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A29533 Two treatises both lately delivered to the Church of God at Great Yarmouth, and now published as useful and seasonable by John Brinsley ... Brinsley, John, 1600-1665. 1656 (1656) Wing B4736; ESTC R36519 171,517 320

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the evill the evil intended and threatned which accordingly he did reversing that sentence which was passed upon them And the like he did to Israel at Moses's intercession the Lord repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people Exod 32. 14. But it will not hence follow that because God dealeth thus with some therefore he will do so to all However that Figtree was spared for a year yet the other Fig-tree which we read of was not spared an hour So the Storie tels you Matth. 21. 19. Iesus passing by the way and espying a figtree or which he found no fruit however as St. Mark notes it Mark 11. 13. the time of Figs was not yet yet he presently blasteth it passing that doom upon it let no fruit grow on thee hence forward for ever which sentence was accordingly executed and that forthwith So it followeth And presently the figtree withered away Thus though God may for time spare some and seem to repent of what he hath threatened concerning them yet as he will not ever do so to any so neither will he doe so to all He that spa●ed Israel at that time yet afterwards sware in his wrath that they should not enter into his rest And he who spared Aaron at Moses request when he was angrie with him to have destroyed him as you have it Deut. 9. 20. would not spare Korah and his Companie of whom you reade Numb 16. Upon their Rebellion against Moses and Aaron there was a suddain and dreadful execution done upon them The ground clave a sunder that was under them And the earth opened her mouth and swallowed them up c. So as They went alive into the pit v. 31. 32. 33. And so for those others who at the same time usurped the Priests Office taking upon them to offer Incense presently There came out a fire from the Lord and consumed them v. 35 As it was also with the Sonnes of Aaron Nadab and Abihu they daring to offer strange fire before the Lord presently there went out a strange fire from the Lord and confounded them Lev. 10. 1. 2. Thus however God belong suffering towards some yet not so to all And however he doth as it were repent over some yet not over all Cain Esau●● and Saul could finde no place for such repentance And what knowest thou who takest up this plea but that this may be thy case thy lot Obj. why but hath not God ingaged himselfe to doe the like to all that shall repent and turne to him This is that which Ieremie assures the Princes and all the people of Israel Ier. 26. 13. Amend your waies and your doings and obey the voice of the Lord your God and the Lord will repent him of the evill which he hath pronounced against you And what he promised them he likewise assureth unto others all others in the like case Cap. 18. 7 8 Where the promise is indefinite At what instant I shal speak concerning a Nation and concerning a Kingdome to pluck up and to pull down and destroy it If that Nation against whome I have pronounced turn from their evill I will repent of the evill which I thought to do unto them If they repent of the evill of sin he will repent of the evil of punishment And if it be thus with a Nation why not with particular persons A To this I answere as before True it is so vpon mans repentance God will also repent But how knowst thou as before I sayd whether ever God will give thee that grace or space to repent How knowest thou but that in his just judgment he either already hath or suddainly may give thee up to that impenitent heart that shall not that cannot repent Not repent truely and sincerely Possibly in an hypocriticall or Legall way thou maist So did Cain so did Esau so did Saul so did Iudas being sensible of what they had brought upon themselves they bewailed their condition yet were far from true repentance Theire countenance was changed as it is said of Cain Gen. 4. 5. his countenance fell but not their hearts And so may it be with thee True Repentance Repentance unto life and salvation is Gods gift which he bestoweth freely upon whome he will and when he will And being so he may justly deny it which hold it from those who have sleighted and dispised his grace when it was offered and held forth to them To all such this doctrine upon this account speakes abundance of terrour Which let it serve in the next place as a Needle to draw in a thread after it making way for and now letting in a word of Advise and Counsell and that to all that are here this day before the Lord. Take you heede that you doe not receive the grace of g●d in vaine This is Paules Obtestation to his Corinthians 2. Cor. 6. 1. Wee then as workers together with God beseech you also that you receive not the grace of God in vaine And let it now be mine to you all and every of you who heare me this day I as a poore Minister of Christ working together with him as his unworthy Instrument exhort and beseech you that you receive not the grace of God in vain this Gospel grace the offer of grace mercy held forth ūto you in the Ministerie of the word see that you do not receive it in vaine by onely giving it the hearing and so letting it dye and perish in the eare not having any such affect in and upon you as is intended by it viz. to bring you home unto God and Jesus Christ to receive and embrace him as your Saviour and Lord to beleive on him to submit unto him This is the end of all our preaching thus to some this good seede as the doctrine of truth is called Math. 13. 24. the seede of the word for the begetting of faith and obedience in the hearts of those that hear us Now see you to it that this seede doe not fall like that in the Parable which fell by the high way side Math. 13. 4. where the ground being hardned by the feere of the Passengers the seede cannot enter but lyeth above ground and so is sowen in vaine being spilt and lost Take heede that the word be not so spilt upon any of you that your hearts be not hardened against it that you should not receive it into them This is that which the Apostle presseth upon his Hebrewes Heb. 3. 7. 8 wherefore as the Holy-ghost saith Today if ye will heare his voice harden not your hearts And let me press the same upon you Today if you will heare the voice of the Sonne of man the voice of Jesus Christ so heare it as that you may live doe not harden your hearts doe not oppose doe not resist the call of God by shutting the word out of your hearts This did the Israelites in the wildernesse When God spake unto them by
