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A09500 Varieties: or, A surveigh of rare and excellent matters necessary and delectable for all sorts of persons. Wherein the principall heads of diverse sciences are illustrated, rare secrets of naturall things unfoulded, &c. Digested into five bookes, whose severall chapters with their contents are to be seene in the table after the epistle dedicatory. By David Person, of Loghlands in Scotland, Gentleman. Person, David. 1635 (1635) STC 19781; ESTC S114573 197,634 444

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discovery of these Mysteries and secrets of Nature I answer not the vast expectation of the overcurious the more modest and discreet Reader will rest satisfied that I inferre the most approved Reasons of the more Ancient and Moderne Philosophers and such men as have most Copiously treated of them thereby to ease thee and all men of the like paines and turmoile that I have had in the search of these secrets which if they bring thee that content satisfaction that I desire and intended for thee I am assured of a favourable applause and have the reward I expected Section 1. Of the matter whereof the Heavens are composed with the confutation of various opinions of Philosophers concerning it ALthough the world and all comprehended within its imbraces is the proper subject of Physicke and that Physiologie is nothing else but a Discourse of Nature as the Greek Etymologie sheweth and so were a fitting discourse for this place yet because the questions which concern a Christian to know against the Philosophicall conceits Of the Worlds eternity his pre-existent matter that it had a beginning but shall never have an end if there be more worlds than one If the world be a living Creature in respect of the Heavens perennall and incessant rotation and the Ayres continuall revolution the Seas perpetuall ebbing and flowing the Earths bringing forth o● conceiving fruit alternatively c. Because I say these questions of the World together with these if there was a World before this which is now or if there shall be one after this is consummated if there bee any apart by this are handled in the Chapter of the World in this same Booke I passe them for the present and betake me to the more particular questions more necessary to be knowne and lesse irreligious to be propounded And because the Heavens of all the parts of the World are most conspicuous as that wheretoever we bend our eyes being the most glorious Creature of all the Creators workes at it I will begin but as I said I would alwayes have the Reader to understand that I propound these questions not so absolutely of mine owne braine to solve them as to give him a view of the variety of opinions yea of the most learned in these high and sublime questions whereat we may all conjecturally give our opinions but not definitively while it please the great Maker to bring us thither where we may see Him and them more cleerely Quest. First then I aske of what matter are the heavens composed Answ. Diverse have beene the opinions of Philosophers upon this subject For Averroes in his first booke of the heavens and there in Text 7. and tenth holds it to bee so simple a body that it is free from all materiall substance which opinion of his by this may be refelled that with Aristotle in the eight booke of his Metaph. chap. 2. and in his first booke De coelo and Text 92. What ever things falles under the compasse of our senses these same must bee materially substantiall But the heavens are such and therefore they must be materiall Besides that all movable Essences consist of matter and forme as Aristotle in his second booke of Physicke chap. 1. holdeth But so it is that the heavens are movable therfore they cannot be free of matter Quest. Seeing then it is evinced by argument and concluding reasons that the heavens doe consist of matter I aske now what kinde of matter are they compounded of Answ. The Philosophick Schooles in this point are different Some of them maintaining a like matter to be common with them and the sublunarie bodies that is that they were composed of the foure elements of which all things here below doe exist Neither lacked there some Sects that gave forth for truth that the heavens were of a fierie and burning nature which opinion Aristotle confuteth by many reasons in his first Book De coelo chap. 3. establishing his owne which have beene held for truth not only by his Sectaries the Peripateticks then but ever since have beene approved which is that the matter of the heavens being distinct in nature from that of the foure elements of which all other sublunarie things are framed must bee composed of a quintessence which opinion of his he thus maintaineth against the Platonists and all others who maintained that it was framed of the most pure and mundified part of the foure elements for saith hee All simple motion which we finde in nature must belong unto some simple body But so it is that we finde a circular motion in nature which no wayes appertaineth unto any of the elements in regard that in direct line they either fall downeward as the waters and earth or else they ascend upward as the ayre and fire And it is certaine that one simple body cannot have more proper and naturall motions than one Wherefore it followeth of necessitie that seeing none of the elements have this circular motion as is before verified therefore there must be a distinct simple body from them to which this motion must appertaine and that must be the heaven As for those who enforce identitie of matter in kind betwixt the heavens and these elementarie things below and consequently would involve them under corruption which is peculiar to all other things their warrant is of no validitie for although they take upon them to demonstrate by their late Astronomicall observations in the Aetherian region new prodigies not observed nor remarkable heretofore which both Ruvius and the Conimbricenses give forth to proceed from a corruption and defect of the first cause from whence they flow They mistake in so farre as they are rather extraordinary workes of the great maker threatning mortalls by their frownings then other wayes Symptomes of the Celestiall P●r●xysmes and corruption Neither must you understand that I doe so adhere unto the heavens incorruptibility that I thinke it free from all change but contrarily rest assured that at the last conflagration it shall suffer a change and novation but no dissolution as the low elementarie world Quest. You conclude then that the heavens are of a fift substance not alembecked out of the foure elements but an element by it selfe having it 's owne motion severall from the others which is a circular one Answ. Yea truly I doe Quest. But now seeing all circular motion is such that it hath some immoveable thing in the middle of it whereabout it whirleth ever as we see in a Coach Wheele and the axeltree What is this immovable thing whereabout the heavens circular rotation and perpetuall motion is Answ. The Globe of the earth which whatsoever fond conceit Copernicus had concerning the motion of it yet remaineth firme and immovable And the heaven doth rolle still about this earth and hath still as much below it as we see round about and above it Sect. 2. Of the Starres their substance and splendor where also of the
Elements mixt together is the purenesse subtilenesse and simplicity if I may say so of that Element Which reason may serve too against them when they say that if it were there it should burne all about And which likewise may serve for answer to the objection of the Comets which are seene seeing they are of a terrestriall maligne exhalation and so having in them that earthly mixture and being inflamed by the neighbour-heate of that fiery Element no wonder though they bee seene and not it her subtile purenesse being free of all combustible matter and so the lesse conspicuous to our eyes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sive perspicuum nisi condensetur est 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 quia visum non terminat Iul. Scal. Exer. 9. There is no such question about the second Element which is the Aire for of it all agree that it hath three regions wherein all these you call Meteors are fashioned as clouds haile snow thunder wind and dew yea and higher than all these in the first and supreme Region these blazing Comets although other men place them above the Moone which are so formidable to ignorants who know not the causes of their matter Quest. Is this so as you give it forth Answ. It is of verity that the first Element which we call the Element of fire is disputable and hath beene denied by many but as for the Ayre none to my knowledge ever called it in question neither is there in all our Philosophy a subject more fitting a man of spirit to know than the discourse of the Meteors therein framed of all which although you have a tractate hereafter by it selfe yet one word here more to make you understand their nature and matter the better Section 5. A briefe Discourse of Meteors of their causes matter and differences THE great Creator hath so disposed the frame of this Vniverse in a constant harmony and sympathy amongst the parts of it that these Heavenly Lights which wee see above our heads have their owne force power and influence upon this Earth and Waters whereon and wherein we live marying as it were these two so farre distant Creatures both in place and nature by the mediation of this Ayre above spoken of which participateth of both their qualities warmenesse from the Heavens and moistnesse from the Earth and Waters Nature then but Melior naturâ Deus or GOD better than Nature hath ordained the Sunne Fountaine of light and warmth to be the physicall or naturall cause yea and the remotest cause as wee say in the Schooles of these Meteors as Aristotle himselfe in his first Book of his Meteors cap. 2. observeth When I speak of the Sun as most principall I seclude not the Stars and these celestiall bodies which rolling about in a per-ennall whirling and rotation doe lance forth their power upon the Earth also The neerest Physicall or naturall cause againe must be understood to be cold and heate heate from these heavenly bodies to rarifie or attenuate the vapors of the Earth whereby they may bee the easier evaporated by the Sunne or heate to draw fumes and vapours from the Earth upward cold againe to condensate and thicken those elevated vapours in the Ayre to thicken them I say either in clouds raine or snow or the rest Thus as the Meteors have a twofold cause as you have heard so have they a two fold matter The first and remotest are the two Elements but of them chiefly Earth and Water the neerer cause or matter are exhalations extracted from these former two Which exhalations I divide in fumes and vapours fumes being a thin exhalation hot and dry elevated from the Earth and that of their most dried parts by the vertue of the heavenly Starres and the Sunnes warmenesse elevated I say by the vertue and warmnesse of the Sunne and Stars from the driest parts of the Earth even the Element of fire from whence and of which our Comets fiery-Darts Dragons and other ignean Meteors doe proceed although later Astronomers have found and give forth some of the Comets formation to be above the Moone Whereas vapours are exhalations thicker and hotter swifter drawne up from the Seas and Waters by the power of the Sun and Stars of which vapors thither elevated are framed our raines snow haile dewe wherewith they falling back againe the Earth is bedewed and watered When I say that these vapours are hot and moist thinke it not impossible although the waters their mother be cold and moist for that their warmnesse is not of their owne innate nature but rather accidentall to them by vertue of the Sunne and Starres warmnesse by whose attractive power as the efficient cause they were elevated Now then as of fumes elevated to the highest Region of the Ayre the fiery Meteors are composed so of their watery vapours which are drawne no higher than the middle Region proceeds raine clouds snow haile and the rest or if they passe not beyond this low Region wherein we breath they fall downe into dew or in thick mysts Thus you see that these vapours are of a middle or meane nature betwixt the Ayre and the Waters because they resolve in some one of the two easily even as fumes are medians betwixt fire and earth in respect that they are easily transmuted or changed in the one or the other And thus as you have heard the efficient and materiall causes of Meteors So now understand that their forme dependeth upon the disposition of their matter for the materiall dissimilitude either in quantity or quality in thicknesse thinnesse hotnesse drinesse aboundance or scarcity and so forth begetteth the Meteor it selfe different in species and forme as if you would say by the aboundance of hot and dry exhaled fumes from the Earth and the most burnt parts thereof are begot the greater quantity of Comets winds thunders and contrary-wayes by the aboundance of moist vapours elevated by the force of the Sunne from the Seas and waters we judge of aboundance of raine haile or snow or dew to ensue according to the diverse degrees of light in the Ayrie Region whither they are mounted Now when I said before that hot exhaled fumes are ever carried aloft to the highest Region of the Ayre take it not to be so universally true but that at times they may be inflamed even in this low Region of ours here and that through the Sunnes deficiency of heate for the time for as the uppermost Region is alwayes hot the middle alwayes cold so is the lower now hot now cold now dry and againe moist according to the Sunnes accesse or recesse from it as Aristotle lib. 1. Meteo cap. 3. noteth And of this sort are these even visible inflamations which in the Seas are seene before any storme flaming and glancing now and then as I my selfe have seene yea and sometimes upon the tops of Ships masts Sterne and Poope or such as in darke nights now
