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A01662 The treasure of Euonymus conteyninge the vvonderfull hid secretes of nature, touchinge the most apte formes to prepare and destyl medicines, for the conseruation of helth: as quintesse[n]ce, aurum potabile, hippocras, aromatical wynes, balmes, oyles perfumes, garnishyng waters, and other manifold excellent confections. Wherunto are ioyned the formes of sondry apt fornaces, and vessels, required in this art. Translated (with great diligence, et laboure) out of Latin, by Peter Morvvying felow of Magdaline Colleadge in Oxford.; Thesaurus Euonymi Philiatri. English Gesner, Konrad, 1516-1565.; Morwen, Peter. 1559 (1559) STC 11800; ESTC S103098 210,005 408

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resēble the tast of straung wines c. 407 The end of the Table ❧ VVhat Destillation is and of diuers formes and kyndes DESTILLATION not distillatiō as lerned doe write is the drawyng forthe of a thinner and purer humor out of a iuise by the force of heate Siluius Destillation by ascentiō or going vpwarde is when the vapours or fume is caried vp and be there gathered together into water so droppe doune The same authour Moist thinges put into a body for so do they cal the bigger vessell from whence the vapur is lifted vp by the force of heate are extenuated into a vapour whiche gathered together by the coldenes of the head or other thing into water is receiued for the most part by a chanel or gutter made in y e brinks of the head and so dropeth doune and destilleth by the noos for so do they communly term that part of the head very neer resembling mās noos both in fashion and in vse into some vessell sette vnder for the purpose men call it a receiuer or a vrinall Siluius Certain like things natur hath wrought both in exhalatiōs aboue in the aire specially thē that be moist and also in reumes destilling from the head both of men certain other beastes vnto the lower partes Therfore of a plant or any other substaunce ordeined to be destilled what part of it is most meet to be extenuated and fynet that is the purest parte the lightest the thinnest the moistest and the most superficial parte next vnto the vttermost partes of the body being first of all fyned by the force of heet is lifted vp next suche other partes as in puernes cum nie to the first and last suche a moysture of the thinges as is more grosse that held together the earthly partes a certain fatnes and oylines by a stronger force of the fyre is seperated and takē vp hoolly which once clean drawn forthe the body remaineth dissolued and brought into asshes Oute of all maner of plantes therfor and beastes Yea out of al partes of them bothe a certain raw waterishnes and as it were a fleumatick and excrementall parte is first drawen oute then cumyth forth that whiche is better disgested and more pure last of all an oylines whiche also euen oute of the very bones may be gottē and not only out of massy partes sauing that certain partes ar of so scleuder and thin substance y e they yelde vp almost all their moister strength at the first Morouer all this drawing oute of humors is done with heet For that kinde of Destillation that is done by a shred of wullen cloth they cal it a filter or by grauel a raw earthen vessell a vessell of iuye trie Plinie I thinke writes of the wode that is called Smilax how it willet sype through water mixt with wyne and kiep the wyne still which I once proued found it trewe but this is no destillation in deed except vnto suche as speake improprely For that which is proprely called destilation is done by heet and that from the sonne or of fyre corruption and rot tennes By the sonne as certain men haue inuēted to draw of flowres a kind of water very nere to them selues in smell and other pleasaunt qualities By fyre that is by flame that come of aere and of aereall bodies or els by burning cooles that are made of earth or earthly bodies enkindled destillation is made ether by no other thing betwixt or by the meanes of hoat water or also by the vapour and feume of the same by fine sand or dros of metall polished and made plaine Morouer the flame it selfe aswell as the coole is diuers not onely in respect of that it is great and little but also of the woode whether it bee rotten and doated or sound stinking or wel smelling grene or drie Besides this it is a great matter what bignes the furnace be of what fashion what ioyning together Also the coole of smothered and half burnd wode giueth a certain strong sauour and a quality far vnlyke to the thinges destilled as we see it doeth to thinges boyled and otherwyse prepared therwith Therefor let the cooles be all fired and halfbrent that the ill sauour be expired before that the thing to be destilled be committed vnto them specially if it be receiued into the body for in suche thinges as ar to be vsed without it forceth lesse al this saith Syluius In the destillation of wyne the foure elementes ascende vp in their order the lightest subtilst and hoatest first that is the fire secondarily the aire thirdly water the earth remaineth in y ● bottome and lykewyse I iudge in the destillation of vineger In more grosse earthly thinges yet moyst also whiche besides the watery partes haue also some grose and such as may be made thicke as in the teares that run out of tries or gūmes in ioyces in rosin and in hony that which is more watery is caried vp first the airy partes next the firy last of al y e earthy partes remain in the bottome and if the fier be any thyng bigg they ar burnt In metalles the same ar resolued into vapours and congeled together sticke to the lembeck the coloure chaunged into whyt as quick syluer arsnike c. Saltpeter c. The nature of fyre is to deminishe as Cardane saith ether by breaking drye thinges into peces as when it bringeth grauell into dust or by melting as metalles or by separating the subtill and pure partes as in destillations It chaunceth in destillations notwithstanding that a thing shall both be extenuated and mixt with an other when as they ar done with a moyste heat not with fyre For a heat bothe extenuateth and mixeth with moysture This is doon sumtyme by setting the vessels in hoat water whiche is called Balneum Mariae The best kinde of destillation next vnto this is in hors dong Then by asshes the best in this kynde is by the superfluous refuse of oliues after the oyle is prest forth for it being a hoat moyst matter will reteyne his heat very long yea a great meany of monethes and so muche the lōger then the kurnels of grapes because the substance of the oliues is thicker fatter But none of thies wayes is able to melt metalles but they must nedes haue fyer Albeit as the most vehement and feruent destillation is done by fyre so is it vnmiet for mixture and true attenuation or fyning and the way by asshes is almost lyke vnto it for if a man will put thinges destilled by fyre vnto their own dregges and mixt them together he shall perceiue the quantity for quantity heuier then they were afore and dryer also Therfor fyre doth not truely attenuat and lessen in dede but that nature whiche digesteth mixeth the hoole substāce Wherfor through their puritie al ioyne together in one and the thing mixt is made thicker notwithstanding that is composed and made of the most subtill and the
e fire or set it on fire with a candle it wil burne but not cōsume nor waste nether leue any sign of burntnes in y e cloth If so be it part of this water when the sun shineth hot be put in a dishe or boule and thrown into thair with a strinkle it will make a great cloude and thicke sodenly and mitigateth the heat of the sunne for a great space It stauncheth the floures of wemen it kepeth a man from sweating it stirreth vp the appetite it putteth away the head ache speciallye that cometh of a hot cause or by the heat of the sunne It vtterly staūcheth and putteth awaye cleane the Canker To conclude it hath manye and great vertues for it is medicinable in hot causes as Aqua vitae in cold Wherfore the vse therof is good in all agues as well hoat as burning agues in all hoat diseases and grieues of the eyen and head that cōmeth of heat also againste the irkesumnes and lothsumnes of the stomack for the diseases called Lupus and the fistula and the pain of the syde the heat of the priuy members through the act of generation and all diseases aboute thies priuy partes what hot causes so euer thei cum of And after the deliueraunce of wemen it is very proffitable if a cloth be dipt in it and laid vpon the wombe or mother the preuy place and vpon the place where the grief is if the grief be outward if it be inward then take some of it and mynister it by the way of a glister If ther be any fault in the stomack take of it morning and euening half an egge shell full ▪ If a mans yard be sore within let therof be conueied in by a pype for that purpose Against the obstructions and stoppinges of the liuer splene and other diseases of hoat causes wette a linnen cloth therin and lay it to the diseased syde thrys a day for it purgeth the bloud very greatly but you must take good hede that the cloth that is moystened therwith roole not vpon the stomack nor cum nye it A certain water in Raymund Lullus booke of waters semeth to be of the lyke operation which he describeth in this wyse A water compounded accordinge to the contrary of Aqua vitae Take whyte Camphora roses whyt pople and blacke lettis cichory porsulane violets Solanū or night shade maidenhear cymbalaris singrene vermicularis rostrum porcinum cardicellum The leaues that be to be punned let them be punned and destilled Of the extracting and dravvyng forth of all the vertues of Chelidonia or selandine by the whiche example euery man of any vnderstanding may vse to drawe out the vertues also of other planetes BY the quint essence of selandin Ioan. Brasescus thinkes sumwhat els to be allegorically vnderstāded as I declared before wher we entreated of quint essence generally Chelidonia Selādin saith Vlst hath innumerable vertues and the quint essence therof which we wil teache here to get out goeth to the making of potable gold or gold that may be drunck Selandine when it is moste rype take it with the herbe routes and floures cut it small beate it in a morter then put it in a cucurbitam or body of a still of earth glased when the body is ful shit it close and clay it round aboute then set it in now hors dung for the space of iii. weekes After put it in a limbeck and destill it in Balneo Mariae with a slow fyre and the fleame shall auoyde out of it Then shall you drawe out the dregges and when they are very fine ground vpon a marble stone put thē again in a cucurbita with a blynde lymbeck and let them stand in Balneo Mariae a seuennight or in hors dung mo daies Afterwarde the matter by litle and litle being couled put on a nosed limbeck and destill it in ashes according as in the .x. chap. of the separation of oyle from the earth we haue spoken and there shall issue oute a clear water conteining in it selfe aire and water Thou shalt separate the water from the aire in a new cucurbita by Balneo Mariae with an easy fire for the fleam shall ascende and the oyle remayne whiche thou shalt reserue and kepe Then shalt thou grynde the dregges agayne vpon a marble stone and power .iiii. partes of the fleam to one of the dregges mixt them and incorporate thē and let them stande in Balneo Mariae seuen days at the last thou halt destill thē in sand with a great fire and the fleame shall issue oute first then a radishe water or rather an oyle whiche is the element of fyre from the whiche thou shalte separate the fleame in Balneo Mariae as is before sayde But the dregges that left whiche conteyne nothinge els but earth must bee vrged with a stronge fyre and brought vnto lyme by the space of ten daies that is in a fornace of calcination or reuerberation or a very lyme kiln as I haue taught in the tenth chap. Then grynd them again vpon a marble stoone and sooke them in the fleame and lette them be destilled in a limbeck vntill you see in the matter lyttle whyte stoones lyke salt And this salt must againe bee dissolued with water out of whiche you haue destilled it and after you shall destill it again and againe so ofte vntill the earth chaunce and put away from it all vncleane and earthy colour be brought to a very whyte to the whytnes of wax and so it shal be rectified earth The other elementes also ought to be rectified so that euerye one bee destilled seuen tymes powring euery time the fleam to the aire and fier and after separating them as is afore said When as thou wilt do this an easier way dissolue euery elemēt with his own water by equall portiōs c. whiche I let pas bycause they are declared sumwhat obscurely There is also an other way more subtill to reduce euery element to his perfection or quintessence but it must be presupposed that euery element be first iustified Then let it be put in a vessel of circulation in hors dung or in Balneo Mariae xxx daies and then destill it againe So shall the very body as a gros matter be chaunged into spirite or moste subtill and pure substance Sum do it with more ease taking foure partes of earth and one part of one of the foure elements whiche a man wil and by digesting after the forsaid maner and circulating .xxx. daies they dooe chaunge any element into quintessence The matter is iudged to be sufficiētly circulated whan the quintessence swimmeth aboue the other matter Of the vertues of euery one of the liquors of Selandine The element of the water is good for al the diseases of the body both hoat cold It tempereth also al the veines about the hart and driueth all ve nom from the hart it cureth al the diseases that chaunce vnto the lunges It
Porcellanas men call certain shelles and also pretious earthen vessels I haue vsed the mo wordes in this to geue some occasion to muentiue physicions to thinke y e more diligently vpon this thyng ❧ Of the manifold vse of lyquors destilled both in physick otherwyse I Do perciue a manifolde vse of destilled waters but chiefly and most of all for physicions whiche vse suche stilled liquors drest aright both within the body withoute alone or with other medicines They mixt burning water and hoate oyles chymistically drest and prepared with oyntmentes ether that they may haue the better sauour or els to make them hoater and that they may perce the sooner thei put moyst linnen clothes in thies voaters to coole and refreshe the partes of the body specially the bowels the forhead the temples the partes about the armes hoat fyrie swellinges Surgeons vse suche waters as drye mightily to washe woundes withall But the most common vse of longe tyme hath bene in mixture of syrups to be dronke and to zulapia or iulebs chiefly of roses violets Ther be that make diuerse kindes of liquors and oyles alonly for the good sauour Glasiars also that paint glasse in baking in their colours thei do vse burning waters Goldsmiths vse aqua fortis as they call it whiche signifieth a strong water Of suche vse of lyquores as is to chaunge metalles and to diuers colours paintinges also to poysoninges to kil hurtful beasts hear is no place to speake Raymund Lullus wryteth of y ● marueylous vse and cōmoditie of burning water euen in warres a little before the ioyning of battaile to styre and encourage y e souldiours mindes But of the vse of burning water I shall speake moare in his place Yea also wher there is lack of good and holsome waters that a man can gette none other but such as be salt foule ●nhoalsome to make thies apt and miet to be dronke the science and arte of destillation is necessary Sweet water may be separated from the salt in a great caudron with a great and hie keuer hauing a beacke or nose ¶ A way to purge and make clean troubled waters out of Bulcasis FIll a great pot with the puddled water A putting a soft fyre vnder it B lay two sticks or mo a crose C vpon the pot brinkes and vpon the stickes lay cleane wol D wel washt thē whatsoeuer the woll drinketh of y e vapors that ascend vp wring it out and kiep it and doo thus aslong as any vapor or fume will ascende Ther be some that still troubled and pudly water as though it were Rose water Other clarifie it putting some vynegar therin or els amilū or meel for thies thinges go dounwarde and drawe with them to the bottome of the vessell the grose mattier of the water ¶ Of Balneum Mariae generally and of those destillations that be done by vapors of hoat water and in horse dong HOat water or els y e vapour of the same send les strength into the thing that is to be destilled then other fyre alone or els suche other dry meanes as are mēcioned before for y t cause as Galen saith Diploma that is a double vessell the Apothecaries as the men that still lyquors also cal it Balneum Mariae melteth heateth seatheth those thinges whose strengthes the violence of fyre wil not dispers nor separate so suche thinges as be tender and gētle if we will haue them hoal we must destill them in hoat water or els in the vapour fume therof Whiche although men thinck they be not so durable they be yet les altered from their nature as is manifest by their former smell You must haue a fornace A of this sor vpon the whiche you shall set a great brasen vessel B ful of water in that brasen vessel set litle vessels C in a circle as many as it wil receiue in the botome of the which vessels the thinges that you will destill must be put Other builde y e fornace A otherwise as though it were a toure and in the sydes thereof they put long earthen vessels B in their broad bottoms stāding inward they conteine the thinges that they will destill the mouth without as though it wer a bottell being couered C in the which y e vapour caried vp by his open bely gathered together and by the long mouth of the same droppeth down Syluius But why remayneth not the smell of certain floures in the waters but in Iasmin and y e floures of Cariophillum and le●is the water commeth forthe w toute sauour the reason is declared otherwher bycause y t vnto so sclender and thinne substaunce no substancial and thick parte is ioyned Ther for in thies it shall do well if vnto the leaues of herbes voyde of smell being put by course vnto a thicker mattier but not suche as wil burn a smell be ioyned and then destilled and this is y e onely hope to get forth the smell when as suche thinges as are infused and put in waters doo not giue again their smel but putrify Cardan It appeareth without doubt that those floures shoulde be destilled in Balneo Mariae or in vessels of glas in the vapor of hoat water Balneum Mariae may be hansomly made hoate with a great pype of copper A set in the midst in the bottome wherof is a grate for y e B ashes to auoyde at men call it communly a stowe harry Vlstadius nameth it a furnace of sloth Vpon that pype do they make a couer of copper G w t a small pype comming out a shore to cary and conuey the smoke out at a window or some hoale So doo they also make warme house flors nowe a dayes to bathe in The cōmoditie of this pipe D is then chiefly when a mā list to vse many stillatories putting thē in a roūd circle E a ten or twelue at once to spare time labour and cost Some vse brasen cupping boxes to still withall in the Balneo Mariae glassen limbeckes whose noses if they bee to short or broken they ioyne other to them of copper with clay The herbes y t be to be destilled in a bathe or otherwise some doo pun them and let thē remaine so a whyle perauenture for certain dayes befor they still them thinking to haue more plenty of water therby if they woulde doo it in closed vessels specially in a hoat place it wer well but the most apothecaries and other that sieke most for lucre gayne therby leue it in cold places in open cofers till the herbes lose theyr smell and bee corrupted with a moyst and gros aire Some there be that put some sande also in the water of Balneum Mariae to thintent the heat mai be the greater and more vehement as Mathaeolꝰ of Sena in y e water that is called aqua philosophica against the frensh pocks And he affirmeth that in such a kind of destillation there may be gotten a double water
coles with water flaming wood with water and fire of cooles the first is the worst and yeildeth a water of the least smell the second is better then it the third then the second but the fourth is best of all The second and the third are mooste vsed And I will here describe thee third whiche is made with water and woode flaming as it is in vse w t the kinges of Aharach A. Thou shalt make therfore in a large house by a wall a litle berchile B so doth he cal the vessel that is filled with water the bottom and sides shal be of leede so wel closed that it leek not in anye place Then make meete a couering vnto this vessell of glas or glased earth and make two or three round hooles in it C C C moore or les according to the largnesse of the vessels and as you desire to ether muche or little water D then make a pot of bras like to the pot made in Balneo Mariae which thou shalt set vpō the fornaice so that the Berchile aboue the furnaice be lower in situacion then the potte so that it maye conduite the heate of the fyre of the Berchyle to the pott but mee thinkes thies woordes dooe ether redounde or be depraued Thou shalt also make a chimney by the whiche the smooke maye auoyde hoolly out of the hous that it hurt not the rose-rosewater Afterward fil a pot with water which may be in a well a great vessell made by the pot lyke a well in a bathe Then kindling the fyre vnder the pot thou shalt conuey the boyling water by a pype retching from the pot into the berchile and fill the pot again of other could water oute of the well In the berchile also shalt thou make a pype by the whiche the water when it is full may run out of the hous Thou shalt set the cucurbites or belies that is the stillatory vessels in the holes of the couering of the berchile and shalt bynd thē rouling linnen clothes about that they may stād stedfast in their hooles and the vapour of the water go not out Lykewyse the heades of them shalt thou bynd with a linnen cloth And let thies vessels be of glas or of glased earth Then put in the Roses and sette vpon euery one his couer and set vnder the nose of euery one a phiall to receiue the rose water that runneth out when the destillation is finished put away the first rooses put in freshe thus saith Bulcasis Some man would maruell that in suche a makinge of the fornace where the fyre is not put vnder the duble vessell or berchile as I coniecture seing he maketh the bottome and sydes of leed but at the syde of the fornace wherfore he should thinke it to skill anye thing whether the fyre put vnder the pot be made of wood or cooles Moorouer it is knowen saith Bulcasis in the same place that rosewater of wyld roses whiche growe by their own accord without any watering is swieter then that which is made of garden roses whiche are tilled and watered There is a destilled water made of thies with vs a shorter way then that before is this wyse A A brasen pot suche as diers vse is set to a wall wherunto a couer B made meet with hooles wherin the be lies ar put The pot is filled w●th water and a fyre is put vnder D it of the croppinges of vynes or suche lyke But in proces of the destillation thou shalt close the mouth of the furnace til the hoat destillation be finished In steede of wood if if thou burne cooles the water shal be the swieter Here is more reason then in the former because the fire here is made immediatly vnder the stillatory vessels The second way of destillacion with out water with fire of coles is such MAke a square or round fornace A with a couer wherin shal be set belies C made of glased earthe so that they may abide the fyre And when the cooles are kindled the water beginneth to destill shut the mouth of the fornace ▪ and leaue holes open for the smoke to go out at Ther is an other bridgemente of the third and fourthe waye A Brasen pot A ful of water is set ouer a fornace w t a couer bored B through so that it may receiue twoo or three belies of glas C more or les Put vnder fyr of the cropping of vines or cooles till the water sieth Saluiae SAge water keepeth reteineth his former smell Remaclus F. Brunsvvick saith that the members being rubbed with the water of Sage and so dryed by it selfe and often dronke is good against the palsy and also to drynke two ounces in the mornyg and at nyght is very good and helpeth against the Crampe he saieth further it is good against the dafing of the head Loke in the same authour Scabiosa SCabiose water is profitable geuen to drink to them that are diseased with any fistula and the very herbe pound is lykewyse put in Sedum THe water of y e least syngrien or houslieke is vsed of Surgeons too coule hoat partes Remaclus F. Brunsvvick reporteth that y e water of Scabiose dronke twyse or thryse a day an ounce and a half helpeth the stiches in the syde he sayeth further it healeth woundes inwarde outwarde being dronke .ix. daies together two ounces at once fastyng Loke in the same authour Solanum THe water of Solanum or Morrella is good against all agewes if the sick the daye of hys fitte abstaine from all meate and drincke and when hee is in greate heate and desyreth much to drink that he can not refrain him selfe any longer then let be geuē him a glas of this water Afterward let him be diligentlye couered and be kept in the heate by force and he shall swete a stinking sweet But he must abstain from the air that is to cold or to hot This water also is good for inflammations and concussions if a lynnen cloth be laid vpon it four fold and when it waxeth dry to be wet again Also to all strokes or woūdes and other hot diseases if they be washt therewith and a cloth dipt in it be laid vpon It helpeth also the liuer that is hot and the lunges that are dried and greued with an Hecticke feuer Againste all these diseases it ought to be drunk with the third part of wine Lullus in his boke of waters Tilia OF the floures of Tilia whose smel is very plesaunt and lyke to the floure of vines in savour is destilled and muche vsed in Germany It is supposed to be a little hoot dry and perteining to plasters It is good to drinke against y e falling sicknes the trēbling of the hart the grieues of the bely y e stone of the reines and blud gathered together or festerd in the body by chaunce or by reason of any stroke for the which medicine sum also mixt with it the cooles of
purgeth the bloud and preserueth a man from all corruption of the natural strength and power At once it is good for all sicke men in what disease so euer they be The element of air like vnto oyle confirmeth and encreaseth the strength and beauty of yong persons if they vse it sometimes with meate for it letteth the bloud frō corrupting by any menes It burneth vp consumeth and expelleth all salte fleame it taketh away melancholy and all brentnesse of cholor The elemēt of fire if so much as a wheat corn in quantity be mixt with the best wine ye can get and poured into a sick mans mouthe yea if he be half dead it restoreth and refresheth al the strēgthes of the body for it perceth vnto the hart and maketh it warme and expelleth all poysons and moist superfluities from the hart Lullus with the quint essence of wine mixeth a little drop of thys oyle to restore thē that are about to die and past al hope in that within the .xx. part of an hour Som draw out the quint essence frō Selandine an other way and shorter They cut Selandine together with the rote and flour in smal peces they wey it pouring wel water vpon it they sethe it til it be brought to the same weighte Then they pun it in a stone morter and when the iuyce is streined out through a linnen clothe and purged from the dregges they decoct and sieth the resttil it be ad consistenciam mell is as thick as hony After they put it in a cucurbita so that it be half full by destillacion in Balneo Mariae they gather y e water or fieme Then translating the vessel into ashes they receiue the aiery oyl wherupon when they se an other kind of oyl swim aboue the fyre being encresed they set vnder an other receiuing vessel wherin the element of fire is gathered Euery one of these liquors must be rectified that it may be mete for the medicins of mans bodi that is by the repetinge the destillacion .vii. times of the water or fleme in Balneo Mariae so y t at euery time the cucurbita be diligentlye washed made cleane from the dregges which remaine whiche ought to be mixt w t the element of th earth which remaineth in the bottome of the cucurbita after y e destillation of y e fiery liquor Likewise thou shalt rectify thair destilling it in ashes .vii. times mixting the dregs with th earth Afterward y e liquor of fire likewise The earthy matter in such maner as is said afore in the other fashion To these thinges thus dressed they attribute y ● same vertues y t we rehersed afore to euerye one of them which it nedeth not to repete onlye those thinges wherin they differ we wil rehers The waterye liquor of Selandine putteth away al heats poisons out of y ● brest It is good for the stoppinges of the liuer and lunges for it consumeth y e superfiuous humors fleme Ty cōclude it deliuereth a mā within the space of .ix. daies free frō all infirmities The aierye liquor suffereth no blacke choler no bitter nor fleme in y e body to get y e moisture It encreseth blud destributeth it into all the partes of the body by his pearcing Wherfore they that vse this oyle do let blud the ofter If a mā be in ieoperdy ●f losing of an eie let him drop in a drop or .ii. therof euerye daye by the space of xxx dais it shal do him merueilus much good The firye liquor is muche more effectuous then the watry or aiery helpeth where they fayle It conserueth the youthe it maketh age liuelye and youthful it refresheth y e hart being receiued w t water of a kind of whete it is saide to be elipir of life Moreouer y e earthy matter rectified by dissoluciōs coagulations ielyings calinatiōs sub til salt of y e erth wherwith al metals may be turned into stone al spirits may be fixed hauynge radicable naturall moisture It norisheth lepre mē Of this y e aunciēt philosophers made a stone which they called y e philosophers stone The maner to receiue y ● for said liquors within the bodi is thus Three drops of y e fire of Selādine iii. sponeful of rosewater put to it a litle sponeful of y ● sanguin air y ● is the liquor of the air geue it to be drunken fasting if the disease be hot with wine and if the man be past .xxiiii. yeres of age geue it him w t Aqua vite In hot agues it ought not to be taken in no wise Al this writeth Vlstadius Of drawing out the four elementes from Selaudine and bay leaues reade also Io. Ganiuetus booke whych is entituled Amicus medicorum a frend and a louer of phisicions 4. chap. 7 Hovv quint essence is dravvn out of frutes as Appels Peres plummes Cheries Chestnuts c. out of Vlstadiꝰ WHen the fri●te is small cut and stampte in a stone morter mixte it wyth the .x. part of common salt Then put it in a cucurbita with a blind limbeck and set it in hors dung as is said afore of mans blud c Oute of Floures herbes and rootes GAther the Plantes when they be well ripened in faire weather in the spring of the mone and when it is almost at y e ful wash them and cut thē very lmall beate them in a morter of marble with the tenthe part of salt and thou shalt sower them in a circulating vessel or blind limbek in hors dunge for y e space of a month Then shalt thou destill them in a nosed limbeck in Balneo Mariae encreasyng the first fire to the third degre Thē take the dregges out of the cucurbita and grineding thē very smal poure the destilled water vpon them againe and when they are putrified in dung again as before at the length thou shalt destil them deminishing the fire by the half degre Then grind the dregs again c. as before and when thou destillest thē again deminishe and lesson the fyre yet also by y e halfe degre The putrefaction also must alwaies decrease by the half degre that is to say like as in the second digestion it may be putrified by y ● space of one and twenty daies in the third .xiiii. daies in the fourth .viii. daies When the fourth destillation is done put it in a circulating vessell close aboue and beneth and large narowe in the midst with a short byl holow coming out of the vpper part of the nether bely looking vpward and let it be digested in dung or a bath with a fire of the first degre or els in y ● sun or in the dros of grapes by the space of a moneth The water shall be so muche the more precious y e oftener it is destilled And so hast y ● quint essence which not withstanding shal be the more effectual if thou shalt destil the water of the
them that were sick of the colick and haue had oft good succes through the same burning water set on fyre in a bath stouf or sweeting hous narowe and close euery where the aire waxeth hoat wherin the sinewes ioyntes and other partes couled are proffitably fomentated and if it be possible to be done they sweet also To moue sweet and to warme the bathing place with the vapour of hoat water the commun people set great caudrous w t hoat water in their sweeting places with chaf together to keepe the heat longer and sumtymes swiet herbes Other haue a pot hoot without the bath with water and other herbes or medicines put in it from whence the vapour entreth into the bath by a pype beneth This other do with other instrumentes and vessels as they in Italy in the old tyme heated hoathouses When the bathing place is alredy made hoat a burning coole might be put into the pot and dry medicines be strow●d in the perfume wherof is desyred or ●●st both otherwyse also chiefly for wemens vse to diuers diseases of the wombe receiuing the perfume by a pype Hyppocrates describeth a peculiar vessell for this purpose Let them put out their head the whyle which are to weake for to abyde it or such as it is to be feared lest they swound or chaunce into ouer great thirst c. Sum in bathes power water or wyne simple or mixte with medicines vpon reed hoat tyle stones or dros of iron or stones Sweet in bed is prouoked with hoat tyle stones foulded in moyst linnen clothes and put in to the bedde or with tinnen bottelles filled with hot water or with litle bagges wherin herbes sod are put yet hoat and the better if a hoat tyle stone also be put in withall Wull vnskoured suppled in wyne or vinegar wherunto oyll is put Dates beaten Bran sod in salt water or vinegar do both repres and mollifie together Wyne and vinegar do repres and coule and more yet ether bread or meel or a sponge or ashes or woull vnwasht or a linnen cloth wiet in ether of thies Celsus Sum put hoat ashes or burning cooles rather in a vessell of wood filling it to the half the rest they fyll with what herbes they list as wormwod mints to comfort the stomack ether by them selues or sprinkled with a litle wyne then bynding vpon it a linnē cloth they lay it to y e part diseased specially where it is nedeful to heaten to dry to discus to drawe sumwhat strongly It is conuenient for partes couled and to them that haue gouty aches to vse it with mugwort only or also chamemell vnto the diseases of the womb with Matricaria This fomentaciō may be made with .ii. vessels to be laid vnto by cours Celsus willeth men in sum place to lay about the places diseased wull perfumed with the smoock of brymston Hereunto may be referred all suche thinges as Fuchsius other wryt of fomentacions apposicions embroches litle bags and insessions The greke word aeonein signifieth the water vpon and power vpon whether it be done bicause of fomentacion that is w t heat or other cause Galen doth prayse y e perfume of the fyer stone or miln stone sprinkled with vine gar for the taking away of hardnes of y e fleshe as kirnels Diuers perfumes for the french diseases which are al made with Cinabrio that is made of quitksiluer sum also with orpmēt Marchasita c shalt thou fynd in Nic. Mass certain other which haue taught y e heeling of this disease The leeues dry of Tussilago made in perfumes so y e smok may be drawen in at the mouth vpō doth help y e congh and Orthopnaeū and breaketh the impostumes in the brest The same operacion also hath the rout perfumed Dioscorides Of certain iuices THe iuices of certain herbes wrong and prest out are sod at fyer or dryed in the sun as Bulcasis teacheth seuerally of the iuice of Hamsig Plantain Lettis Singrien Purselan Rostrum Purcinum or hogges snout Scariola Fenel Smalage Volubili Sorrell and other A maruelous waye to drawe out the iuice out of black Elleborum whiche sum vse as a secrete mystery the commoditie whereof I also trying would not hyde lest I should seme to be sory that our posteritie shuld haue any excellēt knowledge who founde this way first I can not saye I learned it of certain my moste secret friendes I mean that black Elleborum whiche communly all men in Germany name in lyke maner lyke vnto Consiligo very many kepe it in their gardēs but that whiche groweth vpon the moūtaines to be found in our countrey Heluetia is best A man may trye the same way in Colocynthida Esula Laureola c. Sieth lightly in water the routes of black Elleborum cleen and washt set infused in the same first a night or more small cut Thou shalt take hede both in this and in the other decoctions that thou skim away diligently al the foom that swymmeth aboue as venemous This water shalt thou kepe and again power other vnto it warm and heet it a whyle moderatly chaunging the water so oft til the routes retein none or very litle bitternes any more whiche shall cum to pas when thou hast chaunged the water seuen or nyne tymes But in the meane space whyle thou chaūgest the waters destill the first euer with a Filtrum or through a brush and at length sieth all with a slowe fyer or with burnt cooles rather so that they boyl not yet let them be alwayes at the poynt of boyling vntil they be as thick as hony in an earthen pot glased or of bras tinned the pot couered or litle opē Whē as now a litle water remaineth about the ende of the siething stur it about gently now and then w t a stick that the iuice be not burnt too and at the same time for a pound of rotes of Elleborum thou shalt put .ii. drammes of Mastik pund and cease not to sturre it other continuallye or by little distaunces til the iuice seme out and out sufficiently thickened whiche wil chaunce sodenlye for the mooste parte and that the matter may be the les burnt the nere vnto the ende and to the thickning the iuice is so much vrge it with les fyre nor be not weary of the time for thou shalt haue a most excellent and exquisite medicine againste diuers diseases speciallye melancholik diseases It shal become of a darke red coloure of moste bitter sauour with a percing sharpnes like as is in Asarum or Asaraba●cha and Cloues but stronger ye burning as it semeth to the taster yet is not burning in deede that is because of the tenuitie and sclendernes of the partes as I wold haue tried It is ministred an hour after supper in the moūtenance of a pease in all diseases whereunto Elleborus is conueniente and where it is good to lose the bealy One pill of that quantity that I saide wil make a man to
