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A12094 The motiues of Richard Sheldon pr. for his iust, voluntary, and free renouncing of communion with the Bishop of Rome, Paul the 5. and his Church Published by authority. Sheldon, Richard, d. 1642? 1612 (1612) STC 22397; ESTC S101748 193,991 248

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being therevnto vrged by manifest truth and reason that it is not enough for them vpon their bare wordes to affirme this or that is a tradition Apostolicall or this or that is a doctrine Apostolicall because it is now generally obserued through out all those Churches which communicate with the Bishop of Rome no though at such times when there was no notorious or famous Church on earth to oppose against her and whereof no expresse beginning can bee shewed vnlesse they can withall for such their Traditions ascending vpwards euen vnto the Apostles times or the dayes of their immediate Successors and Schollers clearly and soundly deduct by graue testimonies of Ancient and Catholike authours that such thinges were euer more or lesse obserued and receiued as from the Apostles themselues throughout the Church of Christ if they will refuse this honorable triall of their Traditions and stand only vpon this idle answere and defence that the Church Romane now generally hath them and there is no beginning of them to bee shewed ergo they are Apostolicall they shall shew themselues to be meere wranglers wilfully wedded to most corrupt errours as I will most clearly demonstrate And herein I dare boldly challenge being most confident of this truth any Pontifician whatsoeuer be he Benedictine Fransciscan or Ignatian to shew me some ancient sufficient authority out of Councels or ancient Fathers that whatsoeuer might be obserued or should bee obserued in the later times of the Romane Church whereof no expresse beginning could be shewed should be therfore accounted Apostolicall because generally obserued in her g Epist 118. ad Ianuar. St. Austen indeede is vrged by the Aduersaries to affirme so much of some vnwritten Traditions in his time generally obserued throughout the whole Church but St. Austen is misvnderstood and his rule commonly cited not without corruption misvnderstood because his rule is of such Traditions whereof although nothing is written in holy Scripture yet they are mentioned in approued Authours and Historians more or lesse from the Apostles daies till his times besides great is the difference of 1200. yeares for so long is the time from St. Austens daies to vs for carrying downe of Traditions from the Apostles and in so many ages many thinges vnapostolicall h See Onuphr Genebrard and Platina supra pag. 3. might creepe into particular Churches and consequently into the whole whereof no certaine beginning might be shewed Againe St. Austens rule is commonly mis-cited For whereas that Father writeth thus in effect in his Epistle to i Epist 118. Ianuarius If the authority of diuine Scripture prescribe in any of these rites and ceremonies what is to bee done I I cite not the expresse words of the Father because editions are so different but all haue thus in effect answere there is no doubt to be made but that wee must doe as we reade the like I say if any of these rites which we obserue and the whole Church throughout the world at this present time obserueth for to dispure that we should doe otherwise were insolent madnesse but the Aduersaries commonly when they cite this place leaue out first what he writeth in the beginning of the sentence touching the authority of Scriptures Againe they leaue out commonly those words which restraine his meaning to his daies And in Saint Austens time it is manifest that the Christian Churches were not so diuided as since his times they haue beene and withall that a little before his time the generall Councels of Nice and Sardica had ordered most things and brought many things to light and yet notwithstanding this rule it is well knowne how Saint S. Aust in the same Epistle pronounceth that Christ instituted very few ceremonies Epist 118. Austen complained against multiplicitie of rites and ceremonies brought into diuers particular Churches in his daies wherewith the Christians were more heauily clogged then the ancient Iewes had beene vnder Moses which if it were euer true then it is now amongst the Pontificians most true who haue from their Popes some 1000 of rites and haue also innuerable lawes binding vnder the censure of their curses and heauiest excommunications and so frequently that a man may iustly suppose that there are few of that profession who are not more or lesse touched It is not credible to what number their Excommunications are growne since their tyranical vse of them See Nauar. Man cap. 27. num 50. by their lesser or greater excommunications his holinesse onely excepted who will be bound to no lawes no not to those