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A54944 A discourse concerning the trial of spirits wherein inquiry is made into mens pretences to inspiration for publishing doctrines, in the name of God beyond the rules of the sacred scriptures : in opposition to some principles and practices of papists and fanaticks, as they contradict the doctrines of the Church of England, defined in her Articles of Religion, established by her ecclesiastical canons, and confirmed by acts of Parliament / by Thomas Pittis ... Pittis, Thomas, 1636-1687. 1683 (1683) Wing P2313; ESTC R33964 135,179 370

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Unity of the Body of Christ to encrease our knowledge in the Christian Doctrine and prevent our being deceived and led into error Hence was Timothy's Office which he had received by the Ordination of S. Paul stiled a gift 2 Tim. 1.6 And lest these appointments should not be accounted the products and designation of the Holy Spirit These gifts are attributed to the Spirit Who is in himself one uniform Being though these were divers according to the variety of times and seasons And they are all such manifestations of the Spirit as are given to men to profit withal 1 Cor. 12. Now as Gods Providence Rules the World though we can neither discover his Councels nor are able to account for the manner of his operation As he disposes of Crowns and Kingdoms determines our dayes and disposes our Habitations though these things are accomplished by an order and train of second Causes severally designing and concurring to the end So does the Holy Spirit dispose the way of the Education of some and incline their minds to the Office of Ministers in the Church of Christ that Gods people may not perish for want of knowledge But there may be some alwayes to preach the Word and to convey Christs Doctrine from Generation to Generation That his Church being built upon the true confession of an Holy Faith as on a firm and well fixed Rock the gates of Hell may never be able to prevail against it Matth. 16.16 and 18. Now a sufficient number of such men distinguished by their Education and manner of living from those that are more encompassed with the noise and disturbing affairs of this life being prepared by a previous train of circumstances and having the advantages of their own parts and understandings And being by such means able to see into the notions of those that have gone before them having been used more to reading consideration and retirement than other men and to weigh the just consequences of things They must needs attain a competent ability in the matters of Religion to which they most apply themselves And they may be capable through the assistance of that Spirit who calls and gives them Authority in their Office to become instruments in his hands to guide men into the wayes of truth In all the Arts and Mysteries of the World we deem it a natural way to learn by obtaining one that is skilful himself to teach us the Principles and Grounds of his Knowledge And we more certainly and easily obtain our design when we have such a one to instruct us So is it in matters of Religion 'T is a natural way to inform our selves in those things that concern our Salvation when we have not only an an inspired Rule But men Educated into the knowledge of those things that prepare them for the understanding the Mysteries of Religion and are afterwards appointed by due Ceremony and the direction of the Holy Ghost to guide us into all truth Especially if in the last place we consider that the Spirit of truth confirms those truths contained in the Scriptures unto the minds of men by co-operating with the external appointed Ministrations by an internal work upon the understanding and affections That there is such a thing as a Divine illumination yet continued amongst Christians as our Church owns it by her Prayers so no man can reasonably contradict it Not that it does render any man infallible as the Romanists affirm Nor inspire men with any new Doctrine or Rules of life besides what it has revealed in the Scriptures as some Enthusiasts adventure to determine Yet we must not to avoid the extreams forsake so useful an Article of belief that gives God the glory of his power and keeps us dependent upon him and is so great a foundation of our prayers and praises Truth is not to be forsaken by the Jews because the Samaritans may be of the same opinion Nor shall I like the Jews in Barbary refuse to eat of that Meat which is dress'd by one of a different perswasion Or to drink in the same Cup with a Moor when he is a person of a wholsome Constitution until it has undergone the Ceremony of Washing Truth in this World will be blended with error and 't is the prudence as well as piety of a Christian to make a separation of the Wheat from the Chaff and not to slight and refuse the one because the other has been mix'd with it 'T is true indeed as Mr. Hales expresses it The Promise of the Spirit to the Apostles which should lead them into all truth was made good unto them by private and secret informing their understandings with high and heavenly Mysteries which never entered into the conceit of man And to us this promise is made good because what was written by Revelation in their hearts for our instruction they have written in their Books But yet this is not all the assistance the Spirit gives us For though he does not inspire us with any new Doctrine you he opens our understandings to the apprehension of the old I am far from admitting the conceit of an impulse to be the rule and measure of our lives because we know what mischiefs have overspread the World when propositions have been vailed with such a pretence and it may be our own as well as S. Austin's observation Tanto sunt ad seditionem faciliores quanto sibi videntur spiritu excellere Men are the more prone to sedition by how much the more they seem to excell in their inspiration yet there cannot appear the same danger where the Spirit only assists our understandings to apprehend those truths which are already deliver'd and inclines our wills and affections to embrace them when according to the direction of S. John we are not so credulous as to believe every Spirit but to try the Spirits whether they are of God or no 1 John 4.1 Now then only may we reasonably conclude our understandings to be influenced by the Spirit when our notions agree with the written Word For to the Law and to the Testimony sayes the Prophet if they speak not according to this word it is because there is no morning or light in them Isa 8.20 There are divers means natural in themselves and rationally appointed by Almighty God for the informing men in the truths that concern them Reading meditation and hearing the Word are proper methods to inform our understandings and to guide us into the way of truth But prayer is therefore wont to be superadded not only to compose our minds and make them fit for Divine Contemplation by a sequestration of our thoughts from those external objects that by intermixing themselves with those that are more spiritual confound our Idea's and notices of things and render our minds more loose and extravagant But because Prayer supplicates those aids and assistances of the Spirit that facilitate our apprehensions of truth by removing objects that crumble and disorder them and it
when rightly understood to make the man of God perfect And if they are able to furnish the Minister certainly they are sufficient to instruct the people Nay to make them throughly furnished to all good works and are able to make them wise unto salvation through faith which is in Jesus 2 Tim. 3.15 16 17. Hence is it that these are so far from being taken from the adult that they are to be exposed to Childrens Learning Or else it would not have been Timothy's commendation that from a child he had known the Scriptures And if such Elogiums were made in the honour of the Old Testament much more praises must be given to the New which shews us a way to be justified from those things from which we could not be justified by the Law of Moses Acts 13.39 and brings life and immortality to light 2 Tim. 1.10 The Doctrines in the Gospel preached by Christ and enlarged upon by the Apostles through the powerful inspiration of the Holy Spirit are sufficient accompanied with those means appointed for their delivery and the ordinary assistances given to those that attend them with humility to guide men into all those truths requisite to be known in relation to their eternal welfare And therefore blessed are they sayes our Saviour that hear the word of God and keep it Luke 11.28 From hence draw we the water of life and these are the fresh springs of salvation at which mankind may satisfie themselves Here have we directions to demean our selves in all our various conditions in the World that we may endure both the Sun-shine and the Storms that prosperity may neither swell nor adversity consume us S. Paul's advice therefore to Timothy must be attended by us also To continue in the things which we have learned and have been assured of knowing of whom we have learned them and that because evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived 2 Tim. 3.13 14. Let the infallible men of mystical and unintelligible demonstration endeavour to prove what they cannot defend but by their old argument of force and fire Let them blaspheme the Holy Ghost in the Apostles whilst yet they pretend to its inspiration themselves Let those argue against the Scriptures being a Rule when rightly understood that can defend their Doctrine only by a counterfeit tradition Having no greater argument against the sufficiency of the Scripture but because it consumes their Hay and Stubble And that they can there neither fetch Wood to burn us nor Stones to destroy us But let us who are of the day be sober and be wise to that which is good And then as God formerly subjected Sathan to the seed of the Woman for that by the Serpent he deceived their simplicity and stain'd their innocence so though now he endeavours by subtile impostors to beguile soft and ignorant minds he shall not alwayes triumph in his villany But the God of peace shall bruise him under our feet shortly Rom. 16.20 The Providence of God is a great deep the reason of man is not able to fathom it And though he may for the punishment of our sins the tryal of our vertue or to make our adversaries ripe for destruction permit some to erect their Plumes and lead captive unwary souls in triumph yet though he that standeth must take heed lest he fall let us according to S. Paul's advice hold fast the form of sound words 2 Tim. 1.13 and contend earnestly for that faith which was once delivered unto the Saints Jude ver 3. and withdraw from every brother that walketh disorderly and not after what has been delivered 2 Thess 3.6 And if we walk according to this rule peace shall be upon us and mercy Gal. 6.16 We need not then be afraid of the winds and storms nor yet of him that kills the body if we truly fear him that can destroy the soul Which none but God himself can do For sayes our Saviour whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and doth them is like a wise man who built his house upon a rock and though the rain descend the floods come and the winds blow and beat upon that house it falls not Matth. 7.24 The God of truth having now given us a standing rule by the glorious inspiration of his Holy Spirit expects that it should be the general measure of our actions And as no sign would be given of our Saviours death and resurrection besides that of the Prophet Jonas so no rule can be expected by us besides the Gospel to the universal period and general Conflagration Hence is it that S. Paul puts all under the severest curse that pervert this or preach another Gospel And he does not only anathematize men but passes the same sentence upon Angels if at any time they should prove so bold and impious Nay he doubles the curse to testifie his faith and proclaim the irrepealable duration of the Gospel But though we or an Angel from heaven preach any other Gospel unto you let him be accursed Gal. 1.8 What was indited by the inspiration of the Spirit is certainly true and we may confide in it What is added by the wit of men may possibly be false and therefore it is not to be be looked upon as infallible any farther than it can be proved either directly or by consequence from the Scriptures themselves This is the rule which the ancient Fathers disputed against the Hereticks by and this must be the measure and rule of our faith it being so full and plain that no new Article must be added to our Creed nor any other rules of duty contradictory to these all necessary things being so easie that any person of any ordinary capacity using the methods of Gods own institution may soon arrive at knowledge enough to save him if his will does not rebell against his understanding and he faithfully practises what he knows Nor could the end of Gods Law ever be obtained or men be left inexcusable if it were so obscure that it could not unriddle it self For the end of all Laws being the obedience of those that are bound by them How can men obey that which they cannot by any means understand And if it cannot by the ordinary helps of the learned in it interpret it self there must then be a new inspiration to interpret what was inspired before And then there will be two inspirations where one would have served Because he that can interpret a Law plainly to the World might have made it plain at its first delivery Unless perchance we may think it wiser to do any thing with toil and pains which may be performed with ease and pleasure 'T is true indeed that many men by ignorance or wilfulness when they forsake the Guides of Gods appointment heaping Teachers to themselves having itching ears may be and are led into divers errors under the specious pretence of truth And thus those amongst the Galatians who in those early dayes