and then are perceived to flutter about Horse-meines and feet or amongst people gone astray in darke nights And these our Meteorologians call Ignes fatui ignes lambentes wilde-fires Sect. 6. That the earth and waters make but one globe which must be the Center of the world Of the Seas saltnesse deepnesse flux and reflux why the mediterranean Indian Seas have none Of Magellanes strait what maketh so violent tyde there seeing there is none in the Indian Sea from whence it floweth Of the Southerne Sea or Mare del Zur THus then leaving the Aire I betake me unto the third and fourth elements which are the earth and waters for these two I conjoyne in the Chapter of the world and that after the opinion of the most renowned Cosmographers howbeit Plinius Lib. 2. Naturalis Histor cap. 66. and with him Strabo lib. 1. distinguish them so as they would have the waters to compasse the earth about the middle as though the one halfe of it were under the waters and the other above like a bowle or Apple swimming in a vessell for indeede Ptolomee his opinion is more true that the earth and waters mutually and linkingly embrace one another and make up one Globe whose center should be the' center of the world But here now I aske seeing the frame of the universe is such that the heaven circularly encompasseth the low spheares each one of them another these the fire it the Aire the aire againe encompasseth the waters what way shall the water be reputed an element if it observe not the same elementarie course which the rest doe which is to compasse the earth also which should be its elementarie place Answer True it is that the nature of the element is such but GOD the Creator hath disposed them other wayes and that for the Well of his Creatures upon earth Who as he is above nature and at times can worke beyond and above it for other wayes the earth should have beene made improfitable either for the production or entertainement of living and vegetable Creatures if all had beene swallowed up and covered with waters both which now by their mutuall embracing they do hence necessarily it followeth that the Sea is not the element of water seeing all elements are simple and unmixt creatures whereas the Seas are both salt and some way terrestriall also How deepe hold you the Sea to be Answ. Proportionably shallow or deepe as the earth is either stretched forth in valleys or swelling in mountaines and like enough it is that where the mouth of a large valley endeth at the Sea that shooting as it were it selfe forth into the said Sea that there it should bee more shallow then where a tract of mountaines end or shall I say that probably it is thought that the Sea is as deepe or shallow below as commonly the earth is high in mountaines and proportionably either deepe or shallow as the earth is either high in mountaines or low and streacht forth in vallies But what reason can you render for the Seas saltnesse Answer If we trust Aristotle in his 2 booke of Meteors and 3. as he imputeth the ebbing and flowing of the Sea to the Moone so he ascribeth the cause of its saltnesse to the Sunne by whose beames the thinnest and sweetest purer parts of it are extenuated and elevated in vapors whilest the thicker and more terrestriall parts which are left behind by that same heate being adust become bitter and salt which the same Author confirmeth in that same place before cited by this that the Southerne Seas are salter and that more in Summer then the others are and inforceth it by a comparison in our bodies where our urine by him is alleadged to be salt in respect that the thinner and purer part of that moistnesse by our inborne warmenesse is conveyed and carryed from our stomack wherein by our meate and drinke it was engendred thorough the rest of the parts of our body Neither leaveth he it so but in his Problems Sect 23. 30. for corroboration hereof he maintaineth that the lower or deeper the Sea-water is it is so much the fresher and that because the force of the Suns heat pierces and reaches no further then the Winter Cold extendeth its force for freezing of waters unto the uppermost superfice only and no further If it bee true then that the Seas are salt wherefore are not lakes and rivers by that same reason salt also Answer Because that the perpetuall running and streames of rivers in flouds hindreth that so that the sun beames can catch no hold to make their operation upon them and as for lakes because they are ever infreshed with streames of fresh springs which flow and run into them they cannot be salt at all the same reason almost may serve to those who as●● what makes some springs savour of salt some vitrio●●●●e of brimstone some of brasse and the like To which nothing can be more pertinently answered then that the diversity of mineralls through which they run giveth them those severall tastes What have you to say concerning the cause of the flowing and ebbing of the Sea Answ. To that all I can say is this that Aristotle himselfe for all his cunning was so perplexed in following that doubt that he died for griefe because he could not understand it aright if it be truth which Coelius Rhodiginus lib. 29. antiquarum lectionum cap. 8. writeth of him it is true indeede yea and more probable that many ascribe the cause of his death to have beene a deepe melancholy contracted for not conceaving the cause aright of the often flowing and ebbing of Euripus a day rather than to the not knowing the true cause of the Seas ebbing and flowing chiefly seeing Meteor 2 3. he ascribeth it to the Moone the mother and nurse of all moist things which is the most receaved opinion and warranted with the authoritie of Ptolomee and Plinius both as depending upon her magnetick power being of all Planets the lowest and so the neerer to the Sea which all doe acknowledge to bee the mistris of moisture and so no question but to it it must be referred which may bee fortified with this reason That at all full Moones and changes the Seas flowing and swelling is higher then at other times and that all high streams and tydes are observed to bee so seeing the Moone doth shine alike upon all Seas what is the cause that the Mediterranean Sea together with the West Indian-Seas all along Hispaniola and Cuba and the Coasts washing along the firme Land of America to a world of extent hath no ebbing nor flowing but a certain swelling not comparable to our Seas ebbing and flowing Answ. Gonsalus Ferdinando Oviedes observation in his History of the West-Indian-Seas shall solve you of that doubt and this it is He compareth the great Ocean to the body of a man lying upon his back reaching
wherewith it was perplexed for I was saying that if things on the earth were propagated by their likes as by the authority of Aristotle I did instance and almost unto that the Lyrick Poet Horace applaudeth while he saith although not to this purpose wholly fortes creantur fortibus and againe Nec imbellem feroces progenerant aquilae columbam then how can fishes be said to live and have their substance of and by the Sea For if the Maxime both of Philosophie and medicine hold good that we exist and have our being of those things wherof we are nourished surely fishes existing of a more grosse and more materiall substance than water is cannot be said to live by the Sea much lesse Fowles seeing their flesh is more terrestriall and for that cause they build and bring forth their young ones upon the Land whereas otherwayes it should seeme that they live and have their essence and existence from the Sea for in Genesis we reade that the Great Creator commanded the waters to produce swimming creeping and flying creatures upon the Earth Answ. With Aristotle whom you object to mee you must consider that in the fire and ayre no Creature is framed For so in the 4th Booke of his Meteors he holdeth from them two indeed he admitteth vertue and power to bee derived to those which are created upon the Earth and in the Waters true it is that Fowles being volatile Creatures their generation should have fallen by lot in the Ayre but in respect that none can be well procreated there the next Element became their bringer forth as neerest in nature to the Ayre and as being little lesse than a condensed Ayre from which these Foules might soone flye up so that all things here below being made up of a dry and then of a thickned moist matter which are the Earth and Waters no marvell that properly of them all things are procreated howbeit they may be said to have their temperament and vertues from the superior two fire and ayre and where it may be objected how the matter of Fishes should be so firme and solid they being nourished by the thin waterish and slimy substance of the waters it must be considered that the Seas and waters are not so exempted of some mixture of earth in them out that even as the Earth some way participateth of them so they impart partly to it their moistnesse againe of which mixture both Fowles and Fishes doe live Quest. What is your opinion concerning the potablenesse of Gold after which our Chymists and Extractors of quintessences Calcinators and Pulverizers of Metals make such search and labour whereby Gold made drinkable as they undertake our youth neere spent may be renewed againe all diseases cured and the drinker thereof to live for many Ages Answ. Although Gold of all Metals be the King as the Sun amongst the Planets and that it is the softest of all and most volatile so the easiest to bee extended and wrought upon in so much that one Ounce of it is able to cover many Ounces and Pounds of Silver yea although of all Metals it abideth the triall of the fire best and loseth nothing by it as Arist. in the 3. Booke of his Meteors cap. 6. observeth yet that it may be made potable I doubt much of it and am a Galenist in that point and that for these two notable reasons which Iulius Scaliger setteth downe in his 272. Exercitation First because there must bee some resemblance betwixt the body nourished and the thing that nourisheth which no more holdeth betwixt our bodies and gold than betwixt a living and a dead thing Secondly because nothing is able to nourish us which the heate of our stomack is not able to digest But such is Gold and therefore c. Alwayes of the worth and vertue of Gold reade Plinius lib. 1. c. 3. cap● 1. Quest. Now what is the matter of precious-Stones earth it cannot be for it is heavie dull and blackish coloured they are glitteringly transparent like Stars water it is not for even Crystalline Ice will dissolve whereas they for hardnesse are almost indissoluble yet Cleopatra is said to have liquefide a Pearle to Anthonie Answ. They are of most purified earth not without some mixture of moistnesse but such as are both mavellously by the force of the Sun subtilized tempered and concocted Section 11. Of the Earth its circumference thicknesse and distance from the Sunne OVR Cosmographers generally but more particularly our Geographers have beene very bold to take upon them the hability as I am informed to shew how many graines of Wheate or Barley will encompasse the whole Earth which I esteeme a thing impossible to any mortall man to doe and therefore frivolous to be undertaken and I think it very much if they can demonsttate how many Miles it is in compasse leaving to trouble their wits with the other yet hereupon I desire to be resolved Answ. The Philosophicall generall knowledge of things is twofold either knowing things which fall under the reach of their Science in their effects thereby to come to the knowledg of the cause or contrariwise by the cause first to know the effects to come But the Mathematicall demonstrations whereof Geometry is a part consist not in these speculations but in reall demonstrations and that in such sort that their positions being once well founded thereon they may build what they please whereas on the other side a little error or mistaking in the beginning becommeth great and irreparable in the end and so to make way to your answer there is no question but if once a Geometrian give up the infallible number of the Miles which the Earth will reach to in compasse but soone and on a sudden hee may shew how many graines will encompasse it for it is universally held that the Earth is in circuit one and twenty thousands and so many odde hundred Miles a Mile consisteth of a thousand paces a pace of five feet a foot of foure palmes a palme of foure fingers breadth a fingers beadth of foure Barley cornes and so from the first to the last the number of the Miles holding sure the supputation of the graines number will cleere it selfe by Multiplication Quest. By that meanes I see you seeme to make no difficulty of that whereof I so much doubted Answ. No indeed and in this point I perceive how farre learned men are to be respected above ignorants yea as much as Pearles Diamonds or precious Stones are to be preferred to grosse Minerals Quest. Seeing all depende upon the knowledge of the Earths compasse then how many Miles hold you it to be in roundnesse Answ. The discovery of our new found-lands and the confident assurance which our moderne Navigators and Mappers have of this Terra australis incognita maketh that punctually not to be pointed out but what may satisfie in that or in knowing how thick the masse of the
middle one upon the dissolution of a cloud Finally it may be said here that clouds not onely may bee seene beneath us to inviron the tops of our lower Mountaines for I my selfe crossing the lower Alpes at Genoa have seene them below me along the sides of the Mountaines they likewise may be perceived to glide over the Plaines and swimming over our Lakes and Rivers yet that serveth not to prove that they are generated in the lowest Region but rather argueth the ascending of these vapours and the gathering of them together of which the clouds must bee coagulated and no otherwise as that they are absolutely there framed But this by the way CHAP 3. Of falling Starres Fleakes in the Ayre and other such fiery Meteors THere be foure Elements as all know the Fire hot and dry the Ayre hot and moist the Earth dry and cold the Waters cold and moist Now as of the moisture of the Waters whether in their owne Element or on the Earths superfice are composed all watery vapours as clouds raine dew haile snow and hoare-frosts c. Even so from the dry parts of the Earth calefied or made hot by the Sun-beames doe proceed fumy exhalations whereof the fiery and burning Meteors are generated But so it is that of these vaporous exhalations whereof all the ignite and fiery Meteors or impressions are composed all are not framed alike for according to the diversity of the dispositions of their matter they are either round or long or more long than round or more round than long for if by the efficient and materiall causes which are the Sunne-beames exhaling these fumous evaporations from the driest part of the Earth these spumeous exhalations are such as are combustible and capable to bee kindled if it be of a like length and breadth then in that case it shall be seene to burne in the uppermost Region of the Ayre like a blazing fire of straw if it bee longer than broad then is it taken for those long falling Stars which by the Meteorologians are called Dall If otherwayes broader than long then are they called fiery inflammations which seeme to reele in the Ayre as it were and to shoot hither and thither And because sometimes these exhalations although dry have some coldnesse in them therefore the ejaculation of that cold matter maketh the Meteor to seeme by that extrusion to fall as being in labour to expell it whence more properly are our falling Stars which Stars at some times seeme to fall aside at other times strait downe or upward according as their matter is for the time either disposed or placed And if it be objected how contrary to their nature can they descend or fall downe their matter being light and not ponderous I told before that that commeth by expulsion and by way of projection for confirmation whereof may be added the experience we have of Thunder whose bolts and claps light at times even at our feet otherwhiles what in our houses beating downe Pinacles and Steeples the tops of Turrets and the like although it be both light and dry and the reason is That Thunder being generated in the middle Region of the Ayre not by exustion of any kindled hot matter but rather by a separation of an expelling cold meane while this cold thickning and coagulating it selfe together with violence in a manner detrudeth the hot matter which with it was thither drawn up and maketh such a noise and terrible din the time of that expulsion that not only the Ayre seemeth to bee rent asunder but the very Earth also appeareth to tremble at its violence Iust so as the matter of the falling Stars is placed they fall either straight down aside or upward as before I noted Even so is it with the Thunder Now as those vapors thickned in the ayre doe produce the afore-said effects so shall it not bee thought amisse to say that the same ayre being thickned with their vapors but not condensed in a cloud by susception of light but chiefly from the Suns rayes opposite to it either by night or day but chiefly by night become fiery coloured and looke as burning the same vapors stirring to and fro and being someway thickned by refraction of light doe assume unto themselves variable and diverse colours and those fires in effect are the same which vulgarly are called pretty dancers and by reason that the materiall cause of such impressions is swift and soone vanisheth therefore they abide and remaine the shorter time for such phantasmes not being come to the full perfection of other Meteors as seldome they are seene to doe so their abode and being is but short and inconstant they being composed but of hot and dry exhalations from chalky rocky sandy and sulphureous parts of the earth there being a mixture of moysture with them And to the effect that this may be somewhat better cleared we must consider That foure sorts of vapors are exhaled or drawne up out of the earth by vertue of the Sunnes rayes beside the smoake of our fires which ascending to the ayre also augments these fiery Meteors First vapors hot and dry not having so much humidity in them as may be able to overcome them but rather such as may make this dry vapor to be continued for no earthly thing can continue without moisture Secondly cold and dry which altogether are of the earth's nature virtually cold albeit formally all vapors are hot The third are those vapours which are hot and moyst where humidity predominateth over the heat The fourth kind of vapors which ascend are cold and moyst in which absolutely watry moystnesse beareth rule and this vapor virtually is called cold These foure sorts of vapors then are the neerest matter of all our meteors The first whereof viz hot and dry vapors doe ascend through the ayre quickly even to the concavity of the firy and ignean element where being enflamed and enkindled it becommeth the right generation and propagator of our fiery Meteors whereas the second being hot and moyst doth not ascend so high and because it is easily resolved it commeth to bee ayre The other two cold and dry and cold and moyst vapors are elevated aloft also but no farther then to the colder parts where they are thickned and coagulated together by the invironing cold but so as cold and moyst are converted to raine and the other cold and dry to wind or this falls downe with the pluvious or rainy vapour This being so we may see that there are foure kindes of vapors and exhalations conformable to the foure elements which make up the matter of these Meteors in such sort that as there are hot and dry exhalations and cold and dry even so there are hot vapours and cold and humid ones also Since then you know the matter of wind raine falling stars and inflammations in the ayre let us heare what can bee objected One demands what