❧ The Treasure of EVONYMVS conteyninge the vvonderfull hid secretes of nature touchinge the most apte formes to prepare and destyl Medicines for the conseruation of helth as Quintessēce Aurum Potabile Hippocras Aromatical wynes Balmes Oyles Perfumes garnishyng waters and other manifold excellent confections Wherunto are ioyned the formes of sondry apt Fornaces and vessels required in this art Translated with great diligence laboure out of Latin by Peter Morvvyng felow of Magdaline Colleadge in Oxford ❧ Imprinted at London by Iohn Daie dvvelling ouer Aldersgate beneath Saint Martines Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum Iohn Daye to the Christian Reader COnsideringe with myself louinge Reader many and sundrye times how y t nothinge is so desired so acceptable or so necessarye in the time of daungerous infirmities and pearel of bodely helth as to preserue those y t are free of sicknes frō the violence of the same and to restore the sicke weake and languishing paciente vnto his former estate and pristinate healthe which thyng is performed by the noble and excellente knowledge of Phisicke and again howe that this Arte is exercised yea of famous and learned men which with out any great profit to the pacient or worship to y e minister because their medicines are negligently prepared I thought it my part by this my trauail and expenses somwhat to serue herein thy necessity Wherfor I haue caused this precious treasure to be translated into oure vsuall and natiue language that like as all men are subiecte to sicknes so in likewise all men may by this occasion learne the way vnto helth And because thauthor whose name I spare to manifest for feare of inuious detracters do in many places of this his work send the Reader vnto Philippe Vlstadius Brunsvvick therfore I will with expedition if this my labors shall be thankfullye accepted also publishe them sparing neither laboure diligence or charges for to bringe them bothe to their perfection and also thy necessarye vse As touchinge the excellencye of the preparinge medicines the vtilitie springinge therof and the argumente of the worke because it is exactlye sette oute by the author in the preface folowing I wil leaue to trouble the further herein Fare moste hartely well in Christe At London the .ii. of May. 1559. The preface of the author to the Reader i Of the inuention of liquors and oyles destilled ii Of the scope and end of this booke Whereof more also shal be spoken about the end of the Preface iii The praise of them that can be content to make commō the best and most effectuous medicins they haue iiii How much the dressing and maner of preparans auaileth in euery thing THe Art of destillatiō whiche they call Chymia Alchimia Alkimia Chemia Suidas calleth it and Alchemia hath inuented many profitable things for mās life and in Phisicke also certain meruelous thinges and praise worthy if a man prepare them righte and diligentlye For the lacke of knowledge Couetousnes or negligence of Phisitions and commun Apothecaries is the cause why many such preparations are set litle by and worthily if you respect that which they prepare vnworthely if ye marke the Art it selfe whiche certes is most excellent and most profitable which semeth to be the cause why it lay hid so long and began to come in vre very late Some ascribe vnto Hierom of Brunsvvick which about .lxx. yeares past practised Phisick at Argentyn the originall of getting out waters as they cal them and liquors and oyles out of simple medicines by the strengthe of fire but they are much deceiued for this Arte was not inuented by him but wryten in our Dutch tung and first set out by him In mine opinion this inuencion is so aūcient as the inuencion of the very Chymia which I suppose was celebrated first and put in wryting by men that vsed the Punicall or els the Arabicke tonge a litle after the age of the Grecian Phisicions Of those I speake that writ almooste the latest as Aetius Oribasius Actuarius Psellus In certain libraries in Italy euen at this day are there extant certain wrytinges of Chymia by certain late Grecians namely a certain Philosopher called Stephan al so a boke intituled of the chaunging of metals which cōmunlye are called Chymia or Arcymia There is also a boke to be had of Alchymia made by Auicenna vnto Assis a Philosopher Geber the Nepheu of I canne not tell what great Mahomet who is celebrated as a captain and prince of this science what age he liued in I can not easily say Although I iudge him not to haue bene the first in uentor of this Art but one that broughte it to lighte and renouned it This man in his worke intitled Summae perfectionis discoursinge excellentlye and disputinge manye things of destillacion generallye writeth that diuers maners of destilling are knowne almost of all men euen as an auncient inuenciō yea in his time also no new thing Certain late wryters declare the wrytinges of Alchymia not only of Albertus Magnus S. Thomas Rhaza and Auicenna Arabik Phisitions but also of Aristotle Plato and Salomon at the least wise mention to be made by thē of it to whome I geue small credence not that I thincke this studye to be the newer but certes that it was ether vnknown to these philosophers or mentioned in no place Some there be that expound feetly and wittily al the feinings of the Poets and chieflye that of the golden fleece sought by the Argonautae vnto the multiplying of Golde or Art of enterchaunging of metalles Some also ascende higher and make the first men by and by after the beginnidg of the world authors therof Some simplely make it most auncient and affirme that no certainty is to be had of the first inuēters At Padvvay in Italy in our time was found a most auncient monument namely an erthen pot hauing written vpon it this Hexasticon Plutoni sacrum munus ne attingite fures Ignotum est vobis hoc quod in vrna latet Nanque elementa graui clausit digesta labore Vase sub hoc modico Maximus Olibius Adsit foecundo custos sibi copia cornu Ne praetium tanti depereat laticis This sacred to God Pluto theues ware that ye touch not Vnknown is it to you all this that is hid in a pot For the elements hath ishut vp digested with much pain In this smal vessel the great Olibius certaine Plenty with thy fruteful horn as a gard be thou present Least the price pearish of this liquor most excellent Within this pot was an other litle pot with the inscription of these verses Abite hinc pessimi fures Vos quid voltis cum vostris oculis emissitiis Abite hīc vostro cū Mercurio petasato caduceatoque Maximus maximo donum Plotoni hoc sacrū facit Away frō hēce ye mighty theues trudge els wher go by What seke ye with your spying eies why do ye por pry Hens with your
purest partes Therfor in naturall digestion and siething whiche to melt the hardest thinges hath also the force of fyre and the strength of soft and easye bath in extenuating and lesning the same the more grosse and massy partes on broken into peces whiche can not be brought to pas with fyre The heat of the first degree whiche is moderate as of hors dong and Balneum Mariae is called the heat of digestion resolution putrefaction maceration and of circulation wherof wee shall speake more in place conuenient Of diuers wayes to destil by sublimation with water and withoute water looke within in Rose water out of Bulcasis Of destillation generally G●ber an Arabian writ certayn thinges in 1. 4. 50. chapter of his booke callid Summa perfectionis Where he reasoneth excellently of many thinges chiefly of the difference and diuers affectes of destillation by water and by asshes In the same booke 39. chap. he teacheth of sublimatiō why it was inuented and so forth in the. 40. chap. what sublimation is and of thre degrees of fyre to be obserued in it and in the. 41. chap. of the moderating of the fyre in sublimation and how the reason of that thing is vnderstanded by putting wull of wode or bombice in to the vpper hoole of the aludel Of chusing of wode the. 43. chapter Brunsvvicke Suche cōmune things as ar put into a rose still to be destilled it is best not to put myche in at once least they that be nethermost be dryed away and burnt those that lie aboue remainyng yet almost hoole and as they were put in And chiefly if thou destill any pretious or odorife rous thinges it shal be better to put in newe the ofter and so shall the water flow more plēteously Suche herbes flowres and other plantes and growyng thinges as ar to be destilled ought to be gathered when they ar perfectly rype chiefly whyle the mone encreasith when the wether is faire and in the day tyme to be laide in y ● shadow to be cut and if nede require to be brosyd also and by and by to be destilled ¶ Of the vertues of licores destilled generally MAnarde in his Epistles 15. booke 15. chapter saith thus when I perceiued in the commun waters that ar destilled out of plantes by fyre nether the smell nor the taste remaine but many times the contrary for the water of wormwode I perceyued to be sweet of Mint and Basill came water rather stinknyge then well smellyng whereby I well perceiued that the water alone had not the same vertues that the hoole herbe had I began carefully to muse and to consult also with those that of suche waters ar called communly chymici by what deuise bothe the smell and the tast might be preserued in thies waters that is founde in the hoole herbe It were longe to wryte all the ways whiche I proued to finde oute thies thinges yet one will I touche whiche semeth to me to be the best and the easiest waye That is by the vapoure and smoke of hoat water in a double vessell c. Syluius Waters destilled reteyne and kiepe still the vertues of the simples wheroute they be drawne sauing that they ar more pure stronge the oftener they be destilled whiche wee proue in the water of wyne for the most part very seldome in other thinges The vertues of licore destilled some doo alter and chaunge ether by smering the head of the still with some matter as hony Ladanum and suche like or els by putting it in y e nose of the stil which serueth for the most parte to the grace of the smel for thei bind muske cloues Caphura and such like in bundels and put them in the top of the nose that the licore passing thorow thies matters may get a swiet sauour A doubt If so be it y t fyre maketh al thinges hoat and drye all waters gotten by destillation ought to be hoat and drye Nether dothe the watery substance disproue this for when as brenning water is suche it doth both bren and mightly make hoat and dry mens bodies Again al waters be colde and moyste as long as the substance hath the vpper hande But nether of thies is alwayes true yea some of thies ar more lyke vnto those thinges wheroute they be taken as rose water bothe in smel tast and operation A phiall of plantain water is able to staunche bloud where so euer it runne forth Water of Lettis can not doo the same although it be muche colder A certain man of late endeuouring to encrease his memory infused and steept balm for the space of thre days in whyte wyne then lightly wringing oute the wyne destilled a water by the drinking wherof he thought to recouer his memory But hauing a hoat liuer had almost destroyed his health And this maner is called of the philosophers to sette Starres in the skye Therfor men be wont to axe whether these waters reteyne and kiep their owne propre vertues and strength Wee once saide whyles wee entreated of the euill maner of curing that they are no strengthes nor vertues because they are destitute of sauour and taste For water of wormwode nether smelleth like wormwode nor is bitter yea that is more wonder it is sumwhat swiete Yet burning water to speake nothing of Rose water well declareth that ther is a certaine vertue and efficacie in waters For if you will say it is suche because of fyre how commeth it to pas that none other water is like it for this doth marueilously make hoate dryeth perceth hath a sharp smell burneth It is plain therfore now that there is strength and vertues in waters but not in al waters nor equall with that they be drawn oute of for what things soeuer haue a thinne substaunce ioyned with colde gyue a water not vnlyke to thē selues as the Rose They that haue a thin and hoat substance giue a lyke water but burning withall as wyne and certain metals Suche as haue a grosse and hoat substance giue an vnlyke water and an euill as wormwod Such as haue grosse and colde they giue vnlyke but not euill as the Gourde According to this reason suche strengthes of waters as ar receiued with soft fyre ar easy to be learned for suche as require a vehemenr fyre doo all vehemently drye for the most parte also make hoate This saith Cardan But me thinkes thies thinges would be more diligently considered and weyed First wher he saieth that wormwode water is not bitter it is trew if a man destill it negligently as the cōmun apothecaries ar wont in leaden limbeckes but destill it in Balneo Mariae and see whether it shall lacke his smell and tast or no. Yea it shall retain boeth and that effectuously not only this herbe but also any other plant whatsoeuer it be hauing any sauoure or taste if it be dried and weikte or stiept in wyne a few dayes then destilled in Balneo Mariae or by asshes gentely as I shall shewe
further within Now when certain thinges haue great plentie of their smel and that so strong that it vanisheth not of a long space whiche cummeth bycause the force of smelling is digested equally into the hoole ●ubstance of them it is no wonder if in the same vesselles some waters bee destilled lyke vnto their plantes as of Roses whiche as Theophrastus wryteth doo reteine their sauour very long other sum be vnlyke to their plantes for suche waters as haue their vertue and force in the vttermost and superficial partes they fume out easyly as of wormwode whose smell may be iudged to bee in the same place where his bitter taste is conteined whiche wee fynde to be only in the vtter and superficiall parte For if thou separate the barke from the stalke or the braunches thou shalt fynde that whiche is within to be vnsauery or vnswiete Therfor this difference is not to be required of the grossenes or puritie of y ● partes although I thinke it also to be of some force but rather of this that the strength of any thing is ether distributed equally through y e hoole plāt or els more nie to the midest or vtter parte of the same I am surely of that mynde with Raimunde Lullus that water of the same qualitie may be goten oute of any plant whatsoeuer it bee of colde plantes colde water of hoat hoat of dry dry of moyst moyste But I will not graunte that the same vertue remaineth except lyke sauour or like taste or bothe as in smelling thinges be left The cause why the smell of certain floures as of Iasmin of the floures of cloues remaineth not in the waters c. reade within oute of Cardane wher as we intreate of Balneū Mariae generallye I sawe once an alchymist that destilled not the very herbes them selues but onely the iuse of herbes or busshes renewing certain tymes the destillatiō and powering again y e water vpon y e dregges groūde vpon a marble moler Gnaynerius Oates wherof drinke may be made as Ale or Bear of barly do warme make dronk no lesse then wyne Men say that in Tartaria water of milke destilled maketh men dronke But euery water not an element that is alone without any mixture but lyquor or iuyce mixt and compounded being oft destilled may doo the same for it wareth hoat is fyned and made more pure and receiueth more the force offyre Wherupon burning water being oft destilled is brought to suche sharpnes that it can not bee dronke Cardane Also a lyquor or other thing be destilled the thicker it is the more it semeth to conceiue heate and fyre if it be oft destilled It is manifest saith Cardane that a water may be made whiche shall incōtenent breake the stone in the bladdar if it be put in by a squirt or syring for whan as two thinges ar necessary bothe that it breake the stone and that it hurt not the bladdar the maner and matier wil performe the first for we shall receiue the last vapors of the asshes of scorpions or of persily of Macedonia or of the precious stone called Tecolittius or of the stones of crabes for so may a water be made to breake also the red marble Moreouer that it shall not hurt the bladder is brought thus to pas if the mattier out of which the water is taken be voyde of all saltnes A man must not take therfor water of any salt kind of thing or alum or coperoos or of wyne lies but some of them that wee mēcioned erewhyle But ther is nied of diligent triall in cōfirming a subtile meanes that such things which we haue serched oute so subtilly being surely confirmed first by experience and profe we may then deduce and bring them to the cōmoditie of man In dede I know that pigeōs donge and paritary ether th one or thother destilled by this meanes is able too breake the hardest stoone that euer was in any bladder But what that is whiche shall doo it and withoute damage a man muste declare by experiēce for both a hea goates bloud and a hares skin and glas ar much approued by reason Notwithstanding no one of thies perauenture alone but some of them toyned together and in a certain quantitie Suche a thing surely must be of metall or at least wyse chaunged to y e nature of metall I hard ouce that it was founde of a certain man of Ianua but lost again by his death who would make no man priuie to it nor teache it to any man But this once sure that it is possible to finde it and that this is the arte and science of the same Hitherto Cardane Perauenture also Chrysocolla would helpe vnto this art being artificiusly made and withoute sharpnes suche as is also praised of the goldsmithes wherfor to make Borace sum vse rain water destilled and milke destilled sum also hony marow c. I hard of late a certain practicer cured the stone of the bladdar in certain men with Borace mixt with burning water to the thicknes almoste of hony mingling also Tartar punned or a stone cut out of a man or the groundes of pisse out of a pispot He cōmaunded that a man shall vse this medicine by the space of fourtene dayes so that he should alwaye mixt some with his wyne when he dronk yea bothe at diner and supper I remēber I haue red of certain liquores in which if a man put a stone or flint it should be resolued The Chymistes and destillers vse destilled vinegar and destilled vrine to resolue metalles They dissolue with strong vinegar chiefly destilled or with the iuice of limons perles egge shelles stones of the reines of the bladder bothe the coralles and thei afterwarde dryed ar quickly redily crōmed betwixt ones fingers Siluius I can not let pas here to speake of the water of Epiphanius the practicionar which is such Re. Antalis et dentalis boracis sarcocollae whyt corall whyte chrystall claye anessede rys meel of orobꝰ pursulan of euery one half an ounce Let them be made into trochiscos litle roules or balles with water of beanes made with muske The vse of it is for wemen to make their faces whyt and faire but the face must bee perfumed afore with water of a decoction of barly oates then let one baul be steept and cōsumed in bean water and anoynt the face afore you goo to bed but in the morning washe it away with water of a decoctiō of beanes and bran and again with coold water If the bauls be made with water of limons they shal yet more beautify the face for limones roasted and anoynted vpon the face they alone doo beautify y ● face If a man drinke this water fasting and anoynt the place of his priuities wher hear groweth therwith it breketh the stone which is prouid by this that if a man lay Porcellanas in it the space of a night the next daye he shall order them with his fingers lyke warmed wax
the first more thin and waterye the other more read The water of Balneum Mariae oughte to be no hoater then that a man may suffer his finger in it Brunsuicensis Vlstadius prescribeth the destillation of a certaine kinde of aqua vitae in Balneo Mariae to be done with so slow a fire that a man may tell one two three vntil seauen before a drop fall Of such things as pertain to the commun wai of Balneum Mariae you shall reade more with in where we make mention of aqua Camphorae out of Bulcasis and of Rose water out of the same This waye of destillation in Balneo Mariae is vsed also to the rectifying as they terme it of oyles to draw and purge the fleame from them for only the waters and nothing els may be lifted vp and drawn out by the heat of the bath the oyle remaining stil in the bottome The chief vse of dong or as som term it a hors belly is such that the mater which is to be destilled in a glasen vessell set in the dong maye be prepared by the heat therof as we shall declare more at large in his place wher we shall make mentiō of putrifactiō and rotting It is possible notwithstanding for destillation to be brought to pas in y ● same if ether pouerty or ani other impediment be that a man can not haue fire Of this kinde of destillation see more within wheras we entreate of the prepation to destill The heate of hors donge because of the lime that is mixt therwith Brunsvvick supposeth to excede in the middle degree the heat of Balneum Mariae If you desire to haue a water destilled of the fleshe of any beast you shall strangle the beast y t it bleed not in any wise then take away al the fat and shred the fleshe in small pieces and so destill it in hors dōg or with a soft fire least the waters stink or sauour of brentnes which is wont easelye to chaunce wherefore it is best to destill them twise Brunsvvick The parts of beast or excrements as blud the liuer the lights eggs gall and oxe dong oughte to be destilled in hors dong with vessels not very close stopt but hony and milk a man may stop thē close least the water stink But if it chaunce to stink euen thus ordred then let it be destylled again in Balneo Mariae specially the water of excre mēts of oxen whose first destillatiō is scarse foūd without stench Brunsvvick It wold frame better if a man put to a litle curtsy of salt in the putrifying or destilling of dong that they maye corrupte the lesse Certain excellent simple vvaters destilled in Balneo Mariae first of plantes then of beests Absinthium OF Worme wode water Iohannes Mesuae hath made mencion and of it and of Rooses only as the Munks that writ apon Mesuae haue noted that it is to be supposed ther is a certain excellent vertue aboue other in thies .ii. destilled liquors if they be rightlye prepared but as commun apothecaries maketh them the wormwode water lacketh all odour and tast as is said before If so be it anye man desire to haue this liquor moore strong let him stiep the wormwood dry in win and destill it in Balneo Mariae or if yet strōger in ashes But such as be destilled first stiept in any liquor the waters of thies now ar not simple but compound of the which we shal write hereafter seuerally Alsine WHiche commonly they call Morsus Gallen Hēbain the water destilled is geuē to infantes children diseased with the falling sicknes ether alone or with spring water Wemen comend it greatly and som say they haue tried it them selues I saw it of late ministred in vain But that when I tasted it had like to haue made me vomit perauenture because it was somewhat to old or els because it was gathered in leeden lembeks Caepa THe whyt Onion destilled breketh the stone Martianus Sanctus Cerasus CHery water of what kynd soeuer they bee is drunke against to muche heate is ministred with out y e body but particularly of sweet black cheries whiche also is commended of many against the palsy if it be poured into the mouth and the mouth be wel washt therwith that it restoreth the vse of the tung lost They destill the flesh of it alone or the kernels also beaten together that y e liquor destilled therof may entye out the stony matter of the reines and bladdar The black and sower ar called Visula they yeild a water holsome in agues both other and also pestilent agues whiche couleth and confirmeth the strengthes it is profitable also against thirst and bluddye flixe Ryffius The water destilled of the swiete blacke and freshe Cheries is maruelously cōmended of Remaclus F. of Lymburg Assone saith he as it shal be powred into the mouth of one sick of the falling euill alredy taken with y e fit the potion of it is .iiii. drammes or moor by by he reuiueth refreshed neither is he any moor drawen together with any cramp til in the ordinary tyme as it is the custome of it after a fewe daies an other fit come vpon him whiche when it chaunceth it must be powred in again for it letteth taketh away and healeth the fit Camphora water therof or oyll is thus made Take one of the vessels for Rose water that is called baten that is a bely fill it with the sticks or cips of pynappull tree whiche hath great and brood leaues and let it be filled Siluius taketh it so as though the roose water should be poured to the chips of the pynappull tree but me thinkes y t the vessell of rose water is simply named heer for a cucurbita or bely that it may be a certayn repeticion of the same whiche he had spoken before and let it be couered with a vessell hauing a nose then put the bely into a brasen vessell ful of water ouer the fyre till it begin to boyl for an oyll shall destill and yet they denye that oyll may be lifted vp by the heat of water subtill of a good odour whiche is called water of Camphora Or if ye list destill it in a fornace of rosewater the same way that it is destilled Bulcasis But Belluensis sayth that water of Camphora according to the Arabians saith he is a water that runneth out of the tre that bryngeth the Camphora which as his tree also is of a hoot nature in third degree so Camphora it self is cold Monachi in Mesuae Put three litle bies in the vessel of glas wher the Camphora is whiche shall so be turned into water Fragaria SStraweberies shalt y ● putrify in a Vessell of bras perauēture salt may be put to it or sugar and destill them This water saith Lullus in his .ii. booke of quintessence is holsō and diuine It comforteth nature expelleth poyson prouoketh we mens flowers asswageth burning humors strengtheneth the conceiuinge
But chiesly it breaketh newe spottes of the eies cūming of both the humors heet or cold if so be it they excede not mich It dryeth vp teers of both causes heet or cold it restoreth cleareth the sight lost with ether of the causes And I saw a woman hauing newly all ouer her face blesters or wheals by the strook of a ston with heet which the only washing of this water was streight way heled with great admiration But the vertue ther of is a hundred foold mor maruelous and stronger in operacion with burning water and muche moor with quintessence Yea this water mixt with quintessence or wyth burnynge water cureth the Leprosye Fraxinus THre vnces of the liquor destilled of the inner bark of ashe with as many vnces of whyt wyne is drūk against the pestilence and the same drinck after iii. howres is repeted so God willynge within .xxiiii. howres shall the sicke be deliuered A water of the kirnelles of Halicacabus is commended of som against y e stone of the reines and bladder if it be drounke ons or twyes a weeke Helxines WHiche we cal Parietary or Pelitory the water therof is profitable againste the stone ried before in the vertues of waters destilled generally out of Cardanus Hieracium DEntdelion in frēch wyth vs it is called Dandelion the water therof siemeth to bee of the same vertue as is the water of Endiue Cikory Some destill it first steeping it in wyne eight dayes it is of a sower tast and they giue it to drinke against the fittes of the fallyng sycknes with marueilous tryall as they say Hissopus HIssop retaineth merue louslye hys vertue in a destilled liquor althoughe it be destilled in a common earthen lembek only apon sād put in a fyre pan and likwise penyriall and certaine other They vse water of Hyssoppe o asswage touthache for it is sharp and subtill c. Intybum ENdiue the water there of coleth all hotte diseases and all burnynge of fyre or water hoote it heeleth them if they be wash therewith It is good also for quotidian Agewes and obstructyons of the bowels bothe drunck and mynistred oute warde Lullus vppon waters Lauendula WAters of the floures of lauender is sweet smelling Remaclus Iuglans THe water of walnuts not rype made aboute saint Ihons tyde ministred without is good for woundes and hoat byles and the pestilent anthrax Also being dronke a two or thre vnces it cooleth and resisteth the pestilence A water also is destilled of the vtter huskes of walnutes ether rype so that they be new brast and left of the nut or not yet at all in the moneth of September nether skilleth it if they be blacke so y t they be not rotten yet the black are counted the best A moderate potion of this water with the third part of vineger if it inuade a man with heet letting bloud first is geuen to drinke against the pestilence as a certain experiment It is praised also for y e noyse in the eares and the difficultie of heering for the diseases in the throte called angine being gargild A water destilled of y e leues of walnut tree about the end of May is maruelously cōmended for the drying and knitting of sores and to bring them to a skar if they be washt therwith morning and euening and a linnen cloth moystened therein bee laid vpon Brunsvvicencis Orchis SAtyrion is destiled rootes and al good for y e falling euill as men say Persica SOme destill the floures also of Peeches Petroselinum A Water destilled of Persely of y e garden beeten in a mortar cōfirmeth the apetite dissolueth all wyndes of the body and stomack strengtheneth concoction and purgeth out y e ill humors of the brest reines rather Aegidius Plantago AVyol of Plātain water is able to staūche bloud frō whence so euer it runne Cardanus Brunsvvick doth note many commodities vpon plantaine water and specially if it bee dronkē in the morninge and euening at eche time two ounces is good for the blody flix Pulegium PEny reall looke before in Hysope Rapum RApe water maye be made bothe of the hoole Rapes cut and also seuerally of the barkes whiche are sharper and hooter to prouoke vrin and further sweet The water of this Rapes sayeth Brunsvvick is good against burning of what cause soeuer it bee if the sore place be washed with it there wyll ryse first a scurffe but washe the scurffe also and it will hele the sayde burning Rosa ROos water semeth to be first inuented for I finde mention of it in Auicen the .ii. boke in the chapter of rooses Roosewater drounke saith he is good in a swoun and the iuice of them also and again water of roses is good for the liuer and it cōforteth the stomacke which is nourished of of it with hony and it is Geleniabin and helpeth to disgest And the roos and his iuice are good for a stomak to mich hoot And although the Arabiās for the most part ar wont to say water for iuyce or decoction yet in this place it can not be taken for then when as he speaketh seuerally of the iuice of the decoction also he made mētion befor Rooswater made by sublimation doth very much comcomforte Mesue in the chapter of Rooses And again The Roos and hys oyl and water sublimated comforteth the hart c. The same speeketh of rooswater destilled in the .vi. destinction wheras he describeth the iuleb of roses as the Munkes his interpreters do proue of whom also this was obserued and noted that two waters destylled and nomo mencioned in Mesue that is of rooses and wormwod They make no epithē or outward medicine at this day but they put roosewater in it In sharp vehement and greet inflammations to strengthen the principall members it maye be commodiously vsed It is good for the flixe of the bowels and vomiting It helpeth the inflammation of the eies veri much in the beginning Sum are wōt to mixt with it a litle thucia and sugercādy It strengtheneth the eies and sharpeneth the sight It stauncheth blud running out of the nosthrilles being put in a linnē cloth That which is made of red roses is more cordiall as they terme it and strengtheneth moor but of whit doth moore coul Remaclus F. Of wine mixt with roswater in time of meet see in Arnold in his boke of wine Rooswater although it be made diuers waies yet the best is made by Balneum Mariae Matthaeolus If thoos rooses which we call commonly carnacion dryed and moystened with the vapoure of water be destilled they yeld good rose-rose-water Syluius They may be holden in a linen cloth ouer hot water til they haue drunck inough of the vapoure ❧ Of Roose vvater out of Bulcasis THe makynge of Roosewater is known in moste coūtires It is better made with water then without better also by fire of cooles then of wood wherfore of the iiii waies whyche be withoute water wyth flaming woode without water with
Tilia beaten The dosis or quantitie of ministration is one or one and a halfe It asswageth the griefes of the eyes and healeth the places brent with fyre or any hoot matter that more surely if the inner barck al but tiliae be stiept in this water or in stede therof the grains or kernels of quinces or psyllium and the places be anoynted with the horines or mouldines that bredeth ther vpon Ryffius Some vse against the pestilēre a liquor drawn by the force of fire oute of the bloude of a graye or badger Also of the blud of duckes againste poyson c. wherof thou shalt read more in the boke of destillarions of Ryffius writen in Dutch Some mixt the bloud of a goat with medicins againste the stone to be destilled A water composed of the blud of a barrow hog and other diuers medicens wil we describe hereafter in some place Of the water of wormes and of the kind of Cātharides whiche is surnamed as Mey lander Kaeser saith of the month of May read Brunsvvick A water to take away wrinkles and spots of y ● face to clere the skin Beat the whites of egges hard sod in water y t yolkes takē away together in a morter destill them in a lymbek of glasse or other vessel of glas The vse of it is that y e face be a noynted therwith euery day thrise for the space of iii. or .iiii. dayes I would adioyne here a table of waters destilled of plantes whiche are described in the Dutche bokes of destillacions of Hierom of Brunsvvick for the most part all that Gaulterus Ryffius hathe borowed of him sauing that I studye to be shorte And surely it is nothing necessary to resite al whē as liquors also may and are wonte to be destilled of all such plantes wherof there is any vse in phisicke But to recken vp also the vertues and faculties of euery of them as some do it is superfluous when as none other for the moste parte but euen the very same also be attributed and ascribed to y e waters whiche are vnto the plantes so that theese repetycions moue irckesomenesse to the reader yea euen if it be but meanly learned neuer a whit les then colewortes twise sod Yet because that some waters chieflye and before other are in vse with apothecaries as those with Remaclus F. hath described I wil ad hither a rehersall and table of them in like order as he vseth and hath recited them him self Absinthinm wormwod Apium Artemisia mugwort Agrimonia Althea the holy hok Acetosa Alkekengi Auricula muris mouse eare Basilicon Buglossos Balsamita that is mynte of Rome Betonica Betony Bursapastoris shepherds pouche Chamomilum Cammomill Calendula Mary goldes Carduusbenedictus Centaurium Centory Chelidonium Felandine Cichorium Cikory Capillus Veneris Maiden heer Caprifolium that is Pericly menon woodbinde Cucurbita Gourde Cuscuta Ebulus Walwort Endiuia Enula Euphragia Eiebright Foeniculum Fennel Fumaria Fumitory Gentiana Genista Browme Hepatica that is Lichen Liuerwort Hedera Iuy Hyssopus Hippuris that is horsetaile Lactuca Lett es Lauendula Lapathum Sorel Maiorana Maioram Melissa Baulme Marrubium Hoorhound Melilotus Melilot Millefolium Milfoyl or Yarow Menta Mint Malua Malowes Nemiphar bothe kindes with the flowers Nigella Origanum Organy Paeonia Pyonie Papauer satiuum sown Poppy Parietaria Pelitory Pentaphyllon Cinkfoyl Petroselinum Persly Pimpinella Pimpernel Pastinaca Parsnip Plantago Plantaine both kindes Portulaca Purslein Polygonos that is Cētumno dia. Pulegium Peniroyall Roses white and red Ruta Rew sown or set Rosmarinus Rosmary Rubea tincterum Madder set or sowne Raphanus Radish Saluia Sage Saxifragia Satureia Sauery Sābucus Elder the bark floures and leues Scabiosa Scolopendrium Solanum wherof seing there are many kinds Remaclus writeth that apothecaries draw water out of Halica●abus only for the moste part that is Alkekengi Semperuiuum Singrien Serpillum Salix Willow Senecio Grounswell Thymus Time Berded Tapsus that is Verbastum Tauacetum Tormentilla Violae Violets Valeriana Valerian Virga pastoris that is Dipsacus Tasill Verbena Veruin Vermicularis y t is the les syngrien Vrtica nettell Of vvaters destilled of beastes or of their partes or excrementes and first of all of the hoole beastes A Water destilled of whelpes will make that heir shall not growe againe And Furnerius I geue litle credence to thies curious exquisite remedies and although they be true yet I do not alowe them specially where other many and easy to be gotten ar not lacking A yong Storck some bid strangle and destil it lyke rose water and therwith to anoint the partes taken with palsey or shronke together and at certain tymes to be washt away with a decoction of sea crabes without salt they saye it helpeth marueilously if a man continue it Some bid put an vnce of Camphora a dram of amber in a yonge storkes bely the bowels taken out but it must be one that neuer yet flew then in destilling to gather seuerally thre waters differing in color of thies they prayse the last best to make the face whyte and clear They destill also a water of a pye wherof read Brunsvvick Ryffius as also of them that folowe Of a Capon whereof wee will speake seuerally within for it is not made simpely and singly only but also composed many wayes Of Frogs Crabes Snayles Pismiers or Emers Of the bloud of a Duck a he Goat a Gray of a calfe looke in Ryffius and Brunsvvick Of mans bloud looke Brunsvvick and within also wher we make mention of Quintessence Of the liuer and lightes of a Calfe The liquor of milck destilled the chymistes destyllors do vse and sum that go about to make Borax or Crhysocollam It is a wonder that men say amongst the Tartarians water destilled of milke doth make men dronke The milke must therfor be somwhat thicker and tary somewhat long vpon the fyre Whiche thing peraduenture chaunseth in meares milke Albeit all water if it be oft destilled wil do the same for it waxeth hoat is attenuated and made more fyne and receiueth the force and nature of the fyre the more Carda Some vse water destilled of wyne and milke together against y e feuer quartain specially in England as Brudus Lusitanus writeth Some drink it against the iaundys as witnesseth Iohan. Goeurotus Also seuerally of Goates milke water is destilled Loke in Ryffius Water of an Oxe hyde see in the same author Of the whytes of egges and of the yolke In the same Of the spaun of Frogges founde in waters looke in Ryffius Of kowes donge loke in the same Some say that water destilled of mans donge wil heale fistulaes also fretting soores and such as are to be cured and cancres and the disease called Tinea or matering of the head that it wil also make skarres like vnto the other skin and put away the spots or white webbes of the eyes If it be druncke it is good for them that haue the falling sicknes it helpeth them that haue