phrensie And then their pretensions grow so big that they become proportionably tall too till they aspire to the storming the Walls of Heaven attempting to blow open the everlasting Gates that they may pry into those things which are lock'd up from the inquiries of men And thus being puff'd and swelled up it proves only to be Tympany and disease when we think we have true conceptions and when our own thoughts have raised our fancies we conclude that the Spirit overshadows us and our obscure opinions or strange propositions raised by the sudden transports of our minds are too often with confidence enough boldly averred to be the immediate dictates of the Holy Ghost Want of true and ingenuous education and thereby the more exact assistances of reason causes many of those who would be accounted more spiritual than other men to think themselves inspired from above when an unusual fear a sudden joy or a powerful disease has brought Convulsions into their Nerves and seised their reason and judgement with a Palsie so that all their notions are jog'd into a confusion and their faculties can neither embrace or pursue their proper objects But by what means soever the thoughts or expectations of such men are lifted to an height waiting for an impulse sighing and groaning for an unusual influence Vain are those hopes where there is no promise and uncertain that rule of determination of things which appears to be fallible and deceitful And yet thus are all the expectations of those who think the Spirit guides them into truth by other means than what I have already shewed you or to any rules and measures of religious actions than what are plainly laid down in the Word of God or thence drawn by a fair and truly Logical deduction If you should be at the trouble to examine a little all the pretended impulses of men their great variety will evince their folly and their opposition to each other their deceit and falshood Is there any Sect pretending to Enthusiasm that does not peremptorily and with the greatest confidence assert the Spirits internal seal to their principles although just opposite to each other and all perhaps contrary to the Scripture This is the great fountain which yet divides into so many streams whose waters all have different tastes according to the chanels in which they run and the variety of soil through which they pass This is made the cause of separation which in it self is still but one This makes men divide from one another and all from that Church to which they should belong proving each others Doctrines erroneous and all still by the same Spirit As if the God of order delighted in division and different Religions like variety of creatures proclaimed Gods Wisdom and his Power When he has now enjoyn'd one faith to the whole World and sent his Son to set up his Banner for all Nations to flock to it Divers Languages indeed were once a character of inspiration from the Holy Ghost but different Creeds were never yet the fruits of him that is but one That truth which the Spirit guides men into can be no other than the plain uniform rules of the Gospel and whoever pretends to any inspiration to deliver a Doctrine different from this blasphemes the Holy Ghost and makes God a lyar whilst he pretends his inward seal publickly to attest an open falshood But if there were such a thing as the Spirits impulse in these ages of Christianity we should have some certain characters by which we might know it as the Prophets and Apostles must be suppos'd to have had and if we make it an argument to convince others we must work Miracles to attest its original The latter none of the Enthusiasts pretend to Or when ever their madness has attempted this testimony no sooner do they dubb themselves by the names of Prophets but they are discovered to be plain Cheats If they pretend a way to evidence to themselves that they are inspired with a divine breath to give them a warrant for doctrine or action not consonant to the Writings of the Apostles it does not only render the Scriptures insufficient but makes God to contradict himself and wounds that Eternal Truth of the Deity into which we ultimately resolve our belief But let us come to the examination of the impulse it self and we shall perceive in the midst of what uncertainties such men must be miserably toss'd who suppose what they deem such to be sufficient warrant for what they then think on and propose to themselves What strange and impious actions have been the consequences of such supposals I need not now relate because they have made such noise and ruines among our selves that they are still fresh among us But to proceed with this supposed impulse or impression upon mens minds by which deserting the Scriptures some Enthusiastical men will take the measures of their doctrines or actions I know not what they mean by it unless it be the heightning our perswasion making our belief of a thing bold and strong and our resolutions to act and maintain it fix'd and zealous And if this be what they make a rule or a character of the Spirits guidance since we find but little difference when we view this supposed operation in persons of various nay opposite principles we must either conclude what all deliver under this pretence to be true or else it is not safe to conduct any The former is too wild a position for any that pretend to sobriety to espouse and therefore the latter must be true Besides every mans reason may sufficiently inform him that our perswasions and determinations of things become as well setled and fix'd and have their various elevations or depressions as well by the strength or weakness of arguments duly weighed and attended to as by any impulse which can be imagined How then shall we be able to know what our reason dictates and what we are confirmed in by strength of argument from what the Holy Spirit now seals by an impulse or impression upon our minds How shall we distinguish betwixt a strong fancy a setled opinion and this pretended inspired Doctrine Nay how can we difference without recurring to the eternal Laws of good and evil which will render this new impulse useless the impressions of the Spirit from a secret temptation and a subtile suggestion from him who is our greatest adversary If we dare adventure to be so Critical as to pretend to new discoveries and such a rare ability to distinguish betwixt the motions which these several impulses make Since there can be but one sort of action in the spirits of a man if the perception be not above reason miraculous the same convulsions and percussions on the Nerves to cause the soul to understand and believe whether it be a truth or falshood that is represented a truth from God or a diabolical delusion How can the rarest and most artificial Enthusiast distinguish betwixt
unto the world their coherence with any thing already reveal'd their agreeableness to the nature of God or the welfare of men to persuade any reasonably to embrace them If it be pretended that the inspiration it self is a sufficient authority to him that delivers Principles to the world and reason enough for any to embrace them Yet however the inspiration must still be proved as it has alwayes been by Miracles And those not false but real Because otherwise every one that has confidence and wickedness enough to pretend to an impulse and Call from Heaven may impose what he pleases on the world and they must without examination believe it This indeed would be a ready way to render the reason of men useless and degrade them into the silly nature of a Beast that being bridled and sadled is turned which way soever the rider pleaseth Nay it would be an extraordinary and new method as miraculous nay more than the pretenders inspirations to make the parts of a contradiction both true if all those who presume that they are inspired are to be believed For nothing can be more apparent to us than that various Sects opposite to one another distant to a total separation pretend all to be thus inspired And if what upon this they presume to deliver is to be received by those to whom the message is directed And they pretend it is directed unto all How can we since their confidence is equal know which to adhere to since all come by the same authority And it is impossible to receive the opinions of all because they contradict one another 'T is true we find some men among us that have run through all the signs of the Zodiack and their want of constancy and resolution not being directed to the Pole has caused them to tremble and shake like a Needle through all the points of the Compass Yet this has been by degrees not at once but by succession But in the case we have now in hand many pretend to have things revealed that yet thwart and encounter one another and all at the same time To embrace at once these several propositions is plainly impossible and if we consider to make our choice we are either apparently obstinate and wilful when all come with the same authority or else we openly forsake the Argument of Inspiration and stand and examine these Doctrines by a rule and instead of believing every Spirit we try them But if men will notwithstanding these plain and palpable absurdities presume still to thrust such wild pretensions upon the world and the proof of their Doctrines shall be by confidence not argument I would willingly have them to consider as well as our selves what their pretended inspiration means and what that impulse usually effects upon their own minds that makes them so confident that they are inspired from above Can it be supposed or do they feel in themselves any thing more than their own melancholy or thoughts brooding to hatch an Opinion Do they find any more than their persuasions heightned and their assurance of what they were before willing to believe bold and strong and thus inflaming them with a zeal to maintain what inordinate thoughts have produc'd strong resolutions to propagate in the world If it be so as certainly it is every man who is thus raised will have the same authority with another and opposite opinions which is yet impossible must at once be embraced by men because the authority upon which their certainty is grounded is felt by all though understood by neither And to others there seems the same confidence and assurance in the teachers of these different Opinions Our own reason therefore without an inspiration will readily teach us that since the Holy Spirit of God to an inspiration from which all these several men pretend is but one and what it delivers alwayes consistent these men cannot be inspired But they take their dreams for a converse with Spirits their melancholy phancies for inspirations the diseases of their bodies for the accomplishments of their minds and their own thoughts to be Revelations And in short only think themselves awaked when they are indeed asleep Nay we may farther raise our distrust and boldness towards these men Because we know that confidence assurance and real belief of what has entred into the minds of men receive degrees of accession and strength as well by thought conversation and argument as by any impulse that can be imagined Nay many times subtility pride impudence and wilfulness will maintain a thing with as great eagerness and zeal as if men had been really inspired The Devil can do much to heighten mens persuasions and they may do much to heighten their own and arguments that men conjecture to arrive at a compleat demonstration of a point will make them as tenacious of an opinion especially where they may appear singular as any impulse or inspiration Now in the midst of such perplexing causes that are able to produce the same effect it will be difficult if not impossible for men that adhere not to a Rule of trial to come to a particular and exact determination and to satisfie either others or themselves to what cause they may attribute the effect If they pretend to be able to distinguish betwixt a good and a bad cause where the effect yet seems to be the same Or to know the cause by the different impressions variety of impulses make upon their Spirits by which an object is conveyed to their understandings and by a distinct method by which the images of things become figured in the brain This can be no conviction to others until it is explained Nor any to themselves unless they certainly know and understand it Which if they do they are as well able to express this as they are the proposition which as they pretend is revealed to them But I fear this attempt will be in vain Because I cannot find upon strict consideration and retirement but that the motions of the Spirits must be always alike and the same percussions upon and convulsions in the nerves to cause the soul to understand and believe whether it be truth or falshood that is represented if it be received under the notion of truth And if the object seems to be true it makes a like impression as if it were so Therefore it is impossible for the Enthusiast to distinguish an inspiration from God from a suggestion by the Devil if he forsakes th● Rule and the publick sentiments of good and evil Therefore we see how unreasonable it is either to be startled with the vain pretences of men or to give credit to every Spirit since upon such grounds the Devil may be entertained for an Angel of light and the discoveries we make may as well be by the flames of Hell as by beams darted from the Sun in the Firmament CHAP. III. NOw from the precedent Discourse upon the caution of the Apostle I inferr 1. The
