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A44499 The life of faith in death, in expectation of the resurrection from the dead opened in a sermon at the funerall of the right worshipfull Mr. Thomas Slany late maior of the famous town and corporation of King-Lynn in the county of Norfolk : who deceased in the year of his maioralty, Jan. 10. 1649 / preached there by John Horn ... Horn, John, 1614-1676. 1649 (1649) Wing H2804; ESTC R19330 35,460 36

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〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or as the paraphrase hath it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the argument and demonstration of things not seen of invisible things that are not the objects of sense but that are declared in the word of God such is the vertue and power of faith that it gives as great a certainty of those unseen things to the soul or minde as can be made over by any scientificall demonstration for so 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies a demonstration to the minde not a presentation to the bodily essence as the Greek Scholiast upon it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. Faith presents invisible things as visible how to the minde and hope which hope also springeth from it and is upheld by it as it there follows it 's 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 too the basis or subsistence of things hoped for It so presents divine things to the minde that it also draws in the soul to trust in God and hope for good from him and the good things it hopes for faith gives bottom to and enables the soul to act towards them as if they had a reall existence as was before noted Rom. 10.17 And for the way to come by this faith the Apostle tels us Fides ex auditu c. Faith is by hearing by that means God ●fi●ct●th it whence that in Isa 55.3 Hear and your souls shall live 〈◊〉 but it 's not every hearing that produces this faith but that which i● by the word of God the hearing of the Gospel or word of faith that 's both mother and nurse of it from that it springs and by that it 's nourished in listening to that God puts forth his mighty arm and enables the soul to believe as sometimes he did to the Israelites by the brazen Serpent and to Naaman in the waters of Jordan to heal them He that hears my Words and believes on him that sent me c. Joh. 5.24 Hearing the Word is the way to believe in God First God declareth the truth which is truth when declared by him not made truth by our believing this truth heard perswades the soul by the divine power and spirit which is therewith ministred to close with what it hears and closing with what it hears the same power and spirit doth therethrough further while therein are opened excellent things as the hatred and justice of God against sin and yet his love mercy and good will in Christ toward the sinfull soul● c. p●swade the soul to embrace and close with Christ himself of whom the truth witnesseth and unto whom as its proper body and fountain as God is in him and he is God it leadeth and so the soul is by th● Word heard and through the divine power of God therein brought unto Christ and in and through Christ unto God by the beam to the body of the Sun and in that to all that fountain fullnesse of glorious light that sils that body and makes it so glorious But indeed the nature of this saith in which these holy men of God died and which is of so glorious use in life and death is in the text it self by ●cts and operations notably laid forth and described I shall briesly and but briesly touch upon them These all died in faith not having received the promises faith stands not in mens having in possession o● actuall fruition the things promised for then faith and sense should be confounded but 1. they see them the promises afar off That 's the first act of this faith though alone of it self it is not faith for it 's said of some they have seen and hated Joh. 15.24 yet this is I say the first act of this faith or the first act tending to this faith through which the following acts are also generated where this is rightly seated and the abiding in this and of this is that in and through which the other acts are carried on too and perpetuated this act being the first product of the Word heard and that which most immediatly springeth from it for while God speaketh he presents in his speakings truth to the soul and the soul hearing and receiving in the word spoken findes therein and therewith a divine power illuminating and giving light to it and power of discerning that light as if the light of the Sun coming to a blinde man in a dungeon should both present light to him and in the same moment give him a faculty and power of seeing thus in Psa 119.130 the entrance of thy word giveth light and giveth understanding to the simple the soul receiving or looking upon divine word sees things set before it that it never so saw before as his own vilenesse and filthinesse and Gods goodnesse and compassions and the great and glorious things in his way his Son to be met with and enjoied But these are said to have seen them afarre of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Isa 46.10 God shews the end from the beginning things to be done never so long time hence