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A13837 The exercise of the faithfull soule that is to say, prayers and meditations for one to comfort himselfe in all maner of afflictions, and specially to strengthen himselfe in faith: set in order according to the articles of our faith, by Daniell Toussain, minister of the worde of God: with a comfortable preface of the author, vnto the poore remnant of the Church of Orlians; containing a short recitall of extreme and great afflictions which the said church hath suffered. Englished out of French, almost word for word, by Ferdenando Filding.; Exercice de l'âme fidele. English. Tossanus, Daniel, 1541-1602.; Filding, Ferdenando. 1583 (1583) STC 24144; ESTC S100748 160,179 397

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this strange doctrine of the vbiquitie or the Alpresence of Christes bodie Of the vbiquitie attributing a bodie vnto Christ which is through all and inuisible that is to say which is not a bodie Nowe many seeing these diuisions would blame the doctrine of the Gospel and take an occasion to mistast the same But hath not the Lorde foretolde it Were there not also diuisions amongst the Apostles Ought this to keepe vs from going forwarde No for our faith is not builded vpon men and further when a man looketh neere thereunto it is easie to trie the spirites and we must praise the Doctors of the Church which haue in them those guiftes and likewise acknowledge their imperfections and reade them with iudgement As Luther himselfe A warning by M. Luther in the preface of his first Tome of his Latine workes besought that men would reade his workes with pitie iudgement and discretion and that men should remember him to bee an inraged Papist heretofore and a poore Moonke which could not see and perfectlie comprehend forthwith all the pointes of religion Also when one seeth the Church of God so assaulted within by diuisions and heresies without with so cruell persecutions it were enough to shake him if he be not wel setled to make him thinke whether it were possible that this companie which we call the Church being so contemptible and so subiect to great offences be the Church of GOD or no or at least whether it bee possible that God dooth loue it laying it open to so manie euils These are in deede the violent assaultes which the faithfull dailie doe proue in this wretched world wherein one may see so manie contentions and affections boyling with ambition and pride and so manie heartes more than frosen in matter of zeale and charitie Wherefore if there be anie sentence now at this day to be considered this is it that he which shall continue to the end shall be saued For as Iesus Christ speaketh in the 11. of S. Matthew Those that suffer once and continue in their zeale shall carie away the kingdome of heauen Therefore let vs not be fleeting children and caried hither and thither by euerie puffe of doctrine through mans deceite but followers of the trueth with charitie growing in Christ with loue and aboue all other thinges holding sure our Catechisme and the Articles of our Faith Suffering afflictions patientlie 2. Timo. 2. seeing this word is certaine that if we doe suffer with Christ we shall raigne with him considering also that this world waxeth olde as dooth a garment 2. Pet. 3. and that the Elementes shall melt with heate and the earth shall be dissolued let vs aspire vnto the kingdome which cannot be shaken holding grace fast by the which we may serue God in reuerence feare and assured hope awaiting the great day of Christs comming Other godlie places speaking of Faith The 3. of S. Iohn GOd hath so loued the world that hee hath giuen his onelie Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life And he that beleeueth in him shall not bee condemned but he that beleeueth not in him is condemned alreadie because he beleeued not in the name of the onelie sonne of God The faithfull ought not to seeke but the glorie of God The 5. of S. Iohn the 44. ver How can yee beleeue which receaue honor one of an other and seeke not the honor that commeth of God alone Places taken out of the Epistles of S. Paul out of the 1. Chap. of the Epistle to the Ephesians ver 13. YEe are in Christ hauing heard the word of trueth euen the Gospell of your saluation wherein also after that ye beleeued yee were sealed with the holie spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance vntill the redemption of the possession purchased vnto the praise of his glorie Therefore also after that I heard of the faith which yee haue in the Lorde Iesus and loue towardes all the Saintes I cease not to giue thankes for you in my prayers The 1. of the Thessal 1. Chap. Wee giue GOD thankes alwayes for you all remembring your effectuall faith and diligent loue and of the patience of your hope in our Lord Iesus Christ in the sight of God our Father knowing beloued brethren that ye are elect of God For our Gospell was not vnto you in word onely but also in power and in the holy ghost and in much assurance The 2. to the Thessal 1. Chap. Wee pray alwayes for you that our God may make you woorthie of his calling and fulfill all the good pleasures of his goodnesse and the woorke of faith with power that the name of our Lord Iesus Christ may be glorified in you and ye to him according to the grace of our God and of our Lord Iesus Christ The 1. Epistle of S. Peter 1. Chap. You are kept by the power of GOD through faith vnto saluation which is prepared to be shewed in the last time wherein ye reioyce though now for a season if neede require ye are in heauinesse through manifold temptations that the triall of your faith being much more pretious than Gold that perisheth though it be tryed with fire might be found vnto your praise and honor and