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A02448 The enimie of securitie or A dailie exercise of godly meditations drawne out of the pure fountaines of the holie Scriptures, and published for the profite of al persons of any state or calling, in the German and Latine tonges, by the right reuerende Maister Iohn Auenar, publike professor of the Hebrue tonge, in the famous Vniuersitie of VViteberge; In Englishe by Thomas Rogers Maister of Artes and student in Diuinitie.; Christliche Gebet. English Habermann, Johann, 1516-1590.; Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616. 1579 (1579) STC 12582.3; ESTC S120167 142,030 389

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they speake no guile Remoue from vs al filthy speech vanitie of wordes and al scurrilitie that we blab out nothing rashlie or vndiscreetelie to the hurt of our neighbour Who shal set a locke vpon our mouth and a sure seale vpon our lips that we offende not in our speech that our tongues do not destroie vs. Omnipotent GOD put thou a watch vpon our mouth a doore vpon our lips that our mouth transgresse not neither our lips be opened to speake that is vnseemelie that our mouthes may meditate vpon the truth and our lips abhor wickednes that al the words of our mouthes may be syncere and no lewdnes or frowardnes be found in them Grant merciful GOD that descending into our soules we may reprehende and condemne the spots and vices within vs and not forgetting our selues iudge others and therby fal into thy dreadful iudgements O Lorde deliuer vs from lieng lips and from a deceitful tongue whose mouth is softer than butter and their words more gentle than oile and are most pearcing dartes They haue sharpened their tonges like serpents the poison of aspes is vnder their lips Keepe vs O Lord both now and euermore Sende thy word and heale vs Lord through our Sauior Christ thy beloued Sonne Amen 2. A thankesgiuing for the knowledge of God. WE giue thee thanks O Father Lord of heauen earth because thou hast hid the mysterie of thy worde which is the Gospel of our saluation by thy Sonne from the wise and men of vnderstanding in this world and hast reuealed the same to babes of base degree certainlie such was thy good pleasure Thou hast giuen vs al things in thy Sonne whom none knoweth but thou Father neither doth any knowe thee except thy Sonne and he to whom thy Sonne shal reueale thee We worship thee we praise thee we glorifie thee we giue thee thāks for the hid wisedome which thou didst determine before the worlde for our glorie which was neuer knowne to the Princes of this world nor at any time to the sonnes of men as it is now reuealed by the Spirit to knowe the communion of the mysterie which was hid from al ages but is nowe opened to thy Saints to whom thou woldest haue made knowen what be the riches of this glorious mysterie It is thine owne working and of thy free mercie that we are made heires and partakers of the promise in Christ Iesu through the Gospel which bringeth vs tydings and assurance of the euerlasting riches of thine infinit goodnes and mercie Blessed be God ▪ euen the Father of our Lord Iesu Christ which hath blessed vs with al spiritual blessings in heauenlie things by Christ and hath chosen vs in him before the foundations of the worlde that we shoulde be holie and without blame before him by loue who hath predestinated vs to be adopted through Iesus Christ vnto himselfe according to the good pleasure of his wil whereby he loueth vs by his beloued in whom we haue redemption by his blood euen the forgiuenes of sinnes according to the riches of his grace wherin he hath abounded towarde vs in al wisedome and vnderstanding hath opened vnto vs the mysterie of his wil according to his good pleasure which he had purposed in himselfe euen vntil the dispensation of the fulnes of time that he might gather in one al things both which are in heauen and which are in earth euen in Christ by whom also we are chosen when we were predestinated according to the purpose of him which maketh al things after the counsel of his owne wil that we might be to the praise of his glory which hoping haue beleeued in Christ when we heard the worde of truth euen the Gospel of saluation And this grace thou didst extend toward vs not by the works of righteousnes which we had done but according to thy mercie thou sauedst vs and diddest cal vs with an holie calling not according to our works but according to thine owne purpose and grace which was giuen to vs through Christ before al times and is now made manifest by the appearing of our Sauior Iesus Christ which hath abolished death and brought life and immortalitie vnto light through the Gospel To thee therefore which art of power to establish our harts according to the reuelation of the mysterie which was kept secret since the world began but now is opened and published among al nations by the scriptures of the Prophets at the commandement of the euerlasting GOD for the obedience of faith to thee we saie God onelie wise be praise through Iesu Christ for euer Amen We beseech thee that according to the operation and working of thy mightie power we may continue constant in true faith and wholsome doctrine and at no time forsaking the wisedome opened in the Gospel may follow the iudgement of worldlie reason and fleshlie vnderstanding which thou hast besotted and altogether confounded in searching thy hidden mysteries For that spiritual wisdome doth far exceede al wisedome and vnderstanding of the creatures whervnto flesh cannot attaine neither can our blood reueale nor yet the natural man although he be endued with great sharpnes of wit and worldlie vnderstanding perceiue the same Grant we beseech thee that we may be thy simple and little ones receiuing from thee the worde of truth without contradition and disputation and that in the articles of faith wee bring not fleshlie wisedome but being made voide of our proper vnderstanding may bring our mindes into a godlie captiuitie Let thy Sonne which descending from about brought with him the eternal wisdome of the Gospel from thy bosome and was made a sacrifice on our behalfe but now exalted to thy right hande bestoweth his gifts let him we beseech thee shine in our harts Likewise cause thine holie Spirit to instil into vs his diuine light and breath vpon vs the newe flame of thine heauenlie knowledge til departing into the eternal life we may beholde thee the onelie and true God face to face which liuest and raignest in perpetual glorie Amen 3. A praier for the attaining of Christian Charitie O Christ Sonne of God which art the syncere and perfect charitie louing vs euen to the ende and thereby didst suffer a cruel death vpon the altar of the crosse to deliuer vs from euerlasting death and perpetual torments and to allure vs by that thine example to amitie That as thy wil was to suffer death on our behalfe so we hauing the riches of this worlde shoulde be so far from keeping back our almes and reliefe from the poore or shutting vp our bowels of compassion frō them that in the case of necessitie we should giue our liues for our brethren For both our profession requireth the same and it is the token whereby the true Christians are knowen according
