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A06733 The demaundes of holy scripture, with answeres to the same wherein are defined, and declared the cheefe, and principall poyntes of Christian doctrine: very profitable for the right vnderstanding of holy scriptures: made by T. Becon, and dravven out of his great vvorkes. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1577 (1577) STC 1718; ESTC S110677 46,473 108

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to God whiche Spirite we receaue by Christ at our regeneration Of this newe man speaketh our Sauiour Christe thus That whiche is borne of the spirite is spirite Also S. Paule Be renued in the spirit of your minde and put on the newe man whiche after God is shapen in righteousnesse and true holynesse Againe put on the newe man which is renued in the knowledge and image of him that made him What is it to denye our selues Playnly to professe that all our laboures and works profit nothing vnto saluatiō to slea the old Adam with al his lusts affectiōs What is it to forsake all that we haue for Christes sake To esteeme al that we haue not to be ours for his sake and willingly if neede so require for the profession of his name to depart from wyfe children parentes freendes countrey house landes and all thinges els that we doo or may enioye yea and to put our selues in danger of all perill for the name of Christ and profession of the Gospell He that loueth father or mother more then me saith Christ is not worthy of me And he that loueth sonne or daughter more then mee is not worthy of me And he that taketh not his crosse and followeth me is not worthy of me He that findeth his life shall lose it and he that loseth his life for my sake shall finde it Agayne if a man come to me and hate not his father and mother and wyfe and children and bretheren or sisters yea his owne life also he cannot be my disciple And whosoeuer doth not beare his crosse and come after me he cannot be my disciple What is the crosse that we must take vpon on vs Any sorow or payne that belonggeth to any vocation or trade of life for the tryall and profe of our faith and pacience Also it is the correction chastening rodde and staffe of the Lord wherewith he punisheth them whome he loueth not to theyr damnation or vtter casting away from his fauour but to saluation and to teach vs to flye vnto him in our trouble aduersity as children to our most deare louing father What is ment by the name of the Lorde whose glory we must set forth The glory prayse wysedome might power worship honor and maiestie of the Lorde Or the knowledg preaching and aduauncement of his holy worde What is the temple of the holy Ghost An honest godly and faithfull christian hart in the which God is rightly worshipped in spirite and truth wherein are offered spirituall sacrifices of prayse innocencie thankes geuing of an humble and contrite hart whose chiefe corner stone is christ Knowe ye not saith Saint Paule that ye are the temple of God and howe the spirite of God dwelleth in you ▪ If any man defile the temple of God him shall God destroye For the temple of God is holy which temple ye are Saint Peter also sayth Ye as liuing stones are made a spirituall house an holy Priesthode for to offer vp spirituall sacrifices acceptable to God by Iesus Christ. What is the kingdome of heauen The kingdome of heauen is diuerslye taken in the Scriptures First for the holy Gospell and worde of God bicause that is the scepter and yron rodde whereby God ruleth reygneth and dwelleth in the hearts of the faythfull Of this kingdome speaketh Christ in the Gospell on this wise I will giue thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen that is to saye I will commit vnto thee the office to preache the Gospell of saluation which openeth and vnlocketh vnto men the waye and doore by the whiche they may be saued and enter into the kingdome of heauen Item the kingdome of heauen is lyke vnto leauen which a woman tooke and hydde in three peckes of meale tyll it were all leauenned Secondlye the kingdome of heauen is taken for fayth it selfe as Saint Paule sayeth The kingdome of heauen is not meate and drinke but righteousnesse and peace and ioye in the holy ghost Thirdlye the kingdome of heauen is expounded the whole congregation of the faythfull abyding in this lyfe in whome the Lorde by his worde and spirite doth inuisibly dwell and reygne Of this kingdome speaketh Christ in the Gospell on this maner The kingdome of heauen is lyke to ten virgines whiche tooke their lampes and went to meete the Brydegrome Fyue of them were wyse and fiue were foolishe c. Fourthlye the kingdome of heauen is taken for the ioye felicitie and pleasure which the soules of the beleeuers