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A17345 Religions peace or A reconciliation, between princes & peoples, & nations (by Leonard Busher: of the county of Gloucester, of the towne of Wotton, and a citticen, of the famous and most honorable citty London, and of the second right worshipfull Company) supplicated (vnto the hygh and mighty King of great Brittayne: etc: and to the princely and right Honorable Parliament) with all loyalty, humility and carefull fidelity Busher, Leonard. 1614 (1614) STC 4189; ESTC S121938 38,867 38

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the scripture hath foretold 〈◊〉 it is to be noted that the scripture hath also foretold of the consumatiō 〈◊〉 abolition of this Antychrist the man of sin his mistery of iniquity with the● most of his arival or hyghest top of dignity he is come vnto and this shal be done by the spirit of the Lord in the mouth of his servants For when 〈◊〉 words of God be fulfilled then shal the servants of the lord prevaile by his word and spirit with ten kings that shal hate make the whore desolate which sitteth in the hearts and consciences of peoples multitudes nations and this whore is the woman caled the great Citty which reigneth over the Kings of the earth meaning the chur of Rtome by her false faith ād disciplin which is so fast setleds in the hearts and consciences of the Kings of the earth that they think they doe God good service in killing and burning his servants that do speak against her faith disciplyne that wil not bay any of her wares that is her Antychristian doctrines ād ordinances But as she hath had her exaltation and arival to the heyght and dignity of the 〈◊〉 Empire of Rome by the love of kings who have given their power and authority vnto her and who have fought for her against the Saints servants of Iesus So she shal have her consumation and abolition from that height and dignity by the hatred of kings who againe shal take their power and authority from her and therwith defend the peace and persons of the Saints servants of Iesus no● for religions peace wil use their power and authority against the bloudy perseqution of Antychrist and al his bloudy Bishops and Ministers ād so becom nursing fathers vnto the church of Christ And as it hath pleased God to give his Majesty peace round about as he did vnto King Cyrus in whose dayes the material Temple began to be repared which was a figuer of the spiritual temple So I pray it may please him also in the peaceable dayes of king Iames to begin to repayre the spiritual Temple the Apostoliq church scattered and dryven abroad into the wildernes of this world whose ca●ing and gathering together must be by the preaching of the word of God both to jewes and gentils and not by the sword of the kings of the earth as Antychrist and his Ministers have now along tyme perswaded and prevailed wherby not onely the jewes and infidels but also papists and other false Christians are hindred and deprived from the knowledg of the Apostoliq faith And it is be noted that David might not build Gods temple because he had spilt much blood which sheweth no blood ought to be spilt for the building of the spiritual temple 1. Cro. 28. 3. ergo peace in religion is a good meanes to make a vnity of religion among so many Christian sects And it is wel worthy consideration that as in the tyme of the old Testament the Lord would not have his offrings by constraint but of every man whose heart gave it freely so now in tyme of the gospel he wil not have the people constrayned but as many as receave the word gladly they are to be added to the Church by baptisme and therfore Christ commanded his disciples to teach al nations baptise them that is to preach the word of salvatiō to evry creature of al sorts of natiōs that are worthy and willing to receave it And such as shal willing and gladly receave it he hath commanded to be baptised in the water that is dipped for dead in the water ād therfore the apostle saith Els what shal they do which are baptised for dead if the dead be not raised why are they baptised for dead And therfore also he saith we are buried thē with him by baptisme c and it is to be wel observed that when Christ wold have preached the word of salvation to the gaderēs he did not compel them when they refused but finding them vnwilling to receave him and his word he turned from them without hurting thē also whē Iames and Iohn saw that som of the Samaritane● refused Christ they wold have commanded fyer from heaven to consume them as Elias did But Christ rebuked thē and said ye know not of what spirit ye are For the son of man is not come to destroy mens lives but to save them By al which it may please his Majesty and Parliament to take knowledge that Christ wil haue none consumed with fyer and sword for not heareing and not receaveing his word And that howsoever it hath bene the mynde of Antychrist to destroy mens liues for religion