unreasonableness of such men and their lamentable state who shutting their eyes against the Sun create a perpetual night to themselves and love to wander in darkness and error by being of such unsteady tempers such easie and unmanly resolutions shifting Churches and Opinions at every turn concluding every Apparition to be an Angel of Light and the dreams of men to be inspirations And though principles of various shapes and faces are presented by men with the same confidence and pretence of inspiration yet too many are so inconsiderate and easie as to admit all by a continued succession and live altogether in a circle as if they were fix'd like one of the Philosophers intelligences in an Orb turning it round and riding themselves about with it Or rather chained by some Magical charm that they are condemned to run about the circle and yet are never able to stand still long enough to disentangle themselves And what a dismal state of life is this never to possess rest and quiet How pitiable is the condition of a man that has his mind alwayes toss'd and ruffled who has got such a paralytical distemper as keeps his head alwayes jogging who entertains no principles long and yet Religion is his perpetual burden And well may it be so to him who loads himself with such variety These men put a veil over their own eyes and blindfold themselves that they may either be led by others or stumble on they know not whither These discern not truth from falshood nor make any difference betwixt opinion and demonstration who every day are intangled in the midst of snares and absurdity and wander about in a wild wilderness when they think they are travelling through an inhabited Countrey They are like Fowls flying in the air who are hamper'd in Nets which others have placed on Poles to catch them when they think they are mounted above hazard and danger 'T is a dreadful Judgement when God that gave men souls to discern shall for their own wilful blindness deliver them up to the power of delusion to believe a lye especially when we shall reflect upon what the Apostle informs us will be the consequence That they may be damned who believe not the truth 2 Thess 2.11 We find that this must naturally become the effect of such a wild principle And the experience which we have of the irregularities and crimes of such persons sufficiently informs us that their ways in this world lead down to the Chambers of Death and in the other to the Vaults of Hell Unless the greatest Villanies may be consecrated by such hallowed pretences and wickedness may change its nature by adding the highest degree to it when men make God the Author of it Then indeed the Government of Christ will quickly be inconsistent with that of our Soveraign the Kirk may beat the Throne in pieces and men may snatch away the Kings Crown to cover their own heads withal And it may be after a while an intrenchment on the Triple Crown to be the Sovereign of three Kingdoms The dismal consequences of such an unreasonable and loose opinion we have no cause yet to forget Or if they had escaped our memories and were buried in oblivion the Authors of them being afraid they should remain hid will cause them to revive by fresh instances that Charity it self may no longer cover them but their repeated crimes may at once renew and preserve their Principles God has permitted the pretenders to these new inspirations at once almost to make a plain discovery of themselves and yet he strengthens the hands of Authority to obviate the designs of both and has caused the Religion of his own Church taking its measures by the rules of the Gospel to shine when it was almost covered with a Cloud Lift up your eyes then and behold its glory Not to envy but to delight in it Always to profess such a Faith as is Primitive and Apostolical that delivers no other Principles to the world but what our Saviour did before what his Apostles commented on and a Faith that their followers liv'd by Principles that intrench not upon the rights of Secular Powers that do not interfere with the just and lawful Maxims of State that give no countenance to ambitious usurpations nor any disturbances to the peace of the world that are not wild and extravagant but teach men humanity and obedience that countenance no cruelties or murders but rebuke the inordinate appetites of men give a check to vice and incourage virtue that men passing the time of their sojourning here in the fear of God and justice and charity with their Neighbours thwarting neither the Prerogative of the King nor priviledge of the Subject may die with true peace of conscience in the favour of God and gain a compleat rest from their labours when their gracious dispositions and habits shall be rewarded with eternal glory Let us then having thus fixed our Rules and Doctrines attended with such ample rewards continue stedfast in the profession of this Faith and contend earnestly for it since it is what was formerly delivered to the Saints Let not novelties that drag such vice and irreligion after them that begin with Treason and end in Blood be any more named among us with delight But let every one that names the name of Christ depart from such iniquity as turns the world upside down and makes its proselytes the real and continued troublers of Israel as well as a sure plague to themselves who vex all that give ear to them with the perplexing passions of hopes and fears about their eternal happiness so much that they lose all temporal peace themselves and scare and disturb other men whilst they keep them by their pretended inspirations in perpetual doubts and uncertainties of mind For when they endeavour to believe every Spirit it is very certain they can believe none and so they abandon Gods Religion and their own peace and run a round of endless perplexities and contradictions 2. From the Apostles Caution and my discourse from it we may easily judge of those persons without the pretence of an extraordinary infallibility that run after every new Doctrine like weather-cocks are turned with every wind and follow after every Light though it be but Will with a Wisp or Jack in a Lanthorn that brings them upon Precipices or leads them into Boggs These men having vitiated their fight disposed their organs for all impressions and enlarged their eyes by frequent goggles beyond all proportion that no new object may escape them receive false representations of things with the same greediness that they receive true and so mistake a Paper-Kite for a wandering Comet and an enkindled Meteor for a true Star Hecuba is as acceptable to them as Helen and they embrace a Cloud instead of Juno To endeavour to fix Principles in them is but writing on the face of waters and to endeavour to digest the thoughts of these into standing propositions is
reason to the belief of the Gospel which was proved Divine by the testimony and revelation of the Spirit if sufficient means were not afforded them to know and distinguish Divine Revelation from imposture and pretences The things delivered were above the reach of humane reasonings and Philosophy then gave check to their belief and custom and education had impress'd them with different nay contrary notions of things It must be supposed therefore antecedently to their reception of the Gospel that as S. Paul was able to give them evidence that those Doctrines he delivered to them were revealed from Heaven so there were some Methods and Rules by which they might be able to know the revelation and not receive it upon his bare testimony Nay to what purpose would it be for S. John to direct men to try the Spirits if we had not sufficient means to know whether they were from God or no Fifthly This must be granted too that there are false Pretensions and Doctrines of men vented in the World under the notion of true And true and false under the same pretence of inspiration The Apostle tells us that many false Prophets are gone out into the world And our Saviour to prevent a rash belief and thereby an Apostasie from the Gospel or trusting in another Messiah acquaints the World that there would arise false Christs and false Prophets Mark 13.22 And therefore they should not believe and entertain them although according to their different principles and designs they should cry out Lo here is Christ or Lo there And S. Peter tells us that as there were false Prophets formerly amongst the people so there should be false Teachers among the Christians who should privily bring in damnable heresies denying the Lord that bought them and that many should follow their pernicious wayes 2 Pet. 2.1 2. Nay S. Paul tells us of those who in a voluntary humility and worshipping of Angels intruded into those things which they never saw being vainly puffed up in their fleshly minds who yet departed from the head Christ himself who is the head of the Church making the coming to God by the Mediatory application to an Angel a demonstration of their humility and so rejecting the intercession of our Saviour the only Mediator betwixt God and man Col. 2.18 But our own Age is so fruitful in examples of this kind that the possibility of mens false pretences to revelation and of their venting corrupt Doctrines to the World needs no other argument to prove it than our own experience Nor need we rake in the dust of false Prophets in past Ages when we have to our great grief and trouble living monuments on which these things are to be read and seen Yet Sixthly Notwithstanding all this we must maintain that there is such a thing as true inspiration This is plainly implied by S. John to whom I must adhere For it would be ill Logick to infer that because the Apostle adviseth us not to believe every Spirit therefore we should give credit unto none But rather that some are to be believed Especially when we take in his direction with it Try the Spirits whether they are of God This argues that some Doctrines came from Heaven and some men were inspired from above although many false Prophets were gone abroad into the world Should the contrary be held by any among us it would not only invalidate the Doctrine of Moses and the Prophets under the Old Testament But of Christ and his Apostles under the New it would conclude the intercourse betwixt God and men to be an impossible Chimera and turn all Divinity into a Fable And at once render our time mis-spent and lost whilst I am writing and others reading such Doctrines as these and all disputes concerning any positive and instituted Religion the foolish talkings and inventions of men that busie themselves to deceive others and give trouble to their own flesh When mans reason might supply all But such a phancy I suppose to be too wild and extravagant to be admitted in such an age of the world as this Especially among those who have frequented Christian Assemblies and have heard discourses proving the truth of the Old Testament or the New That have read the Jews Arguments for their Law or the Christian Fathers Apologizing for the Religion of the Gospel Nor indeed can any deny the truth of Gods conversing with men that reject not his Omnipotence or else doubt of the nature and capacity of their own souls To be sure they must deny the Scriptures to be the Word of God and affirm all his appearances to men to be a fable Since from them we are assured that all Scripture was given by inspiration from God 2 Tim. 3.16 And therefore to men that acknowledge this I must be supposed to direct this discourse as well as S. John does in the Text so frequently recited who supposes that there is a Divine inspiration before he advises men to separate the pretences of false Prophets from the Doctrines of those that are true 'T is in vain otherwise to perswade men to exercise their faculties assisted by Rules or to make any discrimination at all where there is no foundation for the conclusion of a difference Seventhly Therefore The trial of the Doctrines and Rules of men pretending inspiration having thus far been brought on towards a conclusion The determination of our assent and choice in matters of such huge and vast moment on which the welfare of our souls depends must be directed by what sufficiently without fallacy evidences those Doctrines which we receive from others or are led into the belief of from our own reasonings are certainly such as came from God and that we are not imposed upon by our own temperament or the subtilty of others The evidence therefore for a Divine revelation must be greater and stronger than any argument framed to the contrary Because in all the discoveries of truth my belief is to be determined according to evidence and the greatest probability guides the rational choice of men And all that act suitably to themselves embrace the proposition that comes nearest to truth and certainty But where two things seem equal in their proof a rational man only hesitates and doubts and gives up his assent to neither And therefore had the Magicians of Egypt equall'd the Miracles Moses wrought in the presence of Pharaoh as well as they did in turning rods into Serpents and Rivers into blood and causing Froggs to come up before him They need not at that time have acknowledg'd Moses's power disproportionable to their own nor distinguished their own Miracles from his by saying This is the finger of God And Pharaoh himself might have had an equal argument to detain the Israelites as they had for the command of God to depart out of the Land of Egypt But when the Miracles on their side far exceeded the Wonders on the other his own resolution became his Law and Pharaohs
