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A09316 An excelent comfort to all Christians, against all kinde of calamities no lesse comfortable, then pleasant, pithy, and profitable: Compendiously compiled by Iohn Perez, a faithfull seruant of God, a Spaniard (in Spanish) and now translated into English by Iohn Daniel, of Clements Inne, with diuers addicions by him collected and therevnto annexed.; Epistola para consolar a los fieles de Jesu Christo. English PĂ©rez, Juan, d. 1567.; Daniel, John, of Clements Inne. 1576 (1576) STC 19626; ESTC S111936 128,141 335

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did God proue Abraham found him faythfull And he was so faithfull in déede as was possible wherby he vnderstoode that by the same fayth which God had gyuen hym he was made rightuous before his diuine maiestie that it was a true fayth and did vse all his loue and procure all that he loued and did delight in all things to doe and fulfill hys holy commaundements In Mathew and Marke vppon the Gospel of God which they did write it is sayd that there be foure kyndes of people which did and doe heare the word of God all of them sayd they beléeued but when tribulatiō came vppō them for the words sake that they wer tryed therby there was but one parte of them foūd that had receiued the truth and they were thorowly tried by passing the pikes of persecution with patiēce and did fructifie aboūdantly some thirtie fold some sixtie folde some more some lesse So that in such maner I mean by persecution the Lord doth try out distinguishe the true beléeuers from the false fayned As when by a blast of wynde the wheate is discouered from the chaffe so known to be perfect Euen so by puffes of persecution care calamitie trouble other the scourges of God a perfect true Christian is certeinely surely tryed and knowen Wherefore it is written in Iesus the sonne of Syrache as followeth what knoweth he that was neuer tempted and he that was neuer tryed nor experyenced What can he vnderstand such a one is as a man that sléepeth doeth not know nor estéeme christianitie without a tryall or experience Before that we be experienced by patience in bearyng the crosse will any of vs bée so bolde as Peter was to resist agaynst the enimyes of our master and the trueth till he sée himself out of daunger of imprisonment peril and persecutiō by such like persecutors no surely it is muche to bée doubted But yet when God hath sent vppon vs persecutions and troubles and of his mercy hath gyuen vs patyence and constancie wherby we haue confessed before our aduersaryes the fayth which by the gospel we haue receiued and when that to folow our Lord maister we haue put in proofe to aduenture our lyues and so passe thorough all the euils and afflictions that can be offered to vs Euen then and not til then we doe remayne tryed by the touchstone of trueth and doe know by experience that our fayth is firme true and of great effycacie and valour before god Bycause then wée are by him so vnyted in Christ that neyther Castles prysons tormentes threatnings dishonours losses of substance nor yet the same death that hée him selfe dyed can seperate vs from hym So that then haue we suche experience as Peter had and then dare we to strike of Malchus the high priest his seruaunt his right eare if néede were But yet the experyence that Peter had was not altogither by the persecution which hée suffered hymselfe but rather by that which he had séene hys pure good master to suffer c. So that this experience and firme knowledge that we haue to know the good from the euill and wherevppon to grounde our fayth that wee might boast and reioyce in God for it is ingendred and begotten of that constant pacience which by fayth wée haue to tollerate and beare the tribulations that we are brought into for the profession of his name Paciēce also bringeth vnto vs experyence of the pure goodnes truth of our faith doth assure vs that we ar not deceued nor liue by the vain imaginatiōs of men but by the word of god Wherby Christ is reuealed vnto vs we doe know our saluatiō Also there is verified herein that which is spokē by S. Peter in the last tyme ye shal reioyce though now for a season ye be in many temptations yet your fayth once tryed being muche more precious then Goulde that perysheth thoughe it bée tryed with fyre you shal be found in lande glorie and honor at the appearing of Iesus Christ our sauiour Hovve that good experience bringeth forth hope of a shadovv of certein persecutions Cap. xix EXperyence gotten by patience doth beget and bryng foorth hope for hauyng experience in the might and potencie of God wée come and grow to haue a sure hope in hym bycause that how much the more greater our trial experience is so much the more firme certeine sure is our hope as Dauid Danyell and many other holy men which hauing prooued and being experiēced by great terrible tribulatiōs haue passed thorough the pikes of thē with great hope for that they had a feeling of the power presence of God in them thereby assured of the fauour of him that they were imboldened and brought into so sure a hope that none enimy nor nothing could ouercom nor preuaile against them Dauid beyng moued with the féeling of this fauor and full of firme hope in the goodnesse of the Lord which did susteine him against his enimies bring him forth of all his troubles with victorie sayd with all my hart haue I called on thée O Lorde and I will loue thée O my strēgth O Lord thou art my strēgth my Rocke my defēce my libertie and my god And I wil put my whole hope and trust in thee my buckler and my shield I wil call vppō thee so I shal bee deliuered from myne enymyes The troubles sorows of death haue invironed cōpassed me round about but I called vppon the Lorde and hée hath hard me from his holy Temple In lyke maner it happeneth and falleth out to all the faithfull for after that our faith is proued experienced and founde good by the pacience sufferance that God hath giuen vs Euen then our hope doeth so increase that we conceiue a moste firme securitie and certeintie of our saluation And so by means therof we begin to féele and know without doubt that we can not be lost nor forsaken but that for a more certeintie we shall obteine and come to the pure port of eternal health And hereof S. Iames speaketh and sayeth Blessed and happie is the man that suffereth temptations for when he is tryed he shal receiue the crowne of lyfe which God hath promysed to them that loue him In varyable and firme is this hope bycause it is founded grounded vppon Iesus Christ of his wordes and promises Wherof it is spoken in Mathew and Luke in Christes Gospell by them wrytten Blessed arte thou that mournest for thou shalte be comforted Blessed arte thou when men reuyle and abhorre thée persecute thée and speake all maner euill sayings of thée for my name sake Blessed arte thou the wéepest for thou shalt laugh Blessed art thou when men hate thée thrust thée out of their company and rayle abhorre thy name as an euill thing for the sonne of mans sake
