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A09362 A case of conscience the greatest taht [sic] euer was, how a man may know, whether he be the son of God or no. Resolued by the vvord of God. Whereunto is added a briefe discourse, taken out of Hier. Zanchius. Perkins, William, 1558-1602.; Zanchi, Girolamo, 1516-1590. 1592 (1592) STC 19666; ESTC S110395 35,569 79

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in respect of vs he putteth down another seale saying Let him depart from iniquitie vvhich calleth vpon the name of the Lord For with this marke all the elect are branded They call vpon the name of the Lord and depart from iniquitie seeking after holinesse a good conscience And this is that sealing which is so often mentioned in the Scriptures As when in the Apocalypse it is said that an innumerable multitude was sealed to the Lord. For like as the Father sealed Iesus Christ as he was man and Mediatour so also the rest of his children he hath sealed and doth daylie seale with sure notes and seales to distinguish them from other men and the children of this age For God is said to haue annointed vs and sealed vs and giuen vs the earnest of his Spirit in our hearts And againe to haue sealed vs with the holie Spirit of promise and that to the day of redēption As it is easie to discerne a right seale from a counterfeit so the true soules of God by the sealing of the Spirit are distinguished from Hypocrits and lawfull children from bastards It remaineth that wee shoulde declare some effects of predestination by which as by marks and seales the elect may bee discerned from Reprobats The first effect of predestination is Christ himselfe as he is a Mediatour and a Sauiour dwelling in our hearts by his holie Spirite For as we are elected in him and by him redeemed so by the sprinkling of his blood wee are cleansed and sealed and by his dwelling in vs quickned for he is our life and that eternall and therfore we are seuered frō Reprobates which alwaies remaine in death as in the holie Scriptures we are taught We say that this is the first effect of Predestination because we can enjoy none of the gifts of God either of election vocation or justification except in Christ and by Christ For he hath powred out all the effectes of Predestination into vs. In that therefore euery elect faithfull man feeleth Christ to dwell in him and to quicken him he hath a seale in himselfe by which he may knowe that he was elected to euerlasting life in the same Christ A part and beginning of which life is this spirituall life by which wee now liue to God And as euerie man knoweth himself to be the sonne of God in Christ because he calleth vpon God from his heart as a Father So he may conclude that he is predestinated to be the sonne of God for Christs cause And that by this first note the faithfull may know that they are elect to eternall life the Apostle sheweth knovv ye not saith he your selues that Iesus Christ is in you except ye be Reprobates And no doubt a type of this kinde of sealing was that sealng whiche was done in Aegypt by the blood of the Lambe namely when the houses of the Israelites were sprinkled with this blood that they might be discerned from the houses of the Aegyptians and so bee passed ouer vntouched of the Angell And by Christe as by the chiefe effect yea and the cause to of all the effectes which followe all other effects of predestination are put into vs and we are sealed with them The Apostle nameth three principals our calling to wit effectuall our justification and glorification This third effect we shall obtaine in the life to come the two first in this life And to these two may very well be referred all other which we receiue in this life by Christ with the effectuall calling wee joyn a sound hearing of the word of God and the vnderstanding of it accompanied with great and constant delight and joy faith also and a true knowledge of the Deitie humanitie and office of Christ. Vnto iustification wee refer a perswasion of the remission of our sins by Christ for by this we are iustified and regeneration too or sanctification and renouation of life a good conscience loue not faigned a pure hart and cleane patience in aduersitie and boasting in tribulation all good workes and fruits of the spirit ad hereunto the crosse it selfe which wee beare for the trueth of the Gospel wherefore whosoeuer feeleth that he is effectually called that hee doth willingly heare the worde that he doth beleeue the Gospell that he is sure of the remission of his sinnes that hee burneth with true loue to his neighbour that he is bent to euerie good work he cannot but must needes be perswaded of his election for God onely doth communicate these vnto the Elect. Therefore it is plaine that the elect are confirmed in the assurance of their election by the effectes of predestination and that there is a threefold way by which God reuealeth to euery man his predestination But if any shal take an occasion the rather of doubting of his