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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06134 The consent of time disciphering the errors of the Grecians in their Olympiads, the vncertaine computation of the Romanes in their penteterydes and building of Rome, of the Persians in their accompt of Cyrus, and of the vanities of the Gentiles in fables of antiquities, disagreeing with the Hebrewes, and with the sacred histories in consent of time. VVherein is also set downe the beginning, continuance, succession, and ouerthrowes of kings, kingdomes, states, and gouernments. By Lodovvik Lloid Esquire. Lloyd, Lodowick, fl. 1573-1610. 1590 (1590) STC 16619; ESTC S108762 565,858 746

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foorth by Moses in Genesis all liuing creatures all creeping wormes all things in heauen aboue and all things in earth below were created to set foorth the glory of God and to magnifie his name and God sawe that all which he did was good and therfore blessed them and by vertue of his eternall word commaunded them to multiplie and to engender He commaunded both fish and fowle the one to flie aboue in the aire the other to swimme belowe in the water for fish and fowle had one beginning He commaunded all the rest of his creatures to obey man because man should serue and obey God all creatures were created for the vse of man and for the glory of God such was the loue of God towards man When God had made this great tabernacle of the world in such perfect frame in such wonderfull perfection that the very perfection thereof as the Philosopher saieth might see and say Ex effectis There is a God the workemanship hereof is aboue farre the reach of man Quia ipse dixit facta sunt and therefore Paul to the Hebrewes saieth that wee must vnderstand through faith that the world was ordained by the word of GOD and the things which wee see were not made of things that did appeare for God made all things of nothing against the rules of Philosophie Ex nihilo nihil fit though Plato did his best to make some comparison as farre as his sence could see of this great worke with Art applying to the earth to the water to the aire and to the fire the most perfect kindes of squares and most exquisite frames and formes of Geometrie which the learned may read to satisfie himselfe and the whole vniuersall frame by the names and qualities of sensible Elements the earth her forme the water the aire and the fire to haue theirs compared to Dodecaedri Cicero likewise to whom I referre the Reader that is desirous to heare a full praise at large in particulars the varietie beautie perfection harmonie and the diuine excellencie of this worke deuised and made by God to man but let sence sleepe in so great a matter let Plato and Cicero keepe silence of that they know not let Moses the man of God not with sence but with faith certifie you in this and heare what God sayd to Iob concerning his workes Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth who hath laid the measures thereof or who hath stretched the line ouer it whereupon is the foundation of the earth set or who laid the corner stone thereof or who hath shut vp the sea with doores and set barres on it who said to the sea Hitherto shalt thou come and no further where is the way where light dwelleth or where is the place of darkenesse hast thou perceiued the breadth of the earth or haue the gates of death opened vnto thee Read the whole chapter and there you shall read of the weakenesse of man to find out the workes of God of the power of God in his works which worke being finished with all creatures therein sauing MAN of whose creation hee taketh councell of his Wisedome Vertue purposing to make a more excellent creature of man then the rest and to the intent that man should not glory in the excellencie of his owne nature he sheweth whereof mans body was created of the slime and dust of the earth God saieth Let vs make man to our owne likenesse in righteousnesse and holinesse in all innocencie and perfection So Manilius saith Exemplúmque Dei quisque est in imagine parua and for that man should not bee alone without helpe or comfort God made a woman to liue in societie of man for euer And God said Let man rule ouer the fish of the sea and ouer the foules of heauen and ouer the beastes of the earth and ouer euery thing that creepeth or mooueth vpon the earth and this great liberalitie of God towards man taketh away all excuse of mans ingratitude sith God left all things to man and created man to his owne image and named him Adam the last creature made and as hee was the last so was he the best creature made for in man God rested Tanquam in suo