law from their hart † And it was in the same writing how the propher commanded by the diuine answer made to him that the tabernacle the arke should folow in company with him til he came forth into the mount in which Moyses ascended and saw the inheritance of God † And Ieremie coming thither found a place of a caue he brought the tabernacle and the arke and the altar of incense in thither and stopped the doore † And there came certaine withal that folowed to marke the place for themselues and they could not finde it † And as Ieremie vnderstood it blaming them he sayd that the place shal be vnknowne til God gather together the congregation of the people and become propicious † and then our Lord wil shew these thinges and the maiestie of our Lord shal appeare there shal be a cloude as it was also mad●manifest to Moyses and as when Salomon prayed that the place might be sanctified to the great God he did manifest these thinges † For he handled wisedom magnifically as hauing wisedome did he offer the sacrifice of the dedication and of the consummation of the temple † As Moyses also prayed to our Lord and as Salomon prayed and fire came downe from heauen and consumed the holocaust † And Moyses sayd Because that which was for sinne was
may retyre backe before vs and we may make vs other woodes † And in like maner the waues of the sea they also deuised a deuise and sayd Come let vs goe vp let vs ouerthrow the woodes of the filde that there also we may consummate an other countrie for our selues † And the woodes deuise was made vaine for fire came and consumed it † Likewise also the deuise of the waues of the sea For the sand stood stayed them † For if thou wert iudge of these whom wouldest thou begin to iustifie or whom to condemne † And I answered and sayd Verely they deuised a vayne deuise For the earth is geuen to the wood and a place to the sea to carie her waues † And he answered me and sayd Thou hast iudged wel and why hast thou not iudged for thy self † For as the earth is geuen to the wood and the sea for the waues therof so they that inhabite vpon the earth can vnderstand onlie the thinges that are vpon the earth and they vpon the heauens the thinges that are aboue the height of the heauens † And I answered and sayd I besech thee Lord that sense may be geuen me to vnderstand † For I meant not to aske of thy superiour thinges but of those that passe by vs dayly For what cause Israel is geuen into reproche to the gentiles the people whom thou hast loued is geuen to impious tribes the law of our fathers is brought to destruction the written ordinances are no where † and we haue passed out of the world as locustes and our life is astonishment and dreade and we are not worthie to obtaine mercie † But what wil he doe to his name that is inuocated vpon vs and of these thinges I did aske † And he answered me and sayd If thou search very much thou shalt often meruail because the world hastening hasteneth to passe † and can not comprehend the thinges which in times to come are promised to the iust because this world is ful of iniustice and infirmities † But concerning the thinges that thou demandest I wil tel thee for the euil is sowed and the destruction therof is not yet come † If then that which is sowen be not turned vp and the place depart where the euil is sowen that shal not come where the good is sowen † Because the grayne of il seede hath bene sowen in the hart of Adam from the beginning and how much impietie hath it ingendered vntil now and doth ingender vntil the floore come † And esteme with thy self the graine of the il seede how much fruite of impietie it hath ingendred † When the eares shal be cut which are innumerable what a great floore wil they begin to make † And I answered and sayd How and when shal these things be why are our yeares few and euil † And he answered me and sayd to me Hasten not aboue the Highest For thou doest hasten in vaine to be aboue him for thy excesse is much † Did not the soules of the iust in their cellars aske of these things saying How hope I so and when shal the fruite come of the floore of our reward † And Ieremiel the Archangel answered to those things and sayd When the number of the sedes in you shal be filled because he hath weyed the world in a balance † and with a measure hath he measured the times and in number he hath numbered the times and hath not moued nor stirred them vntil the foresayd measure be filled † And I answered and sayd O Lord Dominatour we also are al ful of impietie † And lest perhaps for vs the floores of the iust be not filled for the sinnes of the inhabitantes vpon the earth † And he answered me and sayd Goe and aske a woman with childe if when she hath accomplished her nine monethes her wombe can yet hold the infant within it † And I sayd it can not Lord. And he sayd to me in hel the cellars of the soules are like to the matrice † For as she that is In trauail maketh hast to escape the necessitie of