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A02916 The epistle of the blessed apostle Saint Paule which he, in the time of his trouble and imprisonment, sent in writting from Rome to the Ephesians. Faithfully expounded, both for the benefite of the learned and vnlearned, by Nicholas Hemming ... Familiarlie translated out of Latine into English, by Abraham Fleming. Heerein are handled the high mysteries of our saluation, as maie appeare by the table of commonplaces necessarilie annexed by the same A.F. Perused and authorised.; Commentarius in epistolam Pauli ad Ephesios. English Hemmingsen, Niels, 1513-1600.; Fleming, Abraham, 1552?-1607. 1580 (1580) STC 13057.8; ESTC S102723 176,886 270

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respect as the Psalmist most plainly pronounceth Non volens c. Thou art a God which canst not away with iniquitie truly it cannot be that God shuld be the author of sin or of anie euill procéeding of a fault Lastly y e circumstance of the place restraineth y t vniuersal word all things to one certeine kinde of action or déede For y e text hangeth thus together Which worketh all things that we should be vnto the praise of his glorie that is to say he bringeth to passe that we both wil do those things which turne to the glorie and praise of God The Apostle therefore speaketh manifestlie of the wholsome or healthful workings of God in his Church For he moueth our will that we may will and our strength that we may not will in waste Verse 13 14 13 In vvhom also ye haue trusted after that ye heard the vvord of truth euen the gospel of your saluation wherein also after that ye beleeued ye vvere sealed with the holie spirit of promise 14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance vntill the redemption of the possession purchased vnto the praise of his glory In whom also ye hauing heard the word of truth euen the Gospell of your saluation wherein ye beleeued were sealed with the holie spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritaunce vnto redemption to the praise of his glorie THis is an other member of our diuision wherein he applieth the partaking of heauenlie grace spirituall blessing adoption and election with the Saints vnto the Gentiles vnder the name of the Ephesians drawing his argument from the effect or fruit of the Gospell preached among the Ephesians But because this part is verie full of spirituall doctrine I will lay it open and declare it in his proper members to the intent that the doctrine may the more plainlie be perceiued and made to serue our vse In the first place mention is made of the preaching of the Gospell whereby God reuealeth vnto the world his will touching saluation fréelie giuen and offereth the same indifferentlie vnto all without respect of person or people according to that saieng Goe ye throughout the whole world and preach the Gospell vnto euerie creature In the second place followeth faith which being conceiued in vs by the Gospell preached the holie Ghost working effectually in our hearts laieth fast holde vpon the saluation which the Gospell offereth giuing vnto God the praise of his truth In the third place is added the sealing of the holie spirit wherewith we are then saied to be seased when we bring forth the true fruites of faith by the faith of Iesus Christ This holie spirit the Apostle calleth The spirit of promise both bicause it sealeth vnto vs the good things promised and also bicause it is giuen vs by promise In the fourth place is added the vse of this holie spirite giuen vnto vs namelie That it should be the earnest of our inheritance which we doe not yet perfectlie possesse but looke waite for the same héerafter to come For as that is an earnest when some thing of the price is giuen which is not to be drawen backe againe but to be perfourmed and fullie downe paid so the giuing of the holie spirit is a certaine part of our inheritaunce bestowed vpon vs for this ende to wit that we might be assured of the full and perfect possession of the whole inheritaunce which is euerlasting life And why is it called an inheritance but because it pleased God of his fatherlie goodnesse without our merites to appoint the same our portion which are made the members of Christ the naturall sonne of God vnto whom all things which are his fathers doe belong In the fift place the circumstaunce of time is noted Vntill the redemptiō of the possessiō purchased saith the Apostle that is to say vntill the day of iudgement when we which are redéemed with the price of Christs bloud shall obtaine and enioie our full inheritance Vntill the redemption therefore that is to say vntill the day of redemption Of the possession purchased that is to say for vs who by our redemption wrought in his bloud are put in possession of the promised inheritance Hetherto we haue vntwisted as it were and laid open this present point in his proper parts or members in the which our Apostle setteth out verie trimlie the manner and order of our restitution or redemption For he beginneth at the preaching of the Gospell and teacheth vs that faith must be added therevnto which being done the sealing of the holie spirit is felt in the heart which is a certaine earnest as it were of the promised inheritance The last end of all these is the glorie of God of his mercie healing and also sauing all such as beléeue For saith Saint Ambrose as it is y e Physicians praise and commendation if he heale manie so the praise of Gods glorie is when manie are wonne to beléeue with vnfeigned faith Finallie we must marke that the Apostle decketh the Gospell of Christ with a double title For first by the figure Antonomasia he calleth the Gospell The word of truth which title is taken of the matter conteined in the Gospell For the Gospell doeth conteine the euerlasting truth of God an vndeceiuable testimonie of obteining saluation through Christ The second is The Gospell of saluation which is taken of the end of the Gospell For the Gospell was ordeined and giuen for our saluation For as the Law whiles it requireth righteousnesse promiseth saluation and life to them which fulfill the same contrariwise threateneth damnation death to all the transgressours thereof so the Gospell because we haue not the righteousnes which the Lawe requireth sheweth Christ vnto vs who is y e end of the Law to all them that beléeue Thus y e righteousnes saluation which we could not reach vnto in doing we obteine in beléeuing whiles y e righteousnes of Christ being imputed vnto vs our sins washed away by y e sacrifice of himself we are made righteous heires also of saluation Neither is this slightlie to be ouerslipped that as before he made the glorie of God the end of our election of our predestination and likewise of our calling so héere also he maketh the same the ende of our sanctification Wherevpon it followeth that all glorie of saluation must be taken quite away from euerie creature and merite of man and giuen to God alone by Iesus Christ Wherefore as in all things that are good so héere chiefelie that short sentence of Nazianzen taketh place 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to say Make God the beginning and ende of euerie thing Verse 15 16. 15 Therefore also after that I heard of the faith vvhich ye haue in the Lord Iesus loue towards all Saints 16 I cease not to giue thanks for you making mention of you in my praiers For this cause I also hauing heard of your faith in