templo domicilio in man God so delighted that hee endued him with Wisedome Iustice felicitie on earth that God might be serued and glorified by man for all creatures were made to serue man that man might serue God in his creatures God laied before man good and bad life and death God made man lord ouer all the earth and to haue soueraigntie ouer the whole world God placed man in a sweete pleasant and a delicate garden in the garden of Eden named so of the Hebrewes for the delicacie thereof of the Graecians named 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for the aboundancie of pleasure therein and in the Persian tongue called Paradice for so the kings of Persia doe name their delicate gardens and pleasant orchardes there might Adam liue for euer without feeling of sinne or tasting of death had hee not disobeied God This Paradise was set in the East part of the earth a place by report of the best learned most temperate and fertile So Aristotle and Hippocrates affirme saying Omnia pulchriora in Asia nasci meliora This place is of the Prophet Ezechiel thus commended Quòd facie ad orientem conuersa adorarent and Esay saieth Iustitiam ab oriente proficisci that is Righteousnesse should come from the East meaning the Messias to come In the East the starre appeared to the wisemen in this place the pleasant riuers which commonly are called the foure fluds of Paradice doe spring in this garden Hence doeth Euphrates take her course and runneth through Babylon and Mesopotamia hence doth Ganges spring to India and compasseth all Aethiopia from this garden doth Nilus ouerflow all Aegypt and from this place doeth Tigris so called for her swiftnesse passe through Assyria Moses nameth them in the Hebrue tongue otherwaies which I laied downe in the margent This garden did much excel the garden of Alcinois or the Orchard of Hesperides or the delicate valeys of Thessalie Tempe Thessalicum or the Isles Fortunate This pleasant place and the fame of Paradise and the report of the pleasure of that place was heard of amongst the Heathens for it is written of Iohn Freigius that the figure of Pythagoras letter was put vp in Samo to signifie the state of man as a figure of the tree of knowledge In this happie place God commanded Adam and Eue to dwell and there all creatures were brought before Adam and he named them vpon the sight a true argument to prooue the wisedom and perfection of Adam by his creation a thing more proper to God then to man So Plato could say 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 That God gaue to euery creature his owne name in the beginning In trueth God gaue him
figure thereof he said by the spirite of prophesie that vvhen his sonne Noah vvas borne this should comfort vs concerning our vvorke and sorovv of our hands as concerning the earth vvhich the Lord hath cursed The last man of the first age vvas Noah a iust and vpright man in his time before God hee likevvise vvalked vvith and obeied GOD in all things and therefore found fauour vvith God vvith vvhom God made his couenant established the same vvith a signe for thee only haue I found iust and righteous in this age vpon the earth for Noah vvas called the righteous preacher preaching vnto the vvicked for amendment of life and because they vvere luld in all kind of securities and feared not God Noah departed from them and vvent to another land for hee vvas vvarned of God of things that vvere not seene as yet concerning the Arke God vvas so much offended vvith the vvickednesse of the vvorld that his vvrath vvas kindled to see such iniquitie vpon earth for the whole world was corrupt before God and vvas filled with crueltie all flesh had corrupted his way and all imaginations of mans thoughts were so euil and wicked that it repented the Lorde to haue made man and as it were disauowing man to be his creature they were so addicted to intemperancie lust gluttonie and securitie the foure principall causes of the flood which for sinne destroied man and beast and yet in mercie God spared man 120. yeeres to repent before he woulde destroy the worlde No dout many things haue bene written of the olde Patriarches in the first age and thought of many writers that Adam and his sonne Seth had made two tables of stone wherein they wrote many goodly things to their posterity The best warrant is read in Iosephus for that he trauailed much in the historie of the Iewes and their other histories called Drash for their Rabbies heape many fables beside the historie of Moses in their Chronicles called Drash so Philo Iudaeus Herodot and Melancton from them affirme It is written againe that Adam and Seth foreseeing the deluge of the world caused two pillars