the gowte it driueth away the stone out of y e rains and bladdar it is a preseruatiue againste the bitinge of a mad dogge or other venemous beast But the oyle of the same which destilleth after the water wyth a greater fyre is much better to fistulaes and cācres and other euils aforsaid Matthaeolus of Sena and other you shal read certain merueilous thinges in Brunsvvick Mannes vrine destilled the Chymists doe vse to resolue certaine mettalles Printers to make their printinge inke but these destill it in Rose stillatoryes Of vessels and diuers instruments belonging to destellation Sublimation is taken of many simpely for destillation other take it particularly to lift vp or cause to ascende vp into the limbeck by the force of fyre the matter that is to befixed in it as many metally thinges ar sublimated The receyuing vessell for the moste part is a phiall of glas w t a longe neck in whose mouth the nose of the limbeck is put and some times the bely therof is set in a pot or some other holowe vessell that it maye stande the stedfaster in his place or els for the cōmoditie of the thing is set one way or other The formes and fashions of vessels ar diuers and almost without number cōmonly vsed with the chymistes and destillers Syluius Who so desireth the figures and names of diuers vesselles let him looke in Brunsvvick Ryffius Andro. Louicerus and other A man may cause to be made of what fashion he will in the glas makers shops suche as be in Heluetia nie vnto Scaphusia and not far from Basill and Solodourn But the best are made of whyte glas as at Venice suche may be made with vs of the peces of spectacle glasses other skrapes of whyt glas gathered together Of the vessell called aludel●s looke in Geber in his boke of chief perfection 1. 4. 44. chapter and again in his boke of fornaces Albertus wryteth it a luttell and expoundeth it a vessell appointed for sublimation lykewyse Bulcasis The same willeth arsnick to bee sublimated in an earthen dyshe glased the fashion wherof he describeth in the chapter of sublimation of abhichbar dic Aluthel writen with th is a limbeck whiche the Alchymistes vse in destillatious Belluencis Of the matter for vessels of destillacion and first against leaden and brasen vessels WAters destilled in Balneo Mariae do so far pas those that are made simplye by the tire in leaden limbeckes as golde passethyron For they that be made in Balneo Mariae with large chaplets limbeckes or heades and somwhat great and of glas do geue the natural sauour and taste of the herbes floures wherout they be taken without any noysome smel of smoke or burning which chaunceth not al in the common leaden stilles For the waters that are made in them very few and seldom speciallye whiles they be new are without notable lothsomnes of smoke and burntnes whiche vnto sickmen that drincke it is not only greuous but also hurtfull for the euill qualitie of the lead endamageth bothe the stomake and the breaste and all the entrailes and likewise the qualitie of brasse whyche the learned and excellent phisitions perceiuynge folowed the auncient men and vsed onlye decoctions But waters destilled accordinglye as they ought to be that is with the sauour and tast of his plant are not only equall in strength with decoctions but also passe them in thys that they more delite a man beinge more swete in taste and also clearer to the sight It shal be houe both good phisicions and also Apothecaries to lay away leaden instrumentes and prouid them the forsaid Balncum Mariae and althoughe it shall be a little more chargeable vnto them and painefull yet so shall they satisfy and please bothe God and man Matheolus Such thinges as are destilled in lead I iudge them altogether to be disalowed because of y e Cerusse and other malicious qualities of the leade when as water also that is conueyed by pipes of leade Galen condemneth because it bredeth diseases in the entrails Syluius Moreouer the vessel altereth muche aswell in destillacions as in thynges sodden Wherefore a man must take great hied in these things that the vessels be rather earthen or glasse then of metall and those that be of earth y t they be of a very pure earth and wel baked such as be the earthen vessels of Paris Bellonaca England and Spain But glasen vessels are the best because they be more pure and thicker but they be dearer will breake soner except they be made hoat by litle and lyttle and cold likewise and after the same sorte be also earthen vessels for the which cause they daube both sorts of them by little and little with claye of wisdom as they call it and dry them so far as the force of the fire shall touch yea althoughe it be to be set first in ashes sande or dros of metals For those vessels that shal stand in water or in the vavapour therof nede no such defēce The cause whi I condemne vessels of metals leade yron brasse tin siluer and gold is Galens reason in euery one almost of these kindes of metals For if he affirme that water onlye conueied in leaden pipes dothe brede diseases of the bowels howe muche more oughte we to feare waters destilled in a leaden limbecke or still Besides that no small cerusse remaineth cleauynge to the inner side of a leaden heade as in destillinge of Vinegar is gathered so by the force of the vehemente heate or brentnesse ascendinge vp wyth a vapour manye times also tarte that is of sharpe and tarte plantes whiche infecteth the verye wa●ers and for the mooste part maketh them white like milcke till that it be setled and suncke to the bottome Vessels of other metalles that bried other roust or canker are so muche the more pearilous as rouste or canker is more hurtfull the●●cerusse Vessels made of pure siluer or golde as they be leaste hurtefull so are they more harde to be gotten because of the coste Syluius The best vessels be of glasse the nexte earthen that be glased bothe wythin and wythoute then limbeckes of tinne the bodyes in destillinge of Roses of leade Thirdlye the limbeckes and the bodyes also of leade For the strengthe of the fyre if it be moderate it hurtes not the leade but these bodyes of leade muste bee sette in syfted ashes a handfull thicke not in sande Fourthlye limbeckes of copper tinned within Fifthlye brasen But copper and brasse haue two discommodities but the brasse more then the other the fyrste they make the waters for the mooste parte somewhat read and fautye wyth brentnesse the other there is euer a certaine venemous operation in them more then in other metalles therfore Christophorus de Honestis admonisheth to take hede and auoyde them Brunsvvick Therfore seinge all the mooste learned Phisicions and experyence it selfe doe vtterlye disalowe waters destylled in vessels of leade Brasse and other vncleane mettals some
water oft destilled is broughte into such sharpnes y t it can not be drunk Cardan But this is commonly known they that sell it commōly are wont to destil it only twise but to the vse of glasiers for the burning in of their colors in their glasses foure times except I be deceiued We declared afore how when it is once or twise destilled in serpentins or writhen or crouked vessels or in other accustomed vessels with pipes of brasse as big as a mans arme may afterward be perfected in ashes vntill all the steame be put awaye by the which meanes it is made not only hoter and more subtil and finned but also more pleasaunte bothe to the taste and smell Neither do all men vse one forme or fashion of the bodies and heades whiche they call limbeckse to destill all ●uyces for some draw the water out of wine put in a great brasen vessel standing vpon the fire the necke or mouthe wherof is great and broad vpon a three fote and vpon this necke standeth the heade of brasse also with a top like a spire steple a thing like a paile or bucket D. compassing it ful of cold water that the large vapoure maye be thickned the soner by the head made cold and least the water of y e wine should so resemble the fire Some vse in the stead of a necke or heade to receiue the vapoure wyth a pipe of white plate or other mettall verye longe writhen into manye boughtes and tourninges like vnto the maner of serpents wherupon they name them cōmonly serpentins the greatest part therof standing in water Some haue also yet an other fashion Syluius We did see diuers fashyons of vessels set out in figures to destill burning water or aqua vitae in Gualter Ryffius Andro Lo nicerus Bulcasis saith wine may be destilled after the same maner as vineger the destillacion wher of he described Read within streight after the title of destillacion in ashes Aqua vitae is thought then to be stilled inough that is after it be stilled foure tymes at the leaste and pourged from all his fleame whan as if a manne sette it a fyre it wyll consume euery whit wyth the flame that no token of moysture be lefte in the bottome of the vessell or elsse if a lynnen clothe dipte therein and sette a fyre it burne not the clothe whyche is a greatter token of perfectyon as that also if a droppe of Oyle bee lette fall into it it goeth to the bottome For Oyle is aierye wherefore a fyrie substaunce whereunto Aqua vitae soo ofte destylled shoulde atteyne oughte too bee lyghter then it But besydes the heate of so destylled it should also become thin and pure more more and when euery fire the thicker and grosser it is the more it burneth contrariwise the thinner the lesse that which is most thin should burn leaste of all By the same cause it commeth to passe that a drop of Aqua vitae poured in the palme of a mans hand the better it is the soner it vanisheth awaye and is consumed I heare that this is a laudable note of this water if succinum amber being set on fire and put to it into a spone do burn Whan wine saith Vlstadius 10 ▪ chapter is destilled twyse or thrise you shall cut a fine sponge into pieces so great that on euery side they may touch the cucur bita or bodye within the vpper parte that is in the inner circuit the spōg must be tied in thre or four stringes hanging withoute when you shall set on the limbeck so that the sponge can not fal into the bottome of the still let the sponge be dipt in oyle oliue and crushed out a little again least pexauenture the oyle should fall into the pot or body of the stil and be mixt with the matter then settinge the limbeck vpon it shit it close with wax as is aforesaid or with purified rosen By this spong the spirits shal be best destilled and the fleame shall not passe through because of the oyle by this menes shall a man do more with once destilling then otherwise with thrise Notwithstandinge the limbeck must be made withoute the gutter and circle within like to a blinde limbecke but it muste not lacke a nose Thus saith he That whiche remayneth of the lies and dregs destilled in the bottom y ● mē of our time call it dead water for it is vnsauery and stinking Such that is the stinking water whether it be yeilden of lies onlye or also of wine I haue not tried For the destillation of aqua vitae or burning water a man muste chuse the best wine blacke red or white Black and old yelds more plenty and also better water then any other The fire at y ● first must be light and soft after more vehemēt but you must take hede in anye wise y t the wine sethe not The water that is gotten theroute is surnamed burning or the soul and life of the wine and when it is destilled twise or thrise then they cal it flaming water Albertus as some alledge Of fiue partes of lies whē it is twise destilled I heare one remaineth or somwhat les Whan y ● fleame is one cleane consumed nothing is lost after in the destilling but the hole is yeilded again Of .iiii. measures of wine for the moste parte one measure of burnyng water is gathered in the first destillacion or there about according to the goodnes of the wine Then in the next destillacion for one measure there commeth the halfe In y ● third one part offiue is cōsumed In y ● fourth as much is yelded as you put in for the most part if the destillacion be done accordingly Notwithstanding if you continue destillinge the water shall be the more perfect in so much that at the ninth or tenth destillacion it shal come out most perfect But for as much as to the repeting of destillinge so ofte a man must bestow both more time and more coste for the most part we are content with the third or the fourthe destillacion and call it perfecte And surely it resteth much in the instrument that the water should be perfected soner or slower For the vapour is more destilled and perfected in the first destillacion in a serpentin that is in a croked and bowed pipe thē thrise destilled by a streight pipe Note further that ther diuers waters may be gathered in the first destillacion wherof the firste is perfit that is that whiche burneth and is consumed with the fire and a linnen cloth dipte therin and set on fire is not burnt You shall proue therfore nowe and then and when the water ceaseth burninge looke what remaineth in the still you may cast it away as vnprofitable The second is a meane betwene good and bad The thirde is good for nothinge saue that it cleareth the eyes and the face if thrise a day they be washte therin morninge noone and euening
destillacion Annoynt the heade therewith and it healeth wormes the scuruinesse and scabbes pusculs and skailes It putteth awaye the spottes in the face and other wher Broken egges or egges that that lacke a shell put them in Aqua vitae and it will sieth them It healpeth the numnesse of a mannes sences called Apoplexia swellings steames tenesmum or desire to the stoole and wearynesse It amendeth the morphew beinge drunken or annoynted theruppon It maketh the skinne softe and pure To conclude it is good againste the bitinge of a mad dog It will heale any woūd excellentlye if it be washte therewith and so that no euill effect shall come therafter by the meanes of the same wound I perceiuinge Aqua vitae to be hotte and to dry did sometime mixte with it honye whereby it was bothe swieter to dryncke and gentler profitable for the colde stomacke speciallye in wynter Som mixt it with water made w t honye or rather with mede called apomel● which with vs cōmonly they make of hony cōbs c. Som wet figs ther in set them on fire then eat them hot A mā may also mixt any sirup therwith one or other according as y e disease shall requyre To preserue wine y ● it be not troubled nor putrified put to it the tēth part of Aqua vitae in dede sulphur is far better for the same purpose but it bewrayeth the crafte and the smell there of The same will alum do but being bothe hurtfull they are verye noysome to the health Cardane If wine by the meanes of the sauour of the vessels or taste of the grapes be corrupte and soured poure Aqua vitae into it and it will restore it The same purgeth hāging wine that is new also wine that is putrified and soured also for it conuertes vineger To conclude it bringeth a good smel and tast also to any wine be it neuer so euel or corrupt and good wine also it makes it better Albertus as some alledge When the wine is to be drawen into an empty vessel most vse to put in a ball of brimston set a fyre other vse Aqua vitae dipping towe therein Wine that is made to haue anye taste or smell out of hand in a momente is both a curious thing for rich men cheiffy which wil aduaunt them of y e sortes of wine and also profitable For the qualities of diuers remedies may be communicated by this meanes with the wine Herbes sedes or spyces whatsoeuer they be let them be poured into Aqua vitae for the space of .xxiiii. houres for so the strength of them shal be drawen out Then y e waters so affected and died shall be mixt with a lyttle wine when ye wil drink Arnoldus de v●lla noua How that wine is made which they calcommōly Hippocras with Aqua vitae and certaine spices stiept therein I will declare when I shall speake of wines Of the quintessens of wine I shall speake within in the title of quintessens Of such thinges as be destilled dry put into any liquor THe thinges that be dry can not be destilled except they be stiept in some liquor Of theis wil I write in this place Of those that whiles they be new be stiept and wet in some liquor befor thei be destilled I wil speake hereafter amongst waters compoundes in the beginning Although the waters wherof we speake here may be counted among the compoundes Dry thinges therfor first let them be broken and grounde then let them be stiept in some liquor wine vineger rain water or of the wel spring and those ether raw or destilled Vineger and wine are destilled for this purpose somtimes once sometimes ofter or in some other destilled liquor They maye be stiepte also in the iuyce of som herb or plant and that likewise ether rawe orels that is better destilled Aqua vitae rectified semeth to agre best to the stieping of spyces except we wil auoyd to much heat wherwith the thynges destilled in them myghte be infected withall when the liquor is drawne awaye Some still Cinnamon beaten with spring water poured to it as we shall shewe amongste Oyles Sedes also and other spices wheroute oyle is taken are stiept in some of the forsaid liquors It is best according to my iudgement to destill all these thinges dry thinges I meane infused and poured into anything in ashes with a softe fire Of waters of vertues or golden waters that are wont to be made with saudge other smelling herbes spices set in wine I wil speke within amongst the cōpounded waters of them that are put in burning water emongst the composed waters of life It is to be considered also how long they stād to soke in wine for new thinges they y t be thin or opē not massy nede les time thē dry grosse and thick beaten things thē hole the rotes then the sedes spices they againe les then the herbs Read befor whē we gaue rules of y e preparacion of things to be destilled The cōmon custom is to destil thē almost only dry set in wine first a fewe daies as spices smelling herbes But all other things also whose smel or tast what maner so euer it be we wil haue kept in the liquor destilled they are rightly destilled by soking in wine as I taughte afore also whereas I made mention of wormwod water of the preseruation of the vertues of remedies in y e waters destilled And surely in those which when they are new abound w t much moisture therfore haue y e les smel as gentian astrantia y e flour deluce y ● beries of iuniper other I wold more alow y e liquors of drithinges set in wine or other wher but if y e thinges be thin or slendar or of no sauor or ought to coul moistē they should be destilled rather new Sometimes the time of the yeare causeth a man to take dryethinges because of the lacke or scarsity of fresh Gentian water Take .iiii. pounds of the fresh and new rotes or rather dry cut in small peces of great Gentian or white Gentian whose rotes are moste fat and beinge set in wine they nether corrupte them selues nor suffer the wine to corrupt as I haue tried my self by the space of these ii ▪ yeres set in a couple of great glasses in a stoufnie the fornace or hang them if you wil the glasses diligētly stopt and put into them pure good wine so much that the wine be .ii. fingers aboue thē you shal euer put new wine vnto them stil til the rotes wil drinke no more and so the wine being aboue it a two fingars as I saide let the glasses stand a moneth and at length put thē into .ii. cucurbitas y e wine and the rotes destributed together destil them in Balneo Mariae or els in ashes with a soft fire Of the water of Centory y ● les and gentian together destilled in wine
reade within amongst composed waters Iuniper beries also dry set in wine geue a very good liquor swiet smellinge but wormwode soked a few daies geueth a water very effectuall and most bitter and the more if it be destilled in ashes which both waies I haue tried Pelitory other fresh or dry is set in wine or vineger destilled or vndesti●led ▪ These thynges also sookte in burnynge water as I sayde do communicate theyr strength wyth it but I heare it is done muche moore effectuallye if the thynges be beaten at the beginnynge and myxte wyth the lyes of wine redye to bee destylled for of theese rather then of wine the men of our country draw Aqua vitae So also did one teache me in counsell as a greate secreate that Wormwode water and other maye be best made I haue not tried it yet Water of Roses wyth drye Roses is so made Pour water to dry Roses not more thē is sufficient to stiep them in then put them from thence into glasen cucurbitas or leaden and destill them by little and little This water shall be profitable in medicins and also to garnishing and trimming or to the smel Ther was a certain man put to one pound of dry Roses ten poūd of water and destilled Rose water indifferente good But thys is not done saue when a man hathe not newe to make Rose water of Bulcasis If the Roses whyche we call commonly incarnation Roses dried moystned with the vapor of hot water be destilled they wil geue good Rose water Syluius The water of the nux vomica or spueinge nut or the iuice gotten out with fire is like the water in colour not in smel or tast the chiefest remedy against poysō Cardanus in his second buke de subtilitate And a little after If the poyson newly taken remain yet in the stomake the best kind of remedies be they that prouoke much to vomit strōgly milke lie oyle the water of the spewing nut I suppose he meaneth by the iuyce gotten out by the fire nothinge els but the water destilled thereof For he nameth water that is like it in colour not in smel nor tast which agreeth with destilled waters But when as the spewing nut euery whit is most hard and dry it apeareth that his shel must be sookt in some liquor as water wine vineger Aqua vitae I wold soke it rather in vineger whiche by it self resisteth poyson and is good to prouoke vomitting Waters destilled of new and fresh plāts saith Brunsvvick ought to be preferred whiche if they can not be had ether for some other cause or because they be brought out of straunge countryes only dry as spicknarde lauander stichae scoenantum the hard time c. Thou shalt destill oute of them dry in this manner In the month of May euery yere before the sunne rise when it hath not rained the hole night the sky is fair thou shalt gather dew out of som medow ful of diuers kind of herbes and flours no watery ground nor wet nor in a holow place but rather vpon some hil if it be possible Thou maist gather it thus draw a fair linnen cloth sprede abrode vpon the grasse til it haue dronken much of the dew then wryng it out into some vessell and draw it again and fill it euer wringing it out againe til thou haue gathred inough This dew thou shalt destil thrise in Balneum Mariae and rectifye it also in the sunne that is in hot sand for the space of xl daies and kepe it a yere Thē what time of the yere so euer thou lakst liquor of dry herbes do thus Take as many herbs as thou list dried in the shadow the leaues being taken away and kepte apart by thē selues put them in a glasse and pour vpon them thrise so much water of dewe or at thre times so that first thou power on so much that the herbes be sufficiētly ouercouered with water and againe twis so muche Then set it in hors dung twoo or three daies still it and putrifie it againe so that it be thrys putrified and destilled by course in order This water surely shal be muche better then if a man as Bulcasis wryteth to one pound of dry roses or other herbes or floures shall put ten poūd of common water and destill it by and by A certaine cunning phisicion wryteth that if water bee destilled out of dry thinges after this forsaid maner sooke in dew not thrys only destilled but nyn tymes it shal be better water then if it were made of freshe and newe thinges whiche haue muche fleame in them The same affirmeth that dew nyn times destilled doth drawe out the vertues out of the herbes that be put in it no les then aqua vitae Hitherto Brunsvvick And in the dew it selfe also there is a certaine medicinall vertue as Brunsvvick techeth in an other place to be in the water therof destilled In the falling sicknes if thou make a cake of meale knod with nighterly dew of saint Iohn and bake it vnder the ashes then giue it to the sicke to eate thei say it wil make him hoal Alexāder Benedictꝰ Of quint essence of remedies QVint essence they name to be the chief and the heauenliest power or vertue in any plant me tall beast or in the partes therof which by y e force and puritie of the hoale substaunce not by any elimentall or sensible qualitie although it be not without qualities conserueth the good health of mans body prolongeth a mans youthe differeth age and putteth away all maner of diseases Of this first of al mē writ Raimūdus Lullꝰ although it wer vnknowen to al the physicians of his time nether written of in any booke nor tryed or gone aboute in any vse After him foloweth besides other Iohannes de Rupe scissa whome one certain man thinkes he flourished before Lullus as I writ afore I iudge they were both in one tyme Hieronimus Brunsvvick Philippus Vlstadius and perauenture a few other whiche writ sumwhat of the same Sum kind therof is simple as y t moste famous quint essence of wyne or Aqua vitae of chelidony or selandyn of mans bloud of strawberys of Antimonii c. Other ar cōpounde that is whē certain remedies ar put to sum quint essence now perfited y t it may draw out y t vertues of thē wherunto gold y t may be drunken ought to be assribed But here springeth a doute saith Cardane whether a man may make y e water tēperat which thei cal quint essence It wil be as I shal proue of the nature of the firmamēt that is a most pure thin substance moueable which by the mouing reteineth a temperat heat very muche therof This thefor is of power to cōserue al strengths topro long life For being most subtil it mixith it self w t the first moistur pearcing the massy thinges separateth the excremēts which be cōteined therin And because it hath much
heat it expelleth what soeuer is vncleane and therfore restoreth the natural heat For age is nothinge els then a lessening and diminishing of natural heat which is therfore diminished because the mouinge is hindred as I saide of fire for there is like reason of this vnto that Mouing is hindred because of y e aboundance of earthy matter because the earthe only hath very muche matter and is destitute of all mouing Therfore that water being of so tēperate a heate it shall nether vexe the hearte nor noysom to the liuer wherfore this onlye can perform the things that we haue spoken When burning water therfore or Aqua vitae reteininge hys purity and subtil matter by the longe mocyon of circulaciō hath put of and rid away his heat and sharpnes of taste and smell it is becomed of the nature of the firmament and then firste of all it smelleth swiet and fragantly For a fragrāt smel is nothing els then a sharp smell when it is moderate Example of peper whiche hathe no fragrante smell c. Therefore Aqua vitae if it come once to a temperatnes the thinnes and purity remaining stil it must nedes be made fragrāt and swiet smelling and if it be once fragrant it must necessarilye be turned into the nature of the fyrmament There is also a water made of the flesh tyrꝰ or an adder that restoreth youthe there is made olso of Elleborus which I sawe at my fathers But these vexe and vnquiet the body and make disceitful image and likelines of youth the firmamentall water dothe it in dede whiche reteineth long that which a man hathe and adourneth the same But is the firmament more pure then the fire which is moste hot ▪ It is surelye so for it is next vnto the heauen and therfore most lighte For by his circulacion it moderateth the heat caused in it by the starres and after y e same manner thys water broughte to the moste puritye by the heat of the fire by mocion it self is coled again and obteineth a temper Wherefore bothe this and the firmamente are as it were in a meane betwene mortal thinges and immortall For hauing a place and temper and also substāce next vnto the heauen it can not be corrupte But whiles it is constreined and driuen beneath it is couled and so after a lōg time it is corrupt Ther fore it is in a meane betwixt mortal and immortal ▪ of which kind the Stoikes beleue mans soule to be Al this write Cardane The vertue of euery thing resteth in the quintessens therof hot cold moyst and dry c and the same operacion it hath which it had afore in his mixture or with his mater but much more swiftly more merueilouslye manye waies After the destillacion vpon the lies certain times repeated letting the water haue euer a new digestiō eueri water ought alwaies to be circulated so longe in hors dōg or other wher vntil it haue a most swit sauor For such a fragrancy is required in euery quintessens Somthings it is sufficiēt to destil thē once or twise and then circulate them after a few daies if any part of the earth or lies remain in the botō of the circulating vessel to put it awai pouring it forth The quintessens of wine wyll no more burn the mouth nether is it burning wine any more but more subtill and is called heauen wherunto we say his starres is added when as herbes of diuers qualities and such as be excellent againste diuers sicknesses are sokte stiept therin as we shall shewe hereafter in Aqua vitae compounded To be solificate or made goldē is when we procure the vertue of the sunne that is gold to be in it as it is declared before in the tretise of potable gold or gold that may be drounke These thinges for the most part are out of Lullus boke of quintessens The quintessens of any medicine hathe a thousand times the greater vertue then it had before whiles the thing had yet the element in it Vlsta Hovv the quintessens of all things may be drawn out to minister them or the vertue of them to mennes bodies oute of the first boke of Lullus intreatinge of quintessene THe quintessence of any thinge may be drawne out from it as of wode frutes floures rotes leaues sedes stones metals fleshe and of what spices a man will in this sort Anye thinge that you wil separate the quintessence from you shall put it into the quintessence of wine pure and perfect as is said before and you shal set it forth to be solified sonned in y e spring or els in a vessel to a lighte fire and within three houres you shall haue the quintessence of y e thing mixt with the quintessence of the wine which shal be conuerted into such a nature as is of y e thinge that is put in whether it be hot or cold moyst or dry purge or what other condiciō or smel so euer it be of and it shal not only haue the same operacion but also in the same degre y t is nether more nor les c. After this he reherseth remedies one by one which are hot in the first degre then in the secōd third fourth likewise he maketh tables of cold moist dry things Then he teacheth generally of y e degrees of remedies of y e art of mixting the same Last of all he addeth also tables rehersals according to y e second qualities as thei term thē all which we let passe because we write vnto the learned phisicions nether is it conuenient to confound the partes of sciences one with an other Then in y e secōd boke for euery disease those only that be most greuous and counted cōmonly almost vncurable he teacheth what remedies or medicins ought to be mixt with the quintessens Rogerius Bacho also writ a little booke of the qualities strengthes of Aqua vitae throughout the .xii. signes according to the diseases from the head to the fete adding waters and medicins according to the nature of euery part and disease for one one for an other an other Thys booke some ascribe to Arnold de villa noua Ihon Brasescus a man of our age moste exercysed in the misteries of the Arte of liquors as hys writinges do testify in a certain dialoge the spekers whereof be Raymund Lullus and Demogorgon which y e author set forth in Italian with an other also vpon the exposicion of the bokes of Geber Ihon Petreius at Norinberg Prynted them both in Latin withoute the authors name affirminge that quintessens whyche serueth for the conseruing and lengthening of mannes life is not to be lokt for out of plants beastes or precyous stones but of only metals he wryteth thus Raymund Seing it is necessarye that this medicine should be vtterly vncorruptible and in thys thinge it ought to passe and excede al things that haue any part of the elementes in them it muste nedes be
same for he saith that burning water doth conteine in it selfe the good vertue of all metals and that it is not the water of the vine but of life because it geueth life vnto men He that will knowe more of thys thing and more plainly let him read the dialoge of the same Brasescus wherein he expoundeth Gebrus Of the dravving out of quint essence from Antimonia lead white lead out of Vlstadius QVint essence of antimonio is thus made Incorporate and mingle the pouder of antimonii most finely beaten with most sharpe vineger destilled and let it stande til the vineger be tourned into a very red colour Then driue the vinegar oute and in a cleane vessell put other destilled vinegar vppon the antimonium and set ouer a little fyre till the vineger be colored ▪ This shal you repete so ofte till the vinegar will be colored no more So much of the vinegar as is colored thou shalt destill it in a limbecke in ashes Firste the vineger it selfe will run oute after thys thou shalt see a matter issue forthe of a thousande couloures and thys is that quint essence whyche is called of the Philosophers Philosophers leade and of some virgines milke it differeth notwithstandinge from it whereof shall be spoken here after saithe Vlstadius it is almoste like blessed oyle in coloure Put thys in a Pellican to be circulated for the space of fortye dayes It dryeth vp woundes and is profitable for all woundes in steade of Balme for it cureth all woundes easelye and quicklye it is merueilous good for all impostumes Yea also quint essence is extracted and drawn oute of leade or white leade after the same manner as out of antimonio pouringe destilled vineger vpon it that the vineger be ouer it foure fyngers deepe after let it be digested in dunge as it is sayde of quint essence of hearbes and floures Then let it be destilled and fyrste ye shall see the vineger it selfe ascende vp after that a certaine liquor like to oyle And thys also is called oyle of lead or quint essence of leade and it hathe in it a certaine swietnesse lyke ▪ as the oyle of antimonii It is good againste all burnynges wyth fyre and hot water as also againste itches as ringe-wormes and chollericke bladders But a manne muste noote that the white lead oughte firste to bee washed often with water of Rooses dreiuynge it by a linnen clothe vntil none of the pouder of the white lead remain in it Then whē it is dried reserue it to your vse So doth Bulcasis Ioan of Sanct Amandus vpon the Andidotarie of Io. Mesuae wil to be done Of the drawing forth of quint essence out of diuers metals as golde siluer lead tin vitriol or coproos iron coper brimston read orpment yalow ocker antimonio and marcha●●ta leaden who so listeth let him read in Lullius in his booke of quint essence The spirit or quint essence of vitriol is cōmended of certaine men against the falling sicknesse and Apoplexia or the benumninge of the sences The spirit of gold against the diseases of the lyuer The spirit of ●irall againste the stone of the raines and bledder But of these and certaine other we shall speake hereafter amongste oyles of metals and otherwhere Of diuers kindes of Aqua vitae composed VVAters of life composed are proprelye called when as certaine medicins are stieped in the veri Aqua vitae and destilled together improperly when as they are put to after not destilled together Ther be also waters of vertue or golden as they cal thē when as the medicins stieptfirst not in Aqua vitae but in wine but of which we wil write hereafter certain of these haue many things commun w t those that we describe here sauing that they are les vehement and les hoat and drye Sum sortes of aqua vitae are commaūded to be made simpely putting the medicines into y ● aqua vitae other into aqua vitae thrys or foure tymes destilled Sum there bee also to whome a certaine tyme of infusion or digestiō is prescribed as xiiii daies c. Sum are put in punned in the beginning ▪ other hoal and broken after a certain daies fermentacion and stieping Sum are destilled on ly once other twys or thrys And sum only in Balneo Mariae other in Balneo Mariae once ortwys thirdly in ashes as that which Vlsta describeth xlvi chap. although there is nothing elles done but infusiō in wyne In the same authour .xliiii. chap. Aqua vitae is described to be destilled thrys the first water wherof is called Blessed the secōd Aqua vitae the third the mother of balm Againe the destillatiō of certain is repeted twys or thrys that the water first destilled be always powred again vpon his groundes or dregges as Vlstad teacheth in the .xlix. and .lvi. chap. Also sum are commaunded to be drawen out with a slow fyre in Balneo Mariae Other in the same with a strong fyre as the the water described in Vlstadius xlvi chap. Many tymes in the first destillacion only freshe herbes and freshe seedes are put with the aqua vitae and dry swiet smelling thinges spyces and other also hony is added after to the water drawen out of the herbes or seedes and then are they destilled again afterward amber moske and camphora put vnto it thirdly folding the limbeck euery fote with moyst clothes with the whytes of egges and bran together Reade Vlstad li. chap. and .lvi. Concerning the matter none almoste is composed without spices vnto diuers also swiet smelling herbes are added vnto some bothe the flowers and the siedes sumtymes also other destilled waters Also malmsey hony sugar figes To conclude vnto some hoale peces of golde I suppose it to be added in vain except it be quēshed in the liquor But all thies thinges shall appeare more plain by examples Vlstadius described .xiiii. kindes of aqua vitae composed whiche we let pas because of breuitie shortnes We reade in Vlsta the .liii. chap. of aqua vitae with spices and hony c to be destilled in Balneo Mariae and an other lykewyse but without hony the .liiii. chap. Vlstadius describeth a certain marueilous aqua vitae in the .lvi. chap. First he bids to digest diuers freshe and new medicines in Balneo Mariae xiii daies in aqua vitae powred vnto them then to bee destilled in ashes with a slow fire After he addeth spyces and other dry thinges and bids digest thē xiiii daies and destill them again in Balneo Mariae Afterward he added camphoram rhabarb safron amber and mosch If so be it saith he thou wilt haue the water yet better put vnto it certain precious and costly powders or spyces of confections made of amber made of mosen made of precious stones c. and a fewe ducates of the fynest gold with halfe a pounde of sugar and thou shalt digest it three daies in warm water of Balneo Mariae
afterwarde destill it by a filtrum or list of wollen cloth in croked glases well clayed so that the one glas stand higher then the other And this saith he is the moste excellent Aqua vitae amōgst all other An aqua vitae whiche may be a remedy against the moste part of diseases put rosemary cinamō geloflowers ginger and maces and two or three peces of gold whiche will bee neuer a whit the wors for being thus vsed into aqua vitae foure tymes destilled Vse this water .iiii. tymes destilled morning and euenyng before slepee It dryueth awaye dyuers kyndes of diseases and restoreth youthe What aqua vitae can dooe wherein rosemary is stieped see hereafter where we make mencion of oyle of rosemary Take three vnces of Dianthos made with sugar put it in three poundes of wyne three dayes or in water of wyne destilled once for olde men that is that whiche cummeth furth first not that whiche runneth last moreouer lette it be destilled by a Filtrum Sum destil it in a lymbeck and keepe it vnto their vse Sum mixt the thyrd parte of Rosatae nouellae that they may asswage the heat and dryth of the Dianthos An aqua vitae against pestilence Take Rewe Sage the floures of lauendula maioran wormwod rosemary red roses blessed thistle pimpernell Tormentill valerian the beryes of Iuniper beries of baies terrae sigil that is groūd sill bole armoniack prepared of euery one two drames Dictamni angelica bistorta the bark of citron melissa commonly called baulm zeduaria inulae cam gentian rhaponticum or centory of euery one thre drames Coriander prepared flowers of borage buglose sandali or saunders whyt and red the sede of sorell basill rewbarbe ben whyte and read the graines of paradisi peper of euery one a dram and a halfe ginger two drammes Cinnamon saffrō spyces of confections against pestilence electuarii liberatis lectuarii of precious stones diamoschi y ● is swiet diacameron diambre diarhodon abbatis laetificantis Almansoris of euery one a dram Calami arom egloflowers maces nutmegges cubeba rum cardamomi galingall agallochi of euery two scrup The bon of the hart of a hart spiknard cam phora of euery one halfe a dram eight leaues of gold half a scrup of mosch chosen triacle .iiii. vnces Mithrida●ii two vnces Sublimated and rectified wyne two quartes Destill thē in a limbeck Aqua vite against pestilence proued and vsed with great and marueilous succes by a certain physicion of our tyme of Solodurn in Heluetia the yere of our Lord. 2547. In so much that scarsly euery tenth of them that receiued it died TAke the best perles Hyacinct of the east mother of perles corall whyte and read of euery one .ii. ounces halfe an ounce of the horne of an vnicorn saffron mirhe Boli armon terrae sigillatae zedoriae Venetae wode of aloes euory Mithridatii triacle of Alexandria chosen cinnamon ben white and red the barke of a citron and the sedes of euery one two ounces al sortes of saunders of euery one an ounce a half The litle bones of y e harte of a hart .xii. of them the kirnels of peony beries of iuniper of ether .xl. Conserue of buglos ii ounces The rotes of tormentil cōmon dictāni inulae astrantia selandine cōmon Lybistici morsus diaboli ari Valeriane that kind of Saxifrage whiche the Germans call bibinel angelica of the rotes of euerye one of these hearbes .ii. ounces Sage Scabious Rew wild mint peny royall the les centauri Wormwode white Rooses and Red of euerye one a handfull Liquors destilled of Rosemary Gentian Melissa or baulme Betain wilde Roses sonchos or cicerbita called sowthistle or gose thistle of the Dutch menne or blessed thistle hyssope floures of Burrage bigger plantaine floure Deluice of euerye one .v. ounces These thus gathered together take the liquors of them destilled in Balneo Mariae accordinglye and mingle them with the best old Elseter wine or rather wyth .iiii. poundes of Aqua vitae vi times destilled put them in a stronge cucurbita of glasse that wil hold .iiii. good ale quartes which thou shalt claye well and let it stande in Balneo Mariae iiii daies Afterwarde then thou shalt burne the hyacinctes coralles Pearles and mother of perles into pouder as men do lim grind them vpon marble diligently til thou canst fele no roughnes in the pouder Put thys pouder into some vessell and make it with Rose water into a liquor what so euer remaineth sharp or rough which is not mixt with the water grinde it again and wash it the second time A man maye resolue the coralles into water when they are once pund or ground setting them in the iuice of Berberies which way is better thē the other After this beat the rotes meanly and likewise the sedes of the iuniper and paeony the herbes thou shalt cut Afterwarde put the herbes rotes and precious stones moystened and made liquid with the Rose water into a strong glasen cucurbita that will holde sixe great ale quartes there about I ges .vi. Dutche mooses to bee which I thinck he meaneth by Mēsuras and pour vpon them the Aqua vitae whych is dygested wyth the destylled liquors in Balneo Mariae and when the cucurbita is defended closed round about with clay of wisdom put it into a pit digged in a moyst place as in som celler vnder th earth .ii. cubits diep iiii cubites or there aboute wide and lōg which thou shalt fil with hors dūg and lime strawed and laid by courses now one lai er of the one now an other of the other til it be .ii. fote aboue the pit In the midst hereof thou shalt let the cucurbita stand for a monthe then take the dung away by little and litile and the matter whiche it conteineth to be destilled thou shalt destribute it into .vi. les cucurbitas and destil them in Balneo Mariae with so slow a fire that from the falling of one drop til the falling of an other thou maiste tell one .ii. iii .iiii. till thou come at ten For thou must in any wise take hede that the bath be not to hot whē the destillacion is once ended stur the dregs that be left in euery one of the cucurbitas with a sticke moderatlye and poure the water that is drawne oute of them in againe and destill them again with a slow fire as before When this destillacion is once ended pour out all the dregs and distribute the liquors gathered in .vi. cucurbits into .ii. cucurbits of .iii. greate ale quartes a pece and destill them in Balneo Marie gentlelye So hast thou a treasure and an incomparable remedye againste the pestilence The vse thereof is bothe to preserue and also to cure prouokynge a sweete after the drinking therof So sone as any manne perceiueth him selfe enfected with the pestilence so that it bee wythin xxiiii houres that it enfecteth hym for after that tyme there is