enioye when they are departed out of this world and their bodies also ioyned with the soules at the day of Iudgement shall enioy euen in that place which Christ hath prepared for them to possesse where they shall bee comforted with the sight of his Maiestie and Godheade and with the fruition of his perpetuall felicitie with him Of this kingdome speaketh Christ in the Gospell When ye shall see Abraham Isaac and Iacob and the Prophets in the kingdome of God and you to bee driuen out of the dores Finallye the kingdome of heauen is wheresoeuer Gods worde is preached from which kingdome they onely are excluded whiche beleeue not the worde according to this saying of Christ He that is of God heareth the wordes of god But yee heare not bicause yee are not of god Agayne My sheepe heare my voyce Item Euerye one that is of the truth heareth my voyce What meanest thou by a lande that floweth with milke and honie Pleasaunt abundance of all things both sweete and profitable By the honie is vnderstoode sweetenesse ioy gladnesse and pleasure By the milke pure nourishment whereby we still continue growe and increase in fayth and godlynesse vnto the measure of Christ. When shall we enter vppon and enioye this kingdome this promised lande that floweth with milke and honie The church militant in this worlde gouerned by the spirite of their most mightie valiant victorious and triumphant Captayne Christ already enioyeth after a certayne maner in spirite thorowe fayth in this kingdome and blessed lande as it is written He that beleeueth on the Sonne hath euerlasting life Hee that beleeueth not on the Sonne shall not see lyfe but the wrath of God abydeth vpon him But when they are ioyned togither both bodie and soule with the reast of the faithfull congregation which are departed out of this world in the faith of Christ to make one whole tryumphant congregation when they haue by the power of Christe conquered the malignant church of the deuill which shall be at the last day of iudgement which we doo dayly looke for nowe in these latter times then shall they truely and perfectly enioye and possesse all the ioyes and pleasures of that most ioiful and pleasant lande whereof Dauid speaketh on this manner I beleeue to see the good things of the Lorde in the land of the liuing Nowe we see in a glasse sayth the Apostle euen in a
the deuill A priest bicause he once for all hath entred In Sancta Sanctorum into the most holy and innermost tabernacle of God and hath offered once for all a perpetuall sufficient facrifice to satisfy for al mens sinnes and to purchase all mens redemption not ceasing nowe still to be a perpetuall Mediator and Intercessor to God his father for man he himselfe being both God and man making an ende of and abolishing all sacrifices and ceremonies which were but shadowes and significations to put the Iewes in remembraunce of his comming before he came A prophet for the true and onely sufficient doctrine whiche he preached being here in earth and lefte behinde him written by his Apostles for our learning binding our conscience to be subiect to none other doctrine but to his alone By his kingdome hee hath made vs kings and heires of his kingdome by adoption and conquerors through his most valiant victorie of oure enimies sinne death hell and the deuill By his Priesthoode with the holy oyle of his spirite he hath made and annoynted vs Priestes to offer to God the father acceptable sacrifices thorowe him whiche are the sacrifices of righteousnes of praise of thankesgiuing of an humble and contrite heart of fayth and wholye to crucifie and offer vp our selues vnto him and by the same office we being made partakers by him of the same maye be bolde to come to the sight of God to offer vp our sacrifice and prayer By the office of his prophecie or scholemaistership he doth lighten vs with the true knowledge of his Father instructeth vs in the truth and maketh vs the Disciples of god By this annoyntment receyueth he these three offices to communicate them with vs wherevpon we are called Christians What is a King A rightfull magistrate or heade power vnder God among men ordeyned of God for the defence of the good and keeping downe of the euill according to right and iustice What is a Priest An officer appointed and licenced of God to presente himselfe to the sight of God for to obtaine his fauour by intercession or to pacifie his wrath by offring vp of sacrifice acceptable to him What is a Prophet A messenger of God to declare the will of God eyther in shewing the threatenings or opening the promises or expounding and declaring the mysteries conteyned in his holy worde or will to vs his children Why doest thou call vs his children seeing that Christ is his only son We are