and therein haue not spared neither prince nor people yet it is not the mynde of Christ that princes should destroy their subiects nor yet that subiects shold destroy their Princes for difference in religion And therfore why shold Bishops perswade Princes and people and why shold king prince and people be perswaded by their Bishops and Ministers to be contrary mynded to Christ verily it is a notorious ād playne token of a false faith and discipline that is defended by fyer and sword the power and authority of Princes And they cannot be Christs Bs and preachers that perswade princes and peoples to such Antychristian tyranny and cruelty And it is very evident that those Bs and Mm which giue ouer men and women to the Magistrate to be perswaded by perseqution doe shew clearly that their doctrine is not good and that they want the word ād spirit of God ād therfore flee to the Magist sword for the forceing of them to their faith and disciplyne and as the wyne is not good which we are forced to drink so those doctrynes are not good which we are forced to beleeue But it may be by this tyme al those Bishops who vnfainedly feare God and truly love the king will haste and make speed to come vnto his Majesty for pardon acknowledging the truth of this booke confesseing their ignoraace and arrogance in the knowledge of Gods word and in compelling the people to heare the word preached and for impri burn bannis and hang for religion cōtrary to the minde of Christ ād also for stopping the mouthes of mē ād burning their books that preach ād wryte contrary to their myndes ād wils yea it may be they wil also confesse and say Oh most gratious king we beseech your Maiesty to shew vs mercy and to forgiue vs our spirituall pride and ambition in that we haue thus long vsurped the blasphemous titles of spirituallords and lords graces the which Tytles we now to the glory of God ād honor of the King do with Vntained hearts confesse to be due and belong onely to Christ himself and that the name and Tytle of spiritual lord cannot belong to any earthly Creature no not to the
RELIGIONS PEACE Or A reconciliation between princes Peoples Nations by Leonard Busher of the County of Gloucester of the towne of Wotton and a Cittieen of the famous and most honorable Citty London and of the second right worshipfull Company Supplicated vnto the hygh and mighty King of great Brittayne etc And to the Princely and right Honorable Parliament with all loyalty humility and carefull Fidelity Esay 60. 1. 3. 10. 12. 16. ARise O Sion be bright for thy light is com and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee and the Gentils shall walk in thy light and Kings at the brightnes of thy riseing vp And the sonnes of strangers shall build vp thy wals and their Kings shall minister vnto thee For in my wrath I smought thee but in my mercy I had compassion on thee Therefore thy gates shall bee open contynually neyther day nor night shall they bee shut that men may bring vnto thee the riches of the Gentils and that their Kings may be brought vnto thee For the Nation and that kingdom that wil not serve thee shal perish ād those nations shal vtterly be destroyed The sonnes also of them that afflicted thee shal come and bow vnto thee and al they that despised thee shal fall downe at the soales of thy feete and they shal call thee the Citty of the Lord Zion of the holy one of Israell Thou shalt also suck the milk of the Gentils and shalt suck the breasts of kings and thou shalt know that I the Lord am thy Saviour and thy redeemer the mighty one of Iaacob Proverbs 20. 28. Mercy and truth preserve the King for his throne shall bee established with mercy Eccle. 10. 22. The feare of the Lord causeth that the Kingdom fayleth not but the Kingdom is lost by cruelty and pride Printed in Amsterdam 1614. To the high mighty King Iames by the grace of God King of greate brittayne France Yrland And to the princely right Honorable Parliamēt Leonard Busher wisheth the wisdome of Salomon the Zeale of Iosias the mercy of Christ with the salvation of your Spirits in the day of the Lord Iesus FOr as much as your Maiesty and Parliament doe stand for the maintenance of the Religion wherein you are borne and for the same doe most zealously persequte with fyer and sword I haue thought it good and also my dewty most Royal soueraigne to enforme your Maiesty and Parliament thereof In al humility therfore I give you to vnderstand that no Prince or People cā possible attaine that one true Religion of the Gospell which is acceptable to God by Iesus Christ meerely by birth for Christ saith Except a man be borne againe he cannot see the Kingdom of God Also the Apo Iames saith Of his owne wil he begat vs by the word of truth And the Apo Peter saith Being borne a new not of mortal seed but of immortal by the word of God who liueth endureth for ever Therfore Christ commanded this word to be preached to al nations that thereby