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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A29607 The guiltless cries and warnings of the innocent against injustice, oppression, cruelty, false-swearers, envious men, and such like witnesses, arisen up against a plain man, or, A living and true witnesse condemned, through want of sound (yet through unjust) judgment : together with the unequall and unreasonable proceedings of Humphry Wildey, Mayor, and Edward Solley, and Robert Sollers, Aldermen, and Justices of the city Worcester, as may plainly appear by what followeth, besides the unjust sufferings of the guiltlesse ... / from the hand, mouth, and very heart of a true Friend, and not an enemy to the person, or well-being of any man, woman, or childe within thee, O city, or upon the face of the earth, throughout the whole creation of God, or of that which lieth under the cruel bondage of death and corruption, for which I suffer, and labour, and travail, with, and among many brethren, for its perfect freedome, and restauration, into the glorious liberty of the sons of God (as in the beginning), whose servant, witnesse, and prisoner for the elects sake, I am called by men Daniel Baker, by scorners, a Quaker. D. B. (Daniel Baker), fl. 1650-1660. 1660 (1660) Wing B482B; ESTC R22840 14,464 20

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of justifying any thing or Witnesse or Testimony which the Everlasting Witnesse the Light of Jesus in thee condemns or on the contrary that thou persist not to condemn any thing which the Pure and True Witnesse of the God of Truth in thee justifyeth For he was a wise Man that said by the Spirit of the Lord He that condemneth the Just and justifieth the Wicked even They both are an Abomination to the Lord. And O Ye Rulers wisely consider whether you are so or a praise to the Lord who is our All God blessed for ever I commend my Testimony freely to the witnesse of God in Your consciences to be answered in the Day of God whether you now hear or forbear Know Ye that I am a Servant of the Living God and a Friend and not an Enemy to any one mans Person upon the Face of the whole Earth therefore not an enemy to the King God is my Witness that I am a Friend also to sound Justice and Judgment Good Magistrates Good Government Good Lawes and am subject to every Ordinance of Man for the Lords sake called of men who am clear of Your Guilt and False Accusations and Swearings DANIEL BAKER by Scorners called QUAKER Worcester Prison This 22d of the 8th Month 1660. From the Lords Prisoner for the Testimony of Truth D. B. To the MAYOR of the CITY c. Friend FOr so much that thou art chosen and called MAYOR or Chief Magistratte of the CITY bear with me a little and suffer the eye and ear of a good and perfect understanding in the Spirit of Meekness as a Man of Truth to be opened in thee that from henceforth if haply the Almighty God in whose hand thy breath is lengthen the Dayes of this Life to the end thou mayst glorifie fear and honour him only that thou also mayst be honoured with the true honour which comes from him who is the Eternal Fountain of Life for which end Life and Breath is freely given to all men and not that any man or any in the Authority of God especially of them called Christian Magistrates should dishonour him or turn aside the needy from or have respect of Persons in Judgment or condemn the Just and justifie the Wicked or hearken to Lies neither to let a False Witnesse go unpunished or to do speak or act or consent to any of these or such like Abominations And Friend let me ask thee again Was not he a wise Man that spake by the Spirit of the Lord in his Wisdom saying He that Condemneth the Just and he that Justifieth the Wicked even they both are an Abomination to the Lord Mark that who is my Witness that I am as Innocent and as clear whether thou canst beleeve me or nay even as a suckling Child Now in the fear and dread of the living God who is higher than the highest Consider whether thou O man and them that sate on the Judgment Seat by thee have been a praise to God to good just reasonable men or not a good savour in your Proceedings And concerning the matters falsly Charged against me which as yet you have not Condemned and the very Truth and Reason is through neglect or for want of making diligent Inquiry and Search into the Nature and Ground of the matter as it becomes men of Truth so to do but on the contrary have you not Justified evil envious men that fear not the true God by casting my Body into Prison and as it were gladly receiving false Testimonies from false Swearers and ungodlike men as it were in the dark and behind my back also and this was not right when as the Accusers and the Accused men of Truth would have caused to appear face to face and some called Heathen Rulers stand Justified before the Lord and in the sight of good men in such matters But behold how you have erred in this matter and Lo it s not hid from the God of Heaven who will certainly