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A75905 A description and explanation of 268. places in Jerusalem and in the suburbs thereof, as it flourished in the time of Jesus Christ Answerable to each of the 268. figures that are in its large, and most exact description in the map; shewing the several places of the acts and sufferings of Jesus Christ, and his holy Apostles. As also of the Kings, prophets, &c. Very useful for the more clear and fuller opening of very many places in the prophets (as also in Josephus, and other histories) especially in the Gospels, and the Acts of the Apostles. Translated by T.T. Reviewed, and in many places rectified according to the Holy Scriptures, and some things further cleared: with additions of many scripture proofs: by H. Jessey. Imprimatur Joseph Caryl. Adrichem, Christiaan van, 1533-1585.; Jessey, Henry, 1603-1663.; T. T. 1653 (1653) Wing A600aA; ESTC R229469 81,732 114

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Journal Euseb Eccles hist Eusebius Ecclesiast History Jerom. Tom 1. Jerom Tome 1. Jacob. Vitr Jacob us Vitriac Pas Die 197. Pasch on 197 day c. Saligniac Tome 6 c. Salig Tom. 6. c. Will. Tyrens 8th Book of the Holy War Will. Tyr. lib. 8. Bel. Sac. Joseph 15 Book of Antiquities 14 Chapter and of the Jews Wars 6 Book 6 Chap. c. Joseph 15 Ant 14.6 Bel. 6. The other Abbreviations are more easie of which and of all these you may see more fully at the end of the Book after Number 268 at Sect. 10. Sect. 6. 23. Sect. 4. 14 15 16 c. The Reasons why some Traditions of Reliques are forborn in the Translation and why some are published IT is to be granted that this Breidenbach Brocard Pasch Saligniac as also Tyren were Roman Catholicks and that they desired the promoting of their Religion a great part whereof is in visiting of Saints Reliques and they received from their Ancestors many Traditions which they respect and uphold as much as yea more then the Word of God it self Hence several such Passages that were in the Latin are left out by the Translator as that of Veronica's Neckerchere † Or Section 42. of the Book Numb 42 and of Pelagia's House So also this about Helen's finding the Cross by the wonderful smell or odor of the Spices and Oyntments which the Earth sent forth By which miracle that venerable Empress was confirmed say those Popish Authors in Number 240. Which argues That the Women anointed Christs Body with that precious Ointment or Odors upon the Cross For that anointing of Christs feet was six or seven days before Christs death Joh. 12.1 2. Whereas the Scriptures shew most plainly That the Women bought not those Spices for Ointments and Odors to Christs Body until Christ was taken from the Cross and buried Which Odors they brought not to the empty Cross but to the Garden where Christ was buried some way distant from the Cross and there they would have anointed him but did not because Christ was risen before they came Luke 23.53 56. 24.1 Matth. 27.57 28.1 2. Mark 16.1 2 6. Hence the Translator forbears this and divers of such vain Traditions as tend to make the Word of God of none effect Matth. 15.6 9. some of them remain that the Reader may know in what place the Relickmongers will shew such and such things which never were there as the Note added from Holy Scriptures makes evident Which Note being observed in love to the truth may tend to prevent that dreadful doom of the damnable deceivers and deceived denounced in 2 Thes 2.10 12. With all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved And for this cause God shall send them strong delusions that they should believe a lie that they all might be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness I could name one whom I knew noted for miserable covetousness when in sickness he prevailed not to be absolved by a Minister was prevailed with by a Priest that it Ieems absolved him to visit Saint Anne of Buxtons Well which he did and returned a confirmed Papist by this lying strong delusion which he poor wretch believed viz. That he was shewed and saw the very Well it self into which Saint Annes head fell being cut off by a villain that would have abused ber Her Brother hearing of it came after Mass was ended took his sisters head and put it right upon her neck and presently she revived I saw the Well it self where this was done said he This warning is premised That by being forewarned thou maist be fore-armed against the poyson of such Basilisks and maist tread such Serpents under thy feet Remembring 2 Thes 2.10 Many things are here truly recorded from Holy Scriptures and Josephus and Jerom and others cited by those men But can any good come out of Galilee or shall we receive truth from Papists Answ Truth is more precious then Silver or Gold or Rubies Can you be content to take up Silver or Gold or precious Pearls though you espie then on a Dunghil or in the Kennel Then disdain not to own Truth which is far more excellent wheresoever you can espie it Onely look up to the God of all grace who hath given us his own Son to be our Way Truth and Life that he would reveal his Son