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A07163 The sycke mans salue VVherin the faithfull christians may learne both how to behaue them selues paciently and thankefully, in the tyme of sickenes, and also vertuously to dispose their temporall goodes, and finally to prepare them selues gladly and godly to die. Made and newly recognised by Maister Tho. Becon. 1561. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1561 (1561) STC 1757; ESTC S114654 179,042 552

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my voyce and I know them and they follow me and I geue vnto them euerlasting life they shall neuer perishe neither shal any mā plucke them out of my hande In this sentēce ye se that they whiche hear the voyce of theyr shepheard Christ are the shepe of Christ and that they shall neuer pearishe but haue euerlasting life Christ also said vnto Pilate Euery one that is of the truth heareth my voyce You hauing a minde to heare the word of God to heare the voyce of Christ that hie shepheard haue shewed your self to be of y e truthe So beyng you cannot perish but obtain euerlasting life For Christ him self pronounceth them blessed which hear the word of God and kepeth it that is to saye beleue it and study to frame their life according vnto y e same Epa. Moreouer I haue euer had a desire I thāke y e Lord my God for it to pray vnto the Lord my God and to call on his holy name although I cōfesse not so feruently as I ought Phil. This thing also doth fully certifie your conscience y t you are of the nūber of Gods elect and to fore appoynted vnto euerlasting saluation For it is written Whosoeuer doth cal on the name of the Lord shalbe safe Againe he hath cried vnto me I will gratiously heare him yea I am with him in trouble and I will deliuer him glorifie him With long life wil I satisfy him and shew him my saluation Ep. God be thanked I am now wel quieted in my cōscience and fear Sathan nothing at all I thinke my self at this present so strong and so thorowly enarmed against the deuill and all his wicked army that I am nothing afraid to enter battaill with hym but am fully perswaded that by the help and power of my graund captaine Iesu Christ I shal ouer throw him One doubt remaineth that once dispatched I trust I shalbe in some redines for y e Lorde my God whēsoeuer he sendeth for ●e calleth me out of this wretched worlde Phi. What is that Epa. I haue heard many times at the mouth of diuers men whiche haue a good opinion of thē selues of their owne wit doctrine learning that no man in this worlde is certain of his saluation niether can any man say with a safe conscience and vndouted faith I am of the nūber of Gods elect I am a vessell of mercy I shal be saued My name is registred in the boke of life c. but all men euen y e most godly and faithful must doubt of their saluation of the remission of their sinnes of the fauour of God toward them and of euerlastinge life Phi. This is the doctrine of y e Papistes both wicked and dampnable The Papistes in teaching this doctrine doth not only trouble disquiet make afraid wound ▪ kill and slea the consciences of the simple people and of suche as credit their deuelish doctrine but as muche as in them lieth they make God a lier his holy worde false and our faith frustrate void and vain Take away the certentie of saluation from any man and to what poynt serueth the mercyful promise of God and the faithe whiche apprehendeth and layeth hād on the most louing promises of God This doctrine openeth a very path vnto hell and bringeth vnto desperation Chr. Yet y e Papistes alledge the Scripture for them Phile. I thinke that for so is their accustomed propertie They alledge many times y e scriptures of God to defend and to stablish their errours and heresies ●o blear the simple peoples eyes whiche are not able to discerne A. frō B. nor to iudge betwene truth and falshode but are easly led that waye wherunto the subtile and wily papist perswadeth If I had leasure to declare vnto you what Iuglīg y e vngodly Papistes haue vsed and yet doo vse in wryting wrestting incorrupting and abusing that holy worde of God ye would not a little maruell at the matter But I wold gladly hear what the papistes can alledge ou● of the word of God for the confirmation of their wicked opinion in this behalfe Chr. The sentence whereunto they stick and cleue as vnto an inuincible bulwarke is this A mā knoweth not whether he bee worthy loue or hatred bu● althinges are kept vncerten vnto the time to come Phi. The kyngdome of the Papistes is not without a cause called the kingdom o● lies and the Papists them selues may rightwel be resembled to the beast which rose out of the sea vnto whom was geuen a mouthe to speake great things and blasphemies yea to speake blasphemy agaīst god to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and thē that dwel in heauen