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A92054 The spirits touchstone: or, The teachings of Christs spirit on the hearts of believers. Being a cleare discovery, how a man may certainly know whether he be really taught of the spirit of God, being very useful for these times. / By J.R. late student of Merton Colledge in Oxford. Roys, Job, 1633-1663. 1657 (1657) Wing R2161; Thomason E1663_1; ESTC R203429 176,299 389

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〈◊〉 that is who hast thy being of thy self which being is from all eternity ineluding all the differences of time past present and to come That thou art Elohim Almighty Elschaadai Alsufficient Elion High that thou art I am that I am Exo. 3.14 which implies that thou art only of thy self and art all things to thy creatures I am bread to the hungry drink to the thirsty cloathing to the naked health to the sick liberty to the captive comfort to the distressed I am all things to all men as they stand in need of me Is 43.11 Thou hast said that thou art and that there is none else besides thee that thou art but one God and yet distinguished into three Persons Father Son and Holy Ghost Lord let me beleeve and admire this truth rather than stand and question it And for thy Decrees which are as immutable as thy self for with the Lord is Yea and Amen for ever and ever I beseech thee grant that I may search no further than what is convenient for me as a creature to know and thy Word requires that I should search into These are mysteries lockt up in thy own breast from all eternity which though I cannot attain to in this life to know yet let me trace the foot-steps of thy everlasting providence in thy Word and admire thy goodness towards them who are elected in Jesus Christ and magnifie thy justice upon all the vessels of wrath to all eternity This I know that though thou did'st not pass by any in thy act of pretenition with reference to sinne as thou didst not elect the vessels of mercy with any respect to their future holiness yet thou never passest the sentence of condemnation upon any but for their sinnes past Yet God doth not condemn a man simply as a sinnes for then all should be condemned but at such and such a sinner a sinner against great light against great mercy a sinner under Gods judgement An unbeleeving sinner unbelief is the great condemning sin and receivest none into mercy but upon the account of Jesus Christ And O that there were a heart in me to seek above all things to know thee and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent to seek wisdom and spirituall understanding which will be unto me a tree of life to preserve me from the snares of death Thus Lord desireth every true and faithfull servant of Jesus Christ Now as these men have itching ears 2 Tim. 4.3 so they heap up to themselves such Pastors and Teachers as may serve their own fancies and it were to be desired that there were not too many amongst us who for preferment and for worldly honour would make the Word of God to stoop to the base lusts of carnall people and preaching the fictions of their own brain cause men to build their faith upon unsound and sandy foundations When men hold forth Jesus Christ to the people not as the Scripture holds him forth but according to their apprehensions of him they build wood hay and stubble upon this pretious foundation 1 Cor. 3.12 13 14. which when the day of the Lord shall come the fire of the Lord shall utterly consume when every mans work shall be made manifest Col. 2.23 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This will-worship when men will take upon them to prescribe Rules and Canons of Gods worship Mar. 15.3 Col. 2.8 Gal. 4.10 this worshipping of God after the tradition of our fathers this observing of times and seasons for the satisfying the lusts of the flesh and not for the service of God this mixing of our own Ceremonies and Superstitious waies is odious and abominable in his sight God cares not how little he hath to do with men in waies of his worship for whatsoever sacred things we handle we leave the print of our fingers behind us but hath reserved this to himself as one main part of his Soveraignty to prescribe Rules and give Laws according to which he requires that men should do him homage He is that great Law-giver who is able to kill and save alive Jam. 4.12 Now when men dare be so presumptuous and so highly impudent as to incroach upon Gods authority and to take upon them to assign waies and means of their own finding out to serve God by what do they but as it were condemn the Word of God for imperfection and God himself for want of wisdom as if he did not know how to govern his creatures Yea moreover God hath strictly commanded that we should not mingle our inventions with his worship Exod. 20.25 Thou shalt not lift up a tool upon my Altar lest it be defiled God in this place directly commands in the Antitype that we should worship him according to the way of his own choosing and that we should not adde the dross of our own corrupted fancies to the unspotted purity of his holy worship God hates a mixture of Religion at his very heart and could not endure that the Israelites should joyn themselves to the Canaanites left they should learn their evil way and be defiled Mens inventions and Gods worship will never agree together As there is but one God so the way of his worship is one therefore saith Paul Act. 24.14 according to the way which ye call heresie so worship I the God of my fathers But men of carnall mindes consulting with flesh and blood and not with the everlasting Word of God have sought out many waies to worship God by What a forged foppery of humane inventions and mans traditions is the Popish Religion What abundance of forms and outward worships have they as if God did look more at the outward man and externall behaviour than at the hidden man of the heart the sincerity of our actions and the purity of our intentions the Lord judgeth not according to the appearance 1 Sam. 16.7 but he judgeth righteous judgement Indeed they have a braver and more splendid Religion in outward beauty and worship as a Lady of Paris said when she saw the Pope going his Procession What a brave Religion is ours in respect of the Hugonites that is the Protestants they have richer Temples and more beautifull shrines but what is this in the sight of God as painted glass it rather darkens the light than adds more light though it seems more beautifull than plain glass so mens traditions though they may carry a beautifull pretence along with them they rather darken the minde of the Spirit than adde any further light unto the Word This foundation will melt as the wax before the Sun in the time of Gods pleading and contending with sinners Others are too extream on the other hand and care not for any decency and order in respect of outward worship and cry down all outward circumstances and conveniences because God chiefly regards the heart Let such know that God is the God of our bodies as well as of our souls and he requireth
discerning which we have you would be as eager in the waies of God as we possibly can be Wicked men are not able to judge aright of the worth of grace and of the excellency of the things above as they should do therefore they preferre Barabbas before Christ and sinne before grace but the godly on the contrary they cry out with that godly Martyr Lambert None but Christ Nothing but grace Give us grace and Christ and it sufficeth us Do you think that men that are bewitched or that are besotted or that are overcome by the power of luft or that are drunken by the pleasures of sinne or that have no other light to judge by but that little spark which is left within them since the fall which is over-pressed with the corruptions of sinne these men are not fit to be competent judges of the minde of the Spirit Now all men that have not the teachings of the Spirit they are either drunken men drunk with the pleasures of sinne Eph. 4. Be not drunk with wine but be ye filled with the Spirit Or drunken with the cares of the world as Martha was who was cumbred about so many things There is a drunkenness wherein Nazarites themselves may be overcome The very cares of this world and voluptuous living have a kinde of inebriating power with them The excess of our affections in the pursuit and use of any earthly thing may be called drunkenness Dr. Sclater that she could not have time to attend to the sweet words which dropped forth from Christs-mouth Or they are drunken with self-love with self-pride with self-admiration with self-applause and so they lift up themselves before Jesus Christ The excess and immoderate use of a thing especially when the thing is unlawfull in it self may be called drunkenness as the Prophet cries forth O ye that are drunken but not with wine Isa 29.9 As wise Abigail did not discover the intent of David over night to Nabal A simile till the drink was out of his head and he had slept his sleep so these swinish men cannot understand the things of God till the Spirit of God of swines makes them men and of men Christians Many are sottish children that consider not the Lord nor the operations of his hands Isa 1.3 The Ox knoweth his owner and the Ass his Masters crib but Israel doth not know my people doth not consider They are benummed the devil having seared their consciences with a hot iron Now for sots and innocents to know the things of God it implies a thing impossible to flesh and blood Indeed according to the things of the world they may be wiser than the children of light but in respect of heavenly things they are sottish children Ask them what Regeneration is and about the new birth they are as great strangers to it as Nicodemus was Ioh. 3.9 Ask them concerning the teachings of the Spirit and like those in the Acts Act. 19.2 they will answer you they never heard of the teachings of the Spirit before Likewise men that are sensuall who are led by sense and not by faith who can believe nothing but what they see and can yield to no truth but what their blinde understandings can reach unto Arabicum Proverbium Obstrue quinque fenestras ut luceat domus qui sunt in eâ Shut your five windows that the house and all that are therein may shine i. e. Consult not with your senses with carnall reason which like Sarah laughs at heavenly promises and looks only to earthly possibilities and as the Sunne whose rising discovers the terrestiail globe to our sight but hides the starres and the celestiall Dr. Stoughton what they are able to apprehend these are not able to distinguish between light and darkness Now the Spirit subjects our sense to reason and reason to faith that what before we could not close withall for truth because it was above our capacity to understand by the Spirits witnessing with our spirits we can more certainly and resolvedly comply withall and beleeve than with those things we see with our naturall eyes The more we have to do with sense the less we have to do with God We finde it in naturall things that the more retired our souls are and the freer from this body of flesh and the more contracted within it self the higher it soars in the meditation of heavenly things Pleasant walks and solitary places where there is no recourse are fittest for the soul to be busie within it self by viewing Gods goodness and raising sweet experiences from severall creatures and divers objects of the infinite wisdom goodness and mercy of God in his providence over the world St Bernard that spirituall Father who had sweet Soliloquies between God and his own soul much delighted in fragrant places separate from all company that thereby he might have the more freedom of spirit to have communion with his God If a soul desires to be guided by the Spirit let it get from sense as high as it can lest like Anselm's bird intangled with the bird -lime of the world the more it flutters to escape the more it is intangled with the pollutions of it Those which have only that little spark of light within them since the fall ☜ which is like the snuff of a candle in a dark lanthorn these are to seek in the things of God They may have as it were an Owl-light but to have the Sun-light which is promised under the daies of the Gospel that the light of the Moon shall be as the light of the Sun and the light of the Sun sevenfold Isa 30.26 this they cannot have But when the candle of the Lord which is within us For the Spirit of man it is the candle of the Lord Pro. 20.27 is inlightned by a further light superadded by the Spirit from the book of providence from the book of the creatures from the book of our own hearts we are able to draw many spirituall conclusions and are enabled to know the mind of the Spirit in the Word of God Is it so Vses That none can know the things of God but they that have the teachings of the Spirit Then First It shews us this that blindness lies upon the minde of the greatest part of the world of the greatest part of Christians because the greatest part of them are void of the Spirit That they are so I shall prove by Scripture 2 Cor. 3.17 Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty There is no inslavery no thraldom no bondage and therefore in Rom. 8. the Spirit of adoption is put in opposition to the spirit of bondage The Spirit is called a Spirit of liberty in three respects 1. The Spirit of liberty Because it hath rescued us from a state of bondage 2. Because it hath put us into a state of liberty 3. Because it gives us liberty and freedom of spirit to come with
by the light of the spirit within them As Mahomet the vilest of men did pretend that he was inspired by the holy Ghost in the form of a Dove so these miserable creatures pretend to the teachings of the spirit upon their hearts that so their hereticall and blasphemous Tenents may receive the better entertainment If they had not fathered their falshoods blasphemies heresies upon the Spirit of God I had slept in silence but when they make the Spirit of God to be a lying spirit a deluding spirit a profane spirit by their saying that the Spirit teacheth them to live above Ordinances to blaspheme to scoffe at the word of his grace that the Spirit will supply all their wants without the use of means and that they stand not in need of those beggarly Elements to wit the Word Prayer Sacraments and other means of grace as they call them and all upon the account of the Spirits teaching I had no rest in my spirit till what light was imparted unto me concerning the teaching of the spirit upon the hearts of believers I had published for the benefit and comfort of true honesthearted Christians expecting to undergoe the censure of some Aristarchus or other though God who trieth all things knoweth the sincerity of my heart in this matter I wish the subject of my discourse had had a better workman to have handled it but what is defective in my endeavours shal be supplied in my prayes that God would poure forth of his Spirit more and more upon the hearts of his people according to the tenour of the covenant and that Gospel promise that we shall be all taught of God and to rectifie those horrid abuses which are done to the blessed Spirit and to shame those impudent creatures who say they are taught of the spirit while they fulfill the dictates and commands of the flesh and of the Divel and to destroy the spirit of errour prophaneness the spirit of Antichrist which exalts it self in the lives of many Saints eminent in the eyes of the world and to preserve his people his Embassadors his Sacraments his truth his Word in the power and purity of it and to keep us from Popery superstition will-worships and from the doctrnes of men and to make his Church a glorious Church for purity of worship and piety of life in this thrice blessed Nation for the means of grace and for the true knowledge of God which is in it which is and ever shal be the request of him at the thron of grace who is Yours most obliged in all duty add observance J. R. TO The Ingenuous and Honest-hearted READER IT is well known to the grief and sorrow and daily vexation of many righteons Lots who daily torment themselves for the perversnesse of this crooked generation amhngst whom they dwell that the common plea of most men who pretend to the knowledge of the things