the Starres our Astronomers have found out by visible demonstrations as for a peculiar motion allotted to them besides it is a thing of some further consideration Aristotle and the Astronomers of that age doe teach that the eight Spheare commonly called the Firmament of fixed starres is the highest and next to the first movable yet the later Astronomers observing in the fixed starres beside the daily revolution of 24 houres another motion from West to East upon the Poles of the Zodiack in regard one simple body such as is the Firmament cannot have but one motion of it selfe have concluded that above the Firmament of fixed starres there behoved to be a ninth heaven And last of all the later Astronomers and chiefly the Arabs observing in the fixed starres a third motion called by them Motus trepidationis or trembling motion from North to South and from South to North upon its owne Poles in the beginning of Aries and Libra have hereupon inferred that there is yet above all these a tenth heaven which is the first moveable in 24. houres moving round about from East to West upon the Poles of the World and in the same space drawing about with it the nine inferiour heavens and the ninth heaven upon the Poles of the Zodiack making a slower motion to the East measureth but one degree in one hundreth yeares and therefore cannot absolve its course before six and thirty thousand yeares which space is called the great Platonick yeare because Plato beleeved that after the end thereof the heavens should renew all things as they had beene in former times seeing they returned to their first course so that then hee should bee teaching those same Schollers in the same Schoole whereby it seemeth that this motion was not unknowne in his time The slownesse of this motion proceeding from the neerenesse to the first moveable like as the eight Orbe or Firmament finisheth its trembling motion in 7000. yeares but of this trembling motion as also of the number motions and aspects of the Starres who lists to reade Ioannes Herpinus his Apologie for Bodin against Ferrerius shall rest marvellously contented SECT 10. The order of the Elements with some observations of the Ayre and Water NOw betwixt the Spheare of the Moone and the Earth and Waters is the Element of Ayre next after the Element of fire filling up all that vast intecstice divided in three Regions whose middle Region by Anteperistasis as we say of the supreame one ever hot and the lower ones now hot now somewhat cold is ever cold and so is made the receptacle of all our Meteors Raine Haile Snow and so forth framed there accordingly as the matter elevated from the earth and waters is either hot moist dry cold high or low Next to the Element of the Ayre is the Element of Water and Earth which two make but one Globe whose uppermost superficies is breathed upon with the incumbing and environing Ayre These two are the center to the Globe and environing heavens the great Ocean by Homer and Virgil called Pater Oceanus which compasseth the earth and windeth about it as it is father to all other floods fountaines brookes bayes lakes which doe divide themselves through the whole body and upon the face of the Earth like so many veines shedde abroad and dispersed thorough our humane bodies whose source and spring is from the Liver so hath it divers denominations from the Coasts it bedeweth as Britannick Atlantick Aeth●opick Indick and so forth Now the reason why the Seas which are higher than the Earth doe not overflow it seeing it is a matter fluxible of it selfe cannot bee better given by a Naturalist setting aside Gods eternall ordinance than that the waters having their owne bounds from the bordering circumferences doe alwayes incline and tend thither Praescriptas metuens transcendere metas SECT 11. Of the Earth that it is the lowest of all the Elements its division first into three then into foure parts and some different opinions concerning them reconciled THe Earth is as the heaviest so the lowest subsidit tellus though divers admit not the waters to bee higher than the earth of which opinion Plato seemes to mee to be placing the spring of Rivers and Fountaines in orco or cavities of the earth The former opinion our famous Buchanan elegantly illustrateth in his first Booke de Sphaera Aspice cumpleuis è littore concita velis Puppis eat sensim se subducente Carina Linteaque su●mo apparent Carche sia maio Nec minus è naviterram spectantibus unda In medio assurgens c. Which argueth rather the Earth to be round nor that the Seas or waters are higher than it so it may be confidently enough said that the water is above about and in the Earth yea and dispersed thorough it as the blood is diffused and dispersed thorough the body or man or beast from its spring the Liver the Orcum as we may say of it This Earth alwayes by the Geographers of old was divided into three parts viz. Europe Asia Africk not knowing any further but suffereth now a new partition or division since the dayes of Columbus who in the yeare 1492 by an enterprize to the eternall memory of his name made discovery of America added by our moderne Mappes as a fourth part which according to our late Navigators and discoverers shall bee found to exceede the other three in extent from whence the gold and silver commeth hither as Merchant wares occasioning all the dearth we have now considering how things were in value the dayes of our Fathers as Bodin in his paradoxes against Malestrot averreth so that the profuse giving of their gold for our trifies through the abundance of their inexhaustible gold mynes maketh now by the abundance of money which formerly was not that a thing shall cost ten yea twenty which before was had for one or two Mercator that most expert Cosmographer expecteth as yet the fifth part of the Earth intituling it Terra Australis the Spaniards in their Cardes Terra dell fuego which must be by South that Sea descried by Magellanes So that by his supputation the world shall be divided yet in three making Europe Asia Africk but one as but one Continent which in effect it is America and this looked for terra Australis the other two SECT 12. Of the different professions of Religion in the severall parts of the world what Countries and llands are contained within Europe and what within Asia BVt leaving those two last parts as most remote from our commerce and knowledge of Europe Africk and Asia thus much I finde in Cosmographers that scarce the fourth part of these three is Christians and yet those Christians differing amongst themselves the Greeke Church differing in five principall points from the Roman that from the Protestants and the other amongst themselves For not to speake of Europe where Christianisme is gloriously professed consisting of
observed 65 Sect. 10. The order of the Elements with some observations of the Ayre and Water 70 Sect. 11. Of the Earth that it is the lowest of all the Elements its division first into three then into foure parts and some different opinions concerning them reconciled 71 Sect. 12. Of the different professions of Religion in the severall parts of the world what Countries and Ilands are contained within Europe and what within Asia 73 Sect. 13. With what Religions and Sects all the Easterne and Northerne Countries are possessed and in what places Christianity is most professed c. 75 Sect. 14. America and the New found-lands briefly described and some opinions about what time of the yeare the world had its beginning 77 Sect. 15. Wherein is to bee seene some things concerning the time when it is thought to take an end 79 Sect. 16. Copernicus his opinion of the Earths moving confuted Archimedes opinion of the world an Induction to the following Section 81 Sect. 17. The division of the starrie firmament in twelve houres of the Power and efficacie that is attributed to the Triplicities of them over every Country and the maintainers of these opinions confuted the divers dispositions of people of severall nations how attributed to the naturall disposition of the Planets An observation of Gods Providence 83 Sect. 18. The causes of the Changes of severall things as of men Countries plots of ground c. and that these proceede not from triplicities as Astrologers would have it 87 Sect. 19. How ancient Writers have compared Man and all his parts to the World and all its parts wherein is recounted the different dispositions of men of different Countries and to what Countries the faculties of the soule are attributed 88 A generall Introduction and incitement to the study of the METAPHYSICKS Sect. 1. OF the severall titles and appellations that have beene given by Heathnick and Christian Philosophers to Metaphysick the reasons wherefore every of those names were attributed unto it and finally whereof it principally treateth 91 Sect. 2. The Reasons why Aristotle added Metaphysick to the other parts of Phylosophie and how it is distinguished from the other Sciences 93 Sect. 3. Three Reasons conducing to the praise of Metaphysick inducing all men to the study of it and setting downe some principall ends and uses thereof 95 Sect. 4. The excellencie and dignity of the knowledge of Metaphysick that onely free and sublime mindes not distracted with worldly cares are fit for this studie and the Reasons wherefore 96 Sect. 5. For three respects the Metaphysick is called the most excellent Science and the most necessary to be understood by Christians 99 Sect. 6. The first respect for the universality 101 Sect. 7. The second Respect for the dignity That the consideration of the soule of man belongeth to the Metaphysicks with severall Reasons for the proofe thereof 102 Sect. 8. The third Respect for the Vsefulnesse Of the great use of Metaphysick is towards the furthering of all Divines in Controversies and other things A Conclusion 104 A Table of the principall Authors perused in the Contexture of this booke A AMbrosius Augustinus Ammianus Marcellinus Alexander ab Alexandre Aristoteles Aristophanes Apuleius Albertus Magnus Aulus Gellius Albertus Coloniensis Ausonius Aetius Auriliacus Albitegnius B Bodinus Buchananus Boe●ius Hist. Beroaldus C Chrysostomus Cardanus Caietanus Cicero Cuspinianus Cornelius Tacitus Cujacius Copernicus Clavius Chopinus Comineus Catullus Conimbricenses Claudianus D Pioniseus Areopagita Dion E Ennius Elias Vineti F. Fernelius Froissard Fonseca G. Guicciardin Galen Gensales Ovied●s H Hieronimus Horacius Haly Arab. Homerus Herodotus Herodianus Hypocrates Herpinus I. Irenaus Ius Civile Canon Iuvenalis Iustinus Trogus L. Lactantius Lucanus Lu●●ius M. Montaignes P. Martyr Verini P. Martyr De●ad Mercator Martialis P. Mathew Paris Magirus Macrobius N. Natalis Comes O. Origines Ortelius Onuphrius Ovidius P. Plato Plinius Plutarchus Polybrus Plautus Philo Hebr●●●● Propertius Ptolomaus Pierius Hierogli Q. Quintus Curtius Quintilianus R. Riplous Rodiginus Ruuius S. Seneca Ph. Strab● Sophocles Seneca Trag. Suettonius Serres Scaliger Suarez Sabellicus Sacraboskus T Tertullianus Tibullus Titus Linvius Terentius V. Valerius Maximus Vitruvius Virgilius Velleius Paterculus Villamont Vlpranus Volatteranus X. Xeuophon TO THE READERS OF these Varieties Courteous Reader AS best deserving Precedency I beginne at you whose short Character may be this One who is accomplished with such endowments as make an excellent man the meanest whereof would blow up some men with self-conceit selfe-love selfe-praise and an universall disparaging of others abilities He hath learned that God distributeth not his gifts to all men and makes good use of it for he derideth despraiseth nor condemneth any man nor his workes nor actions as being conscious that God might have endued him with that mans spirits to have produced no more admirable thing He reades many bookes though he may serve for a library himselfe yet his censure of these bookes he measureth by the Authors abilitie good intention and the profits it may yeeld to meaner Capacities than his but so discreetly that his words favour more of Commendation than reproach In a word he is one that escapeth not the Venemous bites of the ignorant Rable but hath Antidotes against it Yea hee is one who when he considers my Travells studies expences and painefull observations and withall that my tenne yeares travell abroad hath taught me almost to forget my Native Language and that the importunitie of friends made me put this to the view of the world which I thought ever to suppresse as being for the most part composed in the Countrey farre from the conversation of the learned which is the cheefe helpe to the perfectioning of such workes he is one I say that will then give such a Candide censure of me and it that the most rigide Critick will be strucke dumbe from Calumnie But before I leave him let him give me leave to tell him ingenuously that to him onely I present this worke and promise that ere long he shall be gratified with a present farre more worthy of his excellently well qualified goodnesse As opposite in all the former expressions to the courteous I addresse my selfe to the carping Reader He is not a naked but a ragged pretender to all wit and learning and hath a smattering of many some things He is so conceited of himselfe that he is not content to discommend some of the parts and members of another mans creature as not elegant enough or uniformely composed but will lay most vile and infamous asperations on the whole body of it whilst in his owne conscience he findes his to be but prodigious monsters if ever he had a sparke of Promethean fire in him to give a short life to any thing When hee meetes with any ignorant men then the Peacockes taile of ostentation spreads abroad and they silly creatures admire the Varietie of its colours even to the disparagement of more perfit and more sweetly singing Birds but presently