c. But as concerning the text which they alledge although the learned in the Hebrue tounge know right wel how greatly this text after the cōmon Latin translation differeth from the truth of the Hebrue it is abused of them and wrasted contrary to the minde both of the authoure and of the translatour as the wordes that immediatly followe doo manifestly declare When Salomon saieth a man knoweth not whether he be worthy loue or hatred he speaketh not of the knowledge and iudgement of the cōscience toward God for who knoweth not that he is worthy hatred which sinneth against the Lorde his god contrariwise that he pleareth god god loueth him which dooth that thing that is pleasaunt in his godly sight but he speaketh of the outward and carnall iudgement and knowlede which men haue of them selues of their owne strengthes wisdome or free wyll concerning thinges which chaūce to them outwardly As though he should saye If a man should only beholde and consider the outward face of thynges and iudge the fauour or the disfauour of God toward any man of the things that outwardly chaunce vnto any mā he were not able to affirme and to parswade his conscience whether God loueth him or not For God indifferently without anye respect had to ether of the parties geueth as aboundantly to the vngodly as to the godly to the vnfaithfull as to the faithfull to the sainctes as vnto the wycked his temporall and outward giftes as beauty strength rytches healthe of body reason wisdom eloquēce honor nobilitie wealth glory c. yea many times the ennemies of God haue more plenteously geuen vnto them of God the ritches and pleasures of this lyfe then the frendes of God Therfore if a naturall man not being regenerat nor borne a newe of the spirite of God considreth the outward face of thinges and iudgeth of them y e fauour or disfauour of God verely so knoweth he not who is worthy Gods loue or hatred so is he not certain whom God loueth or whom he hateth This is thaforsaid text of Salomon as it is trāslated to be vnderstand And that this is the meaning of the author y e words that folow do manifestly declare It happeneth saith he vnto one
Christe and vs. If that firy serpent the deuill hath striken and wounded vs let vs loke vpon Christ with stronge faith and we shal surely for Gods promise sake be made whole as Christe him selfe testifieth saying As Moyses lyfted vp the serpent in the wildernes so must the son of man be lyfted vp that all that beleue on hym should not peryshe but haue euerlasting life For god sent not his sonne into the worlde to condemne the worlde but that the world shold be saued through him If Sathan therfore hath either wounded you already or els goeth about so to do feare not repare vnto Christ loke on him with the eies of your faithe so shall you be fre from his venomus chause For as you are nowe tempted so were al godly men but they ouercame y e tēpter through strōg faith in Christ. Therfore saith s. Peter Be ye sober and watche for your aduersary the deuill goeth about like a roring Lion seing whome he may deuoure whome resist ye strong in faith Saint Iohn also saith this is the victory which ouercommeth the worlde euen our faith Not only all godly faithfull men were tempted but also our sauiour Christ. And this is a great comfort for vs. For in that it fortuned him selfe to be tempted he is hable to succour them also that are tempted Christ being tempted ouercame his temptations to get vs the victory ouer the tempter His triumphe is our victory and his victory is our triumphe Whatsoeuer he did got in his humanitie he did and got it not for him self but for vs. And God is faithfull saith the apostle whiche will not suffer you to be tempted aboue your strength but wil in the mids of the temptation make away that ye may be able t● beare it Beleue therfore in Christ you are without al danger Epa. I beleue O Lord help thou min● vnbeliefe O Lorde encrease my faith Phi. Fear you not but God both will doth hear your prayers for y e Lorde is nie vnto all thē that cal on him in truth Epa. You made mention also of praier saying that y t is also a mean to resist● Sathan Phi. I reioyse greatly I geue God moste harty thankes y t in this your sicknes your memory cōtinueth stil stedfast perfect Epa. I praise God for it Phi. That prayer is a necessary remedy for the auoyding of Sathans temptations the holy scriptures teache manifestly in diuers places Our sauior Christ saith watch pray that ye fal not into temptation Againe This kind of deuils is not cast out but by prayer fasting To represse y t temtatiōs of Satā all godly men euen frō the beginning fled vnto faithfull praier as a mighty sure defence againste sathan and al his crafty assaultes And God hath commaunded vs to pray whensoeuer we are troubled and doeth also promise vs y t he wyll both heare and helpe vs. Call on me sayeth he in the tyme of