trauailing so this also hasteneth to render those thinges which are commended to it † From the beginning it shal be shewed thee touching those thinges which thou doest couer to see † And I answered and sayd If I haue found grace before thine eyes if it be possible and if I by fitte † shew mee if there be more to come then is passed or moe things haue passed then are to come † What passed I know but what is to come I know not † And he sayd to me Stand vpon the right side and I wil shew thee the interpretation of the similitude † And I stood and saw and behold a burning fornace passed before me it came to passe when the flame passed I saw and behold the smoke ouercame † After these thinges there passed before me a clowd ful of water and with violence casting in much raine and when the violence of raine was cast the droppes therin ouercame † And he sayd to me Thinke with thyself as the raine increaseth more then the droppes and the fire then the smoke so did the measure that passed more a bound But the droppes and the smoke ouercame † and I prayed sayd shal I liue thinkest thou vntil these dayes or what shal be in those dayes † He answered me and sayd Of the signes wherof thou askest me in part I can tel thee how beit of thy life I was not sent to tel thee neither doe I know CHAP. V. Diuers signes of thinges to come are shewed to Esdras by an Angel 16. for the comforth of the people in captiuitie BVT concerning signes behold the dayes shal come wherin they that inhabite the earth shal be taken in a great number and the way of truth shal be hid and the countrie shal be barren from fayth † And iniustice shal be multiplied aboue that which thy self seest aboue that which thou hast heard in time past † And they shal put their foote into the countrie which now thou seest to reigne and they shal see it desolate † And if the Highest geue thee life thou shalt see after the third trumpet and the sunne shal sodenly shine agayne in the night and the moone thrise in a day † and out of wood bloud shal distil and the stone shal geue his voice and the peoples shal be moued † and he reigne whom they hope not that inhabite vpon the earth and foules shal make their flight away † the sea of Sodom shal cast the fishes and shal make a noise in the night which manie knew not and al shal heare the voice therof † and there shal be made a confusion in manie places and the fire shal often be sent backe and the sauage beastes shal goe to other places and wemen in their monethlie flowers shal bring forth monsters † and in swete waters shal salt
which was dried the third day to dwelt therin where are a thousand mountaynes † But to Leuiathan thou gauest the seuenth part being moyst and kepst it that it might be to deuoure whom thou wilt and when thou wilt † And in the sixt day thou didst command the earth to create before thee cattel and beastes and creeping creatures † and ouer these Adam whom thou madest ruler ouer al the workes which thou didst make out of him are al we brought forth and the people whom thou hast chosen † And al these thinges I haue sayd before thee ô Lord because thou didst create the world for vs. † But the residue of the nations borne of Adam thou saydst that they were nothing and that they were like to spittle and as it were the droping out of a vessel thou didst liken the abundance of them † And now Lord behold these nations which are reputed for nothing haue begune to rule ouer vs and to deuoure vs † but we thy people whom thou didst cal thy first onlie begotten emulatour are deliuered into their handes † and if the world was created for vs why doe not we possesse inheritance with the world how long these thinges CHAP. VII Without tribulations no man can attayne immortal life 17. which the iust shal inherite and the wicked shal perish 28. Christ wil come and dye for mankind 36. Prayers of the iust shal profite til the end of this word but not after the general iudgement 48. Al sinned in Adam 52. and haue added more sinnes 57. but it is in mans powre 62. by Gods grace to liue eternally AND it came to passe when I had ended to speake these wordes the Angel was sent to me which had bene sent to me the first nights † and he sayd to me Arise Esdras and heare the wordes which I am come to speake to thee † And I sayd Speake my God And he sayd to me The sea is set in a large place that it might be deepe and wide † but the entrance to it shal be set in a straict place that it might be like to riuers † For who witting wil enter into the sea and see it or rule ouer it if he passe not the streite how shal he come into the bredth † Also an other thing A citie is built and set in a plaine place and it is ful of al goodes † The entrance therof narrow and set in a stepe place so that on the right hand there was fire on the left depe water † and there is one onlie pathe set betwen them that is betwen the fire and the water so that the pathe can not conteyne but onlie a mans steppe † And