Balneo Mariae must be destilled again He willeth a sponefull of this water to be drunke euery day for the space of a moneth and the leprous places to be anoynted therwith They say it purgeth bloud dissolueth the congeled bloud and chaungeth the hoole temperature of the body and if a mā may beleue it it cureth well nye all diseases An aqua vitae of a certain practicioner cōposed after a singular and excellent preparation for diuers diseases Take crow fote iuae moschatae sage the tender crope of ebulus betony saint Iohns wurt germander maioram chamepityos organy peniroyal hyssop rew caryophyllatae gentiā roūd aristolochia of euery one halfe a handful Polypody squinātum or schoenoanthū spike cassiae ligneae folii of euery one a dram halfe a dram of bay beries two drames of chamaemall The kernelles of peeches balhamitae pimpernell selandin agrimony of euery one two vnces Rosemary an vnce Dictamni tormentil scabiosus whyte of euery one foure vnces an vnce a halfe of the great bursied Anissiede fenel serpyllum or sauery alkekengi iumper beries persely of euery one halfe an vnce Sauin cresses of ether halfe a handfull Carui cumin water withy of euery one half a dram Cineris vespertilionis tamariscus the route of y e floure deluce with y e flowers of euery one halfe an vnce Make a pouder of all these which shal be deuided into .vi. partes wherof thou shalt put one part in Aqua vitae thrise destilled and let it stand to sower or to be seasoned a naturall day then destil it afterward stiepe an other part of the pouder in this destilled water and destil it likewise And so forth euery one of the other partes when they are all stiepte destill them likewise and keepe the laste liquor Then take nutmegges Mace cardamonium folium cinnamon zedoarie of euerye one iii. ounces Agallochu Saunders white and red of euerye one two ounces one ounce of the bones of hartes hartes one ounce of olde Triacle ginger amomum cubebe and the graines of paradise Galangal peper of euery one .iiii. ounces one ounce or more of chosen Muscke at the leaste not les then half an ounce Pun all these and put them in the forsaide water .iii. daies then destyll thē againe with a slow fire in Balneo Marie thrise alwaies pouring the water drawn forthe vpon y ● dregs At length ad vnto this liquor half a pinte of mooste cleare oyle of Oliues and as muche of the best honye clarified and when they haue standed quietlye destill them as afore saide This lyquor is good for the headache fallinge sicknesse frensye swindle or turnsicknes duskishnes of the sight lack of hearing stuffing of the brest the disease of the hart called cardiaca also against poysō gout of the hands or fete gutta arthrîtis It purgeth blud it taketh away al agues of cold causes it strengtheneth the stomack It cureth the col●k the debility of holding the vrin the obstruction stopping of the splene and liuer the swelling and watry dropsy and all diseases bred of cold causes To conclude it is a most chosen remedy for the cōseruacion of y e body They geue men to drink ther of half a philberd full in a cup of pure white wine An other A pounde of clarified hony halfe a pound of Aqua vitae iii. ounces of ligni aloes ii vnces of gum Arabick Nutmegs Galengal cubebae cinnamon mastik cloues spicknard musk of euery one .iii. drams ii drams of amber beat all these together when they are mixt wyth y e moistures destil thē This water helpeth the stinking breth maketh the tethe white it cureth y e deafnes and tineā capitis it healeth al woundes if you dip a linnen cloth therin lay it vpon the wound To cōclude it cōserueth youth reuoketh y e beuty lost A water of great vertue in the palsy whyche a certain frend let me haue the knowledge of as a thing known by trials and profe Cloues galangall zedoaria nutmegs both kindes of pepper iumper beries and bay beries the bark of the Citrō and arantii white ginger sage leaues basill rosmary maiorā mint peny royal gentian y e flours of sambucus red Roses and white spik lignum aloes cardamomum cubebae calamus aromaticꝰ stichas Arabica germander chamaepytis maces Mercury the sede of mugwort or motherwort carikes passulae dates without the stones almonds swiet and sour pinapples of euery one a dram both the kinds of camfrey tasil ben white red of euerye one .ii. drams Scolopendra a dram a half half a dram of Laureola v. drās of whit hony .iii. poūds of triacle suger Mithridatum of ether .iiii. vnces Six poūds of Aqua vitae destilled iiii times Let them be destilled in a double vessell with a slowe and continual fire til the colour be chaunged thē chaunge the receiuer and do that thrise Tvvo compositions of Aqua vite oute of the boke of Raimundus Lullus of waters IN the cōposed waters of life folowing althoughe Raymundus do not expresse whether wine or burning water ought to be put to the medicins that they mai be destilled together yet we haue thoughte good to rehers them in this place because Raimundus seemeth vtterlye to wyll these medicines to be destilled in burning water thē in wine as one that alloweth euery where the more perfect liquors the oftest destilled Take the rotes of fenell rusci maidenheare sperage Rapes parsellye eryngii mill of the sunne scariolae of euerye one like much mixt them and destill them wyth a slowe fyre It appeareth that thys liquor is good to prouoke vrine and against the stone An other Take cloues Nutmegs mastik doronicum zedoaria galingal long peper y e bark of citron sage sambucus that is elder perauenture it shoulde be samsuchus that is Maioram dill spiknard Wood of Aloes cubebe cardamonuum Lauendula Mint Peniroyal organy calamus aromaticus both kindes of sticas germander chamepytis of euerye one like much and a litle muske Pun them and destil them The vertues be all one wyth simple Aquavite but farre more effectuall Or the same that are attributed before to other waters of life composed of many medicines Then foloweth a water composed of manye colde medicines not in hys place as it semeth which I made mencion of before in the colde quint essence Afterward is placed a most perfect Aqua vite as he calleth it that is because it is composed of verye manye thinges and that most hot Take Euphorbium Serapinū opopanax pyretrum Capers squinanthum spodium bdellium long peper and white or blacke cubebe castoreum zedoaria of euery one equal portions to the which thou shalt put good Mastick and a little Amber Saffron and of the bone of a hartes hart Also take all the thinges aforsaide in the composed waters and let them be destilled with a slowe fire For it is a merueilous water the mother and chief of all medicines whose vertues are
merueilous and innumerable against al colde diseases It is made in this wise c. he describeth streight way the maner of destilling biserpentins as they call them he addeth also other thinges which all do agree with the simple Aqua vite in so much that I suppose the boke to be corrupted by the fault of the Printer VVhat medicines be mixt vvith Aqua vitae without any destillation first within the body then without MAny times instrumentes time or cost faileth a man that those medicines whose strength he wold haue in his aqua vitae as though it were by a certain metempsy chosin y ● is a transposinge of the soules or principal vertues he can not mixt them with it by destilation whiche onely waye is the chief and best of al other to mixt thinges together for both by disgestiō as though it were a preparation in a moderat heat first one mixture is made then in destillation twyse as muche first of the vapours by the least and moste pure partes of the spirites then by dropes when they gather together into water but circulatiō is it that bringeth a perfectnes and absolutnes to all mixtures and without doubt no mixtur that men deuise or inuent can more properly and ny imitate the naturall mixture whiche is plain by this argument taken of the ende and effect for thinges prepared in this wyse and mixed do les corrupt then by any other meanes and hauing gotten a certain moste simple and moste pure substaunce that they seme to the sence to be simple and of an airy or a fytte substaunce they attain vnto a certain incorruptiō as nye as may be This is euidēt loke how much any thyng shall haue the partes wherof it consisteth les exactly and throughly mixt so muche the nerer it is to corruption whiche first and chiefly in those bodies that are called met●ora that is thinges bred on hy in the firmamēt moreouer in many other thinges mixed ether by nature or by arte is easy to be vnderstanded But for so muche as in so diuers states of men sum for one hinderaunce sum for an other thei can not alwayes folow that whiche is best if quint essence can not be made at the least the second or the third or as many as may be let the destillacions be repeted with a slow fire for any mixture is done better by litle and litle and slowly then sodenly and violently And if a man can not destill together with the aqua vitae the medicines whose strengthe he desyreth to mixt with it yet at the least wyse let them be broken and stiept a whyle in it for it draweth vnto it the vertues of all thinges that are put in it There is a booke of Arnoldes de villa noua or rather of Rogerius whiche I haue written wher in is declared particularly to what diseases and sicknesses what medicines ought to be put to sooke into aqua vitae for euery part of the body which he doth attribute to the twelue signes of y e zodiak It is well knowen in many ages hitherto that gentian is the best preseruatiue against certaine moste greuous diseases and poysons but sum vse to power the pouder of the same with burning water as muche more effectual into the throotes of beastes whome they knowe or thinke to be hurte with poyson in their meet or drinke or els by byting or stinging and if gentian can not be gotten the burning water by it selfe To the remedy of certain sicknesses of man specially of the bulke or brest apomeli may be put for both certain men coūt it otherwise for dainty to haue apomeli mixt with burning water also a toost of breed mixt therwith many take for a breekfast A mā may also against diuers sicknessess giue men to drinke the water of gentiā artificially destilled with wyn mixt after with apomeli or swiet hypocras Wormwood wyn most excellent sum make on this wyse they power to the leaues of wormwod specially when it is dried the best burning water and so much malmsey Of this they take a little sponefull and mixt with a litle draught of wyn so giue it to drinke So is it made by and by and effectually and is long preserued I my self gaue it once to drinke for the colick and had good succes The same meanes a man may vse also in other as wel herbes as spices c. For both the vertue is drawen out so in a short space and the drink is also the more plesaunt and besides that it may be kept long inough Grien aqua vitae Take Melissa called baulm balsamita dried both in the shadowe of the first .iii. vnces of the other two vnces put them into .iiii. poundes of aqua vitae destilled fowre tymes in Balneo Mariae eight daies then vse it ether alone or mixting with it other kyndes of aqua vitae composed to comforte the stomake The herbes must bee dried in the shade that the colour may bee made grien and moste beutifull For if a man dry them in the sun the water shall proue darke as the iuice of any other herbe Vlstad lvi chap. A man may also dy it with other colours whiche may encrease both the grace of y e coloure and the strength of the medicin as with saffron with red or yallow parsnipes dried Sum put to it in summer black sower cheries whereby also the tast is made more plesant and the heet is les perauenture moor asswaged Sum put into burning water mint cut beaten and set it in the sun foure daies or fiue then sighe it and set it in the sun again With this they wiet the tip of their noos against corrupt and pestilent ayre ¶ Hereafter will I put the vse of burning water with other medicines without the body Many mixt a litle burning water with hoot oynmentes as Martiatum Arragon dialthaea at suche tyme as they should vse them and wil them so to be annoynted vpon the griefes A water that norysheth and restoreth the heat of the brayn wherewith the head is to be rubbed Two vnces of aqua vite Moschocarium Cloues maioram cubebe long peper of euery one halfe a dram When they are pound mixt them and rub them vpon the head a certain space Sum put to it a scruple of euphorbium Epiphanius a practicioner other put to other smellinge and hoot things as sage six vncees rew ginger graynes of paradys cinnamum flowers ot rosemary the bark of a citron of euery one half an vnce an vnce of oyle de bay a dram of spik a dram and a half of castoreum And in a destilled liquor they hang mosch amber of ether of thē a graine Thys they say is good to annoynt the hed and also with the smell it putteth away the palsy and apoplexia A merueylous water of the same mannes for the impostumes or botches of the priuye members Three yolkes of egges hard rosted and cut small pun them in
half of the sede of Darnell for the space of .ii. daies let them be destilled An other causing slepe Take the seede of Darnell a pound half a pound of the sede of Henbane ii poundes of the sede of Purslan iii. vnces of the sede or rote of Mandrag as muche of Alkekengi whē they are pund pour to thē a poūd of y e iuice of benes turned vp set down as much of the rotes or leues of Henbane half a pound of the iuyce of the leaues of black popy or if it be lacking or red minister an ounce of this water when it is destilled It is vehement and of great vertue A water called stony y e third of Aegidiꝰ becaus it breketh y e stone The sede of Pimpernel Petroselini Apii Ari otherwis Caryophylli Musterd sede leuing out Aro the bur also Apii bothe the herb the rote for the sede is named before burs Mastiches of eueri one like much whē thei ar wel pūd let thē be mixt w t the blud of a linx otherwis a he Gote better a little Vineger poured to it let thē stand a few daies in a vessel wel closed and thē at the last let them be destilled It is good for thē that be troubled with the stone what manner of stone so euer it be red white sharpe or plane if so be it the stone be confirmed gathered to some strēgth let the paciēt drink of this water eueri dai for so shal it be brokē brought into sād If so be icabd heds be washt once a day w t this water thei shal be made hole new heere 's shall spring the scabs shal be cured within .ix. dais otherwise any kind of scabs washt therw t is made hole w tin .iii. or .iiii. dais If it be drōk fasting it maketh good blud good colour more thē any other medicin merueilouslye it strengtheneth the sinewes and taketh away the falling sicknes if it be drūk twise a day Otherwise is added It heleth clene y e palsy if it be not dead in y e mēbres Aegidius Lullꝰ An approued vvater for the sores of the raines and bladder by the cardinall of Tutellis CAudae equinae plantain red roses the grains of Alkekēgi the rotes of holy hok shauen or scraped licoris of eueri one an vnce Iuiubarū Sebestē of ether of thē .vi. drās bol armoniak half an vnce iiii cummen sedes could great clēsed of euery one .iii. drās the sede of white popy .vi. drās half an ounce of cytoniorum of the thinnest of gotes milk .vi. pound Let thē stand .ii. daies in the infusion or soking and after let them be destilled Geue the sick to drinck .iiii. vnces warm so longe as the disease continueth Epiphanius Empiricus An other water composed the second amongst the waters of Aegidius it is red of also in y e booke of Lullus of waters Rue Satyrion with y e hauds and stones Selandin otherwise Rue Agrimony Satyrion Chelidoni Suger otherwise Tutia the stone called Calaminaris al of like weight pūd must be destilled with a slow fire This water excelleth in many vertues No disease of the eyes is so obstinate and great but it wil vanish awai and geue place to this medicin Being drunke it dryueth away all poyson other taken wyth meates for so it auoydeth the poyson by vomit It cureth y e dropsy it purgeth the stomak from al ill humors it quencheth y e holy fire in one day if flax dipt in it be laid vpō y e sore It is good also against y e fire of a blak disposiciō white without or as a certain Dutch boke hath against y e inward heat of y e fire for if it appere red w tout it shal in no wise be conuenient to lay on a plaster It healeth the canker if aloes be mixt with it and a little towe of hempe dipt in it be laid like a plaster vpō it twise a day A water composed the fyrste amongste Aegidius waters HIssop peny royal Charyo Cikory of euery one a drā let them be pūd destilled After take tutiae persly of Alexan. Rue Zedoaria aloes the stone called calaminaris of euerye one a dram when they are pund sieth thē in y e forsaith water till y ● third part be wasted the liquor streyned with a cloth thou shalt kiep it in a glas diligently closed nyne days otherwyse .xl. Afterward let it be giuen in drink euery day in the morning before day other wyse by the space of .x. daies to the sick fasting It is proffitable against the falling sicknes if he that takes it continue fasting after it six houres And truly it is a moste effectuall remedy It heeleth al resolucion of the sinewes and the members are strengthened therby If it be drunck with Castorium it is good against all goutes whiche hath not taken rout yet in the members If it be drunk ix daies together fasting it puttes away all maner of agues what matter soeuer it cum of if it be drunk .ix. daies euery morning early This water is also moste profitable to wash woūdes in which the sinues are cut An other of Aegidius the .ix. in number otherwyse they call it double The siede of Apii the sied of whyt Popy Apii ginger otherwise The sied of Apii whyte Popy sugar Carioph of euery one equall weght Pund in a morter put to it conseruatiue water that is destilled of persely and destill it This is the chiefest remedy for the cough and brest ill at eas If a man drinke it coulde fasting and in the euening as hoot as he can If it be drunken hoot with Castorio it is good against the disease called Apoplexia it healeth also the mēbers sicke of the Palsy if so be the Palsy be not deed in the mēbers It bringeth sliep rest easly it chereth all the members it driueth away il humors and strengtheneth the heed and the brayne An other the sixe in number amongst Aegidius waters Gladiolus Hyssop Sauin Sothernwood otherwys the sied of Sothernwood leuing out Sauin I like it not of euery one lyke much beate them together and let it stand a certain daies thē destill it This water is of greet strēgth It with standeth all agues both hoot and cold It prouoketh wemens floures if it be drunk thrys but it is hurtfull to wemen with chyld and will destroy it It stauncheth the bluddy flyx and other flyx I would say rather that it styreth bloud rather euery where then to stop an other booke speeketh of nothing but stopping the flix of the bely It purgeth y e stomack frō ill humors It killeth worms being drunken fasting it cureth al the grief with Castorio it heeleth the palsy if it be drunke daily very hoot within .iii. daies The same descriptiō fynd I in the booke of Lullus of waters A vvater agrinst the Pestilence c. of the bloud of a Wether or gelded Ram out of a certain Duche
for the space of a natural daye that is xxiiii houres then let them be stilled in a limbeck The water that shal first run out is cōpared vnto syluer the second vnto gould the third vnto baulm and this must bee diligently kepte in a glas Lullius A water for all the diseases of the eies that bee curable out of Aegidius and Lullius we haue described it before emongest the waters composed for diuers inward diseases A water composed for the eyes About the beginning of May gather Selandyn Veruin Rewe Fenell pun them seuerally and take .iii. vnces of the iuice of euery one of them then mixt them put to a litle of the grien braunches as the Frenche men call them the Pampes of Roses .iii. vnces of sugar candy .iiii. vnces of the best Tutia and as muche of Dragons bloud Whē all thies ar pund thou shalt mixt them together and destill them in alymbeck of glas The liquor that rūneth forth thou shalt let stande .ii. or .iii. daies in a receiuer then vse it It is of great vertue for eyes that bee ill at ease red or haue the web in the eye The water of the vyn together with hony sublimated by the fyre cureth the bleerednes of the eyes specially The munkes in Mesuen That is the water of the vyn say they whiche in vere the spryng tyme when the vynes are cut destilleth very cleer out of the places that are cut for certain daies This water without any destillacion putteth away the prickings and heet of the eyen and clarifieth the sight hindred by a hoot cause if a man put in both the corners of the eye one drop Rogerius A water or an oyll made of Sponsa solis sharpeneth the sight and cureth any disease of the eyes within fyue daies c. read after emongst the decking waters emongste them that be ordeined to the dying of the heare A water for eies in sōmer to preserue the sight described by Io. Maynardus in his Epistles the .vi. iiii Three partes of Roses the herbs of Fenel and Rue of ether one part and let them be wel mixte together and after .iii. daies let a water be destilled other in onlye vapour of siething water or in the sun or in Balneo Mariae as they cal it so that a handful of the same herbes better if they be dried in mine opinion be put into the receiuing vessel that the drops maye fall vpon them and the mouth of the receiuer and the nose of the vpper vessel must be diligētly ioyned together and closed that the vapors may not get oute Certaine vvaters for the eyes out of Rogerius FIl a stilful of the leaues of Agrimony Veruin Fennel Rue Memitha Leuisticus cut sprinkle vpon it a little white and cleare wine and destyll it in claied vessels This liquor represseth the swellinge of the eie lids of a colde cause it drieth vp the blearednes it stoppeth the flowinge of teares it cleareth the sight breaketh bleamishes or spottes I suppose he meaneth cornes or Pearles If thou wilt haue it stronger to breake spots or perls ad vnto it Gallitricum and Morsum Gallinae anagallis with red floures A man may get a water oute of Fenell also for the same causes For a liquor gathered of y e rotes and leaues of Fenell sod in water with a basen laid vpon the water while it yet sietheth is kept in a phiall and one drop is put in the corner of y e eie euery dai morning and euening for the forsaid causes by commun experience To breake the spot or perle mixt with the forsaid waters myrhe and Aloes pund put a drop of the liquor streined in ether corner of the eye early and late A water destilled of the floures of white thorn and willow putteth awaye prickinges heates or rednes of the eyes it stoppeth teares comming of a hot cause and breaketh the spottes or pearles of the same cause A water of the leaues flours of Eufragia stoppeth teares comming of a cold cause and maketh slender the eie lids that swell of the same cause it breaketh spots or pearles of the same cause and restoreth the sight that hath any impediment I wold say that Enphrag did not heate but wer temperate or els doth coule moderatly in the first degree and drieth in the second An excellent water for the debility of the sight described by Gordonius Take Selandin Fennell Rue water withy of the mountain Eufrage Veruin red Roses chosen of euery one a half pounde lib. s Cloues Longe Peper of ether two ounces When they are brused together destill them in a limbecke of glasse wyth a slowe fyre and put of it euery daye in the eyes An other of the same mans for Fistulaes which it is certaine it wyll heale Two pounde of good white wine destilled in the same vessell that Aqua vitae is the water of Rosemarye Sage of euerye one .v. poundes Suger .ii. pound when they are destilled againe put to them an ounce of Sage and as much of Rosemary When they are stiepte together eyghte dayes thou shalt strayne it and vse it A water for the Cancar in what part of the bodye so euer it be The herbe called Cancar which is also called Doue foote the floures of Quinces the floures of Cerifolium the bowes or leaues of the Breer Idaea which the frenchmen cal Frambosia and a few white Roses hony and white wine and the Alum whyche the Frenche men name of glasse Let all theese be destilled together Andreas Furnerius A water of a Moldwarpe c. for all kynde of Gutta or drop noli me tangere scalles of the head the roose drop and the wolfe reade afterwarde amongste the trimming or deckinge waters wher the waters inuented for the dyinge of heare are rehearsed We wyll referre amongste the trimmyng waters also those waters wherwith whelkes and little Pushes or Biles in the face are made hoale Of vvaters of svviet sauoure DIuers waters are made for the onli delectation of smel to sprinckle vppon the hands the face and heare bothe of theyr head and beard also vpon their linnen napkins or handkerchiefs garmēts as wel that they weare as also their bed clothes wherunto it communicateth the pleasauntnesse of ●auour not only by sprinkling but also when it is hot by the vapoure Roose water also comes in vre to sauces of meates and onlye it as I thincke of all these kynde of waters for it is receyued bothe to season meates and is poured vppon rosted fleshe whyles it is yet hotte c. But of smellinge waters some are moore symple some composed of manye thynges Vnto bothe of them waters of vertue whyche oure countrye men call Golden may be ioyned and reckened for of these some are more simple other composed But golden waters for the mooste parte all are receiued wythin the bodye and all are made wyth hearbes or spyces infused in wine or burninge water Smellinge waters as we call them simplelye otherwise as it
shall be plaine by the example followinge Againe smellinge waters are ether destilled hoole or els after the destyllacion certaine precyous smelling thinges are added vnto them Som are made without any destillacion at all The Pouder of the Floure Deluce mixte wyth hotte water maketh it to smell and is vsed of Barbers The Floures of Lauendula or Lauender and muche rather of that whiche is communly called Spick both grien and drye are put into water or wyn or burning water in a vessel wel stopt set in the sun that thei may infect it with their smell But if they be yet fresh moyst they turn the wyn almoste into vynegar which if they be dry they do not so The liquor shal be made the more smelling if the flowers bee dryed in the sun in a glas closed and afterward whyt wyne be put to it If so be it a man desyer to haue a swiet water forthwith and by and by let him put a drop or two of oyle of Spick vnto a good deele of pure water and chauf it together in a glas with a narow mouth Al thies although they be made with out destillacion the same notwithstanding being right destilled specially if certayn other thinges be mixt with thē other precious ▪ as Muske Ambra ziuet Caphura Agallochū or meaner thinges as Assadubis Styrap and Stacte Myrh or any other spyces chiefly cloues or elles thinges of les estimation as Roses the barkes of flowers or leaues of Orenges Lymons Arentii Bay leaues commun swiet herbes Rosemary Amaracus Basill c. they shal be made much the swieter Saffron is to strong and stuffeth the heed Rosevvater vvith muske Saffron Cloues Caphura out of Bulcasis WIth Musk Put a croun of good Musk beten in two poūdes of Rosewater in the bely of a glas still And destill it by litle litle then put it in a glas well stopt It is a water marueilous swiet and conuenient for a king that their clothes may be sprinkled therwith With Saffron Put half an vnce of good Saffron in two poundes of Rose water for the space of one day and destill it This water is holsom to be mixt with medicins also for smel garnishing With Cloues Put half an vnce of Cloues beten in a pound and a halfe of Rose water .xxiiii. houres and destill it With Caphura Destill an vnce of Caphura w t a poūd of rosewater vse it in medicines for kings After the same maner is Roosed water made with Saunders and other spices swiet smelling what so euer a man will Sum destill all thies in pure water in stede of Rosewater A thre leued herb thei cal it Tribulū at Rome an herb most swiet of sauor which they destil for per fumes and to make diuers other wanton swiete sauoures The munkes in Mesuen A water of swiet sauour wherwith the strengthes of the heed hart and stomacke are reuiued ▪ foure handfull of the flowers of Lauendula Roses whyte and red of ether two handful Rosemary Caryophyllata newe and freshe Cyperus the barke of Citranguli of euery one a handful Mint Sage Tym Bay leues or Peny royall of euery one halfe a handfull .iiii. vnces of Cloues Galingall Nucis mosch Calamus Aromaticus Ginger Cinamon the flowers I thinke better the rootes of flower deluce of euery halfe an vnce Six poundes of whyte wyne or q. s that is as much as shall suffise When they are pund let thē be put into a glas well closed for the space of eight daies afterward vse them It is excellent to wash the handes if thou mixt a litle of it with a great dele of pure water A mā may vse it also destilled put in a scruple of musk Epiphanius Empericus An other of the same mans delectable with a maruelous swietnes of sauour ziuet Muske of ether a dram let it be tyed in a fyne linnen cloth let it be set to sooke in two poundes of Rose water a few daies in the sun An other of the same mans of a very swiet sauour Basill Mint Samsuchum or Maioram flower deluce Hyssop Balsamita I take it to be Sisymbrium Sauery Sage Melissa Lauender Rosemary of euery one halfe a handfull Cloues Cinamon Nutmegges of euerye one an vnce The pome Citrangula of the kynd of Citriorum the figure of an egg of a yeloowe wax colour iii. or .iiii. Let them be beeten and set .iii. daies in rose water then let them be destilled with a slowe fyre When the destillatiō is finished put to a scruple of Muske and set it in the sun An other of the same mans of most excellent sauour Thre poundes of Rosewater Cloues Cinamō Saūders Citrinorū of euery one .vi. drā .ii. handful of the flowers of Lauender .vi. drās of Assa dulcis Malmsey Aqua vitae of ether .ii. vnces Let it stand a moneth to soke in y e sun wel closed in a glas or vpon y e top of a furnace of a stouf Then destil it in Balneo Mariae and at half a drā of Muske to the destillacion Then let it stand .x. dayes in the sun or aboue the fornace so vse it It is marueylous pleasaunt in sauour VVaters of svviet sauour of Andreas Furnerius in his Frenche booke of the garnishyng of mans nature A Water of wonderous swietnes for the perfuming of the shietes of a bed wher by the hooll place shal haue a moste plesaunt sent Put into a litle phial of glas xviii or .xx. graines of Musk and ziuet and a litle of Ambra After filled full of Rosewater set it ouer the fyre and when it is hoot take it away thē let it stande to coule well cloosed after you haue let it stand soo a two daies you may vse it from thence forward It is as good as though it were destilled When thou wilt perfume thy shirt or other linnen put it in a vessell with a wyde mouth and spreed the clothes vpon it boyling that they may drinke vp the vapour and breth of it An other maner of swiet water whiche men call Cassoleptam that is Capsula Power into sum litle vessell of laton a litle Rosewater made with muske and a litle ziuet and Cloues Agallochum styrap calamita when they are all pund against a fyre mixt them and perfume any clothes that ye will with the vapour ascending there from It is a marueilous swiet sauour whiche if thou wilt kepe close the vessell diligently and when thou thinkest good put more Rosewater vnto it that it may be renued An other Thou shalt put into .iiii. poundes of Roosewater Assa dulcis somewhat grose beaten Stirax and Cloues Camphora Agallocum of euery one an vnce Musck Siuet of ether of thē xx grains Put these together in a glas shit with a parchment prickt through with .x. or .xii. small holes and let the vessel boile .iiii. houres in a kettle ful with water as thoughe it were in Balneo Mariae After when it is cold straine it throughe a
fine linnen cloth and kepe it in a glas in y e which v. grains of Muske shal be put which once moistened and stieped with the water thou shalt stop the glas and set it in the sunne .v. daies So shalt thou haue a wonderful well smelling water A swiet water and vnknown wherof one part mixte with .x. partes of pure water maketh the hoole moste swiet .xx. graines or there aboute of Muske as the smel therof pleaseth the moore or les Nutmegs Cloues Galingal Spikenarde graines of paradise Mace Cinamō of euery one an ounce All theese pund let them be put into a glas mete to destil in with a pound a half or ther aboute of Roosewater poured vnto it Let it stād so for the space of .iiii. or .v. dayes afterwarde put to it thryse as muche Roosewater and destill all thys in a limbecke in a kettle full of water siething as in a Balneo Mariae Thou shalt kepe the water gathered therof diligently stopt for y ● same vse that the former serueth for An other excellent water Two pound of the water of the floures of Citri One pounde of the water of red Roses of Myrtus half a pounde Of muske Roses a good quantitye likewyse of Iasmin that is to say of the floures Of cloues halfe an vnce .iii. vnces of Assa dulcis well beaten one vnce of Vernicis Styrax calamita red Styrax of ether half an vnce All these pund mixt with water thou shalt destil them in a glasen limbeck the head and the receiuer diligently closed with clay with a soft fire or in a Balneo Mariae or in a kettle full of siething water A water of most swiet sauor with y e which oyl is destilled also The last being mixt with a hundreth times as much of pure water doth sauoure it all with the swietnes therof but this with a. M times as much A pound of Myrre chosen pure new and fat beaten into smal peces half a pound of the iuyce of Rooses when they are mixte together in a limbecke let them be destilled in ashes wher first thou shalt separate the water w t a slow fire thē make y e fire bigger separat y e oyl at last deuide the water from the oyl That water maketh the face brighte It closeth woundes effectuallye as well olde as newe The oyle is mooste precyous and dothe the same thynges that the water dothe but muche sooner as for example it dothe that in an houre that the water is aboute a hoole daye An ounce of thys water destilled mixt with certain hundred times as much of pure water maketh them all notably wel smelling but an ounce of the oyle if it be put to certayne hundred poundes of pure water doth the same A certaine Roosewater made wyth Muscke whiche is required and vsed also inother compositiōs Put a .xii. graines or more of Muscke in a glas that is wide beneath and narowe aboue so closed with a parchmente set it in the sunne a iiii or .v. daies Afterwarde take an other glasse like vnto it full of Rooses dried and beaten stop y e mouth of it w t a fine thin cloth other linnē or of hear Thē put y e mouth of y e vessell y t conteineth y e roses into y e mouth of thother wherin the musk is conteined and stop it aboute diligentlye ●oyth clay and set it in the sun so that the glas with roses be the vppermost the other beneath in a windowe or other where where the heat of the sunne is vehement Thou maist also sprinkle the Roses moderatly dried and beaten with good Rose water and so put them into a still c. Thys water most swiet thou maist vse when thou wylt bothe alum and also mixt with other composicions VVaters destilled called Cosmeticall that is perteininge to garnishynge and deckinge DEstylled waters for garnishinge are deuyded also into certayne differences for some are for the face to make the coloure of it whyte ruddye bryghte to put awaye wrinckles to preserue and kepe it from Sunne burning or to abolish the spots and rusty roughnes in it Other pertain to the heares and to the chaunginge of the coloure in them Other make the tieth white Al the vse of Cosmetical and garnishing thinges oughte not to be taken for vnhonest and vndecent for a man that is wel instituted and godly mineded for Galen also the mooste famous of all phisicions prescribeth cosmeticall medicines not a few in his worcke of composicion accordinge to places and he declareth that the vse of thē is many times profitable and honest For the leudnesse of certain maried men is suche that for small and light faultes of their wiues they are turned from the loue of them vnto harlots and hores and certain faults or blemishes are such that a man of a bashful nature wold be ashamed to be sene abrode with them some also bring vexation or griefe or itch as certain whelks in the face c. I write not this vnto wemen or other men but vnto Phisicions only who should be good and discrete men y ● both otherwise they may vse these honest remeadies and medicins and chiefly whē such as these be are required of the wife 's of tried honestye of Kinges Princes and noble men More of these thinges and what the art of garnishinge wherin honest garnishinge is soughte for differs for the commeticall and deceitfull thou shalt read in Galen of composi medic sec locos the first boke 2. ch Such Cosmetical waters as be simple we wil not declare heare as be the waters of Bean floures Strawberies Dew Gotes milke Read before of the water of strawberies and of the same and other in Brunsvvick or Riffius Yea Aqua vitae hath a certain cosmeticall and garnishing vertue as we rehersed in his place Waters destilled of the leues of the peeche tree and Willowe of lyk weight mixt together do he le the red whelkes in the face the Frenche men call them rubiz being moistened therwith A spyced wyne for the garnishing of wemen whiche maketh the skin whyt fyne pure and wel coloured Put Ginger and Cinamon in wyn and destill them as Rosewater It is holsome also against all could complexions and moste against palsy Arnold in his boke of wyne A garnishing water wherwith wemen amend their thick grose skyn black and skaly or skuruy with Quick siluer sod in a raw eg c. thou maist fynd in Nicolas Massa vpon the frenche disease in his .vi. booke .ii. chapter A water for the bewtifying of the face The spume of syluer half a pounde when it is beaten sift it and in two poundes of whyte vinegar sieth it till the third part be consumed sturring it with a stick when it is sod destill it At length ad to it half an vnce of Caphura Aphronitrum oyle of Tar taro clouen Alum of euery one an an vnce strein it through a cors cloth anoynt the face and
