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A74987 The glory of Christ set forth in several sermons from John III.34, 35, 36 and V.25 : and The necessity of faith in order to pleasing God, from Hebrews XI.6 / by Mr. Thomas Allen, late pastor of a church in the city of Norwich. Allen, Thomas, 1608-1673.; Finch, Martin, 1628?-1698. 1683 (1683) Wing A1046; ESTC R43595 136,370 269

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them a City and in enjoying God they enjoy all And then observe that the Happiness of Believers is for ever they are not freed from all evil for a time only and enjoy all good for a time only but for ever And so they have everlasting Life 2. Let us enquire what is this believing what this Faith is upon which a man or woman comes to have everlasting Life I answer 'T is not a bare assent to the Truth of the Gospel 'T is not a meer Historical Faith Yea though you should be somewhat affected with it and hear the Word with Joy and do many things as Herod did But this believing is a Receiving of Christ himself in some word of Grace wherby the humbled Sinner doth wholy rely upon Jesus Christ for Life and Salvation Although we are to believe all that is Written in the Law and the Prophets and the whole Word of God yet Christ as a Saviour and Mediator is the object of justifying Faith Gal. 3.2 Received ye the Spirit by the works of the Law or by the hearing of Faith Faith is wrought in us by the hearing of the Gospel by some word of Grace wherein Christ is held forth as a Saviour either Explicitly or Implicitly The Text saith He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting Life And Paul bids the Jaylor believe on the Lord Jesus and thou shalt be saved So that whatsoever word the Lord hints to us to work and beget Faith in our Hearts yet the Soul doth not stay there but Ventures and Casts it self wholy upon Jesus Christ as the Saviour and Mediator Thirdly To give you some Demonstrations or Arguments to prove that whosoever believeth on the Son hath everlasting Life 1. God the Father promised this to Christ the Mediator in the behalf of his Ransomed ones Tit. 1.2 In hope of Eternal Life which God that cannot lie promised before the world began God promised to Christ no less than Eternal Life for his Seed Rom. 6. last The Gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord. 1 Joh. 2.25 This is the Promise which he hath promised us even eternal Life This was promised to Christ that by his Obedience all his People should be made Righteous and have Eternal Life 2. Christ as Mediator prayed for no less than Eternal Life for his people and the Father always heareth him Joh. 17.24 Father I will that those whom thou hast given me may be with me where I am that they may behold my Glory which thou hast given me 3. Jesus Christ hath purchased Eternal Life for his People Hebr. 9.15 And for this cause he is the Mediator of the New Testament that by means of Death for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first Testament they which are called might receive the Promise of Eternal Inheritance Christ having made Satisfaction for the Sins of his People and brought in an everlasting Righteousness for them What should now hinder them of Everlasting Life who believe on his Name 4. One thing more to shew you in what sense it is said in the Text That he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting Life not only shall have it but hath Everlasting Life Seeing that Believers have Sin dwelling and remaining in them and are liable to Temptations and Buffetings of Satan and liable to all kind of outward Sorrows and Afflictions and have this Earthly Tabernacle yet to put off How can it be said that a Believer now hath everlasting Life I answer 1. In regard of the certainty of it As when it is said Babylon is fallen 'T is as certain that Babylon shall fall as if it were fallen already So it is as certain that Believers shall have everlasting Life as if they had it already And so it is said 2 Tim. 1.9 Who hath saved us and called us We are saved already 2. In regard that everlasting Life is begun to a Believer Every Believer is in a justified estate his Sins pardoned and the Righteousness of Christ imputed to him and Holiness and Communion with God is begun already in this Life his Fellowship is now with the Father and his Son Jesus Christ 3. In regard of Christ our head Ephes 2.6 He hath raised us up and made us sit together in Heavenly Places in Christ. The members of the mystical Body are now in Heaven though not in their own Persons yet in Christ their Head Heb. 6.20 Whither the fore-runner is for us entred even Jesus He hath taken up Heaven for them and appears in the presence of God for them Application Use 1. From what is said here That he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting Life and he that beleiveth not on the Son shall not see Life but the wrath of God abideth on him Learn that there is an everlasting estate appointed for every one either everlasting Life or everlasting Death An eternity there is for every one of us and we are near it we are upon the brink of it we are near Heaven or Hell The Lord knows that we mind these present things too much and eternity very little But O! That when we come to dye to go into eternity that we may be in Christ that so when the Earthly house of this Tabernacle shall be dissolved we may have a Building of God an House not made with hands Eternal in the Heavens O! that we may remember our eternal condition more that the thoughts of Eternity may be with us in our Callings and Business all the day long and that we may make sure of our interest of Christ that we may have everlasting Life Use 2. Wonder at the Lord's Grace in Christ that he should give everlasting Life to any of us fallen sinful men God doth not give everlasting Life to any of the Angels that sinned but cast them all down to Hell And you that live under the Preaching of the Gospel bless God that you hear of these glad tidings of everlasting Life through Christ and hearing this way of Life Preached and Declared to you O! that you may receive Christ That you may believe on him that you may have everlasting Life Use 3. Heere is matter of strong consolation to those that have believed on the Son O! Let such rejoyce in the Grace of God the Lord hath abounded towards them in his kindness through Christ Jesus It is true you may meet with many sorrows here in this world but rejoyce in this that there is no Condemnation to you because you are in Christ Jesus And not only no Condemnation but you have everlasting Life You may lose Estate Name Liberty and Life in this World but you can never lose everlasting Life for he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting Life Use 4. Here is Direction to those that are convinced of their sins that are weary and heavy laden whose consciences are pressed with the burden of their sins as if they had a heavy mountain lay upon them
said there when Christ was warning them to take heed of the world Ye cannot serve God and Mammon The Pharisees who were covetous heard all these things and they derided him this was against the grain their hearts were covetous and set upon the riches of the world and now whatever Christ speaks they despise and set at nought This is that which the Holy-Ghost doth warn us against and doth shew us that this is the great ground and cause why people hear the Word and profit not because their hearts go after their covetousness Ezek. 33.31 32. says the Lord there This people cometh unto thee as the people cometh and sit before thee as my people and they hear my words and they seem to be pleasing to them and they take delight in them and thou art unto them as a very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice and they hear thy words and do them not why so for with their mouth they shew much love but their hearts goeth after their covetousness Their hearts goeth after the world and therefore whatever is spoken will do them no good and therefore Christ doth admonish us and advise us to take heed and beware of covetousness Luke 12.15 Well this is another impediment if we do desire to hear the Word to profit and edification let us get our hearts off from the riches of the world Fifthly To name no more Take heed also of having the heart filled with the cares and matters of this world if our hearts be filled with the world there will be no room for the Word to take place Just as if a Room be filled and taken up there is no room for others to come in If the world and business and occasions of the world come and take up the head and the heart here will be no room for the Word to take place it is just as it is in a great croud where there is a great noise if there be a great noise in the Street if one come and speak a word in your ear you cannot hear him because of the noise so if our hearts and ears be filled with the cares and the business of the world it makes such a noise as we cannot hear and therefore Christ tells us that these cares of the world are like Thorns in Matt. 13.22 He that receiveth seed among thorns is he that heareth the word and the care of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choak the Word and he becometh unfruitful Though we hear much and there be much Seed sown yet if it spring up among Thorns it will never come to any maturity and therefore hence it is that Christ by two Parables doth shew us how the occasions and businesses of the world doth hinder people from listening to the voice of Christ in his Word in Luke 14. There is one Parable of a great Supper that a great man made and invited many but they refused to come and made light of it And the other Parable you have in Matt. 22.5 concerning a King which made a Marriage Feast for his Son and invited his Guests and when the Feast was prepared they made light of it and would not come What was the Reason One must go to his Farm and another to his Merchandise one about this business and another about that and they could not attend to the Lords Voice in his Word Christ doth thereby shew us that the matters and cares of this world when they fill the head and the heart they do hinder us from attending upon God in his Word This is now another impediment which is to be removed if we would so attend upon the Word as to hear it with profit And truly Brethren to speak plainly I am afraid that this