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A12939 The apologie of Fridericus Staphylus counseller to the late Emperour Ferdinandus, &c. Intreating of the true and right vnderstanding of holy Scripture. Of the translation of the Bible in to the vulgar tongue. Of disagrement in doctrine amonge the protestants. Translated out of Latin in to English by Thomas Stapleton, student in diuinite. Also a discourse of the translatour vppon the doctrine of the protestants vvhich he trieth by the three first founders and fathers thereof, Martin Luther, Philip Melanchthon, and especially Iohn Caluin.; Apologia. English Staphylus, Fridericus.; Stapleton, Thomas, 1535-1598. 1565 (1565) STC 23230; ESTC S117786 289,974 537

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yeares serued then this lerned father against the thirty yeares of the Arrians how much more may fiften hundred and twise thirty yeares serue vs for a most stronge presciption against the protestants of our countre who haue not yet half thirty yeares among vs ben in possession of this their pretended religion in such sorte as it is now professed TO THE RIGHT REVEREND FATHER IN GOD PRINCE AND LORDE HIS SINGVLAR GOOD LORDE the Lorde Martin Bishop of Eystat FRIDERICVS STAPHYLVS wisheth health VVhereas you are most Reuerēd Prelat as you forefathers were by orderly vocation placed as Patrone and protectour to this vniuersite of Ingolstad sithen that also the right honorable Prince Albert Duke of Bauaria hath set me ouerseer and gouuerner of the same it had becomed me long ere this time to haue offred vnto you my seruice especially hauing certain matters committed to my charge whereof I should before this time haue conferred with you But whereas oure voluntarie deliberation by trouble of time was defeated being constrained not as I would but as I was forced to yelde to necessite and therefore must omitte the one and do the other Yet in this busines to be somewhat occupied and in the principall by the waye to be doing I haue not suffred suche leasure as at times happened to passe withoute some frute of publicke commodite Whereof hauing longe thought it semed me I coulde not by the waie more profitably be doing then if at what time other plaie or banquet I laboured vppon some such thing as might enforme the poore deceaued people and not offend rulers and magistrats And to this ende truly these darke winter dayes as leasure serued me I haue compiled this booke framing my stile after a rude and simple sorte that the vnlearned might vnderstande me but letting passe no iote of the truthe to cure and remedy the falshood Although therefor the lerned by this booke shall not perhaps be much instructed yet the good witte shall finde herein that is right worthy to be knowen and truly in medecines the wise Phisician will not so much regarde that they be pleasaunt or fayre to the eye as that they be holesome This is therefor my meaning and the marke I shoote at that the good people may be admonished of their saluation and aduertised of the daungerous deceites of heretikes by whose crafte and guile we see the noble Romain empire much weakened and empaired euen nowe to fainte and thousands of Christen soules other where daily to perish But the deceites of these heretikes being spredd so farre and so diuersly in Christendom that the vnlerned can not comprise them and the lerned scant espie them it shall be inoughe for the people to lerne to knowe them selues to be people that is to vnderstande that it is ynough for their parte to learne of the spirituall magistrat howe to do their duty to God and of the ciuill or temporall magistrat to learne their duty to their prince and in all thinges rather to lerne then to teache rather to obey then to commaunde For these two estates the spirituall and the temporall haue of God him selfe ben ordained duly receaued of vs confirmed and established by lawes and haue serued vs as two walles by the which the power of the Romain empire hath ben in Germany stayed vp and continued all most these eight hundred yeares And truly as longe as matters appertaining to God were by the spiritualty and the common welthe by the temporalty gouuerned and the lawes off bothe estates ordained were inuiolatly obserued thē Germany might contend in wisedō with the grekes in stoutnes of courage with the Romanes in godlines with all Christen nations then it mought more surely of vs then of the Romanes be saied By auncient lawes and men doth stande Thestate of Germany and Allemain lande Then it could when lawes ruled men not men the lawes maintaine peace abrode and reste at home kepe out their enemie valiantly and gouuerne their people in all felicite But Satan not abiding the repos of this countre stirred vp Martin Luther a German borne pricked him with furious rage and draue him so forwarde that he ouerthrew all auncient lawes by the which this Empire hitherto hath staied and continued and placed for them newe by the which it should perishe and fall Luther iolted and enraged by this rider Satan began with a fury to set vpon the two saide walles of the empire and in shorte time as well by his battering the walles were sore beaten as by the sounde slepe of the rulers the warde and watche was forsaken And that in such sorte vntel one of the walles the Spiritualty was vtterly ouerthrowen the other the Temporalty was put in greate hazarde For so it proueth in dede when that as the poete saieth The sore dissembled doth fester and growe While the idle shepeard taking his ease Sercheth not spedely the wounde to knowe But asketh the Gods to cure the desease But this negligence being ones committed and done it can not nowe be vndone Yet although of thinges past we haue the remembraunce only consultation or deliberation we haue none truly I can not forget with what a perpetuall ignominie and shame we are to be noted that coulde suffer a lewd frier and that neither craftely cladde in his shepes cote neither excellently lerned to worcke so foule and so pernicious a mischef against all Christendom that hauing first all most ouerthrowen the Spiritualty he hath so shaken and weakened also the Temporalty that it semeth rather already fallen downe then liekely to fall But what entry made Luther Howe began he to ouerthrowe these two estates His beginning was surely vaine and foolish and stuffed all with lies The principles and growndes saieth he of the papistes are the traditions of men not expressed in holy write the pope of Rome doubting and vncertainte of the grace of god But who saieth this Luther euery where What witnes hath he Ihon Brentius in his booke of the causes of dissension But howe proueth he it to be trewe for none other reason forsothe but for that Luther is as he saieth an Euāgelist and Brentius is an other S. Ihon. I thinke the thirtenth Apostle But as for these principles or groundes there was neuer Catholike that so much as dreamed them so farre is it that any man affirmed them or defended them The true principles of Diuinite with vs are and haue allwayes ben these first the worde of God to wit the doctrine of the prophets and the Apostles and brefely al the holy Scripture whiche we call the Bible The seconde principle is the right and Catholike sence and vnderstanding of tbe worde of God deliuered by the Apostles to their successours and by them spred through the whole worlde declared also in many Councels of the holy fathers and brought in to Canons For this Catholike exposition of the holy scripture bicause it was deliuered vnto the Apostles by Christ him selfe and by them left vnto their lawfull successours with the very text of the scripture therefore it is cōmonly called the Tradition of