they may attayne the new birth By which your Maiesty and Parliament may perceaue that the one true Religion of the Gospel is not attayned by natural birth for the all Princes and peoples in all nations shold haue that one true Religion of the Gospell the which you see and grant they all haue not yet many of them also wil defend theyr Religion wherein they are borne by fyer and sword as if it were theyr natural and earthly inheritances or had with fyer and sword been gotten and therfore wil with fyer and sword maynteyne and defend it But your Maiesty and Parliament may please to vnderstand that the Scriptures doe teach that the one true religion is gottē by a new birth then by the word and spirit of God and therewith also it is onely maynteyned and defended For the word of God is liuely mighty in operation sharper then any two edged sword entereth through even vnto the deviding asunder of the soule the spirit of the joynts of the marrow is a discerner of the thoughts the intents of the heart Seeing then the one true Religion of the Gospell is thus gotten and thus defended and mainteyned namely by the word preached onely let it please your Maiesty and Parliament to be entreated to revoke and repeale those Antychristian Romish and cruel lawes that force al in our lād both Prince ād people to receaue that Religion wherein the King or Queen were borne or that which is stablished by the law of man and in steed thereof enact and publish that Apostolick Christian Gentle merciful law of Christ viz Goe teach al nations preach the Gospell to every creature that is Christ wil haue his ministers to preach and teach the people of al nations the things that concerne the Kingdom of God the name of Iesus Mesiah repentance remision of sins to baptise in his name such as doe beleeve And for as much also that the false ād Antychristian religion did come by the spirit of error doctrine of Devils ād not by fyer and sword therfore by the spirit of Christ ād doctryne of the word of God must it be driven out of the hearts and consciences both of Prince and People and not by fyer and sword as the false Bishops and ministers haue and doe still perswade Therfore may it please your Majesty and Parliament to vnderstand that by fyer and sword to cōstraine Princes and peoples to receaue that one true Religion of the Gospell is wholy against the mynde and mercifull Law of Christ dangerous both to king and State a meanes to decreace the Kingdom of Christ and a meanes to increace the Kingdom of Antychrist as these reasones following doe manifest The which I humbly beseech your Majesty and Parliament carefully to consider and that according to the word of god which shal judge every man according to his deeds and perseqution is a worke well pleasing to al false Prophets and Bishops but it is contrary to the minde of Christ who came not to judge destroy mens lives but to save them And though som men and women beleeue not at the first howre yet may they at the eleventh howre if they bee not persequted to death before And no King nor Bishops can or is able to command faith That is the gift of God who worketh in vs both the wil the deed of his owne good pleasure set him not a day therefore in which if his creature heare not and beleeue not you will imprison and burne him Paule was a blasphemer and also a persequter and could not be converted by the Apostles and ministers of Christ yet at last was receaued to mercy and cōverted extraordinarily by Christ himself who is very pittiful mercyful would have
are the Martyrs which in al ages have and doe suffer death imprisonment and bannishment since the first perseqution and we never reade nor ever shal reade that the Apostoliq Church or such as have derived their faith and discipline of her did ever persequte Therfore I humbly desier his Majesty and Parliamēt with al godly carefulnes to consider that it is not possible that the Church of Rome caled Catholiq or those that are descended of her and have decived their faith and discipline frō●her ever was or could be the Apostoliq Church caled primitive Church or she that is descended frō her seing the scripture saith the Apostoliq church caled in scripture the womā hath a place prepared of God in the wildernes a thousād twe hōdred and sixty dayes from the presence of such as did persequte her Now then I beseech you cōsider may it be possible that the church of Rome caled in scripture a mistery great Babilon the Mother of whoredoms abominations of the Earth the woman that sitteth vpon a scarlot coulered beast full of names of Blasphemy the womā arayed in purple scarlet guilded with gold pretious stones pearles haveing a cup of gold in her hand ful of abominations filtines or her fornication the woman that is drunken with the bloud of Saints with the bloud of the martyrs or witnesses of Iesus by her beastly perseqution was or could be ever the Apostoliq Church or are those that are descended from