He will fight against them with the sword of his mouth executing upon them those judgements which he hath threatned in his word Temporal or Eternal It may be temporal Thus is he said to slay the Isralites with the words of his mouth in that place forecited Hos. 6. 5. And thus shall he go forth against Antichrist and his party as you have it set forth Revel 19. 15. Out of his mouth goeth a sharpe sword that with it he should smite the Nations Thus shall the Lord Jesus execute upon that grand enemy of his that man of sin and his adherents the judgements denounced and threatned in his Word And thus let all obstinate and rebellious sinners fear lest Jesus Christ whose Word they now contemn should thus come forth against them here thus fighting against them with the sword of his mouth executing upon them Temporal judgements But if not so yet let them know there is a judgement to come which they shall not escape even that last and Eternal judgement And then shall they both see and feel this sword coming out of the mouth of Iesus Christ when they shall hear that terrible sentence put out of his mouth As for those mine enemies that would not that I should reign over them bring them hither and slay them before me as you have it Luk. 19. 27. O how will this sword then pierce through their soul Now thus knowing the terrour of the Lord as the Apostle speaketh 2 Cor. 5. 11. taking notice of this sharpe two edged sword going out of the mouth of Jesus Christ the refore we perswade men and that it might take place with all you that hear it that they would stand in awe fearing before him Fourthly And thus standing in awe of his Person now hear and receive his word Receiving it from the mouth of his Ministers The Priests lips should keep knowledge and they should seek the Law at his mouth saith the Prophet Malachy Mal. 2. 7. And this let the people do seek the Law of Christ at the mouth of his Ministers Receiving it as his word Though spoken by man yet so have and receive it as coming from the mouth of Iesus Christ. So did those believing Thessalonians receive the word which came from Pauls mouth as he giveth testimony of them 1 Thes. 2. 13. When ye received the Word of God which ye heard of us ye received it not as the word of men but as it is in truth the Word of God And thus let the word which is spoken to you by the Ministers of Christ in his Name be heard and received not as their word but as his word as coming out of his mouth Fifthly And being so looked upon let it be heard and received with holy fear and trembling To this man will I look saith the Lord even to him that trembleth at my Word Isai. 66. 2. letting it into the heart labouring to find and feel effectual working of it upon your souls to find it there as it is here represented and set forth as a sharpe two edged sword First Pricking your hearts with Godly communication and contrition for sin Which who so have not in measure felt they may conclude they have not yet heard Iesus Christ speaking to them His word is a sword Secondly And thus pricking suffer it to pierce further even to the dividing a sunder of the soul and spirit and of the joynts and morrow making a full and thorow discovety of the frame and temper of your hearts and souls so as the secrets of your hearts may thereby be made manifest to your selves that you may be thorowly convinced of the corruption of your natures the lusts of your hearts and errour of your lives Thirdly Thus piercing labour also to find and feel the killing and mortifying property of it as in making you to see your selves dead men by reason of sin so in killing the body of sin mortifying all sinful and inordinate lusts in your souls Fourthly And thus feeling the killing labour also to find the quickning power of it This is the two fold operation of this two edged sword as I told you it both killeth and maketh alive Labour to feel this efficacy of it that whilest you are dead unto sin you may be alive unto God through Iesus Christ. Thus feeling the power of this sword of Jesus Christ the sword of his Word here yea shall then feel of that other sword of his the sword of judgement and vengeance which he is said to whet against all obstinate sinners Psal. 7. 12. and wherewith he will wound the head of his enemies and the hairy scalp of every such a one as goeth on in his trespasses Psal. 68. 21. FINIS THE Mystical Sun In the Face of JESUS CHRIST And his Countenance was as the Sun shineth in his strength HEre have we the last branch of this Description which our Evangelist and Apostle giveth of this Sun of Man which appeared unto him in the midst of the seven golden Candlesticks Iesus Christ in the midst of the Churches Wherein he giveth us an account of the most noble and principal part of his Body his Face his Countenance That ordinarily sheweth what the the man is And so it here did what this Son of man was No ordinarie person but one far surpassing all other of the Sons of men His face had a radiant Majestie in it such as never was seene in the Face of any mere man It was as the Sun as the Sun shining as the Sun shining in his strength Quest. And what was hereby represented and signified Ans. Here againe I finde different apprehensions among expositors 1. Some looking upon this as a representation of the glorie of the mysticall body of Iesus Christ his Church which is and shall bee Glorious here Thence are called the Glorie Isai. 4. 5. upon all the Glorie shall be a defence saith the Prophet speaking of Gods protection and his Church under the Gospell which is called the Glorie in as much as it is the habitation of the God of glorie as the Arke upon the same account also was called The glorie is departed 1 Sam. 4. 22. where he manifesteth his presence in the midest of his ordinances The Church glorious here much more hereafter As glorious in the Kingdome of grace so much more in the Kingdome of glorie where all the members of the misticall Bodie shall be made conformable to their glorious head when Christ who is our life shall appeare then shall ye also appeare with him in glorie Col. 3. 4. And this glorious condition of theirs some looke upon as represented here by this glory in the face of Iesus Christ. 2. One and but one I meete with who in this glass fancies a representation of the splendor and glorie of the Roman Church which in regard of externall pomp and state must be acknowledged to be paramount for