dede let them trie their Confession and Apologie also by these waightes Let them from the first article vnto the last showe first that their doctrine is the right and Catholike exposition of Gods worde then whether they can confirme it by any one miracle last of all let them showe the maner and order of their Lutheran church to haue ben prefigured and shadowed in the olde lawe If they can so do I will warrant them that all Christē people wil gladly subscribe to their articles and beleue accordinge to their doctrine But if they are not able to perfourme this then let them not obiect to vs their Confession or Apologie let them suffer vs quietly and frely perseuere in our Catholike and auncient religion and we will not let them to crie to sweare and forsweare that their Confession is grounded vpon the writings of the Apostles and prophets And thus much hitherto haue we spoken as touching that which our Lorde saide Vppon the chaire of Moyses sit the scribes and pharises do all thinges that they shall bidde you to do For hitherto haue we talked howe to trie true doctrine and howe to knowe such as sit in dede vpon the chaire of Moyses It remaineth nowe to speake of the later part of Christes saying But do not as they do Which we must also no lesse discusse then the former For in this our miserable and vnhappy time bicause heretikes can not ouerthrowe by any good reason the very chaire of Moyses the doctrine of the church they take holde of the euill life of the clergy and barke at the dissolute liuing of those that sit in the chaire making the people beleue that their doctrine is no other then their life and behauiour is inferring very absurdely that the doctrine and the life is all one and can not be diuers which wicked opiniō hath bred much strife and caused muche trouble in the Christen common welth as in the writings of the fathers we may reade treating of the heresies of the Donatistae Encratitae Cathari and Apostolici But we haue in holy scripture markes inoughe and that euident to discern heresies which procede of euill doctrine from the euill life which procedeth of men For heresie being a very plage and poison of Christen religion S. Paule biddeth vs auoide and flie from the heretike after the first or second admonition Bicause he is subuerted that is such a one and offendeth being condemned by his owne proper iudgemēt And our Lorde biddeth vs to accompt him for an hethen and publicane that heareth not the church And publicanes were a sorte of mē with whom it was not lawfull for the Iewe to kepe cōpany withall S. Antony also that holy and famous ermite in his last wordes spoken before his death vnto his scholers left thē these two godly and wholesome lessons and most necessary for our time as that notable bishop Athanasius writing his life reporteth the first was Auoide ye the venim of al schismatikes and he retikes and folowe hardly the hatred that I bore alwaies against thē for they are the enemies of Christ and you knowe I neuer had softe or paisible cōmunication with them The second lesson is this Kepe aboue al thinges your vpright faith in Christ and the religious traditiō of your forefathers which you haue lerned by the reading of holy scripture and by my poore aduertismēt frō time to time This cōmaundemēt of auoiding and shunning heretikes is not made for the lerned only but also for the simple and vnlerned Which is readely proued by the sayings of our Sauiour Take ye hede of false prophets and againe If the blinde leade the blinde bothe fal into the ditche and such other But to forsake the church and the Catholike doctrine of the same by reason of the disordinat life of priestes and other prelats Christ not only neuer cōmaūded it but also very straitely forbad it declaring the parable of the husband man which forbad his seruaūtes to wede out the darnell from the corne Lest peraduenture saythe he gathering the darnell ye plucke vp also the corne let them therefore growe bothe together vntell the haruest time and then I will saie vnot the ripers gather first together all the darnell and binde it vp in bundles that it may be burned but the good corne gather in to my barne For as it becometh not the seruaunte to take vppon him the correction of such matters in the familie as the master vpon some waightie consideration would haue reserued to him selfe so much lesse in the church of Christ maye the laye men whose parte it is to obey and folowe not to prescribe lawes and orders take vppon thē the rule and dominion which appertaineth only to bishops and rulers in the church Farder that this is the true meaning of our Sauiour in the place aboue alleaged he declareth by an other similitude of the shrowde seruaunte which saide in his harte My Master will not come of a longe season and thereupon beginneth to strike his felowe seruauntes eating and drinking and making good chere But the Master of that seruaunt will come sayth Christ in the daye that he loketh not for and in the howre that he knoweth not and shall cutte him of and put his portiō with the hypocrites there shall be weping and gnashing of tethe Our Sauiour hath here plainly and roundely I trowe warned the laie people not only not to medle with chasten or correct their bishops pastours and Curates whom Christ as the Apostle saythe hathe appointed and set ouer them but also not to trouble instructe rule or reprehend their felowe laye folke though nowe a daies alas nothing is more common then clouters coblers sadlers taylers cytezens and men of the countre gentlemen and noble men to take vpon them in the church of Christ the parte of Masters and rulers to interpret holy scripture to prescribe their Curates howe and what to preache howe to administrat sacramēts setting them vp and downe at their pleasure whereas they ought by the expresse commaundement of S. Paule obey and submitt them selues vnto their curates vicars and bishops For thus he writeth vnto the Hebrewes Obey them that haue the ouersight of you and submit your selues vnto them for they watche for your soules euen as they that muste geue accompte that they may do it with ioye and not with grief For that is not expedient for you But you will saie These papiste bishops and priestes be men vnlerned incontinent dissolute geuen to ryot ambition to couetousnes to pompe and to all vice If you saie this of some certain amonge the clergy it may be true But if you speake of the whole clergy it is very false and vntrue For not only amōge the laye people but amonge the clergy also praised be God there be right vertuous sober and godly men vpon whom the fautes of the rest can not be fathered Yet if perhaps all these vices