yet being revealed in the word and there presented are by faith seen indeed men not hearkning to the word misse of much light and knowledge therein held forth and see not many things which in wist viewing or diligent attention they might come to see things afar off the things promised which were not of a long time to be performed whence neither had they so full and clear a sight of them as those that see them in nearer times as things seen afar off at a great distance are not so fully and clearly seen as when they are seen nearer hand Now they are brought near to us these being the last times yea some of these promises that they saw through the word at a distance are already in part performed and are become Gospel declarations to us as the coming and resurrection of Christ of the former whereof Mary could in her time say much more may we now He hath holpen his servant Israel in remembrance of his mercy as he spake to our forefathers to Abraham and to his seed for ever Luk. 1.25 And the Apostle Paul declares the latter as another step of the performance of these promises saying we declare unto you good tidings how that the promise that was made unto the fathers God hath fullfilled the same unto us their children in that he hath raised up Jesus from the dead We believing see them by faith as things already done and they are the grounds of our believing in him for those further things contained in those promises which are yet unfullfilled and which we are to expect the performance of in his season but then there must be with this seeing a further act even that that follows in the next place of them viz. 2. They were perswaded That 's the second act in this divine faith it 's not a bare speculation of truths in the proposition without a perswasion that they are truths and worthy to be heeded
these had faith and kept it to the death and yet as the Apostle here witnesseth they all notwithstanding that died how is it then that Christ saith If any man keep my sayings he shall never see death Oh how mysterious is the word of God Answ and what a riddle to fleshly wisedom and humane ●nse It 's to be believed and held for true by faith not to be judged of as true or false by the verdict of our sense certainly both Christ and his Apostles said the truth he that keeps his sayings shall not see death and yet these that kept his sayings for before A●●ah●m was Christ was and his sayings they were that he received did all die yea the Apostle here hints a solution to that doubt of the appearing contradiction in them when he saies these all d●d in faith for in this very thing that they died in faith they were so preseryed that they did not see death for this very fa●h in which they died carried them above sense and took their eye off from death and set it upon life so that they saw sou●d felt experimented life in death even when they d●ed according to the fl●●h yet the then lived in their spirits their bodies did but sleep in death while their sp●its lived above death being made partakers of Jesus Christ as he word of God to be made flesh who is the resurrection and the life and the very death of death putting it to death they passed through the shadow of it but they saw not felt not found 〈…〉 of it they saw God in their death and the sight of him ●o ●ook up and filled their eye that they could not see death Or 2. they saw not that death that is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for ever for indeed that is death and worthy the name of death the second death the other the first death Rom 3.12 the condemnation that came by the first man upon all men that spent it sell upon Christ being by the wise and mercifull God ●a slated upon him 2 Tim. 1.10 and he hath abolished it so in and by himself that nothing but the carcasse and shadow of it abideth for us to see or grapple with so that he that sees but it sees not death properly but only the shadow and shell of it Its life power and proper vigour is by the death of Christ swallowed up abolished and gone he then that never sees the second death sees not death for there is no other death by way of punishment of man for his sinne that 's prope●y death but it remaming and that hath no power upon Christ or any in him the just shall live by faith in the midst of the shadow of the other death and he shall live out of the way and danger of this second death he shall never be hurt of it either by the bearing it or fearing it his faith shall keep him from the first and being exercised carry him through and above the second and he shall never be overcome or over-powred by it thence blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection Rev. 20.6 that hath part in Christ the first begotten from the dead the resurrection and the life that in their spirits are raised with him and shall have their bodies raised with the just at his glorious appearing Seeing then that we must all needs die Appli● and that 's our portion in the flesh and there is a way by which we may so die as not to see death viz. to die in faith what wisedom is it to take that course that we may so die that we may see no death when we die feel no sting in death finde it but a shadow that hath no deadly substance in it nay rather finde it lighted with the glory of eternall life