to thy worde By this shal men know that ye are my disciples if ye loue one another Which loue ought to be the rule of al our actions For al things are to be examined by the rule of charitie which being banished al other gifts are corrupt and profite nothing We besech thee by thine hote burning and abundant loue enflame our cold harts with the affection of vnfained good wil that we may loue thee the Father and the holie Spirit in one eternal and inseperable essence aboue al things with our whole hart with al our soule and with al our strength and keepe that commandement which againe peculiarlie thou didst commend vnto vs saieng A new commandement giue I vnto you that yee loue one another as I haue loued you that euen so ye loue one another Thou likewise O Sonne of God when thy death was nigh didst beg that the loue where with the eternal Father loueth thee may be in thy seruants Expresse in vs the similitude of thy good wil and turne vs into such a shape that our soules by the light and motion of the holie Spirit may be coupled with thine eternal Father and that the image of like integritie knowledge righteousnes and affections may shine in vs as doth in thee which art the brightnes of the eternal Father in the most pleasant and perpetual harmonie Raise vp in vs a desire of brotherlie and entire good wil that euery one may haue a care to helpe his brother euen as members of one bodie haue a mutual compassion ech of other so we may loue among our selues vnfainedlie and abounde in mutual friendship one towards another that our harts may be confirmed and vnblameable in holines before God. Giue grace that our loue may be perfect wanting no part due vnto the same not fained false or hypocritical not waiward tedious disdainful nor hunting after profit Grant therefore that we may abhor that which is euil and be affectioned to loue one another with brotherlie loue Make vs patient bountiful not enuious no boasters not puffed vp not proud no seekers of our owne not easie to be moued vnto anger no thinkers of euil no reioicers in wickednes but reioicers in the truth to suffer al things beleeue al things hope al things and so to loue one another mutuallie not in word and tong onlie but in deede and truth not abusing christian libertie as an occasion vnto the flesh but by loue to serue one another Inflame our brests that after thine example we may vnfeinedlie loue euen our verie enimies and blesse them that cursse vs doe good vnto them which hate and hurt vs leauing reuengement alwaies to thee O lambe of God which takest away the sinnes of the worlde take from vs al bitternes anger and wrath and crieng and euil speaking with al maliciousnes For he which loueth not his brother knoweth not God but abideth in death and doth vainlie boast against the truth Grant therefore to vs which are translated from death to life that retaining the studie of concord we may loue one another and put away bitter emulation forgiuing al men euen from the hart euen as thou hast forgiuen vs. Let not the sunne go downe vpon our wrath giuing place to the Diuel but let vs be quiet putting on tender mercie kindnes humblenes of minde meekenes and aboue al charitie which is the bond of perfection the ende of the commandement the fulfilling of the law so that by loue our faith may be fruitful and we at no time seuered from thee For thou art loue and he that dwelleth in loue dwelleth in thee and thou in him so that no creature can separate such a man from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesu which liuest and raignest with the Father and the holie Spirit a true and one God in the loue of the perpetual vnitie worldes without ende Amen 4. A praier for the frute of the earth O Lord God almightie King of heauen and earth which of thine aboundant goodnes dost adorne and replenish the earth with al kinde of frute and graine whereby the life both of man beast is sustained We beseech thee euen of thy free mercie that thou wouldest vouchsafe to blesse our fields and ground and to make them prosperouslie to yeelde their corne and encrease For without thy blessing and fauor neither can the earth of it selfe bring foorth any whit nor we by our paines make the same to prosper Wherefore grant to al thinges springing from the earth a meete temperature of aire that luckilie they may take and encrease Keepe our frute vpon the face of the earth from al infection of the aire from thunder haile from vntimelie showers from too great drines and ouermuch heate from wormes hurtful beasts deuouring it before their prime and from al other corruption that our lande in thine anger be not desolate and denie vs frute enioieng hir woful Sabbaoth Shut not vp the heauens in thine indignation for our sinnes that it be not as iron nor our earth as brasse whereby it cannot be tilled ploughed nor sowed and so come to a verie plaine and vtter wildernes but of thy goodnes giue vs both the earelie and latter raine that we may haue abundance of al frute and a ioieful haruest with a plentiful vintage O God send a gracious raine vpon thine inheritance and giue thy blessing that our grounde may bring forth hir frute Cause thy raine to poure downe in due season that it may be raine of blessing whereby both trees may giue their frute and the grounde yeeld forth hir graine Grant also that the aier be pure from infection our bodies free from sickenes to our whole realme peace and quietnes that safelie without troble we may enioie thy gifts Driue away and repel from vs malediction and the destroier Giue vs not in steede of raine dust and ashes but open thy good treasure and visit the land with thy blessing make it drunken and enrich it abundantlie Thy riuer O Lorde is ful of water prepare our corne dispose our earth to prosper water abundantlie the furrowes of the same and cause the raine to descend into the valleies thereof make the same soft with showers and blesse our buddes Crowne the yeare with thy goodnes and let thy clowdes drop fatnes Let them drop vpon the pastures of the wildernes and make the litle hils reioice on euerie side Let the plaines be replenished with sheepe and the valleies with corne that the inhabiters of the earth may reioice and be merie O Lorde thou causest grasse to grow for cattel and herbes for the vse of mā thou bringest forth bread out of the earth and wine to make glad the hart of man
so diuers strokes and assaults of the Diuel Vnles thou O most mightie protector defend vs alas we perish For thou knowest we are too weak to resist no strength is in vs no aid prudence or policie is in our nature against so strong and subtile an enimie Beholde our nature is accursed vncleane our flesh is weake our life transitorie and we alas therefore be cowardes and without armor giuen to sleepe and slothfulnes and endeuor not couragiouslie to withstand the fraudes of the Diuel Wherefore expel from vs this deepe sluggishnes of ours open the eies of our mindes that we may behold how great the power endeuors strength and malice of this aduersarie is with whom we are to encounter For we wrestle not against flesh blood but against rules against powers against gouernors and rulers of the darknes of this world against spiritual wickednes in heauenlie places O thou Sonne of God which art that blessed seede broozing the head ▪ of the most subtile serpent bring and brooze our enimie Satan vnder thy feete Thou which didst appere to destroie the works of the Diuel driue awaie from vs lieng Spirits that they hurt vs not Thou our chiefe champion which of thine owne accord enteredst into tentations that so thou mightest as it were hand to hand wrestle with our enimie and purchase a triumph for vs by thy victorie hold him fast bound that he exercise not his deuises vpon vs as he desireth make vs partakers of thy victorie that euen as thou in thy bodie ouer camest the diuel so thou wilt vtterlie dispatch him in thy members And therefore giue vnto vs thine whole armor that like right soldiors we may resist in the euil daie and vanquish our enimie Girde vs with the truth put vpon vs the breast-plate of righteousnes and let vs be shod to the propagation of the Gospel of peace Aboue al things giue vs the shield of faith which can extinguish al the fierie darts of wicked spirits Bestow vpon vs the helmet of saluation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God that through thee we may encounter valiantly and gloriouslie attaine the victorie And holie Spirit almightie God comfort thou and strengthen our minds against so diuers conflicts of Satan which besetteth vs by manie snares and especiallie then most of al doth he seeke our destruction when we seke deliuerance by other meanes than by thy word reuealed grant therefore that leauing thy worde deliuered vnto vs we looke not after new reuelations or violent rauishings but may resist the Diuel by thy word so wil he flie from vs Amen 8. Euening praier on VVensdaie O Lorde God which art our life and the length of our daies our vpholder protecting vs from our youth we thanke thee this euening and with our lips wee extol thy woonderful goodnes because thou hast defended vs this daie against al aduersities both of bodie and soule O Lord vnto thee doe we crie heare vs harken vnto our