iustification is necessary and that good workes were pernicious to saluatiō yet afterward writing against the Antinomi his scholers he corrected his former doctrine after this sort That the lawe before iustification is in dede necessary for the knowleadg of sinne but afterward is vtterly vnprofitable For the maintenaunce therefore of this Pelagiā and Manichean heresie the shifting in of the worde Nur nothinge but fitted his purpose maruailous well For by this only worde he hath planted againe two notable and auncient heresies The one of the Pelagians whiche saide that the lawe auailed nothing but for the knowleadg of sinne teaching what we ought to do and not to do and that by the ghospell we haue no grace geuen vs to perfourme that which by the lawe we learne to be good and godly An other of the Maniches which teache as Luther doth that the lawe is made for wicked men not for Christen men which can be helde in by no lawe nor are not bounde to any good workes In an other place where the Apostle according to the Latin and Greke text hath thus Haue we not power to leade about a sister a womā Luther thus trāslateth it Haben wir nicht macht ein Schwester zum Weib mit vmbher zu fijrn that is Haue we not power to leade about a sister for a wife Here againe like a false foister he shifteth in counterfaited droges amonge the swete spice of holy scripture adding thereunto of his owne these wordes zum Weib that is for a wife which is farre different from the meaning of the holy ghoste and was neuer writen by the Apostle nor reade in holy scripture from the beginning of the church by any Christen Catholike man But what intended Luther by this his addition surely to roote out of mens hartes all loue off chastite and virginite lest perhaps if S. Paule and the rest of the Apostles had caried no wiues aboute with them some woulde be content also by their example to lacke them yea he maketh the blessed Apostle a lyar whereby he might remoue him cleane out of the Bible For the Apostle say the in an other place I would haue allen●n be as my selfe That is as he expoundeth himselfe that all priestes and preachers off the worde of God should abstaine from matrimonie and all pleasure of the flesh to the entent that they might studie rather to please God then their wife As also againe when he saythe He that marieth his virgin doth wel and he that marieth her not doth better meaning thereby that bothe are right good bothe to mary and to liue single Yet whem one of the twaine and the better must be chosen certain it is that the Apostle preferreth single life before mariage But Luther by iumbling in only these wordes Lum Weib that is for a wife hath taken awaie the meaning and godly intēt of the Apostle not only out of the scripture but also out of thousandes of mens hartes not without great losse of many a soule He hath beside hereby not only disgraced the excellent vertu of chastite and virginite but also brought so in contempt the holy sacramēt of wedlock as if it were in inuention of mā that nothing is now more common then as Luther him self teacheth in the sixt tome of his workes If the wife will not let the maide come And there be yet extant certaine epistles of Luther and Melanchthon and aduises geuen by their letters wherein they do openly permit and pronounce it to be lawefull that one husband may haue two lawfull wiues I could also alleage and note with my finger diuers examples hereof agreable to the doctrine of these blessed ghospellers Neither may any man here thinck that this false and deceitefull translation of Luther is any newe inuented tricke of him selfe it was practised also in the time of S. Augustin who cōfuteth it with these wordes For vpon this respect sayth he speaking of relief made to the Apostles godly and faithefull wemen hauing wordly substaunce went about with the Apostles and ministred vnto thē of their substance that they lacked nothing necessary for this present life Which S. Paule showeth he might lawfully haue done as the other Apostles did but he saieth afterward he woulde not vse his power and authorite herein And this point certain men not perceauing expounded not asister woman where the Apostle saith haue we not power to leade aboute a sister woman but a wife These men seme to be deceaued by the ambiguite of the graeke worde For that in graeke one worde signifieth bothe a woman and a wife Allthouh the Apostle so placed that greke worde that they might not be deceaued For neither he sayde a woman only but a sister woman nor to mary but to leade aboute but other interpretours were nothing deceaued with this ambiguite translating it a woman not a wife Thus farre S. Augustin very plainely and roundely confuting the fonde interpretation or translation of Luther There is in the church a laudable custome and godly institution of the Apostles to applie holy scripture to the passion of Christ. So that Lessons and other praiers in the church especially of priestes and other in holy orders be so deuided and distributed in to certain howres that bothe the storie of Christ his passion and the rest of holy scripture may by that orderly distribution more cōueniently be vnderstāded Hereof as we haue before touched were instituted the Canonical houres of Matins of Prime of the iij. vj and ix howres of Euēsong and Cōplin And that al this is not by mans cōstitutions or traditiōs it may by diuers places of holy scripture euidently be confirmed Dauid in a certain psalme writeth Seuē times in the daye haue I saide laudes vnto the vpon the iudgemēts of thy righteousnes And that this was done at certain houres and prescribed times it appereth by an other place of the same psalme I arose at midnight to confesse vnto the vpon the iudgements of thy righteousnes And in an other psalme he writeth At euening at morning and at none daie I wil praie and he shall heare my voice Morning praier in the church is coūted the Prime None daie the ix howre after Masse At euening the Euēsong In the Actes we reade of the Sixte howre Where it is writen that Peter ascended in the vpper partes to praie about the Sixte howre The iij. also the vj. and the ix howre aremēcioned in Daniel at the which howres he praied with teares ouer against Hierusalē Complin time of praier appeareth by that which S. Luke writeth of our Sauiour It happened in those daies he wēt vp in to the Moūte to praie alone and continued all night in praier to God These howres also by Gods institutiō are so distributed for the remēbraūce of Christes passiō that euery howre cōtaineth the remēbraunce of some speciall acte of the passiō For at Matins
