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A36329 Man ashiv le-Yahoweh, or, A serious enquiry for a suitable return for continued life, in and after a time of great mortality, by a wasting plague (anno 1665) answered in XIII directions / by Tho. Doolitel. Doolittle, Thomas, 1632?-1707. 1666 (1666) Wing D1895; ESTC R35664 157,743 310

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to the same sin but sin encroacheth more into the sinners heart and affections and brings him more and more into bondage to it and so makes him worse and worse as a man that was wont to take a cup too much at length is brought to frequent drunkenness till at last it brings him to Hell and to damnation irrecoverably where he is as bad as he can be 5. Sin is of a craving and unsatiable nature therefore those that would satisfie their Lusts must needs in length of time be very bad There are four things which are never satisfied and never say It is enough Prov. 30.15 16. and sin may make a fifth For though a man drudge under sin all his dayes yet it thinks the Sinner hath not done enough for it The Horse-leech hath two daughters crying Give give such a thing is sin that never leaves sucking the heart-blood of the Sinner till it hath sucked him to death Sin cannot cease to ask and sinners know not how to deny and they must be wicked indeed that will be as wicked as sin can make them I might run through the several kinds of sin and shew how they are never satisfied The Egyptians thought that the Israelites never made brick enough and sin thinks the sinner never is enslaved enough that he never doth obey enough but I will briefly instance but in three First Covetousness is unsatiable it never saith It is enough It is not satisfied with having nor in seeing what it hath Eccles 4.8 and 5.10 and therefore puts the Worldling to go drudge again Crescit amor nummi c. Secondly Revenge is unsatiable Malice never thinks it hath done enough and therefore puts on the malicious to consult to contrive and never to be at rest till he hath been more injurious to the person that is the object of his malice Thirdly Lust and uncleanness is unsatiable and therefore such as are addicted to it and would have it satisfied must be very wicked for they never do it 2 Pet. 2.14 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 having eyes full of the Adulteress the very looks of their eye betrayes the lust of their heart and it follows And cannot cease from sin therefore will proceed to great Impiety SECT IV. II. THat wicked men will grow in sin appears from the instigation of the Devil who is unweariedly diligent to tempt unto sin and to adde one iniquity unto another and that because he rules in their hearts and takes them captive at his pleasure 2 Tim. 2.26 A man will be very wicked that will sin as often as the Devil tempts A man is never so bad but the Devil would have him to be worse Judas was an hypocrite before but yet Satan put it into his heart to be more vile in betraying Christ Joh. 13.2 Satan tempting without and sin inclining within Satan never ceasing to tempt and Sinners not knowing how to resist will be growing like the Crocodile from an Egge to a stupendous magnitude SECT V. III. THat wicked men will grow in sin appears from the absence of that which should restrain them If a man hath drunk in poyson and hath no Alexipharmacum or Antidote his sickness will grow upon him Wicked men want that which should preserve them from sin as 1. The Fear of God This is that which causeth a man to shun evil Job 1.1 Job was a man fearing God and eschewing evil Prov. 8.13 The fear of the Lord is to hate evil But where the fear of the Lord is not there the flood-gates are pulled up If the Devil tempt a man that feareth not God to sport on the Lords day he will do it to omit Prayer he will doe it yea if there were no Devil to tempt him he would run on in sin This is brought in as the cause of crying sins Rom. 3.12 13 14 15 16 17 18. Many sins there are enumerated and at the close of all is There is no fear of God before their eyes Abraham dared not to trust himself with a people that did not fear God Gen. 20.11 Abraham said Because I thought surely the fear of God is not in this place and they will slay me for my Wives sake 2. Wicked men want serious Consideration that should keep them from being worse they do not seriously consider of Death and Judgement of the Wrath of God of the Torments of Hell nor of Gods Omniscience that he alwayes sees them Hos 7.2 They consider not in their hearts that I remember all their wickedness now their own doings have beset them about they are before my face Nor of his Omnipresence that he is alwayes with them and by them they consider not If I sin I shall lose my soul and it will cost me bitter tears or bitter torments They do not weigh in their serious thoughts the greatness of their danger the heaviness of Gods wrath nor the eternity of the miseries of another world God complains of the want of Consideration as the great cause of the height of sin Isa 1.2 3 4. 