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water_n air_n element_n fire_n 13,062 5 7.1789 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01297 Antiprognosticon that is to saye, an inuectiue agaynst the vayne and vnprofitable predictions of the astrologians as Nostrodame, [et]c. Translated out of Latine into Englishe. Whervnto is added by the author a shorte treatise in Englyshe, as well for the vtter subuersion of that fained arte, as also for the better vnderstandynge of the common people, vnto whom the fyrst labour seemeth not sufficient; Antiprognosticon contra inutiles astrologorum prædictiones Nostradami, Cuninghami, Lovi, Hilli, Vaghami, & reliquorum omnium. English Fulke, William, 1538-1589.; Painter, William, 1540?-1594. 1560 (1560) STC 11420; ESTC S116544 28,693 82

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doubte but that they are moste true and certain For eyther they are shewed by a manifest figure that they muste nedes be true and that it were impossible to thinke otherwise of them then so or els by recitall of all the particulers one vniuersall is euermore concluded Therfore of suche foundations euery art is grounded which beyng surely layd meruallous workes are builded vpon them But if the soūdatiōs which ought to be most stronge and sure in any poynt doo fayle streighte way y t whole buildyng with great weight falleth downe and is destroied For dately experience teacheth vs that no structure can be firme and of continuance excepte the foundatiōs therof be first surely laide And reason teacheth the same lesson whiche with open mouthe crieth and biddeth alway to beware of the beginnings Whiche thynge although we see dayly in buyldyng of houses yet may we see it also yf we wyll vse a little diligence in euery arte and science As in Geometry it to a principle that from one poynt to an other you may alwaies drawe a streighte lyne this nowe by exaumple maye be demonstrated very easily Likewise it is an other groūde that all the three angles or corners of a triangle howe soeuer they be taken are equal vnto ii rectangles If this be shewed in euery particular kinde of triangle as Orthogonius Oxygoniꝰ Aequilaterus Scàlenus and suche lyke we shall plainly vnderstand that whiche is required And that we haue here sayde briefely in a fewe the same to be true in al other propositions he that hath but meanly trauayled in the sciences can beare witnesse But perchance some prognosticatour will start vp say that although this is easy to be shewed in suche thynges as almost we may perceiue by our sences yet the same in thynges farther of can scarsly be declared As y t greatnes of the starres or their distance from theearth or from themselues one from an other Doo not learned men teache that the Sunne is an hundreth sixty and six tymes greatter then the earth and that the Moone is thirty and nine tymes lesser thā the earthe We graunt that these matters be difficult and suche as hardly can be per swaded to the cōmon sort yet as difficulte as they be and harde to knowe there is a meane wherby men maye come to the science and vnderstādyng of them We haue the shadowe of the earthe as it were a ladder whereby we ascende into heauen and beholde many thynges wherevnto grosse wittes can not frame But by no waie is it possible that the principles of this arte of Astrologie may be either demonstra●…d or proued Ther is no mean wherby mās witte may atteyne to so greate knowlege ther is no methode no inductiō y t cā main tayn truth of th●…se propositions whyche they take for their principles Nowe therefore as I haue saide the foundation of this tower beeyng shaken the whole weyghte of Astrologye muste needes haue a greate and saubdeyne falle And as Capitaynes experte 〈◊〉 feactes of warre whenne they determyne vtterlye to subuerte and ouerthrowe a tower castell or other fortresse of their ennemies with vnderminyng they loose the foundations of it orels setting vnder it a quantitie of gunpowder blowe away the whole substance So we autendyng not onely to proue that youre arte is vnproufytable but also to condempne it to perpetuall prison of Oblinion and forgetfulnesse goe aboute to shewe that there neyther is nor can bee any suche arte of diuynation or forshewynge For by what reason are ye able to demonstrate or shewe that Saturne is so hurtefull malicious and pestilent By Induction What if he haue do mynyon as you tearme it in the Natiuitie of a Prynce a warryoure or a Sanguyne Naye there is nothyng dothe oftener fayle then Predictions of natiuities Howe thenne are you able to proue that this Planette dooeth so muche and so greate euylle amongest menne I for my parte coulde rather proue by probable reason thei contrarye For it is nothynge lyke that Saturne whiche is farthest frome the earthe shoulde haue the mooste earthely nature Besyde this he that is farre hygher thenne Uenus and nearer to the immense and large Fyrmamente whyche the Hebrewes doo call A stretchynge abroade by no meanes can bee counted woorse Wherefore is the Planette Iupyter more wholsome than Saturne In whose tyme whyle that he reygned or ruled on the earthe the same antiquytie wytnessethe that the golden worlde was the whyche flatterynge their king Iupiter oscribeth to him better effectes then to his father But how vnjust a thynge is it and agaynst all reason that the Sonne it selfe without whom thother planettes haue no more beautie then the earthe can searcely of them bee compted among the good ●…holsome starres where as he whiche with his heate geueth lyfe with his ●…hynynge lyght and with his beholdyng gladnes to all liuyng creatures If an arre of astrologie were to be inuen sed accordyng to reason shoulde haue the thiese rule among all starres as well planettes as fixed Lykewise the Moone whi the gouerneth humours shuld be seconde to the Sonne specially in dominion of lynyng creatures for as muche as by these two that is Heate and Moisture wherof the Sonne ruleth heate the Moon moist nes all lyfe is proserued and nourished By what argument are you persuaded to preferre a trine aspecte before a quartile where as the numbre of foure among the Pytha●…rsens which had the exact know Iudge of numbres and to theym referred all thynges was more reuerentely obserued then the rest in so much that by foure they were wonte to sweare But you wyll say●… that for the holye ●…rinities sake the numbre of iii. is preferred Thā grantyng the numbre of thre is good booth it folow that the numbre of foure in whiche God concluded the elementes their qualities and all perfecte essences to be eu●…l What persuadeth you to thynk that the. xii signs of the Zodsake haue so dyuers qualities and accordyng to resons iudgement contrary to nature For you will haue Aries to be fyery which is the beginnyng of the spryng more ouer you teach that Taurus which is a sygne of the spryng shuld be of earthly nature Which thyng how muche it striueth agaynst reason euery man may perceyue that knoweth aptly howe to referre the spryng tyme to the element ayre Cancer also the beginnynge of Sommer is safed to bee a watrie signe Howe fonde therfore 〈◊〉 vaine are your principles whiche you are not able by any reason to demonstrate or proue euvn fooles may easily vnderstande seyng you so foolyshly referre fyer to water and ayre to earth Besydes this it is no smalle matter in youre cunnyng to attribute to euery plnner his propre sygnes But here also howe much you diffre from your owne doctrine euen Chor●…bus hymselfe if he were present woulde perceyue When you ●…iuide the. xii lignes of the Zodiake into sowed orders or bandes To some you ascribe a nature erthy to some