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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08610 The monument of matrones conteining seuen seuerall lamps of virginitie, or distinct treatises; whereof the first fiue concerne praier and meditation: the other two last, precepts and examples, as the woorthie works partlie of men, partlie of women; compiled for the necessarie vse of both sexes out of the sacred Scriptures, and other approoued authors, by Thomas Bentley of Graies Inne student.; Monument of matrones. Part 1-4. Bentley, Thomas, student of Gray's Inn.; Abergavenny, Frances Nevill, Lady, d. 1576.; Marguerite, Queen, consort of Henry II, King of Navarre, 1492-1549. Miroir de l'âme pécheresse. English & French.; Catharine Parr, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1512-1548. Lamentacion of a sinner.; Tyrwhit, Elizabeth, Morning and evening prayers.; Catharine Parr, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1512-1548. Prayers or meditacions. 1582 (1582) STC 1892; ESTC S101562 669,543 1,114

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counted as sheepe appointed to bee slaine neuerthelesse in all these things wee ouercome through him that loueth vs. For I am sure that neither death nor life neither Angels nor rule neither power neither things present neither things to come neither quantitie or qualitie neither anie creature shall bee able to depart vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesu our Lord. They are not by this godlie faith presumptuouslie inflamed nor by the same become they loose idle or slowe in dooing of godlie works as carnall men dreme of them so much the more feruent they be in dooing most holie and pure works which God hath commanded them to walke in They wander not in mens traditions and inuentions leauing the most holie and pure precepts of God vndone which they knowe they be bound to obserue and keepe Also they worke not like hirelings for meede wages or reward but as louing children without respect of lucre gaine or hire They be in such libertie of spirit and ioie so much in God that their inward consolation can not be expressed with tongue All feare of damnation is gone from them for they haue put their whole hope of saluation in his hands which will and can performe it neither haue they anie post or piller to leane to but God and his smooth and vnwrinkled Church For he is to them all in all things and to him they leane as a most sure square piller in prosperitie and aduersitie nothing doubting of his promises and couenants For they beleeue most surelie they shall be fulfilled Also the children of God be not curious in searching the high mysteries of God which be not meet for them to knowe neither doo go about with humane and carnall reasons to interpret Scripture persuading men by their subtile wits and carnall doctrine that much knowledge of Scripture maketh men heretikes without they temper it with humane doctrine Sophistrie Philosophie and Logicke wherewith to bee seduced according to the traditions of men after the ordinances of the world and not after Christ S. Paul doth most diligentlie admonish vs which arts are not conuenient meet to be made checkmate with Scripture For the Scriptures be so pure and holie that no perfection can be added vnto them For euen as fine gold doth excell all other mettals so doth the word of God all mens doctrines I beseech the Lord to send the learned and vnlearned such abundance of his holie spirit that they may obeie and obserue the most sincere and holie word of God and shew the fruits thereof which consisteth chieflie in charitie and godlie vnitie that as we haue professed one God one faith and one baptisme so we may be all of one mind and one accord putting awaie all biting and gnawing For in backbiting slandering and mis-reporting our Christian brethren we shew not our selues the Disciples of Christ whom we professe In him was most high charitie humilitie and patience suffering most patientlie all ignominie rebukes and slanders praieng to his eternall father for his enimies with most perfect charitie and in all things did remit his will to his fathers as the Scripture doth witnesse when he praied in the Mount A godlie example and lesson for vs to followe at all times and seasons as well in prosperitie as in aduersitie to haue no will but Gods will committing and leauing to him all our cares and greefes and to abandon all our policies and inuentions For they be most vaine and foolish and indeed verie shadowes and dreames But we be yet so carnall and fleshlie that we run headlong like vnbrideled colts without snaffle or bridle If we had the loue of God printed in our harts it would keepe vs backe from running astraie And vntill such time as it please God to send vs this bit to hold vs in we shall neuer run the right waie although wee speake and talke neuer so much of God and his word The true followers of Christs doctrine haue alwaies a respect and an eie to their vocation If they be called to the ministerie of Gods word they preach and teach it sincerelie to the edifieng of others and shew themselues in their liuing followers of the same If they be maried men hauing children and familie they nourish and bring them vp without all bitternesse