which he sweareth inuiolably to keepe ●e being indeed that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 exlex iniqnus outlaw which Saint k 2. Thes 2. Paul hath prophecied should sit in the Temple of God as I will more fully declare hereafter But I will demonstrate that there are diuers practises and customes obserued throughout their Roman Church vniuersally wherof no beinning can be shewed which themselues wil not dare to affirme to be Apostolicall and so their rule by their owne confessions shall to the ground First is it not an vniuersall though impious practise throughout the Pontifician Church to paint God the Father in the forme of an old man and God the holy Ghost in the forme of a Doue by the same not onely to represent two persons of the most inenarrable and inexpressible Trinitie but also by the same and in the same to adore and worship those two infinite Persons what will they or can they shew me when this custome pr●cisely began No I wis what must it therefore be a tradition Apostolicall it were impudencie or meere ignorance so to affirme and I thinke there is none of them as yet so shamelesse as to affirme it Nouell I am assured it is vtterly forbidden by the ancient Fathers of the sixt l Sinod 6. Cano. 82. generall Councell reputed an impudent thing by worthy Iohn m Damas Orthodox sid lib. 4. ●ap 17. Sinod Nicen. 2. act 4. 5. 6. 7. Damascene reputed a renowned Saint in their Church and a famous Patrone for the vse of other Images and by their Italian n Polid. lib. de inuentor Polidore Virgil accounted meere folly and which of their own men o Abulens Lira Alij commenting vpon the fourth of Exodus do not more or lesse condemne it and yet now the present Romane Church is so generally infected thereby with the leprosie of superstitious Idolatry that no man whose heart is zealous of Gods honour cannot seeing it but lament therefore Of this kinde also is the prostrate adoring of the Crucifixe it selfe vpon good Friday generally obserued throughout the Romane Church Can their best antiquarie amongst them shew me a beginning hereof no God wot what is it therefore a tradition Apostolicall shame will not suffer them to affirme it To this I adioyne their most Catholike and vaine custome of adorning their Images like as the old Paynims adorned Venus Iuno Ceres their vaine Gods
Anall Platin. in Adrian Irene caused the same by a Synod of Bishops to bee decreed in Nice And I pray you doe you thinke worse of your Iubilies because y Platina in Bonif 8. Walsing in Edward 1. Polychron lib. 7. cap. 40. Boniface the 8. who entred most ambiciously like a Foxe liued like a Lion and died like a Dogge brought them in beware of such mislikes it will not be for the profit of Romes purse Againe the Church of England is calumniated euery day by all the Ignatians as though she had no true orders or iurisdiction I dare affirme that in it there is as certaine and as assured a succession of orders spirituall iurisdiction as in the Church of Rome it selfe which hath so often tottered with so many schismes and hath bin pestered with so many Apostatical Popes as both Baronius and Genebrard deliuer I my selfe very lately searched for my own satisfaction the Records and I find clearly that Archbishop Parker was sufficiently truly and canonically ordered and consecrated by such Bishops as had receiued orders and consecration according to the Romane Church he swore not thou wilt perhaps obiect obedience to the Bishop of Rome a toy Where in all antiquity finde you the vse ofswearing subiection to the Bishop of Rome Romane Tyranny brought it in to the Church and Christian liberty hath exploded it It is indeede the soule of your Religion that subiection to the Bishop of Rome is a meane necessary to saluauation as necessary as Baptisme it selfe O prodigious Doctrin it is not enough say these men to saluation to be vnited with Christ and subiected to our immediate Pastors who are in vnion with the whole Catholike Church touching the Catholike faith vnlesse we be also vnited by immediate subiectiō vnto the Pope of Rome who may both be an Heretike and also contaminate the Church with his pernicious Lawes So that if a Pope Nerolike as Boniface the 8. would by pernicious Lawes draw you from Christ and like as a Heliogabalus as Iohn the 12. would draw you to all impurities and teach you to diuide the Church by opposing against the true Pope after his iust deposition by the whole Romane Clergy most Bishops of Italy assembled in a Synod or Ottomanlike as Paul the 5. will teach you against Christs institution not to yeelde temporall obedience to your lawfull Soueraigne if hee out of his throne take vpon him to dethrone him vnlesse forsooth you be subiect to such Vicars of Christ you cannot haue saluation in Christ O prodigious and vaine Doctrine of these times the holy Prophets O ye Britaine 's haue forewarned vs let vs beware of them What vile