neck Epiphanius Empericus An other of the same mans for the brightnes of the face Take Lily routes Arus Dragons of euery one whyles they be fresh half a pound half a pound of the flowers of Beenes Eigth vnces of Roosewater destill them put to it Moschocarii Cinamon of ether two drames Washe the face therwith twyse a daye A very good water of the same mans for the same vse Take flowers of Beenes bitter Almōdes the leeues of Peeche trees of euery one .iii. vnces Gootes milke as muche as of all the rest When they ar destilled put six or eight whytes of egges sod which must be mixt with the water destilled by by destil it again and mixt with it .ii. drams of Caphura A frenche water for litle moules all scalynes freckmes of the face A pound of Tartarū or lyes of wyne burnd till they be whyt Mastick Tragacātha of ether half an ●nce Sir drams of Camphora iiii whytes of egs When they are pund mixt in Rosewater let thē be destilled They cure maruelously Epiphanius Empericus A water procuring vnto the face a Rooselyke and faire colour Take a pynt of Aqua vitae thrys destilled an vnce of Prasiliū Cloues to the nūber often as many grains of Paradys fiue Cubebas when they are all pund sifted heet them a litle with Aqua vitae in a vessel diligently couered that nothyng breeth out by any meanes Afterwarde when this mixtur is could again destill it in a lēbeck of glas with a very slow fyer and thou shalt haue a good water a cleer When thou wilt vse it wiet the face skyn of the person with a sponge moistened therewith for it maketh without all doubt a Roose colour fayre and bewtifull And this dying wyll continue a long time for .ii. or iii yeares If thou canst not haue Aqua vitae take reed wyne of Rupella the best thou canst fynde about the measure of Semiloti a dutche wourd for half an vnce for they call an vnce a loot for there must be more measure of wyne then Aqua vitae But Aqua vitae is much better to the preparing of this water This water garnisheth a mans skin subtilly maruelously Out of the writen booke the author wherof is not declared A lyke vnto this shal be declared by and by out of Gordonius An other that taketh away the wrinkles spots of the face and clarifieth the skinne of whytes of egges destilled Reede before emongest the simple waters destilled in Balneo Mariae A maruelous water that putteth away Napas litle whelkes or pushes or litle teetes sum call them Napas I thinke the Italians Lupinas acorns kurnelles Porros that is wartes what euel so euer groweth in any place of the body it taketh it away ii pounds of oyl de bay whyt frankensence Mastick elect Gum Arabick cleer Tur pintyn of euery one .iii. drams When they are beten mixt altogether and destil them in a lembeck And in this water thus destilled put half a pound of Cineris terrae destil it again and kiep this water as a tresure The author is nameles But it semeth that this liquor wil be rather an oyll then a water saue only that ashes is added vnto it it migth haue bien well asscribed vnto Balmes A cosmeticall water that bewtifieth the face breeketh the stoone is described before aboute the end of the title where we entreted generally of the vertues of liquors destilled Reed also Rogerius in his fourth tretise the fift chapter ¶ Certain Cosmeticall waters for the face shalt thou fynd also by and by in the waters that folow ascribed to the heares Ther be also emōgst the Balmes hereafter which serue to garnishing Certain vvaters Destilled for the garnishing of the face out of Andreas Furnerius in his Frenche booke of the bewtifying man kynde A Water for the brightnes and whytnes of the face The flowers of whyt Rooses of water Lily Elder Lilyes the chydes take out of Beenes of the flowers of euery one of thies a pound Half a pound of the water of Strawberies Crums of whyt bred as miche as you shall thynke good .xii. whytes of egs .ii. vnces of whyte Frankensence Into all thies let Cerussa pund be put for a nightes space Let them all bee destilled in a Lembeck of glas when the water is drawen out let it bee set in the sun and washe the face therwith morning and euening so that ye wype it not An other that the face and the other partes of the body may retein a faire and youthfull form .ii. vnces of Aqua vitae the water of of Been flowers Rose water of ether .iiii. vnces of Lily water .vi. ounces when they are all mixt put to them a drā of the whitest Tragacantha After this water hath stand in the sunne .vi. daies streine it throughe a faire linnen cloth The vse of it is in the morning so that it be not wipte of An other for the brightnesse and beautye of the face A water of the whites of egges newe laide made by a spunge with like measure of the ●ice of Limons destill it as rosewater Put vnto this water afterward about .ii. ounces of communly and the limō beaten hole the skin puld of rather put it into the rest after .viii. daies wring out the iuyce from it and mixt it with water Let the face be washt first with pure water and wipt let it be washt with this water destilled It procureth an hansome beautye conserueth the skin and is vtterly the best An other which Isabella of Aragonia duches of Millen vsed knede the flour of whete Mele wyth a Sextarium almooste a pinte .xx. vnces of Gotes milke then bake the bread therof gentlelye in an ouen and draw it out afore it be to muche baked The crums of this bread cut in smal peces or els crumd betwixt ons fingers and put in other new gotes milk let it stand so .vi. houres Thou shalt mixt with it the water of .xii. whites of egs made with the spunge lime made of eg shels an ounce Camphora Suger Alum white corall of euerye ii drammes When all these are pund let them be mixt wyth the moyste thinges and destylled in a lembeck of glasse A notable good water shal com therof and most profitable to put away all vexacions growing in the face It maketh the beauty of the face as excellent as is possible to be made An other to beautifye the face The leaues of Roosemary white Tartary mixt them with whit wine and vse the water drawne oute of it by a limbecke as ye woulde do the former medicines for the same effect An other for the same Set the floures of beanes in good white wine a day or .ii. in a glas bottell then destill them wyth a softe fire The vse of it is to wash the face therwith morning and euening but you must washe it first with a decoction of Cerussa And you shal see it
shortly worke An other that taketh away al maner of spots Put into a glas like muche of Cristall and Corall with water of Limones so much that it maye couer them and be a fingers bredth aboue them Stop this vessell and put it in some colde place in the earthe as in a wine seller a fewe dayes Then caste away the shelles and wash the snailes with water somewhat salt so ofte till all their slimines be washt away Then destill them and keepe the water Afterward thou shalt draw out a water of rapes cut small by a limbeck When thou wilt vse it take a sponeful of the firste water .iiii. of the second and .iiii. of the third mixt them and washe y e face which notwithstanding must first be washt with water and wipte An other maruelous for the same purpoose Take snailes wythoute theyr shelles and washe them as is before rehersed then sprinckle an vnce of Salte otherwise salte Gemmae beaten in a glasse and put the snailes there vpon then sprinkle other Salte vppon them againe and snailes vppon that and so shall you do continuallye layinge salte vppon Snailes and Snailes vppon salte till the thyrde parte of the vessell be fylled Then poure vnto them so muche of the iuyce of Snailes that it stande aboue the salt and Snailes two fingers thicke and destyll them vse thys water as is aboue rehersed If so be it thou canst not commodiouslye destill them set them all mixt together in a cloose vessell tyll they receiue the forme of an oyntmente and that shall you vse at euenynge as the other aboue wrytten Oyntementes the face fyrste washte and wipte and the seconde daye after washe the face wyth water of Beane floures This also did I reade in the Antidotary of Gordonius An other not destilled Twelue Snailes cut euerye one in .iiii. partes put in good white wine This liquor shalt thou vse as the aforesaide It shall come to good succes After thys followeth a destylled water of a yonge Storke of the same effecte and operation whyche I described amongste the symple Medicinall waters An other manner verye good and secreate or vnknowne Sixe newe laide Egges halfe a pounde of Malmsey a yong Pigion not yet holelye fetheared Chese new from the pres y t is made of vnskimmed milcke .viii. Arantia Poma oyle of Tartaro iii. ounces an ounce of Cerussa Let thē be beaten that maye be beaten and mixte altogether that they may be destilled wyth a slow fyre The vse of this water is like the other before It maketh a fair skin fine tender as is possible A washinge or Kynges water whyche abolysheth all spottes Take water of cleare Turpintine as muche as can be gotten out of .ii. pounds of it put therein halfe an ounce of Masticke iii. ounces of white Frankensence halfe an ounce of Tragacantha When they are pund mixte them wyth the water and destyll them keepe the water Then mealte Swines grease of a male Hog vnsaulted and strayne it throughe a double lynnen cloth Then take white Ginger Cloues Cinamon Euphorbium Spiknarde Camphora of euerye one two ounces three Nutmegges when all these are pund myxt wyth the strayned Swines grease put vnto these two ounces of quycke Siluer often times washte wyth salte and Vineger and wrounge throughe a piece of Leather and with this mixte the drosse la feuille ou de lauenre as it is wrytten in Frenche of quicke syluer de couppelle When all is mixte together destill them and keepe the water Afterwarde take vi ounces of the water of the forsaid Turpentin and of the latter water twise so much mixt them and when you wyll vse them washe the face fyrste wyth a decoction of Cerussa and wipe it Then poure about .vi. droppes of thys water mixt together into the palm of the hand and wher thou wilt anoynt couering the place anoynted or wet with a linnen cloth till it be dried A marueilous effect and operacion shall folowe therupon An other of Snailes .xxx. whyte Snailes .ii. pound of gootes milke .iii. vnces of swynes grece or els of a yong Kid a dram of Camphora pund let them be destilled in a lymbeck of glas An other Take six vnces of the crums of the whytest breed and wash it .ii. poundes of milke mixt it diligently and destill it as is aboue sayd and washe with it The water also of the whytes of egges destilstilled is thought good An other that purifieth the face two vnces of Mirh whyte Frankencence Mastich of ether halfe an vnce Gynger whyte .ii. drams one dram of Camphora a pound or a pound and a halfe of whytes of egges When all is diligently mixt let them be put in the bely of a yong hen and wellyking the bowelles taken out If thou wilt put to a hen simpely but flein and cut in small pieces Put to also Asses milke or Gootes milke aboute iii. Sextares that is .ii. pyntes a half .lx. vnces Destill thies in a lembeck of glas That the face may shyne elegantly .xxx. newe laid egges stiep them in vinegar the sharpest you can get for the space of .iii. daies and night then boor them through with a pyn that the humor w t in them may run al out Destill all this in a Rose-still that the face may be washt therwith A water clarifying the face Take the rout of Dragons made cleen and cut in to thin roundles stiep them .ix. daies in whyte wyne so that euery daye half a pound or more freshe wyn be powred vnto them then take the call of fat that is aboute the goutes in a kides bely taken in May to the number of six rys beeten and sod in .iii. poundes of black nightshad and a poūd of the meel of rys half a pound of the water of wylde plums or bullies blaūshed Beenes to seeth in the same water Put vnto this .xii. rotten Appuls and ten egges two handfull of the routes of common flower deluce or els the flower deluce of Florence a pound of Hony halfe a pounde of bitter Almondes Gum Arabick Sarcocolla Tragacantha Borage Camphora of euery one two drams shiepes milk six poundes Venice Turpentin .ii. vnces water of the floures of water Lily Let thies be destilled together in a lembeck with a smal fyer The water destilled therof let it be set in the sun and moued oftentymes An other that taketh away the spots of the skin and whitteneth it An vnce of Borage halfe a dram of Camphora thre drams of cōmun Alum Gum Arabick and Tragacantha of ether of them half an vnce Sarcocolla Assa dulcis of ether .ii. drames .iiii. vnces of Cerussa Pun all thies mixt them and put them into half a pound of Dragons water and as muche of water of floures of Lily together with water of the floures of Broum of Nightshade of water Lilyes of euery one foure vnces When they are mixt destill them in a lembeck of glas To make the face cleer and youthlyke that it seme lyke to
vpon longer then it shoulde be least the water taste of burning If .ii. vrinals be set together the vpper full of Roses and set in the sunne with a linnen clothe betwixte a moste swiet water destilleth into the nether Syluius Roose water Moschata how it is made by the sun by descencion we prescribed afore in y e Chapter of swiet waters The liquor of yelow violet floures that destilleth by it self into a vial of glas amendeth the eie liddes that be turned inside outward A vessell is filled with the floures whiche are sooked a good meany of daies continuallye in the sunne wherevpon a certaine liquor is gathered in the bottom whyche is verye holsome to be put into the eyes Alexander Benedictus Take the tender buddes of Fennel before they florish or go abrode full of iuyce with the leaues Put these in a Phiall of glasse but fyll it not vp turne it vp side downe and put the mouth of it into an other Phiall vnder it and close it with dow that the spirites brethe not oute Put the Phials in some hoole in a wall towarde the hotest southe sunne So within .vi. houres or there about thou shalt haue a mooste profitable water to sharppen the sight and for blearednesse whose goodnesse a frend of mine tryinge vppon him selfe who also made the water his self shewed me and made me priuy vnto it Scillae whiles they be fresh and newe the vtter barke pulled of cutte with a knife are put into a vessell full of hooles in the bottom couered aboue well closed with clay The bottom of this pot is put into another put vnder it in a pit of the earth and the ioyning of the pots is compassed w t clay cloos Then make they a fier about the vpper part of the pot by the space of one night .x. houres or more Soo the water runneth in to the nether pot whiche mixt with meel or breed it killeth mys quickly that taste of it the sooner if thou mixt a litle Litharge or whyt Leed Bulcasis in his second booke and Syluius out of him Sumtimes certain waters and oyles ar made by descencion lyke as of Roseny tries when they are burnt pitche Syluius But of Oyles which ar made by descention we wil speeke hereafter Certain are made by a middle way between a discention and ascention as Oyll of Coperos by a Cucurbita layd along ouerthwart vpon the syde Destillation in Asshes or Sand or Dros of metall beeten c. IN Asshes are bothe waters and oyles destilled Waters with a moste gentle soft heet whiche thou shalt discerne by touching with thy hand both the asshes and also the vessels of destillacion And perauenture there is no difference for the destillacion of any kind of waters in Balneo Mariae or in Asshes if so be it thou obserue the measure of y e fyer For in Balneo Mariae the water that y e stillatory is put in may be skalding hoot the ashes may not be to hoot that is when herbes rootes flowers or any liquors ar destilled to deriue a water of thē Men thinke them to be made so muche the swieter les smelling of any fyrines and brenning being destilled in suche ashes because the thinge is doone more softly and with more leysur so that the heed or lid be not hoot and sumtymes betwene the falling of the drops a mā may tel swiftly til he cum at fifty But the Oyles haue nied of a gretter fire and a more vehement heet that is a dryer therefore although it may bee rightly doone in ashes whatsoeuer is done in water yet not cōtrary for oyles may be made in ashes but none in siething water But this thing shal be more euident herafter where we shall teache of Quintessence The destillacion by asshes is easy and redy if an earthen or brasen vessell diep inough and able to receiue the Cucurbita or body of the still be filled with fyne asshes and sifted or fyned sand so ful that the matter to be destilled which is in the vessell may be cleen within the ashes and no part of it aboue This vessell full of ashes shalt thou set vpon fiue or six iron barres which ar laid ouerthwart from one syde to an other that is to saye .iii. sydes of the furnace being layd they shall occupye two of them the further syde it shall not nied if it be done against a wall The foor part of this .iiii. cornerd bielding shal be lefte open that the fyer may be made and put vnder therat The length of euery syde is sufficient to be one foote long the heigth six fingars or there aboute All thies shall we strengthen euery where with clay and pieces of shelles mixt together that the heet may the better be kept in .ii. breething hooles left in the corners But this maner is for vpon a soden and only miet for one vessel I bielded once a more laborious fornace on this sorte In a corner of the house I raised a foundacion of brick and lyme a foote and a halfhy Vpon the foundaciō or harth a round fornace with one narowe door long and brode lyke a lytle brick so that a hand may be put in which is set vp when I lyst to shit the fornace There were .iii. ventes or breethyng hooles the height of the fornace was about .x. inches Aboue this fornace ther was an iron plait laid of y e same compas of .ii. foote or more broode through the midst about this was an edge raysed of vnburnt brick for vnto the fornace I tooke burnt brick in a compas wyse the heigth of two hand breed This round place aboue the plait was filled w t asshes in y e ashes round about was ther set about fyue stilles of glas that at one tyme and with one fyre many waters or Oyles might be destilled together Rounde about the fornace was well fensed with wrought claye with verye salte water wherewith sum Hors dounge was myxt This kynd of fornace is surely very cōmodious bycause it niedeth litle fier whiche also it selfe in this forme endureth very long that it is almoste inough to see to the fyer morning and euening But it must bee made only of cooles whiche are put in to the fornace with a litle fyer shouell only that they may be goten in at the litle dore hansumly the edges of this fier shouel must be a litle turned vp that it may holde the cooles y e better Ther is nied also of long iron fyershouel as the fornace shal require turned in at the end according to a streigth corner and ther in the end to be sumwhat made broder wherwith the cooles within may be moued and laid as a man will haue them and put down frō the other fier shouel But thies thinges are better knowen by experience In this kynd of fornaces and how soeuer they be in asshes bothe other kindes of waters and oyles as I sayd are rightly prepared and chiefly such dry
thinges as are infused in wyne sumtymes stieped the vessell being very well shyt that they may render the very same sauour and tast as wormwood lyke as I shewed before Gentian Iuniper beries and spyces the waters destilled whereof our cuntreymen name goulden c. Then the destillacion of Aqua vitae is sumtimes repeted in whiche I haue obserued this that the better parte alwayes the purest issueth out first what so euer is flegmatyck or deed water as sum cal it which is vnproffitable hurtfull and almoste stinking foloweth last whiche is well perceiued and knowen in a glas heed for the still For whyle the purer matter that is the fyry and aery substance issueth no sygn apereth in the heed of the still but when the fleume comes once and tokens of the water folowing by straikes appeare manifestly as ye see them remoue the receiuing vessel and what so euer remaineth in the Cucurbita or bely of the stil poure it out as good for nothing and begin a new destillation of fresh and that must be repeted vntil no fleume appeare any more which chaunseth lightly in the fourth or fifthe destillation Afterwarde there nedeth no more destillation but circulacion that the liquor be rectified as they terme it and turned into heauen or quint essence Thinges destilled in the vapour of hot water retein more perfitly the vertues and qualities of of plantes but because they haue some coruption in them they can not be kept long Those thinges longar which by the heat of ashes or dros of metall beaten to pouder are destilled in vessels of stone or glas how many so euer they be vppon a long or round fornace couered with slates or tiles which may holde the hie sandes compassed wyth hie lead But these vessels muste be made hot by little and little not sodenly and couled likewise be fore they be opened to the colde aire or els they breake straight way Syluius Vlstadius prescribeth a certaine destillation in ashes wyth so softe a fyre that thou maiste number one .ii. iii. betwene one drop and an other Anye kynde of frute thou wilte when it is well ripe cut small and beaten thou shalt destill it in sand with a slow fire Vlstadius ¶ A certaine waye to make water by and by WAter is made also vppn a sodein whiles the iuice is made hot or skalding a glasen cup is set vpon it in the whiche the fume passeth into droppes and the droppes gathered therupon are driuen together into water By this meanes Vineger is easilye tourned into water Thys is holsome for spottes and blemishes in the eies and for the web to put them awaye speciallye if Rue be sod in white Vinegar Cardanus Som are put resinam larigenam in a trene vessell whose bottome must be made by a tornar as thin as is possible so that a man may see through it so in a hotte place the purer parte and the thinner destilleth Of rosaries that is to say instruments wherwith a destilled liquor maye be gotten oute of Roses and other medicines fyre being put vnder for the mooste parte wythoute anye meane betwixte either of cooles or of chippes FIre in destillacion dothe more procure the sauoure of adustion and brentnesse vnto the water that is to bee destilled then do cooles or water whiche thinge to auoide put sande in the pan in commun Rosaries or rather see that sande be betwixte the fyre and the panne and also aboute the pan and that it be glased or oyled as some call it if it be an earthen panne for it is made also of brasse The ioyning together of the pan and the lembecke thou shalt fense with clay that is to saye with a lynnen clout perieted or closed with clay and hansumlye laid aboute it and the receiuinge vessell with the nose of the lembecke likewise Brunsvvick Some nowe a daies make theese Rosarie pans of bras and vpon the sand they lay the hearbes that be to be destilled and round about the pan and within it also except I be deceiued they fill a voide space with water a pipe being made for the purpose to poure them in at They ●ut fire vnder it ether of coles or of very short chips because the flame of y e fire may seme to be able to do les hurt for the water that compasseth But withoute all doute all these shal be much better destilled in glasses or in Balneo Mariae or in ashes Vineger is made white wyth destillation as well for other vses of Chymistes and Phisycions as also to be mixte wyth Sirrupe of Vinnegar whereuppon I wyll reherse Bulcasis wordes Builde an Atanor like vnto that wherein Roosewater is destylled and euer take a stillatorye vessell of glasse or of earthe glased fyll three partes of it wyth good Vinegar that the fourthe parte of the Vessell aboue maye be emptye leaste when it doothe seethe the Vineger bee spilte and runne ouer Then couer the vessel with some Vessell vppon it as ye knowe hauynge a noose as the manner is in rose-rosewater and make a light fire not greate nor stronge for if it be vehement the Vinegar shal not become so white The vineger that is destilled muste be of white wyne and verye sharpe So shalt thou gather a whyte and pure liquor which thou shalt keepe in store After y ● same maner may wine be destilled Thys writeth Bulcasis I destilled it once in glasen vessels in ashes which I kepe yet hitherto certaine yeares like to Vinegar not destilled bothe in sauoure and taste differing only in the coloure and substaunce where in it is like to pure water to see to Bulcasis seemeth to be of this opinion that vineger shoulde be destilled with fire or water not in a Balneo Mariae but in that maner that he maketh the first and second in destillinge of Rooses that is without water with fyre of woode or rather of cooles I haue destilled verye excellentlye in ashes Pearles eg shels stone of the rains and bladder are dissolued with strong vineger specially whē it is destilled or with the iuice of limōs so is also both kinde of corals and they afterward dried are readily crumled praecipitatum and sublimatum and cinabrium and they retourne into quick siluer Syluius The Chymistes say metals are resolued with vinegar destilled also w t mans vrine destilled The leaues of hempe tourned into meale because they pearse the heade make drincke which wyll make a man pleasauntlye drounke Cardan It seemeth water shoulde be poured to it and when they are made dowe together then to bee destilled like as burninge water in a Rosarye or Rosestil or lyke instrument where the fyer is put vnder without any men and perauentur the destillacion should be twys or thrys repeted I wold say the same of Ootes water whereof lykewyse Cardanus wryteth The Moscouites saith he bycause they lack wyn vse water destilled of Ootes whiche enflameth and maketh a man drunken no les then wyne For Ootes being
then of that thinge wheroute it ranne In this manner the destillacion of waters also of herbes and floures maye be done but that waye is far better which is by descencion downwarde c. Some put Muske aboute F. and other precious smellinge thinges and the water that rettineth the smelles not onlye of the owne proper matter but also of the Musk and of other things that be put to it Of destillation by descencion or going downewarde Vlstadius in his .xix. Chapter teacheth of this waye of destillinge vniuersallye and speciallye or seuerallye of oyles of Iuniper stickes of the yelkes of Egges Nutmegges and Benedicto where throughe I wyll go aboute to declare the matter moore clearelye and more shortlye He teacheth to make a fornace meete for this destillacion lyke to suche a Chunney as is vsed to be made amongste the Germaines of brickes vnbrente of a Cubit and a halfhie on euerye syde saue the former side whiche maye be somewhat lower and couered with thinne tiles to lay any thing vpon as the iron instrumentes wherewith the fire is gouerned in bredthe .iii. cubites euerye waye In the middle of thys fornaice let there be a hoole so great that a mans fote may be put in at it This fornace shall be meete also for an other vse that is to seale wyth the seale of Hermes as they call it when the mouthe of a Glasen Cucurbita beynge put into the hoole of the fornace the length a hande bredth that is .iiii. fingers and if any more about it be open that being stopt wyth claye assone as it is red hotte it is nipte together with a paire of tonges likewise red hotte When thou wylte destyll therefore in this fornace take a Cucurbita of the best earthe or if not of Coper or Latin syll it vnto the thyrde parte wyth the matter that is to be destilled and shitte it wyth a verye thinne iron lidde of iron plate full of lyttle hooles Then tourne it vpside downe and putte the mouthe of the Vessell into the hoole of the fornace three fingers deepe and what so euer is open on anye side fyll it with claye diligentlye rounde aboute so that nothynge maye fall into thys hoole Beneathe in the neather parte of the hoole thou shalt sette vnder a Cucurbita of glasse for the puttinge in and takinge oute whereof and that thou mayste see when the hoole matter is destilled the foore parte of the fornace muste be open whereunto the mouth of the vpper Cucurbita must be ioyned but not with clay Then let a fyre be made aboue aboute the vessel that cōteineth the matter on euerye syde But the fyre at the fyrste muste be little and as farre of from the vessell as is possible afterwarde by little and little to make it bigger and nearer the vessell Ye muste vnderstande that of euerye matter at the fyrste water destilleth moore or lesse accordynge to the difference of the matter When it hath left running and now the oyll hath begun to destill thou shalt empty the Cucurbita of glas that standeth vnderneth and set it vnder a-again and continue in encreesing the fyer and to make it euer nerer and nerer the vessell vntill no more oyl destille For then by and by the fyer must bee remoued far of that the vpper Cucurbita may be couled Then take away the nether that is the receiuer and kepe the oyll But as I said a lytle fyer is required at the first and is to be encreesed by litle and litle vntill the fourthe degree for two causes First lest by the sodein exces of to muche heet all the moysture yea the oyly moysture also be consumed which chiefly must be taken hied of when we couet to haue oyll of the yolkes of egges and nutmegs for in certain other as of Iuniper stickes a man shal offende nothing to make a sodein and great fyer Then bycause the woode set on fier perauenture would hurte the Cucurbita burn it breeke it or infect the oyll with sum vnplesaunt sauour Moreouer in simple oyll Benedict thou shalt encrease the fyer only at the end of the destillacion and thou maist prepare suche a place for the destillacion Dig a pit in the earth long brood and diep accordining to the measure of the pot that is to be put into it Let the pot bee glased washt with water and vpon the mouth of it let a thin iron plate be put bored through with many holes so that the plate be a fingar thicknes within the brim of the pot vpon this set an other pot that conteineth the matter to be destilled so y t the mouthes of them be ioyned together and all well clayed then let a fyer be made about the vpper pot whiche shal be hool without the pit saue y e mouth But this second way is not so cōmodious as the first because the water can not bee separated from the oyl nor easely knowē whan the hooll matter is destilled except it be knowen by vse and custome The fornace may also be made in a stiep hill as the same Vlstadius sheweth I let that pas that I be not to long Oyl of the leeues of Citrum or Orenge Arantia or Limons when it is destilled first the water is gotten out then the oyll and both ought to bee kept seuerally the oyll is very swiet and good It is made on this wyse Take the leeues of any of the forsayd tries which so euer ye will when they are cut beet them in a morter and as ye destill them receiue the water and when ye see any drop of diuers colour swym vpon the water the receyuer being chaunged encrees the fyer and gather the oyll It shall smell a litle of the fyer whiche fault shal be amended if ye let it stande long set in the sun Sum drye the forsayde leeues between twoo lynnen clothes and beete them they put to also many odoriferous swiet smellyng thinges as ziuet Muske Ambra hoot Styrax Ladanum Cinamon Benzoum not the substaunce of them but the fume or smoke only for they put thies into Rose water vpon the fyer and with the vapour of them they season the leues When thies are so diligently seasoned they take Roosewater wherein certain spices ar stiept as Cloues Galangal Put megges c. for the space of one day and the pouder of the leues moistened therwith they destill it it ashes with a slow fyer till the watery liquor be separated then they encrees the fyer and receiue the oyll whiche is of a wonderfull pleasaunt and swiet sauour Furner A certain practicioner shewed me that the oyll is separated cōmodiously from herbes routes in this maner Put the herbes or routes in Turpentyn or Larigna rosin washt eigth or nyne tymes till it wax whyte and let it stande in hoote sand q. s Then destill them with a slow fyre the Turpintyn shal run out first ▪ by and by at the beginning or if it moue but a litle
a croked still with a receiuer of a diuers figure and fashion or rather in two croked stils wherof the one maye be the receiuer or els in brasen vessels whiche the Apothecaries call bladdars as water of Cinnamon or burninge water In like manner be oyles destilled as the same man teacheth of Vernix or Gum of Iuniper of the floures of Spike or Lauender of Anes sedes and many other sedes The .iiii. essence or fyre of Selandin whyche is like a liquor of oyle c. how it is prepared and to what vse read before wher we haue entreated of quint essence It is possible also to draw out .ii. maner of oyles an aiery and afyerye oute of the moste herbes and other medicines after the same maner it is prescribed there in Selandine Oyl of Rue Cardanus in his second booke of subtiltie wryteth that there be certaine poysones which slee with the only touching Againste these saith he the remeady is not to tary in anye place vntil the hand wax hot often washing of thepartes with warme water also the annoynting with oyle of Rue not with the commun oyl but that is made after the same maner that oyl of Spik and oyl of Cloues is wont to be made of them y t make painting colours These writeth he Of oyl of the ●eedes of Rue shortlye hereafter we shall wryte out of Lullius but that wherof Cardanus maketh mencion heare I suppose it is to bee made of Rew it self that is of the extreme toppes of the bowes therof whiche florishe Of oils of siedes and fruites OYll of Cloues did I tast once in Italy wonderfull swiet and stronge howe it should be drawen oute we declared afore with Catdanus wordes where we write generally of drawing out of oyles also another way out of Ryffius that is the same waye y t ye may out of what spyce a man will which stiept in burning water they destill thē till the burning water be separated and as sone as the oyl beginneth to run the matter taken out of the Cucurbita is prest c. as before it is written out of Ryffius who describeth also particularly the vertues of this Oyll Oyl of Nutmegges how it may be gotten out fee before where as we entreated generall of the destillacion of Oyles by descention or dounward Oyl of Nutmegges and of his huske mace is drawen out after the same maner as out of Cloues Ryffius who describeth the vertues of ether of them seuerally Oyll of Anis sied is drawē out as out of other dry thinges whiche be in the kynd of plantes the siedes well beeten stieped in the best wyne then destilled by litle and litle by ascencion so that the spirites in the Lembeck bee continually refrigerated and couled c. and the liquor afterward circulated The vertues of it Ryffius rekoneth we leue them out as also of other for the most parte where no peculiar effect or working is attributed to the waters and oyles yea the same ar agreable to this medicines also wherout they be drawen or euer they be destilled sauing that by destilling they are made more subtill and more effectuall or stronger operacion Oyles of the beries of Iuniper and of the beries of Bayes are made one waye that is pund stiep in wyne or rain water they are destilled the same way that burning water is ether in a brasen bladder as the Apothecaries name it or in suche wyse as we described oyll out of Cardan to be goten out of woodes and cloues or els as out of spyces by Ryffius description I thinke it makes no great matter so be that the spirites which be caried about the lembeck may be couled commodiously in it and in the noos The vertues of thies oyles Ryffius rekoneth vp Agyrtae or iugleres also ar wont with vs to sel oyl of Iunipers with tables imprinted cōteining the rehersal of the vertues therof This emongst other heeleth them that be sick of a tercian as I am infourmed Sum make oyll of wheet pressing it oute betwene two iron plates reed hoot other thinke it to be nothing worth thatis made thus and that it should be made as oyll of Iuniper that is of the stickes of Iuniper by descencion or dounwarde Mesue saith that wheet after it be husked is destilled in a vessell of sublimaciō as the Philosophers oyll It cureth ring wormes and ruggednes of the skin whiche springeth of drynes it mollifieth and moysteneth and other infections also of the skin it remedieth them It is described also by Rasus in his Antidotarium Loke within emōgst the oyles not destilled There might be made also of Barly and suche both by sublimacion and also by descencion Monachi vpon Mesue Oyles of Muske ben that is Balanus my repsica whiche Fnrnerius calleth Retraban or retraha of moste precious smel Lyke as of Almondes so shalt thou presse out an oyll of the fruites of Ben which ar found about Genua plēteously inough of the same pryce almost that Almondes be thou shalt let it stand and put a good quātitie of musk into it and so in a glas well stopt thou shalt set it in a ketle that it may seeth a whyle then receiue the oyll by destillacion whiche shal be moste swiet and moste odoriferous Certain oyls of siedes vvhiche I founde in a booke of Waters of Raimund Lullius THis oyles I thought good to wryte seuerally because I doubt whether the author woulde haue them made by destillaciō or simpely by pressing out in euery one he addeth thies wordes and let an oyll be drawen out after the maner of the lay people With whiche woordes he seemeth to signify simpely by the pressing out of the siedes in a pres as the commun people is wont to doo so is oyll to be gathered specially when as he would haue it drawen out of the same dryed in the sun Notwithstanding it is out of all doubt that the same thinges destilled accordingly should bee far moore effectuall But for destilling the liquor wherin the siedes pund or stiept ougth to be left with them and putrification to go before c. Stiep the siedes of Sponsa solis in womans milke forty daies and then make an oyll after the vse maner of the lay people Loke before amōgst the cosmeticall and garnishing liquors Oyll of the siedes of Rew. Mixt the siedes of Rew pund with leued gould and put it in vynegar a day Then dry it lyghtly by the sun drawe out an oyll after the maner of the lay men It is precious and resisteth poysons so that they shall auoyde by vomit if so be it a man drinke of it the second tyme the other humors also that be infected therwith shal be a●●yded out if the third tyme he shal be cured per●●c●●y within .iii. or .iiii. daies All grieues of the ey●s it heeleth thē what cause so euer it cum of so be that the apple of the eye be vnhurt if the eyes twyse a day be washt with this oyll
