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A05142 The seconde [seventh] sermon of Maister Hughe Latimer which he preached before the Kynges Maiestie [with?]in his graces palayce at Westminster, ye xv. day of Marche [-xix daye of Apryll], M.ccccc.xlix. Latimer, Hugh, 1485?-1555. 1549 (1549) STC 15274.7; ESTC S122869 128,935 442

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of penaunce as we vse to say geue me leue to make you werye thys daye The Iewes had hym to Cayphas and Annas and there they whypte hym and bethym they sette a crowne of sharpe thorne vpon hys head and nayled hym to a tree yet al thys was not so bytter as thys horroure of death and thys Agony that he suffered in the gradayne in suche a degree as is dewe to all the synnes of the world and not to one mannes synne Wel thys passion is our remedye it is the satisfaction for oure synnes Hys soule descended to hell for a tyme. Here is muche a do these newe vpstartynge spirites say Christ neuer descended into hell neyther body nor soule Inscorne they will aske was he ther what dyd he there what if we cannot telle what he dyd there The crede goeth no further but fayeth he descended thyther what is that to vs if we cannot tell seynge we were taughte no further Paule was taken vp into the third heauen aske lykewyse what he sawe when we was caryed thyther you shall not fynde in scripture what he sawe or what he dyd there shall we not therfore beleue that he was ther. ¶ These arrogant spirites spirites of vayne glorye bycause they knowe not by any expresse scripture the order of his doynges in hell they wyll not beleue that euer he descended into hel In dede thys article hathe not so full scripture so many places and testimonies of scriptures as other haue yet it hathe ynoughe it hath .ii. or .iii. textes if it had but one one texte of scripture is of as good and lawfull authoritye as a M. and of as certayne trueth It is not to be wayed by the multitude of textes I beleue as certaynelye and verelye that thys Realme of Englande hath as good authoritye to heare Goddes word as any nacion in al the worlde it maye be gathered by .ii. textes one of them is thys Ite in vniuersum mundum et predicate euangelium omni creature Go into the whole world and preache the Gospell to all creatures And agayn deus ●ult omnes homines saluos fieri God wyl haue all men to be saued he exceptes not the Englishemen here nor yet expresselye nameth theym and yet I am as sure that thys Realme of England by thys gatheryng is allowed to here Goddes word as though Christ hadde sayed a thousand tymes Go preach to Englysh men I wyl that Englyshemen be saued Because thys Article of hys descendyng into hell can not be gathered so directlye so necessarylye so formallye they do vtterlye deny it Thys article hath Scriptures two or thre ynoughe for quiete mynde as for curyouse braynes nothynge can content theym Thys the diuils sterryng vp of such spirites of sedicion is an euidente argumente that the light is come forth for his word is a brode when the deuyll russheth when he roreth when he styrreth vp suche busy spirites to sclaunder it My entente is not to entreate of thys matter at thys tyme. I trust the people wyll not be caryed awaye wyth these newe arrogant spirites I dout not but good preachers wyllabour agaynst them But now I wyll say a worde and herein I prottest fyrst of al not arrogantlye to determyne and defyne it I wyll contende wyth no man for it I wyll not haue it be preiudice to anye body but I offer it vnto you to consyder and weay it There be some greate clarkes that take my parte and I perceyue not what euyll can come of it in sayeng y t our Sauiour Christe dyd not onely in soule descende into hell but also that he suffered in hell suche paynes as the damned spirites dyd suffer there Suerly I beleue verelye for my parte that he suffered the paynes of hell proporcionably as it correspondes and aunsweres to the whole synne of the worlde He would not suffer onelye bodelye in the gardayne and vpon the crosse but also in hys soule when it was from the bodye whyche was a payne dew for our syn Some wryte so and I canne beleue it that he suffered in the very place I cannot tell what it is call it what ye wyll euen in the skaldinge howse in the vgsomnes of the place in the presence of the place suche payne as our capacitie can not attayne vnto it is somewhat declared vnto vs when we vtter it by these effectes by fyre by gnashynge of teth by the worme that gnaweth on the conscience What so euer the payne is it is a greate payne that he suffered for vs. I se no inconuenyence to saye that Chryste suffered in soule in hell I singularly commende the excedynge greate charytye of Christe that for our sakes wold suffer in hel in hys soule It settes oute the vnspeakable hatred that God hath to synne I perceyue not that it doth derogate any thing frō the dignitie of Chrystes death as in the gardayne when he suffered it derogates nothing