to us and in us that by him we may savingly know and love the truth as it is in Jesus and may by his light discern and abhor every false way Try all things that are held out for truths hold fast that which is good as the noble Bereans did to their souls everlasting benefit Acts 17.11 and abstain from all appearance of evil And the very God of peace sanctifie you wholly 1 Thes 5.21 22 23. This is the humble request of Thy souls wel-wishing Friend H. Jessey T. N. To the Christian loving Reader of the Use and Benefit of this Pithy Treatise THat Stately place that Princely bowre that Seat of mighty King Psal 48.2 Iosh 18.28 That flower of Be njamin his Tribe whose fame through World did ring Ennobled with such Royal stiles and titles of renown And over worldly Cities all most meet to wear the Crown Lo here presented is to view in such good currant sort As no Pen heretofore perform'd or made thereof report So that we need not now to run or gad from place to place In dangers great through Countreys strange to try or know this case That brave estate which earst it had is now alas defac'd King Davids house 1 Chro. 11.4 7 and Temple now is quite and clean disgrac'd Yet here with Book and Map in hand we now may plain behold The state of each thing as it was in times that were of old Where Christ did preach where Christ did sup where Christ did fast and pray Where Christ was caught where Christ was whipt where thieves did him betray Matth. 26.27 Where he a precious ransom paid for man who had offended Where he was Buried where he Rose and eke where he Ascended Where Annas kept his pompous Court where Caiph as Pallace stood Where wicked Pilate dwelt that did condemn most guiltless blood This and much more is here discourst from some that both had read And seen with eye the City rare that 's here deciphered This work and pains as they deserve much thanks and hearty praife So such their Guerdon well may reap of all men in these days Who like to Candles waste themselves in giving light to others Moe such God grant to take like care to help their Christian Brothers A brief Description and Explanation of Two hundred sixty and eight places of Jerusalem and the Suburbs thereof as it flourished in the time of CHRIST Answerable to the same Figures that are Engraven in the Map thereof I.
2. 10.17.21 2 Chron. 9.16.20 Jer. 22 23. Iosep 18. Aut. 5 6 7. in length one hundred cubits in breadth fifty and in height thirty cubits the which Solomon builded most brave and glorious of polished Marble of Cedar trees garnished with silver and gold having a flat roof with Walks and Galleries according to the fashion of Palestine and within lively counterfeits of sundry trees and plants most artificially made that the leaves thereof seemed in some sort to shake And neer unto the same he planted a grove and a green arbor made of all manner of trees and watered with fountaines also he made Parks and Fish-pools Mier tem 3. Epist. 33. ad Suniam Eccles 2.5 6. wherein it is like were all manner of wilde beasts birds and fishes This house was a store-house of meat an Armory for weapons of war a house wherein oyntments paintings and sweet perfumes were laid up and preserved Beside these two hundred shields of gold for horse-men and three hundred large targets of gold for foot-men which Solomon made were in this house by him laid up All other vessels also of this House were of gold To this house the King and his Peers came when the weighty affairs of the Commonwealth were ended and recreated their minds with banquets with sports and with pleasant walks XLIII The House as some say of Simon the Leaper the Pharisee Mat. 26.6 Luke 7.36.44 Job 22.3 which is at this day to be seen wherein Christ sitting at the Table forgave unto Magdalen the sinful woman bewayling her sins and washing his feet with her tears wiping them with her hair kissing them anointing him and much loving him many sinnes According to Matth. 26.6 and Joh. 12.3 this house was in Bethanie and not in Jerusalem If it be the same Simon that is spoken of in Luke 7.44 and Mat. 26. The XLIV in Latine was thus Domus Veronic 2 Ang. the corner house of Veronica This Veronica gave the linnen Kercief of her head to Christ that he might wipe his sweaty face with it To it the Lord imprinted the image of his face say some and restored it to her as a pledge of his love which to this very day being notoriously marked with the face of Christ At Rome in the Royall-Temple of S. Peter built in Vatican-mount by Constantine the Great with grand honour it is preserved and on set dayes it is shewed unto the people So the Latine book tels us from the Tradition of John Pasch a Friar Carmelite writ Anno 1527. and of Dr. Bethlem a Priest and Bredenbach Dean of Mentz Anno 1483. Why did the English omit this Relick Ans It seems because not one word of it is in the holy Scripture no nor in Polycarpus nor Ignatius nor Justin Martyr nor of any ancient approved Authority but forged afterwards to delude such as prefer mens Traditions before Gods word so making it of none effect as Jesus Christ said Mat. 15.6.9 One questions of what cloath that Handkerchief of Veronica was made that is so durable after sixteen hundred yeers that they may have some of that durable Cloath SLIV or XLV The House of the common people wherein they exercised themselves with dartings and other exercises of the arme Ier. 39. and with feasts with other playes and walksrefreshed their minds SLV or XLVI The Great Market which was in the midst of the City and near adjoyning to the Castle Antonia Ios 13. Ant. 20. 