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A09147 The Protestants theologie containing the true solutions, and groundes of religion, this daye mainteyned, and intreated, betwixt the Protestants, and Catholicks. Writen, by the R. F. F. VVilliame Patersoune religious priest, Conuentuall of Antwerpe, preacher of Gods word, and Vicar generall of the holy order of S. Augustin, through the kingdome of Scotland. The 1. Part. Paterson, F. William. 1620 (1620) STC 19461; ESTC S101863 199,694 338

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were they in lyke authority with the Iewes whih after the vniuersall Church did authorize by the holy Ghost for authentical Scripture vpō which authority S. Austen feared not to confirme the prayer for the dead as holy Canonicall Scripture with the Church OBIECTION LOng since of many it was doubted of the Epystle to the Hebrewes the second of S Peter the last of Daniel c. Therefore for this doubt they are not to be adiudged Hereticks who now eyther reiect them or put them in doubt ANSVVER THe consequent is denyed because the lyke raeson should follow in the lyke doubt whether they are to be baptized agayne whome Heretickes haue baptized which S. Cyprian with some others haue thought meet to be don And whether the Moysaicall law is to be obserued of Christians yea also who belieued of the Gen tils whereupon the counsell of Ierusalem was moued about these Heresies Lykwyse whether the grace of the Euagely did appertayn to the Gētils or to the Iewes only as is disputed in the Act. Apost cap. 11 For albeit the Church retayne all tymes the same one fayth yet notwithstanding by progresse of tyme and occasions as the church increaseth in her nomber so things pertinent to fayth may be amplifyed and made more ample then it was in the beginning For the Church at no tyme euer receaued for an opinion of Faith that which before she had once reiected Now those books once censured and approued by the Church it is not lawfull more to doubt of them and are in as great authority and veneration as the others bookes of Scriptures be for example For as a piece of gold in the beginning is suspected to be false and conterfeyt yet if afterwards it be tryed by the touch-stone of the Goldsmyth and found sufficient and approued of the Magistrat is receaued of the whole people goeth currant as other quoyne and is no lesse worth then any other peace of gould which was neuer suspect euen so these books of Scripture c. QVAESTIO XVII Of Traditions WHerefore are the Papists so simple as to belieue some thinges which are not expresly contayned in the Scriptures VVich they call traditions Calu. lib 4. inst cap. 8. § 8. Brent in prolog Kemnit in exam Conc. Trident. ANSVVER IT may be demanded in lyke manner wherfore Caluin lib 4. inst cap. 3. § 19. Alloweth and commendes traditions for in the ordination of the ministers of the Church he commandes as a precept the imposition of handes yet notwithstanding seing there is no commandement extant in the Scripture he himself protestes it to be necessary as his owne wordes recorde Albeit sayth he there is no commandement extant for the imposition of handes yet we doe see it to be in perpètuall vse from the Apostles and therfore that same diligent obseruation of theirs ought to be to vs as a commandement So that Caluin who before denyed traditions doth allowe of them as necessary in the ordination of the ministery whome for entrance we see led with the spirit of cōtradictiō For I say that not only these things which plainly are conteyned in the Scripture are to be obserued but also many traditions and obseruations which haue flowed and comed from Christ his Apostles which are to be retayned necessary as it were in a manner the written word it selfe Because it is found in the Scriptures Christ and his Apostles to haue delyuered many things which are not written For in the 16 of S. Iohn Christ sayes I haue many things to say to you but you cānot beare them now In which wordes he signifyeth that many things are necessary and needfull to be known to the Apostles which things out of doubt he made knowne when he appeared to them the fourty dayes speaking of the Kingdome of God his Church and of the gouernement of the Kingdome of grace and what the Apostles haue heard out of doubt they haue delyuered to the Church for her cause these were cōmunicated of our Lord to them which although they be not expressed in the Scriptures yet by tradition are delyuered Of which S. Paul speaking to the Thess epist 2. cap. 2 v. 14. stand and hold fast sayth he the traditions which you haue receaued whether by word or by our Epistle that is to say the doctryne delyuered