election then of confirming himselfe in it of that which hath bin spoken as concerning the fruits of the Spirit and the effects of predestination and that peraduenture because hee can feele in himselfe few and verie weake fruites of regeneration and election yet let him not bee discouraged neither let him doubt of his election but let him vnderset himselfe with these props First of all if euer he truelie felt in himselfe that testimonie of the Spirite which before I mentioned namelie that he is the sonn of God let him know vndoubtedlie that he is such a one and therfore elected to eternall life For the holie Ghost neuer beareth record or perswadeth a man of that which is false for he is the spirite of truth And they are not the sonnes of God except they haue bene predestinate as the Apostle saith to adoption by Christ And none that is the sonne of God and a man elected can be made a reprobate and the childe of the Deuill Therefore albeit he feele in himselfe both fewe and feeble effects of regeneratiō yet let him not doubt of his election otherwise he shall disgrace the testimonie which he hath receiued of the holie Ghost yea and that to which as yet he enjoyeth although peraduenture by reason that his mind is troubled by euill affections that testimonie of the holie Spirite can scarse be heard in him For the true testimonie of our adoption by the holy Ghost being once giuen vnto our spirit lasteth for euer although it is other whiles heard more plainlie and at other times is more slenderly and scarce perceiued But how say you may I know whether that testimonie doth proceed frō the holie Ghost and therfore whether it be a true and certain testimonie I answer first by the perswasion secondly by the maner of the perswasion lastlie by the effects of this testimonie and perswasion For the first the holy Ghost doeth not simplie say it but doth perswade with vs that we are the sonnes of God and no flesh can doe this Againe he perswades vs by reasons drawne not from our works or from anie worthines in vs but
not by water only but by water and blood becaus Christ worketh both iustification sanctification together it is that spirit a mans owne conscience inwardly purified that beareth witnes for that spirit is trueth that is that the testimonie of the spirit of adoption certifying vs that we ar the sons of God is true 7. For that I may speak it more plainly there ar three vvhich beare record in heauen the father the vvord the Son and the holy Ghost and these three are one namly in testimonie 8. And there are three which beare record in earth the Spirit and the vvater and blood and these three agree in one Ch. How shew you that these witnesses be autenticall and to be beleeued Ioh. 9. If vve receiue the vvitnes of men the witnes of God is greater for this is the witnes of God vz. that was said to come from heuen vvhich he testified of his son Again 10. he that beleeueth in that sonne of God hath the vvitnes in himselfe the peace of conscience which he may feel in himself And further he that beleueth not God maketh him a lyer because he beleeued not the recorde that God vvitnessed of his sonne Ch. What is the effecte of that which these witnesses testifie Ioh. 11. And this is that record to wit that God hath giuen vnto vs eternall life this life is in his son 12. He which hath the son hath life he which hath not the son of god hath not life And to conclude 13. These things haue I written vnto you that beleeue in the name of the son of God that ye may know that yee haue life eternal that ye may beleeue vz. increase in faith in the name of that sonne of God Ch. How can we haue life eternal now that are so miserable and so ful of wants Ioh. 14. And this is that assurance that wee haue in him that if we ask any thing according to his will he heareth vs. Ch. How may we know that God granteth our praiers made acording to his wil Ioh. 15. If vve know that he heareth that is as it were to giue an eare to our praiers vvhatsoeuer vve ask we knowe that vvee haue the petitions vvhich vvee haue desired of him though the things that we asked be not giuen vs in that measure maner and time in which we asked them Ch. Let vs heare an example of those things which God wil grant whē we pray Io. 16. If a man see his brother sin a sin that is not vnto death that is which may be pardoned let him ask pardon in his behalfe and he shal giue him life for them that sinne not vnto death there is a sinne vnto death after which necessarilie damnation followeth as the sinne against the holy Ghost I say not that thou shouldest pray for it Ch. But is not euery sinne a sinne to death Ioh. 17. All vnrighteousnes is sinne and therefore deserueth death but there is a sinne not vnto death namely that which is pardoned in Christ. Ch. We feare least wee haue committed this sinne which is vnto death Ioh. 18. Wee know that vvhosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not but he that is begotten of god kepeth himselfe and that vvicked one Sathan toucheth