obstinacy still increased till it was the ruine of himself and followers who all perished in the Red Sea Ahab forsook the commandments of God and worshipped Baalim and led the people into Idolatry joyning the Service of Baal with the God of Israel And thus halted betwixt two opinions till the trial betwixt their Sacrifices was determined on Elijah's side who was the Prophet of the Lord Whilst fire came down from Heaven and consumed the Sacrifice upon Gods own Altar which Baal could not effect on his But then the people determined their choice and gave their assent that the Lord is God and presently slew the Prophets of Baal for whom before they had great esteem 1 Kings 18 th Chap. Hence was it also that our Saviour said concerning the Jews who by Miracles evidencing Moses's Commission had justly received the Law of Moses That if he had not superseded their Religious Customs which till his coming were justly established by shewing his Authority and Gospel to be Divine by greater Miracles than those that introduced and established the Law they had done well to adhere to it and to look upon the Gospel as an imposture Because a new Doctrine pretending to be Divine and evacuating that which having proof from Heaven was established before must be confirmed with greater Miracles than that which it pretends to abolish Therefore sayes our Saviour If I had not done among them the works which none other man did they had not had sin John 15.24 Which way of trial will by the way hold good to the end of the World From all which it is plainly manifest that all the Opinions and Doctrines of men pretending to inspiration if they are rationally to be received by us must come with such Evidence and Authority as may surmount all difficulties and Objections to the contrary So that if any men should now pretend Miracles to give testimony to any Opinions that contradict the Doctrines of the New Testament they are not sufficient to command our assent and to determine our belief Unless they are greater than any which Christ and his Apostles did to confirm their Doctrine which these new Opinions do oppose and contradict Eighthly In this trial of men pretending inspiration for the Doctrines they deliver we must be sure that the evidence they give for such inspiration be peculiarly Divine and such as cannot be given to men by any thing inferiour to the power of God It is not the grave deportment of the inspired nor the colour or shape of their faces Nor the seeming innocence of their own lives extraordinary austerities or a less decent and morose living that retires them from the conversation of the World It is not a peculiar habit nor any uncouth or sluttish garments 't is neither feeding upon Locusts and wild Honey nor yet eating with Publicans and Sinners that proves a Prophet to be Divine Nor is it a full and copious expression attended with abundance of zeal and passion nor yet a slow and pumping delivery as if their notions were too bigg for their words and their words too large for their mouths that will evidence them to come from God 'T is neither their natural parts or acquired ornaments the antiquity of error nor the glory or number of those that are proselyted to it 't is neither the rendring error plausible by distinction nor glozing it over with misrepresented testimonies of others or pretending some latent Authority from the most obscure places pf the Scripture or rendring those obscure to countenance their Dotrine that are plain and open to the contrary that must lead us from Divine truth into Diabolical error and make the God of truth to patronize a lye In a word 'T is not an Argument from the success an Opinion has in the world though Providence thereby seems with some to be entitled to it nor any countenance from the Authority of men nor the iterated affirmations of him that pretends to be thus inspired that are sufficient to prove his Doctrines true Because all these things have frequently been publick attestations to those that are false But there must be such evidence to those Propositions which are pretended to come immediately from God as that by which he has always confirmed his Laws to the world Something beyond the power of nature that cannot be parallel'd by men or Devils The Broad Seal of Heaven must be annex'd that neither nature nor art is able to counterfeit And this Ninthly must be real Miracles in which the Spirit of Prophecy is included There have been many wonders effected in the world and more stories of these than are true which the Romanists glory as much in as if they were Miracles if their art can hide their craft subtilty from those that are more curious and inquisitive The Pagan Priests led the van assisted by the power of subtil Daemons to gain the peoples worship to themselves or to those Images which they animated and moved And how far the Romanists have followed them in this cheat and imposture has been sometimes too apparently discovered And would be more would they but be as ingenuous in their confessions as they are witty in their subtil though impious inventions The philosophical knowledge of natural causes together with an industrious application will make some extraordinary and unusual effects look like Miracles For the most of men being by reason of an inferiour education ignorant of many effects of Art and Nature which men of more refined understandings easily discover the causes of are apt to attribute those things to the immediate operation of the first cause which are results from those that are second Art will do much and Nature more And the Devil many times makes more strange and unusual appearances being assisted with the knowledge of both And how many times do men admire the slight of a Jugler till perhaps they make discovery of his Craft and attribute that to the power of the Devil which he ingeniously does by slight of hand Nay the sport that Devils make in the Air we often take as the voice of Gods Thunder and tremble and are afraid at the Storm But yet there is as much difference betwixt true Miracles and very real Wonders as there is betwixt Heaven and Hell or the power of Nature and that which first made and continues it who can either suspend its power or alter its effects Or as there is betwixt Nature and Art which though the latter imitates it can never equal no more than the former vye with the God of Nature Miracles especially such as are above the power of any thing inferiour unto God have alwayes been receiv'd by men as sufficient attestations of Divine Truths These were those Divine Testimonies by which the blessed Jesus evidenced his Commission to the World and added Gods authority to the reasonableness of his Doctrine When S. John the Baptist sent his Disciples to him to know whether he were the Messiah of which he
it might by their means be in its purity free from mixture delivered to all the succeeding generations of mankind And now by the way what a slender plea have any Enthusiasts of this age for any new revelations of Doctrine beyond what Christ preached to the World Since the Holy Ghost himself was never promised to the very Apostles to any such end and purpose For it cannot with any reason be supposed but that Christ whilst he was preaching in the world delivered a compleat Body of his Doctrine And had he not whatever becomes of a jus divinum for the government of the Church He had certainly been less careful than Moses And yet the Author to the Hebrews says He was faithful to him that made or appointed him as also Moses was faithful in all his house Heb. 3.2 But not to endeavour to work Miracles and restore sight to such as are resolved to be still blind and to shut their eyes against the light of the Sun because it will discover that their deeds are evil when darkness does at once as well increase as inspire wilfulness or melancholy To leave also any farther explication of the Doctrine of the Trinity Which I have hinted to you as well to mind you of the solemnity of a necessary Festival of our Church as to cause men to adore what they cannot understand to admire that with which they cannot be familiar to praise what they cannot comprehend and to believe that Mystery which is plainly revealed Though they cannot unriddle the thing it self To come more closely therefore to the business I have in hand The Holy Ghost promised is said to be the Spirit of truth And this not only 1. Because he is Spiritus verax as Slichtingius would have it to comport with his endeared notion of afflatus divinus Nor only is he a true Spirit either in original or operation in opposition to what is gross and sensual Nor 2. because he truly and really proceeds from the Father And consequently has Authority enough to produce a faith in us which must be Divine Nor 3. because being in unity with that Father and Son from whom he does proceed he must be truth it self as S. John stiles him 1. Epist 5. Chap. 6. and consequently cannot be guilty of a falshood unless we suppose that God may lie which the Apostle assures us is impossible Heb. 6.18 And reason also concludes such a Being to be void of this to whom we ascribe all possible perfection But Lastly he is called a Spirit of truth in relation to his Office and Employment Because he guides others into truth Though from the precedent acceptations and account given of his appellation we may reasonably infer his capacity to instruct and guide others into all truth And that the Apostles who were so miraculously guided delivered nothing to be the rule of mens lives but what was true and came from God and therefore what they delivered is to be both believed and obeyed And thus I am come to the last and principal particular that I aim at in this Part of my Discourse in which is contained the Office of the Holy Ghost in this particular and the substance of this promise viz. He will guide you into all truth Now this Conduct of the Spirit of truth must be considered two wayes 1. As it related to the Apostles and first Disciples of our blessed Saviour 2. As it concerns the whole Church of Christ that is or shall be Militant in this World First Let us consider the holy Spirit of God as influencing and directing the Apostles and first planters of Christianity to whom this promise was principally made And as it did concern all so was it promised to all to guide them into all those truths that compleated the Articles of the Christian Faith or were to be left as standing directions for the lives and actions of those who should embrace this Religion He does not call S. Peter out and make this promise of infallibility to him excluding all the rest from this advantage Nor does he here accost him in the name of the other Apostles as he does in that other Text on which the Pope superstructs his Supremacy We find indeed S. Thomas S. Philip and S. Jude interrupting his discourse by proposing questions for him to explain But the last time he spake to Peter we find him at once rebuking his confidence and fore-telling his sin Nay a crime so great as to deny him John 13.38 And therefore all the rest of his intervenient discourse can concern him no more than it did his Brethren And 't is well if at present it did as much which if others would be contented with we might easily grant it and must do so if we would not prove his Epistles to want an inspiration from above This promise then concerning the Apostles and primitive planters of the Christian Doctrine so far as it was useful to their extraordinary conduct we must examine and enquire what assistance the Spirit gave them to guide them into all truth And this he did in five particulars First By an improvement of their understandings Ordering and directing the Ideas of their minds that they might be able to frame adequate conceptions of the truths which they were to deliver to the World And as he that created the eye can see and he that formed the ear can hear So he that made the Soul it self and endued it with all its faculties and powers must needs be able to impress the understanding with any notions he is pleased to infuse by the powerful operations of his Holy Spirit Now that he did exert such an influence had we no testimony from the Scriptures themselves will easily appear to any sober and considerate inquirer that shall compare the education and condition of the Apostles with those admirable Doctrines which they delivered unto the world Though S. Paul was bred at the feet of Gamaliel yet his learned Education made him but the greater persecutor of the Christians and more prejudiced against the Doctrine of our Saviour 'Till he was converted by a Miracle and a light had first dazled his eyes and struck him blind whilst a greater did illuminate his understanding and by its brighter glory darken and blot out those prejudicate notions that seemed before to irradiate his mind Though S. Luke was born and bred in an University the City of Antioch the Metropolis of Syria a place furnished with Schools of literature Though he had applied himself to the study of Physick to which Philosophy was a necessary preparative Though be had studied in the Schools of Greece and Egypt and seasoned his mind with learned accomplishments so far improving the abilities of his nature And though to all this he was a Jewish Proselyte and so far prepared for the Kingdom of God Yet all this signified but little and would certainly have opposed Christianity with the greater strength and more subtilty had he not been first