to be set vp the one of brickes the other of brasse one to resist the violence of the water the other to endure the rage of the fire but I see no reason that Adam should prophecie the same to be from God and yet he being man sought meanes by naturall reason and waies by arte to preuent the euerlasting decree of the Almighty Iosephus might wel erre in that I thinke that many things are written of the Iewes which doe not agree with the purpose of Gods prouidence nor his counsell for the Iewes recorded in their bookes of histories called Drash any thing that might be coniectured true and which they themselues supposed in opinion to be true as the maners of their Talmudists were Iosephus a great writer of the Iewes antiquities the best Historiographer of Chaldean histories who wrote more and is more to be commended then any other and because he thinketh much amisse for any man to seeke recordes of antiquities amongest the Graecians men of late knowledge hauing their beginning and first originall from Egypt and Chaldea specially Assyria and Chaldea the first seate of man after the flood for the Greekes began to flourish in the declining age of the world when that Assyria Chaldea Egypt and other places of the East were wasted consumed with sword and fire for so it seemeth by the Philosopher Calisthenes report then being with Alexander the Great at the siege of Babylon writing vnto his cosin Aristotle who had bene his preferrer vnto Alexander to that purpose he might search out the Libraries of Babylon and to certifie Aristotle of those antiquities specially of Astrologie wherein the Chaldeans past and of their monuments wherein the Greekes were ignorant for Calisthenes sent vnto Aristotle howe that Babylon was farre more famous for all kind of learning and knowledge twelue hundred yeeres past then it was when Alexander the Great did besiege it certifying him with recordes of 19. hundred yeeres before Alexanders time Berosus an ancient writer and a man of great authoritie amongst the Chaldeans saith that Arphaxad one of the sonnes of Sem whose birth vvas 2. yeeres after the flood christened the first name of this Countrey after his ovvne name aftervvarde it vvas called Cephem and novve last named Chaldea of the situation of this Countrey and the seate of Babylon I vvill let the reader reade of it in Ptolom●…us and in Pomponius Mela. I vvill goe on vvith my historie When C ham the second sonne of Noah had begotten a sonne named Chus and Chus had begotten a sonne named Nemrad this began to take armes and to become great in his doings he became mightie in earth vsing violence and force against all people framing himselfe to be first Emperour of the vvorlde so full of crueltie and tyrannie that it grevve vnto a prouerbe as it is in the Genesis as Nemrod the mightie hunter before the Lorde his oppression vvas such that he passed not to commit crueltie euen in Gods presence This Nemrad began to rule in Babel in the land of Shinear aftervvard called Chaldea vvhere he and his companie returning from Armenia vvhere they after the flood began to build vp an high tower whose top should reach vnto heauen to get them a name vpon earth least they should be scattered ouer the whole earth thinking through pride and ambition to preferre their owne glory before Gods honor but vaine is the helpe of man their wicked enterprise was ouerthrowen for God sawe their follie and so confounded them in their deuises in their speach that one could not vnderstand another Then were they deuided and scattered then confusion of tongues began which was then in the house of Heber onely the Hebrew tongue then began people to seeke out countries and to inhabite the earth The posteritie of Sem to great Asia Persia Assyria and Chaldea and all the regions about Euphrates towards the East part of the world The posteritie of Cham went to Egypt Aethiope Libya and possessed all places about Nilus and reached towards the South vnto the furthest part of Affrica and the posteritie of Iaphet possessed all the Westcountrey the lesser Asia and all Europa of whom all the Gentiles sprang out Thus much for the first age from Adam vnto Noah 1656. Now I meane particularlie to follow my historie as the reason is offered vnto me by following the sonnes of Noah their children and posterities frō the land of Senaah vnto euery part of the earth CHAP. I. Of the most ancient and true historie of the Hebrewes after called Israel of their lawes and originall gouernment called Oligarchia from Abraham vnto Moses THE historie of the Hebrewes for that it is most ancient from Hebers time the fourth from Noah and most true for that it is written by Moses and confirmed by the