calumniation is that by which the reformed Churches of England are charged to deny the seeing of Gods face and glory vnto the Saints departed vntill the day of Iudgement What a slander that she respects no Holy daies of Christ or his Apostles I dare say that the memories of the Apostles are in many places of this Kingdome as religiously obserued as the Sundaies are with them but in the obseruation of the Sabbath our Lords day the Church of England doth so farre surpasse all Papistical Churches yea of Rome it selfe that it were a sinne to make any comparison therein betwixt them a Caluino Turcismo William Rainolds calumniateth Caluin that hee teacheth that Christ by his corporall death redeemed not mankinde A meere Calumnious imputation his doctrine is that Christ by his meere Corporal death had he not subiected himself to haue vndergone his fathers displeasure against mankinde and to haue clothed himselfe as it were with the deserts punishment and guilt of man he had not fully made that satisfactiō for mankind of which the Scripture so often speake of which doctrin who can be ignorant who is acquainted with holy writ Great is their spight against that man but notwithstanding all their malice against him he liued peaceably laboured faithfully and died Christianly leauing such a posterity of books behinde him which checketh the daily continual innouations of Rome Grieuous is the imputation to the English Church for condemning and contemning the ancient Fathers whereas the most it striueth for is to support that of b Tertull. lib. de prescriptio Tertullian Quod antiquissimum verissimum that which is most Ancient euen in the Fathers is most true At first when counterfeit Martials Abdias Clements Markes Dionises were produced the Prelats of the reformed Churches were more afrighted then hurt and to such Fathers they might iustly giue the Anatheme because such fathers had impugned and contradicted that Gospell of Christ the which whosoeuer though an Angell from heauen shall doe we are warranted by the c ad Galat. 1. Apostle to giue him the Anatheme But in and for true Fathers the Church of England reuerently and constantly auoucheth that of d Vincent Lirin contra Heres cap. 4. Tertull. de praescript Vincentius Lirinensis to take place Quicquid non unus aut duo c. Whatsoeuer not one or two but al together with one and the same consent openly frequently and constantly shall bee knowne to haue held written and taught that she also without any doubt knoweth must by her bee beleeued and this most iustly the English Church admitteth it being as cleare as the verie no one daies that all Fathers of the Ancient Church neuer taught helde nor wrot any thing in this sort which is not clearely agreeing to Gods word which is the onely Rule of Christian faith But iustly to retort vpon them who knoweth not that for most of their Roman nouel positions the Aduersaries haue no Ancient Fathers and therefore to defend themselues being vrged they do not produce Fathers but stand to their imagined Traditions written no where in Antiquity but only reserued in the Romane Bishops and Churches brests as they pretende this is their City of refuge as for example When a world of Fathers concurring with sacred Scripture is produced to shew that the Virgin Mary whose name bee euer blessed amongst and aboue all women was conceiued in Originall sinne yea some of them with S. Anselme auouching that shee was borne in sinne which I can hardly beleeue doe they heere sticke to the Fathers nothing lesse their imagined traditions must take place Againe when whole centuries of Fathers and those assembled in Synods bee produced to affirme that Popes haue beene and may bee Heretikes will they heare admit of the Fathers nothing lesse all records must be coūterfeit their own best Authors deceiued rather then the Fathers authorities admitted against their Popes infallibilies When irrefragable authorities of most ancient Fathers are produced to shew that the holy Scriptures are the onely inerrable rule of Christian Catholike faith and the square by which the writings and faith of all men and all Churches must be examined and tried will they heere allow the Fathers No alas they flye the field and seeke after some maimed sentences