which dooe not receiue Iesus Christ the remission of sinnes and the reconciliation that is gotten for vs by him with the handes of faith may not nor cannot receiue him by meanes of any other woorcke that they can dooe but are euermore in their sinnes and subiecte to eternall malediction We may not haue peace with GOD by any other way or meane then in that we are acceptable vnto him by fayth we are acceptable and admytted vntoo hys fauour and grace by fayth in Iesu Christe He is by and by alwayes pleased with vs we haue rightuousnesse before him as the Apostle teacheth saying we being iustified by fayth haue peace with God by our Lorde Iesus Christ by whom we haue a waye through faythe vnto this grace the which must be firme surely fixed in vs Whereby it is declared that Iesus Christ is the onely aucthour of our rightuousnesse that we be made partakers of his health by the fayth we haue in him By the which we be surely certified that we be all ready reconsiled to God that he is in peace with vs by this reason we are assured that we possesse lyfe euerlasting The diuine Scriptures doo teache vs the same all the Prophetes sayth sainct Peter beare testimony of Iesus Christe and that through his name all that beléeue in him shall receiue remission of sinnes Also S. Paule in the Actes of the Apostles speaking of Christ sayth by him is preached vnto you remission of sinnes and by him all that beleue are iustified in all thinges from the which ye could not be iustified by the law of Moyses wherefore all that beleue in Christ Iesus are iustified by fayth in him So that it must néedes be that remission of sinnes and all other benefites promised of God we receiue them of him by fayth in his Gospell Dauid taught by the holy ghost dyd sée that all that was in him and that he might doo was cause of condempnacion at the handes of God beinge seuerely examined by the rigour and iustice of his Lawe He had his recourse to the Almightie God and dyd take him for his Patrone in iudgement and dyd pray to him with great vehemency besechinge him that he should not iudge him according to his law enter not into iudgement saith he with thy seruant bicause that no flesh is to be founde righteous in thy sight So that he confessith that we are iustified onely by grace and mercy and by the pittie and loue that god behouldeth in his sonne Iesu Christe for and towardes vs For that by the loue that he hath to vs in him he hath called vs put from before him quite away all our sinnes offences wickednesse that euer we committed and hath forgiuen vs all our disobedience and graunted vs true obedience and satisfaction neither more nor lesse then as if we had gottē it our selues For to take vs out of all doubts and to the ende to deliuer vs from our olde wicked lyinge errours in the which vntill now we haue liued the Lord mightie Iehouah sayth by the Prophet Esay it is I it is I my selfe O my people that haue blotted out all thy misdéees and wickednesse for the loue of my selfe and for myne owne sake I haue done it will neuer remembre them againe So that it is he that deliuereth vs from our sinnes and iniquities without any merit or desert on our behalfe that is any thing auailable at all And of his owne frée will loue and liberalitie doothe vse the same towardes vs. Of an excelent comfort by the loue of god Cap. vii SO it restith that all that men can doo or may or can inuent to work by any kinde of meane by this scripture it is excluded condēpned for most horrible wicked abhominable For why ther is but one Iesus Christ who is the pardener of our sinnes by god the Father there is no cause why without Christ that we should be pardoned by god the father for them By Christ onely are we pardoned we are the vnrightuous he the onely aucthor of rightuousnesse In vs there is no cause why but that we should be most iustly cōdempned and in him onely is there great cause why we should by him be saued S. Peter saith there is none other name vnder heauen giuen vnto men wherby we should be saued but onely the name of Iesus Christ In an other place S. Peter saith again that neither we can not nor our forefathers could not beare the weightie yoke of the Lawe yet we are in béeléefe to be saued by our Faithe in Iesus Christ our Lord by his grace as well as they For as by fayth God dyd purify their hartes so likewyse dooth he purifie ours Christ sayd vnto his disciples that by the word which they had heard and beleued they wer made cleane and thereby had purified them of their sinnes and made them freindes with god So that we haue rightuousnesse and diuine holinesse by fayth that doothe remaine to vs in the promises of god and the hope that we haue in his mercy and trueth with that which he doothe promise vs to be our fréendly Father and pittifull for the loue of Iesu Christ From hence it is that the Prophet Dauid doothe acknowledge that there is but one rightuousnesse that is of any valour at all before god and that may apeare and come valiently before him in his diuine iudgement The Prophet sayth I will thincke and all wayes haue in remembraunce thy onely iustice and rightuousnesse By which reason he dooth recken houlde and account all humaine and carnall rightuousnesse and holinesse for most wicked and vnrightuous Bicause they are so filthie fowle and spotty that men may haue no help of them to satisfie in part nor in all before the diuine iudgement of god But of necessitie they are to retourne againe condempned eternally bicause they ioyne the cleane works of the Lawe with the vncleane and filthy fowle spottid woorkes of the fleshe Wherby we sée derely beloued brethren that there is no more but one Iesus Christ redemer of the world wherfore we can haue no more rightuousnesse but that which is his by the which we are to be saued Nor there is no other meane and waye to obteyne a pardon generall for our sinnes and reconciliacion with God then the fayth and hope whereby we doo beleue his diuine promises and do assure our selues of all that which by those promises are declared vnto vs Wherby we haue frée libertie giuen vs to call and saye O our Father c. The holy ghost doothe teach vs in his Church the doctrine of this true catholicke And therefore as taught and guided thereby let vs imbrace folow him by whose word we haue receued this reuelaciō clearnesse For this cause dyd Iesus christ giue thāks to god the father in the name of all his faithfull and therewith together dyd
which we ought alwayes to accōpt for his plāts with a dayly study to be of that numbre which the Prophet Dauid speaketh of that haue all their affection delight in the lawe and ordinance of the Lorde and doo meditate and walke in the same bothe day and night bicause we might fructifie and bringe foorthe good fruite in dewe season God dyd plant vs in his sonne giuing him vnto vs to be our redéemer the footesteppes of whome we should followe and with whose rightuousnesse our faults were couered And therfore we ought to haue a constant faythe and beléefe that he is such a one as wée confesse him to be in our Créede or twelue Articles of our Faythe and reioyce that we haue him to be our eternall highe Preste Kinge and Sauiour that liueth eternally to be an intercessour for vs and to fulfill for vs all that God dooth commaunde or aske for that in him is hidden all science treasure and wysedome This is the faythe that muste be in our hartes by the which we are ioyned to Christ Iesus and dooe knowe the sufficiency that we haue in his ritches by him to whose goodnesse we must be appendant but not as in the tyme of our blindenesse when we confessed him with our mouthes and denyed him in our workes We