is one great cause why many do profit so little by hearing the Word they come reeking out of the world and their hands and heads and hearts are full of the world and by that means the Word comes to be unprofitable to them Oh! that we could therefore learn to understand the Lords Will to understand what are the impediments that hinder us from hearing the Word with profit and be careful to get them removed This is the second Direction how to hear the Word in a way of Faith Faith doth put us upon the removing those impediments that do hinder us from profiting by the Word Thirdly The Third Direction is this If we would hear the Word in a way of Faith so as we may profit by it it is to hear it as the very Word of God as if God should speak from Heaven to us immediately How would we hear the Word if God should speak to us immediately from Heaven with what reverence and attention would you hear how would you be careful to swallow up every Word that God should speak Brethren know this that God out of tenderness and respect to us speaks in another manner and way to us now instrumentally by man more mediately because we are not able to bear the immediate Voice of God as they said at Mount Sinai Let not God speak any more to us for we cannot bear it Now the Lord out of indulgency to us because we cannot bear his own immediate voice the Lord is pleased to speak to us by means and instruments by men that are like our selves now I say it is God that speaks to us by men it is God that speaks from Heaven to us by men therefore we are to hear the Word as if God from Heaven did speak to us as the Apostle speaks in Heb. 12.25 Take heed that ye refuse not him that speaks from Heaven This is the way now to profit by the Word and to hear it in Faith you shall find that Cornelius he heard in this manner when Peter came to Preach to him Cornelius attended to him as if God himself spoke to him in Acts 10.33 Now therefore are we all here present before God to hear all things that are commanded thee of God as if we should hear God himself speak And you see what the advantage and benefit of it was it is said in vers 44. that while Peter yet spake these words the Holy-Ghost fell on all them that heard him By this means the Word was made profitable and effectual to them the Holy Ghost fell on all them that heard it as if God himself had spoken to them And the like you read concerning the Thessalonians in 1 Thess 2.13 says the Apostle For this cause thank we God without ceasing because when ye received the Word of God which ye heard of us ye received it not as the word of man but as it is in truth the word of God which effectually worketh also in you that believe Ye received it not as the word of man though it was spoken by man but ye heard it as the very Word of God as if God himself spake from Heaven to you and therefore Brethren mind this when we come to
Therefore trust in the Lord in all difficulties Say as David Psal 62.1 Truly my Soul waiteth upon God from him cometh my Salvation Vers 2. My Soul wait thou only upon God for my expectation is from him You can speak it by experience that Power belongeth unto God and that also unto the Lord belongeth Mercy You have had experience of both in his calling you out of darkness into his marvellous light therefore wait upon him and trust in him to perfect all that doth concern you both for Soul and Body Lastly Be willing to do or suffer any thing for Christ 1. Be willing to live to him The Apostle shews that it is but reasonable that we should live unto the Lord not only as we are Creatures but also upon the account of Grace 2 Cor. 14.15 Because we thus judge that if one died for all then were all dead and that he died for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him that died for them and rose again Those that live by Christ it is but reasonable that they should live to him We must not of all others live to our selves besides our old obligation to obedience which we owe to God as our Creator and Soveraign Lord Grace lays a further obligation upon us to live to him 2. Be willing to dye for him if he call us to it Paul had heard the voice of Christ speaking from Heaven to him as all that are called do though not in such a manner as Christ spake to him and so he was made alive and now how precious was Christ to him he was willing to suffer any thing for his Name and Glory Act. 21.13 I am ready not only to be bound but to dye at Jerusalem for the Name of the Lord Jesus He was sensible that Christ had given him spiritual Life and therfore thought it a small matter to lay down his bodily Life in a way of bearing witness to his Name SERMON III. John III. 33. He that hath Received his Testimony hath set to his Seal that God is True THe words before going John says No Man received his Testimony though he testifie nothing but what he had seen and heard in Heaven and no man received his Testimony and yet here immediately it follows that He that hath received his Testimony says that God is True He that hath implying there was some that did receive it that is none few or none None in comparison of those that did not receive it some few there were that did receive it And here in this Verse John doth declare the Commendation of those that did receive Christ and what matter of encouragement to those that do receive Christs Testimony Why he says they do exceedingly Honour and Glorifie God they do subscribe as it were with their Hand and set their Seal to the Truth of God that what the Lord speaks and Christ speaks and what God the Father speaks is Truth and in doing this they Honour and Glorifie God by subscribing and setting to their Seal that God is True As he says he that set to his Seal that God is true doth Testify of what is Truth But how doth it appear that the Spirit is given unto those that Testify of him You may see it cleared in the opening of the Proposition So that the proposition is this taking up the words of the Text. Propos Whosoever he be that doth receive the Testimony of Christ doth set to his Seal that God it True You heard before in the opening of the former clause what we are to understand by the Testimony of Christ and then what we are to understand of the receiving the Testimony of Christ By the Testimony of Christ we are to understand the Gospel of Life and Salvation held forth to poor Sinners that you heard cleared from Scripture and for the receiving of it what is it to receive it it is not only a receiving it into the understandings and also into the affections and receiving it with some kind of Joy and Gladness but also a receiving it into the Heart and Soul in a way of Faith and Believing Believing is receiving the Testimony of Christ I shall not stand to speak of these things but shall now shew you that that Testimony that every believing Soul doth give of Jesus Christ doth set to his Seal that God is true First To shew that God is Truth Secondly what we are to understand by this setting to the Seal that God is true Thirdly To shew by what and wherein and how it doth appear that every believing soul that doth receive the Testimony of Christ doth believe that God is True First To shew you that God is Tru● 〈◊〉 that God is true and faithful in his Word in whatsoever he speaks in his Gospel as that which the Evangelists in the Gospel speaks of in the Testimony of Christ is true When God proclaimed his name by Moses he says of him He is abundant in goodness and in truth he is as abundant in his truth every way as in his goodness And in another place its said God is not as Man that he should lye hath he spoken it and shall he not do it And so I might multiply Scriptures to that purpose the Truth of God is from everlasting to everlasting whatsoever he speaks it shall be what he hath spoken with his mouth he will fulfil Every man says the Apostle are Lyars Let God be true and every man a Lyar in respect of God it is even so And so in the New-Testament God is a God that cannot Lye It cannot stand with his infinite Nature He cannot Lye yet it is impossible for God to Lye He must cease to be God were it ever so But it must needs be so Brethren that God is a God of Truth for God is the Author of all truth He is the Fountain of Truth and you know a Fountain cannot contain sweet waters and bitter He is Light and in him is no darkness at all He is Truth it self and no Lye there can be no falshood at all in him He is the Author of Truth the Devil is the Author of Lyes and the founder of them the Devil is the Father of Lyes and therefore God cannot be the Father of them but he is the Author of 〈◊〉 But ●gain it cannot be that God should speak that which is not truth which he doth not intend for God is an unalterable God an unchangeable God He don't speak and unspeak again but he is Immutable and unchangeable the same to day and forever without any shaddow of turning In our speaking there 's change and shaddow of turning but there is no shaddow of change or turnings in God He says not one thing and intends another If God should promise Life and Salvation unto all those that lay hold of Righteousness and Life and then they fall short of it here were change and shaddow of turning but there 's no shaddow
