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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00931 A bright burning beacon forewarning all wise virgins to trim their lampes against the comming of the Bridegroome. Conteining a generall doctrine of sundrie signes and wonders, specially earthquakes both particular and generall: a discourse of the end of this world: a commemoration of our late earthquake, the 6. of April, about 6. of the clocke in the euening 1580. And a praier for the appeasing of Gods wrath and indignation. Newly translated and collected by Abraham Fleming. The summe of the whole booke followeth in fit place orderly diuided into chapters. Nausea, Friedrich, d. 1552.; Fleming, Abraham, 1552?-1607. 1580 (1580) STC 11037; ESTC S102280 47,166 126

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all swéete things be they neuer so toothsome by their often vse are made loathsome yet the reading of this with deliberation and the marking thereof with due aduisement shall increase desire to beginne againe when it is once passed ouer and a comfort to sée the iudgement of God poured out vpon a fewe that many might amende two speciall meanes to cut off the verie conceit of satietie and loathing The late casualties that haue béene séene and felt both in this citie and in sundrie places in this land villages and townes both East West North and South yea beyonde the Seas doe threaten vnto vs some heauie iudgement of God and tell vs that Our sinnes are written with the point of a Diamond and with a penne of iron It is no time now to go a gadding to the weather wise the season serueth not the reason suffereth not For nowe we ought all of vs to looke about séeing that God hath spoken vnto vs these many yeares so many wayes by the troubles of his Church by the slaughter of his Saints beginning correction at his owne house by monstruous birthes by strange shapes by inundations of waters by contagions of the aire by fire in the Element by forreigne warres abroad by tumults at home and now of late by an Earthquake at one instant shaking the whole Realme as may be coniectured by the report of trauellers to and from sundrie coastes of this land And not onely on this side but beyond the Seas as I haue heard reported this Earthquake hath happened with the very quiuering therof doing much harme and farre greater than any that hath chanced among vs. Séeing then this Earthquake so vniuersall for I beleeue the Lord did shake the foundations of the whole earth it was his mercie in that we were not all vtterly vndone I may conclude that it was supernaturall being supernaturall the more wonderfull For neither wind nor water could haue the force with a generall moouing of the whole land to terrifie the peoples hearts Let vs be resolued that there remaineth nothing now but the day of our visitation The Lord will come in his wrath to iudge and punish vs whom in mercie he spared and yet we the worsse For what should we looke for now but a terrible reuenger We haue had the Prophets of God we haue had his lawe we haue had his Sonne his Apostles his Euangelists and Disciples we haue had his Preachers we haue had the Elements we haue had euen dombe creatures preaching vnto vs repentance strange sicknesses sudden deaths and I cannot tell what chances wherevnto this changeable estate of ours is subiect haue forewarned vs to amend we neuerthelesse forsaking the waters of the well of life are contented to wallowe in the puddles of our owne pollusion and filthinesse and being lepers regard not to be clensed What remaineth in this case but that the Lord performe that in his seuere iudgement which he hath spoken in his wrath against Ierusalem saieng Who shall haue pitie vpon thee ô Ierusalem or who shall be sorie for thee or who shall goe to pray for thy peace Thou hast forsaken me and gone backwards therfore will I stretch out mine hande against thee and destroy thee For I am wearie with repenting The proofe wherof God graunt we auoid The effect of all is this that others destruction be our instruction ¶ How long wonders and straunge appearances deferre and put off those effectes whereof they are significations and tokens Chap. 8. BEcause we are taught by many proofes and trials that Eclipses for so they call the diminishing of light in the Sunne and the Moone happening at set times seasons and places appointed by nature when the Sunne by the interposition of the Moone and the Moone by the interposition of the Sunne are so couered and hidden that they are suddenly darkened prolong their effects and operations sometimes more sometimes lesse space herevpon riseth a question how long wonders are said and thought to deferre their effects and workings