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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10581 The sermon, which Christ made on the way to Emaus to those two sorowfull disciples, set downe in a dialogue by D. Vrbane Regius, wherein he hath gathered and expounded the chiefe prophecies of the old Testament concerning Christ; Dialogus von der schönen predigt die Christus Luc. 24. von Jerusalem bis gen Emaus den zweien jüngeren am Ostertag, aus Mose und allen prophete gethan hat. English Rhegius, Urbanus, 1489-1541.; Hilton, W. (William), fl. 1578. 1578 (1578) STC 20850; ESTC S115783 385,014 486

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not slide Thine handes shall finde out all thine enemies and thy right hand shall finde out them that hate thee Thou shalt make them like a firy ouē in tyme of thine anger The lord shal destroy them in his wrath and the fire shall deuoure them Here agayne we see that Christ after he had humbled and debased himselfe should be exalted aboue all thinges as the true king of eternall blessednes and felicitie and that the enemies both of Christ and Christians should perish eternally Wherefore it is something strange that those two disciples were so offended at Christes suffring ¶ Anna. It is a strange thing in dede that they vnderstood not their owne prophets For seyng they were Iewes borne they should not haue bene ignoraunt of any of those thinges But peraduenture the carelesnesse and slouthfulnesse of the churchmen or priestes was the cause that the Iewes had so little knowledge of Messias and his kingdom I remember I haue heard you say that when Christ came into the sinagogue the Scribes and Pharises had layd aside the holy Scriptures and taught and vrged the doctrine and traditions of men What meruaile thē if the rude vnlearned people knew not the Scriptures seing they which boasted themselues to be the rulers of the church were blinded and vnderstood them not ☞ Vrban It is as you say for you see in Mathew how at that tyme those blynd guides set aside and despised the commaundements of God and preferred the doctrine and traditions of mē before the word of god Sathan hath alwais his false prophets among the children of God and he soweth spreadeth his errours in all places ¶ Anna. God the father kepe vs and destroy the deuises and assaults of that enemy But now go on and open the prophesies which be in the psalmes ☞ Vrb Dauid prophesieth in the 24. Psalme that Christ should be a most mighty and puissaunt prince in all the world And there he commaundeth that all worldly princes potentates should open the gates dores of glory vnto this most maiestical king and that they should on eche side go out of his way that he might haue a wide large way to walke in For he sayth he is the almighty God that most mighty puissant lord strōg in battail These are the prophets wordes Lift vp your heds you gates and be ye lift vp ye euerlasting doers and the king of glory shall come in Who is the king of glory The lord strong and mighty euen the Lord strong in battail Lift vp your heades ye gates and lift vp your selues ye euerlasting dores and the king of glory shal come in Who is the king of glory The Lord of hostes he is the king of glory Selah And againe he saith The lord doth remayne king for euer The lord shal giue strength vnto his people the lord shall blesse his people with peace This god shal rule for euer Iesus Christ and no other whose kingdom only shal remaine for euer Neither is his kingdō an earthly kingdome wherin Israel accordyng to the flesh raigneth in the lande of Canaan as the Iewes dreamed but it is an heauenly kingdome For Dauid sayth not here that the lord will giue his people cities fieldes grounds medowes vineyardes wealth riches but he sayth he wil giue them strength fortitude and power to wit the power of the holy ghost which is the spirite of strength and fortitude He sayth that he will blesse his children with peace and he blesseth them in deede with that true and eternall peace and enricheth and encreaseth them in all heauenly gifts The 72. Psalme also doth excellently prophesie of this heauenly kingdom of Christ shewyng what kind of kingdome it should be to wit a kingdom of righteousnes a kingdome in which should be perfect true holinesse without hypocrisie a kingdom of true peace wherin nothing is done contrary to law and equitie a kingdom wheras no man hath wrong but al things be wrought and done 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by true iustice equalitie equitie and clemency a kingdom where all peace quietnes humanity and iust dealing florishe and a kingdom where