Stars Such are the Ministers of the Gospel Mark it This is that which I am now to prosecute Gospel Ministers are stars Such was their Lord and Master Iesus Christ himself he was a Star There shall come a star out of Iacob saith Ba●●●m in his prophecy concerning Christ N●mb 24. 17. I am the bright and morning star saith Christ of himself Re● 22. 10. A Star having his birth manifested to the wise men by a Star Mat. 20 2. to shew that he was that star foretold A bright star excelling all others in glory and a morning star b●●ging the day of grace and glory to the Church after the night of ignorance and misery And as the Master so the Servants They are also stars Such were the Apostles whom Saint Iohn saw so represented R●●l 12. ● where he tells us of the woman 〈…〉 with the 〈◊〉 having the Moon under her feet and upon her head a crown of twelve stars And who was this woman why the Church the true Church of Christ which being cloathed with the righteousness of Christ who is the Sun of righteousness and trampling under foot all earthly glory is beautified and adorned with the doctrine of the twelve Apostles who were as so many stars Such were they and such are their successors all the true Ministers of Jesus Christ. Gospel Ministers they are as stars So called and represented in regard of the resemblances betwixt the one and the other which are divers I shall onely single out some of the chief and principal which as I conceive to be most plain proper and genuine 1. Stars are set by God in the firmament of heaven So we find it Gen. 1. 16 17. He made the stars also And God set them in the firmament of heaven And even so hath he set the Ministers of the Gospel in the firmament of the Church which is often called by the name of Heaven So the Apostle setteth forth their original 1 Cor. 12. 28. God set some in the Church speaking of Gospel Ministers 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Constituit he Constituted and appointed them to their places in the Church the Church Catholick visible for so it must be there understood So then a Gospel Ministry is a Divine Institution not a humane Invention He that set the stars in the firmament hath set his Ministers in the Church And he hath set them there as stars fixing and setling them by a perpetual ordinance That is the difference betwixt Stars and Comets Comets though they blaze for a time yet it is but for a time and that a short time but Stars are for perpetuity to continue to the end of the world Such Stars are the Ministers of the Gospel How else saith our Saviour what he doth that he will be with them to the end of the world Mat. 28. 20. 2. Stars though they be set in the same firmament yet they have their several Orbs to move in And so is it with the Ministers of the Gospel though they be set in the same firmament of the Church being all Ministers of the same Church Catholick visible yet they have their several Orbs their several Charges committed and assigned to them for their inspection and oversight Thus Paul willeth the Elders the Ministers of Ephesus to feed the flock over which the holy Ghost had made them overseers Acts 20. 28. And thus those seven stars in the Text the Ministers of the seven Churches of Asia had their several Charges which were as their several Orbs. And so it is with ordinary Ministers That being one difference betwixt them and the Apostles The Apostles were universal Pastors having the care of all the Churches committed unto them This was Pauls daily cumbrance as he tels his Corinthians 2 Cor. 11. 28. Even the care of all the Churches Thus were they universal Bishops But so are not their successors That of the Bishop of Rome is but a groundless usurpation Ordinary Ministers have their severall charges 3. Stars have their different Altitudes and Magnitudes Some above others and some greater then others One star differeth from another star in glory 1 Cor. 15. 41. And so is it in the Gospell Ministerie In the firmament of the Church there are such different stars Ministers of different Orders and Dignities So much we may learne from the Apostle in that place forecited 1. Cor. 12. 28. God hath set some in the Church saith he first Apostles secondarily Prophets thirdly Teachers c. Severall Orders and Degrees So there were then And still there are severall Magnitudes even among Ordinarie Ministers Who differ in respect of theire gifts and ministeriall abilities even as one Star differeth from another in Glory Thus are these Stars set in the firmameut of the Church having their sevearll Orbes Altitudes and Magnitudes But wherefore are they thus set That is a fourth particular which I conceive to be here principally eyed and intended 4. Stars are set up for Lightes like so many Tapers in the firmament of heaven to give light to this inferiour world in the night season So you have the end of their first Creation set down Gen. 1. 16. God made the stars also and he set them in the firmament of heaven to give light unto the earth This is the office as of the Sun and the Moon so of the Stars to give light unto the earth and that in the night season And such is the office of the Ministers of the Gospel-God hath set them up in the firmament of the Church to a like end that they should be Lights So it is said of Iohn the Baptist He was a Burning and a shining light Ioh. 5. 35. And such all the Ministers of the Gospel either are or ought to be Ye are the light of the world saith our Saviour to his Apostles Mat 5. 14. True it is such all private Christians in their measure ought to be This is that which Paul saith of his Philippians Phil. 2 15. Yee doe shine or shine yee for so the word may be and is read either Indicatively or Imparatively 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This they did or should have done But this the ministers of the Gospell ought to doe in a speciall manner They being Lights by office which requireth this at their hands that they should give light to others Which they are to doe two wayes By Doctrine and by Example 1. By Doctrine Holding forth to others the word of truth the word of Life that so those which yet sit in darkness may see a marveilo●s light This was Paules errand whereupon he was sent to the Gentiles viz. to open their eyes and so turne them from darkness to light Act 26. 18. Which he was to doe by preaching of the Gospell unto them whereby they might have their eyes opened to see the sinfulness and miserie of their natural condition and so might be brought to the light of Grace here
