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A52315 The prophecy of the spirit of love set forth by H.N. and by him perused anew and more distinctly declared ; translated out of Base-Almain into English. Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1580? 1649 (1649) Wing N1129; ESTC R36616 160,321 370

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be not in any wise seduced or deceived by the Love which [k] 1 Iohn 4 nevertheless is God himself nor by the Spirit of Love which is the true godliness of Jesus Christ nor by the dayed-Elder in the same Spirit which witnesseth the upright Being of the Love and her Spirit 5. Behold such a Circumspection will they almost all occupy or use supposing even so according to their good thinking or own knowledg to enter into the Life and although they are not regenerated in the Obedience of the Love of Jesus Christ [l] Wisd 1 Matth. 11 and 13 1 Cor. 2 nor yet understand the Works of God nor the Mystery of his Kingdom to be more prudent and understanding with their knowledg then God himself and his Spirit of Love 6. Which Spirit hath now in this very day through the mercy of God and his elected Minister made manifest the secret Treasures of God and the godly and spiritual [m] Eph. 3 Col. 1 2 Tim. 1 Riches of the heavenly Goods so distinctly and nakedly and also brought the same so abundantly and liberally unto us in the obedience of the requiring of his Service of Love where-out also we declare forth the same again among the children of men That the simplest or very least among the understanding ones if he considered thereon might right easily understand that this our Ministration of the holy Word in the Service of Love is Gods working and not the mans and that the same Spirit and such an holy understanding n Mat. 16. as is witnessed declared out of the same Ministration proceeded not out of any flesh nor earthly understanding but out of the living God and that men also without conceiving any evil opinion thereof ought to be obedient to that same Spirit in the requiring of his holy Word and Service under the obedience of the Love 7. Howbeit many will not consider hereon but they turn them almost all to their own [o] James 3 understanding out of the wisdom of the flesh and Scripture-learnedness or imagination of the knowledg wherein they intangle disturb or disquiet themselves among each other and come not (p) Ephese 1 and 4 2 Tim. 3 to the Understanding whereunto they are called or required and wherein they might understand the Mind or Intent of the Works of God 8. Out of these ignorant Understandings according to the imagination of the Knowledg very many make up themselves presently which judg the Administration of the gracious Word of the holy Spirit of Love out of their ignorant and unilluminated Understandings and running forth even so with their Judgements here and there they know nor understand not themselves what they judg thereof 9. For the One murmureth here and will have it Thus after his Minde the Other murmureth there and will have it So after his Mind The One hath seen or marked This in it that is unright in his eyes The Other hath heard That thereof or else conceived and imagined to himself there-out some strange or absurd Matter that soundeth unto him in his ears and in his thoughts as unright or error 10. Herewith now and with such like as there is mentioned certain have so much to do and to talk of that they for that cause through the great toyl and business which they incumber themselves withall thereabout become so utterly blinded in their hearts that they by no means can consider on the single-minded [q] 1 Kin. 15 1 Pet. 1 Obedience which the gracious Word and his Service of Love requireth nor yet on the abundant Treasures and Riches [r] Mat. 13 Col. 2 of God which out of the heavenly Truth become [s] Ephes 3 Col. 1 revealed by Gods Grace so richly and liberally unto us in the Service of Love and through the holy Spirit of Love brought unto us to Salvation 11. They have likewise not once any regard what an upright and lovely godly [t] Eph. 4 2 Pet. 1 Being the gracious Word bringeth in the Obedience of his Service of Love unto his Beleevers 12. Also they understand not [u] Mat. 16 the time which is now present and at hand in which the ending of the perverse [x] 2 Pet. 3 world and the appearing of [y] Mat. 24 and 25 Luke 17 Acts 1 the Coming of out Lord Jesus Christ and the z Isai 26 Iohn 5 1 Cor. 15 1 Thes 4 Resurrection of his holy ones cometh to pass CHAP. V. OH Is it not a very lamentable case that I have [a] Eccl. 24 2 Cor. 11 labored thus long with such a fervency and diligence in the Mystery of the Works of God out of the godly powers among the children of men and given abroad the same Mystery of the Works of God unto them with so full resolution to their Salvation to declare thereby Gods Truth upon the Earth so openly and clearly dealt or been conversant in the travel of the godly Testimonies of the true Light among so many and also communed or spoken thus long yea so often and many times with them of the [b] Mat. 13 Luke 8 Mystery of the Kingdom of the God of Heaven and that I yet finde so few which with all their heart give over themselves good-willingly to be obedient c 1 Pet. 1 Jam. 1 disciples unto the gracious Word of Life and Truth and to his service of Love or that humble them according to the requiring of the Word and [d] Prov. 1 Counsel of the Wisdom aright there-under For almost they all [e] Phil. 2 seek themselves and not the Lord and even so hearing and beleeving themselves [f] Jer. 18 and 23 they follow after their own will and understanding and not the Lords nor his gracious Words 2. Seeing then that they hear beleeve and witness so gladly their own word and follow or ensue so gladly their own counsel wisdom and will so will they also very gladly and willingly submit themselves thereunder also gladly give them over and be obedient to the same [g] Ier. 7 11 13 but not to the gracious Word of Life or of the Spirit of Love Yea such an absurd and preposterous dealing against the gracious Word of Life or of the Spirit of Love is used often times much more by them which men have in estimation and count to have understanding then by the little and single-minded ones 3. Oh how much and many times is it mentioned in our Writings That the Lord detesteth and is wholly minded against [h] Isaiah 3 and 30 Rom 1 8 11 1 Cor. 1 all pride of the flesh against all the wisdoms of the earthly or fleshly men and against all their industry subtle pregnancy knowledg and counsel And how little becometh it taken to heart or how little thinketh and considereth the man that he touching Gods Causes ought to hold himself [i] Psal 37 Isaiah 30 still in his wisdom industry understanding
or knowledg until that he were endowed and illuminated in his spirit through the obedience of the requiring of the serviceable Word with the eternal and living [k] 1 Iohn 1 Word of God the Father and (l) Iohn 15 and 17 Ephes 3 2 Pet. 1 incorporated to the upright and lovely Being of the Love of Jesus Christ 4. Whilest then that the man is so unmindful of this and bringeth forth always so presumptuous boldly out of his good-thinking prudency or industry and out of the imagination of his knowledg his own word counsel and will so much and manifoldly witnesseth forth the same for truth and even so according to his manly wisdom out of the mind of his flesh goeth on therewith and because he thinketh that his cause is right willeth nor desireth not any thing else so must I other-whiles let the man alone or suffer him to go forth therein for a season waiting when he will come to a better mind and behold with long-suffering how it will go with him 5. Therefore for the Peace's Cause to ●he end that I would not contend with any man I keep often silence among many and let passe in my patience and long suffering all false witnessings against me and even so abide waiting for the right time (m) Ecl. 3 wherein the gracious Word of Truth the Discipline or Chastising erudition might be gladly hearkened unto and beleeved of the Man to reform the Man even so in convenient time with long suffering and to prevent him with the upright Wisdom and holy Understanding if happily he might by that means be found worthy of the Grace that the Lord would open unto him the Door of the upright (n) Eph. 1 Understanding and give him yet once to understand that he ought to keep silence and become utterly dumb in himself and first of all to hearken unto the upright serviceable Word of the holy Understanding that cometh forth (o) Isaiah 2 Micah 4 out of the holy Jerusalem and leadeth in unto the Godliness to shew forth upright fruits of Repentance to give over himself to become obedient thereunto and even so to become (p) Eph. 4 taught o bediently in the upright Wisdom of the lovely Being and in the holy Understanding of the Godliness and so then to testifie thereof 6. O that the Man gave himself to stilness also had regard with diligence and fervency and that (q) Mat. 11 in humble manner to the service of the gracious Word under the obedience of the Love and desired to do the (r) Psal 40 Acts 9 Will of the Lord so should he then verily learnwell to note or perceive wherein the Lord hath placed his Heart Being and Minde and wherein He hath declared or revealed himself together with his Light Word Spirit and Truth And that it is also wholly the Will of the Lord that Men (ſ) Isa 42 Mat. 3 17 should hear and believe his Word Spirit and Truth there-out and that Men ought also to assemble them as obedient (t) Iohn 8 1 Peter 1 Iames 1 Disciples of the Word thereunto 7. If now the Man once marked and understood this same aright so should he then also verily if he had a (u) Psal 40 Acts 9 lust to doe the Will of the Lord endeavour himself with good will thereto and even so become assembled therewith turn his hearing to the same and out of the sound of the witnessings of the same (x) Pro. 4 take to heart the wisdom of Instruction and even so growing up therein to the (y) Eph. 4 old age of the Man Christ learn there-out to speak rightly the holy (z) Wis 1 2 Understanding ●f the godly Wisdom 8. For verily the true Jerusalem which in Times past descended in sumptuous and gorgeous garnishing (a) Apoc. 21 from Heaven and where-out the Word of the Lord is (b) Isa 2 25 Ier. 31 Micah 4 promised to go forth is risen up therein with his glistering Clearness In which Jerusalem the holy Hill of Sion where-out the Law of the Lord is promised to go forth and whereon the (c) Lev. 26 2 Cor. 6 Apoc. 12 15 21 Isaiah 2 Micah 4 Temple Tabernacle or House of God is builded becometh exalted above d all Hills and manifested to be a Nurce of the Children of Jerusalem 9. And that same heavenly State with all that is of one Being therewith is verily the (e) Luke 17 Rom. 14 peaceable Kingdom and Mercy-seat of all Beleevers in CHRIST the which is from the Grace of God come unto Us now in the (f) Isa 16 Heb. 5 last time according to the Promises 10. In which undisturbable and fast-stablished Kingdom (g) Rom. 14 Apoc. 12 that is come unto us full of Peace and full of all spiritual and heavenly Goods all holy Soules and godly Understandings do (h) Isa 35 51 60 61 65 66 Ier. 23 31 33 live and inhabite with all Triumph Glor● and Christian Joy free and without an● Fear and there-unto also all Men th● are good of wil to assemble them thereto are called and lovingly bidden 11. Oh that the Man understood this same aright i Deut. 32 Isaiah 48 So should he then assuredly with all good-willingness of his heart k Heb. 5 humble himself before the Throne of Grace and soveraign Majesty of God take heed unto the Word of the Lord there-out hear beleeve and good-willingly obey the same honour laud praise and thank that same God which hath prepared all this for us which also liveth from everlasting to everlasting l Apoc. 4 7 and sitteth upon the seat of his Majestie and spread abroad every where the great Acts and wonderful works of God as also rejoyce him with great Joy for that such a Throne of Grace and Saving-health is now in these last perillous times appeared come and declared m Apoc. 21 out of the heavenly Being upon the Earth unto the Children of Men n Luke 2 which hope on God and on the Comfort of his Salvation and that also therethrough the o Mat. 6 Luke 11 will of the Lord is accomplished on Earth as in Heaven CHAP. VI. O Ye Children of Men consider well now hereon and have a good regard thereto and take the same yet once effectually a Deut. 4 Prov. 4 to heart namely how that presently out of this very Throne of Grace which is appeared and come unto us now in the last Time in the most holy of the true Tabernacle of God to an everlasting Stool of Grace b Apoc. 21 upon the Earth the Glorv of the Lord becometh manifest and his c Isaiah 2 Micah 4 Law Word and Will according to his godly Truth expresly witnessed 2. For that cause have now a distinct Diversity in whom Gods Spirit and his Word is revealed or manifested and in whom it is yet unrevealed 3. For consider where God
