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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10826 Spirituall encrease: or, Conclusions for pacifying the perplexed conscience of the weake Christian Robertson, Bartholomew, fl. 1620. 1621 (1621) STC 21098.7; ESTC S114561 50,019 237

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God beleeue of himselfe that he shall be saued And also the Apostle saith that we know that we are translated from death to life because we loue the Brethren all those things we know because our faith beleeueth all that which the word of God hath taught vs in this behalfe CON. 32. The effect of faith is to giue assurance of the present state and of perseuerance also to future glory EXPLA. As many as receiued Christ to them he gaue power to bee sonnes euen to them that beleeue in his name Now to receiue is to take in particular to a mans selfe to apply to himself to apprehend or lay hold of him with all his benefits to make particular vse of Christ so that true faith according to the measure of it assures infallibly not in general only by principall but in particular also by conclusion and application to it selfe and as of his owne good will hee hath begotten vs by the word of truth that we should bee as the first fruits of his creatures so by the same true grace of God that comfort is ministred vnto the faithfull to say Behold what loue the Father hath giuen vnto vs that we are called and are euen now the Sons of God! and we know that when he shall appeare we shall be like vnto him For thorow faith we receiue the promise of the Spirit That is Faith is the very hand into which being holden forth vnto God hee giueth the Spirit which hee had promised CON. 33. When God giueth vs this light and feeling that he is our Father there followeth necessarily a certificate that we are his children this testimony cannot be counterfeited EXPLA. Neither the spirit of man himselfe nor any other spirit can giue man that spirituall eye of the inner man whereby to looke vpon God as a Father that sincere and pure affection and inuocation wherewith the faithfull soule tendereth it selfe vnto God but onely the Sp●rit of God himselfe which beareth witnes vnto our spirit that wee are the Sonnes of God and because we are the Sonnes of God he hath sent forth the spirit of his Sonne into our hearts crying Abba Father Now this Spirit that beareth witnesse is truth being the Spirit of Truth and therefore beeing sent for a comforter surely in comforting he telleth and testifieth nothing but the truth if then the Spirit of God beare witnesse vnto vs that we are the Sonnes of God wee know that it is true and wee are sure wee are the Sonnes of God And this witnessing properly standeth in the true spirituall inuocation and calling on the name of God whereby vpon all occasion as children to a Father make our recourse vnto him for it is not incident vnto vs to haue in our hearts conscience that familiar and louely accesse vnto the Throne of Grace but vpon cōscience of the spirit dwelling in vs for this spirit of praier doth witnesse vnto the elect that they are the Sons of God CON. 34. If God hath once giuen thee assured signes of his fauour hee will neuer change EXPLA. The Testament of Christ is still new yea though it were from the beginning yet it is still the same and the day passes not in which it was giuen but it endureth still with the age of man And thus it is not possible that our works should iustifie which waxe olde and are forgotten So that the righteous man of an hundred yeares old if hee leaue his righteousnesse it hath no account the saluation of the world is not thus but alwayes new If once I bee in the couenant it is an euerlasting couenant I was not taken vnder condition of time nor no time shall preuaile against mee the saluation it selfe is not changeable as Adam was in Paradise but it is made sure in the body of Christ vnited with the person of his Godhead So the wayes also in which wee are led vnto it they are īmutable our faith is not quenched our loue not extinguished our hope faileth not nor the holy Spirit can neuer be taken from vs but still they are new euen to eternall life CON. 35. We are ioynt-heires with Christ and must attaine to our inheritance that same way which he did beeing first partakers with him in suffering as we shall be afterwards in glory EXPLA. Faith expecteth all these things from God because it is giuen vnto vs for Christs sake not only to beleeue in him but also to suffer for his sake beeing strengthned with all might thorow his glorious power to all patience and long suffering with ioyfulnes To this end as the sufferings of Christ abound in them so hee causeth their consolations to abound through Christ their hope is stedfast in this behalfe because they know that as they are partakers of the sufferings so they shall be of the consolation for faith resteth vpon that which is written hee hath said I wil not fail thee nor forsake thee therefore wee may