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A62950 The layman's ritual containing practical methods of Christian duties both religious and moral drawn out of H. Scripture, the Roman ritual, the catechism ad parchos &c. / by C.T. Tootell, Christopher, ca. 1660-1727. 1698 (1698) Wing T1905; ESTC R28200 51,348 179

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Remission of our Sins * Mat. 26.28 Cleanse Sanctifie and keep my Soul I beseech thee to Everlasting Life And these two Addresses you must say by Heart your Book being laid aside during the Elevation 9. Soon after the Elevation follows the Memento for the Dead Whilst the Priest makes it read you the Three first Prayers at the end of the Office for the Dead with the Prayer for either or both of your Deceased Parents and for some particular Friend either Man or Woman departed according to your Duty and Obligation in this Kind 10. Say the Pater Noster with the Priest either in Latin or English 11. At Agnus Dei c. consider Christ Jesus as an Innocent Lamb Slain on the Cross Really and on the Altar Mystically to take away the Sins of the World and beseech him to discharge you of all your Failings and especially of those you are most subject to 12. At Domine non sum Dignus c Mat. 15.27 put on the Humility of the Cananean Woman acknowledging your self Unworthy of the Bread yet desirous of the Crumbs of your Master's Table and say Lord I am not worthy c. Then make your Spiritual Communion thus B. Saviour I believe that thou art Really present in this H. Sacrament I hope that thou wilt make me a Partaker of the Effects of this Divine Food I love thee above all things who hast Humbled thy self so low as to put thy self under the Form of a little Bread for Love of me and I desire nothing more than to be Inseparably united to thee by Grace here and by Glory hereafter 13. At the Post Communion read the Anthem O Sacred Banquet c. with the Prayer O God who under c. as before Chap. V. § III. Lastly Read S. John's Gospel with the Priest as at the Beginning of the Primer After Mass give Thanks to Christ for so great a Benefit and for his Passion and Death represented and applied to us thereby intreat him to Assist you in all your Undertakings that Day and Daily Examine your self c. as after Prayer Chap. XII § III. And depart with due Respect and Reverence to the Altar c. * ⁎ * In the foregoing Points you must keep pace exactly with the Priest And when any one of them is not sufficient for your Enterment until he comes to the next in course you may make out by Reading the Prayers or Meditations of the Passion of our Lord which sollow the Prayers after Communicating Those Devotions being most proper for the Time and Place wherein a most Lively and Life-giving Memorial and Representation of Christ's Death is made 1 Cor. 11.24 c. For other Methods of Hearing Mass see a Treatise named Instructions and Devotions for Hearing Mass * ⁎ * The Church obliges the Faithful to Hear Mass upon all Sundays and Holy-Days of Obligation and the Omission of so Important a Duty is a Mortal Sin unless some Lawful Impediment excuses it CHAP. XV. Of Hearing Sermons Blessed are they that Hear the Word of God and Keep it Luk. 11.28 § I. Before Sermon HUmbly crave Grace of God that you may profit by it saying Lord shew me thy Ways and teach me thy Paths direct me in thy Truth and teach me Grant that I may be none of those that hear and have thy Word taken out of their Heart by the Devil lest believing they be saved nor of those that when they hear with Joy receive thy Word and for a time believe but in the time of Tentation or Trial do revolt nor of those that have heard and going their ways are choaked with Cares and Riches and the Pleasures of this Life and yield no Fruit But make thou me one of their Number who in a very good Heart hearing thy Word do retain it and yield Fruit in Patience Ps 24.4 5. Luk. 8.12 c. § II. At Sermon 1. Look upon and regard the Preacher as an Angel of God or as Christ himself Gal. 4.14 As an Angel of God in regard 't is written that the Lips of the Priest shall keep Knowledge and the Law they Lay-People shall require from his Mouth because he is the Angel of the Lord of Hosts Mal. 2.7 As Christ Jesus himself because He says He that hears you my Ministers hears me and he that despises you despises me c. Luk. 10.16 2. Mark not How but What he speaks and receive it not as the Word of Men but as it is indeed the Word of God 1 Thess 2.12 3. Be attentive throughout applying to your self and not to others what the Preacher says and fail not to lay up in the Store-house of your Memory such Instructions and Examples as shall seem most useful and necessary either for your present Disengagement from Vice or your future Improvement in Vertue with an Intention and Resolution to put your Remarks in Practice as Occasion shall serve A Man of Knowledge will praise whatsoever wise Word or Saying he shall hear and will apply it to himself The Riotous Man has heard it and it shall displease him and he will cast it behind his Back Ecclus 21.18 § III. After Sermon 1. Give Thanks to God for making his Holy Will known to you He has not done in like manner to every Nation his Judgments he has not manifested to them so as to you Ps 147.9 2. Beg Grace that you may do his H. Will proportionably to your Knowledge thereof because to one knowing to do Good and not doing it to him it is Sin and the just Occasion of a more heavy Doom Jam. 4.17 Luk. 12.47 48. 