with his Christ and Spirit hath his d Iohn 1 17 Apoc. 21 Dwelling in any one and bringeth forth his secret Treasures of the Heavenly Goods thereout even there is then truly his Wisdom e Wis 1 7 to be found and also the Counsel of God according to the Truth And not by the Strangers nor by the Disobedient unto the Word nor yet by the good-thinking wise which separate themselves from us and our godly Doctrine neither yet by them whose Spirit is not in the conformity of being with us f John 3 Rom 8 begotten or born out of God but in the Separation against us out of the flesh of the earthly Being have a good respect hereunto 4. O ye Earthly Generations I mean ye earthly un-Godded Men that exalt and preferr your g Ier. 23 27 owne Word which notwithstanding is meer lies so highly and hear and believe the same so gladly also alwaies desire to follow after your own Counsel which notwithstanding is a meer seducing and deceit and to be obedient thereunto and will even so out of your Darknesse which is doubtless nothing else but the cursed Kingdom of h Apoc 17 Hell and the Possession or Habitation of all Divels and wicked Spirits it self judg so gladly the Light of Gods Truth and the Children of Light Ah beloved consider yet once in what Being and Nature ye are comprehended and then judge from whence your word and Spirit is or hath his Original where-with ye will judge and speak forth i Isaiah 38 Jer. 11 the Divine Matters and from whence also ye fetch your Counsel which ye without Gods Counsel wherewith we are of one Being so earnestly ensue or follow after k 2 Pet. 2 Iude 1 according to your own Minde of the Flesh and where-out likewise ye execute the Judgment with the which ye judge the Testimonies of the Light and the Children of the Love or of God 5. Behold herein now and according to this manner pronounce forth boldly the Judgment l Iohn 8 1 Cor. 11 over your selves and give testimony of your own selves what ye your selves in your disobedience to the Requiring of the Word are or may be reckoned for As likewise of your own Word which ye speak there-out for I commit therein the matter unto your selves to judge 6. O ye Children of Men seeing that ye judge another and all things so gladly or willingly so judge now once also your selves Ah beloved do I pray you even so for I have now given the matter into your own hands to judge 7. Thus look well rightly into your selves and then pronounce forth m Iohn 8 1 Cor. 11 according to the Truth the Judgment or Sentence over your selves what ye your selves all are according to your inward Man and truly when ye once begin to see aright into your selves then shall ye for certain find in your selves that ye are no● minded according to Gods Nature o● Being But according to the Nature of a corrupted and earthly consumable or mortal Man And that your Word and Spirit and all your Will and Counsel n 1 Cor. 2 Iames 3 is out of the Flesh of Sin o John 8 and out of the Lyes of Darkness 8. For so long as ye yet live in the p Rom. 8 13 1 Pet. 4 Flesh of Sin and that ye are not through the Doctrine of the Testimonies of the holy Spirit of the Love of Iesus Christ restored neither prepared to the New Birth in Jesus Christ in your Spirit and Understanding nor yet humble you there unto and that ye are not q Mat. 13 taught with the Administration of the Gracious Word under the Obedience of the Love to the Kingdom of the God of Heaven or that the same is not come unto you in your Obedience unto the Word and Service of Love r Apoc. 12 21 in your Spirit and that ye even so direct the course or forth-going of your life without the Service of the Love and his Requiring So is then doubtless all your Word Spirit and Counsel proceeding out of the Imagination of your Knowledge s Rom 8. 1 Cor. 2 Iam. 3 no otherwise minded but earthly devilish and fleshly and ye have not any sight nor knowledg at all of Gods Matters or Causes nor of the Kingdom of God according to the heavenly Truth It is very true CHAP. VII HArken harken [a] Psalm 37 Isaiah 30 Hold you still before the Seat of Gods Majesty O ye children of men and give ear diligently for there cometh now forth from the same Seat [b] Psalm 18 Apoc. 4 Lightenings Thunders and Voyces yea even now the Lord letteth himself be heard upon the earth and He the highest God which sitteth upon his Seat and liveth for ever and ever [c] Isaiah 26 Micha 1 speaketh now out of his holy Dwelling 2. Have now therefore a good regard unto the particular Unfolding or distinct Definition of the same sound of the Voyce of the Lord For thus saith the Lord or in this manner soundeth his Voyce 3. Your own Word O ye children of men is the [d] Ier. 7 8 9 14 23 27 Ezek. 13 Lye which seduceth you 4. Your own Understanding is the destroying and corrupt Knowledg wherethrough ye in your judging miss the Right and the Truth and for that cause bear a false [e] Pro 11 20 Mich. 6 Ballance 5. Your own fore-cast or conceiving will and counsel is the falshood of your mind which beguileth you in such sort that your steps by that occasion cannot be upright before me saith the Lord. 6. Your own Being or false mind of darkness is the [f] Apoc. 2 and 17 Kingdom of Hell to a [g] Mat. 12 Luke 11 dwelling for all Devils and false Spirits where-through ye with feignedness and covering of shame and with divers manner of self-mindedness are held captive [h] Rom. 7 or brought in subjection yea so captived that it is very painful and cumbersom unto you to make manifest your selves uncoveredly or nakedly before the Seat of my glorious Majesty and for that cause also ye obtain [i] Apoc. 3 little lust and love to the Kingdom of Heaven the which is the upright Being and Mind of the everlasting and [k] 1 Pet. 2 unchangeable Light wherein I saith the Lord [l] Lev. 26 2 Cor. 6 Apoc. 21 live and dwell as an eternal and living God 7. Behold saith the Lord to live [m] Iohn 14 and dwell in all your Inwardness with this same Light and Clearness that is my [n] Mat. 6 22 Righteousness rindx and also the Righteousness of my godly Kingdom But here-out saith the Lord ye thrust Me and keep Me off dayly with your own Word and Will and abide even so with your fleshly Will always deviled and devilishly minded and think very little that I have loved you so intirely
express Difference betwixt the x Mat. 13 Iohn 3 earthly and the heavenly and betwixt the Lying and the True the which to all earthly unregenerated Men with all their Industry and Prudency is a thing y Rom. 8 1 Cor. 2 unpossible CHAP. XIII SEeing now that Gods wonde full Works the Spirit of his Power and the a Mat. 13 Misterie of his Kingdom of Heaven is b Wis 1 Mat. 11. known and understood only of the heavenly and spiritual Man So hath not an earthly and fleshly Man out of his natural and Scripture learned understanding any Sight nor knowledg c Rom. 8 1 Cor. 2 at all thereof Yea he is so utterly void of the same that he cannot understand the smallest title thereof much less then expound or interpret the same according to the Truth unto another 2. But he may well hear witnessed thereof according to the manly manner through the serviceable or written Word and also speak forth the same again afterwards but through himself or out of his own Understanding he d 1 Cor. 2 understandeth not any thing at all of the same according to the Truth but it is all covered and e Mat. 13 Luke 8 2 Cor. 4 secret before him or in Similitudes Images Figures and Parrables For cause he cannot likewise out of his own Wisdom once conceive nor f Wis 9 comprehend in his Knowledge what the same according to the Truth is in the godly Being 3. If he will therefore judge speak forth and interpret any thing thereof according to the imagination of his own knowledge So is it all doubtless false and lyes what he both conceiveth and also speaketh thereof where-out it becommeth that a fleshly Man out of his naturall Understanding g 1 Cor. 1 2 knoweth not any thing at all of the Spirit of God and that it is all foolishness what he judgeth or speaketh thereof 4. Verily therefore they all do err very much that judg according to their understanding out of the earthly Being or out of the Flesh or Letter Gods Truth which is heavenly and spiritual h Isaiah 41 and 48 and his wonderful Acts whether it be of that which is passed or of that which is present or of that which is to come or take upon them to discuss the same and will teach instruct or order the ignorant people according to their judgment 5. For verily Gods Truth and his Works which He worketh not through any fleshly understanding but [i] Mat. 12 Luke 11 through the Power of his Spirit out of his holy Heaven are far above all understandings of the flesh yea not any one of all the children of men can through his natural understanding out of blood [k] Wisd 1 and 9 1 Cor. 2. comprehend nor understand the same nor yet finde out the ground thereof 6. Therefore surely Gods Truth the excellent Beauty of his heavenly Kingdom and his godly and heavenly Works are [l] Matth. 11 and 13 Acts 28 unknown unto all flesh and unto all fleshly earthly men but it is given unto the children of the Kingdom the Communality of the Love to understand the secret Mystery thereof 7. It is likewise verily a great folly upon the earth yea a presumptuous and arrogant enterprize or dealing which is also utterly without all Equity and reasonable Understanding that the earthly and fleshly men set themselves to Judgment for to judg out of their natural comprehending and industry or out of their scripturely learnedness according to the flesh the spiritual Truth of God and Gods heavenly wonderful Acts whereof there is not any thing at all [m] Mat. 11 and 13 given them to understand wherein they all with their understandings run to an end yea they come so to an end or grow to such an exigent therein that they know not often times [n] Micha 7 Luke 21 where to catch or take hold of the same again 8. But many are herein very [o] Isaiah 30 arrogantly minded for when as they with their understanding are run to an end in the godly Matters to wit that they have not nor cannot comprehend nor understand those same aright yet persevere they notwithstanding searching there-after prosecuting or ensuing the same with their imagination of p Rom. 1 the Knowledge they will nevertheless alwaies be judged to have right Yea they would much rather judge Moses the Prophets of God together with the Apostles of Christ and Gods elected Minister H N. to err or misse the right then that they would by any means confess and acknowledge that they in the Imagination of their Knowledge concerning the godly Matters are ignorant and lying CHAP. XIV O Ye blinde People ye arrogant distracted earthly Men and all ye subtil or pregnant self-wise of the Flesh together with all ye false hearts of the Scripture-learned ye a Gen. 4 Jude 1 Cain-ish Ceremonie-Ministers and ye Persecuters and Murtherers of the Abel-ish upright Hearts Wherefore b Isaiah 14 exalt ye your selves so arrogantly against the high excellent Majesty of God and his righteous Judgment Consider and look yet once into it what ye have done 2. Oh alas ye have the which will now fall out painfully or sharply against you set your selves with your false Nature to c Isa 30 Judgment judged Gods Causes out of your Lyes altogether falsly seduced the Simple believed your own judgment which is unright and false and born dominion therewith over the Earth Also been d Iohn 8 Rom. 2 2 Thes 2 unbelieving of God in his Truth and resisting of the Love and even so with your falfe judgments falsly e Wis 2 Dan. 13 accused or defamed the upright Hearts as men worthy to be rooted out from the Earth 3. For that cause let your selves now be counselled by the wisdome and look betimes into all your Ignorances and let it all fall away from you or give it all over wherein ye have supposed to be wise or understanding and f Ezek. 18 Ioel 2 Mat. 3 Acts 2 3. shew forth repentance for your sins under the Obedience of the Love of Jesus Christ 4. For verily when ye look according to the Truth into your selves and all that ye have done So shall ye not choose but perceive and acknowledge that ye have g 1 Wis 5 9 not understood known or judged the earthly and naturall Things which ye have passed through and are yet daily a passing through truly or aright 5. Seeing then that ye have not been able to understand nor judge rightly those things which according to the Earthly Being are like unto you and where about ye daily have to doe How should ye then O ye blockish and ignorant earthly Men be able to understand or judge the heavenly or spirituall Things which are h Wis 9 Mat. 11 13 secret or hidden before you and which ye have never seen nor are passed through them But for
requiring of my holy and gracious Word that passeth forth under the obedience of my Love nor have any regard thereto know and understand that they all are [o] Isai 1 Amos 5 Luke 16 Tit. 1 an abomination and a loathsomness before mine eyes and that I cannot away with them to the end that they all through thy service out of my Love may turn them uprightly [p] Isai 55 Ier. 3 to me and my Love [q] Ezek. 17 Ioel 2 Math. 3 Luke 3 repent them for their sins and be [r] 2 Pet. 3 preserved in the clearness of the day of my righteous Judgment 8. Now bowing my self in all obedience to my God I went forth and did abide also always in the Lord even as the Lord had commanded me and my spirit being moved through Gods power I gave forth the sound of the voyce of the gracious Word of the Lord like as I had also done in times past 9. And even so out of the love of my God and Christ became the gracious Word of the Lord in living power out of the living God in sharp reproving chastising and nurturing as with documents to the putting away and mortifying of the sin of death and also in gentle-dealing or helpfulness to Salvation as with sweet [s] Isai 55 Ioh 4 7 Apo. 22 waters to the raising up of the righteousness of life [t] Iohn 4 and 7 flowing from my body and the sound of the same voyce enlarged it self wide abroad upon the earth 10. Have a good regard therefore O ye children of men unto that which becometh this day out of the gracious Word of th● Lord and his holy Spirit of Love spoken and expressed unto you and harden [u] Psal 95 Heb. 3 not your hearts in any case but [x] Jer. 7 and 18 25 35 amend your Being to the end that ye may enter with the children of God into the [y] Isai 32 Heb. 3 4 Rest of the Lord. CHAP. II. O Ye Children of men ye children [a] Gen. 3 Isai 1 9 Rom. 5 of defection which will not beleeve nor understand Gods Truth give any [b] Prov. 1 Jer. 7 ear to the Lords Will nor follow after the doctrine and instruction of the gracious Word and his holy Spirit of Love how can I in any case suffer you any longer then I have suffered you seeing that the Lord himself will not forbear you any longer in your unwillingness to his Righteousness 2. Thus long have I with the [c] Rom. 2 2 Pet. 3 long-suffering of the Lord beheld and considered it also with long-suffering what manner of ways it might be that ye all loved to walk in and whether also any man loved or desired to enter obediently into the [d] Prov. 3 and 4. Math 3 Mark 1 Luke 3 Act. 2 3 entrance or first School-rule to the way of Life and Peace in such sort as the same becometh administred under the obedience of the Love according to the Truth of God 3. Thus long have I been conversant in stilness with many