if the citie shal be geuen a man for inheritance if he neuer passe through the peril set before it how shal he receiue his inheritance † And I sayd So Lord And he sayd to me So it is Israel also a part † For I made the world for them and when Adam transgressed my constitution that was iudged which was done † And the entrance of this world were made streite and sorowful paynful and few and euil and ful of dangers stuffed very much with labour † For the entrances of the greater world are large and secure and making fruite of immortalitie † If then they that liue entring in enter into these streite and vayne thinges they can not receiue the thinges that are layd vp † Now therfore why art thou trubled wheras thou art corruptible and why art thou moued wheras thou art mortal † And why hast thou not taken in thy hart that which is to come but that which is present † I answered and sayd Lord dominatour behold thou hast disposed by thy law that the iust shal inherite these thinges and the impious shal perish † But the iust shal suffer the streites hoping for the wyde places for they that haue done impiously haue both suffered the streites and shal not see the wide places † And he sayd to me There is no iudge aboue God nor that vnderstandeth aboue the Highest † For manie present doe perish because the law of God which was set before is neglected † For God commanding commanded them that came when they came what doing they should liue and what obseruing they should not be punished † But they were not perswaded and gaynesayd him and made to them selues a cogitation of vanitie † and proposed to themselues deceites of sinnes they sayd to the Highest that he was not and they knew not his wayes † and dispised his law and denyed his couenaunces and had not fidelitie in his ordinances and did not accomplish his workes † For this cause Esdras the emptie to the emptie and the ful to the ful † Behold the time shal come and it shal be when the signes shal come which I haue fore told thee and the bride shal appeare and appearing she shal be shewed that now is hid with the earth † and euerie one that is deliuered from the foresaid euils he shal see my meruelous thinges † For my sonne IESVS shal be reueled with them that are with him and they shal be merie that are leaft in the foure hundred yeares † And it shal be after these yeares and my sonne CHRIST shal dye and al men that haue breath † and the world shal be turned into the old silence seuen dayes as in the former iudgementes so that none shal be leaft † And it shal be after seuen dayes and the world shal be raysed vp that yet waketh not and shal dye corrupted † and the earth shal render the thinges that sleepe in it the dust them that dwel in it with silence and the cellars shal render the soules that are commended to them † And the Highest shal be reueled vpon the seate of iudgement and miseries shal passe and long sufferance shal be gathered together † And iudgement onlie shal remayne truth shal stand and fayth shal waxe strong † and the worke shal folow and the reward shal be shewed and iustice shal awake and iniustice shal not haue dominion † And I sayd First Abraham prayed for the Sodomites and Moyses for the fathers that sinned in the desert † And they that were after him for Israel in the dayes of Achaz and of Samuel † and Dauid for the destruction and Salomon for them that came vnto the sanctification † And Elias for them that receiued raine and for the dead that he might liue † and Ezechias for the people in the dayes of Sennacherib and manie for manie † If therfore now when corruptible did increase and iniustice was multiplied and the iust prayed for the impious why now also shal it not be so † And he answered me and sayd This present world is not the end much glorie remaineth in it for this cause they prayed for the impotent † For the day of iudgement shal be the end of this time and the beginning of
† for the euiles which thou hast sene to haue chanced now worse then these wil they doe againe † for looke how much the world shal become weake by age so much shal euiles be multiplied vpon the inhabitants † For truth hath remoued it self farther of and lying hath approched for now the vision which thou sawest hasteneth to come † And I answered and sayd before thee ô Lord † For behold I wil goe as thou hast commanded me wil rebuke the people that now is But them that shal yet be borne who shal admonish † The world therfore is set in darknes and they that dwel in it without light † Because thy law is burnt therefore no man knoweth the workes that haue bene done by thee or that shal begin † For if I haue found grace with thee send the Holie Ghost to me I wil write al that hath bene done in the world from the beginning the thinges that were written in thy law that men may finde the pathe and they that wil liue in the later times may liue † And he answered me and sayd Goe gather together the people and thou shalt say to them that