frō y t he suffred on the crosse Scripture speaketh on this fashiō Qui credit in me habet vitam eternam He that beleueth in me hath lyfe euerlasting Here he settes furth faith as the cause of our iustifycatiō in other places as high commēdacion is geuen to workes and yet are the worckes anye derogation from that dignitye of fayth No. And agayn scripture sayeth Traditus est propter peccata nostra et exuscitatus propter iustificationem c. It attributeth here oure iustyfycation to his resurrectiō and doeth thys derogate anye thynge from hys death not a whit It is whole Christ. What wyth his natiuytye what wyth hys circumcysyon what wyth hys incarnation and the whole processe of hys lyfe wyth hys preachyng what wyth hys ascendynge descendynge what wyth hys death it is all Chryst that worketh oure saluacyon He sytteth on the ryghthande of the father and all for vs. All this is the worke of oure saluation I woulde be as lothe to derogate any thyng from Christes death as the best of you al. How vnestymably are we boūd to hym what thankes oughte we to geue him for it We must haue thys contynuallye in remembraunce Propter te morti tradimur tota die For the we are in dieyng continually The life of a Chrsten man is nothynge but a readines to dye and a remembrauce of death If thys that I haue spoken of Christes sufferynge in the gardayne and in hell derogate any thinge from Christes death and passyon awaye wyth it beleue me not in thys if it do not it commendes and settes furth very wel vnto vs the perfection of the satisfacion that Christ made for vs and the woorck of a redemption not onelye before wytnes in thys worlde but in hel in that vgsome place where whether he suffered or wrastled w t the spitites or cōforted Abrahā Isaac Iacob I wyl not desier to knowe Yf ye lyke not that which I haue spoken of hys sufferynge let it go I wyl not striue
The seconde Sermon of Maister Hughe Latimer whych he preached before the Kynges maiestie w tin his graces Palayce at Westminster y e .xv. day of Marche M. ccccc.xlix Cum gratia et Priuilegio ad Imprimendum solum To the Reader EVen as intimes past al mē which were honestly bente to the promoting of vertue and learnyng foūd meanes that the workes of worthy oratours of famous and renoumed Philosophers shuld be by y e benefit of publishing redemed from the tyrannye of obliuion to the great and hygh profette of countryes of commen wealthes of empyres and of assemblies of men lykewyse ought we to fetche our presydente from those men and suffer no worthi mōument to perysh wherby any good may grow either to the more godly admynystracyon of politik● and ciuyl affayres or elles to the better establyshing of christian iudgment Numa Pōpilius who was inagured created king of the Romaynes next after Romulus was far more careful busier in grounding of Idolatrus religion as vpon rytes ceremonies sacrifices and supersticions then we are in promoting of christian religyon to the aduauncement of the glorye due to the omnipotent maiesty of God him selfe who hath reuealed and vttered hys worde vnto vs by hys Prophetes and laste of all by hys onely begotten sonne Iesus Christ whereby he hath confyrmed our consciēce in a more perfect certenty of the truth thē euer they were before This Numa instituted an Archbyshop for the perseruyng of the Commentaries contaynyng the solēpnities of their religion wyth manye other appendixes vnited to the office of the high bishoppe What do we We haue suppressed We haue wrastled w t fyre and sworde not only to deface the wrytynges of suche learned mē as haue paynefully trauailled to publysh Gods word but also we haue sturred euery stone sought al deuelish deuises to deteine y t same word of god itselfe frō his people May not we not vnwortheli be accōpted far vnder y e Ethenickes who wrought only by naturall mocyon antipacyons wythout breathinge and inspiring of the holy gost if we woulde not I meane not be equall wyth them but be farre more zelous in promotyng good learning and religiō thē euer thei were They when thei had suche noble and worthy clerkes as Socrates Plato and Aristotle w t al diligence caused y e frutes of those most rare and profound wittes to be preserued for their posteritie that the eyes of all generations myght enioye the fruicion and vse of them thinking that such wōderfull vertues shuld not be buried in y e same graue that theyr bodyes were After so manifold and daungerous shyp wrackes of religiō as in our tymes we may well remember whereas the ambitious and blynde prelates some of wily wilfulnes some of grose ignorance ruleth the sterne and euermore blemished the true knowledge of Goddes worde and dyd theyr indeuour to obscure the same wyth their polytyke and decente ceremosies trampery of supersticions How oft hath religion bene tost on the stormy sourgis and daungerous rockes of the Romyshe seas Howe oft hath it bene in such a desperate state that the true mynysters haue bene inforsed as you woulde say to