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A32801 The divine trinunity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, or, The blessed doctrine of the three coessentiall subsistents in the eternall Godhead without any confusion or division of the distinct subsistences or multiplication of the most single and entire Godhead acknowledged, beleeved, adored by Christians, in opposition to pagans, Jewes, Mahumetans, blasphemous and antichristian hereticks, who say they are Christians, but are not / declared and published for the edification and satisfaction of all such as worship the only true God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, all three as one and the self same God blessed for ever, by Francis Cheynell ... Cheynell, Francis, 1608-1665. 1650 (1650) Wing C3811; ESTC R34820 306,702 530

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my self my Being is absolutely necessary every way perfect altogether pure single and infinite I do therefore conclude as Hierome That the very nature of God is being it selfe and therefore he ever was and cannot cease to be he cannot borrow his Being from any thing who gives Being and wel-being to all things The absolute and independent necessity of the Divine-Being doth demonstrate its eternity and therefore all the differences of time are untied by the Talmudists to connote the Eternity of God in that text Exod. 3. 14. according to that excellent Commentary made by the Apostle Rev. 1. 8. God is the Almighty which is and which was and which is to come Hence it is that some have thought fit to translate that text Exod. 3. 14. according to the full scope of the Future amongst the Hebrews I am that I am that I was and that I will be For the Future amongst the Hebrews points at all differences of time past present and to come but others observing the strict and proper signification of the Future translate it thus I will be that I will be The Angel of the waters doth unite all differences of time in that gratefull acknowledgement Rev. 16. 5. Thou art righteous O Lord which art and wast and shalt be because thou hast judged thus And Iesus Christ who is one and the same God with his father is the same yesterday and to day and for ever Heb. 3. 8. The Rabbines upon Exod. 3. 14. expresse themselves after this manner The blessed God said unto Moses say unto them I that have been and I the same now and I the same for time to come c. or as others more agreeable to the Chaldee Paraphrase I he that is and was and hereafter will be hath sent me unto you But enough of that it is now time to conclude that this first and independent Being cannot be measured in it self because it is infinite nor in its causes for it hath no causes but is from it self of it self by it self and for it self for as the Apostle saith All things are of him and through him and to him to him be glory for ever Amen CHAP. III. God hath sufficiently and graciously revealed himself in his holy word for our edification and salvation THis incomprensible God who is of himself and for himself cannot be made known to his creatures but by himselfe Men and Angels cannot know him any further then he is pleased to reveale himself unto them The word of God is pure and perfect it doth fully discover Gods mind and our duty The Scriptures direct us in all points of faith in all parts of worship and in all passages of our life and conversation there is the whole body of Religion and the only right way to salvation sufficiently and graciously revealed unto us by God himself for God is the Author Object End of true Religion and is the only happinesse and salvation of his chosen People and therefore God alone can direct us how to serve and enjoy his own blessed self in an acceptable and comfortable way for his glory and our own everlasting satisfaction The Jesuites tell us that the Scriptures are but a partiall Rule and that we must be beholding to some unwritten word or tradition for the proofe of some points which are necessary to be known and beleeved for our everlasting salvation Some instance in the Doctrine of the Trinity others in the Worship of the Holy Ghost The Papists do generally acknowledge that it is necessary for the attainment o● salvation to beleeve the number of the Persons of the Trinity and their consubstantiality because no man can be saved who doth not believe in the Father Son and Holy Ghost in all three as in the only true God one and the self same God blessed for ever but some of them deny that this mystery is sufficiently revealed in the written word and therefore I shall make it my businesse to confute them and all that adhere unto them in the following Treatise The saving knowledge of God in Christ is revealed by the Spirit speaking in the Scriptures of truth nay Father Son and Holy Ghost do all joyne in revealing to us the saving mystery of faith and godlinesse that by the grace of Christ the love of God and Communion of the Holy Ghost we may have a glorious fellowship with all three as one God the only true God whom to know is life eternall John 17. 3. we are taught by the father to come to Christ for salvation John 6. 45. we are taught by the son Iohn 1. 18. Heb. 1. 