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A81852 The evangelical history: or, The life of our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ comprehensively and plainly related. With practical inferences and discourses thereupon. In four books. I. Of the birth of John the Baptist. Of the conception and birth of Jesus Christ; with an account of what passed to his entrance upon the ministerial function. II. The history of the acts and miracles of our Saviour, in the first two years of his ministry. III. A relation of his acts and miracles, in the third year of his preaching. IV. An account of his acts and preaching, from the triumphant entrance into Jerusalem. Of his Crucifixion, Resurrection, apparitions, and glorious ascension into heaven. With a large practical introduction, by way of preface. Written in French by the learned L.E. du Pin, and Englished by a divine of the Church of England, with additions. Adorn'd with copper cuts. Du Pin, Louis Ellies, 1657-1719. 1694 (1694) Wing D2641A; ESTC R229041 170,749 286

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to satisfie Justice for the Sin of Men and to pacifie God for the offence committed against him by suffering himself for it He condescended to be conceived by a Virgin Born in a Stable become an Infant converse with Men and live among them such a Life as we shall hereafter relate He preached did Miracles suffered Affronts and Injuries endured an Infamous and painful Death was Buryed in a Tomb rose again and Lastly ascended into Heaven After he commanded his Disciples to go and Preach in his Name thro' all the World and all this to perform and Compleat the Great Work of our Salvation Behold how great Love God hath shewed to Rebellious Man The Father hath given his only Son and this Son gave himself for them Let no Man ask the reason why God did not make choice of some easier way to save us which might cost him less It is certain that the Almighty could have found out some other means but it is also certain that we ought to look upon this which God hath made use of as the most advantageous for us and most agreeable to our needs since that God hath preferred it before all others who is not only the most Powerful but Wise Being who cannot be mistaken in the fittest means for attaining the End he aims at Let us not then examine what other ways God might have taken to effect this Great Work but let us devoutly consider how Glorious to himself and how profitable to us that way is which he hath taken And 1st God in the Incarnation of his Son hath magnified his Power and Goodness for he hath demonstrated to Man that tho' he is pleased to permit the Evils which he could hinder he can produce great good out of them and make those very Sins which dishonour him to be serviceable for his glory in it He hath shewed his Mercy and his Justice for he pardons the Guilty and at the same time he received a satisfaction equivalent to the Offence committed By it he hath discovered to us the admirable and unsearchable strength of his Wisdom which hath found out a way to satisfy at once both his Justice and his Love and hath so ordered it that the Criminal may be saved and yet God who hath been offended not be dishonoured for by the Death of Jesus Christ God is revenged and Mans Sin punished He bore our grief in his own Body and offered such a Sacrifice to his Father as could not but be accepted because it was Pure and Innocent and which payd him as great honour as he had received affront by Man's Sin for it was of infinite value being united to the God-head The perfect submission of the Son of God even to the Death of the Cross hath made sufficient amends for the Disobedience of a mere Man Men are saved because another hath undergone the punishment due to them and God hath lost nothing of his Honour since he was offended by a mere Creature but hath been infinitely Honoured by a God And as it is glorious to God so also is 2. The Incarnation of Jesus Christ as advantageous to Man by the wonderful fitness which it hath to all the defects and evils from which the Divine Wisdom hath thought fit to deliver him for Gods anger was not only to be appeased but Man who was diseased was to be cured Now as the perfection of Man consisted in knowing and loving God so the disease of Man was to be stripped of these so that he neither knew God nor loved him but laboured under blindness of Mind and corruption of Heart which Christ by his Incarnation hath removed and cured For 1. He hath restored Man to the knowledge of God He hath opened the Eyes of Man to make him know the true God for the Word who is the Light of the Soul John 1.14 was made flesh and dwelt among us The Light which we shut our Eyes against came down from Heaven to present it self to us accommodating it self to the weakness of our sight and because we were able to discern nothing but Corporeal things he cloathed himself with a Body that so by our Senses he might insinuate himself into our Souls and disperse our darkness and blindness Jesus Christ being thus become visible he conversed sometime with Men did Miracles to make them believe on him and by sensible benefits healing the Sick freeing the Possessed drawed them to him and so having insensibly link'd them to his Human Nature which he assumed to work out Salvation for them he Preached the Truth to them They heard his Word with pleasure and this Word purifying their Hearts by Faith which they had in this Man who Preached to them prepared them by little and little and at last led them insensibly to the knowledge of the-God-head which was hidden under the Vail of the Humanity 2. But since it is not enough for Man to know God unless he Love him Jesus Christ by his Incarnation hath healed our corruption of Heart and hath drawn our Affections off from the Love of the Creature to that of the Creator for being Cloathed with a Body he placed his God-head among those Objects which the Soul in the State of Corruption doth naturally fix its Love upon and by sensible benefits and kindnesses endeavoured to bring it to the Consideration and Love of Invisible and Eternal good things He shewed it what it ought to love as its true Happiness and not only raised its hopes to attain it but Taught it the proper means of arriving at it Lastly He convinced it of the great Love God had for it and consequently how much it ought to love him for what greater sign of love could he have given us than in sending his only begotten Son to Dye for us who were his Enemies And what more effectual Attracture to oblige us to love him again who hath thus loved us first What Heart is so hard as not to be melted with such immense kindness A slight reflection upon it will make us resolve with the beloved Disciple and say Let us Love God for he hath first Loved us 1 Jo. 4 19. And as the Incarnation of Christ gives us an ample proof of Gods love to us so also it shews us the greatness of the Crime with which we have offended him The greatness of the Satisfaction discovers the greatness of our Guilt Man could never have conceived the heinousness of his Sin if God had not required so great a satisfaction We usually look upon Adam's sin as a small sin and are apt to accuse God of injustice for punishing a momentary Action with eternal Torments not considering that the Person who was threatned with eternal Torments for his Rebellion might have enjoyed an eternal Happiness for his Obedience But the Incarnation of the Son of God hath justified the Justice of God for his Blood which was shed for the expiation of our Sin is a faithful Mirrour to represent the greatness of
not sufficient for us to cast our Eyes upon him who is the true Light of Men for he hath discovered the Way that leads to eternal Happiness not to those who only take some Pleasure in knowing his admirable Works but to those who follow him by a faithful Imitation of his Example Before we know what Jesus Christ hath done and taught upon Earth we are like Travellers who journey in the Night and wander they know not whither because they cannot tell their Way but by reading the Life of Christ We are like the same Travellers who as soon as Day breaks perceive their Errors and return again into the right Way He came from Heaven to shew us the way thither and to bring us out of the Paths that lead down to Hell He goes before us himself that we may not wander or lose our Way nor take any other Way but that in which he leads us He assures us that all other Ways but that in which he goes lead down to Death wherefore we must read his Life to make it a Rule and Exemplar of ours that all our Conversation being a lively Expression of his we may say with the Apostle It is not I that live Gal. 2.20 but Christ that liveth in me But it is not sufficient to read the Life of Christ if we desire to profit by it but we must meditate upon it and apply all that we read because this is the only way to make the right Use and Advantage of our Reading We need lose no part of the History of the Son of God for as he did nothing but for our Salvation so there is no circumstance of his Life which we cannot gather some Advantage to our selves from if we consider upon it with serious Attention It will then be worth our while to take every Part of it into Examination and see what Benefit we may reap from it and what Motions and Affections it may excite in us for the reading of the Life of Christ must needs sometimes instruct us sometimes shame us sometimes comfort us and sometimes encourage us and sometimes inspire us with Love Thankfulness Reverence Joy Grief Hope or Fear according to the different Objects which it presents to our Observation All the Life of Jesus Christ is made up of Miracles Discourses Actions and Sufferings He wrought so many Miracles to prove his Divinity and to relieve either the Miseries or Necessities of those who either wanted or desired his Help We may make an Advantage of these by supposing our selves to be in the Number of those who saw them and for whose sake they were done The Eye-Witnesses of them believed in him admired and adored him and became his Disciples Let us do the same when we read what they saw adore Christ acknowledge him for our God believe in his Godhead and devote our selves entirely to his Service since we can never honour him as our God but by obeying and loving him And in the same manner let us apply all the Miracles he did for the Relief of others needs He healed no bodily Diseases but what were a Figure of the Spiritual Distempers of our Souls Sin is our Leprosy our Deafness our Blindness our Palsy our Death let us do the same to obtain Health of our Souls that we read the diseased Persons did for their Bodies to obtain Cure let us present our selves before Jesus and say with the Leper Lord if thou wilt thou canst make me clean and with the blind Man Open mine Eyes that I may see and so of others Let us think that Jesus requires the same Faith for the cure of our Souls that he did of those he healed of their Bodily Distempers and let us look upon that Thankfulness Faith Love and other Passions of those who were miraculously cured as a Pattern of those Affections which we ought to have for the Graces we have received The Discourses of Jesus Christ ought to be read with great Reverence which consists in believing and practising what he teacheth He is the Truth and nothing but Truth can save us and we shall be judged by that which he hath taught We must hear him as his Disciples and be won by his Words We must discover our Ignorance to him that he may inform us and our Ways that he may amend them This must be done in applying every Word of Jesus Christ and examining our selves by it that we may condemn our selves if we find our selves out of the Way which he hath taught and we may reform our Practice by it And if there be any thing obscure in his Discourses let us make our Prayers to him to enlighten our Understandings in the Knowledge of it if it be necessary to Salvation practising those Truths in the mean Time that are plain and worthy of our Observation To profit by the Actions of Jesus Christ we must look upon them as the Rule and Pattern of our Conversations He would have us admire his Miracles but imitate his Actions for this Reason it is that he commands us to learn of him not to cure the Blind or raise the Dead Matth. 11.30 but to be meek and lowly in Heart When he commanded the Leper to tell no Man of the Cure he had wrought on him and fled from the People who would have made him a King we should learn to avoid Vain-glory and Ambition from him We should read the Actions of the Son of God with Design of conforming our selves to them when we see him washing his Apostles Feet putting on the same Humility which we see in him and when we see him eating with Sinners learn the same Charity In fine let us study the Affections of Jesus and conform our selves to them love nothing but what he loves and contemn the same Things he despised He hated Sin he despised Riches Honour and Pleasures he loved and sought the Glory of his Father and all his Care was to obey and please him for which end he refused not to undergo Poverty Affronts Disgrace Grief Sorrow yea Death itself These are the things he would have us learn from him and this is what we should think upon and imitate Nor is the Advantage less which we may gather from reading the Sufferings of Jesus Christ We must look upon them as we have already said as voluntary and it is good to consider them with relation to the Two Ends for which he suffered 1. For our Satisfaction 2. For our Instruction 1. He suffered to satisfy Justice for our Sins and endured the Punishment of our Offences to deliver us from eternal Torments The Consideration of this Action ought to excite in us ● Love to Jesus Christ who endured so much to give us a Proof of his Love to us 2. Hatred and Abhorrence of him which could not be expected but by the Sufferings and Death of God himself with relation to the Second End for which Christ suffered which was our Instruction We ought to make