glorie at the appearing of Iesus Christ whome you haue not seene and yet loue him I beleeue in God Heere followe certaine Meditations and prayers of one onelie true God and of three persons in one substance or essence CONSIDERATION AS it is said in Athanasius Creede the generall faith is that wee worship one God in one Trinitie and one Trinitie in one vnitie Let vs not confound the persons nor diuide the substance For we must know God as he reuealeth himselfe otherwise we should but woorship a fantasie in place of knowing and woorshipping the true God Now the true God in whome we doe onelie beleeue Iohn 7. and that is mans soueraigne good for this is life eternall that we know him hath thus declared himselfe in his word and in his most excellent workes that is to say in that hee is one onelie true God in substance as it is said in the 6. Chap. of the 5. booke of Moses and in the 4. of the Ephesians but in this one substance wee do acknowledge three persons subsisting that is to say 1. Tim. 1. this onelie true God which is the king of worldes immortall inuisible wise onelie onelie good who manifesteth himselfe so as we doe see one God maker of heauen and earth And yet all this by his word which word is not a sound in the aire or a thing hauing beginning but was from the beginning with God and was God of whome is spoken in the 33. Psalme and also in the first Chap. of S. Iohn And afterward the holy spirit spread and mooued himselfe aboue the waters For the spirit cannot signifie in this place the aire or the winde that was not
vncleannesse filth and sinne that hee may bring vs into all trueth and that hee may sanctifie and strengthen vs vnto the ende comforting vs in this Article of death praying Rom. 8. and sighing for vs with gronings that cannot be expressed Witnesses out of the holie Scripture concerning the Holie Ghost Out of the 12. of Zacharie verse 10. I will powre vppon the house of Dauid and vppon the inhabitantes of Ierusalem the spirit of grace and of compassion and they shal looke vpon me whom they haue pearced MEDITATION BY the first Adam alas wee become barraine and vnprofitable were shut out of the grace of God but the Lorde promising the establishmēt of his Church againe by Christ promised to poure out his giftes and graces in great abundance For although that in our fathers dayes God had wrought great fauour vnto the people yet so it is that this is proper vnto Christ to giue vnto vs the spirit of grace mercie and inuocation And this is the richest gift that GOD could impart vnto vs for so much as it is said in the 8. Chapter to the Romans That wee could not knowe how wee were Christes and the children of GOD without this spirit For hee was woonderfullie and extraordinarilie giuen in the day of Pentecost But yet dooth hee dailie ioyne together his woorking with the preaching of the Gospell and woorketh in vs that wee doe call vppon God with full assurance Oh that this spirit of grace is to bee desired 1. Sam. 18. It is not this euill spirit which was giuen vnto Saul that vexed and troubled him but it is the spirit of grace and of compassion This is the Lord that we must woorship in spirit and trueth Out of the 4. Chap. of the Euangelist S. Iohn Iesus said vnto the Samaritane Whosoeuer drinketh of this water shall thirst againe But the water that I shall giue him shall bee in him a well of water springing vp into euerlasting life A MEDITATION OH how hath Dauid truelie felt the vertues of these liuing waters when as he said in the 42. Psalme Like as the thirstie Hart runneth with swift course vnto the riuers of water euen so dooth my soule also long and pant after thy diuine grace For what is it likewise to inioie all the pleasures of the world since that they take not away his thirst neither yet quench this alteration but doe increase and make the people like vnto men filled with dropsies which the more they drinke the more thirstie they are But behold two thinges that this water dooth greatlie recommend vnto vs whereof Iesus Christ talked with the Samaritane It is that they which drinke thereof are no more tormented with thirst feeling in them a well of liuing water that springeth vp alwayes without ceasing and cannot be drawen drie Besides this water that man feeleth in his soule and that runneth about his heart dooth neuer forsake vs but quickeneth vs vnto euerlasting life Therefore blessed are they which doe feele in their soules such a running water which dooth not for a trueth spring out of the vaines of the earth but from the hiest heauens and out of the true heauenlie paradise Now as S. Chrysostome saith This water is the strength and woorking of the spirit of God working by the word of the Gospell For it behooueth that we take heede of the errour of the Massalians and Scuencfieldians Against the Massalians who doe separate the spirite from the worde and doe dreame in the reuelations of the spirite But S. Paule teacheth vs in the 3. to the Galathians That we receiue the spirite through the preaching of faith and in the second Chap. of the 2. Epistle to the Thessalonians hee ioyneth together the sanctification of the spirite and the faith of trueth Moreouer this spirite hath diuers effectes and is by this occasion some times called fire Matth. 