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A10132 The Christian mans teares and Christs comforts. Delivered at a fast the seventh of Octob. An[n]o. 1624. By Gilbert Primerose minister of the French Church of London. Primrose, Gilbert, ca. 1580-1642. 1625 (1625) STC 20389; ESTC S114339 81,191 440

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Felices lachrymae quas benignae manus Conditoris abstergunt O blessed tears which the mercifull hands of the Creator wipe away Then r Rev. 20 14 death and hell shall bee cast into the lake of fire Then we shall with triumphing voices desie death and say ſ 1. Cor. 15.55 O death where is thy sting O grave where is thy victory III. Our comfort our blessednesse now is our faith 'T is our blessednesse that Christ dwels in us and t Eph. 3.17 hee dwelleth in our hearts by faith Now by faith u Now n Aug. de verb. Apost ser 16. as long as wee are in the way now as long as wee are in our pilgrimage now x 2. Cor. 5.6 7 whiles wee are at home in the body wee are absent from the Lord for wee walke by faith not by sight Now we are in the world besieged on all sides with Armies of enemies and y 1. Iohn 5.4 this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith Then we shall dwell a Cant. 8.14 in the mountaine of spices in the Countrey of Eden in the Paradise of felicity of glory and of joy b Greg. in 7. Psalm poenit Vbi est lux sine defectu gaudium sine gemitu desiderium sine poenâ amor sine tristitiâ satietas sine fastidio sospitas sine vitio vita sine morte salus sine languore Where there is light without any defect gladnesse without mourning desire without pain love without sorrow fulnesse without loathsomenesse safenesse without imperfection life without death salvation without any languishing feeblenesse where wee shall enjoy all felicity with c Heb. 12 22 23 the innumerable companie of the Angels with the generall Assembly Church of the first-borne with the spirits of iust men made perfect For then we shal be citizens of heaven fellows to all the Saints like unto the blessed Angels heires of God joint heirs with Christ Now our comfort our blessednesse is our hope Hope is necessary unto a wayfaring man hope comforteth him in the way A man who is on his journey endureth all kinde of travell so long as he hopeth to come to his journeyes end d Aug. de verb. Apost ser 16. T●ll● illi spem perveniendi continuò franguntur vires ambulandi Take from him that hope by and by ye shall see him discouraged his strength weakned his journey broken off Wee are all travellers all on our journey to heaven The staffe which upholdeth us the spurre which setteth us forward in the way is our hope e Rom 8.24 25. for we are saved by hope But hope that is seen is no hope for what a man seeth why doth he yet hope for But if wee hope for that wee see not then do we with patience wait for it f Aug. ibid. In this patiēce the Martyrs were crowned * Desidorabant quod non videbāt contem●ebant quae forebant they desired the things which they suffred in this hope they said g Rom 8.35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ Shall tribulation or distresse or persecution or famine or nakednesse or perill or sword O the strength O the power of hope i 1. Ioh. 3.2 Beloved now we are the Sonnes of God now wee are predestinated called iustified adopted and it doth not yet appeare what we shall be therefore we hope for we know that when hee shall appeare we shall bee like him for we shall see him as he is i. e. we shall enioy him k Bern in fes●o omnium Sanctor serm 4. 1. in all his creatures 2. in our selves 3. in his owne selfe for then we shall know the blessed Trinity in its own selfe then with the pure eye of our heart wee shall behold that incomprehensible that unspeakeable glory not l 1. Cor 13.12 through a glasse in a riddle as now in his workes in his Word in his Sacraments but face to face Then we shall no more walk by faith but by sight And m Aug. eod Spes tam non erit quia erit res hope shal bee no more because wee shall enioy the thing hoped for Now m Col. 3.3 4. our life is hid with Christ in God when Christ who is our life shall appeare then shall ye appeare with him also in glory O how glorious is that glory who shall give mee words to utter it aptly Eye hath not seen nor eare heard neither hath entred into the heart of man what brightnesse what sweetnesse what pleasantnes what glory God hath prepared for them that l●ve him This is that n Phil. 4.7 peace of God which passeth all understanding o Bern. ibid. Quod ergo nulli datum est expertri nullus conetus affari wherefore that which no man is able to understand let no man go about to utter IV. Yet if yee will suffer me to fumble and to speake of such things as I can since I cannot speake of them as I would ' I le make to you a short description and draw rudely as it were with a coale or blacke inke the first lineaments of the bright-shining light of that glory Man as ye know is framed of two parts of a soule and of a body The wise men of the world say that in the soule there are three faculties or natures which they call reasonable sensuall and cholericke By the first wee reason and discourse by the second we couet meates drinkes all sorts of delights by the third we are angry In the first so long as we are in this world there is knowledge and ignorance for q 1. Cor. 13.9 we know in part In the second there is desire and disdaine In the third there is ioy and anger But in that day r Bern. ibid. implebit Deus rationale nostrum luce sapientiae implebit concupiscibile nostrū fōte iustitiae c. God will fill our reasonable part with the light of wisedome our sensuall part with a fountaine of righteousnesse our cholericke part with perfect tranquillitie Then wee shall know God with all our minde as wee are knowne of him then beeing filled with his righteousnesse we shall ever love him with all our hearts and still desire him ever bee satisfied with his likenesse and still hunger after him ever rejoyce in his goodnesse and never be weary of rejoycing in him Nihil quippe aut deest semper videntibus aut superest semper volentibus For there nothing is wanting to them who see God alwayes nothing is overmuch to them who desire alwayes This is the blessed comfort wherewith Lazarus is comforted in Abrahams bosome as Abraham said t Luk. 16.25 Now he is comforted V. Mans body is made of the foure Elements of earth water ayre and fire u Ex Bern. ibid. Habebit Terra nostra immortalitatem Aqua impassibilitatem Aer agilitatem Ignis perfectissimam pulchritudinē Our earth shall receive