to you whether by the preaching viua voce or by an epistle written to you Which place these venerable fathers expoundes of traditions as S. Basil lib. de S. S. Chry. Oecom Theoph. and S. Aug. epist 174. to that now sayth he which I haue rehearsed it fal so that Homousion is not found in the writtē word and yet as an article of fayth the word is defended Lykewyse the Father is called vnbegotten which is not read in the Scriptures The Symbole of the Apostles is by tradition not by the writtē word Lykewyse the obseruance of Sondy for the Saboath the baptizing of infantes ●he receauing of the Sacramēt fasting And S Luke acknowledgeth that he hath receaued by tradition what he hath written in his Euangely For if you reiect traditiōs why not also the whole wrytten Scripture by what reason is there only four Euangelists and no more And wherefore are they receaued that neuer sawe Christ and these Euangelists reiected who did see heare and were conuersant with him as Nicodem S. Thomas Thaddeus S. Peter Bartholomewe and others who haue wrytren Euangelyes and yet their written Euangelyes are reiected and these other foure are receaued who neuer did see Christ And with vs you belieue thē which are not expressed by any written word but only belieued to be true Euangelists by tradition What can be more sayd for verification of the truth then the wordes of the Apostle 2. Thes cap. 2. v. 14. Which wordes all tend for the commendation of our belief Of which S Basil l. de S. S. cap. 29. I account it Apostolicall to continue and belieue firmely the vnwriten word To whom all the Fathers are conformable For when the old Heretickes as Gnostes Marcion Cerdone Arius Eunomius Aerius Nestorius c. opposed themselues against traditions disdayning and denying them were with the whole consent of the auncient Fathers condemned as Heretickes as witnes Iraen lib. 3. Tert. de praescript S. Basil lib. de S. S. cap. 27. Epiph. Haer. 53. S. Aug. lib. 5. cont Maxim Now brother Asill what can be denyed against traditions what argument haue you for your defence for you accept no Scripture as canonicall ergo yow must proue Scripture by tradition and the other Scripture which you reiect is named apochrypha and in so doing you must allow tradition and so on euery side tradition conuinceth you and yet ye wil be oppugners and denyers of tradition I demand this if you were to conuince any man of Heresie for denying the Canon of Scripture what argument would you vse to conuince him As for example Luther in the Preface of the new testament decreed to reiect the epistle
of S. Iames for Apochripha to conuince him of this error it cannot be done by the Scripture neyther of himself because he is iudge in his own cause neyther is he to be belieued by the reuelation of his priuat spirit for all do make for confirmation of his opinion theref●re to conuince him rightly they must haue recourse to the tradition of the Church as sayes S. Aug. Serm. 191. de temp We receaue the new and ould testament in the nomber of bookes the which by authority of the Catholik Church is delyuered to vs. Moreouer this other argument is to be obserued for the Church from the beginning of the world till Moyses two thowsand yeares was without Scripture only ruled by traditions and rites of the sacrifice In the new testamēnt Christ hath written nothing neyther commaunded to wryte but well he sayth Marc. 16. vers 15. Preach you the Euangely to all creatures in which mission no precept is giuen of writing for saluation depends vpon the word of God and not vpon books neyther the written Scripture nor reuelation or prophesie c. For that cause Iraen lib. 3. cap. 4. wryteth that some nations in his tyme had the fayth of Christ and yet no Scripture Where is it found in the Scripture to reiect traditions But this is the cause why you withstand all traditiōs for these being banished easily you may peruert and glosse the Scriptures and apply them to your own myndes which traditions of the holy Church stād out against you for the clearing of the verity and will not suffer the Scriptures to be corrupted with your fansies which corrupt interpretations permitted and suffered we shall see you follow traditions and consequently your owne inuentions to be for holy Scripture for the first part is probable for Caluin himself approueth the traditions of the Iewes commenting in the 104 Psal sec 18. Many things remayned amōgst them by successiue tradition which were godly and necessary for them of the which no mention is made in the Scriptures Out of which place it followeth that Caluin willingly would Iudaize and as concerning the following of their owne senses in reiecting the traditiōs of the