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tradition_n faith_n salvation_n scripture_n 1,965 5 5.9989 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04811 The glorious and beautifull garland of mans glorification Containing the godlye misterie of heauenly Ierusalem, the helmet of our saluation. The comming of Christ in the fleshe for our glorie, and his glorious com[m]ing in the end of the world to crowne men with crownes of eternall glorie. Beeing an heauenly adamant to drawe thee to Christ and a spirituall rod to mortifie thy life. Made and set foorth by Frauncis Kett, Doctor of Phisick Kett, Francis, d. 1589. 1585 (1585) STC 14945; ESTC S101081 81,290 126

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and wickednes so that it is manifest that the Church of Christ is tyed to no particular place or kingdome but is freely dispersed throughout the whole world wherby it appeareth that the Papists do worke against the streames of Iacob to stop the riuers from the thirstie And now againe the Lord saith Esay 43 44 I will power O Iacob my spirite vpon thy seede and mine increase vpon thy stocke they shall growe together like as the grasse for there shall spring out of them a captaine prince which the Lord shall chalenge to him selfe Iere. 30. E●ay 6. Iere. 33. Es ay 49. who shall open the prison to them that are bound and he is the glad tydings to the poore who shall bring redemption to the captiue and res tore Israel and set vp his honour in Iuda and in Dauids stoole that all nations shall honour him yea kings and princes shall arise and worship this holy one of Ifraell By which the prophets conclude that although we know all the law of Moyses and bee carefull in keeping it yet wee are in prison and bondage to death without we imbrace Christ and preferre him aboue the law and aboue all workes as the onely doore to enter into Gods rest for he doth open the prison wherein we were tyed to damnation by the fetters of Adams corruption who hath the keyes of hell and death according to Esay vnto Sion shal come a redeemer yea the Lord said I will lay a stone in Sion a costly corner stone Esay 59. Esay 28. Zach. Dan. 2. a sure foundation that who so put his trust in hem shall not bee confounded And saith he behold I will hew him out and take away the sinne of the land in one day As saith Daniel there was hewen a stone without handes that smote the image and became a great mountaine which fulfilleth the whole earth so that it is vnpossible to obtaine glorification vnlesse we imbrace this precious stone of Sion neither is it possible for the great Image of the first or laste monarchy of Babylon to withstand or hold back the power of this stone of Sion by whose force the pompe of the Image of Rome shall be broken like an earthen pot that flyeth in many peeces although it please the Lord to suffer that romish beast still to beare a sway among those children which be as Esaw that make light of the birth-right of the eternall kingdome giuen onely by Christes gospell and not by the traditions and fancies of men And therefore that last Image of Babilon must bee shaken a sunder that promiseth other meanes and more waies to winne euerlasting life then onely by this corner stone Wherefore as pure gold is tryed from counterfect by the touch so all ye that feare damnation trye the traditions of that Image of Rome by reading the pure gospell with feare and reuerence to God and with care of your soules health and you shall finde that the gospell which is the true touch of truth will bring thee home againe from the darke dales of Rome to the bright mountaine of Sion of whom the Lord said by Ieremie I will set vp the righteous braunch of Dauid that shall set vp equitie in the earth that Iuda shall be saued Iere. 23. and Israel dwell without feare and they shall call him the Lord our righteous maker for saith the Lord I wil giue you an heardman Iere. 3. after my owne minde which shall feede you with wisedome that Ierusalem shall be called the Lords seate Esay 2. for the law shall come out of Syon and the word of God from Iesalem And therefore we must desire onely to be fed with the wisedome that proceede from this our heauenly heardman imbracing no other word of doctrine but that which he gaue vs from Ierusalem being his pure gospell builded vpon the Apostles and prophets for saith Paule the holy Scripture is able to make the wise to saluation through the faith which is in Christ Iesus Timoth. ● ● And therfore beware least you be spoyled through Philosophy and deceitfull vanitie and through the traditions of men Col. 2. and ordinances after the world and not after Christ for the Lord said by Ieremie I will make a new couenant with the house of Israell that is Iere. 31. I will plant my lawes in their inward parts euen in their hartes and will be their God and from thence forth shall no man teach his brother or neighbour saying know God for they shall all know me from the lowest to the highest according to Ioel Ioel. 2. I will power out my spirite vpon all flesh and your sonnes and daughters shall prophesie your olde men shall dreame dreames and your young men shall see vis ions yea vpon those daies I will powre out my spreit vppon s eruants and Maides Whereby wée may gather that such is the power of the Gospell of Christ and promise of our redemption and saluation that neither the contrary powers of Sathan nor the obstinat malicious or barbarous tyranie of men hath powre to withholde it at the tyme appointed from the people of God for the Lorde hath spoken it that it shall spread ouer the world and that his spyrit shall enter into all fleshe It is against the prophesie of Ioel to hold the Scripture in an vnknow on language So that it is great repugnauce to the ordenāce of God to holde back the frute swéet taste of the Gospell from the people by concealing it vnder a cloke of an vnknowen language strange tounge which is a vaile that hydes the face and brightnes of the glory of the Gospell of our saluation from the people that desyre to knowe it sée it and ought to come vnto it as the vayle did hang before Moyses face because the childrē could not behold the glory of his countenance which God gaue by geuing the law but now we are able through the gift of the spreit of Christ who hath takē away the vaile from Moyses giuē an opē fountaine of cléernes to behold the trueth of his gospell of saluatiō in that it is the Lords bountifull blessing that all flesh should fele the operation of the holy spreit to come to to his waters buy his milke wine witout mony and mony worth which is his gospell that féedeth and nuris heth like milke gladdeth cheareth the hart like wine so that héerby is cléerly condēned cast to the ground the traditions of papistrie that lock vp the word of God in an vnknowen language that none can come to Gods holy water without mony or mony worth such is the darnel cockel of their traditiōs as to worrow Chris tes shéep to wrap thē in blindnes whē notwtstanding it ought to be that the gospel should be opened plain manifest and vnclocked that the saying of the prophet may be fulfilled both sōnes daughters maids