3. because that it purifieth and consumeth our euill affections and kindleth in vs a zeale as in the disciples going to Emaus Luke 24. whose heartes burned within themselues hearing Iesus speake Nowe it is also called water thorough his working because that this holy spirite refresheth vs against the burning heat of temptations and also doeth wash and serue to quench the firie dartes of Sathan let it then neuer come to passe Ephes 6. for vs to doe as the ydolaters of whom God complaineth in the 2. Chap. of Ieremiah Who forsaking the fountaine of liuing water digged to themselues dead pittes and drie cesterns that can hold no water Out of the 7. Chap. of S. Iohn vers 38. Ioel. 2. He that beleeueth in me as sayeth the scripture out of his belly shall flowe riuers of water of life Nowe this spake he of the spirit which they that beleeued in him should receiue Out of the 15. of S. Iohn A witnesse of the spirite and of the preaching ioyned together When the comforter shal come whom I will sende vnto you from the father euen the spirite of trueth which proceedeth of the father hee shall testifie of me and yee shall witnesse also because ye haue beene with me from the beginning Out of the 16. of S. Iohn When he is come which is the spirit of trueth hee will leade you into all trueth for hee shall not speake of himselfe but whatsoeuer he shall heare shall he speake Out of the 8. Chap. of the Epistle to the Romanes For if you liue after the flesh yee shall die but if ye mortifie the deedes of the bodie by the spirite yee shall liue For as many as are lead by the spirit of God they are the sonnes of God S. Paule prayeth by the spirite Out of the 15. Chap. to the Romans vers 30. I beseech you for our Lorde Iesus Christs sake and for the loue of the spirite that ye would striue with me by praiers Out of the 3. Chapter of the 1. to the Corinth Knowe ye not that ye are the temple of God and that the spirite of God dwelleth in you Out of the 12. to the Corinth 1. Epistle There are diuersities of giftes but the same spirite and there are diuersities of administration but the same Lorde and there are diuersities of operation but God is the same which worketh all in all But the manifestation of the spirite is giuen to euery man to profite withall Out of the 13. Chap. of the 2. to the Corinth and 13. vers The grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ and the loue of God and the communion of the holy Ghost be with you all Out of the 4. Epistle to the Ephesians vers 30. Griue not the spirite of God by whom ye are sealed vnto the day of redemption Out of the 5. Chap. and the 1. to the Thes Quench not the spirite Despise not prophesying Out of the 1. of S. Iohn 2. Chap. The annointing which yee receiued of me dwelleth in you and ye neede not that any man teache you for the same annointing
therefore will I deliuer him I will exalt him because he hath knowen my name When he calleth vppon mee I will heare him I will bee with him in trouble I will deliuer him and glorifie him with long life will I satisfie him and shew him my saluation The 118. Psalme The Lorde is with mee therefore I will not feare what man can do vnto me The Lorde is with me among them that helpe me therefore I shall see my desire vpon mine enemies It is better to trust in the Lord than to haue any confidence in man I shall not die but liue and declare the workes of the Lord. The Lord hath chastened me sore but he hath not deliuered me to death Thou art my god and I wil praise thee euen my God therfore will I exalt thee The 125. Psalme They that trust in the Lord shal be as mount Sion which cannot bee remoued but remaineth for euer As the mountaines are about Ierusalem so is the Lord about his people from hence foorth for euer A MEDITATION PRAIER as concerning Faith and inuocation drawen out of certaine Psalmes SAint Paule in the 3. Chap. to the Rom. sayth That all haue sinned are depriued of the glorie of God But because that by faith wee doe put on vs Christ who dwelleth in our heartes wee bee so pleasing vnto him as his wisdome as it is saide in the 8. Chap. of the Prouerbs and tooke his delight in the childrē of men Therefore are young and olde great and litle bidden to praise the Lorde euen as we doe see in the 148. Psalme O what an honour is this vnto vs that God will be praised by vs Who is he sayth S. Chrysostom that to be honored and praised by the wormes doth much care for it We be such yet notwithstanding hee will haue vs praise and glorifie him From whence commeth this honor except it be by faith which yeeldeth vs pleasing and setteth vs in honor Yea so pleasing Psal 145. as the Lord offereth himselfe to worke the desires of those that call vppon him in trueth What is it to call vppon him in trueth vnlesse to pray in Faith and to confirme our requestes and desires vnto the word of GOD which is the onelie trueth Wherefore soundeth not out thē the whole world the praises of the Lord Why then goe so manie people roming after strange Gods that cannot saue them What iniquitie haue men found in the liuing God that they digge pittes where there is no water Ieremie 2. and forsake the fountaine of life Is not our helpe in the name of the Lord Psal 124. who hath made both heauen and earth Is this he who hath giuē vs occasion and assurance to trust in him euen from the time that we sucked our mothers pappes And though that he chastice vs holdeth he not dailie the affection of a Father when as in chasticing vs he correcteth vs and in correcting vs aduaunceth our saluation in such sort as Dauid himselfe confesseth that it was good for him to be chasticed Psal 11● to learne the iudgementes of the Lorde Yea and albeit that death should be before our eyes Psal 68. is it not he that hath the issues of death in his hand O Lord suffer vs not to be led away by them that goe farre from thee A prayer Neither yet let vs at anie time communicate with the bloudie Sacrifices of Idolaters Psal 125. Psal 16. Rather graunt mercie vnto the poore bringing them with vs vnto thy sheepefold Make strong the weake and keepe vs from being too presumptuous Rom. 11. seeing that it is by faith and by grace that we stand fast Keepe vs O good Father standing that wee doe not fall 1. Cor. 10. Let vs prooue our selues if we be in faith and let this