3. Wicked men want a firm assent to the verity of Gods Word that they doe not verily believe the truth of Gods threatnings but they have a secret hope that it shall goe well with them whatever they doe and whatever God saith They hear of the evil of sin and of the torments of Hell but they feel nothing for the present and fear nothing for the future and therefore goe on to adde drunkenness to thirst Deut. 29.19 20 21. And it come to passe when he heareth the words of this curse that he bless himself in his heart saying I shall have peace though I walk in the imagination of mine heart to adde drunkenness to thirst Vers 20. The Lord will not spare him but then the anger of the Lord and his Jealousie shall smoak against that man and all the Curses that are written in this book shall lie upon him and the Lord shall blot out his Name from under Heaven 4. Wicked men want a lively tender Conscience which should warn them that they sin not and accuse them and threaten them with damnation if they doe Many have cauterized Consciences 1 Tim. 4.2 Where Conscience is dead or sleepy or feared there iniquity will abound SECT VI. What are the several steps and gradations whereby sin growes from a low ebbe to its highest actings THere are ten steps to the highest actings of sin five of which are common to good and bad the other five proper to the wicked and ungodly Many Hypocrites may goe half way with the godly in that which is good but never while such goe quite thorow So too often a man that is godly goes half way with the wicked in sinning but never goes quite thorow with them in all the circumstances of sin The rounds in the Sinners Ladder to hell are these ten 1. Original Concupiscence 2. Temptation 3. Inclination 4. Consent 5. Action 6. Custome 7.
Conforming to the Truths of God that are Taught by them and being obedient to them as those that watch for their souls Heb. 13.17 But more Particularly 1. Come to Hear the Word of God with more Preparation then you were wont to do knowing it is the Word of God and not the word of Men 1 Thes 2.13 as that which doth concern your Immortal Souls and your eternal state in another World 2. Come with a more teachable heart than you were wont to do submitting your Reason to the Word that is Taught you resolving to forsake every thing which shall be proved to you to be a Sin and to do every thing which shall be made appear to be your Duty Hear that you may obey and Practise what you Hear Be not Hearers only but Doers of the Word 3. Suffer not your M●ndes to be filled with so many distractions in time of Hearing as they were wont to be when you sit under the Preaching of the Word let not your Hearts go after your Covetousness Ezek. 33.31 4. Make particular Application of what doth most concern your Souls more than you were wont to do Hear for your selves 5. Treasure up the Word that you Hear in your Hearts and suffer not the Devil to steal the good Seed of the Word out of your Hearts nor the Cares of the World to choak the Word of God 6. Meditate more upon the Word of God after you have heard it work it upon your heart Preparation before diligent Attention in and Meditation after Hearing will make you thrive more and be more fruitful by the Word Preached than you were for nerly when you wholly omitted or were more sl●ght in all these SECTION VIII SUch whom God hath spared alive in this time of great Morrality may be considered in an Oeconomical capacity as Persons constituting of Families and these may be considered as Governours or those that are Governed and surely all our Families are concerned to inquire what Improvement those that are left in Families should make of Gods Signal preservation of them Hath God swept away some Families wholly not a person left and spared yours doth not this call for some return you should make to God Hath not God visited your Family and taken away some of your Children or some Servant or some Friend out of your house and hath spared you hath given life to so many whom he hath so eminently preserved When God hath sent the Plague into your house he gave it Commission to fetch such a one in your house to his or her eternal state but gave it a Charge it should not seize upon you or if it did it should not kill you and doth not this call aloud to you in all your Families for speedy thorough Reformation Consider the dismal devastations made in some Families the total subvertion of others and yet that God should keep any Families in the midst of his burning wrath should not this make every person inquire What would the Lord have me to do Now the Governours should bethink themselves What is our Duty and the Children whom God hath continued to their Parents What would God have us to do c. There is not a Member in a Family but is greatly concerned to study what is the Duty which he should excel in according to the capacity and relation he standeth in in that Family And that after such Family-Visitation there may be Family-Reformation I shall consider 1. The Duties of the Family in general in reference to their joynt-Worshipping of God 2. Their Duties in particular in the relation in which they are considered For when the Family in general and every Member in particular Live up to the following Duties they will live in some measure answerably to so great Preservation First After your Families have been in such danger and yet so many of them and so many in them are preserved it must be your care to set up the Worship of God in your Families else you cannot as a Family walk answerably to so great Preservation What hath God not turned you out of your House by Death and will you turn the Worship of God out of your House hath God spared you think you for this end that there should be eating and drinking in your Houses and not