poore condemned caitive who fled into his denne and cave because he pulled out of his pawe the thorne which molested him but likewise fed him by killing beasts of all sorts and bringing them unto him whereof Gellius at length and out of him Du Bartas If I should follow forth here all other questions of Natures secrets the taske were long and tedious and peradventure lesse pleasant to the Reader than painfull to me as why the Adamant-stone which of its owne nature is so hard that neither fire nor Iron can bruise or break it is neverthelesse broke in peeces in a dishfull of hot Goates-bloud soft bloud being more powerfull than hard Iron Whether fishes doe breath or not seeing they have no lungs the bellowes of breath What can be the cause of the Loadstones attractive power to draw Iron unto it Why some Plants and Herbes ripen sooner than others Or what makes a member of a Man or Beast being cut from the body to dye presently and yet branches of trees cut off will retaine their lively sap so long within them Whether or not there be such affinity and to say love amongst plants and herbes that some will more fruitfully increase being set planted or sowen together then when mixed amongst others according to that of the Poet Vivunt in Venerem frondes omnisque vicissim Felix arbor amat nutant ad mutua palmae Foedera populeo suspirat populus ictu c. To which questions some others hereafter to be handled for me to give answer were no lesse presumption and foole-hardinesse than a demonstration of my grosser ignorance since Cardan and Scaliger are so farre from agreement in these matters as may be seen in Scaligers Exercitations yet having propounded these questions and to say nothing of my owne opinion touching the solution of such Riddles as wee call them were someway an imputation and I might be equally blamed with those who leade their neighbour upon the Ice and leave him there wherefore thus I adventure And first why the Adamant which for hardnesse is able to abide both the force of the fire and dint of any hammer yet being put in Goates-bloud parteth asunder Answ. Howbeit Scaliger in his 345. Exercitation Sect. 8. giveth no other reason than that absolutely it is one of the greatest miracles and secrets of Nature and therein refuteth their opinions who alleage the Analogie and agreement of the common principles of Nature which are common to the bloud and to the Adamant together to be the cause yet I thinke for my owne part that if any naturall reason may be given in so hidden a mystery it may be this That Goates as we all know live and feed usually on cliffie Rocks wheron herbs of rare pearcing and penetrative vertues and qualities grow neither is the derivation of that herbes name Saxifrage other than from the power it hath to breake stones asunder Goates then feeding on such rockie-herbes as these no wonder that their bloud having Analogie and proportion to their food be penetrative and more proper to bee powerfull in vertue than otherwayes convertible in fatnesse for wee see them of all grazing Beasts the leanest Quest. Now by what power draweth the Loadstone Iron unto it Answ. Aristotle in the 7th Booke of his Physicks which almost al other Philosophers do affirme That the Loadstone attracteth Iron unto it by their similitude and likenesse of substances for so you see they are both of a like colour and that must be the cause how the false-Prophet Mahomet his Chest of Iron wherein his bones are doth hang miraculously unsupported of any thing because either the pend or some verticall stone of the Vault where it is kept is of Loadstone and thus with Iulius Scaliger Exercitatione 151. I disallow Caspar Bartholinus his opinion who alleageth that the Loadstone doth not meerely and solely by its attractive faculty draw Iron unto it but for that it is nourished and fed by Iron for nothing more properly can bee said to feed than that which hath life Therefore c. Here also it will not be amisse to adde the reason why the Needles of Sea-compasses as these of other Sun-Dyals being touched by the Loadstone doe alwayes turne to the North and this is the most received That there is under our North-Pole a huge black Rock under which our Ocean surgeth and issueth forth in foure Currants answerable to the foure corners of the Earth or the foure winds which place if the Seas have a source must bee thought to be its spring and this Rock is thought to be all of Loadstone so that by a kinde of affinity it would seeme by a particular instinct of nature it draweth all other such like stones or other metals touched by them towards it So that the reason of the Needles turning to the North in Compasses is that Nigra rupes of Loadstone lying under our North Pole which by the attractive power it hath draweth all things touched by it or it s alike thither Section 9. Of Fishes if they may be said to breath seeing they lack pulmons Of flying fishes if such things may be c. which are the reasons of their possibility are deduced exemplified Quest. BVT whether and after what manner can Fishes be said to breath seeing they have no lungs the bellowes of breath Answ. This question hath beene agitated many Ages agoe both pro contra as we say Arist. cap. 1. De respiratione denying that they can breath Plato and divers others of his Sect affirming the contrary they who maintaine the negative part do reason thus Creatures that want the Organs and Instruments of breathing cannot be said to breath or respire but such are all fishes therefore c. The opposites on the other side doe thus maintaine their breathing all living creatures not onely breath but so necessarily must breath that for lack of it they dye as experience sheweth nay that the very insects or as you would say demi-creatures they must breathe but fishes are living Creatures therefore they must breathe The Aristotelians answering this distinguish the major proposition restraining the universality of it but to such Creatures as live in the Aire whereas there is no Ayre in the water the nature of it not admitting place for Ayre as the Earth doth which being opened with any Instrument as with a Plough or Spade may admit Ayre whereas the waters will fill all the void presently againe as we may see by buckets boxes or any other materiall thing being put into the water and taken out againe doe leave no vacuum behinde them for the waters doe straight wayes reincorporate seeing then there is no Ayre in the Fishes Element they cannot nor need not be said to breath for contrariwise wee see that being drawne from the waters to the Ayre they doe incontinently dye For answer to both extreames I could allow for fishes a kind of respiration called refrigeration which improperly
may be said to be respiration but since nothing properly can be said to breath but that which hath lungs the instruments of breathing which indeed fishes have not The conclusion is cleare That they have rather a sort of refrigeration then respiration Quest. But is it of truth which wee heare of our Navigators that in the Southerne seas they have seene flying fishes and herring like a foggie or moist cloud fleeing above their heads and falling againe in the Seas with a rushing and flushing Answ. Yea I thinke it possible for the great Creator as he hath created the foules of the Aire the beasts of the earth and the fishes of the Sea at the first creation in their owne true kindes So hath hee made of all these kindes Amphibia And as there are foure footed beasts and fowles of double kinds living promiscuously on land and water why may there not be fishes of that nature also of which hereafter So hath hee indued the Aire as the more noble element of the three with that prerogative that in it either fowles or watery creatures might be engendred out of vapors either moist or terrestriall or extracted from standing lakes stanckes marishes myres or the like oyly and marshie places which waters elevated to the Aire by the violent operation of the Sunnes beames either from the Seas or the fore-said places by the benefit of the warme Aire where they abide as in the fertile belly of a fruitfull mother doe there receave the figure either of frogge or fish according to the predominancy of the matter whereof that vapor is composed from whence again as all heavie things doe tend downeward so doe they also Which hath made some suppose that herrings by them called flying fishes doe descend from the aire their place of generation where indeed more truly the error commeth this way the Herrings in their season doe come in great shoales as Sea men say upon the superfice of the waters where scudding along the coasts some sudden gale of wind they being elevated upon the top of some vaste wave may chance to blow them violently so farre till they encounter and light on a higher billow which hath made Marriners thinke they flie Quest. What have you to say to this that as there are fishes extraordinary so I have heard of fowles without either feete or plumes Answ. Fowles they cannot be because fowles are defined to be living creatures feathered and two footed and since these are not such fowles they cannot be And yet Iulius Scaliger exercitatione 228. sect 1. 24. maketh mention of them calling them Apodes which Greeke word is as much as without feete Quest. But leaving the various diversities of fowles as the Geese who hatch their egges under their paw or foote and the like how doe those claick geese in Scotland breed whereof Du Bartas maketh mention as of a rare work of nature Answ. Their generation is beyond the ordinary course of nature in so much that ordinarily one creature begetteth another but so it is that this fowle is engendred of certaine leaves of trees out of which in a manner it buddeth and ripeneth Now these trees growing upon the bankes of lakes doe at their due time cast these leaves which falling into the lake doe there so putrifie that of them is engendred a Worme which by some secret fomentation agitation of the waters with the Suns helpe groweth by little and little to be a fowle somewhat bigger than a Mallard or wild Duck and in those waters they live and feed and are eaten by the inhabitants thereabouts First then I resolve their questions who argument against the possibility of this generation and then I shall cleare you of that doubt you have proposed thus it standeth then with these Argumentators when Aristotle in his last chapter of his third booke De generatione animalium before he had dissenssed the materiall causes of all kind of perfect creatures In the end falleth upon the materiall cause of insects and so of the lesse perfect one kinde of them he maketh to be produced of a Marish clay an earthie and putrified slimie substance whereof wormes froggs snailes and the like are produced the Sun beames as the efficient cause working upon that matter The other sort is more perfect and these are our Bees waspes flyes midges and so forth which are engendred of some putrified substance as peradventure of a dead horse oxe or asse out of which by the operation of the environing aire and the internal putrefaction together they are brought forth The insects of the Sea are said to have the like generations whereof Aristotle De historia Animalium lib. 1. cap. 1. Et in libro de respiratione and lately the learned Scaliger Exercitatione 191 sect 2. Notwithstanding the venerable testimony and authority of such famous Authors yet our beleevers of miracles doe reason thus both against the generation of the Claik Geese and of the Insects also Every thing begotten must be engendred of a like unto it selfe as men horse Sheepe Neat c. engender their life and this by the warrant and authoritie of Aristotle else where but particularly cap. 7. Meteor Text 2. Quest. But so it is that the body of the heavens the Sun and his heate are no wayes similia or alike unto these Insects produced and procreated from the slymie and putrified matters above rehearsed And therefore that cannot be the way of their generation Thus they Answ. To this answer must be made Philosophically in distinguishing the word alike to it selfe for things may be said alike unto other either of right or univoce as they say in the Schooles That way indeed our Insects are not a like to the putrified earth or beast they came of but Analogice they may be said to be alike that is in some respect in so farre as they communicate in this that they are produced of the earth and by the warmenesse of the Sun which are things actually existing Quest. Now to cleere the question concerning fowles wanting feete and feathers whether may such things be or not Ans. Yea for as the great Creator hath ordained in nature betwixt himselfe and us men here Angels yea good and bad spirits betwixt sensitive and insensitive Creatures mid creatures which wee call Zoophyta and Plantanimalia as the Fishes Holuthuna stella marina Pulmo marinus c. Even so betwixt fowles and fishes nature produced middle or meane creatures by the Greekes called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or beasts of two lives partly living by waters partly by earth And of this sort these fowles must be as betwixt land beasts and fishes are frogs and Crocodills and some others the like Sect. 10. Of fishes and their generation How fowles are generated in the waters If gold can be made potable and of the matter of precious stones Question BVt you have not as yet sufficiently enough satisfied my minde of that scruple
have one common matter whereof they are generated and if they have one what can be the cause of their different shapes and formes for we see the snow broad and soft contrarieways haile round and hard No question but one matter is common to all viz. Waters from which by vapours they are elevated to the aire and in which they are dissolved againe but the difference standeth here That the neerest matter to say so of snow is vapours congealed in a cloud which hath in it a great mixture of aire by which meanes being some way heated when the snow dissolveth you see it holdeth open and soft by reason of that aire whereas haile hath no airy substance in it and thus qualified by experience that we see haile fall downe on a suddaine and ofttimes with violence because of the terrestriall heavinesse of it whereas snow falleth but leasurely The reason why haile is round may be this because falling down from the middle region where it is congealed by the way it reencountereth with some circular and round drop of raine or water which accordingly by the rolling about of the haile it selfe becommeth hard likewise more especially as not having any hot place but the cold aire to fall through till it light on our lowest region which accidentally hot for the time you see maketh them immediately after their lighting upon the earth to dissolve quickly or at least not long after And as these two are formed in the highest of the middle regions and for the extreame cold which is there are congealed so on the other side because the clouds from whence raine issueth doe not ascend so high therefore they dissolve in drops before they can be congealed And so by degrees dew and Hoar-frost because they are not mounted so high as the matter and clouds of raine Therefore they fall sooner and softlyer then raine doth so one matter is common mother unto all of them but the degrees of their elevation in the aire maketh their differences the haile higher then the Snow the Snow then the Raine the Raine then the Hoar-frost mildew or dew is CHAP 10. Of Rivers Fountaines and Springs their sources and causes THere ariseth a question here not unworthy of our consideration Whether the Springs and Rivers in and on the earth have their originall from the waters of the Sea by subterranean conduits or from the waters on the superfice of the earth which is caused by raine or finally from the huge and unmeasurable caverns and hollow places of the earth in whose bowells are monstrous lakes pooles and other standing waters created of the ayre therein enclosed which not having any vent to ascend upward but being condensed there dissolveth it selfe into these waters Now before we enter into the solution of this question we must understand that when I speake of the vast and endlesse caves like valleys within the bowels of the earth wherein waters are that it is no invention of mine own for Seneca with him Aristotle in his Meteorologicks in the 19 booke of his naturall questions instanceth it saying Quid miraris saith he si distructos terra non sentiat cum