voice when we crie vnto thee Let our praiers be directed in thy sight as the incense and let the lifting vp of our hands be an euening sacrifice For thou delitest not in the offering of Buls and Rams but the sacrifice of thankesgiuing shal honor thee Who so keepeth the Law bringeth offerings enough he that holdeth fast the commandement offereth an offering of saluatiō He that is thankful to them which haue wel deserued offereth fine flower and he that giueth almes sacrificeth praise Therefore in this euening-tide doe we offer vnto thee the continual sacrifice of thankesgiuing praising thy goodnes for thy merciful protection and defence We wil commend thee for thy truth and sing of thee O thou most Hie Our lips shal sing of thee and our soules which thou hast redeemed yea and our tongues shal dailie speake of thy righteousnes because they are confounded and put to shame that sought after our soules We wil giue thankes vnto thee O Lorde with our whole hart because thou hast heard al the words of our mouthes In the sight of the Gods we wil praise thee We wil worship toward thine holy Temple and celebrate thy Name because of thy great mercie truth For thou hast magnified thy Name and thy word aboue al things Whensoeuer we called vpon thee thou diddest heare vs and enduedst our soules with much strength And now we crie vnto thee O Lorde with our voice yea in thy sight doe we poure out our praiers and in our troble doe we vtter them before thee that thou maiest pardon al our offences and those especiallie which we haue committed this daie Bring not into thy iudgement O Lord al our idle and vaine words pardon our babling vaine speech and impute not our foolishnes vnto vs. Be merciful vnto vs O Lord for we are greatlie pensiue for our sins our harts be trobled within vs and the feare of death is fallen vpon vs. Fearefulnes trembling are come vpon vs and an horrible dread hath ouerwhelmed vs. But O Lord absolue vs from al our sinnes through thy worde bringing vnto vs the ioieful tydings of gratious deliuerance O comfort the harts of thy seruants for vnto thee Lord haue we lifted vp our soules For thou art milde gentle and of much mercie to as manie as cal vpon thee Blessed be the Lorde which hath heard the voice of our humble petitions O God thou art our strength and our shield our harts trusted in thee and we are holpen therefore our harts doe daunce for ioie and in our songes we wil praise thee We cried vnto thee O Lord and saide Thou art our hope and our portion in the lande of the liuing Consider our complaint for we are brought verie lowe O deliuer vs from our persecutors for they are too strong for vs Bring our soules out of prison that we may giue thanks vnto thy Name O holie Trinitie and perpetual vnitie protect vs this night that the Diuel haue no power ouer vs. O Father gouerne vs by thy power O Sonne reuiue vs with thy wisedome and lighten vs O holie Ghost with thy virtue O Creator be thou present with vs O Redeemer aide vs O our Comforter abide with vs. The Lord blesse vs and keepe vs The Lorde make his face to shine vpon vs and be merciful vnto vs the Lorde lift vp his countenance vpon vs and giue vs peace This blessing of God be this night and euermore a safetie protection against al enimies both visible and inuisible that they hurt vs not anie waie Euen as the piller of cloude in the desert stood betweene the tents of the Egyptians and the tents of the children of Israël that none hurt might come to the people of Israël so be thou O Lord the protector of our soules and liues be
cold and vnfruitful ground may become profitable let vs both outwardlie embrace thy doctrine with a care and inwardlie feele the operation therof in our minds and so rushing out of the bowels of the earth and deliuered from tentation bring out plentiful fruite to the glorie of thine holie Name Worke so within vs that the Diuel take not away the seede of thy word sowen in our harts let it not waxe barren neither let vs be forgetful nor like vnfruiteful hearers which heare thy word to their iudgement and greater condemnation Furthermore keepe vs in thy faith and feare that come what crosses and aduersities there can we may continually stick vnto thee in al our miseries Likewise aide vs O God of our saluation that the seede of thy word be not choaked among vs through cares riches and pleasures of this world And finallie assist vs that we be neuer found in the companie of mockers into whome the Diuel hath entered and blinded their minds and therefore make a so of at the preaching of thy word which walking after the lusts and desires of their owne flesh doe wrap themselues in the horrible confusion of their owne desires and shameful wickednes whereby like mad men they cast themselues headlong into euerlasting destruction O Christ Sonne of God fountaine of al mercie and compassion which art the Lorde of the whole flock and chiefe Byshop of our soules worke thou effectuallie by thy ministers speake within vs vnto our harts the voice of thy Father grant that we may truelie discerne the same and distinguish it from the howling of woolues For thy doctrine is pure conuerting the soules the testimonie of the Lord is sure and giueth wisedome vnto the simple Grant therefore that al of vs hearing thy word may receiue the same to our learning amendment comfort and instruction which is in righteousnes and in an honest and good conscience that hauing heard the same we may keepe it bringing forth fruit with patience and continue in the same al our life time and neuer be tossed or carried about with euerie winde of doctrine And thou holie Spirit eternal God kindle our cold harts with the fire of thy loue cherish vs with thine healthful heate and purge the filthines of our corrupted nature keepe vs in thy lap and worke within vs righteousnes and a life acceptable in thy sight Regenerate and transforme vs into newe men make vs diligent in the study of thy word beate into our minds a true feare and loue of thy name that al vncleannes and superfluitie of malice being cast off we may receiue with meekenes thy word ingrafted which is able to saue our soules in this world by inchoation hereafter in ful perfection Amen 7. A praier against false Prophets MErciful GOD louer of mankinde which hast forewarned vs of thine vnspeakeable goodnes to take heed of false Prophets comming vnto vs in sheepes clothing being for al that inwardlie rauening woolues And forasmuch as in the latter daies wherein we liue it was prophecied there should be perilous times wherein the Diuel doth transfigure himselfe into an Angel of light and false teachers with subtile workemen hauing put on the person of Christ and of his Apostles doe transforme themselues into the ministers of righteousnes carrieng the shew of godlines but denie the power therof And besides sith by thine holie Spirit thou hast foretold that the wicked man the sonne of perdition should come and carrie awaie many vnto eternal death and perpetual damnation Grant merciful God that embracing the loue of thy truth we may shun al spirits of lieng together with al errors and shew of falshood and at no time be carried away from the true sense of thy worde neither wander from the scope of our saluation but perseuering constantlie and firmelie vnto the ende in thy word may abide in the vnitie of the true catholike faith Christian religion and be neuer deceaued any waie neither by signes nor miracles nor lies neither by anie deceaueablenes of vnrighteousnes through the craft and subtiltie of men whereby they beset vs but following thy truth simplie in loue may continue salfe from al corruption and constant in the profession of the truth Keepe vs omnipotent and eternal God from al fanatical opinions from seducing spirits which sowe errors and deadly contentions in thy Church from false teachers which priuilie bring in pernitious heresies and denie euen the Lord which hath dearelie bought them By whom the waie of the Lorde is il spoken of and which make sale of their hearers through couetousnes Keepe vs from greeuous and greedie wolues which spare not the flock but cruellie deuour thy beloued sheepe through the poison of their liues and erronious doctrine From men speaking peruerse things to draw