faith increase that it may shine as gold in the middest of afflictions that it be also stirred vp in vs without ceasing and strengthened by a dailie hearing of thy word meditating of thy bounties and by supplications and prayers that in this fraile and olde ruinous age of the world Psal 62. ● since that the infidels are as an old tottering wall we may be strong sure constant dailie leaning vpon this strong tower and rocke thy sonne Iesus Christ So be it A consideration vppon this which is spoken of the vse of Gods word taken out of the 30. Chap. of the Prouerbes EVerie word of the Lorde is purged and is as a bucklar vnto those that haue proofe in the same Dauid speaketh almost the same in the 12. Psalme Now for a trueth the wordes of the Lord are pure wordes as the siluer be it that we behold his subiect for it interpreteth not of worldlie vanitie as dooth other doctrine but of holie and heauenlie thinges be it that a man consider his effectes And they which doe receaue it by faith feele by it their heartes purged of earthlie thoughtes be it that a man respect the Author of this word which is pure and faithfull in his holy promises more purer than anie fined siluer But as concerning mankinde there is in them no assurance nor no faith as it is said in the first of Esai Thy siluer is become drosse in short there is nothing in men but corruption and deceite And if a man would behold the manifold fires persecutions wherethrough the word of the Lord hath passed it should be seene how much shee hath made triall in that it can consume nothing nor hinder the course of Gods word Great a doe haue they that striue or storme against the word of GOD when they shal persecute it it will shine so much the more and will be alwayes a bucklar vnto the children of God against all manner of temptations euen as Iesus Christ hath shewed vs a godlie example in the 4. Chap. of S. Matthew when he was tempted of the Diuill how we must be holpen with this bucklar Certaine godlie textes taken out of the Prophetes concerning Faith and the assurance that we ought to haue in God The 7. of Esai ver 9. IF you beleeue not Iames. 1. sure you shall not be established For he that wauereth is like a waue of the Sea tost and caried away of the winde The 12. of Esai The faithfull feeling their deliuerāce by Christ shall say Lord I giue vnto thee thankes and albeit thou hast bin angrie with me thy wrath is turned away and thou hast comforted me Behold God is my saluation I wil trust and will not feare for the Lord God is my strength and song he also is become my Saluation Therefore with ioy shall you drawe waters out of the welles of saluation The 25. of Esai The manner of the faithfuls thankesgiuing O Lord thou art my God I will exalt thee I will praise thy name for thou hast doone woonderfull thinges according to the counsels of olde with a stable trueth For thou hast beene a strength
vnto vs this honor to speake of ours Thou pronouncest by thy sonne that wee are blessed in hearing thy word and that when wee haue it and heare it that doeth not come of our selues but through thy great mercie It is thou thy selfe which openest and stoppest our eares Oh heauēlie Father how great is thy mercie But wo vnto this damnable vnthankfulnesse of them that laugh and gaude thereat in place of hearing it Wo vnto this our sluggishnesse that hindereth vs to pray and to demaund none other thing but that thy word might haue his course ● Thes 3. Ephe. 6. and might be glorified and that thou raise vp good shepheardes to whome thy word may be giuen that with open mouth and with boldnesse of heart 1. Sam. 3. the secretes of the Gospel may be made knowen And that it happen not vnto vs that thy word bee take away for our vnthankfulnesse Ephe. 3. as wee doe reade that in the time of Eli it was rare in the request and there was little to be had of anie manifest vision Now vnto him which by his power may doe all in all abundance more than wee doe aske or thinke vnto him be glorie in the Church in Iesus and in all ages So be it Out of the 5. Chap. of the Gospell of S. Iohn Search the scriptures Of the profit in the true vnderstāding of the scriptures for in them yee thinke to haue eternall life and they are they which testifie of me MEDITATION MEn haue a naturall desire to the euerlasting life But where is it that they doe seeke it In themselues or in mens traditions And in so dooing they goe far off in place to drawe neere to it For it hath pleased this good God to comfort and quicken the people giuing vnto them his scriptures which is called the word of life in such sort as it is a woonderfull benefit that God bestoweth on a people when hee giueth vnto them his word Luke 10. And as it was said vnto Martha that it was needefull for vs to labour with care after so manie things But there is one thing that is truelie in euerie respect necessarie Iohn 6.27 To labour after the heeuenlie foode All the rest is but as an accessarie Let vs therefore trauaile and labour after the foode that shall neuer perish For there is no question to labour much the sonne of God presenteth it to vs. Let vs seeke into it Let vs here applie our studies and there let vs imbrace it and let vs choose as Marie did the better part Wee must not heare make readie neither armes teeth nor mouth to labour after this heauenlie meate We must beleeue as S. Augustine saith in the 25. treatise vpon S. Iohn But what manie doe reade the word of God but as it were to runne from it so that this is as a booke closed vp and out of the which they bring no profit For it behooueth to inquire thereof truelie to sound weigh and conferre the one with the other with calling vppon it in the name of God All euen as they doe which digge for the treasure of the earth they must imploy their labour