of you and been by you like as one that can well abide to look on the wickedness of men and yet not correct or reprove the same But in all this my spirit hath been greatly [e] Jer. 9 and 14 Lam. 1 and 2. burthened with grief and with much heavy cheer very woful and sorrowful for you all O ye children of men 4. For viewing the whole face of the earth I beheld and noted directly the exceeding distractedness and [f] 4 Esdr 14 Math. 24 iniquity of the perverse world and the manifold [g] Dan. 9 and 11 Mark 13 abominations of desolation wherewith she hath brought her self into a most confused estate also the many and manifold [h] Isaiah 5 Rom. 1 and 12 1 Cor. 1 self-wisdoms chosen holinesses [i] Col. 2 2 Tim. 3 and false god-services or religions of men which they have taken on unto them out of the Scripturely learnedness and imagination of the knowledg and made or divided themselves there-through into many Sects Dissentions [k] Mat. 24 1 Cor. 1 and 3. Gal. 5 Jam 3 and Schisms or Divisions 5. I have moreover marked with long-suffering the forth-going of all such as boast them of the Love and perswade themselves that they cleave unto the Love and the Wisdom whether that there were any better thing loved by them then by the world and also whether that they approached any neerer to the Truth of God and to the upright Being of the Love then the wise of the world Scripture-learned 6. I have also for that cause walked lovely among certain of them and behaved my self [l] 2 Cor 5 Tit 3 very gently with them hoping even so that the true fear [m] Prov. 1 Eccl. 1 and 2. of God the [n] Psal 40 lust to the good and upright Being the upright [o] Math. 24 zeal to the Righteousness and the concord [p] Ezek. 11 1 Cor. 1 Eph. 4 of heart in the Love should have been found among them more then among the worldly wise and Scripture learned 7. But alas like as the world together with her wise and Scripture-learned are darkened or [q] Rom. 1 Eph. 4 blinded in heart and deaf in the understanding which comprehend not [r] Wisd 1 Math. 11 1 Cor. 2 the good Being of the Love nor yet consider on any of all that which God through the Spirit of his Love requireth but have always a lust to themselves and cleave unto the covetousness the voluptuousness of the flesh and the self-wisdom which seduceth them even so I have found many of you yea almost all which make boast of the Love and talk much thereof to stand in such like case and also advisedly marked that ye under the pretence or colour of the house or service of Love have taken on to your selves the [s] 2 Pet. 2 Iude 1 voluptousness of the flesh according to the manner of the world to be your freedom and your own [t] Ier 7 11 18 thoughts of the good-thinking according to the imagination of the knowledg like unto many unillumated [u] 1 Cor. 1 Scripture-learned and good-thinking wise to be your wisdom and have no regard to the godly life of the gracious Word nor to the [x] Prov. 1 counsel of the Testimony of the holy Spirit of Love neither yet humble you obediently to the Love and her service and yet notwithstanding when one asketh you whether ye have adjoyned you to the Love or are minded to continue with a good will by the same ye answer and say expresly O yea we will cleave unto the Love and not forsake the same in any case 8. Howbeit ye cover therewithal your false desires and also the lusts of your flesh wherein ye [y] Rom. 1 Eph. 4 2 Per. 2 Iude 1 live and walk and remain even so without
the obedience of the holy Word and of the requiring of his service of Love and abide also bound or owned to your selves and to your own counsel and will and come not to the Truth of God which floweth forth serviceably out of the Love for to be obedient as right [z] John 8 Jam 1 Disciples of the Word unto the same 9. But verily after such a manner ye are towards the gracious Word of the Lord and his service of Love [a] Psal 50 Ier. 2 3 Hos 4 5 even like unto an whore which after her hearts good-thinking to a cloaking of her whoredom chuseth an husband and coupleth her self in marriage unto him for that she might boast her as a married wife and under such a covering and boasting that she hath an husband committeth her whoredom seeing that ye in like manner without Christ and against Christ although ye make great boast of him commit whoredom and deal nor walk not according to the doctrine or requiring of Christ 10. For which your covered or cloaked whoredoms cause and unrighteous walking the Lord hath moved my minde and commanded me to figure forth your whoredom and [b] Ier. 7 unrighteous ways before you also to [c] Isai 58 reprove you thereof and to exhort you to amendment and to warn you even so of the destruction that is to come upon the ungodly in the righteous judgement of God 11. O thou whorish Nature Be ashamed I say presently before the Lord and before the Seat [d] Isaiah 16 Mat. 25 of his Majesty where-out he declareth his upright Righteousness that thou boastest thee so of Christ the gracious Word of the Father [e] 2 Cor. 11 as of thy Husband and of the lovely Nature of his Love and yet whilest thou doest so holdest thine heart common or of one Being with the Antichrist with the wicked World and with the self-wisdomes of her Sectaries and Scripture-learned Peruse and ponder now well the [f] Isa 59 falshood of thine Heart and consider throughly all thy Covetousness [g] Ier. 7 9 theevery self-Seeking and whoredom which thou hast committed against Christ and his Love 12. O ye Children of Men when ye have once perceived and clearly seen in your inwardnes into all this same whorish Nature of your unrighteous walking then withdraw you first of all therefrom [h] Jer. 2 3 and turn you to the goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ and [i] Ezek. 18 38 repent you and let your selves even so under the Obedience of the holy and gracious Word and of his service of Love become [k] Eph. 4 changed to an upright being of Christ and taught [l] Pro. 1 4 instructed and counselled as single-minded [m] Mat. 18 1 Cor. 14 Children which wholly give over themselves obediently under the tuition or custodie of their Mother by the Elders in the holy understanding of the Spirit of the Love of Jesus Christ and even so in all obedience of the love of Jesus Christ become fostered and trayned up in the godly Wisdom of the holy understanding 13. Hereto apply you first of all with faithfull hearts and come then even so to the lovely (n) Eph. 4 and true being of the Love Jesus Christ and to the upright (o) Ioh. 1 Freedom of the Children of God CHAP. III. O Ye Children of the (a) Gen. 3 Isai 1. 59 Rom. 5 defecting or off falling Being which say that ye cleave unto Christ and his Love and under such a boasting commit your whoredom to you is my cry and calling For I lament and bewaile very much your (b) Ier. 2 Hosea 4 unfaithfulness and all your feignedness wherewith ye think to cover you before me 2. But no beloved no ye cannot abide covered before me nor before the face of my God but ye must all in this very day of the Love become manifest before the Majestie of God and [c] Rom. 14 2 Cor. 5 before the Seat of the Judgment of Christ 3. For although ye dissemble with me how craftily soever ye cover or feign you before me yet are nevertheles [d] 1 Cor. 4 all the Counsels and Falshoods of your Hearts manifest before me and so much the more naked and bare [e] Psal 44 Heb. 4 before the eyes of my heart and spirit 4. For so long as your hearts stand not submitted good-willingly to the Heart and Spirit of my God nor are wholy given over to be (f) 1 Peter 1 James 1 obedient Disciples of the Word unto the gracious Word his service of Love So can I also through the true (g) Iohn 1 3 Light wherein God hath glorified or throughly lighted me right well perceive fee and note that all your minds and thoughts are not minded with the heart and spirit of my God nor with the requiring of the gracious Word and of his service of Love but there-against mingled with wicked (h) Gen. 6 8 Eccl. 17 18 Inclinations or Affections 5. Seeing now then that I through the light of my God do clearly see into all your pernicious corrupted Nature and wicked Inclinations and gladly vouchsafe you all out of the upright Being of my God that which were better to the end that under the obedience of the Love there might be found by you all an upright Being i Eph. 4 2 Pet. 1 of the Love of Jesus Christ So cannot I of Natures part nor of the k 2 Cor 5 nature of the Loves part which driveth me thereto alwaies keep silence but must even out of love witnesse unto you the (l) Isa 13 47 Math. 24 1 Tim. 4 2 Tim. 3 2 Pet. 2 perils of destruction which have bewrapped and encompassed you 6. For that cause I admonish you this day of the Destruction and foretell you as truly as the Lord liveth if ye endeavour not your selves to the Obedience of the requiring of the gracious Word and (m) 1 Ioh. 3 4 of his service of Love for to become upright of heart to fear the God of Life to love the Vertues of the lovely Being of the Love to live uprightly (n) Rom. 12 2 Cor. 12 Eph. 4 1 Ioh. 1 in the communiallity of the Love with all the holiness of God and to deal or behave your selves (o) Zac. 7. 8 faithfully with them and so to become wholly godded with God [p] John 17 and his Christ or [q] John 15 Eph. 3 2 Pet. 1 incorporated to that same godly Being but seek your selves or any other thing in or by the gracious Word and his service of Love or else take unto your selves a good-thinking word and falsly usurp the Service of Love and boast you thereof and even so hold your hearts common or of one Being with the [r] 1 Iohn 2 worldly Being and fashion and with the false hearts of the seditious Scripture-learned So will
same are also to the health of all them that drink thereof 22. O how lovely is my Fountain and how sweet are my waters which flow forth there-out namely unto all them that love me and understand [c] Isai 42 1 Pet. 2 that I am friendly therefore [d] Isai 55 Apoc. 22 come now all unto me saith the Lord. 23. Leave now the friendship of the wicked world [e] Iam. 4 which is an utter enmity unto God and full of all manner of iniquity and make your friendship with me for I am in no case churlish [f] Isai 42 cruel horrible nor destroying like as the wicked world is but I am lovely gracious peaceable and beneficial or safe-making to the end that my dominion may even so through my lovely and upright Righteousness increase it self or [g] Isai 9 Mal. 1 3 become great now [h] Ioel 2 Acts 2 in the last time and that there be no end of the Peace from this time forth for evermore to the end that I may do even so that [i] Isai 32 and 42 Ier. 23 and 33 which is right on the earth and execute Righteousness among the people For all Heathen which turn their hearts unto God [k] Isai 42 and 51 attend on these my Institutions which come forth out of the Service of my Love saith the Lord. CHAP. VIII BEhold and consider and have a good regard hereon O ye beloved and good-willing hearts what an heart lust and love [a] Iohn 3 God hath turned or born towards us all for to rid and lead us all now in these last b Amos 5 Micha 2 Math. 24 perillous times through his Service of Love out of the abominations of the perverse would and so to bring us with our will to the Majesty c Isai 13 and 60 Ier. 3 of his Glory to the end that we should now in the last time through his Love and through the d 1 Tim. 2 Heb 9 Mediator his Christ become surely saved live e Luke 1 Eph. 1 4 always and for ever uprightly lovely and peaceably in the same Godhead with each other and so f 2 Pet. 3 inhabit the world according to the Promises of God the Father in Righteousness for evermore 2. Therefore namely for this same Loves cause which g Iohn 3 God is extending so graciously on us turn now your Love likewise to the same God of Life and [h] Eccl. 7 submit you all under the Obedience of his Love 3. O ye dearly beloved ye all I mean which say and profess that ye love the Truth stand in fear before the great glorious God and apply you not to any other thing then that which is according to his Will esteem right reverently i Psal 19 his Word have a singular regard to the Law of his Doctrine and with your whole heart respect well this [k] 2 Cor. 6 Heb. 12 proffered Grace which through the gracious Word of the Lord becometh expressed or held forth before you under the obedience of his Love 4. Which Word of Grace and Life God hath given in my mouth [l] Isa 49 51 and 59 Jer. 1 31 Heb. 8 and 10 written the same together with the Law of his Commandments in my heart minde and thoughts and chosen me to be his Minister to administer now in the last time under the obedience of his Love m Ier. 33 the same gracious Word to declare his Truth and to set up his most holy Service of Love through the Belief [n] Num. 14 to the end that the whole world may become full of the glory of God according to the Promises 5. For that cause come now all hither and refuse not the Lord but give over your selves and all what ye have o Psal 24. and 50 that is the Lords good-willingly unto the Lord and his Word to your preservation Come now all and lay down your selves and all what belongeth unto the Lord before the Seat of his Majesty 6. Respect well now this same p 2 Cor. 6 Gal. 6 Heb. 12 time of Grace ere ever the q Eccl. 5 Rom. 2 wrath of God and his indignation fall upon all ungodly and have a diligent regard in time what the Service of Love requireth 7. Howbeit if ye do r Prov. 1 refuse this same Love of God the Father and withhold from the Lord that which belongeth unto him not fear the same glorious God cast his Word Law and Will s Isai 5 4 Esdr 7 behind you not regard the hearty mercifulness of his Love which he sheweth so liberally on us forsake the Comunality of holy ones under the obedience of the Love and refuse to assemble you unto the same and even so cleave much rather with the ungodly unto the wicked world become puffed up in pomp and light-minded of heart and even so according to your lusts and good-thinking follow after your own freedom t Ier. 7 and 9 Rom. 1 1 Pet. 4 2 Pet. 2 Iude 1 will and counsel So will God then also turn away his Love from you and not let you taste the lovely being of his Love which he now in the u Joel 2 Acts 2 last time bringeth unto his elected holy ones which submit them under his Love to an eternal x Isai 32 Wis 3 5 Heb. 3 4 Rest of the Godliness nor inherit the same for evermore but ye shall y Iohn 8 dye in your Sins and be forced to bear your condemnation z Mat. 11 and 25 Heb. 10 and punishment more then the children of the perverse or wicked world to whom this Grace hath not been proffered 8. Ye shall likewise dayly the longer the more wax blinded a Rom. 1 from the Way of Life become incorporated to the wicked and malicious Being of the ungodly and end your days and time in ungodliness and even so the number of your years shall then perish or waste away with the ungodly and your end shall be b Mal. 4 Wisd 3 Eccl. 21 horrible 9. For like as it shall go with all ungodly even so shall ye also become c Psal 37 and 52 Prov. 2 rooted out in indignation from the Land of the Living and condemned in the d Mat. 25 2 Pet. 3 fire of Hell and I which am the Lords cannot likewise of the holy Natures part of my God be moved with any remorse of pity or compassion towards you 10. For that be far from the minde of my Soul that I should set mine affection of the Love towards any such as love not God nor his Law but abide by their [e] 1 Cor. 1 and 8 own Knowledg and are ungodly of Will be he then what he is Friend or Stranger 11. But f Psa 112 and 128 Eccl. 1 and 34 blessed are they to the Lord and beloved in my heart which fear the Lord also cleave