disciples after them and to engender schismes to the tearing in peeces the vnitie of the Church From men of wicked and corrupt opinions raising dissentions sondrie offences From tares which the enuious man which is the Diuel soweth and scattereth among good wheat ▪ From false Prophets which speake the visions of their own hart not from the mouth of the Lorde which preach their owne dreames and fancies seducing the people with lies From theeues and robbers of soules which kil both bodie and soule and cast them headlong into hel fire Deliuer vs from the rage of the Diuels thine enimies which in their members vtter out most horrible outcries against the truth and departing frō the rule of thy doctrine propose the fained opinions of their owne inuentions manifestlie repugnant to thy Commandements Keepe thine elect in this most wicked world that being seduced into foule errors they swarue not from the truth Shorten the euil daies of this dangerous and troblesome time Dispatch that sonne of iniquitie by the breath of thy mouth and cut him of through the brightnes of thy comming Cause thy word O God to sound in our eares purelie and syncerelie and make vs to follow the same with our whole hart true faith Christian obedience and throughlie to vnderstand the manifold precepts of thy pure word that so approuing the good we may shun the waies of strangers leading from the right waie Be thou our shepherd O eternal God so shal we want nothing put vs in the places of thy greene pasture and bring vs vnto the waters of comfort leade vs in the pathes of righteousnes for thy Name sake that we may haue hope and not be confounded in that daie when thy Sonne our Lord shal appere which liueth with thee and raigneth in the vnitie of the holie Spirit a God for euermore Amen 8. Euening praier on the Lordes daie O Almightie and eternal God Father of our Lorde Iesus Christ which together with thy Sonne and the holie Ghost didest create man after thine owne
and bitternes which descendedst in Iordan vpon our Lorde and Sauior Christ in the likenes of a doue that we may be void of bitter enuie and contention in our harts and haue no roote among vs that bringeth forth gal and wormewood O thou substantial flame proceeding from the brest of the Father and his eternal Sonne lighten our harts with the fire of chaste burning loue thou which apperedst at the feast of Pentecost vnto the Apostles in clouen tongues like fire see vnto our coldnes and comfort vs with thy quickening heate and breathings that we may receiue thy chrisme and annointment O thou ghest of the soule make thee a mansion place within the secret parts of our harts that we may be an house for thy diuinitie which may dwel perpetuallie in our members and neuer depart from vs through our Lorde and Sauior Christ Amen 3. A praier for a stedfast hope BLessed be God euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ which according to his abundant mercie hath begotten vs againe vnto a liuelie hope by the resurrection of his Sonne from the dead to an inheritance immortal and vndefiled and that vadeth not away reserued in heauen for such as beleeue on him through the confession of the truth which is according to godlines vnder the hope of eternal life which God that cannot lie hath promised before the world began For we are saued by hope But hope that is seene is no hope For how can a man hope for that which he seeth But if we hope for that we see not we doe with patience abide for it For such is the wil of almightie God that we shal not haue saluation as long as we are here in this world but onelie in hope nourishing the same as it were clasped in our armes but then we shal perceiue the same in deede when we depart from hence one daie For hope is the vnseparable companion of Faith. For how can that be hoped for which is not beleeued And this hope depending vpon the promise of God is so certaine as if the thing it selfe were present For God which hath promised to vs saluation is truth and can neither deceaue nor be deceaued Wherefore we beseech thee O eternal Father autor of hope and comfort fil vs with al ioie and peace in beleeuing that we may abounde in hope through the power of the holie Ghost and aboue hope in hope beleeuing may neuer doubt of thy promises but in a sure confidence of hart applie to our selues the remission of sinnes and verilie beleue that we please thee through Christ looking in a certaine and strong hope through sufferance for the saluation of our soules in the life to come And albeit the helpes of our happines appeare not in this world yet let vs retaine a stedfast hope amōg al the terrors and feares of conscience and neuer suffer the same to be taken from vs by any snares of Satan but expecting that blessed appearing of the glorie of the mightie God and of our Sauior Christ which hath giuen himselfe for vs alwaies fasten the same vpon the good things absent and to come O thou onelie begotten Sonne of God which hast loued vs and giuen vs euerlasting comfort hope through grace comfort our harts establish vs in euery word and good worke that we stick not vncertaine neither be tossed betweene hope feare but may hold fast the confidence gedst thy selfe downe from the hiest top of glorie to vtter shame putting on our flesh thy Maiestie being hid and dissembled for a time And so becamest thou obedient vnto thy Father not onelie in obeieng him with greater reuerence than anie other creature else did but also in offering vp thy selfe a sacrifice for sinnes thereby to redeeme vs being bondslaues through pride vnto sin and death to exalt vs to an hope of eternal life and withal by thine example to teach vs and to propose an example of true lowlines and humilitie saieng Learne of me for I am meeke and lowlie in hart We beseech thee through thine humilitie and passion giue vnto vs a contrite spirit a contrite and an humbled hart which thou despisest not O lord For thou art neere vnto al them which are of a trobled hart and wilt saue such as are humble in spirit Thou regardest their praiers giuest to them thy grace and thy secrets are reuealed vnto the lowlie Grant therfore that we following thy footesteps may humble our selues from the hart without hypocrisie Turne our harts that they be not wickedlie humbled after the maner of hypocrites which bow themselues and are sad casting downe their faces towards the earth whose inward parts notwithstanding are ful of deceit O God holie Ghost which art the ruler of our mindes and the giuer of good gifts which not onelie commendest but also commandest vs to haue benignitie lowlines modestie and patience that being clothed therewithal we may endeuour to facion our selues after thee thinking modestlie and soberlie of our selues Gouerne thou our minds that we may be subiect one to another not onelie honoring but also preuenting one another in dooing the same and alwaies applieng our selues to humilitie may seeke thy glorie and the profit of our neighbor Let neither pride nor luxuriousnes haue dominion either in our sence or speech neither let vs lift vp our pecocks feathers nor extol our eielids through arrogancie neither glorie in proude and vaine opinions but by humblenes of minde submitting our selues one to another may thinke others better than our selues and consider what our condition is For man taken from the earth must returne vnto the same and be the heire of wormes and serpents Especiallie our request is that we be not puffed vp in spiritual gifts remooue arrogancie pride from vs that our harts be not lifted vp nor yet our eies exalted neither let vs wade in greater higher things than becommeth vs cause vs to frame and tame our minds like a child newlie weaned which is lowly with his mother Let our minds be weaned like a childe knowing not what pride meanes Keepe the prowde diuel that he prouoke vs not to sinne nor to swel vp through a vaine perswasion of fleshlie righteousnes neither wickedlie to boast of thy gifts abusing them to our owne glorie and contempt of others Suffer vs not to seeme wise in our owne eies Amende this vice ingraffed in vs by nature that no man loue or like himselfe too wel and in respect of himself contemne others hauing not the like or not so excellent gift as he hath Suffer not good wits teachers armed with publike auctoritie to be pricked and tickled with the spurs of pride curiositie to the moouing of idle questions and disputations either through ambition or hatred For that is not the wisedome descending
