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A18440 An answeare for the time, vnto that foule, and wicked Defence of the censure, that was giuen vpon M. Charkes booke, and Meredith Hanmers Contayning a maintenance of the credite and persons of all those woorthie men: namely, of M. Luther, Caluin, Bucer, Beza, and the rest of those godlie ministers of Gods worde, whom he, with a shamelesse penne most slanderously hath sought to deface: finished sometime sithence: and now published for the stay of the Christian reader till Maister Charkes booke come foorth. Charke, William, d. 1617. 1583 (1583) STC 5008; ESTC S107734 216,784 212

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reason of his high place gay apparrell great wordes assistance of friendes c. It is but a stale lying 〈◊〉 to fill vp the booke for 〈◊〉 man is sufficiently knowen to stand vpon none of these things If God strengthened his ministerie to daunt suche an aduersarie which is the thing that most stingeth you wee praise God for it Whether his dealing be false or true for which by your assignement hee may weare the garland hee will sufficiently declare in his answere Hee is olde enough to answere for himselfe and when these examples come wee shall consider of them I loue not to bring sod Colewortes twise that is a propertie belonging to the papists and fittest for them that will receiue no answere That question allo concerning concupiscence which is the greatest bulk of your booke shal at this time be omitted of mee as being often handeled in other places As for his other trickes which you say proceed not of negligence simplicitie or ignorance but must needes bee of set malice as for example the repeating of diuers vntruths out of Gotuisus concerning the lesuites you say in the first booke hee concealed the authours name whiche is most false For he nameth him often in that booke Now you say necessitie compelling him he confesseth Wherein you discredite your selfe and bring credite to him that hee doth not conceale them but yet you say finding in his owne conscience the things to bee false which he reporteth whereas his authour citeth alwayes two bookes Censura Coloniensis and Canisius great Catechisme he citeth but one and that not to bee had which is another lye and omitteth the other whiche sheweth the falshood both of M. Chark and of his authour Yea which is more when Gotuisus did not belie the Iesuites sufficiently M. Charke without blushing will falsifie his wordes to make them more odious Is not heere a merueilous long threed drawen out of a little flaxe and no bottome What a fine spinster is this that can make so much of a little of concealing the one and aduouching the other As though men were alwayes bounde to alleadge all and in the very wordes of their authours also might not choose amongest store which to alleadge or as though one authour were not to be cited vpon the credit of another but all the rest must bee discredited whye doeth not sir Robert confute Gotuisus and so make way to confute master Charke But as he vseth in other thinges so in this hee leapeth ouer hilles and dales and when hee shoulde ouercome the formost he striketh at the the hindmost and when hee cannot touche the hearte hee hitteth the heele But what are the matters forsooth that Gotuisus saith the Iesuites holde The Scripture is as it were a nose of waxe and master Charke saith theyr wordes are the Scriptures are a nose of waxe What els O infinite such things in the treatise whiche sheweth master Chark to bee a man of no sinceritie Is not heere wonderfull a doe about nothing But I pray you what difference is there doth not hee say that the scripture is a nose of waxe that saith it is as a nose of waxe that may bee turned and wrested which way a man will Is not their doctrine generall to derogate from the authoritie of the scripture that it is a dead letter a matter of strife dark maymed vncertaine a nose of waxe a leaden rule a lesbeian building an occasion of all heresies which comprehendeth not all thinges necessary to saluation Is not this doctrine as full in abhomination as that allegation And therefore Cardinall Hosius worse then any Anabaptist saith That it is a vaine labour that is bestowed vppon the Scripture whiche is bestowed as vppon a dead and beggerly element that rather wee must looke for voyces from heauen that must instructe vs. This is the foundation of all their vnwritten verities of man his traditious which they preferre before the worde of God because as Andradius saith It often times commeth to passe that hee is wrapped in a greater wickednesse that breaketh the Ecclesiasticall traditions then those that are Goddes adding that example of the Sacrament in one kinde c. And yet who knoweth not that the holy Scripture commendeth the Scripture vnto vs as a light shining in a darke place vntill the day breake foorth And Christe himselfe though they woulde haue vs to shunne them 〈◊〉 vs to search them as those that witnesse vnto his both his nature and his will Abraham also signifieth to the ritche man that was in hell that his brethren were to bee taught out of Moses and the 〈◊〉 to the ende they might bee deliuered and obtaine