not by nature the childrē of god as Christ only is but by adoption grace or fauour of god As for Christe he is of the same substance and essence with his father By what meanes doe wee receyue at the hande of God these heauenly treasures Or by what meanes are they conueyed vnto vs By Faith. What is Faith An assured confidence and trust in the truth of God in the merites and promises of Christ conceyued thorowe Christ by hearing of his worde hoping still for the performaunce of the sayde promises in the meane season not ydle but still working by charitie Or as S. Paule defineth it in his Epistle to the Hebrues Faith is a sure confidence of things that are hoped for and a certainty of things that are not seene What is Hope A constant looking for of those things which we haue conceyued thorowe faith by the worde of God. What is Charitie A godly vertue a louely and gentle affection of the minde whereby we loue God aboue all thinges and our neighbour as our selfe Charitie also is taken for the fruites of faith and workes of mercie Who is my neighbour Any man vpon whome I doo execute the workes of mercy or that standeth in neede of my helpe Were we predestinate by the grace of God through Christ to his vocation election iustification and saluation before the beginning of the world Yea verely so sayth S. Paule he chosed vs in Christ Iesu before the foundacions of the world were layde Agayne he sayth we know that al things worke for the best vnto them that loue God which also are called of purpose For those which he knewe before he also ordayned before that they should be like fashioned vnto the shape of his Sonne that he might be the first begotten sonne among many brethren Moreouer whome he appoynted before them also he called And whome he hath called them also he iustified whom he iustified them he also glorified What is the grace of God Gods fauour beneuolence and kinde minde that of him selfe without our deseruing he beareth toward vs whereby he was moued to bestow vpon vs his Sonne Christ and all other his good giftes with free imputacion of his goodnesse and vndeserued remission of our sinnes What is Predestinacion The secret● vnchaungeable appointment of God before all beginninges by his counsell and wisedome to life euerlasting concerning his elect and chosen people or any other beginning ordering or ending of all things What is vocation To be called of the Lord to any manner of benefite office or ministracion There be two kindes of vocation generall as thus in S. Mathewes Gospell come vnto me all ye that laboure and are laden and I will refreshe you Particular as the calling or appointment of Kings Prophetes Apostles c. What is election The choyce or appoyntment of God to anye ministration office dignitie or preheminence whiche immediatly followeth the particular calling as for an example He that heareth the word is called but he that beleeueth is chosen By this hearing and beleeuing may this place be expounded Manye are called but fewe chosen What is Iustification Of vnrighteous to be made righteous by the rigteousnesse of Christ which we conceyue by fayth What is Saluation To enioye the felicitie prepared of Christ for the faythfull to be of the number of the glorified saints Whereby art thou certified of this liberalitie and of these benefites of God towarde mankinde By the office of the Apostles and Preachers appointed for the same purpose What is the office of the Apostles and Preachers To preach the worde of God or the Gospell of Christ and to minister the sacraments which Christ himself hath ordeyned to be vsed in the Church Howe is that proued Christ sayd to his Apostles go and teache all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost Againe Go throughout the whole world and preache the Gospell to euerye creature And of the Supper of the Lorde Christ sayde Doe this in the remembraunce of me What is the Gospell It is a doctrine conteyning the promise of free remission of sinnes purchased by Christ alone What is a Sacrament A visible signe of an inuisible grace or an outwarde element or corporall substaunce appointed of God to certifie our fayth wherewith onely wee receyue it of the promises of God annexed therevnto Of howe manye partes doth a Sacrament