her seeing the scripture saith she hath a Place in the wildernes prepared of God where she shold be fed a thousand two hundred sixty dayes from the presence of her persequtors If so be you wil have the Church of Rome and those that are descended from her to be the true Apostoliq Church then it wil follow that the Church caled the woman and did flye into the wildernes from her persequtors was and is the false Antichristian Church and also it will follow that those which we account to be the Martyrs and witnesses of Iesus were not of the true Apostoliq church but were obstinate persōs and heretiks even as their adversaries in Rome Spaine England and els where did persequte adjudge and execute them far But if you wil have the Prophecy of the Apostles to be true a●● 〈◊〉 beleeve their holy writings and also wil have the Martyrs that have bene burned ban hanged ād imprisoned to be of the true Apostoliq Chur then it will follow and that justly according and agreeable to the scriptures that the Church of Rome and those that did ād doe persequte are descended from the false Antichristian Church caled a mistery great Babilō the mother of whoredoms abominations of the Eearth c which was and is druncken with the bloud of Saints martyrs of Iesus seing they have her Antichristian faith and lordly discipipline and for the defence and maintenance therof wil also burne bannish hang and imprison so hot ād fiery zealous that therby they shew plainly that they walke so just and even in the steps and paths of the Mystical woman great Babilon their bloudy parent mother so even I say as if they studied her lyeing and Hypocritical doctrine her deep and divelish devinity her blasphemous princely and dāgerous dignity and her beastly bloudy and deadly discipline Through the continuāce whereof not onely the Apostoliq Church is continued stil in the wildernes ād desert of this world but also the jewes and others both in great Brittayne and al over the world are kept back from the knowledge of Gods holy word the onely order and ordinance Christ hath appointed for the gathering of his Church together out of al places of the world And so long as perseqution continue you cannot trye the spirits of the many false prophets that are gone out into the world as the holy Apostle doth loveingly advise and admonish you But like the Pastists must be tyed onely to the spirits of your loedly Bishops and their Ministers who wil have alboth King Prince and people to receave their spirits and therefore wil not have any others to preach and print with in the Land least their lyeing doctrine and Lordly discipline be discovered and disclaimed And in steed of disputing and wryting by the word and spirit of Christ against their adversaries they wil cruelly persequte and fight against them by fyer and sword and Spirit of Antichrist from whom they are descended and succeeded both lynealy and of great antiquite Wherefore I humbly beseech the King and parliament that you will betymes listen vnto the holy spirit in the mouth of the prophet which faith bewyse now therfore yee Kings be learned or instructed yee judges of the earth serv the Lord in feare rejoyce in trembling kisse the son of God least he be angry and ye perish in the way of perseqution when his wrath shal suddēly burne Let not therfore the Kings of the earth band themselves with the Bs ministers of Antichrist nor Princes assemble themselves together against the lord and against his anointed That is against Christ and his church seing both he and she breake your bands and cast your coardes from them Yea her seed overcometh you by the bloud of the lamb by the word of their testimoni for they love not their lives vnto death Beware then in tyme least you offend any more of these litle ones that beleeve in Christ seeing Christ saith it were better to have a milstone hanged about the neck drowned in the depth of the Sea then so to doe He meaneth that it were better for you to loose your lives then any way to consent to the offence of such litle ones that beleeve in Christ See then I pray that they be not despised burned bannished hanged ād imprisoned For their Angels alwayes behold the face of Christs Father in Heaven And remember he saith the tree is knowen by his fruit but persequting of Christians is an evil fruit And that a good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth foorth good things but persequting of Christiās is no good thing And that for every ydle word men shal speak they shal give accounts at the day of judgement How much more for every wicked and cruel deed of perseqution as burning bannishing hanging and imprisoning of those that cōfesse with the mouth beleeve with the heart the Lord Iesus that God raysed him from the dead whose lawes and ordinances they are carefull to keep and obey Christ saith that such shal bee saved and yet you feare not to burne bannish hang and imprison such But if you beleeve that God will avendge his elect beware of persequting his servāts that cal on his name specialy such as witnes his truth against the abominations of Antychrist Suffer not your Bishops to destroy those