they seeke thee not for fourtie dayes † And doe thou prepare thee manie tables of boxe take with thee Sarea Dabria Salemia Echanus and Asiel these fiue which are readie to write swee●tly † And come hither I wil light in thy hart a candle of vnderstanding which shal not be put out til the things be finished which thou shalt begine to write † And then some thinges thou shalt open to the perfect some thou shalt deliuer secretly to the wyse For to morrow this houre thou shalt begine to write † And I went as he commanded me gathered togetheral the people and sayd † Heare Israel these wordes † Our fathers were pilgrimes from the beginning in Aegypt and were deliuered from thence † And they receiued the law of life which they kept not which you also after them haue transgressed † and the land was geuen you by lotte and the land of Sion and your fathers and you haue done iniquitie and haue not kept the wayes which the Highest commanded you † And wheras he is a iust iudge he hath taken from you in time that which he had geuen † And now you are here and your brethren are among you † If then you wil rule ouer your sense instruct your hart you shal be preserued aliue and after death shal obtaine mercie † For the iudgement shal come after death when we shal returne to lyfe againe and then the names of the iust shal appeare and the dedes of the impious shal be shewed † Let no man therfore come to me now nor aske for me vntil fourtie d●yes † And I tooke the siue men as he commanded me and we went forth into the field and taried there † And I was come to the morrow behold a voice called me saying Esdras open thy mouth and drinke that which I wil geue thee to drinke † And I opened my mouth behold a ful cuppe was brought me this was ful as it were with water but the colour therof like as fire † And I tooke it and dranke and when I had drunken of it my hart was tormented with vnderstanding and wisdome grewe into my brest For my spirit was kept by memorie † And my mouth was opened and was shut no more † The Highest gaue vnderstanding vnto the fiue men and they wrote excesses of the night which were spoken which they knewe not † And at night they did eate breade but I spake by day by night held not my peace † And there were written in the fourtie dayes two hundred foure bookes † And it came to passe when they had ended the fourtie daies the Highest spake saying † The former thinges which thou hast written set abrode and let the worthie and vnworthie reade but the last seuentie bookes thou shalt keepe that thou mayest deliuer them to the wyse of thy people † For in these is the vaine of vnderstanding and the fountaine of wisdome and the streame of knowledge and I did soe CHAP. XV. Esdras is bid to denounce that assuredly manie euiles wil come to the world 9. God wil protect his people the wicked shal be punished and lament their final miseries God reuenging for the good BEHOLD speake into the eares of my people the wordes of prophecie which I shal put into thy mouth sayth our Lord † and see that they be written in paper because they be faithful and true † Be not afrayd of the cogitations against thee neither let the incredulities truble thee of them that speake † Because euerie incredulous person shal dye in his incredulitie † Behold I bring in sayth our Lord vpon the whole earth euils sword and famine and death and destruction † Because iniquitie hath fully polluted ouer al the earth and their hurtful workes are accomplished † Therefore sayth our Lord † I wil not now kepe silence of their impieties which they doe irreligiously neither wil I beare with those thinges which they practise vniustly Behold the innocent iust bloud crieth to me the soules of the iust crie continually † Reuenging I wil reuenge them sayth our Lord and I wil take al innocent bloud out of them vnto me † Behold my people is led to staughter as a flocke I wil no more suffer it to dwel in the land of Aegypt † But I wil bring them forth in a mightie hand and valiant arme and wil strike with plague as before and wil corrupt al the land thereof † Aegypt shal mourne and the fundations thereof beaten with plague and with the chastisement which God wil bring vpon it † The husband men that til the ground shal mourne because their seedes shal perish by blasting and haile and by a terible starre † Woe to the world and them that dwel therein † Because the sword is at hand and the destruction of them and nation shal rise vp against nation to fight sword in their handes † For there shal be instabilitie to men growing one against an other they shal not care for their king the princes of the way of their doinges in their might † For a man shal desire to go into the citie can not † Because of their prides the cities shal be trubled the houses raised the men shal feare † Man shal not pitie his neighbour to make their houses nothingworth in the sword to spoyle their goodes for famine of bread much tribulation † Behold I cal together sayth God al the kinges of the earth to feare me that are from the Orient from the South from the East from Libanus to be turned vpon themselues and to render the thinges that they haue geuen them † As they doe vntil this day to myne elect so wil I doe and render in their bosome Thus sayth our Lord God