Truth and what he speaks is Truth God is a God of Truth that cannot lye it 's impossible for God to Lye Use 2. It 's a word of encouragement to every one of us this day that are before the Lord to receive the Testimony that God gives us to beleive what Jesus Christ doth speak because what he speaks is the Word of the Father the Word of the God of Truth and is that whereby you do exceedingly Honour and Glorify God It 's said of Abraham He believed and gave glory unto God Who is there that would not say he is willing to glorify God Honour him you would be willing to testifie to this truth that God is truth and if you had a Hundred Seals or if it were to set a Thousand seals to it that God is Truth you would do it O receive the Gospel in its tenders you that have not yet received it and lay the weight of your Souls your everlasting hopes upon Christ and his Righteousness and expect Salvation and Righteousness and Life meerly for that the Lord hath called you hereunto and here is encouragement because you cannot Honour and Glorifie God more than in believing SERMON IV. Hebrews XI 6. The beginning of the Verse But without Faith it is Impossible to please him HAving spoken somewhat largely concerning the Doctrine of Faith from another Scripture I shall desire a little to go on to back it And Oh that the Lord would back it by his Spirit and therefore I have chosen this portion of Scripture Briefly a little for the Coherence The Apostle Paul for most probably he was the Pen-man of this Epistle having in the former Chapter exhorted these Jews or Hebrews to whom he wrote to persevere and to be constant in the Faith taking an Argument from the danger of the contrary in the latter end of the Chapter If any man draw back or do not persevere my Soul shall have no pleasure in him Now I say having exhorted them to persevere in the Faith both in the Doctrine of Faith and in the Grace of Faith he comes in this Chapter to commend the Grace of Faith to them And that First By laying down a description of it for says he This grace of Faith doth make those things that are absent whether past or future as if they were present if we look by faith back upon the creation of the World and see how the World was made out of nothing Faith will help us to look upon it as present and so we may look upon those things that are to come and faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen whether past or to come But then Secondly he commends Faith by the excellent effects of it that have been found in the Faithful in all Ages from the beginning of the World until the coming of Christ for if you observe it look upon the Chapter and you will find that he gives instances and examples both of those faithful that were before the Flood and also of such as were after the Flood to the giving of the Law and then also of those faithful ones that lived after the Law until the Capivity and then of those that lived after the Captivity until the coming of Christ all these he instances in this Chapter Now first for these Faithful ones that lived before the Flood and the effects of Faith in them here he does lay down and mention three examples especially First He does instance in the example of Abel and of the effects of Faith in him Secondly He doth instance also in faithful Enoch and the Effects of his Faith And Thirdly The example of Noah and the effects of his Faith And what was the general effect of their Faith Why the great and General effect of all their Faith was that by their Faith they pleased God Says he first for Abel at the 4th Verse Abel he offered up a Sacrifice by Faith that pleased God by Faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain or a more pleasing Sacrifice than Cain it was by Faith that his offering was pleasing unto God And again he instances in Enoch By Faith Enoch walked with God and pleased God for so he says expresly at the latter end of the 5th Verse that he had this Testimony that he pleased God And then for Noah he also by his Faith pleased God How does that appear why he found Grace and Favour with God God instructed him to build an Ark whereby he and his Family might be preserved in the time of the General Flood He found Favour with God and that was by Faith for so the Apostle expresses it verse 7. By faith Noah being warned of God of things not seen as yet moved with fear prepared an Ark c. But now this Scripture that I have read unto you it is from the commendation of the Faith of Enoch Enoch by Faith he pleased God for so saies the Apostle at the latter end of the 5. Verse just before the Text before his translation he had this Testimony that he pleased God He had this Testimony where had he this Testimony And where shall we find this Testimony concerning Enoch The place to which the Apostle does here refer and relate to is that in the 5 of Genesis the 22 23 24. Verses If you consult the place you will find never a word spoken that Enoch pleased God not expresly it is said Enoch walked with God after he begat Methusalah three Hundred Years and begat Sons and Daughters and all the days of Enoch were three hundred Sixty and Five Years and Enoch walked with God and he was not for God took him Where is here any word expressed that Enoch pleased God Yet saies the Apostle in this place He had this Testimony that he pleased God why it must be in this place or no where therefore it is no where expresly said that he pleased God How then could the Apostle say here that he had a Testimony that he pleased God For answer though it be not said in express terms that Enoch pleased God yet here is that spoken for the substance of it that is equivolent to it for in that it is said He walked with God it holds forth that he pleased God for can two walk together if they be not agreed if they be not pleasing one to another can Enoch walk with God if God was not pleased with him the very expressing of it again and again that Enoch walked with God it holds forth this Testimony that Enoch pleased God And again the Lords taking of him to himself in a more than ordinary way and manner is a plain Testimony that he pleased God Now saies the Apostle He had this Testimony before his Translation that he pleased God he walked with God and God took him Here was a plain Testimony that he pleased God Now this was by Faith that Enoch pleased God so the Apostle says By
much in a way of charity perform good works and be given to Alms-deeds in relieving the poor Saints of Christ is not this pleasing unto God! if I suffer for the Truths sake doth not this please God! why do but observe and consider what the Apostle here saith without faith it is impossible to please God And consider also what the Apostle speaks 1 Cor. 13.3 says he Though I give all my goods to feed the poor and if I give my body to be burned yet all is nothing without charity without Love and whence comes this Love but from Faith it is Faith that worketh Love Now if the Apostle say it is impossible to please God without Faith then certainly this is a Truth whether we can believe it or no it is a Truth notwithstanding all that can be objected against it It is impossible mark the word when he saies impossible he doth not mean that it is a very hard and difficult thing that which may come to pass with a great deal of difficulty as sometimes that is meant by impossible in Scripture-phrase as in Mark 10.27 says Christ to them With men it is impossible Impossible that is very hard very difficult but now to please God without Faith is not only impossible with such an impossibility but it is impossible so as it opposes God in his determinate Counsel Without faith it is absolutely impossible to please God Such an impossibility as the Apostle speaks of in Heb. 6.4 For it is impossible for those who were once inlightned and have tasted of the heavenly gift c. if they fall away to renew them again to repentance It is absolutely impossible it is beyond Gods determination So in Heb. 10.4 It is impossible that the blood of Bulls and of Goats should take away sin It is impossible that all the blood of all the creatures under Heaven should take away the guilt of sin So here without Faith it is impossible for a man or woman to please God absolutely impossible Let me now give you two or three demonstrations to make it evident and apparent in every mans Conscience I hope through the assistance of the Spirit of God And O that the Lord would perswade us of the truth of this That it is impossible to please God without Faith First Because all that ever an unbelieving man or woman doth or can do is all for self and not for God and is it possible then to please God when he does nothing at all not one thing for God but all for self every thing for self every duty that he performs is all for self every unbeliever is just Judas like in John 12.6 Judas was a Thief and had the Bag and bare what was put therein he had Christs Bag and the Disciples Bag ay but he had another Bag of his own so every unbeliever hath a Bag he seems to have a Bag for God and for Christ but he hath a Bag for self and he puts all into that Bag He may seem to do a great deal for God he may pray much and frequently and earnestly he may read the Word very much and attend very often upon the Word Preached he may be frequent in the ordinary duties of the Worship and Service of God nay let me say further he may be taken up in extraordinary duties too as Fasting and Prayer and the like and ●●t still all for self and nothing at all for God Look into Zach. 7.5 6. saith the Lord there Speak unto all the people of the Land and to the Priests saying when ye fasted and mourned in the fifth and seventh month even those seventy years did ye at all fast unto me even unto me And when ye did eat and when ye did drink did ye not eat for your selves and drink for your selves All for self Thus it is with every unbeliever whatever he doth he doth for self he is compassed about in the Circle of self and cannot get a hairs breadth beyond it and do you think that we can please God in any duty or service that we perform when the Lord sees and knows that we do all for self do you think that God can accept of that Service Make it your own case suppose now you had a Servant you give him Meat and Drink and Wages and he Works and Labours and Toyls but all is for himself now though he labour and work yet is it pleasing to you is it acceptable to you Or suppose you have a Factor and you send him to Trade for you you trust him with your Stock and he is diligent in his Trade and follows his business but all his Trade is for himself would you accept of this is this pleasing to you no you will say he is a very unfaithful wretched Servant and you cannot be pleased with him Why this is the very case God hath sent us into the World to Trade for him and to act for him now all that ever we do whilst we are in a state of unbelief is for self we do every thing for self truly until 〈◊〉 Soul comes to believe on Christ all that he doth is for himself he cannot get out of the circle of self but now when a Soul comes to receive Christ by Faith then he comes to act for Christ and to deny self never can deny himself before as it was with the Apostle Paul Paul before his Conversion he did very much but yet all was for self he was very zealous for the Law and he was very upright but all was for self but now when he comes to believe on Christ self is laid aside Now saies he I am nothing 2 Cor. 12.11 Though I be nothing Paul an Apostle an eminent Saint of Christ and yet he is nothing Now saies he I am nothing I can do nothing I cannot pray I know not how to pray nor do no-nothing as I ought to do it I cannot so much as think a good thought saies he now self is abased self is put down but now mark Christ is lifted up 1 Cor. 15.10 I laboured more abundantly than they all yet not I but the Grace of God which was with me not I saies he but the grace of God with me or in me so saies he in Philip. 4.12 13. I know how to abound and how to want I have learned in all states and conditions therewith to be content I can do all things saies he through Christ that strengthens me Thus when he comes to believe he exalts Christ and abases self Faith is a self-emptying Grace it makes the Soul to be little or nothing and makes Christ to be all it hath no strength in its self but doth all in the strength of Christ and till the Soul comes to believe on Christ self is the cheif agent in all that he doth and therefore now it is impossible for a man or woman ever to please God by all that he can do till he comes to believe You know what