our former life least the Lord in his furie most iustlie cast vs off and giue vs ouer into a reprobate minde till we growe past grace be vtterlie void of anie féeling of sorowe for our sinnes Let not the multitude of misliuing sinners moue vs let not lawlesnes be a cloke to couer our shame let not scaping scot frée when we haue done amisse deceiue vs. The punishment is not forgiuen or forgotten though for a time it be forborne and driuen off Let vs not therefore set light by Gods gentlenesse and long suffering dailie calling vs to amendement Verse 8. 8 For ye vvere once darknesse but are novv light in the Lord walke as children of light For ye were sometimes darknesse but are now light in the Lord as children of light so walke HE fetcheth the reason of hisexh ortation from a comparison of the Ephesians double estate to wit of that wherein they were before their conuersion and of this wherein they are now placed after their conuersion For it is méete that euerie one should answere in life manners the degrée and place wherein he is set and should also take héed that he staine not his estate with anie spot least through his owne follie and fault he fall from that dignitie whereto he was aduaunced both to his owne shame and reproch and also to the ruine and decaie of others which by their example are the worse The Apostle in this place calleth men that are blinded in their sinnes liue altogether disorderedlie villanouslie by the tearme of Darknesse such are all they manie or few which are not yet conuerted or turned by the Gospell Now this figure Metonymi● hath in it great force as when we call a wicked man wickednesse it selfe The meaning therefore is this Before your conuersion O yée Ephesians what were ye Euen men made of the méere darknesse of ignorance and maliciousnesse so that there was not one mite of true and healthfull light remaining in you But now you are light walke therefore as children of light The word Light is attributed and giuen to the faithfull both bicause they are inlightened in themselues with true light and also bicause they giue more light and shine brighter than others insomuch that they doe euen reproue and finde fault with the life of the wicked that is to saie make the same more manifest This place is principallie to be marked which admonisheth vs that the thinking vpon the dignitie and worthinesse of Christians ought to be a pricke vnto them to stirre them vp to liue holilie and vnblameablie both that we should performe to God ward all due obedience and also drawe others forward by our example to godlinesse Besides that this place teacheth vs that such as professe themselues to be Christians and yet liue wickedlie deceiue themselues and laie themselues wide open to greater danger of damnation For they are not the Children of light that is to saie they are not inlightened with the true light vnlesse they defie and forsake the workes of darknesse Verse 9. For the fruit of the spirit is in all goodnesse and righteousnesse and truth For the fruit of the spirit is in all goodnesse righteousnesse truth THis Argument is drawne from the cause efficient We which beléeue are regenerate or new borne and indued with the spirit of Christ Now The fruit of the spirit is goodnesse righteousnesse and truth Therfore we must doe what we can by these to stand against maliciousnesse vnrighteousnesse lieng This verse must be read in a Parenthesis that the words which folowe maie agrée with the sentence going before Verses 10. 11. 10 Approuing that vvhich is pleasing to the Lord. 11 And haue no fellowship vvith the vnfruitfull workes of darknesse but euen reproue them rather Allowing that whereby the Lord is well pleased and haue nothing to doe or meddle not with vnfruitfull or vnprofitable workes but rather rebuke them THe Apostle declareth what it is To walke as children of light and he draweth the endeuours or studies of the children of light as it were to thrée heads For his will is first that we should search out and approue whatsoeuer is acceptable vnto God that is to saie whatsoeuer is commanded and set downe in his word For as the word of God alone instructeth and teacheth vs what pleaseth him and what displeaseth him so this word alone ought to be the rule of life vnto the godlie Secondlie the Apostle requireth vs Not to haue anie fellowship with the vnfruitfull that is to saie vnprofitable hurtfull works of darknesse to wit which procéed from the ignorance of the Gospell of Christ and which haue in them as their cause concupiscence ingendered such are the heathenish and horrible sinnes wherewith they that are ignoraunt of the Gospell defile and staine themselues Now we are said then to haue fellowship with heinous and great disordered sinnes both when we either make proofe anie manner of waie one or other that they please vs or when we ouerslip them with silence and that most of all if our calling otherwise séeme to charge vs that we ought openlie to professe our selues displeased with them Thirdlie that we should rebuke the workes of darknesse and that as well by our holie and honest life as also by liuelie voice springing from a certeine zeale of the glorie of God and thus must we chieflie doe if it stand with the order of our vocation and calling But if we maie not doe it in words yet notwithstanding wée must shewe one waie or other that these sinnes and offenses like vs not in anie case but altogether irke and loath vs. This place is to be marked For the Apostle doeth not comprise in a short Aphorisme the duties of the children of light to wit of Christians onelie but also disproueth and throweth vnder foote the vanitie of them that giue a gesse as the blinde man shootes his bolt that they doe their duties to the vttermost if they sinne not themselues in their owne person being neuer a whit carefull for others Moreouer the Apostle teacheth in this place that they also are out of the waie and twang vpon a wrong string who though they liue in blind Poperie thinke notwithstanding that it is enough to abhorre vngodlinesse and defie papisticall superstition in minde and thought supposing that to be present at the abhominable théeuish and heathenish deuotions of Papists for outward peace and quietnesse sake is nothing hurtfull For they which either by their presence séeme to allowe these trumperies although in minde they mislike them much yet notwithstanding they put the halter of wicked fellowshippe about their owne neckes And what doe they They vnderstand not that it makes no matter whether they doe it of blinde superstition or of craftie and close dissimulation seeing that by either euill as well this 〈◊〉 that men make a mocke of Gods holie religion and by their example partlie confirme and embolden the ignoraunce