seen and tasted through it that we may see life in death a life beyond above and without death Oh how terrible is death to men when they see death in it when they experiment and feel a sting in it the sting of a self-condemning conscience and the pricks of the second death in the first death When they see death and nothing but death when life is hid from their eyes and so their hearts and thoughts die within them together with or before their bodies when they die full of despair strangers from and hopelesse of ever finding the life of God that will be a black griesly day to a soul that sees not life in it what need then to cry to God here so to teach us to number our daies that we may apply our hearts to Wisedom the wisedom of God in its sayings reproofs counsels cals that it powring out its spirit upon us and opening its precious words to us we may be filled with faith and courage and be in such a state as in which to see no death that we may so believe and live in and by faith in the power and exercise of it that in all our dying conditions yea when we come to breath out our souls we may die in faith die according to faith and not according to sense Even some believers not living and dying in an exercise of faith are many times filled with sorrow fears faintings especially in their dying cases because they judge not and so die not according to faith they judge according to sense they feeling pain and feeling temptations and seeing griesly things represented to them by Satan they are affrighted and rerrified at them though they be false illusions whereas exercising faith and so judging according to it they are carried above and get the victory over sense and temptation Let us therefore so follow on after wisedom that her words may dwell richly in us that her spirit may be a spirit of faith in us that we may live in faith and have a living exercise of faith in all conditions so shall we also dying have our hearts born up by faith and shall be enabled to lay down our tabernacle with peace and joy as that will leade us and not with trouble as sense would carry us and unbelief affright us while we judge of God and Christ life and death sinne and righteousnesse according to faith and not according to carnall sense and philosophicall speculations we shall be from seeing death when we die yea shall finde and feel life in the shadow of death according to that Joh. 5.24 He that heareth my Word and believeth on him that sent me hath eternall life and shall not come into judgement but is passed from death to life and that Joh. 11.25 26. I am the resurrection and the life he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live and he that liveth and believeth shall never die Those all died in faith Faith Ay but what is faith and how may a man come by it Object The Apostle in this Chapter Heb. 11.1 tels us what it is Answ It 's 〈◊〉
us and canst thou have faith in his bloud before thou knowest whether he shed any for thee that thereby thou mightest know he shed it for thee faith in the bloud of Christ is this through the knowledge and belief of his bloud shed to be imboldned to approach to and rely on God and expect good from him as from one that thereby hath testified his good will toward thee and opened a way of accesse to himself and to his Kingdome for thee that thou mightest come to him and hope in him for it It 's strange that Christs bloud should give thee boldnesse to rely on God when thou knowest not whether ever it was shed for thee or that thou hadst any thing to do with it thou sayst it was shed for all that believe and thou believest c. That it was shed for all that believe is not questioned but that very believing is to be in that bloud Now the doubt is of thy believing in it before thou feest Gods word hold it forth as shed for thee that so thou mightest know it 's shed for thee I say that believing of thine was not a right believing in it that preceded thy belief of it by divine testimony to be shed for thee It was shed for enemies and ungodly that being preached to them they might believe in it as well as for them as believing in it that they might be sanctified and saved by it If thou believest in it or thinkest to have salvation by it because of thy former self-actings to sorrow and to reformation then is not this faith right because not springing from the word yea thou inverttest the order of the Apostle Tit. 2.11 12. 3.4 5. he tels us they were saved from their filthinesse and disobedience and led to deny ungodlinesse and worldly lusts by the grace the love and pity of God to man appearing and thou first art led to reform and alter and deny thy lusts and to believe as thou thinkest before thou apprehendest his grace and then drawest an inference of his grace from those thy works and denials thou endeavourest and conceitest thy self to work well and thereupon buildest an opinion that God loved thee and Christ came and died for thee this faith springs from thy works and not from the word the testimony of God is not believed by thee Oh but thou wilt say Even all those frames were begotten by the grace of God in thee else thou couldest not have had them and it was in hearing his word that thou wast led to them Ay but what meanest thou by grace the good will of God in