Hundred Thousand Men for Forty Years together with Manna that fell from Heaven Canst thou do any thing greater than Moses did Jesus answered them verily I say unto you Moses did not give you the true Bread from Heaven but 't is my Father that giveth it and this Bread is he that came down from Heaven and giveth Life unto the World They said unto him Lord give us this Bread for ever He answered them I am the Bread of Life he that cometh to me shall never hunger and he that believeth on me shall never thirst By which words we are to understand That Jesus is the spiritual Food of those Souls that eat him believing on him by a lively Faith which works by Love and by thus eating him they obtain that happy Life with which they shall be fully and eternally satisfied Then he adds that altho' they had seen and been witnesses of so many Miracles which he had done yet they did not believe on him and by reason of their Infidelity they should lose the great advantage which all those which his Father should bring unto him should enjoy viz. to be raised up at the Last Day and inherit eternal Life Nevertheless the Jews murmured against him saying Is not this the Son of Joseph Do not we know his Father and Mother Why then doth he tell us that he came down from Heaven Jesus was so far from mollifying or recanting these Truths tho' they were offended at them that on the contrary he confirms them more strongly and having proved from Scripture that they should be taught of God that all whom his Father teacheth shall come unto him and that they themselves did not come unto him because they did not understand the Voice of him that sent him He tells them again that he is the Bread of Life that the Manna did not keep them from dying who eat of it but his flesh was the true Bread that came down from Heaven which giveth Life to all that eat of it These last words made them the more averse to him and they disputed among themselves how he could give them his Flesh to eat Nevertheless he pursued his Discourse and tells them that his flesh is meat indeed and his blood is drink indeed that they have no Life in them if they eat not his Flesh and drink his Blood and that he that feeds on them shall be raised up at the Last Day and obtain eternal Life Lastly he teaches them what great effects his Body should work in the Souls of all those that receive it worthily saying to them He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwelleth in me and I in him and he shall live by me as I live by my Father which hath sent me These sublime Truths which he taught in the Synagogue at Capernaum offended many of the Jews yea several of his Disciples having hard them said These words are very heard and unintelligible who can patiently hear such Doctrin as this much less believe it But they understood them in a literal which were meant in a Spiritual sense only They thought saith St. Austin that if they eat his flesh they must cut it in pieces as the flesh which is sold in the Market is They were not sensible that besides the manner of eating Jesus Christ by Faith they might also really eat him in the Eucharist under the Figure of Bread a way wherein there is nothing affrighting But instead of believing all that he who was the Truth it self said unto them by attending to his Explication of what they did not understand they were offended at his Speech and withdrawing themselves from following him would be his Disciples no longer The Apostles were wiser than these deserters for Jesus having said unto them Will ye also leave me Peter answered for them all Lord to whom should we go thou hast the words of Eternal Life and we believe and know that thou art the Christ the Son of God Nevertheless among these Twelve which adhered so firmly to him there was one which should afterwards betray him which was Judas Iscariot Jesus knowing it foretold the Infidelity and Treachery of that Apostle saying Have not I chosen you Twelve And yet one of you is a Devil and a Wicked Traytor IV. The Pharisees complain that his Apostles did eat with un-washed Hands Jo. 6.4 The Passover was nigh at hand when Jesus multiplyed the Bread and made the former Discourse It appears by this Relation of St. John that he went not up to Jerusalem to Solemnize that Feast according to the Custom for that Evangelist says that after this he remained in Galilee not daring to go into Judea because the Jews sought to put him to Death Then the Scribes and Pharisees which were of Jerusalem came unto him Matt. 1● 1 -20. Mar. 7.1 -23. and having observed that his Disciples did not scruple to eat their Meat with unwashen Hands they complained of them to him Not that there was any commandment of the Law enjoyning them to wash their Hands before they eat but the Pharisees had annexed several Humane Traditions to the Law which they were more exact in the observance of than the Law it self For this reason it was that they said unto Jesus Why do thy Disciples break the Tradition of the Elders in not washing their Hands when they eat their Food Jesus asked them again Why do you your selves transgress the Law of the Lord by following your Traditions As for example Why do you perswade Children to think that they do a Work acceptable to God in giving him Offerings altho' they suffer their Father and Mother to be in want thus making them to prefer an Humane Tradition before the Commandment of God which injoyns Children so expresly to Honour and Support those from whom they have received Life Then he shews them that notwithstanding all their Ceremonial observances they wore the Hypocrites of whom God speaks by the Prophet Isaias This People honoureth me with their Lips Isai 29.13 but their Heart is far from me Lastly he calls to the People and saith unto them with a loud Voice Hear ye this and understand my sayings Nothing from without a Man entring into his Body can defile him but that which cometh out of the Man defileth the Man Upon this his Disciples came unto him and told him that the Pharisees were offended at his Words But he answered them Every Plant that my Heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted up Let them alone they are blind leaders of such as are as blind as themselves with whom they shall fall into the Ditch and so perish eternally together Then he went into an House and his Disciples desired him to explain to them his meaning in those Words Nothing that entreth into a Man defileth the Man but that which cometh out of the Man defileth the Man He unfolded the Parable to them and taught them that every thing that entreth into the Body
hear let him hear i. e. let him understand the Sense and Meaning of what I say The Apostles themselves did understand it no more than others and therefore when they were alone with him they prayed him to tell them why he spoke to the People in Parables and to explain what he had already propounded to them In answer to the First Question he tells them How great an Happiness they enjoyed in being with him because they saw and heard those Things which many Righteous Men and Prophets desired to see and hear but could not obtain it And because he made them understand clearly those great Mysteries which he propounded to others in dark Similitudes and Parables only to punish the Blindness and Obstinacy of their Hearts which makes them unworthy and incapable of knowing the Truth Then he teaches them That by the Seed he spoke of he understood the Word of God They that after they have heard regard it not but immediately let themselves loose to their Sins are like the High-Way The Devil is figured by the Birds who are ready to take the Word out of their Hearts lest they believe and be saved Those that receive the Word with Joy but the first Temptation spoils all the Fruit because the Word has had no deep Root in the Soul are the Rock Others that choke the Word with Avarice love of Pleasures and other Passions are the Thorns which must be pulled up if we will have the heavenly Seed to thrive in our Hearts Lastly the good Ground signifies those well-disposed Souls which receive and retain faithfully the Word of God and through Patience and Constancy bring forth as much Fruit as they are able XXVI Other Parables Matth. 13 24.-35 Mark 4 26-34 Luke 13 18-30 He propounded also several other Parables He compares the World to a Field in which the Owner sowed good Seed but afterward discerned it to be mixed with Darnel which his Enemy had sown in the Night his Servants as soon as they saw it would have weeded it up but he hindred them lest they should root up the Corn with it and bad them let it grow with the Corn till the Harvest when he would have it separated from the Corn and burnt but gather the Corn into his Barn He compares the Kingdom of God to Seed which being cast into the Ground springs up and grows the Sower knows not how without any further Care Then to Mustard-Seed which being a very small Seed less than any other becomes the biggest among Herbs Lastly to Leaven which is put into the Dough till the whole is Leaven'd When he had spoken these things he sent the People away and returned to the House with his Disciples who prayed him to declare to them the Meaning of the Parable of the Darnel He tells them That it signifies That the Good ought to tolerate the Wicked with whom they are mixed till God shall separate them the one from the other at the End of the World for then the Sinners shall be cast into Hell-Fire and the Good shall shine as the Sun in the Kingdom of God He teaches them also the same Truth under the Parable of the Fishermen who catch all sorts of Fish in their Nets promiscuously but sitting upon the Bank separate the Good which they carry away and cast away the Bad. Lastly he makes them sensible that we ought to part with any thing to purchase Heaven by the Comparison of a Man who sold all he had to buy a Pearl of great Price or the Field in which he knew there was a great Treasure The Gospel gives us the Explication of none of the other Parables that by an Attentive Consideration of those which are explained we may find out the Sense of those that are not our selves having first begged of God that Spirit of Understanding which Jesus Christ requires of his Auditors when he says He that hath Ears to hear let him hear The Ignorant and Simple who have not Abilities to find out the Signification of those Parables which the Son of God hath not unfolded and who may justly fear mistaking by following their own Sense ought to consult their Pastors about such difficult Places and while we wait for the Resolution of what we demand practising the Truths they know which it is easy for an humble and teachable Soul to understand And for the help of these sort of Persons it is that I composed this Work chiefly and therefore shall give you the Sense of the Three following Parables to that of the Darnel out of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church All Three of them may signify the Preaching of the Gospel The Preacher disperses the Seed of the Word and this Seed groweth by little and little by the secret Operation of God's Grace in the Heart of him 1 Cor. 3.6 that receives it for the Preacher Soweth Planteth and Watereth There was nothing more contemned at first than the Doctrin of the Gospel but like a Grain of Mustard-Seed it hath grown and filled the whole Earth Lastly we must carefully keep and preserve the Word of the Gospel in our Hearts that the Sacred Leaven may leaven the whole Lump and by its secret Vertue reform all the Thoughts Desires and Actions of Man XXVII Jesus Christ goes to Preach at Nazareth Matth. 13 54-58 Mark 6 1-6 Luke 4 16-30 The Son of God after he had finished these Parables went to Preach in the City of Nazareth where he had been conceived and brought up His Disciples were also with him According to his usual Custom he went into the Synagogue on the Sabboth Day where standing up to read they gave him the Book of the Prophet Isaias He opened it and found the Place where the Prophet speaking of the Messias Isai 61.1 says That he was consecrated and sent by the Spirit of God to preach the Gospel to the Poor to heal the Sick to publish the Day of Grace from the Lord and declare the Day of Judgment When he had read this Text he shut the Book and gave it to the Minister Then sitting down he explained this Prophecy and shews that it was accomplished in himself All that were in the Synagogue fixed their Eyes on him while he spake and wondred so much at the gracious Words that proceeded out of his Mouth that they demanded one of another Whence hath this Man this great Wisdom which he shews Is not this the Son of the Carpenter called Joseph the Son of Mary and are not his Brethren i. e. Cousins James and Joses and Simon and Judas and are not his Kindred with us Whence then hath this Man all these thing The Gospel observes That he was not only a Subject of Astonishment but also of Scandal Whereupon Jesus knowing their Thoughts saith unto them Ye will surely apply this Proverb to me Physitian Heal thy self as a Reproach to him that he would not do as great Miracles in his own Country as he