Two last Verses In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if God peradventure will give them Repentance to the acknowledging of the Truth God may peradventure give them repentance though it is a certain Truth that without Faith it is impossible to please God Yet thus much I may say to help to take off this objection That there is a perhaps if you be found diligent in seeking God and humbling your Souls before the Lord peradventure you may be forgiven I do not say you shall certainly be forgiven and God will certainly hear you but perhaps as Peter said to Simon Magus perhaps and if peradventure says Paul God will give them Repentance then here is a perhaps for those that are Unbelievers that God may graciously please to have respect towards them though God be not pleased with them not their prayers and duties therefore let not this Temptation prevail over you upon that account namely to give over all because you cannot please God by what you do peradventure God may have respect towards you but now if you go on and cast off seeking God and the ways of God and go on in your sinful ways and courses there is no perhaps for such no but if Men sin willfully mark the expression in Heb. 10.25 26. If Men sin wilfully and cast off the means of Grace wilfully there is no perhaps for such He puts an impossibility upon himself ever to be recovered therefore give not way to the Temptation but say Well there is a peradventure and perhaps for me though I be an Unbeliever But Secondly Let me answer it in another thing Though it be true that without Faith it is impossible to please God Nay though we do displease God by all that we do make the objection as strong as you can it is impossible to please God by all my Prayers Tears and Confessions in my waitings upon God yet notwithstanding know and understand it for a Truth that there are degrees of displeasing God a man may displease God more or less Look into Zachariah 1.15 I am very sore displeased with the Heathen that are at ease for I was but a little displeased and they helped forward the affliction God may be sorely displeased and God may be less displeased with a person as now if one sin doth displease God will not many sins displease him much more if that which we call a small sin will displease God then a greater sin will diplease him much more So now if we displease God by our Duties and Services then may we not displease God much more by casting off duties Nay may we not displease him most of all not only by casting of Duties but by running desperately and Headlong into all manner of Evil. Mark how you conclude you cannot please God by what you do therefore you will displease him more this is to run headlong and desperately into the lowest Hell As there are degrees of glory in Heaven as one Star differs from another Star in Glory so there are degrees of Torment in Hell It shall be more tollerable for Sodom and Gommorah at the day of Judgement than for those that have the Gospel and do not improve it As she hath fared deliciously saies God so much the more Torment give her saies God in Revelations 18.7 So now because we do displease God by what we do in our duties and services therefore shall we run further on to displease God more and more Is it not enough to displease God by doing things irregularly and unbelievingly but shall we therefore run headlong upon wickedness and care not how much we displease God O! therefore let us have a care of this Temptation for it is very great and dangerous because we cannot please God by doing what we can therefore we will run headlong on to displease him all that we can So now I have finished the explication of this Truth That without Faith it is impossible to please God I cannot now come to that Application which I chiefly intend Appli But in a word because I would not leave you wholy without some word of Application Use Here then let all those that are Unbelievers understand and know this day from the Lord what a dangerous state and condition they are in it is such a state and condition as is not to be rested quietly in because that they cannot possibly please God by all that they can do I would not speak any thing to discourage and cast down any but to awaken poor Souls Understand and know this day from the Lord that you never yet did please God by all that ever you have done you have made possibly many Hundred prayers and petitions to God you have been exercised in holy Duties and Services all along from day to day yet you have not pleased God in any thing that you have done Nay without Faith you cannot please God in whatever you shall do it is impossible What should I say more read but the Text saies the Apostle without Faith it is impossible to please God The Apostle doth not only speak of such as live in open known sins of Uncleanness and Drunkeness and Swearing and Lying that they do not please God that is plain enough every one will say that these men do not please God and that it is impossible they should please God And those that live in secret Sins in secret covetousness of heart in secret oppression secret omision and neglect of duty Family or Closet-prayer do these things please God think you not that I speak to such as these are but to those that are professors and that are careful to walk strictly and conscienciously in their places as far as ever they have light and understanding you are careful possibly to deal righteously in your Callings and Trade you desire to make Conscience of your ways in buying and selling and trading and conversing with the World to walk uprightly towards all men and what doth not this please God you will say do not I please God in this I pray mark is this Faith or no The Apostle saies here without Faith it is impossible to please God suppose you perform duties wait upon God in his Worship and Ordinances are very diligent in attending upon the Word Preached and very dilligent in reading the Scriptures daily day by day and you are very diligent also in private duties such as I mentioned before doth not this please God you will say why I pray still do but have recourse to the Apostles words without Faith it is impossible to please God Can you say that these things are Faith without Faith it is impossible to please God But if a Man or Woman be so Charitable that they are ready upon all occasions to relieve the Bowels of the Saints doth not this please God why saies the Apostle without Faith it is impossible to please God Do you believe that this is a Truth that this Text holds forth our Charity
will do it Your heart was not right says he ye pretended and said whatever the Lord our God shall say we will do but ye did dissemble This is one kind of hypocrisy and guile when a Soul doth dissemble with God and seem to worship God and yet the heart is far from God pretend to come to know the Mind of God and yet have not a full purpose and resolution of heart to do what God shall reveal and make known to be his Will And then there is another kind of hypocrisy and guile which is towards men when as a man doth pretend love to his Neighbour and kindness and friendship in Word and Lip and yet there is no reality at all in the heart The Apostle John speaks of this very thing says he 1 Joh. 3.8 My little Children let us not love in word neither in tongue but in deed and in truth It is not a love in deed and in truth when as our Brother or Neighbour stand in need of supply and help and we shut up our bowels towards him here is dissembling we pretend love and there is no reality Now says the Apostle if you will hear the Word so as to profit by it you must lay aside all guile and hypocrisy this may be another great cause and reason why people do come and hear much and profit little because they harbour guile and hypocrisy in their hearts therefore this you must be careful also to lay aside Thirdly Another impediment which the Holy-Ghost also points at in Scripture which doth hinder us from profiting by the Word is this when we come to hear with our hearts royled with passion and anger and wrath when we come to hear and have our spirits in a storm as it were with passion then we may hear and hear but shall not profit by our hearing for now the heart and spirit is like a joynt or bone out of the Socket now it hath no ability to act its part to do what lay upon such a Member to do So 't is in this case when the heart and spirit is in a royle it is put out of joynt and frame by passion and being disturbed now 't is unfit to attend upon God to hear what God shall speak Now a mans passion may be disturbed one of these two ways so as to be put out of frame to attend upon God to hear the Voice of God in his Word 1. Sometimes by some pinching Providence of God some afflicting Hand of God upon him which doth pinch and disturb the spirit and put it into a royle now a man or woman being thus disturbed in his spirit is unfit to hear what God speaks though he speak to him in a way of mercy and grace you have an instance for this in Exod. 6.9 And Moses spake so unto the Children of Israel but they hearkned not unto Moses How did he speak to the Children of Israel See vers 6.7 8. Wherefore say unto the Children of Israel I am the Lord and I will bring you out from under the burden of the Egyptians and will rid you out of their bondage and I will take you to me for a people and I will be to you a God and ye shall know that I am the Lord