Praying and Reading in your Families That there should be Working and Labouring early and late and no calling upon God Is this to make a Family-return to God is this to give to him the Praise of his safe-keeping of you in time of danger and distress And this is chiefly incumbent upon you that are the Governours of Families to call your Children and Servants together every Morning and every Night to Worship the God of your Salvation the God that hath wrought so great Deliverance for you I beseech you in the fear of God nay in the Name of the eternal God I charge you that you carefully constantly keep up the Worship of God in your Families And that I may follow this I shall shew you Why Wherein and How you must Worship God in your Families SECT IX FIrst The Reasons why you should set up the Worship of God in your Families are such as these 1. From the example of the holy Men of God in Scripture Josh 24.15 And if it seeme evil unto you to serve the Lord choose you this day whom you will serve whether the Gods whom your Fathers served that were on the other side of the Flood or the gods of the Amorites in whose land ye dwell but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord. Some will serve the God of this World that is the Devil 2 Cor. 4.4 some will serve their Bellies which they make their God Phil. 3.19 and some will serve their unrighteous Mammon which they make their God but do you take up Joshua's Resolution That you and your house will serve the Lord. 2. From the Benefit that will come to you and your house if you carefully and constantly Worship God therein God will take care of you and your family if you take care of his Worship therein Gen. 18.17 And the Lord said shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do Ver. 19. For I know him that he will command his children and his houshold after him and they shall keep the way of the Lord to do Justice and Judgment that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him 3. From the great evil that hangs over your family if you should neglect the Worship of God therein God will curse your family and his wrath shall be the portion of you and your Children if the worship of God be excluded from your House though God hath spared you and your family in this late Contagion yet his Wrath is still hovering over your house if you call not upon him Jer. 10.25 Pour out thy fury upon the heathen that know thee not and upon the Families that
amongst them all It may be God had too little of your love and it was ●n offence and griefe unto your God that the Crea●ure should have that love which w●s due unto himself and therefore he hath cut off the S●re●es that you may get nearer to the Fountain Thy Relation had more of thy affection then came unto his share and therefore in stead of Murmuring be more in loving of thy God and this will be to live answerably to Gods Correcting and Afflicting of thee in the loss of thy Relation and to his Mercy in sparing of thy self And look what Relation it is that is taken from thee while thou survivest and get clearer evidences that God will be in stead of that Relation to thee and be better to thee than that was Hast thou thy Husband removed by this Contagious Disease now make out more to God that he would be an Husband to thee Hast thou lost thy Children or thy onely Son see more diligently that God hath bestowed his onely Son upon thee and this will much satisfie and quiet thy heart Hath God done thee any wrong if he hath taken thy onely Son from thee and hath given his onely Son to thee Thus since you did survive others that are taken from you improve your Affliction and your Mercy in being advantaged in Spirituals and this will be to live in some measure answerably to Gods dealing with you DIRECTION XI HAth God spared thee in time of Plague then see what it was that thy Conscience did most accuse thee or commend thee for when the Plague was nigh thy dwelling or thou wast in fear and danger and order thy life accordingly What sin was it that thy Conscience did reproach thee for in a time of danger and in feares of death whether of omission or commission publick or secret of what nature soever it was and let it be the design of thy heart in the course of thy life to mortifie that sin and keep it under that thou carefully avoid the occasions thereof that when death shall certainly come and conscience shall have no more occasion or just ground to reproach thee thou mayest see that God in mercy did prolong thy dayes till thou hadst got the victory over and the pardon and the evidence of the pardon of that sin What was it in thy feares and when thou wast in expectation of death that Conscience did approve in thee it did then approve thy diligence in thy Family go on in this still it did approve of thy strickt and holy walking with God go on in that which was good and thy rightly inlightned Conscience did commend in thee and this will be to live in some measure answerably to so great a mercy as is Gods preserving of you in a time of such a wasting Plague DIRECTION XII HAth God spared you in such a time of so great Mortality and Contagion then learn to trust your self and all your Affairs with God for the time to come You have lived in time of danger and have been in hazard of your life and yet God hath preserved and kept you God hath called some to abide in the City because they could not remove their habitation without