was the true light which lightens every man that cometh into the world it is spoken of Christ Ioh. 1. 9. Who ever it is that is inlightned whether with a naturall or supernaturall light they receive it from Christ. And to him let his Ministers looke and that not onely for the former but the latter of these that they be inlightned with a supernaturall Illumination having not onely their heads but hearts enlightned that they may be indued with a cleare sound and affectionable knowledg of divine and heavenly Mysteries And being thus seated and thus qualified then In a third place Let them doe the office of stars holding forth that light which they have shining before those over whome they are set Which they are to doe in those two wayes forenamed By Doctrine by Example 1. By Doctrine holding forth the light of Gods truth the word of life This are all Christians to doe in a practicall way So Paul willeth his Philippians Phil. 2. 16. Holding forth the worde of Life viz. in their lives and Conversations by walking answerable to it But the Ministers of Christ in a doctrinall way Communicating that light of saving knowledg which they have received in and by the preaching of the word Which they are to doe 1. Voluntarily and freely Soe doe the stars give forth their light And so should Ministers theirs Freely you have received Freely give saith our Saviour to his Apostles willing them to communicate their guifts for the good and benefit of others and that freely And so should the Ministers of the Gospell theirs Not doing what they doe by constraint nor yet out of Covetousness or any other by and sinister respect but willingly freely So Saint Peter giveth it them in charg 1 Pet. 5. 2. Feede the flock of God which is among you or as much as in you is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 taking the oversight thereof not by constraint but willingly not for filthy lucre but of a ready minde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Four words which I could wish all the Ministers of Jesus Christ had them written upon their hearts that remembring them they might practise accordingly 2. Doing this freely let them also do it faithfully and sincerely In doctrine shewing sincerity as Paul willeth Titus Chap. 2. verse 7. First holding forth no other light then what they have received Not their owne light Herein again true Stars differ from Comets Comets being set on fire hold forth their own light so doe not the Stars they hold forth no other light then what they have received from the Sun So ought the Ministers of Christ to doe not like those false prophets of whome the Lord complains Ier. 23. 16. that They spake a vision of their owne heart and not out of the mouth of the Lord. Comet-like being set on fire with ambition or vaineglory or some other by and sinister respects they held forth their owne light So ought not the Ministers of Christ to doe Star-like they are to hold forth no other light then what they receive from the Sun no other doctrine then what they receive from Christ. I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you saith the Apostle And then secondly all that light So doe the Stars they doe not hide or hold back any of that light which they have received No more may the Ministers of God any of the light of divine truth Such was Pauls faithfulness in his Ministerie that he did not shun to declare unto the Churches all the Counsell of God so he tels the Elders at Miletum Act. 20. 27. All the Counsell viz. What was profitable for them he explains it verse 20. And such should the faithfulness of Gods Ministers be They are not to hide or hold back any part of that light which they have received That which Balaam once spake against his will Numb 24. 13. Ministers should freely and conscientiously resolve upon and practise What the Lord saith unto them that to speake Onely that all that Thirdly And in so doing let them be assiduous and vnwearied So are the Stars in their Motions and operations in giving light to the earth they are unwearied holding on their courses night after night A fitting patterne for the Ministers of the Gospell who should be thus unwearied in their Ministeriall services So was Paul who tels his Corinthians that the Care of all the Churches came upon him daylie 2 Cor. 11. 28. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a multitude of cares which came like an Armie upon him for that is the proper signification of the word these came upon him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 daylie So should the Care of those particular charges over which God hath set his Ministers come upon them and that daylie They should be assiduous in seeking of their good unwearied in their Gospell Ministration in the worke and services of their God This is that which Paul requires from all Christians 1. Cor. 15. last Finally my brethren be ye steadfast unmovable alwayes abounding in the worke of the Lord. And let it be directed in a speciall manner to the Ministers of Christ who are imployed in the service of the Lord after a speciall manner Let them be therein unwearied 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not giving in not fainting as Paul saith of himselfe that he did not 2. Cor. 4. 1. And so doing let them now for their Incouragement take notice of what there followeth For as much as you know that your labour is not in vaine in the Lord So shall not the labour of private Christians be much less the labour of Gods Ministers Who thus shining as stars here shall shine as Stars hereafter So runs the Promise in express terms Dan. 12. 3. They that be wise Teachers saith the Margin and so the word Hammashkilim may be taken transitiuely for facientes intelligere such as make others wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament and they that turne many to righteousness which is properly the Ministeriall worke as the Stars for ever and ever Being honoured both of God and men shining in their memories upon earth the Apostles are as twelve stars upon the Churches head Rev. 12. 1. and in their persons in heaven 2. I have done with the former and chief part of the Ministerial office which is to shine before others in Doctrine to which in the second place they are to joyn Example Which as I have already shewn you is not a little influential upon the people especially upon the vulgar common sort who are for the most part more led by Example then Precept Praeceptis ducimur Exemplis trahimur Precepts lead Examples draw And of all examples none more then of Ministers They being to some as the Sun-diall by which men set their Clocks or as the Stars to the Sea-man by which he steareth his course The consideration whereof should make them the more wary and circumspect in the ordering of