converted to this Religion and accompanied Saint Paul received the notices of those early and first transactions of our Saviour and his Disciples and been guided by the Holy Spirit of God in recording the History and Doctrine of our Saviour and his Apostles But if we make the strictest enquiry into those twelve Apostles which our Saviour sent to preach his Doctrine abroad in the World we shall find them all by their Education either too much prejudiced or unprepared to invent or propagate such a Religion The greater part were a few rugged and inconsiderable Fishermen that knew only to catch Fish and mend their Nets when they were broken and either eat or sell their Fish when they had caught it And how unfit these were to preach rules of life to the world to make known Riddles and explain Mysteries To maintain their Faith against the learned disputes of Rabbies and Philosophers or to commit a System of Christian Doctrine to writing for future ages to live by and that it might become the rule for mens actions Let any reasonable men judge It must needs therefore be a greater argument of a larger inspiration that these men were so slenderly prepared by nature or Education And by how much the meaner these were by so much the more powerful were the operations of the Spirit to guide them into all truth But besides the consideration of this we have a more sure word of Prophecy to ascertain their inspiration from above Since all Scripture is given by inspiration of God 2 Tim. 3.16 And since no man can possibly know those Laws by which God will govern the World 'till he pleases himself to make them known It must needs be that he must impregnate the minds and inform the understandings of those whom he designs to be the Pen-men of his Laws And this he did as to Moses and the Prophets under the Old so to the Apostles in the New Testament by his Holy Spirit Therefore was he to teach them all things by informing their understandings John 14.26 And by guiding them into all truth John 16.13 Secondly The Holy Spirit of truth guided the Apostles and first publishers of his sacred Doctrines by quickning their memories That what their Master had before taught them the Disciples now might remember for the benefit of others The memories of men by reason of their own weakness and the multitude of objects which daily present themselves to the mind and that variety of converse and numerous disturbances they meet with in a World full of noise and humour are very apt to slip many things which they ought to register and when they are entered to lose the record Hence is that admonition of the Author to the Hebrews that we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard lest at any time we should let them slip Heb. 2.1 The Apostles therefore who were men of like passions with our selves had an extraordinary power assisting their memories That those things might again recur which they had heard from our Saviour at that time when by his-absence he was uncapable of repeating and orally to deliver that Doctrine which before they had the advantage of hearing The Spirit then by an immediate impression put their Spirits into such a motion and proposed such objects to their consideration and understanding and so ranged the particles of the brain that the same images presented themselves and they had the same Ideas and apprehensions which possess'd their minds when the trutns were first delivered to them Or if I may be any way extravagant in endeavouring to describe the manner of framing this miraculous effect Yet sure I am that some way or other this was done or the promise of the Holy Ghost was not fully accomplished For sayes the Text the Comforter which is the Holy Ghost shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you John 14.26 Thirdly This Holy Spirit of Truth inclined the wills of the Apostles and first Planters of Christianity to publish those things which were impress'd upon their understandings and their memories now perfectly retained and to commit these truths to Writing that future Ages might be able to read what they could neither see nor hear To exhibit no more than what they had received for the Divine Rule and to live also suitable to their Doctrine to avoid the suspicion of Cheat and Imposture Now though this influence might seem to be unnecessary to such as had imbibed the Christian Doctrine with their understandings because their wills might seem immediately to follow what their understandings dictated to be true and the reasonableness and admirable excellency of this Doctrine might be motive enough to perswade as well to its practice as belief Yet we find by a woful experience that the wills of men do not alwayes follow the dictates of their understandings But that we violate Laws which yet we are convinced to be true and good If it were not so few men would embrace vice and offer injury to the Precepts of Christianity which all men of reason and discretion must needs acknowledge to be excellent in themselves and infallibly sealed and authorized by God who has by a miraculous hand attested them to the World It was necessary therefore that the Apostles and first Publishers of the Gospel should be made willing as well as able to accomplish all those things which might tend to the propagation and assurance of the Gospel And we cannot conjecture that so sudden an alteration could be made as we find in the Apostles who by their Trade and Education were rough and stubborn this being generally observed of Mariners so as to be brought to acknowledge such gentle precepts so opposite to their customs and inclination without a superiour influence mollifying their tempers and the powerful operation and perswasions of God to make them willing in the day of his power When Paul therefore was converted by a Miracle and brought to the acknowledgement of that Jesus whom he had persecuted that glorious light which shined upon his understanding rectified also the perverseness of his will and inclined that to follow his Conviction so that he became not disobedient to the Heavenly Vision but shewed both to the Jews and Gentiles that they should repent and turn to God and do works meet for repentance Acts 26.19 20. Fourthly The Holy Ghost led the Apostles into all truths of the Gospel by working Miracles to confirm their Doctrine These are the great Seal of Heaven that sufficiently authorize whatever they are brought to give testimony unto For these being either visible effects beyond the power of natural Causes or some strange and extraordinary alterations of nature by laying a restraint upon its usual operations Or causing it to take a different course by a strange composition of second Causes or a powerful concurrence of some Agent not included in the immediate Cause They
argue some superiour operation And we must attribute them to God or the Devil Accordingly have men used to difference them as they tend to a good or a bad design Hence we find in the Old Testament two characters of a false Prophet and consequently as many of a true as I have hinted immediately before 1 If the sign or wonder that he gives for confirmation of what he pretends in its design destroys natural Religion i. e. what proceeds from the common reason of men For if there arise among you a Prophet or a dreamer of dreams and the sign or wonder come to pass which he gives thee If this be wrought to draw men from the Worship of the only one God to pay Divine homage to a false one or to many The sign was permitted only to prove them And such a Prophet was not only to be accounted false But to be put to death for his villany and imposture Deut. 13. at the begining 2. When the Prophecy was not true and the thing foretold followed not 't was a sign that the Prophecy was bold and presumptuous and what he that is a God of truth never commissioned the Prophet to deliver Deut. 18.22 When signs therefore and wonders were really effected that tended to the advancement of Religion establishing what was written in mens hearts and destroying all that God had forbidden and fixing nothing contradictory to what had been confirmed to the Jews but what did prefigure this new method and at such a particular period of the World was predicted that it should be destroyed They must needs confirm the truth which those men delivered who had sufficient power and authority to work them Miracles were things rationally acknowledged to be sufficient signs of the Divine Commission of those who were permitted to work them when they carried especially such characters of a Divine Power in their nature or in their frequency and continuation as no Devil could be supposed to have granted to him Nor any man could possibly effect to do mischief in the World Thus when Moses delivered the Law his Speech was followed with Thunderings and Lightnings and the noise of the Trumpet and the smoaking of the Mountain Deut. 20.18 Which sufficiently confirmed the Divinity of the Moral and prepared the people for an obedient reception of the Judicial and Ceremonial Law And thus was it also at the delivery of the Gospel When S. John the Baptist sent two of his Disciples unto Christ to know whether he were the true Messiah that was to give Laws unto the World Our Saviour returns this answer Tell John what things ye have seen and heard how that the blind see the lame walk the lepers are cleansed the deaf hear the dead are raised Luke 7.22 These Miracles so full of goodness and Divine influence were a sufficient attestation of his Doctrine Hence he makes the same reply also to the Jews when they proposed the same question The works that I do in my Fathers name they bear witness of me John 10.25 And therefore sayes he of the same persons If I had not done among them the works which none other man did they had had no sin If I had not done Miracles far beyond Moses and the Prophets whom yet upon the authority of what these did they believe they might reasonably have pleaded their Law against me Which then had been bless'd with as noble an establishment as what I now pretend to deliver But now that I do such works which no man ever yet did before me they have no cloke at all for their sin nor any excuse for their unbelief John 15.24 Now as Miracles argued the truth and Authority of our Saviours Doctrine So they led his Disciples into the same truth For from those Miracles which they saw him do in confirmation of his Doctrine they might reasonably be induced to believe what he delivered to them and when the power was yet continued to themselves they might well inferr that they were still guided into the truth Since the Holy Ghost thus sealed it to themselves and others and they had so powerful and Divine a testimony to what they apprehended and delivered Thus when they had received that Commission from our Saviour to go into the world and to preach the Gospel to every creature They went forth and preached every where the Lord working with them and confirming the word with signs following Mark 16.20 The same is attested by the Authour to the Hebrews that God bare the Apostles witness with signs and wonders and divers miracles and distributions of the Holy Ghost according to his will Heb. 2.4 This is the testimony he gave unto the truth by the Miracles which were wrought by those who published and owned the Doctrine of our Saviour evidenceing its Divinity to themselves and others For we say the Apostles are witnesses of these things and so is also the Holy Ghost whom God hath given to them that obey him Acts 5.32 Lastly The Holy Spirit guided the Apostles and Primitive Disciples into all truths of the Gospel by an extraordinary support in the midst of great and raging persecutions Both Scripture and Ecclesiastical History informs us what trials and conflicts these had for the profession of their Faith and a firm adhesion to the Christian Religion Their whole lives were a continued tragedy which did not end but in blood and death The state of the Church was such in those dayes that All that would live godly in Christ Jesus must suffer persecution 2 Tim. 3.12 Nothing but cruelties from their severe Adversaries attended the profession and publication of the Gospel Which was the principal foundation of that Argument of S. Paul to prove the hopes and certainty of the Resurrection If in this life only we have hope in Christ we are of all men most miserable 1 Cor. 15.19 Hence the Apostle argues the Hebrews to patience and courage in the midst of sufferings from the reflections upon what they had already overcome That they might not by a future cowardize lose the reward of their former adventures Call to mind sayes he the former dayes in which after ye were illuminated ye endured a great fight of afflictions By having their Estates made a prey to their enemies by being made a gazing stock to the world by bearing reproaches and tortures themselves and being companions to those who were so used Heb. 10.32 They gat their bread with the peril of their lives As the expression is Lament 5.9 And for the sake of Christ they were killed all the day long and no more accounted of than as innocent sheep appointed to the slaughter As S. Paul applies that of the Psalmist Rom. 8.36 And if we view the ends of their lives we shall find nature alwayes anticipated and they snatched away by a violent fate still swimming to Heaven in their blood One is crucified another beheaded a third is stoned a fourth has his brains beat out with a Club Another