and one drop be poured into the eye for the eye shal be made hool within .iii. or .iiii. daies If it be drunck fasting it suffereth no venim to approche vnto a man that day If so be also a man wounded very sore and deadly drinke therof fasting he shall escape so be that the other care of y ● wound and cure be had accordingly Also beinge druncke fastinge and putteth awaye the Gutta or drop and all scabbednes and the dropsy sprunge of a colde cause if it be taken but two dayes To conclude it stirreth vp and restoreth all sliepy and benummed members taken with the Palsy being annoynted vpon Ruberta if it be right written perauenture of the coloure he so calleth it I woulde rather reade Sperma that is oyle of Nasturtium I would rather the seedes of Nasturtium as in other in the same place before and after the oyl moystened in sharp vineger dry it in the sunne and drawe out the oyl after the manner of the lay people This mixt with Aloes oyle of bayes cureth all scabbednes and the drop the places beinge anoynted Druncken with Aloes and cooles of an elme it healeth the Tercian and quartaine and all breches in the body Soden with a ptisan and drunken it stauncheth the bloudye flux and bindeth the belly Sod with bran and drunken it driueth away all droppes Oyle of the seedes of Pimpernell Put seedes in read wine a fewe dayes dry them punne them and make an Oyle after the laye manner Thys oyle drunke fastinge dissolueth breaketh and expelleth the sand and anye stone of the bladder yea if it be finished gathered to y ● form of a stone what matter so euer it bee of It lighteneth the wearied members of a mannes bodye These wryteth he Of oyle of the beries of Iuniper destilling first by ascencion then by descencion as I learned of my frendes TAke a pinte or a quarte full of the Bearies of Iuniper when they are beaten stiepe them two daies in well springe water then putte those beries together with the water wherin they wer sooked into a Cucurbita or bladder as they call it of Cooper whiche thou shalt fill till there be but ii or .iii. fingers thicke emptye then puttynge a measurable fyre vnder thou shalt destyll it in all poyntes like burninge water that is by a Pipe whiche maye passe throughe a vessell full of cold water It will yeilde plentye of water so that one receiuer shall not be inoughe At lenghte the oyle followeth whyche muste be ●uffered to runne into the water where vppon it will swimme thou shalt separate it toureninge the vessell wherein it is wyth a narrowe necke vpside downe so that the water be lette runne oute vntill a little be left whyche shall bee separated afterwarde by pouringe the oyle into an other vessell A sextarye or pinte of bearies as they call it in Alsatia aboute iiii ounces of oyle Other to separate the Oyle from the water put it into a drincking glas that hathe the foote taken awaye ether by commynge with a wyer of iron redde hotte or els by chaunce so that a little hoole in the bottome be lefte for the water passeth throughe and when it comes to the oyle the hoole is stopte and then the oyle maye be poured out into y e vessel wher it shal be kept Sōe destill it in like manner but they moue the matter oftentimes in the stil least it be burned And they say spices beaten as Cloues and cinamon mai be rightlye destilled likewise Some as I heare saye destill in a crooked vessell not of glas but of Copper tinned in the inside whiche is put into a long pipe of coper as they do for burning water An other waye of preparing the same by descencion downewarde communicated and shewed vnto me as a secreate thing by a certain frend who prepared and made it so his selfe Gather Iuniper bearies well rypened and drye in harnest or a little befoore Haruest betwene the two Marye daies as they be appoynted in the Kalendar in the morninge at eighte or nyne of the clocke in greate plentye as manye as will fill a couple of bagges whiles it is fayre weather Oyll of the nuttes kernels of the pyn tree for the polishing putting away of wrinkles in womens skinnes is made by destillaciō dounward as oyll of y e wood of Iumper Syluius Of oyls of gums teeres or liquors thickened or congeled and rosines OYll of Mirh Looke before emongst the swiet waters of Furnerius where wee haue described one which is made with one part of Mirh and the half part of y e iuice of Roses moste odoriferous Liquors thikned by nature and gums as they call them of a hoot and dry temperatur that they may be prepared vnto destillacion when they are pund put them in a vessell wel stopt wyn also except I be deceiued may be a litle sprinkled vpon it and dig it in a could and moyst place so diep as a man is hy without putting to it any hoot matter and it must be left a good long space notwithstanding it should soner be resolued if thou put to it sum yolkes of hard rosted egs The gums so resolued yelded an oyll troubled and pudly whiche being destilled in a crouked still as they call it shal be made moore cleere and pure For al gums and Caphura also seing they contein a fat liquor and whyt that whiche by destillacion is drawen from them doo easely sauour of the iniury of the fyer faut of brentnes that although they be destilled in vessels very meen yet issueth forth a licour full of dregs gros brent of an vnplesaunt smell the vse wherof doth not plees me noo not without the body muche les within the body the strengthes vertues of them is not alyke When the matter is so resolued y u shalt straine it through a wollē cloth or a hear cloth y t what so euer erthynes is in it may be separated from the sande and dros After y t whiche is streyned thou shalt leue it again in an indifferent warm place as many daies as thou wilt last of all destill it Thies maner of Oyles are verye subtill and of greate strength whan as nature it selfe firste hathe as it were gathered the chief vertues of trees suche as power forth any gums or teeres Thies for the moste part wryteth Ryffius in his first boke of destillacion The same Ryffius in the treatise of the same worke of oyles prescribeth no peculiar waye to drawe out oyl of gums but sendeth men vnto his first koke He describeth seuerally the vertues of oyles of Ammoniacum Belzoum Camphora Cloues Euphorbium Galbanum Ladanum Myrh Opopanax Sarcocolla Sagapenum Stirax liquid Calamita In the only oyll of Mastick he willeth the Mastick when it is pund to be resolued with old wyne and to be degested then destilled And the gum of Iuniper lykewyse to be resolued and stiept in wyne because of the drynes of
the substaunce therof and afterward to be destilled Oyl of Belzoum Thou shalt water a pound of Belzoum or more groos beeten with burning water and in a crouked stil with a receiuer set vnder thou shalt destill it in ashes with a slow fyer first and afterwarde with a great fyer This oyll hath an excellent and moste swiet smell The watery liquor that runneth out ought to be kept seuerally Furnerius Oyll of Styrax out of y e same Thou shalt beete somwhat groos Styrax Calamita that whiche is full of iuice and fat water it with the best Aqua vitae then destill it in a crouked still as the oyll before and kiep the water by it selfe This oyll excelleth with a marueilous fragrāt swiet sauour Oyll of Camphora Looke before in the wawater of camphora amongste the simple waters destilled Of oyle of Turpentine or larigna resina PVt .iiii. pounde of Turpentin Rosin or of larix in a larg croked stil or cucurbita of glas and destilling it get out an oyl so that the cucurbita or croked stil be put in sand first of al with the water shall an oyl issue a thin and clere oyl secondly of the colour of gold last a duskish and thick take euery one of these by them selues and reserue them Valerius Cordus More of oyl of Turpentin and of the preparinge of it and of the hertues thereof wryteth Ryffius which I for shortnes sake let pas This is chiefly tobe taken hede of that in the destilling it sieth not as in hony also for they rise and swel quickly these liquors when they are made hot wherfor at the first the fire must be made very light sclēder and encresed by litle and litle and the lembek according as the act requireth must be refrigerated and couled Some put vnto it slate tiles groselye beaten or white flints or sand washt and dried again or the leues of Iuye and a litle glas groose beaten such certain things are added also in the destilling of hony that they may let this risinge kepe i● frō s●thing ouer I woldad little peces of slates or flints wet with old oyl or som medicinable thing as in oyl Benedict y t by the same means both the ●iething might be letted and the vertue of the oyle incresed The descriptiō folowing maketh with me which I found in a certain wryten boke Take pure sande or little white and cleare flintes and put them ouer the fire in a vessell till they wax red hot then quench them in turpentin that they may drink wel and that sand quenched destil it in a lembeck Some commend oyl of turpentin for the grief of the stone Also those oyl of Turpentyn of a pound of Turpentyn an ounce of old tile slates or as Albucasis saithe newe tile slates because they may drink the more oyle and Mastik and Styrax of ether an ounce The tyles made red hot are slekt in oyl when they are quēched and pund they are mixte with the other in a lembeck of glas Thre liquors run out wherof y ● third is the best Iac. Hollerius amongst oils without smel for could greues Otherwise out of a writen boke In a cucurbita half ful of Turpintyn put a handfull of glasse pund and .ii. sponges of the quātity of .ii. fingers the number is left out and put according to the art of Alchymistes fire about the cucurbita let the fire be continued .xxiiii. hours when the first destillacion is finished destill it again renuing y ● glas the cucurbita and the sponges To put awai skars or rather to asswage and mollifie them oyl of Turpentin doth chiefli profit except those that remain after warts For they that commend this oyl for the putting awaye the markes of wartes they are deceiued Brasalonus Oyl of Tartarum sublimated Put Tartarum beten in a vessell a cucurbita of glas parieted wyth claye or an earthen cucurbita and when it is put inalembek of glas destil it First of all water wil run forth then oyl whiche thou shalt receiue by it self encreasing the fire by little and little til it leue running The dutch writen boke Certain practicioners cōmend the spirit or quintessence of Tartarum against inward impostumes kings euil Oiles of barkes OYl of Cinnamon is made as we declared before out of Cardanus how oyles be drawn out of woodes and like thinges as Cloues where is also described the instruments Or els as we described out of Ryffius of the drawing out of oyls of all kinds of spices Cinnamō may be stiept about viii daies in burninge water .vi. times destilled and thē be destilled as I was informed of a frēd Here wil I rehearse also the waye to make water as they call it of Cinnamon for in the destillation also hereof oyl foloweth at length although but litle and because of the discommodity of adustion and brētnes vnprofitable to be vsed within the body but y e water is most noble most profitable y ● description wherof a certain frēd of late sēd vnto me on this wise The fornace instrumēts must be in all poyntes suche as are vsed for burninge water with a pipe passing through a vessel full of colde water whyche excepte I be deceyued shall be better if it bee somewhat longe that is of the lengthe of .v. Romain fote what maner a one or rather longer an other shewed vs he had seene in the destillacion of this water but perauēture it shal be les nied of such a long one whē no great plenty of water is destilled It maye also be destilled in a Cucurbita of glas parieted with clay after the manner of Aqua fortis and perauenture it wold be best that way Put a pound of the best Cinamon pund not sifted in the bottome of a stil warely least the pouder s●ir abrode or cleue to the sides by and by pour to it a .iii. pintes of freash water the couer laid vpon it a receiuer set vnderneth make a litle fire of cooles The water y t runneth out first is sōwhat thick like oyl but ther must be diligent hede taken that assone as it shal chaung the colour y t the receiuer also be chaūged The secōd water runs sōwhat whiter thē chaūg it again take an other receiuer so forth til the dregs issue out The water of the fourthe chaunging is most clere which when it begins to wax yelow streightway the couer the pipe muste be takē away because y e busines is now ended al y e vertue of the Cinnamon is drawn out This hole matter may be don in .iii. or .iiii. houres but there must be a cople of mē about this destillacion the one to mark the alteration of the liquors and see that the fire be no bigger then it oughte and that the liquor run not to faste oute The other shall see that the Vessell wyth coulde water where through one part of the pipe passeth be according
with ashes laid vpon slates as I described before in the mention of destillation by ashes a Cucurbita of glas so diep set in the asshes that they were not aboue the matter conteined in the vessell The vessell was ful to the middle able to receiue if it had been fild vp perauenture iiii poundes he continued this labour .iiii. or .v. daies nightes also neuer abating the fier He separated only .ii. liquors y e first whyt whiche was more plentifull and in gretter abundaunce then a redish whiche was yielded lesser by the .iii. part The clay wherwith the Cucurbita the lembeck and the receiuer are closed when it chauneth or chinketh must be by and by cloosed again with clay lest the matter issue out on any side therfore must it be watched also on the night and lest the fier should go out All the liquors also may be receiued in one vessel without chaunging the the receiuer and after be separated for the For the latter swimmeth aboue the first as the lighter This oyll he vsed vnto diuers diseases geuing them euery day one drop to drynke and conteining it a certayne dayes as fourtien sumtimes together so he sayd it was good to chronicall agues for the mooste part he mixed with it sum spyces as Ginger and Sugar with wyne the drop of the oyll that the sick should les perceiue that he dronk only a drop of the oyll sumtymes he would mixt nothing els with the wyne but one drop of this oyll specially to amende the defaut of a stinking breeth Sumtymes he gaue it in water other tymes he dropt it into a shyue of breed sumtymes to flegmatick and gros men with a sawce made of musterd and peper bidding them sweet after it he said it chaūced many tymes that they shoulde auoyde muche fleume therupon He commended it to be good for all suche thinges as triacle is vsed for and better also against poysons also to al woundes swellinges whatsoeuer they were saue only the dropsy to the Cramp to purge the tieth to strengthen the iawes against the Fallyng sicknes and poysons He affirmed if a Serpent were folded in a cloth wet therin it would kyll it The other liquor that was redysh to be a remedy for the Leprosy if the disease had not yet gotten the vpper hande and the men haue not yet their breeth corrupted Both the liquors in taste haue a sharpnes a Rosiny sauour and smoky in a maner but the latter moore He solde halfe an vnce to ryche men for seuen or eight grotes An oyll deuysed by VVilliam de Saliceto a Placentin whiche is in the fift booke of his Practice in the chapter of Oyles and supplyeth the place of balm as he saith Carpobalsamum Mirh the nut of Inde of euery one half an vnce ii drams of Hypericon or saint Iohns wurt When they are all beeten sumwhat groos let them stand in .iiii. vnces of old oyll six monethes and be destille d. An other moore noble of the same mans which is put in steed of Balm A pound and a halfe of oyll Myrh Xylobalsamum Opoponax Bdellium Aloes Carpobalsamum Ammoniack Serapinum the nut of Inde Hypericon Mace gum Arabick Frankencence Tragacantha of euery one an vnce broken tyll sherdes that neuer touched water ▪ red hoot and quenshed in thre vnces of cōmune oyll vii vnces of cleen and cleer Turpintyn All pund and knoden together in a morter destil them lyke Rose water This water is proffitable against y e stoon being mixt with medicines against y e same Hardnesses a●d skares it maketh them euen and is vsed in euery thing in steed of Balm An other of the same mans more noble Myrh Carpobalsamum the nut of Inde of euery one half an vnce Hypericon or saint Iohns wurt a drame otherwyse twoo drames When they are pund sumwhat groos let them be mixt with fyue vnces of oyll and an vnce and an halfe of Turpintyn In the end put to fyue graines of Muske and. iii of Ambra and an vnce of oyll of tyll stones and let them be destilled as before It hath the same vertues that Balm hath may be vsed in all thinges in steed of it This Nic. Stokker also an excellent Physicion in Germany vsed but without Turpentin if mifrend sent me the descriptiō of it right when it was ready prest he addeth at lengthe the Musk and Ambra with oyl of tile stones and destilled them not as I think He hathe the former description in Luminari Maiore as also the nexte folowing of Montaguana A balm composed of Bartolomeus Montaguana out of his Antidotarie the first chapter whiche is of oyntmentes Turpentin a pounde white frankensence iiii ounces as much of bay beries gum Elemi vi ounces Mastik Galangal Cloues Cinamon Zedoaria Nutmeg Cubebae Lignum Aloes wel beaten of euery one an ounce Let all be destilled together first with a slow fyre and first shall runne oute a water called of Balme Then when the fire is encreased thou shalt gather an other water by it self And do so the third time Thē shal destil forth balm in all trials It shall be the stronger the oftener it is destilled Balme of Peter Aponensis in hys addicion vnto the booke of Mesues in the treatise of oyntinges for the diseases of the harte Mirrh elect Aloes Hepaticae Spieaenardi Sanguis Draconis Frankensēce Mumiae Opopanax Serapinum Crocus Mastik Gumme Arabik liquid Styrax of euerye one two ounces two ounces and a halfe of Ladanum elect or Castoreum halfe a dramme of Muscke Turpentyn as muche as the weighte of all the reaste breake them that be to be broken and when they are all mixte with the Turpentyne destyll them wittelye by a lembeck the arte is lyke as of water of Rooses These saith Peter as the munkes that write vppon Mesuen saide they write it oute of written bookes farre truer then in the Printed bookes and it is had in Luminare maiore Aponensis saith we finde no mention made by the olde wryters of the annoyntinge of the backe bone perauenture not bycause they were ignorāt in so profitable and commendable a thing but be cause they woulde keepe it secreate For this is an excellente helpe preseruinge the subiect of life or that which cōteineth the same For the original and beginning of bones and sinewes is Nucha it springeth of the brain c. Therfore things annoynted with this shalt thou comfort the cloking substāce that is the cauls and cotes of the brain and the spiritual substance and sinues and al the bones helping also the Palsy all the diseases of the sinnewes also the panting trembling of the hart manifest werines and it is the chiefest medicin of all other in the swifte comforting of the harte After this describinge the thinge he addeth This oyle is verye nye vnto Balme and accordinge to this waye the moste subtill of Sophisters do counterfeit Balme for amongst all other wayes this is moste noble If deade coorses
be annoynted with this oyle they putrifye not When thou wilte comforte bodies that be extenuated and broughte lowe thou shalt mixte Roose water with it and annoynte it vppon the lower mansions and from the Nucha vnto the raines If the backe bone be annoynted therewith being somewhat warme an hour before the fit leauing vppon it the token of it with Pecia thou shalt put awaye the shakinge of wandering Agues and of any simple agues But quartaines and wanderinge Agues it helpeth at the beginnninge of the course this place and they which folow seme vnto some to bee corrupted in the printed bookes in the swoundinge or debilitie annoyntinge the extreame partes of the backe boone that the instrumente for the purpoose maye speake with voyce put vnder the tonge of the sicke a little of it and after in his eares and nosthrilles if nede require Thou shalt geue of the same when neede requireth in the Stranguling and Suffocation of the Matrix or mother and in the fallinge sickenesse manye other diseases It is ministred in weght tree I thincke he meaneth one grain with wine that hathe a good smell So it comforteth y e mind and nature and healeth manye diseases But chieflye and is good for them that be Melancholye sadde and whose strengthes and members be feeble as though they were beaten and wekened by force For consuminge Feuers thou shalt mixte with Oyle of Rooses or of Mastike and annoynte the backe boone of them in a baithe or withoute a baithe Hitherto wryteth Aponensis The same manne willeth to mixte thys composicion in the steede of true Opobalsamum wyth Triacle Mithridatium Diacurcuma Aurea Alexandrina This Oyle saithe he Epiphanius Empiricus vseth as the Mother of all remeadies to all diseases of the sinewes annoynting twise a day therewith the Nucha the back and inynts for it is plain by manifest proues specially in a colde matter The same man commaundeth to stil this oyl in Balneo Mariae which I like not There is an other composicion of VViliam Pla centinus whiche I finde in the bigger Luminarie in Diacurcuma or Diacrocu in this wise Take Turpentin .ii. pounds commun oyl .iii. pound oyl of bayes .xvi. onnces Cinnamon .iii. ounces Euphorbium Cloues Bay beries Gum of Iuy Serapinum Galbanum Aromatik Opopanax ofeuery one an ounce Franken sence Mastike of ether ii vnces Let such be betē as shuld thē destilled These and certain other diuers balmes dothe Ryffius also in his boke of destillation describe A quickeninge water and one that procureth youth vnto an old man out of the boke of Lullius of waters Turpentyne a pounde honye halfe a pounde Aqua vitae thryse or foure times destilled iii. ounces Lignum Aloes welbeaten Sādali mustatelli of ether .iii. drams gumme Arabeck perauenture a dram Nutmegs Ambra ofether .ii. drams When they are all pund destill them wyth a slowe fyre till ye haue the firste water cleare And when the second beginneth to run oute whithe shal be like to a burning cole encrease the fire by and by and kepe that by it self Thē encrese the fire again gather the third which shal be black and thick like hony til al the liquor be run out Of these waters y e last is hoter then y e first seconde The first is called mother of Balm the secōd oyll of Balm the third Balm artificiall The first is ministred in drink with warm wyne The second a●d the third ar good to remoue maladies which newly gnawe the fleshe of mans body The fyrst drunke with warme whyt wyne purgeth the stomack from al il humors and withholdeth the water that it cum not at the hart or principal partes as it is plain by often experiment A fyne lynnen clooth moystened in this water and thrust into the noosthriles with the litle fingar whan y e sick goeth to bed and left there within cureth the reum Being drunck morning and euening it cureth a stinking breth what cause so euer it cum of The tieth washt therwith are strengthened and made whyt and ar deliuered from ache whether it cum of a humor or of putrified bloud Whatsoeuer shal be put into it it will kepe it sound and vncorrupt A linnen cloth moysted in it and laid vpon woundes first washed therwith or vpon a fistula and other angry and ill byles cureth them It resisteth the quartain ague if the back boone be rubbed therwith a fewe daies Scabbednes washt therwith is made hoole A linnen clooth moystened therin is very good to be layd to y e hemrodes Wol that groweth on tries or Bombase dipt lightly is this water is very good to put in the eares against any kynd of deafnes Being anoynted it cureth the rednes of the face the palsy of the tong and all cold diseases The second and third water are of strength against the disease called Noli me tangere against the kynges il and also the disseases of the neck and throot Also against the fistula and the ill disease called Malus morbus specially if it be yet but new for by washing it and wetting and oft laing a linnē cloth moystened therin vpō it it is made hool They help also if a mābe beten with stones or clubes or a staf No poyson can approche ny vnto them and a spyder touched therewith dyeth They be anoynted vpon moste proffitably against all palsyes They strengthen all the partes of the body being washt therwith It is to be noted that the first water of thies thre as generall conteineth all the vertues of the other But to fret the second and the thirde are better this more then the other To be short they heel all diseases that cum of bloud or putrified fleume In the same Lullius a marueilous water is made in this wyse Cloues Nutmegges Ginger Zedoaria Galangal bothe sortes of Peper Iuniper beries the pilles or barck of Citri or Orēges Sage Basilicum Roosemary Maioram round Mint Bay beries Peny royall Gentian Calamint y e flowers of Elder Roses Ammens Spick nard wood of Aloes Cubebae here semeth somwhat to be left out as well wyld as domekical or growing in gardines Cardamomum Cinnamō Calami aromatici Stichados Chamaedryos Chamaepity os Melissae Mastick Olibani Aloes hepaticae Anis siedes and flowers she siedes of Mug wurt of euery one an vnce Put vnto thies dry figges Rasins that cum frō beyond see Dait stones fat swiet Almondes of euery one an vnce Whyt old hony half a pound After twys as much Sugar as all the forsaid be All thies shalt thou put into Aqua vitae v. or .vi. times destilled in a lēbek of glas y e Aqua vitae shal be as much as thrys y e weight of all the speces besides After thou hast lest them stand .ii. daies thou shalt destill thē with a slow fier The first water is moste cleer precious The second differeth in colour and must be receiued in an other vessel it is whyt good towhit ten the faces of wemen
it taketh all the spottes or fracknes from them out of hande if they be once washt therwith thre daies and maketh thē swiet smelling cleer This is called y e water of Balm or mother of Balm It oughte to be destilled in a lembeck in a baith with a slow fyer with Aqua vitae of the same weight And y e first water shall run furth odoriferous and maruelous whiche thou shalt receiue by it selfe then an other of the colour of safron the third at length lyke bloud The vertues of the first and of the secōd water are thies If the one of thē be poured in to a woūd whyles it is new there needeth none other remedy But within a naturall daye and a halfe at the moste it shal be made hool so be that it be no deed wounde All ill soores or byles Old roten Cankred Fistula Lupus Noli me tangere and lyke to them let them be washt with ether of thies waters and they shal be heeled within a fewe dayes One drop only dropped vpon a Carbuncle quensheth it within .iii. houres If an eye be diseased w t blerednes or the web or the naill or any swelling carnosity bred vpon it drop one drop of thies waters vpon it euery third day and within nyne daies it shal be hool except it be vtterly destroyed A drop of them drunk with a litle good wyne breketh the stone in the reines or in the bladdar or in the yard stopped and that within two houres deliuereth from the grief If deed flesh be washt away therwith the place is shortly made hool If a womā be sick of her womb or bely let her drink a litle of them with sum iuice If a man haue any grief of a stroke or by chaunce without any byll or heed let the place be bathed and washed with a litle of them and the grief shall go away within iii. houres By the like helpe a sinewe shrunken waxen hard or otherwyse ill at ease is restored The rest of their vertues a learned physicion shal imagin by him selfe The thirde and bloudy water whiche surnamed holy and blessed is so excellent in vertues that if one vse halfe a sponefull of it .xv. daies he shal be cured of the leprosy pthisick or consumptiō Astma or disease of short wynde the dropsy palsy Ischia or Sciatica the swounding the fallyng sicknes the drop in the ioyntes called the goute y e consuming feuer the strangury and many other diseases and that within two monethes It recouereth youth vnto old men a man that lyeth a dying out of all hope of the physicions it restoreth him if one drop of it let fall into his mouthe bee swalowed so that it may cum to the hart If so be it a man drinke a yeare together euery daye the quantitye of a wheate corne of this liquor with a sponefull of water of borage destilled like Rose-water after the yeare is ended he shall seeme as though he were made new in his flesh blud and hole body both in form and strength An other Artificial balm out of the same boke of Lullius of waters Turpentyn a pounde and a halfe Galbani two ounces Aloes Cicotrinae Mastik Cloues Galangall Cinnamon Nutmegs Cubebarum of euerye one an ounce gum of Iuy halfe an ounce When al is wel beaten mixt them and destill them in a lembeck of glas with a slow fire first and gather the first water by it self seuerallye then encreasing the fyre a water somwhat reddishe and afterwarde encreasynge it more an oyle of a redde coloure till nothinge runne anye more chaunginge the receiuer thryse This oyle hathe all the vertues of true Balme For it burneth in the water and courdeth milcke by and by for if one droppe of it warme be put into a pint of Milcke it shall forth with become courded The firste liquor is called water of Balme the second oyl of Balme the thirde Balme Artificiall The fyrste is profitable againste the runnynge of the eares if two or three droppes mornynge and eueninge be put into them Dropte into the eyes it amendeth the blearednesse and consumeth the teares It dothe meruelouslye restreine superfluous humors in anye parte of the bodye It taketh away the touthache if they be washt therwith and killeth the wormes if there be anye in them Ther third liquor wil suffer no venom is an vtter ennemy and destruction to spiders and Serpentes Two or .iii. drops let drop into anye venemous bitinge do make it hole streight If thou draw a circle with this liquor shit a venemous beaste therein it shall dye there rather then goe out of it To he short it doth the same thinges all that Triacle dothe but more effectually all thynges Being poured or put vpon any impostume within .ix. daies it healeth them and likewise a fistula be it neuer so ill and also a Noli me tangere All diseases bred of fleume and colde humors it healeth them if a linnē cloth dipped in it be laid vppon the place where the grief is It putteth away vtterly the Palsy and all tremblinge of mēbers it strengtheneth meruelouslye the sinewes It is hoter then the first and second If a mā put a drop of it in his hand it perceth streighte without grefe To cōclude it doth many other things and all diseases risen of a colde cause it healeth them if they vse it right A water strengtheuing the memorye Floures of Roosemarye Borrage Camomell Violettes Rooses of euerye one an ounce Stichadis Baye leaues Samsuchi Sage of euery one .ii. ounces When they are all cut small thou shalt soke them in the best wine and destill them by a lembecke After the liquor is destilled thou shalt mixt with it a pounde of Turpintyne .viii. ounces of Olibanum Mastik Bdelli Anacatdorum of enerye one an ounce when they are all beaten mixte them with the other and destill them again Then adde vnto them againe Nutmegs Mace Galangall Cubebarum Cardamomi of euerye one an ounce Agallochi Amber Muske of euery one .ii. vnces if the written booke be true when they are beaten and mixte let them stande .v. daies and destill them the third time encreasing the fire til the oyl seace droppinge Certain waters of life to be reckened amongst Balmes shalt thou finde in Vlstadius boke called Caelum Philosophorum the .xliiii. liī chap. A balme of an vncertaine author Turpentin halfe a pounde Frankensence .ii. ounces woode of Aloes Saffron of either of them an ounce Mastik Cloues Mace Galangall Cinnamon Zedoariae Cubebarum Nutmegges of euery one halfe an ounce Gumme of Iuy or Elemi vi ounces slating tiles quenched in oyl accordingli such as neuer water touched .iii. vnces Pūd those that ought to be pund first will water issue forthe secondly oyl of Balm thirdly balm artificiall Balm artificiall saith Matthaeolus Senensis in his commentaries vppon Dioscorides whyche I tried and found of maruelus strēgth against very many diseases haue I made cōposed in this wise Take rosin Larignae
of one sick of the falling euil with coles in a spone and the Amber vpon them and by by the fit ceased which thing appels or bals as they call them made with Mosch or Ambra will do also But that Mesuae writeth of men possessed with deuils saith Syluius is supersticious against the faith of a Christen man Brimston and iet are molten at the fire as al other liquors The same Oyl of philosophers which some haue named oyl of wisdom and of perfect mastership diuine and holy by al the old writers consent is most effectuous to secreat diseases and tha● not to a few of them for it heateth drieth perceth depe by the meanes of the subtelnes of the substance it digesteth and consumeth al excremental and superfluous expelled matter Therfore it is very holsome for the falling sicknes palsy turning sicknes for getfulnes and for the cold diseases of the splene rains bladder womb sinewes al ioynts other sinewy parts But one sort is natural or mineral and an other of the sea that runneth out of Iles rocks called Naphtha of the which kinde that which is somewhat white is counted the best the redish of a mean goodnes but that which is somwhat black thick is the worst Notwithstāding it is made by arte in this wise Tiles made of red earth very old must be beaten into pieces set on fire with vnsmoking coles til they be red hot thē slek thē in a bole ful of oyl of Rofmary alchichil or old claret as much as is possible let them sok in the oyl Dry them by thē selues in cases caczobis The Munks vpon Mesuen wher also is red shortly after Caczola for a Cucurbita or body of a stil Afterward beat them most smal and put thē in a vessel that be destilled by sublimacion ioyn y e vessel to the hed with claye that chymists do vse sethe them with coles set a fire in a fornace til an oyl destil into a phial of glas glued to y e lower end of the nose of the head with clay Bulcasis which stopt veri exactly set it vp kepe it for the elder it is the stronger Mesue as Syluius trāslateth him whose words also I haue writen here out of his annotaciōs Oyl saith he of tiles is so subtil that in a moment it spredeth most brode if it be poured into a mans hād it perceth it forth w t. It is much more subtil more hot and more effectuous in cold diseases thē is oyl of balm It prouoketh vrin it breaketh the stone killeth worms it is holsom for the singing of the eares comming of a gros wind for the palsi the crāp spasmo cynico the sciatica or ach in the hukle bones the gout in the knees fete the greues of the other ioynts being drunk or anoynted vpon y e place but let it be drunke mixte w t a litle porcion of some water conuenient for the disease The making of this oyl is described also by Rasis in his Antidotari or preseruatiue and by Bulcasis in his boke intitled Seruitor wheras Bulcasis preferreth new tiles y t neuer yet toucht water because they drink in y e oyl better he bids deuide thē into pieces of an inche bignes putreth thē so in a vessel of glas or glased wel claied y t the third part therof remain empty The fire must be made soft at y e first but so y t it touch y e bottom encresed by litle litle First shall a water issue forth afterward an oyl read Bulcasis which must be gathered bi it self In the same wise do we destil turpentyn guaiacū many other things Oyl also of Chamaemel Nard also which is called Benet or blessed of Mesuae but this of tiles is y e chief of sōe is called petroleū or oyl of stones These Sylu. This is a stinking oil but it perceth passingli Io. Iac. de Māliis ¶ Read certain things befor wher we haue entreted generally of y e destillatiō of oyls by descēcion out of Vlst ¶ Bul. bideth to dip in the peces euerye one of an i●che bignes a dramme Rasis made redde hotte in mooste olde oyle and when they are quenched to take them out of y ● oyl and when thei are al sōwhat grose beaten to put them into one or mo stillatory vessels whiche he calleth belies so that .ii. parts of y e vessell or more be filled He biddeth also to take hede that y e fyre come not nie to this oile while it is destilled because it wil easily be set on fire and hardly be put out Afterward again new peces of tiles dressed as before to be destilled til oyl inough be gathered which he biddeth to be kept in a vessell with a narow mouth moste diligently stopte with waxe and earth For it bretheth out easily because of the subtiltie and thinnes of the substaunce Vse this oyl saith he in cold sicknesses as the falling euil the benumming of the senses or Apoplexia the heauines of hearing and cold gout other diseases also haue I expressed in the booke of oyles for it is a secrete thing of philosophers The very same way of making it doth Rasis describe The oyl that they cal commonlye Balsamyn of spik raiseth vp sodēly them that lie in the falling sicknes being held vnder their noses to be smeld or els that which they get out of tilestones hath the name of the stone Alexander Benet This oyl is made also with certain other thinges mixt with it as I found in a certain written boke the words wherof I wil rehers here Take breke into litle peces red tiles very olde or new but y t neuer touched water thei being made red hot quēch them in oyl of oliues or els y ● is better in oyl of baies by by make thē red hot again slek thē as befor vntil they wax blacke Then put these peces into a lembeck with y e oyl also wherin theiwer quēshed if ani of it be left if not put new vnto it to the measur of a fingar Afterward put to it Castorei and Spicknard or in the steed of it rew of ether of them one part Costi two partes When thies are punned mixt them with the tyles in a Cucurbita or bely whiche thou shalt digge in hors dong about rx. daies At lengthe thou shalt destill it encreasing the fyer by litle and litle The first liquor is good the second better but the third of a red colour is best This oyll is good against all could diseases as Balm but this is more subtil then Balm and more proffitable in could diseases for it perceth through the hand quickly and spredeth abrode a great way It cureth the stoone of the bladder and the could diseases of the same It prouoketh vrine It helpeth the could diseases of the eares and killeth the wormes of the same It is moste proffitable for them that be
