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A05357 An epithrene: or Voice of vveeping bewailing the want of vveeping. A meditation. Lesly, John. 1631 (1631) STC 15510; ESTC S108512 86,967 339

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but our hearts dissolue into sighes and our Soules languish in Dislikes Yea all that wee are and have suffer some punishment that when the Lord is incensed with our Iniquities he may be appeased with our Weeping Not because our Weeping in it selfe is acceptable vnto God but because it floweth from a due consideration of the Lords tender and mercifull dealing with vs and our vngratefull and vngratious Cariage towards him The feare of Gods Iudgements and Horrour of Hell may strike the heart with astonishment but it is Griefe for displeasing our merciful God Sorrow for giving him cause to hide his favor from vs though but for a time that properly causeth this Godly Weeping Thus this Godly Weeping Cypr. de Bono Pudicit Virtus est quae de dono Dei venit licet se in oculo hominibus ostendat It is a Grace given by God though it doe manifest it selfe in the Eye vnto men And that the Soule doth Weepe the Scripture warranteth this kind of speech for Ieremy the 4.14 Hierusalem is exhorted to wash her heart from wickednesse Iames 4.8 The double-minded must purify their hearts And Ieremiahs Soule did weepe in secret Ier. 13.17 Weeping then is not only an outward action but an Inward Gift of the Spirit ezpressed in outward Action For the Lord sayth Zachar. 12.10 I will powre vpon the house of David the Spirit of Grace and Supplications and they shall looke vpon mee whom they have pierced and they shall mourne Evidently arguing it to bee a Grace of the Gospell and a Qualitie or Infused Gift as Faith Hope Charity are given only to the Heirs of Saluation For it is prescribed in the Gospell Iam. 4.9 It is Practised in the Gospell as shall appeare It is promised in the Gospell Ezech. 39.26 It is Performed in vs by the Ministry of the Gospell whilst it setteth before our eyes Christ crucifyed and so causeth vs to Weepe as Zach. 12.10 And therefore the voyce of Weeping is the sweetest and most musicall voice of all other It is the Trumpet of our true Iubilee sounding the Sentence of our Redemption and Adoption Leuit. 25 9. for by Weeping the Holy Spirit Laert. in Solon not Solon-like publisheth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 A Law of Redemption of Lands Liberties Livelihoods irrecoverably ingaged and indebted vnto men But the Eternall Edict of Grace and Mercy concerning the Redemption of Soules and bodies sold through Sinne vnto Satan Neither must it discourage vs that few doe Weepe seeing true friends are few Hier. contr Iouin few are the Faithfull Iust and Righteous Semperque virtus rara est And ever Grace is rare §. 23. All which truely apprehended and considered doe evidently prove that Godly Weeping is not 1. So Sowre or bitter a thing as most thinke but that refreshing Oyle and soveraigne Balme of Gilead which clenseth the Soule and that with Ioy draweth water out of the Wels of Saluation Isai 12.1 Aquin. 22. qu. 123 8. c. For Weeping is the true Fortitude of the Soule which delighteth the Soule with the consideration of it owneparticular Acts and Ends though in suffering some present Sorrow it somewhat displeaseth the Soule and Vir fortis nonest minus laudabilis in luctu quam in bello The valorous Christian is no lesse prayse worthy in Weeping then Warrfare 2. Nor so full of difficultie as most thinke For being the Gift of God and Grace of the Gospell it hath Grace annexed to it whereby the same things that are required in the Gospell are also promised and the Yoke made sweete and easie Note Yea weake performance of it is acceptable and accepted by reason that as the Gospell accepteth every little Mite so a desire to Weepe is Godly Weeping and to Weepe because wee cannot Weepe goeth currant for Godly Weeping 3. Nor so continued a worke as may never be discontinued §. 