bring you to Judgment and plead the Cause of the Guiltlesse and not Condemned although ye do and yet may through evil counsel prejudice or enmity which proceeds not from the Spirit of Life of Innocency make light of and condemne it Wherefore I yet Cry to you Repent and suffer Gods faithful and true Witnesse even the Light of the Lord Jesus in every of your Consciences to arise and answer me for to that only can I freely commend my Testimony because even in that true and sound Judgment is placed And O ye Rulers how well would it be with you were ye in all things subject to and freely guided by it even in you and in all men it s to have its Authority and Preheminence to Guide Order Direct and Teach them in all true sound right wholsome words wayes and actions For according to its Testimony in every man Male or Female which is was and for ever will be the same to wit Truth so shall every mans Words Thoughts Wayes and Actions be Tryed and Judged Justified or Condemned according to the Nature End and Ground of all the Deeds done in the Body of Male or Female for this is the everlasting Truth from which I speak And it s an undeniable saying to wit That evil is joyned to within before it come forth either into Word or Action Wherefore I Cry in the dread of the living God Let all be warned to cleave to the Good and eschew or abstain from the Evil in its first appearance for certainly so shall be the reward of every man Male or Female And this is not contrary but according to the true and faithful sayings of Jesus and the holy Scriptures of Truth And lo every Tongue shall confess to the Equity and Justice of the Pure God who is Light and to the Spiritual and Eternal Light of the Lord Jesus the faithful and true Witness Gods Righteousness that Justifieth not but Condemneth the sin where it is joyned to or conceived to wit in the flesh where the Prince of Darkness of the power of the Air hath his Seat or Throne but the Light of the Lord Jesus reveals or makes him manifest and comes to Dis-throne Overturn and Destroy both him to wit the Devil and his works in man And behold these are the true and faithful sayings of the living God Whether you O you Rulers or any to whom this shall come can receive or beleeve them or not or hear or forbear Lo its love to the Meek Innocent Spirit yet Oppressed and Imprisoned even in you of which this Body in which I am is a true figure if ye can read with a good and noble Understanding and beleeve in the Truth which yet lieth hid in you and if you have Ears to hear you may hear the Cry of the Poor and Needy the Prisoner of Hope the Oppressed within and without you whose Cause is but one which the God of Heaven will certainly Plead whether the lofty Oppressors hear or forbear And Friend
Behold I yet call unto thee to hear me patiently who have had Four or Five false Witnesses arose up against me and have laid things to my Charge which was not in my heart concerning which I am as a Babe And I know thou O man and you before whom I did appear the 20th Day of the 8th Month are not altogether Ignorant of it that it s even so And lo I say again They have Sworn and laid such things to my Charge which I knew not neither came such sayings into my heart or mind from which I speak the Truth even from my very heart the most true living God who searcheth it is my witness before you Rulers And if so thou O man hadst been faithful to the Light or true Testimony of God in thy Conscience it would not have suffered thee to have Condemned or at least to have Consented to the thing in condemning the Guiltless of which thou are found truly guilty of and others with thee before the Lord of Heaven although ye may seem to hide it as it may be before men yet verily the most secret works of Darknesse cannot be hid from the Eternal Eye that beholds all the secret Actions of the ungodlike men that cannot save you from the Terrors of the dreadful God or from the terrible stroke of his Hand when it is lifted up to smite or from the Arrows of the Almighty when his Bow is bent or from the glittering powerful Sword of his Strength who is the mighty God of Jacobs life the plain man that dwelt in his Tent and as a Prince prevailed with the most High who if he put forth but his Finger when his long-suffering as it were is come to an end and then smite the life of your vanity Alas Wo and Alas for you you are but men that shall die and come to Judgement before the Throne of Gods Lamb slain since the Foundation of the World of the ungodly Wherefore I cry unto thee O man and unto you O Rulers again That you suffer the fear and dread of the living God to possesse and be set up even in your hearts and by it see that you Repent and bring forth Fruits meet for Repentance lest you die in your sins If so then eternal Wo and Torment will be your Portion with the Beast and false Prophet in the Lake that burns where all Lyars and false Accusers and Swearers and Drunkards and all that forget God shall be turned together with the fearful