adjectos mare non sentit And againe Quemad modum supra nos imbres it a infra nos fluvios aer facit supra autem nos diu segnis aer stare non potest qui aut sole atte●uatur aut vento exp●nditur sub terra autem quod aerem in aquam vertit idem semper est scilicet umbra aeterna frigus perenne in excitato densitas quae semper materiam fontibus fluminibusque praebebunt and so forth all which hee confirmeth in that same place by authority of Theophrast whom hee bringeth in saying That since the Earth hath swallowed Townes Cities and houses who can doubt but that there are within her bowels Brookes Caves Dens and Valleyes which seeing they cannot be empty must of necessity bee full of waters Seeing then all things are composed of all the Elements as of their common causes For water is a thickned ayre and the Ayre againe a rarified water How then can these subterranean hollow places but be full of waters since the Earth doth dissolve in waters to fil them up For the earth being delved or digged but a very few footsteps downe water doth straight appeare earth and water being of as great affinity as ayre and waters are howbeit Zeno and others doe contradict this opinion saying That the Earth is a massie solid and homogenean body I say that absolutely the Sea as a common Mother to all waters is she from whence all Rivers and Springs have their source but yet not so wholly but that they may be augmented by raine and water as wee see by experience that after huge raines both Fountaines and rivers doe accreasse And if it bee asked how water being of its owne nature heavie can leave its owne element and centre and bee conveighed to the tops of Mountaines and high places as may bee daily seene almost every where To this first I say that the Sea being some way higher than the Earth most easily by its owne conduits and channels it may make passage unto it selfe as through so many veines Besides this the vapours which the Suns heat and the power of some other Planets raiseth from the waters even under the earth are not ever exhaled and carried aloft to the Ayre but sometimes are even retained for a long time in solid places of the innermost parts of the earth where gathering themselves into the concavities thereof they boile upward by the force of the said agitation as a pot upon the fire by the force of an under heare so these waters bubling up through the earth cause our fountaines which running downeward againe to the Valleys and Plaines doe make our Brookes Rivers and Springs And of this opinion is venerable Albertus Coloniensis commenting Aristotle upon this question Dubio nono decimo Or it may be said that the caverns and concavities of the earth being filled up with waters which distill from the want of the caved earth above are procured by the grosse Ayre there inclosed and converted into waters which issuing out of the rarer or voider parts of the Earth above do occasion these Springs Rivers and Brookes If it be demanded if steepe Mountaines do not retribute and send downe waters to feed our Springs and Rivers there is no question for in their concavities of certaine there are treasures of waters which bursting out at their lower parts doe yeeld plenty enough to bedew the lower Countries not that these waters are gathered there by raines which fall for raine-waters penetrate not so deepe into the earth but rather that the Mountaines themselves being spongeous doe attract and draw together their whole dissolved waterish matter to the frontiers and concavities from whence surging and breaking-forth through orifices they grow into springs brooks and sometimes rivers
one for the tutelage of every Countrey But that they should have imagined their Gods so irreligious as to have beene fawtors or authors much lesse actors of evill I thinke farre beneath the beliefe of any ex faece of the lees and dregges of the people much more of a wise man and a Philosopher which moveth mee to thinke that those were wisest amongst them who medled least to speake of their Gods and vexed not themselves with their enquiry but with Socrates esteemed the best judgement that they could make of their Gods to be to judge nothing at all of them The most diligent inquirers in the end discovered them to have beene but mortall men who in their life-time had proved worthy either in Warre or peace were deified after their death And accordingly Augustus Caesar had more Temples and pompous solemnities instituted in his favour than Iupiter Olimpius almost had So that to obscure the basenesse of their Gods it would seeme that they were moulded or painted of old with their fist closed upon their mouthes or at least their fingers as willing thereby living men to speake either sparingly of their nature or nothing at all Thus Pythius Apollo said well and before him Timaeus to his Disciple Socrates speaking of the nature of the Gods Vt potero explicabo non ut certa fixa sunt quae dixero sed ut homunciolus probabilia conjectura adumbrans And in other places Sperantium sunt haec non probantium But to enter here into the diversity of their opinions concerning the Deity the nature and descent of their Gods I am loath lest wee should imagine those Philosophers in stead of wise men as they were called to have beene starke madde Thales esteeming Gods to bee spirits which had made all things of water for he was the first that ●ried in the cabin of their secrets Anaximenes on the contrary willeth them to be of the ayre because they as it should bee in continuall motion Others of no little note repute the Sunne and the Moone with the Starres to be Gods Labentem coelo qui ducitis annum Liber alma Ceres vestro si numine c. Some againe made that Law imprinted in our hearts by which we are inwardly as it were driven to doe good and to abstaine from evill Pythagoras reputed God to be a certaine Spirit spread and shed abroad on or in the nature of all things so that with him all were full of Gods Others finally flatly deny that there was any at all but that all things had beeing as they are and should continue in a perennell motion vicissitude and change But I should weary you if I should but relate every one of their severall opinions SECT 3. Pythagoras opinion concerning the transmigration of soules rejected of the coupling of the soule and body together with severall opinions of the ancient learned men concerning the substance of the soule O What perplexity and doubts were the ancient Philosophers plunged in concerning the transmigration of their soules their renowned Pythagoras avouched that strange opinion of Metempsychosis of the change or transplacing of the soule of a dying man to and in the body of a new borne creature whether beast or rationall body and then that body dying againe that selfe same soule to remove and regaine a new habitation and so to continue from body to body To which so fond an imagination I thinke no old womans fable comparable And yet I excuse some way the irresolution of the Philosophers in this point much more than in the mistaking of their Godhead because I finde that besides them even the best Professors have doubtings in this point that some of our Christian Fathers have beene touched with an admiration how the soule and body were coupled and yoaked together whence one of the most famous is brought in saying that Modus quo animae adherent corporibus omninò mirus est nec comprehendi a● homine potest as before him Plinius Omnia abdita in naturae majestatis gremio reclusa So that with the Poet no marvell though they should say likewise Ignoratur enim quae sit natura animai Nata est an contra nascentibus insinuetur Et simul intereat nobiscum morte perempta An tenebras orci visat vastasque lacunas An pecudes alias divinitus insinuet se. The alterations and disputes concerning the substance of the soule are so many and different as is a wonder some deny there is any soule in the body but that our bodies move of themselves by the instinct and power of nature Others againe confesse that there is a soule wherewith our bodies are vivified say it is a mixt thing composed of water and earth others of fire and earth Empedocles wills it to be of and in the blood thus Eurialus dying was said to render sanguineam animam Sanguineam vomit ille animam Zeno more judiciously in that kinde esteemeth it to bee the quintessence of the foure Elements Hypocrates a spirit diffused through the whole body and every part thereof Ita ut sit tota in toto tota in qualibet parte It was a generall and received opinion that in this world there was a generall Soule Anima mundi from which as all particular ones were extracted so being separated from their bodies thither they returned againe according to which Virgill saith Deum namque ire per omnes Terrasque tractusque maris c. And againe Scilicet hinc reddi deinde ac resoluta referr● Omnia nec morti esse locum SECT 4. The former Heathnick opinions confuted by our Christian Beliefe that they differed concerning the time of the soules continuance and place of its abode how they thought soules after the separation from the body to be rewarded for good or ill c. THe last most plausible opinion and which hath purchased to it selfe most Patrons was that the Father infused it into the Childe by generation from which opinion few have swarved but Christians who are taught to beleeve that the soule is given us from above The Iewish Church held as wee Coelitus demissa and not ex traduce Thus Salomon Eccles. 12. ver 7. The Philosophers generally held the contrary the Poets whom I account Rythmicall Philosophers as Philosophers unversified Poets are copious in this subject Fortes creantur fortibus bonis faith the Lyrick Nec imbelles faerocem progenerant aquilam columbae And againe another Dolus vulpibus ac fuga cervis A Patribus datur Now as they differed in opinion touching the substance and discent of their soules so no lesse varied they about the time how long and the place where the soules should continue after the dissolution of their bodies The Stoicks maintained that the soule shall remaine a certaine space after the dissolution from the body but not ever Pythagoras and his Sect of whom a little before that the soules of the departed did remove from that body to
Earth is in how many dayes a man might compasse it about if by land it were all travellable or conjecturally to shaddow how great is the distance betwixt the Earth and the Firmament I referre you to the Title of Curiosity following for as I finde a discrepance amongst our most learned Writers in divers most important heads of their professsion So in this point also I finde them variable and disassenting for Elias Vineti commenting on Sacrobosk upon that Text giveth forth the Earths compasse to extend to above two hundred and fifty thousand stadia whereof every eight maketh up our Mile which shall farre exceed the most received opinion of our expertest Mathematicians who by their moderne Computations make the reckoning of its circumference but to amount to one and twenty thousand miles and six hundred that answerably to the three hundred and sixty degrees wherewith they have divided the great heavenly Circle and proportionably thereunto the Earth Yet pondering aright the discrepance and oddes which doth arise betwixt our learned Authors concerning the compasse of the Earths Globe wee shall perceive it to proceed from the great diversity of Miles in divers Nations every man understanding them to be the Miles of that Nation wherein hee liveth but speaking to our Natives of Britanne it is found by daily experience of Mathematicians that if a man goe 60. of our British Miles further to the North then I say visibly he shall perceive the Pole to rise a degree higher and the Equinoctiall to fall a degree lower whereby it is manifest that to one degree of the great Circle of heaven such as is the Meridian there answereth on earth 60. of our myles Now there being in every such great circle 360. degrees or equall parts multiplying 360. by 60 wee finde that they produce 21600. myles British for a line imagined to passe by the South and North Poles and so encompasse the earth would easily appeare to amount to the same computation As for the diametricall thicknesse of the earth the proportions of a circles circumference to its diameter or lyne crossing from one side to the other thorough the centre being somewhat more than the triple such as is the proportion of 22 to 7. called by Arithmeticians triple Sesquiseptima triple with a seaventh part more and seeing the circumference of the great circle of the earth is a little lesse than 22000 myles it followeth that the thicknesse or diameter of it from face to face is a little more than 7000. And consequently the halfe diameter viz. from the circumference to the centre neer about 3600 miles Now then suppose a man to travell under the equinoctiall or middle lyne of the earth betwixt the two poles making every day 15. of our British myles It is manifest that such a Traveller should compasse the whole circumference of the earth in three yeares 345 dayes some 20. dayes lesse than 4 yeares As for the distance of the earth from the firmament I dare not give you it for current yet in the Schooles thus they shadow it that the aires diametrical thicknesse is ten times above that of the waters the waters diameter ten times above that of the earth By the Aire I understand here all that vast interstice betwixt us and the Moone which if it be true counteth it selfe but because the distance betwixt the centre of the earth and the centre of the Sun is more particularly specified by our Astronomers therefore to give you further content thus much of it you shall understand that if you will remarke diligently and compare together the observations of Ptolomeus Albategnius and Allacen you shall finde that the aforesaid disstance betwixt the centre of the earth and that of the Sun containeth the earths Semidiameter 1110. times Now as I have said before the earths Semidiameter being somewhat lesse then 3500. we shall take it in a number to wit 3400. Which if you multiply by the aforesaid 1110. the product will shew you the whole distance betwixt the centre of the earth and the centre of the Sun to be 3774000. Three millions seaven hundred seaventie foure thousand myles likewise if from this number you substract 3400. myles for the earths Semidiameter from the centre to the superfice and 18700 myles which is the Suns halfe diameter according to the doctrine of the afore-named Astronomers there remaineth 3751900. myles as the distance betwixt the uppermost superfice of the earth which we tread upon and the neerest superfice of the Sunne which being the chiefe and middle of the planets may conjecturally shaddow forth the distance of the earth from the heavens OF VARIETIES THE SECOND BOOKE CONTEINING A DISCOVRSE OF METEORS As of Comets falling Starrs and other fiery impressions c. Of Winde Clouds Thunder Haile Snow Raine Deaw Earth-quakes with their true Naturall Causes and effects c. Of Rivers and Fountaines their Springs and Sources c. BY DAVID PERSON of Loughlands in SCOTLAND GENTLEMAN Et quae non prosunt singula multa juvant LONDON Printed by RICHARD Badger for Thomas Alchorn and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Greene Dragon 1635. To THE MOST REVEREND FATHER IN GOD PATRICK By the providence of God Archbishop of Glasgow Primate of Scotland and one of his Majesties most Honourable Privy Councell and Exchequer in that Kingdome c. My LORD TO whom can those two Pillars IACHIN and BOAS erected before Salomons Temple bee more properly applyed then to your Grace who both in Church and common-wealth have showne your selfe to bee the lively Hieroglyphick figured by them as your Memorable deeds in both can beare record to Posterity for with what vigor did your piety and zeale extend it selfe in suppressing vice and superstition in the Churches con●redited to your care and in establishing vertue and learning both there and elsewhere may appeare in the peoples harmonious Concord in Religion to Gods glory your eternall praise and their eternall comfort And as your Piety so have your Iustice and travells beene extraordinary in settling of the Church rents universally through the land repossessing every man of his owne tithes upon most competent considerations all which with your great gravity Munificence and other endowments fit for the accomplishment of so venerable a Prelate have heaped upon you both Gods blessings our Royall Soveraignes favour and the peoples love and reverence But least others should deeme that adulation which the mouth of verity would even extort from your enemies without further commendations of your Person I humbly recommend this booke to your Graces Patronage acknowledging the strong tyes I have to continue Your Graces most obsequious servant D. PERSON OF METEORS THE SECOND BOOKE CHAPTER 1. The definition of Meteors their Matter substance place and cause I Define Meteors to bee things above our sight in the ayre as the Etymology of the word importeth I divide them into dry and moist according