them Therefore Watch. Ministers should be vigilant at all times knowing that that Roaring Lion is still walking about But when such Wolves and Foxes subtile and dangerous Seducers are abroad they had need then to look out sharp as the STARS heavens sentinels do in the dark of the night But I fear I have wearied your attentions with what I confess doth immediately concern but a few of this present Audience You have have heard what ones the Ministers of Christ ought to be But shall we now give way to an Enquiry Are the Ministers and Teachers in this our Church I mean the Church of England at this day such Such Stars Blessed be God such there are and that not a few But how many far otherwise Such as go for Stars being set in the firmament of the Church but are unworthy of that name having little light or if they have yet hiding it less zeal no purity but are rather like those spots in the Moon no small blemish in the Churches face I might go on But I have no pleasure in discovering of what I have here no opportunity to rectifie Besides these how many Meteors such as would be taken for Stars but are nothing less in truth Comets they are 1. Being first not set in the firmament of the Church ascending of themselves But meer Exhalations ascending of themselves and drawn up by some sinister respects of Honour or Profit or the like and fed with those earthly vapours I mean men taking this office upon themselves not being called thereunto by God not being set apart to the work whether Actually or yet Intentionally 2. Blazing-stars Such were the false Apostles in Saint Pauls time and such there are too many in ours Men who make a great glare a great shew and as Gamaliel once said of Theudas Acts 5. 36. they boast themselves to be some body no ordinary Teachers And thereupon they hold forth new and strange lights new and strange doctrines such as the world cannot but stand amazed at the beholding hearing of as much as in them lieth setting the Church on fire therewith By which means it cometh to pass that the truly Orthodox Ministers with their old light their old truths comes to be the less regarded and by some slighted Even as it is when there is a blazing-star flaming in the heavens the world stands at gaze at that all tcome out of their doors to look upon that whilest the true Stars in the mean time are little passed by without any observation 3. To these add in the third place Falling-stars Such are Comets they shine for a time and that it may be very brightly out-shining all the stars about them but in a little time having spent their stock of vapour they fall down to the earth from whence they came and thereby are discovered to be what they were not stars but Comets Quae cecidit stella non fuit Cometa fuit And such stars how many have we seen of late times falling-stars Time was when they shone and that brightly like Lucifers sons of the morning but now how are they fallen from heaven as the Prophet saith of the Babylonion Monarch and Empire Isaiah 14. 13 Fallen from their Principles Such a Star we read of Revel 9. 1. I saw a star fallen from heaven saith Saint Iohn which some understand of some eminent Minister of the Church who fell from the true Religion of God and turned Apostate And elsewhere he tels us of the Stars of heaven falling to the earth Revel 6. 13. Ministers falling from the truth into Errours And such stars how many have we seen or heard of Men sometime of special note in the Church shining like Stars in the firmament thereof But now are they fallen from heaven to earth I had almost said to Hell but I would be as charitable as I may hoping however desiring that God would give them repentance unto salvation that they remembring from whence they are fallen may repent and do their first works as the spirit counsels the Angel of the Church of Ephesus Revel 2. 5. fallen from the truth of God into dangerous desperate damnable Errours and Heresies some of them even denying the Lord that bought them as Saint Peter foretelleth it of some 2 Pet. 2. 1. Besides these how many fallen from their purity and how many from their zeal being with the Laodicean Angel grown remiss Luke-warme having lost their first love as the spirit chargeth it upon the Angel of the Church of Ephesus Rev. 2. 4. 4. To these I might yet add many more Among other I take notice of one star which being fallen from heaven was a bitter star Of this you read Rev. 8. 10. 11. There fel a great Star from heaven and his name was called Wormewood Of whome that is there meant I shall not now stand to enquire which if I should I should finde it verie mysterious Verely I wish there were but one such a star to be found in this our Horizon But alass how many of this kind such as being fallen from their principles do now justly deserve that name to be called Wormwood as it is for the most part with Apostates having their spirits imbittered against the truthes of God and the wayes of God and the servants of God sometimes their fellow Brethren against whome they shoote their Arrowes even bitter words as David saith his Enemies did against him Psal. 64. 3. upon all occasions letting flye bitter Invectives against them And others there are who though they be not so fallen but may be looked upon as stars still yet they have too much of this Wormwood in them too much of that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which the Apostle speaketh of Iames. 3. 14. Bitter Zeale Which upon all occasions they are readie to express against their Brethren who differ from them though it be but in matters of lesser concernment Now surely this doth not favour of a truly Ministeriall spirit which should be as I have showne a spirit of gentleness and meekness Not a bitter spirit But I will not wearie you and my selfe in following of this Chase any further I shall rather now come to that which may be more usefull unto you And that shall be to shew you what your duty is in reference to these starres in reference to the true Ministers of Jesus Christ. Which take in three or foure particulars 1. Take notice of them as set over you by God So are the Stars and so are these Stars both set over you by the same hand And that both to a like end viz. to overlook you and to guide you To these ends are the Stars set over this inferiour world as Ouerseers and Guides to overlooke it and Governe it which in some sense they do Astra regunt homines And to a like end are the Ministers of God set over the Church as Overseers as Guides Overseers so Saint Paul calleth