they were desirous of doing the Will of God they would easily acknowledge that his Doctrin proceeded from God that sent him and whose Glory he sought after but because they observed not the Law instead of receiving the Truth he spake they sought to put him to Death The People then cryed out Thou hast a Devil who goeth about to kill thee Jesus puts them in Mind of that Man who had a Disease Thirty six Years whom he cured on the Sabboth Day John 5 1-16 for which though they themselves Circumcise Men on the Sabboth Day and do not think that they have broken the Law of Moses yet they were so implacably incensed against him that they had taken up a Resolve to slay him Some People of Jerusalem who knew how their Magistrates and Grandees hated him wondred to see him speak so freely no Man questioning or opposing him and said Are they convinced that this is really the Christ Nevertheless add they No Man knows whence Christ comes but we know whence this Man is Then cryed Jesus with a loud Voice in the Temple Ye know me and ye know whence I am yet I am not come of my self and ye know not him that sent me Thus reproving them for looking upon his Earthly Original as Man but did not know his Divine Original which he had from God whose Son he was from all Eternity Then several of the People believed on him being convinced by the greatness of his Miracles that he was the Christ But the Priests and Pharisees sent Officers to take him Jesus who could not suffer but at the Time prefixed by his Father said unto the Officers Yet a little while I am with you and then I return to him that sent me ye shall seek me and shall not find me and whither I go ye cannot come The Jews did not understand these Words but thought that he threatned them to leave Judea and go to teach the Gentiles The Officers did not take him because his Time was not come and in the last Day of the Feast he cried out with a loud Voice If any Man thirst let him come unto me and drink Whosoever believeth in me out of his Belly shall flow Rivers of Living Water which he meant of the abundant Graces of God's Holy Spirit which should be poured out upon the Souls of those that believe in him after he should be entred into his Glory Nevertheless the People were much divided in their Opinions about this Saying for some took him for a Prophet others acknowledged him for the Messias and others who knew not that he was born at Bethlehem could not believe him to be the Christ because they knew that Christ should not come out of Galilee but out of the Town of Bethlehem and from the Family of David Then the Priests and Pharisees asked the Officers whom they had sent to take him Why they had not brought him They gave them no other Answer but this Never Man spake like this Man The Pharisees asked them If they were so simple as to be lead away with such a Seducement and follow the Error of the cursed Populacy leaving the Pharisees and Grandees who being Learned and Judicious have none of them believed on him Upon this Nicodemus that Pharisee that came to Jesus Christ by Night told them That the Law doth not permit them to condemn any Man before an Hearing But they answered him Art thou also a Galilean i. e. a Disciple of this Man of Galilee From whence they affirmed That there never was a Prophet that rose out of Galilee Thus the Assembly parted without doing any thing to him and every Man returned to his own House XX. Jesus saveth a Woman taken in Adultery John 8 11-11 Jesus departing from Jerusalem from this Feast went up into a Mountain called the Mount of Olives which is distant from Jerusalem about the space of a Sabboth-days Journey which is something less than two Miles and as soon as it was day he returned again from thence to the Temple where being sat down he began to instruct the People that were gathered about him Then the Scribes and Pharisees brought a Woman to him who had been taken in Adultery and setting her before him in the midst of the People said unto him Master This Woman was taken in Adultery Lev. 20.10 Now Moses in his Law commanded us to Stone Persons found Guilty of that Crime But what sayest thou This Question they put to him that they might have an occasion to accuse him either of using too much Cruelty towards Sinners if he had commanded the Law to be executed upon her or of nulling the Law if he should pardon her But Jesus instead of Answering them stooped down and Wrote with his Finger upon the Ground But they continuing to ask him he raised up himself and saith to them He that is without Sin among you let him cast the first Stone Then stooping down he Wrote upon the Ground as before But they being amazed at this unexpected Answer and convicted by their own Consciences went away One by One. Jesus being left alone with the Woman asked her Where are thine accusers Hath no Man condemned thee she answered him No man Lord. He saith unto her Neither do I condemn thee Go and Sin no more XXI Jesus remains in the Temple Teaching The Jews go about to Stone him The Jews hated Jesus every day more and more Jo. 8 12-59 but that did not deterr him from Preaching the Truth undauntedly to all He tells them That he is the Light of the World and if they follow him they shall not walk in Darkness Hereupon the Pharisees replyed that the Testimony which he gave of himself was not worthy of Credit But he demonstrates that they judged amiss and the Testimony which he gave of himself was not therefore less to be believed because it was confirmed by the Testimony of his Father who wrought so great Miracles by him They then asked him Where his Father was He answered them That they knew not his Father because they would not acknowledge his Son He added moreover and said I go my way and ye shall seek me and shall dy in your Sins Whither I go ye cannot come And because they thought he would kill himself that they might not follow him hereupon he tells them That he was not from below as they are but from above and that if they did not believe in him they should dye in their Sins They then asked him Who he was He answers That he was the Son of God but in such words as they did not understand He adds That when they have lifted him up on high by which he means the Cross to which he was to be fastned they should believe him and know that he had done nothing of himself nor said any thing but what he hath heard of his Father These Truths which blinded the Proud enlightned several other Persons who believed on him
to whom he said That if they would continue firm in the Observation of his Word then they should be his Disciples indeed That they should know the Truth and the Truth should make them free The Jews reply'd that they never were Servants but free as being the Children of Abraham He answers them That every one that commits Sin is the Servant of Sin and that they could not be truly free unless he made them free That they were indeed Abrahams Children according to the flesh but that in rejecting the Truth and seeking to Kill him who had told them the Truth they did not do like Abraham but made themselves the Children of another Father by following his Example and imitating him They maintain'd that in that sense they had no other Father but God but Jesus tells them again That if they were the Children of God they would hear God's Word and Love his only begotten Son whom he hath sent That Murther and Lying being the Works of the Devil those People who sought to destroy a Man whom they could not prove Guilty of any Crime and who had told them the Truth had the Devil for their Father They made no reply to this but by railing at him Calling him a Samaritan that hath a Devil Jesus answered them plainly I have not a Devil but honour my Father adding that there is another that will do him Justice because he seeketh not his own Glory Afterwards he saith That he that keeps his Word shall never dye which he means of Eternal Death But the Jews who understood it of the Death of the Body took occasion to insult over him asking him Whether he was greater than Abraham and the Prophets that he could preserve them from Death that keep his Commandments which these great Men could not avoid and therefore desire him to tell them what manner of Man he would have them to take him for He answers them again That he honoured not himself but derived all his Honour from his Father whom they worshipped as their God but know him not That as for Abraham whom they were always bragging of he had earnestly desired to see the Coming of him whom they contemned which he saw and was filled with great Joy They replyed Thou art not yet Fifty Years Old and hast thou seen Abraham He answered them Verily verily I say unto you before Abraham was I am Upon this they took up Stones to cast at him but he hid himself and went out of the Temple escaping the Fury of his Enemies for that time that he might expose himself to all their Malice and Rage when his time appointed by his Father for him to suffer was come XXII Jesus gives sight to a Man born Blind Jesus as he passed the Streets of Jerusalem John 9 1-41 saw a Man sitting in the Streets who was Blind from his Birth and his Disciples asked him whether it was his own or his Parents Sin that was the cause of his Blindness He answered them that he was not made Blind for any Sin that either himself or his Parents had committed but that God might manifest the more the wonderful Works of his Power He adds that it is his Office to do these Works in the time allowed him for it and that so long as he is in the World he is the Light of the World After this answer He spat on the Ground and having made Clay with the spittle he rubbed the eyes of the Blind Man with it and sent him to wash them to the Pool called the Pool of Silom where as soon as he had washed he saw clearly His Neighbours and all those that knew him when he was Blind and sat in the Streets begging could not believe what they saw but doubted whether he was the same Man or one like him But he told them all that it was he himself And further related to them That a Man called Jesus had restored his sight They asked him where he was but he saying that he could not tell they carryed him to the Pharisees who also themselves examined him and he related to them how the thing happened It was the Sabboth-day on which Jesus healed this Blind Man which was the cause that some of the Pharisees said This Man is not of God because he keepeth not the Sabboth But others could not believe that a Wicked Man could do so great Miracles so that there was a great Division among them Then they asked the Blind Man what he thought himself He answered that he looked upon Jesus as a Prophet All these things much astonished the Jews and they would not believe it till they had called the Father and Mother of the Blind Man of whom they enquired Is this your Son whom ye say was born Blind how then doth he see clearly But they fearing the Jews and knowing the Resolution that they had made to put every Man out of the Synagogue who should acknowledge that Jesus was Christ answered freely We know that this is our Son and that he was born Blind but we are ignorant by what means he seeth or who hath opened his Eyes He is of Age ask him he shall answer for himself Wherefore they called the Blind Man the second time and said unto him Give God the Glory we know that this Man is a Sinner and a Wicked Man He answered them I cannot tell whether he be a sinner but this I know that whereas I was Blind I now see clearly They asked him again how he had received his sight And he answered them I have already told and ye did not mind it why would you hear it again Are you desirous to be his Disciples Then were they enraged against him and reproaching him said unto him Thou art one of his Disciples but we are Moses 's Disciples For we know that God spake to Moses but as for this Man we knew not whence he is The Blind Man reply'd That it was very strange that they should not know that a Man who hath so Miraculously opened the Eyes of one Born Blind a thing the like to which was never heard of since the World began must needs be from God At this they cast him out of their Assembly with disgrace saying Thou wast altogether born in Sin and dost thou undertake to teach us Jesus heard that they had thus expelled him and meeting him he said unto him Dost thou believe on the Son of God He answered him Who is he Lord that I may believe on him Jesus saith unto him Thou hast seen him and it is he that speaketh to thee He answered him Lord I believe and immediately fell down at his Feet and Worshipped him as the Messias Jesus adds that he came into the World to exercise an amazing Judgment that the Blind may see and they that see may become Blind i. e. that they whose Pride hinders them from acknowledging their Spiritual Blindness may be blinded so as not to see the Truth for some