which it worketh 72. Spirit of wisedome c. to what ende it perteineth to knowledge c. 36. Spirit of promise and why so called 30. Spirit and the vse of the same 30. Spirit of God and how the same is grieued 159. 160. Spirit of wisdome c. and what it is 34. Spirit of God and when hee is said to be grieued 160. Spirit and what are the fruits thereof 172. 173. Spirit and that it is in vs to cast off the holie spirit 221. 222. Spirit of our minde and how the same is renewed 15● Spirit and of the fulnesse thereof 181. Starres Starres doe gouerne inferiour bodies 206. 207. Starres haue nothing to do with the mindes of men 206. 210. Starres haue not such force as the seede of generation 206. 207. Starres haue somewhat to deale in bodilie health c. 207. Starres excluded from medling with our kinde of life and death 209. Strength Strength of the spirit what and from whence 117. Strength of Christians Christ himselfe 118. Strength of the Lord maketh vs strong and how 221. Strength of the Lord and when we are made partakers thereof 221. Strength of the Lord not by nature but by grace 221. Submission Submission and to whom it belongeth 183. Submission and of the rule of the same 183. 184. Submission and of such as neglect the rule thereof 184. Supper Supper of the Lord and whereof it is a token 27. T. Talke Talke that is filthie forbidden and whie 159. Talke that is filthie grieueth Gods holie spirit 159. 160. Teachers Teachers and what danger commeth by such if they be false 144. Temple Temple of God and why euerie christian is so called 100. Temple of God wherevpon read notable points of doctrine 100. Thankesgiuing Thankesgiuing must goe before praier 33. Thankesgiuing and what kinde of vertue the same is 167. Thankesgiuing inioined vnto vs. 12. Thankesgiuing for Gods benefites required 32. Theft Theft a word of large signification 158. Theft a member of the old man 158. Time Time and of redeeming the time a point of a wise man 178 Time and of redeeming the time according to the trade of occupiers 178. Time and of redeeming the time and when we are said to redeeme it 178. Time and of redeeming the time and what it meaneth 178. Trespasses Trespasses and who are said to bee dead therein 75. Trespasses and sinnes how they differ 75. Trespasses and the foure causes of the same 78. 79. 80. Triall Triall of our selues must be taken 71. Triall of our selues and what it is 71. Triall of our selues aright and from whence it must proceed 71. Triumph Triumph of Christ prophesied 132. Triumph of Christ vnderstood by this word captiuitie 133. Triumph of Christ and in whom it shall be ended 133. Triumph of Christians and of comfort to bee had thereby vnder the crosse 133. Truth Truth and what is the signification and meaning thereof 153. Truth the girdle of a Christian souldier 229. Truth and what deceiptfull deuises are vsed to drawe men from it 144. Truth a member of the new man 156. Truth must be followed and what this word truth compriseth 145. Truth and that we must gird vp our loines therewith 229. Truth how the minde of man must bee armed with it against the diuell 229. V. Vanitie Vanitie of the minde declared 149. 150. 151. Vbiquitie Vbiquitie of Christs naturall bodie confuted 45. Vncircumcision Vncircumcision in the flesh onelie but not in the spirit 89. 90. Vncircumcision both in the flesh and in the spirit 90. Vncleannesse Vncleannesse all kinde of concupiscence c. 166. Vncieannesse a sinne fighting with true holinesse 166. Vnderstanding Vnderstanding and how the same is blinde 150. 151. Vnderstanding in man what it is by definition 150. Vnderstanding of the minde and of the spirit 80. Vnitie Vnitie of the Church and wherein it consisteth 142. Vnitie and from whence the foundation thereof must be fet●ht 130. Vnitie of the Church and of him that is separated from it 130. Vnitie or loue and of such as violate and breake the bonds thereof 131. Vnitie and of such as brag and boast thereof 129. Vnitie the reason whereof is to bee marked 129. Vnitie of mindes in the Saints and whereat the same must take beginning 127. 128. Vnitie what are the plagues thereof 128. Vnitie of spirit and what it is 127. Vnitie and of such as depart from the same 129. 130. Vnitie of spirit and what are the foundations of the same 126. Vnitie the degrees of the same 142. Vnthankfulnesse Vnthankfulnesse an euill vice and most abhominable 89. Vnwise Vnwise and who deserue to be so named 179. Vocation Vocation of Christians and what it is 125. Vocation and what it ought to stirre vs vp vnto 125. Vocation and vnto what things we are called 125. 126. W. Whooremongers Whooremongers and of their heauie iudgement 168. Wilfulnesse Wilfulnesse and who is the childe of wilfulnesse 78. Will of God Will of God ought to bee the rule of our race 179. Will of God fatherlike towards all 68. 69. Will of God and in whom wee must seeke it 20. Will of God his promise at agreement 120. 121. Will of God witnessed in his word 17. Will of God to haue all men saued 17. 18. 19. Will of God is free and tied to no necessitie 28. Will of God most holie perfect 28. Will of man mooued by Gods will and how 29. Will of God one simplie and not two 63. 64. Will of God in sauing and condemning 64. 65. Will of God of two sorts 65. Will of God to bee seene chiefelie in foure things 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. Will of God the foundation of our predestination 58. 59. Will of God and how and wherby the same is reuealed vnto vs 59. Will of Gods good pleasure what it is 24. Will of God to be preferred before all things 179. 180. Will of God signified by his name 181 Will of God our will contrarie 68. Will of man prone readie to sin 68. Will of the flesh Will of the flesh and wherevpon it staieth 62. Will of the flesh and how forceable and violent it is 80. Will of the spirit Will of the spirit and what things it commandeth 80. Wine Wine of being dronke therwith 180 Wisdome Wisdome is the knowledge of the Gospell 23. Wisdome of Gods children contained in the Gospell 24. Wiues Wiues and wherein they discharge their subiection 197. Wiues and of the manner of louing them 192. Wiues and of their subiection to their husbands 184. 185. Wiues of their duties to their husbands 197. Wiues and what kind of subiection is required of them 185. Wiues that are stubbo●rne and disobedient 186. Wiues and that they haue profite by their obedience 186. Wiues must be content with their owne husbands 186. Word Word of our calling what it is 130. Word of God commended vnto vs and of the benefite of the same 109. Word