obediently in the Service of Love with humble hearts unto the holy Word of the Spirit of Love and are godly of Will yea my minde standeth good-willing-towards all such even to all Grace and Mercy be he then what he is Friend or Stranger CHAP. IX BUt now if happily certain of the good-willing hearts to the Love should take these our fore-spoken sayings somewhat heavily or grievously to minde and say thereupon Because we are not altogether perfect Ye nor the Lord have not peradventure any good pleasure in us and we shall also possibly for our Imperfections cause seeing that we yet dayly stumble fall and sin very much perish with the wicked world and all ungodly 2. O ye Beloved and all ye good-willing hearts which are good-willing to the obedience of the witnessings of the holy Spirit of Love but are yet too young [a] Rom. 15 Gal. 6 and too weak to enter into the perfection these fore-spoken sharp sayings reprovings and punishments are not spoken to such as humble themselves obediently to the gracious Word and his Service of Love to do the Lords Will nor yet to the good-willing ones unto the same obedience b Rom. 7 although they are yet young and weak in the accomplishing of the perfection but to the evil-willing and to all them that with perverse c Wisd 1 thoughts and false or deceitful intents enter in so falsly d 1 Iohn 2 besides us and mean or purpose in no wise the Love but in all themselves and even so with their [e] Isai 59 Ier. 9 Wisd 1 malicious hearts and perverse thoughts hall away again from us also slander or [f] 2 Pet. 2 Iude 1 blaspheme the holy Word and our upright and godly Service of the Love and so spue forth their falshood with many lyes over us 3. Behold over this g Isa 1 wicked and venomous nature passeth forth the Judgment of God h Prov. 1 Isa 13 Wisd 12 Heb. 10 and his Punishment to the Condemnation of the same wicked Nature 4. For that cause O ye good-willing hearts set apart such thoughts as that God and the Spirit of his Love or his holy Ones should not for your weakness cause have any good pleasure in you in any case far from you but remember as it is also very true and look into the same according to the Truth that the grace of God the Father and the mercifulness of his Love prevaileth or taketh in the preeminence i Isai 13 Rom. 5 abundantly by or in the Beleevers of the Word and that God and the Spirit of his Love is k Rom. 2 2 Pet. 3 long-suffering towards all good-willing ones which humble them under the obedience of his Love also l Heb. 2 and 5 beareth them in all their weakness and m Ier. 31 forgiveth dayly all their sins to the end that they should even so enjoy his comfort and grow up with cheerful hearts or good courage so much the good willinger in the obedience n Eph. 4 Col. 1 of the gracious Word and so go on or press forth unto o 1 Pet. 5 Phil. 3 Heb. 6 the perfection 5. For consider and look into it once aright If the Sin whilest it was yet night have p Rom. 5 prevailed in us how much more then shall the Grace and Mercy of God to the obtaining of the Righteousness seeing that now to the salvation of men [q] Rom. 13 the Day against the Night and the Love with her safe-making Service against the Sin and Condemnation is entered in prevail or take the preheminence over us namely over all them that are [r] Luke 2 good of will and that submit or wholly give over themselves with all their heart for to be s Deut. 30 1 Kings 15 obedient unto the holy Word under the Love and express even so in the giving over of their heart that they have not any will to the t Rom. 6 sin or that which is [u] Wisd 14 Romans 1 unright nor yet to the [x] Rom. 13 Eph. 2 5 darknesses of the wicked world but have turned all their lust to the Righteousness for to [y] Iohn 8 and 12 1 Iohn 1 and 2 walk uprightly with the Communality of the Love in the light of the lovely Being of God for God hath no pleasure [z] Ezek. 18 1 Tim 2 2 Peter 3 in the perishing of sinners but his Pleasure is that they should all convert unto Him [a] Acts 17 repent them for their sins and live in his Righteousness 6. For that cause O ye feeble minded of heart and all ye infirm or weak which love the upright Life permit not any evil surmisings to take effect in you nor yet give place to the unbelief whereby you might be plucked away from the God of Life from the House or Communality of the holy ones of his Love but in all things wherein your memory or understanding might chance to be moved apply always [b] Prov. 4 your minds and thoughts to the instruction of the Wisdom and to the Doctrine of the holy Understanding of the Spirit of Love and submit [c] Eccles 6 even so your whole memory or understanding with all your minds and thoughts to the vertues of the godliness for to follow after the same in all obedience of the holy Word and to become old [d] Ezek. 4 and understanding therein to the end that ye in the youngness of your understanding seduce or deceive not your selves with any strange and [e] Wisd 4 Eccles 3 unprofitable thoughts 7. But ye shall always in your youngness and weakness let the giving over of your heart or your good-willingness to the Love and to the Obedience of the Requiring of her Service [f] Eccles 4 and 17 appear or become expressed before the [g] Eccles 6 7 8 9 Elders of the holy Understanding in the Testimonies of the holy Spirit of Love and not at the first the Perfection for verily it is not in your power at the first in the time of your youngness and weakness to bring forth the Perfection CHAP. X. GIve diligent Ear hereto and understand well the Words of my Voyce O ye Novises in our holy Communality or Family of Love wherein God himself dweleth and walketh and ye all which are yet young a Cor. 3 Heb. 5 and 6 in the holy Understanding and weak in the accomplishing of the upright Righteousness Consider and note once aright which is your first School Rule or the beginning of the Christian Doctrine in our upright Service of the godly Love namely that ye first of all turn you about from the b Isaiah 1 and 55 Jer 7 18 25 35 Iniquity and from all ungodly Being utterly forsake all the c Ezek. 14 Mat. 24 Abominations of the wicked world and with all your heart d 2 Cor. 6 Apoc. 18 depart there-from
your own Honors sake i 1 Ioh. 12 which ye seek at the hands of the unregenerated Men and more esteem and covet then the honour of God many of you will not acknowledge the same nor yet confess your Blindness 6. Ye k Ier. 6 8 Ezek. 13 comfort your selves apace with Lyes and provoke even so Gods righteous Judgment to come upon you In which l Iude 1 Judgement it becometh now discovered unto you and ye are let m 1 Cor. 4 to see or it becometh made known unto you in your hearts That ye all which are of the Earth and have resisted the Truth of the Life have spoken presumptuously against the Lord despised the Love in her lovely Nature and upright Service n ● Heb. 10 and blasphemed the Spirit of Love which is the true Holy Ghost 7. Behold it shall now in this same Day o Acts 17 1 Cor. 4 Jude 1 of the righteous Iudgment of God wher-through all false Iudgments Unrighteousnesses become made manifest be given unto you to see into orplainly to perceive all this your falshood or horrible Iniquity And the recompence for the same shall likewise O ye false earthly Men fall upon you p Isa 13 Wis 5 Luke 21 with much Affliction Distress Misery and Woe in all your hearts 8. If ye now then perceiving well all your Falshood and in the time of your Affliction and distresse lay not your selves prostrate to a q Psal 110 1 Cor. 15 Bench for the Lords feet before the Seat of the Majesty of God but will needs with your false Iudgments and Unrighteousness bear the Dominion against God and his Majesty So shall ye yet nevertheless whether it be then with your will or against your will be trodden down as the Enemies of God r Psal 91 Rom. 16 with the feet of the Saints and laid under the feet of the Lord. 9. For our God the Lord of Hoasts cometh presently s Esa 3 Mat. 25 Iude 1 to Judgment and will plainly shew and make known the House of his dwelling namely that the Heaven and the heavenly Man is his t Isa 66 Acts 6 Seat and the Earth and the earthly Man the Bench of his Feet even as the Lord hath spoken the same in times past through the mouth of his holy Prophets CHAP. XV. O Ye good-willing Hearts a Amos 5 Micah 2 Mat. 24 which have now in these last perillous Times adjoyned your selves with a good Will under the Obedience of the Love with Us Litle-ones and Elected ones of God! Consider well presently on the Strangers which have nothing else in their minde but b Psal 10 and 52 56 and 58 and 120 subtilty and guilet and also on all such as come in with all c Phil. 3 Self-seeking with their fleshly d Rom. 1 Lusts and Desires and with their good-thinking e Ier. 7 1 Cor. 1 and Self-wisdom besides our holy Communiallity of the Love and then at the last when as they are aware that the gracious Word is against or contrary to their Selfe-seeking and Good-thinking separate them again from Us and from the Word and Requiring of the Service of Love Yea consider well what a Nature Being or Disposition they shew forth and how that they to the lenting f Rom. 16 and dividing of our Communiallity of the Love make up themselves against us and our godly Doctrine so shall ye then finde out in the Deed and Truth that all such doe make manifest themselves with their Self-wisdom and g Ier. 7 9 11 and 13 good-thinking Knowledge to be contrary minded against the holy Word of the Spirit of Love and also turn them away from the true Obedience of the Requiring of his Service 2. For that cause take now good heed and beware of all them that with their Self-wisdome or Imagination of the Knowledge h Rom. 16 besides the Doctrine of the godliness which is taught you through the Spirit of Love institute or bring in according to the self-seeking of the Flesh their strange or forged Doctrines and false Dealings wherewith they breed Division and cause Offence and separate you from such persons But abide stedfastly grounded in our most holy i Eph. 3 2 Tim. 1.3 Beliefe of the Love of Christ k Mat. 10 and 24 Heb. 12 and persevere therein even to the End that is till unto the lovely Being of the Godliness 3. Turn not aside in any case to any forreign Being without the Love fall not away likewise from the Service of the Love for the ignorant ones cause which make often times by reason of their disorderliness discord and offence and for that cause also they must as the matter or case requireth be l Gal. 6 2 Tim. 2 and 4 punished chastised and instructed Also become not sluggish nor careless with the m Prov. 6 and 24 slothful persons but with diligence and lust of your heart unto the upright n Mat. 22 Eph. 1 4 Righteousness and Holiness submit you always obediently and humbly under the godly Testimonies of the holy Spirit of Love until that the gracious Word and his Love be planted in you o Iam. 1 with meek-mindedness the which is the Salvation of your Souls and the establishing of the Promises of God the Father 4. For in the same upright Being God will bring unto you all his treasures p Mat. 13 Col. 2 and heavenly goods also all peace q Iohn 10 and the everlasting life abundantly It is very true 5. O ye holy ones of God thou lovely Communiality of the Love fear not but be now of good cheer upon the earth against all your enemies For behold r Isai 35 your God cometh to be avenged on all your enemies for to lay them that they may be troden down under the feet of your Lord and and Saviour Jesus Christ and even so in your s Mat. 19 John 3 second birth out of the holy Spirit of the Love of Jesus Christ to transport or yeeld over the Judgment and Dominion upon the earth unto you and your Saviour Jesus Christ to the end that ye with him and he with you and your Saviour Jesus Christ and with his holy Spirit should from henceforth world without end reign with t Apoc. 5 and 22 Righteousnes upon the earth and u Isaiah 3 Wisd 3 Jude 1 judg the same with equity according to the Promises CHAP. XVI MAke you to the flight a Isa 52 Make you to the flight yea get you now all out of the way ye enemies of the Lord and his Service of Love and give the Lord with his holy ones b Isa 40 and 57 and 62 his room Yet shall ye not escape the Vengeance of God 2. For the Lord cometh forth now in mighty power with his righteous Judgment upon the earth for to purge the same of all her