thought upon all ways Matth. 27 1-10 how they might put their Sentence in Execution resolv'd to deliver him to Pontius Pilate the Governour of Judaea so Constituted by the Romans When Judas who had betray'd him saw that he was Condemned he repenting of what he had done brought the Thirty Pieces of Silver which he had received to the Priests and Rulers again and said unto them I have sinned in betraying the Innocent Blood They answered What is that to us See thou to That But he casting the Money down in the Temple went away and Hang'd himself The Priests thought it not Lawful to put the Money into the Treasury because it was the Price of Blood and of a Mans Life Wherefore they Bought the Potters Field to Bury Strangers in with it which is therefore called The Field of Blood and in the Syriack Tongue Aceldama Acts 1.19 Thus was the Prophecy of Zechariah ●exactly fulfilled Zech. 11.13 That Jesus should be Sold for the Price of Thirty Pieces of Silver and with it the Potters Field should be Bought XXXIV Jesus is accused before Pilate John 18 28-38 The Priests and Rulers of the Jews carryed Jesus bound from the Palace of Caiphas to the Praetorium i. e. the Palace of the Roman Governour But because they were afraid to go into an Heathens House lest they should be defiled and so be made unfit to eat the Passover they would not go in Insomuch that Pilate was forced to go out to them and ask them What they accused him of that they had brought him to him They answered him in general If he were not a Malefactor they would not have delivered him up unto him The Governour said unto them Take ye him and judge him according to the Rules of your Law But they reply'd That it was not Lawful for them to put any Man to Death They pretended that the Romans had lately depriv'd them of the Power of Condemning Men to Death by which the Word of Jesus was accomplish'd which he spake to his Apostles that he should be delivered to the Gentiles to be Crucified Matth. 20.19 The Governour not being contented with these rambling Accusations Matth. 27 11-14 Mark 15 2-5 Luke 23 1-5 John 18 33-38 which laid nothing special against him whom they required to be put to Death the Jews said unto him That Jesus not only perverted the whole Nation but forbid Paying Tribute to Caesar and assumed the Title of a King and of the Messias Pilate then returning into his Palace and calling for Jesus he ask'd him if he were the King of the Jews Jesus answered him Sayest thou this thy self or did others tell it thee of me Pilate replyed Am I a Jew The People of thy own Nation and the Chief Priests have delivered thee to me What hast thou done Jesus answered him My Kingdom is not of this World if it were my Disciples would fight to keep me out of the Hands of the Jews but my Kingdom is not from hence Art thou then a King said the Governour Thou sayest it replyed Jesus that I am For this End was I born and for this End came I into the World to give Testimony to the Truth Every one that loves the Truth heareth my Voice Pilate ask'd him What is Truth And having said these Words he went to the Jews that attended about his Palace to tell them That he found no Fault with Jesus Then the Priests and the Elders accused him of several Crimes but he answered nothing although Pilate said Hearest thou not how many accusations they bring against thee yet still he held his Peace which greatly astonished this Governour XXXV Jesus is contemned and scorned by Herod The Enemies of Jesus pressing him more fiercely● accused him of having stirred up the People by his Doctrin Luke 23 5-12 which he hath taught throughout all Judea beginning at Galilee Pilate hearing them speak of Galilee asked whether he belonged to that Province and being informed that he was of it and consequently of Herod's Jurisdiction he sent him to that Prince who was then at Jerusalem Herod was very glad to see him for he had a long Time desired it having heard such great things spoken of him and he hoped to see some Miracle done by him wherefore he put many Questions to him but Jesus answered nothing neither to them nor the Accusations which the Priests and Scribes brought against him and urged with great Vehemency Herod being thus deceived in his Expectations contemned Jesus and derided him and cloathing him in a white Raiment sent him again to Pilate This was the Cause that Herod and Pilate from that Time became Friends who had been Enemies before XXXVI A Thief is preferred before Jesus Matth. 27 15-23 Luke 23 13-23 John 18.39 40. Pilate could not be brought to put a Man to Death in whom he found nothing worthy of Death wherefore he called the Priests Rulers and People and told them That having examined Jesus before them he did not find him guilty of any of those Crimes of which they accused him and that Herod to whom he had sent them had passed the same Judgment But to give place a little to their Fury because he knew that for Envy and Hatred only they had delivered him to him he propounded it to them to Scourge him and then let him go again This not being liked he contrived another way to save him He was obliged by Custom upon the account of the Feast to free a Criminal whom the Jews would chuse and all the People who desired Jesus Death were also very earnest with him to shew them the same Favour he had always used to grant them There was then in Prison a notable Thief named Barabbas who had been seized with other Seditious Persons because he had committed Murther in the Sedition Pilate therefore thinking that if he propounded only Two viz. Jesus and Barabbas to chuse one of the Two for whom he should do this Favour they would prefer an Innocent Person before a Thief and a Murderer saith unto them I find no Fault in him whom ye accuse But since it is a Custom to release a Criminal at the Passover whom will ye that I release unto you Barabbas or Jesus which is called Christ There happened also another Thing about the same Time which is no small Proof that the Governour had a Design to save Jesus's Life for as he was sirting upon the Judgment-Seat his Wife sent one to bid him Not to concern himself with this Just Man because she had suffered Many Troubles in a Dream because of him Then did Pilate do all that he was able to deliver him from the Hands of his Enemies and this was the Reason that he propounded him with Barabbas to the People But the Priests and Elders moved the People and perswaded them to require his Favour for Barabbas and that Jesus might be put to Death so that when Pilate ask'd them a
Blood upon them 199. the Blood of all the Righteous Men slain shall be punished upon Jerusalem 118. C Caiphas High-Priest of the Jews foretells Jesus Death 143. Condemns Christ 192. Calling of St. Peter and St. Andrew 26. the 2d time 32. of St. Philip and Nathaniel 40. of St. Matthew 46. of the 12 Apostles 54. to the great Supper 126. to the Marriage 160. to repentance 35. many called few chosen 126. Calumnies Dispersed of Jesus a Magician that cast out Devils by Belzebub 50. a friend of Publicans and Sinners 46. a Glutton and VVine bibber 64. a breaker of the Law 52. an Impostor 195. a Sinner 110. a Blasphemer and Impious 192. a Samaritan 108. a seditious Man 195. a Seducer 196. one who sought to make himself a King 195. forbad paying Tribute to Caesar ibid. Capernaum A City of Galilee scituate upon the Bank of Gennesareth 38. Jesus Christ dwelt there ibid. he reproves their hardness 65. Miracles which Jesus did there 38 39. Centurion's Faith and Care of his Servant 60. acknowledgeth Jesus the Son of God 204. Caesar Ought to have his dues 162. Christ Acknowledged to be Messias by Andrew and Philip 26. by St. Peter 92. by Martha 141. by the Centurion 204. by the Devils 39. confesseth it himself 33. the Son of David 105. Commandments of God to be preferred before the Traditions of Men 87. to be kept 136. the two great Commandments of the Law what 163. to love one another 183. he that loves God keeps his Commandments 182. Confession Of Sins at Baptism 21. of Christ by Devils 39. by all that Christ will own 77. Conversion Of a Sinner rejoyceth Heaven 128. of St. Matthew 46. of a Woman Sinner 65. of Zacchaeus 146. of S. Peter of the Thief 202. Corazin An Impenitent City 64. Covetousness to be avoided 118. of the Pharisees 131. of Judas 150. the folly of it 118. Cross We must bear the Cross 127. Jesus Christ carried his own Cross to Calvary 200. he is fixed to it 201. his Title on the Cross ibid. he entred into glory by the Cross 210. he was lifted up on the Cross as the Brazen Serpent 29. D DEbtors The Parable of the two Debtors 65. of the ungrateful Debtor 101. Dedication Feast of 122. Devils Acklowledge Jesus to be the Christ 38. he gives his Apostles power over them 76 and to 72 Disciples 113. some of them driven out only by Prayer and Fasting 97. Jesus accused of having commerce with Devils 67. Judas called a Devil 86 into whose heart he entred 173. Jesus tempted by the Devil 24. cast him out of the World 154. Prince of the VVorld Ibid. Destruction Of Jerusalem 152 153. Disciples Of John two of them become Jesus's 29. two sent to Christ by John when he was in Prison 62. fasted often 47. Disciples Of Jesus Christ their first calling 26 36. the Twelve Apostles chosen out of them 54. Seventy Two of them sent to preach 113. Devils subject to them Ibid. some forsake him 86. all leave him at his Death 190. the beloved Disciple who 178. Jesus appears to them 213. to be a Dissciple of Christ we must forsake all 127. Doctor Doctors of the Law are the Scribes 158. Doctrin Jesus 's Doctrin not his but God's 104. it was accompanied with authority 38. Pharisees Doctrin to be obeyed but their example not to be followed 164. Drachma a Tribute of Two Drachma's pay'd by Jesus 98. E ELias John Baptist said to be Elias 4. he appeared to Christ at his Transfiguration 94. Elizabeth John Baptists Mother 4. Enemies to be loved 57. Epiphany Or Christs manifestation of the Magi 15 Eucharist In it Christs Flesh and Blood are received 85. to be received by all Ibid. its effects Ibid. and institution 177. F FAith Makes Men Children of God 12. can do all things 96. power of it 157. Jesus reproves his Disciples for having little Faith 42. St. Peters faith 82. Jesus Christ is our food by Faith 84. the Apostles pray Jesus to increase their Faith 97. the Faith of the Apostles 82. of those that carryed the Man sick of the Palsey to Jesus 45. of the VVoman that had the bloody flux 48. of the Blind-men 49. of the Blind-man at Jericho 149. of the Centurion 61. of the VVoman that was a Sinnet 66. of the VVoman of Canaan 88. Jesus prays that St. Peters Faith fail not 179. requires Faith of Martha 141. Questions whether he shall find Faith on Earth at his Second coming 135. Faithful In small things 130. the commendation of a Faithful Servant 104. the unfaithful Steward put out of his Office 130. Fasting of Jesus 24. how to fast 58. Feasts St. Matthew made a Feast for Jesus 46. the Feast of Simon the Pharisee 65. Simon the Leper at Bethany 149. of Herod to his Lords 78. to sit in the lowest Room at a Feast 125. to Feast the Poor rather than the Rich 126. the Marriage feasts 160. the daily Feasts of Dives 131. Fig-tree Barren Cursed 156. Flight Of Jesus into Aegypt 18. in persecution lawful 77. of the Apostles from Jesus at his apprehension 190. G GAbriel The Angel appeared to Zachary 4. to the Holy Virgin Ibid. Galilee Joseph went into Galilee at his return out of Aegypt 19. Jesus leaving Judea went into Galilee 33. went over the First time 35. the Second time 76. the Jews would not allow a Prophet to come out of Galilee 105. Galileans Jesus Disciples called so 105. the Galileans slain by Pilate 121. Gennesareth A City of Galilee 37. the Lake of Gennesareth 36. Jesus appeas'd a Tempest in that Lake 41. went upon it and suffered Peter to come to him on it 82. the Miraculous fishing in this Lake the first 37. the second 213. Jesus Christ taught upon the Lake 37. Gentiles Called into the Church instead of the Jews 160. desire to see Jesus 153. are some of Christs Flock 112. Gerasa Or Gadar the Miracle done there 42. the People there desire Jesus to depart out of their Coasts 44. Gethsemane Where the Garden was into which Jesus often went with his Disciples 187. God Is faithful to his promises 7. his Love to Man 29. to be Worshipped in Spirit and Truth 33. alone to be Worshipped 24. to be loved with all the Heart 114. not to be tempted 24. is good only 136. never seen by any 25. he that is of God hears his Word 108. to know him is Life Eternal 186. he that doth his VVill shall inherit Eternal Life 59. he is one in Three Persons 11. he shall be seen by the pure in Heart 55. peacemakers are his Children Ibid. and so are they that love their Enemies 57. that which is highly esteemed by Men is odious to God 72. Gluttony To be avoided 169. Grace Brought by Jesus Christ 25. he grew in Grace 20. his VVords were full of Grace 74. Christs Grace compared to Living Water 33. Great Greatness who is the greatest 98. he that is Servant of all Ibid. great Men did
