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A86096 Doctor Hill's funeral-sermon. Or a nevv-yeers-gift to all the clergie. Daynus, the reviving feet fo the witnesses past and to come, to shew the day and yeer of the Lord, and his time accepted. Hesselwood, Henry. 1655 (1655) Wing H1134; Thomason E821_19; ESTC R207661 62,538 65

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God hath writ it Christ never pen'd down the mystery he is the final end of perfection The promise was made in him 400 yeers before the local Scripture the promise was before the Law and righteousness came by faith and not by local Scriptures Christ opened the seals in order He is the word from the beginning John 1. The word was at the beginning before the traditions of men were written and shall stand till fulness come which shall then be failable perfection shall put an end to imperfection when mans writing is done away the Son of God is that wisdom from the decree of God to make out his full work and shall stand when all mens Scriptures shall be failable David cryes out in the 19 Psalm saying Who knows the errors of his life so that men and Prophets may be unstable in their judgement All Scriptures were written by the permission of God and men declared of things a far off and could not fully speak of things to come but as they spake in part Heaven and earth shall pass away but not one tittle of Gods word which was his ancient decree from the beginning before men writ the Scriptures his decrees were and his councel shall stand he spake the word and it was done if Scriptures could be the word of God then common Christians might write by inspiration and call it the word of God which that they cannot do for it is but mens declaration yet the Priests say They preach the word of God though they deceive the poor people with the letter men may be very plyant and prophetical as the Prophets were and write many sweet truths yet the decree of God shall stand when written words are failable though they write after their judgements they shall be failable being yet in the flesh for Christ is our sure word of prophesie far above Scripture to declare what the word is first it is God Secondly it is perfection Thirdly it is his councel and decree Fourthly it is spiritual light from above Fifthly it is a word of life that preacheth out from the mouth of God Therefore the written letter is not the word of God but put into them from a spiritual ingenuity or received of God by a spiritual power from above being writ by failable man that hath received in part of that full perfection Christ is the full end of all mystery he preacheth upon the mount hear him with a laudable voice he inwardly teacheth his wisdom is excellent past finding out mens writings and teachings are subject to change but the word of God is the same from the beginning not any thing of God shall fail Mount Sion shall ever stand stable and firm the Lord is unchangeable though mens teachings fail and Scriptures fail and Prophets fail and Priests fail and all outward forms and ceremonies fail though outward Sabbaths fail yet the two witnesses shall not fail the two anointed ones shall stand before the God of the whole earth if Christ and the Spirit dwell in us they shall teach us how to live in all truth though man in his ignorance lieth under the letter and liveth altogether by line and verse the Law being a Schoolmaster or Teacher to him yet when he is redeemed by the Spirit he walketh above the letter knowing himself free incorporated and brought within the precincts of the glorious liberty of the Son of God Christ is the sure word of prophesie far higher then the Scriptures which the Doctors call the word of God and is not but part of the truth but Christ shall endure when all mens writings be as low as Doctor Hill's bones and shall be failable before the great manifestation of the light that shall appear when all shall bend at the Scepter his wisdom teacheth all truth men teach for envy some for pride and some for money and some teach other mens works and yet call it the word of God though they can declare nothing out of the gift but what they have received by learned phrases and much slight the word of the eternal Covenant by adoring the writing and preaching of men which are outward literal and not the word of God but Scriptures of men as Chronicles and Histories and shall be failable I do not deny the good as is in the Scriptures but I adhere to it so far as it answereth to the righteousness of God and so far we ought to walk plyant to the Scriptures as by the example of Christ his rule ought not to be compounded with other mens works but that his fame should be seen alone for by that means the Priests do preach mens praises more then the honor and authority of Christ Now in all your learning I desire you would learn to know Christ the sure word of prophesie which is God alone above the Scriptures and so the Scriptures are but mens traditions laid together chronicled up what good men had declared by history for a memorial or example for us that come after and not to look for spiritual life by the Scriptures for that is the free gift from above by his grace but to look on them for an exhoraation Christ saith In the Scriptures ye think to have eternal life yet he doth not say In them there is eternal life for he is life eternal and he hath done all things well Prophets and Priests and Men may write yet of themselves can establish no truth for Christ is the stable center of all he is Almedium that preacheth in the Mount he is our sure word of prophesie yet he writ no Scripture nor declared himself by letter yet many Scriptures have testified of him he was and is exemplary to all Therefore I would have all men live to the Lord above that which is written of men for what is written but shall be failable or what light can keep its full oriency before the Sun every borrowed light shall be failable I desire men would not hang so much upon the letter Christ Jesus is unfailable he is yesterday to day and for ever Let us set Christ above all literal Scriptures which shall contingently fail when he cometh in power he shall put an end to every work Christ is the prime reality of all true integrity he is the eternal word of life all things live by the decree of God finished in us his promise was above 400 yeers before any Scripture was writ given to Abraham by faith and not by Scripture in that we ought to know somthing above the letter which is the word of faith a sure prophesie it is not the word preached that can redeem us except we have personal holiness in us by a right knowing of God by inspiration otherwise it is unpossible to please God for men may hear Scripture preached and yet not be happilized and Priests may preach and yet cannot save souls Therefore ye high Priests lay down your authority God teacheth from above and will order his affairs above your