waye vp ancker the tackling of the shyp beyng broken and destytute of all other helpe and succoures to geue ouer the rulynge of the shyppe to God hym selfe who is only able to saue whē al y e world by mānes reasō iudgeth it past cure Such O Lord is thy mercie and ineffable power what cristē hert that fauoureth y e glory of God did not euen lamente and bewaile the state of religiō and thought verely the vtter ruine of Christes church to be at hād seing the late martirdome of those that suffered Yet didest thou lord sturre vp thousandes out of their ashes and what was done of a popysh polycye to suppresse and kepe vnder thy truth that of al other dyd most set forth the same Thou hast deliuered Danyel out of the denne of the lyons and he hath set fourth thy worde abroade But now coūtremen whō God hath blessed by deliuerynge you from the tirranny of the lions and her whelpes which wēt thorow the whole realme sucekyng the innocent bloude how vnthanckfull are you vnto God so greatlye neglectynge so specyall a benefyt fallyng into suche a lousenes of lauicioouse liuing as the lyke hath neuer bene heard of hereto fore Euē as ye are growne to a perfeccyō in knowlege so are ye come to a perfeccyō in al mychiefe The Heathen whych had no other guyde but the law of nature grauen in the tables of their hart were neuer so poysoned with the contagion of most horyble heresies as some of vs Christians which are not ashamed to brag and boste of the spirite But it is a phanaticke spirite a brainsicke spitite a sedicious a malignante spirite Christe breath his spirite vpō you y t ye may rede y e scripture wtih al humblenes and reuerēce to fetch from thence comforte for youre wounded consciences not to make that lyuely fountayne of lyfe to serue for the fedynge of your idle braines to dyspute more subtellye thereby or else by mysunderstandynge of the same to conceiue pernitious and annabaptistical opinions Remember y t the seruaunte whiche knoweth hys maysters wyll and doeth it not shal be beaten wyth many strypes God is a good God a mercyful God a father whych beareth muche wyth our croked nature and vnchristyan behauiour and very slote to reuenge hys blasphemie thys maitenaunce of so manye unscripturlye opinions these brablynges and scismatyke cōtencions wherin a great packe of vs delite and repose our glory all though as fōdly as eroniously to y e great sclaunder of the godly learned and also to the hynderaunce of the good successe fre passage of the word of God But as truly as god is God if we repēt not shortly hys plages and vengaunce are not far of hys indignacyon and wrathe shall be poured from heauen vpon our vngodlynes He is long a comming but when he coms be wil pay whome and as Lacta●cius sayeth recompence hys long sufferance wyth greuouser punishmentes The world and the deuil hath so bewitched vs y t we in our dedes I feare we to manye of vs deny God to be God whatsoeuer we pittle pattle w t our tōges Goddes word must not be talcked of only for that is not inough it muste be expressed Then must we as welliue the worde as talke the worde or else if good lyfe do not ensue and folow vpon our readynge to the example of other we wyghte as wel spende that tyme in redyng of prophane hystories of cantorburye tales or a fit of Robyn Hode Let vs ioyne good life wyth our readyng and yet al wylbe to lyttle Remember that the world and al that is in it is mere vanitye and shall haue an ende Thou I say y t thus abusest the gifte of Gods holy word and the gratyousnes of the Kinges maiesty whiche hath lycensed the
them rightly If these scriptures whyche they maye rede in these godly sermons do not pearse their stony hertes we feare more wyl not serue The Lord be mercyful to them But nowe the wycked Iudge whiche corrupteth iustyce for Brybes heer he maye learne also the lesson that Moses taughte long before this tyme ye magistrates Iudges in the common wealth of Israell be no accepters of personnes neyther be desyreous of giftes for they make wyse men blind and chaunge the mynde of the ryghtuouse In iudgement be mercyfull to the faitheles as a father be in stead of an husband vnto theyr mother The vngodly taketh gifts out of the bosom to wrast the waies of iudgment Let him that rules be deligēt sayth Paul What meaneth he by thys terme diligēt He requyres no such diligence as the most part of our lucratiue lawyers do vse in dyfferryng and prolōging of matters and accyons from Terme to Terme and in the tractynge of tyme in the same Whear perchaūce the tytle or the ryght of the matter myght haue come to lyght and bene tryed longe before if the Lawyers the Iudges would haue vsed such diligēce as Paule would haue them to do But what care y e lawyers for Paul Paul was but a mad man of lawe to controlle thē for their diligence Paull yea Peter to coulde better skil of mending of an olde net of clouting of an old tent thē to teach lawiers what diligence they should vse in the expediciō of matters Whi but