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A04619 A commentary vpon the Epistles of Saint Paul to Philemon, and to the Hebrewes together with a compendious explication of the second and third Epistles of Saint Iohn. By VVilliam Iones of East Bergholt in Suffolke, Dr. in Divinity, and sometimes one of the fellowes of the foundation of Emmanuel Colledge in Cambridge. Jones, William, 1561-1636. 1635 (1635) STC 14739.5; ESTC S112377 707,566 758

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Adam had a Cain Noah had a Cham Abraham had an Ishmael Isaac had an Esau. This collection doe some make but this is not necessarie he might finde them all good in externall carriage and behaviour he goes no further but how did he finde them not sitting still but walking in what not in falshood but in truth that is in the truth of the Gospell embraced professed honoured by them in framing their lives too according to the truth This doth argue the great care of this worthy Lady in the vertuous education of her children which is to bee imitated by all fathers and mothers If wee have a peece of ground we will bestow cost and paines in the manuring tilling and sowing of it If we have a young horse we will be at charge to bring him to a good pace and shall we neglect our children Children are the inheritance of the Lord and the fruite of the wombe is his reward and shall wee reward the giver so unkindly as not to give them education Which consisteth in three things religion learning manners and behaviour touching the former David and Bathsheba joyning together in seasoning the tender yeares of Salomon with the sweete liquor of celestiall pietie by the meanes of Hannah Samuel came presently à mamma corporali ad mammam spiritualem from the corporall to the spirituall dugge Eunice taught Timothy the holy Scripture from his child-hood Hierom would have Laeta to teach her daughter Paula the Canonicall Scriptures beginning with the Psalmes and ending with the Canticles the Psalmes as the easiest and sweetest the Canticles as the hardest To this end chatechizing is very requisite Clemens Alexandrinus was a chatechist Theophilus was Catechized David chatechiseth children There is a forme of catechizing and some principalls of religion specified and that hath the appellation of milke which is fit for children There were catechumenoy in the primitive Church which must say their Catechisme before they were admitted into the Church The Church of England hath a compendious and faithfull catechisme in the booke of Common Prayer which if it were diligently taught and effectually learned both young old should be better acquainted with the principles of religion and being wisely done would be more profitable than preaching without chatechizing for want whereof many that runne to Sermons have beene found to be very ignorant of the maine principles of religion For education in learning Pharaohs daughter trained up her adopted sonne in all the learning of the Aegyptians Aristippus that famous Philosopher was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 taught by his mother the eloquent tongue of Cornelia was a great meanes of the eloquence of the Gracchi her two sons Hortensius his eloquence grew up inter paternos sinus in the bosome of his father and mother If we cannot nor have leysure to learne them our selves let us put them forth to learning provide fit teachers for them Iehonathan and Iehiel men of understanding were with the Kings Sonnes 1 Paral. 27.32 Iehoiadah taught King Ioash Saint Paul had Gamaleel to his Tutour a Doctor of the Law Philip procured two School-masters for his sonne Alexander Aristotle for his teacher Leonides for his directer and informer Constantine he procured three severall Tutors for his three severall sonnes one for Divinitie the other for the Civill Law the third for military discipline Concerning manners and behaviour we must bring up our children 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in instruction and information that may formare mores frame their manners and put a good minde into them as the word importeth When Diogenes looked upon an unmannerly boy that eate his meate rudely he gave his master a box of the eare because the fault was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not in the Scholler but in the master Gregorie writes of a man well knowne but names him not who had a sonne to whom hee was too indulgent when any thing crossed him he was wont to curse and blaspheme his father never corrected him for it It fell out that he dyed blaspheming in his fathers armes and the Devill was seene to carry him away we are to have a diligent circumspection over the behaviour of our children when they bee young to keepe them from swearing lying pilfering and other vices least they grow up with them when they be old they be flexible in their young yeares proove inflexible afterwards While the waxe is soft ye may set a good impression on it as well as a bad the print of a Dove as well as of a vulture when it is hard ye cannot ye may safely bend a young plant so can yee not an