neglect of duty for where our duty lies and where our work is that God calleth us unto there we may trust God though our danger be never so great because while we are in our duty we are in our way and God hath promised to keep us in all our wayes in time of Plague Psal 91.11 Many had opportunity of retiring into the Country without neglect of duty without running away from duty those that went from their duty and work which God expected they should there have done have cause to be humbled for their slavish feares of death and great distrust in God and the use of meanes for preservation is not inconsistent with trusting in God but is supposed and included in it else it is not trusting in God but presumption but many were obliged to abide upon the place and God hath preserved you amongst them Oh what an obligation and encouragement is this for you for the time to come to put your trust in God in the use of meanes in a way of duty and the more you are able to commit your self to God in future dangers the more you do improve this Providence of God in preserving of you But because we need all helps and supports for putting our trust in God I shall lay down some considerations to help you more and more to trust in God premising first the nature of it that you may perceive what it is that you are exhorted to when perswaded to trust in God Trusting in God is a special fruit of faith and hope whereby the soul looking upon God in Christ through a Promise is in some good measure freed from fretting feares and cutting cares about the removing or preventing of some evil or the enjoying or procuring of that which is good 1. It is a fruit of faith for therefore a Man trusteth in God because he believeth and is perswaded of the truth of what God saith and believeth the performance of his promise and so it is called fiducia fidei 2. It is a fruit of hope for therefore I trust in God because I hope it shall be with me according to his Word If I had no hope of this I could not trust in God and so it is called fiducia spei 3. This trust hath God in Christ through a Promise for its object We trust in God through Christ eying the Promise For the Promise of God is the foundation of our trust in God and the Promise of God draws forth the hearts of his People to trust in him Psal 119.42 I trust in thy Word 4. The effect of this trusting in God is the quietation of the heart and a freeing of the Soul proportionably to the degree of his trust from fretting feares and cutting cares about good and evil to be avoided or procured Psal 56.3 What time I am afraid I will trust in thee Vers 4. In God will I praise his Word in God I have put my trust I will not fear what Flesh can do unto me The Arguments for the moving you to trust in God for the future are such as these 1. Will not you trust in God after such rich and full experience that you have had of Gods taking care for you Hath God cared for your life and will not you trust him for Food and Raiment experience is a great support for confidence in God 2 Cor. 1.10 Who delivered us from so great a death and doth deliver in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us When David had had experience of Gods delivering him from the Lion and the Bear he trusted in God to deliver him from the hands of the uncircumcised Philistine 1 Sam. 17.37 When thou hast been in danger God hath kept thee and when thou hast
few considerations to presse thee to put a stop unto thy sinnings hoping that though thou hast gone far yet thou mayst return while thou art out of Hell thou art within our call and within the reach of Exhortation and reproof God hath called often to thee to return and yet thou hast not returned but art going on unto destruction The Son of God hath called to thee and said How long wilt thou goe on in thy Rebellion against him that would redeem and save thy soul he hath told thee if thou dost proceed thou must be damned and said the Mercy of God will not save thee and my Merits they will not they shall not save thee but if thou wilt return to God and come to me here is mercy for thee here is pardon for thee and I will give eternal life unto thee The Spirit of God hath often moved upon thy heart he hath been often knocking at thy doore that thou wouldest open thy heart and let him in and he would apply the blood of Christ unto thee and he would fill thee with better joyes and better pleasures and better comforts than thou ever foundest in the way of sin But hitherto thou hast stopped thine ears and stiffened thy neck and hardened thy heart and wouldest not hearken nor obey The Ministers of God have often wooed thee and beseeched thee with tears in their eyes and sorrow in their hearts as if their happiness had been wrapped up in thine and as if they could not have gone to Heaven and been saved without thee while patience waited upon thee they have been earnest with thee and now at last one unworthy to preach the Gospel is a suiter to thy soul that thou wouldest be divorced from thy sin and be married unto Christ as yet thou art out of hell and art not yet reckoned among the dead nor numbred amongst the damned as yet thou art not irrecoverably lost this day Christ is once more tendred to thee in the name of God I once more offer thee pardon and eternall life upon thy repenting of thy sin and turning unto God Oh that I could perswade thee or if I cannot as indeed I cannot oh that God would yet