by his owne wordes being forced to declare the same by the impudent reproches of Smidelinus his aduersary In his Absolut apology writē in the yeare 1562. thus he writeth Whereas Smidelinus obiecteth to me that I was Luthers and Melanchthons scholer I denie it not for I liued in the vniuersite of wittenberg ten yeares of my owne costes and charges studying there vnder Luther Melāchthon and others At that time also being a younge man rash and vnskilfull I was infected somwhat with the poisonnous doctrine of Luther Howbeit that was not so rooted in me but that it was soone driuen out again And that I neuer consented thoroughly to the fifte ghospell of Luther many thinges do euidently proue First that whereas the Masters off Wittenberg would nedes persuade me to procede Doctour amonge them I would neuer do it And that only bicause I would not take the othe of the vniuersite and make open confession of my belefe in that place And this Doctour George Maior who yet liueth can beare me witnes of Secondarely bicause I would neuer take vppon me the Lutheran Ministery in any church though fewe yeares past I haue ben required of certain Princes to high dignites as to be Superintendent in sondry places as at Augspurg at Lubeck and at Brunsuick Thirdly this may declare how litle I fancyed in my hart the doctrine of Luther that being called and chosen of the Duke of Prussia to be a Reader in his dominions at Coningsberg and a Counseller I caused in the write of my stipend this cōdition expresly to be put that I would be cōpelled to no religion or doctrine that in any point repugned with the doctrine of the primitiue Catholike and Apostolicall church and of this my condition I am able to show iff nede shall require sufficient testimonies By these wordes ye may see off what reputation and opinion of lerning and vertu this man was at Wittenberg Augspurg Lubeck and Brunsuick the most famous cytes of the Lutheran profession His wisedō and other noble qualites he well declared first in the seruice of a counseller to the Duke of Prusia from whome he was forced to depart and that as he writeth to the losse of some thousands of marks bicause like a worthy and faithfull Counseller he frely aduertised eftsones the Duke to beware of the cursed heresies of Osiander and his felowes Secondarely in the like seruice vnder the Catholike and vertuous Duke of Bauaria vnder whom he was in such credit that he was made ouerseer and Chauncelour of the vniuersite of Ingolstad iointly with the Bishop of Eistat Thirdely for his wisedom lerning and vertu he was of longe time and many yeares Counseller to the late most worthy Emperoure Ferdinandus vnder whom he hath done noble seruice as well in the diets and conferences in Germany as in embassages of Liflande Pole and other countres As for the great labour and diligence he bestowed to shift him selfe oute of the captious and contentious controuersies of this time wherein he was nouseled in his youth it may wel appeare in that as he writeth in the first part of this booke He emploied only the study of Diuinite and matters of Cōtrouersie about two and twenty yeares not medling in all that time with any worldly or ciuill matter And what thinck you after so many yeares study and labour after so great experience and lerning was the chiefest argument and reason whereuppon he forsoke the Lutherans and claue vnto the Catholikes forsoth he declareth it in the very same place last alleaged and it is right worthy to be noted This saieth he was the chief and principal cause why I actōpted the diuers doctrine of Luther and his felowes to be hereticall and for such do vtterly forsake it and detest it this again is the cause why I esteme the doctrine in all Christendom which they call the Popedom receiued to be the only true and holesom doctrine bicause this doctrine is the Catholike and vniuer sally receiued interpretation of holy scripture but their doctrine is only their priuat opinion and their priuat deprauation of holy Scripture This lowas the principall reason that drew this wise lerned and vertuous man from the sectes of his Masters Luther and Melāchthō and brought him home to the perfect vnite of the Catholike faith for he sawe by lōg experiēce that al the doctrine of the new ghospellers was nought els but their owne traditiōs their propre inuentions and priuat imaginations for ging vpon the worde of God such sence as them listed and telling then the people that the same was the very worde of God whereas the Catholikes folowed such sence and meaning of the writen worde as by the lerned fathers continual tradition and vniuersall consent of Christendom was receaued and allowed And truly this only reason may be sufficient bothe for the vnlerned and deceaued protestants to reduce them home again to the Catholike churche of Christ and to kepe also within the same such as by the grace of God vertuous education and good instructions haue not yet swarued from the same Which I beseche almighty God it may so do And thus much hitherto of this present Treatise and the author thereof Many other things there are which I would gladly aduertise the Reader of But bicause we haue I feare ben ouerlong allready and the Author him selfe hath prefixed a long but a lerned and profitable preface and therefore not to be omitted I wil here breake of and after the ende of the Authors whole discourse put for conclusion the rest of my meaning aduertising in the meane season the reader of this one thing that this our labour being an interpretation and bound to the inuentiō of the Author we haue not ne coulde not vse the like eloquence as the free stile geueth beseching the notwithstanding gentle Reader to take our paines in good part Farewell At Louain the 12. of Nouember 1564. Thomas Stapleton THen saieth Nicephorus of the time of Constantius his empire vnder whom the Arrians flourished new deuises were commended and increased daily growing to a straunge alteration so farre that euery man setting light by all auncient lawes and ordonaunces forged him selfe fresh of his owne And yet their doctrine he meaneth the Arrians was not of all such receiued but eche one imagined new opinions heaping vp euer doctrine vpon doctrine Then Aetius Eunomius Eudoxius eche one diuersly Vttered their blasphemies against Christ. Then Macedonius also blasphemed against the holy Ghoste Gregory Nazianzen reasoned against those newe doctrines in this sorte IF our faith be but yet thirty yeares olde foure hundred yeares being now passed ouer sence the coming of Christ then our ghospell hath ben so long in vaine our faith also hath ben to no purpose Then so many Martirs haue invaine testified their faith in Christ. Then so many Bishops and pastours haue in vaine so longe fedd the flock of Christ. If prescription of foure hundred