Unto which demand this answer may be made namely that it is at the will appointment of almightie GOD without whose commandement and sufferance those things come not to passe be they either by nature contrarie to nature or aboue nature For God by the same power wherewith he created all things by the selfe same power he gouerneth all things seing he is the author and maker of al things able by his omnipotencie either to hasten or delay all things according to the pleasure of his will For saith the Prophet he hath made all things whatsoeuer he would in Heauen and in Earth and in all deepes But now that same pleasure of Gods will touching the effects of wonders and their appearances are so hidden and vnknowne to vs that this is all we can doe nothing he houeth vs so well euen deuoutly to crie out with S. Paule ô the depth of the riches of the wisedome and knowledge of God! how vnsearchable are his iudgements and his waies past finding out For who hath knowne the mind of the Lord or who hath beene of his counsell or who hath giuen ought to him first and it shall be giuen and paide him backe againe Because of him and through him by him in him is all in all c. Nowe because it is manifest that many wonders haue their cause and originall euen of nature in such sort manner that the very course of nature doeth throughly teach as well the set seasons as also the appointed places of such wonders For it hath pleased GOD to leaue vnto this course of nature whose ministerie and seruice he vouchethsafe to vse oftentimes in naturall things her conditions qualities her operations and workings and hée suffereth nature to beare rule ouer naturall things and naturall thinges to incline and yéelde vnto nature himselfe winking thereat and looking vpon as it were through a lattesse Herevpon it is possible that a man may by certeine coniectures and ghesses gather or by certeine causes and reasons attaine vnto the knowledge both of the times and places when and where the effects of such and such things séeme they neuer so strange and wonderfull shall come to passe To confirme this I bring for example Astronomers skilfull and cunning in their profession who many times know before hand and forshewe likewise the seasons effects of Eclipses neuer failing in their prognostications and yet there are some that holde opinion that an Eclipse is a meruellous matter and such a thing in déede as is monstruous strange and contrarie to the common course of nature Howbeit there is no cause why wée should wonder thereat more than néedes as though it were a rare thing and not to be beléeued seing it is a plaine case that the very naturall eiesight of man doth behold and comprehend as well the causes as the signes appearing aboue him as hée doth the
he looketh downe from heauen and seeth our conuersation and passing by with a gentle forewarning calleth vpon vs that by repentance and amendment of life we might flie the terror of his iudgment A Father hauing an vntoward child first by counsell then by correction seketh his reformation when neither of these serue he casteth him out of his fauour and withdrawing all naturall affection doth quite giue him ouer so is it like to fare with vs vnles we purge out of our hearts the old leauen of corruption and become newe dowe of regeneration vnles we retire home to the shéepefold of our God from whome wée haue gone astray vnles we leaue plaieng the vnthriftes and looke in our reckoning booke how goe our accounts vnles we heare the holsome counsell of the Prophets and stoppe our eares at the persuasions of the men of Anathoth vnles we take in our handes the glasse of the Gospell and labour by lamentation and contrition to scowre away the blemishes of our soules Let it be enough for vs to haue felt the mother of vs all tremble and though it had continued but the twinkling of an eie as it lasted but a moment yet if we haue vnderstanding hartes let vs relent euery one of vs turning ouer a new leafe forget our old lesson For if we shall passe so great a wonder as this lightly ouer making a small matter therof and estéeming Gods threatening as a toy shall we not heape vpon our heades the firie coles of his consuming furie shall we not turne his patience into vengeance euen in bitternes to plague vs that we shall haue no shifte to escape his heauie hand Are we in Gods fight like Gilead are we like the head of Lebanon are we the signet of his right hand The people whom he so accounted he spared not in his iustice but fedde them with wormewood and gaue them water of gall to drinke And shall we presume vpon his long sufferance tempting him by our continuance in sinne to hasten his furie vtterly to consume and lay vs waste like fire in a forest I