old tree let us have a care of them while they be young least they and we repent afterwards when it is too late Naboth would not give the inheritance of his fathers to Achab children are inheritances given us of God and shall we through our negligence give them to the Devill let us treade in the steps of this renowned Lady give our children the best education we can every kinde of way We have had the greatnesse of his joy together with the object of it then comes the rule for the squaring of their walking wherein he rejoyced Not according to our owne braines or after the traditions of men but as we have received a Commandement from the Father in holy Scriptures This is his Commandement that we beleeve in his Sonne Iesus Christ and love one another Thy word is a light to my feet and a Lanthorne to my steps this is the light after which wee must walke God hath ordeined good workes that we should walke in them Let your light so shine before men that seeing your good workes they may glorifie your father which is in heaven walke as children of the light It is not a Councell which we may follow if we will it is a Commandement that must be obeyed not from a master but from a father and all children must obey their fathers Cammandement VERSE 5. THe other branch of the matter of the Epistle is an exhortatiō or an admonition where 1. he doth exhort to love in special 2 to constancie in the truth in generall v. 6. in the exhortation 1 there is the manner how it is introduced 2. the delivery of it being introduced It is introduced after a most kinde and lovely manner as Saint Paul had authority to command Philemon so Saint Iohn had authoritie to command the Lady yet they doe both rather beseech we might come with a rod yet we had rather come in love and in the spirit of meekenesse as Ambassadors for Christ as though God did beseech you through us we pray you in Christs steed that ye be reconciled to God if we can prevaile any way with you wee are glad Having made a way for it hee delivers it where 1 there is a commendation of the vertue whereunto he doth exhort 2. a nomination of it
of sores at his gate ever under one Crosse or another If there were no resurrection where this should be righted that sentence of the Psalmist might bee inverted verely there is no reward for the righteous verily there is no God that judgeth in the earth The third pillar is the Solemne funeralls that be in all nations All which are so many glasses wherein wee may behold the resurrection When we goe to a buryall we goe to a sowing the seede that is sowen lies covered in the earth all winter in the spring it shoots up againe and a goodly harvest ariseth of it So the body is sowne in corruption it rises in incorruption more beautifull then ever it was before The fourth pillar is that which Saint Paul urgeth to Christians 1 Cor. 15.12 Christ is risen therefore we shall ryse As Ionas was three dayes and three nights in the Whales belly So Christ was three dayes and three nights in the heart of the earth on Thursday he kept his Maundy he eate the Passeover and supper with his Disciples on good Friday he suffered and was crucified all Saturday being the Iewes Sabbath he lay in the earth on Sunday morning the first day of the weeke the Lords day the Lord Iesus rose triumphantly from the dead and this is the day of his resurrection on this day hee rose victoriously from the dead This is the day that the Lord hath made let us rejoyce and hee glad in it for Christs resurrection is a pledge of ours The first fruits are in heaven therefore the second fruits shall be there the head is in heaven therefore the members shall be there The Husband is in heaven therefore the Wife shall bee in heaven also we shall mee●e him with joy in the clouds and be translated with him into the kingdome of glory and abide with him for ever After the resurrection comes judgement it is appointed to men once to dye and then commeth the judgement Death were nothing if there were no judgement The Assi●es were nothing if there were nothing if there were no Gallowes no execution but as we must arise so wee must all appeare before the judgement seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body according to that hee hath done whether it be good or bad Let us all thinke seriously of this eternall judgement It is called eternall judgement 1. Because it is of things eternall eternall life or eternall death 2. Because the sentence of that judgment is eternall the force and power thereof remaines ever both to the elect and reprobate they all goe eternally to the place appointed by the Iudge 3. Because the Iudge is eternall 4. Because the persons judged are eternall Some are to enjoy eternall happines some to suffer eternall punishment The judgement it selfe is not eternall that lasteth not ever but the fruit and event of it is eternall Oh that the cogitation of this judgement were deeply fixed in the harts of us all A great number even in the lap of the Church laugh at it in the closet of their hearts the Preachers talke much of a generall judgement that shall be after this life