of this heauenlie blessing is added to wit That we should be holie without blame before him in loue which is the fountaine of all other christian duties This high and excellent calling therefore doeth require holinesse and innocencie of life as the last end or effect of spirituall blessing Thus far we haue shewed the meaning of y e Apostle now let vs see what doctrine comfort is to be gotten therby First therefore where he saith that We are chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world we may thervpon as vpon an vnmoueable principle conclude these specialties to wit That our election is frée that it is without vs that election is not to be sought in the matter of man that election is firme ratified that our saluation is founded in Christ alone that all merits of men are excluded that they are called elect or chosen which are in Christ by faith for the principle of our saluation standeth stedfast He that beleeueth in the sonne shall not perish but shall haue euerlasting life For by faith a passage is made frō eternal election to glorification to come Some out of this place doe reason in this manner God hath chosen some in Christ before the foundation of the world Ergo God ordeined the fall of man before the foundation of the world For of them which fell some are chosen to life and some are reserued or kept to due condemnation Now séeing it is necessarie that men stood before their fall it followeth that God ordeined the creation of man in righteousnesse and holinesse from the which he fell by sinne Therefore the creation of man his corruption his election his reprobation are ordeined of God To this argument I aunswere That to ordeine and bring to passe is one thing to foreknow in eternall counsell another God ordeined the creation of man to his owne Image or likenesse that he should be righteous and holie it was the fatherlie will of God that his creature shuld continue such a one He did foreknow y t man shuld fall after Sathan had deceiued him yet notwithstanding he ordeined not his fall yea rather this his fall was contrarie to Gods ordinaunce els had it not bene deadly vnto man But in so much as God foreknew mans discase he ordeined a remedie to wit his election after his fal in Iesus Christ Therefore the foreknowledge of God is not the cause of mans fall but contrariewise his fall which was to come was the cause of Gods foreknowledge For the thing dependeth not vpon knowledge but knowledge vpon the thing Againe we haue to vnderstand that the election of God is eternall and before all time so that therein in respect of time nothing is to be thought before or after S. Paule therefore when he saith That God hath chosen vs before the foundation of the world speaketh in respect of vs who are then in déede said to bée elected and chosen by Gods eternall decrée when we beleeue in Christ and indeuour to liue in holinesse and innocencie Héerevpon it followeth that the blasphemous speaches of such are execrable accursed which say If I am elected and chosen why then mine iniquitie shall not condemne mée the counsell of God is vnchaungeable If I be not elected and chosen why then neither faith nor desire to liue vertuously will doe me any good The manner of election which is conditionall confuteth these kinde of speaches We are chosen in Christ Ergo we are chosen vpon this condition if we be in Christ that is if we shall beleeue in Christ Wherefore he that is condemned is condemned through his owne default bicause when he was fallen he refused to take hold of Gods right hand whose wil it was to lift him vp againe This is proued by the ende of the ministerie of the word For God sent the Apostles their successors also abroad to this end That they shuld preach the Gospel that they which beleeued should haue life euerlasting Our saluation therfore out of doubt is conditional as these words of Paule beare record Si modo c. If you continue grounded and stablished in the faith Participes c. We are made partakers of Christ if we hold fast the confidence and the reioicing of the hope vnto the ende Mulier c. The woman shall bee saued if she continue in faith Si tamen c. If so be we shall be sound cloathed not naked Christ in like case beateth into our heads this condition Qui crediderit c. He that beleeueth shall not be condemned but he that beleeueth not is condemned alreadie Nisi c. Except yee amend your liues ye shall all likewise perish Si manseritis c. If ye abide in me my words abide in you aske what ye will and it shall be done vnto you Vpon this simplicitie of Gods word let vs stedfastlie staie our selues neither let vs suffer our selues to be withdrawn from it by anie sophistrie let vs giue to God the praise of truth and let vs be trulie resolued in our selues that Gods will is to do that indéed which he witnesseth in his word he will doe But if we be not able to aunswere to all the craftie conclusions of Sophisters which wrest the Scripture diuerslie to mainteine vphold their decrees of destinie let vs confesse that we are but babes in the schoole of Christ and let vs hold fast the grounds of godlines which we haue atteined vnto by an vnfeined faith neither let these most sweete and delicate saiengs be snatcht from vs Fidelis sermo c. This is a true saieng and by all meanes worthie to be receiued that Christ Iesus came into the world to saue sinners Againe Hoc honestum c. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Sauiour who will that all men shall be saued and come vnto the knowledge of the truth For there is one God and one Mediatour betweene God and man which is the man Christ Iesus who gaue himselfe a raunsome for all men And the Lord himselfe saith Venite c. Come vnto me all ye that labour are heauie loaden and I will refresh you And againe Non veni c. I came not into the world to call the righteous but sinners to repentaunce Againe Deus est c. The Lord is patient towards vs would haue no man perish but would all men to come to repentaunce Againe Omnis c. Whosoeuer beleeueth in him shall not be ashamed for there is no difference betweene the Iewe and the Grecian for he that is Lord ouerall is rich vnto all that call vpon him Againe Apparuit c. For the grace of God which bringeth saluation vnto all men hath appered teacheth vs that we should denie vngodlines worldlie lusts and that we should liue soberlie righteouslie and godlie in this present world looking for