perswade thee If I might be serviceable to thy soule oh how should I rejoyce if I did but know where thou dost dwell that hast been wicked all thy dayes and now art reading of these lines having a purpose in thy heart to come to Christ I would come to thee as opportunity was offered and beg upon my knees that thou wouldest cherish those purposes and be perswaded to what conduceth to thy eternall happiness if teares and prayers would do it I would endeavour though my heart is hard to shed them for thee if putting my hands under thy feet and stooping to the meanest office of love unto thy soule would excite thee to let Christ into thy heart how readily by the grace of God would I be willing to it I beseech thee by the mercies of God by the death of Christ by the coming of our Lord by the love thou bearest to thy self as ever thou wouldest see the face of Christ with comfort as ever thou wouldest escape the damnation of Hell return at last and though it be late yet return at last But if thou wilt not let God be my witness let as many as read these lines be my witnesses let thy own Conscience be my witness that thou hast been asked entreated yea earnestly entreated to reform and mend and turn to God But in hopes that I may prevail I beseech thee in the fear of God give in a sober and deliberate answer unto these following Questions First Whether art thou going while thou art waxing worse and worse Dost thou know that Hell is at the end of the way in which thou art daily walking Dost thou know that if thou dost proceed a little further a little longer in this course thou wilt be among the Devils those cursed Fiends of Hell Or dost thou know it and yet wilt venture to dance about the brink of a bottomless pit who hath bewitched thee or what hath made thee mad that thou seest thou art going unto Hell and yet wilt venture on Secondly Dost thou believe the Scripture to be the Word of God or dost thou not And are the threatnings contained therein true thinkest thou or are they not Wilt thou say they be false or that they were found out by some Precisians or are the workings of some melancholly brain or that they were found out by some Politician to keep the world in awe I would have thee know that to thy eternal sorrow thou shalt finde them all true even to a tittle and to thy everlasting woe shalt know the truth of Gods Word When thou art shrieking in the flames of Hell and roaring hideously among the damned because of Gods eternal wrath thou shalt be convinced that the wicked shall be turned into Hell that the Unbeliever shall be damned and that it was true which thou wast told that without repentance there was no deliverance from eternal condemnation But if thou dost believe this Word to be true what aileth thee then to live as thou dost that thou actest quite contrary to what is contained in the Word of God Doth not the Word of God in a thousand places cry down sin and press to holiness doth it not tell thee the drunkard the covetous the unbelieving the lyar shall be damned If thou never didst observe such places take thy Bible and turn unto them 1 Cor. 6.9 10. Rev. 21.8 Heb. 12.14 Gal. 5.20 to 25. Col. 3.5 6. Eph. 5.5 6. Mar. 16.16 Mat. 18.3 Luk. 13.3 5. Canst thou read and believe these Scriptures to be true and yet goe on in the practice of those things that the eternal holy God doth forbid upon pain of eternal torments Wilt thou be worse than thy very beast which thou canst not force into the fire when he seeth it before him Shall I call out thy Neighbours to behold a dreadful sight viz. A man that knowes he is in the way to Hell and yet will goe on Thirdly With what face or heart canst thou hope as thou dost that God will pardon thy sin or save thy soul while thou persistest in thy wickedness and encreasest therein Shew me an instance of any one man in all the Word of God that was pardoned and saved who repented not and I will be thy slave for ever I know great sinners have been saved and I know those that have gone far have obtained mercy Manasseh did 2 Chron. 33.12 13. Mary Magdalene did Luk. 7. But then they turned unto God Canst thou say there is any one now in Heaven that did not repent and believe before he dyed or dost thou think that thou shalt be the only man Fourthly Whom dost thou set thy self against Or who is it that thou dost provoke whose anger and indignation art thou daily kindling against thy self What
He was bad when he was born and worse while he lived and worst of all when he is to dye 5. Learn the equity of Gods Justice in punishing a wicked man with eternal torments for sins committed in time For he sinned more and more as long as he lived and if he had lived longer he would have sinned longer and if he had lived for ever he would have sinned for ever 6. Learn the over-ruling providence of God that setteth bounds to wicked mens sins if he did not restrain them they would be worse and do worse than they do 7. Learn that natural men by the improvement of common grace or the means of grace cannot work themselves into a state of grace nor of themselves that are bad make themselves to be good for we have shewed that without the speciall and irresistible operations of the Spirit of God wicked men grow worse under the Administrations of the Gospel 8. The folly of delays and procrastinations of repentance and turning unto God Wicked men think they can repent when they will and though they have no heart