1. Bel 3. Ios 14. Aut. 22. item 1. Bel. 7. 11. wherein Alexander the King of the Jews and the chief Priest crucified eight hundred Iews killing also the Wives in the presence of their Husbands and the children in the sight of their Mothers the which spectacle himselfe with his Concubines beheld at what they were banqueting in the Castle Antonia For the which cruelty he was sirnamed Crucida In the same Market place Herod the greater fought a great battel with the Parthians which went about to bring again Antigonus into the Kingdome Furthermore when the famine through the Roman siege was exceeding great in Jerusalem I●s 6. Bel. 14. 7. Bel. 7. 8. in such wise that it consumed whole families and replenished the tops of houses with fainting women and children and the wayes of the dead carcasses of old men in which extremity they did eat Leather their Girdles their Shoos Hay and Mothers their own children Then a man might have seen lusty young men which afore time were most flourishing passe through this Market place like shadows of dead men And when those which remained alive were not able to bury the dead by reason of their exceeding multitude and could not endure the stinke of the bodies unburied they cast them over the wall into the vallies of the City The which when Titus saw as he went about the wals full of dead bodies much putrified he fetched a great sigh and holding up his hands to God protested that it was not his deed for the obstinate Jewes refused peace to them oftentimes offered XLVI or XLVII The Market place of Wares Act. 12.2 Euseb 2 Hist Eccl. 9. Niceph. 2. the which was in the upper part of the lower City in the which Fish and sundry other things were sold In this Market S. James the greater or elder the brother of John suffered his martyrdome by the tyranny of Herod Agrippa as Euseb records XLVII or XLVIII The Vpholsters Market wherein all manner of old garments that had been worn aforetime of others were to be sold XLVIII or XLIX The School of Gentility which Jesus the false high Priest of the Jews who after the manner of the Gentiles would be called Jason and other Jewes apostatas by the permission of Antiochus Epiphan Hist Eccl. 2. Mach. 1 2. of Mac. 4. set up even under his Castle over against the Temple wherein the people were taught the laws and fashions of the Gentiles and the youth instructed in the studies and disputations of the Greek Philosophers Where they being naked and anointed with oyle exercised themselves in feats of activity in martial actions and in enterludes Furthermore in same place the said Apostatas set up EPHEBIAM that is to say a Stewe● of fair young boyes Sodomy wherein they committed most filthy things against nature by reason thereof many fell from the Law of God to the manners and abominations of the Gentiles being as it were sold to commit monstrous wickednesse insomuch that some of the Priests forsaking the Temple and worship of God gave themselves to the exercise of feats of activity here hence also there sprang up among the Jewes divers Sects namely the Pharisees the Sadduces the Essenes c. XLIX or L. The Houses of the Priests Lyra in Neh. 3 and of the Levites whose houses were shut up by the outward part of the wall but from the former part they had a prospect toward the Temple L. or LI. c. The Habitation
distant from Mount Calvary one hundred and eight foot and from Moun Sion about a mile which Joseph of Arimathea a noble Senator had hewne out in the Rocke for himselfe in the Garden neere unto Mount Calvary In the which Sepulchre hee together with Nicodemus and the Virgin Mary with other godly women buried the body of Jesus being with the consent of Pilate taken from the Crosse and then trimmed with Mirrh and Aloes and wrapt in a fine linnen cloath Sal. Tom. 7. c. 3. 6. was put honourably into the same the head laid toward the West faith Bredan and rolling a stone of exceeding weight to the mouth of the Monument hee went his way Mat. 27.64 Mar. 16 46. But in the meane time the Chiefe Priests and Pharisiees going about to hinder the Resurrection of Christ Pasc d. ●25 taking unto them a strong guard of Souldiers watched the Sepulchre and sealed the stone which shut up the mouth of the Sepulchre lest the keepers and watchmen being corrupted with money should deal deceitfully But this diligence of the Jewes by which they went about to hold Christ in the grave from rising againe increased the Miracle and confirmed the faith of the Resurrection And there hee first of all appeared to Mary Magdalen at the Monument as shee was weeping Mar. 16. Joh. 20.14.16 in the likenesse of a Gardener or as John