and decrees this is highly taken as being an affr●nt to the Court and the offendors are severe●y pro●eeded against And so is it in the Court of heaven when men shall refuse to take notice of the minde and will of God clearly intimated unto t●em this being a contempt an affront to heaven God cannot but take it highly at the hands of those that are guilty of it and make them know that he doth so So much we have fully expressed in those words of Wisdome Prov 1. 24. Because I have called and ye have refused c. ye have set at nought all my counsell and would none of my rep●oof I will laugh at your calamity c. And again vers 29 For that they ha●ed knowledge c. Therefore shall they eat the fruit of their own ways c. Of such dangerous and desparate consequence is it to shut out any beam of divine light out of the fou● to stop the ear against any word of God Specially when men shall close their eyes against Gospel-light stop their ears against the word of life the word of grace and salvation This was Ierusalems case here She did not she would not know the things belonging to her eternal peace notwithstanding he who was the Pr●nce and Lord of peace the great Peace-maker the Son of God himself came to preach peace unto them to shew them what it was that was of so great concernment to them yet they would not hearken to him And by reason hereof these things were now hid from their eyes And upon this account the Lord Iesus as a tender hearted Saviour here so passionatly weepeth over them And surely of all things that can happen unto man up on earth there is no one thing more deplorable then this when men are thus wilfully blinde obstinately ignorant And to make some Application of this Branch Is not this the case of too many among our selves at this day Alass how many such poor ignorant souls are every where to be found Men and women willingly and wilfully ignorant of what concerneth their eternall peace They cannot say it is for want of light that the are blind that they do not see No the light of the Gospel hath for a long time shone forth unto them They have been born and brought up in Gospel-times and places where they have injoyed the meanes of grace and salvation in a plentiful manner So as in this respect they may be called Children of the light and Children of the day And yet for all that they walk in darkness the things which belong unto their eternall peace are hid from their eyes They do not see because they will not see They have no desire to be acquainted with the mysterie of salvation and so continue strangers to it A most deplorable state and condition So let it be looked upon by others by those whose eyes God hath opened to see what they do not Whil●st they see these things hid from them which God hath revealed to themselves let them blessing God for this his free grace which hath caused them thus to differ in imitation of their blessed Saviours pittie and compassionate this their wilful obstinacie and blindnesse This we may find the Lord somtimes sadly bemoaning in this his people the people of the Iewes Jer. 4. 22. my people is foollish they have not known me they are sortish children and they have no understanding And the like wee may heat the Prophet doing in the Chapter following Ier. 5. where complaining of the incorrigiblenesse of that people the generality of them under the Judgment of God how notwithstanding God hath strucken them yet they were not sensible they had made their face harder then a Rock as he speaks ver 3. he then bemoaneth and pittieth this their condition in the next verse Therefore I sayd surely these are poor they are foolish c. of all follie none like this when men do as it were sanis insanire they are wittingly mad or foolish They will not see what belongeth to their peace O pitie we them that are in this condition And O that they might be perswaded to pitie themselves to mourn over this their desperate obstinacie This they shall do sooner or later it may be when it is too late So they may hear some of their Companions doing as viz. that impure Adulterer whom the Wiseman speaks of Prov. 5. Who having given his honour unto others and his years to the cruel as the 9 ver hath i● having spent both his reputation and estate and strength upon Harlots who seeking nothing but themselvs care not how they make a prey of others oft-times with their honesty putting off also all kind of humanitie then he cometh to mourn at the last when his flesh and bodie are consumed as it followeth ver 11. finding nature decaied and spent and his bodie it may be seized upon by some foul and loathsome disease some of which it may seem were wont to attend this sin in those times as well as in these feeling his hones full of the sin of his youth as Zophar speaks Iob 20. 11. now he cometh rugire in novissimis as the Original hath it At his last seeing how he hath by his lewd and dissolute courses brought himself to an untimely and infamous end now he roareth roareth as a Lion as the word there properly signifieth Seeing himself ready to go to hell now his soul is filled with more horror then ever his bodie was with pleasure And mark what followeth ver 12. And say How have I hated Instruction and my heart despised reproof And have not obeied the voice of my teachers nor inclined mine ears to them that instructed me Lo here the true original of all his miserie which though before he would not yet now when it is too late he is brought to acknowledge even his not hearkning to Instruction O take heed that it may never be so with any of you that you be not at your latter ends brought to mourn upon any such account Which that you may not do not any longer what he did hate instruction despise reproof Do not stop your ears against the truth of God held forth unto you in the Ministerie of his Word discovering unto you the sinfulnesse of those waies and courses wherein you have walked and shewing you how you ought to walk so as you may please God do not shut the counsel which the word giveth you out of your hearts Do not any longer say unto God Depart from us This do all obstinate sinners who living under the means of grace do yet go on in their sins So Iob describeth some of them Iob. 21. 13 14. They spend their daies in wealth living in jo●litie and mirth pleasure happily injoying an interrupted course of prosperitie not being acquainted with those crosses and afflictions which befall others Therefore they say unto God depart from us for we desire