of God is the teachings of the Spirit upon their hearts Never was the spirit so much cryed up in respect of its teachings as it is now adays Caution God forbid that I should sin against the generation of the righteous and offend one of Gods litle ones by opening my mind in so free a way I am verily perswaded God hath at peculiar people a godly party amongst us most dear and precious unto him who know what their generation work is what it is to serve God in spirit and in truth a praying people for whose sakes this very sinful Nation laden with sin and with iniquity is still preserved a most glorious Nation By these therefore whom I so characterize in this Epistle understand those overly righteous people who confining salvation religion to themselves as if none were saved but they set themselvs with all their might against those who doe not comply with them and by opposing godly Magistracy Ministry of this present Nation seeke to extirpate both so be it their ends and aims may be carried on And I am verily perswaded had done it had not God procured in his mercy a gracious liberty for us Wo to those who abuse this liberty by venting forth uncouth opinions strange doctrines horrid blasphemies these persons the Lord will consume with the breath of his nostrils and never were men less void of the spirit and besotted with the delusious of the Divel and with the fancies of theis own pernicious braines then they are now If self-pride intolerable covetousness ambition of honour contempt of the word and Gospel of Christ disrespect slighting and open scoffing it the Ministers of the Gospel If a secret covert-acting of prophaness under the cloak of religion as to lye to deceive to cozen to backbite to revile to reproach to revenge to hate to rejoyce at the harmes of others who are far better then themselves and to lay wait for their falls as if it did them a pleasure to see God dishonoured to persecute to molest and the like and all this under a pretence of doing God service If want of love to the Saints of God and to the waies of his worship a not receiving of the truth in meekness of spirit if earthly mindedness and a groveling in this present world a not obedience to Magistracy and the powers set over us by God If a slavery to the traditions and inventions of men If a prejudice o●a heart against whatsoever is not sutable to their corrupted minds If self-seeking when they seek their own things and not the things which are of Jesus Christ and a refusing whatsoever they cannot apprehend and the light within them directs them to If an undervaluing of others and a preferring of themselves when every true Christian esteems each other better then himself If a proud censorious critical spirit interpreting and judgeing of persons and of things according as their blind reason and ill affected minds lead them If inconstancy and levity of mind ignorance prophanesse and a building upon truths without any ground or foundation If a boasting and bragging of an infallible spirit and of the light of the spirit within them If a making of sections parties and factions needlesly and without any cause onely upon the account of singularity because they love to be Christians by themselves and to walk upon their own leggs and to stand upon their own bottoms If a walking contrary to the mind of the spirit making the spirit the author of confusion in Church and State when meerly upon the account of the spirits teachings as if these were a sufficient call for a man to be an Embassador of Jesus Christ and therefore he must break his bounds and leave that calling and station God hath set him in and run upon irreverent things when they are not sent If superstition will-worship sacriledge neglect of the Sacraments of Prayer of the Word and of building up one another in the most precious faith If a malicious frame of heart under a sheepish sanctity for many wolvish professors
are now adays in sheeps cloathing If an impudent contradicting blaspheming spirit If a persecuting spirit If an advancing of their own fictions before the pure and unspotted word of God If a rash impetuous zeal not moderated with discretion and the love of the truth and of the word of God which is rather madness and folly then zeal If unbelief Atheisms Heresies and most horrid blasphemies not to be mentioned If a living above Ordinances without the use of the Word Sacraments and Prayer If a coldnesse and deadnesse in affection to the things of God and a full bent of will to oppose Jesus Christ in his Saints and in his servants and a continual persisting therein though they are condemned in their own consciences and so are like to commit that unpardonable sin against the holy Ghost from which sin I heartily beseech God to preserve the Quakers of these times with many others who sin against the light of their own consciences If a hating of the power of godliness and of the pure worship of God If a want of self-denial and daily bearing the cross of Christ If an Apostacy from the faith which was once delivered unto the Saints If a setting up of false doctrines under the pretence of new discoveries If we are not fallen into the last times of the world wherein that place is too much verified wherein men shall be covetous lovers of themselves boasters proud blasphemers 2 Tim. 3.1.2 3 4 5. disobedient to parents unthankeful unholy Without natural affection truce-breakers false accusers incontinent fierce despisers of those that are good Traytors heady high-minded lovers of pleasures more then lovers of God Having a form of Godliness but denying the power of it If these things be so as it is too apparent to the grief of many righteous persons who weep in secret for the iniquity of the times then we may as truly say that Turks Infidels and Pagans have the teachings of the spirit upon their hearts as the most part of our luke-warm proud opinionative and carnally-minded professors have Such evil principles and wicked practises as are now amongst those that goe for Saints cannot agree with the blessed spirit I am verily perswaded that if once the furnace of affliction should wax hot again and Christ should come to sift England again by the red fiery flaming sword of persecution and bring us under the hatchet and under the hand of Tyrannical persecutors and should come to purge his floor to distinguish between the precious and the vile between him that feareth God and him that feareth him not between him that serveth him out of an upright heart and him that serveth him but under a colour and pretence I am verily perswaded that the greatest part of profesting Christians now adays who make such a fair shew in the flesh who seem so beautiful and glorious in the outside who are so hot at the first onset and taking up a form of religion who pretend so much to the work of the spirit upon their hearts if they were singled out to undergoe the fiery tryal would fall the fowlest in the flesh No outward priviledge or benefit can afford a man any comfort under an afflicted condition but onely the sense of the love of God unto us in Jesus Christ by an act of the spirit sealing it to our souls is a certain sign that we shall continue unto the end For who God loves once he loves to the end And those whom God loves God will preserve unto himself as a peculiar treasure as precious jewels in his cabinet secretly and will make their mountains strong as strong as Mount Sion which shall never be moved that their faith and confidence shall be in the Lord Jehovah for ever and ever I beseech thee Christian for the good of thy soul to separate thy self from these deceiving creatures let not their hypocrisy their jugling with the world and their own consciences though they cannot mock God their seeming sanctity their pretended piety their high notions and deep interpretations far fetch from the simplicity of the truth which neither they themselves nor others well understand delude thee while they lay claim to the spirit they are in the bonds of iniquity Consider whether they have the spirit before thou closest with their sayings for truth that they are taught by the Spirit of Christ and that the light of the spirit reside within them Are they regenerated born again and renewed by the Spirit of Christ Do they grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ Have they the witness of Gods Spirit concurring with their spirits that they are the children of God Doth the spirit help their infirmities Was ever the spirit of prayer and supplicatton powred forth upon them Have they the preventing grace the renewing grace the establishing grace the comforting grace the quickning grace the healing grace the directive grace of the spirit Do they love the brethren because they are brethren and one with thee in Jesus Christ or because they are of such an opinion Do they acknowledge the spirit in others and magnifie Gods goodness unto their soul Did the spirit ever rarifie the scorching heat of their burning lusts Did the sanctifying influences of the spirit ever descend upon their hearts Did the spirit ever soften their hard hearts Cant. 7.7 fructifie their barren souls The brests of the spouse are like clusters of grapes Cant. 4 16 Did the spirit ever blow upon their gardens that the spices thereof may send forth a precious smell in the nostrils of God Do they bring forth fruits unto holiness that their end might be everlasting life Did the spirit ever quench the fire of hell within their consciences by powring in the sweet oyl of consolation made up of the blood of Christ Did the spirit ever cleanse their consciences from dead works that they may serve the everliving God Heb. 9.14 Ez. 36.25 The spirit is resembled by water I will pour clean water upon you and you shall be clean It is the nature of water to molifie to fructifie to quench to cleanse and purifie what zeal what heat what ardency of spirit what kindlings of affections are there in them towards God and the waies of his worship what lights do they hang abroad to others that others seeing their good works might glorifie God and what progress do they make in Christianity with what eagerness of spirit as if they were serious for their souls good do they lay hold on eternal life Nay rather do they not stand still as if they had already obtained perfection when they are on the declining hand In fire there is heat brightness and motion Ex. 13.22 What Dove-like qualifications have they Doth the spirit of meekness of love and of a sound mind reside amongst them The spirit of peace of unity of gentleness of fear of sonlike obedience to the commands of God The Spirit of God came down in the form
of the spirit shall shine into their hearts through the face of Jesus Christ Till Christ shall sit as a refiners fire and purifie the hearts of his people as the Prophet Malachy hath it and shall make them willing in the day of his power to receive the truth in the love of it But yet we ought to distinguish Psal 110.3 Rom. 14.1 and to make a difference between the pretious and the vile between him that is weak in the faith and him that offends out of malice and obstinacy and knows that he is in a wrong way and will not be reformed With the later we are to deal in a more severe way openly 1 Tim 5.20 Mat. 7.6 Mat. 18.17 rebuhing them before many witnesses and if they still persist turn to Dogs and rent us then let them be unto us as Heathens or Publicans and let them be given over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh 1 Cor 5.5 that their spirits may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus I finde that the Scripture useth severall Greek words to express and shew forth the various waies we ought to proceed withall in handling those that have erred from the faith 1. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Admonition a friendly and courteous telling them that they are not in the right way and that as long as they stick to these principles and adhere to those false conclusions they are to seek in the things of God Beseeching them to examine them by the light of the Word and the Spirits speaking in the hearts of others who have further discoveries upon their hearts of the truths of God and of those things which accompany salvation than they and to judge according to the analogy and proportion of Faith Rom 12.6 To beseech them to examine upon what grounds they close with these opinions and of the ground of their faith and of the reason of their hope For we are not upon Trust and upon bare Tradition to close with any Doctrine delivered unto us though it comes with never so fair a species of truth 1 Joh 4.1 but to try the Spirits whether they be of God or no and be alwaies ready to render a reason of our Faith 1 Pet. 3.15 and of the work of Grace upon our hearts to every one that shall require it of us And to search into the lives of those men who endeavour to draw us to their opinions Gal. 6.13 whether they are those that seek themselves and their honour and the pleasing of their own humour or the advancement of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ in the hearts of his people Now this admonition it must not be once but again and again till by the power of the Word and the bright shining forth of truth they being overcome by the beauty and the excellency and the power of it for what is stronger then truth they be over-weaned and prevailed upon to a sincere and hearty affection to it Now this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Admonition includes 1. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 falsae doctrinae a demonstration of the absurdity and the falsity of the opinion they are in love withall as the Apostle Paul did who proved Justification to be of Grace and not of Works shewing the impossibility of it by an Antithesis between Works and Grace If it is of Works Rom. 11.6 it is not of Grace otherwise Grace is no more Grace We must first shew them that they are in a wrong way before we can perswade them of the right Saith Solomon Prov. 14.12 There is a way which seems right to a mans eyes but the ends of those waies are death Now till a man sees that death and destruction follows and attends his waies he will never seek after Wisdoms path and the waies which tend to life Act. 8.3 Act. 9.1 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 As long as Paul was nurtur'd up in the Jewish doctrine and insensible of the depravation of it he was inraged in his spirit against the Church of God haling men and women to the Judgement seat but when once the Spirit had convinced him of the weakness of that dispensation under which he lived Rom. 10.1 and that the Law was not able to bring any thing to perfection and the Ceremonial Law is Statutes which were not good Ezek 20.25 as the Prophet Ezikiel cals them and that he cannot be justified by the works of the Law he presently disclaims whatsoever formerly he imbraced counting all things but loss and dung in comparison of the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ 2. A secret insinuating unto them the truth and the excellency of the opposite to which they hold saith the Apostle 2 Cor. 12.16 I beguiled you i. e. I caught you as fishes are caught in a net before you were aware by the power of the Word upon your hearts We ought to strike the iron while it is hot and to work upon mens hearts when they are stirred up by a holy compunction of spirit to search into the nature of things Every time is not fit to deal with men for their souls good because the spirits of men according to mens various assections stirred up at such a time rather then another are more sutable to receive an impression than at another time as the stories of Amaziah and Asa will clearly shew 2 Chron. 25. We read of Amaziah that having hired an hundred thousand valiant men out of Israel of the Tribe of Ephraim to assist him against the children of Seir the Propher came to him in the Name of the Lord commanding him to separate these men from the men of Judah that they might return to their own place Here Amaziah readily obeyed the Word of the Lord by the Prophet though to his own damage with the loss of the hundred Talents of silver Yet we finde in the following verses of the same Chapter that the same King Amaziah when the Prophet came to reprove him for serving the Gods of the Nations whom he had overcome he was wrath with the Prophet and disobeyed the Word of the Lord. O what a happy issue might many of Gods people have had of their admonitions and reproofs upon the souls of others if they had done it when the soul was of a tender frame of spirit sensible of its own infirmity and under the sense of its insufficiency kept low in its own eyes desiring above all things to be taught by the Spirit I have known many who at the first onset of a reproof though sugar'd over with many sweet words which is a great oversight in the people of God Psal 141.5 and farre from Davids temper who said If the righteous smite him it shall be as a pretious balm which shall not break his head who afterwards were as Lambs apt to be guided by the weakest hand 2 Sam. 15.6 As Absolon is said to steal away the hearts of the men