euerlasting saluation So Paule affirmeth to Timothie that all Scripture is inspired from aboue and comprehendeth all thinges necessarie to the perfection of saluation Nowe hee wrote this Epistle when in a manner all the Apostolicall writings were committed to writing as may appeare out of the fourth Chapter And concerning your traditions Christ saith They worship me in vaine with the precepts of men and Paul plainely condemneth that will worship in the second to the Collossians For his behauiour towards Campion in the Tower whome you so highly aduaunce for singuler learning those that were present can tell the vanitie of this accusation Hee gaue him no vncomely wordes but such as became both his owne person and his to whom he spake The one being a godly man standing for the truth and the other an enemie traitour both against god and it There was not any one word vttered of barbarous threat onely hee might when hee was insolent bee put in minde of his place and condition Of the like vanitie is it that you tell of his turning and speaking to the people that they shoulde prayse God for his good argument and of shutting the dores to keepe the people in to heare his prayer Hee might perhaps now and then as reason was admonish the people to beware of suche a runnagate Fryer who hauing challenged our whole churche shewed himselfe so insufficient to maintaine his owne cause As for hatred in his hart putting it in execution it is too malitious to be suspected of master Charke or any such of his profession You are the blood suckers the malicious men whose furie could neuer yet be otherwise quéched then with the effusion of christian blood If I lye thē let all the places and countries where euer you ruled witnes against mee If master Charke had had such malice as you say yet how could hee put it in execution being a priuate man To whome did he euer complaine What inditement did hee euer drawe or cause to bee drawne against him Where did he euer goe or intermeddle in any these matters but when and wherein hee was called But you may lye by authoritie For here are no lesse then fiue together one that he dealt inciuilie Another that hee commended his argument
them to honestie not to villanie as it is too euident they did when scarse amongest a number fewe escaped from their filthie abuse by which they were defloured many bastardes begotten and murthered many buggeries con tinually committed against the worde of God As for the Arrians Saint Augustine had good cause disputing against them that abused the scripture in that same sacred misterie of the Trinitie to stande vpon that liuely tradition of the Apostles which is no suche thing as you intende by tradidion contrary to the written word of God but the same was receiued from hande to hand agreed with the doctrine of Christe and his Apostles written and set downe to all posteritie In this respect that misterie of beleeuing in the father the sonne and the holy Ghoste was so called in the councell of Constantinople by Tertullian and Basill and of such like speaketh the Apostle when hee saith Holde fast those traditions which you haue receiued eyther by our worde or by our Epistle In this respect Augustine disputing against Maximinus an heretike appealeth to the tradition of the Apostles But what serueth this to maintaine your false named traditions vnder the name of the Apostles that are but byrdes hatched yesterday yet calow and scarse couered with feathers as vnlike those whom you woulde make their dammes as your selues are who in all thinges are degenerated from them Of like consequence for proofe of your Masse Altars Chalices Chrisme and Priestes vestiments is that you set downe as you say noted by Optatus before Augustine Surely the place by you alleadged serueth as little to your helpe as the other Wee denie not but that in the waste made by those barbarous Vandalles There was great spoyle in the iust iudgemente of God brought vpon the churche all kinde of learning ceasing almost and the monuments thereof being vtterly decayed which one of your great pillers master Harding saith was because of their schisme from the church of Rome which was neither so nor so in which yet Rome it selfe was taken possessed and 〈◊〉 by sundrie men aboue 6. times in a small space But would you hereby insinuate your Idolatrous Masse which then had not halfe the Idolatrous patches that since haue been added woulde you insinuate your chalices which then were no otherwise knowen and taken then as cuppes fit for that seruice woulde you insinuate your aulters of stone that tooke their first beginning from Pope Sixtus as both Uolateran Vernerius testifie For as in Christs time there were not many temples builded so there were not many alters erected and therefore in Origens time it was obiected by Celsus that they had neither images nor aulters nor temples and so Arnobius sayth that the Heathen cast this likewise in their teeth whereby it appeareth that in their times the church was not acquainted with your prophanations In deede the name of Masse of latter times hath been vsed but it sheweth not that it was vsed then or that it was yours wherof they spake I mean your priuat Masse no it was