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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10557 The Christian divinitie, contained in the divine service of the Church of England summarily, and for the most part in order, according as point on point dependeth, composed; and with the holy Scriptures plainly and plentifully confirmed: written for the furtherance of the peoples understanding in the true religion established by publike authoritie, and for the increase of vnitie in that godly truth eternall. By Edmund Reeve Bachelour in Divinitie, and vicar of the parish of Hayes in Middlesex. Reeve, Edmund, d. 1660. 1631 (1631) STC 20829; ESTC S115773 277,054 457

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from the priesthood That they shoud not eate of the most holy things till there stood up a priest with d Ezra 2.63 Vrim and * In the service of Consecration of Bishops in the Prayer after the Letanie then road the true signification of the words Vrim and Thummim is delivered namely truth of Doctrine and innocencie of life See 1 Esdras 5.40 Thummim Saint Peter saith e 1 Pet. 2.13.14 Submit your selves unto every ordinance of man for the Lords sake whether it bee to the King as Supreme or unto governours as unto them that are sent by him c. Samuel told Saul that God had made him the f 1 Sam. 15.17 See the 37. Article of Religion Head of the Tribes of Israel Therefore our King is Head of the Tribe of Levi the supreme governour over all degrees and orders of the Clergie in his Majesties Realmes Dominions aswell as over all other persons Concerning bearing faith and true allegiance to the Kings Highnesse his heirs and successors according as it is prescribed in the oath of allegiance it may first bee considered that in the whole Bible there is no mention of any of Gods people at any time to have done contrary unto such allegiance but ever to have borne faith and true allegiance unto to their Soveraigne the supreme Magistrate over them The Lord Iesus Christ both by g Mat. 12.20.21 precept and also by example taught loyalty to bee performed unto Caesar by all professed Christians all others The Apostle Paul enjoyned Titus to put all professours of Christianity in minde to be h Tit. 3.1.2 subject to Principalities and powers to obey magistrates to bee ready unto every good worke to speake evill of no man to bee no brawlers but gentle shewing all meekenesse unto all men Almost the whole 13. chapter of the Epistle to the Romanes is a declaration how subject and faithfull every soule not excepting any Ecclesiastical person ought to bee unto his Prince which beareth the sword which receiveth tribute and custome The higher powers unto whom Saint Paul commanded Christians to bee subject for Conscience sake and to render all their dues to owe nothing but love and honour and hee for to exclude universall ill attempts against ones Soveraigne saith Loveworketh no ill to ones neighbour were not defenders of the Christian faith neither were they favorers of the Gospell the highest powers over i 1. Pet. 1.1 Pontus Galatia Cappadocia Asia and Bithynia unto whom Saint Peter required those to whom hee wrote for to bee loyally subject If people were not in Conscience bound to bee universally faithfull unto their Soveraigne the society of mankinde could not consist together but the whole world would in short time bee turned into a wildernesse To release any from their duty to their superiours was the k ● Marke 7.7.8 9 10 11 12 13. Doctrine of the Scribes and Pharises the mortall enemies to Christianity who taught that one having offered a certaine gift though hee honoured not his father or his mother should bee free making thereby the fifth Commandement of God of non effect by that their damnable traditiō And are not Kings l Isa 49.23 fathers Queenes mothers according to the language of the Holy Scriptures Saint Peter saith Feare God and m 1 Pet. 2.17 honour the King Salomon also saith n Eccles 10.20 Curse not the King no not in thy thought How zealous was David that hee would neither do nor o 1 Sam. 24.6.7 and 26.9 suffer to bee done any manner of annoyance towards the Lords annoynted though he were disobedient unto the Law of the Lord Let any search the whole Scripture and more especially all the new Testament and let him observe what manner of innocent life the life of the Christian Religion is prescribed for to bee or is described there and he shall plainely see that it is contrary to the universall Christian p Mat. 20.16 Rom. 16.19 Rom. 13.10 1 Thes 5.15 1 Cor. nature for any people not to beare such faith and such true allegiance