of Israel from his Father David so we are to win mens affections to our selves by our plausible and affable carriage and allure them by a self-denying frame of spirit to yield unto us As the Poet saies Peragit tranquilla potestas Quod violenta nequit It is reported of Musculus that by his gracious behaviour to the Anabaptists in his time visiting them in prison exhorting them and beseeching them to be reclaimed he did more prevail upon them to their conversion than the Magistrates could do by their imprisonments and punishments 2 Tim. 2.24 But the servant of the Lord must not strive but must be gentle towards all men apt to teach suffering the evil Instructing them with meekness that are contrary minded proving if God at any time will give them repentance that they may acknowledge the truth 2. To rebuke them sharply Greek Tit. 1.13 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Cuttingly to lay open the Word before them that two-edged Sword and to press it home to the conscience v. g. as if they were to deal with one that denies the resurrection as the Saducees did to set home with the evidence and demonstration of the Spirit that is plainly and powerfully that place of Scripture which Christ objected against them Mat. 22.32 I am the God of Abraham of Isaac and of Jacob the God not of the dead but of the living This is it which Ecclesiastes speaks of Eccles 12.11 when the Word is nailed home by the Masters of Assemblies 2 Tim. 2.15 this is rightly to divide the Word of God giving to the stout-hearted sinner its portion Ministers are not to fear the face of man Eph. 6.20 because they are the Ambassadours of the ever living God but to particularize sinners as Nathan did David 2 Sam. 12.7 saying Thou art the man Saith God by his Prophet Hosea Hos 6.5 I have slain them by my Prophets The Word of God it kils the unregenerate part and makes us dead to the customs of the world but quickens the regenerate part within us It either divides between Christ and us and then it is the savour of death unto death 2 Cor. 2.16 or either between us and our sinnes between us and the world between us and our carnall corrupt reason and then it is the savour of life unto life It is called a fire Jer. 23.29 because as the fire consumes the dross and purifies the metall so the Word it purifies the dross in our hearts and of reprobate silver it makes us fit for the use of our spirituall Master Jesus Christ And although they may resist thee and shift off the truth and hate the light and are become thine encmies because thou dealest plainly and powerfully with them as Paul speaks of the Galatians Gal. 4.16 Am I become your enemy because I tell you the truth Act. 7.54 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Instar serrae dentes frendebant Yea though they may gnash upon thee with their teeth as the malitious Jews did at Stephen yea though they may persecute you for your zeal yet know this that thou hast performed thy duty and delivered thy own soul Rom. 12.20 i. e. Either by thy rendring good for his evil thou hast gained thy Brother and caused him to render love for love For love is a certain secret fire enkindled in mens hearts by a sympathy with the object which allures still blazing forth and aspiring to be united with the thing loved Or if thou shalt not gain thy brother by thy Christian carriage thou shalt heap coals of fire and brimstone upon his head to his everlasting torment and thy reward is with God Thou hast heaped coals of fire upon his head and fuell for his everlasting burning But thy reward shall be as great as if thon hadst reclaimed him seeing thou hast not been wanting on thy part to do thy duty 3. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Tit. 3.10 i. e. Recusare repudiare To give them over to the swing of their lust and to let them have their liberty in their pernicious waies and for a time to divorce them from our company from having any communion or society with us as a Husband doth divorce his Wife who is given over to a spirit of Whoredom so to give them as it were a bill of divorce for the future to have any spirituall commerce with them as the word imports till God by his blessed Spirit shall bring them out of the snare of the devil Analogicall to this is the Apostles phrase he that loves not the Lord Jesus let him be Anathema Maranatha that is 1 Cor. 16.22 let him be accursed till the Lord comes till Christ who is the Lord shall arise in his heart and dispell the clouds of sin and ignorance and the day-starre arise in his heart Like to this is the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 deflectere to turn aside from them till their eyes shall be inlightened to discern between truth and errour saith Christ Mat. 18.18 Whose sinnes you binde on earth shall be bound in heaven c. So that the Church of Christ which includes both Pastor and People excommunicating a prophane Esau or a licentious Libertine or a scoffing Ishmael or a false-hearted Disciple or a rotten member that hath a postatized from the faith or one that hath fallen into some gross sin to the scandall of Religion till they have repented is seconded by God in heaven as acting that Discipline and Jurisdiction which he hath enacted in his Church Simile As a dead member in a mans body joyned to the living members doth but annoy and hinder them as if a man had one leg which were quite dead and utterly useless it were better it were cat off than that is should remain united to the rest for it rather hinders the rest of the members than profits them so it were better that all these dead members fruitless branches in Jesus Christ Joh. 15.2 walking Saints talkative Christians were separated from the Church of God especially if they are discovered to be so by some notorious fault or Apoflacy till they are renewed again by repentance than that they should defile and annoy the Church of God Saith the Prophet Haggai Hag. 2.12 An unclean thing may defile a thing which is clean though a clean thing cannot purifie an unclean ☜ Aster an unclean person or an hypocrite is discovered if they cast him not forth and excommunicate him he defiles the Church and the Ordinances of God but if he be not discovered and goes for a Saint and hath a name that he lives when he is dead Rev. 3.1 and according to the Apostles phrase Heb. 10.29 2 Pet. 2.1 for one that was sanctified by the blood of the Covenant and bought by Jesus Christ though in Gods sight he be a wicked wretch and abominable hypocrite he defiles not the Church because he is not discovered After the
of John our blessed Saviour having termed himself the Bread of Life vers 35. And Jesus said unto them I am that Bread of Life he that cometh to me shall not bunger and he that beleeveth in me shall not thirst Verse 41. the hard-hearted Jews they murmured at him because he said I am that bread which came down from heaven The Jews who had as yet the vail upon their hearts and whose minds by their own wilfulness and disobedience Satan had blinded lest the light of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ should shine in their hearts had no other apprehensions of bread When Manna which was the type of Christ came down upon the earth there was old wondering at it and it was called Manna because they said by way of admiration Ma-hu What is this And they were very greedy for a time after it But when Jesus Christ the true Bread the true Manna came down from heaven to feed our souls there was no minding of him because his Divinity was over-vaild in his humanity they did not admire at Gods goodness as they ought to have done they rejected him He came to his own and his own received him not Indeed they made him the laughing-stock of the world And so Christ may be said to be the wonder of the world as the Prophet Isaiab saith I and my children are set for signes and wonders Isa 8.18 i. c. We are made the maygames of the world at whom all do deride and wonder But they did not admire his excellency and acknowledge him and seek to him as it behoved them to have done but as it fed the belly But Christ Jesus hath a higher mystery in it to wit that he was the true Manna the true heavenly Bread that feedeth their souls unto everlasting life In the succeeding verses 48 49 50 51. when Christ proceeds in declaring himself to be the Bread of Life that his flesh is meat indeed and his blood is drink indeed Verse 52. the Jews strove amongst themselves saying How can this man give us his flesh to cat In the 60 Verse many of his Disciples when they heard this said This is a hard saying who can hear it Verse 66. From that time many of his Disciples went back and walked no more with him Hence you see what carnall reasonings and sinfull objections mens hearts do frame and invent to hinder and oppose the comfort of the sweetest and most comfortable Doctrine What more sweet to a hungry soul that longs after eternall life than to be fed and to be nourished with this Bread of Life It is an infallible sign that you are born of God ☜ and that your originall is from above and that God is your Father Christ is your Brother and that you have higher principles than the flesh and the world to walk by and that your life is hid with Christ in God if Jesus Christ the true Bread of Life doth nourish up your souls unto eternall Life For the axiom holds true in spirituall things as well as naturall A quo aliquid generatur ab eodem nutritur from the which any thing is begotten of the same it is nourished if you are born of God you will be nourished by the bread of God if your originall be heavenly your food will be heavenly if God were your Father Christ would be your nourishment and your food Therefore Christ tels the Jews who in the eighth of John vers 41. boasted that God was their Father vers 42. proved them not to be the children of God and that God was not their Father because they did not love him who was sent of God the Father If God were your Father then would you love me for I proceeded forth and came from God neither came I of my self but he sent me 1 Joh. 5.1 He that loves him that begets loves him also who is begotten and if we did love God the Father we should love Jesus Christ the only begotten Sonne of the Father and the Saints who are the spirituall sonnes of God begotten of the Spirit crying in their hearts Abba Father In the 44th vers he proves them positively to be the children of the devil because they serve him and do his works Christ turns all carnall things into spirituall uses and changes the nature of them and like a true Alchymist turneth brass into Gold but the Jews on the other side turned Gold into brass and of all those pretious spirituall truths which Christ had delivered unto them they had base carnall and low apprehensions of Blessed are they that by a lively faith feed heartily upon the spirituall Manna while others feed upon the husks with the swine they have bread in their fathers house In the beginning of the second Chapter the Apostle acquits himself in respect of those former contentions while one said he was of Paul another of Apollo another of Cephas another of Christ shewing there was nothing in himself or in his Ministry that could occasion such divisions Chap. 2. v. 1. I came not to you with excellency of speech or of wisdom declaring unto you the power of God that is my preaching unto you was not in lofty strains of eloquence and high notions or in a plausible and alluring style fitter to please the ear and to humour mens fancies and to make them giddy and unstable in the truth or in the high flown Rhetorick of the world which is more sutable to an Orator or a Comedian upon a Stage than for a Minister of Jesus Christ not with the enticing words of mens vanities but in the demonstration of the Spirit and of power that is he preacht plainly yet powerfully and effectually and feelingly to the conscience and to work upon their hearts and to inform their judgements If I seek to please men I am not the servant of Christ Gal. 1.10 That is the best preaching which stirres up the affections and desires ☜ and sets all the wheels a work and provokes us to duty and to the exercise of piety in our lives and conversations He is the best Preacher who by his powerfull delivering the Word of God can stirre up what affections he pleaseth in the hearts of his people as it is reported of excellent Bucholcer that though he were two hours in his Sermon yet none of the common people were aweary of him and that with such vehemency of spirit and earnest longing for the good of their souls he dispensed the Word unto them that he could stirre up what affection he pleased in the hearts of his hearers Neither was the matter he preacht so sublime as to make men to admire him and to cry him up Not Philosophicall notions or criticall points of Divinity or curious questions or needless Doctrines but the Lord Jesus Christ and him crucified For I have determined not to know any thing among you 1 Cor. 2.2 save Jesus Christ and him crucified Neither was his delivery and outward carriage