thy trouble and I wyl delyuer thee and thou shalt honoure me The Lorde is nie vnto them that are of a troubled heart he wyll help thē that be broken in spirite Ep. Now good neighbors pray for me Ph. Uery gladly Let vs knele down together and pray Chr. Lo here are we Phi. O heauenly and moste mercifull father we moste humbly besech thee for thy sonnes sake Iesus Christ our Lord haue pitie vpon this thy creature and succoure him in these horrible assaultes and temptations of the de●uill Deliuer his soule in these extreame necessities from all the internall army Sende him downe strength from aboue that he may be able to resiste his ennemy and to stande stedfaste in the tyme of this his temptation Be thou his strong rocke castell shield tower and defense that he in this greate trouble being preserued from the tyranny of his ennemies ▪ through thy godly grace assistence helpe may continue in the true and christen faith vnto his liues end and afterward be receiued into thy heuenly kingdome through Iesus Christ our Lord. Euse. Amen Epa. Now will I pore wratched sinner offer my prayers also vnto the Lord my God in Iesus Christes name trusting and beleuing vndoubtedly that he gratiously wyl heare me and defend me against mine enemies Phi. These are the words of Christ What things so euer ye desyre whan ye praye beleue that ye receiue them and ye shall haue them Epaph. Out of the depth do I cry vnto thee O Lord O Lord hear my praier Saue me O God for the waters of trouble are come in euen vnto my soule I stick fast in the depe myre where no groūd is I am come into depe waters so that the ●loudes run ouer me Take me out of the myre that I sinck not Oh let me be deliuered from them that hate me out of the depe waters Let not the water floud drown me nether let the depe swalowe me vp let not the pit shut her mouthe vpon me Heare me O Lord for thy louing kindnes is cōfortable turne me vnto thee according vnto the multitude of thy mercies hyde not thy face from thy seruaunt fo● I am in trouble O hast thee and hear me Draw nie vnto my soul and saue it oh deliuer me because of mine ennemies For y t knowest my reprofe my shame and my dishonoure Mine aduersaries are ful in thy sight So shal I beyng deliuered from these great miseries through thy gratious benefit prayse and magnifie the name of thee my Lord God for euer and euer Chr. So be it Epa. Neighbor Philemon Phi. Here sir. Epa. As I remember you told me that besides faythe and prayer the word of God also is a goodly help and a strong fortresse against the cruell assanites of the Deuill Phile. It is truthe For so are we taught in the holy scripture Our sauioure Christ when the time of his Passion began to drawnie knowing that his Disciples shoulde for his ●ake be greuously tempted bothe of the deuill the world the flesh commaunded thē to bie a sworde This was no materiall but spirituall sword as S. Paul declareth vnto y e Ephesiās saying aboue all thinges take to you the shield of faith wherwith ye may quenche all the firy dartes of the wycked And take the helmet of saluation and the sword of the spirit which ●s the word of God And praye alwayes with all manner of prayer supplication in the spirit With ●he worde of God Christ droue away Sathan and resisted all his wicked temptacions For it is the power of God to saue so many as beleue In the word of God plēteous present remedies are founde against Satan and al his subtile suggestions Therfore said y e psalmograph I haue hyd thy spea●hes O Lord in my heart that I might not sin against thee Now are ye
heare you gladly Epa. I vnfainedly beleue with my harte and frely confesse with my mouthe that the holy ghost is one and equal God in glory maiestie power and might with the father and the sonne proceading from the father and the son after an vnknowne and vnexpresseable maner This spirite of God and God him selfe is he by whom God the father through his sonne Christe and in Christ worketh and quickneth all thinges All the benefites and graces which God the father bestoweth vppon vs for Christes sake this holy ghost bringeth thē vnto vs and maketh vs new vessels to receyue them which otherwise euen of nature are so fleshly minded that we perceiue nothing at all of those thinges which pertayne vnto the spirite of God neyther are we able to thinke a good thoughte of our selues For this godly spirite worketh in vs newe motions and new affectes and geueth vs grace both to will and to doo good He is a teacher of al the faithfull and leadeth them into al truth He is a confortour of weake and sorowfull mindes He kepeth the true christians vnmoneable in one faith and openeth their senses to vnderstand y e misteries of God aright He doth clothe them with his giftes and geueth to euery one a seueral gift euen as he wyll He is the ruler of the Christen congregation He is the anoyntment wherwith all the