and trie with all diligence the mettales For if they doe but scratch the earth aboue they shall neuer finde out the Ore or Mettall Other some doe reade it as the Iewes but it is with a veile and without seeking him there who is the end of the lawe to wit Iesus Christ The heritickes doe reade and read againe the scriptures as the Anabaptistes and others In what manner the heritiques doe alledge the scripture But as faith Clement Alexādrine in his 7. booke Stromat Although the heretickes doe in deede alledge the scriptures yet may a man by and by see their deceite for either they doe not conferre the scripture with scripture or they doe alledge it by peece meale and by little and little morsels and not wholie or else they will not acknowledge the phrase or manner of speaking of the scripture neither the scope or end of it And as an other verie auncient Doctor named Irenaeus saith in his third booke and 15. Chapter against heresies The heritickes to the end they might not bee discouered doe alledge the scripture well at the beginning to drawe on the people vnto them But so soone as they haue gotten scholers they wrest the scriptures to their owne side and make men beleeue that their rauing or raylinges bee the scripture and doe scorne at all the good Doctors Of correction Donat. falselie accusing and slaundering them Now the Lord saith S. Augustine suffereth heritickes to be that our faith and loue might be tried together Our faith whether we doe suffer our selues to be led away Our loue when as wee seeke to reforme instruct them Therefore let vs beware of such a companie of scoffers which say What haue we to doe to torment our selues after the reading of the scriptures One cannot know at these dayes what to beleeue some expound it thus othersome so Euerie heriticke doeth alledge the scripture It is true But as it is said if wee be deceaued it is for that wee will be beguiled because we will not truelie seeke out the scriptures Is it not easie enough to discerne the Spider from the Bee The one turneth all into poyson The other into honie Such is the difference betweene the heretickes and the true faithfull How the scripture ought to be read Now the faithfull reading the scripture will reade it with prayer that God may open his vnderstanding to know the woonders of his Lawe such prayers Dauid made in the 119. Psalme Then hee will reade it not to bee turned away from the preaching of the word But rather so much the more to knowe and vnderstand the doctrine which is preached Thirdlie hee will not reade the scripture to halues but will compare the old and the newe Testament together Lastlie hee will not seeke out there in subtilties nor curiosities but hee will seeke there Iesus Christ for whose loue all was written as wee doe reade in the 20. Chap. of S. Iohn And therefore will he reade the scripture to strengthen him in the faith alwayes hauing before his eyes the Articles of our faith as a guide to which hee will referre that which hee readeth as vnto certaine cōmon places Therefore Christ is the end of the lawe and of sacrifices Christ is hee to whome the Prophetes haue yeelded witnesse and this is the scripture that reuealeth it vnto vs and not Philosophie or humane reason Of the true ofspring of sectes and heresies Out of the 8. Chap. of S. Iohn verse 44. The diuel hath beene a Murtherer from the beginning abode not in the trueth for the trueth is not in him If anie keepe my word saith Iesus Christ hee shall neuer tast of death CONSIDERATION THey who haue knowen Martin Luther that seruant of God in his time write how hee hauing long
wee may not doubt but that thou in the end wilt worke that which the world thinketh otherwise at this day to bee impossible and therefore doe mock thereat And that wee may constantlie continue in this trust that euerie one of vs doe bestow our labours of thee and studie to the end and that wee lose no courage to aduaunce the spirituall building vntill wee bee gathered together with the Angels when thy sonne shall appeare to bee wonderfull to his chosen placing vs with him in his euerlasting glorie I beleeue the forgiuenesse of sinnes THe Church then was neuer in this world so cleane but that it had and hath occasion to demaund of God Lord forgiue vs our sinnes For wee doe protest in this Article that wee doe beleeue by the word of God who doeth witnes it that our sinnes are freelie forgiuen vs for Iesus Christes sake Thus this Article The confession of our sinnes first representeth before our eyes our sinnes the which are such as there is no humane satisfaction that can absolue vs therein But we must humble our selues and bowing downe our head throw our selues at the feete of Iesus Christ as Dauid saith in the 32. Psalme I acknowledged my sinne vnto thee neither hid I mine iniquitie I thought I will confesse against my selfe my wickednesse vnto the Lord and thou forgauest the punishment of my sinne Therefore shall euerie one that is godlie make his prayer vnto thee And S. Iohn in the 1. Chap. of his first Epistle If wee say wee haue no sinne we deceaue ourselues and there is no trueth in vs. But if wee acknowledge our sinnes hee is faithfull and iust to forgiue vs our sinnes and to cleanse vs from all vnrighteousnesse If wee say wee haue not sinned wee make him a lyer and his word is not in vs. Now insomuch as it is against God that wee sinne as it is said in the 51. Psal It is also vnto him that wee doe confesse our sinnes wee must note that wee doe not buy neither doe we deserue the forgiuenesse of our sinnes but wee doe beleeue it that is to say wee doe hold it of the pure grace of God Simon the Magician was reproued in the 8. Chap. of the Actes who thought that the gift of God might bee bought for monie Let vs come then without siluer