called Iechonias reigning but three monethes was caried into Aegypt where afterwards he dyed 4. Reg. 23. v. 34. and Eliakim otherwise called Ioakim his brother was made king Who in the third yeare of his reigne was caried into Babylon 4. Reg. 23. v. 34. 2. Par. 36. v. 4. 5. and with him Daniel and the other three children Dan. 1.   Daniel begane to prophecie also verie young in Babylon and continued after   Zaraias   Shortly after which time happened the historie of Susanna Dan. 13.   the relaxation from captiuitie       And the same Ioakim after his reigne of three yeares liued other eight yeares in captiuitie 4. Reg. 24. v. 1. 2. Par. 36. v. 4. 5. A certaine captaine picking a quarel apprehended Ieremie and by consent of principal men cast him into a dungeon the king not knowing therof 4. Reg. 25. Iere. 37. 38. Ezechiel prophecied also in the captiuitie in the countrie nere to Babylon a 3383.   Ioachin otherwise Iechonias a Ioachin called also Iechonias sonne of the former Iechonias or Ioachaz reigned but three monethes was caried into Babylon with him Ezechiel the Prophet and others And his vncle Matthanias otherwise named Sedecias was made king who reigned eleuen yeares 4. Reg. 24. 2. Paral. 36. Ismael killed Godolias the gouernour and others 4. Reg. 25. Iere. 41.   b 3394. Iosedech   b In the eleuenth yeare of Sedecias when king Iechonias the younger was prisoner in Babylon Ierusalem was taken the Temple destroyed and the people caried captiue into Babylon 4 Reg. 25. 2. Paral. 36. In the meane time Daniel was in singular great estimatiō both with the faithful people and Paganes and was aduanced to auctoritie as also by his meanes the other children for which they were enuied and persecuted but were miraculously protected Dan. 1. ad 7. 13. 14. Manie Iewes fled into Aegypt and fel to idolatrie resisting contemning Ieremies admonitions to the contrarie Iere. 42. 43. 44.   THE END OF THE FIFTH AGE THE BEGINNING OF THE SIXTH AGE Anni mūdi High-priests The line of Dauid The sacred historie Schismes and infidelitie Scriptures c 3418. Iesus sonne of Iosedech From the captiuitie the Iewes had no kinges but the line of Dauid continued in these persons from Iechonias to Christ c In the captiuitie by diligence of the prophetes manie Iewes had great zele in true religion And about the 24. yeare of the captiuitie Assuerus otherwise called Astiages made Esther Quene and wicked Aman seeking to destroy al the Iewes in those partes was himself hanged on the gallowes which he had prepared for Mardocheus Esther 7. c. When the Monarchie came to the Chaldees by the powre of Nabuchodo nosor king of Babylon there was greatest confusion of manie goddes and of al kindes of idolatrie The historie of Esther Mardocheus and Aman written in the booke of Esther in the captiuitie d3420   Salathiel d Euilmerodach deliuered Iechonias or Ioachin from prison and enterteyned him as a prince 4. Reg. 25. v. 27.     e3464     e Baltazar being slaine Darius king of Medes Persians possessed Babylon Cyrus succeding Darius released the Iewes from captiuitie and gaue licence to Zorobabel Iesus to reduce the people into Iurie         Zorobabel 2. Paral. 36. v. 22. 1. Esd 1. And great dissention among the more lerned Grecians For the Pithagorians put their chief happines or Summum bonum in the immortalitie of the soule The Stoiks in moral vertues The Achademikes cōceiued much of pure spirites as Angels but could affirme nothing The Peripatetikes placed the consummation of al in the aggregation of spiritual corporal and worldlie prosperitie   f3465     f The Iewes being returned into Ierusalem sette vp an altar and offered sacrifice 1. Esd 3. v. 2.   Esdras write the relaxation of the Iewes from captiuitie And Nehemias the reparation of Ierusalem g3466     g The next yeare they begane to build the temple 1. Esd 3. v. 8.     h3469 Ioachin   h Attaxerxes otherwise called Cambyses also Assuerus forbade to perfect the temple And Iesus the Highpriest returned into Babylon 1. Esd 4. v. 7.         Abiud       i3470     i Daniel vnderstood by vision that Christ should come within seuentie wekes which make 490. yeares from the perfecting of the temple the walles of Ierusalem Dan. 9. v. 25. The schismatical Samaritanes opposed against the building of the temple 1. Esd 4.   k3490 Eliasib   k Aggeus Zacharias the prophets exhorted to build the temple 1. Esd 5. The Saduces acknowleging only the fiue bookes of Moyses reiected al other Scriptures and denied the resurrection Aggeus Zacharias l3500     l Iudith killed Holofernes either about this time or in the dayes of Manasses before the captiuitie Praefat. Iudith The Scribes expounded holie Scriptures sophistically Iudith either here or before the captiuitie m3502   Eliacim m The temple being perfected Malachias who is supposed to be Esdras exhorted to offer sacrifice with sinceritie Mal. 1. 