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water_n air_n element_n fire_n 13,062 5 7.1789 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05801 The valiant VVelshman, or The true chronicle history of the life and valiant deedes of Caradoc the Great, King of Cambria, now called Wales As it hath beene sundry times acted by the Prince of Wales his seruants. Written by R.A. Gent.; Valiant Welshman. R. A., Gent.; Armin, Robert, fl. 1610, attributed name.; Anton, Robert, b. 1584 or 5, attributed name.; Aylett, Robert, 1583-1655?, attributed name. 1615 (1615) STC 16; ESTC S104360 35,542 72

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Cara. Rise I le spare thy life Reuenge sufficient for thy damned facts For to a seared conscience these doe well Long life mens hate and a perpetuall hell Yet that thou mayest liue to attone thy soule Vnto the angry heauens I freely giue The Kingdome of North-Wales for terme of life To thy dispose onely reseruing tribute to my selfe In iust acknowledgement of me and mine Cod. Know Caradoc since by the chance of war I must be forst to render vp that right That like a slaue I might haue kept by might I scorne thy gifts and rather chuse to liue In the vast wildernes with fatall Owles Free from the malice of base buzzard Chaunce And there in husht vp silence rauing goe Then earth except be hell no place so low Then with high almes Aside I le to the Romanes and there plot pell mell Vessels that once are seasoned keepe their smell Welshmen farewell and Caradoc adieu Vnder the heauens we haue no foe but you Exit Cornewall Now Royall Prince since happy victory Hath set a period to a bloudy fight Cornewall in humble manner here presents Himselfe and seruice to your Princely Grace Cara. Cornewall although thy actions not deserue The least respect of vs in taking part With the aspiring Bastard and the rest Of his adherents yet we doe omit All former iniuries and reunite Cornewall vnto our loue Corn. Then Princes ioyne with Cornewall and inthrone True honour and deserts with what 's her owne Ascend your Chayre fayre Prince The Trumpets flourish omnes They crowne him Omnes Long liue Caradoc King of Wales Cara. We thanke you Princes This being done wee le see Our beautious Queene and sister both set free Enter Gloster solus Now Gloster in this still and silent wood Whose vnfrequented pathes do lead thy steps Vnto the dismall caue of hellish fiends With whom a Witch as vgly to confront As are the fearefull Furies she commaunds Liues in this solitary vncouth place Begin thy damned plots banish that thred-bare thought Of Vertue Which makes vs men so senselesse of our wrong It makes vs beare the poyson of each tongue No Gloster no he whose meeke bloud 's so coole To beare all wrongs is a religious foole Or he that cannot finely knit reuenge Like to Aracne in a curious web May wounds still fit a Nightcap for his head Since I am forst to flie with foule disgrace And since of gods or men no hope I finde I le vse both hell and Fiends to ease my minde Here dwels a famous Witch who with her sonne As blacke in arte as arte it selfe is blacke Both memorable for their Magicke skill That can command sterne vengeance from beneath The center of the earth for to appeare As quicke as thought To her I le tell the tale Of my reuenge and with the golden Chimes Of large rewards inchaunt her hellish eares And see their monstrous shapes themselues appeares ACTVS 3. SCENA 4. Enter the Witch and her sonne from the Caue Gloster Thou famous Mistresse of the vnknown depths Of hels infernall secrets oh vvhat revvard Shall a deiected miserable man Chased from the confines of his natiue land By vvrong oppression and insulting pride Disgrace contempt and endlesse infamy Giue for redresse from thy commanding arte Witch Gloster I know thee wel although disguisd Thou comest to craue our helpe for thy reuenge 'Gainst Caradoc who now hath vanquished The Bastard Codigune in single fight Know Gloster that our skill Commaunds the Moone drop from her siluer sphere And all the starres to vayle their golden heads At the blacke horrour that our Charmes present Atlas throwes downe the twinckling Arch of heauen And leaues his burthen at our dreadfull spels This pendant element of solid earth Shakes with amazing Earthquakes as if the frame Of this vast continent would leaue her poles Neptune swels high and with impetuous rage Dashes the haughty Argosey with winds Against the Christall battlements of heauen The troubled ayre appeares in flakes of fire That till about the ayres circumference We make the vpper Region Thicke full of fatall Comets and the skie Is filde with fiery signes of armed men Hell roares when we are angry and the Fiends As schole-boyes tremble at our Charming rod. Thus when we are displeased or male-content Both hell obeyes and euery Element Gloster Thou matchles wonder worke but my reuenge And by the triple Hecate and the povvers Your Charmes adore I le load you vvith a vvaight Of gold and treasure till you cry No more Inuent great soule of arte some stratagem Whose fame may draw him to these dismal woods No danger can out-dare his thirsty soule In honourable enterprises he is a man Should hell oppose him of such dauntlesse mettal That were but fame the end of his atchieuement He would as boldly cope with it as with things Of common danger Witch Then Gloster harke Here in this dismall Groue By arte I will create a furious beast Mou'd by a subtill spirit full of force And hellish fury whose deuouring iawes Shall hauocke all the borderers of Wales And in short space vnpeople all his Townes Now if he be a man that seeks for fame And grounds his fortunes on the popular loue Or Kinglike doe preferre a common good Before a priuate losse this famous taske Whose fearefull rumour shall amaze the world Will egge him on where being once but come He surely meetes with his destruction Sonne to this purpose straitway to thy booke Enter the Caue and call a powerfull spirit by thy skill Commaund him instantly for to appeare And with thy Charmes binde him vnto the shape Of a deuouring Serpent whilest without We doe awayte his comming Exit Magician Thunders and Lightning Now whirle the angry heauens about the Pole And in their fuming choler dart forth fires Like burning Aetna being thus inraged At this imperious Necromantike arte Dis trembles at our Magicall commaund And all the flaming vawtes of hells Abisse Throw forth sulphureous flakes of scorching fire The iangling hell-hounds with their hellish guizes Daunce damned rounds in their infernall rage And to conclude earth water ayre and fire And hell grow sicke to see mans arte aspire A generall enuy makes them male content To see deepe arte commaund each element See Gloster see thinkes he this monstrous shape Enter the Serpent Will not abate the courage of his foe And quell the haughty pride of Caradoc Gloster Yes mighty Artist were he thrice inspirde With more then humane courage he may as soone Conquer those matchlesse Giants that were set To keepe the Orchard of Hesperides Or match the labours of great Hercules Enter the Serpent It thunders Witch Goe shrowde thy horrid shape within this wood And seize on all thou meetst Come Gloster in And here awhile abide within this Caue Thy eyes shall see what thy vext soule did craue Exeunt ACTVS 3. SCENA 5. Enter Ostorius Scapula Marcus Gallicus Manlius Valens Cessius Nasica and Codigune in Armes Ostorius