to turn to God for the present yet they will hereafter but he that is not disposed to turn to God and repent to day will finde his heart more indisposed to morrow and the longer they put it off the more unwilling and unable they will be to do it hereafter We have heard we must not be worse now let us see we must be better and that is the second part of this first Direction SECT XVI HAth the Plague been raging and you yet alive then be better than you were before And here I especially direct my speech to those that had the grace of God infused into their hearts before this Judgement came upon us that you would improve this providence by being better than you were before if Drunkards and Swearers will not be better yet be you if sensualists and flesh-pleasers will not be better yet be you It may be the wicked will be worse but will you be so too If Gods people are not mended by his Judgements who will and hath God swept away so many thousands into another world and shall there be no good effect or fruit upon neither bad nor good God forbid London hath been a place of great prosperity a City of Feasting and a place of plenty of outward enjoyments but in this last Sickness God hath filled it with dolorous complaints by the many breaches made by death in so many families and relations God hath filled it with pale faces and sick persons and running sores God hath turned it into a place an house of mourning And Solomon saith Eccl. 7.2 It is better to go into the house of mourning than to the house of feasting for that is the end of all men and the living will lay it to his heart Have not your houses been houses of mourning some dead out of most houses and you are yet living will you then lay it to your heart What should you lay to heart Lay to heart the great Judgement that hath been amongst you Lay to heart the sins that did provoke the Lord to lay his hand so heavy upon you Lay to heart the goodness of God in preserving you The City hath been an house of mourning but have you learned the lessons that are to be learned in an house of mourning Have you met so many dead Corpse carried in the streets have you seen the living laboring to carry forth their dead and yet not learned the lessons that are to be learned in such a place of mourning Where one is dead in a family that before was an house of mirth and gladness it will turn it into an house of mourning and sadness much more when many dead in one family and this is the case of many families God hath been teaching you many things at such a time but is your lesson taken out Oh what dull Scholars are we in the School of Christ that must thus be scourged to learn our lessons and yet have not done it Consider when God hath turned London by reason of their dead into an house of mourning he hath been teaching you such things as these I. God hath been teaching you the Infallible verity of divine threatnings God threatned our first Parents Gen. 2.17 That if they sinned they should certainly dye they and their posterity This threatning was made some thousands of years since and it hath been made good in all generations Length of time makes not voide the threatnings of God men read Gods threatnings but do not believe them nor fear them nor tremble at them Many will not practically believe that they shall dye though they sin and will not at all believe they shall be damned though they sin but we see that men that have sinned must dye and wicked men shall feel that they shall be damned according to Gods threatnings but you have learned the truth of Gods threatnings in this and they are as true in all other respects therefore do you that are Gods people learn the truth of Gods threatnings when he saith the Drunkard shall not inherit the Kingdom of God and let this move your heart to pity them that are such that have a threatning of God which is of undoubted verity as a flaming sword standing in their way to keep them out of the Paradise of God and be thankful unto God that you are none of these Do you learn the truth of Gods threatning when he saith the hypocrite and unbelieving shall be cast into the lake that burnes with fire and brimstone Rev. 21.8 and pity and pray for them that are such and bless God that you are none of them and so are taken from under the curse of that threatning II. In this great house of so great mourning God hath been teaching you what are the Wages of sin You have often heard that death is the Wages of sin Rom. 6.23 The Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 there used is a military term signifying the wages that is due to souldiers intimating that death is as due to a sinner for his service to the Devil as pay is to a Souldier for his service to his General it comes from the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth properly all kind of pleasant meats that may be prepared or made ready by fire so that all the delicates and dainty dishes that sin prepares for sinners hath a deaths head in them Do you learn this and by this learn to hate sin more than you did before and watch against it more than you did before III. In this great house of so great mourning God hath been teaching you the certainty of mens mortality You have seen that this is the way of all flesh Josh 23.14 1 King 2.2 and therefore learn to live as mortal dying men should live you have seen that thousands have been carryed from their houses to their graves And Oh