and fiercenesse in the doctrine of the Lord in all godlinesse and vertue committing the instruction of others which apperteine not to their charge to the reformation of God and his ministers which chieflie be Kings and Princes bearing the sword euen for that purpose to punish euill dooers If they be children they honour their father and mother knowing it to be Gods commandement and that he hath thereto annexed a promise of long life If they be seruants they obeie and serue their maisters with all feare and reuerence euen for the Lords sake neither with murmuring nor grudging but with a free hart and mind If they be husbands they loue their wiues as their owne bodies after the example as Christ loued the congregation and gaue himselfe for it to make it to him a spouse without spot or wrinkle If they be women maried they learne of S. Paule to be obedient to their husbands and to keepe silence in the congregation and to learne of their husbands at home Also they weare such apparell as becommeth holinesse comlie vsage with sobernesse not being accusers or detractors not giuen to much eating of delicate meats and drinking of wine but they teach honest things to make the yong women sober minded to loue their husbands to loue their children to be discreet chaste houswifelie good and obedient vnto their husbands that the word of God be not euill spoken of Uerelie if all sorts of people would looke to their owne vocation and ordeine the same according to Christs doctrine we should not haue so many eies and eares to other mens faults as we haue For we be so busie and glad to find and espie out other mens dooings that we forget and can haue no time to weigh ponder our owne which after the word of God we ought first to reforme and then we shall the better helpe an other with the straw out of his eies But alas we be so much giuen to loue and to flatter our selues and so blinded with carnall affections that we can see and perceiue no fault in our selues And therfore it is a thing verie requisite and necessarie for vs to praie all with one hart and mind to God to giue vs an heauenlie light and knowledge of our owne miseries and calamities that we may see them and acknowledge them trulie before him The twelfe Chapter The conclusion with a Christian exhortation to the amendement of life IF anie man shall be offended at this my lamenting the faults of men which be in the world fantasing with themselues that I doo it either of hatred or of malice to anie sort or kind of people verelie in so dooing they shall doo me
when thou openest thy hand they are satisfied with good things O Lord in whom consisteth the fulnesse of all good things vouchsafe to extend thy blessing vpon vs thy poore seruants sanctifie vnto vs thy gifts which we receiue of thy liberalitie that we may vse them soberlie and purelie according to thy good will and by this meanes to knowledge thee to be the Father and author of all goodnesse still seeking principallie the spirituall bread of thy word whereby our soules may bee nourished eternallie through Iesus Christ thy sonne our Lord So be it Matthew 4. verse 4. MAn liueth not by bread onlie but by euerie word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God Grace after meate LEt all nations praise the Lord let all people sing praise vnto him For his mercie is multiplied vpon vs and his truth endureth for euer We render thanks vnto thee O Lord God for all the benefits that we receiue continuallie at thy hand for that it pleaseth thee to sustaine vs in this corporall life ministring vnto vs all our necessities and speciallie for that it hath pleased thee to regenerate vs into the hope of a better life which thou hast reuealed vnto vs by thy holie Gospell We beseech thee not to suffer our affections to be here rooted in these corruptible things but that we alwaies haue an higher respect waiting for our Lord Iesus Christ vntill he appeere in our redemption So be it A praier to be said before sleepe Exhortation LEt vs all fall downe humbling our selues before the high and soeuereigne Maiestie of our good God and Father acknowledging vs to be as we are namelie poore and miserable sinners praieng hartilie vnto him as followeth O Lord God Father eternall we beseech thee that it will please thee to cast the eie of thy fatherlie mercie vpon vs thy poore seruants not laieng to our charge so manie faults and offences whereby we are worthie to be brought vnto thy iudgement and whereby wee cease not to prouoke thy wrath against vs. And forasmuch as we are too vnwoorthie to appeare before thy holie Maiestie vouchsafe to receiue vs in the name of thy welbeloued sonne our Lord Iesus Christ accepting the merits of his death and passion for a recompense of all our faults regarding rather the obedience which he hath rendred vnto thee and not the manifold faults that we dailie commit against thy Maiestie O Lord God seeing it hath pleased thee to create the night for mans rest so as thou hast ordeined him the daie to trauell grant vs grace so to take our bodilie rest this night that our soules may alwaie watch vnto thee that our harts be lift vp in thy loue and that we so renounce all earthlie cares that we succour our selues according as our infirmitie requireth Let vs neuer forget