be honest trades godlye orders of lyfe and vertuous meete to bee exercised of Christians as Matrimonie Order Penance Confirmation and extreme vnction What is Matrimonie A lawfull ioyning togither of one man and one woman to liue chastlye togither forsaking all other for to bring forth children in the feare of God and to auoyde fornication contayning an vnseparable fellowship of lyfe togither What is Order Order hathe bene wrongfully taken both for a Sacrament and for the annoynted order of Priesthode which Christ tooke awaye But in deede a godly holy and reuerende state of Ministers Preachers Pastors or Apostles is of Christ allowed in the newe Testament to be louingly and reuerently receyued of vs as shepeheardes of the flocke Of whome sayeth Saint Paule They that rule well are worthie of double honour but namely they that laboure in worde and doctrine What is Confirmation A godlye allowance by the Bishop or Preacher of the children when they came to age into the congregation of Christ as a due examination or triall of their continuance in the same fayth whiche their Godfathers or sureties in their name professed and promised for them at their Baptisme to kepe And this Confirmation is as it were a discharge of the Godfathers bondes What is penaunce or repentaunce A nowe what is our dutie towarde him To loue him feare him honour him followe him serue him beleeue in him to fight vnder his standarde with all fayth charitie truth despising of worldlye things thanksgiuing innocencie fasting prayer obedience humilitie and pacience to put of the olde man and to doe on the newe to denie our selues to take the Crosse vpon vs to forsake all that wee haue for his sake and to set forth the glorie of his name that we maye become a worthie Temple for the holye ghost and meete heyres for the kingdome of heauen the true land of promise flowing with milke and honie What is it to loue God To cast oure whole minde and affection vppon God with all reuerence and earnestly desire to followe his will. What is it to feare God The feare of the Lorde is a lyke reuerence as children owe to their parents a willing and faithfull heede that wee committe nothing against him or his worde that we offende not so louing a Father but rather diligently apply our selues to liue according to his commaundement alway thinking that God doth presently see and beholde all our deedes words yea and thoughts This feare is the beginning of wisedome This feare maketh him blessed that hath it This feare is the fountayne of life This feare keepeth vs from sinne And besides a number of other commodities this feare maketh vs more warely to take heede of the craft of Satan The feare of the Lorde is also taken for the worshipping of the Lorde as it is written They feare mee in vayne with the commaundementes of men Ionas the Prophet also sayde I am an Hebrue and feare the God of heauen If these manye profites and commodities come of the feare of God howe chaunceth it that the deuilles doe not enioye the same which feare the Lorde as much as we As much in deede but not as well For there be two kindes of feare A childishe or reuerent feare whereof I haue alreadye spoken and a seruile bonde or slauishe feare The feare of the vngodlye by the consideration of the lawe and feare of punishment as likewise is the feare of the deuils is bonde seruile and thrall Of this feare speaketh Saint John in hys Epistle on this maner Feare is not in charitie but perfect charitie casteth feare out of the doores This feare is called a mightie feare in the Psalme bicause all things by it are done in vnfaythfulnesse in such ignorance and lacke of knowledge of the mercie of God as thoughe God were no naturall fatherly God but a seuere narrowe eyed Iudge or cruell tyrant These two kindes of feare are well described of the Poet Horace on this maner Oderunt peccare boni virtutis amore Oderunt peccare mali formidine poenae Which may thus be translated into Englishe Good men doe well of a vertuous entent Euill men do well for feare of punishmēt What is it to honour and worship God Both with our whole mynde and strength thereof and with the bodie and power thereof as subiect to the mynde and both to God to reuerence and prayse God to to declare our loue and feare towardes him What is it to followe God To beleeue in him to keepe his doctrine and obey it to follow him whithersoeuer he leadeth or calleth vs to beare what burden soeuer he layeth vpon vs to doe as he hath done before vs and giuen vs an example to doe after him What is it to serue God To liue according to his word to beleeue in him to referre all thinges to his glorye to helpe our neighbour to obey him as our Lorde and maister whose seruice is no bondage but freedome whose burden is light whose yoke is pleasant as Christ sayth take my yoke vpon you and learne of me for I am mecke and lowly in hart and ye shall finde rest to your soules For my yoke is easye and my burden is light Saint Iohn also saith his commaundements are not greuous What is it to beleeue in God To receaue his seede and doctrine into our hart to cōmit our selues wholely vnto him in all thinges and certainely to assure our selues that all thinges are true and shall vndoubtedly be performed