the communion and according to that they had tables of wood and no aulters They might sometime call the communion tables by the name of aulters as also some other things by those names that you yet retaine but this was by Metaphor and as a man would say improperly rather for the receiued maner of speech of the auncient worship instituted vnder the lawe before the comming of Christe whilest sacrifices endured then now to prooue such a blasphemous sacrifice or aulter as yours is For Siluester the first as some of you write though falsly was he that commanded that none shoulde consecrate at a woodden aulter and Bonifacius was he that first deuided the priest from the people And S. Augustine complaineth that the Donatistes on a time in great rage brake the boords of the aulter and wounded the priestes And that they were made of wood and stoode in the middest of the Church c. It may appeare by this that hee saith it was the subdeacons office to remoue the table which he could not haue done if either it had beene of stone or fast fixed against any wall Eastward as your superstitious maner is And is this your burning charitie to compare vs with those barbarous heretikes the Donatists or those Vandals being in deede Arrians as all the rest were that made suche hauocke not onely of the Churche of Rome but of the Churches in Affricke of Antioche of Hippo where Augustine was and sundrie others These were madde against the truth and we stand for it It is not we that trouble Israell but Achab and his fathers house Is it all one to rage againste the people of God to execute Gods sentence vpon Baals priests For with as good right Baals priestes might haue blamed Helias and Helizeus Iehu and such godly princes for destroying their aulters ouerthrowing their temples shedding their blood as you blame and charge vs. The difference is plaine they were Donatistes and Arrians wee Christians they like sauage and brutish Boares brake in vpon the Lords inheritance we labour to keepe out such Boars Wolues and beastes as you are and haue proued your selues to bee The same may bee saide of that obiected by Basill against Iulian the 〈◊〉 his fellowes You are the Iulians and wee those whome you persecute in Christe in his members But for qualities we shall say more hereafter For your contentednesse to admit now what soeuer triall wee will for the finding out of your spirites surely wee cannot but congratulate your kindenesse But is this the opinion of all your fellowes or of yourselfe alone If of all then let vs see their handes authentikclie vppon recorde deliuered vnto vs. Once wee are sure of this that it is against their generall doctrine as hath beene saide before If it bee or your selfe that I may vse your owne phrase you are somewhat too cockishe against the common opinion of your Church to offer so franckly and yet as you saide to M. Hanmer I thinke when it shall come to triall you shall be none of the disputers As for that you write that you are not daunted For that Campion and Sherwinn that were foreward that way are taken away by death surely we thinke so If the tryall of your cause had depended vppon them then your religion had falne with their treason And thankes be to God howe harde soeuer your heartes bee yet you haue and had cause to feare seeing vnder pretence of Disputation they were prooued to practise 〈◊〉 and to establish an Antichristian iurisdiction against the crowne dignitie and peace of our Soueraigne Queene and Princesse I giue you warning therefore before Looke ere you leape for without doubt your religion and treason are so clasped and twined together that they will hardly bee sundered Woulde you dispute with vs who are to bee shunned Come you to
that it shoulde stande like stuble it shall perishe but wee shall bee saued If I should to requite him gather all that dung and filth together of raylinge and scurrilitie which is in their bookes I should euen choke the worlde and infect the uery ayre with their filthe As the cause is so are their wordes and therefore the comparison that hee maketh betwixt D. Fulk Allen Stapleton and Martiall is very vnequall and whatsoeuer such lewde lossels and spende thriftes as Parsons is with the rest of that popish crewe thinke of suche cubbes yet wee knowe howe to esteeme of them wee by the grace of God can discerne of them and what credite soeuer they haue with the worlde with men that are blinded and partial that are wont to praise them in those thinges that are most vnworthie of praise and haue their Parsons in admiration wonder at their giftes and extoll them aboue the Moone as if they were dropped out of heauen yet wee knowe that this is a plaine argument of their corruption and of their shame wherein they so much glory Neyther is it of any credite with vs though like Mules thty rub one another and dub one anothers sayinges though they haue some good giftes seeing they are abused by them and their illusions made the stronger to deceiue others And in deede the Gentiles of whom this Parson Parsons prateth had a greater measure then euer they had but all were nothing without Christe As for that hee calleth vs good fellowes wee desire no fellowship with suche and as for