your God which brought you out from under the burden of the Egyptians and I will bring you in unto the land which I did sware to give it to Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob and I will give it you for an heritage I am the Lord. And Moses spake so unto the Children of Israel but they hearkned not unto Moses for anguish of spirit and for cruel bondage Through the Providence of God it came to pass that they were oppressed under Egyptian power and when Moses came to speak of inlargement and deliverance they were oppressed and their spirits were filled with anguish and trouble and now let the Lord speak in never such a gracious manner by his Prophet they could not attend to him for anguish of spirit 2. And so sometimes the spirit may be put into a royle and passion for some small petty cross some kind of vexation which others do occasion when they cross them and vex them and thereby their spirits are put out of order and now they are unfit to attend upon God You have an instance for this in 1 Sam. 1.6 7. concerning Hannah it is said there that her adversary provoked her sore for to make her fret because the Lord had shut up her womb and she went up to the House of the Lord and she wept and did not eat she could not tell how to keep the Feast to wait upon God in his Ordinances Why because her spirit was vexed and did fret So you may observe it if your spirits be put out of order as sometimes they are upon a small occasion observe it the Devil is wont to take such opportunities when you are about to draw near to God in any Ordinance then to minister some occasion or other to put you into a fret possibly a little thing out of the way will do it sometimes the misplacing of a Pin will disturb the spirit and sometimes the Husband may take some offence against the Wife and the Wife against the Husband or against the Servants or Children and the Spirit is royled and now you come to hear you shall not profit because now your spirits are royled with passion and this is another impediment and here may be also one great reason why people come and hear and hear and profit little because many times their spirits are royled with passion and this also must be removed Fourthly Another Impediment that must be removed if you will hear the Word to profit then take heed that your hearts do not go after covetousness be not inordinately set upon the riches of this world bent and resolved to be rich in the world truly this will be an impediment and will hinder you from waiting upon God in his Word this will be like Thorns to choke the Word for now the Word is that which doth cross and thwart us in our reaches after the riches of the world The Word tells us of other riches that are more true Riches now when a mans heart is set upon the riches of the world he cannot then yield to what is spoken just like the rich man we read of in Matt. 19. The rich man comes to Christ to know what good thing he shall do to inherit eternal life Go says Christ in ver 21.22 sell that thou hast and give to the poor and thou shalt have treasure in Heaven And it is said he went away sorrowful because this was contrary to his grain his mind and heart was set upon riches and he could not yield to this Word of Christ And our hearts are ready to scorn and slight and despise what is spoken if our hearts be set upon the riches of the world as you may read in Luke 16.14 't is
O! Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the Sin of the World believe on the Lord Jesus and you shall be saved and have everlasting Life You know not what to do but O flee to Christ for help he came into the World to save sinners and he is able to save all that come unto God by him whatsoever their guilt whatsoever their sins are The second Argument or motive to believe in Christ is taken from the Misery and lost Estate and Condition of those who do not believe on Christ He that believeth not the Son shall not see Life but the wrath of God abideth on him Doct. 2. That he that believeth not the Son shall not see Life but the wrath of God abideth on him He that beliveth not the Son that is he that believeth not on the Son this is Spoken in Opposition to the former part of the Verse He shall not see Life 'T is a Metaphorical Expression the meaning is he shall not enjoy everlasting Life he shall not enter into it he hath no part in eternal Life yea and for the present the wrath of God abideth on him as to the State and Condition wherin he is Some take these words to be intended of those only who never to the last believe in Christ that such shall not see Life but the wrath of God abideth on them This is true but because the Apostle saith even of the Elect that they are by Nature Children of Wrath even as others Ephes 2.3 We may take the words so that all whatsoever whilst unbelievers shall not see Life but the wrath of God abideth on them The Elect though they are given to Christ from Eternity yet they are neither justified nor Sanctified till they do believe in Christ Indeed the Lord hath thoughts of Peace to them which shall be manifested in due time but they having sinned as well as others they are under the Curse of the Law as well as others until they do believe on Christ yet so as that they shall not any one of them have the Sentence of Condemnation Executed upon them but shall be delivered from going down to the Pit Because the Lord hath sound a Ransom for them The Decree of Election shall be executed upon them and the Redemption of Christ shall be applied to them to prevent the fall and final Execution of the Curse of the Law in their Eternal Damnation But as for those who never believe one the Son the Curse of the Law comes Fully and Eternally upon them and so the Wrath of God abideth on them for ever All have sinned in Adam and so are become guilty before God All have an inward Rebellion and Opposition in their Nature against God All when they come to understanding are Guilty of Actual sin So that it cannot be that ever we should see Life but should have the wrath of God abide upon us except we be justified freely by Grace through the Redemption which is in Jesus Christ our Lord and we receive this Grace by believing on Christ whom God hath set forth to be a Propitiation for sins through Faith in his Blood Rom. 3.25 It is by Faith that we receive the attonement that Christ hath made for our sins and the everlasting Righteousness that he hath performed for us Now concerning the Wrath of God which the Text speaks of you must not understand it as if there were such Passions in God as there are in man but the Scripture speaks of things to our weak capacities God's Wrath is his afflicting and punishing 't is his revenging Justice and this all men are liable unto for their sins who do not believe on the Name of the Son of God Application Use 1. Learn hence that it is not incongruous or disagreeing to the Praching of the Gospel to hold forth threatnings of Wrath. Here John the Baptist in th●s Evangellical discourse of Christ doth hold forth most terrible threatnings unto those that continue in the state of Unbelief he saith They shall not see Life but the Wrath of God abideth on them And so our Saviour when he sent out the Apostles to Preach unto the Gentiles saith he He that believeth not shall be Damned Mark 16.16 Threatnings are a means appointed to awaken us to see our danger and are useful in the Preaching of the Gospel Hebr. 2.3 How shall we escape if we neglect so great Salvation Hebr. 12.25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh for if they escaped not who refused him that spake on Earth much more shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from Heaven Therefore both the Terrors of the Law and the Threatnings for refusing Christ the Mediator are to be set home upon the Consciences of men Use 2. Learn hence what cause they have to rejoyce and praise the Lord who have been drawn to Christ to know him and believe in him Such are not only delivered from the wrath to come but they shall see Life they shall enjoy everlasting Life And though Believers have the Death of the Body to encounter with yet they need not be dismayed they may say with the Apostle 1 Cor. 15.55 O! Death where is thy sting O! Grave where is thy Victory He triumphs over Death as if it were a poor unarmed Captive Where is thy power and strength And as to Afflictions although Believers may have much of the Cross yet they have nothing of the Curse Christ hath delivered us from the Curse of the Law being made a Curse for us Gal. 3.13 And we know that all things shall work for good to them that love God who are called according to his purpose Rom. 8.28 You that are Believers in Christ you may have free access to God through him you may ask for your selves you may ask for your Children that they might live before him you may ask for the Nation you may ask for your Friends Though you be unworthy in your selves yet coming in his Name and as those that are in him whatsoever you ask according to the Will of God he heareth you And besides all your Mercies and Priviledges here when your days are expired you shall have the full enjoyment of Everlasting Life Use 3. Seeing he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting Life and he that believeth not the Son shall not see Life but the wrath of God abideth on him This should put us all upon this great work of believing on Christ This seems to be the very scope of this holy man John Baptist in what he had said here he would have those that he spake unto to believe on Jesus Christ He shews them it is a matter of great concernment a matter of Life and Death Be you perswaded of it that this is a truth that John Baptist here speaks That he that believeth not the Son shall not see Life but the wrath of God abideth on him And O! Do you think that you are able to grapple with the