confessed that wée dyd loue and beleue him but it was a lye false and nothinge so We sayde that we dyd beleue he was our sauiour but it was not true for why wée sought healpe and healthe in vaine thinges that he dyd neither commaunde nor yet alowe and also dyd liue in the beléefe and follow those vaine vanities vntill now of late We confessed him to be Christ King of all Kings and principall highe Preste and yet we gaue no place vnto the fruite of his Gospell in our hartes where it should haue béene and he also haue liued We sayde hée was a highe Preste but yet we accounted better of Antechrist and made him our high Prest Of him onely dyd we séeke pardon for our sinnes and sinfull delightes we set a syde Iesus Christe our true remitter whome by his moste precious deathe and passion dyd make and fulfiill suche satisfaction to our GOD his Father for our offences as none but hée coulde doo the like Yea although the wrath and heauie displeasure of GOD were neuer so fully satysfied yet wée dyd thincks our selues to make satisfaction by our owne deuised merittes and nothing estemed the merites of Iesus Christ which were of a most infinite and vnspeakeable vallour for the healthe of his elected beleuers Yet now déerely beloued let vs account for vaine all our owne deseruinges and all mens merites so full of vnrightuousnesse trust onely to his mercy in his diuine iudgement in which none may perfectly percist but onely his owne He was giuen vnto vs for our onely euerlasting Aduocate to God the Father commaūding vs that we should aske any thinge that we haue néede of at the handes of god the Father in his name But making little price hereof lesse regarding him we sought other mediatours as to this sainct and by the diuillish helpe of that relique c. What was this but to denie the fayth by ours workes which we confessed with our lippes bicause therein we would be accompted christians yet in our hartes we were condempned for vngodly For why with our mouthes we made confession to serue and honour Christ when as in déede with all our workes and studies we serued curssed Antichrist and walked in errors euery man after his owne way and accordyng to our owne inuentions as sayeth the Prophet Esay But now sith it is so apparant that by the great goodnes and singular benifit of the almightie God we doe beleue truely in Iesu Christ his onlye sonne our sauiour Let vs accordingly liue in that godlinesse and trueth that he hath taught and shewed vnto vs by his word and spirite hée hath marked vs for his owne with the same signe seale the which he hath marked his chosen They which doe persecute vs doe not knowe vs but doe both holde accompt vs for aliaunts and straungers vnto themselues they maye nor can not suffer vs in the world no more then they might suffer our Lord Iesus Christ who hath done such a benifite for all mankinde and of whom assuredly we are So that we ought to vnderstand and accompt for most certeine and sure that all the causes of our troubles wherewith we are so hated afflicted persecuted in this world is as S. Paule saith bicause we trust beleue in the lyuing God who is the sauiour of all the faithfull Notwithstāding the false coulers which they vse in their quarelsome war that they make with vs they couer thēselues with a cloak say that we are heritikes that they are holy it is so in déede but yet it is but a fayned holynesse the which God by his worde hath cōdempned for abhominable Wherfore let vs arme our selues with a firme sure hope the God yea our God will bée our sure helper defender against thē in all our troubles for that we be the worke of his handes he hath made vs redéemed vs and we be his owne the cause is his and will suffer no harme nor euil to touch vs Let vs not fal from nor yet be weake in this truth which God hath reuealed vnto vs but let vs be fully assured that it is his might power will the deliuereth vs saueth all beleuers We are set sure therby from all perils dangers and taken out of all afflictions S. Simon in the gospel of S. Luke doth prophesie that Iesus Christ was sent for the rysing falling of many people in Israel that by him are reuealed the thoughtes of meny hartes that wée should be saued from all that hate vs Euen now in these dayes is this prophesie fulfilled Assoone as the worde of the Gospel was preached amōgst vs and that it did reueale vnto vs thē our lord Iesus both they we might haue séene the effect of this prophesie euen so it may be still some of them he did please to condempne for that they did resist furiously did persecute condempne him Others which were thē that did beleue were reysed edifyed and saued by him for whose sake they are hated held accoūted for abhominable in the world And the thoughtes of some that were holy hallowers sanctifiers of mē were are discouered and shewed to be of such cōditiō qualitie that they cānot suffer the holines of our Lord sauiour Iesus Christ but do so rebell against him that they vse their vttermoste force wyth crueltye to throw him out of the world Of a great cause of comfort by reason of the crosses of Christ c. Cap. ix BVt sith it hath pleased God that our lotte hath bene so luckye our happe so
God is the Lord and that by his worde he ought to be serued and worshipped of all mankinde I say let them doe it if they can but in despight of them I say againe they cannot For all that euer they doe is no more but as if by spetling they shuld prooue or goe about to pearse the heauens and so spitte vpward accordingly and then the same fall backe again into their owne faces whereby they are filthily fouled to their owne reproche Wherefore let vs not feare them in none of their bragges but let vs put on the armour of the Apostles and throw away all humain affiance Let vs assure our selues that by our afflictions and death are distroyed and ouerthrowen the enimies contradytors and geinsayors of vs the Gospell For God doeth deale with our enimies nowe in the same order maner and forme as he did with them in tymes past which persecuted spake against the Prophets and Apostles bycause that they taught the same gospell of lyfe which we now haue and teach by Christ we liue and for him we suffer persecutiō euen so did they yet he hath alwayes gotten the victorie as well for them as for vs And therefore let vs not tempt God but let vs trust wholy in him his mercy power and strength And also haue in hatred all humaine helpes and fauours whatsoeuer What is the cause that so many do fainte fall become amased in their mindes so that they can not perseuer in that trueth which God hath commaunded And also that some other being wonderfully lighted with the cleare and pure light of the Gospell and séeing the workes and wonders so admirable that God doth shew vnto them by the same are so sluggyshe and colde that they stande at a staye and care not whither they goe forewardes yea or no Surely and without doubt there is none other cause but that onely by the instigatiō of the diuill they are so deceiued that they robbe God of his honour put their trustes wholy one in an other taking men for their staffe to staye vppon to the end they might stande in all their troubles regardyng humayne fauor so muche that they leaue God and flye therevnto for refuge in all theyr aduersities and calamities Some doe trust in their ryches others in theyr honours some in the friendshippe