doctrine of faith and love which is in Christ Jesus he must keep it and reserve it by him as a most pretious treasure The Law of God is a perfect rule of righteousness commanding good and forbidding evil The Gospel t is the doctrine of faith and repentance from dead works that by Jesus Christ we may have eternall life The Word of God as it takes in both parts is a compleat rule of faith and obedience The main thing the Law requires is obedience He that doth them that is the Commandments of God shall live in them The main thing the Gospel requires is to beleeve on Jesus Christ Act. 16.31 Beleeve and thou shalt be saved Now Jesus Christ is the summe both of the Law and the Gospel Joh. 1.45 Of him speak all the Law and the Prophets He is the substance of the Ceremoniall Law which either typified Christ himself unto us or represented unto us the benefits which come by him to beleevers The Sacrifices were but shadows of good things to come The Morall Law it is our Schoolmaster to bring us to Christ Gal. 3.5 for the Morall Law being become weak through our corruptions to bring us unto life and we being driven through a holy despair of our selves and of our insufficiency to seek to Jesus Christ that he would fullfill the Law for us and that through his righteousness our imperfect sincere obedience might be accepted the rigour of the Law is taken away How beleevers are bound to the Law so that we are not bound to the strictness of it as the unregenerate are who have no part nor portion in Christ but only as it is a testimony of our obedience to God the Father and of our hearty love to Jesus Christ How a be leever is said to keep the Law Every sincere convert may be said to do the whole Law in an Evangelicall sense because Christ hath done it for him Rom. 8.3 4. For that which was impossible to the Law in as much as it was weak because of the flesh God sending his own Sonne in the similitude of sinfull flesh and for sinne condemned sinne in the flesh That the righteousness of the Law might be fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit For salvation Jesus Christ ought to be the foundation of our faith to wit as the Word of God doth set him forth a Prophet ☜ a Priest and a King the Word of God ought to be the rule of our faith in respect of discipline and manners Not the Testimony of the Church not mens traditions and inventions but the pure Word of God which he hath set up for a light in his Church unto the end of the world which shall never perish not the least tittle or Iota thereof shall fail but as God is the first eternall truth so the Word of God is the eternall truth Cursed shall they be ☜ yea thrice cursed shall they be who shall count the Word of God as a thing of no use and that look for another word to wit a Revelation of the Spirit I know not what revelation but a delusion of the devil and a giddy fancy of their own pernicious brains and shall not receive the Word of God as the rule of their faith Zech. 5.4 If the curse of God enters into the house of the thief and of him that sweateth falsly by his name how much more into the house body soul estates relations good name posterity of the sacrilegious thief who is guilty of most horrid blasphemy in taking away the Authority of the Word of God and denying that end for which God hath appointed it How many are they that cavil at the plainness and evidence of it because it points out as it were with the finger the evil practices of this crooked and perverse generation That most blasphemously say if they had been in Gods place they would have made a better word wherein every punctillo should have been so plain that none of those doubts which distract the mindes of men should have been in it and all those false interpretations quite taken away not knowing what they say Like that proud King of Arragon who said that if he had been in Gods place he would have made the world after a better manner for which blasphemy he was smitten with a dreadfull judgement by God If men had but a spirit of discerning and their mindes enlightened to see the excellency and the majesty speaking in it they would esteem and value it as much as ever yea much more than they now disrespect it The Word is clear in it self but because darkness is upon our understandings therefore we cannot see the beauty of it O that we could prize the Word as David did Psal 119.72 above thousands of gold and silver Job 23.12 and as Job esteemed it more than our appointed food making it the joy and the delight of our souls Deut. 6.8 That it may be continually between our breasts and as a frontlet before our eyes that we could meditate therein day and night David out of an admiration of the excellency of Gods love cries out O how love I thy Law Psal 119.97 it is my meditation all the day He loved it because he meditated in it Vbi amor ibi animus and this love was so great that he could not express it therefore cried he out by way of admiration O how love I thy Law and in another place he saith Psal 119.11 I have hid thy word within my heart that I might not sinne against thee that is in the chambers of my soul for the soul of a man is a large cabinet fit to receive many pretious truths against the time of need Mat. 13.52 Therefore every Scribe instructed for the Kingdom of heaven bringeth out of his treasure that is out of his heart things both new and old I have treasur'd up thy threatnings against sin and sinners that whensoever a temptation is offered to sinne against thee I may draw forth a direct command against such a sinne or denunciation of wrath against such a sinne As if he were tempted to uncleanness he would object Gods direct command against it Exod. 20.14 Thou shalt not commit adultery As Christ vanquisht the devil by the sword of the Spirit ☞ saying It is Written Mat. 4.7 Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God So should we take the sword of the Spirit and the shield of faith whereby we may quench his fiery darts As that pious Matron when a lewd Ruffian tempted her to uncleanness desired of him again to hold his finger one hour in the fire for her sake at which request he answering that the demand was unreasonable replied How much more unreasonable is yours that would have me burn in hell for ever to satisfie your lust So should we say How can we do this great wickedness and sin against God We
outward worship that we should bow before him and fall down at his presence and testifie the brokenness and contrition of heart by outward gestures as well as heart-worship though that be the principall he aims at Pray observe that God looks to every circumstance of his worship as well as to the essentials of it yea to the least circumstance and when he shall come to revenge the quarrell of his Covenant will severely punish those who have failed in the least particular of his worship O that men would consider this who are all for duty but little for the right performance of it after Gods way and manner ☞ all for worship but care not how they worship God I finde in Scripture 1 King 18.28 that hypocrites have been most in duty Baals Priests used to cut selves from day to night Mat and the Pharisees used to make long prayers but I finde that the people of God have studied more how to please God and to serve him after his own way and method The circumstances of an action saith the Philosopher aggravate the action more than the action it self You will think Nadab's and Abihu's fault to be of no consideration Lev. 10.1 2. as to deserve so great a punishment as to be destroyed for it What was their sinne why they offered fire to the Lord as he commanded but not that fire which he commanded that fire which should be continually kept in upon the Altar for that very use but fetcht elsewhere and therefore 't is called strange fire such fire as the Lord never demanded Let Gods Word be our rule and Gods glory the ultimate end and scope of all our actions and then we cannot do amiss in point of worship and if we continue in well doing at the length we shall reap everlasting life But when men corrupt the Word of God 2 Cor. 2.17 as the Apostles phrase is putting new glosses upon it and making it as a nose of wax to turn every way according as their genius tends and it serves for the carrying on of their designes for how glad are wicked men if they catch at any part of a sentence which according to their blinde apprehensions though to a judicious minde and to one enlightened by the Spirit it is nothing to the purpose or handling the Word of God deceitfully 2 Cor. 2.17 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Cauponantes Adulte rantes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 A corrumpendo vine atque infuscando ut caupones s●lout Men adulterate the word and take away the beauty and the majesty from it when they think to put a lustre upon it by their own inventions mixing it as a Vintner doth water with wine according to the Apostles word or neglecting the Word of God lean to the light of their own understandings and studying strange and unheard-of doctrines under the name of experimentall truths and which by long experience they have found out deliver unto the people the scum and the froth of their own vain mindes as the false Prophets of old who spake lyingly in the Name of the Lord saying they had a vision and a revelation when they had not that so both Minister and people might both fall together and both might be destroyed for ever and ever and rendring themselves abominable in the eyes of God they build their faith upon their own wisdom which is rather folly than wisdom for every man as the Psalmist saith Ps 49.10 by the fall is become brutish in his understanding and is of a reprobate minde that is Tit. 1.16 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 void of judgment of a minde that cannot approve of the things of God and neglect the wisdom and the power of God They cry up themselves as Simon Magus did for some body Act. 8.9 for the great power of God as he for his miracles was termed so and delighted in this appellation so these would be so termed for the abundance of the Revelations and the great measure of the Spirit which they pretend to partake of as if they were the only lights in the world and the Oracles which God hath set up in his Church Lord I beseech thee by the power of thy sanctifying Spirit to destroy this Babell in the hearts of those who are thy people that they may not build their faith upon lying vanities and trust to the sparks of their own understandings 1 Sam. 5.4 but that this Dagon of superstition and false worship of will-worship Col. 2.23 and of that worship which seems to carnall flesh glorious and beautifull 2 Cor. 7.1 may fall down at the appearance of Jesus Christ in their hearts that being kept from the pollutions of the flesh and Spirit they may perfect holiness in the fear of God for as long as this wisdom of the world is in us which is foolishness in thy sight there is no room for thy word or for Jesus Christ who is the eternall wisdom of God the Father Joh. 6.27 Let us not build our faith upon traditions and mens inventions and feed upon that meat which perisheth for all ceremonies customs and will-worship is but perishing meat but upon the Word of God as our rule and Jesus Christ for our Saviour that so we may finde comfort and peace of conscience at the hour of death and in the world to come everlasting life To proceed in the context the Apostle having shewed that he did not preach the wisdom of the world yet to magnifie his Doctrine and that he might give it the preheminence Vers 6. he saith Yet we preach wisdom amongst those which are perfect yet not the wisdom of this world that is though our preaching be plain to you who are but as babes in understanding yet we can preach in a higher style and more profound matter amongst those which are perfect that is amongst those who are men in understanding and more knowing in the things of God vers 7. We speak the wisdom of God in a mystery Ver. 8. Wisdom which the world cannot attain unto Vers 9. Eye hath not seen nor ear heard the things which God hath prepared for them that love him Hence observe Note That a servant of Jesus Christ must suit his style and his matter according to the capacity and judgement of his hearers Saith Luther Optimi ad Vulgus sunt concionatores qui popularitèr pnerilitèr trivialiter docent They preach best to the common people who preach in the plainest way and method The converting of souls to Jesus Christ and the building up Christians in the most pretious faith and comforting sad dejected spirits and destroying the Kingdom of Satan in the hearts of wicked men and to dispossess them of the unclean spirit and to convince gain-sayers who oppose the truth and to vindicate the purity of the Word of God against men of reprobate mindes is the work and main business of a true Ambassadour of Jesus
to make them humble for their sinnes or to prevent the breaking forth of the boyls of sin for the future They know that God looks more to the frame of their hearts and how their spirits are under Gods hand whether perverse and peevish or patient and submissive than at any thing else Besides they consider that these afflictions are but to drive them to their Fathers house and when they are sufficiently broken and sufficiently humbled under his afflicting hand he will take them up in his arms and kiss them as a loving mother doth a weak sickly childe and restore unto them the joy of his salvation There are two extreams we are apt to runne into under afflictions either to despise the chastning of the Lord Heb. 12.5 or to faint under his displeasure Wicked men they despise the hand of God and Christians are ready often to faint but that Jesus Christ stands by as he did by that blessed Martyr and wipes the sweat off from their faces when they are nigh to swound and gives them some comfortable sun-shines of his loving presence X. The Spirit is taken for the motions of the Spirit upon our hearts 1 Thes 5.19 Quench not the Spirit i. e. the motions and impressions of the holy Spirit of God upon thy heart Beleeve it Christian for a truth that though thou canst not blot out the teachings of the Spirit yet thou maiest shift off and extinguish the motions of the Spirit Have a care of this great sinne lest by thy impenitency ingratitude and willfull rebellion thou stiflest the glowings of the Spirit Have a care that when God strives with thee thou doest not strive with God again It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks Act. 9.5 Have a care thou beeft not found a fighter against God Saith Stephen of the rebellious Jews Ye stiff-necked Act. 7.51 ye do alwaies resist the holy Ghost i. e. you turn the deaf adder you stop your ears against the blessed Spirit warning you of that destruction which you have brought upon your selves in betraying the Lord of life Wicked men when they quench the Spirit are said to provoke the Spirit They stirre up a holy anger and revenge in the Spirit against their sins Mark 3.5 As Jesus Christ looked upon the Pharisees with a holy anger being grieved for the hardness of their hearts so the Spirit is angry at the hardness of the hearts of stubborn hearted sinners Eph. 4.30 But you who are the people of God you grieve the Spirit of God by your unkindness when ye seek to put out the light of the Spirit within you Walk in the light while you have the light for though God will never leave you wholly in the dark and utterly deprive you of his Spirit yet he may bring a cloud of temptation over you which may eclipse the glory of it for a time I beseech you grieve not the Spirit of God whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption As you would not be said to kick against the bowels of a bleeding Saviour by your sinnes so neither do you kick against the bowels of a most gracious Spirit or of the Spirit of grace striving with your hearts to the obedience of the truth As wicked men by their often sinning against the Spirit do quite sinne away the Spirit for by sinning so often against conviction they sinne so long till they have no light to sinne again having sinned it all away so the godly by sinning against the Spirit do cause it to withdraw its gracious influences for the present O that troubled consciences mourning under the loss of the comfortable presence of God in Jesus Christ would consider this Thou that complainest of the Spirits absence Hast thou not sinned away the Spirit by quenching its motions and resisting its impressions Thou that complainest of the want of assurance and of the Spirits not witnessing with thy Spirit Hast thou not sinned away thy assurance by committing some sinne or omitting some duty against the light of the Spirit What a wicked thing is it that Christians should complain of the Spirit and murmur against God for the light of his countenance when God and his Spirit have more reason to complain of them Christians are said to quench the Spirit two waies 1. When they withdraw the fuell which should maintain the Spirit as fire is put out when you withdraw the fuell which should maintain the fire so you quench the Spirit when you withdraw the fuell by which the Spirit is cherished When you will not hear the Word when you will not pray when you neglect the Sacraments the Sacrament often received is a great confirmation of our faith and a great cherisher of the work of the Spirit upon our hearts when you will not be much in meditation the Spirit loves to meet with a solitary soul disburdened of the world and seeking to have communion with God when you will not conferre and often speak of the things of God when you forsake the assembling of the Saints together As one coal kindles another and one candle enlightens another so the light of the Spirit in the heart of another may in time kindle and flame thy heart 2 Tim. 1.6 When men fail to stirre up the gift of God which is in them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 iguem rineribus absconditum resuscitare and to excite their graces and to bring them forth into action but let them sleep and lie dead and buried in their souls by these means they substract the fuell of the Spirit Christians should be men of activity alwaies doing and never idle in the work of the Lord. As the fountain is still purging forth that filth which lies nigh it so Christians should be still purging forth the remainders of that originall corruption which is in them still resisting temptations continually treasuring up the whole armour of God against the fiery triall daily weaning themselves from the world and preparing to meet Jesus Christ the Bridegroom of their souls As an idle man is the devils shop wherein he forgeth what he pleaseth so an active Christian is the Spirits shop If we do what we are able beleeve it Christians the Spirit will not be behind hand but will further the work of grace in our hearts It is because we are so backward in our duty that the Spirit is so backward upon our souls If thou wouldst have the continuall flowings in of the Spirit I beseech thee Christian for the good and for the comfort of thy soul for I speak what all true Christians do generally finde good pray more 1 Thes 5. pray continually that is lose no opportunity let no time pass when thou oughtest to pray or when thy occasions require it for there are many emergencies which fall out which require this duty and of some Christians more than others but be sure to pray hear the word at all occasions let not a