and unbelieving Covetous Idolaters shall have their part in the same Wherefore Friend and Friends see you to it from henceforth Behold I warn you freely in the name of the Lord as formerly whether ye can believe me or nay viz. That Ye justifie not any thing in any case or controversie between Brother and Brother Neighbour and Neighbour whether Poor or Rich and not to have respect to Persons to pervert sound Judgment which the faithfull and true witnesse of God in your consciences condemns or testifieth against Or on the contrary that You in the least or in any wise joyn not in Judgment with any false witnesse Lyar or Swearer although they are or may be never so High or Potent in the Earth to turn aside the Needy from Equity Mercy and sound Judgment or to condemn the Poor and Needy the Innocent and Guiltlesse that cannot swear nor lye nor respect Persons but keeps in the Doctrine of Christ in whose mouth was found no guile and is a perfect Example to him in these things neither can he give flattering Titles to any man or secretly respect the person of any man but speak the Truth from his very heart though it may return to his own hurt Such a one doth and will the God of Heaven and Earth justifie and plead and not condemn his cause from Generation to Generation even for ever although unreasonable men through unmercifulnesse prejudice Enmity or false Judgment may condemn the Generation of the Righteous yet will not the Lord who is my God who judgeth righteously And know thou O man and hearken ye Magistrates of this City Worcester and listen O all ye Inhabitants within the bowells thereof Behold I have Freedome and also boldness in the Eternall Truth of the Living God where I dwell to give forth these words of my Testimony And Know ye that my Innocency is a true and living VVitness against the Man of Enmity and them that joyned with him who so wickedly a False VVitnesse with many others are arisen up against me and having not the fear of the true God before their eyes have impudently forsworn themselves against me And as concerning the matter Iohn Winnington so wickedly and falsly hath sworn who is known to be a disorderly ungodlike man as That I should say concerning CHARLES the late second King of England as I passed along the Streets of the City is wickedly false and that I said not these words it is true and I am innocent He that searcheth mine and every mans heart knoweth I speak Truth from my heart that it s even so as I also declared in the presence and before the faces of you Rulers and that I am as a babe of Yesterdayes bringing forth concerning this false Charge of the Envious man with the Rest which also are as false as the former And contrary to this behold I give forth my Testimony And let the Inhabitants throughout the Land and of the whole Earth know That this is our sure sound steadfast and eternall Principle for which we have so deeply suffered on every hand hitherto since we were a People raised up by the Almighty Arm of the Lord who is the Everlasting Light and Salvation of us that Christ Jesus is the true Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the World and that a manifestation of this true Holy Spirituall and Eternall Light or Spirit of the Everlasting God who is Light that a manifestation of it is given to every man to profit withall and that it is in every man that cometh into the world and well should it be with all men in whom it comes or may come to have its Right Noble and honourable Authoriy and Preheminence otherwise it cannot go well with them And another a Baptist so called according to the Deposition written hath falsly sworn although some of his fellowship owned him not in this matter saying He rode about the streets when as I had not pass'd through one Street as afore exprest saying most of the Inhabitants of this City was in a worse condition than Turks and Heathens except they repented Now as to these words they do somewhat agree to the words of my Testimony sounded forth in the City And again Winnington falsly swore as the other Marke that he heard me say That this City would be as a Sodom and Gomorrah or words to this effect This also is false But what if I had said so Was the crying sinnes of Sodom and
freely cryed within thy Gates O City And this is the message of the Lord in the Name of the Lord and not in my own to the Inhabitants of this City as I declared to be fulfilled in its season And furthermore this Day of the Lord which is the Light of our Lord Jesus Christ the true Light by whom the World was made who lighteth every man that cometh into the world and is the way prepared before the face of all People and this everlasting Light of the Lord Jesus Christ as I declared is breaking forth and shining over all the Nations and is to awaken the Witnesse of God in every mans Conscience So that according to its Testimony in every man even so shall every mans words thoughts and wayes and Actions be tryed and judged justified or condemned Wherefore as I said and yet