163. the Devil desires to tempt the Apostles 179. Prayer to keep out of Temptation 188. by Watching and Prayer also Ibid. S. Thomas Made an Apostle 55. willing to dye with Christ 140 doubts of the Resurrection 212. sees and believes Ibid. Traditions Preferred before the Law by the Pharisees 87. Transfiguration Of Jesus Christ 93. Trinity To be believed 11. Truth Jesus Christ is the Essential Truth 12. the Truth and the Life 155. makes us free 108. Tyre A Pagan City shall be less punished than the Jews 64. V VIrgin Mary The Mother of Jesus always a Virgin 5. a Virgin Conceived 10. the Praise of Virginity 133. the Parable of the Ten Virgins 183. Vine Vineyard the Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard 138. the Vineyard and the Husbandmen that Hired it 159. Jesus Christ the true Vine 204. Vipers Pharisees compared to them 22. Voice Jesus owned to be the Son of God by a Voice from Heaven 23. W WAsh Water Baptism with Water 22. Water changed into Wine 27 Jesus went upon the Water 82. as also St. Peter Ibid. Water and Blood issued out of Jesus's Side 204. living Water 6. Rivers of living VVater 105 Jesus VVashed the Feet of his Disciples 176. Simon the Pharisee reproved for not VVashing Jesus Feet 66. and the Disciples for not VVashing their Hands 86. Wine VVater changed into Wine 27. Wine and Oyl poured into VVounds 114. Wine mingled with Gall given to Jesus 201. Woman The Woman with the Bloody Flux 48. the Woman of Canaan 88. the VVoman bowed down 121. the VVoman Sinner 65. sinful VVomen converted by John Baptist 64. a VVoman Divorced not to be Marryed 132. the Woman that had 7 Husbands 163. Holy Women Delivered from evil Spirits 7. follow Jesus and Minister to him Ibid. saw him dye 203. Prepared Spices to emalm him 206. go to the Sepulchre 208. saw two Angels Ibid. and then Jesus himself 209. tell the Apostles of his Resurrection ibid. Word What it is 10. Jesus is the Word of God Ibid. this Word is the Life and Light of Souls 12. the Truth and essential Wisdom Ibid. Word Of God happy are they that observe it 79. Christ's words are words of Life 86. he that keeps them shall not dye 77. World Knows not nor receives Christ 12. full of offences 99. is no profit when gotten by the loss of the Soul 93. hates Christ 183. an Enemy of Christ and believers 186. the Devil is its Prince 154. Christ calls us out of the VVorld 186. false pleasures of the VVorld 56. Z ZAchary Father of John the Baptist 4. Prophesieth 8. Zachaeus Jesus Lodgeth at his House 146. Zebedee Father of James and John Apostles 36. Zeal The disorderly Zeal of John and James 145. ERRATA PAge 4. line 14. read had and so p. 17. l. 2. p. 26. l. ult after saw him add he said p. 27. l. ult after Feast r. He. p. 36. l. 2. r. will and l. ult dele in p. 39. l. 6. r. instant p. 55. l. 10. r. touch p 57. l. 8. from bott after did put not p. 64. l. 8 from bottom dele use p 69. l. 20. for they have r. he hath and for have r. hath and l. 21. for are r. is p. 70. l. 15. for end r. shore p. 73. l. 10. for they r. we p. 77. l. 9. from bott for they r. the. p. 78. l. 2. r. followed l. 7. after with r. in the. p. 81. l. 12 r. thousand p. 84. l. 7. r. 5000. p. 85. l. 11 12. and p. 91. l. 12. change hard and heard for each other p. 89. l. 4 r. hand p. 95. l. 11. from bott r. their p. 101. l. 9. from bott for suffered from r. committed against and in the Margin for 19. r. 10. p. 109 l. 6. from bott r. Siloam p. 114. l. 23. after but r. a. p. 132. l. 1. after that r. as p. 135. l. 2. dele will p. 138 l. 29. dele came p. 144. l. 1. r. that p. 161. l. 12. r. without p. 182. l. 1. after but put his l. 32. before power r. no. p. 184. l. 26. dele of p. 187. l. 13. r. thou hast sent me p. 188. l. 5. r. decreeed p. 201 l. penult r. casting p 204 l 6 ●efore gave r. and. p. 216. c 51. r. appearances p. 217 l. 7 after meet put them and l. 10. r. this p. 223. l. 4. for second r. first Other Literal Mistakes in the Printing are desired to be corrected with the Pen by the Reader
The History of the Life of JESUS CHRIST There were in the Field Shepherds Abiding by their Flocks And the Angel of the Lord came upon them And said Behold I Bring you good Tidings Unto you is Born a Saviour which is CHRIST the Lord. Luk. 2. The Evangelical HISTORY OR THE LIFE of our Blessed Saviour JESUS CHRIST Comprehensively and Plainly Related WITH Practical Inferences Discourses THEREUPON In Four BOOKS I. Of the Birth of John the Baptist Of the Conception and Birth of JESVS CHRIST with an Account of what passed to his Entrance upon the Ministerial Function II. The History of the Acts and Miracles of our Saviour in the first Two Years of his Ministry III. A Relation of his Acts and Miracles in the Third Year of his Preaching IV. An Account of his Acts and Preaching from the triumphant Entrance into Jerusalem Of his Crucifixion Resurrection Apparitions and glorious Ascension into Heaven With a Large Practical Introduction by way of Preface Written in French by the Learned L. E. du Pin and Englished by a Divine of the Church of England with Additions Adorn'd with Copper Cuts LONDON Printed for Abel Swall and T. Childe at the Vnicorn at the West-End of S. Paul 's Church-yard 1694. THE PREFACE I. The Design of this History SINCE the only End and Design of Jesus Christs coming down from Heaven and all the Circumstances of his Incarnation his Birth Life Preaching Death Resurrection and Ascension was to procure Salvation for Men It is highly reasonable that they should fully understand all those Mysteries which are contained in the great Work of their Redemption and be well versed in the History of that Life and Death from which they receive so great Advantage They were Enemies to God Jesus Christ hath made a compleat satisfaction to his Father by his Death Ro. 5.10 and by his Discourses and Example hath Taught them what they ought to do return unto him They can never sufficiently meditate upon the Sufferings which the Son of God endured to expiate their Guilts that they may make a grateful acknowledgment of them by an unfeigned Love of him nor upon those Truths which he hath Taught them and exemplified by his own practice since we must be saved by the observation of those Truths and Imitation of his Actions For this Reason it is that the Church of God in all Ages hath been so urgent with Christians to receive the Holy Sacrament frequently it being a lively representation of his Death and of the Sacrifice which he offered upon the Cross for a propitiation to God and our frequent use of it being an Authentick Testimony of our Thankfulness to God for his Goodness Upon which account it is called the Eucharist i. e. a Thanksgiving But because we cannot obtain that Life Eternal which Jesus Christ hath purchased for us by his Death but by the exact observation of those Laws he hath imposed upon us and by following the Example he hath left us he requires his Ministers before the receiving of the Holy Sacrament to Instruct Men well both in the Precepts of the Gospel and in the Actions of the Son of God And by this he shews that there is nothing that he recommends so much to his Children as to meditate upon and get a full knowledge of the Life and Death of Jesus Christ either that they may give him thanks continually for what he hath done and suffered for them or know by what he hath done what they ought to do themselves for all his whole Life as St. Austin saith Is but one continual Instruction Aug. de ver Rel. c. 14. how we should lead our Lives and we never commit any Sin but by departing from his Example It is true that the Gospels are the most exact History of the Life and Death of Christ for they contain in them all that God hath thought fit to make known to us concerning the Actions and Doctrins of his Son And Men can never be too much Importun'd to Read those Books diligently which contain in them those Truths by which they must be judged at the Last Day But since it is very conducible to the Right Understanding of the Scripture-Relation concerning Christ to have the History of his Life lay'd down in a continued draught according to the Order of Time and with all the Circumstances of it which none of the Evagelists have done I thought I might do some service to the Church of God in general and to more ignorant and weak Christians in particular in composing a short but perfect Harmony of the Gospels And in my performing this undertaking I have had special care to relate nothing but the Truth avoiding all Traditional Stories and confining my self strictly to the Relations of the Evangelical Writers and have adventured to put in nothing of my own but the Style and Expression that I might render the Sense and Phrase of Scripture more easie and intelligible to the most ordinary capacities And that nothing be difficult to them I have observed these two things 1. I have related the Actions of Jesus Christ with all their Circumstances But as to his Sermons and Discourses I have set down only so much of them as are most easie to be understood and necessary to know for the improvement of our Manners I am sensible that the Sermons of our Saviour make up a great part of his Life and that the Truths he Taught are as necessary to be known as the Actions he did but since several of his Sermons especially such as concern the proof of his Divinity are scarcely intelligible by any but the Learned I have touched but lightly upon them and chose to set down more largely those Truths which are essential and of Universal concern for all Mens Salvation which as I have expressed in short so also in such words as may render them more Intelligible to the People 2. Altho' I designed to speak of nothing but what is in the Gospel and that I might not be obliged to add any thing have chosen to relate nothing that is obscure or controversal yet sometimes I have been forced to transgress these bounds meeting with something which could not be omitted tho' difficult upon which account I have added some explications of them Jesus Christ hath Taught many Moral Truths in Metaphors and Parables which are very important for all Christians to know but useless and some times dangerous unless they be accompanyed with some Reflexions which may help the Reader in understanding and applying them For this reason we have intermixed some explications without breaking the Series of the History to clear that which is obscure sweeten that which is harsh and so prepare the Bread of Truth that it may nourish the weak as well as the strong tho' these observations and remarks are very rare short and easily distinguishable from the Relations of the Evangelists and I am perswaded will be thought necessary for the most part
these Reflections upon it in reading them we ought to be satisfied That Sufferings are necessary to obtain Heaven considering that this is the Way our Saviour leads us and went himself When we are persecuted we ought to comfort our selves with this that it is an Honour to be treated as our Master was The Submission with which he drank the Cup which his Father gave him to drink should teach us to welcome the Crosses which God lays upon us without murmuring as Sickness loss of Goods Friends Parents c. His Patience in suffering Affronts and Abuses should quench all our passionate Resentments and Desires of Revenge which rise in our Hearts at the Sense of Wrongs In fine his exemplary Behaviour in his Sufferings should teach us to accept the Persecutions of Men as ordained by God and to adore his Justice in their most unjust Dealings with us to love our Enemies and be so far from requiting the Injuries we receive from them as to pardon them and do them good and to comfort our selves in the meek Sufferings of Evil by the Contemplation of the Glory that shall follow for as S. Cyprian Quod est Christus Cypr. de Idol van hoc erimus Christiani si Christum fuerimus imitati If we imitate Christ we shall be like him and enjoy the same Glory The last Direction which I shall give those Persons who would read the Life of Christ with Benefit to themselves is this That they would joyn Prayers with their Reading Before we begin to read we should beg of God in Prayer That he would discover to us all the imitable Parts and Circumstances of the Life of his Son and after we have done Reading we must implore his Grace to do what we have learned from thence to be our Duty Joh. 1.14 The Word was made Flesh and dwelt among us saith the Gospel being full of Grace and Truth He brought Truth to instruct us in our Duties and Grace to enable us to practise what he taught us This Truth which is intended for our Instruction is diffused through all the Circumstances of his Life but we must have Eyes able to discover it he must give us these Eyes or else his Words and Actions will be to us like an enclosed Book or as so many Riddles which we cannot understand Wherefore since he hath given us abilities to know the Truth let us pray him to embrace us with Love and give us that Grace which he hath merited for us by his Sufferings and which may make us receive his Doctrin and conform to his Example 'T is the Effusion of this which hath as I may say perfected the Mystery of the Incarnation Jesus Christ was made Man to allure the Love of Men he lived with them to teach them how he would be loved by them he ascended into Heaven and sent down the Holy Spirit from thence upon them to fill their Hearts with that Love that he requires of them This is the whole Contrivance of our Salvation let us acknowledge the Obligation which we have to love Jesus Christ and let us learn by reading his Life after what manner he would have us love him and pray for Grace to love him as we ought and enkindle in our Hearts that Fire of which he speaks Luke 12.49 I am come to send Fire on Earth and I wish it were already kindled The End of the Preface A Table of the Chapters BOOK I. Contains the History from John's Conception to the First Year of Christ's Preaching I. THE Conception of S. John p 4 II. The Conception of Jesus p 5 III. The Visitation of the Holy Virgin p 7 IV. John's Nativity p 8 V. The Revelation of Jesus Christ's Conception to Joseph p 9 VI. The Divine Generation of Jesus Christ p 1● VII The Human Birth of Jesus Christ p 13 VIII The Circumcision of Jesus Christ. p 14 IX The Adoration of the Magi ibid. X. The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple p 16 XI Jesus 's Flight into Egypt p 18 XII Jesus is found among the Doctors p 19 XIII The Preaching of S. John p 20 XIV Jesus Christ is baptized by John p 23 XV. Jesus Christ fasts and is tempted p 24 XVI S. John gives Testimony concerning Jesus p 25 XVII Jesus Christ calls Disciples p 26 XVIII Jesus First Miracle p 27 XIX He drives the Traders out of the Temple p 28 XX. Jesus Christ's Discourse with Nicodemus p 29 XXI John's Second Testimony of Christ p 30 XXII John's Imprisonment p 31 XXIII The Samaritan Woman p 32 BOOK II. Containing an Account of what Jesus did in the first Two Years of his Ministry I. HE Preacheth in Galilee p 35 II. He calls Four Apostles p 36 III. He cures a Man possessed p 38 IV. He cures S. Peter's Mother-in-Law and several others Ibid. V. He goes thro' Galilee p 39 VI. He stills a Tempest p 41 VII He cures Two possessed p 42 VIII He heals a Man sick of the Palsy at Capernaum p 44 IX He calls a Publican to follow him p 46 X. He heals a Woman of a Bloody Flux p 47 XI He heals Two blind Men and a Dumb Man p 49 XII He heals a Man of an infirmity which he had had Thirty Years p 50 XIII His Disciples are accused of breaking the Sabboth-day 52 XIV He heals several Men on the Sabboth-day p 53 XV. He chuseth Twelve Disciples and preacheth on the Mountain p 54 XVI What are the Truths which he preached in that Sermon p 56 XVII He healeth a Leper p 60 XVIII He cures a Man sick of the Palsy Ibid. XIX He raised a Dead Man p 62 XX. John sends two of his Disciples to Jesus The answer he gave them Ibid XXI The Reproofs he gave the Jews p 64 XXII The Conversion of a Woman that was a Sinner p 65 XXIII He cures a Man possessed with a Devil blind and Dumb. p 66 XXIV The Pharisees ask him a Sign p 68 XXV He propounds many Parables p 70 XXVI Other Parables p 72 XXVII Jesus goes to Preach at Nazareth p 74 XXVIII He goes thro' Galilee and sends his Apostles to Preach p 76 XXIX Herod cuts off John Baptist's Head p 78 BOOK III. Containing what Jesus did in the Third Year of his Preaching I. HE feeds 5000 in the Desert with Five Loaves and Two Fishes p 80 II. Jesus goes upon the Water and bids Peter come to him p 82 III. Jesus shews in an excellent discourse that he is the living Bread the nourishment of Souls p 83 IV. The Pharisees complain that his Disciples eat with unclean Hands p 86 V. He cureth a Damsel possessed with a Devil p 88 VI. He heals a Man Deaf and Dumb. p 89 VII He feeds 4000 Men with 7 loaves Ibid VIII The Pharisees ask a Sign and he refuses to give them any p 90 IX He heals a Blind Man at Bethsaida p 91 X. St. Peter confesses that Jesus Christ is the Son of God p 92 XI