into their mindes and in their hearts will I write them and I will be their God and they shall be my people 2 Cor. 3.2 3. In that you are manifest to be the Epistle of Christ ministred by us and written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God not in tables of stone but in the fleshly tables of the heart Jer. 31.33 34. But this shall be the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those daies saith the Lord I will put my Law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts and I will be their God and they shall be my people and they shall teach no more every man his neighbour and every man his brother saying Know the Lord for they shall all know me from the least of them unto the greatest of them saith the Lord. You see that the Law must be first written in their hearts by the finger of God i. e. by the Spirit before they can know the things of God Ezek. 36.27 And I will put my Spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and ye shall keep my judgements and do them the Spirit doth not only write upon our hearts the Law of God but all things which accompany salvation John 17. And when the Spirit comes he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you There is no truth which accompanieth salvation in the Word of God but the very same is written by the finger of God upon the hearts of beleevets That even as you see in a seal when you have put the seal upon the wax and taken it away again you shall see it stamp answering to stamp character to character print to print so it is in the hearts of the faithfull after their hearts are softned the Spirit of God writes the Law in their hearts So that there is a Law within answerable to the Law without i. e. an inward aptness and disposition whereby a man is inclined to keep the Law in all points which Law within us is called the Law of the minde Rom. 7. I see a Law in my members warring against the Law of my minde The teachings of the Spirit do not only put the things of God into our mindes but ingraff them as naturall dispositions in our hearts yea the Spirit of God ingravens them As when letters are engraved in marble so the teachings of the Spirit engraven the things of God upon our hearts I call them the writings the engravings of the things of God upon our hearts to distinguish the teachings of the Spirit from the motions impressions flashes illuminations of the pirit These are but light superficiall transient works they reach not to the bottom of the soul but they float at the top These impressions are suddenly begun and suddenly ended They are but as a flash of lightning which is no sooner seen but vanisheth They are but as the morning cloud and as the early dew which suddenly pass away as the winde presently scatters the clouds and the sunne takes away the dew so all these common works of the Spirit pass away and melt as the dew before the sunne The best seeming professors that want the teachings of the Spirit they are but as blazing comets which appear for a while and presently disappear Wandring starres Jude 13. to whom is reserved the blackness of darkenss for ever Heb. 6.5 Psal 34.8 They do but taste of the goodness of God and so away But the teachings of the Spirit make a Christian not only to taste but to see the goodness of God They are permanent upon the soul never to be blotted out again They are not as the flash of lightning but as the noon-day full of brightness and comfort They are riveted in the soul and imprinted in it 2. I say they are the Printings of the things of God upon the hearts of beleevers Beleevers only have the teachings of the Spirit And ye shall be all taught of God Joh. 6.45 i. e. all ye who are under the Covenant of grace and are interrested in Jesus Christ shall have the teachings of the Spirit Unbeleevers may have the motions the breathings the quicknings the flashes and the illuminations of the Spirit but not the teachings 3. I say these printings and writings of the things of God are done by a secret method unknown to us yet known to the Spirit What he 〈…〉 tell but how he writes we cannot tell what he prints we can tell but how he prints we cannot tell Dan. 5 5. As Belshazzar saw the hand when it wrot but could not tell what the hand did write so beleevers on the other side they see the writing of the Spirit but cannot see the hand that writes nor understand how the Spirit writes yet we are in a farre better condition than Belshazzar was For t is better to understand the writing than to know how the hand doth write what is printed than how the Spirit prints as it is farre better to know that we are elected that we are justified that we are renewed in the Spirit of our mindes considered in themselves than to know what Justification and Adoption is though we may know what Justification is and that we are justified by the Spirit 4. Only we see the effect of the Spirits teachings upon our hearts as a woman may know she is with childe because the infant moves in her belly so we may know what the Spirit hath been doing on our hearts by that knowledge zeal life heat motion activity and courage we find in our spirits towards Gods waies We hear the clock strike though we do not see the hand or the wheels that set it a going so we may see our hearts eccho back to the Spirit though we do not see the Spirit setting them on work Ezek. 1.20 As Ezekiels wheels wheresoever the Spirit went the wheels went for the spirits of the living creature was in the wheels So because the Spirit of God is in us wheresoever the Spirit carries us we are carried The Spirit moves and we are moved the Spirit praies when we pray the Spirit witnesseth when our spirit witnesseth the Spirit sets the wheels going and we go God is of a truth in every Saint though they cannot see him but in his operations We know that God is in us of a truth because we act for God and have the principle of spirituall life from him As we know the evil man hath been teaching of us when we see his evil tares and heresies and prophaneness to spring up so we may know the Spirit hath been teaching of us when we see the wheat to grow apace Otherwise The Spirits teachings is the Spirits creating a new light within us by a secret way unknown unto us at the first which light in our consciences enkindled by the Spirit doth in all things correspond with the light of the
unclean heart Besides the Spirit takes away those objections which are in carnall mens hearts against the purity of religion What needs this preciseness this Pharisaism muchness in duty to be alwaies praying and alwaies hearing and the like It is a wearisomness to the flesh it duls the spirit and makes one melancholy it is more then needs be required As long as our hearts are upright with God and we desire to glorifie him in all his waies and we have upright intentions this is sufficient for heaven though we are not so much in duty as the pharisaicall men are Now the Spirit setting home the love of Christ upon our hearts and shewing us what he hath done for us brings us off from this lure to a perfect resignation of body and soul to his service Moreover he sheweth us that we must be holy in all manner of conversation 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 That we must walk exactly and as much as in us lies keep every circumstance that is contained in the Law of God And truly there is not a more certain sign of an upright heart than to have an universall respect to all the Commandments of God When out of a conscience to the command of God we would not commit the least sin or omit the smallest duty When the enmity is removed and the prejudice taken out of our hearts and all our misgivings and misapprehensions rightly placed we can easily hearken to the voice of the Spirit What things more peculiarly the Spirit teacheth 1. Thou canst not know God aright without the Spirits teachings Malè vivitur ubi de Deo non benè creditur A childe of God may know more of God in one Chapter of the Book of God which is the minde of the Spirit than all the writings of all the men in the world are able to shew forth without this word of God It is the Spirit alone that can ravish our hearts to the love of God in Jesus Christ 1. Gods love That can make us see the heighth depth and breadth of Gods love unto us Who would ever have thought that apostates rebels enemies should ever have become the sonnes of God heirs joynt-heirs and coheirs with Jesus Christ but that the Spirit hath made it clear Behold with what manner of love hath the Father loved us that we should be called the sonnes of God Philosophers could tell you that the Being of beings the first mover the first Cause of all causes must be infinite just mercifull and the like but that God through Jesus Christ should finde out such a way of reconciliation that sinners should be called the sonnes of God and that they should be one with the Father and with the Son Jesus Christ and that they should have communion with him for ever and ever this only the Spirit teacheth It is the Spirit only which sheweth the most holy nature of God 2. The holy nature of God 1 Joh. 1.5 In God is light and in him there is no darkness He is holiness it self therefore saith God Be ye holy as I am holy We are apt to think that God is such an one as our selves that he mindes not our iniquities that he walks aloft in the heavens and cares not for the things which are done upon the earth but the Spirit hath declared unto us Hab. 1. That God is of purer eyes than to behold iniquity Psal 5. The foolish shall not stand in thy sight thou hatest all the workers of iniquity I have read of some Nations that because they have thought their Gods to have delighted in some vice therefore they have addicted themselves in the imitation of their Gods to the same vice Some have thought their Gods delighted in uncleanness some in drunkenness others in cruelty and therefore they have been drunken unclean and cruell but we have learned God otherwise by the mind of the Spirit that there is no iniquity in the God of Israel Mercy and truth goes before his face justice and judgement is the habitation of his Throne The Spirit alone hath shewed us the exact justice of God against every sinne 3. The exact justice of God that the least sinne unrepented of and not washed away by the blood of Christ though it be but an evil thought or an idle word shall be punished with everlasting destruction Origin with some others have thought that it could not stand with the mercy of God to punish a sinner everlastingly in hell and therefore they have jumpt in with the Popish purgatory thinking that after the soul hath been punished so many years in hell fire it shall be released and set at liberty But this is contrary to the Spirit of God in many places of Scripture 2. The mystery of the blessed Trinity The Spirit only hath shewed us the mystery of the blessed and incomprehensible Trinity That there should be three persons Father Sonne and holy Ghost and yet these three but one God There are three that bear record in heaven the Father the Word and the holy Ghost and these three are one All the great Rabbies of the world will never attain this mystery it is only the Spirit that teacheth it What Pla. to writes of the blessed Trinity it is supposed he had it out of Moses his writings or else some other way This doctrine of the Trinity in Unity and Unity in Trinity that there should be three persons and but one God and one God and yet three persons that the Father should be God the Son should be God and the holy Ghost should be God it is a doctrine of faith and not of reason a doctrine which ought to be beleeved because the Spirit hath revealed it and therefore not to be disputed of The Schoolmen whose foolish hearts are darkned have become vain in their imaginations concerning this transcendent and exceeding great mystery 3. It is the Spirit alone that teaches us the great mystery of the incarnation of Christ that there should be two natures the humane and the Divine united together and yet but one person The union or the two natures in Christ is 〈…〉 by a fiery flaming sword or rather by the similitude of a branch engrafted into a stock of another tree where there is not a mixture of the nature of these trees nor a constitution of a ●hird out of them but a drawing of one of them into the others subsistance Dr Field this is the mystery of mysteries And without controversie great is the mystery of godliness God manifested in the flesh justified in the Spirit seen of Angels beleeved on in the world and received up into glory John 1.14 The Word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us and we saw the glory as the glory of the only begotten Sonne full of grace and truth Was made flesh This destroys the Heresie of the Marcionists who said that Christ was not made flesh 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Est articulus
praiest unto him Why God will not answer thee according to thy prayer for it is but lip-service but according to the Idol that is in thy heart Ezek. 14. In stead of pardoning thy sinnes he will give thee more liberty to gratifie thy lusts God will answer thee but it shall be with a curse rather than with a blessing Sinne it is filthiness in the sight of God Ezek. 36. I will pour clean water upon you and purge you from all your filthinessess Saith God remove this abominable thing out of my sight which I hate As it is spoken in reference to Idolatry so it may be applied to all manner of sinnes Remove this abominable thing to wit sinne either in generall Jer. 44.4 or this particular sinne out of my sight Rebellion is as the sinne of witchcraft 1 Sam. 15.23 He that sinneth hurteth his own soul Every sinne properly is a destruction to the soul Isa 59 2. Your finnes have separated between you and your God and he hath hid his face and will not hear 2 Cor. 6.15 Sin it defaceth the beauty of the soul It is a fretting leprosie which only the blood of Christ can purge away The deluge which drowned so many sinners was not able to wash away the least sinne Sin it is the greatest evil because it is worse than the devil for it made him to be so 'T is worse than hell that is but opposite to the good of the creature this of the Creator And if the greatness of the malady may be judged by the cost and difficulty of the cure it will easily appear that no evil is so great as this because nothing could serve for the remedy of it but the infinite precious blood of Jesus Christ 'T is so great an evil that there can be no greater punishment of i● than by it self When God would deal with man as a most desperate enemy he gives him up to sin There can be no worse Epithete for it than it self When the Apostle would speak the worst of it as he could he cals it by his own name Rom. 7.13 Sinfull sin Dr. Wilkins in his Discourse concerning the gift of prayer it is a leprosie which infects the whole man it is that which makes the inhabitants of the earth to stink and be corrupt in the nostrils of God It is that which is the greatest evil because it is opposite to the greatest good God blessed for ever and brings the greatest evil upon creatures the privation of Gods glorious presence for ever 1 Cor. 6.9 Neither fornicators nor Idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abusers of themselves with mankinde nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor reyilers nor extortioners shall inherit the Kingdom of heaven The Morallist defines sin after this manner Vitium est quod à mediocritate deflectit