but if God let us alone till that day we shall doe well enough GOD grant we may escape the judgements here a flie for that judgement Yet Felix himselfe trembled at 〈◊〉 when Saint Paul spake of righteousnesse and the judgement to come though he were a judge himselfe he quaked at it Let us all feare this eternall judgement after an holy and religious manner and tremble at it In these judgements we may have Lawyers to plead for us then none shall be for us all against us especially our owne consciences as a thousand Lawyers and witnesses if our sinnes are not washed away in the bloud of CHRIST Therefore let us judge our selves here that wee bee not judged by the Lord hereafter let us bewaile our sinnes here that wee come not into the place where is weeping wayling and gnashing of teeth for ever Let us remember this eternall judgement that it may bee as a bridle to restraine us from sinne That godly Father St. Hierome professed of himselfe whether he did eat or drinke or whatsoever he did this trumpet rang alwayes in his eares surgite mortui venite adjudicium When wee goe to bed in the evening when wee arise in the morning when we are about the affaires of our calling when Satan provokes us to stealing lying coofening purloyning c. Let us remember this eternall judgement let us call our selves to an account for our sins in this world repent seriously of them let us cast away our sins not as we do our coates when we goe to bed and put them on againe in the morning but throw them away and have no fellowship with these unfruitfull workes of darknesse then wee shall have fellowship with Christ both in this life and in the life to come then we shall not need to feare this eternall judgement The Iudge is our SAVIOUR our elder brother our head our husband to whom we are married therefore we may lift up our heads at that day because our redemption is at hand we may rejoyce at his comming for we shal sit on the bench with him and judge the world and reigne with him for ever The Iesuits collect from hence that the Christians had a Catechisme delivered to them by tradition which they learned before they were acquainted with the Scriptures If every one should pick his faith out of the Scripture there would be madd rule Indeed if they had such heads as the Papists have that are bold to call the Scripture a nose of Wax But to answer 1. These Hebrewes to whom St. Paul writeth were exercised in the Scripture for Rom. 3.2 Vnto them were committed the oracles of God 2. Here is nothing in this Catechisme but is derived out of the Scripture 3. How shall men picke their faith out of the Pater-noster Ave-Mary c. being in an unknowne tongue Here wee have a short Catechisme consonant to the Scripture that was used in the Primitive Church Such as is at this day the Lords prayer the ten Commandements and the Articles of our beliefe These be profitable points but we that professe the Gospell must not always be in these they are to be propounded continually in the Church unto Children to them that bee rude and ignorant but Christians must not dwell in these wee must bee carryed to perfection till wee come to a ripe age in CHRIST IESUS wee must be able to answer all Heretickes and gaine-sayers and to defend the sacred truth of Christ his Gospell against them all VERSE 3. LEst hee should seeme to have presumed upon his owne strength when he said let us be lead forward to perfection here he referreth all to God that must be the leader of us all hee must give us feet to walke to perfection by Wee both we that are to teach and you
writing by his Apostles The Testatour is Christ the thing bequeathed is an inheritance the legataries are the faithfull the witnesses to it are his Apostles Act. 1.8 The seales are the Sacraments the exequutor is the HOLY GHOST Ioh. 14.16 which is CHRIST 's Vicar on the earth a faithfull exequutor that will give us our legacies to the full and deprive us of nothing Our SAVIOUR is dead therefore his Testament is of force Object If CHRIST 's Testament was of no force till his death then how could they in the time of the Law have remission of sinnes and eternall life Sol. In seeing the day of Christ by the eye of faith as Abraham did it was not in force complemento till Christ dyed acceptatione it was This eternall inheritance could not have come to us without the death of our Saviour Christ. If hee had not dyed wee could never have had possession of this inheritance therefore how are wee to love the Lord Iesus that hath ratified this inheritance to us by his bloud Let the consideration of the death of Christ worke a death to sinne in us all that as he hath dyed for us to procure this inheritance so we may dye to sin daily more and more Seeing the Testatour is dead we may assure our selves of this inheritance bequeathed to us by his will It is a rule in Law debts must be payd before legacies and oft-times under the colour of paying debts the legataries goe long without their legacies It cannot be so here our Saviour Christ left no debts to pay he ought nothing he departed cleere with all men therefore we may be sure of