to the diversity of the matter whereof they are framed which are dry and moist vapours and exhalations extracted from the earth and waters and from thence elevated to the regions of the ayre where they are fashioned and that diversely according either to the degree of the Region they are framed in or the matter whereof they are fashioned The Philosophers and meere naturalists have not alike consideration of them for Philosophers have regard to them both as they have their dependance from above specifying time place and all other their circumstances whereas the meere naturalists doe particularize none of them but generally shew how they flow from the earth the knowledge of stars and of the regions of the ayre better fitting the Philosopher then the other For so it is that the vapors and exhalations which the Sun extracteth out of the Seas and earth sending them up to the regions of the ayre are the true and originall materiall cause of these Meteors Not of all uniformely but severally of each one according to the height whereto they are elevated from the said waters and earth and the nature of the vapour elevated which I may not unfitly compare to the naturall body of man whose stomacke is the centre of his fabrick which sendeth up to the head the moyst or flatulent humors wherewith for the time it is affected and receiveth backe againe either heated and consuming distillations or refrigerated and quenching humors wherewith to attemperate and refresh the incessant motion and heat of the other noble parts by a circular motion Quest. I know the curiosity of more subtile spirits will move the question whether the Sun draweth exhalations from the lowest or first region of the ayre seeing it is humid and hot sometime hotter sometime colder according as the reverberation of the Sunnes heat from the earth affecteth it although I grant that the ayre of its owne nature is hot yet that hindereth not but accidentally it may be heated also yea sometimes made hotter then of its nature it is To this question I answer Answ. That the subtilty and rarefaction of the ayrs humidity hindereth the Sunne from exhaling of it for although some parts of the moist ayre be grosser than others yet the same grosser parts are more subtile then any vapor which the Sun extracteth from the earth or waters for not all subtile humidity is evaporable but that of water only as that which may more easily be apprehended by heat As then the lowest and first region of the ayre about us wherin we breath here is hot and moist both by nature and accident as I was saying by the reverberation of the sunne-beames upon solid and combustible bodyes and heated by the exhalation of fumes from places or things that are apt to be kindled even so the uppermost region is hot and dry both by nature and accident and almost more or rather by accident then by nature propter viciniam ignis albeit the supreme region must be hotter then the lower both in respect of the propinquity of it to the element of fire even as the lowest region by the neighbour-hood of it to the earth oftentimes is colder than hot as also in respect of the nearenesse of it to the heavens which as with the light of them they warme the lower things So by the rapidity and velocity of their circular course they heate this first region also Now as these two regions are of themselves hot and moist and hot and dry so the middle Region is only cold but drierwhere it is contiguous with the uppermost and more moist whereit is ●igher the lowest This great coldnesse of it enforced together by an Antiperistasis as we say or opposite contrarieties of heate above and cold below The Ayre then being divided into these three Regions wherewith the uppermost as comprehended within the concavity of the fiery Element is ever hot and dry the lowest hot and moist but of a weake and debill heat which by a breathing cold may be changed the middle Region is alwayes cold CHAP. 2. Where Meteors are composed Of Clouds where they are fashioned together with the solution of some questions concerning the middle Region NOW remaines to know in which of these Regions any of these Meteors are framed and first whether or not Clouds be generated in the middle Region of the Ayre It is most likely that not there but in the lower because in it diverse other Meteors alike in matter and forme are framed To which not so much cold is requisit as to the other two yet the nature of Clouds being considered we shall finde them to be generated in the middle Region onely For seeing Clouds are nothing else but vapours mounted and thickned by condensed cold then sure they cannot bee framed in the uppermost Region of the Ayre because in it the Sunnes rayes are directed lacking reflex beside the circular and Spherick motion it hath by vertue of the proximity of the Elementary fire which warmeth it againe this thickning or condensing cold cannot be in the lower region by reason of the heate of it through the reverberation of the Suns rayes beating upon the solid bodies of the earth and waters so there resteth the middle Region in which the reflex faileth the vertue from above too of the direct Sunnes rayes so that naturally it being cold in it only these vapours must be condensed to a cloud And whereas I was saying before that it should seeme that the Clouds are begotten in the lowest Region in respect that in it Waters as Dew and Fountaines at least their matter and forme are brought forth that alwayes cannot hold because that Fountaines and Rivers are rather bred in the concavities and hollow places of the earth than of it or rather flow and have their source from the Seas Neither must my words be mistaken when I say that the middle Region is naturally cold seeing before I have set downe the Ayre naturally to be hot and moist for when I say that it is cold it must bee understood but respectively in regard of the other two as wanting the reflective heate of the lower Region and the circulative heat by the ignean or fiery warmenesse of the other Now if it be objected that seeing the middle Region of the Ayre is cold and all cold things are heavie and so consequently tend downeward what can be the reason that this middle Region falleth not thorow the lowest to its own centre of weight which is the earth It availeth not for first not all frigidity draweth or tendeth alwayes from its circumferences to the centre but that only which is absolutely and simply cold as that of the Earth and Waters and not that of the Ayre which as I say before is but respectively cold yea albeit that the middle Region divide not the lowest in whole yet in parts it doth as in raine when it falleth from the
should Comets they being neerer to it than the first Region Now albeit the Heaven Fire and Ayre move in a circular motion yet they move not all alike for by certaine degrees the course of the one is swifter than the other so that the Ayre as neerest to the Earth is flower than the other two By this subdeficiency then the Ayre and they within it seemes but to goe about frō Occident to Orient of its own proper motion having regard to the swiftnesse and velocity of the superior course And whereas I say that they move high and low to and fro that is to be understood in so far that every thing perfectible striveth to attaine to its owne perfection which consisteth in the approximation and neere attaining and touching of the generant which chiefly beareth rule in the place whereat they aime or tend whether that thing engendred bee a Star or any other celestiall vertue whereunto this subdeficient striveth to attaine Now the reason wherefore most commonly Comets doe reach either to the South or North is to be attributed to the speciall influence of some other Star drawing them thitherward as the Loadstone maketh Iron turne towards it and whereas sometimes they appeare low and neere the Earth at other times farther remote from it that must be appropriated either to the inflamation of the Comets matter either at the neerer or farther end or else to the height or lownesse of the Region above which it is elevated for none of the three Regions but have in them their owne degrees and stations some parts in them being higher than others are The place of their appearing is most frequently in the Northerne Climates and that most often under Via lactea which is that white coloured draught called the milkey way in the firmament which may be perceived by night reaching in a manner from East to West The time of their abode againe is but at shortest seven or eight dayes albeit I reade of some that blazed halfe a yeare but such have seldome happened neverthelesse the shortnesse or length of their abode is to bee imputed imputed to the bignesse or scantnesse of their matter Now rests to know whether or not these Comets may portend or prognosticate bad or infortunate events of things here below and whether over particular persons or Countries in generall To this the Philosophers who will have all things either above or below to be and exist by naturall reasons and admit no prodigies or things beyond nature make answer that Comets are but meere naturall things no way fore shewing evils to come Because say they when Iupiter fals to bee in the signe of Pisces or in the signe of Cancer if then the Comets appeare it foretokeneth aboundance and wealth as in the dayes of Iulius Caesar there was one seene which neverthelesse had no evill ensuing upon it as it may bee seene in Albertus his Commentary upon Aristotles Text in the Meteors latinized Ejus autem quod est Besides this say they when Comets are seene then these evils which follow them and which they portend should fall forth through all or very many parts of the Earth seeing they are seene by all or most the contrary whereof is knowne Besides that burning Lances or Speares which now and then also are seene in the Ayre and other fiery impressions which are of that same matter with these Comets should foretell evils to happen as well as they which are not But above all seeing it is oftenest thought that Comets either foretoken great winds or raines none of which can be say they not winds because the matter whereof the winds behoveth to be which are dry exhalations are converted towards the framing of the same Comets themselves Not raine for no one thing can be a signe of two opposite contrarieties Thus seeing Comets portend drouth they cannot likewise preaugurate inundations and overflowings finally much lesse the death of Princes and Monarchs no more than of other private men seeing the same constellation and ascendent may be equall and have regard to meane men as well as to them in a like distance Which reasons with diverse moe albeit at first view they may seeme forcible yet being better considered their insufficiency will soone appeare for none of the naturall Philosophers but doe acknowledge their Prognostications for some one thing or other albeit the Astrologicall Philosopher particularizeth them more punctually And thus they say that a Comet circumbeamed about with that which they call long hayre to say so invironing it as we see about the Sunne Moone and Starres before a storme and great tempest doth signifie and portend great debording of waters whereas if it bee but radiant in one side that is a sure signe of terrible and destructive drougth and consequently of famine and scarcity because without humidity and warmenesse corne and fruits cannot grow Now as high winds move and stirre the Seas with other waters so from that commotion ariseth raine and boisterous showers so that appeare how they will yet they ever portend some one evill or other As for death of Princes and change of estates fore●howne by them experience of former Ages can qualifie and by late miserable proofe it may be understood by that blazing Star which appeared in the yeare 1618. I being at that time in Florence where an Italian Astronomer upon the third Bridge drawing in his Table-bookes the height and aspect of it was overheard by us who gazed on him to cry although with a low voice Vae Germaniae Woe unto Germany and who so is but never so little acquainted with the histories of diverse Nations shall soone perceive in them what lamentable accidents have ensued after extraordinary deluges and overflowings of waters and intollerable droughts but more especially after the appearing of Comets what dreadfull effects according to their affections so we require that those Recusants would with the Philosopher who denied that the fire was hot but put their finger into it to try the truth of his assertion Neither do our Astronomicall Philosophers want their owne grounds wherein they settle the warrant of change of estates after the apparitions of these Comets and this for one That the exhalations of hot and dry vapours from the Earth whereof these Comets are made betoken a bilious and wrathfull sudden and irefull disposition of the in-dwellers of these Countries for the same ayre which they attract and emit doth someway affect them and this ayre is filled with these exhalations resolved by the heat of the incumbing Sun so no question but this same way it moveth their bodies and minds to feare fiery and sudden revolts fightings seditions and uproares Comets appeared in England before their Countrey was conquered by the Normans and thereafter another when they subdued France What more remarkable one then that which appeared above Hierusalem before its sacking and captivity And againe what desolation befell all