faithful are anoynted and thereof are called the annoynted of the Lord. He is geuen vnto the faithfull to be the earnest of their enheritaunce for the recouering of the purchased possession vnto y e praise of his glory He with his godlie breath quickeneth maketh aliue and conserueth all thinges He of carnall maketh vs spirituall of worldly godly of wicked blessed of the bond slaues of Sathan the dearly beloued sonnes of God of sinnefull sinckes his owne moste pleasaunt and holy temple of cruell meke of proud humble of malicious charitable of contentious quiet of couetous liberal of hard harted meke spirited of froward gentle of stubburne obedient of dissolute temperat and sober of false true of folish wyse of idle godly occupied of vnchast pure and cleane of the haters of God the frendes of God of the louers of pleasures the louers of godlines to ende he maketh vs of earthy heauenlye Whatsoeuer goodnes we haue he is the alone author worker and geuer of the same Therfore I beleue and confesse that this holy spirite is one and equal God with God the father and God the sonne proceading from them bothe with lyke maiesty glorie might and power I beleue that this holy gost is my comforter and that he prayeth for me renueth me dwelleth in me and hathe sealed me vp vnto euerlastyng glorye Now haue ye hard my faith and my beilefe in the father and in the sonne and in the holy ghost which .iii. I beleue and confesse to be one God whose seat the heauen is and whose fotestole is the earth He is an euerlastyng and almighty God whiche alone is to be honoured serued in spirit and truthe For he alone can helpe vs forasmuche as he is almighty will helpe vs because he his mercifull true and faithful yea and that not for our rightousnes but for his names sake To this one true liuing euerlastyng immortal inuisible alone wise God king of kinges and Lorde of Lordes be all honoure and glory worlds without end Thi. Amen Epa. Thou art worthy O Lord to receyue glory and honour and power for thou haste created all things and for thy wils sake they are and were created Blessing glory and wisdome and thankes and honor and might be vnto our God for euermore Chr. So be it Epa. Simply and plainely haue I here before you all rehearsed my faithe and belief in God and in the thre parsons of the Godhead as I haue here tofore learned it of gods moste holy worde I confesse that many thinges mo mighte be spoken of the wonderfull misteries of this most blessed and holy Trinitie but they farre exceade my vnderstanding and therefore I dare not meddle with them For it is written he that is a searcher of the Maiestie of God shall be oppressed of the glorye thereof Againe Seke not oute the thinges that are aboue thy capacitie and serche not the ground of suche thinges as ar to mighty for thee but loke what God hath cōmaunded thee think vpon that alway and be not curious in many of his workes For it is not neadeful for thee to se w t thine eies the thinges that are secreat The. The holy Apostle also counselleth vs to be modest sober and that we be not curious to searche after the knowledge of things which passe our capacitie Eu. The holy psalmograph semeth to haue followed this coūcel wel whiche saieth on this manner of him selfe Lord I am not hie minded I haue no proud lokes I doe not exercise my self in great matters which are to hie for me But I refrain my soule kepe it lowe like as a child that is weaned frō his mother yea my soule is euen as a wened childe O Israel trust in the Lorde from this time forth for euermore Phil. Neighbour Epaphroditus there remain yet behind mo articles of the Christen faith Haue you forgotten them Epap No good brother Philemō God forbid I should forget them For in them next vnto God lieth now my chief consolation comfort Should I being in this case forget the holye congregation of God whiche is the company and felowship of the sainctes chosen people of God of whome Christ y e Lord is the head ruler and gouernour Should I in this my sickenes forget the hie and singulare benefites of God whiche of his own fre mercy and mere goodnes he liberally geueth to al faithfull penitent sinners namely remission of sinnes the Resurrection of the body and lyfe euerlasting God forbid God forbid For the remembraunce of these thynges comforteth me greatlye I wyll therfore although my winde beginneth to waxe shorte and it is painefull vnto me muche for to speake declare my faithe concerning these Articles Eusebi God strengthen you Chri. Amen Epa. As I vnfainedly beleue with my heart and freely confesse with my mouth that there is but one God in whome alone I put al my confidence truste and hope of saluation and at whose hand only I loke for all good thinges pertayning either vnto the bodye or vnto the soule so lykewyse I bothe beleue and confesse that there is but one holy vniuersal churche or congregation of the faithefull all be it they be despersed and scattered abrode thorow out the world in diuers and sondry places which are gathered knit together through the operation of the holy ghost in the vnitie of the spirite and ioyned together in one faith as members of one bodye whereof Iesus Christe is the