not the knowledge of thy Law This do too many even among our selves though with their tongues they dare not yet with their hearts and in their lives they speak as much plainly manifesting to the world by their words and actions what the thoughts of their hearts are viz. That they do not desire to have any acquaintance with God or his Word to know his minde and will that they may do it And thus are the things which belong unto their everlasting peace hid from their eies O most sad and deplorable condition what hope can there be of such an one Upon this account our Saviour here looketh upon Ierusalems estate as most forlorn and desperate She neither had nor would see what belonged to her peace So as through her wilful ignorance this was hid from her eies And therefore let her now make account of what followeth The daies shall come upon thee when thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee c. And even such is the condition of all wilful and obstinate sinners who shut out the light of Gods truth out of their hearts will not give way to the admonitions directions convictions of the Word and Spirit so as to be wrought upon by them to be changed and reformed in their hearts and lives let them make account that the like daies shall come upon them daies of blacknesse and darknesse daies of judgment and vengeance it may be temporal which they have just cause to fear continually hanging over their heads however eternal And O that now the terrour of the Lord might fall and take hold upon every one of you whose condition this is that being awakened you may be also perswaded to open your eies to set open the doors and windows of your souls to let in the Sun of righteousnesse to let in that heavenly light which shineth forth unto you that so the things which belong unto your peace your eternal peace and happinesse they may be no longer hid from your eies which if they still be through your obstinacie and wilfulnesse for other cause you can assign none then take heed lest that God whose patience you have abused and whose grace you have rejected do in his most righteous judgment seal up your eies passing an irrevocable sentence upon you that seeing you will not see therefore you shall not see but that these things be now from henceforth for ever hid from your eies And so I am fallen upon the second Particular the second ground and cause of this blindnesse in Ierusalem The things belonging to her peace were hid from her eies as through her own wilful obstinacie so also through Gods righteous judgment And thus they were hid not onely for the present but also for the future 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 But now they are hid from thine eies That is from henceforth so as now thou shalt not see them and that through the righteous judgment of God hiding them from thee Thus it is Daies of Grace have their dates Mark it This is the Observation which this passage naturally yieldeth us Daies of Grace have their dates Times and seasons wherein the Grace and Mercie of GOD is offered and tendered to the Sons of men for their acceptance they are limited they have their terms and boundaries beyond which they shall not extend Hence is it that they are called by the name of Daies If thou hadst known in this thy day Now a Day is a determined time However there are Winter-daies and Summer-daies some shorter others longer yet each is limited and measured by the motion of the Sun And so are the Seasons of Grace which God vouchsafeth unto the Sons of men upon earth though some are longer then others yet all limited all determined by God What the Prophet Habakuk●aith ●aith of Prophetical Vision Hab. 2. 3. The Vision is for an appointed time the same may be said of these gracious dispensations the offers and tenders of grace and mercie they are for an appointed time Daies of Grace have their dates their limits So have both National and Personal daies 1. National daies wherein God offers mercie to communities of men these are limited So it was we know with the old world concerning which we may hear God declaring his purpose Gen. 6. 3. My spirit shall not ever strive with man for that he also is flesh yet his dates shall be an hundred and twentie years A long time God had striven with the men of that generation He had so done and that both outwardly and inwardly Outwardly as by his Works so by his Word which was preached to them by Noah whom Saint Peter calleth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Preacher or publisher of Righteousnesse of the righteous judgments of God in case they should not repent to which in the name of God he perswaded them By him it was that Christ went and preached to the spirits in prison as the same Apostle hath it 1 Pet. 3. 19. This he did by the Ministerie of Noah or some others who were inspired by him In and by them he preached to the men of that generation who were then alive but at this time when Peter wrote that Epistle dead and their spirits their souls many of them in the prison of Hell And besides this Outward striving by his Word he did also strive with them Inwardly by the inward motions and operations of his Spirit pressing and urging their consciences to Reformation and Repentance Thus he had striven with them and that long but he will not ever so do My Spirit shall not ever strive with Man And thereupon hee limits them a time for their Repentance The daies of Man shall be an hundred and twentie years Not that the time of man's life should not afterwards exceed that number of years for we finde diverse after the Flood living much longer but so long should their day of grace and mercie last So long a time out of his gracious indulgence God would yet allow to that generation to bethink themselvs to reform their hearts and lives in which if once past and not improved for the end to which it was allotted them then they must look for no more mercie but a deluge of vengeance should sweep them off from the face of the earth To this I might subjoin that of Nineveh which had her fortie daies and no more allowed unto her for the same end Fortie daies and Nineveh shall be destroied Ion. 3. 4. viz. except within that time they repented which condition God reserved to himself Thus there is a time appointed and determined by God which though he do not declare to others yet he hath set down with himself how long hee will strive with a Nation a people how long he will wait for their Repentance which time being past then the date of mercie is out So it was with Ierusalem here she had had her Day a day of grace and that a long day wherein