martyrs Come may the Church say Let us eat her up for God hath given her into our hands and Christ shall raign and shall put all authority under his feet IT shall be a peaceable Dominion when Christ shall raign over the Earth by a personal power of Saints that shall fully hold forth the Scepter He shall come to raign in power over the earth till all rule and authority is put under his feet Kings must throw down and stoop to his peaceable Dominion he shall make straight every crooked way his endless Priesthood shall teach when every mouth shall be stopped he giveth peace which the world cannot give he saith Walk in my way I will be your Sun and your light when every form and written declaration shall cease and be no more I would have all men live above the flesh by a heavenly procreation or inclination of doing good and that is perfection indeed for by doing well thou shalt have joy unspeakable which will be as a whole kingdom in thy soul I would have Gods people preach forth restoration and desire to see a full manifestation of things made out as the Lord alone to be all our teacher he is our Protector and not man his Priestly power shall be a peaceable Dominion when Monarchy is put down though Kings and Lord stands in his place and Protectors stand in his place yet who shall stand when he appeareth by a more brighter shining light when all shall be forced to give up their dignities stoop to his peaceable Dominion Isa 66. I will send them to declare my glory among the Gentiles shewing the great day of Jehovah when men shall finally throw down their high titles and then peaceable Dominions shall raign What Priest will plead for my name saith the Lord against them that set themselves so high as Lord and King and set themselves up by earthly enjoyments Therefore God hath raised my Spirit to plead against all the Priests and to lay open their folly that call themselves Seers in Israel and yet keep all things as they were ye have not yet preached the Gospel but denied the Son of God and the power of his resurrection for ye have given his glory to men Therefore as yet ye have not preached the Gospel nor laid your life down as yet for the truth You have declared the History of the Prophets and of Peter and Paul but we have had enough of it without you would preach them out of their Graves But which of you Priests will vindicate life for the eternal Gospel to set Christ upon his throne to say he is King alone and Lord alone and so deny outward honour and acknowledge nothing honourable but the Lord and that is true Gospel thou must tread down all for Christ thou shalt tread upon Scorpions and Serpents and they shall not hurt thee it is the words of our Saviour thou must tread upon Kings Lords and Princes and Nobles and Rulers if thou beest true for Christ he is the everlasting Gospel thou shalt cease from man whose breath is in his nostrils it is the Lord that preacheth peace keepeth all alive fear not man or any power of men formed against the Gospel it shall not prosper when he appeareth Kings must lay down Princes must lay down Protectors must lay down Lords must lay down Magistrates must lay down Priests must lay down thou must lay down and I must lay down the Stars and Constellations shall fail at his appearing the negative voice shall not stand for he will give power to his two witnesses to plead for all truth before a Judgement-seat of the Saints when this Government shall be taken away and changed at his bright appearing when all formed Gospels of men shall be changed to a new Sabbath when men shall be forced to lay down for the Gospel when they shall ascribe to him kingdom power and glory and that is the full end of preaching to set God upon his throne he is the everlasting Gospel of peace and I know no other Gospel but that he should rule above every man in dignity and honor And that Lord man should not pollute his holy name Ye high Doctors may Object saying What is the power of Christ you speak so much of I answer It is the power of God that shall silence the great mens spirits when it shall apear it shall take away their sting as from King and Lord and Bishop that have formerly persecuted the Saints Christ saith All power is given me in heaven and earth and God saith Vengeance is mine I wonder how men dare do as they have formerly done to put an end to some of Gods chosen people by taking away life and free-creation and by silencing some others in prison which is a type of hell and dare not kill them lest heaven and earth should cry out against them as that it hath done long since Ye Ministers go with your hands full of blood by flattering men in their blood-thirsty-way by sowing pillows and cushions under their elbows very loth to tell them the truth from God saying Why do you take away life and free-creation from the creatures of God seeing life and death is in the hands of the Lord then what hath man to do to take away life from any of the creatures of God it is an intolerable thing which of you Priests will ingage for Christ in this cause saying Oh great men I doubt you will sink in the lake of Gods irrecoverable vengeance for vengeance is the Lords and he will give it them to drink for the Soul that sinneth it shall die Let men take heed how they act and see that they act in righteousness better they had never been born then to be bloody persecutors to offend any of those little ones of Christ either by death or imprisonment GOd teacheth us by his Son he is the sure word of prophesie our everlasting Gospel which may reprove the literal teachers that call the Scriptures the Gospel when indeed they are but the writings of men put together as a History but Christ is the eternal mystery Christ Jesus alone is our eternal peace free from failable mixture it is God from the beginning he is the word of life beyond the written word of man so is the eternal decree in paradise and as by a further manifestion of his Son to preach and declare forth all truth far above the writings of men which is not the word of God but mans word spoken in part nd prophesied in part as Paul declareth Therefore the Scripture cannot fully be called the word of God but mens traditions and part of the minde of God they prophesied in part they writ in part they believed in part of the mystery of God but Christ he comes in the volume of the book he is our sure word of prophesie far higher then any Scripture and for that cause Scripture cannot be fully called the word of God except