3. Begin forthwith to be such Men as the Sermon taught you to be because Not the Hearers of the Law are just with God but the Doers of the Law shall be justified Be Doers therefore of the Word and not Hearers only deceiving your selves c. For not the Forgetful Hearer of the Word but Doer of the Work shall be blessed in his Deed Rom. 2.13 Jam. 1.22 c. CHAP. XVI Of Reading Pious Books He that Reads let him Vnderstand both what he Reads and how to Profit by it Mat. 24.15 § I. Before Reading WHen we Pray we Speak to God but when we Read God Speaks to us S. Aug. on Ps 65. Therefore when you are about to Read imagine you hear a Voice from Heaven saying to you as formerly to S. Aug. Tolle Lege Take up and Read Lib. 8. Conf. c. 12. And accordingly opening your Book esteem the Chapter you are about to Peruse as an Epistle or Letter sent you from God and pray for Grace to understand and practice it saying Speak Lord for thy Servant Hears 1 Kin. 3.9 Lord give me Vnderstanding and I will search thy Law and I will keep it with my whole Heart Ps 118.34 Give what thou Commandest and Command what thou pleasest S. Aug. Lib. 10. Conf. c. 31. § II. In Reading Read out of a Desire to become more Vertuous rather
THE LAY-MAN's Ritual CONTAINING Practical Methods of Christian Duties both Religious and Moral Drawn out of H. Scripture the Roman Ritual the Catechism ad Parochos c. By C. T. Clergy-man For the Instruction of his FLOCK Let all things be done decently and according to order 1 Cor. 14.40 Printed in the Year 1698. THE PREFACE Christian Reader IN the following Work I have endeavour'd for many Reasons to crowd great store of Matter in a little room yet so as to render the Duties it Treats of as intelligible and familiar as possibly I could in few Words Nevertheless Obscurity is so essential to Brevity that I cannot expect but you 'll stand in need of an Interpreter in many places and therefore I remit you very frequently to other Books handling more largely what I deliver in short If you have them not by you then recur to your Spiritual Director for the Explication of what you do not understand By this means the Whole will be serviceable to you especially if you read it often and make it the Rule of your Religious and Moral Actions in order to please God in all you do This is the Noble End it aims at Towards obtaining whereof I wish it may prove useful to Many humbly desiring All that are benefitted by my poor Endeavours to say a Pater and an Ave for my Intention Farewel A TABLE Of the following Chapters and their Contents Ch. I. Of Baptism Ch. II. Of Confirmation Ch. III. Of Penance Ch. IV. Of Indulgences Ch. V. Of H. Communion Ch. VI. Of Communion of the Sick Ch. VII Of Receiving our Viaticum Ch. VIII Of How often the H. Eucharist is to be Receiv'd Ch. IX Of Extreme-Unction Ch. X. Of H. Orders Ch. XI Of Matrimony Ch. XII Of Of Churching Women after Child-Birth Ch. XIII Of Prayer Ch. XIV Of Hearing Mass Ch. XV. Of Hearing Sermons Ch. XVI Of Reading Pious Books Ch. XVII Of H. Processions Ch. XVIII Of Visiting the Sick Ch. XIX Of Assisting Dying Persons Ch. XX. Of Burying the Dead Ch. XXI Of Alms-giving Ch. XXII Of Fasting Ch. XXIII Of Holy-Day-Duties Ch. XXIV Of Working and Business Ch. XXV Of Eating and Drinking Ch. XXVI Of Discourse Ch. XXVII Of Recreation Ch. XXVIII Of Family-Duties Ch. XXIX Of A Morning-Exercise Ch. XXX Of An Evening-Exercise Ch. Of The Conclusion THE LAY-MAN's Ritual CHAP. I. Of Baptism Christ loved the Church and deliver'd himself for it that he might sanctifie it cleansing it with the Laver of Water in the Word c. Eph. 5.25 c. HOLY BAPTISM the Gate or Entrance of Christian Religion and of Life Everlasting holds the first Place amongst the Sacraments of the New Law instituted by Christ and it is necessary for the Salvation of all Mankind as Truth it self witnesses in these Words Nisi quis c. Vnless a Man be born again of Water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God * Jo. 3.5 Therefore extraordinary Diligence is to be used in the timely and due Administration and Receiving of this Sacrament And tho' the Solemn Administration of Baptism belongs to the Clergy nevertheless as often as an Infant or any other Person unbaptized