for Traditions of which Traditions when it is also shewed out of the Fathers that they must also be tried by holy Scriptures will they heerein receiue the Fathers euen as before renounce all and runne to the present voice of their Church which Church is with them the Pope alone or Pope and his Cardinals Againe when all the Fathers that euer commented vpon the 14. of the first to the Corinthians with the authorities of many others bee produced to shew that the publike Church Liturgy ought to be in such a tongue as may be vnderstood by the assembly and for their edification will they heere accept of the Fathers Good God they fleet vp and downe like men in mases to finde some probable reasons for their barbarous seruices Againe when innumerable authorities of ancient Fathers are clearely produced for iustification by onely faith e Ad Gal. 5. which worketh by charity and against their Laterane Transubstantiation will they admit the Fathers Good God their subterfugies are innumerable either they will skippe ouer them and runne onely to the text of Scripture This is my body 〈◊〉 else they will expound all their sayings that 〈◊〉 still remaineth the natures of the creatures are not changed Christs flesh which was crucified is not in the Sacrament Christs flesh is present as in a Mystery as in a Sacrament as in a figure c. with infinite such like most expresse sentences They will I say so figuratiuely expound them all to shew that as they detest any figuratiue exposisition of the words of Scripture in this Sacrament so they themselues delight in nothing more then in figuratiue expounding most plaine sentences of the Fathers discoursing of this mysterie Againe when authorities of all the ancient Fathers that euer had occasion to entreat of the obedience of Subiects towards their naturall Princes and lawfull Soueraignes bee produced to shew that Christians ought to obey them g Ad Rom. 13. euen for conscience sake although they be persecutors of the Christian Religion and that they neuer vnderstood of the Imperiall Papall power ouer Kings and kingdomes which the Romane Bishoppes now assume to themselues will they heere strike saile and doe homage to the Fathers No God wot they flie out of the field and for the most part either they passe ouer the question with silence or else if they bee English and Ignatians or Ignatianed they fall to libelling and with namelesle Pamphlets labour continually to traduce Magistrates Gouernment Maiesty onely striuing by such a nouell Gospell to the Apologies of which they are ashamed to put their names to set vp the maiesty of the Romane Papall monarchy after destroying of the Romane Empire to ruinate such Kingdomes as were according to the predictions of holy Prophets to rise out of the Romane Empire vntill the times of malice bee 〈…〉 I iustly touch them heere for writing of 〈…〉 in defence of this Gospell to which bookes they are ashamed or else afraide to put their names wherein they shew themselues to bee right Parsonians and Ignatians or else deepely ignatianed Those infamous libels of stinking and prophane Pruritanus and the most blasphemous masked Polonian Exetasis against the maiesties glories and gouernments of these Kingdomes and expressely the most disloiall quipping in the Polonian Exetasis of Englands title P. W. The Corrector W. Pater Gib to France Who composed them Ignatians who diuulged them Ignatians and Ignatianed The vnsauory Pruritanus worthy to bee retorted into the Popes bosome but that the Maiesty of Gods Scripture may not bee abused who caused them to bee reprinted againe after that most of them were taken at the Venetian Embassadors Ignatians Who brought new store of them againe ouer into England Ignatians Who were so well pursed as to giue eight shillings apcece yea an angell for such a prophane Pamphlet comprised in a sheet or two of paper The Ignatianed and Brethren of the societie Who composed the late idle Pamphlet of the Puritan and Protestant Sister communing against the Oth of Allegiance A simple and silly Ignatian creature God wot Who was the Authour of the late bragging recapitulation in the title of which the namelesse Composer who as it is reputed resting in S. Iohns Mount should haue put P. W. to the end of the Pamphlet rather then H. I. promiseth a recapitulation together with a declaration but faileth in the latter for he declareth nothing only he recapitulateth a certaine learned booke as it is thought of Leonard Lessius the demonstrating Diuine which booke as yet appeareth not Some say the cause is that the Sorbone Doctours of Paris hearing of it haue written to Rome against the publishing of it to the Popes Holinesse for that say they France is not in a fit temper for such doctrines Others say the French Ignatians haue written vnto their Generall Aquauiua to haue the worke stopped because in this time when their credits are so shaken euery where for like pernicious doctrine it would greatly * That doctrine must not be allowed in France which poore English Recusants must maintaine with all vtter extremity manifest perdition of their soules hurt their cause This is done to saue the Ignatians skinnes whole and yet the poore English Recusants termed both in Italy and France the Popes Asses must beare the brunt of the Popes quarrell though it be to their vtter ruines I rather thinke the booke is kept in out of diffidence of their cause and that the Louanian societie of Ignatians will not permit their Diuine to enter into such an vnsound quarrell leauing it as they say for the English to defend and vndertake