our legacie All the devils in the world cannot keepe us from it VERSE 18. DEdicated to God by certaine Solemne rites and ceremonies Hinc 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the feast of dedication Ioh. 10.22 Much lesse should the latter bee ordained without bloud VERSE 19. TO the Law as God required Exod. 24.8 Every precept being spoken by Moses Some thinke that all the people are said to be sprinkled because the twelve pillars representing the twelve tribes of Israel were sprinckled Others thinke that some few of the elders were sprinckled instead of all the rest Or all may be put for a great part In a manner all of them were sprinckled VERSE 20. YEt it was the bloud of heifers or of Goates but it is called the bloud of the testament because by it was signified Christ his bloud which is the maker of the Testament to this did our Saviour allude Matth. 26.28 this is the bloud of the New Testament which was shed for you Beza translates it that God hath commanded to you as if it were 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but rather expound it which God hath commanded subaudi to be carryed to you The bloud of Calves and goates sprinckled on the people in the time of the Law was a figure of Christ's bloud sprinckled on our consciences Object Here wee may learne say the Rhemists that the Scripture containes not all necessary truths when neither the place to the which the Apostle alludeth nor any other doth mention halfe these ceremonies but he had them by tradition Sol. I but all these are contained in the Scripture The booke was sprinckled on the Altar or at least with the respersion that was cast on the people For the purple wooll and hysop Levit. 14.51 there is the water too Ribera sayes all these are necessarily collected for there could be no sprinckling without them Vnder the peace offerings Exod. 24.5 are comprehended Goates appointed to peace offerings as wee may see Levit. 3.12 The meaning of these words is nothing else but this is a significant token of the bloud of the New Testament that is to bee shed for your sins This bloud sprinckled on the people was a significant type and figure of the bloud of our Saviour Christ whereby the New Testament is confirmed to us That was the bloud of Goates and Heifers this of Christ the immaculate Lamb of God 2. Moses was the sprinckler of that bloud the Holy Ghost is the sprinckler of this 3. That was sprinckled on the face or garments of the people this on our hearts and consciences 4. The aspertorium the sprinckling sticke there was made of purple wooll and hysop the aspertorium here is faith With that doth the Spirit or God sprinckle on us the bloud of Christ. 5. That sprinckling did but sanctifie the outward man this the hid man of the heart 6. The force and power of that sprinckling lasted but a while the efficacy of this sprinckling continueth for ever Therefore let us all be desirous of this sprinckling As the Woman of Samaria said Lord give me of that water So let us say LORD sprinckle us with the bloud of CHRIST continually It is a comfortable thing for a man to bee sprinckled with sweet water it is a sweet smell and refreshes him but nothing so sweete as the bloud of CHRIST sprinckled on our soules and consciences by faith Let us desire the Lord to sprinckle this bloud on us dayly more and more that being washed with it wee may bee made fitt for the Holy Hierusalem and remaine with Christ for ever and ever Hebrewes 9.21 NOw followes an application of the rites and ceremonies belonging to the Tabernacle 1. A narration of them Verse 21.22 2. An accommodation of them The rites are two 1. The rite of consecration or sanctification Lev. 16.14 16. 8 15 18. 2. The rite of purification some by fire some by water Num. 31.23 In all things are comprehended also all persons An accommodation is made of these rites by the way of an antithesis or opposition whereof there be foure members 1. An application of the things Verse 23. 2. Of the place Verse 24. 3. Of the actions Verse 25.26 4. Of the use Verse 27.28 The things are applyed by way of opposition It was necessary that the types of heavenly things should be purified with such externall things for the purification of the flesh or outward man But c. The sacrifice of Christ is termed sacrifices in the plurall number and yet is but one because the fruit and efficacy of it is derived unto many So the wisedome of Christ is set forth by seven eyes his power by seven hornes Apoc. 5.6 The Holy Ghost being but one spirit it is called seven spirits Apoc. 1.4 The place is applyed by way of opposition 1. In respect of the nature that was made with hands this without 2. Of the use or end there the High-Priest did appeare before the Arke and Mercy-seate which were figures of Gods presence here our High-Priest appeares before GOD immediately without figures for us The third is an application of the action or service the dissimilitude whereof consisteth in three things 1. There the High-Priest went often into the holy place here our High-Priest went into heaven but once 2. He went with other bloud ours