that euery mā and womā were priestes Although this be an olde condemned heresie of the Aerians of Aetius and Pepusius raised vp now againe of Martin Luther by chaunging the worde Priesthoode in the worde Elders cōtrary the meaning of S. Paule and the common receaued interpretation of all Christendom hitherto Yet hath it pleased Master Luther to renew and preache to the worlde and olde detestable heresie vnder pretence of S. Paules doctrine and the expresse worde of God Nowe although these fewe examples might suffise to declare the honesty of Luther and vpright dealing in translation of the holy scripture yet for the more declaration thereof I will adde yet one place notably misused and willfully corrupted of Luther The Apostle writeth thus to the Colossians Beware lest any man deceiue you by philosophie or vaine deceites after the tradition of men after the elements of the worlde and not after Christ. Thus readeth the greke and the latin text But Luther drawing after his fashion the scripture for his purpose where it is in the text After the elements of the worlde he turneth it Nach der welt satzungen that is after the lawes and ordinaunces of the worlde It is surely a straunge case to see howe variabel and braynsicke these ghospellers are At the first broching of this newe ghospel while Luther as the rumor was lyued yet in his Patmus Philip Melanchthon taught that sithen Christen men were all 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 taught immediatly of God him self no man should study philosophie For al the writings of Plato Aristotle Cicero and such other were but friuolous tales and daungerous deceites and to be burned and destroied as in dede in many places so they were but onely the Bible ought to be read and studied For by these the holy ghoste would minister all knowledge bothe to serue God and to liue in this worlde bothe for euerlasting saluation and for this temporal estate That a Christē man should not liue a studious quyet life for that it was writē In the sweate of thy brow thou shalt eate thy bread that is as they expounde it thou must be a plowemā a showemaker a bucher a tayler or some such handy craftes man and so with thy owne labour get thy liuinge This fowle errour beside other occasions ministred thereunto was of Luther in sundry places of his workes stoutely maintained and defended One of such places I will here at large alleage Writing vnto the Nobilite of Germany he hath these wordes The vniuersites also haue nede of an earnest and sharp reformation Truly I must speake as I think let him be angry that listeth VVhatsoeuer was instituted or ordained vnder the pope tended only to the furderance of vice and encrease of errours for the vniuersites if they be not otherwise ordered then they haue ben hitherto what other thing are they then as it is noted in the Machabees scholes of children and of the greke glorie where is all licentious dissolutnes holy Scripture and Christen faith is not taught but that blind ethnick philosopher Aristotle ruleth aboue Christ him selfe VVhe refore by my aduise the Phisicks the Methaphisiks the bookes de Anima the Ethikes should vtterly be abolished with all the rest of his workes which professe to teache the naturall causes of thinges Although therein nether natural nor spirituall knowledg is to be gotte Beside that they are of such obscurite that fewe haue hitherto vnderstode them good wittes lesing bothe labour and time about them I dare well saie that euery coblar hath as much knowleadg of natural thinges as is to be gotte in those bookes It greueth me euen to the hart that this cursed and crafty proude ethnike could so longe a time abuse and deceaue the lerned men of Christendō VVith this scorge haue we ben whipped for our sinnes This much wrote Luther in the yere of our Lorde 1520. out of these and such other writings of Luther Carolostadius and Melanchthon first sucked out the contempt of philosophie and all good lerning being so moued by the authorite of this german prophet Luther And by the yeare 152● they furdered the matter so farre that in many famous vniuersites and cites all study of philosophie vtterly decaied And although this doctrine of Luther and Melanchthon taking awaie from Christen men as Iulian the apostat Emperour did all honest discipline liberall sciences and good lerning whereby the estat of Christēdom hathe alwaies ben in knowleadg and vertu directed and to driue all men to handycraft workes and husbandry only by a rude and bestly doctrine yet it so serued that time and was so wel liked that at Wittēberg many scholers burned all their bookes and became craftes men sheaperdes husband men and so forth Carolostadius him selfe being before Archedeacon of Wittenberg getting him to a village thereby became sodenly a ploweman tilled and sowed the grounde him self and brought wodde to the market of Wittenberg to be solde Beside many other cites especially Breslau did shet vp cleane all scholes and for the space of certain yeares suffred their youth to roue abrode without any education or instruction Which if a man had asked them why they did so the text of S. Paule serued them for a cloke of their foly where it was writen Beware ye that no man deceiue you by philosophie and vaine suttelties after the tradition of men But now Luther perceauing afterward that this serued nothing his purpose retourning from his Patmus to Wittenberg he corrected Melanchthon and draue Carolostadius out of the dominiō of Wittenberg professing then openly and declaring that without grammer logick and philosophie his ghospell could not be spread abrode conueniently Therefore in the yeare 1524. writing to the Magistrates and cites of Germanie of setting vp and main taining scholes he laboureth very ernestly to haue restored againe such as had decaied or were neglected making yet no mention of Carolostadius or Melanchthon by whom that enormite was committed To quenche therefore and appaise the tumultes stirred vp by his former doctrine and by Melanchthon letting passe the foresaied text of S. Paule he teacheth that philosophie is good in it selfe if it be wel vsed and not abused to deceiue mē Which in dede had ben of him well saide if he him selfe had not much abused philosophie to sett forthe his fleshely ghospell and to persuade his wily and suttle opinons But seing that he could not without philosophie and helpe of scholes vtter the wicked wares of his fresh and newe lerning letting passe as I saide the former text of the Apostle he toke holde of the wordes that folowed The elements of the worlde turning it the lawes and ordonaunces of the worlde For philosophie hindered not so much his purpose as the Magistrates and and lawes of the countre did Whose authorite onlesse he first ouerthrew drawing men from due obedience vnto their superiours he perceaued right wel that his purpose could
