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water_n air_n element_n fire_n 13,062 5 7.1789 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10436 A new boke of purgatory whiche is a dyaloge [and] dysputacyon betwene one Comyngo an Almayne a Christen man, [and] one Gyngemyn a turke of Machoinett law, dysputynge by naturall reason and good philosophye, whether there be a purgatorye. which boke is deuyded into thre dyalogys. The fyrst dyaloge sheweth and treateth of the merueylous exystens of god. The seconde dyaloge treateth of the immortalyte of mannys soule. The thyrde dyaloge treateth of purgatory. Rastell, John, d. 1536. 1530 (1530) STC 20719; ESTC S104474 75,346 74

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his partes gederyd for the soule hath no partes nor can not be deyuded Nor it is not made of no nother mater for euery thynge that is made of any mater and be resoluyd vnto the same mater wherof it was fyrst made when the forme or fassyon is brokē and destroyed as an ymage a house a cup of tymber or metall and such other whych may be resoluyd vnto the same mater as vnto y ● same tymber or metall when the fassyō and forme therof is broken and destroyed and therfore syth the soule of man can not be resoluyd to no such mater wherof it is made because it is but only a symple substaunce of it selfe er go it is made of no mater then yf yt be nother made of partes of it selfe nother of no mater yt hath no meane cause of his creacyon and beynge then must it ned●s be i●edyatly made of god ergo god is only y ● cause of his creacyon beynge where it hath no nother cause of his beynge but that that it is infynyte y ● immedyatly effecte must nedys be infynyte So consequently yt foloweth that the soule of man must nedys be infynyte incorruptyble and immortall ¶ That the materyall substaūce of no thynge in the worlde can be corruptyd no more can mannys soule Caput xiii THere is nothynge in the world that is made of any mater forme that clerely corruptyth and cometh to nought for though y ● forme and ta●yon be corrupt and gone yet the mater euer remayneth for euery corporall thynge in the worlde is cōpound of y ● iiii elemētes euer it is resoluyd agayn vnto y ● iiii elementes of the which it is cōpound that is to saye eyther in to the fyre ayre water or yerth So that those iiii ele mentes nor no parte of thē can neuer be corruptyd because they were inmedyatly made and create of god for there is as mych fyre eyre water yerth at this daye as euer was any tyme before this and neyther more nor lesse And euery thynge that is cōpounde and made of these iiii elementes thoughe the forme and fassyon maye be corrupte yet the matter euer remayneth For take any corporall thynge that is in the worlde be a stok a stone a plante or tre or the body of any best and breke it or bren it and do what ye can to destroy it yet ye shall neuer destroy the matter therof to cause it vtterly to come to nought For the yerth whych is in it wyll turne to yerth or asshes y ● water moysture therin wyll go to the ele ment of the water so that it wyll downe to the holow places of the yerth and so at the last in to the see or ellys it wyll be vapoured vp by the hete of the sonne or sterrys and so at the laste turne to reyne The eyre and wynde whych is therin wyll to the eyre whyche is in his proper element The fyre therin wyll ascende to the proper place and spere of the element of the fyre So that euery one of the elementes wyll go to his owne place and proper spere so that the materyall substaūce of euery corporal thyng doth neuer perysh and come to nought but doth euer remayne Thē syth that god suffered no corporall thynge naturally to corrupte and to come to nought it is lykely that he wyll not suffer the soule of man whyche is so noble a thyng and immedyatly made and create of god as I haue pro ued to the before and also made to his symylytude and lykenes vtterly to corrupt and come to nought So it must folowe that the soule of man must be immortall and can neuer perysh and come to nought but must euer contynew in his beynge ¶ That mannes soule that is the moste perfyte and moste noble thynge that euer god dyd ordeyne create must haue most longe tyme to cōtynew remayne in his beyng Cap. xiiii Gyngemyn ¶ Another reason is this Euery thyng the more perfyte and the more noble that it is the longer it is able to cōtynew in his beyng But the soule of man is the most perfyte creature and most noble c●ature that euer god dyd ordeyne or create because it is made to the sy mylytude and lykenes of god as I haue proued to the in our fyrst dyaloge and dysputacion Therfore it is most able to cōtynew in his beyng but we se dyuers creatures of god which be perfyte thynges and able to contynew by nature and to haue beyng infynyte as the elementes that is to say the fyre the eyre the water the erth as I prouyd to the here before also the bodyes aboue as the sonne mone sterrys by theyr proper tees haue a beyng y t naturally they shall neuer be vtterly corrupte nor pe rysshed because there is no cause of theyr corrupcyon ergo the soule of man whych is the most perfyte most noble thynge that euer god made and ordeyned muste haue such a beynge that shall be able to contynewe and to haue a beynge infynyte Therfore it must folowe that the soule of man is immortall and shall euer cōtynue and remayne in his beynge ¶ That the soule of man hath his full perfeccyon as sone as it is annexed to the body and that it increasyth not successyuely Caput xv COmyngo ¶ Thy reasons so depely enter in to my hert y t I can not auoyde it but I muste nedys graunt the soule of man to be unmortall to haue a beynge after the corrupcyon of the body But yet one thynge moueth me greatly whether y ● soule of man haue his beynge full perfeccyon as sone as it is annexed to the body or yf it increase his perfeccyō successyuely ¶ Gyn. ¶ As to that it must nedys be af f●med y ● the soule hath his full perfeccyon and beynge as sone as euer it is annexed to y ● body ¶ Comyn ¶ That semeth to me a straunge thyng for this I suppose must be graūted y t the soule intellectyf is nothyng elle but the● vnderstandynge whyche beynge in the body of man is annexed to the sensytyue lyfe but we well perceyue that y ● bodye of a chylde in the wōbe of the mother hath quycknes of lyfe yet lacketh vnderstandynge longe tyme bothe before the byrth and after longe tyme after y ● byrth so cōtynueth nor hath no more ꝓ●yuvng nor vnderstandyng then a brute beste but after by processe of tyme by techynge and instruccyon y ● vnderstanding increasyth wherfore it se●eth to me that his soule hath not his perfyte beyng and perfeccion at the beg●nnyng but rather groweth and ●syth as the body doth ¶ Gyn. ¶ That doute that thou mouest may well be asso●d but because thou shall better perceyue my solucyon I shall put the this symilitude lyke wyse as a harper vseth his harpe which is his instrument to make melodye so dothe the reasonable soule vse the body for his