contentions and factions are carnal and walke as men Wherefore take from vs the zeale of the flesh which is foolish And let al enuie wrath pride and arrogancie be far from vs. Likewise let vs auoide foolish and vnlearned questions knowing that they engender strife and contention and serue for nothing but to the subuerting of the hearers and engrafting of errors Where a desire of strife is there certainlie God dwelleth not and they which raise tumults of nothing and disquiet thy flock those wilt thou O Sonne of God destroie Come holie Spirit replenish the harts of the faithful and inflame in them the fire of thy loue which once didst gather the nations into the vnitie of the faith through the diuersitie of tongues Ioine our harts together that we may nourish christian concorde among vs and that we al glued as it were together in louing harts may be of one minde in thee so shal thy pure doctrine zelouslie be maintained and no false interpretation of the Scripture obstinatelie be defended Bring home to thy fold al such as are turned from the vnitie of true religion that there may be one pastor and one folde To such as are gone out from vs grant constancie that they may continue with vs teaching the Gospel to the saluation of the hearers And if it fortune that any contrarie to the doctrine which we haue learned raise dissention and offences grant that we may auoide them least the harts of the simple through their sweete perswasions and flatterie be deceaued O God autor of peace and concorde giue grace that euerie of vs may thinke the same thing according to our Sauiour Christ Amen 4. A praier for peace O Most Hie God and holie Father which art not the Autor of dissention but of peace not of confusion nor of inordinate life but the keeper of discipline and quietnes from thee come holie cogitations and good counsailes and righteous deedes Giue vnto vs thy seruants that peace which the world cannot giue that both our harts and works may be applied to thy commandements and that our daies through thy protection be alwaies quiet from troble Gouerne thou the whole state both of the Chuch and Common weale and rule our life that in our daies iustice may take place and peace continue as long as the moone shal haue hir course Speake thou peace vnto the common people and ouer thy Saints and likewise to them which are conuerted and turned to a better minde Let thy saluation be nigh them that feare thee that glorie may dwel within our lande Let mercie and truth meete together yea let iustice and peace embrace ech other Let truth arise out of the earth righteousnes looke downe from heauen Let the mountaines and the hils bring peace to thy people by iustice Blesse Lord al Countries Cities Townes and places where thy word doth abide and is purelie preached Let them haue much peace that loue thy Lawe and doctrine and let them be without stones to stumble at and offences let there be peace within their wals and prosperitie within their palaces O Lord strengthen the locks of our ports and blesse thy children within them put peace for our endes and bounds and fil vs with the fat of the corne that thou King of glorie and Lord of hostes maist enter by our gates and the pure worde may abide not onelie in our wals but also in our wils to the glorie of thy Name and comfort of our soules and that honest discipline together with integritie of virtue maners and humane literature may be maintained O eternal God which hast called vs in peace grant that with al men as much as in vs lies we may haue peace and let vs account of holines without which none shal see the Lord. Asswage our harts that we may cleane forget al iniuries and forgiue ech other in many things least by reuenging our selues we take awaie the publike tranquilitie Represse the Diuel the breaker of godlie concord and christian peace which ranging throughout al regions soweth euerie where the seede of strife and debate O God of peace which makest an ende of war in al the worlde and breakest the bowe and knappest the speares asunder and burnest the chariots with fire protect vs from war and slaughter scatter the nations that wish for war. Breake thou and hinder al euil counsailes and the purpose of such as mind and thirst after nothing els but the shedding of innocent blood Confound them in their imaginations that they take none effect let them be turned back and put to shame Let them come to shame and perish through their owne imaginations that Churches and schooles wel ordained be not ouerthrowne nor Idolatrie get the dominion ouer vs. Ingraffe therefore into al men of what calling soeuer a desire of peace contented minds in their vocations and a carefulnes to aduance the welfare of that place where they doe abide so shal they neither through a desire of others wealth nor by ambition or vaine glorie raise any tumults to our disquietnes And where strife contention discord is among men there doe thou O most mightie God reconcile their harts and minds that those flames and fires may speedilie be put out For thou canst conclude a truce for vs with the stones of the grounde and compel the beasts of the fielde to seeke those things as belong to our peace and the wolfe to dwel with the Lambe and the Leopard to lie downe with the Kid. Therefore make our tabernacles safe quiet that about them there may be a rich tranquilitie which may abound like the streame running ouer his bank and our righteousnes as the waues of the sea which is neuer without water In the Lorde shal we haue our wished peace and the worke of righteousnes shal be peace hir frute rest and quietnes for euer And thy people shal dwel in the Innes of peace and in sure dwellings in safe places of comfort In ioie shal we go forth and returne in peace the mountaines and hils shal sing with vs for ioie and al the trees of the field shal clap their hands Heare vs O Lord of peace and grant that thy peace which passeth al vnderstanding may keepe our harts and minds in our Lorde Iesu Christ which liueth and raigneth with thee in the vnitie of the holie Spirit a God now and for euermore Amen 5. A praier for vnbeleeuers VNto thee doe we crie O Lord Father and maker of al men which art rich vnto al that cal vpō thee and which commandest the light to shine out of darknes For thou wilt that al men should be saued and come to the knowledge of the truth And therefore of thy great loue thou diddest cal vs to the participation of the lot of the Saints in light which are by
nature the children of wrath and of death aliens and strangers from the testaments of promise hauing none hope and without God in the world but now are fellowe Citizens with the Saints and of the housholde of GOD built vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophetes Iesus Christ being the head corner stone which sustaineth the whole building by his word of power Heare vs thy seruants making supplication for such as yet haue not heard the sound of thy Gospel neither knowen thy Name but sitting in darknes and in the shadow of death haue their minds darkned and are alienated from the life of God by the ignorance that is in them and are carried away vnto dumbe Idols and fained Gods euen as they are led and runne to worship that which is no God. Giue grace that thy word may be knowen among them and preached in euerie land and the sound thereof go out into the endes of the worlde that thou also maist be found of them which sought thee not and famous among such as neuer asked after thee Send forth thy worde that they may be healed walke no more in the vanities of their minde O God Father of our Lord Iesu Christ King of glorie giue them the Spirit of wisedome and reuelation through the confessing of thee lighten their mindes that they may know what the hope is wherevnto thou hast called vs and how precious the glorie is of thine inheritance in the Saints and how excellent the greatnes of his power is toward vs which beleeue according to the working of his mightie power which thou hast wrought in him when