conclude here with a Prouerbiall watchworde Hereafter commes not yet Forbearance is no quittance ¶ That there are differences of Earthquakes Chap. 5. IT is not vnknowne to the learned that in the kind of moouing and shaking there is great difference for the earth may quake many waies Now it is a dangerous and fearefull Earthquake when as the earth is rowled to and fro like a waue of the Sea or when it beareth it self wholy to one side as it shaketh Contrariwise it is not so perillous when with quaking the frames of houses and buildings cracke with shrinking and when the earth swelleth at a sudden and anon falleth againe as also when houses méeting together ratle knocke one against another by reason of interchangeable moouing the one resisting and withstanding the other Such an Earthquake and yet not lightly to be thought vpon happened of late in this famous citie of Mentz in the yeare of our Lorde 1528. the 17. of Februarie about two of the clocke after midnight we all euen broad waking felt it with no small amasement of minde This may serue vs for a looking glasse wherein to sée a representation and likenes of our late Earthquake chancing vpon the 6. of April about 6. of the clocke at night 1580. For as the reuerend Father saith of such Earthquakes as he hath last named that some are more dangerous some lesse perillous setting downe the manner of both so say I in like case for there was no such violent moouing no such terrible shaking no such ruinous renting either of houses or Churches no such ouerthrowing of Mountaines c. that any generall calamitie God be thanked did insue Neuertheles séeing that it pleased the Lord in one to shewe what he was able to doe in all it is wisedome so to thinke of Earthquakes notwithstanding the former reasons that the death of one put vs in minde of a generall daunger This iudgement God shewed vpon a lad that we of riper yeares should feare his omnipotencie confesse that the very same might haue happened vnto vs. This iudgement God shewed in a Church where the congregation was assembled in the honor of his name to teach vs what his out-stretched arme can doe in prophane places among an vncircumcised multitude This iudgement God shewed on the wéeke daie that wée might sée his long suffering in sparing vs on the Sabbaoth when he mighte as well haue smitten but that mercie vpholdeth his throne Tremble and quake therefore O yée shameles breakers of Gods Sabbaoth which display your banners of vanitie selling wind for monie infecting the tender mindes of youth with the poison of your prophanations kindling in them the fire of inordinate lust to the wounding both of bodie and soule Doth not God sée your filthines or thinke you that your trade of life depending wholy vpon those your Heathenish exercises are not offensiue to his Maiestie Will he winke at such wickednes kéepe silence at such filthines as is continually concluded vpon and committed in your Theatre Curtaine and accursed courtes of spectacles O how glorious a worke shoulde that be how happie a day how blessed an howre wherein the people of God might sée all such abhominable places dedicated to Gentilisme or rather Atheisme for who can directly say that either God or the diuell heauen or hell is once thought vpon in the prosequuting of such shamefull shewes vtterly torne vp from the foundations rent in péeces the timber from the stone wasted with fire laid euen with the ground and no appearaunce thereof remaining And thus much touching Comoedies and Comoedians by way of digression an enormitie often cried out against of Gods ministers and in a Christian Commonwealth altogether vnsufferable ¶ What things Earthquakes doe prognosticate and signifie Chap. 6. IT remaineth that wée consider what good or ill is foreshewed to insue or followe after Earthquakes a thing which all in a maner haue desired to know and vnderstand but none haue certainly noted many demanded the question but few geuen the onset to make answere As for me I cannot but bée persuaded that Earthquakes how soeuer nature put to her hande as a ioynt worker in their generation are not to be thought trifles or to come to passe of nothing but hauing in them an hidden meaning and secret reason foreshewe somewhat to followe either good or bad a huge multitude of examples left in writing to verifie this matter And principally to begin with the chéefest that euerlasting trueth of almightie God our Sauiour Jesus Christ the maker and Lord of euerie creature yea of nature it selfe he I say in whome all treasures of wisedome and knowledge are reposed affirmeth that There shall bee Earthquakes and all these thinges saith he are the beginnings of sorrowes c. Giuing vs to note by an vndoubted coniecture