saith rather shee turned her selfe backe and saw him and hee asking Whom seekest thou She supposing him to bee the Gardener said Sir If thou hast borne him hence tell mee 238 A Wood neer unto the City Jos Bel. Jud. li 6.6 c. 14. as is to bee gathered by Josephus in his Booke and fourteenth fixt Chapter of the Jewes Warre 239. The Brooke or River Gihon at the South-west corner of the City 2 Cron. 32.30 Neh. 2. Broc intin 6. which King Achas had begun to bring from the lower Fountaine Gihon into the upper Fountaine the which King Hezekias at the last finished 240. The Valley of dead Carcasses Jer. 31.40 Lyra ibid. which lay between Mount Calvary and the walls of Jerusalem so called because the dead Carcasses bones and ashes of such as were put to death or burnt on mount Calvary were cast thereinto Divers vaine Traditions of men herein opposing the plaine Divine Scriptures were not judged worthy the Translation 241. The Valley of the Fountaine Gihon 2 Chro. 33.14 Jo. 6. Bel. 13. 15. Ant. 18. whereof mention is made in the book of the Chronicles and in Josephus 242. The Valley Raphaim 2 Sam. 5.18.22 23.13 1 Chro. 11.15 14.9 Isa 17.5 that is to say of Gyants It is a Valley on the West side of the City very large and great which beginneth at the North part and extendeth unto the South bringing forth most plentifully in time past excellent Wheat Wine Oyle and all other fruits In this Valley David by the helpe of God twice overcame the Philistines which sought to invade him with a great Army 243. The Wayes to Bethlehem Act 8. Broc itin 6. Emaus to Gaza and to Joppa which Solomon made with flint and stone even as he did other wayes which lead to Jerusalem both to make the passage more easie and also to shew forth the magnificence of his Kingdome in this point 244. The way to Siloe and to Gabaon whereof Brocardus in his sixt book of his Travell maketh mention 245. Here Christ fell again Pas d. 10. according to the Tradition of the Fathers of old 246. Here Jesus turning himselfe about to the women that mourned and wept Luke 23. Bried 14. Iul. Salig To. 8. c. 7. said Yee daughters of Jerusalem weep not for me but weep for your selves and for your children because the day shall come c. 247. Here Christ fell downe the third time under his Crosse Breid 13. Jul. as the Fathers of old time have affirmed Pas d. 181. 2.2 248. Here Christ was stript out of his garments whose body being all to be torne with whips could not but be very sore Psal 22.18 69.21 Isa 13.4 5. Mar. 27.26.28 35. Mar. 15.23 Breid 12 Jul. Pas d. 213. whereunto his bloody garments cleaving gave new occasion of paine when they were violently pulled off And standing there naked all the while that the Crosse was a preparing in the cold and wind he sate downe at the length upon a stone where he drank wine mixed with gall and mirrh 249. Here Christ being laid on his back on the Crosse and stretched out upon the same Psal 22.1.17 Zach. 12 10. Joh. 20.37 Salig Tom. 7. cap. 4. Pas d. 21.4 his hands and feet was nayled thereunto with Iron nailes and his tender members were with such force strayned and racked upon the Crosse that the very arteries and sinewes were loosened and all his bones might be told 250. This is the most notable memorable place of the whole world Mat. 27.35 Mar. 15.25 Luke 23.33 Joh. 19.18 Lev. 23 5.6 Num. 28.16 17 Exod. 12.18 even the clift of the Rocke of Mount Calvary wherein the Crosse bearing the body of Christ was fastned about high noon of the feast day of Passeover being the day after the Passeover Upon the top of which Crosse a white table was fastened expressing the cause of his death written with Pilates own hand or by his appointment in these words of Hebrew Greeke and Latine JESUS OF NAZARETH KING OF THE JEWES Further it is written by some that the Jews did in such manner erect and set Christ upon his Crosse that his back parts might be towards Jerusalem and his face towards the West For they deemed him unworthy to have his face toward the holy City But we must thinke that this was not done altogether by fortune or without a mystery but rather by the singular dispensation of God Jer. 18.17 Beda in Luke cap. 23. Breid 12. Iul. His miseries seem to be no false Prophets of our felicity by this means and by this deed fore-warning them of that which the Prophet Jeremy had Prophesied should come to passe saying I will scatter them with an East wind before the Enemy I will shew them the backe and not the face Salig Tom. 7. car 5. in the day of their destruction For as St. Ierome saith seeing they are dispersed throughout the whole world and do call upon God ●ight and day in the synagogues of Sathan God sheweth unto them his back and not his face that they may know that he is alwayes going from them Hier●n in Jer. cap. 18. Psal 5.9 Isa 10.27 and not coming towards them And that even in the day of their destruction that is to say during all the time after the passion of our Saviour unto the very end of the world that when the fulnesse of the Gentiles is come in the remnant of the people of Israel may bee converted at the last Ro. 9. 11.25