of great men other some in that they be Gentlemen and of the noble bloude and so foorth in other the lyke prerogatiues What other thing is thys but as if one should trust in a shadow or a smoake which vanysheth almost so soone as it is seene When that we consider the causes for which we are afflicted whereof God is the author from whom we flée and doe put our trust in men or in any thing that they can doe for vs is as muche in our ayde as to truste vnto Egipt or to the strength of the Egyptians or as in a broken Réede whiche one holdeth to staye him selfe by and it doeth not onely suffer him to fall but also with the slyuers thereof doeth so prick and hurte hys handes as maketh him repent that he had no more vnderstandyng in tyme then to trust thervnto It belongeth to one that is a Christian and faythfull to bée buylded and firmely founded vppon that fyrme Rocke or stone which is Christ and not to flee from the same to any humaine helpe or succour that perisheth for that against this true foundation the wyndes of tribulations tempests of torments nor stormes of mischiefs and wickednesse cannot preuayle agaynst it or make it to remoue or alter And therfore hauing so sure a foundatiō as Christ let vs assure our selues that there is nothyng in the worlde that can remoue vs from it As the holy Ghost doeth testifye saying hée that trusteth in the Lord shal neuer bée confounded but shal be alwayes firme sure as the holy hyll of Syon Hovv vve ought to bee instructed in trueth and veritie and to haue no confidence in mens traditions The xxij Chapter GOd will that we beliue trust and be ruled by him and his word onely and not in no maner of wyse by the aucthoritie of men although they séeme neuer so wyse holy and faythfull if they teach and instruct not by the prescript worde of God wherein is all trueth Bycause if our trust in God be accordyng to had by theyr outward fained holines and goodnes it serueth for little or nothing but to make vs so weake and féeble that we cannot tast the drink of the liquor of lyfe which is the fruit of the Gospell with so stiffe stoute a stomake as we oughte And also that the rather our weakenesse shall bée made more weake our infirmitie more infirme and sicke But if we belieue onely in Iesu Christ trust stedfastly in him we shall be necessarily instructed and strengthened not to dismaye vs but to be more firme and strong agaynst all kynde of euill and wickednes Yet for all that the ministers of God will onely teache according to the worde that mē should repose their trust wholy in Christ as aforesayde and that he is the aucthor of all truth and rightuousnesse Their intent is nothyng but to be faithfull to the Lord which sent them And to prepare his waye teachyng and shewyng vnto men by the law the condempnation in which they were by sinne and howe seuere God is in his iudgementes to the vnbeléeuers and superstitious aucthors of guyle and deceipt and the folowers thereof contrary to true religion they will reduce and induce as many as they can to Iesus Christ their master by the gospell onely as to one in whom is alwayes a remedie for any kynde of mischiefe For that from him the elected doe receiue all things and doe know by him that God is theyr father almightie they do not nor wil not sel nor giue them selues for gods nor yet maintain themselues for gods Viccars generall vppō earth nor one of them doeth not chalenge more authoritie in bynding and loosing blessing or curssing nor in distributing the word of God then an other doth they shewe them selues for men subiecte to all humaine infirmities as wel one as another of them They doe teache and preach that our faith must not come from men from them but from God the word of truth doth teach them this doctrine and vs also And therfore let vs not attribute any kind of thing vnto any maner of mā neither faithfull holy nor Saincte but vnto God who giueth lyfe to the dead some time conuerteth the hartes of and calleth our persecutors into the way of rightuousnesse and truth Although the men be weake lacketh strength doth often stumble to do any thing that is good yet Gods truth which they teache is not so Although they be discoraged afraid bicause of the persecution which they sée yet the word of trueth is almightie fayleth not All the disciples themselues fainted and feared
in moste dispiteous or spightfull maner signe of mockery dyd make him naked dispoiling him of his apparreile cloath him at theyr pleasures with purple and put a réede in his hande and a crowne of sharpe thornes vppon his bare tender head they dyd wounde boffet his tender body with most cruell blowes and strypes of fistes and whips they made as it were a may game of him a king in mockery misconstruing the accompt which ought to haue bene had of him and accompted hym a man deceyued in his opynion a deceyuer of the people and not the sonne of God. Of the same sorte and in the lyke maner doe they deale at this day with and to the faithful the members of his blessed bodie our bretheren onely bycause they call them selues the children of God as in truth they are they doe spoile persecute thē euen vnto the death But they shame not to shew themselues if they be faithful in déed therfore they be not apparelled nor doo not were nor yet delight in the ornaments of honor which are vsed in the world bicause they be not thereof They doe onely apparell thēselues with the spitefull dishonors vsed vnto Christ in thē nothing ashamed therof they are hidden therby couered shadowed from the spite of wicked worldlīgs as he hym self was they are cloathed by their foes the enimies of God with S. Bennets liuery coate in significatiō that they are only allowed known of god though the world doe the contrary that he doeth loue them as childrē though the world doe abhorre them as fooles full of folly deceyued in their opinions of the truth great deceyuors Then are they tryed with a certaine kynde of thing on their heads lyke vnto a myter that is painted full of diuilles which doth signify the kingdom that Christ Iesus gayned for the elected when as hée did were the crowne of thorne did suffer his passion precious death so spitefull vppō the crosse by the diuilles painted theron we may vnderstād the sin hell death the diuil are already ouercome killed they haue no more force against them nor can doe no more harme vnto them then those vaine painted pictures Bicause euen as Iesus Christ dyd lyue héere vppō earth dyd wear those or such like cognisāces or badges of dishonor himself So now he doeth liue reigne vnder those ornamēts apparels in thē his own so scorned spited crucified for his loue and professyng of his name Sith he then is thus lyuing in them then by him in them is distroyed all the workes of the diuill Bycause as S. Iohn sayeth Christ came into the world to the same end Whereby it is manifest that those things by the which our persecutors doe thinke to dryue vs from the knowledge of God for that they know him not them selues are sure signes and perfect tokens of our probation tryall and of the certeine inheritance of his blessed kingdome Wherein after the ende of a fewe houres a moment or twinckling of an eye in effect wée are to enter and shall reigne most trivmphantly in great glorie for euer world without ende It is gréeuous vnto vs the faithful when in béeyng persecuted with the peruerse