Alasse the good English like Asses must vndertake all and vndergoe all yet there was neuer people vpon earth who haue had worse successe with traiterous doctrines and conspiracies then they Againe who was the composer of the late Libel against me the which I neuer read to make my selfe merry therewith But I heartily also reioiced that I was found worthy to suffer contumely and disgracefull slanders for truths sake and for my Countries and Princes sake Some silly Saint-Omeristian boy for his Fathers the Ignatians who as it is reported made themselues oftentimes merie with the same at their recreations after their full meales whom I here leaue to the making of Libels stil if they hold that a fit course to support their desperate cause only giue me leaue Curteous Reader here with two or three particulars to shew how the young Ignatians like Crabs learne of the old like as to write namelesse bookes for their gospell so also to blaspheme maiesty and soueraigntie and to commend and engender disloyall spirits and to discommend and checke the naturall and loyall Some yeere agoe and as much as since Iuly last my selfe with diuers other Priests arriuing at S. Omers we heard there a certaine Ignatian preach vpon that j Matt. 7. text Beware of false Prophets c. In which his Sermon before the
Image of Sichem stood which being framed into a picture and representing the image of Sichem was at Saint Omers by the Bishop of that City superstitiously dedicated and set vp to bee adored in the French Ignatians Church with such often incensings adorings bowings prostratings lifting vp of hands that truly it might iustly be meruailed how Gods vengeance did not fall vpon such impudent Idolaters or the earth not open swallow them vp but great was the commodity and profit which thereby redounded to the Ignatians and therefore the rather such contemptible creatures may and ought to bee honoured with diuine worship though they haue neither tradition Scripture nor Ancient Father to iustifie their proceeding herein The Clerke of a poore Church A pretty prank of a Saint Omeristiā Clark in that City obseruing what immense profite came to the Ignatians there by to bring some commodity to his poore neglected Church deuiseth a prety pranke for that purpose He cunningly and secretly remoueth a picture of the blessed Virgin from an obscure place in which it stood into a more eminent and principall place of the same Church making and giuing out as though the blessed Virgins picture discontented with her former standing had remoued it selfe to a place fitter for adoration and worship This picture was by some superstitious people presently admired and frequented and the miracle by the Bishop and the Ignatians also defended as probable considering said the wise men of S. Omers the dayly wondrous operations of the Images at Sichem and Loretto but the Estcheuines and Magistrates of the Citie suspecting some legerdemaine very shortly by great diligence found the knauery and according to his deserts caused the vilanous Clerke to be punished But heere I obserue how easily the superstitious Bishop and Ignatians might haue beene seduced and how credulous they are in such things Like credulity was obserued certain yeers since in the learned and Peerelesse Vniuersitie of Doway where in a certaine small and poore Chappell was the picture of the blessed Virgin Mary as lying in Childebedde after trauaile such fopperies were permitted in that famous Vniuersity the which also was with a linnen veile couered as the fashion is for women lying in Childbed this image vpon a certain time to some deuout and simple women which came to supplicate for happy deliuerance seemed to moue and stirre it selfe the report whereof flew vp and downe the City as if the Virgin her selfe had beene come downe to lye in child-bed againe This report caused admiration amongst the Dowists admiration caused great deuotion deuotion frequentation to the picture frequentation a necessary purpose to remoue the picture and to place it in some more capable Church or Chappell the remoouall wherof being attempted those Masons who went about it insteed of the Mother of Clemency and Virgin Mary felt the wrathfull vengeance of the iust Iudge for one of them was with stones that fell downe vpon him presently slaine the second wounded and the third very hardly escaped Torment a paucorum exempla sunt omnium the Torments of a few are examples for many But a 2. ad Corin. 