unto their Soveraigne as is expressed in the oath of allegiance and expounded or delivered in the Booke intituled God and the King What it is to be defective in duty towards ones Soveraigne the Church hath also most divinely declared in the Homily an Exhortation cōcerning good order obedience to Rulers and Magistrates and amply in the Homily against disobedience and wilfull Rebellion the which deliverie of holy Church all persons should often read or heare read unto them CHAP. 71. Of submission to all Powers inferiour to the Kings Majesty IN the first part of the * T. 1. p. 69.70 Homily of obedience it is said Take away Kings Princes Rulers Magistrates Iudges and such estates of Gods order no man shall ride or goe by the high way unrobbed no man shall sleepe in his owne house or bed unkilled no man shall keepe his wife children and possession in quietnesse all things shall be common and there must needs follow all mischiefe and utter destruction both of soules bodies goods and Common wealths But blessed be God that we in this Realme of England feele not the horrible calamities miseries and wretchednesse which all they undoubtedly feele and suffer that lacke this godly order and praised be God that we know the great excellent benefit of God shewed towards us in this behalfe God hath sent us his high gift our most deare Soveraigne Lord king Charles with a godly wise and honourable Counsell with other superiours and inferiours in a beautifull order and godly Wherefore let us subjects doe our bounden duties giving hearty thankes to God and praying for the preservation of this godly order Let us all obey even from the bottome of our hearts all their godly proceedings Lawes Statutes Proclamations and Injunctions with all other godly orders Let us consider the Scriptures of the Holy Ghost which perswade and command us all obediently to be subject first and chiefly to the King Majestie Supreme Governour over all and the next to his Honourable Counsell and to all other Noblemen Magistrates and Officers which by Gods goodnesse be placed and ordered In the second part of the * T. 2. p. Homily of fasting but it is said Positive lawes made by Princes for conservation of their Policie not repugnant unto Gods Law ought of all Christian subjects with reverence of the Magistrate to bee obeyed not onely for feare of punishment but also as the Apostle saith for q Rom. 13.5 Conscience sake Conscience I say not of the thing which of it owne nature is indifferent but of our obedience which by the Law of God we owe unto the Magistrate as unto Gods minister That saying of the holy Ghost by Saint Peter confirmeth all Submit your selves to ever ordinance of man for the Lords sake whether it bee to the King as supreme or unto r 1 Pet.
31.12 13. Neh. 8.2 sermons and that they learne the d Heb. 5.12 13. Creed the Lords prayer and the ten Commandements in the English tongue and all other things which Christians ought to know and beleeve to their soules health In the Service of Matrimony it is signified That they are to be brought up in the feare and nurture of the Lord. And the * T. 2. p. 239. Homily of the state of Matrimony addeth also That they be brought up by the parents godly in the knowledge of Gods Word that thus the knowledge of God and true religion might be delivered by e Psal 78.4 5 6 7. succession from one to another that finally many might enjoy that everlasting immortality * T. 1. p. 88. In the third part of the Homily against Adultery it is said As man and wife are bound to f 1 Cor. 7.5 live together in all godlinesse and honesty so likewise is it their duty vertuously to bring up their children and provide that they fall not into g Ecclus. 7.23 24 25. Sathans snare nor into any uncleannesse but that they come pure and honest unto holy wedlocke when time requireth In the * T. 2. p. 253. Homily against Idlenesse it is said Let all parents and others which have the care and governance of youth so bring them up either in good learning labour or some honest h Tit. 3.14.25 in the margent occupation or trade whereby they may be able in time to come not only to sustaine themselves competently but also to releeve and i Ephe. 4.28 supply the necessity and want of others In the * T. 2. p. 103. Homily against Excesse of Apparell it is said God utterly condemneth and disalloweth whatsoever draweth us from our duty towards God or diminisheth our charity towards our neighbours and children whom we ought to love as our selves Saint Paul saith Ye fathers k Eph. 6.4 provoke not your children to wrath but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. And