heade This holy Churche or congregation lynked together in the felowship of the holy Ghoste is a spirituall house builded of liuing stones a chosen generation a royall Priesthod to offer vp spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Iesus Christe an holy nation a people whiche are won that they should shewe forth the vertues of hym whyche called them oute of darkenesse into his maruelous lighte this Churche is the congregatiō of the liuing god the pillar and ground of truthe This holy company are Citizens with the Saincts and of the housholde of God and are builte vpon ●he foundation of the Apostles ●nd Prophets Iesus Chryst him selfe being the hed corner stone Thys Churche is the spouse of Christ and knoweth none other husband head but Christ alone This blessed company are these shepe whiche gladly heare y e voyce of their shepehard Christ but they flie from the voyces of straūgers And as they are one body and one spirite so confesse they on● Lord one faithe one Baptisme● one God and father of all There is among them no dissen●tion but thei maintain one truth preache one doctrine speake on● thing are of one minde and of on● meaning This holy Catholik● churche or vniuersall congregatiō is that holy city that newe Hieru●salem whiche came downe fro● God out of heauen prepared as ● bride garnished for her husband And because no man shall doub● of what Churche I speake I con●fesse that to be the holy Catholik● and Apostolike Churche which● is the company and felowship of the sainctes that is to saye of the faithfull whiche are sanctified made holy by the spirite of God and by the bloud of Christ our sauiour whiche haue the pure word of God truely and sincerely preached and the Sacramentes duely and faithfully ministred amōg them whiche excommunicate all disobedient notable sinners and receiue into their felowship suche as vnfainedly repente and tourne from their wickednes which study in all things to please the Lord God and to liue in all godlinesse and honestie This church and cōpany Christ loued so dearly that he gaue him self for it to sanctifie it and clensed it in the fountaine of water thorow y e word to make it vnto him selfe a glorious congregation without spot or wrincle or any suche thinge but that it shoulde be holy without blame Whosoeuer is in this church and congregation he may be sure to besaued But whosoeuer is not in it he is without all dout damned For like as in y e time of Nohe no man escaped with his life but was drowned in the floud excepte he entred into the Arcke of Nohe Euen so whosoeuer is not founde in this felowship or Catholicke Churche agreing with it in one faith doctrine hope loue and sacramentes he shall pearish and be lost For without the Churche of Christe there is no saluation no forgeuenes of sinnes no fauoure of God no quyetnes of conscience no true Gospell or glad tidinges of eternall healthe Therfore in this holy Churche blessed felowship of the sainctes and faithfull I vnfainedly beleue with my harte and frely confesse with my mouthe that there is remission and forgeuenes of sinnes and that withoute it no sinne is forgeuen nether is there any hope of saluation For as it is vnpossible that a member can liue which is not in the body so it is vnpossible that any man may lyue in hys soule and be released out of death by remission of synne whyche is not a mēber of the body of Christ. For Christe hathe reconciled vs al vnto God his father in one body And therfore must all they stande at variance with God that ar no mēbers of this body of the which Christe is the head to the whiche also he geueth saluation This therfore is a great conforte to the faithfull congregation that allthough thorowe infirmitie of nature or otherwise they doo fall of●end God break the Lords commaundements yet in this cōpany there is remission and forgeuenes of sinnes so sone as euer they repent be sory for their synne and beleue to haue remissiō of all their sins for Christes precious bloudes sake Synne we neuer so oft and neuer so greuously yet being mēbers of this holy company we ar straight waies forgeuen and deliuered a paena culpa frō the pain and the fault so sone as we turne vnto the Lord our God And these our sinnes be not forgeuē of men but of God alone neither forgeueth he part and reserueth part but he forgeueth all or els none at all Again he forgeueth not the fault and reserueth the paine but with the faulte he also forgeueth the pain due for the fault that he may be an whole and perfect sauiour as s. Iohn saith If we say we haue no sinne we deceiue