and crooked crueltie of men if any of vs doe happen to faint and for feare renounce to trust vnto the mercy and ayde of God yet by the gift of his holy spirit we doe not onely repent presently and are greatly gréeved in déede to thinke that so fondly we followed the foolish fleashly folly of our enemies and forsooke the blessed banner of Iesus Christ our carefull captaine But also we are then fresh of force in faith and are litle or nothing discomforted thereby nor do not thinke that much is lost though we did stumble stagger and fall by the crosse as aforesaide and so did doubt in the truth of Christe no nor yet we do not looke for our redirection from men nor momishe mamotes the piuish puppetly pelting patchery priests of Baall It is altogether by the good will and loue of God that we do remēber our selues how that we were not onely without sinne but also subiect greatly vnto the same and not onely to the euils of vs had in experience but also to all kinde of wickednesse by vs vnexperimented And also by his like loue wee do remember that God did make promise vnto vs that his mercy should be euerlasting to the humble and penitent with a speciall pardon and forgiuenes of sinnes without any more remembrance of them For as the father hath pittie and compassion vppō his children Euen so hath the Lord almightie pittie and compassion vppon all them that feare him Bycause he doeth knowe right well of what a myschyeuous massye moulde or mettall we are made off and doeth consider that wée are but dust And therefore sith that our Iehouah our most almightie God as a most louing father hath alwayes had mercy vpon vs let vs be most certainly assured that euen so he wil haue now and alwayes for euer Wherefore let vs forsake and cast of that curssed and execrable mercy offered of our aduersaries the condempnors of the Gospell otherwyse we are to forgo our partes and porcions of the true mercye of God which is at as greate enmytye and contrarie with and to their mercie as can bée Of the true similitude of the true church The xxvi Chapter FRom hēceforth neither let vs not feare nor doubt the trueth of Iesu Christ that is crucyfied nor yet beleue as the blynde doe for amongest the christians at this day the conditiō of Christ and the true doctryne of the Gospell is euen as it was when hée him selfe was conuersant on earth amongest our predecessors The rightuousnesse truth preached taught vnto vs now is so the very same that it was then all one Abhorred and euil spoken of by the world now as then Of those that be giuen to superstition holines such as the world doeth allow he is condempned to bée false fained And of those that be fully fraight with worldly affects wisdom he is condempned to be foolysh very ful of folly all of thē both one other doe condēpne him for an heritike ful of errours And also as at the fyrste he was condemned by the sayde holy and wise of the world the doctors of the law the learned the Bushoppes Prouisors Inquisitors Pharises Iudges of religion Euen so now are their others like vnto them so to be poped that they condemne both hym and his gospel together and as much as in them is they vse and set abroch to kill the heire our principall menber and to throwe hym out of the Viniarde And suche as goe aboute to reedifye and builde againe the Temple so longe layde waste they do reproue and séeke to dispoile them of the chiefe and principall cornerstōe of their
iustifie sayeth hée doe I also glorifie So that the ende thereof is to be glorified as Iesus Christe was when God the father did put hym in hys kingdome and there made him Lorde ouer all hys enimyes by the afflictions and crosses which hée had suffered passed And as the way which our redéemer Tetragramatō tooke to be glorified by was crosses of persecutiō whereby he passed and tooke possession of his heauenly kingdome In lyke maner by those persecutions whych now we suffer is the most perfect way for vs to bée glorified by also As wée may be well assured by Iesus Christ our head who is alreadie gone before vs by the same way whose footesteps of force we must follow This way is so direct that whosoeuer passeth by it it is not possible so he do it with faith that he should misse but with all perfectnesse enter into his kingdom Bycause as those that passe any other way doe walke till they loose them selues so those that kéepe this way which is the true way cannot but bée glorified in suffering with Christ for that they did perseuer in his truth and true religion till the end And therefore all those which shall suffer dy for so iust a cause let thē reioice be glad assurīg thēselus of their glorification with Christ Iesus for euer For why Gods truth cānot alter nor chaūge nor yet any thing that is ioyned therw t cānot be seperated by mā The holy ghost saith by the apostle S. Paule that all those which God dyd knowe and acknowledge he did predestinate bycause they shoulde be conformable and lyke in shape vnto the image of his sonne And those which were predestinate he did call those which hée called he also iustified those which he iustified he did glorifie So that of necessitie those which he did predestinate he did also glorifie and the way and meanes to come to be glorified is to be called and iustified by passions and crosses to be conforme and lyke vnto his sonne Wherefore those two things be so vnyted and knit togither that the one is comprehended within the other for that in suffering with Christ and to be made lyke vnto him is comprehended the ioyntely beyng glorified with him And therefore all them that suffer afflictions and calamities in this world may assure them selues that in the ende they shall bée glorified in Christ for whome they were afflicted Beloued bretheren we haue béene alreadie called of God by the Gospel And although that before our callyng we were loste yet nowe we are washed sanctified and iustified by the bloud and name of our Lord Iesus and by the spirit of our god This is a plaine testimony that we haue all our secret election from one and that is Christ by whom we doe certifie our selues thereof Also the world by the persecutions and sorowes that we suffer in it and by the hatred that it vseth towardes vs doeth manifestly shew that by the diuyne mercie of God we are called and iustified For why the world can not abyde vs nor none but his owne Whilest we were of the worlde hée made vs many delycate deintie delightes and trimly intreated vs as if we had bene his owne But afterwardes whē God had giuē vs the true light of his Gospell and so seperated vs a sunder that it was euident and apparant vnto all that we were the true members of Christ our head and none of his Then he blustered and blowed against vs he rufled roared brayed and rayled at vs and did so extréemely abhorre vs that he did nor will not rest to vse all kynde of crueltie that he can to cast vs out quyte from hym And so our sauiour Christ doeth confyrme vnto vs by Sainct Iohn saying if the world doe abhorre and hate you then remember howe that fyrst it hated mée If you were of the world the world would loue you as hys owne But bycause you be not of the worlde and that I haue chosen you to my self the world doeth hate and abhorre you Remember the wordes which I haue sayde vnto you the seruaunt is not greater then his Lorde if they haue persecuted mée they will also persecute