2. we are taught by the Spirit Heb. 3. 7. Rev. 2. 29. and 1 Iohn 5. 6. the Spirit doth beare witnesse after an especiall manner to this saving truth it is the spirit that beareth witnesse because the Spirit is truth yet all three and therefore the whole Trinity the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit do joyn in bearing record and their record is written for it stands upon Record in the Gospel and their Record is a saving Record and there can be no other Record produced to prove that Christ is our Saviour 1 Iohn 5. 7 11 12 13 20. Iohn 20 31. if we study the Scriptures beleeve apply them worship and act according to them we shall be saved by our faith in the written Trinity in Father Son and Holy Ghost without the help of any unwritten tradition whatsoever for the holy Scriptures are able to furnish the Man of God unto Perfection and make the simple wise unto salvation 2 Tim. 3. 15 16 17. Cyrill in his Book of the Trinity and Person of Christ put forth not long since by Wegeline saith that he would not speak or think any thing of God but what is written in his Word Clemens Alexandrinus saith that we ought to make good every point in question by the Word of God because that is the surest nay that 's the only Demonstration he speaks of Theologicall Demonstration nothing can be embraced with a divine faith but that which is delivered to us upon Divine Testimony and we are to seek for the Testimony of God nowhere but in the written Word of God and therefore Basil disputes after this manner Whatsoever is not in the written Word of God is not of faith and whatsoever is not of faith is sin and therefore it is a sin to obtrude any Doctrine upon the conscience as an Article of faith which is not written in the Word of God Putean is bold to say that if Basil his meaning was according to his words he was a Hugonot that is as we use to say a Puritane When I read what the Papists write on this Argument I stand amazed at their blasphemies and am unwilling to stain my paper with the repetition of them they who have read Canus Hosius Costerus Eckius Gautierus Charronaeus Stapleton and the rest of that
And I have consulted the most judicious and experienced writers upon that place though I cite but few in the margine because I have not time to peruse them againe True it is that we are not to beleeve every spirit and therefore are permitted to try the spirits whether they be of God or no 1 Joh. 4. 1. But in this tryall the Holy Spirit speaking in the Scriptures is the suprem Judge and the Holy Spirit doth condemn all erroneous and fantasticall spirits who forsake old truths and pretend to follow New Light The holy Spirit doth constantly teach the same truth in the holy Scriptures for he doth not change his mind or contradict himself We saith the Apostle having the same spirit of Faith according as it is written I beleeved and therefore have I spoken we also beleeve and therefore speake 2 Cor. 4. 13. The same spirit doth lead all the faithfull into all truth necessary to salvation not Absolutely and at once but by degrees For we see the Apostles themselves were for a time guilty of grosse errours Mark 10. 37 41. Act. 1. 6. But the faithfull cannot obstinately hold and continue in such odious and damnable errours as do directly overthrow the foundation of Faith And for the time in which they do erre they hearken to their own spirits so farre as they are carnall and do not as they ought search and pray and wait for the direction of the Holy Spirit It is not the Spirit of Faith which speaks in them when they dissent from such as receive the publique Testimony of the Holy Ghost speaking in the holy Scriptures And therefore the Spirit teacheth us to try the spirits and doctrines of men by the Scriptures if they speak not according to this Word it is not because they have new light from the spirit but because they have no light no morning light heavenly light conveyed unto them in that point wherein they dissent or they have not as yet received it the spirit hath not as yet sealed that portion of truth to their consciences or writ it in their hearts For the spirit doth not whisper one thing in privat to my conscience and declare the contrary in his publique Testimony delivered in the Word Behold saith the wisdome of God I will pour out my spirit unto you I will make knowen my words unto you Pro. 1. 23 For this is the Covenant of God that his Word and spirit should go together and the spirit should deliver his publique Testimony Authoritatively as it becomes his supremacy and soveraignty in the holy Scriptures This is my Covenant with them saith the Lord my spirit that is upon thee and my Word c. Isa. 59. 21. And by attendance on the ministry of the Gospel in the Church of Christ we receive the Spirit Gal. 3. 2. By hearing the doctrine of Faith preached in the Gospel they received the Spirit and therefore the ministry of the Gospel is called the ministration of the Spirit 2 Cor. 3. 