being preached of a pretēded prelat of the Realme before so honourable an audience and at such a solemne memoriall or Obsequy I must here craue pardon gentle Reader of the if I diuert a litle from my principall purpose to examin that parte off the sermon as defendeth this olde heresie of Aerius Neither may you M. Grindall be offended herewith when you shall vnderstand it as I wish you maye iff a young scholer and puine student in diuinite aduēter to encounter with you The cause of the Catholike church whom wickedly with the olde heretike Aerius you blame and reproue the honourable Nobilite of the realme which in that place presumptuousely you abused the vnlerned audience of our dere countremen which shamefully you deceaued maketh me bothe to breake the order of my discourse and not to feare your person whom authorite hath more auaunced then lerning or true religion commended Non enim possumus aliquid aduersus veritatem sed pro veritate for we can not do any thinge against the truthe but for the truthe And what is it good Sir that moueth you to disproue praier for the dead First of all saie you in the Scriptures we finde no commaundement to praie for the soules of the dead vnlesse they will cite the place of the booke off Machabees And then S. Hierom shall make thē awnswer who permitteth in dede these bookes of Machabees to be read but bicause they be not of the Canon of the Scriptures they be not saieth S. Hierom sufficient of them selues to establish any doctrines in the Church of God This is your first reason Master Grindall why we ought not to praie for the dead and it containeth two partes First that we haue no cōmaundement in Scripture to praie for the soules of the dead but the place of the Machabees and then that the same place is not in the Canon off the Scriptures As touching the first parte I awnswer it that we are commaunded of S. Paul Tenere traditiones quas accepimus siue per sermonem siue per epistolam To kepe suche traditions as we haue receiued either by worde or by writing And S. Chrisostom telleth vs that it is a tradition of the Apostles to pray for the dead these are his wordes Non temere ab Apostolis haec sancita fuerunt vt in tremendis mysterijs defunctorum agatur commemoratio sciunt enim illis inde multum contingere lucrum vtilitatem multam Quum enim totus constiterit populus extensis manibus sacerdotalis plenitudo tremēdū proponatur sacrificiū quo modo Deū nō exorabimus pro his deprecantes that is These things saieth Chrisostom were not without cause decreed of the Apostles that in the dreadful mysteries we should remēbre the dead For they do know that it shall much auaile them For when al the people stādeth with their hādes stretched forthe and the number of priestes whē the dreadfull sacrifice is proposed howe maye it be but that we shall obtaine of God praiyng for thē Now Sir S. Chrisostō telleth vs it is a decree of the Apostles to pray for the dead which decree being not expressed in scripture is called a tradition And S. Paul biddeth vs kepe such traditions ergo we haue cōmaundement in Scripture to praie for the dead beside the place of the Machabees Againe are we not commaunded in scripture to praie one for an other Howe farre doth this commaundement extende doth it not reache to all those whose sinnes are remissible who are in the state to haue their sinnes forgeuen What then if scripture tel vs that after this life some sinnes are forgeuen Ought we not then praie for our brethern departed this life and burdned yet with such sinnes Let vs harken what our Sauiour saieth in the ghospell Whosoeuer saieth our Sauiour shall speàke against the holy Ghoste it shall not be forgeuen him neither in this worlde neither in the worlde to come Other sinnes then of lesse offence and importaunce though they be not here forgeuē yet in the worlde to come they may be pardoned and released What place that is let your wisedome instruct vs M. Grindall In hel you knowe nulla est redēptio there is no redemption and in to heauen nihil coinquinatum intrabit no defiled or spotted thinge shall enter How saie we then Scripture commaunding vs to praie one for an other and that praier extending to all suche as are in the state to haue their sinnes forgeuē such a state also being proued by scripture to be in the world to come which cā not be but of such as haue departed this world haue we not againe foūde in scripture a cōmaundement to pray for the deade and departed soules of this worlde beside the place of the Machabees What will you replie M. Grindall or what can you obiect against these arguments The principle of S. Paul bidding vs to kepe vnwriten traditiōs if you limit and restraine it neuer so much yet must you nedes suffer it to extende to suche traditions as the Apostles them selues left vnto vs. You will not I dare saie prescribe against the Apostles And that the Apostles decreed praier to be done at the Masse time for the dead you heare Chrisostom saie and affirme Will you discredit S. Chrisostom Will you as Brentius youre mate saied of Epiphanius affirming that the Apostles had deliuered and taught that the vowe of virginite could not be broken Iudico eum tam bonum tam pium virum vt hac asseueratione non voluerit Ecclesiam Domini scienter fallere sed cum non fuerit admodum vicinus temporibus Apostolorum cogito multa ad eum publica sed incerta fama nomine Apostolorum relata esse quae fortassis alijde Apostolis vt plausibi●ior a essent cōfinxerunt so saie also of Chrisostom that you iudge Chrisostom in dede so good and ●●tuous a man that he woulde not wittingly beguile the church of God with so stoute an asseueration and yet bicause he was not very nigh the Apostles you imagin that he might haue hearde many thinges by reporte as frō the Apostles which other perhaps to make such matters more plausible had fained that they came euē frō the Apostles Will you thus I saie as your mate Brentius did delude the authorite of Chrisostom Truly other shift you haue none And thē we may aske you whether you were nerer to the Apostles and more assured what doctrine they lefte behind them then Chrisostom was There is no lesse you knowe then twelue hundred yeares betwene you and Chrisostom And yet not only Brentius but your selfe and all such as with you haue departed from the Catholike doctrine of Christes churche do stoutely affirme that the Apostles neuer praied for the dead nor neuer decreed any such matter Nowe then let the Christen Reader iudge who is herein more to be trusted Chrisostom or you and iff one Chrisostom fuffise not let S. Augustin a