you Wherby it resteth manifest that those which be persecuted killed and abhorred of the world are alreadie taken called by God from the worlde to him selfe and washed and purified with the bloud of hys sonne Iesus Christ So that we are to acount our selues glorified if we be hated doe suffer in such maner And therefore sith we be so certified and shewed by such signes and tokens so euident that we be elected and chosen eternally in Christ Iesu and that wée be partakers of his rightuousnesse let vs also be assured of it that we shall atteine to the ende of our election in dispite of the world and all the ministers thereof and of all their false and curssed religion When that men without God and hys Christ will and doe burne vs or giue vs any other kynde of death let vs vnderstand that it is the checkmate and ende of all our troubles and calamities and that then is set open vnto vs the gates of the glory of God that we might enter in enioy with him for euer the inestimable ryches of his eternall kingdom When the enimies of God and his Gospell persecuted S. Steuen to the death euen whē he was in the most chiefest checks tauntes troubles amongest them he sawe the glorie of God did sée heauē open Iesus Christ sitting on the right hād of the father ready to receiue him to crown him as his martir faithful witnesse So that in the strongest torments and most cruell deathes heauen is opened vnto vs And therefore we ought not to be abashed to faynte nor to feare at any of their torments but to stand strongly and go forward with a good stomake and courage and neuer to looke behynde vs that wee might ouertake attain to and apprehend or comprehende the resurrection of Christ Iesus accordyng as wée be in him comprehēded Our enimies are vnwilling herewith but god willeth and hath ordeyned that there is nothyng that may or can be any let hinderance or impediment to kéepe backe that hys election and eternall counsell wherein he loued vs should not take effecte accordingly that wée might be made conformeable and like vnto his sonne as well in his death as also that we should be pertakers of his glorious resurrection All the euill that men doe against the faithfull is to none other end but to let and hynder if they could the predetermination of god Thinking to make them beléeue that there is no other way to bring the same to passe or that it passeth by none other meane or rule thē by those which they doe allowe and not by the truth which they cōdempne after their owne fantasies delights No no God nor no pointe of hys gouernement and will
farre better in the worlde to come both in being and suffering It is not lawfull nor requisite to depryue our selues of our liues nor yet to desire death for any euill that happeneth whatsoeuer for whye it perteyneth onely vnto God to take and giue life accordyng to hys good will and pleasure Hée dyd make vs and can vnmake vs when it pleaseth him hée willeth and desireth nothing but onely that wée be readie and doe gyue our selues wholy to his honour and glorie in suche sorte as he hath prescribed vnto vs by hys worde Whyther it be with losse of life if néede requyre or worldly possessions It maketh no matter bycause that so is executed the offyce indéede of true and perfect disciples What reason haue we thē to feare death for a thing so holy and of such rightuousnesse if it were not for that wée thynke that hée with his vglye and lothsome lookes would haue seignorie ouer vs and take vs into hys rule or Lordship when they so cruelly kill vs If we will giue credit to the word of the Lord we shal clear and plainly sée that then we die not we can not die These same are the words verily verily I say vnto you he that heareth my word beléeueth in him the sēt me shal haue life euerlasting and shal not come in cōdempnation But hath alreadie escaped from death to life He saith also I am the resurrection the life he that beleueth in me although hée were dead yet shall he liue And also all that liue beléeue in me shall neuer tast of sée death nor yet dye These are the true wordes of Gods owne mouth by the which we be fully assured that there is no death at all to them that beléeue in Christ Iesus and that in béeing his he hath alreadye dyed for vs and wée shall dye no more For that by him death is alreadie distroyed and hath no more but as it were the name thereof onely to the faithfull S. Iohn in his reuelation calleth death to the faithful a rest from traueils And in deed to die or departe this lyfe is onely to vs a rest most comfortable with God our lord The lyfe which we liue in this world diserneth not the name of life bicause it is so full of perils daungers but by death as our enimyes terme it we are vppon a sodaine taken foorth of them and deliuered from all and so brought into rest and ioye eternally And therfore S. Paul right wel did desire to be desolued or loosed from his bodie and to be with Christ to ioye of that full libertie alreadye spoken of Iesus Christ dyd distroye death and as death had no power ouer hym no more hath he in none of his members He him selfe sayeth by the Prophet Osée death I will be thy death S. Paule writeth that death hath lost the victorie and is swallowed vp therein And death where is thy sting hell where is thy victorie the sting of death is sinne and the power of sinne is the lawe But thankes be to God that hath giuen vs the victory by our Lorde Iesus Christ So that death hath no power nor naught els wherewith to hurte the faithfull for sinne is the weapon wherewith hée woundeth the which is distroyed by Christ so is death ouercome thus the lyfe that is in vs is eternall and we shall neuer dye And that which our aduersaries offer vnto vs is but a representation of death the which alreadie wee haue ouercome by our conseruator and heade Christ Iesus by whom we possesse the victorie Of the cause that Christ did feare death and hovve constant diuers martirs haue bene sithens in their martirdome c. The xxx Chapter THe cause why that our sauiour séemed to fear death was onely to shewe him self in his manhoode and that he had taken vppon him the sinnes of all mankinde bycause he would winne the victorie of all his enimyes so dryue away the doubt that was in the amased myndes of the faythfull And also to shewe that bicause de dyed death was kylled thereby and could haue no more power ouer vs The true credite and beliefe héereof dearely beloued is verie requisite and necessarie for vs. It hath béene séene that many seruants of God animated by beliefe or faith in the truth of the same haue taken their crosses with great courage ioye and contentment of mynde as if they had gone to feastes of greate honour or as if they ledde a tryumphant Bryde by the hande to sette hyr in some beautyfull throne with the Brydegroome That vertuous Virgyne Agatha when shée was caryed to death out of pryson where long shée had bene with no great worldly delyghtes I warrant you for professing the truth in the Gospell which faithfully shée beléeued sayde that euen then shée went to feastes or a feaste of greate ioye Saincte Vincent or that good holye confessor being laide vppon hoat burnyng coales a broyling for the same trueth made a mocke at his masking persecutors and sayde that the like crosse and death to any Christian was great cause of ioye to hym and all his companion members The godly man