sick of the palsy and of the Cynical Cramp being anoynted therupon or drunkē also the Sciatica the griefs of the ioyntes and back A plaster made with this oyll and salt Ammoniack dissolueth in short space the impostumes and hardnesses of the splien It is of force against the falling sicknes and the obstruction or stopping of the nose being put into y e noosthrilles It heateth the brain confirmeth the memory asswageth touth ache Being put into y e womb it prouoketh the flowers It bringeth out the chyld newly conceiued ether dead or alyue It openeth the mouth of the vaines dissolueth the bloud that is lopperd or curded It purgeth the lunges from gros humors A fewe drops of it drunken with syrop of Rooses helpeth them that drawe their breeth peinfully It consumeth marueylously the water descending down to the eyes that is to saye the disease called Suffusion If fishers anoynt their nettes therwith they shall entyse innumerable fishes Iron moystened therin and put to the fyer shall burne streigth way It killeth wornes whersoeuer they be Being made hoot in an egge shell or other vessell may be dropt holsumly into the place where the grief is vntyll the grief asswage It resisteth could poysons as the sting of a Scorpion and also black Popy and Henbane if a mā haue reciued thē by his mouth It puteth away the stoone of the bladder being mixt with the barck of Percily and Fenell the barkes of the routes being sodde in water and a litle quantitie of this decoction receiued with a drop or .ii. in drinke but all thies thinges for the moste part doth Rasis in Antidotary attribute and asscribe to the simple oyl Benet that is that which is destilled of only tyles oyl That is coūted the best saith Rasis that is very red of a strong smel and of a subtill substaunce Oyl of leed Loke befor wheras we haue reher sed Vlstadius wordes of Quinessence Amber by an artificiall meanes of siething is turned into an oyl of his oun colour Ge. Agricola In died it is possible to make oyl of Amber after the same maner as of Iet wherof we haue writen befor For they seme not to be of much vnlyke nature The Germains call them by a cōmun name Agstein geuing only the difference of black vnto Iet Cardan supposeth that Camphora also is of y e same kynd only bycause y t this that the perfume of Amber receiued in a moyst cloth giueth afterward the smell of Camphora in it which notwithstanding did not appeare so to me as I did proue it for a triall Brimston anoynted drūck taketh away scabbednes leprosy and the frenche pockes But with a more vehement force the oyl therof which how it should be made we haue declared in our bokes of the frenche diseases Card. But his bookes of y e frenche disease I suppose ar not yet cum forth in print Salt cōteineth an oyll in it if it be mixt w t the lyme or clay called Bitumen Wherupō Arrianus declareth emongst the Ichthiophagi the men that liue only by fyshe in his history of Ind howe they make an oyll of salt That may be an argument also that the Oliue tries delyte in the Sea bankes for a salt groūd is also not a litle fat But as I said al thinges do so contein oyl that it may be drawen out by y e force of fier but it can not contein much except it haue Bitumē mixt w t it Car. For the making of oyl of Brimston a mā must chose out y t which is pure neuer touched the fier chiefly aliue of an ashy colour This oyl is made many wayes at Rome by sublymaciō descēcion c. It is good for many thinges chiefly for fistulas for y e healing of y e wheeles of y e moutes y ● mē cal gangrenes I suppose it to be y t which we call in Englishe cankers in the curing wherof it excelleth moste of all For take and wet the end of a fether or other lyke thing as some yong and tender spring of a trie or herbe and touche the wheeles once or twyse only therwith and by and by thei shal be killed healed The Munkes vpō Mesue Take a vessell of glas as Maithaeolus Senen writeth in his boke of the Frenche euil not much vnlyke to a litle bell daubed with potters claye hang it the space of a cubit from the grounde by a wyer of bras or iron vnder y e which thou shalt set a basen of glas of a great cōpas with a pot turnde vpsyde downe Moreouer the bottom of the pot shall hold vp an iron plate of .iiii. fingars broode made red hoat wherupon the Brimstone may be brent Whyles this is brēt newe shal be added vpō it Therupon it shal cum to pas that by the smoke ascending the hanging vessell in short space shall destill drop down in to the basen that standes vnder an oyll whiche gathered diligently thou shalt serue in a phyall of glas Brimstone that neuer came ny the fyer or most yelowe whyles it is brent giueth a thick smoke to be receiued in a bell of glas or of stoone Wherein thorowe the gros vapour an oyll gathered together destilleth into a large plain vessell in y e mids wherof the brimstone builded vpon a litle vessell is brent Other beating the brimstone consume the fyry substaūce of if with Aqua vitae set on fyer and after deuil that whiche remaineth lyke vnto oyll of Philosophers Other sieth yelowe Brimstone Turpintyn of ether an vnce oyl of Roses a pound with a slow fire with .ii. vnces of odoriferous wine til the wine be consumed as it is red in Luminari maiore Syluius Put one part of quick brimston into .ii. parts partes of oyl of Lynsied beat them well and diligently together and let them stand in hors dong ii dais in a vessel wel shut it shal be clere fair But all these oyls seme to be prepared only for this purpose that they may be ministred without the body I here say that there be certaine practicioners now a daies which geue men to drink to ther body a certain oyl of brimstō chiefli against falling siknesses perauenture that kind whose firy substance as Syluius maketh menciō is first consumed by Aqua vitae set on fire then destild by sublimacion it may be more safly ministred with in the body then the other Oyl of Vitriol or copros is desired of chymists and likewise of phisitions and as a moste secrete matter is hid I will put here some descriptions therof whiche I receiued of my frendes or found in writē bokes and after other I wil declare one way of this oyl most effectuall approued which I know my selfe whiche a certaine practicioner with vs vsed to the curing almoste of all kinde of diseases and in many luckely c. Make the Vitriol in to lime as thou knowest then pour burning water vnto it
so that it excede the Vitriol a little then seperate the burning water by destillacion in a phiall or in a croked stil or a bely laid on the one side When that is drawne out vrge the spirits of the Vitriol by litle and little encreasing the fire more and more til al y e spirits be ouer passed This liquor destilled put it again into som one of the .iii. maner of vessels aforsaid destil it in a kettle ful of water vntil whatso euer watry thing is in it be separated whiche thou shalt endeuor to bring to pas by al the witte thou hast that the watrines be clean gotten out ether by a lēbek with a nose or a blind lembek whose nether skirt haue a hollow gutter or circle like vnto a lēbek that is to say with a nose Endeuor that the water in the kettle sethe lightlye if so be it ought to sieth at all the dutch word siedē semeth to be equi●ocal and may signify as wel se thing as boyling to thintent that the waterines alone may ascend and the oyl alwaies remain in the botom of the bely the which thing to bringe to pas you shall haue nied of two daies at the least Then afterward that oyl that is left in the belly put it into a bely or other of the forsaid vessels defensed with clay and destil it marke whether any water pas before the spirits For if there be any watrines yet mixt with it it shal be nedeful to set it afterward in y ● sun or hot place in a blind lēbek y ● the watrines being eleuated and caried vp may remain in the hem skirt of the lēbek This if y u repeete ofter then once this insolaciō I mene the oyl shall becom euer the swieter and better Ye also a man may repete the destillacion the second or third time for by that meanes the oyl is rectified more and more Thou maist minister .ii. or .iii. drops of this oyl against all manner of diseases ether by it self or with waters conuenient for euerye disease This oyl I haue tasted my selfe it is swiet pleasant and strong in colour if I remember wel somwhat white An other way Take .iiii. poundes of Vitriol of Rome dry it in an earthen vessel till it wax red after when it is beaten put it into a bely of glasse diligently defenced with clay as the maner is for Aqua fortis and first destilit with a soft fire encresing the degre of the fire by litle and little vntyll white fumes begin to issue out at the nose of y e bely then set a great receiuing vessel fensed w t clay and make a fire with wod continuing for y e space of .xii. hours and at lēght shal issue out red drops and heauye When the receiuer beginneth to bee clear the matter is finished wherfore then cease that the vessels may be couled Afterward y ● shalt put it in a litle lembek to separate and auoide the fleum and reserue the reast setting it in the sun a ix daies When thou wilt vse it minister it wyth white wine or Malmsy .vi. or .vii. drops so that nothinge after be eaten by the space of .iii. or .iiii. hours it mai be receiued also before slepe if a mā drink not vpon it This liquor is profitable for a sick stomack for lepers for them that be sicke of y e stone for the retention and keping of vrin for thē that be sicke of the Ague and in time of the pestilence with water of Acetosae somwhat warm putting vnto it half a dram of spices Diamargariton which is cold if it may be gotten An other way for the same that it may be the better made and purer Put in an earthen pot of earth of Crucibulorum glased within as muche Vitrioll of Rome as thou wilt and destill it in a fornace as is befor said with a fyer of Aqua fortis and there shall run out a whyte water of Vitriol After when it ceaseth thou shalt encreas the fyer and a grien water shall folow which whē it hath left thou shalt make a moste strong and vehemēt fyer both aboue and beneth and a red oyl shall issue out Chaunge euer the receiuer according to the chaūging of the liquors Or els take those .iii. liquors in one vessel seperate the waters afterward from the oyl by destilling them and the oyll shall remain in the bely This separatiō is made y e bely stāding vpright with a head and a receiuer the first destillacion of y e oyl the bely lying ouerth warth as it is said If thou dip a litle drie woul or bombase in water of Vitriol of Rome and ther w t thouch any kind of diseases of y e mouth thou shalt easely heale them Out of a writen booke of a certain friend he semeth here to meane that water y t rūneth out first which is to be vsed only without the body not the very oyl of Vitriol which is more precious and pure and is kept to be ministred giuen to drinke against inward diseases Of the vertues of oyl of Vitriol out of y e same writen boke Drinck Malmsy with a litle oyll of Vitriol cōtinually for the space of .v. or .viii. dais it riddeth a man from all obstructions it purgeth the bloud and driueth away the stone It healeth the il scab if it be drunck with water of fumitory and Myrobalana condite It reneweth a mā with water of endiue It healeth all maner of griefes of the head with water of Maioram or Buglos or Melissa also the turnsicknes if it be conteined any space With water of Agresta it healeth al maner of diseases the body being first purged It restoreth the memory with the water of Acorus or Fenell It mouith a man to slepe with the sied of Letis or Popy It is good for melancolyck persons with water of Bublos or Borage It cureth mad men with water of the water lily cōtinuing y e vse of it also hoat impostums the sleping euil with water of wyld rewe It purgeth the body w t Aqua vitae It healeth y e palsy with water of wyld mint or sage Hyssop the cramp with water of Sage the sicknes of quaking with water of Basilicus diuers inward diseases with water of Trifolium all feblenes of the eyes with water of Fenell the reum from the head with water of Lily y e catar w t water of Adiantū Hyssop the cough also the disease of the syde with water of Plātain the Pleuresis w t water of maiden hear the feblenes wekenes of the stomack w t water of mint With water of Quinces it staunceth vomitting if the sick be of a moyst temperature or cōplexion let it be giuen him with water of plantain or shep pardes purs with a litle Diarhodon It stinteth y e flux of the bely with the water of Plantain the co lyck with water of Rewe With water of wormwod it
Aqua fortis and although it wēt not away by by yet within a few wekes is was gon Aqua fortis or to separate metalles is thus made One part of Sal nitrum liquid or molten Alum that they call roche .iii. partes sand half a parte when they are dryed diligently and purged with the fyer let them be destilled in a vessell of glas It is gathered by it selfe that whiche issueth out first at length when the glas looketh lyke a safrō colour encrease the fyre and an other foloweth whiche is receiued in the first for the moste parte and yet if thou take it in water of the fountain or well it is yet so sharpe that neuer the les it dissolueth siluer and separateth it from Goulde It is separated in this wise Take a litle quantity of y e water drawn out and put into it the weight of xii grains of very pure siluer ▪ and set it vpō ashes til the siluer be dissolued This shall send down into the bottom of the vessell groundes like vnto fine lime which taken awaye the pure water that remaineth put it to the hole water from the which thou druest it which in like maner shal it self also let down into the bottom groundes like the other which taken away thou shalt haue the hole water most pure and most strong to dissolue syluer and other metals except gould gould also I suppose is dissolued of Chymists with Aqua fortis but of another maner of making But seing it vanisheth away easili and consumeth it shal be kept in a glas diligentlye shut To a man that imagineth how great strengthes it hath which takinge water as I said of the wel yea withoute fyre in xxiiii hours doth bring siluer vnto water but w t a little heate of ashes in .ii. or .iii. houres there is no man but he wil graunt those last vapors and water wherunto they be tourned to haue maruelous strength or rather increadible Of the same kind is water that is made of the salts Ammoniak and Nitrum with Chalcanthum y t is coproos and Alum molten in equal porcions putting vnto them at last one fourth part of roust this made after the same maner spareth not very stones It yet a man ad and put to a litle of the obstracite stone called Smiris wherwith they polishe precious stones thou shalt haue more plenty of water and better because it wil not bee burned Theese things therfor receiued and found true by trials let vs see what shoulde be cause that this water becommeth so strong for manifest experience techeth that the drier part attenuated and fined by the force of the fire receiueth a firye and a fretting or gnawing strength But why burneth not the water of separatinge as burnyng water dothe Because that the burninge water is hotter and thinner and les drye therefore it maye bren and excellentlye heaten but not freate But the other can freat not burne and also heaten a little By like reason therfore the oyl that is takē out of Chalcanthum by the force of the fire for as muche as it turneth the driest part into humor it is most sharpe and striketh the tounge like fire Cardan Let no manne thinke that this liquor perteineth only to Chymists and goldsmithes For it is profitable also for medicines vnto mans body It is dropped into warts that be cut and slit as I said afore Some dip the end of a little band in it and put it into a hollow touth from which they wolde take the sence feling of the grefe and mortify it I haue hard the suffusion or web of the eie to be cured in certain with the vertue of this liquor by the same quick siluer is precipitated as we shall now declare and the oyle of Chalcanthum or Coproos is drawn out by it as we said Take halfe an ounce of Aqua fortis mixt it with an ounce and a half of Roosewater soores of the throte palace iawes and lips let them be touched twise a daye with a little Cotton tide to the top of a sticke and moistned in this liquor Thom. Philologus Certain diuers maners of Aqua fortis maiste thou read after where we shall write of Mercury sublimated ¶ Burning water that a candle ma● burne in the verye water Put a sextar or .xx. vnces of the eldest wine in a potte wide aboue and narow beneath wherunto thou shalt ad .ii. vnces of bothe kindes of Sulphur or brimstone that is of the quik and dead ii vnces and as much alum and as much of gros salt Let thē be sod together til the third part be consumed A tallowe or waxe candle annoynted with this shal burne in the water as well as in the aire If so be it thou sprinkle a heare or cloth therwith light it at the flame and it shall burne mooste manifestlye withoute hurte Oute of a written booke It wold appeare that a liquor destilled of this matter by the force of the fyre woulde be muche more effectuous to the same conclusion A water to whitten the tethe whiche Isabella of Arragonia the Duches of Millen did vse A pound of Salte purged and beaten an ounce of Gla●sye or Isly Alum let them bee destilled in a lembecke Mixt an ounce of this water with an vnce of Plantaine water and with a little wode wouldipte therein rub the teethe and they shall becom most bright Furnerius An other like out of the same boke Sall Ammo niak Sall Gemmae of ether iii ounces Suger Alum an ounce and a halfe commone Salte an ounce When they are beaten destil them in a lembecke of glasse and with the liquor drawne oute thereof rub the tethe with a stone and after wash the mouth with a litle white wine Read befor in the end of the Cosmeticall waters the same description but without common salt the vse wherof is declared without destillacion Aqua Angelica of a maruelous vertue against blearednesse Cankar and burninge with fyre Three ounces of vn●lekt lime and halfe a pound of raine water let them stande together in a vessell of glasse or tinne a .iii. daies Then mirtinge them sturre them together and let them settle again a .xxiii. hours or more in a vessell well couered Afterwarde straine them tenderly throughe a linnen clothe till it bee cleare Then put to it .x. drawmes of Sall Ammoniak the whitest thou cāst finde and finest beaten and molten wyth longe mouing in the said water After when it is setled thou shalt straine certaine times the cleare water that standeth aboue or els destil it by a Filtrum Thys water healeth the clothe or spot La Toile in Frenche that is the webbe of the eyes three drops thrise a daye dropt into them continuinge till the eye be made hoole It taketh awaye also the teares of the eyes the rednesse and blearednesse also the Cankar and burnyng if it be rightlye ministred It taketh awaye all spots and steines of cloth both silke and woullen if they bee
washt in it a litle warmed Furnerius Mans vrin destilled chymistes vse it to resolue goulde printers for their inck that they vse to print bookes with all Diuers waters wonderfully drying sharpe fretting for healing of the whelkes of the frenche pockes without anoynting maiest thou reade in Nicolas Massa in his .vi. booke the .ii. chapt of the Frenche pockes A certain burning water with orpment c. destilled is described of Rogerius a Surgion Of the lyquors of precious stones CArdan in his second booke of subtiltie serching a water whiche put in by a Syringe or Spoute mighte breake the stoones of the bladder supposeth suche a one might be receiued of the stoone called Tecolithos or the stones of creuisses c. as we haue rehersed befor in the tretize of y ● vertues of destilled liquors generally I if I may ad cōiectur to coniectur I would destill ether thies or other stones or glas with the iuice of Parietary Certain chymistes do prayse highly the spirit or Quintessence of berill against the stoone of the reines or bladdar Of cirtain massy thinges as quicksiluer precipitated or killed and the same and arsn●ck sublimated LEt vs ad here certain massy and hooll medicines which also be sublimated or sod in glas vessels at the fyre although it be almoste besydes our matter when as we purposed to entreat only in this boke ofliquors separated from a grosser substaunce Yet because they be a few medicines and sublimated that is they are prepared and made with lyke in strumentes as the forsaid liquors and hetherto for the most part secret y t is knowen vsed of few maruelous effectuous I thought not good to let them pas Quick siluer precipitated is thus made as Car. wryteth in his fift boke of Subtiltie Take Alum Calcanthum that is coproos of ether lyke much put therto salt as much as one of them half as muche destil this together in glas vessels Put a pound of this water y t is of aqua for t is cōmunly called .iii. poūd of quick siluer into a glas destil therout encresing the fier cōtinue til the smoke and the vessel wax red no water at al remain At length breake the vessell gather the quick siluer whiche thou shalt se now gathered to gether lyke a stone grynd this very small vpon a table of red marble sieth it again destil it til it be dryed in a glasen vessel Again breake y e vessel gather the matter y t remaineth grinde the same again vpon y e moler very fine subtil Afterward put it in a vessel of bras a gret fier made vnder it mixt it stur it about by the space of .ii. houres til it get almost a brightnes rednes les thē take it and kepe it in vessels of glas This emongst all other y t eat the flesh without grief dry vp putrifying sores if it be rightly made is the best nether serueth it to any other purpose y t I knowe Thies thinges writeth he Perles are dissolued w t strōg vinegar specially being destilled or with the iuice of limōs c. precipitated and sublimated Cinna briū and they return into quicksiluer Syluius A way to make red pouder y t is quicksiluer calcionated precipitated out of Marianus y e surgeō Six vnces of Aqua fortis iiii vnces of quicksiluer mixt thē together in a bely or cucurbita of glas wel claied with a hed vpō it y ● nose end wherof shall be put within a receiuer let them be destilled with a moderat fyer encreasing it by litle litle But aqua fortis that separateth gold frō siluer is made thus Sal nitrū roche Alū Vitriol of Rome of eue ry one .ii. poūdes let thē be mixt in a morter euer beating grinding with the pestil til they be well mixt Then put the pouder sumwhat groos into a bely vnclayed al the mouthes stopt let it be destilled The tokē of his goodnes is this if y e groūd wherupō a litle of it falleth do boyll streigthway The vertue of this reed pouder is maruelious Take out of the barbers shop .iii. vnces of lye of Praecipitatū an vnce a half rosed hony .ii. vnces mixt them diligētly With this medicine without doubt thou shalt dry clēse a filthy sore and roten wherupō the flesh shal after begin to brede wher as other clensing things as those made of y e iuice of Apiū or of y e iuice of Cynoglos shal do no good Nicolas Massa in his booke of the Frenche disease calleth Mercurium praecipitatum Angelicall pouder because of the marueilous as it were a diuine operacion of it in the Frēch pockes which he his selfe hath not seldom tryed This medicin saith he dryeth with a certain gentle eating of the soft and superfluous fleshe and that withoute grief remouing also the euill secret qualitie of the soores and chiefly of the disease of Naples It digesteth any matter and purgeth it letteth the disease called Corrosio of gnawyng the canker it dissolueth groos matter hard and rawe after y e opening of gummes And no medicine is to be cōpared with this in this disease For if thou continew in the vse of it it leadeth vnto the perfect breding of the skin as I haue oftentimes tryed and it is excellent in the euill sores of the yard It is made in this wyse But a pound of quick siluer in a litle bely of glas and power as muche Aqua fortis vnto it Then put the bely in a pot and ashes in space betwene the bely and the pot sydes that the pot breake not assone as it toucheth the fyer Thē put vnder fyer slow at the first and let it be encresed by lytle and litle yet after a certain mean and so with a strong fyer let it be left till all the water be consumed whiche is perceiued when no more vapours ascend out of y e bely So shalt thou haue Mercurium calcionated red Grynde this if any parte of the quick siluer remaine with it put the said pouder in a cleen vessell of bras at the fyer so mixt it let it stande till all the part of quick siluer be consumed This pouder maist thou vse to all the forsaid diseases and specially to the sores of the yard of other places wher rottennes and much il matter letteth the knitting or heling vp and in fistulaes dissolue it with wine and cast it in by a brasen pipe for it worketh meruelously Moreouer water to separate gold from siluer is thus made Two poundes of Vitriol of Rome Roche Alum .xvi. ounces Sal Nitrum a pounde let them be put in a croked bely writhē bakward claied or in a streght with his head and receiuer Destyll them as Alchymists do This water is meruelous to put away wartes in what parte of the body so euer they be and specially in the foūdament and wombe it brenneth and
searreth also euil sores eating them out euery where yea euen in the throte and letteth the sores from crieping and spreading namelye of the yarde and the wombe If it be to vehement mixte it with Roose water And I my selfe haue healed ill sores and biles of the throte touching them twise a dai with the saide water mixtinge with it half so muche of Rosewater and it is one of our secreates se more in the same the .vi. boke and .ii. chapter But this angelicall pouder had I of a certaine olde Alcumist and I made it before Iohannes de Vigo euer made anye mencion of it Thus farre Massa and parte Thom. Philologus out of him Of the making and commodities of this redde pouder read Iohannes de Vigo in his fifte boke of Additionum where he biddeth that the vessels rereceiuer shall be thrise as bigge as the bealye the xxxviii leafe b. And that white found with thys pouder is siluer sublimated from the redde like as is what so euer is yelowe or of a Saffron coloure And also in his booke entituled Capiosa the. Clxiii lefe a. Pouder of Mercury saithe Matthaeolus Senensis in his booke of the waye to heale the Frenche disease is made in this maner Take .iiii. poūds of water wherewith gould is seperated from siluer a pound and a half of quick siluer Put these in a vessel of glas with a narow mouthe wyth a croked nek round about fensed with clay which shal be receiued of an other thē stop the ioynts of the vessels with potters clay diligently Thē put vnderfire made of coles so that it may euer wax bigger and bigger so long till all the water haue run out After this breake the phial and take out lightly the red cake that setleth in the bottome what white so euer sticks in it cast it away but y e red make it in pouder But for asmuch as throughe this pouder much harm might happen to thē shuld receiue it except it be duely prepared Take ii ounces of the said pouder and let them stād to soke in water of Plantaine and Acetosae of ether ii ounces the next morow early take the waters from thence and put new vnto it and set it to the fire in a vessel of bras or erth when they are hot cease not to stur them aboute with an iron or woden spattle or s●is vntil al becom pouder and that withoute anye difficultie of the which thou maist when thou list make such a recept against y e frenche disease aswel that is Flegmatike as Melancoly Take electuarii Conciliatoris this is made of diuers cordiall medicins and spices precious stones pearles gould siluer Camphora Ambra Mosch is described of him Differentia 196 half a scruple perls hyacincts of ether .v. grains the pouder of Praecipitatum v. grains pouder of D●amuscum Diamargariton of ether halfe a scrupull Make .v. pils let thē be gilded Thom Philologꝰ who addeth Terrae Sigillatae and Boli Armeniae of euery .iii. grains let these be taken of the paciēt an hour before day let him kepe his bed .v. houres Shortly beleue me shal the french pocks be auoided with this receit For the fleum and blak choler also shal vanish away bothe by vomit and downwardes Besides this there are very many kinds of diseases that we haue cured with such a pouder For it puts not awaye onlye matter and rotten flesh being strawed vppon but also wythout any difficultie it bringeth sores biles vnto a skar the pestilence also with a little Triacle and with the iuice of the hearbe called Tuneci whiche they call Carduum Benedictum or w t an electuarye of precious stones if it be not yet confirmed stablished in the bodye it driueth it away meruelouslye Manye also that bee Limphatici that is mad or Melancolike whome they beleued commonly to be resorted vnto of Deuils we haue cured them with y e same What make I mani words We haue deliuered with this pouder those y t wer almost dead of the quartain putting vnto it Saccharum Buglossatum or triacle or Mithridatium som digestion made an hour before the fit in .v. or vii grains weight according to the age and strēght of the body of the diseased Yea also it is holsō to be ministred amongst the griefes of the yard great guts for we haue cured some that auoyded their dung by their mouth leaninge to the moniments and sayings of Paulus Aegineta that saith how certain phisitiōs haue ministred in that disease of the great guttes quicke siluer killed The same resisteth the taking as they cal it or inchātment It hath besides this many notable vertues which when I haue more leisure I wil rehearse vnto thee he speketh to him y t talketh with him one by one perauenture then it shall delite me to expres in what sorte thou maist make pouder w t gould and quicke siluer or els the water declared before These he I hare of late that a certain phisicion or chymist at Athesin did prepare Mercurium praecipitatum with gould and sold it like gold which had suche vertue to eat oute gnawinge or grief Se those that we shal declare about the end of those that folow next after How Praecipitatum is made which is a remedy against all diseases growing of the rottennes of humors out of a certain writē boke Make a water of equal porcions of Vitriol of Rome and Sal Nitrum with a heade and receiuer in the whiche thou shalt put the sixt-part of the weighte of rawe Mercury y t is to say if ther be 3. poūds of Vitriol and Sal nitrum put .vi. vnces of Mercury Afterward suffer the water with his spirites to descend in to the receiuer Then auoyde all that is in the receiuer into a clean bely and that is claied vnder the whiche put a head with a receiuer and destill it again and whē the water is in the receiuer put it againe in the bely in the whiche the Mercury remained Thou shalt repete this till the Mercury wax red Then when it is red washe it with Cordiall waters as Borage Balme and such lyke But first washe it often tymes in fountain water or well water destilled Mercury so prepared shalt thou giue to sick men within their bodies in this maner If the body be very strong giue .x. grains if it be mean .viii. weakes fiue if it be a chyld cōsider diligently what is necessary to be done But vtterly mixt it with triacle so shalt thou giue it to him that is infected with poyson droysy pestilēce or taken with other infirmitie If a sounde man once a yeare or euery third yeare as it shall seme him good vse this Praecipitatum with a dew digestion of the humors that is with a preparacion of purgacion he shall preuent many diseases Note that in the stede of Mercury thou mayst vse Amal gama made of six partes of quick siluer and of one part of gold and so shalt thou worke
greatter wōders This Amalgama must be made red lyke as Mercury alone with Aqua fortis although Mattheolus Senensis as we declared a litle before wry teth that the pouder Mercurial may bee made of such a mixture yee and that without Aqua fortis And marke that thou maist heale woundes with the first or second Praecipitatum whiche thou shalt vse thus Put of it about the wound and within And this is a great secret And know that in .iiii. destillacions thou shalt bring this to pas whiche doone put it in a cleane bely in the fyer that the spirites that is of the Hydrargyri that is the quick siluer sublimated mixt with the Praecipitatum as muche as is possible may departe then make as is aboue specified Of the sublimacion of quick siluer thou shalt read Bulcasis in his thirde booke of his worke that he calleth Seruitor But of the vse of it in burninges and seerynges and for the French diseas reade Nicolaus Massa the sixte booke the seconde chapter and of the same booke the fourth howe it is to be ordered to seerynges both otherwyse and that the seeryng or burning be done with none or litle grief Certain vse it at this day for the ill and angry skabes and ring wormes or tettares c. aswell in men as in horses Quick siluer saieth Cardan is sublimated in this maner Put Quick siluer and Shomakers inck of ether lyke weyght and with moste sharpe whyte vynegar mixt it so long till the quick siluer be seen no more then in a vessel of glas parieted with clay sieth it till it growe together If any doe run abrode cum not together break it again in a morter with vinegar put to it and sieth it yet again Thei vse quick siluer so excoct for painting For it whytteneth and addeth a brightnes to wemens faces But it maketh the tieth fall out and briedeth a stinking breth But for the vse of syluer and for the art of Goldsmythes it is proffitable not in few thynges Of the sublimation of Mercury Marchasyt Magnesiae Tutiae looke in Geber Summae perfectionis 1. 4. 45. and so furth Also of the sublimacion of Brimstone and arsnick 43. chapter Sublimatum Praecipitatum and Cinabrium are dissolued with strong vinegar specially destilled and returne into quic siluer Syluius Auicenna maketh mencion of Arsnick sublimated Arsnick or Orpment sayeth Albertns Magnus in his booke of Metalles is of the kynde of Stones of a Citriny colour and reed the which stone the chymici call one of the spirites It hath the nature of Brymstone in heating and drying Being calcinated with the fyer it waxeth black and by and by with sublimation it becummeth mooste whyte If it be sublimated three or foure tymes it purchaseth suche strengthe that it wyll peers through Bras and burne vehemently all metalles except Gould Being set in the ayre it altereth and chaungeth the same Bras in to a whyte colour Wherfore Falsifiers vse it to make Bras lyke Syluer in whiche thyng it is able to do very muche The medicines that ought to be vsed to a cācre exulcerated ougth to be of a very strong operation Emōg other the best safest help in this disease Guido a Cauliaco saith is arsnik sublimated whose notable vertues we haue alredy made mencion of oftentymes before and hereafter will wee celebrate bring it into renoune yet more This killeth saith Theodoricus the cankar the wolfe Esthiomenum that is Sphacelum or Syderatio blasting noli me tangere the Fistula and al suche sore and wurst diseases it killeth thē and routeth them out the first daye But a man must haue a great consideracion and take diligent hede to the places nye about whyles it is ministred and laid to leest that they themselues chaunce to be vexed and assayled with any inflammacion or swelling and concurs of the humors Whiche discommoditie thou shalt easely auoyde if so be it thou anoynt those partes that be ny and compas the Carcynoma or eating cankar with Bol Armena and other lyke But also the Arsmik sublimatum must be ministred in dew maner or iust quantitie which a rationall physicion defineth only by an artificial cōiecture c. Io Tagautius in his institucions of Surgery 3. 19. Zenzifar that is Zinabrium how it is made by sublimacion loke in Bulcasis and Cardan the fift booke de Subtilitate The calcionating of orpmēt that it may get a red colour in Ioan. de Vigo in his Antidotary the. 163. lief Tartarum that is the dried lyes of wyne how it is sharpened that it may haue marueylous vertues for certain medicines by the destillacion of burning water Lullius teacheth in his seconde booke of Quintessence A certain practicioner told me that he did dres and prepare the stoone called Cyanence that is Lazulus in such wise that it might bring vp more stronglye and more safely black choler from melancholy men and those that were mad And first if I remember me well he saide it must be calcionated then sublimated or first that the best Aqua vitae shoulde be destilled vppon it putte in a Cucurbita or bellye then sublimated and be sprinckled or watered with Aqua vitae vi times destilled and dried again Salt that it may be more pure to be put to medicines or meates after it is mixt with water let it be destilled by a Filtrum and again let it be sod till the water be consumed The same purged in a gouldsmithes Crucibulo with a greate fyre is molten and fused When it is so molten lette it be mixt with Salt Alcalis or in steade of it with the white gall of glas for there is black also which some call the norishmente of glas other Zoza as I heare and with Sal Gemmae When theese are beaten they vse them for Chrysocolla or also they put a little of Chrysocolla vnto it But this mixture hath to much sharpnes and consumeth some of y e gold Wherfore they vse it only to courser workes but to finer they vse only Borax Ther be sōe that mixt Borax commun salt molten and salt Alcalis together in equall porcions and in secreate matters count it for Borax But these are besides the matters perteining to phisick Soot how it is gathered of pitche and butter thou shalt read in Dioscorides and Bulcasis Of certaine other not Alchymisticall or not destilled or sublimated medicines but cunninglye and wittilye prepared by other and diuers wayes THe medicins that we haue hitherto described are all comprehended vnder the name of lyquors because they haue no earthy matter mixte with them but they are ether of a watry or aiery or fiery nature whether so euer they be waters or oyls or any third kind of liquor Al are prepared in certain Alchymical vessels and by the force of the fire But for as much as their scope and ende that is to the intent that the best and chiefe in euery medicin might be had drawn out pure and liquid from the
elect when they are all mixte together let them be prest cunninglye in a pres But my waye whyche I described afore and tried my selfe liketh me moore then the other There be many waies to make oyl of Rooses It is made ether with oyl and ripe Roses or bothe of them vnripe or the one ripe thother vnripe and so ther is .iiii. diuers waies Som in stead of commun oyle take oyl of Almondes Rasis in hys Antidotario seperato putteth .iii. waies Firste Take a pound of cōmun oil washed wherin thou shalt put the fourthe parte of Grene Rooses in a glased vessell of glas rather which thou shalt set in the sun for the space of .iii. daies ye .xl. as Aegi neta hath Then straine it and put it in a glasse This waye is better then the other The second Take oyl and Roses as before and hang the vessell in a well so that it maye be touched of the water and after .ii. monethes take it oute straine it and kepe it The third Oyl and Roses as before put them in a glas anoynted within with honye which stopt thou shalt let it diep in y e erth wher it shall not be touched nether with water nor other moisture ii months This oyl wil be better smellinge then the other These writeth Rasis oute of Aegineta as it appeareth Aegineta biddeth in the xx chap. of the seuenth boke vnto a Sextarium or wine pint of oyl Omphacinum made of oliues not fully ripe to put .iii. ounces of red Roses the nails taken awai and for the space of .xxiiii. hours laid out in the air then the oyl to be set .xl. daies w tout dores in the sun not vpon the ground but vpon a borde ¶ Mesuae in the. 411. chapt describeth .iiii. waies First that fresh and new red roses be set in the sun .vii. daies then let them be sod in a double vessel .iii. houres then the Rose leaues wronge oute let other be put in and let them be set in the sun and sod as before Which whē thou hast done thrise put to the oyl water of infusion of Rooses y t is wherin Rooses likewise haue stāded which he saithe we haue prescribed in the chapter of syrrups as it were the fourth of the oyl that is the fourth part as the Munkes haue it Syluius trāslateth it as much as the oyl is which I like not so well So when it is set in the sunne .xl. daies straine it and sette it longe againe in the Sunne The second mixting with the oyl washt the iuyce of Roses and the water of their infusion and the leaues beaten together then setting it in the sun and chaunginge it as before c. The thirde that with swiet Almondes blaunshed exactly beaten in a morter leaues of Roses be beaten again thē make them in litle lumpes or caakes and keepe them in a hoat aire .xxiiii. houres Then beate thē again and kneed them in the morter very exactly pouring vnto it a litle hoat water of infusion of Roses At length prees out the oyll with a presse put in a glas couered set it to sū The fourth y ● it be made with Sesamum blaunshed after the same maner as with Almondes But Almondes are more mete for vnrype Rooses Sesama for rype Thies hath Mesue wher Syluius had it The first composition saith he of the .iiii. now rehersed is vsed of many but of the Parisians the composition of Nicolas whiche shal be declared in his Antidotary And againe I heare that oyll of Roses is is made moste odoriferous by putrifying the roses one moneth in dung in a vessell well stopt After the same maner of commun Mastick and Roses incarnate and Muske Roses and suche lyke I doubt not but it may be made most odoriferous without the mixture of any oyll ¶ Sieth Roses Wormwod or any other odoriferous herb in water with the fourth part of oyl til all the water be consumed and the oyll shall haue the strengthes and vertues of the herbes So shalt thou make oyll out of hand of any thing Cardanus out of Symeon ¶ There be sum that when the Rooses are beeten and sod in only water say there swimmeth a certain fat foom whiche may be streined or gathered with a fether ¶ An other certain man told me that the leaues of Roses new should be sod in water til they be thick as hony almost then crusht with a spoon that the oyll or foom may enter in to it but sum water wil be mixt also with it wherfore when it is gathered in a glas it is set in the sun y e oyl swiming aboue in y e top is separated Oyll of the flowers of Elder purgeth and maketh smouth the skin strengtheneth the sinewes and helpeth the griefes of them Furnerius Oyl of Spick moste holsome for thē that haue the gout in their fiet whiche a certain physicion of late did cōmunicate Fill a glas with the flowers of Spick nard dryed in the sun and power vpon thē oyl of Oliues so that it be higher by a fingar bredth When it hath stande .iii. daies in the sun make it boyll in a kettell six or seuen waues and streine it with migth then put in other flowers dried set them in the sun .xvi. daies or more So shalt thou haue saith he an oyl to put away peyn or grief wurth gould as I haue tried with often experience Lay linnen cloothes moystened in it vnto the grief it misseth very seldō yea although a man do not consider the humor offending See more in the Antidotary of Arnold de Villa noua Oyll of the flowers of Verbascum is made by settin them in the sun in a glas as also of the flowers of Rosemary moste cōmended praysed for the gout of the fiet of other griefs specially hoat Oyl of violets is made as oyll of Roses but of grien oy●l or oyll of Almondes or Sasamin Mesue Paulus Aegineta maketh this oyll of purple Violeth or Leucoio that is yelowe or he setteth them in the sun couering the vessell exactly that it breth not through only ten daies the Violettes in the meane season thrys chaunged and at lengthe he addeth dry Violettes Of oyll of Tartarum that is the dry Lies of wyne OYll of Tartarum deuysed by Peter Argil lata serueth to clense the face and to smouth it Tartarum cleauing to the sydes of the vessell whyte rather then red made into pouder is stept in vinegar after it is folded in a linnen cloothe then lette it be put in Tow moystened with water vnder the ashes after that let it be laid in a dish hielding towad the one syde .iii. daies then shall a certaine humor sumwhat red destill Nicolas way to make oyl of Tartarum cleaning to the sydes of the vessels Take that Tartarū that is of good wyne beaten folded in a linnen cloth moysten it well with strong whyte vynegar sieth it vnder hoat ashes burn it til it wax black