he was raised by thee from the dead and placed at thy right hand in heauenlie places aboue al principalities and powers Open the harts of vnbeleuers that hearing thy word they may acknowledge thee the onelie true God Iesus Christ whom thou hast sent and may worship thee the Father in the Sonne the Sonne in thee the Father with the holie Ghost euen as thou hast reuealed thy selfe Take the vale from the harts of the Iewes least being blinded in the reading of the old Testament they stumble at the stone and rock of offence by incredulitie and hardnes of their harts that thy Sonne Christ crucified and preached be not vnto them a stumbling block and thy Gospel the sauor of death vnto death but that being conuerted by true faith to the knowledge of thee the Father in the Sonne their face being vncouered they may behold thy glorie knowing by the writings of the Prophets the Messias which thou hast appointed to be the Sauiour of the world Likewise gather thou the Gentils to whom thy Gospel the word of the crosse is meere foolishnes into thy Congregation that they may embrace thy mysterie casting of al fleshlie wisedome and leade al their cogitations captiue to the obedience of the Gospel Moreouer our praier and supplication is not onelie for those aboue mentioned but also for such as either although they resist not thy truth and pure religion openlie and obstinatelie professe our religion yet mingled with manie superstitions and abuses worshipping and calling vpon Saints departed out of this life or be addicted to outward ceremonies and rudiments of this world burdening their consciences with mans obseruations and traditions of their fathers or trusting to their owne righteousnes or rather to the workes and deedes of the flesh refuse and make little account of thy righteousnes which is the true iustification and go about to establish their owne righteousnes But Christ is the ende of the Lawe for righteousnes to as manie as beleeue And an other foundation can no man laie than that is laide in thy Sonne the Messias which is the waie the truth the life and the ende of the Lawe For by his perfect obedience and fulfilling of the Lawe by his innocent and bitter death he hath restored vnto vs true saluation and perfect righteousnes that euerie one which beleeueth on him might not perish but haue euerlasting life O God the sight of the blind bring them home againe which through ignorance either are entangled in doubtful labyrinthes and grosse errors or countenance polluted religion that lightened by thy spirit they may returne into the right waie And such as with impudent faces and stiffe necks do obstinatlie with an affected ignorance withstande thine holie Spirit whose senses the God of this worlde hath blinded that the light of thy glorious Gospel shine not ouer them represse bridle their malice that by slaughters persecutions they nether troble nor destroy thy Church Amen 6. A praier for our benefactors O Merciful faithful and louing God rewarder of al good workes Forasmuch as ingratitude is the most odious detestable vice of al the which both thou doest abhor no wise man can abide as a thing deseruing infinit paines and rigorous punishment For he which rendreth euil for good euil shal not depart from his house And the hope of the vnthankful shal melt away like the winter ice and flow away as vnprofitable water We beseech thee giue vs grateful mindes alwaies remembring benefits receiued least forgetting the merits exhibited vpon vs we fal into the filthie and abhominable fault of ingratitude But gouerne vs with thine holie Spirit that we may alwaies giue thanks vnto thee a most bountiful God for such benefits as thou hast bestowed not vpon vs onelie but vpon al mankind For creating vs after thine owne image for redeeming vs being sinners forlorne and condemned for deliuering vs from sinne death and hel by the most holie and pretious blood of thy deere Sonne for bestowing thy righteousnes thine holie Spirit and euerlasting life vpon vs for conseruing our soules and bodies safe and sounde finallie for giuing and that abundantlie al such things as are necessarie for the sustentation of this life and besides for thy merciful protection against al dangers al which thou doest of thy meere mercie and Fatherlie goodnes without any merits or worthines of ours And therefore we wil extol thee O God of our life and yeeld thanks to thy Name O most hie For thou art gratious and thy mercie endureth for euer We wil giue thee thanks O Lord among the people we wil sing to thee among the nations For the greatnes of thy mercie reacheth vnto the heauens So infinite and great are thy benefits conferred vpon vs O Lord that we are vnable to conceiue them in our minds Notwithstanding our mouthes shal speake of thy righteousnes and saluation for we know none end thereof What recompence shal we make to the Lord for al the benefits that he hath done vnto vs We wil take vp the cup of saluation and cal vpon the Name of the lord We wil pay our vowes vnto the Lord in the presence of his
infinite that it can neither be augmented nor diminished For looke how hie the Heauen is in comparison of the earth so great is thy mercie also towardes them which feare thee And as far as the East is from the West so far hast thou set our sinnes from vs. For as a Father pittieth his owne children euen so art thou merciful to al which feare thee Yea though a Mother doe forget hir infant and take no pittie on the sonne of hir wombe yet wilt not thou forget vs for we are written vpon thine hands The mercie of the Lord is vnchangeable infinite and neuer faileth but dailie ariseth newe and fresh vpon vs. The merciful goodnes of the Lord endureth for euer and euer vpon them which feare him his righteousnes vpon childers children such as keepe his couenants and thinke vpon his commandements to doe them Thy mercie is on such as feare thee from generation to generation The mercie that a man hath reacheth vnto his neighbor but the mercie of the Lorde is vpon al flesh chastening and teaching and nurturing yea euen as a shepheard turneth againe his flock so doth he al them which receiue chastening nurture and doctrine Merciful art thou vnto al them which receiue correction and diligentlie seeke after thy iudgements And although for a while thou forsakest vs yet afterward in much fauor wilt thou gather vs together In the time of thy wrath thou hidest thy face from vs for a little season but for al that thy mercie towarde vs is euerlasting Blessed be thy Name O God of our Fathers which when thou art angrie shewest mercie and in the time of troble forgiuest the sinnes of them which cal vpon thee This thy goodnes and ouerabounding mercie which hath bin from the beginning and for euer shal continue ouer al which vnfainedlie repent neuer languishing or failing but abiding perfect alwaies in the highest degree we wil praise and confesse from one generation to another For gratious and merciful is the Lord patient and long suffering bent to shew fauor and meruelouslie gentle towards al that cal vpon him Praise the Lord al ye heathen and glorifie him al nations For his merciful kindnes is euer more and more toward vs. We wil not keepe back thy louing mercie and truth from the great congregation withdraw not thou thy mercies from vs O Lorde let thy kindnes and truth alwaie preserue vs. O let thy merciful kindnes be our comfort according to thy worde vnto thy seruants O deale with thy seruants according to thy great mercie and teach vs thy statutes that in like maner we may be merciful toward al men without respect of persons or hope of gaine willinglie without morositie that in thy iudgement we may finde mercie through the passion and death of thy sonne Iesus Christ which liueth raigneth with thee in the vnitie of the holie Spirit a God worlds without ende Amen 3. A praier for an happie departure out of this worlde O Most gratious God thy yeares endure throughout al generations thy daies are without ende or beginning but the daies of man surelie are determined which he can not ouerpasse and the nomber of his moneths are knowen to thee thou hast appointed him his bounds which he cannot go beyonde Thou hast nombred our daies which vade awaie sodainelie like the grasse