Ignacius Bishoppe of Antyoche in the persecution that the terrible Tyrant Traiano committed and vsed against the christians beyng by him an Infidell and his fidell confederates condempned to bée throwen vnto wylde beastes to the ende that most terriblie hée should bée torne in péeces by their terrible téethe Hee hearyng the roaryng of the Lyons prepared amongest other their panyons to execute the sentence gyuen so against him said with great ioy I am the wheat of Iesu Christ which shal be ground by the téene sharp téeth of those execrable beastes to bée made pure and cleane vnto the Lorde And by report of an english mā my friend this translator there was in Essex where as he was borne in England diuers faithfull witnesses as Wats Hawkes Pigot Cawson Ardely Sympson with many others there and as well in other countreis with in the sayd Realme did most ioyfully receiue valiently stande to their tryall by the fire and in the myddest thereof with great gladnesse of their forewardnesse in getting the victorie dyd imbrace the golden flames of the same eche of them saying with great courage O Lord receyue my soule and Lord into thy hands I commend my spirit for thou hast redéemed mée O Lord God of truth Moreouer many of them in going therevnto gladly and in a most triumphant maner like men goyng to moste gladsome ioyes would with great and mightie good will bid their friendes farewell and so in token therof and of the sure hope which they had in the méeting of God and his heauenly company as well those gone before as they that were to come after would drinke a cup of burned wine vnto them as wel therfore as also to moist a little their sences whereby they might be the
from vs is but lent vs in this worlde But that which God hath giuen vs for our owne I meane the celestial riches which we are heires vnto to inherite for euer they can not be taken away although they doe the worst they can That which is ours is giuen vs for our owne with a pryuiledge irreuocable that we be his children inheritors of his kingdom and partakers of his glory That we also be his inheritance a dwellyng place for him to dwell in for euer with our selues also in him S. Peter doeth reioyce that we doe liue in him eternally and doe holde and account him for our God father and doeth giue thanks saying Blessed be God the father of our Lord Iesus Christ the which according to hys aboundant grace and mercy hath regenerated vs agayne to a lyuely hope by the resurrection from death of our Lord Iesus to enioy an inheritaunce immortall not contamynate but incorruptyble and vndefiled reserued in the heauens for those which are kept by the power of God thorough faith to obteine saluacion So that being kepte by the power of God which passeth strength of castles or any thing els what euill or harme can come or happen vnto vs. Thou dootst hyde them in the secret of thyne owne presence priuilie from prouoking the pride of men sayth the Prophet Dauid also further thou doost hide them as in a tabernacle frō the stowte caluminate strifes of euil tongues So that the greate brauery and boysteous bragges that the wicked doe braue with all it cannot hurt vs For that their pride theyr peuishnesse their caluminates their strifes theyr subtilties nor yet theyr generall and wicked coūsells cannot gréeue vs No more cannot the gréedye gréeuous rauuen nor hawtie hate of the diuel pearce nor penitrate the place where GOD dooth hide vs. That which did happen or fall out to Iesus Christ the same shall happen vnto vs For as he was whipped spoiled spitted on bloud drawen from nayled vppon the crosse otherwise iniured and blasphéemed did remaine the sonne of God and could not bée taken away nor let from callyng and acknowledging of hys God father and continued the redéemer of the world So lykewyse the faithfull the more they bée dishonoured dispoyled condempned cursed and iniurioustie handled the more they remayne alwayes the children of God and hys spirit doeth lyue the rather alwayes in them by the which they inuocate call and acknowledge hym for theyr father So that it foloweth that the worlde and all the greatnesse thereof I meane the tiranous tirany of the persecuting wicked worldlings with all the tirany and cursed crueltie they can doe can not hurt vs. To confirme make vs more strong in our faith the holy ghost by the prophet Dauid doeth declare vnto vs that all which our aduersaries dooe commit thonder out and threatten against vs and the Gospell is in vaine For he saith the gentiles fret rage and fume furiously and the people inuent vaine thinges The kings of the earth doo conspire and the princes and rulers of the Earth doo gather them selues together against the Lord and Christ his annointed It is vayne and shall take none effect at any tyme in vs nor yet nothinge at all that they can afflict vs with be it interior or exterior Bicause the Lord our god hath ouercome all our enimies aswell those which are visible and séene as those which are inuisible not séene And hath ouerthowne them in suche sort that they shal neuer more lift vp their heads against vs And thereof it accreweth and groweth that all is in vaine that they doo or can doo against him that hath ouercome them And moreouer all is in vaine that any fury can doo against the faithfull so that their iudgements and condempnacions are all in vaine For that if the iudgement of God can not preuayle agaynst them bycause they as the Apostle sayeth are knitte in Iesus Christ Howe can any of the iudgementes of theyr enimyes in any point preuayle agaynst them Vaine are their sentences and excommunications agaynst them for that God hath communicated them in Christ and made them partakers of his ryches It is a common practise among them to confiscate spoyle robbe the faythfull of their perishing ryches But yet in vayne bycause that Iesus Christ who is their true ryches will not bée robbed from them Their bodies are imprysoned yet hée reigneth in theyr liberties to ioy reioyce comfort and recreate theyr hartes Moreouer they are burned and receyue other kyndes of death to the imaginations of the persecutors bycause they should not lyue but they shall neuer dye For Sainct Paule sayth your liues are hydden with Christ in God. Fynally theyr instrumentes and other weapons the which they take vp to vse theyr cruelties with it is but in vayne agaynst them I meane agaynst the faythfull for that he that sitteth and is resident in the heauens sayeth the Prophet shall deryde and make a mock at their folly the Lord will laughe them to scorne for theyr great foolishnes They doe think them selues to be of the number of his chosen and yet the more they doe impryson and kill the very chosen in déed so muche the more soouer they thinke to recouer his heauēly kingdom a great mockery no doubt and is no more but as it were an Emmet should fighte with an Elephante or a foolishe flea with a foule Cammell Were it not also foolishe phoprie for a man to fight with a shadowe thinkyng it to bée a man of might Surely they doe none other which persecute fight against the faithfull Of whome the Prophete speaketh saying God hath put his faithfull in safetie so that no harme can touch them and where in no wise they may perish by the peuishnesse of any pelting persecuter There is none that séeketh to hurt or harme them but playeth the part of him that pusheth and fighteth with his owne shaddowe Against the Gospel the kinges princes the wise learned and holy in the world haue discouered and shewed openly some of them their knowledge suttelties threats othersome their valiency might and all of them doo affirme say that they doo nothinge but vpon a zeale of christianitie But that is such a zeale as he the gouerneth the Gloabe and in the heauens dwellith doth deride laugh and make a mocke at And doth threaten that in place and lue of the same he will speake to them in his ire and vex them in his heauy displeasure And also chastise them with an horrible and terrible chastisemēt as he hath done from the beginning and that hath béen séene in our daies But sith it is so and that all is vaine that they doo or can inuent against vs that dooe knowe and beleue in Iesus Christ that he dooth deride mocke them in their doings Let vs not feare their foolishnesse and folly