know that you are elected until you believe in Christ by this you may know your Election if the Gospel of the Grace of God come to your heart with such Power of the Holy Ghost as to draw and fix your heart to Jesus the Mediator Though God's Eternal Election be a great Truth which you may find of great use for your establishing in the Grace of God afterwards yet that which now concerns the convinced ●●●er is to cast himself upon Christ to belie●●● Christ and when you have received him 〈◊〉 are in a state of acceptation with God through him then you shall know in due time that this great Love of God towards you is not of yesterday but that he ordained and appointed you to obtain this Salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord before the Foundation of the World was laid Use 4. This Doctrine concerning believing in Christ may teach us our great Blindness and Ignorance of the way of Life and Salvation until some Gospel-light shine upon us Men are more easily convinced that it is their Duty to pray to God and to live soberly and righteously than they are convinced of the necessity of going out of themselves to Christ that they may have Everlasting Life by believing on him The way of the Gospel is new and strange until the Holy Ghost convinces us of this way of Righteousness and Life Therefore study the Gospel study upon Jesus the Mediator hear him Preached and the Lord draw our hearts effectually unto Jesus Christ that so believing on the Son we may have the beginning of Everlasting Life here and the full enjoyment of it in Heaven SERMON II. John V. 25. Verily verily I say unto you the hour is coming and now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall live I Shall spend but a little time in the coherence of these words only take notice of two main things in this Chapter 1. A Narration of a great Miracle that Christ wrought in healing a man that had an infirmity thirty and eight years vers 8 9. 2. Christ's Apology that he made for himself against the Jews for what he had done It being upon the Sabbath-day that Christ healed the man they pretended that Christ had broaken the Sabbath Vers 16. And therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus and sought to slay him because he had done these things on the Sabbath-day The men of the world will always make some pretence to persecute Christ and his People but Christ Justifies his Action in making the man whole upon the Sabbath-day and though he might have Justified the act as being a work of mercy which may consist with the most strict observation of the Sabbath yet our Saviour vindicates himself upon a higher Ground and Reason namely by asserting his Divine Nature and God-head Saith he Vers 17. My Fath●● worketh hitherto and I work Therfore the Jews sought the more to kill him because he had not only broken the Sabbath as they Ignorantly thought he had done but said also that God was his Father making himself equal with God Our Saviour sheweth that the Father worketh upon the Sabbath-day in doing good shewing mercy and kindness yet with perfect rest in himself and so doth the Son He sheweth how he being the Son of God and equal with God doth co-operate with the Father in all his works which the Father doth Vers 20. yea and that as Mediator God-man the Father hath committed all unto him He raiseth Dead Bodies and he raises Dead Souls Verily verily I say unto you the hour is coming and now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall Live In the 28. Vers Our Saviour speaks of his raising those that are dead in their Graves But in the Text he speaks of raising those that are dead in their Sins You have this great work of Christ in raising dead souls set forth by Four circumstances 1. By the Time when The hour is coming and now is 2. By the Means and way by which he would do this great work of raising dead Souls and that is by his voice The dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall live 3. By the Certainty of it I say unto you I that am the Truth 4. By an Attestation and Asseveration Verily verily It shall be so I attest it Verily verily I say unto you The Hour is coming and now is Christ did always gather and call and make alive the Elect people But the time was now come when he would send forth his Apostles to Preach amongst the Gentiles to gather the Elect people that were scattered abroad And therefore he saith The hour is coming and now is when the dead even amongst the Gentiles shall hear the voice of the Son of God and live And our Saviour speaks to the same purpose Joh. 10.15 16. I lay down my Life for the sheep And other sheep I have which are not of this fold which are not of the people of the Jews them also I must bring and they shall hear my voice Doct. That those that are spiritually dead dead in trespasses and sins by hearing the voice of the Son of God are made to live Ephes 2.1 And you hath he quickned who were dead in trespasses and sins that is the estate of all men by nature But Christ can make dead Souls alive He can do it by a word and as easily as we can speak a word You read of several that Christ raised up from bodily Death when he was here upon the Earth and he did it by speaking to them Mark 5.41 one was Jairus his Daughter And he took the Damsel by the hand and said unto her Tabitha cumi which is being interpreted Damsel I say unto thee arise And straightway the Damsel arose And the Widows Son Luk. 7.14 15. And he came and touched the Bier and they that bare him stood still and he said I say unto thee youngman arise and he that was dead sate up and began to speak And so Lazarus Joh. 11. when he had been dead four days vers 43 44. He cried with a loud voice Lazarus come forth and he that was dead came forth And as Christ raised up those that were bodily dead by his Voice by his Word So if he say the word if he say to one that is dead in sin Rise up Come forth the dead Soul shall live Verily verily the hour is coming and now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall live For the opening the Point 1. That by Nature we are Spiritually dead 2. What that Life is that Christ gives to dead sinners 3. What this Voice of the Son of God is by which dead sinners are made to live 4. What the Lord doth work upon those that are dead in sin when he makes them spiritually alive 5.
and good works they are not Faith and without Faith it is impossible to please God Reckon what you can reckon and say what you can for your selves yet consider is this Faith or no If it be not Faith it cannot please God Possibly you may desire and endeavour to walk in the strictest way of profession and worship God in the closest way suppose you do so you desire to walk in Church-fellowship with the Saints but this is not Faith still and without Faith is is impossible to please God I pray consider the Apostle Paul saies Paul before he was converted and was brought to believe on Christ in Acts 16.5 says he After the most straitest sect of our Religion I lived a Pharisee And says he in another place in Phil. 3.7 8 9. As concerning the righteousness which is in the law I was blameless says he at verse 6. But now mark says he this was not faith though when he comes to believe on Christ Now says he I look at all that ever I did as nothing and I count all but dung that I may win Christ Brethren whatever we do without faith it is impossible for us to please God But possibly you will say to me I hope I do believe If you do it is well But I pray do you know what it is to believe ask this question to your own hearts Do you know what it is to believe It is not to believe that every thing that is spoken in the Gospel is true no no this Faith whereby we come to please God is another manner of Faith But suppose now that you do believe indeed and in truth I pray have you done all that ever you have done in a way of Faith and believing truly without Faith you see it is impossible to please God even you that are Believers without acting of Faith in what you do you cannot please God Quest But you will say to me then How shall a Christian man or woman so perform duties in Faith so as they may be pleasing unto God As suppose now the duty of Prayer How shall we perform the duty of prayer so as it may be pleasing unto God or for hearing the Word How shall we so hear the Word in Faith that it may be pleasing unto God and how shall we partake of the Lords-Table in Faith so as to please God I cannot come to answer this now but possibly if the Lord please I may speak something to that at some other time all that I have to say for the present is this You see Friends Brethren and Beloved what cause we have all of us I speak not only to unbelievers but to those that are believers as for unbelievers what cause have they to go home and bewail and bemoan their condition before the Lord Look back upon all that you have done throughout your whole lives and you may write this upon it all you have displeased God you have made many Prayers and confessed many Sins and given thanks to God often you have read and heard the Word and have done this and that and yet in all that you have done you have never pleased God because without Faith it is impossible to please God Go and bewail it before the Lord that you have led such a course of life that you have done nothing that hath been pleasing unto God And you that are Believers have you done all that you have done in Faith have you prayed in faith have you heard the word in faith and have you partaked in other Ordinances in a way of faith we have all cause to go home and in private fal down before the Lord and acknowledge that we have displeased God in every duty and service that we have performed But thus much shall suffice for this time SERMON VI. Hebrews XI 6. But without Faith it is impossible to please Him THe words as you have heard are an intire Proposition Doct. That without Faith it is impossible for any Man or Woman by all that ever they can do to please God You have heard it opened at large we came the last day to touch upon a word of Application and that was to shew what a sad and uncomfortable condition every unbelieving person was in that nothing that ever he hath done or can do or shall do whilst he is in this state can be pleasing unto God For Without Faith it is impossible to please Him Whatever Duties we perform whatever Ordinances we partake in if all be not done in Faith it cannot be pleasing unto God Quest You will say unto me then How shall we so act in Faith in the performance of all Duties and in the partaking of all Ordinances that so we may please God in what we do This is a great Question and I shall desire through the Lords assistance to speak something to this at this time And O Brethren this is a matter of very great concernment to do all that we do in Faith to pray every Prayer in Faith and every time we hear the Word to hear it in Faith and if we partake of the Lords-Table every time to partake