is in danger of Death such an one may and ought to be baptized Privately by any Laick and in any Language whatever provided the Form and Intention of the Church be observ'd and kept But where Choice may be had one of the Faithful is to be preferr'd before an Infidel a Catholick before a Heretick any other Cath. before the Child's Father or Mother a Man before a Woman except the Child is to be baptized whilst the Mother is in Labor or unless the Woman knows the Form and Manner of Baptizing better than the Man c. Hence all the Faithful and especially Midwives ought to know how to Baptize aright Which is after this manner * ⁎ * They must pour or sprinkle Natural Water upon some part of the Child and at the same time say Mat. 28.19 I baptize thee in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost And this they must do and say with an Intention to make the Infant a Christian and Member of Christ's Church Tho' the Church baptizes Infants and Idiots in the Faith of their Godfathers and Godmothers without their actual Knowledge and Concurrence nevertheless more is required of such as are come to the use of Reason not only Before but also In and After Baptism And §. I. Before Baptism 1. They must be well Instructed in the Faith and Law of Christ Mat. 28.19 Heb. 6.1 c. 2. They must Believe expresly what is taught them renouncing all former Infidelity Mar. 16.16 Act. 8.36 c. c. 16. v. 31. c. 3. They must have hearty Sorrow for their Sins with Purposes of Amendment Act. 2.37 38. c. 3. v. 19. 4. They must exercise themselves some Days before in Works of Piety And it is meet they should be Fasting when they are Baptized §. II. At Baptism Let them Consider how when Jesus was Baptized of John in Jordan the Heavens open'd to him and the Holy Ghost descended in Corporal Shape as a Dove and remain'd upon him And a Voice was made from Heaven saying Thou art my beloved Son in thee I am well pleased Mar. 1. Luk. 3. And hence let them gather the happy Effects of Baptism In vertue whereof 1. The Gates of Heaven shut against Sinners (a) Apoc. 21.27 are open'd to them 2. The H. Ghost descends upon them (b) Tit. 3.5 6. making them in Innocence like Doves (c) Mat. 10.16 3. They are made the Adopted Children of God and Heirs apparent to the Kingdom of Heaven (d) Tit. 3.7 §. III. After Baptism 1. Let them thankfully reflect upon the happy Change made in their Souls by means of Baptism and say We were by Nature the Children of Wrath as also the rest of Mankind But God who is rich in Mercy for his exceeding Charity wherewith he loved us even when we were dead by Sins quickned us together in Christ c. Eph. 2.3 c. 2. Thanks be to God the Father who has made us worthy unto a part of the Lot of the Saints or the Faithful in the Light who has deliver'd us from the Power of Darkness and has translated us into the Kingdom or Church of his beloved Son in whom we have Redemption the Remission of Sins This is the Change of the right Hand of the Highest Col. 1.12 c. Ps 76.11 3. The Night of Sin is past the Day of Grace is at hand let us therefore cast off the Works of Darkness and put on the Armor of Light As in the Day of Grace let us walk honestly not in Banquettings and Drunkenness not in Chamberings and Impudicities not in Contention and Emulation but put ye on our Lord Jesus Christ And according to him who has called you the Holy One that is according to Christ be you also in
all Conversation Holy c. Rom. 13.12 c. and 1 Pet. 1.15 See also Eph. 5.8 c. * ⁎ * Now tho' the Sacrament of Baptism and Remission of Sins thereby can be received no more than once Heb. 6.4 c. yet the Memory of so great a Benefit both may and ought frequently to be renew'd as long as we live on Earth Therefore mark well the Manner and the Time of discharging this Duty And § 1. As to the Manner You are to consider the Happy Effects and Wonderful Change wrought in your Souls by Baptism the perfect State of Grace and Innocence to which it restor'd you c. as aforesaid § II. and § III. N. 1. and 2. Next Look narrowly into the present State of your guilty Conscience and say Jer. 9.1 Who will give Water to my Head and to my Eyes a Fountain of Tears And I will weep Day and Night for that both Day and Night I have broken the Covenant made for me at the Font I have forsaken God to take part with the Devil his Works and Pomps by me so solemnly there renounced I have stain'd the White Robe of Innocence there given me c. Then Sprinkle your self with the Holy Water in remembrance of Christ's Baptism and of your own Regeneration wishing you could revive in your Soul the Grace thereby received and say Job 29.1 c. Who will grant me that I may be according to former Months according to the Days in which God kept me When his Lamp shined over my Head c. the Priest saying to me Accipe Lampadem ardentem c. Thou Lord shall sprinkle me with