in their cōspiracies which they vse against vs to deuide apart and seperate vs therby from gods trueth But let vs laugh at their folly with our good father who dooth nothing but laugh at and deride them for the same Of gods exceding loue greatly to the comfort of his people c. The .xiiii. Chapter ANd also sith that those fonde foolish fooles cannot harme nor gréeue vs and that we cannot be harmed nor gréeued by any kinde of calamitie For that we be in such securitie with God and that we be not made by our naturall weakenesse to follow their vanities and so brought with them to be subiect to the wrath and ire of god Let vs assure our selues of the great loue that god hath towardes vs consider the causes of our afflictions and so giue him thanckes accordingly And also let vs loue him as his true children for the loue of Iesus Christ with the same loue that his father hath loued him Of all those that were and should be his disciples he spake to his father the night before he should suffer saying O Father thou hast loued them with the same loue that thou hast loued me The loue with the which God loued his sonne is perpetuall and euerlasting and yet with the same loue hath he loued vs As it is sayde by Ieremy the prophet I haue loued you sayth the Lord with a loue charitie euerlasting Though all thinges perish vanish consume vade away yet this loue neither perisheth nor vanisheth but indureth for euer in one most mighty force being whether it be in prosperitie or aduersitie God dothe loue and except vs as his owne The which is verified experienced and proued by the Prophet Dauid which being in the toppe and chéefe of his tribulacions GOD dyd knowe him and deliuer him So that hée puttinge hys truste in him sayde althoughe my fréendes haue forsaken mée and my parents haue cast mée foorth yet the Lord my God wil deliuer mée and take mée vp Iesus Christe was loaden with all the sinnes of mankynde and with paines and passyons moste bytter intollerable and cruell for the same he was forsaken of his fréendes ouerwhelmed with enimies and extréemely persecuted yet GOD dyd loue him moste déerely was alwaies with him and dyd not nor wyll not neuer forsake him but dyd heare him in all his agonies and troubles Also he sayde to his Disciples euery one of you shal be afrayed of mée and scattered awaye and I shal be left alone yet I am not alone bicause the Father is with mée Also the Prophet sayth sith god is on my right hande I will not faynt nor feare what men doo to mée Wherby it apeareth that God dooth loue them that be his and wil be alwaies on theyr right hande when they be in greatest agonyes troubles and distresses How Iesus Christ dooth loue vs he himselfe dooth testifie and saye as the father hath loued me euen so haue I loued you He loued me most dearely vpon the crosse euen so doo I loue you He dooth loue vs as himselfe bicause we all which beleue be membres of his body of his fleshe and of his boanes There is no man that will forget and abhorre his owne flesh for when any part or mēbre of the body is wounded and most sicke then yea euen then is his loue the greater and greatest of all with greatest tendernesse doothe shew his might loue without forgetfulnesse So that in our greatest calamities afflictiōs we are of him best beloued for that he cannot nor will not forget vs. By the Prophet Esay he sayth can the mother by possibilitie forget hir selfe of hir owne onely sonne which she dyd beare in hir belly and bringe vp with milke euen from hir tendre breast Is it possible for hir so to forget him that she should neuer more take pitie vppon him If she doo forget hir selfe yet will I neuer forget you Bicause I haue you written in my handes at my fingers endes O worthy wordes spoken with suche a maiestie let vs not be mistrustful of thē for that God dooth speake them himselfe and to vs he doothe directe his speache And therefore when we depriued of our wealth and worldly riches most cruelly afflicted and héeld and accounted for abhominable Let vs thincke that God dooth and wil gouerne and helpe vs and will not forget but remembre vs as a thing most dearely beloued of him He sayth that he dyd write vs in his fingers endes and handes bicause that as the hands fingers endes be alwayes in sighte and cannot be forgotten So thereby doothe be giue vs to vnderstande that he dooth alwaies looke vpon his elected and wyll neuer forget them Bicause he dooth loue them with an affection more tēder a great deale then is that of the Mother towardes hir childe The which he declared right well to his disciples when he should depart from them by death he made a great many of very louing comfortable countenaunces vnto them and dyd promise great consolacion comfort in all their griefes and calamities though they wer neuer so great after his departure And therefore as assured of this great loue and charitie that the Lord our God hath towards vs perpetually Let vs not giue place to any thinge that is contrary to vs against him for that our firmnesse cōstancy and perseuerance dooth concist therein The conformitie which god dooth pretende that we which be his should haue with Christ by meane of the crosses and afflictions that we are to passe through is a sure and manifest signe and token of this his great loue with the which he loueth vs Bicause the effect thereof is so admyrable that it cannot procéede but from so high principle grounde or beginning as is our election the vocation with the which God dyd call vs doothe procéede from the loue which he hath towards vs in Christ So that all the meanes practises that he dooth vse towards vs to bring vs to the ende of our election which is to be gloryfied with him of necessitie must néedes procéede from the same originall When he dyd open our eies to sée our perdicion in the which we were and did giue vs the power and vertue of his spirit to imbrace and receue his sauing health it was a perfect sure signe that he dyd loue vs that we should not doubt thereof bicause he had done so great a pleasure for vs And therefore let vs now not feare that which thē we wer put out of doubt of bicause that all those afflictions calamities which now wée suffer from our Lord god are fruits a confirmacion of our calling And bicause we are so called beloued of him we are therefore so afflicted hated of the world Yet let vs not faint nor fal● from the trueth bicause that which the holy ghost doth testifie to all the mēbres of the