Acts 2 poured forth so abundantly over us and in us and that the true Doctrine to the same holy Spirit is likewise as a f John 4 and 7 living and safe making water flowing forth out of us to the salvation or safe-making of all Beleevers of the gracious Word and that even so to Righteousness upon the Earth the Scripture becometh fulfilled namely by all the Beleevers which now humble themselves good-willingly and faithfully under the Love take to heart the Word of Truth and grow up bed ently therein g Ephes 4 till unto the old age of the Man Christ 14 Whosoever now therefore under the obedience of the Love hath a good regard unto the holy Word of Truth that is administred out of the holy Spirit of Love and exerciseth him therein for to be obedient unto his Requiring and even so to that effect furthereth or becometh helpful unto the Service of Love he shall likewise according to the Truth enjoy and be partaker of all the bountiful Acts which God extendeth on us his chosen holy ones and also evidently see how that Christ the righteous One appeareth presently h Mat. 24 Luke 17 and 21 in Glory and becometh i Psalm 68 wonderful in all his Beleevers and that also through the same Christ and his holy ones the universal k Acts 17 Earth shall in this day of the Love which God himself hath appointed or ordained be judged with Equity and purged from all his unrighteousness and that all the Saints of God namely the Communiality of the Love shall inhabit the same with l 2 Pet. 3 Righteousness and raign with Faithfulness and Truth from henceforth world without end Amen This shall all assuredly come even so to pass and in his time be found even thus 15. Herewithall O ye beloved and obedient children and all ye constant faithful ones in this our upright Service of Love my hearty Exhortation and desire is unto you all I hat ye will take this effectually to heart and not seek nor desire any thing else with your will and mind but that the Love of Iesus Christ with her vertuous Nature and upright Being may obtain a m Gal. 4 Ephes 3 shape in you and that the Service of the same Love may also thereto be furthered or assisted among all people to the intent that the same Service may in all Truth and Love to the welfare and salvation of all men obtain the preheminence and to Concord and Love in Iesus Christ prosperously flourish over the universal Earth that grant us the Lord the Almighty God through his Love Amen H. N. An Introduction to the Glasse of Righteousnesse they set forth besides the everlasting God of Israel and his Law r Esa 44.45.46 Ier. 10. is nothing els but foolishnesse and ignorance 48. Many of them have no understanding in the Law of the Lord nor knowledge of his Ordinances and of their calling through Jesus Christ ſ Luk. 2. of the tribe of Juda of the House of David they have no right discerning at all 49. And therefore it is that they misse of the meaning or intention of God and are thereby grounded on the glimmering of their knowledge and not on the stock of the upright olive tree t Rom. 11. to the which they are called to be grafted thereunto 50. But now when we consider all this and that we are not partakers of the Sap of the stock of our calling u Rom. 11. but to find our selves breken off from the same and thereby misse of all that which is of God and which his Ordinances are one with if then we have any love to the riches of God and do consider and know the damagefull x Mat. 16. losse with all the desolation y Dan. 9.11.12 Mat. 24. and abominations which are come in between then cometh upon us z Esa 13. Dan. 12. all woe and anguish and we greatly bewaile the losse of these riches of God above all the damages or losses of this world 51. For vvhere is there a more damagefull losse a Mat. 16. then vvhere one findeth no righteousnesse of God and vvhere the Lavv of God and his Statutes and Ordidances are in the losse so utterly darkened 52. Oh vvhat shall I more vvrite of this damagefull losse of the most precious riches my heart is heavie and my soul is pained in such sort b Ier. 9.13.14 Lam. 1.2.3 that oftentimes I am forced to sigh and mourne because my mind vvill not be pacified 53. O God that they all savv hovv they are c Psal 14. Rom. 3. turned herefrom and that no man hath continued in thy truth and hovv they are d Rom. 7. taken captive under the sin and strayed from thee yea these precious riches of God they scarcely knovv and hovv poor e Apo. 3 3. and naked in themselves they are vvithout thy Sanctuary to the end out of deep necessity they might cry unto thee f Psa 130. for grace and obtain in their spirit an inclined mind to the obeying of thy love that thou mightest have mercy on them all 54. For if so be they come not to thy love nor to the obedience of the requiring of her service nor thereunto have no good vvill belief or hope surely there ●hall then no life of Gods Sanctuary be found in them how wise how skilfull and execllent or rich of Spirit how learned and expert in Scriptures Languages or tongues soever they may be 55. If moreover they lay not down their knowledge in the silence even as though they knew nothing at all and that through the service of the holy Word they reform not themselves under the obedience of the love nor suffer their understanding to be stirred up to obedience whereby to be wholly inclined to the love to passe forth towards the same g Mat. 10.16 Mar. 8. Luk. 9.14 to take up daily their Crosse with humble hearts and to persevere h Eph. 6. Phil. 4. Col. 4. in prayer and faith with a firm hope i Eph. 3. till the establishing in the love they can by no means inherit any richcs of God or Christ nor k 1 Cor. 2. understand or know any wisdome of God at all how skilfully soever they search or study in Scriptures after it 56. For there is no wisdome nor knowledge of Christ nor understanding of the Scriptures to be had in any thing but only in the love or among them who are inclined and well-affected thereunto 57. They may many of them I grant seek much wisdome and understanding whereby to comprehend the same and in conceit be satisfied and appeased with a taken on wisdome but if they come not to the love neither are taught in her service to the true wisdome they shall then find no wisdome nor understanding nor yet any righteousnesse nor life but must l Joh. 8. die in their sins and in their conceit
they must all submit them to the love and be reformed in herservice otherwise they can never although in their imagination they know perceive and com prehend all things come to the new man u Joh. 3. nor to the Kingdome of God for the love is only it wherein every thing which is the truth and wisdome of God is comprehended She x Col. 3. 2 Tim. 1. is also the band or establishing of the perfection 36. Whilest the sove then hath every thing which is of God Christ or Truth contained or included in it therefore might some man demand shal we then let the Scriptures passe O no God forbid but men are not to use them for the knowledge nor to the end to teach them forth historically but to the intent they may give regard to such an upright spirit or life as is set forth therein or required thereby even as is y 3 Clas 24. partly also set forth and declared both of this and of the knowledge in the third book of the Glasse of Righteousnesse that so through comfort of the Scriptures we should to our rejoycing z Rom. 15. have our hope on the promises and on the foreshewing of God by his Prophets and by the Apostles of Christ who have prophecied of the healthful life which abideth sure in the love for ever and so passing on towards it in the belief a Rom. 4. give credit unto God that he in his promises is true 37. But it is to be lamented that the Scripture is by so few at this day discerned out of the understanding of the truth and of the love whereby to understand the same rightly according to the mind of God 38. True it is there is much written and divers have set forth many writings and have had much provoking of spirit and great inclination to teach howbeit every one severally according to the sight or knowledge that he hath had being in the state of the fall from God and in the estranging from his Salvation 39. But inasmuch as they were not come to the love and that their hearts were not inclined to the love in all things as they were to the spirit of their glistering knowledge and comprehension therefore did many of them erre and mistake for the mind of God b Deut. 6.10 Mat. 22. Rom. 13. and the fulfilling of the Scriptures is the love 40. And the same is c Col. 3. the perfection wherein every thing to a life and truth of peace standeth firm to our joy and d Eph. 1. to the praise of the glory of God to all and on all that hope upon it and long thereafter CHAP. X. 1. Great calamity shall come upon the children of Men because of the contentious knowledge 2. Knowledge and truth differ 5. The way of life clearly shewed 6. Yet through ignorance mistaken 16. A lamentation over mans ignorance 24. The author by his writings sheweth what is commendable and what is discommendable counselling to learn upright understanding and the speciall Vertues of the Love and to shun all disputing with the partiall FOrasmuch as the man is now perswaded that he himself with his cies of the Spirit doth so clearly and nakedly discern and understand the right as he cannot be deceived and for that every one which standeth in partiality is by his sight or spirit contentious howsoever each severall party maintaineth his own matter and defendeth the same to be of God and will in all things have the right onely and alone passe with his own matter and will not effect the love above all to the unity of heart therefore even through the same glittering in case they have not all their understanding captive under the obedience of the love there shall come horrible calamity upon the children of men in such sort that upon this earth they shall become an a 4 Esd 5. abhorring one to another for that every one standing stiffe in the knowledge and in the clearnesse thereof vvill not for the loves sake give over his own matter thinking that the truth ought not to give place 2. It is true indeed that the truth ought not to give place but betwixt the knowledge and the truth there is great difference for much knowledge which yet men call truth can easily arise out of the subtilty of wit but the truth of God proceedeth out of the love and is even of one being with the love 3. Therefore is the knowledge b 1 Cor. 13. divided and broken but the love is the truth c Ioh. 17. and the true being it self and the perfection 4. But alas this do not many of them know to wit that they should come to the love and so bear the love for a mark of the righteous Spirit and rejoyce them with the truth d Ioh. 17. 1 Ioh. 1. that same is the word of life which was spoken of according to the promises 5. Inasmuch now as I have noted and do yet at this present find so much boldnesse in men by reason of their knowledge and imagination of the truth whereon they are very stout and bold and yet for the most part it still faileth them of the truth and love and for that the right way to the true life and the loves nature is thereby missed of many And seeing moreover that the right way and entrance into the true life and into the loves nature is by Gods grace granted me to be seen into therefore have I out of the inclination of Love clearly and nakedly with uncovered words set forth the right way or entrance into the true life and the upright nature or being of the love in the Glasse of Righteousnesse distinctly noting the divine and the humane the spirituall and the naturall and what is decent and meet to be used for a discerning which is the establishing of the promises of God according to the Scripture that both Gods righteousnesse and mans righteousnesse might be knowne and that we likewise in an inclination of love might with consenting minds passe forth towards the same 6. But alas what availeth it any man that one point him out a good way and an even and plaine path if he walk not in the same nor have no liking thereunto 7. What availeth it to knock and in divers manners to call if there be no ears to hear nor any understanding to comprehend or to understand the same nor any heart to imbrace such things 8. Or how shall one be able I pray you to declare conveniently unto such a man his error and the entrance into the good life that he might rightly regard and understand wherein his salvation consisteth whereby he might be delivered from the bewitching of his heart and so know what right is to the intent he might once comprehend understanding rightly 9. If a man say unto him the increase and the blessing e 1 Cor. 3 cometh only of God f Prov. 2. Sap. 8. Eccl. 1. he