Italy almost after that prodigious debording of waters which fell from the Alpes without any former raine Charles the 8th of France his entering thereafter and the disasterous chances that followed thereupon can testifie all which our and their stories can record besides many others as Sabellicus in the penult booke of his last Aeneids doth intimate Neither yet may I be induced to beleeve that the Starre whereof Tichobray that famous renouned and noble Astronomer maketh mention which is yet seen and was affirmed to be though the Prince now bee dead most fitly appropriated to the victorious wise and fortunate Gustavus King of Sueden to have beene no other than a Comet what ever reasons he alledgeth to the contrary Albeit such remarkable Starres are rather observed to appeare at the death of great men and Kings than at their birth Neither must we instance the example of the Starre which was observed by the wise men of the East at the birth of our Lord and Saviour at Nazareth such extraordinaries should be admired not inferred to exemplifie things For answer to this that the death of common people may as well happen under these Comets as that of Princes there is no question but that the supereminency of great persons and States making them the more remarkable maketh their death also more perspicuously to be notified And as in the Title of curiosities I have showne that not ever the most curious questions of Arts and Sciences are the most profitable Even so in this I allow not of Hali the Iew his commentary upon the centiloquy of Ptolomee where referring the death of Princes to comets he thus saith Quòd si apparuerit cometa Domino istius regni exeunte in Oriente significat mortem Regis vel principis si autem Dominus istius regni fuerit in Occidente significat aliquem de regno suo interfecturum Regem I over-slip the interpretation of these words least the divulging of them might more harme than profit Alwayes leaving Philosophicall alterations thus much by naturall experience we may resolve upon that they never appeare but some bad event followeth thereon either to the countrey over which it blazeth or to which it aspecteth or else to that countrey over which ruleth a starre which that comets tayle tendeth towards or followeth though much rather to that countrey which it hath aspect unto not by vertue of its influence but by reason of the superabundancie of maligne dry and hot exhalations regorging and dispersing themselves over it CHAP 5. Of Raine Dew hoare-frost and their cause AS hot and dry exhalations are the matter and cause of Meteors in the upper region of the aire of which before Even so cold and moist vapors are the causes of these after this manner vapors elevated up into the ayre by force of the Sunnes beames and being separated from the heat which accompanied them either by that heat 's ascending higher and leaving the grosser vapors or the subtillest of that heat being extinguisht by the grossenes aboundance of cold and moist vapors which mounted up with it in the ayre or else by the coldnesse of the place the middle region of the ayre These grosser vapors I say segregated from that heat which accompanied it and being thickned and carried about in the ayre for a time fall back againe to the earth but being first coagulated in a cloud which dissolving falleth down to the place from whence it ascended so that by a circular motion first the waters resolving in vapors the vapors thickning in a cloud then that dissolving back againe into waters imitateth in a manner the circular motion of the Sunne by whose approximation as these vapors are elevated even so by his elongation if I may say so they doe fall backe againe Now as this is the generall cause of these moyst Meteors so is it the particular cause of the falling of Rayne for Raine being a watery vapor carryed up by heat into the Ayre and there that heat leaving it resolveth and falleth downe againe in great or lesser showers according to its quantity Dew and Hoare-frost are not so generated for why When there is not such quantity of vapors elevated in the day time through want of heat to draw them up or through great drowth upon the earth they are not carried high in hoter countreys they fall downe againe before the day be spent and that by them is called Serene as in France particularly So when these elevated vapors are thickned in waters without either so much heat as may dry them up or so much cold as to congeale them then I say the dew appeareth Now the Hoar-frost happeneth otherwise as when the like exhaled vapours are congealed before they be condensed whereby you may see that dew falleth in temperate times and places whereas Hoare-frosts fall in Winter and in the colder parts of the earth and the reason may be alleadged that seeing vapors are hoter than water in respect of the concomitating heat whereby they are carried up no question but more cold is required for the congelation of vapors then of waters and so if in cold seasons and places waters congeale and harden much more may we say of vapors congealable into Hoare-frost Thus we have touched the materiall and efficient causes of dew and Hoare-frost so it shall not be amisse to shew that the time when the Sun ingendreth these Meteors in the ayre by the drawing up of these vapors from out the earth and waters must be when the lowest region of the ayre is calme serene and cleare without wind raine or cooling clouds for they being mounted thither may either hinder their ascending or condensation and thickning as also the stirring winds would hinder their condensation or at least their congregation or gathering together Now that both dew and Hoare-frost are begotten of vapors not carryed high in the ayre by this it may be knowne because we see little Hoare-frost or dew in the higher mountaines where it seemeth likeliest they are made and doe recide in regard of the cold there which is so much the more probable in this that the heat which elevateth these vapors from low and Marshy places carrying as you would say a burden heavier then their hability can comport with leaveth them ere they can ascend any higher Besides that we may say that the second region of the ayre being higher than these mountaines and carryed about and in a manner drawne after the circular wheeling about of the heavens dissolveth these vapors by its motion and by this meanes maketh the dew and Hoare-frost for so I expound Pruina Notwithstanding this a greater motion is required to disgregate and sunder apart heavy and many vapors then few and light ones now seeing the matter of Snow and Raine is greater and containeth a great many more vapors then the matter of dew and Hoare-frost Therefore it is that in exceeding high Mountaines
neither raine dew nor Hoare-frost fall because of the violent motion and great flux of the ayre there for that matter is rather even wheeled about with that violent motion whereas in the lower Mountaines againe because of the lesser flux and motion of the ayre snow and raine falls but not deaw nor Hoare-frosts To end this part in a word then I say That dew and Hoare-frost have a like matter common to both viz moyst vapours exhaled from the earth and waters but not highly elevated in the ayre and except in quantity they differ not but onely in this that dew is fashioned of moderate cold the other is begotten by a more violent CHAP 6. Of Snow its cause matter and nature THe matter of Snow is a cloud composed of an aereall substance whereby it may bee made some way hot and of a terrestriall and earthly matter whereby when it is dissolved it leaveth some muddy substance behind it but the most speciall matter of it is of the vapors exhaled from the waters dispersed over the earth Their place is in the middle region where violent colds are which excessive cold must not be thought their generation only but then when that cold is dispersed through the whole ayre for then this cold is not so sharpe and piercing as that cold is which by the dispersed heat in the ayre is reenforced and crowded into one place Now because such colds are not spread abroad through the whole ayre but at certaine times as in winter in the end of Autumne and in the beginning of the Spring therefore it is that in winter in the tayle of Autumne or in the beginning of the Spring Snow falleth at least then most frequently And because the Northerly Climats are coldest and farthest remote from the hot Zone as there where the Sunne beames hath least reflex Quod sol obliqua non nisi luce videt Therefore it is also that in these places snow is most usually seene Now if it be said how can it be that the snowy cloud must be of a hot ayrie disposition seeing the other two ingredients are earthly and waterish vapors which naturally are cold for by this I should include contrarieties in one subject To which I answer that there are no absurdities in that for in this case the one is as ingredient the other as egredient the one over-comming the other remitting something of its dignity for as the cold holdeth together this snowy cloud till it dissolve into water so before this cloud begin to dissolve into snow we find the ayre which before was marvailous cold during the time of the congealing of this cloud to wax somewhat hoter by reason of the aery heat which leaveth the cloud and disperseth it selfe through the ayre From whence likewise we may gather the reasons why the snowy cloud before it dissolve in the ayre is cleare and cleareth the earth also Whereas the rainy clouds doe both dimme the sky and earth are exceeding cold immediately before the rayne fall downe That is because the rainy cloud hath nothing but grosse and heavy earth and watrish vapors in it whereas the snowy one hath besides them the ayre inclosed which being by nature warme and then being thrust out of the cloud by the predominancie of the other two cleareth and warmeth both CHAP. 7. Of Windes their true cause matter and nature c. IN the former part of this treatise we have heard that there are two sorts of exhalations whereof all Meteors above us in the Ayre are composed one of them moist called vapours the other dry called fumes or smoke not that any of these are so either wholly dry or moist or that they have no mixture of others for that is not but that the predominancy of the one above the other in the compound maketh the denomination Now as the heat of the Sun extracting these two from the earth and waters is their efficient cause so they againe are the materiall causes of the Meteors made up by them viz. vapours the causes of raine haile snow dew clouds and so forth As the dry and fumous exhalations are the causes of winde in particular as also of the hot Meteors above mentioned Hot and dry exhalations then are matter and causes of the wind and as they are elevated in the Ayre by the force of the Sunne so no question but from that same Ayre the winds begin to blow and not from the Earth first which in this may be discerned because that the highest Mountaines I meane if they exceed not the first Region Towres Trees Steeples and so forth are more agitated with winds then the lower and baser are as being neerer the ayre Feriunt summos fulmina montes Saepius ventis agitatur ingens Pinus And the reason is because straining to mount aloft conformable to their nature they are reverberated againe by the middle region their opposite being cold and moist to their hot and dry nature Now as the beginnings and first springs of Rivers are small but by corrivation of other lesser ones they increase Even so the first beginnings and principalls of windes are commenced but with few exhalations no question but their increment floweth from the adunition and combination of more exhalations Whence it is that some yeares are more windy and some seasons too then others and commonly the dryest Summers maketh the windiest and most tempestuous winters It is said in Scripture that the wind bloweth where it pleaseth and that none knoweth either whence it commeth or whither it goeth And it is truth indeed to speake particularly we feele it and find it we know it evanish away into the many vast and spacious inturnings of the ayre but from what particular place it floweth we know not well for as they are small in their principalls so no doubt but they receive augmentations in their progresse Here then it may be inferred that winds and raine are not procreated of the selfe same matter as some foolishly doe maintaine which by this only may bee evidently confuted that often times the windes are abated by raine and commonly after raine we have windes The first for this naturall reason because that violence of winds blowing clouds together and the invironing cold condensing and thickning them together makes them dissolve into water The other is because of waters or raine falling from the clouds by which meanes the Ayre is warmed and consequently the Earth which maketh it yeeld aboundance of hot exhalations for the Sunnes rayes to transport upward to the Ayre wherewith wind is framed againe And if it be objected that exhalations are common causes of winds and yet of the same winds some are cold as the North and East whereas the Southerly and Westerly are commonly hotter To this may be answered that the exhalations themselvs are not the occasion of that but the disposition of the Climats from whence they flow the Suns heat never
aproaching the North Climat but afarre off and obliquely or side-wayes occasioning the cold of it and consequently of the winds blowne from thence Whereas more perpendicularly it glanceth on the other Meridian and Westerne parts by which means as the Earth is warmed so are the winds And if it be asked why in the height of Summer the Sun being in Cancer that then are fewest and lowest winds as in the extremity and cold of Winter there are few likewise as by experience may be seene To that may be answered That as in all things extremities are vicious even so in this matter for great heat and drought in Iune Iuly and August doe keepe back the winds and their matter as extremity of cold doth in December and Ianuary The Earth in that time of Summer being burnd up with scorching heate hindereth the winds to rise because the earth then is burningly dry wthout any mixture of moistnesse out of which drougth of the earth without some moistnesse no fumes can be exhaled So the Ayre clogged with cold thick heavie and lumpish clouds of raine and waters holdeth as it were the winds within their Precinct hindring them to blow then till the Ayre be disburdened of that load and doe give way to the winds to sport themselves in the spring recompensing their long captivity with licencious unbridled blasts Or to know how the wind bloweth is this First the exhalations whereof it is composed are carried from the Earth high up to the middle Region of the Ayre but so that when it is there it is encountered and repercussed tossed and moved with cold and condensed Ayre finally it is put aside from whence againe by violence it is throwne downe by the cold predominating in that Region so it striketh upon this lower Region of the aire in the descent of it not right and diametrically downe but slentingly which ayre againe beating the Earth by the superiour impulsion and the earths repelling it upward or back againe maketh it following the round circumference of the Ayre to blow about filling it with its noise As for the number of the winds what Countries be subject to such or such winds what maketh the Northerly winds to blow dry the Southerly moist I refer the first to Sea-men whose experience is surer than our contemplation the other are soone solved by a good Naturalist for the Sunne shining upon the South Countries more kindlie and hotter than upon the North maketh the winds conforme to the Ayre of the Countries hotter there than in the North and moister CHAP. 8. Of Earthquakes their cause and nature THIS question dependeth upon the knowledge of the former for the nature and matter of winds being well understood will cleere this the sooner I formerly said then that cold and dry exhalations by the force of the Sun elevated up in the Ayre and from thence by predominating cold beaten aside and from that through the Ayre downward to the Earth back againe whirling upon the face of it and round about through this lowest Region are the matter and nature of the winds which cold and dry exhalations I say are the matter of these winds which often times so lowdly blow upon the superfice of the Earth that not onely Ships on the Seas Trees in the Woods are overturned by their violence but likewise high Steeples and Towers are made to shake and tremble in such sort that even Bels have beene blowne out of the one the roofe of the other uncovered our fruits and cornes beaten downe to the terror and amazement of the beholders Even so dry and cold exhalations but these more grosse and not so Elementary as the first enclosed within the bowels and concavities of the Earth for Nature hath no vacuity and there converted into winds doe struggle and strive as it were to burst up through this earth to attaine to its owne right place which is upwards and that is the cause of this trembling and motion of the Earth which we call Earthquakes And because the Southerne Countries are hotter than the Northerne in respect of the Suns approach to them I meane in its perpendicular beholding of them they I say are consequently more apt to bee enflamed and so to be concaved and wasted within yea and to be more capable of the engendring and reception of these exhalations and winds and their effects therefore it is that these Countries are more subject to the motions and tremblings of the earth whereof