in Faith or else we do not please God in any of these Duties Let me therefore a little stir you up to it that you may be provoked if possible to do all that you do in Faith Briefly Let me hint three or four words that way to shew you that it is of very great concernment for every one of us to perform every Duty and to partake of every Ordinance in a way of Faith For first of all else all that ever we do all our labour all our endeavours all our pains in our duties and performances will be all in vain And would a wise man be willing to do any thing in vain to take pains and all in vain Have ye suffered so many things saies the Apostle Gal. 3 4. in vain Truly so may we say to those that do not exercise Faith in their duties and performances have you done so many things in vain Would any of you take pains in your Callings willingly in vain and loose all your labour Are you willing that all your labour and travel and pains from day to day should be lost and all in vain You would count it a very grievous and uncomfortable thing if any of you should take any great Voyage by Sea and all your Voyage and Hazard should be in vain or if you should take any great Journey by Land in heat and cold in wet and dry through thick and thin and all your Journey should be in vain and nothing at all come of it what a grief and vexation would it be to your hearts Now Brethren I pray Consider of it if we perform duties take pains in duties day by day perform Duties in our Families and in our Closets every day presenting our Prayers and Supplications before the Lord and frequently in season and out of season atrending upon the Word of God
must take it as spoken to our selves and here is now the act of Faith to make that particular which is spoken in general This is now a Fourth direction I shall name but one more and so conclude Fifthly If we would hear the Word of God in Faith so as to profit by it then we should act Faith variously according to the several kinds or parts of the Word for you know there are divers parts in the Word as now there is a Word of Doctrine and a Word of Promise some are Commands and some are Threatnings now I say we should act Faith upon the Word variously according to the several parts of it as now for example if so be that we meet with a word of Doctrine as concerning the Creation of the World that was made out of nothing or the Resurrection of the Dead that every person shall be raised again or concerning the Trinity of persons in the Godhead or the union of two natures in one person or our being justified by Faith in the Righteousness of Christ c. These things are Doctrinal now Faith is to be acted here Namely by giving our assent to the truth thereof by believing of it as faithful and true He that receiveth his Testimony hath set to his seal that God is True John 3.33 And by Faith we believe that the World was created out of nothing this is acting of Faith upon this part of the Word by giving our assent to it and believing of it to be true because the Lord hath spoken it possibly we cannot understand it how there should be three persons in one essence and that the same Body shall be raised again that is mouldered into Dust we cannot understand the reason of it but because God hath spoken it we should believe it But then there is another part of the Word that contain Promises now how should Faith act upon the Promises namely by leaning and resting with expectation upon the Lord for the performance of them being perswaded that God can do it and that God will perform what he hath spoken just like Abraham Rom. 4.20 21. God had made him a promise to give him a Son in his old Age Flesh and Blood would have disputed against this promise but saies the Apostle He was strong in Faith giving Glory unto God he believed that God would perform what he had spoken it was against Flesh and Blood Sarah was Old and he was a Hundred years old or there-about he might have said how can these things be and refused to believe it no but he gave Glory to God by believing Thus we are to act Faith upon that part of the Word Another part of the Word is Commands The word of Command how is Faith to act there Namely in a way of Obedience we should yeild Obedience to what God Commands though it may be very hard to us Just as Abraham did God commanded him to go out of his own Country and to go into a Land he knew not whither Abraham by Faith obeyed and went out not knowing whither he went and so God commanded him to offer up his Son Isaac Abraham acted Faith in a way of Obedience to the Command And then another part of the Word is Threatning and how is Faith to act upon the Threatnings Namely thus in a way of fear to endeavour to avoid those Judgements that are threatned in Hebrews 11.7 By Faith Noah being warned of God of things not seen as yet mo●ed with fear prepared an Ark to the saving of his House c. Truly thus I say Faith is to 〈◊〉 set a work and to act variously according ●o the several parts of the Word of God There are several parts of the Word of Go● now the whole word of God is the Obje●● of Faith but yet notwithstanding Faith do●● act variously according to the variety o● the parts of the Word Now it is the wisdom of Christians to exercise Faith sutably according to that part of the Word that Faith is exercised about And thus Brethren I have briefly given you four or five Directions how we are to exercise Faith in hearing of the Word that so we may not hear without profit that so we may please God in our hearing for without Faith it is impossible to please God Brethren and Beloved I must not enlarge but in a word It hath been the complaint of most Christians and possibly some here present their want of profiting by the Word Oh! I hear and hear but the Lord knows I do not profit this is the matter of your complaint well now you may go home and lay your hand upon the Sore the Lord hath discovered to me this day the great Cause why I have profited no more under the Word that I have heard so often I see now it is for want of the exercise of Faith I have heard my duty but the Lord knows I have exercised Faith but little and therefore I say here is matter of humiliation for us before the Lord we should lye low in the presence of the Lord for our so little acting of Faith in our hearing the Word of God And Oh! therefore for the future as we do desire that the Lord may be pleased with our hearing so let us be careful to exercise Faith in our hearing you have heard the Directions I shall not need to repeat them but go home and consider them and be careful to put them in practice that you may be acting and exercising Faith in hearing the Word for without Faith it will be impossible for you to please God Though you should hear Sermons never so often if you neglect to act and exercise Faith you will not profit by them nor please God in your hearing And so now I have done with this particular namely how we are to exercise Faith in hearing the Word it remains that we should speak about exercising Faith in our partaking of the Lords Table But thus much shall suffice for the present SERMON IX Hebrews XI 6. But without Faith it is impossible to please him THE words of the Text is a Proposition I have spent some time in the handling of it we came by way of inference to this That if it be impossible to please God without Faith then it doth concern us every one in all the duties and services that we perform to be acting and exercising of Faith not only without the Grace of Faith but without the exercise of Faith we cannot please God and therefore to this end we came to lay down some Directions how we may come to exercise Faith in those Duties that we perform that so we may please God we gave you some Directions the last time about the exercise of Faith in hearing of the Word I come now to lay down some Directions about our partaking of the Lords-Supper in Faith That Faith is requisite and necessary to our partaking of the Lords-Table that I think is out of doubt and
to come and partake of the Lords-Table then we must have some grounds to hope and perswade our selves that we have some right to it or else we cannot partake in Faith Object But you will say This may be a ground of discouragement to many a gracious heart Many a gracious Soul is exercised with scruples of Conscience and may Question whether they have a right or no and such by this Direction must be forced to with-hold from it Answ For Answer briefly we are to know that every doubt and scruple and Question that Christians may have about their coming to this Ordinance is not sufficient for them to withdraw from it or to withhold their presence in it no they are not presently therefore to withdraw and withhold from the participation of it What shall they do then You will say Answ Briefly I pray mind it because it may concern some that are scrupulous and to be exercised with Questions and doubts whether they have right to it or no therefore such are seriously to consider what the ground of their doubt and scruple is whether it be sufficient and warrantable to cause a withdrawment from this Ordinance amongst others the grounds of scruple in this case may be reduced to three heads First Possibly some do Question and scruple their coming to this Ordinance for fear they should eat and drink unworthily and so eat and drink their own damnation that is my fear saies one and therefore I dare not come I fear I may not come I pray now therefore consider this briefly for I may not inlarge but consider this whether a mans Questioning whether he shall eat and drink unworthily be a sufficient ground and warrant for him to withhold from the Lords-Table I pray mind and consider what the Apostle saies 1 Cor. 11.27 28. Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this Cup of the Lord unworthily shall be guilty of the Body and Blood of the Lord. Let a man examine himself and so let him eat Mark doth the Apostle say that he that fears that he shall eat and drink unworthily shall therefore withhold no but let him be the more solicitous and careful to examine himself and prepare himself that he may not partake unworthily of it that the Apostle doth intimate The Apostle doth not give a liberty upon it to withhold Therefore I say that is not a sufficient ground because we fear we shall partake unworthily but therefore we should be the more Solicitous and careful to examine our selves and to be preparing our selves the more to partake of this Ordinance Secondly Ordinarily some do fear and doubt whether they may partake of this Ordinance or no by reason they find themselves so weak in Grace Oh! saies one my Faith is so weak and my other graces so weak that I fear I shall but sin if I should come to the Lords-Table Now I pray Consider whether this be a sufficient scruple or no for I pray mark Consider the end of this Ordinance and for whom it is appointed what is it appointed for those that are perfect in grace for those that are perfect in Faith and other graces Is it not appointed rather to be a means to perfect and strengthen our graces therefore the weaker we apprehend our graces to be the more need we have to draw near to Christ in this Ordinance for the further Communication of the Spirit and grace to us that we may be strengthened in our inward man and have our grace increased That is the second scruple Thirdly The third scruple may be this which commonly is the greatest of all but suppose that I have no grace at all as I question whether I have any grace in truth or no upon examination of my self I cannot find that I have any Faith is it for me to come to this Ordinance Mark I pray in a word briefly A Soul sometimes under Temptation may be ready to conclude it hath no grace at all but I pray consider thus much though a Soul cannot say that it doth truly believe on Christ yet if so be there be a real hungering and thirsting after Christ a real desire after Christ in such a case a Soul is to come and partake of this Ordinance Blessed are they that Hunger and Thirst after Righteousness for they shall be filled Therefore though you cannot say certainly that you have Faith really wrought in you yet notwithstanding if there be a real hunger and desire and thirst after the enjoyment of Christ and communion with Christ in such a case a Soul may may come to partake of this Ordinance and such a Soul hath a right to it This is now a third direction how we may come in Faith to this Ordinance Namely to have some grounds to perswade us to hope that we have a right to it otherwise we cannot come in Faith Fourthly Take a fourth Direction which is this Namely if we would act and exercise Faith in this Ordinance then we must be careful to be found diligent in those things that are required towards our preparation to it I pray mind it it is the proper nature of Faith to put a Soul upon diligence in applying its self to the means for the obtaining of any end it is the proper nature of Faith to put a Soul upon the diligent use of means tending thereunto this is the proper nature of Faith indeed presumption if it have any hope of any Blessing or Mercy presumption leads a man to neglect the means but the proper work and nature of Faith is to lead a Soul to the diligent use of the means to obtain the Mercy or Blessing it hopes for I could give you divers instances in Scripture for this how Faith doth put a Soul upon the diligent use of means that are required for such an end I remember 't is said in 2 Chron. 20. concerning Jehoshaphat he was invaded by a foreign● enemy and thereupon he set himself to seek the Lord in wrestling by Prayer well the Lord is pleased to give him a gracious answer by the Prophet in the midst of the Congregation vers 14 15. And he said Hearken ye Judah and ye Inhabitants of Jerusalem thus saith the Lord be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude for the Battel is not yours but the Lords Vers 17. Ye shall not need to fight in the Battel set your selves stand ye still and see the salvation of the Lord with you O Judah and Jerusalem fear not be not dismayed to morrow go out against them the Lord will be with you Now Jehoshaphat having this promise his Faith did carry him out to set himself in Battel-aray as if they were to fight for it he would not neglect the means that God had appointed So you read of Paul in Acts 27. Paul was in danger by Sea in a great Storm in danger to be wrecked and it is said the Angel of the Lord came to him vers 23 24. For
nor turnings in God Again God must needs be a God of Truth because he loves Truth Thou lovest Truth in the inward parts God loves truth in the Heart and God loves Truth in the Lips too Blessed is the man in whose Lips is no guile See how God threatens to punish a Lyar there shall in no wise enter into the Holy place any thing that defileth or any thing that makes a Lye And so in another place without are Dogs Idolaters and Adulterers and Lyars See how the Lord also doth threaten the King of Judah that had made a Covenant with the King of Babylon in Ezekiel 17.13.15 16. Shall he prosper shall he escape that doth such things c. As I live saith the Lord God surely in the place where the King dwelleth that made him King whose Oath he despised and whose Covenant he brake even with him in the midst of Babylon he shall die for it And it 's a remarkable story of the King of Hungaria King of the Romans he entered into a solemn Covenant with the Turks whereupon a while after the Pope by one of his Cardinals perswaded that King of Hungaria to break his Covenant and to come into his Country with an Army and the Turk seeing his Army with the Banner of Christs Name upon it he cried out O Christ come and take Judgement on him that hath thus broken Covenant with the Lord and the Lord did give Victory to the Turk and he took the King and cut off his Head and this for breach of Covenant And so in other instances says God your Carcasses shall lye down in the Wilderness and so in 1 Samuel 2.30 and Chapt. 3.13 See what course the Lord will take with the House of Eli Wherefore I the Lord God of Israel I said indeed that thy House and the House of thy Father should walk before me for ever But now the Lord saith be it far from me for them that honour me I will honour and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed c. Quest Why then it seems the Lord is not so faithful in his Word for sometimes the Lord doth not make good his Promises How then is he true and faithful in what he doth tho' this is not the business I principally intend yet for answer in a word Answ The Promises that God makes unto particular persons or people especially unto Temporal good things and Blessings they are made conditionally viz. If they don't walk so and so Or if they don't repent As now for example That threatning made to Niniveh it 's said except Niniveh doth return that is the meaning of it Tho' it s not always exprest yet it 's always implied That if they do not repent they shall dye or they shall be destroyed So now God promised the Israelites they should have the Land of Canaan that is conditionally to take heed how they walk before him and commit no Idolatry but now they continuing in Idolatry the Lord fails them why because they did not walk uprightly before him but sinned against him with their Idolatry And also his Promise is if they did put a difference between the precious and the vile then I would do so and so But now thou hast done so and so and tho' I have said so because you have not done so and so you shall not enjoy the mercies I have promised They are not always performed because they are conditional but God is true and faithful in what he promises But what are we to understand of the setting to the Seal What is this same setting of the seal to it that God is true Breifly It signifies thus much namely a bringing or giving a strong Witness that God is True for the setting to the Seal is not only a promise by word subscribing but also by setting of the Seal to thing See Nihemiah 9. last Verse Esther 8.8 The King is making impression with his Seal upon the writing for the enlargement of the Jews and it 's said the Kings Seal no man may pluck off You know it is ordinary the Sealing to a thing is the confirming of a thing Circumcision was as a Sign or Seal of strong Confirmation that Righteousness should be had in a way of faith and beleiving And says the Apostle Are not you the Seal of my Apostleship That is yea are my Witness and strong Testimony to evidence and clear that I am an Apostle sent of God because of the effects of that Ministry you see and find by me And so in another place The Lord knoweth them that are his having this Seal that every one that Nameth the name of Christ should depart from iniquity Here is a double Seal here is the Seal of Gods election chusing from Eternity the Lord knows who are his but also more secret Let him that receiveth the name of Christ depart from iniquity But how is this an evident demonstration that God is true why thus in receiving of the Testimony of God there 's a strong evidence that God is True First In that he doth now deny himself every Man and Woman that doth receive Christ by Faith doth deny themselves all a mans own Righteousness his own Services or performances He doth not look ever to be accepted of the Lord for any thing that he doth or can do not that he neglects Duty and Services and performances but when he hath done all yet all his hopes and expectations for any thing of whatsoever he hath done he desires nothing but acceptance in Christs Righteousnes● for if a●● man will come after me saith Christ he must deny himself and follow me He must renounce all look for no acceptance with God for all that ever he suffers or can suffer for the Name of God The Soul will deny all deny it self it s own Liberty its name and credit its Life and all Again Secondly A man that doth receive the Testimony of Christ as he doth deny all so now he doth give up himself and lay the weight of his eternal condition upon Christ Says the Apostle I know in whom I have believed and I am perswaded and know that he is sufficient to keep whatsoever is needful for me I have ventured my eternity for it and upon it and my Soul must sink if Christ don't take care of me and save me for ever He renounces all his own righteousness and lays the weight of his Soul upon Christ Thirdly A man that doth receive the Testimony of Christ hath set to his Seal that God is true He did set to his Seal that Christ is true but how doth he set to his Seal that God is true yes for he whom God hath sent speaketh the word unto you Christ is sent of God and he speaks nothing but what he had from God Briefly by way of Application Use 1. If God be a God of Truth it doth concern every one of us to endeavour to be like unto God God is a God of