our selues and the truthe is not in vs. But if we cōfesse our sinnes God is faithfull and righteous to forgeue vs our sinnes and to make vs cleane from all iniquitie And God himself saith by the Prophet I wil forgeue their misdedes and wil neuer remember their sinnes any more Againe I am he yea I am he alone which put away thy iniquities yea and that for myne own sake and I wil remēber thy sinnes no more And king Ezechias in his praier vnto God said it is thou O Lord that cast all my sinnes behind thy back The Prophet Miche also saith Where is there such a God as thou art that pardonest wickednes and forgeuest the offences of the remnaunt of thine heritage He kepeth not his wrath for euer And why his delite is to haue compassion He shal turne agayne and be merciful to vs. He shall put down our wickednes and caste all oure sinnes into the bottom of the sea I faithfully beleue that I am a member of Christes church and I am also fully perswaded that al my sinnes be forgeuen me of God the Father not for my merites whiche are none but for Iesus Christes sake for Christes merits passion death and bludshedding For grace and truthe came by Iesus Christe sayth the holy Euangelist And I beleue that God fo● his sonnes sake hathe so frely and wholy forgeuen me all my sinnes that he wil neuer remembre them more neuer impute thē vnto me nor lay them to my charge but so receyue me into his fauoure as though I had neuer offended him and make me his sonne and heyer of euerlasting glory For euerlasting life is the gift of god through Iesus Christe oure Lorde sayeth the Apostle Thys is the stay and quientes of my conscience at thys presente This maketh me not to feare deathe but ioyfully to loke for it and louingly to embrace it when soeuer it commeth For I wish to be losoned from this mortall body and to be with Chryste My soule hath a feruent desire to
as vnto an other it goeth with the righteous as with vngodly with the good cleane as with the vncleane with him that offreth as with hym that offreth not like as it goeth with th● vertuous so goeth it also with th● sinner As it hapneth vnto the pe●iured so hapneth it also vnto hym that is afraide to be forsworne Among all thynges that come to passe vnder the Sunne this is a misery that it hapneth vnto all alike Of these wordes it euidently appeareth that Salomon speaketh of the knowledge which a naturall man hath by the outwarde gifts of god wherof because they be indifferently geuen aswell to y e good as to the bad he is not able to iudge whō God loueth whō he hateth Now wher as the Papists wrest this text vnto y e knowledge or iudgement of the conscience which commeth of the spirite of God and of his holy word and would that Christen men in theyr cōscience shuld dout whether God loue thē or not whether they be in the fauour of God or not whether their sinnes be forgeuen thē or not whether they shalbe saued or notthei teache a deuelishe errour and leade y e receiuers of their doctrin the right way to hell fire For he y t douteth of the mercifull good wil fauorable grace of God toward him beleueth not that God for christes sake is louing vnto him forgeueth him al his syns verely he is no true christian but dying in this his doubtfulnes and vnbelief he shall surely be dampned acording to this saying he that doth not beleue on the sonne shall not se life but the wrath of God a bideth on hym This erroneous doctrine of the Papistes maketh God false of his promyse quencheth fayth blotteth out hope destroieth loue disquieteth the conscience filleth y e hart with whole seas of vnreastfull and wycked imaginations and so driueth the doubtful parson vnto desperation and finally vnto dampnation O murtherers O soule s●ears If no man can be certaine in his conscience whether he be in the fauour of god or no whether god for christes sake wil forgeue him his sins or not and geue him euerlasting lyfe to what poynt serue all the promises of Gods tender mercies made to all faithfull penitent sinners in Christes bloud vnto what end doth faith serue If faith certifieth not our conscience of Gods good wyl toward vs and so bringeth peace and quietnes vnto it what is then the office of fayth If a man whose credit is approued promiseth vs any thinge we surely loke for it nothing doubte of the performance therof shall we doubt of the accomplishment of the promises of God whiche is faithful in all his wordes whiche can not lie which is not only true but also the self truth Let al men be liers and let God abide true God hath promised that at whatsoeuer hour we tourne vnto him he will forgeue vs al our sinnes neuer remember them more but so frely fauour vs and so tenderly loue vs as though we had neuer offended him This is the promise of him which can nether deceiue nor be deceiued and shal we doubt of the performance therof Shall we doubt whether y e Lord oure God wyll