aright 8. Therefore needs must they all in lowlinesse of heart be humbled under thee and become subject to thy true love that they may rejoice them in the truth otherwise they must remain blind in their imagination k Ioh. 3. and may not see the Kingdom of God for ever 9. For so long as they through the love or her inclination l Mat. 18. be not in their corrupt understanding turned about by the word of truth and are not well minded to the vertue of the love certainly there can appear unto them no light of the truth to Salvation for God hath foreseen the perfection m Deut. 6.10 1 Cor. 13. 1 Tim. 1. in the love according to the promises and not in the knowledge 10. Therefore let every one be lowly of spirit u 1 Ioh. 4. and humble of heart in his knowledge even as though he knew nothing and so have regard to the service of the love what it requireth and let him hope and long for it to the intent he may be comprehended therein that is to say in the doctrine thereof for therein is the godlinesse understood and known and so let him indeavour towards the best 11. And I hope that I shall alwaies towards the lovers of the truth do even so and not omit to set before them the most best for thereunto tend all my intents and desires neither know I at all any better thing then the teaching and ministring of the holy word under the obedience of the love 12. True it is I have as far as I might examined many sorts of Foundations and understandings and have likewise considered and scanned whereon they stood grounded but there is yet no better thing come to my hand 13. The Lord grant me his mercy and strengthen my mind to do and accomplish his will to the Salvation of men in the love 14. O ye lovers of the truth that have humbled your souls under the love and her service o Deut. 6.11.22 Pro. 4. take I pray you the truth to heart and reproach no mans writings teaching nor exhortations that have their ministration to the righteousnesse and to the concord but draw it all under the love that every one may give up and bring all what he hath taken on or wherein he is learned according to his humane imagination to the communion of the love give ear only to the godly Word of Life under the obedience of the love according to the manifestation of the glorious and godly light set forth in the Glasse of Righteousnesse and so above all his humane knowledge love the Concord and the upright life 15. Moreover condemn none particularly by name and be not offended at any that your hearts p Gal. 5. Acb. 12. be not moved to anger stumble not at any thing and reproach nor reject none for Sects but love all them that indeavour towards righteousnesse q 2 Pet. 1. with a like love to that upright righteousnesse which God esteemeth and thus draw all wel-willing ones to the true righeousnesse under the obedience of the love 16. And if any man seek the truth of you and his heart be inclined to the love then joyn your selves with him in the love and so speak r 1 Pet. 3. of the hope which is in you 17. For who so loveth the good though yet for a while he be in errour may for all that come to amendment in the love unlesse he should give over his heart in a wilfull contentiousnesse and despise the love and her service for his self-minds sake 18. But unto every one that will follow and is well minded to the love and her service Å¿ Eph. 4. unto such reach forth the hand to the unity of the upright life and that all in the love 19. If the evill assail you then put it from you as much as is possible for you untill the same evill get a going down in you and go into silence give it no respite to follow after his desire but become according to the spirit t Col. 1. 1 Thes 3. 1 Pet. 5 strong and firm in the good life u Deut. 7. 1 Pet. 2. to a peculiar possession of God even as it is here in this Introduction and in the Glasse of Righteousnesse according to the life shewed and declared 20. If so be ye cast this same behind the back to wit that ye refuse it or have no belief nor lust thereunto nor do hope thereon and yet by your self-wisdom perswade your selves to be wise then are ye vain and utterly unmeet to the Kingdome of God and how wise soever ye be yet shall you be found vain and without understanding and void of the true light of life 21. Now if any man say that he is already in the life and needeth no more or that it is needfull no more for him to hearken after any other understanding and therefore contemneth this form of the upright life and his service to the same life whereunto we bear witnesse and neither hath it nor indeavoureth towards it in the service of the love certainly he is yet in the death x 1 Ioh. 2. and darknesse and knoweth nothing at all either of Christ or of the life which is of God even as the darknesses also have never perceived nor known him 22. If any man then despise this good mind or spirit of love and with the heart withstandeth and blasphemeth it and doth not entertain the upright vertue of the love the same man hath beguiled his own heart and after the requiring of the knowledge of the old serpent seeketh his own advantage and not to do the will of the Lord. 23. But if on the other side O ye dearly beloved any do accept this which we bear witnesse of for right and truth let him not hardly over-hastily perswade himself that he by his knowledge hath already gotten it for there must at the first belief be joyned thereto and then look whose belief through the increase of God blossometh y 4 Esd 6. and is fruitfull let the same man attempt the battell in hope against that which maketh up it self against the same Let him have regard to the Word of life and so passe on towards it a Luk. 21. with patience or in long sufferance 24. That truely is the right Crosse of Christ b Mat. 16. Luk. 14. which we are daily with good wil in the obedience of the requiring of the service of love to take up c Act. 14. in the belief untill we be well exercised in the love and in the holy understanding whereunto we bear witnesse and not only in the knowledge 25. Lo to this present I find nor know no way els to the life therefore whosoever loveth the same let him endeavour towards it d Joh. 8. and so abide stedfast in the requiring of the gracious Word and of the doctrine of the holy spirit of love untill
if ye believe the gracious word and Salvation in the obedience of his service of love and put your trust in the power of God l Joh. 5. ye shall surely live and not abide dead for the saving from death m Joh. 11. is the Resurrection and eternall life 16. Though ye find your selves even damned in the hell and taken captive of sin and devill yet fear not but believe n Psal ye shall be delivered and saved from thence 17. For the belief and hope towards the Salvation and the love to righteousnesse in the grace of God neither can nor may abide in the sinne death devill or hell but they must prevail vanquish and bring to nought or destroy all that is not of God 18. Therefore have neither the o Mat. 16. gates of hell nor the bands of the devill nor the p Rom. 8. pangs of death nor the strength of sin nor the lusts of the world nor the mind of the flesh any power over such believers either to hold or to raign over them q 1 Cor. 15. but they bring them all under them to a victory 19. But if at any time through the slendernesse of our understanding we be plucked away from our good mind or be after the nature of the Serpent r Gen. 3. Sap. 2. 2 Cor. 11. beguiled by the wisdom of the flesh and thereby through weaknesse full and be made so senselesse that we cannot discern the life from the death yea become so feeble and faint-hearted that we have scarcely any desire at all to the good but do daily Å¿ Rom. 7. suffer and feel the sting of death yet let us not therefore be dismayed nor despair in mind but rather so much the more cheer up our selves in the belief and through the serviceable word of truth take unto us a new stomack and fresh courage again to a stouter going forwards keep so much the sharper watch and still have diligent regard on the thing that may annoy us to the entrance of the life whereby we may through the belief and obedience of the Word t Eph. 6. 1 Pet. 5. keep of and vanquish it every whit and so with a good will have our passage towards God in the spirit untill the love abide firm in us and that we have such a free heart and mind as may be subject to nothing but to the high Majesty of the living Godhead only 20. Now to come hereunto we must renounce our selves and all created visible things not only outwardly after the flesh but quite and clean inwardly with the heart according to the spirit and so give over our selves obediently under the service of love unto the God of life and his gracious word u Rom. 6.8 to a dying in the spirit from every thing whereunto our will and mind according to the flesh or outward fashion is tyed and keep our selves diligently from all holy appearances and worldly fashions that so then x 1 Pet. 1. in the obeying of the gracious word and his service of love our inward mind for to come to a submitted being may be made tender soft and lowly and we in like manner with humble hearts find our selves y Psal 57. ready to do the Lords will a Rom. 6. the end whereof is eternall life It is true 21. Which way to the life few do b Mat. 7. find because it is unknown c Mat. 11. 1 Cor. 1.2 and hidden unto all understandings of the flesh and unto all wise ones of the world and her Scripture learned 22. Who is there now rightly inclined to the life and peace but those that indure all deadly things dissention and whatsoever cometh upon them thereby untill it d Rom. 6.8 2 Cor. 4. wholly vanish and come to nought in them and which have the life and peace alwaies before their eyes and do pray with great fervency unto God in the spirit that he will be their povver and strength 23. After this manner ought vve vvith humble hearts to be minded in every thing that cometh upon us against the good for the evill must by the good be e Rom 12. overcomed in patience 24. Yet not out of our vvorks or ovvn povver f Rom. 3 4. Eph. 2. O no but through the belief in affiance towards God and so abiding Gods leisure in his work we are daily to pray unto God in the spirit that he will destroy and take avvay or root out the evill out of our hearts and choose and set up the good again therein 25. Hereunto are we to g 1 Pet. 5. humble our hearts before God in his service of love that we may find such healthfull grace before his eyes in the coming of Jesu Christ who now to the Salvation of all those that hope in Christ h 2 Pet. 3. and long for his coming cometh to a righteous judgement over the world with equity 26. Oh hereof there is surely much written shewed and testified were it but observed and understood aright but there is great negligence and much misunderstanding among the children of men for we find many lamentable errours not only in the erring world but also in those that perswade themselves to be wise and to love the good 27. Awake once O thou precious man and consider that the eternall God i Ezek. 18. 1 Tim. 2. 2 Pet. 3. hath no pleasure in such unprofitable living as is mixed with contrariety unto God 28. But if so be O ye children of men ye have pleasure in the destruction according to the course of the blind world and do k Sap. 2. Rom. 1. Eph. 4. 2 Pet. 3. Iude. 1. delight in the strange life of the ungodly being go on thus boldly in the same and do shew no l Rom. 2. upright obedience to the word m Mat. 3. Lu. 3.13 nor amendment from sinne then hardly think also that ye are certainly minded n Joh. 8. against God even like the devill himself and incorporated with the child of perdition or of the devill that extolleth himself in the desire of his errours by means of the pleasure or reward of unrighteousnesse against God and against all that men vvorship God in saying in his heart or essentiall mind that he himself is the Lord o 2 Thes 2. and exalteth himself in like manner in the hearts of the unbelieving and disobedient men to a ruling above God and above the godly nature and so setting himself in the Temple of God that is in mans heart p Dan. 8.9.12 Mat. 24. he utterly laieth wast the House of the Lord and in like manner worketh in the man a secret wickednesse which is not soon to be perceived 29. Truly who so with the desires of their souls do cleave unto this pernicious nature they are very abominable in their doings for there is none of them that doth good no not one 30. Their best vertue
Christ upon hope and confidence of his coming for an holy annointing and for an upright freedom in Jesu Christ unto him 37. Who so therefore readeth these sentences in the first book let him observe thereby what they require and how they sound namely that those which desire to come to the blessednesse and freedome of Christ must h Rom. 6 Gal. 3.4 be at the first servants or Disciples of the righteousnesse deny and forsake themselves for Christ his sake and alwaies long to come to the true obedience of the righteousnesse in all love i 1 Glas 7. not according to mens imaginations but according to Gods calling that so they might live k Iohn 8 Rom. 6 free in the righteousnesse of God and not in the sinne nor as servants of men this same is there distinctly set forth were it but rightly understood 38. But who so hath regard to his own liberty and not to the calling of his salvation nor in the obeying of the foregoing Service l Rom. 6 13. Eph. 4. Col. 2.3 1 Pet. 2.4 to the mortifying and laying away of the sinne in the flesh doth not take heed to the same that so he may be incorporated to the good spirit of Christ the same man erreth not onely from the doctrine of the Word after the manner of men but also from the wisdome of the truth of God and so getteth a delight in his own understanding in such sort that he neither hearkeneth longeth nor careth for the good any more but hath a desire to error and perversity 39. Oh! it is sure very lamentable that the man out of such a mind cleaveth to the unrighteousnesse or else chooseth another calling and practiseth a selfe-made humility m Col. 2. or spiritualnesse and careth not for Gods promises nor establishing of his VVord n Luke 1 Acts 3 in such a sort as God hath heretofore spoken by the mouth of his holy Prophets from the beginning of the world CHAP. XVI 1. Of the saying that men should be impartiall how it ought to be understood 12. How the Common Love is profitable to impartiality 16. Of those that are outwardly just unto men but unjust before God 22. Of such as think themselves to be impartiall because they regard no outward Religions and in the meane space with-hold from God that which is his 28. Divers raile at all that observe any Religion 35. How we are to judge of all outward God Services and Ceremonies THere goeth also a sentence abroad among many whereof likewise much mention is made in our writings that according to the requiring of Christian Doctrine men should stand a 1 Cor. 3 impartiall 2. O ye deerly beloved erre not through any conceit of the imagination but have regard to the Word concerning the upright impartialnesse and if ye mark the same well you shall understand that men are to be impartiall in the truth and with those that witnesse the truth under the obedience of the Love to the intent that no man take part with flesh and blood but with the truth and be in the unity of the love b Rom. 12 15 1 Cor. 1 2 Cor. 13. Phil. 2 well minded to a like life of righteousnesse namely with all them that do under the obedience of the love witnesse and minister the gracious word of truth and be comprehended in the upright brotherly love 3. But men may not thus be impartiall with the world or with those that with heart and will do cleave unto the world that lie still in the vanity and sin and that are not believing nor desirous to obtaine any better thing no nor with the conceited wise nor with the maintainers of factious ceremonies c 2 Cor. 12 Gal. 3 1 Tim. 6. 