the poore afflicted oppressed contemptible and wretched find present helpe comfort and consolation And further he sayth that this kingdom wherin true life dwelleth is so wyde that it extendeth it selfe not ouer Iuda onely but ouer the whole worlde For thus sayth Salomon Giue thy iudgementes to the King O GOD and thy righteousnesse to the kinges sonne Then shall he iudge thy people in righteousnesse and thy power with equitie The mountaynes and the hils shal bring peace to the people By iustice he shall iudge the poore of the people he shall saue the children of the needy and shall subdue the oppressour They shall feare thee as long as the sunne the Moone endureth from generation to generation Hee shall come downe like the rayne vpon the mowen grasse and as the showers that water the earth In his days shall the righteous florishe and aboundaunce of peace shal be so long as the Moone endureth His dominion shal be from sea to sea and from the ryuer vnto the endes of the lande They that dwell in the wildernesse shall kneele before him and hys enemies shal licke the dust The kings of Tharses and of the Iles shall bring presentes The kings of Sheba and Seba shall bring giftes yea all kinges shall worship him all nations shall serue him For he shall deliuer the poore when he cryeth the needy also and hym that hath no helper He shall bee mercifull to the poore and needy and shall preserue the soules of the poore he shall preserue and redeeme the soules from deceite and violence and deare shall their bloud be in his sight yea hee shal lyue and vnto him shal they giue of the gold of Sheba or Arabia they shal also pray for him continually daily blesse him His name shall be for euer His name shal endure as long as the sonne all nations shall blesse hym and be blessed in him It was nedefull that Christ should rise from death that this prophesie might be fulfilled that he might begin enlarge establish preserue this his most ample and wide kingdō for euer and euer And the holy ghost in the 45. Psalm also setteth forth Christ and his kingdom with wonderfull glorious wordes callyng Christ true god Which testimony Paule also citeth to the Hebrues saying O God thy throne is for euer and euer The scepter of thy kyngdome is a scepter of righteousnes thou hast loued righteousnes and hated iniquity Wherfore god euen thy God hath annointed thee with the oyle of gladnes aboue thy fellowes Read the whole Psalme for it doth excellently set forth Christ and his spirituall kingdome in which both sinne death and Sathan yea els whatsoeuer afflicteth and troubleth the godly are extinguished destroyed and ouercome in their places is giuen euerlasting lyfe Also in the 47.
flesh they should liue at lyberty peace pleasure plenty and security But it is to be vnderstood that their delyueraunce should be spirituall so that many of them should neuertheles by the gospel in Christ be iustifyed and saued though a great part of them were to fall away from Christ and to repugne set thē sclues against Christ and his church as at this day wee see they doe ☞ Vrb. It is in deede as you say For they did not vnderstand the prophets nay when Christ cam vnto the Sinagoge it was so stufft and ouerwhelmed with mans traditions that their very doctors them selues vnderstoode not the scriptures as they were with vs in the tyme of popery Now if the doctors were so ignoraunt alas what could the rude people know The prophets out of doubt are plaine and manifest inough they euidently declare that at the comming of Messias Goim that is to say the Gentiles shall in deede be leue receaue and acknowledge Messias to be their Lord and that the most part of the Iewes should rebelliously reuoult from him and but onely a remnaunt of them be conuerted to him to whome the Gentiles should be gathered and ioyned and of thē both should be made one spirituall Israell And to this end were those comfortable promises of the kingdome of Christ made both to the Gentiles and the remnaunt of the Iewes As Esaias sayth in the wordes that follow Therefore thus sayth the lord Behold my seruants shall eate and ye shall be hungrye Behold my seruauntes shall reioyce and ye shall be ashamed Behold my seruants shall sing for ioye of hart and ye shall crye for sorrow of hart and shall houle for vexation of minde and ye shall leaue your name as a cursse vnto my chosen for the Lord God shall slay you and call his seruaunts by an other name He that shal blesse in the earth shall blesse himselfe in the true God and he that sweareth in the earth shall sweare by the true god For the former troubles are forgottē and shall surely hide them selues