their particular Histories afford us testimonies enough than the more Northerly are for they having grosser and lesse matter evaporated from them by the Sunnes heat doe admit lesse concavities and so fewer exhalations so then both winds and Earthquakes are of one selfesame matter and subject viz. of cold and dry exhalations wherof they are framed and they differ onely in this That the exhalations whereof the winds are doe rise more purified of the superfice of the earth and as we say in Schooles Ex Elemento superiori whereas the other more grosser are from below Et ex Elemento inferiori so that both in matter and motion they doe agree Neither is this called in question by Aristotle handling the same matter Lib. 3. Meteor Where his Commentator Albertus Coloniensis compareth this motion of the Earth by the power of these inclosed vapours in the bowels and cavernes of it to the motions and tremblings of our pulse by the Systole and Diastole of our spirits in and above our hearts and so within the cavity or hollownesse of our bodie And yet not content with this comparison he insisteth in the duration and continuance of the Earths motion saying that even as the tremblings wherewith our bodies are agitated during the fits of a Feaver doe continue so long as the faulty and peccant humour reigneth in our veines and accordingly diminisheth its proportion as the matter occasioning the feaver impaireth even so it is with this trembling of the earth having respect to the multitude of vapours and to their declining for the more these vapours are the Earthquake lasteth the longer and is more violent but when they spend and decline its violence and continuance is remitted I know now the Philosopher and Naturallist who admit nothing done in nature to bee otherwise than by naturall meanes will admit nothing beyond the reach of Nature when they are posed How is it then that commonly after Earthquakes Plagues Pestilences and death of Bestiall doe ensue To this they answer That the exhalations which causeth the Earths motion having burst up through the Earth infecteth our Ayre with the infective breath of it which it contracteth when it was incarcerated within the bowels and wast places of the said Earth Likewise they ascribe some such or not farre different reasons in their owne degree to the cause of evils which usually I wil not say ever befall after blazing Comets which although in effect they have their owne
I may say and impious to be propounded And it is great presumption for mortall men to reduce under the precinct of humane sciences those things the knowledge of which GOD out of His infinite wisedome hath thought fit not to impart to mortalls For as God is above nature so worketh He after His owne will either supernaturally or else by some secret power of Nature unknowne to us To which point the most subtile of all the Ancient Philosophers some times were driven And yet these great spirits who could not content themselves but w th the speculation of such things as fell not under the reach and capacity of the weaker and meaner sort did sometimes in the meaner subjects stumble most miserably So while they ranne above the heavens roaving and tormenting themselves with their numbers matter force motions sounding depths and centre yea and turning the circumference of the earth overskimming the Seas saluting the Antipodes and bringing novells from their Courts and of their Caballs dreaming with themselves as Archimedes did that they might remove the Globe of the universe out of its owne place and turne it about if they had whereon and wherein to fixe their machins they in the end I say doe stumble and fall in grosse absurdities like those men who peradventure having sailed the better part of their lives upon the stormy Ocean and past her greatest dangers may neverthelesse at last be drowned in a little Brooke Medium tenuere Beati Section 10. An inducement to the studie and search of the secrets of Nature Of the Needle in the Sea compasse Of the inundations of the River of Nilus And from whence it hath its sourse and beginning Of the severall dispositions of men Why continuall burning hills and Mountaines doe not diminish c. BVt on what more fertill and spacious a field can curious Spirits extend and expatiate the wings of their fancies then the discovery and searching out of the secrets of Nature as in those things which are obvious to our outward senses leaving those contemplative mysteries afore spoken of to the omniscious Author of them for when mans curiosity hath reached or rather dived into the depth of the secrets of the heavenly bodies and their changes then the Creator to checke as it were their curiosities and presumption altereth that orderly course that they presumed to have gathered thereby which made Dionysius Areopagita seeing the Sunne Ecclipsed at full Moone when our LORD and SAVIOUR suffered contrary to their Astronomicall position to cry out that either the God of Nature suffered at that time or the course of Nature was inverted or the Machine of the universe was to dissolve with other the like examples knowne to all that are versed in the Scripture Now to speake a little more of the incertainty of these curiosities Mercator and other more moderne Geographers hold that the needle in the compasse doth vary more or lesse from the Pole as the place of observation is more or lesse distant from the Azorick Meridian from whence it hath its longitude Whereas the more ancient tooke its longitude to be from the Canaries Meridian Some againe as Herodotus will the River of Nilus to take its source and beginning from the forked top of the Mountaine Sienna in Ethiopia from whence saith he doe surge two admirable Currents one towards the South and Ethiopia the other toward the North and Aegypt I call these currents admirable because the Whirlepooles and bublings in these waters are so great violent and absorping that though a Boate were there tyde with most strong Cables yet they would suck it in and ingurgitate it Others will have its inundations and Increment to issue from the hills of the Moone in Arabia A montibus lunae Arabia-Australis whereupon such abundance of Snow falleth that it liquifying and melting runneth so abundantly and violently downe that it procureth these wonderfull inundations Plinius againe if Sabell mistake not lib. 3. Eneid 1. maketh its source and deboarding to flow from Affrick crossing Media as the Danube doth Europe Or else from Mauritania the lesser instancing for possibility that the melted snow discending from thence causeth the overflowings in Aegypt from whence say they serpenting and gliding through a vast tract of ground in the bowels of the earth that striving as it were to be refreshed with new aire it bursteth out in Mauritania Caesariensi where it runneth the space of twenty dayes journey againe under ground from whence it issueth againe and plentifully stretcheth it selfe through Ethiopia with many meandres and turnings and separateth Aegypt from the rest of Africk where finally through most rockie Precipitious and Declivous Mountaines with most hideous rumbling and terrible noyse it casteth it selfe down where the Catadupae dwell and running through Aegypt disburdeneth it selfe into the Mediterranean Sea Others againe not without great contradiction doe variously picture out the severall dispositions of men according to their severall Countryes whereof read Bodinus in his sixth Chapter lib. 5. of his Republick where he saith that those who are borne towards the South are more humane ingenious and affable then those towards the North with severall other distinctions which hee setteth downe in that Chapter Some too give the reason why so many great hills in severall places of the earth doe incessantly burne without great diminution of the earth or their greatnesse to be because the Sea winding it selfe in by secret Conduits doth continually arrouse or water the Sulphureous vaine which subministrates fewell to their flame as the endlesnesse of the combustible matter is the cause of the not diminishing of the earth with many of the like as may bee read in severall authors Wherefore thus much for the contemplative and coniecturall curiosity Now to the Practick Section 11. Of Christopher Columbus his Practicall Curiosity in his discovery of the new World or America NOw lastly to conclude this treatise with Practicall curiosity instead of many I will onely touch that so fortunate and so much famed one of Columbus in the discovery of America He was an Italian borne in Genoa whose most pregnant curious and searching wit farre excelled all that ever were before him in the like attempts This worthy Columbus I say imagining that since the Globe of the universe the celestiall Spheares Aire Waters and all superior bodies were round concluded with himselfe that the earth could not bee triangular as in a manner it then was when hee knew no other lands but Europe Africk Asia but circular and round also as the rest of the Elements and so consequently that there behooved to be some vaste tract of land yet unknowne which should extend it selfe from South West to North West Which conception of his he thus fortified That seeing of three hundred and sixty degrees which the world containeth in longitude there being onely one hundred eighty filled up with land that the Almighty Creator would not have
seeing the Law Prophets Evangelists and Apostles workes and writing are so universally preached unto all SECT 2. Of Prodigies and in what veneration they were amongst the ancient Romans BEing loath to trouble the Reader with the tedious definitions of Prodigies nor with the severall and many opinions of Writers concerning them I will relate onely some storyes of them and of the times wherein some of them happened of all which as the most part of the Roman Writers make mention so particularly Sabellicus in his Rhapsoeticall history of the world and that from the 11. or 12. Booke of his 4. Aeneid unto the end of his Worke. During the first Punick Warre which was the first betwixt the Carthaginians and Romans under the Consulship of Appius Claudius and Marcus Fulvius Flaccus which was the foure hundreth and ninety yeare after the building of Rome the Roman Histories were then both more frequent and did savour more of truth and possibility than their former Wherefore to begin with that time I observe that there never happened any remarkeable Prodigie either in the Ayre Water or Earth after which there were not presently Expiations Lustrations Prayers or offerings made unto their Gods to whose Temples and Altars people of every sex age and condition did flock and runne to pacifie and appease their incensed wrath which may serve to condemne the neglect and contempt that is in Christians of the like Prodigies and teach us as these Heathen did when they chanced to repaire to our true God and implore for mercy and forbearance of wrath at his hands To begin then as I said with Prodigies observed in the time of the first Punick or Carthaginian Warre of those many admirable ones recorded by Sabellicus I finde this most worthy of relation In the Picenean Territory Cneius Domitianus and Lucius Annius being Consuls a River was observed for the space of a whole morning to runne red blood no accident that might cause it being perceived by any for which and some others the like the Romans intituled their Novendialia sacra or expiations for nine dayes and Livius likewise in the time of Tullus Hostilius their third King relateth that the like propitiatory Sacrifices were ordained for the like causes In Hetruria also which is now the Florentines bounds the heavens were perceived to burne In the Citie of Ariminii three Moones at once were one night seene by the Inhabitants all which Prodigies appeared about the end of the foresaid first Punick Warres Shortly after about the beginning of the second warre after Hanno was overcome by Scipio a Childe of a moneth old was heard to crie in the Streete Triumphi Triumphi In the fields of Amitermin neere Rome ships were discerned in the skie and men in long white garments were perceived to march towards one another but never to meete In the Picen Territory it rained stones and the Sunne and Moone were seene to joust as it were at one another and in the day time two Moones appeared in the heavens At Phalascis the heavens seemed to bee rent asunder And at Capua the Moone seemed to burne and as envolved in a showre of raine to tend towards the Earth Civitas ob haec prodigia saith Sabellicus lustrata est lectisternium supplicatio indicta aliaque aliis diis placamina decreta SECT 3. A continuation of Prodigies which happened in the time of the second Punick Warre with many others that were seene under the times of severall Consuls of Rome IN the first yeare of this second Carthaginian Warre under the Consulship of Fabius Maximus Marcus Claudius Marcellus a green Palme tree in Naples tooke fire and burn'd away to ashes At Mantua a litle Rivulet or stripe of water which ranne into the River Mincio was turned into blood And at Rome it rained blood An Oxe was heard there to speake these words Cavetibi Roma Afterward in the Consulship of Quintus Fabius sonne to Fabius Maximus and Titus Sempronius Graccus the similitude or likenesse of great long and tale ships appeared to bee upon the River of Taracina in Spaine At Amiternum in Italie a litle Brooke ranne blood for severall dayes In Albano monte in Rome it rained stones The Sunne at divers times was seene of a bloody colour Many Temples and holy houses in Rome were beaten downe with Thunderbolts from heaven some of the Citie Ensignes or field Colours were observed to sweate blood two Sunnes appeared in the Heavens at one time it rained milke at another stones During the Consulship of Cornelius Cethegus and Sempronius at what time the Africane Warres were appointed to Scipio two Sunnes at one time were seene in the Heavens and the night which is by nature darke appeared extraordinary light A Comet in forme like a burning torch was discerned to reach from the East to the West and it rained stones after that notable overthrow given to Hanniball by Scipio which was the last to Hanniball and at the time when the Consull T. Claudius was appointed to prepare for Africk to appease some mutinies that had risen there upon his setting out to that voyage the Orbe and face of the Sunne was visibly discerned to be lesse than usuall Moreover in the Veliternean fields the Earth rent asunder in so huge and frightfull gappes that trees and whole houses were swallowed up in it after which there followed showres of stones In the Consulship of ●n Belius and L. Aemilius Paulus it rained blood for two whole dayes together And the Statue of Iuno in the Temple of Concord at Rome was perceived to shedde teares SECT 4. Of Prodigies that happened during the civill warres betwixt Marius and Sylla of some in Iulius Caesars time as at his passing the River of Rubicone the Pharsalian warres and at his death c. AT the beginning of the Civill warres betwixt Martus and Sylla a Mule by nature barren did foale The Capitoll tooke fire and which was lamentable it being a worke of foure hundreth yeares standing famous through all the world was destroyed the whole Citie was so shaken with Earth-quakes that the face of it was wonderfully defaced and a woman conceived and was delivered of a Serpent When Iulius Caesar had cross'd the River of Rubicon contrary to the decree of the Senate the heavens as foreseeing what imminent danger was to ensue thereupon rained blood The Statues and Images of their Gods in the Temples did sweat great droppes of blood and many faire buildings in the Citie were beaten downe with fire and thunder from heaven On the same day that the Pharsalian battell was strooke the Statue of Victoria which stood in the Temple of Minerva at Eulide was seene to turne its face towards the Temple doore whereas before it beheld the Altar At Antioch in Syria such great noyse and clamours were heard twice a day about the Walls of the Towne that the people