and understand with their hearts and bee converted and I should heal them Thus dealt God with that people justly punishing their wilful obstinacie by giving them up unto a reprobate sence to a spiritual blindnesse and obduracie In as much as they had first blinded themselves closing their own eies against the light Their eies they have closed so Saint Matthew hath it Matth 13 5. As also the Apostle Act. 28. 27. therefore God in his just judgment blindeth them They blinded themselves first they would not see therefore God in his justice blindeth them that they should not see So giving them up to spiritual blindnesse which as that Apostle tells us still resteth upon that people untill this day I would not brethren that yee should bee ignorant that blindnesse in part is happened to Israel untill the fulnesse of the Gentiles be come in Rom 11. 25. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Blindnesse or Hardnesse for the word signifieth both is happened in part unto the greatest part the generalitie of that Nation insomuch that they do not nay till the time appointed be come they shall not see the things which belong to their peace This is the reason which the same Apostle giveth why those of that Nation did not see what was so clearly held forth unto them in the preaching of the Gospel 2. Cor. 3. 14. Their mindes were blinded there was a veil upon their hearts as the next ver hath it God hath given them up in his just judgment for their contempt of the means of grace to a fearful exceration and obduration blinding their eies and hardning their hearts Thus the Lord is said to have done Pharaohs Exod. 4. 21. And the like is said of Sihon King of Heshbon that refused to let Israel passe by him Deuteronom 2. 30. The Lord thy God hardned his spirit and made his heart obstinate that he might deliver him into thy hand This hee did not onely by with-holding his grace from them but by delivering them up unto the perversnesse of their own spirits and to Satan to bee acted by him unto their ruine and destruction And after the like manner may God bee said to have hardned the hearts of this people the people of the Iewes not onely by with-holding his Spirit from them but also giving them up unto their own hearts lusts as the Psalmist hath it Psal. 81. 11 12. My people would not hearken unto my voice and Israel would none of mee So I gave them up to their own hearts lusts or as the margin readeth it to the hardnesse of their hearts and they walked in their own counsels and to the power of Satan to bee acted by him to bee blinded and hardned by him Yea even giving Commission to his Word to have such an accidental effect upon them even as the Sun hath upon the Clay to harden it So much wee may learn from that Text of the Prophet Isaiah cited by our Saviour Isaiah 6. ver 9 10. Where the Lord giving him his Commission to go unto that people hee bids him or rather foretelleth him what hee should do that hee should make their heart fat Make thou the heart of this people fat and make their ears heavie and shut their eies c. Now how should hee do this Why onely by preaching the Word to them But what then had the Word any such proper Operation of it self Not so neither had the Prophet any such intention in the preaching of it but through their obstinate tempers it become so to them an occasion of their further blinding and hardening God in his just judgment suffering and ordering that his Word should have such a direfull effect upon them as that they should grow worse and worse by it untill they should attain to that height of impenitencie as should bee irrecoverable This it is The Word will have it work one way or other beeing as the Apostle saith the savour of life or of death 2 Corinth 2 16. Where it doth not open and clear the eye it will close and blinde it Where it doth not soften the heart it will harden it And in this way and by this means doth God in his most righteous Judgment hide from the eyes of men the things which belong to their peace which they have refused to see To these I might adde his sending of False Teachers among them such as those the Prophet Ieremie speaketh of who cried unto the people Peace Peace where there was no peace Jeremiah 6 14. So lulling them asleep in carnall securitie that they shall not see what belongs to their peace in truth As also his sending of strong delusions that men should believe a lie because they have not received a love of the truth as the Apostle hath it 2 Thes. 2. 11. Sending a Spirit of Errour a lying spirit to them such as that was which seduced Ahab to his destruction 2 King 2. 22. These and many other wayes God hath to carry on this his most just and righteous design But herein I shall follow him no further That which hath been spoken may be sufficient for doctrinal Confirmation and Illustration What now remaines is Application Where in the first place set me design you to make a stand a little and look upon this Nation wherein we live as our Saviour did here upon this City Ierusalem and see whether there be any just cause to do what he did to weep over it mourn over it upon any such account Touching which let me first declare for my self that not having my Saviours eyes a prophetical eye as he had I dare not pronounce the like sentence upon this that he doth upon that viz. that the things which belong unto Englands peace are now hid from her eyes No as my prayers have been and shall be so my hopes yet are to the contrary that God will yet be merciful to this Nation and I want not some grounds to bottom these hopes upon But yet let me shew you what two just causes of fear may be apprehended that God hath a sad controversie with it In the declaring whereof I shall as far as I may parallel it with this City of Ierusalem which I shall do altogether upon a Religious account not medling at all with the Civil of these sad prognosticks I might reckon up diverse But I shall content my self to single out some of those which are most obvious Among which let the first and principal be our not seeing the thing which belonged to our peace in our day Where I shall not do what happily with too much evidence of truth I might descend to those particular times and seasons wherein mercy hath been held forth and offered unto this Nation in a more signal and remarkable manner Surely such Criticall daies England hath had and some of them within our mememorie seasons and opportunities which had they been laid hold of and improved as they might how happy might she have