thee but let the remembrance of thy goodnesse and grace continue alwaie printed in our memorie and by this meanes our consciences also shall haue their spirituall rest as our bodies take theirs Furthermore let not our sleepe be excessiue to accomplish the ease of our flesh beyond measure but onelie to satisfie the frailtie of our nature that we may be disposed to serue thee Moreouer let it please thee to preserue vs vnderfiled both in our bodies and in our spirits and to keepe vs against all dangers that our verie sleepe may be to the glorie of thy name And seeing the daie is not so passed but that we haue offended thee manie waies according as we are poore sinners so that all is now hid through the darknesse that thou sendest vpon earth vouchsafe also to burie all our faults through thy mercie least we thereby bee taken from thy presence Let it please thee also O Lord God to illuminate vs by thy holie spirit in the true vnderstanding of thy holie will and bring to passe also that we may yeeld vnto thee the loue and feare that true and faithfull seruants doo owe vnto their masters and children vnto their parents seeing it hath pleased thee to shew vs such grace as to receiue vs into the number of thy seruants and children Amen The praier of the Church of the faithfull to speake the word of God with all boldnesse Acts 4. verse 24 c. O Lord thou hast made the heauen the earth the sea all things that be in them Which through thine holie spirit hast said by the mouth of Dauid thy seruāt Wherfore haue the nations raged the people haue imagined vaine thoughts The kings of the earth haue assembled and the princes are come togither against the Lord and against his Christ For trulie Herod and Pontius Pilate with the Gentils and the people of Israel haue gathered themselues together in this citie against the holie child Iesus whom thou hast annointed to doo those things which thy hand and thy counsell hath determined to be done And now Lord behold their threatnings giue vnto thy seruants that they may speake thy word with all boldnesse so that thou stretch foorth thine hand that healing signes and woonders be done by the name of thy holie child Iesus Amen ¶ The maner how to examine such yong persons as be willing to receiue the Supper of our Lord Iesus Christ Mother IN whome beleeue you Child In God the Father and in Iesus Christ and in the holie Ghost Mother The Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost are they more than one God C No. M Must God be serued after his owne commandements or after the traditions of men C He must be serued according to his owne commandements and not according to the commandements of men M May you accomplish Gods commandements of your selfe C No. M Who is it then that accomplisheth them in you C The holie spirit M And when God giueth you his holie spirit can you perfectlie accomplish them C No. M And yet notwithstāding God cursseth reiecteth all such as do not sincerelie fulfill his cōmandements C It is true M By what meanes then shall you be saued and deliuered from the cursse of God C By the death passion of our Lord Iesus Christ M How is that C Because that by his death he hath restored life vnto vs and reconciled vs vnto God his father M And whome praie you vnto C To God M In whose name praie you C In the name of our Lord Iesus Christ who is our aduocate and intercessor M How manie Sacraments are in the Christian Church C Two M Which be they C Baptisme and the Lords Supper M What is the signification of Baptisme C It hath two parts For our Sauiour doth therein represent vnto vs the remission of our sinnes then our regeneration or spirituall renouation M And the Supper what signifieth it vnto vs C It signifieth vnto vs that by the communion of the bodie and bloud of our Lord Iesus Christ our soules are nourished in hope of the life euerlasting M What is it that the bread and wine which
we be tied and bound with the chaine of our sinnes yet let the pitifulnesse of thy great mercie loose vs for the honour of Iesus Christes sake our onlie mediator and aduocate Amen The end of the Letanie Praiers to be vsed before and after the first and second lessons the Gospell and Pistle and before and after the Sermon or Homilie Before the first or second lesson praie BLessed Lord which hast caused all holie Scriptures both in the old and new Testaments to be written and red for our learning grant vs that we may now in such sort heare them reade them marke learne and inwardlie digest them that by patience and comfort of thy holie word we may embrace and euer hold fast the blessed hope of euerlasting life which thou hast giuen vs in our Sauiour Iesus Christ Amen After the first or second lesson praie GRatious God and most mercifull father which hast vouchsafed vs the rich and pretious iewell of thy holie word assist vs with thy spirit that it may be written in our harts to our euerlasting comfort to reforme vs to renew vs according to thine owne image to build vs vp and edifie vs into the perfect building of thy Christ sanctifieng and increasing in vs all heauenlie vertues Grant this O heauenlie father for Iesu Christs sake Amen Or thus THanks be vnto thee O our celestiall father through Christ our Redeemer that thou hast so cleerelie by thy Patriarchs