For we are soone dispatched and easelie consume Our daies are like a shadowe and wither awaie like grasse A man in this world is euen like a vapor that vanisheth awaie For al flesh is grasse and al the glorie thereof as the flower of the fielde which florisheth in the morning and afterwarde withereth and vadeth Behold our daies are to be measured they are as it were a spanne long and our age is nothing in respect of thee And verilie euerie man liuing is altogether vanitie Our age is folden together and taken awaie from vs like a shepherdes cotage our life is cut of by our sinnes like the thred of the weauer which is sodainlie broke of W● are but strangers in this wo●●de and soiourners as were our fathers our daies on the earth also are but as a shadow and we are as nothing in respect of thee Our life speedilie goeth awaie like the weauers shuttle and it abideth not Wherefore Lord let vs know our end and the number of our daies that we may be certified how long we haue to liue and what is yet to come Instruct vs O Lord that being alwaies mindful of our mortalitie we neuer promise to our selues manie yeeres nor long liues in this pilgrimage of ours so shal we not liue securelie deferring our conuersion to thee from daie to daie nor yet put confidence in this fraile and vncertaine life as did that rich man saieng Soule thou hast much good laid vp in store for manie yeeres take thine ease eate drinke and be merie Whose soule notwithstanding was taken from him the same night But giue grace that in thy feare we may dailie prepare o● selues to depart out of this prison for nothing is more certaine than death though nothing more vncertaine than the houre thereof Therefore let vs haue alwaies before our eies an image and meditation of our departure the better to know the fleeting and vanitie of this combersome and vncertaine life that we may liue to thee our God being sounde in faith and strong in hope loking with cherefulnes for the daie of our departure the ioiful appearing of thy Sonne Iesus Christ our Redeeemer and as long as we abide in this tabernacle of our bodies with al studie ministering to our faith virtue to virtue knowledge to knowledge temperance to temperance patience to patience godlines vntil this tabernacle being laid awaie we shal passe ouer to our dwelling place not made with hande but euerlasting in the heauens where we shal be clothed with eternal glorie immortalitie when this earthlie house is put of and destroied Grant also that trusting firmelie to thy promises we may be readie and glad to returne to our euerlasting and celestial country for while we are in this bodie we wander frō thee our God for now we walke in faith not in the enioieng and possession of eternal goodes wherfore whether we be at home or from home let vs endeuor our selues to be acceptable in thy sight Make vs faithful and wise seruants alwaies loking for the comming of our Lord for we know not when he wil come at the euening or at midnight whether at the cock crowing or in the dawning least by a suddaine houre of death being ouertaken and as it were caught in the foulers trap we be found vnreadie but contrariwise by prudent watching in true conuersion and repentance may continuallie couet to be dissolued and to be with
and merciful God before thee doe we sigh beseeching thee by the death and burial of our Lord and Sauior Christ thy welbeloued Sonne that thou wouldest vouchsafe to couer and burie al our misdeedes whatsoeuer from our infancy vntil this present houre either wittinglie or ignorantlie we haue committed and especiallie those which this weeke we haue done in thought word or deede against thy diuine maiestie and commandements al which to thee alone which knowest al things we confesse with broken harts and lowlie spirits beseeching thee to pardon them and to forgiue al our sinnes whereof thou knowest we are guiltie and to deliuer vs from al euils both present and to come O Lord heare the voice of our praier encline thine eare vnto vs in the daies of our necessitie when we shal crie vnto thee The snares of death haue compassed vs about and the straightes of hel haue taken holde of vs we haue lighten vpon sorowe and troble Notwithstanding we wil cal vpon the Lord O Lord deliuer our soules Gratious is the Lord and righteous yea our God is merciful The Lord preserueth the simple we were in troble and he helped vs. Turne then againe vnto your rest O our soules For the Lorde wil blesse ye Thou wilt deliuer our soules from death our eies from teares and our feete from falling that we may walke before thee in the lande of the liuing O Christ God and Sauior of the worlde saue vs Lord watching keepe vs sleeping that in peace we may both rest and wake Be thou our light in darknes then shal our life be as cleere as the noone daie and shine forth as the morning so that with confidence and securitie we may lie downe and sleepe none shal make vs afraid because thou art our protector O Sonne of righteousnes and brightnes of perpetual charitie lead vs into the vision of thy light where thou shalt euerlastinglie shine vpon vs and thou God be our glorie The Sunne there shal not go downe neither the Moone be hid but thou Lorde shalt be our euerlasting light that our sorowful daies may take an ende Grant likewise that leauing this place of darkenes we may be translated into the true and new light which we now looke for through faith vntil the perpetual morning appeere vnto vs that we may beholde thee in a cleere light face to face where shal be no night and we shal neede no candle neither light of the Sunne but thou Lorde wilt lighten vs. O holie Spirit God be thou a light vnto vs At our last gaspe when our harts pant our strength faileth our sight departeth our hearing is deafe our mouth dōme when our feete cannot go nor our hands feele when al our senses forsake vs giue vs some sense of eternal life that we may taste in this world the beginnings of thine euerlasting ioie and at our departure out of this world behold by faith thy diuine presence and so sleepe quietlie to eternal life Amen Here follow certaine peculiar praiers for some special persons A praier for anie Preacher or Shepherd of soules O Eternal God which of thy great mercie hast vouchsafed to cal me a miserable and most vnworthie man to the ministerie of thy Gospel and hast appointed me to be a feeder of soules and a fisher of men and now at the length segregated me according to thy good pleasure to preach the word of saluation vnto this flock and people committed to my charge With lowlines of spirit sighes vnfained I beseech thee O Christ which art our chiefe shepheard and Archbishop make me an able minister of the newe Testament a chosen vessel and profitable instrument for the carrieng of thy message before the nations and Princes of this world as it becommeth the minister of Christ and faithful dispenser of the mysteries of God and neuer let me proue an idol or idle shepherd Worke thou effectuallie through me and grant good successe vnto my doings that fruitefullie I may vtter to mine auditors the healthful and heauenlie foode of their soules which is the syncere preaching of thy gratious worde without al corruption or deprauing of the same Take not fro my lips the word of truth and let me not speake either the imaginations of my foolish braine or the vaine perswasions of my owne hart but may vtter thine heauenlie worde and minister according to the virtue which thou dost grant that in al things thy glorie may be sought of me That I follow not after couetousnes feeding my selfe and forsaking my flock but giue me such an earnest care of their wel doing that without constraint cheerefullie and gladlie being bounde therevnto I may discharge mine office That I be not desirous of filthie lucre but with a willing minde may profit the Church neither as an exerciser of auctoritie ouer my flock but that euen through an hartie zeale of thine holie Name I may feede and make fat in the plentiful and godlie pastures of thy pure worde thy sheepe committed to my trust That I may retaine a diligent consideration of the weaker sort and helpe the feeble heale the sick strengthen the bruzed that I may bring home that which is seduced and seeke that is lost