immortalitie and shall not returne unto earth againe Our water shall be glorified with impassibilitie and shall not be subiect to any passion or sufferings which may hurt and grieve us Our aire shall have such agilitie and promptnesse * Aug de Civit. dei lib 22. cap. 30. Certe ubi volet Spiritus ibi protinus orit corpus that it shall quickly carry the body wheresoever the soule will have it to go Our fire shall be beautified with the most wonderfull light of all fairenesse If the x Exod. 34.29 30. skin of Moses face after he had beene fortie dayes with God in Moūt Sinai shone so brightly that the people was afraid to come nigh him how brightly I pray you shal shine the bodies of the Saints when they shal be transported by the holy Angels unto Mount Sion and enlightened with the glorious light of the face of God shining upon them night and day world without end The Lord Iesus himself saith that y Mat. 13.43 the righteous shall shine foorth as the Sunne in the kingdome of their father And the holy Apostle saith that z Phil. 3.20 21. wee looke for the Saviour the Lord Iesus Christ who shall change our vile body that it may bee fashioned like unto his glorious body In his transfiguration which was but a praeludium of his glorification a Mat. 17 2. his face did shine as the Sun his rayment was white as the light If such was the glory not onely of his body but of his raiment also when hee was upon earth how wonderfull and glorious is his body now in heaven And if our bodies are to be like unto his in glory what hart can conceive what speech can expresse the greatnes of that glory How radiāt glittring shall then be the beams of the glorious bodies of all the Saints together when each of us shall bee so glorious So then saith S. Bernard allegorizing the words of the psalm a Psalm 72.19 The whole earth shall bee filled with his glory b Bern. ibid. So will GOD fill our soules when in them shall bee perfect science perfect righteousnes perfect ioy So the whole earth shall bee filled with his glory when the bodie shall be incorruptible impassible nimble and fashioned like unto his glorious body VI. But what is all this that I have said or can say of eternall life It is as if I should paint the fair light of the Sun with the blackest coale O the last comfort of the Christian man how blessed art thou ô blessed life of them that hunger and thirst after thee how comfortable art thou for the thing which we shall enjoy in thee for the meanes for the measure for the time for the certainty for the place for the companions of that cōfortable blessednes of that blessed comfort The thing shall bee God himselfe c Ber. Deus omne bonum summum bonum God who is all goodnes God who is the soveraigne good Now wee make our mone with David and say * Psalm 42.2 23. My soule thirsteth for God for the living God when shall I come and appeare before GOD But as Lyranus saith upon the sixt chapter of S. Iohn Is status est vita aeterna ut faciat tūc Deus ut videamus quod credidimus manducemus quod esurivimus habeamus quod amavimus desideravimus Eternall life is a state wherein God will make us to see that which we beleeved to eat that for which wee were hungry to have that wch wee loved and desired The means shall be no means wee shall enjoy him by himselfe immediately As Saint Iohn saith that d Rev. 22 22 23 hee saw no Temple in the heavenly Ierusalem for the Lord God Almightie and the Lamb are the Temple of it and the City saith he also had no need of the Sun neither of the Moon to shine in it for the glory of God did lighten it the Lamb is the light thereof The measure shall bee e Luke 6 38. good measure pressed downe and shaken together and running over given into our bosome For f Bernard Deus futurus est intellectui plenitudo lucis voluntati multitudo pacis memoriae continuatio aeternitatis nam quicquid olim inchoavit praeparavit gratia tunc absolvet perficiet gloria God shall bee to our minde fulnesse of light to our will multitude of peace to our memory continuatiō of eternity then whatsoever grace hath begun in us glory will make it perfect The time shall not be g Aug. in Mat. sor 17Vbi sunt dies bow nec multi sed u●●s Dies ille nescit ortum nescit occasum illi di●● non succedit crastinus quia non pracedit tum besternus many daies but one A most wonderfull day A day which hath no rising no setting A day which is not followed by another because another day is not gone before it h Psalm 30.5 Weeping soiourneth in the evening but singing commeth in the morning We are now in the evening of our misery and therefore weeping sojournes journes with us wee shal be then in the morning of our felicity Then i Mal. 4.2 the Sunne of righteousnes shall arise unto us Sunne whereof the Prophet saith k Esay 60 20. Thy Sun shall no more goe downe neither shall the Moone withdraw it self for the Lord shall bee thine everlasting light the daies of thy mourning shall bee ended The place shall be new heavens and a new earth wherin dwelleth righteousnes If this heaven which we see enamelled with so many bright glistering starres be so glorious if this earth which is diapred with such a pleasant and profitable diversity of so many creatures and is inhabited by sinners be so faire how glorious will the new heavens bee how faire will the new earth be which are prepared to be the blessed habitation of righteous men The certainty shall be most certaine l Aug. do civ Doi l. 12 c. 13. Quomodo enim vera beatitudo est de cuius nunquam aeternitate confiditur for that cannot be true blessednes of the eternity whereof we are not assured The companions shall bee all the blessed Angels and all the Elect who then shall knowe one another even as in the transfiguration m Mat. 17 4 Peter knew Moses Elias whom before hee had never seen the n Luke 16 23 rich man being in hell knew Lazarus in Abraham's bosome VII O wonderfull dispensation of the justice and mercies of the Lord our God! o Chrysost in ep ist 3. ad Cyriac. Episc The tyrants and persecuters shall see know God's deare children whom they martyrized and p Sap. 5.4 5. whose life they accounted madnesse and their end disgrace infamy Seeing and knowing them they shall groane with anguish of spirit and say with the sobs of too too late repentance q Psal 144.15