is an Hebrew and Christ a Greek Word and signify both of them Anointed the Jews calling him so because they expected He should be a great King consecrated to God by a special Unction of which the Anointing of their Kings and Prophets was but a Figure Four thousand Years being at last expired and spent in waiting for him the Time appointed by God and foretold by the Prophets for the Deliverance of Mankind came The Roman Empire enjoyed a profound Peace under the Reign of Augustus and the Jews were governed by Herod whom the Romans had made King over them being some Years before become subject to their Power This Government by a Foreign Prince was an Evident Sign that the Coming of the Messiah drew near according to the Prophesy of Jacob Gen. 49.10 The Scepter shall not depart from Judah nor a Law-giver from between his Feet until Shiloh he that is sent do come This was the Time which God from all Eternity had prefixed for the Execution of his gracious Design That Jesus Christ the Saviour both of the Jews and Gentiles should be born in Judea and by him hath he accomplish'd the great Work of Man's Salvation in such a manner as the Gospel relates and which we are about to give an account of in this History of which I shall make Four Parts containing so many Periods of our Saviour's Life and shew what passed I. From the Conception of John the Baptist to his entrance upon his Ministry II. In the first Two Years of his Preaching III. In the Third Year of his Ministry IV. From his triumphant going up to Jerusalem to his Ascension into Heaven BOOK I. An Account of what passed from the Conception of John the Baptist to the Entrance of Jesus Christ upon his Ministerial Function I. The Conception of S. John the Baptist Book I. Luke 1 5-22 THere was among the Jews a certain Priest named Zacharias who with his Wife Elizabeth kept all the Commandments of the Lord blameless They were both of them very old and God that he might at length reward their Patience and contentedness in a signal manner having given them no Child but laid upon them the Disgrace of Barrenness which at that Time was accounted a great Curse inflicted by God It came to pass as Zachary ministred in the Temple according to his Course and offered the Incense commanded by the Law to God the Angel Gabriel appeared to him and told him from God That he should have a Son whom he should call John That this his Son should be great in the Sight of God and be filled with the Holy Spirit from his Mother's Womb That he should convert many Israelites from their Sins and should go before the Lord in the Spirit and Power of Elias preparing his Ways for him and disposing p. 5 The Anunciation of the Blessed Virgin Men to receive him Zachary doubting of the Truth of these Promises answered the Angel How shall I be assured of the Truth of thy Words for I am Old and my Wife is well stricken in Years The Angel reproving his Unbelief told him That from that Moment he should be dumb and not be able to speak till the Things which he had spoken of should come to pass And in that very instant he lost his Speech and the People who could not understand him but by Signs perceived by his Silence that he had seen a Vision The Days of his Ministration being accomplish'd he returned to his own House at Hebron Luke 1 23-25 a City in the Tribe of Judah and God performed that which he had foretold by the Angel for Elizabeth conceived and hid her self Five Months that she might between God and herself raise in her Heart a more perfect Sense of his Favour in taking away from her the Reproach of Barrenness and giving her a Son of whom she might hope for so great things II. The Conception of Jesus Christ. Six Months after the Conception of Elizabeth the same Angel Luke 1 26-38 which had foretold the Birth of S. John to Zachary was sent by God into a City of Galilee called Nazareth to foretel the Nativity of Jesus Christ to her who was chosen from all Eternity to be his Mother It was an Holy Virgin of the House of David named Mary who was espoused to a Man of the same Family called Joseph and living in perfect Chastity had her Spouse for a faithful Witness and Guardian of her Purity The Angel being come to her said Hail O thou that art highly favoured the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among Women Her Modesty raised in her a great Disturbance at the unusual Appearance of the Angel and she was surprized at this kind of Salutation But the Angel bid her not be troubled telling her That she should have a Son who should be great and be called the Son of the Most High to whom God would give the Throne of his Father David i. e. an Eternal Kingdom and that she should call his Name Jesus which signifies a Saviour She reflecting upon her way of living with Holy Joseph and not understanding how she could preserve her Virginity and yet become a Mother said unto the Angel How shall this be seeing I know not a Man The Angel answered her That this Holy Child which shall be called the Son of God shall be born by the invisible Operation of the Holy Ghost and to shew her that God to whom nothing is impossible would work this great Miracle in her by his Almighty Power he tells her what had befallen her Cousin Elizabeth who having been barren for many Years was Six Months since with Child Being satisfied by this Instance that she might bear a Child and yet continue a Virgin she humbly submitted her self to the appointment of God and said to the Angel Behold the Handmaid of the Lord be it unto me according to thy Word Then the Angel departed from her but the Holy Spirit wrought this great Mystery in her for which she had been fitted and disposed a great while before by the plentiful effusion of his Graces She conceived the Son of God the Second Person of the Holy Trinity who was incarnate i. e. became Man by taking on him a Body and Soul like us in the Womb of this chast and humble Virgin III. The Visitation of the Holy Virgin As soon as Mary had heard that her Cousin was with Child she went with haste to see her Luke 1. 39-55 and entring into her House saluted her which when Elizabeth heard she felt the Infant leaping in her Womb for Joy and being filled with the Holy Ghost she spake out with a loud Voice and said Blessed art thou among Women and blessed is the Fruit of thy Womb How great a Felicity is this to me that the Mother of my Lord should come unto me And having inform'd the Virgin That her Child leaped in her Womb she added Blessed art thou because thou
out of the Temple cast the Changers Mony on the Ground and overthrew their Tables and said unto those that Sold Doves Ps 69.9 Take these things hence make not my Fathers house an house of Merchandize This Action of Jesus brought to the Disciples minds these words of Scripture The zeal of thy house hath eaten me up but it surpriz'd and incensed the Jews who required of him a Miracle to prove his Authority of acting in that manner To whom he said Destroy this Temple and in three days I will rebuild it They understood it of the Temple out of which he had driven the Traders but he meant it of his Body which should be destroyed by Death and raised again the third day He did many Miracles at the Passover in Jerusalem which continues seven days and many Persons believed in his Name but he would not trust himself with those who were won only by Miracles because he knew the bottom of their hearts and exactly discerned what was unsound and imperfect in their Faith XX. The Discourse between J. Christ and Nicodemus VVhile Jesus was at Jerusalem Jo. 3 1.-12 a Jewish Ruler of the Sect of the Pharisees came to him by night and said unto him Master We know that thou art a Teacher come from God for no man can do those Miracles that thou dost except God be with him From hence Jesus takes an Occasion to teach this Pharisee the necessity of Baptism in order to Salvation saying unto him Except a Man be born of Water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God To which he adds these important Truths That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit and that the Spirit inspires whom it pleaseth Nicodemus being surpriz'd asked him how can this be Jesus reproving his Ignorance that he was a Doctor and knew not these things saith unto him We testify what we have seen and ye receive not our Witness He then discovers these Mysteries of our Religion to him Jo. 3 13.-20 That no Man hath ascended up to Heaven but the Son of Man that came from Heaven That the Brazen Serpent which Moses put upon a Pole in the VVilderness that all those who were bitten by the fiery Serpents by looking upon it might be healed of their VVounds was but a Figure of him who was fixed unto the Cross for the deliverance of all those that believe in him from Eternal Death That he was sent into the World not to condemn the World but to save it That so great was the love of God towards Men that he gave them his only begotten Son to dy for them but this Love will be a just cause of Condemnation to all those that believe not in this Son and receive not this Light that is come to enlighten them loving rather to continue in darkness because they will not bring their VVorks to the Light of Truth lest they should be convinced thereby that the Actions which they so much delight in are criminal and sinful XXI St. Johns second Testimony concerning Jesus Jo. 3 23.-27 Jesus being come from Jerusalem after the Feast tarryed in Judea with his Disciples and there Baptized at the same time that John administred his Baptism in Jordan Here the Disciples of John had a dispute with the Jews about Baptism And they came to their Master and spake to him concerning Jesus Saying He to whom thou bearest Witness doth now Baptize and all men flock to him St. John who would not have gathered Disciples but that he might resign them to the Son of God answered them A man can receive nothing except it be given him from Heaven signifying by this answer that he acted in his Ministry only by the power and command of him who had called him to it Jo. 3 28.-36 He then puts them in mind of the Protestations which he had made before them That he was not the Christ He tells them that he is not the Bridegroom of the Church but the Bridegroom's Friend only And in that Quality 't was his only Joy and delight to hear the Bridegroom's Voice He goes on and says He must increase but I must decrease He adds that Jesus Christ came from above and therefore is above all that he speaks what he hath seen and heard and that he that receiveth his Testimony acknowledgeth that God is true because God hath sent him and hath not given his Spirit by measure to him but because he loveth him he hath given all things into his hands That Jesus Christ is the Son of God and he that believeth in him hath eternal Life and on the contrary he that believeth not shall not see Life but is an Object of the Wrath of God which shall not depart from him XXII John 's Imprisonment St. John did not think he had discharged his Office sufficiently Mat. 14 3.-5 Mar. 6 17.-20 Lu. 3.19 20. in discovering Jesus to be the Messiah at the River Jordan but he went to the Princes Court to Preach true Morality and Piety Herod Antipas the Son of Herod the Great in whose Reign Jesus Christ was Born and his Successor in one fourth part of his Kingdom from whence he is called Herod the Tetrarch had Marryed contrary to all Laws Herodias his Brother Philips Wife John went to reprove him for this Crime and for all the other evils which he had done and told him confidently that it was not Lawful for him to have her for his Wife who was his Brothers Wife Herod was not presently angry with this Holy Man but on the contrary believing him to be a Just Man and an Holy he had a great Respect and Veneration for him yea he feared him was a diligent Hearer of him and followed his advice in many things But Herodias was not so well affected to John for she hated him Mortally and sought all Occasions to destroy him By her instigation Herod became every day more averse to him and at length to please her apprehended him and put him into Prison He had at that time put him to Death but that he feared the People who accounted of and reverenced John as a Prophet VVhen Jesus knew that John was put into Prison and that the Pharisees had heard that he made and Baptized more Disciples than John tho' he Baptized no Man himself Jo. 4 1.-4 but by his Disciples he left Judea and returned into Galilee through Samaria XXIII The Samaritan Woman Jo. 4 5.-11 About noon Jesus came to a City of Samaria named Sychar and being wearied with his Journey he sat down on the brink of a Fountain called Jacob's VVell in a parcel of Ground which that Patriarch gave long since to his Son Joseph A certain VVoman of this Countrey came to fetch VVater at this VVell and Jesus saith unto her Give me to drink This VVoman who thought him to be a Jew wondred that he