is hanged by the neck against a Pillar after whips and scourges had made a Prologue to the Tragedy One is flead alive another thrust through with a Spear and a third dragg'd about the craggy part of a street till his flesh was torn off and horrid pains compell'd him to expire It would be endless to account for the dismal tortures which the Apostles and Primitive Disciples endured their whole age being full of clouds and storms And the release from one torment was but the entrance upon another They daily went in danger of their lives which were indeed but continued deaths and repeated tragedies Now what a wonderful confirmation must this add to their own faith as well as seal its truth to posterity that they should have such multiplied tortures as anxious and cruel as the malice of enraged Adversaries could invent and execute and yet would not accept deliverance if they must purchase it with the denial of their Faith They must needs be animated to the belief of those truths in the profession of which they were so encouraged by a Divine power and the comforts of the Holy Ghost that they suffered torments beyond their own strength to endure Nor did the rage and persecution of their Adversaries overcome them Especially when we shall consider too that they could smile in the midst of flames and look upon their own blood with joy When they could account Martyrdom a Crown and such deaths as were most painful and cruel they could travel through as the nearest passage to their eternal reward Which whilst they viewed in a steady and well fixed contemplation they were able to conclude their afflictions to be light and to endure but for a moment And that the future reward overballanced them both in weight and duration They could glory in what the justice and custome of the world accounted shame and rejoice that they were deemed worthy to suffer for it Acts 5.41 They were alwayes dying and yet lived were able to account tortures chastisements and could still rejoyce in the midst of sorrows 2 Cor. 6. They could approve themselves the Ministers of God in patience in afflictions in necessities in distresses in stripes in imprisonments and that black Catalogue which S. Paul has recorded to posterity It must certainly convince both themselves and others that the hand of God did yet support them and that the Doctrine was true which they delivered for which they were miraculously prepared and now strengthened in their sufferings for it by the comforts and assistance of the Holy Ghost They knew themselves to be a company of rude and illiterate men or at least some of them were not polished either by art or Education for converse with the learned Rabbies amongst the Jews or the subtil Philosophers amongst the Gentiles and yet they baffled and could silence both had not their force reached farther than their argument And therefore sayes S. Paul where is the wise where is the Scribe where is the disputer of this world Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world 1 Cor. 1.20 S. Stephen who was but a Deacon to the Apostles was yet so full of faith and so endowed with the power of the Holy Ghost that he did not only amaze the people with the greatness of his Miracles but when many disputants were rang'd against him he did not only smartly encounter but overcame them too For they were not able to resist the wisdom and the Spirit by which he spake Acts 6.10 They were fain to leave their reasoning and consult their subtilty and had no way to stop his mouth but by a shower of stones that took away his breath What could such men as these have done when they were brought before the Council of the Jews or Tribunals of the Romans Where all the subtle quirks of Law and all the inventions that malice could contrive should be used to entangle their innocence by craft had not the Holy Ghost assisted them in making their defence loosened their tongues and informed their understandings This was what was promised them before and now as certainly and fully accomplished For when our Saviour sent forth his twelve Apostles and told them how they should acouter themselves what were the contents of their Commission and how they should demean themselves He acquaints them also what dangers they were likely to encounter with They were sent forth as Sheep in the midst of Wolves Every one would endeavour to devour them And therefore they should be scourged in the Synagogues and be brought before Kings and Governours upon their Masters account But sayes he When they shall deliver you up let it not trouble you that ye are not well skill'd in the Law where subtilty may cause a Criminal to escape when ignorance may draw the innocent into punishment For it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak For it is not ye that speak but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you Matth. 10.19 Now men that had such extraordinary confirmations of their Apostleship and found these assistances from the Holy Ghost must needs be fully convinced of those things that were imprinted on their understandings and would attest their Divine authority unto others to whom they were obliged to declare and publish them when they themselves were so fully persuaded as not only to suffer all the inconveniencies of this life that could be brought upon them by the subtilty of the Politicians of the World but all the tortures and cruel deaths which malice was able to inflict And thus did the Holy Spirit of truth guide the Apostles into all truth But yet notwithstanding all this It must be considered that though the Apostles and primitive Disciples of our Saviour had thus the conduct of the holy Spirit Yet it was never intended to guide them into all truths of all kinds For this were to extend a promise beyond what was ever designed by the Holy Ghost Truth is a word of a large interpretation it runs through all Arts and Sciences and is as comprehensive as all the objects and understandings of men For whereever there is a conformity betwixt the object and a rightly prepared intellect there is truth Nay there is too often truth in that which we do not understand The Spirit therefore did not design in his sacred and infallible conduct to extend the capacities of the sacred Apostles to an infinite comprehension so as to cause them to know omne scibile every thing that is capable to be known For that were not only to make a new creation but to put them beyond the capacity of Creatures Nay though he is Omnipotent to go beyond his own power in making Beings as infinite as Himself Nor did the Spirit in the guidance of the Apostles into all truth intend their information in the truths of all the Arts and Sciences extant in the World He did not design to instruct them in the art of Syllogism Nor
that they should read natural Philosophy to the World He did not intend to teach them to call the Stars by their names or that they should by virtue of his instruction know their several motions distances or altitudes He did not intend Aphorisms in Physick Or to give to them Geometrical proportions Nor to breed them curious and expert Artificers though some of these have made themselves Apostles Nor to teach them the numbers of Arithmetick Or the Astrological signatures of things or times and seasons For these were not for them to know because the Father had put them into his own power Acts 1.7 And therefore as they were never so proud and bold so neither were they so unlucky as the Pope who must needs condemn a point in Geography and the tenet of Antipodes for a destroying Heresie So little did he know the universal Empire he pretended to that he did not understand the extent of it nor the Figure or Bounds or Inhabitants of that Earth over which he yet pretended an Authority The Holy Ghost therefore guided the Apostles into those truths only in Divinity which included the full Doctrine of the Gospel which our Saviour delivered that they might be able to preach them to the present age and commit them to writing for the use of all succeeding Generations The Spirit was not given to them to make them great Historians or Philosophers but Christians and to capacitate them to be the planters and founders of Churches not the posts and standards of dispute Or to be the leaders of Sects and Factions in Philosophy They were to erect a Pillar of truth setled upon a firm foundation Christ himself supporting the Building and this neither for Pasquins or Poetry but for a Rule and directory of standing Religion and Devotion CHAP. XII THE souls of men whilst hous'd in these bodies of clay are darkned and obscured notwithstanding all the windows of sense to let in the light of external objects to an intercourse with the mind For supposing our senses could alwayes make true and exact representations to our souls which yet we know are often deceived yet these could only convey such things as are the proper objects of the souls of men Those of an higher and more exalted nature that are not capable of an image must needs escape the perception of our outward senses and if reason it self when most disentangled from those fetters which our senses too often impose should endeavour to make propositions and inferences about the essences of those things whose spiritual natures evade our sense our notions could not be adequate to the things themselves nor could we fully comprehend what is infinite nor have a positive Idea of spiritual Beings though reason might conclude their existence Hence is it that all our definitions and descriptions of these are therefore imperfect because negative and though we may conclude what they are not we never could by humane power yet resolve compleatly what they are which makes Divine Revelation necessary and that we should have faith beyond our reason though we never believe without reason to assure us of the authority we confide in This being therefore our state and condition in this World we must as well praise Gods Goodness as admire his Power for sending us that Spirit of Truth which guides us into all truth that is necessary to conduct us to eternal happiness Now this Promise I told you I would consider two wayes 1. As it related to the Apostles and first Disciples of our Lord and Saviour 2. As it concerns the whole Church of Christ that is or shall be militant on the earth The first of these is already dispatched And therefore I now proceed to the second To view the Promise of the Spirits guidance as it concerns the Church throughout the several Ages and Periods of the Christian World I have already proved the divine influence on the minds of men though its immediate operation is too difficult to be explained as to the manner of its energy and work and that we have no reason to disbelieve the thing for that we know not the manner of its operation What therefore is now to be discoursed supposing the truth of its influence in general and that extraordinary assistance he gave unto the Apostles is How the Holy Spirit of God possesses the minds of those with truth who make themselves by holy dispositions and a due exercise of their rational faculties capable to receive it and what truths those are that the Spirit of God guides men into As to the first supposing that which has been already proved That the Apostles were inspired from above to receive a full revelation of those truths by opening their understandings and quickning their memories that concern the salvation of mankind and that they committed them to writing faithfully recording them for the use of posterity and that these are to be standing rules for all ages and generations to come I cannot find any other method the Spirit has used or does continue to guide the ages succeeding the Apostles into all truth but what is contained in these three particulars 1. By those Scriptures which he inspired the Apostles to publish and deliver 2. By inclining the hearts of some men to continue that Ministry which must endure to the end of the world And 3. By confirming those truths contained in the Scriptures unto the minds of men by co-operating with the external ministration by an internal work upon the understanding will and affections of those who are inclinable in the day of his power First then The Spirit of truth guides us into all truth by those Scriptures Christ and his Apostles delivered to be the standing rules for posterity These are those lively Characters in which we may read the Nature of God and the directions of our lives These are such an infallible rule of truth that they certainly guide those into it who soberly and conscientiously apprehend and follow them They convey peace of conscience here which is a thing valuable above Crowns and Kingdoms and hereafter give us such possessions as infinitely transcend the power of our thoughts and exceed all humane expectations These Holy Scriptures contain such a compleat body of Doctrine that they need not any additions to be made to them Let their own sense be but sufficiently explained and if they are permitted to speak their own mind they will neither want Apocrypha nor Traditions nor any new Revelation neither to render them a compleat System of Divinity Mens own Doctrines and not Christs want Traditions to confirm them and 't is the pride and covetousness of a Sect of men that would make all Christians groan with their burden and void Gods Word with their own pretensions however they are varnished with the plausible Epithets of ancient and Apostolical that make such additions to the Scriptures But the Holy Scriptures which were at first given by inspiration of God are able of themselves