Hysop Contrition and Sorrow for my Sins and I shall be cleansed Thou shalt wash me in the Baptism of Penance or Penitential Tears and I shall be made whiter than Snow Ps 50.9 Lastly Exhort your self and resolve to comply more faithfully with the Obligations of a Christian c. as before § III. N. 3. § II. As to the Time It may be done most properly 1. On the Epiphany or Twelf-Day when the Church makes a Commemoration of Christ's Baptism 2. On Easter-Eve and Whitsun-Eve those being Days appointed by the Church for Hallowing of the Font and for the Solemn Baptism of Catechumens or Unbaptized Converts 3. On the Anniversary-Day of your own Baptism or on the Saints-Day whose Name you bear 4. As often as you chance to be present at the Administration of this Sacrament 5. As often as you take H. Water c. CHAP. II. Of Confirmation He that Confirms us with you in Christ and he that has Anointed us is God Who also has Sealed us with a Spiritual Character and has given the Pledge of his Spirit in our Hearts 2 Cor. 1.21 22. COnfirmation is a Sacrament of the Gospel in which after Baptism we receive the Holy Ghost (e) Act. 8.14 c. c. 19. v. 5 6. and are made perfect Christians because the Charity of God is pour'd forth in our Hearts by the Holy Ghost who is given us (f) Rom. 5.5 And in like manner also the Spirit helps our Infirmity (g) Rom. 8.26 to overcome all Difficulties in the Profession and Practice of Christianity that neither Tribulation nor Persecution nor Death nor any Creature may be able to separate us from the Charity of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord (h) ibid. v. 35 c. Now that such as are come to the Use of Reason may receive and retain the Vertue Grace and Gifts of the Holy Ghost by means of this Sacrament They must observe Before At and After Confirmation what follows And §. 1. Before Confirmation 1. They must be well instructed and made sensible of the Necessity and Vertue of this Sacrament 2. They must put themselves in the State of Grace by going first to Confession with all the Dispositions of a Soul truly Penitent and Converted Because Wisdom with the rest of the Gifts * Isa 11.2 of the Holy Ghost will not enter into a malicious Soul nor dwell in a Body subject to Sin Wis 1.4 3. They must give themselves some time before to holy Retirement and fervent Prayer in imitation of the Apostles Who in order to receive the Holy Ghost went into an Vpper Room where all of them were persevering with one Mind in Prayer Act. 1.13 14. Pray therefore with bended Knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ that he give you according to the Riches of his Glory Power to be strengthned by his Spirit in the inner Man Eph. 3.14 16. And for that end say the Hymns Vent Creator Spiritus c. and Veni Sancie Spiritus c. with the Office of the Holy Ghost as in the Manual and Primer 4. The laudable Custom of the Church requires that Healthful People of riper Years receive this Sacrament Fasting §. II. At Confirmation Whilst the Bishop anoils your Forehead with H. Chrism in form of a Cross saying I Sign thee with the Sign of the Cross I Confirm thee with the Chrism of Salvation In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost and gives you a light Blow on the Cheek saying Peace be with thee Reflect how by these solemn Proceedings you are made the Soldier of Christ whose Standard is the Cross (i) Mat. 24.30 whose Armor is the Armor of God to wit the Helmet of Hope the Breast-plate and Shield of Faith Charity and Justice the Girdle of Continency and Truth the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God c. (k) Eph. 6.13 c. 1 Thess 5.8 Heb. 4.12 1 Pet. 1.13 whose Enemies are the World the Flesh and the Devil who are sure to affront them with repeated Blows that will live Godly in Christ Jesus (l) 2 Tim. 3.12 But thou Lord wilt give Peace to us (m) Isa 26.12 and there is much Peace to them that love thy Law (n) Ps 118.165 even amidst their greatest Sufferings (o) Jo. 16.33 2 Cor. 4.8.9 16. c. 6. v. 9 10. c. 7. v. 4. For whereas Wickedness is fearful it gives Testimony of Condemnation against it self For a a troubled Conscience do●s always presume cruel Things c. (p) Wis 17.10 But a secure Mind the effect of a good Conscience is as it were a continual Feast Prov. 15.15 §. III. After Confirmation 1. Let every one imagine a Voice from Heaven says to him Thou therefore be strong in the Grace which is in Christ Jesus Labour thou as a good Soldier of Christ Jesus For he that strives for the Mastery is not Crown'd unless he strives lawfully Dread not at sudden Terror and the Power of the wicked Falling upon thee For our Lord will be at thy side and will keep thy ●●●t that thou be not taken Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer Be thou faithful until Death and Christ Jesus will g●●● thee the Crown of Life 2 Tim. 2.1 Prov. 3.25