most trusty witnes by the verdit of Iohn Caluin whose iudgemēt you will not I suppose discredit of antiquite in the doctrine of the churche come and affirme as muche Who writing to Paulinus of praieng for the dead saieth Allbeit it were not read in the olde scriptures yet the authorite off the vniuersall church is not small which in this custome is euident VVhere in the praier of the priestes which are offred to our Lorde God at his aultar the commendation of the dead hath his place Io here S. Augustin calleth it a custome of the vniuersail churche to praie for the dead at the aultar of God And vninersall is that by the meaning of S. Augustin which euery where and at all times is and hath ben which in all places euen from the Apostles them selues hath ben obserued Epiphanius also coufuting Aerius affirmeth it to be a tradition of the Apostles to pray for the dead Thus much then of the first parte of your first reason M. Grindall that we haue no commaundement in Scripture to praie for the dead but the place of the Machabees Nowe Sir as touching the second parte that you saie the same place of the Machabees is not in the Canon of the Scriptures I maruail not much hereat considering of what race youre doctrine procedeth For as you haue lerned of the olde heretike Aerius condemned aboue twelue hundred yeares past to disproue praier for the dead so haue you lerned off a numbre of olde heretikes to denie for scripture suche places as ouerthrow your heresy For euen so did the Marcionistes allowe but 9. of S. Paules epistles whereas the church alloweth 14. So did the Manichees take awaie the first chapter of S. Mathewes ghospell and reiected allmost all the olde Testament as S. Augustin witnesseth So the Arrians disallowed the epistle of S. Paul to the hebrewes as Theodoret recordeth in the prohem of his commentary vpon that epistle So Aetius also denied much of the olde Testament as Epiphanius mencioneth of him Briefly it was the manner of all heretikes so to do as Tertullian in his prescriptiōs noteth Therefore as I saied I maruail the lesse at your demeanour herein considering that it is no new thing for an heretike to denie scripture it self whē al other shiftes faile What thē M. Grindal Must we proue vnto you that the bookes of the Maechabees are in the canō of the Scriptures O the blessed daies of our time wherein not only al the articles almost of our belefe but the Scriptures thē selues also are called in cōtrouersy and that of such mē as beare the persōs of Prelats and rulers in Christes church What authorites thē may be sufficient to proue that those bookes are of the Canō You bring against vs S. Hierō you tel vs he saieth that these bookes of Machabees be not sufficiēt of them selues to establish any doctrines in the church of God You quote vs his preface vpō the boo kes of Salomon Sir if you reade the place againe and marke it wel you shal finde that he saieth this of the Prouerbes of Salomō and of the Ecclesiastes not of the Machabees though in dede he saie in that place that they are not of the Canon And this saying of S. Hierō in that place I may wel expoūd by his wordes in an other place In his preface vpō these bookes of the Machabees he saieth expressely that they are not in the Canō of the Iewes but of the church of Christ they are receiued inter diuina volumina amōg Gods bookes But what if S. Hierō do not acknowledg them for Canonicall scripture What if in reakoning off the Canonicall Scripture he folow the Hebrewes and Iosephus especially as lerned men haue noted of him What if in his time they were not with full authorite receiued The whole corps off scripture was not you know at one push approued It was longe doubted of the epistle to the Hebrewes off the second epistle of S Peter of S. Iohns Reuelation and yet afterward without doubte and controuersy they were in all Christendom receiued and reuerenced for holy Scripture Shall it nowe be lawfull for euery heretike to condemne such parcells of holy Scripture as haue ben so many hundred yeares of all Christendom vniformely receiued bicause they were ones doubted of It is not sitting for the wisedome of a Prelat it stādeth not with the Charite of a Christen mā to renew suche doubtes and to make a schisme in the church of God vpon priuat presumption and affectiō But to matche the authorite of S. Hierom whom only you alleage and to knitt vp this matter shortly you shall see what we can saie for the bookes of the Machabees The 85. canons of the Apostles allowed for such by the generall Councell helde at Constantinople in T●ullo in reakoning vp the bookes of Canonicall scripture recite the thre bookes of the Machabees amonge them The third Councell of Carthage helde not longe after the time that S. Hierom liued reakoneth them vp also for Canonicall Scripture Isidorus declareth also that in his time they were vndoubtedly approued for holy Scripture S. Augustin is most clere in this point for not onely in his bookes de doctrina Christiana where of sette purpose he reakoneth the whole corps of the olde and new Testament he placeth these bookes of the Machabees amonge them but also in his bookes de ciuitate dei he doth constantly affirme that they are approued of the Church for holy Scripture And beholde a most clere testimony of S. Augustins iudgement herein A sorte of Donatistes called Circuncelliones murdered and s●ewe them selues commonly being persecuted for their heresy of the Catholikes they defended this their diuelish fury and rage with the example of Razias who slew him selfe as in the Machabees it appeareth They builded vpon this fact of Razias as vpon an example of holy Scripture What aunswered them here S. Augustin It had ben truly a ready answer for him to saye those bookes are not of the Canon off holy Scripture and therefore the example of him can nothing helpe you if he had so thought in dede off these bookes But S. Augustin denieth them not to be of the Canon as you do M. Grindall for the maintenaunce of your heresy though it had ben much then for his vauntage and might soone so haue stopped the heretikes mouth if he had thought it the duty of a Catholike bishop to flit from scripture when vauntage serued His obedience to the Church off God his lerning and vertu taught him to cleaue vnto the Church in determining holy Scripture and to seke other meanes to awnswer heretikes Therefore notwithstanding the facte of Razias who semeth in that booke to be commended for killing him selfe he acknowledgeth the bookes for Canonicall Scriptures and teacheth vs also how such examples in holy Scripture are to be read These are his wordes Landatus est itaque iste Razias