troubled the Church perverted the Gospel of Christ Gal. 1.7 But this is no argument against the sufficiency or plainness of the Scripture in things necessary to our eternal salvation For they are usually more obscure Texts that are to exercise the more Learned and Critical part of men upon which Heresies are founded And this too frequently is occasioned by men that wrack and torture their understanstandings to conceive such things as are not here perfectly to be known Or if they are to be fathomed by other men yet are above the reach of those who thus ignorantly and erroneously apprehend them Thus S. Peter speaking of S. Paul's Epistles sayes that in them there are some things hard to be understood which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest as they do also the other Scriptures unto their own destruction 2 Pet. 3.16 But another sort there are too that have too much subtilty to be accounted ignorant Who are some of he perverse disputers of the world that first suit their Tenets to their interest and then violently press the Scriptures to prove what they were never intended for We should never else have heard This is my Body brought to prove that absurd Doctrine of Transubstantiation Nor Feed my Sheep to prove the Popes Supremacy Nor He will guide you into all truth to prove his Infallibility Nor He shall be saved yet so as by fire to prove a Purgatory When all these Texts are capable of fairer and more plain interpretations to another and more coherent sense But that the ambition of some men would entitle themselves to the government of the rest And then frame others belief to render them tame for such a tyranny and to be subject to whatsoever they will impose when all this while they suit the Articles of the Churches Faith to the encrease of their own Wealth the better to support their Pride and Usurpation Nay on the other side we have those amongst our selves who call the Pope names and yet embrace his Doctrine And tie that infallibility which they rob the Roman Chair of to their own single and Enthusiastick determinations Who by misunderstanding some Texts of Scripture direct themselves by a private impulse and then muster these to defend it But the Flower is not the less fragrant for that the Spider thence will suck for poison Nor does the Scripture cease to be a safe and sufficient Rule to those who soberly apprehend and follow it Notwithstanding some may wrest and misapply it Nor does the Spirit at any time contradict it self He having therefore inspired some men to commit a Rule to writing for future Generations to read and understand and put forth a Law that is sufficiently plain and perspicuous And men having reason and understanding enough assisted by the Spirits ordinary directions to guide themselves by the measures of this Rule and Law into all truth He expects now that they should order themselves as they do by all human Laws That is to believe upon the Authority of the Imposer and live proportionably to so great a favour and labour to understand what he has put into their power to know Remembering that of wise Agur Add thou not unto Gods words lest he reprove thee and thou be found a liar Prov. 30.6 The authority God has given to the Governors of his Church empowers them to command or alter circumstantials that all things may be done decently and in order In these we are to obey them that have the rule over us and to submit our selves Heb. 13.17 But no men are authorized to usurp the Throne of God himself To create new Articles of Faith Or impose other primary rules of duty than what they find written in the Scriptures They are only to confirm and explain them For as we must not think of men so neither of Doctrines above what is written Our language and design must be the same with S. Paul To deliver that which we also received 1 Cor. 15.3 So may we be workers together with God And when the world in the wisdom of God that is by the works of God which demonstrate his wisdom knows not God it may please him by the foolishness of preaching i. e. what some men account folly to save them that believe 1 Cor. 1.21 And this leads me to the next particular in which the Holy Spirit of God guides us that are remote from the Apostles Age into all truth which they delivered By inclining the minds of some men to continue that Ministry that must have its succession unto the end of the World And this is the second way of the Spirits conduct That in all Religious Constitutions which have been in the World there has been a separate and appointed Ministry is more notorious than to spend words in the proof of it 'T is too deeply planted in the minds of men and it bears an equal date with the Law of Nature fix'd in us Without this publick Worship cannot have its constant and orderly Being And had not this been established with the constitution of Christianity it would not only have been in a worse condition than any Religion which has possessed the world But than any Trade or Occupation among us to the obtainment of which men must be learners before they become able Workmen Or are permitted to exercise their particular Callings amongst any well ordered and embodied Society The separation therefore of some men from the generality of Christians was first made by our Saviour himself When he called the Apostles and sent forth the seventy Disciples to preach the Gospel unto human creatures And when the time of his departure from the world was come When he was to be received into his Fathers Kingdom in such a triumph as became a Conquerour and one to whom all power was given He delivers his full Commission to his Apostles substituting them in his own stead to rule his Church and to ordain their Successors That like the Tribe of Levi they might be legitimate and by a continued and distinguishable descent they might be perpetuated to the end of the World As my Father sent me sayes Christ so send I you John 20.21 Or as S. Matthew describes it All power is given to me both in Heaven and in Earth Go ye therefore and teach all Nations Baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you And lo I am with you alway to wit in the exercise of this power by your selves and Successors to the end of the world Matth. 28.18 19 20. These are some of those gifts our Saviour gave unto men when he ascended upon high Ephes 4.8 For he gave some Apostles and some Prophets and some Evangelists and some Pastors and Teachers For the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the Ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ This is to endure 'till we all come into the
guide them into all truth that we might have safe and infallible Rules to order and direct our actions by Then see how God values soundness in the Faith however men too much disregard it If either any Creed or none at all could have carried men to their future bliss Christ need never have come into the World to deliver an universal Doctrine in the Gospel Nor sent this Holy Spirit of truth to guide the Apostles into all truth This necessity therefore of being sound in the Faith was the reason why our Saviour and his Apostles caution'd men against Prophetical pretenders and false Teachers to take heed what they hear Mark 4.24 To have a care that the light which is in them be not darkness Luke 11.35 And to take heed lest there be in any of them an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God Heb. 3.12 Hence is it because as S. Peter sayes there are damnable Heresies that the unsound Cretians were so severely to be reproved that they might be sound in the Faith Tit. 1.13 Hence is it that S. Paul commands Timothy to hold fast the form of sound words 2 Tim. 1.13 Which probably referr'd to some brief Creed or summary of the Christian Faith delivered to him by the Apostle Though we find them now Burlesqu'd and flouted at But alas with as little wit as reason From hence finally was it that S. Jude exhorted those to whom he wrote his Epistle to contend earnestly for the Faith which was once delivered unto the Saints 3. ver of his Epist We are not now to make our own Faith nor is it indifferent what we believe Let us receive therefore what has been delivered out of the Scriptures through all the several Ages of Christianity and endeavour to make our lives as pure as our Faith Lastly We may learn from this Holy Spirit of truth to speak truth and by no methods to impose upon one another That we may evidence to God our selves and the world that the Spirit of truth has still an influence upon our minds There are a generation of Vipers among men whose teeth are Spears and Arrows and their tongue a sharp Sword That ingross the whole trade of lying and yet pretend to be men inspired These receive false News in gross and then retail it out to others Their tongues indeed are very sharp and no wonder neither since they keep the Whetstone wholly to themselves These are your itinerant Historians that to consume our Corn carry alwayes firebrands at their tails Who lie so often that they can hardly believe themselves when they speak truth and give to all that have had the curse of their conversation a plain testimony who their Father is But let not any of our souls enter into their secrets But resolve to resemble the Spirit of truth in abominating all lies and hypocrisie and to qualifie our selves for our future ascent to Gods holy Hill by speaking the truth in our hearts Psal 15. Our Saviour had no guile found in his mouth And we must follow so good an example unless we think lying the Character of a Saint and perjury to put on a Martyrs Crown S. Paul did not think so when he forbad the Colossians to lie to one another seeing they had put off the the old man with his deeds Colos 3.9 Let us therefore beware of Arrogance and Calumny Of detracting from others or attributing too much to our selves And let us imitate the Holy Spirit under the Gospel by guiding our selves into all truth So shall we avoid both sin and shame and eternal confusion at the great and terrible day of the Lord that we may then give up our accounts with joy and not with grief Would we but endeavour to follow the sacred Spirit of God who is so ready to influence our minds in truth and faithfulness Commerce and Trade would be more innocent we should neither betray our own selves by any false or glozing language nor should we suffer by plain dealing Oaths would again become Religious among English men nor would any be unjustly executed by guilty or scandalously freed by an Ignoramus Our gracious and truly Great Monarch would be safe without the base attempts of any to secure him He would be our own and we at his wise and lawful disposal by his Coronation Oath and our sworn Allegiance to him Every man were there truth among us might enjoy peace in his own capacity he might sit under his Vine and his Fig tree and Liberty and Property would never be bones of contention more But if we remain Hypocrites in Religion and false to each other we can neither expect that God or men should be our friends Because what in us lyes we peck at the foundations of the World and make the whole Creation groan We shake the main Principle of Trade and Commerce when we are such wretched creatures that no body can believe us And we cannot but enrage the Great God who being truth it self has sent his Holy Spirit unto us to guide us into the wayes of truth Whatever guilt therefore any person may by the iniquity of times striking in with his own easie inclinations have contracted to himself in this point Let him now repent while it is called to day lest the night come in which terror and astonishment will surprize him whose obscure shadows will by degrees withdraw the pleasing light from him till it lodges him in a state of blackness for ever The Conclusion WE are here placed in a World so full of objects that affect our external senses that we are naturally led more by these than we are by faith And when by degrees we abstract our thoughts and fix our minds on things above we either weary the powers of our minds and make them sink into a stupid inadvertency or else are so pleased with the sprightliness of our creating fancies that we nimbly make Idea's in our brains of such seeming things as never were nor ever shall be And so we lead our selves into the belief of what was not designed to be the object of our understanding no more than it shall be the subject of our possession Sometimes these things are projected before hand by the cunning politick men of the World who by such means intend to impose upon others to carry on secular interests that may in the end be gainful to themselves And sometimes men by reason of their weak and unable constitutions acting contemplation beyond their own capacity to manage it impose upon themselves till they really believe their own thoughts of objects that yet have no real existence nor are ever like to have a being in the Universe Some think too much and others too little Too much learning makes one sort mad and others are mad because they have so little Some men by sinking themselves into a deep melancholy and others by a nimble and exorbitant agitation of their blood and spirits command themselves into ecstasie or