Prophets and Apostls reuealed vnto vs these so secret mysteries of our saluation in Christ for whose sake also we beseech thee to giue vs the verie feare and faith in thee that we constantlie beleeuing thy truth and following that thou commandest vs in thy word may by no meanes hinder thy glorie or the course of thy word by our lewd conuersation but in all obedience helpe to amplifie and increase thy kingdome to the perpetuall praise of thy name through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Before the reading of the Epistle or Gospell praie ALmightie God and most mercifull Father who by thy holie spirit in thy seruants the Apostles and the Euangelists hast left vnto vs the storie of the doctrine and deedes of our Sauiour Christ that thereby as he is in deede so we might beleeue him to be thy Sonne and the Sauiour of the world put our trust in thee through him that so beleeuing we might attaine to euerlasting life grant vs we beseech thee the same most holie spirit to open our harts and lighten our minds that by the reading and hearing of the same our faith in thee through him may continuallie be strengthened till we attaine to the end thereof euen the saluation of our soules through Iesus Christ our Lord and Sauiour Amen After the reading of the Epistle or Gospell WE giue thee thanks most mercifull Father for that it hath pleased thee in great mercie towards vs to cause the holie writings and traditions of the Apostles and Euangelists to come to this our time place and eares that thou hast vouchsafed also to open reueale thy holie will vnto them to approue thy sonne so manifestlie to the world and to confirme vnto vs by them the truth of thy Gospell that in the mouth of so manie faithfull witnesses we might haue more full assurance in thy mercifull promises Helpe vs O good Father we beseech thee that by thy grace we may doo in deede that which we now by them doo vnderstand And least heerein we be through thy iustice more greeuouslie condemned and punished if that we neglect to doo thy will which through thy grace thou hast reuealed graunt vs the fruit of this thy care towards vs in the strength of faith that hauing read and heard so notable things in this his holie storie and acts and writings of the holie Apostles recorded and left vnto vs by so true and most faithfull witnesses appointed and ordeined therevnto by thee we may now by the effectuall working of thy holie spirit receiue and acknowledge him for thine onlie sonne and our onlie sauiour to the saluation of our soules and the glorious praise of thy name and so being lead from one witnesse to another we may according to thy holie word go from faith to faith till we atteine to the euerlasting life which thou hast prepared for vs in thy sonne to whome with thee O Father and the holie Ghost be all honor glorie and praise both now and for euer Amen Before the Sermon or Homilie read some of these sentences of Scripture exhorting to the attentiue hearing of the word Deuteronomie 18. THE Lord said to Moses I will raise them vp a Prophet from among their breethren like vnto thee and will put my words in his mouth and he shall speake vnto them all that I shall command him vnto him shall yee harken And whosoeuer will not harken vnto my words which he shall speake in my name I will require it of him Psalme 119. GReat is the peace they haue which loue thy lawe and they are not offended at it Prouerbs 8. BLessed is that man or woman that heareth me watching dailie at my gates and giuing attendance at the posts of my doores For he that findeth me findeth life and shall obteine fauour of the Lord but he that sinneth against me hurteth his owne soule and all that hate me loue death Prouerbs 28. HE that turneth awaie his eare from hearing the lawe euen his praiers shall be abhominable VVisdome 3. WHo so despiseth wisdome discipline is miserable and their hope is vaine and their labours are foolish and their works vnprofitable and their wiues are vndiscreet their children wicked and their of-spring is accursed Ecclesiasticus 5. BE humble to heare the word of God that thou maist vnderstand it and make a true answere with wisdome Be swift to heare good things and followe the word of peace and righteousnesse Luke 11. THE Queene of the South shall rise in iudgement with the men and women of this generation and shall condemne them For she came from the vttermost parts of the earth to heare the wisdome of Salomon and behold saith Christ of himselfe a greater than Salomon is heere speaking vnto you Iohn 8. HE that is of God heareth Gods word Yee therefore heare them not because ye are not of God Reuelation 2. LET him that hath an eare heare what the spirit saith to the Churches or congregation c. A praier for the heedfull hearing of Gods word FOR as much O most mercifull God as faith without the which it is impossible to please thee in anie thing we doo commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of God in so much as he or she that turneth awaie his eare frō hearing the lawe euen his praier shall be abhominable and turned into sinne yea bicause also it is a farre more blessed thing to heare and keepe thy word than to haue had the honour to haue borne or nursed thine owne sonne grant vs grace therefore I