8. And for these reasons we try the doctrines and Spirits of men by the word of God because the Spirit who is the Author of Scripture doth every where agree with himself and there is a friendly relation between the truth of the party witnessing the truth of the thing witnessed We do readily acknowledge that the world doth look upon this publique testimony of the Spirit in the word as a private testimony and are apt to scoffe at them who receive it as at men led by their own private spirit but the true reason is because this testimony of the Spirit is not manifest to them who have not the Spirit But it is so manifest to them that have had this publique testimony sealed up to their consciences that they will hold fast this testimony though it cost them their lives I saw under the Altar the soules of them that were slaine for the word of God and for the testimony which they held Rev. 6. 9. The testimony which they held is no other then that publick testimony which the Spirit delivers in the Word and had privately sealed up to their Spirits They were slaine for the Word of God and for the testimony which they held according to that Word They were Martyred because they gave testimony of that truth which they had learnt in the Word of God I am willing to dwell longer upon this subject because it is Fundamentum Fundamentorum and therefore we will for our better satisfaction descend from handling the point in Generall unto some very weighty points in particular and shew how the Spirit doth perswade the hearts and consciences of men to receive his testimony in particular controversies which have been raised and disputed by men of great wit and Spirit In the great controversies between us and the Papists they do as divers Hereticks have done before them urge visions miracles traditions successions prudentiall motives and sometimes Councels Fathers and for a fairer pretence the holy Scriptures But when they are beaten off from their pretending to Councels and Fathers by our learned Whitaker Iewel Abbot Vsher Rainolds not to name Chamier and other Worthyes what lamentable shifts do they make when they are pressed to stand to the publicke testimony and judgement of the Holy Ghost delivered in the holy Scriptures We do therefore in compassion to their poor soules intreat them to hearken to the Spirit of Christ and not to the Spirit of Antichrist because the right sense of the Scripture expounded by the Scripture is the sword of Gods Spirit where with all heresies whatsoever are overcome by all those good souldiers who add the shield of Faith to the Sword of the Spirit But when men neglect the Scriptures and idolize humane inventions they spend their strength in vaine and are like the blind men of Sodome who wearied themselves to find the doore The great point of the Popes Infallible Supremacy can never be proved by the Originall Universall and Perpetuall Tradition of the Church of Christ in all Ages no nor by the unanimous consent of all learned men now living in communion with the present Church of Rome The Sorbon Doctors cannot beleeve that the Popes of Rome are not subject to the sins and passions of other men and if the succession of Popes which they brag of were to be tryed by Fame Celebrity Antiquity Consent it is most evident to all that are acquainted with pure antiquity and impartiall History that the Supremacy of the Popes and Papacy would be sufficiently condemned but if the Popes infallible Supremacy come to be tryed by the Holy Ghost speaking in the holy Scriptures the Popes and Papacy will be infallibly condemned by the Supream Judge The learned Papists do not agree concerning the Infallible Propounder of Fundamentall points for 1. Some say that the Popes proposall ex Cathedrâ is sufficient but Gal. 1. 8. 2. Others
rabble will not wonder that the Socinians call the Doctrine of 3. Persons and one God into question when the Papists who were baptized in the name of the Trinity professe that they beleeve the equality of three distinct Subsistences in the same divine Essence do yet notwithstanding in their writings grant as much as the Socinians need prove namely that the Doctrine of the distinction and equality of Persons in the same Divine Essence cannot be proved but by unwritten Traditions by the testimony of the Church of Rome c. and yet diverse Papists undertake to defend the doctrine of the Trinity against the Socinians though they know that the Socinians do not at all value traditions or the testimony of the Church of Rome and therefore though divers Papists write against the Socinians yet they do promote Socinianisme by their vaine doctrine of unwritten traditions Stapleton is not ashamed to deny that it can be proved out of Scripture that the Holy Ghost is God or that he is to be worshipped But Salmeron deserves commendation in this point The Scriptures saith he are therefore said to be written by divine inspiration because they instruct us in divine mysteries concerning the Vnity of God and Trinity of Persons Photius in his Bibliotheca shews that Ephraeni did not dispute of the consubstantiall Trinity out of the Testimonies of Fathers but out of the Holy Scriptures Iustin Martyr Athanasius Basil Irenaeus Cyrill Cyprian Tertullian Epiphanius Theodoret and many other of the Fathers did assert the doctrine of the Trinity and some of them did confute the Valentinians Eunomians Sabellians Photinians Arrians Macedonians