the Apostle Resurrexit c. Christ was raised vp from the dead by the glorie of his Father that wee also should walke in newnesse of life Of our bodies according to the wordes of the Apostle Christus resurrexit c. Christ is risen from the dead and was made the first fruites of them that slept For since by man came death by man came also the resurrection of the dead For as in Adam all die euen so in Christ all shall be made aliue The sixt is the bonde of mutuall fraternitie and brotherhoode For so the Lorde himselfe rising from the dead speaketh to the women by Ascendo c. I go vp to my Father and to your Father my God and your God If therefore wée all haue but one Father in common to vs all if wée all are brothers and sisters in Christ it is méete that like brothers and sisters wée bée all of one minde and tender one an other with brotherlie affection and loue The seuenth is a generall remedie against all calamities against all woundes or sores of the soule of the bodie of our name and fame Heerevnto serueth the saieng of the Apostle to Timothie Memento c. Remember that Iesus Christ is risen from the dead as if he should haue said In this thy ministerie and office thou shalt féele manie distresses thou shalt suffer manie temptatious of the Diuell and of men but in all these take vnto thée for thy succour saftie this notable Treacle namelie the meditating of the Lordes resurrection which as in the Lorde himselfe it was the victorie ouer all temptations and afflictions so likewise in vs it shall bée the same victorie when we shall be raised vp from the dead by the power of Christs resurrection The eight is a perfect hope or assured persuasion of our glorious state and immortalitie Saint Peter saith Regenuit nos c. Hee hath begotten vs againe vnto a liuelie hope by the resurrection of Iesus Christ from the dead The third point of this first member is of the power whereby the Lord was raised from the dead Christ saith Potestatem habeo c. I haue power to put away my life from me and to take it againe Now in this place God the Father is said to haue raised him vp In these words there is no contrarietie of speach Christ in déed raised vp himselfe as God that is to saie hée raised vp the nature of his manhood by the power of his Godhead and the Father raised him vp as man To bée short because the essence or béeing of the Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost is all one and the selfe same as touching their diuinitie or Godhead their works are vnseparable Let these things suffice to be briefly spoken concerning the first member of this point whereof in generall there is a double vse to wit that wée should be confirmed and established in the knowledge of Christs death and resurrection and that we should proue and trie in our selues a liuelie and quicke féeling of the same In which sense S. Paule speaketh to the Romanes where he ascribeth mortification viuification or for the better vnderstanding of the words the making of vs dead the making of vs aliue that is to saie newnesse of life vnto the Lords death and resurrection The second member now followeth wherof the Apostle speaketh saieng And hath set him at his right hand in the heauenlie places This member conteineth two Articles of our beliefe the first is The Lords ascending into Heauen the second is his sitting at the right hand of God For his ascending thether went before his sitting there Nowe this ascending of the Lord was done visible For hée was carried vp into heauen in a bodilie and naturall manner from the sight of his Disciples For so it is saide in the Actes Cernentibus ipsis c. While they beheld hee was taken vp for a clowde tooke him vp out of their sight And from thence was he caried aboue al heauens placed in heauenlie places at the right hand of God his Father as Saint Paule sheweth in this place and in the fourth Chapter following The Article therefore of the Lords ascending ought to be vnderstood of Christs true and verie bodie and of the naturall placing thereof in heauen least we should thinke that Christs manhood was swallowed vp of his Godhead as Stenkfield dreamed or that it was extended spread throughout all places with his Godhead as the heretike Eutyches doted For both their opinions doth take away the truth of his humanitie or manhood The saieng therefore of Saint Cyprian is to be allowed in these words Ascendit in coelis c. He ascended into heauen not where God the word was not before but where the word being made flesh sate not before to wit in a bodilie place The sitting at the right hand of God his Father belongeth to the power of ruling wherein the sonne being equall with his Father doth as it were part stakes and possesseth equall rule and regiment with him For the right hand of the Father betokeneth a diuine power maiestie and dominion Wherfore to sit at the right hand of the Father is to be equall with the Father in diuine power maiestie and dominion And because the Apostle maketh mention of The right hand of the Father in heauenlie places he therefore giueth vs to note by the right hand of the Father the place of blessednesse happinesse and euerlasting rest and quietnesse promised to all faithfull beléeuers which place the bodie of Christ alreadie possesseth But this is not against the saieng of Christ Ero vobiscum c. I wil be with you euerie where euen to the end of the world neither doth it take away the truth of the Lords bodie and bloud in the holie Supper For Christ is all whole wheresoeuer it is his will to be More of this matter and that verie learned and godlie is to be read in the Commentaries of Philip Melancthon vpon the first Chapter to the Colossians Furthermore the fruite of either article namelie of the Lords ascending and of his sitting at the right hand of the Father is declared at large in the fourth Chapter folowing where y e Apostle expoundeth this saieng of the Psalmist Ascendit in altum c. He ascended vp on high he lead captiuitie captiue gaue gifts vnto men The third member is an exposition of the second Farre aboue all principalitie power and might and domination and euerie name that is named not in this world onelie but also in that which is to come For in these words the Apostle sheweth verie notablie what Christ sitting at the right hand of his Father in heauenlie places is For by these words the Apostle meaneth nothing else than to signifie Christs rule which is noted to be excéeding great as the Article of his sitting at his Fathers right hand importeth and that he hath no