boldly say The Lord is on my side I will not feare what man can do vnto me he hath predestinated vs to be made like to the Image of his Sonne and therefore hauing receiued the spirit to reueale vnto vs this secret of predestination wee stand assured that accordingly he will accomplish in vs the Image of his Sonne that together with him wee may beare the crosse and together with him also weare the crowne and therefore shall so order all things that there shall be nothing to come that shall separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. CON. 36. The cause of life spirituall in vs is Christ not carnally nor corporally inhabiting but dwelling in the soule of man as a thing which when the minde apprehendeth it is said to inhabite or possesse the minde EXPLA. The minde containeth Christ by hearing and beleeuing the Doctrine of christianity with particular apprehension as the light of nature doth cause the mind to apprehend those truthes which are meerely rationall so that sauing truth which is farre aboue the reach of humane reason cannot otherwise then by the Spirit of the Almighty be conceiued as in these sentences The Spirit is our life or the Word is our life or Christ our life the meaning is that our life is Christ by the hearing of the Gospell apprehended ●s a Sauiour and assented vnto by the power of the holy Ghost CON. 37. The motions and operations of life are sometime so indiscernable and so secret that they seeme stone dead who notwithstanding are still aliue vnto God in Christ. EXPLA. The first intellectuall conceit and comprehension of Christ is the seede whereof wee bee borne new our first embracing of Christ is our first reuiuing from the state of death and condemnation Hee that hath the Sonne hath life and hee that hath not the Sonne hath no life therefore if hee which once had the Son may cease to haue
Apostle I know whom I haue beleeued and I am sure that hee is able to keepe that which I haue committed vnto him against that day euen my selfe my faith my hope my prayer my soule my life knowing my selfe to be a very vnsure keeper of my selfe Thus faith yeeldeth a man to say Behold O Lord for I am thy seruant I am thy seruant O giue me vnderstanding that I may keepe thy commandements enter not into iudgement with thy seruant And because the faithfull is willing to beleeue that hee shall haue that that hee prayeth for hee prayeth for perseuerance because Christ saith Beleeue that yee shall haue it and it shall bee done vnto you For God giueth to them that beleeue so that hee that receiues beleeueth himselfe to receiue For this is the assurance that we haue in him that if we aske any thing according to his will he heareth vs and if we know that hee heareth vs whatsoeuer we aske wee know that we haue the petitions that we haue desired of him CON. 42. God euen in the very first entrance to his seruice offereth vs assurance of his favour and our saluation EXPLA. At the first entrance hee saith to thee as to the Iaylor Beleeue in the Lord Iesus Christ and thou shall be saved And from the beginning as our faith is greater or lesse so either strongly or weakely apprehendeth and embraceth this assurance and in this assurance we labour and endeauour to grow and to goe on from faith to faith from strength to strength till wee learne to set the world at defiance saying Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods elect Who shall separate vs from the loue of Christ CON. 43. Our faithfull seruice or good behauiour can neuer make vs assured of our saluation EXPLA. God made that promise by former couenant Hee that doth these things shall liue in them and it auailed not for they continued not in my couenant And I regarded them not saith the Lord. Therefore the Lord made another couenant or promise not like the former or conditionall vpon faithfull seruice or good behauiour but absolute and without condition the performance whereof should depend wholly and onely vpon mercy So that he would not expect as of vs but doth vndertake to giue vs and to worke in vs whatsoeuer faithfull seruice and good behauiour should be necessary thereunto Therefore he saith I wil put my Law in their minds and in their hearts will I write them and I will bee their God and they shal be my people they shal all know me for I will be mercifull to their vnrighteousnesse and I will remember their sins and their iniquities no more And so if wee intirely consider the whole worke of our saluation it issueth absolutely out of the purpose and promise of God who intending the end disposeth and worketh himselfe whatsoeuer belongeth to the accomplishment and attainement of the end CON. 44. By beleeuing the Gospel I beleeue that Christ is giuen a Sauiour vnto me to saue me being one of his people from my sinnes frō the wrath to come EXPLA. The Gospell is the glad tidings of great ioy that vnto vs a Sauiour is borne vnto vs a child is borne vnto vs a Son is giuen that is vnto vs that beleeue and how beleeue I vnto vs if I beleeue