and haue recourse vnto the throne of grace where wee shall finde forgiuenesse not of one sinne but of all For there is nothing condemnable to the children of God And as all sinnes are deadlie vnto the reprobate euen so are all sinnes venial vnto the faithfull for Iesus Christes sake who is the aduocate for all our sinnes as S. Iohn saith in the 2. Chap. of his first Epistle And for this cause hath he established in the world the Ministerie of reconciliation to the end that in his name there might bee preached vnto vs the forgiuenesse of sinnes 2. Cor. 5.19 Chap. O horrible Idolatrie and Simonie of the Papistes that make trafique of pardons and cause that to bee sought for in the bowels of the Pope which the sonne of God hath purchased for vs by his pretious bloud For it is hee that hath declared vnto vs the true Iubile and yeare of redemption and grace bringing vnto vs good newes Esaiah 61.1 graunting to the captiues deliuerance and healing the heartes of the desolate This is hee of whome Ieremie speaketh in the 31. Chap. who ought to set his law in our heartes forgiuing vs our sinnes without hauing anie more remembrance thereof A confession out of the Psal 51.4 AGainst thee against thee onelie haue I sinned and done euill in thy sight that thou maist be knowen iust when thou speakest and pure when thou iudgest Behold I was borne in iniquitie and in sinne hath my mother conceaued me Thou shalt purge my sinnes with Hisop and I shall bee cleane Make me to vnderstand ioy and gladnes Create in mee a cleane heart and renue a right spirit within mee c. A prayer O Lord our God forsomuch as thou are not merciful but vnto those that feele their sinnes and acknowledge them beholding with thy merciful eye the sorrowfull and broken heartes I doe fall downe before thy face confessing and acknowledging that I haue offended thee not onlie in this that I am conceaued in sinne and a poore child of Adams but also through so manie vaine thoughtes distrustes so manie euill mouinges and desires that fight against thy word and holie will so that if all the men in the world would absolue mee I know that I haue to doe with thee because it is thou that triest the heartes it is also against thy lawe that wee poore creatures sinne Thou therefore art alwayes iust and I am vniust Thou art pure and vncleane and I am defiled frō my mothers wombe and my sinne maketh mee abominable But cleanse me Lord thou that art the God and none the like which onelie art God the sauiour farre passing aboue our sinnes and purging it with this sweete Hisop of the bloud of thy sonne Iesus Christ Now for somuch Lorde as the totall summe lyeth in the feeling as it is fit graunt mee grace to feele in good earnest not onelie my wretchednesse and to bee touched therein to the quick to humble my selfe before thee But also giue me feeling and true assurance of thy grace and of the forgiuenesse of my sinnes by thy holie spirit that my sorrowfull soule may reioyce in thee that this free and sonnelike spirit may driue away from me the seruile feare and horror of thy iudgementes and that thus being comforted I may declare thy blessinges and prayse thy mercies for euer A thankesgiuing for the remission of sinnes Out of the 103. Psalme My soule praise thou the Lord and forget not all his benefites which forgiueth all thine iniquities and healeth all thine infirmities which redeemeth thy life from the graue and crowneth thee with mercie and compassions Which satisfieth thy mouth with good thinges And thy youth is renued like the Eagles MEDITATION THe Prophet reciteth here sixe great blessinges of God for the which all Christians are truelie bound to praise thsi good God with all their heartes The first benefit is that all our sinnes are forgiuen vs through his diuine clemencie That commeth to passe because that Christ charging vppon him our miseries by the oblation of his verie pretious selfe hath reconciled vs and is our true mediator and sacrificer The second benefit is that the infirmities which remaine in vs namelie since this reconciliation be it of bodie or of spirit are healed because that our sinnes are not imputed vnto vs And that in our infirmities God sheweth his strength and power in sustaining vs. The third is hee redeemeth vs dailie from manie mischifes dangers of death For this nature is so fraile as wee should fall euerie moment into the graue if God did not hold vs vp The fourth is that hee doeth couer vs with
that haue thy worde and thy promises and with whome thou art reconciled as thou hast promised by thy prophet Esaiah Esay 54. That although for a time thou hidest thy face away from thine yet neuerthelesse thou hast sworne as in the daies of Noah that thou wouldest no more suffer the waters to ouerflowe the earth so also hast thou sworne that thou wilt be mercifull vnto thy people 1. Peter 3. Whereof thou giuest vnto vs assuraunce in the sacrament of Baptisme in which thou shewest vnto vs both life and death as vnto Noah death in the waters and life in the arke Our sinnes O Lorde are the meanes of thy wrath sufficient to drowne vs but in receiuing vs into thine Arke which is thy Church and graffing vs in thy sonne Iesus whereto thou giuest vs a visible signe and testimonie in baptisme wee be saued and quickened Albeit therefore though the faithfull be in small number as was also the familie of Noah made onely of eight persons yet suffer not that I turne away for this from thy Church or that euer O my God this desperate spite take me to drowne and destroy my selfe with the multitude But O heauenly father giue mee rather grace to watch and to continue that I bee not ouerwhelmed and sette vpon by thy iudgementes euen as they were in Noahs time which sported themselues and gaue themselues ouer to their delightes Matth. 