of Christ and with faith they easilie stagger and reele And as a little ship or small barke not hauing a Pilot to rule and guide it is driuen hether and thether with the waues and streame or as a réede is shaken to and fro according to the variablenesse of the winde euen so they are carried awaie from true doctrine by deceiuers and Heretikes We haue therefore commended vnto vs héere the word and an earnest studie and endeuour in the word that thereby we maie be so confirmed as not to suffer our selues to be withdrawne from the same by anie craft or deceipt Furthermore he nameth two weapons which deceiuers vse against the Church not that these are all as though they had no more but because these are the principall chiefe The first is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth properlie the casting of the dice or dice-plaie from whence Saint Paule borrowing it applieth it vnto subtile sophistrie or wittie wiles to wrest the scripture and to deceipts wherewith the ignoraunt and vnlearned are easilie insnared and taken The second is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whereby is signified a certeine kinde of craftinesse or subtile fetching in of a man when one doth all that he can for his life by wiles to winde in another and so to deceiue him This the Apostles expoundeth himselfe when he saith Whereby they laie in waite to deceiue that to saie by which deceiptfull déede of theirs and craftie dealing they laie sore at men to drawe them from the truth Let these things admonish vs not onelie of the daunger that commeth by false teachers which goe to worke all the waies they can maliciouslie to turne men from the true knowledge of Christ and from faith also of diligence and endeuour that we béeing established in true doctrine maie be able both to defend our selues against all the snares of deceiuers and also to stoppe their mouthes Verse 15. 15 But let vs follovve the truth in loue and in all things grovve vp into him vvhich is the head that is Christ But following the truth in loue let vs grown vp in him through all things which is the head euen Christ THis is an Antithesis or opposition to the former member For as he made mention there that we shuld take héede of false doctrine and of snares which deceiuers laie to choke the true doctrine so héere he biddeth vs Followe the truth that is to saie sticke to the true doctrine and in the faith For he vseth the figure Synecdoche whereby vnder the word Truth is also comprised the affection following according to the manner of the scripture And in loue one towards another whereby it shall come to passe that we shall Growe vp into Christ himselfe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 euerie waie In all things he béeing our head For how much more we growe in the knowledge of Christ in faith and In loue so much more we growe in Christ As children therefore growe by little and litle till they are come to their perfect age euen so it is the dutie of Christians to growe daie by daie in the knowledge of Christ in faith and in loue and neuer to cease till they haue gotten perfectnesse All this serueth héereto that we should submit our selues vnto Christ our head and mainteine vnitie among vs one with another as we are all ruled by one and the same spirit of Christ Furthermore Christ is said to be the head of the Church in working in perfection in merit and in order In working because he quickeneth sustaineth and kéepeth the Church by his spirit In perfection because he excelleth both Angels and men in wisdome and righteousnesse In merite because he hath taken awaie our sinnes by his obedience of the crosse and by the obedience of the lawe hath made satisfaction to the righteousnesse of God that as manie as doe beléeue in him should be counted righteous through the righteousnesse of Christ In order bicause he is the Monarch and onelie Souereigne of the Church Verse 16. 16 By whom all the bodie beeing coupled and knit together by euerie ioint for the furniture thereof according to the effectuall power which is in the measure of euerie part receiueth increase of the bodie vnto the edifieng of it selfe in loue By whom the whole bodie beeing coupled and knit together by euerie ioint wherewith one ministreth or serueth another according to the operation or working in measure of euerie part causeth or maketh the increase of the bodie vnto the edifieng of it selfe through loue THe Apostle giueth a reason why he calleth Christ the head of the Church and the Church the bodie of Christ Although this place appeareth at the first blush verie obscure and darke yet notwithstanding the meaning shall be verie easie when the words are made plaine and the similitude which the Apostle doth not expresse héere is also declared He calleth the Church A bodie howbeit not anie bodie what ye will but A bodie knit together or as Saint Paule speaketh more pithilie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to saie so knit and coupled together that it maie well and fitlie be ioined to the head euen as an house built and raised vpon the foundation by the rule and square of the workeman Vnder this word therefore the relation of the bodie to the head that is to saie of the Church vnto Christ is meant and vnderstood Afterwards the Apostle saith that the Church is A bodie knit together by ioints the Gréeke word is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to say so coupled fastened that the members of the same hang one vpon another in due proportion and agrée verie well together And thus the relation and proportion of the members betwéene themselues one with another is signified as you sée vnder this word He saith this bodie is Knit together by euerie ioint for the furniture thereof that is to saie by ioints which carrie breath and life from one limme to another which breath and life is dispersed from the head through all and euerie member of the bodie euen by the benefite and good seruice of the ioints by whose meanes the members of the bodie hang one by another According to the effectuall power of euerie part that is to saie of euerie member For some members receiue and haue more breath and life from the head than other some whereby the whole bodie taketh increase Now the similitude shalbe easier to vnderstand As the bodie of man is to the head euen so is the Church of Christ vnto Christ her head but the bodie of man ioined vnto the head knit together by ioints in euerie member by due proportion and order receiueth all breath and life from the head Ergo the Church of Christ ioined vnto Christ her head by faith and made fit by sundrie sorts of seruices vses of loue betwéene themselues as it were members draweth all ablenesse and life from her head euen Christ Iesus Or if you please frame
