Selected quad for the lemma: water_n

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water_n air_n element_n fire_n 13,062 5 7.1789 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01243 The mariage of Prince Fredericke, and the Kings daughter, the Lady Elizabeth, vpon Shrouesunday last VVith the shovves on land and water, before, and after the wedding, as also the maskes and reuells in his Highnes court, with the running at the ring, by the Kings Maiestie, the Palsegraue, Prince Charles, and diuers others of the nobilitie.; Marriage of the two great princes, Fredericke Count Palatine, &c: and the Lady Elizabeth, daughter to the Imperial Majesties of King James and Queene Anne. 1613 (1613) STC 11359; ESTC S105595 8,742 16

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THE MARIAGE OF Prince FREDERICKE and the Kings daughter the Lady ELIZABETH vpon Shrouesunday last With the showes on land and water before and after the wedding as also the Maskes and Reuells in his Highnes Court with the running at the Ring by the Kings Maiestie the Palsegraue Prince Charles and diuers others of the Nobilitie NOW THE SECOND TIME IMPRINTED with many new additions of the same tryumphs performed by the Gentlemen of the Innes of Court in the Kings Pallace of white Hall At London Printed by T. C. for W. Barley and are to be sold by W. Wright at his shop neere S. Pulchers Church at the signe of the Harrow 1613. THE MARIAGE OF Prince Fredericke and the Kings Daughter the Lady ELIZABETH vpon Shroue-sunday last BEing desirous to giue satisfaction to certaine of my acquaintance in the countrey most willing to vnderstand the manner of the tryumphes holden at the royall marriage of his Maiesties daughter Princesse Elizabeth I haue made meanes for the true intelligences thereof and I hope according to the content of the Reader I haue set forth here a true discourse of the same First of the shewes and Fireworkes vpon the waters before the mariage performed vpon thursday night being the eleuenth of Februarie Then the imitation of a Sea Fight vpon Saterday following Also of the royall and Princely passage of Prince Palsegraue with his renowned bride to his highnes chappell at white Hall where in the presence of his Maiestie and the noble state they were married to make vs reioyce with a wished happines with the maskes and reuels following shewes of more royaltie then euer in this Age was séene in the court of England Therefore let the Readerd hereof prepare himselfe to entertaine them with extraordinarie ioy and receiue the good will of the writer for a tribute to be paide as a dew to his countrey The manner of the fireworkes shewed vpon the Thames vpon the Thursday before the wedding TO begin these tryumphant sports his highnes the Quéenes Maiestie Prince Charles Prince Fredericke with the Princes Elizabeth his royall bride and the rest of the nobilitie of England vpon Thursday the eleuenth of Februarie in the euening being placed in the galleries and windowes about his Highnes Court of white Hall where in the sight of thousands of people many artificiall conclusions in Fireworkes were vpon the Thames performed and that the pleasurable sights on the water might equall the sumptuous showes on the land thus they procéeded First for a welcome to the beholders a peale of ordinance like vnto a terrible thunder ratled in the ayer and séemed as it were to shake the earth Immediately vpon this a Racket of Fire burst from the water and mounted so high into the Element that it dazeled the beholders eyes to looke after it Secondly followed a number more of the same fashion spredding so strangely with sparkling blazes that the skie séemed to be filled with fire or that there had béene a combate of darting starres fighting in the ayre and all the time these continued certaine cannons planted in the fields adioyning made thundring musicke to the great pleasure of the beholders After this in a most curious manner an artificiall fireworke with great wonder was séene flying in the ayre like vnto a dragon against which an other fierie vision appeared flaming like to Saint George on Horsebacke brought in by aburning Inchanter betwéene which was then fought a most strange battell continuing a quarter of an hower or more the dragon being vanquished séemed to rore like thunder and withall burst in péeces and so vanished but the champion with his flaming horse for a litle time made a shew of a truimphant conquest and so ceased After this was heard an other ratling sound of Cannons almost couering the ayre with fire and smoake and forthwith appeared out of a hill of earth made vpon the water a very strange fire flaming vpright like vnto a blazing starre After which flew forth a number of rackets so high in the ayre that we could not chuse but approue by all reasons that Arte hath excéeded Nature so artificially were they performed and still as the Chambers and Culuerines plaide vpon the earth the fireworkes danced in the ayre to the great delight of his Highnes and the other Princes Out of the same mount or hill of earth flew an other strange péece of artificiall fire-worke which was in the likenes of a hunted Hart running vpon the waters so swiftly as it had bene chaced by many huntsmen After the same issued out of the mount a number of hunting hounds made of fire burning pursuing the aforesaid Harte vp and downe the waters making many rebounds and turnes with much strangenes skipping in the ayre as it had bene a vsuall hunting vpon land These were the noble delights of Princes and prompt were the wits of men to contriue such Princely pleasures Where Kings commands be Art is stretcht to the true depth as the performance of these Enginers haue here approued But now again to our wished sports when this fiery hunting extinguished and that the Elements a little cleared from fire and smoake there came sayling vp as it were vpon the Seas certaine shippes and gallies brauely rigd with top and top gallant with their flagges and streamers wauing like men of warre which represented a Christian Nauie opposed against the Turkes where after they had a while houered preparing as it were to make an incursion into the Turkish countrey they were discouered by two Towers or Castles of defence strongly furnished to intercept all such inuading purposes so sending forth the reports of a cannon they were brauely answered with the like from the gallies banding fire and powder one from an other as if the God of battels had béene there present Here was the manner of a Sea Fight rightly performed First by assayling one an other all striuing for victorie and pursuing each other with Fire and sword the Caluerines merily plaid betwixt them and made the ayre resound with thundring Ecchoes and at last to represent the ioyes of a victorie the Castles were sacked burned and ruinated and the defenders of the same forced to escape with great danger During the time of all these triumphant exercises there was not a man vnbusied but euery one laboured some on Land some on Water some one way some an other to moue his Highnes and the rest of his princely friends a pleasing content which hee and the other Princes with a gratious acceptance applauded to the great comort of the performers and no litle ioy to the beholders The next morning being Fryday his Highnes not intending to grace the following sports with his presence gaue cause of forbearāce with some rest to the Enginers for their great toyle the night before Moreouer it was thought conuenient that a whole dayes preparatiō should be made in prouiding against the Saterdayes pastimes which moued a more longing desire in the harts of his subiects