which he hath promised What is it to fight vnder his standarde To followe the example of our captaine christ As he by death hath conquered sin death hell and the deuill so we by mortifiing of our flesh ought to suppresse subdue and conquer the same with the helpe of our sauiour and captaine whose standarde the crosse vnles we follow we perishe and become a praye to our enemies neuer to bee redemed yf he doe not raunsome vs. What is truth Christ him selfe the word of God and what soeuer agreeth with him which can neyther deceaue nor be deceaued I am the way the truthe and the life sayth christ And in his prayer to God the father he sayth thy worde is the truth The ciuill truth is an agreemente of wordes and deedes to say as the thing is and as we know it to be Of this truthe speaketh the Apostle in his Epistle to the Ephesians saying put away lying and speake euery man truth vnto his neighbour forasmuch as we are members one of an other Also the Prophet Zacharie speak euery man the truth to his neighbour let none of you imagine euill in his hart against his neighbour and loue no false othes c. What is it to despise worldly thinges Wholly to set our minde vppon heauenly thinges not regarding the transitorie and vncertaine vanities of this world according to the wordes of S. Peter all fleshe is as the grasse and all glory of man
sinnes be remitted we be euill vncleane and vnder dampnacion And on this fashion we are all euyll and sinners by nature Who is iust or righteous He that hath faith For through faith we are iustified To be iustified is to haue our sinnes not imputed vnto vs but to haue them forgeuen in Christ and for christ Euen as Dauid saith blessed are they whose vnrighteousnesses are forgeuen and whose sinnes are couered Blessed is that man to whom the Lord imputeth no sinne Now because the faithful man only receiueth and enioyeth this mercie forgeuenesse and this no imputing of sinne through faith therefore he is called iust and we through faith said to be iustified Sometime in Scripture the Hipocrites and they that thinke to be saued by their workes are called iuste or righteous as we rede I came not for the righteous c. Who is vnrighteous He that hath no faith What is euerlasting life It is the tast of the fauour and manifold mercies of God the peace of the conscience a feruent desire of heauen and to be with Christ which the holy Ghost doth kendle in the hartes of the faithfull Otherwhiles euerlasting life is called to knowe the very liuing God Iesus Christ whome he sent downe As it is sayd He that hath the Sonne and beleeueth in him hath euerlasting life What is euerlasting death or hell In this life it is the perpetuall grudge and horrible feare of conscience the distresse and tediousnesse of the minde dreding the wrath of God which the deuil increaseth in the vnfaithfull as it is plainely declared Also hell is taken for extreme temptacion which almost ledeth vs downe to desperacion as we rede The Lord leadeth vs downe to hell and bringeth vs vp againe After this life it betokeneth the fire of Hell where the damned soules be It is called also a fyrie furnesse and the vtter darknesse where is wayling and gnashing of teeth and vtter desperacion of the mercy of God. What thing is the blessing of God It is the fauour the grace the helpe and beneficence of God â–ª c. What is the curse of God It is the angre extreme wrath and the lacke of al the good benefites of God. What is a good conscience It is the peace of the mind a spirituall ioy and a plaine feeling and perceiuing of the goodnesse of God towardes vs through fayth in Iesus Christ which is described and set out And is no more to say but that when we perceiue that through faith in Iesus Christ our sinnes be forgeuen and that we be in the fauour of God we be harte hole mery and found What is an euill conscience It is an inward boyling heate and tossing of the minde for a mans wickednesse and when for pure anguish of the sight and horrore of sinne the hart fainteth and failleth him It is called in Scripture the worme of the conscience What is veritie and truth Christ himselfe the word of God and what soeuer els agreeth with the word of god For as Christ saith I am the way the truth and the life Also thy wordes be the truth There is also a Ciuile truth or veritie as it is called and that is when with that which is sayd the thing agreeth when we find words agreeing with the thing itselfe What is lesing or falsitie What soeuer thing is enemie and not agreeing to the truth and the word of God as mans tradicions or doctrines that serue not to the same word of God. What is the feare of God Suche an humblenes and lowe behauiour as naturall sonnes haue towardes their louing fathers It is also a