not vnto me The Gospell is that through the name of Christ euery one that beleeueth in him shall haue remission of sinnes euery one that beleeueth in him shall not perish but haue euerlasting life If I beleeue the Gospell I beleeue this For hee that beleeues not God makes him a lyar because hee beleeues not the record that God witnessed of his Sonne and this is the record that he hath giuen vnto vs eternall life and this life is in his Sonne If then I beleeue in the name of the Sonne of God and do not beleeue that God hath giuen me eternall life I make God a liar in not beleeuing the report that God hath witnessed of his Son Therefore he addeth These things haue I written vnto you that beleeue in the name of the Son of God that ye may know that ye haue life eternall CON. 45. Faith beleeueth the promises of God concerning our happinesse and hope waiteth and looketh for the Lord to reueale his righteousnesse and to make the truth of his word and promises fully to appeare and in this expectation is content with patience to beare the crosse which is incident to the profession of the name of Christ. EXPLA. Confidence and reioycing of hope groweth from the full assurance of faith whereby seeting aside the respect of our own impeachments of our selfe wee beleeue with Abraham vnder hope against hope resting vpon his promise who had taken vpon him to be the shepheard and Bishop of our soules and is able to doe exceeding abundantly aboue all that wee aske or thinke according to the power that worketh in vs. Whereby as he hath already wrought in vs the like great worke as hee hath wrought in Christ whē he raised him from the dead in that he hath raised vs vp being dead in sinnes and trespasses vnto the life of God So wee rest perswaded that hauing begunne this good worke in vs he will performe it vntill the day of Iesus Christ not for our sakes but for my owne sake will I doe it saith the Lord. CON. 46. Christ immediately and wholly is our saluation and righteousnesse in whom and not in our selues wee are made the righteousnes of God his obedience was wrought in our name and for our behalfe is imputed vnto vs by faith in his blood EXPLA. For Christs sake and in him God blessed vs with al spirituall blessings in heauenly things for he is made vnto v● of God wisedome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption that is all in all that hee that reioyced may reioyce onely in the Lord. And this saluation vnto which hee entitled vs by faith in Christ consisteth not onely in the remission of sins but also in destroying the body of sinne and restoring in vs the Image of God in righteousnesse and holinesse of truth hee hauing giuen himselfe to purge vs to bee a peculiar people vnto himselfe and to make vnto himselfe a glorious Church not hauing spot or wrincle or any such thing And all this is begun and in doing but is not yet finished and done in vs it shall be fully perfected in vs at the Resurrection of the dead In the meane time he giueth not vnto vs a full immunity from sinne that he may take away from vs all reioycing in our selues that we may know at that day that not for the workes of righteousnesse which we haue done but of his owne mercy hee hath saued vs. And yet no man is iustified by the righteousnes of Christ who is not also sanctified by the Spirit of Christ.
purchased saluation himselfe alone yet for conueyance of this eminent blessing into vs these things are required as most necessary CON. 59. Our saluation is giuen to vs by Christ alone yet to our iustification faith to our sanctification the fruites of the Spirit c. are necessary EXPLA. For our saluation it is requisite to be chosen and knowne of God before the foundation of the world in the world to bee called iustified sanctified after wee haue left the world to be receiued into glory Now Christ in euery of these hath somewhat which hee worketh alone through him according to the eternall purpose of God before the foundation of the world borne crucified buried raised c. we were in a glorious acceptation knowne vnto God long before wee were seene of men God I say knew vs loued vs was kinde to vs in Christ Iesus in him we were elected to bee heires of life Thus God in Christ hath wrought in such sort alone that our selues are meere patients working no more then dead senselesse matter wood or stone or iron doth in the artificers hands no more then the clay when the potter appointeth it to be framed for an honorable vse nay not so much for the matter whereupon the tradesman worketh he chooseth for the fitnesse which is in it to serue his turne in vs no such thing Now touching the rest which is laide for the foundation of our faith importeth further that by him we are called that wee haue redemption and remission of sins by his blood health by his stripes iustice by him that he doth sanctifie his Church and make it glorious to himselfe that entrance into ioy shall be giuen by him alone yea al things by him alone howbeit not so by him alone as