2. The Pharises were precise in the letter corrupting the sense making large hemmes of their garments often washing themselues and the like Malachias n3508     n And Nehemias brought the kings Edict for the reparation of Ierusalem 2. Esd 2.     o3509     o Esdras Nehemlas and others labored in repayring Ierusalem but were often interrupted 2. Esd 3.     p3530   Azor. p About this time the citie was wel repayred with three walles 2. Esd 3. 7. And so by the iudgemēt of some expositers the count of seuentie wekes begane according to the prophecie of Daniel ch 9. v. 26.       Ioiada         q 3504. Ionathan   q Nehemias returning from Persia or Chaldea into Iurie found thicke water for the fire which Ieremie had hid in a deepe caue 2. Mach. 1. v. 20. 23.       Iaddus Sadoc r Alexander the great honored Iaddus the Highpriest Ioseph li. 11. c. 8. Antiq.     r 3644.     s Onias a most zelous godlie Highpriest 2. Mach. 4. was persecuted by Simon a church warden slaine by Andronicus a courtly minion v. 34. And after his death prayed for al the people ch 15. v. 12.     s 3689. Onias Achim t Iesus the sonne of Sirach writte the booke of Ecclesiasticus in the time of this Simon Highpriest as semeth ch 50. v. 24. 25.       Simon Priscus   v The seuentie two Interpreters being sent by Eleazarus Highpriest to Ptolomeus Philadelphus king of Aegypt translated the Hebrew Scriptures into Greke Sanaballat a Grecian obtayned licence for his sonnein law Manasses the Apostata high-priest to build a temple in Garizim Ioseph li. 11. c. 8. Antiq.   t 3700.     w An other Iesus Nephew of the former translated Ecclesiasticus into Greke Prolog Eccli Ananias an other false
and the new Testament shew the same God Christ Church and other Mysteries of Religion The old more obscurely with lesle helpes The new more expresly and yeldeth more grace In both Testaments are foure sortes of Bookes Legal Historical Sapiential Prophetical Al these books recited are Canonical and of infallible truth Cone Carth. An. Dni 419. Conc. Laodic cap. 59. Florent Instruct Armen decret 7. Trident Sess 4. S. Atha in Synop. S. Aug. li. 2. doct Christ c. 8 Isider li. 6. Elymol c. I. alibi Nicep li. li. 4. cap. 15. Euseb li. 5. c. 8. Apochryphal of two sortes 1. Not declared canonical 2. Reiected as erronious The Holie Ghost declareth by the Church which Bookes are Diuine Scriptures Mat. 28. Ioan. 14. 16. Act. 2. 20 1. Tim. 3. The old and new Testament differ in time In maner of vttering Varietie of Precepss Promises Meanes Temo 3. quest 10 Algasiae Heb. 7. 9. 10. Gal. 4. The old Testament conteyneth figures of the new A continual visible Church from the beginning of the world to Christ The same Mystical bodie but different in state Diuided into six ages The first age continued 1656. yeares 1. Cor. 10 Gal. 3 Gen. 1. The second 368. or 398. The third about 4●0 Gen. 8. Gen 12. Genebrard Chronolog S. Aug. li. 15. c. 8. ciuit Gal. 3. Exo. 16. 3. Reg. 6. 3 Reg. 7. 1. Esdiae 1. The fourth 480. The fifth 4●0 The sixth nere 640. Al the time from the creation to Christ aboue 4000. yeares MOYSES signifieth taken from the water Exod. 6. N●m 26. 1. Par. 6. Ioseph li. 2 Antiq. cap. 9. S. Aug ser 88. de temp S. Greg. oratio in laudem Basilij magni S. Aug. li. 18. ciuit c. 39. The excellencie of Moyses Deut. 34. Eccli 45. Glos ord His sepulchre not knowen ●o anie man Genesis written by Moyses Alwayes authentical So knowen by Tradition confirmed by Christ Alleaged also by the Apostles Religion reueled to special persons and so obserued by Traditions Mat. 19. Heb. 11. Iacob 2. 1. Pet. 2. 2. Pet. 2. S. Aug. quest vet noui Testam cap. 3. VVhy Scripture was written VVhat Moyses specially sheweth in this booke Man most particularly described The right line from Adam to Noe. The principal Patriarches from Noe to the 12. sonnes of I●cael Gen. 10. This booke diuided into eight partes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The first part Of the creatiō of al things The Church readeth this booke in her Office from Septuagesima til Passion Sunday Also this first chapter beginning of the second on Easter Eue before Masse Act. 14 15. 17 24. Psalm 32 6. 