say The Witnesse of God which is the Light of Jesus and not of the Natural man carnal or darkness in every Conscience of the Inhabitants of this City and of the Nations of the Earth is to and may be awakened and arise to judgment and to guide people in the way of Peace Love and Unity with God and one with another and with the whole Creation and to do unto all men in this good old way the Light as they would be done by and to speak the Truth every man from his heart to his Neighbour And verily if people come not to be exercised in this good old way of Light and Life whatsoever they do and may profess or be called in words all their Religion is and may be vain for this is the Law of the Prophets according to the saying of Jesus Mathew 7. and the Love that fulfills it is the Light in the Heart and the Light is of God and that which may be known of God is manifest in them for God hath shewed it unto them and so the people shall all be taught of God who is a Spirit to worship him in it who is Light to walk in it who is Love to love God again and one another and not to kill or devour but to love neighbour as self as saith the Holy Scripture And Moreover the time is a at hand and behold it cometh to passe That it will be more tolerable for them called Turks Infidels and Heathens then for many of the Inhabitants of this City and of Englands professing and profane Inhabitants whose life doth not shew it self like the Apostles and let as many as desire to have a right and good Understanding to discern the ground and cause of my Sufferings Together with many more of my Dear Friends in this City and throughout the Nation let Them with a meek Spirit and in the fear of the Lord deliberately and not hastily read this throughout and suffer the True Witnesse to arise to answer to the same Testimony from whence the words come and know that according to and after this manner the words of my Testimony was declared in the 8th Month the 20th day without and within thy Gates O City And after that Men that feared not God did beat and also wickedly threatned often to take away my Life as one called Captain Thornbury did many times with his sword drawn directed and put towards my breast and to thrust it into my Guts as he threatned many and divers times with wicked and desperate swearing and cursing not becoming a Souldier or the Spirit of a man an Englishman to a naked man that neither spake nor thought evil against any one man woman or childes person upon the face of the whole earth He that searcheth my heart knoweth its even so And while he the said Captain Thornbury so call'd had caused my body to be halled dragged and abused and to be thrown from place to place in the Street of the City breathing out his cruel vile threatnings together with bloody Oaths and cursed Speakings which thereby strengthened the hands of many wilde brutish and ungodlike men women and Children whilest I was among them in the meeknesse and strength of God even as a Lamb among a company of Ravenous Wilde-beasts Bears Lions and devouring Wolves bereaved of their whelps and as they were after this manner drawing me before the Judgment-seat some crying out Knock out his brains before he goes any further and many such like cruel threatnings and revilings doing violence O ye Rulers forget not but remember the wickedness acted by them called Mountebanks many dayes acting wickednesse within the City notwithstanding they were warned by sundry of the servants of the Lord in the 8th Month 1660. who were halled bearen and abused for the same Furthermore one of these called Mountebanks acting wickedness after their accustomed manner folly and madness upon a stage in the open street of the City with his face almost all black with a Crown upon his head And what is this a honour or dishonour to the King O Ye Magistrates But what has your sword been laid upon this Transgressor yet And Is not this and Bull-baiting together with the abuse of the poor Creatures of God and such like madnesse and Revellings and Abominations Are not these things a great dishonour to the God of Heaven to the King to you and your City O ye Rulers in meckness Consider and hold forth your sword and let your eyes be open to see where to lay it lest the Lord require it at your hands These are the words of God to Ye through his Prisoner D. B. A lamentation sounded in my heart for the Sober Inhabitants of this City And Lo the Spirit of the Lord within me shewed me how it was with Jonah and the Nenivites how that they suffered him to deliver his Message and to cry when he entred into the great City Ninevy a dayes journey and behold The Prophane Inhabitants of this City would not suffer me with my precious life in my hand which I had received power to lay it down and to take it again to obey the Lord of Heaven hardly half an hour to cry against Sin and to declare Glad-Tidings and to warn them freely to Repentance as before exprest And Whilest my minde was thus meditating in the Counsell of God whilest they were threatning and drawing this body in which I am before the Judgment Seat the good Spirit of the Lord the Holy God in me rather justified the men of Ninevy than the hard-hearted blood-thirsty men of this City And Lo this Cry immediatly run through me viz. That the men of Ninevy shall arise up in Iudgment against this Generation And Friend and Friends Know Ye again That after this manner the words of my Testimony were sounded forth through me even as the good Spirit of the Lord in my heart gave me utterance to which my Soul is become subject Glory to the God of Truth and Lo I rather chose to fear and obey God than man that shall dye and to be condemned of the world that lyeth in