calling M. Fulke Minister in derision whome also from the Censure of one of his owne haire hee calleth the poste horse of the Protestants agreeing to that popish rayling spirite whereby he is lead shall receiue no other answere but this that M. Fulke may reioice to bee so reuiled for the defence of Gods glorious truth This deserueth no shame but prayse amongest all Gods people if in the zeale of God he bee carried with a swift course to answere their peeuish and pelting writings neither doth he it as poste alone For God be thanked hee knoweth and you shall find that there are a great number his inferiours both in yeeres and in the labour of the Gospel and after him in Christe that yet may bee your masters and can answere you well enough Hee doth it not therefore of penurie as a man beeing left alone and woulde carry the burden himselfe but of a readie and forwarde minde to serue the Lorde and his Churche And if hee alone and so swiftly doe it belike if all the Lordes armie shoulde come vpon you and with preparation and furniture where then woulde bee your glorie I knowe your prowde Philistinians heart and the contempt wherewith you reproche the glory of the Israel of God but bee assured this reaching to God hee will bee auenged of it The name of Minister beeing the name of his office hee thinketh no reproche to beare it but the name of a Popish Prieste instituted by Anticriste that hath no ground in the worde of God but hath written in the forehead of it the name of shame blasphemie this name if they were not past blushing might make them ashamed As for Martiall the laste of the three the argument was so grosse and the defence so blockishe that hee tooke in hande as might not only prouoke M. Fulk to call him by those names but they might blushe that I may vse their owne woordes of suche worshipfull writers The other contumelie of attributing this to the pot is iustly returned vpon his owne head For their Doctors are commonlie fitter for the pot then for the pulpit and for an ale benche or a stage then for the Church of God with whome when rayling is done they are mumme and the tragidie is ended Now hauing done as hee saith with the schollers he letteth driue also at the Masters and heere Caluine is set in the first ranke and yet hee might knowe that how soeuer wee esteeme of Caluine as of an excellent and notable personage yet wee haue but one master neyther dyd hee in regarde of those excellent giftes God had bestowed vppon him euer challenge any such prerogatiue or authoritie That is only common to popery and what are his sharpe wordes forsooth his ordinarie tearme against the Papistes is knaues Surely as fitte a name for them in the highest signification as can bee and specially if a fitte Epitheton bee ioyned to it and yet who knoweth not that hath anye skylll either in the Latine Englishe Frenche or Scottishe tongues that it carryeth no suche odious contumelie with it If malice had not blinded this mans hearte hee woulde haue looked vpon his godly and great labours set foorth with so notable profite of the whole Church of God he would haue looked vpon his zeale for the glory and maintenance of the truth of God against such enemies and resisters as himselfe and the Papistes are And what Bishops forsooth are his Superiours Still this Parsons will bee a beggar as though M. Caluine shoulde confesse that the Pope and his Cardinalles are the Churche and suche as hee hath proudly aduaunced and appointed were his Superiours which for his heart he cannot proue eyther by the law of God or man As for Staphilus when hee will forsooth dubbe a counsailour and dare sausily compare with some of ours beeing men of honour all the worlde knoweth what an Apostatate and runnagate hee was first falling from the truth of God and then afterwardes for the glorye of men embracing false religion and following this present euill worlde What his spirite of rayling was hee that shall reade his workes especially his booke against Andreas his Hyppodromus and suche like see at large hee was one of the first deuisers of those notable lyes against Luther after whom followed Cochcteus Eccius and the rest such another as that wretch Bolsecke is of whom we shall speake afterwards Nowe as though hee had taken his leaue of Caluine hee passeth foorth to see what hee may finde in Luther whome they call the Dutch Beare This man he calleth our father as hee did Caluine before our Master and wee are newe ympes who haue receaued from our father the first fruites of his spirite as the Apostles had of the holy spirite Thus doth this prophane wretch with an impure mouth and an vnholy spirite abuse the most comfortable and holy woorde of God But as wee answered euen nowe for hauing anye man to bee our Master in matters of God so wee acknowledge but one father And though Papistes haue manye fathers of whom they receiue religion by imitation and tradition and depend vpon them being men they are newe fathers and new imps 〈◊〉 of that old father of ours which was before all times in whom we were beloued chosen called regenerated and sanctified euen bofore the foundation of the worlde was layde And so farre forth as Luther taught this old and first and