holy Ghost to erect their own traditions contrary to the written word I would most willingly be satiefyed by what reason eyther spirituall or morall why you Puritans vphold and set vp traditions as the pillar of repentance denigrate and made black and sinners to stand there to the spectacle of the whole Church with the showing of their heades at the crosse bound with yron chaynes in tyme of Market your sackcloth at the Church doore and carting of poor women thorow the city of whom haue you learned to punish fornicators by this ignominious punishement Others by the purse and to pardon some who are fatt and to execute rigor vpon the poor From whence haue you receaued that tradition in your prayers to hould your noses in others tailes and to ly groaning on the ground after the manner of the Iewes From vvhence is that tradition to fast on sondayes and feast on frydayes and to work on Christmas day and other Sainctes dayes and to obserue monday suter sonday for holy day These a thowsand more are the Puritanes traditions of their owne inuentiō vvithout any Scripture or vvrittē word and yet not vvithstanding they vvill abolishe and condemne all traditions and yet vvill set vp and authorize traditions of their owne authority contrary to the law of God and all Scripture and tradition of any age before passed OBIECTION THe Lord sayth Deut. 12. vers 32. What I cōmand thee do thow that vnto the Lord only neyther shalt thou add any thing neyther diminish Therefore traditions are superfluous and in vaine ANSVVER IF this argument were auaileable neyther the Prophets nor the Apostles ought to haue writtē any thing after Moyses for vvhat the Prophets haue vvritten are not conteyned in Moyses neyther vvhat the Euangelists Apostles haue wryten are contayeed in the old testament but generally and implicite In lyke sorte traditions are contayned in the Scripture implicite vvhē Christ sayd Luc. 10 v. 16. Who heareth you heareth me Therfore the sense of these vvordes vvhich sayth that thou shall add nothing nor diminish is that thou shalt add nothing repugnāt vnto those things vvhich are commaunded in the Scripture In this same sense sayth S. Paul Gal. 1. v. 8. Whether we or an Angel frō Heauen euangelise to you otherwise then that which we haue euangelized let him be accursed For that praeposition praeter is asmuch to say as cōtrary for otherwaies should he be contrary to himself who added many things as his epistles witnes And lykewyse S. Iohn after he had written the Apocalyps and Euangely who threateneth the same curse should fall in the same sentencē in adding to his Epistles in which are many precepts traditions which are not contayned in the Apocalyps and Euangely c. OBIECTION THE Scripture is a Rule to belieue therefore it ought to contayne all things which are to be belieued ANSVVER THe Scripture is a Rule to belieue but not adequat and a right Rule because the right Rule is the word of God whether written or delyuered by Tradition OBIECTION THese things are written that you may belieue that Iesus is the Sonne of God and that belieuing you may haue lyfe in his name But all things writen serue to belieue in Christ therefore all beliefe is written ANSVVER SAinct Paul sayes that Abel Enoch Noe Abraham Isac Iacob Heb. 11. had vndoubtedly true fayth yet they had no Scripture writen Againe the primitiue Church at least tenne yeares after Christ had no Scripture written who will say but that they had true faith Againe these are not conteyned in the written word to vvit the consubstantiality of the Trinity the procession of the holy Ghost the virginity of the most blessed Virgin Mary the baptising of children and the not rebaptising of them who are baptised of Heretickes the breaking of the Sabaoth keeping of Sonday the obseruing of Easter the receauing of the Sacraments fasting the eating of blood strangled meares prohibeted in the Law and Euāgely Act. 15 But I would know of the Protestātes what Scripture they haue for women to singe Psalmes and to glosse on the Scriptures in the Church at home and in the tauernes What Scripture haue you for your pillary crosse steeple repētance seat carting and showing of poore women for the sinne of fornication for these things you haue no Scripture but must build vpon traditiōs eyther true or false QVAESTIO XVIII Of the certitude of Hope WHerefore doe the Papists deny that our Hope is with certitude seing it is written that Hope maketh vs not ashamed but bringeth with it certitude and confidence Luth art 10 11. Caluin lib. 3. instit cap 2. § 16. ANSVVER WHat certitude assured hope can the Protestants haue in our Sauiour if they defend and abyde in the principall poincts of their