24. For it is once here for all to insert and inculcate the Confutatiō of Monkish hipocrisie the Doctrine of Popish Superstition all the day to bow downe the head like a Bulrush to affect a sad cariage a demure looke or a deiected Countenance Because sincere Christians should alwayes Weepe Which immoderate and affected Weeping is condemned by Nature and Reason as well as by Religion In Nature all the Elements abhorre excesse of Weeping The Earth through immodera●e raine is overflooded the Waters bemudded the Ayre darkened the Fire oppressed with water giveth neither Light nor Heate And the Eye it selfe as Anatomists obserue hath six dry skins Vesael 〈◊〉 7. cap. 14. Tolet 〈…〉 Arist●●●●nim to damme vp like Sluces the excessiue course of Teares whereas it hath but three moist humors like Channels dissoluing into Teares In reason even blind Reason such as the Heathen had it was a Pythagorean Theoreme 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Not to eat the heart or as Salomon expoundeth it As the moath fretteth the garment and the Worme eateth Wood so Heavinesse doth the heart Wherevpon Heraclitus having soust himselfe all his life time in Weeping is reported to have dyed of a Dropsie and as a Selfe-Murtherer drowned himselfe in his owne Teares In Religion wee are taught That it becometh the Righteous to reioyce Psalm And wee are commanded to Reioyce evermore 1. Thess 5.16 But no where to Weepe evermore At the most Salomon alloweth but a Time to Weepe Eccles 3.4 as a Time to Laugh Therefore the very Egyptians when they would describe Weeping paynted those Pearles which wee call Margarites or Vnions Suid. whence Suidas saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Margarites Hiereglyphically signify the shedding of Teares For as those Pearles are called Vniones in Latine because they are found one after another and never more at once So Teares must be shed successiuely one by one neuer powred out all at once Hence it may in like manner bee conceived Note that Teares are not alwayes absolutely and necessarily required to manifest true Humiliation For sometimes the Constitutiō of body will yeeld no Teares neither in Sorrow for Sinne nor worldly Crosses which therefore may not bee imputed to Corruptiō of heart or State of Vnregeneracie Sometimes aboundance of Griefe doth so oppresse the heart that it cannot ease it selfe by Teares When Amasis saw his sonne led to execution hee could not Weepe but when he saw his Friend begging hee wept Ar●st Rheter lib. 2. c. 8 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 For the one was miserable but the other cruell saith the Philosopher Thus many times Curae leves loquuntur ingentes stupent Our lesser Griefes may be expressed by Weeping greater ones by astonishment §. 25. And here because I may hap pily seeme either palpably to bewray mine owne Oscitancie or dastarly to betray the causes I haue vndertaken as if this were to make Weeping the easiest worke in the World yea a Pandar to Sinne and wee made no more of it but Sinne and Weepe As if our Weeping could get a Pardon
Repentance in which Cyr. Epist 76. Spiritus Sanctus non de mensura datur sed super Credentem totus infunditur The Holy Ghost is not given by measure vnto the Regenerate Aquin. 37.10 c. even when we enjoy these according to our condition state and end prefixed vnto vs by the Lord and therefore no Weeping For as Streames doe resemble the Nature of those Fountaines whence they spring So Teares doe expresse the Property of those Graces whence they proceede 2. The Forme of Weeping which giveth it Beeing is Sorrow which the Apostle approoved 2 Cor. 7.11 When it encreased not exceeded therefore so consequently the Formed Aquin. 1 80. 1 6. Weeping For Quamlibet Formam sequitur aliqua inclinatio quae est appetitus rei habentis illam formam Every forme hath some Inclinarion which is the appetite of the thing Formed Therfore as to Encrease is the Inclination of Godly Sorrow as reache●h the Apostle so it is the Property of Godly Weeping 3. The Fruit of Weeping is Ioy Psal 126.5 They that sow in Teares shall reape in Ioy 1 Pet. 1.8 Even Ioy vnspeakable and full of Glory In which as there is no Mediocritie so neither in Weeping For here me thinkes if any where so farre as nice Restrictions will permit that Philosophicall Ax●ome hath place Propter q●od vnumquodque est tale id ipsum est magis tale Qualities in the Cause are proportionable in the Effect Worldly Weeping I confesse may exceede and become vicious For being a Morall Vertue it should consist in a Meane or Mediocritie limited by Prudence But Godly Weeping is a Supernaturall Grace inseparably attending accompanying all other Graces Gratum facientes as hath beene prooved Looke how the Rationall Soule implyeth the Animall so doth Godly Weeping lustifying Graces being Individuall §. 45. But Bellarmine might haue learned not only in Scriptures but in Schoolemen Bonau in 4. Sent-Dist 16. P 1. A 4. Q. 1. 