him not vz. doth him no violēce or he cannot giue him a deadly wound 19. We know that vve are of God and this whol vvorld lyeth in euill that is in seruitude vnder Sathan and sinne Ch. How shew you that we ar of God Ioh. 20. Wee know that the Sonne of God is come and hath giuen vs a minde to knowe him that is true vve are in him that is true that is in his sonne Iesus Christ this same is that very God and that eternall life Ch. Howe may wee keepe our selfe in God and neuer commit the sin to death Ioh. 21. Litle Children keepe your selues from images whether they be of false Gods or of the true God PSALME 15. Iehoua Dauid DAVID 1. O Iehoua vvho shal dwell as Pilgrims dwel in tents in thy tabernacle the Church millitant vvho shall rest in thy holy mountaine the kingdome of heauen IEHO 2. He that walketh perfectly that is he which leadeth the course of his life vprightly DAV Who is the vpright man IEHO He that worketh righteousnes according to the commandements of the secōd Table and speaketh the truth in his heart as he thinketh his hart tongue agreeing DAV By what notes may this vpright man be knowen and who is he IEHO 3. I. Hee that slandreth not with his tongue II. nor doth hurt to his neighbour III. nor receiueth a fals report against his neighbor IV. 4. In whose eies a vile person an vngodly and vnrighteous man is contemned but hee honoureth them that feare God V. He that hauing sworne to his owne hinderance changeth not VI. 5. He that giueth not his money to Vsury VII neither taketh reward of the innocēt DAV Are these notes vnfallible IEHO 6. He that doth these things shal neuer be moued shall abide in Gods fauour for euer A BRIEFE DISCOVRSE TAKEN OVT OF THE VVRItinges of Hier. Zanchius VVHEREIN THE FOREsaid case of Conscience is disputed and resolued ASSERTION I. Onely the elect and all of them not onely trulie may bee but also are in that time vvhich God hath appointed them in this life indeede assured of their Election to eternall life in Christ and this is done not one vvay but many vvaies WEe say that the elect alone may be and indeed are made sure of their Election that so we may exclude the reprobat hipocrites for considering they are not elected they canne neuer be truelie perswaded that they are elected I say truely because it may come to passe that many in their own thinking shall be predestinate yet in trueth they are not perswaded so for they are deceaued Wee haue an example in temporarie Christians who thinke of themselues that they beleeue in Christ but truelie do not beleeue for their Faith is in hypocrisie and for a time onely Wherefore a true certaine perswasion of Election can neuer befall any of the reprobates because the true perswasion of Heauenly matters commeth of the holy Ghost which neuer perswadeth any false matter Wherefore how can Reprobates bee perswaded that they are elected This considered it is not amisse that wee attribute this perswasion of which wee nowe speake to the elect alone We ad further that al the elect not onely may be but are indeed made sure of their Election Which must be demonstratiuelie confirmed against schoole-men other our aduersaries We say this is done in the time appointed because the Elect before they be called to Christ are neuer sure of their election nay they neuer think of it as appeareth in Paul before hee was called and in others Againe in like maner after they haue bene called yet not presently are made sure of their election but some sooner some latter Lastly we ad that this is
done many vvaies what they ar if not perfectly yet in parte I will afterwarde shewe Nowe let vs come to the matter The School-men demaunde whether a man may be made sure of his Election And they determine that a man cannot except it be by diuine reuelation becaus Predestination is in God and not in vs. And no man knoweth the thinges of God but the spirit of God as no man knoweth the thinges of man but the spirite of man which is in him Again who knoweth the minde of the Lorde therefore say they some special reuelation is needeful if any desire to be certified either of his owne or of any other mans predestinatiō their sayings are not simply to be disliked but in that meaning in which they vnderstād them they are no way to be approoued For they take a speciall reuelation to be this if God shall signifie and say expresly to any either by some Angell outwardly or by his spirite inwardly that he is predestinate to life after which sorte they hold that Paul and a fewe other Saintes had their predestination reuealed to thē So they conclude that because euery man hath not his Election reuealed to him after this maner that all men cannot be assured of their election But they are deceued for God not onely by this one maner which they spake off doth reueale his will his counsels but by many for God reuealeth thinges either by the inwarde inspiration of his spirit or outwardly by his word or both inwardly and outwardly by inward and outward effectes By his spirite hee did inspire his