actions where there is no difference at all For as it matters not whether the object proposed to the Wills embracement be either real or apparent good the same passion is used in the reception so in respect of the understanding also If the object seems to be true it makes the same impression with truth it self If we pretend a difference in the Images represented in the brain which the soul contemplating does according to their beauty or deformity own or reject the objects represented by them since we find still that an error presented under the notion of truth as long as we receive it is as pleasant to us as truth it self there can be no such Idea's supposed of such different aspects that in them we can read good and evil without some more superiour direction For if there were it would be impossible for a man to be deceived that gave himself time to contemplate these Images But if we shall as we must indeed prove the truth of the Spirits impulse from the agreement of the thing it impells us to with the truths revealed in Gods Word then the impulse it self is but a weak direction that must have another more convincing to determine it Nay not the surest confirmation of things that admits a proof beyond it self whilst the Scripture becomes its Judge either to condemn or acquit it If this were not so why should our Saviour give the World such admonitions and caution men against false Christs and false Prophets that should arise and deceive many Matth. 24. but that he foresaw the false pretensions that would be made to inspiration S. John need not otherwise have cautioned us not to believe every Spirit nor exhorted us to try the Spirits whether they are of God but that he knew that many false Prophets were gone out into the world But Lastly Let us consider too that God does not use to make bare his arm and put his power to an immediate work when the thing may be accomplish'd as well by other means which he has appointed to that very end For though this might demonstrate his Power yet it lessens his Wisdom to exert more strength and use more applications to produce an effect which fewer might as well accomplish Nay it would subvert that scheme of causes which his contrivance has already ordered It would both render Gods rules and mans endeavours after the knowledge of the truth useless and ridiculous At least those Scriptures which are already revealed would not be able to make the man of God perfect which is not only contrary to the Apostles affirmation 2 Tim. 3.17 But S. Paul's argument must be inverted and he might justly he ashamed of the Gospel of Christ because it would not be the power of God unto salvation whereas he plainly and confidently affirms it to be so Rom. 1.16 Why should any therefore now the Rule is given vainly expect revelations and impulses and extend their belief to a bold presumption deluding themselves with vain hopes since these now are neither promised nor in that manner Enthusiasts wait for them ever intended Let us rest satisfied therefore with those truths already received since no more Divine Rules of life can rationally be expected till the Day of Doom And with Gods benediction and the ordinary concurrences of his holy Spirit upon the Gospel let us frame our lives according to its Precepts and Commands that walking according to these Rules we may at last receive the end of our faith the salvation of our souls These the Holy Ghost has sealed to us not only by inspiring the Sacred Pen-men to an exact delivery but he has confirm'd them also by such Miracles as at once exceed the powers of the creation and surmount the objections of men and Devils Upon this we build a rational belief though some mysteries in our Religion exceed our full and perfect comprehension Other pretensions however back'd with great names being confidently averr'd with boldness and zeal are no other than wild notions and exorbitant fancies Things that if Satan who pants and breathes for our eternal ruine can once perswade us to an embracement of he then presents a deformed Monster for the most beautiful Truth He has then cast a veil upon our minds and leads us blindfold into what errors he pleases He spreads his Nets and entanglements for us and certain he is to catch and ensnare us For who cannot lead the blind into a ditch or bring him upon a Precipice when he thinks himself safe and secure How easie is it for the fallen Spirit that envies men the very hopes of bliss since he himself is in eternal despair to dart into persons who forsake the written Word to attend new impulses and revelations those poisoned arrows that shall drink up their spirits and perswade such to embrace any thing who have no better rule than their own perswasions Listen not then to the fond fancies of any bold and passionate men who making use of their hot constitutions convert their own natural rashness into a seeming zeal pouring forth thick words and thin sense whilst they impudently pretend the Spirits impulse for all their rude and unreasonable notions and give the stamp of Canon to their Doctrines Nor must we yet on the other hand so far make our reason Judge as to destroy our faith but taking the Gospel for our sufficient rule let us use our faculties to explain and apprehend it But by no means let us curtail or extend it beyond what was the design of the imposer 'T is a strange Age in which we live when Religion is almost lost by making too strict an enquiry after it and too much curiosity in our speculations has rendered us almost regardless of our practice We discourse the gravest and most serious points of our holy faith with so much levity and disrespect the indecency of the places in which we hold such Conferences adding to our vanity that we first make our Religion common and then slight it as mean and inconsiderable But whatever the Sons of Darkness do let us who are of the Day be sober and with due reverence and a godly fear receive those impressions of the Spirit which he has made in Sacred Writ so shall we avoid the blasphemies of those who so confidently assert Diabolical suggestions and the black fancies which are the fruits of a corrupted constitution for Divine inspirations For no zeal or mode of delivery can possibly perswade any rational man that duly exercises his own faculties that profound nonsense or unaccountable propositions are deep Divinity Nor that men whose natures are envious and Diabolical can possibly receive instructions from God to promote division raise disturbances or to continue any which have already had their auspicious beginnings and as I hope their full progress among us For that wisdom which is from above is first pure then peaceable gentle and easie to be intreated full of mercy and good fruits without wrangling and
without hypocrisie And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for them that make peace Thus I have endeavoured to free the inspirations of the Holy Spirit from the bold claims of Papists and Fanaticks when they plead its conduct and appropriate it to themselves in those false Doctrines which they publish to the World What now remains to finish this Discourse but only to beg that we would be perswaded to avoid these obstructions to the compleatment and perfection of our Religion and to practise the contrary that may perfect our obedience to the truth that we would give unto God an undivided heart that we would not halt betwixt two opinions and mix Christianity with other principles different from it That we would not think the Cross so grievous to be born when the reward of a Crown is proposed with it That we would not be so fond of our natural dispositions but submit our inclinations to Gods commands that we would more seriously endeavour to make our faith conquer our senses in things that are not their proper objects that the spirituality of that Worship which the Gospel prescribed may be more strictly practised and intended by us That we would endeavour to alleviate the burden of those duties that Christianity prescribes by the rational considerations of their excellency and rewards That we would allow our selves more leisure for consideration and thoughtfulness by a retirement from the hurries and business of the World that we would banish the love of the World from our hearts especially when detracting from the love of God and the interest of Religion That we would distinguish well betwixt zeal and passion and let good things determine our affections That we would not wilfully misunderstand the Gospel to support either a principle or a faction That we would watch against the insinuations and subtilties of the Devil who like a roaring Lyon walks about seeking to devour us That we would beware of pride and obstinacy of mind which hates conviction and strengthens error That we would not be partial in the choice of the duties of Religion since the same authority enjoins all and true obedience must be universal That we would banish coolness and not be indifferent in our choice of Religion but be strict in the examination of our principles that in the proof of all things we may hold fast that which is good Finally That we would not imbibe such Opinions as in their nature or consequences are destructive of Christianity that we may not ruine by particular conclusions what we seem to hold to and profess in the general And Lastly That we would admit such evidences of what Christianity enjoins us to believe as the nature of the things are capable of since the expectation of more is unreasonable and a farther demand is altogether against the Laws of discourse and we require what is impossible to be done This advice if we cordially embrace will prepare us for obedience to the truth and hinder us from being shaken with every wind of Doctrine and toss'd alwayes in the midst of uncertainties our judgements then will be fixed and setled and if we add our sincere endeavours to live according to the principles we receive and pray to God to assist us in our duties we shall gain peace of conscience here and hereafter an eternal Crown of Glory Which God of his infinite mercy grant to us all for Christ Jesus sake to whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost be ascribed by all rational creatures that are capable of performing it all Glory and Adoration now and for ever Amen FINIS Books Printed for and are to be Sold by Edward Vize at the Sign of the Bishop's Head over against the Royal Exchange in Cornhil A Discourse of Prayer Wherein this great Duty is stated so as to oppose some Principles and Practices of Papists and Fanaticks as they are contrary to the Publick Forms of the Church of England established by her Ecclesiastical Canons and confirmed by Acts of Parliament By Thomas Pittis D.D. one of His Majesties Chaplains in Ordinary Advice to the Readers of the Common-Prayer and to the People attending the same With a Preface concerning Divine Worship Humbly offered to Consideration for promoting the greater Decency and Solemnity in performing the Offices of Gods Publick Worship administred according to the Order established by Law amongst us By a well-meaning though unlearned Laick of the Church of England T. S. The Life of the Learned and Reverend Dr. Peter Heylin Chaplain to Charles I. and Charles II. Monarchs of Great Britain Written by George Vernon Rector of Bourton on the Water in Gloucestershire The Crafty Lady Or the Rival of Himself A Gallant Intriegue Translated out of French into English by F. C. Ph. Gent. FINIS