2. Aquin. in Suppl Q 3. A. 2. That Contrition must be augmented and encreased And That Contrite Weeping can never so displease rectified Reason as to exceede for Sinne Vnlesse as one of St. Iudes Sensuall Separatists or teachers of Sensuality he would delude the Simple with Sensuall Wisedome That Whorish Teares of every Hypocrite and Reprobate are Teares of true Contrition which hath beene shewed to bee no other then worldly Weeping for Sp●●●●ll things commonly in the outward sences or in a sensuall respect and no Godly Weeping in inward Humiliation wh●ch is the very Essence of Co●trice Weeping Bonau in 4 Sent Dist 16. P. t. A. 1. Q. whereby the Will disliketh and dissenteth from Sinne And is not to be taken for the bare outward Effect of true Contrition As it is true Eras in adag Ch●● 4 Cent. 9. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 There is nothing sooner dry then a Teare so there is nothing sooner out of season then Worldly Weeping Which if it be fresh finds some to commiserate it If stale is rather entertayned with scorne then commiseration But Teares of Repentance come never out of time They can never be shed either too soone or too late or too much But the Demeanour of their Pope Nicholas the Third seemeth more Religious and Devout then that of Igmatius or Xaverius Plat in Vit. Nich. 3. Qui semper d●m solennia ageret Lachrymas funderet Who alwayes Wept when he worshipped saith the Antiquary Finally we reade of a Stone in Arcadia called Asbeston Aug. de Civi● Dei l. 21. c. 5. which being once made hot can never be cooled A●d why may not every blessed Mourner bee like the Salt in Sicilie which in the fire swimmeth like Water Or like the stone Asbeston which once being hot cannot be cooled Aug de vera fal Penit. c. 13. But Augustine is punctuall in this point Non est saetis quod doleamius sed non semper doluisse do eamus It is not sufficient to Weepe but we must Weep● that we haue not alwayes Wept Pel●s l 2. Ep. 76. And Isrdore observeth that the Lord in indgement doth afflict them with diverse diseases that quench this Motion of his Spirit But lest any should thinke the Matter not Tanti For mee Firmiter valeret Cypr. Epist 30. si ab Eva. gelica Lege non dissonaret This doctrine should ●a●e gone for currant if it had not gone awrye from the Gospell And were not openly professed by the Mooke Grace Civility of many Morall Protestants Lactant. Instit l. 3.6.4 For as Arcesilas having considered the Co●●radictions and Oppositions of Philosophers among themselues in the end contemned them all Et constituit novam non Ph●losophandi Philosophiam And inv●nted a new Philosophie not to studie Philosophie So Worldlings and Atheists expending the differences in Weeping haue resolved not to Weepe But I haue done Yet all may conceiue by this little That no Iesuite quà Iesuite ever Wept with Iesus August Conf l. 12. c. 32. Gracious God Verbo tuo pasce nos ne error illudat Feede vs with thy Word that Errour deceiue vs not in Weeping with Iesus 2. Information §. 46. AS Internall and Spirituall Ioy arising from Peace of Conscience Assurance of Remission of Sinne and Testimonies of the Favour of God are the Inheritance of the Regenerate So Weeping is and must be their Portion in this Vale of Teares Aug. Conf. l. 10. c. 21. For in them Contendunt laetitiae flendae cum letandis moeroribus Mournefull Mirth striveth against joyfull Sorrow Their Life is tempered with Sweete and Sowre and therefore they must looke for a mixture of both Vsque ad●o nulla est sincera volup●as Never is Assurance of true Ioy sealed to Man without Weeping The wicked indeed hunt after nothing but Mirth never caring how lawlesse it be so it bee pleasant For where the World is the God there Pleasure is ever the best Devotion But mortified Soules haue learned to scorne Sinfull Ioyes and affect either solide delights or none And had rather Weepe for want of Mirth then be transported with Wanton Pleasure As in Eliah his Sacrifice there was both Fire and Water 1. Kings 1● 38 where the Fire consumed the Water on the Altar So in the Sacrifice of a Contrite Heart there must be both the Fire of Believing and Water of Weeping And in the end the Fire of Faith will dry vp the Streame of Teares The whole course of Nature in the innumerable and severall changes thereof instructeth vs dayly that Rejoycing and weeping haue such intercourse in this Life that our inward thoughts doe often breede an outward showre and that showre a Sun-shine So that although to day we Weepe not yet to Morrow perhaps we cannot but Weepe To day we may reade Salomons Song of Songs to morrow perhaps we must point out the Lamentations of Ieremie This variable Condition in the Regenerate evinceth not alwayes misery threatned against them neither giveth