be not lawiers diligent say ye Yea truly are thei about their own profit ther are no more diligēter mē nor busier persōs in al Englād They trudg in y e tearme time to fro Thei applye the world hard They forslow no tyme. They folow Assises and Sessiōs Letes Lawdaies and Hūdredes They shuld serue the kyng but they serue them selues And how thei vse nay rather abuse their office in the same some good manne wyll tell theym thereof We lacke a fewe moo Latymers a fewe moo suche Preachers Such playne Pasquyls we pray God prouide for vs y t will kepe nothing backe Of the whych sort and numbre we may most worthely recken thys faythful minister of ●od and constant Preacher of hys word Master Hugh Latymer which by his perseueraunce stedfastnes in the truth hath stablished this waueryng worlde He hath bene tost for the truthes saked and tried w t the stormes of persecutyon as golde in the fornace He is one whom as well for hys learned sounde and chatholyke iudgment in the knoledge of Goddes worde as for hys integrety and example of christian cōuersacyon all we specially ministers and prelates ought to set before oure eyes as a principall patrone to imytate follow desyrynge God who hath styrred vp in hym the bold spirite of Helias may dayly more and more augment the same in him may also prouide manye such preaching prelates which both so wel could so willyngly wold frākely vtter the truth to the extollinge of vertue to the rewarde of well doers the suppressyng of vyce the abolyshmente of all papestrie It is oure parte therefore to praye diligently for hys cōtinuall health and that he may liue long among vs in a florishing old age and not as some in grate inhumayne persons to maligne depraue him for y t he so frākly liberally taxed perstringed opēly rebuked before the Kinges Mayestie y e peculiar faults of certaine of hys auditours but it is our part rather thākefully to accepte in good parte take his godly aduertisemēt onles we be mynded to prefer our mucky monye false felicitie before y e ioyse of heauē or els beleue as y t Epecures do that after this life ther is neither hel nor heauē Receiue thākfully gētlereader these sermonnes faith fully colected w tout al sinistre suspicion of any thyng in the same added or adēpt FINIS ☞ The ▪ xxi day of Iune ☜ QVecunque scripta sutit ad nostram doctrinam c. All thynges that are wrytten in Goddes boke in the holy Byble they were wrytten before oure tyme but yet to contynue from age to age as long as the world doeth stand In thys Boke is contayned doctrine for al estates euen for kynges A kynge herein maye learne how to guyde hym selfe I tolde you in my laste sermon muche of the dutye of a kynge And there is one place behynde yet and it foloweth in the texte Postquam autem sederit in solio regni sui c. And when the Kynge is sette in the seate of hys kyngdome he shall wryte hym out a boke take a copy of y ● pryestes or Leuites He shall haue the boke wyth hym and why to reade in it all the dayes of hys lyfe to learne to feare God and learne hys Lawes and other thynges as it foloweth in the texte wyth the appurtenaunces and hāgynges on that he turne not frome God neyther to the ryght hande nor to the lefte And wherfore shal he do thys that he may lyue longe he and hys children Hitherto goeth the text That I maye declare thys the better to the edifiynge of youre soules and the glory of God I shall desyre you to praye c. Et posquam sederit c. Before I enter into thys place right honourable audyence to furnyshe it accordyngly whych by the grace of god I shal do at leasure I woulde repete the place I was in last furnyshe it wyth an history or two whiche I lefte oute in my last sermō I was in a matter cōcerning the sturdines of the Iewes a frowarde and styfnecked kynde of people much lyke oure Englyshe men nowe a dayes that in the minoritye of a Kynge take vpon them to breake lawes to go by wayes For whē god had promysed thē a kyng whē it came to the point they refused hym These men walked by walckes and the sayynge is many bywalkes many balckes many balckes muche stumblynge and where muche stumblynge is there is sometyme a fal how be it ther were some good walkers among thē that walked in the kinges highe waye ordinarilye vpryghtlye playne Dunstable waye and for thys purpose I woulde shewe you an hystorye whyche is wryten in the thyrde of the kynges Kynge Dauid beynge in hys chyldhode an olde man in hys second chyldhode for al old men are twyse chyldren as the Prouerbe is Senex his puer An olde manne twyse a chylde it happened wyth hym as it doth oftentymes when wycked men of a Kynges chyldhode take occasyon of euyl Thys Kynge Dauid beyng weake of nature and impotente in so muche that when he was couered with clothes he coulde take no heate was counsayled of his seruauntes to take a fayre younge mayde to nouryshe hym and to kepe hym warme in hys bodye I suppose she was hys wyfe Howe be it he hadde no bodilye companye wyth her and well she myghte be hys