the Sea and therefore either because they did not think themselves worthy of Jesus's Presence or because they were afraid of greater Losses than they had already sustained they besought him to depart out of their Country The Man who had been possessed besought him who had been his Deliverer to suffer him to go along with him but Jesus answered him Return to thine own House and declare what great Things God hath done for thee He obeyed his Order and went through every City and through all that Country thankfully publishing and commemorating the great Favours that Jesus had done unto him VIII Jesus heals a Man sick of the Palsy at Capernaum Mark 2.1 2. The Son of God departing out of the Country of the Gadarens as they had desired him took Ship again and being arrived at the other Side of the Lake found a great Number of People waiting for him and they received him joyfully He returned to Capernaum where as soon as he was known to be a great number of People came unto him insomuch that not only the House where he was but even all the Space about the Door could not receive them Luk. 5.17 There were also sitting by him certain Pharisees and Doctors of the Law which were come out of every Town of Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem To all these Jesus preached the Word of God and manifested that Power which God had given to him Mark 2 3-12 Luke 5 18-26 by Healing the Sick Among others that came to be healed there was brought unto him a Man sick of the Palsy lying in his Bed but not knowing how to carry him to him by reason of the Multitude they who brought him contrived to go up to the top of the House and to uncover the Roof and having made an Hole to let down the Bed on which the Sick Man lay and so place him before the Son of God Matth. 9 2-8 Jesus seeing their Faith saith unto the Sick of the Palsy Son be of good Cheer thy Sins be forgiven thee These Words much displeased the Pharisees and Lawyers which were present who thought in themselves That since God only can forgive Sins Jesus who assumed this Power to himself must needs be a Blaspheemer but he knowing the Thoughts of their Hearts saith unto them Why are your Minds busied about such evil Thoughts Which is easier to say to this Man who was sick of the Palsy Thy Sins be forgiven thee or to say Arise take up thy Bed and walk but that ye may know that the Son of Man hath Power on Earth to forgive Sins he saith unto the Sick of the Palsy Arise take up thy Bed and go unto thine House And the same Moment the Sick Man arose before the Multitude took up the Bed whereon he lay and went to his own House glorifying God All the Spectators were greatly amazed at this Miracle and although the Power of Healing be much less than that of Forgiving Sins yet because it is not so easy to make Men to believe a Cure falsly of which our Senses are Witnesses as Remission of Sin which is secret and invisible therefore all the People who were convinced by their own Sight of the Efficacy of these Words of Jesus Christ Arise and take up thy Bed were fully perswaded of the Truth of the former Thy Sins are forgiven thee For which Reason they glorified God which had given such Power unto Men and said in the Fear into which this Miracle had cast them We have seen strange things to day such as we never saw before IX Jesus commands a Publican to follow him Matth. 9 9-13 Mark 2 13-17 Luke 5 27-32 Jesus departing from this House walked by the Side of the Lake and seeth a Publican as he went along sitting in the Custom-House and he saith unto him Follow me This Man who was the Son of Alphaeus and named Levi or Matthew arose immediately left all and accompanied him that called him Not long after he made a great Feast in his House to which there came many Publicans and others of very wicked Lives and sat down at the Table with Jesus and his Disciples The Pharisees and Doctors of the Law could not endure that our Saviour should converse with Sinners or Publicans which the Jews detested and therefore they murmured greatly and demanded of his Disciples Why their Master and they did eat and drink with such sort of Persons Jesus hearing their Complaints said unto them They that are whole need not a Physician but they that are Sick I came not to call the Righteous but Sinners to Repentence go ye and learn what these Words signify I will have Mercy and not Sacrifice Hosea 6.6 and ye will know that my charitable conversing with Sinners to convert them is more acceptable to God than all your Sacrifices and Ceremonies This Answer nevertheless did not appease the Murmurings of the Pharisees Matth. 9 14-17 Mark 2 18-22 Luke 5 33-39 but they came to him with the Disciples of John and put this Question to him Why do the Disciples of John and of the Pharisees fast often and make Prayers but thy Disciples fast not Jesus answered them Can the Friends of the Bridegroom fast or mourn so long as the Bridegroom is with them That were unfit but the Time will come when the Bridegroom shall be taken away from them and then shall they fast To this Reason taken from the Presence of the Bridegroom which is the Name which S. John Baptist himself gave to Jesus the Son of God adds another taken from the Weakness of his Disciples who were yet in the Entrance upon his Religion and were very imperfect for he tells the Pharisees That to impose any rigorous Austerities upon Men who were as yet weak is to undo all and imitate the Imprudence of him who sews Pieces of new Cloath to an Old Garment or puts New Wine into old Bottles X. Jesus Christ cures a Woman of a Bloody Flux and raiseth a Maid from the Dead While Jesus was thus discoursing with the Pharisees and John's Disciples Jairus Matth. 9 18-22 Mark 5 22-34 Luke 8 41-48 the Chief Ruler of the Synagogue came and falling down at his Feet besought him to go to his House and lay his Hands upon his only Daughter who was about Twelve Years old and was then at the Point of Death Jesus went immediately along with him being accompanied with his Disciples and a great multitude of People At the same time it happen'd That a Woman who had been sick of a Bloody Flux for Twelve Years and had spent all her Estate to get a Cure of it and had endured much by Physicians and could get no help having heard the Fame of Jesus came behind him among the Multitude and touched him by the Border of his Garment for she had so great a Faith that she was throughly perswaded in her self If I can but touch his Garment I shall be
possess But the Publican on the other side standing afar off durst not so much as lift up his Eyes to Heaven but smote upon his Breast saying My God be merciful to me who am a Sinner Whereupon Jesus adds I declare unto you That this Man returned Home justified rather than the other for he that exalteth himself shall be abased but who so humbleth himself shall be exalted XLI Jesus blesseth certain Infants Then some of the Jews brought their Children to Jesus that he might lay his Hands upon them Matth. 19 13-15 Mark 19 13-16 Luke 18 15-17 and pray for them His Disciples rebuking those that brought them unto him spake roughly to them but Jesus being displeased at this Action reproved them and bid them to suffer little Children to come unto him because the Kingdom of Heaven is made up of such and if we will gain an entrance into it we must become little Children i. e. humble so commending a spiritual Infancy which consists in an Holy Simplicity and sincere Humility After this he takes these little Children up in his Arms and having Blessed them by laying his Hands upon them He departed from thence to go some whither else XLII He tells them how hard it is for a Rich Man to be saved Matth. 19.16 ● 30. Mark 10 17-30 Luke 18 18-30 As Jesus was in his Journey a Young Noble-Man who was very Rich ran unto him and kneeling down to him said Good Master What good thing must I do that I may inherit Eternal Life Jesus answered him Why callest thou me good There is none but God who is good i. e. who is good of himself being perfect and essential Goodness the Original of all Goodness for all the Goodness in the Creatures in only an Efflux and participation of the infinite Goodness of God This Young Man commended an Humane and Finite Goodness in Jesus only and it seems that the Son of God refusing the Title of Good Master and answering that there was none Good but God only would Teach him to acknowledge a Divine and Soveraign Goodness in Himself Afterward he says in Answer to his Question That if he will obtain Eternal Life he must keep the Commandments And because this Young Man asked him which of these Commandments he ought to keep he said unto him Thou knowest the Commandments of the Law Do not kill Do not commit Adultery Do not Steal Do not bear false Witness Defraud not Honour thy Father and thy Mother And Love thy Neighbour as thy Self The Young Man answered All these things have I observed from my Youth What yet have I to do Then Jesus beholding him loved him but this Love which he had for the Young Man did not hinder him from Teaching him a Truth which he could not entertain for he said unto him One thing lackest thou yet If thou wilt be perfect Go and sell all that thou hast and give it to the Poor and thou shalt have Treasure in Heaven and then come and follow me But this Lord who had a great Estate not being able to accept of his Advice and forsake all went away sad Then Jesus who saw him troubled looking round about him said unto his Disciples Verily I say unto you It is very hard for a Rich Man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven And because they were much amazed at these Words he repeated the same Truth again to them in these Words Little Children How hard is it for them that trust in their Riches to enter into the Kingdom of God It is easier for a Camel to go through the Eye of a Needle This last assertion encreased the astonishment of the Apostles who said one to another Who then can be saved But Jesus removed their admiration by telling them that that which is impossible with Men is possible with God who can change the Heart and make Rich Men to leave all to follow Christ and gain Heaven Then said Peter unto him As for us thou seest That we have left all and followed thee What reward shall we receive Jesus answered him That at the Resurrection when the Son of Man shall sit upon the Throne of his Glory they shall sit by him on Thrones judging all the People of Israel And he further tells them that not only they But whosoever shall forsake his House or Kindred or Lands for His and the Gospels sake shall receive in this World an hundredfold Houses and Kindsfolk and Lands with Persecution● and in the World to come Life Eternal By which he means that God who will reward his Elect in another World will give them in this such comforts as are necessary to support them in their afflictions and will find them such Friends as shall by their Christian Charity be as serviceable to them as their nearest Kindred and shall supply the want of all they have forsaken or lost for his sake to them XLIII Jesus explains how they that are first shall be last in the Kingdom of God Mrtth. 19.30 Matth. 20 1-16 The Apostles might well be surprized at the Promise which Jesus had made them That he would set them on Thrones to Judge their whole Nation especially since they had been always so little esteemed among the Jews From this passion the Son of God seems very desirous to free them by repeating to them again the words which he had before used upon another occasion That many of those that should have been first shall be last and many that should have been last shall be first Which Truth that he might throughly explain it to them he propounds a Parable and saith That the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a Man who having sent some Labourers with whom he had agreed for Wages early in the Morning into his Vineyard did also send others at the Ninth Third and Eleventh Hours promising to give them as much as was reasonable for their Labour In the Evening he called all these Men to him and beginning with those who came came last he gave them the same Wages which he had promised to those whom he had hired in the Morning but these last expecting to receive somewhat more than the other murmured against him for giving them as much as he agreed with them for But the Master of the Vineyard proves that he had done them no wrong because he had payd them what was due to them and as for the rest it was Lawful to give them what he pleased From hence the Son of God concludes So the last shall be first and the first shall be last for many are called but few are chosen This is all the explication which our Lord gives us of this Parable but the Fathers understand by the Kingdom of God and the Vineyard into which he calls Men to Labour for the reward which he hath promised by an Holy Life the Church And this reward is nothing but himself Some entred at the beginning of the World into this Vineyard