Christ fore-manifested to thee in the word of the Gospel No for that thou sawest not but fetchest in by consequence upon thy changes what then a certain secret insensible working of power in thy heart to perswade thee to confesse thy sins and mend thy actions and do better then formerly Now thou speakest in the dialect of that Pharisee Luk 18.10 11. He had such a like considerce that he was a righteous justified person and was in state of grace but how came he by it he trusted in himself he saies not to be made righteous but that he was now a righteous one one that should have benefit by the Messias in his coming and should partake of the promises he fetched the arguments of his confidence from himself and yet what he speaks of as in him he attributes to Gods grace as if he had wrought it in him God I thank thee that I am not thus and thus he doth not ascribe it to himself but to God and it 's not likely but he thought God had perswaded him so and so to walk by what he had heard of his will in the Scriptures in the law of God he thought of a secret working of power in the word but he never apprehended or believed the grace that is the good will of God as it was preached to Abraham in the Gospel and promise he was ignorant of Gods righteousnesse 1 Cor. 10.13 Gal. 4.23 24. he was born of the bond-Woman his changes and righteousnesse sprang not from love and grace fore-apprehended but from the Law enjoyning and adding promises to mans observation and therefore this plea would no serve him his confidence was not currant nor did God accept him Such is thy profession thou findest it said If thou believest thou shalt be saved which in it self only considered is but like a legall promise and nothing differs from it for that saies if thou dost thus and thus thou shalt live or be saved but herein the Gospel differs from it that it laies down a foundation of love demonstrated from God to a sinner in the first place to move him impower and enable him to the thing required of him so doth not the law but only holds forth a conditionall promise upon obedience and while a man sees or closes with no more of the Gospel the Gospel is but a legall doctrine to him it 's not the Gospel he sees not the love declared the glad tidings of Gods good will to him a sinner and ungodly in the gift of Jesus in the belief of which he should be principled to the thing required but I say thou meeting with such a conditionall promise thou endeavourest after faith and humility and fruits and from thy self-endeavours changes and self differings which thou thinkest are notable fruits of faith thou concludest and trustest in thy self that thou art righteous a believer a justifyed one and so that Christ is thy Mediatour and died for thee and attributest this to God as if thou wert no enemy to grace but a Preacher of it in opposition to free-will and thus many men do whenas they never yet saw or discerned what grace is nor had any other principle in what they did but the law its threats and promises and their own will whence though they have as strong confidence of their being righteous as the Pharisee had yet it is but a strong fancy and groundlesse conception of faith the bottom of it is a legall covenant and their own work and endeavour not the word of the Gospel the declaration of grace they receive not the word that should beget it I know they say they beleeve all the Scriptures from the beginning of Genesis to the latter end of the Revelations but come to the point let us examine thee in the testimony of God whereof the Apostle Paul was made a Preacher a Crier or Herauld for the obedience of faith we finde it 1 Tim. 2.4 5 6 7. Dost thou beleeve this God wils all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth and that Christ gave himself a ransome for all c. by and by they crie our A damnable heresie I see it there written but I am not perswaded it is meant as it was spoken I cannot embrace it Well how then God hath good will to none but an elect number in the
world Christ gave himself a ransome for no other Where readest thou that not such a word in all the Bible well but how knowest thou then for thy self thou wilt say God forbid that I should not think that Christ died for me Why so if not for all yes I hope so will the very drunkards say though they deny it for all Every one will flatter himself in a good conceit of himself and make his own good conceit the ground of his faith and so the faith proves thereafter but the most generall plea is I am thus humbled changed c. as if he should say God I thank thee I am not as other men are Now though they say they beleeve for themselves that that is in it self true yet this being not the effect of the word of the Gospel in them but a conclusion drawn by themselves from their own changes or self-flattery it hath not the nature of divine faith in it but of opinion and what good works they do or seem to do they are not fruits of the word of God working through faith in them and so not the lively evidences of faith but things endeavoured after by the power of law and conscience in them to annex and pinne them to their faith or rather to maintain and uphold their own opinion of their having faith Too many Preachers there are that are in the fault for building up men in