redy glad and wylfull warenesse in ordering our selues that we do not commit any thing against God and his word for feare least we should offend so louing and tender a father Which feare as it springeth only out of faith so it is only in y faithful Then we feare God wisely when with hart and mind we so endeuer to liue and order our selues as yf we had God a witnesse and looker of all our deedes wordes ye and of our preuie thoughtes and cogitacious This louing dreade ingendereth wisedome and bringeth Gods blessing on vs and driueth out sinne out of the brest The seruile and bond feare is the amasing drede and abasshing of the mind that the wicked men haue of the wrath of God ingendred by laying the lawe to their euill liuing What is the contempt of God A dispising or a light regarding of the doctrine and the commaundementes of God proceeding of an vncleane hart and wicked minde a pleasure and delight in sinne and ignoraunce the roote of all mischiefe which fruite of incredulitie God neuer left vnpunished as it appeereth Exo. and Nume c. What is thankes geuing It is a remembraunce and a thankful acknowledging of the benefites of God when we surely thinke all that we haue commeth of him It is called in the Scripture sacrifice of prayse geuing What is vnkindnesse and priuie murmuring against God It is to grudge and not to be content with the workes of God and to forget his benefites Examples hereof we rede What is it to haue the holy Ghost To be godly disposed and to haue an heauenly burning in the mind euer vpright whole sincere and pure vertuous alway iudging the best willing and wishing wel to euery body the fruites of whome be all vertues which ye may see in the Galathians What is an euill mind or to haue the deuill It is to haue an euil concard mind to be against God and his word to be geuen all to wickednesse to misdeeme and iudge all to the worst What is a good Angell The messenger of God or what soeuer ye wyll by which God worketh vs and in vs that that is good profitable and commodious What is Sathan or an euill Angel An aduersary and enemy of God a worker of al mischefe death vnto vs Otherwhiles it is put only for the deuill What is the Crosse It is all manner of greuaunce geuen to euery manner of vocacion kind of life grounded on faith and the word of God what that we doo goeth not forward as we would It is also the teaching warning chastising rod and staffe of the Lord which names be for to be seene in the prouerbes and psalmes The Crosse of Christ is his Passion and the preaching of the same and the persecution that followeth the preachers and beleeuers of the same What is pleasure and the ease of this life It is when we haue all at will when God leaueth vs to our selues and troubleth vs not with any aduersitie for faith and the word of God. What is sinne It is the transgression and breaking of any of Gods commaundementes It is also a naturall propencion and inclinacion to noughtinesse ingendred with vs at
be persecuted and troubled And on the otherside letteth the euill men to enioy and haue all their pleasure and will here and preuaile against the good men What is fleshe and bloud The circumlocution and very descripcion of man For man of him selfe is nothing but fleshlye and carnall Blessed art thou Simon the sonne of Ionas for fleshe and bloude hath not opened this vnto thee but my father that is in heauen sayth Christ. What is care and thought A playne token of diffidence and distrust in god It is an vnfaithfull care pensifenesse of the minde for meate drinke clothing and suche other necessaries which in whome soeuer you doe see it surely it can not bee denied but that he is destitute of fayth in God and that his minde is set ouermuch to worldly things Therefore I saye vnto you be not carefull for the life c. After all such things doe the heathen seeke sayeth Christ. The care and thought of faith is prohibited by Gods worde For faith onelye looketh and leaneth to Gods worde and promises Nowe to take thoughte and care least God will not fulfill his worde and promises is to mistrust and not beleeue God and so much as lyeth in vs to make God a lyer Wherefore as I saide before all thought and care of matters pertaining to faith is vtterly to be put away The care and sorowe in thinges belonging to charitie and loue in euery mans vocation is commaunded by Gods word as one to be sorie for anothers mischaunce and miserie What is the gladnesse of the heart A token of confidence in God when in aduersitie trouble or affliction wee wayle not frowne or fret within our selues but reioyce looke stoutly on it and holde our selues well apayde hauing this euer before our eyes The sonne whom GOD loueth and receyueth he vseth to chasten and beate Cōtrariwise