had in his Heart some Time before Jesus then said unto him That thou dost do quickly whereupon Judas went out But the rest of the Apostles knew not whither he went supposing that Jesus had sent him to buy something or bestow some Mony on the Poor because it was he that carried the Purse As soon as he was gone out Jesus considering the Glory which his Father would gain by his Death and which he himself should receive as the Reward of his humble Obedience faith unto his Disciples Now is the Son of Man glorified and God is glorified in him and if God be glorified in him God will also glorify him in himself and will streightway glorify him Then they sung an Hymn and rose from the Table to go to the Mount of Olives where we have seen that Jesus went usually at Night XXV Jesus foretells S. Peter's Denial and the Apostles Flight Jesus having thus discoursed of his Glory Matth. 26 30-35 Mark 14 27-31 Luke 22.31 38. John 13 33-38 raised a fresh Contention among his Disciples Who of them shall be accounted greatest and have the greatest Share in it Jesus checks their Ambition by repeating what he had said to them long before That it shall not be so with you as it is with Kings who rule over their Subjects with Authority but that the greatest among them should be as the least just as he who was their Master had been among them little not as he that sits at Table but as he that serveth He then tells them That since they had held firm to him in all his Persecutions he would prepare for them a Kingdom as his Father had prepared one for himself But he adds That Satan had desired to sift them as Wheat is sifted i. e. to tempt them that he may make them fall And he said to Peter I have prayed for you that your Faith fail not and when thou art converted i. e. recovered from thy Fall strengthen thy Brethren Then turning to them all he tells unto them That he had but a little Time to be with them That he went whither they could not come but he commanded them to love one another as he had loved them because by this Love they should be known to be his Disciples Hereupon S. Peter asked him Whither he would go Jesus answered Whither I go thou canst not follow me now but thou shalt follow me afterwards He replyed Lord why cannot I follow thee now Jesus explains himself further saying to his Apostles All of you shall be offended because of me this Night for it is written I will smite the Shepherd and the Flock shall be scatter'd but after that I am risen again I will go before you into Galilee Peter answered him Although all Men should be offended yet will not I be offended for I am ready to go with thee into Prison and unto Death yea I will lay down my Life for thy Sake Jesus answered Wilt thou lay down thy Life for me Verily verily I say unto thee That this Night before the Cock crows twice thou shalt deny me thrice Peter asserted it more passionately That he would not deny him though he dyed for him And all the Disciples said the same consulting the present Sentiments of their Hearts more than their own Weakness which was throughly known to Christ Jesus then ask'd them Whether they wanted any thing when he sent them without Purse or Scrip or Shoes And when they answered him No he said to them But now he that hath a Purse or a Scrip let him take it and he that hath no Sword let him sell his Garment and buy one In which figurative Language he describes the Greatness of the Persecution which they must shortly undergo that it should be so violent that if they fly to such ordinary means as are usually made use of they must sell their very Garments to provide Arms for their Defence For I say unto you adds he that this must be accomplished Isai 53. ●2 which is written of me He was reckoned among the Transgressors They who took his Words in the literal Sense That they must sell their Garments and buy one said unto him We have here Two Swords but because he understood them in another Sense he answered 'T is enough XXVI Jesus comforts his Apostles It was almost impossible but that all these Predictions of his approaching Death would much trouble his Apostles which when he saw John 14 1-31 he comforted them saying That they should not be troubled but believe in him That they knew that if he went before them to prepare a Place for every one of them in his Fathers House he would come again and take them to himself Then he says Whither I go ye know and the way ye know Thomas saith unto him Lord we know not whither thou goest and how should we know the Way Jesus replyed That he himself is the Way the Truth and the Life that they must go to God by him and that if they knew him they would know his Father also Upon this Philip saith unto him Lord shew us the Father and it sufficeth us But Jesus answered him Have I been so long with thee and hast thou not known me And then adds That in seeing him we see the Father because he is in the Father and the Father in him which they might have discerned by the Miracles which they had seen him do assuring them at the same time That they that believe in him shall do the same Wonders and greater than they because whatsoever they ask of God his Father in his Name it shall be done to them Then he promises them that he will by his Prayers obtain another Comforter for them which should be the Spirit of Truth which the World cannot receive because it knoweth him not That he will not leave them Comfortless but will come unto them That they shall see him when the World seeth him not which happened after his Resurrection for he appeared to none but own Disciples That he will one Day shew them that he is in his Father because he will discover himself to those that love him and shew evident Signs of his Love by receiving and keeping his Commandments Judas ask'd him Why he would discover himself to them and not unto the World He answered him If any Man love me he will keep my Commandments and my Father will love him and we will come unto him and make our Abode with him He that loveth me not keepeth not my Commandments He enlarges no farther upon Judas's Question but leaves us to infer from his Answer That the Reason why he doth not discover himself to the World i. e. the Lovers of the World is because the World neither loves nor keeps his Commandments He adds That the Doctrin which he had taught them was his Fathers and that the Holy Spirit would make them understand and remember all the Truths which he had taught them Lastly
knowest not what hath happened there in these days What things replyed he They answered Concerning Jesus of Nazareth who was a Prophet mighty in Deeds and in Words how the Chief-Priests and Rulers delivered him to be Condemned to Death and have Crucified him But added they We trusted that it should be he that would have redeemed Israel And besides all this This is the third day since these things happened Yea and some VVomen of our Company made us astonished VVho having been very early at the Sepulchre and not finding his Body returned and told us that the Angels themselves appeared unto them and assured them that he was alive This Relation was confirmed by some of us who went also to the Sepulchre and found all things as the VVomen had reported to them but him they saw not From hence Jesus took an occasion to reprove their unbelief very severely saying to them O Fools whose Heart is dull and slow to believe that which the Prophets have foretold That Christ must suffer all these things and enter into his Glory And he explained to them all that was spoken in the Scripture concerning him beginning at Moses and going through all the Prophets VVhen they came near the Village he went on as if he were going further but the two Disciples importun'd him to stay saying Abide with Vs for it is already late and the day is almost spent Wherefore he went in with them and being sat at Meat he took Bread Blessed it and having broken it he gave it them And immediately their Eyes were opened to discern what they saw not before i. e. to acknowledge Jesus who immediately vanished out of their sight Then said they one to another Did not our Hearts burn within us while he talked with us in the Way and while he expounded the Scriptures The same instant they arose and returned to Jerusalem where they found the Apostles and the Disciples met together saying That Jesus is indeed risen from the Dead and hath appeared unto Peter They also told them what had happened in the Way and how the Lord was known to them by breaking of Bread Notwithstanding all which there were several Disciples that believed nothing of the Truth of it XLVII Jesus appeared to the Apostles The Apostles being assembled in a private place Mark 16.14 Luke 24 36-43 John 20 19-23 for fear of the Jews were discoursing about all these several Appearances of their Master and in the Evening being sat down to Meat and the Doors being shut Jesus came in and stood in the midst of them and said unto them Peace be unto you It is I be not afraid Having saluted them after this manner he upbraided them for their unbelief and hardness of Heart that they would not believe his Resurrection nor give credit to the Testimony of those that had seen him after he was risen The Apostles were terrified and affrighted and supposed that they had seen a Spirit or a Fantom But Jesus to confirm and pacifie them said unto them Why are ye troubled Look upon my Hands and my Feet It is I my self Handle me and consider that a Spirit hath not Flesh and Bones as ye see me have Then he shewed them the Wounds in his Hands Feet and Side The Apostles could not yet believe what they saw being transported with so great Joy and Admiration till Jesus asked them Whether they had any thing to Eat Then they gave him a piece of Broyled Fish and of an Hony-comb and he eat before them Not to nourish his Body for that being Spiritualiz'd by his Resurrection had no need of such Nourishment as is necessary for it in this Mortat Life but to take away all the Doubts of his Disciples and to convince them by sensible Proofs That 't was he and that he was really risen from the Dead After he had done eating he gave them the Fragments and said to them a Second Time Peace be unto you And then added As my Father hath sent me so send I you and then breathing upon them said Receive ye the Holy Ghost Whosoever sins ye remit they are remitted unto them and whosoever sins ye retain they are retained Thomas was not with the other Disciples when Jesus appeared to them in the manner aforesaid John 20 24-29 Therefore when he returned to them they told him That they had seen the Lord. But he said Vnless I see in his Hands the print of the Nails and put my Finger into them and my Hand into his Side I will not believe The Son of God who made use of all this Infidelity to establish the belief of the Resurrection would not forsake this Apostle in his unbelief and therefore Eight days after when his Disciples were met in the same place and Thomas with them he came to them the Doors being shut and standing in the midst of them saluted them saying Peace be unto you Then speaking to Thomas he saith Reach hither thy finger and behold my Hands and reach hither thy hand and put it into my Side and be not faithless but believe Then Thomas being convinced cryed out My Lord and My God! Jesus said unto him Thou hast believed because thou hast seen Blessed are they who having not seen yet do believe XLVIII The Miraculous Fishing Jesus shewed himself yet another time to some of his Disciples on the Banks of the Sea of Tiberias John 21 1-13 Peter Thomas the two Sons of Zebedee Nathaniel and two others of his Disciples being met together Peter said that he would go a Fishing and the rest would go with him They all therefore took Ship and cast their Nets into the Waters but that Night they catched nothing In the Morning Jesus presented himself to them on the Shore but his Disciples knew not that it was he And he asked them Children have ye any thing to eat They answered No And he said unto them Cast the Net on the Right side of the Ship and ye shall find They cast immediately and catched so great a Number of Fishes that they could not pull it up Then John the Beloved Disciple of Jesus said unto Peter It is the Lord. Then Peter presently taking his Garment which he had put off to Fish cast himself into the Water to go quickly to his Master on the Shore The other Disciples who were not far from Land but as it were Two Hundred Cubits or an Hundred Yards came to him with the Ship dragging with them the Net full of Fishes Being come ashore they found Coals burning and Fish upon them and Bread Jesus said unto them Bring hither some of the Fish that ye have catch'd And Peter going presently into the Ship drew the Net to Land with a Hundred Fifty Three great Fish in it And the Gospel observes that tho' it was full of so many heavy Fish it was not broken Jesus said unto them Come and Dine Then they went to him not daring to ask him Who he was