from mine eyes ¶ Anna. Doth the prophet here speake of corporall meate and drinke as that miserable blinded rable of the circumsised Iewes do Iudge ☞ Vrb. Paule sayth in the first of Timo. that those that beleue in Christ haue the promise made them both of this lyfe and of the lyfe to come And therfore is it most true that those christians which beleue in Christ shal enioy euen such thinges as are necessary for this life But without all doubt the prophet saw here a greater and more excellent thing and hee meaneth rather a spirituall sustinaunce then a corporall As for the meat and drinke which nourisheth the bodye the prophets greatly regard it not about such thinges they greatly trouble not thē selues it is the health of the soule that they chiefly regard that is their chiefe care that especially did they thinke themselues bound to teach that so they might search out and promise euerlasting health with ioyfull lyfe and immortality to the beleeuers in Christ For their promises contayne the very true Gospell of Christ Iesu And the Gospell is the promise of true righteousnes lyfe it selfe eternall saluatiō and the spirituall and euerlasting kingdome of Christ And this is the cause that the prophets vse by temporal blessings as their wordes import to prophecye of true heuēly happines And to this end doth al the doctrine of the gospel tend to this it draweth vs as witnesseth Christ in the sixt of Ioh. saying labor not for the meat that perisheth but for meat that ēdureth vnto euerlasting life I am the liuing the bread which came down from heauen if anye man eate of this bread he shall liue for euer And in Luke he sayth Therefore I appoint vnto you a kingdome as my Father hath appointed vnto me that you may eate and drinke at my table in my kingdom Such promises made hee to his disciples which continued with him in his afflictions at what time he had neither kingdome countenace glory nor estimation in this world And Paul to the Romaines sayth The kingdome of God is not meate nor drinke but righteousnes and peace and ioy in the holy ghost This true ioy and continuall gladnes shall the faythfull in Christ enioy but the heritage of the vngodly shall be wrath indignation punishment vexation and anguish of soule The Ioy of the Christian beleuers in the midst of their afflictions beginneth here in earth in fayth and hope when God the holy Ghost doth witnes within vs that we are the children and heires of God and already saued but as yet onely in hope But in the great day of the Lord we shall then at the last beginn to enioy for euer that greate gladnes pleasures delights of lyfe euerlasting ¶ Anna. What name is it by which Gods children fweare Vrb. Esay sayth it shall come to passe that the name of a Iew by reasō of their apostacye and for that they denyed Christ shall be odious and contemptible in all landes So that when men will wish ill to one or curse one they shall wish the same to fall vpon him whiche fell vpon the Iewes But gods seruauntes that is to say the true Iewes spirituall Israelites which beleue in Christ shall be called by an other name to wit Christians of Christ the Lord their God. And we see it is so come now to pas in deede and all those blessinges in which the Iewes before did excell be now at this day translated to vs gentiles the faithfull christians For we onely now haue the true and sound vnderstanding of the scriptures the true Messias and true fayth which geueth lyfe we haue the true righteousnes true workes true sacrifice and true oblation and the right high priest the right alter and the right propitiatory temple and seruice of God. And this name Christian shall be so honorable and famous that the valiant godlyest Martirs of Christ shall not be ashamed for the professing of Christe to suffer most greuous punishment Who as Eusebius witnesseth constantly and corragiously professing their Lord haue sayd euen to the most bloudy tyrants teeth I am a Christian yea though they certainelye knew they should presētly both be terribly tormented and hazard their lyues for it We also blesse our selues in the name of Iesus christ the true God neither is there any other God but Christ Iesus There is but one God onely and he being true god in the persō of the sonne was made true man of the seede of Dauid This is fulfilled For seing christiā beleuers know that all Gods graces helpe helth cōfort lyfe and liberty are onely in Christ and through Christ they flye in all perill and trouble to this name Iesu for helpe and as soone as they doe it and once name it straightway it ministreth strength comfort and cōsolation to the heauy hart ¶ Anna. Why doth