this manner not preaching the word of Gods grace to them according to the tenour of the Apostolicall commission some of whom while they plead for unity in the mean time depart from the unity of the faith and will not strive together with us for that tenour of it once delivered to the Saints Phil. 1.27 Rom. 16.17 but have made a division besides and contrary to that wholsome doctrine whereas all unity should stand in verity and then it will be lasting unity oh that they would beleeve the word of God that it may appear that the power and force thereof operates in them and that their faith and works spring therefrom and we are ready to embrace unity with them yea in the mean time we will love them and be at unity with them in what they had according to the word though we must reprove them when they disclaim dissent and draw people from the credit of the word as if our reproving their strayings from that Maledi● a fit illa charitas propter qua● periclitatur vel amittitur veritas Luth. or holding forth the word as we finde and beleeve it faithfully to the people make or occasion division we cannot help that we must not lay down the truth of God to gain peace with men Let men lay aside opposition then to the Gospel-declaration and if they hold it not forth yet deny it not disclaim not against it oppose not evident Scripture-sayings and we shall readily endeavour to be at one with them Many deal with men as Pharaohs officers with the poor Israelites they took away the straw and yet required the tale of brick so men now presse men upon faith and repentance and yet in the mean while withhold from them the doctrine of Gods love and goodnesse to what purpose is it to tell men of the priviledges of bele●vers and withhold from them or render doubtfull to them those motives of Gods good will toward them and Christs death for them which God in the Gospel holds forth to them to bring them to believe to what purpose talk ye to men out of Christ and uncalled of a secret election that is only in Christ and no where else to be met with nor enjoied suppressing the doctrine of the death of Christ for them that should draw them unto Christ and tell them stories of an eternall reprobation without respect to their rejecting Gods grace yea with an affirmation that there was no such grace for the greater part of mankinde to be received or rejected by them as is affirmed in the Gospel for them so obstructing the way of their apprehending that grace that should leade them to repentance or to put them upon a form of repentance that hath no power in it that they might presume themselves elect for better it cannot be while the doctrine of Gods grace and goodnesse is not held forth and magnified toward them which leadeth to a true and living repentance and faith of Gods elect 2. Again how many talk of faith and yet shew no fruits of faith Qui Curios simulant Bacchanalia vivuxt call themselves Christians but neither have the anointing nor do the works of Christianity that professe the Gospel yet rest in the letter or shell of it and look not into it to behold the glorious grace discovered in the Gospel nor embrace the reproofs of self and flesh fleshly wisedom strength righteousnesse and affections that come along to them in and with the Gospel that talk of grace but receive it in vain and yeeld not up the inmost of their hearts to grace welcome it not in its teachings to deny ungodlinesse and worldly lust and to live soberly righteously and godly in this present world receive not the love of the truth to be saved by it from Satans temptations and their own corruptions thou saist thou believest and hopest to have heaven and happinesse but yet thou art a drunkard a whoremaster a blasphemer covetous thy works proclaim thee to be a lyar such faith as consists in opinion and saying thou believest and yet hath no power in thee to break thee off from vanities will never save thee from destruction It 's true Saints have had their failings but they have been but failings and they have been saved out of them they have not lain and wallowed in their sin and yet said tush these are but failings their failings and fallings through temptation can be no plea for thee that never yet arose from sin and that livest and sportest thy self in thy sin O deceive not thy self with a vain conception to think the outward profession of a Christian will save thee when nothing of his divine power and spirit dwels within thee turn not the grace of God into lasciviousnesse backslide not from the escapes you have had from pollutions through the knowledge of Christ to be intangled again with your corruptions and yet flatter up your selves with the Saints failings and say ye may be true believers and reall Saints for all this thou saiest thou seekest a countrey too an heavenly city and yet thy care is altogether for and thy love eager to this countrey how to live bravely and fare deliciously uphold thy name and reputation with men though by vanity and iniquity misse no advantages of grasping in the world to thy self of satisfying thy affections and enjoying thy vain pleasures c. sure these are not the works of faith thou walkest not as the good old Patriarchs who counted themselves strangers and pilgrims in the earth and regarded not to return