Prophetes and open many thinges to come And Christ said to his Apostles as concerning the holy Ghost he shall lead you into all trueth By his word he spake vnto the Prophets and in like maner by his word hee teacheth vs his wil. Also by diuers effectes hee declareth either his mercie or his iustice as it is known The same must be thought of the reuealing of his electiō to wit that God reuealeth the same to the elect by the holy Ghost by the worde and by the most certaine effectes of predestination The first testimonie by which God assureth vs of our election is the inward testimonie of the spirite of which the Apostle saith the spirit of God testifieth vnto our spirits that vve are the children of God Nowe what is it to be the sonne of God but first of al to be predestinated to be the childe of God by adoption then to be made actuallie the sonne of God by faith and lastly by the same spirit also to be regenerate as Gods Children are and to put on the nature of the sonne of God or rather the sonne of God himselfe as the Apostle speaketh Therefore the holy Ghost whilest he inwardly beareth recorde vnto our spirits that is to our minds being enlightened by his light that we are the sonnes of God most plainly reuealeth that wee were predestinate from all aeternitie to adoption for men are not made the sonnes of God by faith nor regenerate to be the sonnes of God nor put on Christ except they be first of all predestinated to adoption And there can be nothing more certain then this testimonie for who better knoweth the things of God his counsels and decrees then the spirit of God which searcheth all thinges yea the deep things of God therefore hee can most truly reueale vnto euery one of vs the certaintie of our election And he cannot deceiue vs in reueiling it for he is the spirit of truth which can neither deceiue nor be deceaued If an Angel from heauen shoulde be sent to thee as he was sent to Marie and as hee spake vnto the fathers and should tell thee in the name of God that thou wert elected to life euerlasting wouldest not thou say that thou couldest not then doubt any longer of thy election But so much the more certaine is the testimonie of the spirite which beareth record vnto our spirit that we are the sonnes of God by how much the holy Ghost doth more knowe the thinges of God then any Angell and can lesse deceiue then an Angel And so much the more sure is this testimonie considering it is not keept in the bodily eares where it might soone vanish away but in our minde and spirit becaus the spirit beareth record to our spirit Ad further that the holy Ghost neuer departeth from our spirit but dwelleth in vs abideth in vs speaketh in vs sheweth forth his power in vs praieth in vs. Therefore the Apostle saith that wee haue receiued the spirite of adoption by which we crie Abba Father as thogh he should say this testimonie of the spirite is altogether so sure by which he beareth vs record that we are the sonnes ef God that presently without doubting we can call vpon God and cry Abba Father And all the electe haue this testimonie being made the sons of God by faith and being renewed by the holy Ghost and ingrafted into Christ For so the Apostle speaketh if any man haue not the spirit of Christ he is not his therefore whosoeuer is Christs and is ingrafted into Christ it is necessarie hee should haue the spirit of God And whosoeuer haue receiued and doe enioy the spirite of Christe to their mindes the same spirit beareth record that they are the sonnes of God and maketh them to cry Abba Father And it is certaine that noe man is renewed by the holy Ghost which is not perswaded that God is his most mercifull and most louing Father therefore can call vpon him as a Father Therefore although al men in that they are assured by the certaintie of faith that God is their Father and they are his sons do not thereby argue and conclude that they are elected to eternal life yet al men indeed haue thereby a sure testimonie of their election to glorie because if they be the sonnes of God they are also heires of eternall life This testimonie I will briefly comprise within this demonstration whosoeuer call vpon God and in their hearts cry Abba Father they are the sonnes of God and it is certain that they thus crye by the spirit of God And they which are the sonnes of God are also heires of eternall life and they haue bene predestinate to adoption therefore it must needes be that all they which are perswaded that they ar the sons of god by the holy Ghost are predestinate to eternall life and must be perswaded of it This is the first testimonie and the first way by which God reuealeth to euery elect man his predestination namely by the holy Ghost within our heartes bearing record vnto vs that we are the sonnes of God in christ and by Christ. And let this be the first argument also seruing to confirme our assertion The second way by which God reuealeth to euery man his predestination is by his word I mean not any particular word by which hee