vel in excessu vel in defectu Actuall sin according to the Schoolmen is thus defined Peccaium actuale est actus indebito modo circumstantionatus the circumstances are these Quis quid ubi quibus auxiliis cur quomodo quando But the Word of God cals sin 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Sin is the transgression of the Law Every deviation from the perfect Law of God in the least punctillo of it though but in a thought in a word or in one particular action it is a sin Regula est judex sui obliqui And the Law of God it not only shews what is good what is right and what is just but what is evil what is unjust because it shews us all our obliquities and defects from it 5. None can teach us to understand the Word of God but the Spirit of God The Word of God it remains alwaies the same and it is a clear and a plain way in it self Till the Spirit removes the scales from our eyes such scales as fell from Pauls eyes we cannot understand the minde of the Spirit We may prove the Word of God to be the Word of God by reason for unless we go by reason we shall never be able to convince an Infidell or a Pagan that the Seriptures are the Word of God But to make a man understand it is the work of the Spirit What is the reason that having been so much verst in the word we remain so ignorant of the minde of the Spirit Why it is because thou art void of the Spirits teachings The word it is not written upon thy heart by the finger of God but as fast as it comes in at one car it goes out at another and the devil comes and steals the word out of thy heart I tell thee thou maiest have the whole Word of God by heart and yet farre to seek in the right knowledge of it Scriptura omnibus accessibilitis paucissimis penetrabilis Aug. Act. 8. We reade the story of Philio and of the Eunuch The Eunuch was reading a place of Isaias He was led as a sheep to the slaughter and as a lamb before the shearer opened he not his mouth Philip comes to him and said Vnderstandest thou what thou readest said the Eunuch again How can I except some man guide me Then Philip expounded the place unto him But what set Philip a work to go to the Eunuch The Spirit said unto Philip Go near and joyn thy self to his Chariot So I may say to a poor man when he reads the Word of God Understandest thou what thou readest Dost thou know the minde of the Spirit in that place and he may answer me How should I unless the Spirit teacheth me or some body whom the Spirit sets a work for that end Beleeve it ☜ When sensual men that have not the Spirit let them be never so book-learned or head-learned otherwise speak of the things of God they speak as some Geographers write of other Countries who never were there themselves to see the situation or the sertility of them they travell by other mens eyes and see with other mens light and what they write for the most part of it they take up on trust and record and have but an opinionative knowledg of them if I may so speak and mix many errors with little of truth So Learned men void of the Spirit the greatest part of their knowledge they have upon trust and upon the record of men like Augustine who as he before his conversion said I beleeve so because the Church said so so they beleeve so because the fathers of old said so or because such and such persons whom they esteem say so not considering the light of the Spirit which is greater than the light of reason or any other light whatsoever But the spiritual man speaks experimentally what he se●● by the light of the Spirit within him Every spiritual man can say and only he can say so I know what I speak I beleeved therefore have have I spoken My record is true because I have the record of the Spirit What I have heard seen and felt
of the word of life that I speak Rom. 9. and 't is a certain truth that a godly poor man let him be unskilfull in humane Learning yet if he hath but that unction of the Spirit that St John speaks of he is able to discourse of the things of God more savingly experimentally and powersully than the greatest Clerks and Rulers of the world 1 Cor. 1.20 Not many mighty not many wise not many noble are called but God hath chosen the base things of the world to confound the honourable and the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty God did chuse for his disciples not the learned Rabbies of the world as the Scribes and Pharisees were but a poor company of Fisher-men and Tent-makers delivered this Book unto us God called Amos from following the sheep to go and Prophesie to Amaziab And this God did to stain the pride of worldly wisdom shewing that he stood not in need of an arm of flesh to accomplish his design upon the earth but that by weak and inconsiderable means in themselves he was able to bring about the greatest designes What is the reason that the greatest Scholars are most to seek in the things of God especially in those things which accompany salvation Why as Solomon speaks they leaning to their own understandings and exalting themselves in the pride of their parts and abillities do justly cause God to leave them to themselves and in the dark because they seek not after the Spirit of God which is the chief thing to be desired if they will know the will of God We usually say that he that made the Laws can best tell how to interpret them so the Spirit of God which made the Word of God for holy men of God spake as they were inspired by the Spirit knows best how to explain it We are to compare spirituall things with spirituall and the Spirit of God speaking in one place with the Spirit speaking in another if we would know the scope and intent of the Word No man can say Jesus is the Christ but by the Spirit Saith Christ to Peter when he confessed him to be the Christ Blessed art thou Simon Bar-Jona for flesh and blood hath not revealed this unto thee but my Father which is in heaven Now the Father as it is clear from Ephes 3.5 declared this mystery by the Spirit Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men as it is now revealed unto his holy Prophets and Apostles by his Spirit As for practicall duties 't is the Spirit only that inflames the heart enlightens the minde breeds compunction and brings sundry comforts That teacheth us to despise earthly things to leath things present and to seek after things eternall to fly honours and to suffer scandals and to place our hope and confidence in God That teacheth us that great duty of mortification If ye through the Spirit do mortifie the deeds of the flesh to subdue our lusts to overcome the world to live a life of faith and not of sense to endure afflictions and to resist temptations The Spirit helpeth us to pray We know not how to pray as we ought but the Spirit helpeth our infirmities by making intercessions for us with groanings which cannot be uttered He helpeth together with and over-against us 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 collaborantes adjuvat The originall word imports as when another man sets his shoulder to bear a part with us in the lifting up of any burden The Spirit of God removes those clogs and weights which be upon our spirits and puts life into the Chariot wheels of our souls by raising up our affections by stirring up the gift of God that is within us that we may pray with readiness of minde And maketh intexcession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered Not that the holy Spirit is a Mediator of intercessions that is properly the office of the Sonne who is therefore stiled our Advocate 1 Joh. 2.1 But because the Spirit of God doth stirre up our hearts to prayer and infuse into us holy desires stirring us up and instructing us in this duty therefore he is said to intercede for us The Spirit likewise by causing us to groan and sigh for our sinnes is said to make intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered It is the Spirit alone that must convince us of our sinnes When the Spirit shall come be shall convince the world of sinne Joh. 16.8 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 corripio pervim demonstrationis of righteausness and judgement The Spirit convinceth plainly by a demonstration shewing Thou art the man as Nathan said to David and powerfully to the conscience It is the Spirit that unites us to Jesus Christ he is the bond of our spirituall union He that hath not the Spirit of Christ is none of his It is the Spirit that quickens The Spirit quickneth Joh. 6.63 the Word profiteth nothing It is the Spirit that sanctifieth and that regenerates the hearts of beleevers 1 John 5.18 He that is born of God sinneth not i.e. he that is born of the sanctifying Spirit of God sinneth not that great sinne against the holy Ghost which is unpardonable It is the Spirit that is the true Comforter Hence he is called by way of eminency John 16. The Comforter The earnest of our inheritance Eph. 1.14 because of his inward testifying act upon our spirits that we are Gods children It is the Spirit that driveth out that slavish fear out of our hearts making us to come with boldness and with confidence to God Psal 51. Vphold me with thy free Spirit It is the Spirit that justifies 1 Cor. 6.10 But ye are justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of God It is the Spirit that preserves the faithfull from falling away by his preventing and establishing grace from that hope that is within them unto the day of their appearance before Jesus Christ Phil. 1.6 Being confident of this very thing that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it unto the day of Jesus Christ What manner of teachings the Spirits teachings are First They are infallible teachings The Spirit teacheth truly without the least errour or deceit He is called the Spirit of truth because whatever the Spirit teacheth it cannot but be truth John 14.16 I will pray the Father and he shall give you another Comforter which shall abide with you for ever even the Spirit of truth The Spirit is said to lead us into all truth Joh. 16.13 When the Spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Dux vobis erit Dux viae He shall lead you by the hand as the Nurse doth a weak sickly childe and be a guide unto you in your way In the way of truth but what he hath heara of me that
shall he speak and he shall shew you things to come If truth it self can lie and deceive then the Spirit may deceive you but it is impossible that truth it self should deceive God is not as man that he should lie or the sonne of man that he should repent The Spirit it is God as I have proved already and therefore 't is impossible he should lie i. e. deceive or fail us in our expectations when we wait upon him If we think the Spirit to be God and take him for our guide and we acknowledge him for to be our councellour it is impossible that the Spirit should deceive us of our expectations Matth. 24.24 There shall arise false Christs and false Prophets and shall shew great signes and wonders and if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect if it were possible but 't is impossible they should deceive the elect 1 John 2.20 They have the unction from the holy one and they shall know all things i. e. all things that pertain to life and godliness What is the reason why we beleeve the Word of God to be true and as Chrift saith not the least tittle thereof shall fall till all things shall be accomplished but only because it hath the stamp of the divine authority of the blessed Spirit 1 Cor. 2. The Spirit teacheth all things yea tho deep things of God It is called the Spirit of wisdom Isa 11.21 It is prophesied of Christ That the Spirit of wisdom and understanding the Spirit of counsell and might and the Spirit of the fear of the Lord shall rest upon him Wisdom it self it cannot erre it cannot deceive The Spirit it is the fountain of all wisdom Isa 40.13 Who hath directed the Spirit of the Lord and being his counsellour hath taught him v. 14. With whom took he counsell and who instructed him and taught him in the paths of judgement and taught him knowledge and shewed to him the way of understanding If wisdom it self and the fountain of all wisdom teacheth you you need not fear that you shall be taught amiss Popes and generall Counsels and all men yea the best men may be sound liars and may deceive and put darkness for light and light for darkness and may call good evil and evil good and may put truth for errour and errour for truth but it is quite otherwise with the Spirit of truth which shall lead you into all truth Quest Do not the people of God erre some times and fall into error how then are the Spirits teachings infallible Ans 1. As farre as they are taught of the Spirit they do not erre or fall into any heresie Gal. 5. Heresies are reckoned amongst the fruits of the flesh These are the fruits of the flesn envyings strifes emulations heresies so that errours are not fruits of the Spirit but fruits of the flesh A childe of God may be led away with an errour for a time Gal. 2.13 As Barnabas was led away by their dissimulation so a childe of God may be led away 2. God sometimes out of his justice may permit a childe of God to runne into waies contrary to the truth because he did not prize the Word of God as he ought to do and seek it with his whole heart that afterwards being recovered out of the snare of the devil he may more esteem the Word of God than formerly If a Christian who hath lived in England under the means of grace by providence should be cast among the Heathen where there is no knowledge of the true God but idolatry and false worship set up in place of it how would he esteem the Ordinances of Christ So when a gracious soul shall be given up to the delusions of Satan for a time and afterwards be recovered certainly he would let go all ere he would lose this pretious jewel of truth Quest It is said that the unction of the Spirit teacheth them all things How can they erre therefore Ans It is true that is there is nothing that belongs to life and salvation but some time or other shall be revealed to the children of God The Spirit doth not teach us all the mysteries of God at once but successively as we are able to receive them We are not capable to receive all truths at one time It is with truth as it is with light the light grows by degrees as the sun ascends higher and higher in the firmament so the greater is the light The Spirit teacheth successively and the more it is dispersed Truth comes not all at once into the understanding but first one truth comes in and then another The Logicians say that upon the receiving one absurdity a thousand follow so one truth makes way for another Therefore the perfectionists of these times who think because they say they have the teachings of the Spirit they know all things and that they need not have any body to teach them they are in a gross mistake and as the Apostle faith while they think they know all things they know nothing as they ought to know Those that are above the Ordinances are beneath salvation and those that contemn the ordinary teachings of the Spirit in his Word and Ministers are farre to seek in the extraordinary The Spirit hath babes to nurture as well as strong Christians it hath several books to reade to those that are in the lowest form in the School of Christ and not so high and lofty as to those that are in a higher degree The former he teacheth the principles of the doctrine of God the later those mysteries which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world The former he deals with in a more gentle and tender way to these he is more rough and more severe Christ hath his Lambs as well as his Sheep and what doth he do with them Isa 40.11 He shall feed his flock like a shepherd he shall gather the lambs with his arm and carry them in his bosom and gently leade those that are with young Christ and his Spirit drives on as Jacob did Gen. 33.13 My Lord knoweth that the children are tender and the flocks and herds with young are with me and if men should drive them over-hard one day all the flock would die Let my Lord I pray thee pass over before his servant and I will lead on softly according as the cattell that go before me and the children are able to bear Christ leads us as we are able to bear and the Spirit teacheth us as we are able to learn The light breaks in upon us by little and little and Christ said unto the Apostles he had many things to say unto them but they could not bear them yet so the Spirit hath many things to teach us but we are not sufficiently humbled to receive them Isa 42.2 3 As it is said of Christ so it may be said of his Spirit He will not break the brnised reed nor quench