24. but rather that I may be found watching and awayting patiently and constantly the comming of my good maister Iesus Christ So be it Ierusalem was also a figure of the Church of God For as it is sayde in the 122. Psalme Ierusalem is builded as a citie that is compact together in it selfe whereunto the Tribes euen the Tribes of the Lorde goe vp according to the testimonie of Israell to praise the name of the Lorde It is called the house of the Lorde in the which the brethren are set in order In the 56.7 of Esaiah the temple shall bee called the house of prayer for all people The tabernacle that was also so welbeloued for the testimonies that God gaue therein of his presence Psalm 84. and that there they did seeke the Lorde as it is saide in the 33. of Exodus was a figure of the Church where is the meeting and congregation of the Lorde The Church in the 10. Chap. of S. Iohn is compared vnto a sheepefolde whereof Iesus is the sheepehearde and in the which the sheepe doe heare and vnderstande the voice of the sheepheard In the 5. Chapter of the Epistle of S. Paule to the Ephesians as also often times in the prophetes the Church is compared vnto a welbeloued spouse in whom the Lorde taketh his pleasure and of whom he is the heade as the husbande of his wife whom he maketh much of and for whome hee hath giuen himselfe So then the true Church is compared in the scripture vnto a heauenly Ierusalem Heb. 12.22 and hath most excellent titles when as man doth respect the chosen of God and the companie of the true faithfull which the Lorde knoweth and approueth But when the scripture beholdeth this visible Church and considereth it at once and outwardly then is it compared vnto a great fielde that yeeldeth maniefolde and sundrie kinde of graines where amongest and in which there is great store of Darnell or else like vnto a nette Matth. 13. that hath taken all manner of fishes For all they which are outwardly Iewes as S. Paul saith in the 2. to the Romanes be not therefore very Iewes in deede So likewise all they that say Lorde Lorde Matth. 7. shall not enter into the kingdome of heauen But God doth alwaies reserue some seede in the middest of these corruptions and without that wee had as Esaiah sayeth euen a good while agone beene as Sodom and Gomorra Certaine places of the scripture concerning the Church of God and the profite of his worde Out of the 93. Psalme vers 5. Thy testimonies are verie sure O Lord holinesse becommeth thy house for euer Out of the 94. Psalme vers 12. Blessed is the man whom thou chastenest O Lorde and teachest him thy lawe that thou maiest giue him rest from the daies of euill whiles the pit is digged for the wicked Out of the 119. Psalme vers 32. I will runne the way of thy commaundementes when thou shalt inlarge mine heart A prayer O Lorde my God because that the way of thy saluation is declared vnto vs in thy worde and that by so many testimonies of the prophets and Apostles wee do vnderstande what is the true and right way suffer me not to lose my selfe wandering through the large way of the world and going in the counsell of the wicked or following the traditions of men Psalm 73. Make me to knowe that all they which trust not in thee are in daungerous and slipperie places And suffer me not O good God that in this faire way wherein thou hast set me I waxe feeble or slowly walke but that rather I may runne out this holie course euen vnto the ende and that I may remaine constant in thy obedience and that I may by a true faith ouercome the offences and lettes that Sathan offereth vnto them which doe runne vnto thee Alas O Lorde I truely knowe that the best runners are some times subiect to stumble but keepe me from falling and if I fall let thy holie hande relieue mee and soone set me vpright that so Lorde feeling thy goodnesse and sweetenesse that I serue thee not vnwillingly and grudgingly but where as in times past I ranne after vanities and ydolatrie I may nowe runne O my God in the way that thy worde doeth appoint vs and to the ende I may runne set my heart at libertie Psalm 32. for our spirites are naturally so much let with worldly cares that we are become more duller and restiue than oxe or mule But it is thy vertue wherein I so hope and trust it is thy aide that I call for that by thy mighty spirite my weake spirite may be vnswathed and vnroled there may be nothing to stay me from walking in thy feare to the ende I may vowe my selfe in thy seruice O Lord blessed are they which be in thy schoole where thy worde soundeth and thy spirite gouerneth which comforteth and strentheneth vs against all afflictions namely against death 1. Cor. 9. declaring vnto vs that wee runne not in vaine but for the vncorruptible crowne of glorie O Lorde giue mee grace so to runne that I may learne him and come euen vnto thee We doe require as Dauid sayeth Psalm 119. in this worlde they face in thy Church But we doe not see as yet thy face vncouered we see thee in thy worde and in part But O happie are we when as wee shall see thy glorie and that we shall see thee such as thou art without sacrament or figure inioying the trueth and presence of thy