2 Pet. 2. who are envyers blasphemers and evill speakers against the holy Word of Truth and of the service of his Love 4. Truly with such men are not to stand impartiall but with spirit and life to be against them utterly and yet to shew forth the upright nature of the love unto them if happily by some means they might be drawne to their preservation in the godlinesse unto the communion of the Love 5. But with the d Infra 18 lovers of righteousnesse as is aforesaid and likewise with the sinners such as cleave not by their will to the unrighteousnesse but do daily depart therefrom and have a servent desire to the righteousnesse under the obedience of the love men are to stand impartiall and to sticke fast unto that which is godly and that tendeth to the concord and peace 6. Therefore judge of the impartialnesse with understanding and put a difference between the godly life and the life of the world and try your selves if so be you know your selves 7. Look into your hearts observing whom you cleave unto desire and love how or with what manner disposition ye stand impartiall whether ye would rather suffer e Heb. 11. or indure disgrace reproach and contmpt with the Lovers of the Righteousnesse then cleave unto the honour voluptuousnesse and riches or ease of this world Oh! I feare that many of them boast themselves to stand impartiall with the truth who notwithstanding are altogether partially minded against the truth 8. Neverthelesse let no man take anie thing unto him out of any choosing whether it be out of loathing or of liking but let every one search his own heart how he findeth the same disposed examine once himself whether he stand impartiall rightly or not 9. And when the man hath seriously tried and proved himself herein in such sort that he knoweth assuredly how his heart standeth in case he wholly love God and his righteousnesse intend the truth in the Love with his whole soule and desire to deny and to forsake himselfe f Mat. 16. Luke 9.14 with all that is in the world for the godlinesse sake then shall he very well know and understand a difference between the cleavers to the world and those that from the bottom of their soules love the righeousnesse 10. Wheresoevea then any upright impartiall hearts are found and that they do shew forth under the obedience of the Love the praise of God the salvation of men and the truth out of the love of righteousnesse and do point none unto flesh and blood nor to any visible elements but only to the good life of the true essentiall Godhead and are thereunto serviceable to all men to all concord in the love of Jesu Christ with those are the Lovers of righteousnesse and truth to stand impartiall to the unity of heart in the love and so to have regard to the ministration of the godly testimonies of the holy spirit of the Love unto obedience for to walk in such a life of godlinesse as is pointed out and witnessed thereby and in that manner to grow up in the good g Eph. 2. Apo. 21 to an house or tabernacle of the living God or
Christ and to give no further respect to the outward then as it is serviceable thereunto to the intent that no man may be bewitched in his spirit but may cleave to the vertue and nature of the love and that the h Col. 3. love may obtain a dwelling place or forme in him 11. Lo after this manner ought men to live impartially in the good i Esa 1. Psa 37. 2 Pet 3. to turn from all ungodly being and not to maintain the evill 12. There goeth also a saying about among divers that to shew the k 2 Pet. 1. common love is the most best means to keep ones self thus impartiall 13. It is true our writings do also testifie such things howbeit let every one for all that look to it and beware of his own judgement that by the l Gen. 3. Sap. 2. 2 Cor. 11. subtilty of the Serpent or of her nature or els by the mind of the flesh he be not beguiled the saying in it self is very right but many that marke not the saying according to the truth doe speak the same with a wrong sight or understanding 14. For some use such sentences for their own seekings cause and so in such a show of vertue their heart in regard of being incorporated with God in the spirit remaineth covered m Esa 29 Jer. 23 and estranged from God and many also give great respect unto such sayings insomuch that by occasion thereof they do oft-times according to mens private conceit cleave to some outward vertue which surely is the very smallest of all and do leave the principallest n Mat. 23 1 Cor. 13 1 Tim. 1 or greatest which God requireth The like did also many heretofore that were learned in the Law upon whom the Lord pronounced wo because they observed the least things of the Law whilest they tythed Mint Anise and Cummin and left the greatest matters of the Law o Mat. 23 Luk. 11 to wit judgment mercy and faithfulnesse 15. For albeit they observed all this after an outward show so as they seemed thereby to be righteous yet was it all surely of no value seeing they were not joyned with whole heart unto God p Ioh. 15 nor according to the spirit incorporated with him 16. Furthermore divers men there are found which after the outward fashion give every one his own and unto divers out of common love shew outward mercy indifferently who also carry themselves so justly that q Phil. 3 outwardly they are not to be reproved in any thing howbeit they are inwardly before God theeves and r Mat. 23 Ioh. 10 false men because they with-hold from God that which is his ſ Esa 29 Ezek. 33. Mat. 15 that is to say their heart which is far from him and standeth subject or tied unto visible things which heart or inward mind belongeth wholly yea only unto God 17. Therefore God is not appeased nor satisfied with the least when the heart is not turned from all visible and mutable things and doth not cleave perfectly unto him or at least endeavour to wards it to wit that the man desire of God out of his grace that God will strengthen him to the obeying of his will and t Eccl. 3 prepare his heart to his will and pleasure 18. Look whose hearts are not thus minded u Deut. 6 Mat. 22 for to love and cleave unto God with all their souls their common love is false and altogether unclean x Rom. ● for they have yet willingly a pleasure in their own concupiscence and are yet far distant from the upright love of God neverthelesse they do sometimes perswade themselves that they have the very best conceiving of the righteousnesse and so proceed on according to the common course of vvordly hearts 19. Therefore there is great diversity between the unpartiall men who addict their hearts unto God and to the good and those men whose hearts have minded worldly things and yet do boast them of the unpartiallnesse For look what unto worldly hearts namely unto such hearts as are turned from God and his service of Love is a pleasure lust and life that same is unto all the children of righteousnhsse y Luk. 16 an abomination and a horrible death 20. Wherefore mark well the meaning in what state or being the right unpartiality consisteth and out of what heart it is that men are to exercise the common-love rightly verily with such an heart as out of all his mind z Eccl. 1.2 feareth God and is inclined to the upright vertue in the love or is comprehended therein and not with an unadvised heart which is without understanding in his common-love and in his unpartialnesse that distinguisheth not the godlinesse or the worldly righteousnesse one from the other or that hath a pleasure to run on crookedly and erringly a Luk. 12 to set his rest or to fix his heart in the earthly love b Rom. 1 Eph. 4 1 Pet. 4. according to the course of the blind world or mind of the flesh 21. Be not utterly I pray you c Eph. 5 without understanding but learn vvell to discern the truth and let the Lord and his righteousnesse be a pleasure unto you and erre not by any wrong sight that standeth in opinion or imagination but observe judgement and regard the thing which is right and just 22. There is found moreover a certain kind of people which perswade themselves that they are unpartiall because they stand untied and unbound from all outward Religions or God-services and from all such as are called Sects supposing that in such a sort it is altogether well with them and that so standing they are in good case because they are so free and have such a conscience as passeth not for such things they set up their rest also that they will not trouble themselves about any thing nor respect or have any regard either of Jerusalem or of Sion or els of Gods Communion of Saints but do earnestly care how they may get their living and welfare maintain their Family and vvithall do that which is equall and right to every man having a Proverb Let Gods Water run over Gods Field and let us take our rest 23. Is not this to have utterly mistaken the life of the truth and the testimonies of the upright unpartiallnesse Shall there be no d Esa 2 40 59 Mat. 5 1 Pet 1 word of life then nor service of love ministred nor any thing thereout to be expected or e Rom. 8 longed for Are then the promises of God which concern f Esa 51 52 60 c. Jerusalem and Sion come all to an end And shall the oath of God which he hath sworn as that the world g Nu. 14 Mac. 2 shall be filled with his glory be thus utterly forgotten Will he not then gather together his holinesse again h Esa 43 Baruc. 5. Mat. 24 from all Coasts of
invention or if they be ministred in strife and in schism or partiality then do those ceremonies and services shew that the life of those people that minister them is bewitched and that they l 1 Gor. 1.2 know not God nor m Rom. 10 his righteousnesse nor yet undeastand his Law or will and that they do walk in a n Ier. 7.11 Eph. 4 meer imagination and not after the Lords vvill and that is the thing vvhich God forbiddeth 37. For surely it is thick darknesse over the children of men o Esa 59 that they be so utterly blinded and bewitched of spirit that they cannot comprehend nor understand the upright life of righteousnesse for men are not to be subject in the spirit to the outward things wherewith they are served but should let themselves be served therewith to the upright righteousnesse and should cleave unto that which is spirit and the true life it self and which is required by those outward services 38. After this manner p Rom. 14 1 Cor. 8 if the heart be not tied with lusting and liking unto the outward things neither doth through any fear or disliking abhor them the Ceremonies do stand free for the Believers indifferently to be used CHAP. XVII In this Chapter is shewed the right difference between the true God-service and the Idol-service and also the Ceremonies of eithers Services NOw there are certain also that being intangled make conscience that men must necessarily use the Christian Ceremonies after the counterfeiting out of the Letter as a Commandement of the Lord. 2. Therefore seeing we now find many such people as in their consciences are tied or bound that they must necessarily use the services and ceremonies which after the testimonies of the Christian Services and Ceremonies are counterfeited out of the Letter as a Commandement of the Lord and because they understand nothing at all of the difference between the right Services and Ceremonies and the counterfeit I could not for the Loves sake omit to shew also a right difference of the same 3. Thus mark now ye Lovers of the truth how that between the true Services and Christian Ceremonies which are administred a Mat. 28 Mat. 16 Acts 2.3 4. c. out of the true light and word of life and the counterfeit services and ceremontes which are administred out of the knowledge of the Letter there must a right difference be noted and observed and so then must be considered to what intent or to what sense the true services and Christian ceremonies are Gods Commandement and whether the services and ceremonies be Gods everlasting Commandement or else be but annexed b Gal. 3 Heb 7 or joyned to the everlasting Commandement of God or Christ for to serve the man withall in the obeying of them and to bring him in to the everlasting Commandement and life of God and that he should by such a means understand Gods everliving Commandement c Rom. 12 and Will and live therein For Gods true Commandement hath been from everlasting and d Esa 4 Mat. 24 1 Pet. 1. and remaineth unchangeable to everlasting 4. It is e Exod. 20 Deut. 5. commanded in the Law that men should rest upon the Sabboth day or sanctifie the same and such other like and after that the mouth of the the Wisdome and Truth saith f Mar. 2 that the man is not made for the Sabboth daies sake but the Sabboth day for the mans sake shewing a difference in Gods Commandement namely between that thing which was Gods commandement from everlasting and abideth unchangeable and that which for mens sake was annexed thereunto because they should understand Gods righteousnesse and his everlasting commandement thereby 5. And thus were the g Exod. 12 38.39.40 Luk. 1.2.3 4 5 6. c. ceremonies of the Law annexed to Gods everlasting commandement that is unto that which hath been Gods commandement from everlalasting and shall abide for ever because the people of Israel should out of the ceremonies of the Law and out of the outward Godservices of the same h Deut. 30 4 Esd 7 understand the life of godlinesse and the righteousnesse which God requireth and so live therein namely to love their God i Exod. 20 Deut. 4.6.10 Mat. 22 with all their hearts and their neighbour as themselves after all the manner of their Fathers Abraham Isaac and Jacob to whom the ceremonies were not commanded and yet for all that being obedient to the Lords commandements they walked waies in his statutes and ordinances which obedience or walking in the upright life was required by the Law and by the obeying of the ceremonies or outward God-services services and were published through Christ in the world 6. But whilst now that in times past there came a k Rom. 11 blindnesse upon the learned in the Law insomuch that they knew no difference between the upright life that God requireth which is his commandement from everlasting and the ceremonies of the Law which were annexed thereunto that the upright life l Mat. 3.17 2 Pet. 1 wherein God had his delight was appeared and come therefore rose there up many controversies about the services and ceremonies amongst them that m Mat. 12.15 19 21 22. knew not the upright life and there fell out many questions and janglings and that all for the law and the ceremonies cause but God had no pleasure in any thing save only his beloved the like life of his being in whom he had good pleasure And this is his Commandement n Deut. 18 Mat. 17. Act. 3 even that men should heare believe and obey the same and live for ever therein and that men should obey the services and ceremonies administred out of the true light and word of life to an incorporating thereinto 7. Now inasmuch as divers in times past o Mat. 15 23. Joh. 9 gave greater respect to the ceremonies and works of the Law then to the life of godlinesse therefore they did cleave to the ceremonies and works of the Law and believed not the life that was required thereby but fell away from the right stock of the p Job 8 father Abraham 8. But the believers that gave more regard to the life of godlinesse then to the ceremonies or works of the Law abode still q Ioh. 6 by the word of life and were not bound albeit they forsook the ceremonies of the Law which were out of the Letter commanded by the unilluminate and unbelievers of the word of life for the ceremonies could not in themselves without the word or light of life extend to any commandement of God 9. Therefore was the upright life at that time r Deut. 13 published and taught because men should believe the same as a precept or commandement of the Lord and be obedient unto his requiring that so through the beliefe they might be made free Å¿ Act. 15 Rom. 3 Eph. 2 from the sinne