135 5. Eccli 10 1. ●eb 11 3. :: The firmament is al the space from the earth to the hieghest starres the lowest part diuideth betwene the waters on the earth and the waters in the ayer S. Aug. li. II. de Gen. ad lit c. 4 Iob. 38. Ier. 10 13. :: Likewise heauē is al the space aboue the earth in whose lowest part are birdes and waters in the higher part starres the hieghest is the Empyrial heauen Esa 66. :: The lights made the first day are disposed the fourth day in their proper courses for more distinction of times S. Dionys ca. 4. de diuin nom S. Tho. p. 1. q. 67. a. 4. q. 70. a. 2. :: The Sūne Moone for though the moone be the least visible starre except Mercurie yet it geueth more light on the earth by reason it is nerer and so Moyses speaketh according to the vulgar capacitie and vse of things S. Aug. li. 2. de Gen. ad lit ca. 16. Col. 3 10. Mat. 19 4. :: Euerie creature in nature is good but al considered together make the whole world perfect most apt to mans vse and Gods glorie S. Aug. li. 1 de Gen. cont Manich. ca. 21. The Church had only Traditions no Scripture aboue 2400. yeares Tradition● necessarie for three causes 1 ●●● Epist ●und c. ●5 2 Scripture of most eminent authoritie Luc. 10 16. Act. 15 28. 2. Thess 2. Origen super Gen. c. 1. Aug. li. 2. de Gen. cont Manich. ca. 2. ● Scriptures hard lib. 1. c. 18. lib. 8. c. 2. Bas ho. 9. in Genes Chrisost epist 44. Amb. Beda in examen Ieron Epistol ad Eustoch Gen. 1. v. 3. 14. Exo. 20 5. 18 v. 20. Ioan. 8 25. Rom. ● why Scriptures are hard Three spiritual senses besides the Literal Allegorical Moral Anagogical ● Ieron Epistol 8● ad Ocea Tert. d● Baptis A figure of Baptisme Christians called fishes Light being an accident remayned without subiect by the iudgement of some lerned Fathers The accidents of breade and wine can remaine by Gods power without their subiectes Tenne prerogatiues of man in his creation 1. made like to God 2. The Mysterie of the B. Trinitie insinuated in his creation 3. produced by God him selfe 4. placed in paradise 5. Lord of al earthlie creatures 6. innocencie 7. excellent knowlege 8. powre to liue euer 9. gift of prophecie 10. God conuersed familiarly with man Gods blessing alwayes effectual Especially in the holie Eucharist Not al men ●emen commanded to marie God createth not new kindes of creatures yet stil worketh Io. 5 17. conseruing gouerning al things and creatch soules grace and glorie of the same kind S. Aug. li 4 de Gen. adlit ● 12. Exod. 20 11. Deut. 5 14. Heb. 4 4. :: Mans soule is immediatly created by God not produced of other substance as the soules of beastes and plants are 1. Cor. 15 45 :: Vvhether this paradise be now extant is vncertayne though it be certaine that Enoch and Elias are yet liuing in earth S. Aug. li. 2. cont Pelagi c. 23. See Perereus li. 3. q. 5. li. 7. q. vltima Mat. 19 5. Mar. 10 7. 1. Cor. 6 16. Eph. 5 31. :: As we say brick is made of earth and a house is built of bricke so Adam was made of earth and Eue built of a ribbe of Adam And that of one ribbe as if God should build a house of one bricke or as in dede he fed 5000. men with fiue loaues Chris ho. 15. S. Aug. Tract 24. in Ioan. S. Tho. p. 1. q. 92. a. 3. :: Not three nor foure nor more for then two were chāged to an other number S. Ier. li. 1. cont loui Obseruation of holie dayes by Gods institution ●● Psal 6. 11. Act. 13 14. Leuit. 23. Obseruatiō of festiual dayes is religious not Iudaical nor heathnish Honour of Sainctes is to the greater honour of Christ Hon●● in 40. Martyr●s VVhy a particular positiue law besides the general lawes of God nature was geuen to man first reason lib. 8. de Gen. ad lit c. 11. Psal 15. ● reason The sinne of disobedience Ioyned with damage to him that disobeyeth Ioyned with damage of him that forbiddeth True obedience is blind and prompt Not meate but the di●obedience hurteth him that transgresseth the precept of abstinence Lawes in
reproches v God semed to be wel pleased with Christ as with his owne Sonne if it be so let him deliuer him from these afflictions say these blasphemers w diuine powre without man formed me in the wombe of my mother a virgin x As I haue no father but thee O God so without intermission from myn incarnation to this time I haue had thee my protector y leaue me not now without comforte seing I must dye as thou hast determined and I freely consented yet leaue me not in death but raise me againe to life Psal 15. v. 9. 10. z Almost al are become myn enemies and those few that would can not helpe me a Delicate lasciuious yougmen b and the scribes Pharises and elders of the people haue al conspired against me c condemning me and perswading the people to crie Crucifie crucifie him d So weakned with paines of torments as fluide water not able to consist e My bones and strongest partes of my bodie are weakned verified when our Sauiour fel downe vnder his crosse f the part that first and last liueth is weakened as soft waxe by heat of the fire and ready to faile g al my powres and radical humiditie is dried vp as a potters vessel is baked in the furnace h Through exceding great drught which our Sauiour professed on the crosse saying I thirst i thus thou O God hast suffered me to come to the last breath of life next to death Yet finally ou● Seuiour gaue vp his spirite before he should haue died v. 21. k Agane this royal Prophet recounteth by whom and how our B. Sauiour should suffer euen as clere as tho Euangelistes afterwards haue written the historie ●●● 19. l Our Sauiours body was so racked on the crosse that his bones might be seene and counted m The persecuters vvittingly determined al ti●● crueltie beheld it vvith their eyes and vvithout al compassion persisted in malice reioyced and blasphemed n the souldiars that crucified our Sauiour taking his garments for their praye o yet in mysterie of his Church diuided not his coate p He prophecieth Christs speedy resurrection q Christs saul vvas not seperated from his bodie by force of the torments but he preuenting death freely yelded vp his spirite Ioan. 10. v. 9. 