2. the God of this world hath so blinded the eies of these men that seeing these things they see them not but still most eagerly giue themselues to beleeue lies doubtlesse these are the times of which b Greg. apud Paterium expos in 2. ad Thessal 2. S. Gregory so liuely discourseth shewing that Antichrist and his Ministers shall work so many lying prodigies and wonders that all which the true Church shall doe in comparison of them shall seeme nothing at all But to proceed although this Adoration and worshipping of creatures in this sort be most inexcusable yet more inexcuseable is their inuocation of the pictures crosse it selfe I doe not heere impute this error to the learned who are acquainted with the figure of Prosopopeia taking one person for another and inuocating one in steed of another but in respect of the simple and ignorant for how can they without manifest danger of idolatry vnderstand that inuocation of the Crosse it selfe O crux Aue c. All haile O Crosse the * In passion weeke the crosse or crucifixe is the only hope but at other times whē Salue regina is song the blessed Virgin is their hope and life also It is not imaginable what like abuses of prayers were vsed in the old time deuised by the superstitious monks onely hope in this time of Passion increase iustice to the pious giue pardon to the guilty And how can they vnderstand that the Crosse should increase Iustice giue pardon But there is a praier to be made to the face it selfe of Veronica to the deuout rehearsing of which Iohn the 22. Pope gaue Indulgences of a thousand yeares as it is expressed in a booke intituled Antidotary of the soule This praier cannot be excused by the figure of Prosopopey by one person being taken for another for the praier is directly made to the corruptible figure that it would bring the suppliant to the incorruptible face Thus it is in meeter Salue nostrum gaudium in hac vita dura Labili et fragili cito peritura Nos deduc ad propria O foelix figura Ad videndam faciem quae est Christi pura All haile our ioy in this hard life Both slippery frail and swift in her decay O happy figure bring us all to our true life To see Christ his pure face for euer and for aye In which prayer I cannot but wonder what excellency Iohn the 22. could find to grant to the deuout rehearsing therof a 1000. yeers pardon it may be because he held that the blessed Saints should not see Gods face vntill the general resurrection the same perswasion moued him to giue such a liberall pardon to those who would deuoutly behold and inuocat e a materiall and corruptible shadow and figure of that infinitely resplendant and shining maiesty Surely this kind of inuocating figures and pictures was in some sort practised by those three of tenne wicked Diuels cast out of one Catharine Bus as * Roberts Chambers in his booke of the miracles of Sichem page 214. that the Diuels words were these in french Uine● nostre Dame de mountagu qui nous sait sortir Which he englisheth thus Honour be to our Lady of Mountagu who maketh vs to depart Chambers reporteth who at their going out cried out thus Viue nostre dame du Sichem Uiue nostre dame du Sichem Liue our Lady of Sichem Liue our Lady of Sichem who constraineth vs to go out What may it bee thought these wicked Fiends did call vppon the most blessed Virgin Mary of Heauen with the name of our Lady of Sichem what meant they tell me O Chambers when they called the Image of Sichem our Lady of Sichem was it because the same is there worshipped and adored too too diuinely yea with more honour then the most blessed Virgin
the tyranny by which they denie The tenth Motive the indifferent reading of Gods holy Scriptures in the vulgar tongue is most inexcusable doubtlesse the cause is they do feare the taxing of their most manifest heresies even by the simplest I cannot blame them for their pollicie herein For manifest experience teacheth that wheresoever the word of God is translated into vulgar tongues and the same devoutly read there poperie still falles more or lesse an inuincible argument that the spirit wherewith the holy Scriptures were written worketh in the humble readers Haue ye forgotten ye Pontificians that the Iewish Church had the holy Scriptures written and read vnto them in their vulgar tongue why therefore shall the Christians of the new Testament be debarred of the vse of the same are not the holy Scriptures their riches their treasure and the cause of all consolaion to the devout readers why doe you not then permit vnto them the vse of that which is their owne but I must crie you mercie for the Scriptures are onely the treasure of the Romanes and onely as part of the Popes Patrimonie are at his disposing Would God also he would seriously peruse them and practise them for in them is his Religion condemned if you say they are abused by some of the simplest and that promiscous reading of them breedeth heresies alas alas as though the simple people were the Deuisers or Authors of many heresies how many heresies can you reckon deuised by such as vnderstood none of the learned tongues and what if some doe abuse the holy Scriptures so innumerable abuse pletures innumerable abuse confession to horrible and abominable proiects innumerable abuse your Masses and indulgences and what is there in the world which is more abused then the chaire of Peter it selfe which