fatherlesse ād widowes be driven to beg frō place to place neither shal the lame sik ād weake persons suffer such misery ād be forsaken of their kinred as now they be thē shal not murder whoredō and adultry be bought out for mony then shal not the greate defraude and wrong the smale neither the ritch oppresse the poore by usury and litle wages then shal not men bring vp and i●herit others childrē in steed of their owne neither shal an honest man be forced to liue with a whore in steed of an honest wife nor yet an honest women with a whorekeeper in steed of an honest husband 〈◊〉 shal not servāt● be forced from mariage by bonds nor yet be 〈◊〉 servitude longer then six yeares neither shal they be brought vp contrary to covenant nor posted from one quarter or one yeare to another for their fredom ād in th end be forced to buy it of their Masters or els to go without it two Then shal neither Prince nor people be disinherited for not being of the church neither shal they be held lawlesse persons though excomunicated neither shal any man dare kil them as now they may and be quit by law neither shall any man feare to have his mouth stopt for preaching the truth then shal no man need to flee out of his natiue contry and Fatherland for persequtions sake then shal al mē live in peace vnder his owne vyne lauding and praysing God honoring and obeying the King Then also wil no bloud be eaten among Christians wherby the Iewes should haue just cause to stumble or be offended neither shold any reliqs of the ceremonial law as Tithes and offrings etc be any longer in use wher by the jewes shold be hardned in their vnbelief and kept from the faith of the Messiah Then shal the Iewes inhabit and dwel vnder his Maiestys dominion to the great profit of his Realmes and to their furtherance in the faith the which we are bound to seeke in al loue and peace so wel as others to our vttermost endevor for Christ hath comanded to ●each al nations c and they are the first Lastly then shal not so many mē and Women be deceaved by false Ministers neither by their sermons nor yet by their bookes which are ful fraighted with false doctrines ād confirmed and countenāced not onely by the Kings authority ād power but also by wresting and false interpreting of the scriptures and by aledging of popish Fathers which through the greate ignorance of the people doe greatly prevayle but then shal be abolished through the word ād spirit of God his two witnesses in the mouth of his servants who by ●ord ād wryting shal breed such knowledge that none of wisdoms children shal bee deceaved Another reason why so many good people are now deceaved is because we that have most truth are most persequted and therefore most poore whereby we are vnable to wryte and print as ●e wold against the adversaries of the truth It is hard to get our dai●y food with the labors of our weake bodyes and feeble hands how thē should we have to def●ay other chardges and to write and print I haue through the help of God out of his word made a scourge of smale coar●●s wherwith Antychrist and his Ministers might be dryven out of the ●emple of God Also a declaratiō of certaine false translations in the new Testament but j wāt wherwith 〈◊〉 print and publish it therfore it must rest til the lord seeith good to sup●ly it In meane while I humbly entreat his Ma and Par to give me ●ave to prove the Bs. with one question by which you may perceave the ●●orance of your Bs it is this how they wil bee able to proue a resurrection from these Words I am the God of Abraham the God of prison Kings and Magistrats are Gods ministers and not the bishops therfore I humbly beseech you to with ●and the bloudy mindes of your Bs that there be no more innocent Christians persequted to death for religion I read that in the Netherlands aboue a hundred thowsand persons have beene put to death for religion but now praised be God we have no such wooful tidings preached amōg vs the lord worke as much in our land I beseech him that so you may no longer burne and bannish the servants of Christ For he saith they that doe these things have not knowen the Father nor mee Yet I confesse you have the zeale of God for you think you do God good service in burning Christiās that differ frō your religion But I also confesse your zeale is not according to knowledge for your Bs and Min being indued with vniversity and high schoole learning devinity and doctrine but being ignorāt of the lowly learning heavenly divinity and doctryne of Christ have and doe stil goe about to stablish their owne and haue not yet submitted themselves to the lowly learning devinity and doctryne of Christ and therfore like their predecessors wil perswade you to burn ban etc such Christians as they hold to