the Spirit how couragious was he in the work of the Lord he that formerly was mad with fury against the Church of God how strongly doth he row the other way As soon as ever Ananias had said Brother Saul receive thy sight Act. 9. his eyes were opened and his heart enlarged in the knowledge of God he presently goes about his Masters business to win souls over by the evidence of the Spirit to the obedience of the word Yea he was ready not only to be bound for the Lord Jesus ☞ but to suffer for him A spiritual man he chooseth and pitcheth upon mature and serious deliberation with himself being helped by the light of the Spirits teachings I say he chooseth God for his God and Christ for his Christ and the Spirit for his Spirit and the Word for his rule and Gods Commandments for his delight An implicit faith Many Christians have but an implicit faith for what they believe some believe the Word of God because they were taught so and so were instructed by education others believe so because it is the generall opinion of most men others because this way seems the best to their corrupt naturall reason others there are because such a man said so because they are perhaps engaged to him in Church-society when they have no ground in their own consciences why they close with this rather than with that The devil will have a shrewd combate with this mans faith in the hour of temptation when he shall come to die 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 efflagitavit The devil hath desired to winnow thee as he did Peters faith He will try thee of what mettall thou art made whether thou art dross or silver he will sift thee throughly and if thou art found wanting as I am sure thou wilt be found for this faith hath no foundation thou shalt be cast forth as chaff out of Christs floor to be burned for ever What is the reason that we drive on so slowly for heaven why it is because of the unsetledness of our spirits We do not walk by fixed principles Go to this point whether the Word be the Word of God were you never under the buffetings of Satan for a while concerning this thing hardly any but some times or other have been under such a cloud of temptation If you were really fixed upon this principle that the Scripture is the Word of God reading what judgments attends sinners in their evil courses and what happiness follows the Saints there could not be such a general spirit of prophanness amongst men as there is and that little care to walk exactly according to the preciseness of the Gospel The Spirit quiets our mindes concerning this doubt by discovering unto us the majesty purity and perfection of it A spiritual man can say I know whom I have believed 2 Tim. 1.12 I know what I speak I know that God is true and that there is no unrighteousness in him God is in me of a truth Besides have we not Atheisticall thoughts of God like that fool Psal 14.1 who said in his heart there was no God denying the providence of God When we see the wicked men of the world prosper and we our selves counted the offscouring of it are we not ready to say like David 1 Sam. 27.1 I shall one day perish by the hand of Saul or that we shall fall of everlasting happiness God hath cast us off for ever calling the servants of God liars who speak unto us in the name of the Lord and to distrust the word of promise Heb. 13.5 I will never leave thee nor forsake thee where there are five negatives for the confirmation of it I will never never never never never leave thee nor forsake thee Psal 73. Now as David when he went into the Sanctuary of God he was better principle'd and understood their latter end that God had set them in slippery places that they might fall and not rise again So if we would wait till the Spirit comes down upon our hearts we should have all these carnall reasonings and these fleshly doubts removed and we should be setled in the truths of God When a man is taught by the Spirit he doth not stand to reason with flesh and blood shall I do this or shall I do that shall I choose heaven or shall I choose hell shall I choose sinne or shall I choose grace shall I choose God or shall I choose Baal he doth not stand reasoning the case Shall I be religious or shall I not Shall I trust all upon Gods bare promise or shall I close with the pleasures of sin which are really present but he presently renouncing all those carnall reasonings which arise from flesh and blood presently sets upon the work of the Lord knowing that his labour shall not be in vain in the Lord. So did Paul Gal. 1. 15 16. When the Lord had endued him with his Spirit sutable for his calling whereunto he was called he stood not to reason with flesh and blood but presently sets upon his great Masters business Jesus Christ The great danger there is in consulting with flesh and blood This consulting with flesh and blood hinders many a poor soul from a through closing with Jesus Christ Flesh will say Do not close with Jesus Christ do not serve God you had better take a certainty for an uncertainty and those present enjoyments here and live merrily In consulting with flesh and blood you consult with the enemy of Jesus Christ of the Gospel of his grace and with an enemy to your own souls Be sure the flesh will decide the controversle on the devils part against Jesus Christ Now the Spirit of God determines the matter on Christs part against the devil teaching thee the insufficiency of all the creatures to make thee happy and the true happiness only resides in God putting thee into the way wherein God is to be found and preserving thee in the same that at length thou maist reap everlasting life Seventhly The teachings of the Spirit are consonant to the Word they agree with the Word of God As the minde of the Spirit in one place of Scripture agrees with the minde of the Spirit in another and there is a sweet harmony in the Word of God So the teachings of the Spirit upon our hearts they also are correspondent with the word Saith Paul to the Galatians Gal. 1.8 If an Angel from heaven should deliver any other doctrine unto you than what you have received let him be accursed And the Apostle by a resumption or ingemination repeats it again If any man teach any other Gospel unto you than what you have received let him be accursed ● 11 12. And why My Doctrine is not of flesh nor of the will of man but of God Note this well ☜ As if the Apostle had said My word which I have delivered unto you being the Word of God
and seeing I have received it from God I am certain God will not send a message contrary to his Word or send an Angel from heaven to infirm and weaken that which I have delivered unto you So I say ☜ whosoever thou art that pretendest to revelations and mysteries and high discoveries from God if the manifestations you pretend to be to draw you to the promoting of any thing contrary to the Word of God or to encourage you in the waies of sinne and to carry on the interests of the flesh it is a lying Spirit it is not the Spirit of God I am sure God will not send a message to contradict his own Word or give in a revelation which shall weaken and destroy that word which his Apostles and Prophets have delivered unto us I could wish that the Quakers of our times who pretend so much to the Spirit The Quakers are void of the Spirits teachings and yet walk after the flesh vilifying and reviling the precious servants of Jesus Christ their mouths being black with hellish imprecations against the servants of Jesus Christ would lay this to heart Certainly they are void of the Spirits teachings upon their hearts if any people in the world are void because they are so full of malice against the Word of God which is the minde of the Spirit and so impetuously carried by a spirit of envy An envious person is the very picture of the devil against those who watch for their souls good that they may be saved at the great day of account Isa 8.11 To the Law and to the testimony if they hearken not to these it is because there is no light in them I know the devil can put on Samuels mantle and he will bring Scripture in his mouth as well as the best He brought Scripture to Christ Mat. 4. but you may easily perceive him by his cloven foot it is either to tempt thee to sinne as here he did Christ or to some errour and heresie The devil is Gods Ape The devil is Gods Ape and as God hath his miracles so he hath his wonders as appears by the Sorcerers in Egypt and he will set up his standard by Gods standard in this world If God hath his revelations the devil will have his but you may easily difference them by these signes 1. The devils revelations are but hidden things How do men in these times who talk much of the light of the Spirit within them runne all upon Allegories wresting the Scripture to their own damnation 1 Cor. 14.32 2. The devils revelations put men into strange passions and phrensies Spiritus Prophetarum subjecti sunt Prophetis ie nihil 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sacient sed decentèr ntilitèr Et hoc distinguuntur Prophetae veri à vatibus prophauis quia illi omnia faciunt quodam furore ecstafi alie nautur mentè abripiun tur extrà sese ut saepe seipsos non intelligant inde ambiguè etiam ludunt quia incerti sunt de rebus At veri Prophetae non ita modestè sedatè omnia agunt spiritum habeut sibi subjectum ut nihil indecorum admittant idco libemèr cedunt aliis Arecius The spirits of the Prophers are subject to the Prophets that is they do nothing disorderly but with decency and profit And by this manner are distinguished the true Prophets from the false and prophane ones because they do all things with a certain kinde of fury and madness and are estranged in their minds and snatch besides hemselves that many times they do not understand themselves and speak ambiguously because they are uncertain of the things themselves But the true Prophets do not so they do all things modestly and quietly h●y have their spirits in subjection so that they do nothing ancomely and can willingly give place to others and I know not what distempers but the Spirit of God doth not so reveal it self but teacheth in a milde gentle and in a quiet way 3. After the devils revelations there follows great disquietness of minde and little settlement of spirit but they are left in manifold perplexities sometimes the light that is within them as they call it carrying them to such a place and sometimes to another and whatsoever the light bids them do that they must do As the evil spirit hurried Christ up and down setting him upon the pinacle of the Temple but the teachings of the Spirit bring peace of conscience and joy in the holy Ghost which is unspeakable and full of glory Saith Christ When the Spirit comes it shall speak of me and shall bring all things to your remembrance Whatsoever I have spoken unto you Whatsoever Christ speaks and the Word speaks the Spirit speaks but whatsoever the devil speaks he speaks it of himself and not according to the word for he was a liar from the beginning he abode not in the truth and the truth is not in him Eighthly They are effectuall powerfull transforming teachings As God by his word in the Creation did create light upon the earth God said Let there be light and there was light so God by one word from heaven by his Spirit can create light in our understandings As Christ by a-word did raise Lazarus out of the grave so God by one word by his Spirit can raise us up from the grave of sinne to newness of life As thou canst not hinder the influences of heaven nor cause it not to rain when God hath unlockt his store-house of rain or from keeping the light of the sunne from the world much less canst thou hinder the work of the Spirit upon thy heart the influences of his Divine working Prov. 21.1 The Lord tunneth the heart of man as he turneth the Water-brooks One would think that such a one as Saul a persecutour should never have been a Paul a chosen vessell to bear his Name before the Gentiles That a Manasseh who made Jerusalem to swim with blood should have been a Convert That a Mary Magdalen out of whom Christ had cast out seven devils should become a Saint but such is the power of the Spirit that though thou hadst a legion of devils Christ by his Spirit which is called the finger of God as Christ saith Luke 11.20 If I by the finger of God cast out devils he can cast them out and fill thee with his good Spirit When Christ comes to a mans house and saith This day is salvation come to thy house as he did to Zacheus Luk. 19.9 let him be a Publican he shall give half his goods to the poor and if he hath wronged any man he shall make restitution So when Christ shall come to thy heart by the Spirit and cry saying This day is salvation come to thy soul thou shalt open and become a new creature be thy former condition what it will 2 Cor. 3.18 But we all with open face behold as in a glasse the glory of the Lord are
with him pouring forth those desires which he suggesteth unto us the fire which God would have continually to burn upon his Altar came out from the Lord Rev. 9.24 If sacrifices were offered up with any other fire that fire was counted strange and the sacrifices no whit acceptable but abominable to the Lord the heavenly fire whereby our spirituall sacrifices of prayer must be offered up is that holy Spirit which cometh out from God he carrieth the very Image of God we must therefore give unto God that which is Gods A childe of God upon this ground may come with boldness to the throne of grace that God will accept his prayer because it is a fruit of his Spirit He may wrastle with God and never let him alone till he obtain the blessing or some gracious answer to his prayer though not in the same kind he petitioned for He can say I am thy childe thou art my father I am one with thee by thy Spirit I belong to thy family both in heaven and in earth I am one of them for whom Christ sweat drops of blood for I have thy Spirit interceding for me with sighs and groans which cannot be uttered and therefore Lord I know that thou canst not deny me my petition if it be for my good and for the glory of thy Name Now is it so that where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty is it not too too evident that the greatest part of professing Christians are void of the Spirit Are they not in bondage to some secret lust Doth not their speech bewray them in stead of speaking the language of Canaan do they not speak the language of Ashdod In stead of being led by the Spirit of God are they not led by the spirit of the world While they talk of the Spirit do they not walk after the flesh Have they not the Spirit to talk by and the world to walk by Are they not in love with the fashion of the world and intangled with the rudiments of it Can they pray in the Spirit can they sing in the Spirit can they restore a fallen brother in the evidence of their own spirit If they can What means these swarms of lusts in their hearts of pride envy self-love contempt of their poor weak brethren and little regard they have to the promoting the work of the Spirit in the hearts of others These with many others are true notes that the greatest part of Christians are void of the Spirit Secondly Is it so That none can know the things of God but they that have the teachings of the Spirit upon their hearts Then I beseech you to desire God to give you the teachings of his Spirit Pray earnestly for that wisdom which comes from above that St James speaks of Jam. 3.17 Which is first pure then gentle then easie to be intreated which is full of good works If any man lack wisdom let him ask it of God for he giveth liberally and upbraideth none He will not upbraid thy ignorance thy poverty thy former unwillingness and disrespect if thou wilt ask it of him If the Lord blessed Solomon so much for asking wisdom before riches 1 King 3.11 honour life that the Lord gave him a wise heart together with riches honour and life as an over-plus into the bargain how much more pleasant and wellcom will thy petition be to God if thou askest of him spirituall wisdom which is not to be compared with the most precious Rubies or with the finest Gold If thou would'st have spirituall wisdom desire God to give thee the Spirit of wisdom to give thee the grace of unction as well as the grace of union that as Jesus Christ had the Spirit of wisdom resting upon him so thou maiest have likewise To stirre thee up to this main duty Consider first of all Fidelis mater utra que praebet infautulo ubera Sic Deus pater non solum dedit filium sed ctiam dedit Spiritum sanctum Haec duo ubera vino sunt pulchriora That thou askest nothing but what is agreeable to the will of God Matth. 