be as good as his word whether our sinnes be forgeuen and we receiued againe into fauor or not God hath promised that in Christ all nations of y e earth shalbe blessed And shal we which loke for our whole saluation in the bloud of Christe doubt whether we shall bee blessed in Christ y t is to say fauoured of god the father for Christs sake or not Christ our Lord sauiour calleth all that labour and be loden vnto him and promiseth y t he will ease remedy comfort and helpe them And shal we doubt of this his promise What other thynge is it to doubt of the promises of god ▪ then to doubt whether God be true or no iust faithfull or no y e same in his dede that he is in his word or no O the to much vnfaithfulnes of the wicked Papistes The scripture saith he that beleueth on the sōne of god hath euerlasting life The faithful christians beleue on Christ the sonne of God embrase him with strong faith as their alone sauiour redemer atonement maker intercessour mediatour aduocate and shal they doubt of y e ●nheritaunce of euerlasting lyfe Ether they that do beleue so cōtinue vnto thēd haue euerlasting life at their departure out of this life or els God is not true of his promise But God is faithful in al his wordes therfore doo the faithful christians receiue according to gods promises their faith If all thinges be possible to him y ● beleueth if al things chance to a faithfull man according to his faith w t what whorish shameles forheds dare the proud and vngodly Papistes teache vs to doubt of the grace and fauoure of God of the ●emission of sinnes and of the enheritaunce of euerlasting lyfe Where doutfulnes is there is no ●rue faith but rather misbeliefe ● to such a doubting faith yea ra●her no faith nothinge is promised but the fearce wrath and vengeaunce of God and euerlasting● dampnation Se to what poyn● the wicked Papistes bryng they● whelpes with their deuelysh doc●trin Saint Iames saith If any man lack wisdom let him aske i● of him that geueth it euē God But let him aske in faith and wa●uer not For he that doubteth i● like a waue of y e sea which is to ● of the wyndes and caried wit● violence Nether let y e man think● that he shall receiue any thyng o● the Lorde A wauering minde● man is vnstable in all his wayes Are not they that professe Christ much boūd to the papistes whic● teach their scholers to doubt of th● mercy of God not to be through●ly perswaded in their conscience● that God loueth them pardonet● them for Christes sake maket● them enheritours of euerlasting glory Is this anye other thynge then to say despair die be dampned O deuils incarnat God lighten the eies of the simple that thei may once see the iugling castes of these wily wicked Papistes and come vnto the vnfained truthe of gods word whiche is able to saue their soules whiche also is the mighty power of God to saue euery one that beleueth The. Amen Phi. Al the godly euē from the beginning haue beleued the promises of God and nothing doubted of them whether they concerned temporall or spirituall things and according to their fayth so recey●ed they Yea when God seamed most to be angry with them vt●erly to cast them from his fauor ●uen then did they nothing doubt ●f his mercifull goodnesse but w t ●rong faith cleaueth to the promi●es of God as a certain mā saith Though he kil me yet will I put my truste in hym The Psalmograph also saith
he will deliuer you out of all your paynes take you vnto him and place you in his glorious kingdom Epa. O Lorde deliuer my soule from the sweard my dearling frō the power of the dogge Saue me from y e Lions mouth Bow downe thine eare to me make haste to deliuer me Be thou my Protectoure O God and house of defence that y e maiest saue me Be thou my strōg rocke and my castell Be thou my guide and leade me for thy names sake Drawe me oute of the net thot they haue layde preuely for me for thou art my strengthe Into thy handes I commend my spirite for thou hast redemed me O Lord thou God of truthe Phile. Fear not brother Epaphroditus God is your louing father and moste gentle sauiour He hath hearde your humble requestes and graunted your peticions He hathe and wyll defend you from all euill euen vnto the end He will not suffer you to be deuoured of that hellish Lion and cruel dog y e deuill He hath sent his holy Angels hether vnto you euen into this your chambre They are here presente for youre great cōfort They haue pitched their tents round about you that they may kepe you harmles and safe from the deuouring tethe of Sathan Thei wait vpon you diligently for your defence and wil neuer depart frō you till they receiue your soule and cary it vp louingly as a most precious relique into the kingdome of heauen and moste ioyfully present it vnto the glorious throne of gods maiestie Fixe y e eies of your faith on Christ and Christes merits on Christes passion and death on Christes blessed