be in error about doctrines ano questions of faith and religion right as if they had the power to rule governe and dispose the hearts and spirits of kings princes and people even as they list ād also to make them good and righteous when they wil and to cause them to vnderstand and beleeue the gospel even by a day and ho●er apointed which to do belongeth to God alone and therfore Christ saith no man cā come to me except the Father draw him And Christ wil haue his ministers to preach to such as are worthy and wiling and not as your Min who com to them whō they hold vn worthy and finde vnwilling and say wil ye not com to chur and heare and wil ye not beleeue our doctryne but we wil make you or els wee wil burne you for heretycks Thus wil they taunt meeke and holy Christians who are torne like sheep among the wolves But Christs ministers wil with meeknes instruct such as are contrary mynded tollerating the evil men patiently proveing if God at any tyme wil give them repentance that they may know the truth wher by they shew plainly that they are Christs disciples and have that true faith which worketh by loue even as the Apostle saith the which I pray you to consider that so you may both know and obay the wil of Christ Now saith he abideth faith hope and love but the cheyfest of these is love for wher love is ther is no disdayne it seeketh not her owne things it is not provoked to anger it suffreth al things it hopeth al things it indureth al things Yea the love of Christ so loveth that it wil not ver nor persequte any that cal on his name Therfore I humbly pray you to remember them that are in bonds as though ye were bound with them and them that
are in affliction as if ye were also afflicted in the body And to shew them mercy for mercy rejoyceth against judgement but judgment mercyles shal be to them that shew no mercy If ye be friendly to your brethren onely what singuler thing do you doe not the sinners the same be not like vnto them but vnto your heavenly father whose wisdom love and mercy I beseech him to grant you that so you may come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved And that we your Majestis faithful subjects may lead a peaceable and quiet life even in our owne nation in al Godlynes and honesty Amen Now them that are persequted I exhort with the words of the Apostle Peter dearely beloved thinck it not strāge concerning the fiery trial that is among you to prove you as though som strange thing were com vnto you but rejoyce in as much as ye are pertakers of Christs suffrings that when his glory shal appeere ye may ●e glad and rejoyce If ye bee rayled vpon for the name of Christ blessed are ye for the spirit of glory ād of God resteth vpon you which on their part is evil spokē of but on your part is glorifyed but let no man suffer as an evil doer or as a murtherer or as a busy body in others matters but i● one suffer as a Christian let him not be a shamed but let him glorifye God in that behalf For al the Mar●rs of the Apostoliq Church have suffered as evil doers and as heretiks For the time is that judgment must begin at the howse of God If it first begin at vs saith the apostle what shal the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God And if the righteous scarsly be saved where shall the vngodly and sinner appeere wherfore let them that suffer according to the 〈◊〉 of God commit their soules vnto him in weldoeing as vnto a faithful Creator Read Esay 2. 2. 4. 11. 16. He shal judge among the nations ād rebuke many people they shal break their sword into mattocks and their speares into sithes nation shal not lift vp a sword against nation neyther shal they learne to fight any more The high looks of man shal be humbled and the loftynes of man shal be abased the lord onely shal be exalted in that day for the day of the lord of hosts is vpō al the proud and hauty and vpon al that is exalted and it shal be made low Litle David overcame great Goliah yet not brought vp in warre Vnlearned Peter confuted the learned preists yet by caling a fisher man Attend and helpe and you shal see the wonderful works of God For the foolishnes of God is wiser then men the weaknes of God is stronger then men And God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise things tha● are despised hath God chosen to bring to nought things that are 1. Cor. 1. 25. 28. FINIS Leonard Busher 1. Cor. 5. 5. a Ioh. 3. 3 b jam 1. 1● c 1. Petr. 1. 3. 23. Matth. 28. Marc. 16. 2. Cor. 10. 4. Ephe. 6. 17 Heb. 4. 12. Mat. 28. 19 Mar. 16. 16 Act. 8. 12. luc 24. 4. 7. act 8. 12. 37. 2. 4. 〈…〉 Rev. 16. 14 Marc. 9. 38 39. Mat. 16. 27 Rev. 16. 14 Luce 9. 55. 56. Ioh. 12. 47. a Matt. 20. 6. 7. e Eph. 2. 8. 1. tim 1. 13 Act. 26. 〈◊〉 Iam. 5. 11. 2. Pet. 3. 9. 2. cor 5. 19 Iohn 3. 1. Sam. 15. 15. 24. Act. 9. 15. 1 tim 2. 1. 2 1. Cor. 7. 22. 23. Rom. 2. 16 Act. 10. 42 Ioh. 18. 36 Ephe. 6. 1● 17. Mat. 18. 17 Tyt. 3. 10 1. Iohn 4. 1 2. cor 13. 1. Iohn 5. 1. Io. 4. 