Samosatenians c. out of the Holy Scriptures The Nicene Synod did urge Scripture for the maintenance of the truth which they declared in the Confession of their Faith and the Synod which met at Constantinople did the like as is most evident to such as have perused those learned and ancient Records Athanasius confounded the Arians by cleare Testimonies of Scripture and in his Book of the Decrees of the Nicene Synod he saith that the true disciples of Christ do clearly understand the doctrine of the Holy Trinity preached by divine Scripture I shall not trouble or amuse the Reader by quotations out of Cyrill Ambrose Hilary Augustine Nyssen Nazianzen or any of those Worthies but now mentioned whose labours have been ever famous in the Church of God yet I must not omit one pregnant proofe out of Augustine who appealed from the Nicene and Ariminensian Synods and challenged Maximinus to dispute with him about the great point of consubstantiality out of the Scriptures Bellarmine himself is forced to confesse that Augustine had good reason to do so because that point is cleare by Scripture but then we must likewise consider what Augustine saith upon this Argument that the thing or sense of any word may be in Scripture though the word it self be not to be found there though the words Trinity Trin-unity Consubstantial are not found in Scripture yet that which is signified by those words may be clearly proved by the holy Scriptures These three are one I and my Father are one Behold a Trinity Trin-unity Consubstantiality and all quickly proved That Rule is of great concernment and very pertinent to the point in hand which Augustine delivers in his third Book and third Chapter against Maximinus the Arian Out of those things which we read in Scripture we may collect some things which we do not read and so both understand and beleeve the thing which is delivered in other words in Scripture then those which we are now forced to use that we may confirme the Orthodox Christians and refute the gain-sayers But I am weary of this task and therefore call upon my Reader to joyne with me in searching the Scriptures that we may find out the truth for reason cannot demonstrate or comprehend these mysteries of faith and the Rule is Rationum fulcro dissoluto humana concidit authoritas CHAP. IV. This single and Eternall Godhead doth subsist in Father Son and holy Ghost without any multiplication of the Godhead WHen Gregory Nyssen undertook to confute the artificiall blasphemy of Eunomius he desired that the true God the Son of the true God and the Holy Spirit would direct him into all truth I have likewise implored the Divine assistance of the Father Son and Holy Ghost that I may open this Mystery of the single Godhead in three distinct Subsistences with faith and prudence perspicuity and reverence I consider that the Godhead is Spiritual and therefore I desire to avoid all carnal expressions in a Treatise of this nature There is a twofold knowledge of God Absolute and Relative the Absolute knowledge of the Eternal Power and Godhead is in part discovered by the works of God as hath been shewen in the first chapter but the Relative knowledge of God I speak of inward relations between the three Subsistences is not nay cannot be attained unto by the light of nature no example can illustrate no reason Angelical or humane comprehend the hidden excellency of this glorious Mystery but it is discovered to us by a Divine Revelation in the written word and therefore our faith must receive and our piety admire what our reason cannot comprehend It is fit therefore that this Grand Mystery of the Divine Trinunity should be soberly explained that it may be stedfastly beleeved and reverently applyed in all Evangelical administrations We read of the Godhead the Nature and Subsistence of God in the holy Scriptures 1. The Godhead 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rom. 1. 20. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Coloss. 2. 9. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Acts 17. 29 I am not at leasure to play the Critique upon the words it is enough for my purpose simply to declare the truth in the most plaine and simple manner 2. The Nature of God is held forth to us in the holy Scriptures which forbid us to give Divine honour to any of those things which are not Gods by Nature Gal. 4. 8 For the Apostle in that place reproves their Idolatry and tels them that when they knew not God that is the only true God who is God by Nature because truly God they did service to them which by Nature are no Gods from whence it is easie to conclude that the only true God whom we ought to serve is God by nature and we read of the Divine Nature 2 Pet. 1. 4. of which all that are regenerate are said to be partakers because they bear his Image for else it is evident that there is an infinite distance between God grace which is not only finite but imperfect also and if it were perfected is but an accident Nay there is an infinite distance between the Nature of God and nature of man in respect of Excellency even then when the two natures are most intimately united as they are by an Hypostatical union in the person of the Lord Jesus 3.