and carefullie prouide for that which is strong that I labor not in mine office negligentlie nor accomplish the worke of thee my maister with deceipt O almightie God whose dwelling is aboue the cloudes which hast appointed me a keeper and watchman for thy people to forewarne the simple that they be not through the subtiltie of vaine teachers deceiued seduced and made a praie and spoile for the beasts of the field make me so watchful and careful ouer thy flock that couragiouslie I may withstand and beate awaie those rauening wolues which teare and scatter thy flock and by reprouing and refuting their heresies ouercome false prophets Giue me that vtterance and wisedome which none may resist or gainesaie Grant me a learned and eloquent vtterance to diuide thy word rightlie and wisedome distinctlie and in right order to propose the same and to be able and readie to admonish and to comfort the weake and if anie offende through weakenes to wyn him vnto weldoing by the spirit of meekenes and modestlie to rebuke such as may be recouered but those which openlie doe sinne without blushing to take vp before the congregation not regarding the person that the rest by their example may feare and forsake their wickednes O Sonne of God our continual Intercessor which hast ordeined me to be a voice crieng endue mee with the grace of thine holie Spirit that I may exalt my voice like a trumpet and declare their wickednes vnto thy people and neuer shewe my selfe as a domme dog which cannot bark so shal I not be partaker of their
sinnes nor guiltie of their condemnation neither wilt thou require their blood at mine hands Wherefore againe and againe I beseech thee assist me euermore that through an open and bold reprehending of their wickednes I may deliuer my soule in the daie of wrath and teach thy waies vnto the wicked whereby the vngodlie may repent Finallie so blesse me with thy fauor that I may walke in thy feare as it becommeth me and be an ensample of good life vnto my flock least while I preach vnto others my selfe proue a castawaie that in no case through my wicked conuersation I giue occasion to anie man of blaspheming thy worde and that in trobles and persecutions I faint not but may suffer patientlie the reproch of this world and the manifold trobles that Satan stirreth vp to disquiet thy Church Grant also to as manie as shal heare thy worde from my mouth that they may firmelie with me beleeue the same and be the followers of me as I followe thee and haue consideration of such as walke so as becommeth Christians that together we may continue in faith and patience euen for thine owne sake Amen A praier for anie hearer of Gods worde I Giue thee most hartie thanks O eternal God Father of our Lord Iesu Christ for that it hath pleased thee of thine vnspeakable mercie and goodnes in al ages continuallie to sende into the worlde men wonderful in thy gifts and knowledge of thy wil to be renuers and spreaders forth of thy truth Like thankes I ascribe vnto thy sacred Maiestie for allowing vs shepherds and preachers in these our daies for the gathering together of thy Church out of al mankinde to the building of the bodie of Christ. Humblie I beseech thee gratious GOD continue alwaie among vs thy pure worde through thy ministers gather vnto thy selfe an euerlasting Congregation so instruct mine hart with thy Spirit of truth that vnfainedlie I may assent to thy wholesome worde proue a liuelie member of thy bodie and be incorporated into that societie which both in this world doth syncerelie confesse thee and euermore extol thine holie Name Keepe those Preachers which thou dost and wilt giue in the certaine knowledge of thy blessed wil that they may from time to time both open vnto vs thine intent concerning the repairing of mankinde the saluation and redemption of our soules through thy free mercie and also teach vs how to liue in new obedience and to abstaine from carnal desires which fight against the soule Inspire thy ministers and preachers of thy word with thine holie Spirit that they may vtter thy wil purelie as they haue receiued it from thine hands retaining the forme of wholesome words and sounding onlie that doctrine which is vttered by thy Sonne out of thy bosome For otherwise departing from the order of faith and the rule of thy worde they wil greatlie obscure the light of thy doctrine and obtrude vpon vs the vanitie of their owne inuentions Wherefore let them speake thy word not deceiptfullie but syncerelie euen as from thee and in thy sight Grant also that by transforming thy ministerie into policie they Lord not ouer thine elect neither contend about superioritie and primacie in thy Church but onelie to seeke the glorie of thy Name and the saluation both of themselues and vs. Giue them libertie of speech boldlie without feare to blame and rebuke al false doctrine blasphemous superstition and abuses in thy Church Open vnto them the doore of vtterance that they may speake the mysteries of Christ and manifest them as they ought to doe so shal their doings be profitable vnto the godlie Assist them also with thine especial grace that they disgrace not their doctrine by impuritie of life but let their conuersation answere vnto the doctrine which they teach and preach Especiallie for the shepherd of my soule frō whose mouth I learne thy blessed wil I hartilie praie that thou wilt keepe him in religion syncere and pure from enormous offences in outward conuersation endue him with a long and healthful life if it be thy good pleasure that manie a good daie and yeere he may continue in preaching the gladsome voice of thy gratious Gospel among vs without contention and strife And O Sonne of God which art the Lord of al the flock worke thou effectuallie by thy preachers speake thou within vs to our harts the blessed wil of thine eternal Father and confirme thy doctrine in our minds by thine holie Spirit Grant that we may truelie know and discerne the same from the houling of wolues and from the inchanted songs of seducing hirelings and grant that we may know thee euen as thou knowest thine heauenlie Father and to walke religiouslie and righteouslie in thy sight shewing our selues to be of that holie seede which praiseth thy Name for euermore Come holie Spirit open mine hart and eares that I may conceaue the profite of thy wholesome doctrine and the sweete comfort reuealed in thine holie word by the preaching of the Gospel O Lorde I acknowledge with teares my sluggishnes carelesnes in seeking thy truth and bewaile the wretched coldnes and hardnes of mine hart beseeching thee to endue me with an vnfained longing and an ardent desire of holie Sermons Grant that in this life I may worship the feete of the preachers of peace and reuerence the true dispensors of thy mysteries thy faithful ministers with doble honor and none otherwise to obeie their godlie sermons than I woulde if a voice should sounde from the heauens Let me not for the blemishes and imperfections of some particular men vnreuerentlie conceaue of thine whole ministerie Worke also within me that despising thy word deliuered vnto vs I neuer seeke after strange reuelations or violent rauishings both besides and contrarie to thy worde but bearing alwaies in minde the order which thou hast appointed may constantlie embrace thy word manifested in the Church Finallie impart such grace vpon vs that we may imitate and folowe the good workes of holie men casting of the old man by putting on the new which is created after God in righteousnes and true holines Amen A praier for a Prince or Magistrate BLessed art thou Lord God of Sabbaoth For to thee appertaineth al magnificence and power and glorie to thee belongeth al honor and auctoritie For whatsoeuer is either in the heauens aboue or in the earth beneath it is thine Thine O Lord is the kingdome thou art aboue al Princes Kings Riches are thine glorie is thine and thou art Lorde ouer al. In thee remaineth virtue and power greatnes and gouernement O God of my Fathers Lord of mercie which hast made al things by thy word and by thy wisedome appointed man to rule the creatures which thou hast made and to gouerne the world with equitie and iustice I praise thee and extol thy glorious Name for appointing me