1 co 12. ● Gala. 4. 29 Galat. 5. ●e 18. 20 Co. 7. 16 ●att 20. 6. Tyt. 1. 7. 9. 11. Mat. 13. 29 30. 38. Act. 3. 17. Re. 12. 14. Re. 14. 20. 2. tim 3. 16. Mat. 10. 14. 15. Marc. 6. 11 act 13. 51. ther is one Furbusher a preacher in this lād 2. Cor. 5. 20 many thousand Ambassadors martyr● of Christ hath Bbs● caused to be slaine since Ch● ascended Marc. 13. 9 Persequtiō destroy Christians but not errors 2. cor 10. 4 1. Tym. 1. 13. 15. Luc. 9. 53. 55. Persequtors rebuked of Christ 1. Cor. 10. 32. Col. 4. 5. Persequtiō●lo make ●any strā●ers ●ersequtiō●●usemani ●●ligions 〈◊〉 the ●hurch ● v. 18. 2. 4 ●●eter were to have ●any reli●ōs in the ●nd thē in ●●le Churc Mat. 10. 23 Christ teacheth to flee persequtiō ergo it cannot possible be good Mat. 7. 13 Note see 2. tim 3. 3 4. Rō 10. 17. Mat. 24. 2. thes 2. ● 1. Tym. 4. 2. Peter 2. rev 57. 13 17. Gal. 2. 3. 5. 11. ● 6. 12. Note False Bbs teach Turks and Pagans to persequte Christians Rom. 2. 4. 〈◊〉 2. 25. ● cor 11. 2 False Bbs worse then Turks and pagans Note Falss Bbs spirituall ●ornicatiō ● thes 2. 4. 1. Cor. 6. 19. 20. 1. cor 6. 16 17. with ●ev 18. 4 ● Pet. 2. 1. ● Pet. 1. 19 If Idolaters ought to be slain then ought al those that submit yeld spiritual obedience reverēce vnto these Bbs to be slaine who then shold remaine in land alive Rev. 17. 13. Note Rō 2. 1. 3. Luc. 6. 31. Or provocation King Edward was an enemy to persequtiō Acts mon pag. 1484. The Christiā answer of King Edward rev 16. 14. 〈…〉 Rō 14. 23. By Digby Cates by c ma● 11. 29. Luc. 14. 27 Act. 4. 19 The Bbs as the high preists force men to obay man rather thē God Note wel Then ●ary til to morrow Rev. 17. 16 Gen. 17 ●6 Rom. 4. 17. Rom. 13. 4 Permissiō of cōsciēce a furtherāce to the gospel and a safly both to prsnce and people Rev. 12. 6. 14 13. 5. 7. 2. Cor. 11. 13. 2. thes 2. 6. 7. 2. Tes 2. 9. 1. tim 4. 1. 2. 3. 2. tim 3. 1. 4. 5. 2. pe ● 1. 3 1. john ● 1 2. john 7 Iud. 4. 11 16. 18. Note wel 1. john 4. 3 The Siriah saith came in flesh 1. john 2. 22. 23. john 17. 3. 5. 8. 1. co 15. 47 Iohn 6. 38 42. 62. 7. 26. 27 Iohn 16. 2. 3. 27. 21. 1. joh 4. 2. Ioh. 6. 62. 3. 13. Iohn 17. 5. 1. Cor. 15. 47. 49. 1. Ioh. 4. 3. 2. cor 11. 12. 15. Rev. 12. ● 〈◊〉 Rev. 12. 6. 13. 14. Rev. 12. 6. 13. 14. Note 2. The. 2. 3 6. 8. 1. Tim. 4. 1 2. 3. Rev. 12. 6. 11. 14. 17. 2. 6. 17 2. Tim. 3. 1 9. 4. 3. 4 2. pe 2. 1. 3 1. joh 2. 18 19. 4. ● 2. Iohn 7. Iude 4. 11 16. Like mother like Daughter 1. Tim. 4. 2 Rev. 2. 24 1. joh 4. 1. Fyer and sword n● equal we●pons to the spirit word Mistically psal 2. 1● Psal 2. 2. ● 1. joh 2. 2● Rev. 17. 1● Rev. 12. 1. Mat. 18. 6 10. Mat. 〈◊〉 38 39. Mat. 11. 35 36. Rom. 10. 9 Luc. 18. 7. 2. Txs 2. 8 I pray the Lord to give such grace the Sea of Rome may 〈◊〉 apace Nota Frō popes submission ther is great suspi●ion 2. Tim. ● 24. 25. james 3. 1 Note A true signe of false Bishops an Ministers Iohn 3. 2. Iohn 3. 10 1. Cor. 9. 20 22. Act. 16. 3. 2. Cor. 13. 8 2. Esd 4. 38. 41. Answer Another true signe of false Bishops ministers The word of God the onely defender of the faith of Christ Idol Bbs false ministers authors of persequtiō Rev. 16. 14 Rom. 10. 14. 17. Mar. 16. ●6 1. tes 5. 19. ● tim 2. 24 25. 2. Cor. 10. 3. 5. Rev. 11. 2. Act. 2. 41. 47. Note Act. 2. 47. A true Church wil not persequte Mat. 12. 25 rev 18. 2. 8 1. Cor. 8. 11. 12. Luc. 10. 3 Gen. 32. 28 Rom. 13. 4 2. Tym. 2. 1. tym 4. Rev. 17. 15 2. th● 2. 8. Rev. 17. 16 〈◊〉 Caled the Temple of God 2. Thesa Rev. 17. 1 15. 18. Iohn 16. 2 Re. 17. 13 14. Esay 2. 4. Ezra 4. 7. Ha. 2. 4. 10. Exod. 25. ● and 35. 5 Act. 2. 40. 41. mat 28 Mar. 16. 16 Mat. 10. 11 14. 1. Co. 1● 29 Luc. 8. 37. Luc. 9. 54. 55. Christs Bs wil not be lords over the consciences ●he Bs do ●now in ●heir consciences ●hat this 〈◊〉 true ●ob 32. 22 Phi. 2. 9. 11 Col. 1. 18. The Bs in Tytles equal to the Son of God Note Gods blessings il expected vnlesse these Idols bee rejected who are exalted above al earthly Gods 1. Tym. 3. Tit. 1. 6. 9. To greate 〈◊〉 the ods 〈◊〉 use the word against gods word The Bs greater Idols then the Abbots ●mages or goldē calfe Ex. 32. 1 what greater idolatri thē to obai other spiritual lords then the lord Iesus 2. king 23. 17. 20. 1. sam 5. 3. 1. ty 2. 1. 2 Rō 13. 1. 7 Col. 2. 14. Heb. 8. 13. Deut. 17 18. 20. Luc. 6. 3● Note 1. Cor. 3. 17 6. 19. 20 Frederich Iohn Palsgraves said that vnder pretext of the holi ghosts office of correction litle els was sougt thē to reygne over the cōsciēces of the Magistrats subjects like as in the accursed popedom is cō to passe c. Note wel Iewes kepe back from the faith by perseqution Rev. 11. 3 and 19. 10. 2. Pet. 2. ● It is the Kings honor to search out a thing Pro. 25. Exod. 3. 6. A cryeing sinne Iohn 16. 3 〈◊〉 10. 2. 3. Iohn 6. 44 Mat. 10. 11 14. 2. ●y 2. 25. Ioh. 13. 35 1. Cor. 13 Heb. 13. 3. Iam. 2. 13. 〈◊〉 6. 32. ●7 1. Tym. 2 Pet. 4. 12 2. Pet. 2. 2. Act. 24. 14 Antychrist and his persequtiō shal bee made low 2. thes 2. 4 Gal. 6. 6 1. Cor. 9. 7.