be et it again kepe it in a vessell lying on the one syde enclyned eight daies in a cold place til it be resolueed into oyl whiche if it doo not pres it out and kepe it The same wayes doth Mesues make oyls of egs It wer better whē y e Tartarū is calcinated and put it in a Hippocras bagge as they call it let it be put in a dry place till the oyll runne out into a vessel set vnder it Syluius I fynd an other certain maner in Furnerius in a Frenche booke of decking where as he biddeth to take Tartarū burned and calcinated as muche as can be taken at two handfulles and tied straite in a linnen clout to be burnt and calcinated in a furnace of Glas Lyme or Brick thē to be powred into a good quātitie of water with as muche Alum as a nut and to be muche sturred aboute then when thou hast let rest .xxiiii. houres streine this water casting that away that remaineth in the linnen cloth and sieth it in a skillet till nothing els then a certayne whyte crust remaine c. this place semeth to be mangled whiche hanged in a litle bag ny to the earth within thre daies thou shalt see it turned in to liquor whiche muste be a certain tymes strained til it becum cleer Sum put Tartarum to be calcinated in a newe pot in a potters ouen and when the vesselles are all baked then take it out But I thinke it should be calcinated better moore purely in hoat ashes or cooles as apples or wardens are wonte to bee rosted happing them also with cooles It shal be inough burnt when it shall appeare nowe whyte nor any more black whē it is so burnt they hang it in a litle bag with a sharp end lyke a spyr stieple tund vpsyde doun the mouth or wyde end put in a clouen stick wherby it shall hang and be prest together w t a phiall of glas set vnder with a tunnil An other way Take equall porcions of Tantarum and Salnitrum pund burne them in a larg pot then grinde or breake them with a hotte iron and put them in a little bagge in a wine celer that they may destill An other Beat Tartarum and Nitrum in equal parts mixt them and burn them that the Nitrum maye be consumed The Tartarum that remayneth put in a bladder that is a glas like a bladder hang it in hot water and it shall be streighte resolued into oyle ¶ An other Tartarum well washte from the dregs and verye wel dried shalt thou calcinat till it waxe white Then when it is beaten and sifted dissolue it with raine water destilled and made warme when it is molten destill it by a Filtrum then lette it gather into a Iellye when it is so calcinat it againe that it may waxe more white So at lengthe shalt thou hange it in a little bagge as an Hippocras bagge in a moyst place laye on some brode thinge for a couer that no vncleane thinge fall into it and setting a glased pot vnder it Some destill it in a lembeek of glas that is to say in ashes from whence a water runneth first then the fire encreased by litle and little the oyle The vse It is good for all scabs and Ringwormes it maketh the skin white cleare youth-like I haue sene it vsed to runninge soores of the head to the which I thinck that is better wher w t Nitrum is burned together It maketh coper also siluer white and putteth away spots steins in linnē clothes It is put to colours to make thē more bright as I think as they put to wrytinge inke of the coloure of the bresill wode and other Rogerius also 4. 9 teacheth to make oyl of Tartarum This saith he clenseth cloths and spots remaining after birth of a melancoly cause purgeth the face Of oyls of the yelkes of egges wormes and Scorpions OYl of egs out of Rasis Put the yelks of egs in an iron kettel vpon the coles till they be burnt and the oyl that drippeth out kepe it in a glas It is good for the greues of the tuel or fundament and of the eares and teethe ¶ This oyl saithe Mesues is proued with much experience to purge the skin to heale thorowly tetters ringwormes and other faultes of the skin to brede heare to sores boyles and fistulaes Thirty eg yolkes or there about hard rosted crummed with the handes let them be parched in an earthen frying pan or skellet leaden w t a moderate fire sturring them with a wodē spone or erthen til they waxe red and let the oyle be resolued from them which being pressed yeld more then a sponeful Or the same yelkes harde rosted let them be broken vpon a moler then let them be beaten into lumps and prest out in a pres as we haue declared in oyle of Almondes and an Oyle shall destil from them Or the same yelkes put in to a bealy with a lembecke let them be destilled by the force of the fire as it shal be said of oyl of Philosophers These saith Mesues Whereas Syluius in his annotacions saith It taketh away meruelously the foulnes of the skin and skars specially that be left in burnte places for the moste parte it smelleth somwhat strong yet at the laste destilled by sublimacion les It encreaseth heare as Serapion saith in his Antidotarie Oyle of egges of Nicolas fashion Frye sodden yolkes of egges with a slow fyre made of coles in an iron skellet continually sturringe them wyth an iron rodde till they be well rosted presse them oute in a stronge linnen clothe moystened in oyle of Almondes But it is better saithe Syluius to frye the yelkes rawe and moue them continually with a spone til they being rosted and prest with a spone geue an oyl in a vessel hielding which put in a glas reserued good a greate while Oute of xx yolkes thou shalt draw oute in .ii. houres .iiii. ounces or there about Matthaeolus wrytinge vpon Dioscorides prayseth this oyl for the roughnes of y e skin for ringwormes for cleftes of the lippes handes feete and tuell also for the griefes of sores ioynts and all sinewy places to conclude for the griefes and sores of the eares Moreouer it is good saith he for places burnt with fire and in the thin skins of the brain it separateth the impared partes from y e hole meruelously whiche not without my great honor and commendacion and profit of the sicke I haue often tried in Surgery In a wounde vpon the braine panne poure in the oyl of egs and it wil take away the griefe as Abhomeron Abynzoar teacheth whiche we haue also tried with good succes Marianus Sāctus An oyle for the sores or boyles of children .xvi. yolkes of egs sod an vure of Mirrh .iiii. graines of black Helleborus let them be mixte together w t an iron spone in an iron skellet set vpō a few coles then pres the yelks
Dictamnum Creticum of euery one halfe a handfull When they are beaten put them into oyll and put them in a bath for twoo daies Strein them and pres them as before Then take Zedoariae the roote of whyte Dictamni Gentian Tormentillae Aristolochiae root of euery one thre drams of freshe Scordium a handfull When they are beaten together power them in and let them stand thre daies in the bath strein and pres And again put into the oyl Styracis Calamitae Belzoi or Laserpitii of ether .vi. drammes the bearies of Iuniper .iiii. drams Nigellae iii. drams odoriferous Casiae ix drammes white Saunders .iiii. drams Scoenanthi Cuperis of ether a dram and a half when they are beaten pour them in and put them into the bath .iii. daies straine and pres After take .xxx. liue Scorpions gathered in the Caniculer daies and put them in a belly of glas vpon hot ashes and when thou seest them sweate for heat and to send out an humor power vppon them al the forsaid oyl hot but not so hot that the vessell breake therwith and sodenlye stoppe the mouth of the vessell and put it in a bath .iii. dais Then strain it and pres it and cast awai the scorpions now sod and put into the oyle Rhabarbi Electissimi commun Mirh Aloes Hepaticae of euery one .iii. drams Spiknard .ii. drams one dram of Saffron Triacle elect Mithridatii perfecti of ether half an ounce When they are beaten poure them in and put it in a bath .iii. dais and strain it no more after that but set it vp and keepe it as a balm For it is a remeady of great admiracion against the forsaid poisons specially against the Napellum wherewith those .ii. theues of Cor●ica wer infected whose history we recited in y e fourth boke wher we made mētion of Aconitum to whiche place I send the reader These writeth Matt. Cardanus thinketh that the oyl which should be anoynted without the body against poysons vpō the pulses and region of the hart oughte to be of metall as of orpment or drawne out of Myssi see before in the beginning of the tretise of oyles destilled of metally thinges Of oyl of Serpents or blacke Edders also of oyl of frogs rede Mesuae c. Oyl of Castoreum is composed with manye other spices and hot gums c. as Syluius describeth vpō Mesuen it may also be made simple and single and for the hard and Massy part of Castorei the fattines cleauinge to it to be added or rather both as I counsell Brimston is made hot in oenostagmate I vnderstand burning water till a certaine skin swim aboue they call it an oyl which a man must take in a shell sometimes the water muste be chaunged till oyl inough be gathered wherewith they saye Hydargiron that is quicke Siluer sunken in a body is entised oute if it be anoynted streighte waye when a man commeth oute of the bathes Iac. Hollerius See befoore amongste the destilled oyles Of fomentations and perfumes ▪ FOmenta are called of the Grekes Pyriamata all thinges that be laide hot to the bodye withoute ether to asswage the griefe or to drawe oute the matter bothe otherwise and also to dissolue swellings this perauenture is done by dri fomenta●ions rather the other by moyste Sometimes I woulde vse now the one now the other both dry and moyst by course as in gouty greues ether in the feete or other ioynts wher as it is ieopardy least the more subtill parte of the matter drawne oute the groser be lefte behinde and made more hard Moyst fomentacions seme to prepare the matter for the drye to extenuate and make sclender to mollefy to digest to make them vapor out some perauenture do none of these accordinge to the diuersitie of the matter But dry fomentacions do drye and draw outward and heaten more Moist be ether liquid or running as simple water or ●alte Oyl milk by it self or with hony herbs and flours sod in water or wine or other liquor and laid vpon a linnen cloth or bag or put into a blader or a sp●g moistned therin or a linnen cloth or wul or a Filtrum that is a shred of wollen cloth Bladders or like thinges full of hot water or oyl Cataplasmata also maye be numbred amongste these whyche are ministred hot that is to saye hearbes sod and beaten laide vppon a linnen cloth Dry are suche as Milium Salte Sande bran Otes made hot in a kettle and sturred aboute are put into a linnen clothe or bagge Celsus in some places commendeth the iuice of hotte Salte and in an other place he saithe it is most holsome to make fomentacions wyth moyste Salte You shall as he expoundeth putte a little bagge into hotte water and laye it hotte to the place diseased puttynge into the bagge nowe and then an iron s●ise hotte whyles it lyeth vppon the place that is greaued sprinkling water lightly vpon it therefore you shal haue .ii. slices redi that while the one slis is put into the bag the other may be heated in the fire In the disease of the necke called Tetanus whiche is the stifnes of the sinnewes saith Celsus it is necessarie to haue a moyste and warme fomentacion Therfore the moste part of men do pour often vpon the neckes much hotte thinges That procureth presently ease but it maketh the sinewes more apt to receiue cold which ought to be auoided Therfore it were beter to anoynt the nek with some waxed moisture then to laye Oxe bledders or like thinges filled with hotte oyle or some hot plaster of bran or rounde Pepper with figs beaten But the best of al is to make fomentation with moist salt In the same we red a meruelous fomentacion for the touth To put wilde Minte in a Basin and water to it somewhat aboue it then to putte in hotte burnynge Flintes the diseased gapinge with his mouthe receyueth the vapoure I harde of a late of a woman deliuered from a longe paine of the touth ache whyche receiued gapinge the vapoure of a black flint wherewith the streates are paued be sprynkled with wine The same Celsus biddeth to vse fomentacions vnto sore nosthrils only w t the vapor of water out of a vessel w t a narow mouth This appor also is ministred to hot greuous Hērods A certain woman that had ben long sick of a Paronychia or whitflow or ilgnawing sore vpō her toes nie y e nail when now certain litle bones wer out and many medicines vsed in vaine she laide vnto it a fomentacion of the mos of a walnut tree sod in wyne so that she held the sore place a prety whyle in that vapour then bound part of the mos hoat therupon and was by and by made hoole A fyer brand also brent foulded in a moyst cloth is in stede of a hoat fomentacion in Celsus I haue put Caret or Cumin sede beaten in a bag moystened with burning water hoat vnto the nauell of
haue .iiii. stoules But I hear that certaine when they had taken to muche as much perauentur as a beane they haue ben emptied to ofte by the bealye and vomiting and haue bene verye muche weakened whiche I to take heede of vsinge the counsell of a certaine learned Phisicion I woulde brynge to iuyce not the Elleborum alone but infused and decocted with other diuers medicines as I shall declare by and by I perceiue it skilleth little whether the rootes be taken grene or dry But a man must take a poūd at the leaste of the rotes Lullius and other Cardan haue made mention of the quintessence of Elleborum where vnto I thincke this iuice to bee nothing inferiour This truelye is worthye to be wondred at that the iuice so longe decocted is not onlye nothinge weaker but also muche stronger for it seemeth that I may speake of coniecture that one parte of this iuice to be tenne times and more stronger then Elleborus it selfe and yet nothing more daungerous or hurtful but the strēgthe withoute harme is encreased And although I my selfe woulde haue remitted and asswaged his strengthe puttinge to manye medicines yet I can commende more this simple waye alreadye described where as nothinge but a little Mastik is added at the laste speciallye for more hard and greuous diseases where necessitie requireth extreame medicines and for Franticke persones and otherwise madde and dotinge whiche when they can not be compelled to take anye medicins they are the easier deceiued with so little a dosi in quantitye Yea also withoute the bodye for venemous bitinges and sinnewes hurte I canne beleue that the vertue of it shoulde be mooste excellent I finde no iuice made in this sorte in anye authors the iuice of Acatia and of Berberies in Bulcasis For the straininge of it onlye is decocted not that which is depressed oute also the iuice of Galbanus and Licoris but the water in them is not chaunged Other iuices are made all by expression and aresod til they gather into a Ielly as of S●landine Poppy Wormwod nightshade Vinae Acerbae Memithae Agremony Hypocisthidis the barkes of the rotes of Mandrag The same Bulcasis also willeth to put to a little gum to certaine iuices that be prest out which are sod by them selues at the fire that the partes of thē may better cleue together as the iuice of wormwod gasid that is Eupatorium or nightshade also of Centaury and Gentian which is made of a decoction strained But Mastik is mixt with y e iuice of Elleborus not onlye for this cause but also to amende the venemous vertue therof and contrary to the stomak Moreouer in certain other medicins wher a mā list to encrease the strength and vertue of any medicin which is to be left and laid away in some liquor we chaung not the liquor but the medicin that is euer when the first is strained putting in new medicin into the same liquor as in many decoctions and oyles but here in the iuice of Elleborus we do contrary For keping the same rotes of the Elleborus we chaunge oft the liquor I maye tel the cause because y e rote of Elleborus aboue all other things hath most strōg vertues not in y e superficial other parts only but in y e hole substāce imprinted vehemētly fastly wherfore it may be also kept most long of al other I my self vsed it when it was .x. yeares olde in his full strengthe And certaine common Practicioners bidde men drinke for the lousinge of the belly the wine wher in a part of it hath sooked a nighte and the nexte daye is strained and the rotes to be dried again for they are nothing or veri litle weaker therwith although they be somewhat often repeated to the same vse and dried again But of Elleborus it self and what we haue tried and experimented therof perauenture we shal once haue an other place and occasion to wryte of Pils of blak Elleborus or rather of his iuice is to be taken euery seuenth day in the curing of the French disease that is Melancholy as Matthaeolus coūselith Three drams of the rootes of blacke Veratrum or Elleborus fresh and new Dauci or yelow-Caret Anisi Peper of euery one a dram .vi. grains of Mosth ii scrupuls of Epithy mii or the harder time let all theese be lightlye beaten then when they haue stand to soke a day and a nighte v. poundes of Malmsye heare semeth to be som fault of the printer for it is to great a measure of wine let them be mightilye prest oute Take .iii. drams of this expression of the pouder of pils of Fumitory Cochiarum Aurearum of euery one ii drams and a half knede them together and then let them be dried Moreouer when they are dry made againe in pouder thou shalt stiepe them again in the same Malmsy as before .iiii. tymes The pilles thereof muste be taken at one time to the weight of one dram Oure iuice composed and made of Elleborus Two poundes of Blacke Elleborus newe cutte Liquoris scraped and brused with a pestil a poūd stiep them a night in a good quantitie of water The next day after sieth them an houre a halfe with a slow fyer or .ii. houres power it out straining it and put in to it other water warm which shal be redy in a chafer by the fyr for this purpose Repete this seuen tymes or more Then castyng away the routes take the hooll water streined or destilled by a Filtrum and sieth it by litle and litle and when as yet a litle of it shall remaine power vnto it this decoctiō Seuen handfull of Betain Agrimony two handfull Anisi iii. vnces stiep thē in water and sieth them till the consumpcion and wasting of the thirde parte pres it out strayne it twys or thrys at the length put to fiue vnces of Agaricum elect cut smal flower deluce two vnces and a half Cinamon six drams Ginger halfe an vnce sieth them to the half pres them out strain the water as befor Then power this decoction to the decoction of the Elleborus boyling moderatly and let them be ●od together to the thicknes of hony A litle before the ende put to .iiii. drams of the pouder of Mastick .ii. drammes of Scammonium thies dissolued together in a litle of the decoction of Elleborus that it may be lyke the substaunce of hony not muche before the end of the decotion power it in when the iuice shal be moderatly thyck or beginneth to be thick and thou shalt stur it about till the iuice be consumed Thou shalt trye now and then a drop of the iuice let it fall vpon a tinnen ●rencher and when it shal be so thick that it wil almost run no more abrode when thou leenest the trencher on the one syde or lifts it vp then is the iuice perfect But by the space of an houre or more before the ende thou shalt now and then
stur it about with a slow fyer lest it burn too Of this decoctiō I had almost .xi. vnces of iuice I thinck I should haue had skarsly y e fourth parte if I had sod Elleborum alone This iuice haue I vsed alredy sumtymes for I ministred it vnto a yonge man sik of the falling euill with good succes who now of long tyme God be thanked is well but with many other medicines also ther with as letting of bloud and sweeting c. And an other certain person molested for .iii. yeares with the Ascarides or litle round wormes breeding in the long gut many medicines tryed in vayne was restored with this iuice once receiued and a few dayes after taking hartes horn burnt Pilles of the bignes of a pees from .ii. to fiue may be ministred after supper that is from half a scrupull or there about to a hool But a man may try thies better in proces of time This doo I admonish physicions that be litle exercised that thei vse it not rashly but with diligent consideration for it is a vehement medicine It semeth to be conuenient and good for the quartain ague that is no more rawe and for other diuers great and long diseases specially for the scab cumming of black choler I gaue of la●● to one sicke of a quartain fyue pylles of the bignes of a pees whereupon he perceyued great anguishe and was purged only by vomit voyded nothing downward nether was eased of the diseases I imputed the cause to the distemperaunce of the man I my self taking two pyles lyke peasen after sopper y e next day I felt no smal grief about my stomak I auoyded sūtymes downward but I vomited not A man may more safly giue it to thē y t be sufficiently ful of flesh or fat of a moyst stomack and a stomack of moo exquisite sence Again of the iuice of black Elleborus and of the drawing out of the vertues out of purging medicines and certain other as I learned of a certin friend THis drawing oute was inuented for delicate perso●es and such as be of a weake stomack for thē that can not abyde nor beare a great potiō of any lousing medicine but ar loused w t the leest weight The extractiō of black Elleborꝰ iiii poūd of blak true Ellebo new fresh let thē be streight waies washt thē cut smal power vpō thē this maner of streining y e iuice of Buglos Borrage of ether .ii. poundes let thē be purified strained moste diligētly y ● they may be as pure as gold let thē be laid or set vp for a tyme. Thē take fenel rootes Cichori sperage persely of euery .iiii. vnc Iuiuba rū sebesten of ether .ii. vnces Melon siedes cucumer siedes gourd siedes citrul siedes of euery an vnce sieth thē accordīg to art in 16. poūds of rain water Vnto this straining power y e forsaide .iiii. poūdes of iuice let thē boyll a litle at y ● fier afterward put in y ● cut beatē Ellebo sieth thē lightly by litle litle till y t the rootes appeare aboue thē pres thē out again strain thē through a filtrū sieth this strainīg to y e thiknes of hony w t a slow fier taking cōtinually hied lest it ▪ be burnd to Afterward take it of the fier vse it trying experimēting in the dosior quātitie of ministra●iō from half a scrupul to a hool or further It is ministred to louse y e bely folded or moulded in a litle moystned dow vnleuened mixt with a drop or two of oyll of Anis The extraction of Rhabarbari Cut a pound of the pieces of Rhabarbarum elect small and beat it sumwhat gros and power to it y e clarified iuices of Borage and Buglos of ether two poundes let them stande .xxiiii. houres Afterward sieth them at a slowe fyer till the Rhabarbarum appeare and be higher then the rest Then pres it out strongly and put the decoction prest out through a wullen sight and pres it out that the substaunce may remaine in the sight Sieth this sighting to the thiknes of hony putting to it an vnce of y t best sugar Sum sieth in Balneo Mariae till it be thick lest it should put to whiche is better as lykewyse in a double vessell In purging giue it to be swalowed doun mixt with a drop of oyll of Cinamon and Anis foulded in vnleuened dow making a triall in the quantitie of ministracion from a scrupul to ii Sum bicause Rhabarbarum by it selfe doth not purge greatly do sharpen the hooll extraction w t a litle of the best Dacrydium which hurteth not An extractiō of pilles Take any lump or mas that y ●uo wil of pilles composed most diligently of the best medicines when it is broken into litle pieces stiep it eight daies in raine water iuice of Borage iuice of Fenell in equall porcions as muche as suffiseth Then sieth it in a glasen double vessell a hool daye then pres it out through a moste cleane wullen clothe that will lose none of his heares and sieth it againe in a bath and double vessel diligently to a conuenient thicknes and frame little pils whereof thou shalt geue .ii. scruples or ther about A matter drawne oute in this wise is most pure very tender and melteth easily in a mans hand In like maner may also the vertues of other purging medicins be drawne oute But hede must be taken that euer softening and slippery iuices be mixt therwith in the decoction such as they before are and it shall be muche the better if all be sod in a double vessel A description of a purging Electuari extracted whiche a certaine excellente Phisition at Norinberg did vse .xiii. drammes of Colocynthidis blak Elleborus senae Alexandrinae of ether an ounce of mooste white Agaricum an ounce Rhabarbarum Electum halfe an ounce or if the Rhabarbarum be not very good an ounce xiiii drams of Dacrydium Turbirh if I rede right Stichas Ara. of ether ii vnces a half ii drams of Cinamon red Roses Lignum Aloes Mastik red Mirrh Asarum spiknard Styrax liquid of euery .v. scrupuls Pour altogether and digest or putrify thē as they cal it .x. daies or .xiiii. in warm Aqua vitae thrise destilled The iuice prest out therof shal be ioyned and mixt with .iii. vnces of prepared Aloes But the Aloes did he prepare in this wise About apoūd of Aloes is put into a basen caudron or pot putting therto vinegar made with Rosewater and Roosewater as much as shal be sufficient but so y t ther be more of the vinegar of Roses then of the water of Roses Let them boyle together with a slowe fire .ii. or .iii. boylinges then straine them pressing them strongly When it is strained let it boyle againe with a slow fire to the thicknes of Aloes sturring it continuallye with a slise When it is coulde let it be kepte for vse The species or particulers rehersed are firste cut
small then beaten infused in Aqua vitae as muche as is sufficiente they are let stande in the infusion warme in Balneo Mariae or sande .xiiii. daies sturring and chafinge them in the meane season oftentimes euery day then are they prest oute strongly throughe a grose linnen clothe Then are they put in a lembeck and with the fire is the waterye moysture drawne oute till the consistence or thicknes of Diacy donion of the said medicin If ther remain yet any moisture let it be put vpon burning coles in some vessel as much as is sufficient Of the iuice of the Flour Deluce and Rape c. OVre Floure Deluce is more stronge in operation in the dropsy as semeth me then the Florentines of the whiche opinion a frend of mine also a very wel lear●ed Phisicion is who of late sente mee these hys experimentes and trialles of the iuice of the roote of Flower Deluce and Rape Take a hens egge and pouringe oute the white put the iuice of the Flower Deluce in place and mixte it diligently with the yolke and when thou hast a little warmed it in the ashes geue it for a mornynges draught which shall auoid downward aboue mesure the dropsy water This also saith he haue I emongst my secretes for them that be sick of the dropsy and can not swete take the iuice of a round Rape beaten in a morter and prest out seasoned with Suger or cinamon that it taste somthing els then the Rape geue this in the morning to the sick well couered a●d he shall sweat The iuice of Purslan Singreen or Houslike Cotyledonis and of other likewise that be slimye and Clammy because of the clammines can not be prest oute alone The herbe well punde wyth Omphacium is prest oute Other when they are punde heat them at a flow fyre Other beat them and let them stand in a colde place as a wine celler put in a basket of wikars to destill downe into a dishe set vnder Syluius in whome thou shalt reade moore of the preparinge and preseruynge of iuices in his boke of the preparaciō of simples Of Lignum sanctum and anye other we draw oute teares whiche is moore precious then the woode it selfe in this wise The Lignum is cut in pieces the thicknes of a finger which are put in the fire therby is gathered what tere so euer is in the Ligno Cardanus Milk is gathered of Esula Selandin cuttinge the highest bowes and laid hielding in a vessell pressing milking or sliping ▪ thē one by one The liquor so gathered shalt thou dry in the sūne But the iuice is gathered when the herbes are punde and prest out Bulcasis Gummes that be purginge and other if anye refuse to swalowe in the forme of pilles put them in boylinge water let them bee dissolued strayne them and put in oyl of swiet Almonds and geue it in drink with rob Put any stronge purginge medicine in water or wine Then in the same liquor stiepe drye prunes or drye Figges or Rasins till they swel then washe them in wine These frutes receiued within the bodye do maruelouslye and withoute grefe loose the bealye Arnold in his booke of wyne Sieth .iiii. ounces of Passularium with water of Violets half an hour lift them through a siue thē sprinkle in .ii. drams of Scammonium lette them be dryed Then when thou wilte geue .xxx. or .xl. and no mo with Panatella Epiphanius Empericus Some stuffe a fat Goose with medicins with well lykinge Kitlinges chopte small with Salt and roastinge it softlye vppon a broche gather the liquor that drops therout to annoynte goutie members therewith Io. Goenrotus I harde saye howe a certaine practicioner roosted a gose stufte with Mise chopte smal and ministred the liquor gathered there of to the annoynting of the croked vunche vpon the back Of decocted thinges WE cal decoctions liquors water wyne or vinegar in the whiche any medicins be sod at the fyer and then streined c. of the whiche for shortnes sake at this present we will speake nothing sauing that we wyl admonishe that whē they are beaten or chopt they ought to be first stiept whiche should be sod and decocted in a vessell diligently stopt and cloosed Of grien plantes the decoction is more pleasaunt then of dry wherfore dry thinges beten and stiept longar tyme then fresh may be streined and prest out then alone or with sugar or houy to bee decocted and sod c. A decoction in vinegar against the pestilence Sieth two handfull of the biggar Salandin the herbe and root together in .iiii. pound and a half of the best vinegar vpon cooles in a glased pot w t a couer the mouth wherof shal be fensed with clay for an houre and a half till the thyrd part be consumed Then straine the vinegar and set it vp in a glas Giue .iii. sponefull of this to a man taken with the pestilence and if he vomit it again giue him again and will him to sweet One vnnamed in the dutche wryten booke Other which Selandine take as muche Rewe and dres it as before and to one taken with the pestilence thei giue one sponefull to drinke with a litle tryacle by whose help both I my selfe haue holsum and helthful experience and also I haue hard it muche commended of other And of late I red almost y e very same medicine in a certain boke of a certayn practicioner writen in frenche and a few yeares past whē the pestilence was here a certain friend of myne sent vnto me a lyke description Many woulde haue the Selandine sod in the vinegar but other put other thinges to sum as I saide Rew only other also Sage noble Rosemary the leeues of flower deluce not the roote Zedoaria and sieth it in a pot wel couered therof they giue a few drops for preseruacion but to them that be alredy infected a sponefull with triacle and bidde them too sweet Sum stiep the same thing almost in wyne in a phiall well closed they stur and chafe it sumtymes then they destyll it they gyue it for preseruacion or to the infected as before is specified and when that is receiued they bid them not to sweet but to walke as far as is possible and if it be nied full to be led of two men Otherwyse ℞ Wormwood Rewe the yonglinges or shoutes of brēble of euery one one part Selandin iii. partes Sieth thē in whyte vinegar q. s that is as muche as is sufficient in a pot clayed till the third part be consumed let it be giuen as sone as amā is infected after let him sweet Otherwyse ℞ A pound of the rootes of Selādine Brimstone Saffron Turmentill an vnce Triacle .ii. vnces pimpernel Gentian of euery an vnce and a halfe Pilosella or mous ear with the roote and all Rewe of ether an handfull Sage a handfull Sieth them in a new pot well clayed with .ii. quartes of whyt vinegar til the third part be consumed
drawn out of such a matter as is moste far from all corrupcion and leaste subiecte to the same Demogorgō Yet thou saidst in y e boke whiche thou writst of the secrets of nature y t it shuld be drawn out of red wine y e same cōfirmeth Iohn de rupa scissa other suppose it shuld be made of Celedonie other wold take mans blud Ray. Thou art not a litle deceiued if thou think y e writinges of philosophers ought to be taken vnderstāded according to y e bare letter chiefly in this science y e more clearly plainly thei speke so much y e more darknes haue their writings for thei haue spokē by similitudes ridles in y e darkest form of spech Demo. In this thing what similitude haue they vsed Ray. Senior the philosopher saith this medicine is tourned and altered from coloure to coloure and from taste to taste and from nature to nature and therfore the names therof are multiplied Also Minois a philosopher if a man aske saieth he why is it made rede before it receiued whyt Answer that it was twys made blacke twys turnid into orrenge colour and receiued twys red coloure Seing nowe that it receiueth twys red coloure as red wyne and mans bloud that is to say after the putrifaction and in the destillation therefore the olde menne speakinge by similitudes called it red wyne mans bloud dragons bloud and suche lyke c. A little after also he putteth those signes and tokens of quintessence now perfit whiche Io. de Rupescissa doth that is that al men entring into the hous may be marnei lously allured vnto it set in a corner of the hous an other that all birdes that perceine that swietnes of sauoure may flocke together vnto it set in the top of a toure this is expounded allegorically that by the toure the fornace set in a corner of the hous may be vnderstanded in the whiche fornace a glas cōteining the matter to be decocted is put by them that enter in to this hous and by the byrdes y t fly vnto it maye be signified those spirites and vapoures whiche by the vertue of heat are caried vpwarde and ascende aloft by the neck of the vessell or box whiche when they are fastened and ascende no more it is a token saith he that their watery moysture is now finished and the matter swietened and the medicine ended And in this opinion Rasis also was Thus saith he ❧ Of the dravvyng out of the quint essence from wyne out of Vlstadius and Raymund Lullus If it be set in the top of a toure it will allure all kynde of byrdes vnto it that be there aboute But if that excellent grace of sauoure appeare not yet then thou shalt shytte it close againe in to the Pelecane when it is diligētly clayed fet it in again to the circulating destillation vntill the perfit quint essence it selfe appeare or els as Raymundus in his first boke the second chapter calles it quick Mercury And it hath not only that moste excellent sauour and tast but also a certain vncorruptible nature to be occupied aboute other medicines And surely it hath no brentnes in the mouth as aqua vitae nether any moysture or fleame bycause all the earthy elementall matter is settled down to the bottome Hovv qvint essence may be dravven out more easely and with les cost for poore mens sakes out of the same PVtt Horsse dung A in great deepe vessell B or in a pitte made for this purpose and in midst of the dunge set the still C full vntill two third parts of the matter to be destilled so that the third parte remaine withoute the dung empty that the matter may ascende descende and so to bee turned into cleare water But the dung must be renued once at the least euery wieke The same may be done in the drose of vynes that remaine after they be prest in the wine haruest or els in the dog daies with the sunne It is possible also to draw quintessens out of troubled vnclean and corrupte wine if it be not sower or like Vineger For we see euen of corrupt wine if it grewe in a good place althoughe it be troubled and of an ill taste yet verye good Aqua vitae maye be destylled therout After thys he addeth the waye howe to drawe oute quintessence oute of newe wine yet hot in the vessell in haruest whiche is done wythoute anye harme to the wine whiche for shortnes sake and because it is not touched of other authors as far as I know ▪ except perauenture of Lullus I wil let it passe ❧ In vvhat places Vlstadius in his heauen teacheth to drawe out diuers quint essences HOw the quint essence of wine is drawn forth wherin golde may be resolued to make potable Golde or Golde to be drunke .xi. chapter Howe the quint essence of hony is drawn forth whiche is put into the confection of potable gold xii chapter Quint essence of Chelidonia xiii chapter Ofmans blud egges flesh c .xiiii. chapter Of apples peares and other frutes xv chap. Of flours herbs and rotes .xvi. chapter Of antimonium xvii chapter And of the same euerye one thou shalt rede in Lullus in his first boke of quint essence Quint essence of wine som cal quick Mercury som heauen and the key of philosophers this as men say doth extract and drawe oute within the space of .iiii. hours the vertue and strengthe of euery thing that is stiept therin Ihon Brasescus by red wine wherout quintessence should be drawn supposeth somthinge el●se should be vnderstanded and some metally thing as we mēcioned afore wheras we intreated generally of quintessence A merueilous vvater that hathe a contrary operation to Aqua vitae which may be called cold quint essence THe flours of samoncus elder y ● flours of hors houf which groweth vppon waters hauing great leues the flour of giluū otherwise y ● flour of nenuphar which I think to be true and so doth Rogeriꝰ interpretate it of ether of them a pound Purslan sede lettis sede of ether .iii. poūd other wise half a poūd of the leaues of salonum nightshade .ii. sru otherwise as muche of nighteshade as of al thother Al these must be taken grene destilled .vii. times kept diep in y e erth in a glas This water whē it waxeth hot in the sun about midday it wil make glasses or thin wodden vessels the images or shel of egges to flie in the aire this place semeth to be corrupt depraued or els the thing to be false If a cloth be wet in it cast into y e fire it wil lepe out of the fire without harm and what so euer is dipte in it it will not suffer the heat of the fire Nether shal that cloth be hurt by fire that is moystened in this water If Aqua vitae be sprinkled vpon it then cast it into y