many people have partly through the sundry partiall instigations of men risen up before our said service been intangled and darkned in that understanding and that therefore they could not rightly know the truth in her degree but did oftentimes stumble fall and and suffer harme yet all ye that love the Truth with us and have likewise fallen in the same learne Prudence now thereby and turn again b Esa 55 Jer. 3. Ezek. 18. into the way of righteousness Refresh your selves in the beleef with a new cheere and so through the service of the holy Word be ye renewed in your vnderstanding under the obedience of the Love 41. Under the same service give eare to the Elders of the holy understanding c Deut. 11. and follow not the Will or Councell of your own mind but d Eccl. 6. with the Elders under the service of the Love follow the minde and e Pro. 1. Eccl. 16. Councell of the Wisdom and alwaies keep your selves with the Elders in the family of Love f 1 Thes 5. Heb. 13. to the concord and to the multiplying in the good and of the peaceable Kingdom in all Love 42. Become not wavering in any wise But in case ye stumble or fall yet rise again and think that it is sometimes better that a child do in his good willingnes commit an error or that a thing be done of him yet unperfectly than that he should remaine brutish or untaught Be not afraid g Matt. 25. Luk. 19. like the unfaithfull Servant that buried his Masters Talent which was not very well taken at his hands 43. Men may finde divers that will take very great heed to themselves least they should be deceived or beguiled and so will stay onely upon themselves But because they so staying upon themselves give no heed to the grace under the obedience of the Love therefore remain they such as they are and come not at any time to the light of life or day of Love but abide still in the Captivity of the blindnesse because they know not her blindnesse or bands of her darknesses wherewith they are bound 44. Some others will in their unregenerate estate and deprivation account themselves free and will not be subject unto any thing neither to the Scripture nor to any Teaching nor yet to the Service of Love and therefore in that sort do never come to the h Ioh. 8. Rom. 6. Freedom of the children of God 45. For in asmuch as they have not perceived nor observed in the sight of their understanding the bondage of i Ioh. 8. Rom. 6. 2 Pet. 2. sin nor her dominion thereforr remain they unproved and unexperienced neither do they sigh nor k Jer. 8. complaine for the yoak of sin which hath taken them Captive and do know nothing at all either of the Bondage or of the Freedom nor yet that they are so utterly deprived or estranged from God and his Christ as they are 46. Now men may also finde divers that are altogether light-hearted and clearlyminded and so in the range of their misunderstanding have taken unto them l Esa 59. a false light or conceited knowledge These according to their naturall understanding are well at quiet their hearts are not once grieved for their mis-doings any more They have also no regard either of sin or of Grace they fear no Condemnation nor hope for Salvation or for any Redemption 47. When it goeth well with them but in their creature and in their Occupation or Trade then are they content and say God be praised we are in very goodcase we are rid of all intanglement of heart we now get our living godly and credibly and toyle not our selves with any thing 48. But alas howsoever the godly nature or the Image of God m Heb. 6. be troden down in them and constrained dayly to suffer the death of the Crosse for their sins that passe they not once for 49. Because they will not suffer with the godly nature n 1 Pet. 4. or Christ against the sinne they desire even nothing else but according to the o Phil. 3. flesh to sit still in ease and look what in this behalfe crosseth them that reckon they to be utterly evill and unright and and so wax wanton or lustfull in the flesh and licencious or light-minded in their Spirit following still p Sap. 2. Rom. 1. Eph. 4. that which liketh them after the property of ignorant fooles and despise the godly Councell of the Elders as also the wisdom and unity under the obedience of the Love 50. These are surely in very bad case although they think not so For q Esa 5. they have no consideration on the work of the Lord nor on the work of the Devill nor any regard unto that that shall perish nor desire to that which shall continue This verily is a lamentable misery the Lord keep us from such a Plague 51. Again some may be found which do endure much straightnes in dying from sin for to receive the Promises which are made thereunto according to the Scriptures and that they might so become honourable Saints and be also respected therefore Yea they regard no affliction so as they may receive or get that and thus they fall into a choosing applying to themselves the honour of the Promises 52. And therefore when according to their desire they have gotten all that honour then perswade they themselves yea it is already certaine that they have greatly merited because they have suffered so much strived and vanquished so valiantly and have so much knowledge do assume unto them that they are then holy and that God on the other side is indebted unto them of all the Promises and of the Blessing mentioned in the Scripture being well assured hereof that it doth of right and equity appertaine unto them 53 Now because they have chosen to themselves such an opinion they suppose that the Scripture witnesseth of them as the people of God and that likewise in regard of their holiness the honour of Gods Promises belongeth unto them They hold also so greatly of themselves that they know themselves to be worthy of all the high stile of the holy Titles that men do give them also all the services that men shew unto them they boldly arrogate unto themselves and a great deale more 54. For in their own eyes they are the most understandingest and the most best or holiest yea they are so exceeding proud upon their own knowledge and righteousnesse as if there were no God any where else save onely with them according to the knowledge of their cogitations and as though that the true God had utterly excluded all others his creatures 55. Oh! What an abominable thing is it to assume and feine to ones self such a spirituall conceit For thereout is able to spring great abomination and wickednesse such as is much worse then any fact of open sinners 56. For
Rom. 6. Death of the Crosse for the Sinnes cause 7. Nevertheles if any man be baptized inwardly in the death of Christ and e Rom. 6. Col. 2. with his like Death be until his burying planted into him the same ariseth also with Christ and liveth For then inwardly is Gods Kingdom of Heaven even in him and not specially here or there as among these or among those but the Kingdom of God is here and there among these and among those namely in every one in us Howbeit unknown to many as is already said 8. Now if the Kingdom of God be within us and that we as the Scripture saith f John 7. beleeve in Christ then ought we after the Councel of the Wisdom and of the holy understanding to seeke it inwardly there for even thither shall it come and so be found inwardly within us 9. But who so seeketh it only at the hands of another and doth not attend the coming thereof inwardly according to the direction of the holy word and service of love the same shall in no wise find it 10. For this cause men are not in the seeking of the Kingdom of God to despise the Councel and Service of the holy word which under the obedience of the Love teacheth and directeth rightly to the same but with lowly hearts to give good eare thereunto 11. Therefore believe the truth and follow the Councel of the Scriptures g Mat. 7 seeke and ye shall find c. h Mat. 18 Turn you about and become as little Children and not subtile cunning i Prov. 3. Rom. 12. or wise in your own selves For who so receiveth not the Kingdom of God k Mar. 10 Luke 18 as a Child he shall not enter therein 12. Wherefore it is all to no purpose to set ones mind upon any thing that is above in the Heaven or that is beneath under the earth either what people this or that is or where hence Christ shall come or not or with what outward appearance the Kingdom of God cometh 13. For behold if ye find not the Kingdom of God and his Righteousnes l Lu. 17. inwardly in your soules and the forme of Christ in his glory appeared not in your m 2 Cor. 4. Gal. 4. inwardnes then shall ye be constrained to misse or be without the Kingdom of God and Christ n John 6. and shall likewise not eat the bread from Heaven with Christ o Lu. 14. in the Kingdom of God his Almighty Father 14. Therefore seek it where it is to be found and take right regard whether it cometh hunger and thirst ye after it Nevertheles hast you not after it out of your own chusing through mis-understanding but go ye p Psal 84. from one vertue to another 15. Posses ye your q Lu. 21. soules with patience have regard on the coming of Christ contend not any more r 1 Tim. 6 2 Tim. 2. Tit. 3. and strive no longer with flesh and blood 16. Let it once suffice that ye have contended and wrangled for the Scriptures cause rather now endeavour you in obeying of the requiring of the service of love Å¿ Jam. 1. to receive or put on the gracious word of the Lord in your hearts and labor ye t Eph. 4. for the unity of the love For in such a sort shall the Kingdom of God come 17. Now when you have thus received or put on the serviceable gracious word of the Lord the true Christ after the flesh in your hearts or inwardnes then apply your selves therewithal in your inwardnes to the good being which the gracious word of the Lord requireth in his service for to overcome in like manner with Christ every thing that is against him to the intent his enemies v Psal 110. for a foot-stoole may be laid under his feet 18. And when you exercise your selves herein be ye likewise baptized in the death of Christ that is in his patience x Rom. 6. Col. 2. and with his like death or patience be ye planted into him and so y Eph. 6. overcome ye through the belief with the like crosse or patience of Christ the sin death flesh and the world Devill and Hell and all sensuality which ariseth out of your own wisdom of the flesh and be ye likewise in your inward man z Rom. 12 Eph. 4. renewed unto righteousnes a 2 Cor. 4 Phil. 3. in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ Lo thus doth the Scripture teach us if it were but rightly understood 19. When we are now passed through this b Col. 1. and have through the death of Christ even until his Resurrection overcomed all those deadly things then have we peace c Rom. 5. Eph. 2. with God the Father and stand firm in the love which is the end or fulsilling of all the spiritual Testimonies And therein is comprehended the perfection 20. Not that we come hereunto out of our own strength But when with lowly hearts we d Esa 55 turn us obediently to God and the service of his gracious word then doth God also offer himself unto us and out of his Calling in the spirit allureth or draweth he us unto himself justifying us through the belief in e Col. 1. Heb. 9. Apo. 7 the blood of Jesus Christ and maketh us cleane from our sins and giveth us the everlasting life 21. This is verily the word of Faith f Act. 2.3 4 5 7 8. c. Rom. 10. 1 Pet. 1. which was published by the Apostles through Christ for a Righteousnes unto us g 2 Cor. 11. Gal. 1. Phil. 1. Whosoever therefore preacheth any other Christ or preacheth Christ any other way publisheth any other Gospel or publisheth the Gospel upon any other fashion or ground or believeth any otherwise or buildeth upon any other foundation h 1 Cor. 3 than God hath from the beginning through his Prophets and Apostles required and willed the same man remaineth i Gal. 1. execrable or accursed according to the mencion of the Scriptures 22. For k 1 Cor. 3 no other Foundation may there be laid than the same that is laid which is Iesus Christ who from everlasting was and is and abideth for ever Through whom God made all whatsoever is any thing and l Heb. 1. he beareth up all things by the power of his might and maketh the clensing of our sins through himself Unto him as a Father of all be Land Honour and Praise for evermore Amen 23. These and such like things was I partly of necessity moved to rehearse unto you ye dearly beloved to the intent you might consider them aright and understand the diversity of every thing that concerneth the Salvation of men 24. Furthermore see that ye humbly with meditation to God apply your selves out of the inclination of love to read or to heare the Glasse of Righteousnes and consider or mark the life which is