to the Colossians hee saith Fathers provoke not your children to anger lest they be l Col. 3.21 discouraged Parents are not to expect from m 1 Thes 2.7 1 Cor. 3.1 and 13.11 children and youths the gravity of men nor manly understanding That is to be desired which every age is capable of Whatsoever is upright naturall in children is not to be checked Children oftentimes being unnaturally used have beene so discouraged as that with griefe their spirits have bin so daunted as that either they have become ever after stupide and without the common understanding or else have had their hearts broken and have perished yea sometimes have beene so provoked as to depart from their parents or to destroy their owne selves Honest n Zechar. 8.5 recreations are not to bee denied unto youth but often to be granted at convenient times The Church requireth that every sonne and daughter so soone as they be able to learne be taught to say by heart readily all the Catechisme called the A. B. C. The Scripture saith o Prov. 22.6 Traine up a child in the way he should goe and when he is old he will not depart from it All parents if possibly they can ought to have their children taught to reade to write and to cast account and if it may be to understand the Latine Grammar because of such a measure of skill or of almost so much every housholder may have sometimes occasion Saint Paul also saith Parents ought to p 2 Cor. 12.14 lay up for their children And Solomon saith A good man leaveth his q Pro. 13.22 inheritance to his childrens children If any r 1 Tim. 5.8 provide not for his owne and especially for those of his owne house he hath denied the faith and is worse than an Infidell Of Childrens duty to their Parents Concerning the duty of children to their parents it is signified in the second part of the * T. 1. p. 35. Homily of good Workes where it is spoken against the Pharisies For that they taught the people such a devotion that they offred their goods into the treasure house of the Temple under the pretence of Gods honour leaving their fathers and mothers to whom they were chiefly bound Å¿ Mat. 5.12 13. Ecclus. 3.12 14 15 16. 1 Tim. 5.4 unholpen and so they brake the Commandements of God to keepe their owne traditions In the first part of the * T. 2. p. 125. Homily concerning the place and time of prayer it is said Good naturall children will not onely become obedient to the commandement of their parents but also have a diligent eye to their doings and gladly follow the same The Apostle saith to the Colossians t Col. 3.20 Children obey your parents in all things for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. To the Ephesians he saith Children obey your parents in the u Eph. 6.1 2 3. Lord for this is right So long as parents require nothing contrary to Gods Word they are in every thing to be obeyed That counsell in Ecclesiasticus is ever memorable The Lord hath given the w Ecclus. 3.2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 father honour over the children and hath confirmed the authority of the mother over the sonnes Who so honoreth his father maketh at onement for his sinnes And he that honoreth his mother is as one that layeth up treasure Whoso honoureth his father shall have joy of his owne children and when he maketh his prayer he shall be heard He that honoreth his father shall have a long life and he that is obedient unto the Lord shall be a comfort to his mother He that feareth the Lord will honour his father and will doe service unto his parents as to his masters Honour thy father and mother both in word and deed that a blessing may come upon thee from them For the blessing of the father establisheth the houses of children but the curse of the mother rooteth out foundations More counsailes hereto follow on in the same chapter very profitable to bee observed Of Masters and Dames duties to their Servants Concerning the duty of Masters and Dames to their servants it is said in the rubricke at the end of the Confirmation-Service That they shall cause their servants and prentices which haue not learned their Catechisme to come to the Church at the time appointed and obediently to heare and bee ordered by the Curate untill such time that they have learned all that is here appointed for them to learne In the third part of the * T. 1. p. 88. Homily against Adultery it is delivered That all Masters and Rulers ought to provide that no whoredome nor any point of uncleannesse bee used among their servants In the * T. 2. p. 254. Homily against Idlenesse it is said God of his mercy put it into the hearts and minds of all them that have