if in vs to our vocation the hearing of the Gospell to our iustification faith to our sanctification good workes to entrance into rest perseuerance in hope in faith in holinesse were not necessary which workes haue no power of satisfying God for sinne or of vertue to merit both grace here or glory in heauen for workes are a thing subordinate without which our sanctificatiō cannot bee accomplished yet God doth iustifie the beleeuing man not for the worthinesse of his beleefe but for the worthinesse of the person which is beleeued that is Christ and God also rewardeth euery one that worketh not for any meritorious dignity that is or can bee in the worke but throgh his mercy by whose commandement hee worketh CON. 60. That which we know either by sense or by infallible demonstration is not so certaine as the Principles Articles and Conclusions of Christian faith EXPLA. If the things which wee beleeue bee considered in themselues it may truely be said Faith is more certain● then any science that meere natural men do neither know nor acknowledge the things of God is no maruell for they are spiritually to bee discerned and they in whose hearts the light of grace doth shine and are taught of God are so yet weake in faith and their assenting to the law scrupulous mingled with feare and wauering for the foggy dampe of originall corruption is so great that no heart can be so inclined in the knowledge or established in the loue of that in which his saluatiō standeth as that hee doth not doubt and if any were such what doth let why that man shold not bee iustified by his owne inherent righteousnes For righteousnes inherent being perfect will iustifie and perfect faith is a part of perfect righteousnes inherent yea a principall part the mother and roote of all the rest and if it were thus what need we the righteousnes of Christ wherefore we must learne to challenge a strength which wee haue not lest wee lose the comfortable support of that weakenes which indeed we haue CON. 61. All men haue not equall certainety of faith but some beleeuers are more scrupulous and doubtfull then others EXPLA. The reason is there is ● double certainty a certainty of euidence as when the minde doth assent to this or that not because it is true in it selfe but because the truth is cleere and manifest to vs for things most certaine in themselues except they bee also most euident our perswasiō is not fully assured as it is of things more euident although in themselues they be lesse certaine it is as certaine that there be spirits as that there bee men but wee bee more assured of these then of them Now if there were equall euidence and truth there shold be equality of faith Yea that we see by the light of grace though it be indeed most certaine yet it is not so euidently certaine as that which sense or the height of nature will not suffer a man to doubt of as that the fire is hot c. Therefore God laboureth to confirme vs in the things were beleeue by things whereof we haue sensible knowledge for proofes must be more certaine then is the thing prooued The other is a certainety of adherence as when the heart doth cleaue and sticke to that which it doth beleeue and this certainty is greater in vs then the other because the faith of a Christian doth apprehend the words of the couenant and promises of God not only as true but as good and therefore when the euidence which hee hath of the truth is so small that it grieueth him to feele his weakenesse in assenting thereto yet is there in him such a sure adherence vnto that which hee doth but faintly and fearefully beleeue that his spirit hauing once truely tasted the heauenly sweetnesse thereof all the world is not able quite and cleane to remooue him from it but he striueth with himselfe against all hope of beleeuing For though he wold kill him yet wil he trust in him For why This is his lesson It is good for me to cleane vnto God CON. 62 Doubting doth alwayes accompany faith yea in the most faithfull that euer did beleeue EXPLA. If God did worke in vs like a naturall agent as the fire doth inflame and as the Sun enlightens according to the vttermost ability which they haue to bring forth their effects there should be nothing in the beleeuer but the incomprehensible wisedome of God doth limit the effects of his power to such a measure as seemeth best to himselfe Wherefore he worketh that certainty in all which sufficeth abundantly to their saluation in the life to come but to none so great as attaines in this life vnto perfection which is fittest for vs that feeling still our owne infirmities we may alwaies pray Lord helpe our incredulity Lord increase our faith Indeed it is said Abraham beleeued and doubted not which Negation doth not exclude all feare all doubting but onely that which cannot stād with true faith it freeth Abraham from doubting through infidelity not from doubting through infirmity from the doubting of vnbeleeuers not of weake beleeuers as is euident Genes 17.17 CON. 63. The faith