it is also a token of worldly welthinesse and delight in pleasures of the fleshe whom God threatneth Wo be vnto you that laugh here for ye shall wepe and wayle sayth Christ. What is to sinne against the father and the sonne It is to resist and persecute the worde of God but yet by ignoraunce and of a good zeale as Paule did before he was conuerted What is the sinne against the holy ghost It is when any resisteth the open manifest and knowne truth when any beleeue not the open and playne promises of God and when any dispaireth finally in the mercie of God. What is ment by this word Zeale in Scripture Zeale is anger medled and mixte with loue as when the louing father is angry with his childe for doing amisse he doth it not because he hateth his sonne but in doing so he signifieth his fatherly loue towardes him willing by that that shall do no more so but endeuer to better For when the childe is thus chidden or beaten he taketh heede that he doth not so againe for feare of a more grieuous punishment It betokeneth also the anger that chaunseth betwixt them that loue hartely togeather c. From hence commeth iealousy whiche springeth out of vehement loue God is called in Scripture a iealous God not that because any should thinke that any such affections were in God But that we might learne that God dooth all the things that are done for nothing else but for their sake onely whome he loueth so tenderly euen his elect Not bicause he looketh for anye vauntage by it but that they may be saued and enioye the kingdome prepared for them What is the bodie of Christ The congregation of all faithfull and of all that dinesse of the will to naughtinesse There dwelleth not in me that is to saye in my flesh ought that is good Wherfore what soeuer is in vs that is good commeth of GOD. What be Sacraments and Signes Good assurances and confirmations of the word of God. Some define them thus Sacramentes be signes and witnesses of the will of god towardes vs by whiche hee moueth and stirreth our heartes to beleeue Such were the skinnes wherwith God clothed Adam and Eua the Rainebowe Circumcision c. Such be with vs Baptisme and the Sacrament of Christes bodie and bloude What is Baptisme The dipping into the water in token of repentance and newnesse of life to followe It is also defined to be the badge and cognizaunce whereby not onely we be knowen to be of the flocke of Christ but that also wee bee stablished in our conscience that we be in the fauor of God and our sinnes forgiuen It is called the cleane and pure water the lauacre of our regeneration or fountayne of the newe birth What is the Sacrament of Christes bodie and bloude or of thankesgiuing An holy mysterie of the bodie and bloude of Christ institute of Christ to be eaten of all Christian men in token of remission of sinnes through Christ That euen as sure as we take the bread and eate it with the mouth of the bodie and drinke the wine so verily and certainly euē at the same instant with the mouth of our faith we receyue the verie bodie and bloude of Christe and there it doth as actually comforte and sustayne the soule as dothe the breade and the wyne nourishe and comfort the heart and the outwarde man. And as verily as the most souereign plaster and salue layde to a wounde or sore draweth oute the filth and healeth it so verily and really doth the bodie and bloud of Christe thus receyued put awaye the sores and deformities of the soule and not alonely maketh it whole but also pure cleane without scar wrinkle and spot and so maketh it a delectable louely and fayre spouse in the sight of god Lo what it is to receyue the bodie and bloude of Christ in faith What is penitence or repentance We reade of two manner of kindes of repentances One was a Legale in the olde lawe vsed of the Iewes and Israelites This kinde of repentaunce is a certaine contricion of the minde and hatred and detestation of our sinne with a sorowe and compunction of the hart which springeth and ryseth as soone as we begin to feele and perceyue the abhomination of oure sinne by laying our deedes and desires of our heart to Gods lawe Suche was the repentaunce and penitence of the Niniuets and of Manasses and of other which were greatly sorie and compunct in their hart what by cōsidering their offences on one part the anger iust wrath of God hanging ouer their heade for these offences The tokens and outward signes of which repentaunce amongest the Iewes was commonly clothing in sacke cloth sprinkling and casting asshes vpon theyr heare and fasting a day two or three This kinde of penitence may also the wicked men haue For Iudas that betrayed Christ afterward when he perceyued how wickedly he had done toke such care sorowe and pensifnesse that for pure