7.11 If ye being evil know how to give good things to your children how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Spirit to them that ask it of him 2. Thou askest nothing but what Christ hath promised Saith Christ when I go away the Comforter shall come unto you So likewise I will pray the Father and he shall fend you another Comforter If Christ who is the Amen of all the promises Rev. 1.5 who is the true and faithfull witness who is truth it self Saith he John 14. I am the way the truth and the life who hath sealed the Covenant with his own blood if he hath promised the Spirit he will not be worse than his word if thou ask it of him 3. Consider that Christ was anointed with the Spirit and received a more plentifull measure of it for our sakes that we might partake of his fulness he was filled with the Spirit that we might partake of the same Spirit with him Joh. 3.34 Non ad mensuram i. e siue mensurâ The Spirit was not given unto him by measure that we might have a measure of his Spirit 4 Consider that we are to ask nothing but what we are to expect at Gods hand under the Gospel It is said that the Spirit was not yet given because that Christ was not yet glorified Joh. 7.39 that is it was not poured forth in that measure and abundance as it was to be given after Christs ascension Now Christ being ascended and sitting at the right hand of God on high the Apostles long ago and the Saints in the primitive times having had the first-fruits of the Spirit When the holy Ghost descended in the form of cloven tongues we also may expect the gleanings of so plentifull a harvest Sicut unctio à capite Aaronis in ipsius membra descendebat fic à Christo capite vigor Spiritus sancti in omnia membra dimanat As the oyntment did runne down from Aarons head to the rest of his members So from Christ the Head the efficacy of the Spirit flows forth upon all the members To stirre you up to desire the Spirits teachings consider this that it is a singular mercy to be taught by the Spirit Blessed is the soul that heareth the Lord in or by his Spirit and that receiveth from his mouth the word of comfort If the Queen of Sheba 2 Ch●on 9.7 after she had made triall of Solomons wisdom cried out with admiration Happy are thy men and happy are these thy servants that stand continually before thee and that hear thy wisdom How much happier are they then that heard the gracious words which proceeded from the mouth of Christ when he was upon the earth and that have the teachings of the Spirit upon their hearts All other teachings besides the Spirits teachings will avail
wisdom which flows from Christ by his Spirit Substance Jesch substantia a substantiall thing By substance we are not to understand riches as some understand for in common talk a rich man we commonly say is a substantiall man but reality and the truth of a thing By this phrase I make him that loveth me to inkerit substance is meant reality Spiritual wisdom is a reall thing it gives a reall reward to him that loveth her Spirituall wisdom is compared to most solid things to rubies to the most precious rubies and to the finest gold The word which signifies substance is put for wisdom Mic. 6.9 A man of wisdom shall see thy Name Hebr. A substantiall man Shall see thy name i.e. that he will reverence fear love and adore thy Name Words of sense commonly import their effects with them All other knowledge it is vanity when you have it and vexation when you cannot attain it It will do you no good at the day of judgement God at the day of judgement will not ask you what you know but what you have done how you have lived and whether you have walked up to that knowledge which God hath given you By all your knowledge you cannot supplant one vice you cannot implant one grace without the sanctifying Spirit of God All other knowledge it is but folly in the sight of God The wisdom of this world it is foolishness with God ☜ It is folly because it fails in obtaining the chiefest good and the last end That is the best wisdom which makes a man provident and furnisheth him with means to attain the highest end There is no wisdom but spiritual wisdom where by we shall ever come to have communion with God who is the best object and the chiefest good the first cause and the last end If it were so why did not Socrates Aristotle Pythagoras with many other knowing men in the world attain everlasting happiness which they are deprived of unless God out of his infinite mercy by a secret way unknown unto us receive some of the best of them into his mercy For my part I know no other way to salvation but by Jesus Christ to know him in his death and sufferings and to be made partakers of his resurrection and to be united unto him by a lively faith on our part and by the Spirit on Christs part and to worship the true God being rightly known by us according to that way and method he hath delivered unto us in his Word 10. Multi propter arbo rem scientiae amittunt arborem vitae August All other knowledge it rather hinders than promotes the salvation of men It puts a rub in their way to heaven They cannot submit to the plainness of the word to the foolishness of preaching to the wisdom of God Saith the Apostle Many for the tree of knowledge do lose the tree of life The World by wisdom knew not God that is by all their wisdom they could not attain to a right knowledge of him neither did they care for knowing of him The Gentiles did not like to retain God in their thoughts Multum ubique scientiae conscientiae parum There is a great deal of knowledg in the world but little of conscience In denying the wisdom of God they go about to establish their own wisdom which is folly in the sight of God The Gymnosophists of the world cannot away with this to hear that they must be taught by the Spirit And truly without the Spirit they are but bats in understanding knowing nothing as they ought to do They make a mock of the Spirit of God What do you tell us of the Spirit you spirituall men see you to it that you have the Spirit As Domitian scoffed at Saint John the Apostle when he had cast him into a cauldron of oyl with this saying Theu art one of the anointed ones So it is the common practise of licentious Esans and all vain-glorious persons who boast of their abilities to scoff at the godly Ministers of Jesus Christ with this saying Come let us hear what these spirituall men say let us hear what the Spirit speaks in them to day And to scoff at the godly calling them the anointed ones of Jesus Christ As for us we do not care whether we have the Spirit or no. We have learning enough to help us out As farre as we see we can discourse better of the things of God and speak more knowingly than you can which boast so much of the Spirit Alas you are poor silly creatures in comparison of us who are unacquainted with those things which are farre more excellent and admired by all than any thing you are capable of And thus they exalt and magnifie themselves in the pride of their own worth and in the vanity of their own imaginations These men live without God in the world and are strangers to the life of grace and to the power of godliness to the cross of Jesus Christ and to the love of God shed abroad in their hearts They are all for knowledge yet for the knowledge which will not profit they must be prying into the Ark and searching after Gods secrets but little minde the knowledge of God Who were the patrons and somenters of heresies were they not the Learned men in the world Ignorant men could never finde out such damnable heresies as have been vented forth in the world The Quakers a poor company of silly people carried away with divers lusts and misled by the delusions of the evil one could never dream of such blasphemies which they publish forth had not the Jesuiticall party the offspring of that triple crowned Monster at Rome put them into their heads that by sowing discord and dissention amongst the servants of Jesus Christ they might overthrow the Church and Commonwealth In Scholasticorum scriptis plus argutiarum quam doctrinae plus doctrinae quam usus Whitaker In the writings of the Schoolmen there is more of subtilty than of learning and more of learning than of use Non nisi in magnis ingeniis magni errores An argument why the Scripture is the Word of God Arius a great Scholar who invented the Arian Heresie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sed non 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 denying the Divinity of Christ Nestorius a great Scholar who broached the Nestorian Heresie who divided the Natures in Christ Eutiches a Scholar who broached that Heresie that the two Natures did not remain distinct in their properties but were confused and mingled together Unsanctified knowledge hath alwaies been a great prop to uphold vanities and delusions in the world and a great enemy to the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ It is one clear and evident sign that the Scripture is the Word of God because there hath gone along with it publishing of it forth to the world such a prevalency and a power upon the hearts of those with whom they had
in their infancy as it were till they arrive at heaven Ob. What do you say to that place in Joel Joel 2.28 where it is said that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh and your sonnes and your daughters shall prophesie c. And to that place in the Prophet Isaiah where it is said Isa 30.26 that the light of the Moon shall be as the light of the Sunne and the light of the Sunne seven fold And to that place in John 1 John 2.27 where it is said that you have rectived the unction of the holy one and you need not that any man teach you Ans I answer that in these places of Scripture is only held forth a more plentifull giving of the Spirit under Gospel-times than under the former dispensations Therefore it is said that the Spirit was not yet given because Christ was not yet ascended The performance of which prophesie was upon the Apostles together with other elected Saints Act. 2. Hence then is no place given for Enthusiasms because it is usuall with the Prophets of the old Testament when they did speak of the restauration or amplification of the Church of God to set it forth Tropically under figures and shadows Zach. 14. Mal. 1.11 with many other places For that place in the Epistle of St John it holds forth unto us this that for those fundamentall truths which the Saints had received from him from which the false Apostles did seek to remove them they needed not again to be re-established in these truths being set home upon their spirits by the Spirit of God but only words of exhortation to stirre them up to execute and to put in practice those fundamentall truths which they had received Ob. But what say you to that passage of Scripture in the 2 of Peter 1.19 where it is said We have also a more sure word of prophesie whereunto you do well that ye take herd as unto a light that shineth in a dark place untill the day dawn and the day starre arise in your hearts Ans The Apostle in these words doth not take away the use of the word and other means of grace but the scope of the place as I gather from the context rather tends to the establishing of the word and other means of grace till Christ who is the morning starre the day starre in the morning of the resurrection shall arise in the hearts of his elect ones after a more glorious manner than when they were in this body of flesh in this world which is rather a state of darkness than of the light in comparison of that light of knowledge of joy and of comfort which shall be to the Saints in heaven To explain the words The Apostle having before in the foregoing words declared the certainty of the doctrine of the Gospel both from his own experience and from the testimony of God the Father now in these words he confirms the certainty of it from the consent of the Prophets under the old Testament As if the Apostle should have said The Doctrine of the Gospel is confirmed by the Prophets of old therefore the Doctrine of the Gospel is most true and certain therefore if ye mistrust me in commending the Gospelunto you I remit you unto the Prophets of old whose doctrines are a more surer word than this testimony of mine in respect of your selves as yet unto which word of Prophesie you do well to attend as a light which shineth in a dark place as to that light which now under the state of non-conversion and of blindness may do you some good till the vail is taken off from your hearts and Christ the morning starre whom you so much despised arise upon you by his blessed Spirit to unfold this word of prophesie unto you which will then not be a light in a dark place but a true light unto you indeed Christ by his Spirit having unvaild your hearts that you may see that was the Messiah of the world that was the true Christ whom you have crucified and of which this more sure word of Prophesie or all the Prophets have spoken of How this interpretation and explanation of the words may take with many I cannot tell but as yet till God shall give in a further light upon my soul I think it most agreeable to the minde of the Spirit Aretius Lucifer est plena Christi cognitio postquam drsinet usus Propheticae doctrinae The day-starre is the full knowledge of Jesus Christ after the use of prophesying shall cease which is if it be meant of all believers then the words must be thus understood That when the time comes 1. When Ordinances shall cease and the means of grace shall cease which will not be till the end of the world till the dawning of the morning of the resurrection the day starre shall arise in our hearts that is a full and perfect knowledge and enjoyment of Christ 2. If in respect of the Jews to whom he wrote scattered up and down the Nations then the words may be thus interpreted That they do well to attend to the word of prophesie which speaks of Jesus Christ as unto a light in a dark place that is as yet though but a darkish dispensation till Christ the morning starre shall arise and take the vail from off their hearts that so they may see he was the very Messiah of the world whom they have crucified of whom the Prophets of old have foretold Qu. Whether are the teachings of the Spirit upon our hearts a sufficient call for us to undertake the Ecclesiasticall Function No. 1. Because then all elected converted persons should be Pastors of Churches 1 Cor. 12.17 And if all the body were an eye where is the ear for all true believers are taught of the Spirit 2. Because the Spirits teachings are not revelations of high mysteries of things to come a declaring of the whole minde and will of God in respect of every circumstance a furnishing a man in a generall way to know more than is meet for him as a private Christian to know but a writing of all those things in his heart which pertain to life and godliness and which are necessary for him to know as one that must be saved by Jesus Christ 3. Because a man may have the Spirits teachings upon his heart and yet be ignorant of many truths of God because the Spirit teacheth successively ut antea 4. Because we never reade in Scripture that any took upon them to be publick Pastors of Churches but only as it were auxiliaries and helps for the promoting of the work of the Lord in the planting of Churches in the Primitive times as Aquila Priscilla and Apollos were unless besides these teachings they had an immediate call from God or a mediate by man yea though they had extraordinary teachings upon their hearts 5. Because besides the inward call of Gods Spirit which is a secret testimony that