maintaining of saving communion with God 1. That God is For he who commeth unto God must beleeve that God is Heb. 11. 6. 2. That there is but one God Deut. 6. 4. 3. That the Father Son and Holy Ghost are this one God because they are all three Coessentiall subsistents in this most single Godhead 1 Cor. 8. 5. 6. Phi. 2. 6. 1 Io 5. 7 Ioh. 10. 30. Mat. 3. 16 17. Mat. 28. 19. Act. 5. 4. 1 Cor. 12. 6. 11. 2 Cor. 13. 14. Ioh. 15. ●6 Rev. 1. 4. 5. Reverend Calvin was not so morose and austere in this point as to contend about unnecessary words or curious phrases so there were such words used as did fitly and fully expresse the whole mistery of Faith in this weighty point and sufficiently refute the damnable errours of Arrius and Sabellius If men will but acknowledge 1. That the Father Son and Spirit are one God and the selfe same God 2. That the Son is not the Father nor the Spirit the Son but that these three are distinguished by speciall Relations Incommunicable and unchangeable properties so that there is a Trinity of Coessentiall Subsistents in the selfe-same Divine Essence we are all agreed Arrius would acknowledge that Christ is God bu● not Consubstantiall or Coessentiall with his Father for he did deny Christ to be the same God with his Father And in like manner the Socinians will say that they acknowledge and maintaine the true Divinity of the Son and Holy Ghost but they do deny that the Son and Spirit are one and the same God with the Father and affirme that the Reformed Churches who beleeve that all three persons have the selfe same God-head do ascribe a false and imaginary God-head to the Son and Spirit which the Holy Scriptures do no where acknowledge or declare And this is the true reason why the Orthodox Doctors of the Church have been so unanimous especially of late yeares in maintaining this Proposition Pater Filius Spiritus Sanctus sunt 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Father Son Holy Spirit are one and the self-same God On the other side Sabellius acknowledged that the Father Son and Holy Ghost are one God but if you say that the Father Son and Holy Ghost are three different subsistents then he cryed out as M. Fry doth that you acknowledge three Gods the best way to avoid these saith judicious Calvin is to say That there is a Trinity of Persons in one and the same essence of God For we must needs acknowledge the unity of the Divine nature because we read that the Father Son and Spirit are one and we must acknowledge the Trinity of these Coessentiall Subsistents or persons because we read that they are three Now the Trinity and unity make a Coessential Trinunity if the unity of the God-head and Trinity of the Subsistents or persons be acknowledged we shall not wrangle about curious phrases or unnecessary words The most judicious and moderate men amongst the Orthodox Doctors of the Church agree in this The learned and Reverend Doctor Davenant in his judicious exhortation to Brotherly Communion betweene the Protestant Churches teaches us how to distinguish between points that are fundamentall and Problems or Propositions that are not Fundamentall and when he comes to reckon up Fundamentals he instances in the Trinity and expresses himself after this manner That God is one in Essence three in Persons distinguished betwixt themselves That the Son is begotten of the Father That the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Father and the Son That these three persons are coeternall and coequall All these saith he are deservedly determined and ranked amongst the Fundamentall Articles Now if any should contend that all those things which are disputed of the School-men of the manner of proceeding and begetting are also fundamentall and necessary to be determined on one side verily he by this his rash judgement would gaine no favour with Christ. But it is objected by some who do acknowledge Christ to be God that they have no reason to close with us when we say That Iesus Christ is Coessentiall with God his eternall Father because we do impose a new word upon them and so make a new Fundamentall of our own Inventition to which I answer 1. That if we make an old truth plaine by a new word they ought to forgive us that injury 2. We explaine our new Terme 3. We save them the trouble of an artificiall and tedious deduction for as soon as they do but understand the word they must necessarily imbrace the sense and acknowledge that though the word seem new to them yet the Doctrine is old for if the persons be of a different Divine Essence then there would be more Gods then one 4. We doe hereby secure them against the subtilty of pernicious Hereticks who endeavour to seduce them into damnable Heresies For if the Father Son and Spirit have not the same Divine Essence then either there will be more Gods then one or else the Son and Spirit are no Gods at all but such petty inferiour Gods as the Socinians make them 5. No man that hath a sound braine and a single eye can conceive that there are divers Gods in the same Essence and therefore the expression is necessary and safe The Father Son and Spirit are three Coesential subsistents in the same single God-head they are all three one and the selfe-same God who is God by nature the only true God blessed for ever in this Faith we will live and in this we will dye as it becomes Orthodox Christians who were b●ptized in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost CHAP. IX This Grand Mystery of Faith hath an Effectuall influence into the Practical Mystery of Godlinesse and Power of Religion IT is the great designe and faithfull endeavour of sincere Christians to attaine unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding to the acknowledgement of the Mystery of God and of the Father and of Christ Colos. 2. 2. They who have but a Forme of Godlines 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a kind of painted powerlesse shaddow of piety may look upon the Doctrine of the Trinity as a School-point a meer speculative Doctrine which men receive by Tradition from their fore-fathers but they who live in the spirit and walke in the spirit Gal. 5. 25. have a life that is hid with Christ in God Colos 3. 3. hid from formall men as colours are hid from blind men and these spirituall Christians do account the love of the Father the grace of Christ and the communion of the Spirit to be their Heaven upon earth They receive Iesus Christ so as to live by him walke in him and live to him Colos. 2. 6. Phil. 1. 21 1 Ioh. 5. 12 2 Cor. 5. 15. What is a Godly life but a life of faith and love of joy and thankfulnesse of self-denyall and devotion of patience and obedience hope