10. r the most pure and sanctified soule of vvhose fulnes al other iust soules are sanctified ſ that it stay not in hel vvhich deuoured al other soules in the old Testament t The propagation of the Church of Christ in al nations v not the carnal but spiritual children of Iacob Isaac and Abraham Rom. 9. v. 8. w the Church gethered both of Ievves and Gentiles is very great and vniuersal x Our Sauiour promised to geue his ovvne bodie the bread of life Ioan. 6 and performed the same at his last supper y those that be faithful humble and poore in spirit participat the sruict of this most excellent Sacrament z The effect of this B. Sacrament is the resurrection in glorie and life euerlasting a Gentiles which haue bene idolaters shal recollect themselues when they heare Christ preached and shal turne to true Religion b Although men can neither deserue to be conuerted nor to perseuere in iustice yet Christ meriteth to haue a continual kingdom which is the perpetual visible Catholique Church c Not only the poore sorte but also the mightie ones of the world shal be conuerted to Christ participate his B. Bodie in the Sacrament d and religiously adore the same e Al that adore God shad adore him in this Sacraments f Death being once ouercome it shal haue no more powre g Againe the prophet inculcateth the continuance of the Catholique Church h Apostles and other preachers of Christ Christs Resurrection The Passion of Christ according to Dauid Christs conditional prayer was not heard His absolute prayers were alwaies heard Christs suffered for our example ● Pet. 2. The Hebrew text corrupted by the Iewes This Psalme is of Christ Prophecie of the visible and vniuersal Church in hu●● Psal S. Agustin proueth the Church to be alwaies visible and great by this Psalme The Eucharist prophecied in this place Real presence of Christ in the Eucharist Thāksgeuing for Gods protection The 7. key a Christ the good pastor gouerneth protecteth Isa 40. Iere. 23. Ezech. 34. Ioan. 10. 1. Pet. 2. 5. b and feedeth his faithful flocke c Baptisme of regeneration d which is the first iustification e Gods precepts which the baptised must obserue Mat. 28. v. 20. f Saluation is in the name and powre of Christ not in mans owne merites g in great dangers of tentations to mortal sinne h yet by Gods grace we may resist i Gods direction and law is streight k and strong l Christ hath prepared for our spiritual foode the B. Sacrament of the Eucharist S. Cyprian Epist 63. Eutim in hunc Psal m against al spiritual enemies the world the flesh and the diuel n Christian soules are also streingthned by the Sacraments of Confirmation Penance holie-Orders Matrimonie and Extreme Vnction o The B. Sacrament and Sacrifice of Christs bodie and bloud p continual and final peseuerance is by Gods special grace q in eternal life Christ Lord of al the world The 5. key a Christ rising from death the first day of the weeke had al powre geuen him in heauen and in earth Mat. 28. b Not only the soile it selfe but al the fruict and al that dwel therin are Gods c Though Christ created and redeemed al yet only the iust shal inherite heauen d not occupied himselfe in vaine and vnprofitable thinges but in commendable workes e Gods mercy goeth before iustifications iust workes folow and so glorie is the reward of al. f This sorte of people thus seruing God shal receiue euerlasting blisse g The prophet contemplating in spirite Christs Ascension inuiteth Angels to receiue him and by prosopopeia speaketh also to the gates of heauen by which he is to enter h Angels answer admiring demanding as in a dialogue how Christ is become so glorious i The Prophet answereth that Christ by his powre hath ouercome al enemies in battel k Againe he willeth Angels to open the gates and biddeth the gates to enlarge them selues l the Angels demand as before m the prophet answereth that Christ is Lord also of Angels and al heauenlie powres vnder God A prayer of the faithful The 7. key a This Psalme perteyneth more properly to the new testament And is artificially composed the verses beginnīg with distinct letters in order of the Hebrew Alphabet to the last verse b my min● to be attētiue c not be frustrate of my petition d that patiently expect the time when God wil assist e This maner of praying is frequent in the Psalmes signifying as a prophecie that so it wil come to passe and the conformitie of the iust to Gods iustice f in true faith and religion g al our