maiestie O God thou art my treasure grant me grace to haue my heart there where my treasure is and to meditate night and day in thy worde which is the light that guideth my steppes and is in tribulation more sweete vnto my heart than honny is vnto the mouth The reason of man was truely O Lorde a goodly lampe that thou haddest giuen vnto man but as it is darkned it cannot shewe the way which leadeth man from sinne to righteousnes and from death to life and they which otherwaies are not lightened but by the same doe perish as beastes Psalm 49. Nowe since it pleaseth thee to haue a Church on the earth which thou hast gathered together thorowe the preaching of thy worde inlighten my eies to beholde and see the spirituall state and magnificence of this house to the ende I may loue it and delight my selfe therein And because that I am a stranger in the land inlighten me in such sorte that seeing the way of euerlasting life in thy word I may follow it vntill I come vnto the true countrie which is in heauen Out of the 59. Chap. of Esaiah verse 21. Beholde my couenaunt with them faith the Lorde my spirit that is vppon thee and my wordes which I haue put in thy mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seede nor out of the mouth of the seede of thy seede saith the Lorde from henceforth euen for euer CONSIDERATION THese wordes doe declare vnto vs that the onelie people which haue the word of GOD and the purenesse of the Doctrine are auouched the true people of the Lord. For with this word God worketh and vnfoldeth the force of his spirit Rom. 1. as by this occasion is the Gospell also so called the power of God to saluation to all beleeuers to bee short by the meane of this word 2. Cor. 5. and through the ministrie of reconciliation God hath established his couenant amongest vs being fauorable vnto vs and forgiuing vs our sinnes Therefore this Church is not gouerned by swords or by Crosses but by the spirit and by the word of God And because that this word is euerlasting it is not in the power of the world to stop the course thereof But God to punish our vnthankfulnesse draweth it backe sometimes from vs and in the meane while it is in such sorte as hee maketh it to waxe fruitefull elsewhere and that which wee doe not see our posteritie shal see it with whom the Lord hath also his couenant O the follie of mankinde which heareth not wisedome crie out in the streets and biddeth vs come vnto her Prou. 1. Therefore of good right doeth she laugh at the destruction of all those which despise her A Prayer vppon this place Out of the 15. Chap. of S. Matthew EVerie plant which mine heauenlie Father hath not planted Prou. ●0 shall bee rooted vp O Lord my God because that thine onelie word is pure cleane and a buckler vnto all those that trust in thee giue me grace to loue thee and since that thou thy selfe inuitest vs vnto the wholsome waters that thou giuest for nothing guide me vnto those running brookes keepe my soule from being led away by this enemie which soweth Cockle and euill hearbes in the world 1. Iohn 4. Giue mee the spirit of discretion to proue the spirites and suffer me not to bee lead with euerie winde of Doctrine 2. Tim. 1. but dailie to holde the true patterne of thy wholsome word 1. Cor. 11. which is in faith and loue in Iesus Christ And albeit to proue thine thou doest suffer manie times the euill plantes to increase and permittest heresies as is to bee seene of olde when as the blasphemie of the Arrians tooke roote as it were in all the East and in our dayes popish Idolatrie hath doone in the West 2. Thes 2. So in likewise haue wee also seene how thou hast vnrooted them and manifested the dreames of men so that there is none nowe deceaued but those whome despise the trueth and loue the Epicures life yeelding themselues woorthie to bee led away by the spirit of blindnesse and errour In the meane while O GOD beate downe them which make Sectes Partialities Rom. 16. and Scandals a part against the pure Doctrine graunt power and might to the Ministrie of thy holie Gospell that all heresies and errors may bee rooted out of mens heartes and that in quiet peace and concorde wee may praise thy name all the dayes of our life Also shew thy fauour vnto vs and now that it is so late in the end of our time yea and that it seemeth O Lorde that this faire sunne of trueth would goe to rest whome thou hast shewed in the world Mat. 28. may remaine with vs and strengthen vs in thy knowledge following this thy promise that thou hast made to bee with vs euen vnto the end of the world So be it Of the hearing of the word of God Out of the 11. of S. Luke Blessed are they that heare the word of God and keepe it MEDITATION BLessed are they then not that heare much know much and speake much of the word of God But that keepe it in obedience of faith For whereto serueth the seede throwne into the ground if it tooke not roote there to increase and bring forth fruite Whereunto serueth as saith Iesus Christ in the 7. Chap. of S. Matthew to make a high building if vppon the blowing of the first windes the house fall They loue me saith Christ in the 14. of S. Iohn that doe not onlie heare but also keepe my commaundementes For how shall wee heare if hee doe not pearce our eares Psal 40. and open our vnderstandinges because that it is nothing to heare outwardlie vnlesse that God doe speake vnto vs inwardlie and if it be not heard within vs. Men truelie haue eares But they haue not all eares to heare and to make their profit of the word of God Now since that they are vndoubtedlie accursed which neither heare nor keepe this word and doe loue better to heare worldlie songes or foolish follies Let vs pray without ceasing this God that hee will open the heartes to vnderstand his word as hee did vnto this Lydia a seller of purple of whome mention is made in the 16. Chap. of the Actes And that wee doe not take it of the Lord in ill part when hee shall punish vs because that in so doing hee doth open our eares to receaue instruction euen as it is said in the 36. of Iob and the 10. verse A prayer vppon the same matter O Most gratious and mercifull GOD thou hast declared by thy dearelie beloued sonne Iesus Christ that they which heare thy word and keepe it are blessed Doeth it not rather belong vnto vs O Lord to acknowledge and to maruaile at thy blessednesse and felicitie It is for vs to speake of thine and thou doest