the holy fathers and oftentimes the vnwriten verite in respect of the writen texte And bicause the truthe off the text and of the right vnderstanding of the texte must nedes be all one truly our aduersaries do slaunder vs fayning that in triall off cōtrouersies we woulde beside the worde of God sett as iudge the traditions of men directly against the worde of God The third principle is that holy continuall succession of the See Apostolike and other bishops in the Catholike churche For if we be able to proue by order of continuall succession that all bishops as well before vs as nowe haue allwaies expounded the holy scriptures euen as the first Apostles did can there be any more certain waye for the vnderstanding of scripture then this is I would gladly heare what can be saied against it The fourthe principle is the vnite and consent of the Catholike churche Whereby it is made that the like truthe be in euery part that is in the whole and so contrary wise These are moste Reuerend Prelate the right principles of Christian doctrine these are the foundations of all truthe these as foure quarres or corner stones holde vp the Catholike churche and therefore it is called One Holy Catholike and Apostolike churche For of these principles dependeth the Authorite of the councels Of these the holy Canons haue their beginning and of these all laufull and laudable rites of the church take force and strength These then being the principles of our religion not those which Brentius falsely chargeth vs withal Princes and rulers ought to looke more nerer vnto the doings and sayings of their preachers But nowe Bretius to make an oppositiō of the foresaide forged principles our principles are saieth he the worde of God Christ and an assured certainte of oure confidence in Christ But what is I praie you this your worde of God This it is that all maner of folke mē and womē cookes and coblers baudes and buchers tinkers and tailers pedlers and poticaries minstrels and mummers and all such like be priestes be bishops be doctours and pastours and haue authoritie to administrat the Sacraments to interpret Scripture and what interpretation eche one by the drifte of his braine draweth out of scripture that to be the pure ghospell off the Lorde and the expresse worde of God This is not right Reuerend father the worde of God but the worde of the diuell him selfe inuēted of Luther not inspired by the sprit of God For that man entending to peruert all that appertained to God or to man laboured trauailed and endeuoured by al meanes possible that there might remaine no spirituall magistrat whiche might by authorite discerne betwene leper and leper maintaining the right doctrine of the ghospell and remouing the bastard And this labour of Luther being well liked of Sathan he imagined an other worde of God as that among Christen men shoulde be no ciuill magistrat for all princes were fooles tyrans and men of no religion to thentent that if perhaps the heresies of Luther were condemned by the Spirituall magistrat and so forth with cōmitted to the secular sworde princes therunto might haue no authorite Hereuppon he forbiddeth Christen men to kepe warre against the Turke and commaundeth subiects to rebel against their princes Strait vppon this arose an other worde of an other God that all lawes of chaste and single life shoulde be taken awaye teaching amonge a sorte of maydes and yonge men that Man was no more able to refraine his fleshly lustes then not to spet when nature prouoked Againe that fasting and abstinence from flesh nothing helped prayer nothing furdered deuotion made nothing to sobriete These smaller pointes being first all most conquered he reacheth to higher and diuiner matters First bicause he teacheth that sinne is not by the grace of baptime taken away in dede but is saide and fained only to be taken away hereof he savve it vvolde folovve that mē oughte not be estemed righteous and good in dede but onely accompted and imputed for such Then bycause he made no difference nor degre of grace he admitted no encrease in vertu and therefore could not abide the Sacramēt of Confirmation Fardermore bicause if sinne be not rooted out if there be no encrease of grace nor goodnes but al is only by maner of accōpte and imputing thē must he also infer that the presence of Christes body may not be in earthe that no sacrifice be admitted and vvhich folovved thereupon no priesthood nether And of this point the Zuinglians picked out one worde of their straunge God and the Lutherās an other of this spring also arose the doctrine teaching mā to be iustified by only faith hope charite repentaunce and other good workes being pernicious and hurtefull to saluation what frute then thinke you proceded hereof This sothely and many other For if God doth compell man to sinne as Luther and the Caluinistes do write howe can God require good workes or by what lawe can be punish sinne seing that he worketh sinne in vs and good workes are thought to be pernicious And truly if there be no rewarde for vertu there shall be no punishment for sinne And then there is no hel nor place of punishment as in the seacoste townes of Germany it is taught there is no diuell to execute that punishment as Osiander teacheth This worde not of God but of the diuell beyng laied this principle being put an other principle concerning Christ ensued as that the humain nature of Christe is god as the Swenckfeldians will haue it or contrairely that Christe is not God as the Seruetians teache and Mathias Flaccius affirming that the worde in the first of Iohn is not the sonne of God Lo how fertill and abundant was this principle of Luther and Brentius There were in times past and are also nowe a dayes whiche openly denie Christ to be the son of God affirming him to be the son of Ioseph and Mary Which Mary also had as they saye many other children beside Christ. Other there be nowe which teache the ghospell of S. Iohn to be a tale of Plato baptim to be the inuentiō of the diuell And that there is not in God the Trinite of persons some other doubting whether this Trinite be man or woman So taught euen this winter a certayn new ghospeller in Sternberg a towne of Morauia and that with the fauour of the people but much against the will of the Bishop of Omoluke their diocesian There be nowe in Hungary also which in their baptim leaue out cleane the name of the Son There be in many places the Seruetians which call the blessed Trinite by the name of the hellhownd Cerberus whom the poetes fained to haue thre heads With like horrible blasphemies two other ghospellers daily