is so continually bought and sold What must wee away with it therefore and is there no abusing of your voluminous decrees decrees your decrotals extrauagants Clementines c I there no abuse of your Philosophicall learning in your Churches What must all things that are abused my our Church be removed if so doubtlesse you would have a single-souled religion for then away with the pictures of God the Father in the forme of an olde man which to my knowledge and experience hath possest many in this kingdom with the Anthropomorphitan conceive as thogh * In the same Pictures and many idle aparitions one I note in which it is expresly that when Ignatius eleuated the Host Christ apeared miraculously not in the Host but ouer the Host in certaine cloudes in the forme of a mā Apud Ribad God himselfe had limmes and true members may I not say that some of your Ignatianed with Ignatius were so perswaded in the u Ribadiuer lib. 1. cap. 7. pictures of whose life there is lately described how the misteries of the blessed Trinity was reuealed vnto him in which God the Father was portraited like an old Man with a Globe in his hand the holy Ghost drawne like a Doue and Christ Iesus with a Globe also in his hand O Vanities O horrible abuses O ye Ignatians is this the mystery of the most dreadfull Trinity reuealed to your holy and beatified Father Ignatius Doubtlesse the Deuill deluded him and if his Reuelations from Christ and Saint Peter and his Eleuations vp in the Aire proue no sounder they will proue but rotten and superstitious ware But to proceede if you feare seduction of your simpler Sheepe in reading of the Scriptures why are not your learned Priests more daily in them Why haue they no set Lectures vpon them Why are not your Diuines bound to study some Comments vpon them The true cause is your Spirits your Traditions which you must not leaue vnlesse you leaue Rome and her very word of God agree not together yet for a fashion forsooth the Scriptures must be read as in Rome and Spaine in your refectories when your Schollers are at Dinner and Supper and somwhere vpon full stomacks so full as short Commons can permit after Dinner and Supper in one of your Seminaries for it is not vsed in all and then they must heare some quarter of an hours commenting vpon some peece of scripture the study of one peece whereof requireth a mans life in which exercise how greatly your Priests profit one who lately came from your Famous Dowyan Seminary will liuely discouer It was my fortune lately to see and read a letter directed from this Priest out of the North vnto another Priest remaining in this house with me in which letter he excuseth himselfe with the other Priest his friend heere and defendeth as well as hee can himselfe from touch of inconstancy in friendship which the other had obiected vnto him vsing these and the like words doe not thinke good sir of me as though I were inconstant in my loue to you I am still the same according as the x Hebrews 13. Apostle saith Iesus Christ yesterday to day and the same for euer which application of Sacred Scipture when I read I could not but laugh heartily and I pittied withall the state of the English Seminaries and English Romane Catholikes for I was not then alienated from them in my heart and I thinke that whosoeuer shall reade this will easily obserue what a profound Scripture-Clerke he was many such like Clerkes there are in this Kingdome pardon mee Courteous Reader if I glaunce at one other who hath a good will for hee will forsooth preach commonly euery holy day in a certaine Cathedrall residence of his But his preaching is commonly out of the Legends forsooth or else out of the great looking glasse of examples for as for scripture he is so penurious that one day hearing of him preach vpon the Gospell of Christs tempting in the wildernesse he cited a sentence or two of that daies Gospell and both times broke Priscians head but he scandalized as I thinke Speculum magnum exemploris no mans head there being scarce one besides my self there who vnderstood Latine and such a good ●lde Harry perhaps y Math. 4. as did thinke that the Scripture might vse sometimes false Latine for a mysterie I would not glaunce at this mans insufficiency but that he is so * The Pontificall Spirit of this man you may gather by this being in a Vitling house vpon Tower Wharfe and ready to depart the land being banished with some nine other Priests he puts his Arme out of a window contrary to the liking of al his brethren publikely and Bishoplike hee blesses crosses all the people which caused shame in some loud laughter in others egregious a Champion against the Oath damning all that take it yea and not allowing confessions of those who haue gone to such Priests as allow it he is surely a very worthy Marchant to tell a fable to a Gentlewoman but inough heereof now all things haue their seasons But to conclude this my Motiue it