wickedness rather than to be condemned of the Lord by his Witnesse the Light of Everlasting Life of Righteousnesse revealed in me Yet I am subject to every Ordinance of Man for the Lords sake Active or Passive to be plain thus Active in obedience to the Ordinances of Man that are Just Equal or Equitable Wholesome and Reasonable founded on and according to the Righteous Equall Royal Law of God which is so just and also Passive by suffering under the contrary as a Testimony against it and them that ministers it forth in its many and Various Appearances And This many Hundreds that fear and obey the God of Truth with me in the strength of Jesus the Light that saves us from Sinnes Do even for the Lords sake And through thy Gate and Street O CITY the sound words of the Living Testimony of God in this his mighty Day hath entred and even into the Ears and Hearts also of many of thy Inhabitants whether they love to retain or keep the wholsome Sayings or not or hear or forbear yet bear with me and listen O Ye Inhabitants of this CITY and hearken O all ye Inhabitants of ENGLAND and of the NATIONS afarr off to whom this shall come and give ear to the words of a True Friend even to the whole Creation of God and to the soul of every Man of Male or Female that lieth under the Bondage of Corruption and groans for Deliverance to be brought into the Glorious Liberty which is the true Liberty the same that was in the Beginning the Dominion and Perfect Freedome of the Sons of God Let the Meek Wise in heart answer me Worcester Prison this 9th Month the 12th Day at even and of the Year accounted 1660. D. B. Here followeth a true Relation of several Persons who heard what was declared by Daniel Baker the 20th of the Moneth called October 1660 through part of this City some of which heard him from the begining untill he was forced off the Beast that he did ride on and their Testimonies are as followeth Imprimis FRances the Wife of John Rose heard him declare from the beginning unto the end And her Testimony is That he did warn the people to Repent for Destruction and Misery was near at hand and such like sound Exhortations but not any thing against the King or any other Person Anne the VVife of John VVinfield heard him speak thar The Dreadfull Day or a Terrible Day was near at hand or to this purpose but not any thing that was hurtfull to any mans person Henry Dyson his Testimony is that he spake to this purpose that A Gloomy and Dark Day was at hand but a Day of Gladness to them that fear the Lord and exhorted people to repent William Till heard him speak to this purpose that Wo is to the Wicked or to such who love Sin but unto them that did deny Ungodlinesse a Day of Peace with many other Godly Admonitions Robert Smith heard him say that A Day of wo and Astonishment was at hand but a day of Gladness and joy to the Upright in heart witness Elizabeth Smith Richard Till said that he heard him counsel the people to Repent for the Kingdome of God was at hand but not any thing touching the Rulers of this Kingdome Philip Bearcroft and Edborough his Wife heard him exhort the Inhabitants to be awakened for the day of God was nigh I Robert Edwards restifie That the Man that declared in the Street from the Cross to the Place where he was pulled off the Horse I was an Eye-witness an ear witness of his riding and of his behaviour in his declaring as I went from the Cross near to him within the hearing of him all the way And he spake nothing touching the King nor of his Majesty nor of Tyrant nor Usurper nor of the Nation nor Nations nor Government nor Governours Rob. Edwards Dorothy Martine and Margaret Drue they heard him say That the Light was a shining forth and that it would shine forth more and more and that the Day of the Lord was at hand But nothing against the King His Government or any ones person Thomas Garret's Testimony is this that he heard him say that Christ was a shining forth in the Nation and that he warned people to Repent and that the Day of Judgment was at hand but nothing against the King his Government or any mans person And divers others who were VVitnesses of what D. B. said their Testimony may be produced who heard him speak words to the same purpose who heard nothing spoken by him against the King or Government or the person of any one D. B. THE END