profits sake but also bicause it is a seruice pleasing God when it issueth and commeth from true faith and loue The fift is that the errour of the olde heretikes is héere ouerthrowne who estéemed and tooke marriage for a prophane and vnholie thing and after a sort vnworthie for Christians But the holie Ghost in this place is of a farre contrarie minde who compareth honest marriage to the coupling of Christ and his Church Heere let vs note well that saieng in the Epistle to the Hebrewes a saieng deseruing due memorie Honorabile inter omnes c Marriage is honourable among all and the bed vndefiled but whooremongers and adulterers God will iudge Verse 25. 25 Husbands loue your wiues euen as Christ loued the Church and gaue himselfe for it Husbandes loue your wiues euen as Christ loued the Church and gaue himselfe for the same THis is the second example or specialtie of the generaltie alreadie past and conteineth thrée thinges to wit the precept the cause or the reason and the manner of loue The precept is Husbandes loue your wiues The cause or reason is Euen as Christ loued the Church The manner is expressed by example And gaue himselfe for it Héerehence doth appeare the greatnesse of Christes loue If therefore husbandes will rule ouer their wiues after the example of Christ let them then learne and knowe that they are warned by his example to declare their loue by their déedes if occasion so require euen as Christ did whiles he sought and bought the life and saluation of his Church with his owne death Verses 26. 27. 26 That he might sanctifie it and cleanse it by the vvashing of vvater through the vvord 27 That he might make it vnto himselfe a glorious Church not hauing spot or wrinkle or anie such thing but that it should be holie and vvithout blame That he might make her holie cleansing her with the washing of water in the word that he might make her vnto himselfe a glorious Church not hauing blemish or wrinkle or anie such thing but that she should be holie and blamelesse THE Apostle hauing taken occasion by the example of Christ louing his Church and giuing himselfe for it maketh a fitte enteraunce into the commendation of the grace of Christ towardes his Church according to the order of such benefites as Christ of his méere grace bestowed vpon his Church For first of all hee loued the Church Secondlie for that loues sake he gaue himselfe for hir Thirdlie he sanctified his Church that is to saie he seuereth and taketh hir apart to himselfe and maketh hir holie vnto God through the forgiuenesse of finnes and the spirit of regeneration or new birth Fourthlie the Apostle addeth the manner how Christ sanctified his Church saieng Cleansing it by the washing of water throgh the word Fiftlie the end of the sanctification of the Church is set downe to wit That the Church might be faire beautifull without spot or wrinkle deckt and garnished with holinesse and vnblameablenesse But the fourth and the fift degrée doe néede a larger exposition For they conteine diuerse and manifold doctrines When the Apostle therefore saith Cleansing it by the washing of water through the word he most liuelie setteth foorth the force of the sacrament of Baptisme For if we shall as it were vnfolde and laie open these wordes we shall sée fiue thinges in Baptisme méete and worthie of marking The first is Christ cleansing vs. For to Christ alone this honour doth agrée and belong Who appeared to this end that he might destroie the works of the diuell and take awaie sinne Héereto serueth the saieng of S. Iohn Sanguis Iesu c. The bloud of Iesus Christ the sonne of God cleanseth vs from all sinne The second is The washing of water which is the outward signe of grace and the seale of our inward cleansing The third is the truth answering vnto the signe which is to be considered this is a secret cleansing of our soules and an inward washing awaie of our sinnes The fourth is The word that the force and vertue of Baptisme maie be vnderstoode by the worde of promise The fift is the analogie or proportion of the signe to the truth which analogie or proportion is diligentlie to be considered in euerie sacrament The signe is The washing of water the analogie or proportion is As water cleanseth the bodie without so the bloude of Christ washeth awaie the filth of sinne from the soule within This analogie or proportion the Apostle signifieth vnto vs under this word Cleansing These things throughlie considered and rightlie weighed it is easie to knowe in what accompt the sacraments of the Church ought to be For they are signes seales tokens whereby God offereth his grace and giueth euidence that he will indéed perfourme that which the outward things themselues do represent For the truth of the thing vnséene is alwaies ioined with the sacraments séene and so is the giuing it selfe which is throughlie done by the secret working of the holie ghost Not that the holie Ghost standeth in neede of anie outward helpe but there is consideration had of our weaknesse Out of these things it is easie to gather that a sacrament is rightlie defined in the new Testament to bée a signe séene and fealt ordeined euen of Christ himselfe to seale the word of grace and promise which is to be receiued by faith And although the wicked are neither washed with Baptisme nor nourished by the Lords supper yet notwithstanding the sacraments kéepe their force and vertue in respect of God because howsoeuer the vnthankfull will none of it Gods grace is offered vnto them neuerthelesse Furthermore the description of the Church which followeth doth not belong to outward shewe and fashion but to the inward cleannesse of the heart This is rightlie to be vnderstood because of them which denie that there is a Church where anie such are assembled as beare about with them anie manner of spot blemish or staine whatsoeuer To the boulstering vp of which errour of theirs they wrest this place of Saint Paule If saie they the Church haue no spot and no wrinkle if the Church be holie and without blame then shall not this assemblie where so manie misliuers are met together be the Church This errour is disprooued by the order of praieng which the Lord left vs for a paterne For we are bidden to praie thus Remitte nobis debita c. Forgiue vs our trespasses And in the Psalme it is said Pro iniquitate c. For the remission of sinnes euerie holie godlie one shall praie vnto thee If therefore all the holie ones commonlie called Saints haue néede to praie dailie for the remission of sinnes they shall not then be altogether frée from euerie spotte And Saint Iohn saith Si dixerimus c. If that we saie we haue no sinne we deceiue our selues and truth is not in vs. If we acknowledge