body breakyng and his moste precious bloud sheddinge on his triumph and victory ouer sathan his hellish army beleue Christe to be your alone sauioure and all his works to be your good works and so shall ye not perish but haue euerlasting lyfe Epaphro Hast the O Lord to deliuer me for it is hie time In thee O Lord Christ my most mercifull sauiour and only redemer in thee in the alone is al my trust let me neuer be confounded O Iesu. Mercy Iesu mercy ▪ O Christ. Mercy Christ mercy O God the Father O God the sōne O God the holy Ghost O moste blessed Trinitie thre persons and one God haue mercy on me Receiue my soule into thy handes Place it for thy mercies sake in thy heauēly kingdom among thy holy angels and blessed sainctes O my good God O father O my most merciful father Mercy mercy Phile. God the father whiche made you blesse you God y e sonne which redemed you preserue you God the holy ghost which sanctifieth you confirme and strengthē you The blessing ▪ defence and sauing health of the allmighty god the father the sonne and the holy ghost preserue you from al euyl and bringe you vnto euerlastinge lyfe Chr. Amen Eu. Me thinck he hath geuē vp the ghost The. No he is yet a liue God comfort him Lord shewe him the light of thy louing countenaunce Epa. When shall I come to appere before the presence of my God Phi. God be thancked he yet speaketh yea he godly speaketh Brother Epaphroditus take a good hert vnto you shrincke not Fight a good fight Be not discouraged nether with the terroures of sathan nor with y e pains of death God is on youre syde God is your graūd captain You fighte vnder the banner of that most mighty and victorious Emperour Iesus Christ. Only continue as you haue begon and the daye is yours Sathā with al his army like miserable cowardes shalbe put to flight and vanquished You shall haue a ioyful victory ouer thē The paine of the battell is short and lyght but the glory of your triūphe shal abide for euer euer Heare what your graunde captaine saithe he that continueth vnto the end shall be saued To him y t ouercommeth I will geue to eate of the tree of life which is in the middes of the Paradise of God Be faithful vnto the death and I shall geue the the crowne of life Him that ouercommeth will I make a pillar in the temple of my God and he shal go no more out Yea to him that ouercommeth will I graunte to sit with me in my seate Here see you what precious and mooste noble rewardes are set forth vnto you if you go forth valeauntly to fight against your ennemies which seke your destruction Only beleue only fixe y e eies of your faith on Christ crucified Only engraue in your heart depely a sure and vndoubted confidence in the mercifull promises of God the father whiche he hath made vnto you in the precious bloud of his dearly beloued sonne and our alone sauioure Iesus Christe and you shall moste certainly haue the victory and obtain the reward of ioyfull immortalitie Here what your graund captain Christ saith God hath so dearly loued y e world that he gaue his onelye begotten sonne that euery one that beleueth on hym should not pearyshe but haue euerlasting life For god sent not his sonne into the worlde to condempne the world but that the world shuld be saued by hym He y t beleueth on him is not damned Iohn Baptist saithe He that beleueth on y e sonne of God hath euerlasting life My shepe saith Christ heare my voyce I know them and they followe me and I geue them euerlasting life nether shall they perishe for euer nor yet shall any man plucke them out of my hand My father which gaue them to me is greater then all no man can pluck them out of my fathers hande I and my father am one Againe I am the resurrection and life He that beleueth in me though he were dead yet shall he liue And euery one that liueth and beleueth in me shall neuer die I am the way y e truthe and the life Follow Christ you cā not erre nor go out of the way for he is the waye Beleue Christ and you can not be deceiued for he is the truthe Abide and remaine in Christ and you can not die the death euerlasting for he is the life Wherefore O most dere brother cleane with strong faithe to these most swete and comfortable promyses of Christe youre Sauiour Beleue to obtayne whatsoeuer is promysed So may you be sure to be Gods sonne and heyre of his euerlasting kingdome neuer to perishe but to haue eternall lyfe Epa. I beleue to haue remission of all my synnes thorowe faithe in Christes bloud Lorde Iesu take my spirite O heauenly father I cōmend my spirit into thy hādes Ph. This faith deare brother maketh you the Sonne of God and heyre of his glorious kingdome yea it maketh you Christes brother and fellow heyr with him of euerlasting glory It purchaseth for you fauor at the hand of God and forgeuenes of al your sinnes It bringeth vnto you peace and quietnes of conscience It maketh a perfect reconciliation