men and women that striue to serv God according to his wil in his word Be not your Bishops executioners in burning bannishing hanging and imprisoning of harmlesse and peaceable Christians but let them enjoy fredom of the gospell and liberty of conscience that so the Apostoliq Church which is scattered and driven into the wildernes ād desert of this world may be againe gathered togather both of Iewes and gentils into visible and stablished congregations And that the Catholiq and vniversal Church of Antychrist may bee consumed abolished by his word spirit as the holy Apostle hath foretold even the vttermost of his arival which is the Emperial triple crowne through the triple sea of Rome And againe I humbly entreate the King and parliamēt to vouchsafe to heare me with patience yet a litle further If freedom of the gospel and permission of conscience might be graunted then would not Papis● nor any others dissemble their soules and to the greate danger both 〈◊〉 King and State seeing they are forced to Church against their consciences And may not Popish Priests and Iesuits vnawares to the Bishops become the Bishops Ministers seeing the change of their Religion and religions habit differ so litle ād so by degrees infect the people with more popish doctrine as occasion shal bee And such men wil readely imbrace the Bishops orders and so they shall readely have the Bishops favours by which meanes they may more easily ād speedly ha● accesse vnto the court and presence of the King and Prince which indeed is very dangerous howsoever not regarded Therefore I doe according to my dewty humbly advise his Majesty not to bewtifie his cou●● and presence with any popish stones not with one though it be of All●●blastor But permission of Conscience and freedom and liberty of the gospe● will no ●ay bee dangerous to the King or State if such like rules ● these bee observed First that no people tainted with Treason doe beare any office That al sorts of people tainted with Treasō doe at al times frō home weare ab lack hat with two whire signes the one before the other behinde in open sight That no people tainted with treason approach within ten myles of the Court without licence That no people tainted with treason doe inhabit the Citty of London nor yet within ten myles thereof That none tained with treason doe make any assembly or congregation That no person or persons in whatsoever difference by reasoning or disputing doe draw any weapon nor give any blow stroke or pushe in payne and penalty as his Majesty and Parliament thinck meet That for the more peace and quietnes and for the satisfyeing of the weake and simple among so many persons differing in Religion it bee lawfull for every person or persons yea Iewes and Papists to write dispute comfer and reason print en publish any matter touching religiō either for or against whomsoever alwayes provided they aledge no fathers for proffe of any point of religiō but onely the holy scriptures neither yet to reproch or 〈◊〉 one another nor any other person or persons but with al love gentlenes and peaceablenes enforme one another to the glory of God honor of the King and State and to their owne good and credit by which meanes both few errors and few bookes will bee written and printed seeing al false Ministers and most people have litle or nothing els besides the Fathers to build their religion and doctrine vpon or if it be once stablished by law that none shal confirme their Religion and doctrine by the Fathers and by prisons burning and bannishing etc but by the holy Scriptures then error will not bee written nor disputed except by obstinate persons and 〈◊〉 consciences seeing the word of God will bee no shelter for any error Yea I know by experience among the people caled Brownists that a Man shall not draw them to wryte though they bee desyred for one of their preachers caled Mast Rob hath had a wryting of myne in his hards above sixe Moneths and as yet I can get no answer it seemes he knoweth not how better to hide his errors then by silence and this willbee the case of all false Bishops and Ministers who had rather be mute and dumb then bee drawen into the light with their errors Therefore permission of conscience and liberty of the gospel in our lād of great Brittaine wil mightily further the advancement of the Apostoliq faith And chiefly their books whereout sufficient matter willbee drawen for the convinceing of every perticuler religiō which is against the religion stablished by Christ and his Apostles who by all meanes Lawfull sought the conversion and salvation both of Iewes and Gentils And they are vnconstant and faithles men or at least very ignorant that thinck error will ouercome and prevayle against the truth For the Abolishing of such thoughts I desper such men to cōsider the mighty victory and prevailing of the truth in the tyme of Christ ād his Apostles which notwithstanding resisted and disputed against by the most part of the Priests and learned men both of Iewes and Gentils yet ouercame and prevayled against al the errors of the high priests and great learned Men both of the Iewes and gentils and the Apostle saith we cannot doe any thing against the truth but for the truth and seing it is the same truth which al good men would embrace why should we not hope the same victory by it Did not King Darius ād al the people both jewes and gentils cry out and say that truth is greate and strongest Why then should those that have the truth and those that wold have the truth be affraid of errore seing truth discovereth dark and dangerous wayes of error though abroad in open books even as light discovereth darke and dangerous places though abroad in open high wayes And as the more darke and dangerous the wayes be the more necessary and needful will light be found of al that travaile So the more darke and dangerous the errors be the more needful and profitable wil truth be found of all that would travil to heaven But som may say objection let al this be grāted yet it is no wisdom we think to bring dangerous errors into the light that so many men may stumble at them Which being not brought to light would not bee so much as knowen to som I answer no more then a Rock that lyeth hid vnder water which for want of bringing into the light many Men may make shipwrack thereō and so stumble or fal neverthelesse though it be not so much as knowen to them before Therfore as a stock in the Seas though not so much as knowen to som yet for want of being made knowen many men stumble and fal theron ād so perish both men and goods So an error though not so much as known to som yet for wan● of