saie the beléeuers Secondlie thou shalt consider that the beléeuer maie please God by faith and maie be an heire of euerlasting life Thirdlie thou shalt persuade thy selfe that God doth not onelie require new obedience at the hands of the beléeuer but also promiseth a reward howbeit not of dutie for the worthinesse of the worke but of his méere grace for his fatherlie promise sake Fourthlie thou shalt make this reckoning that works done by faith are witnesses of faith and the effects of faith most assured signes of their proper cause Héerevpon God is said to paie euerie man his reward according to his workes because works are true euidences of faith and the feare of the Lord. This solution or answere maie trimlie be made plainer by a comparison betwéene the heauenlie Father and an earthlie Father For as an earthlie Father doth promise vnto his children sometime a large inheritaunce sometime a rich reward c. as the wages or reward for their worke if they shew themselues dutifull and obedient although they were not heires before by nature euen so God the heauenlie Father promiseth to his children whom he loueth in Christ euerlasting life as the reward for their obedience shewed by faith The promises of reward being thus applied stirre vp in the godlie an endeuour to obeie besides that they make nothing at all for proofe of the Papists wicked doctrine Verse 9. 9 And ye maisters doe the same things vnto them putting avvaie threatenings knowe that euen your maister is in heauen neither is there respect of person with him And ye maisters doe ye the same things towards them letting goe threatenings knowing that euen your maister also is in heauen and there is not anie respect of person with him THis is the last exhortation touching the seuerall duties of one to an other in their calling and it answereth that which went next before The Apostle requireth two things of maisters The first is To do the same things vnto them to wit vnto their seruants that they kéeping the right rule of proportion maie shew to their seruants good will againe for their seruice For the Apostle doth not require in maisters such and the like labours such and the like diligence such and the like submission as he requireth in seruants but a dutie answerable to their place and person Let the seruant therefore labour faithfullie and let the maister againe on the other side make much of his seruant giue him his wages for his worke sée that hée lacke nothing that is necessarie all this must be done In Domino In the Lord. For this is the meaning of the Apostle when he saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The same things to the intent that a iust proportion of duetie might bée kept betwéene the maister and the seruant The second thing which the Apostle requireth of maisters is To put awaie threatning By which word of Threatning he meaneth all manner of hard handling towardes their seruants To this exhortation he addeth a reason drawne from like matters and saith And knowe that euen your maister also is in heauen As if he should saie There is no cause whie ye shuld ouercrowe your seruants think your selues iollie fellowes in respect of them for your maistership sake no no. For euen ye your selues haue a maister also in heauen who can be with you to bring notwithstanding your maistership or the pouertie of your seruants which are not things that he is lead by For there is no respect of person with him as there is with wicked and vniust iudges but according to the truth vprightnesse of the cause so he frameth his iudgement For the Lord saith S. Ambrose is a righteous iudge looking vpon the cause and not eieng the person The word Person in this place doeth not signifie the substance but the qualitie that is to saie whatsoeuer is regarded in iudgement besides the trueth of the cause These wordes therefore Of respect of persons ought not to be wrested to a contrarie meaning For there is in them a comparison betwéene God and men Men for the most part giue iudgement after the things which they sée with their eies and which outwardlie appeare they are moued with linage or birth with riches with kinred and with friendshippe againe sometimes with hatred with loue and other affections whereby it commeth to passe that they ouerslipping the trueth and equitie of the cause giue wrong iudgement As for God whose iudgement is right and according to truth he chaungeth not his righteous iudgement for the maisters sake not yet for the seruaunts sake but he iudgeth according to the truth of the cause not hauing anie regard to this or that person For hée followeth without stint incessantlie this vnremoueable rule of iustice For he receiueth the repentant into fauor as for the vnrepentant and stubborne he cannot awaie with them they are outlawes Héerehence all godlie maisters haue to learne to humble themselues before God who is their maister as well as their seruants maister and let them be mindfull by his example not to set their seruants at naught because of their outward person that is to saie their vile base estate but rather to make more account of them And whie For although the condition of seruaunts differ from that of maisters héere on earth yet notwithstanding they haue all one maister in heauen whome both of them ought to serue and obeie as fellowe-seruaunts Verses 10. 11. 10 Finallie my brethren bee strong in the Lord and in the povver of his might 11 Put on the vvhole armour of God that yee maie be able to stand against the assaults of the diuell Touching that which remaineth my brethren be yee strong in the Lord and in the power of his might put yee on the whole armour of God that yee maie be able to stand against the snares of the diuell THE Apostle returneth to a generall exhortation where after the doctrine of grace after exhortations to vertues worthie of the Gospell after peculiar duties belonging to certeine seuerall degrées of men he calleth vpon all the godlie vnder the name of the Ephesians and exhorteth them to be strong in minde taking vnto them such armour as maie withstand the snares of the diuell a verie mightie enimie doubtlesse if we shall looke vpon his manifolde assaultes his subtile vnderminings his sundrie waies of laieng in waite and our owne strength which is but weaknesse howbeit a discomfited enimie and not able to resist if we beholde him in whome resteth our whole power and valiantnesse For when we leane vpon him with a steddie and sure confidence it commeth to passe that the Diuell be he neuer so big suffereth shipwracke himselfe though he stirreth vp tempests and raiseth stormes to sinke the seruants of God In the Apostles words the manner of exhortation is to be marked He saith thus Be strong in the Lord in the power of his might First there is signified vnto to