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A51484 A peaceable method for the re-uniting Protestants and Catholicks in matters of faith principally in the subject of the Holy Eucharist : proceeding upon principles agreed-on and waving points in dispute : upon occasion of the late conceit concerning the perpetuity of faith touching that great mystery / written in French by Lewis Mainbourg. Maimbourg, Louis, 1610-1686.; T. W. 1672 (1672) Wing M293; ESTC R26797 72,644 198

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explication o● their Doctrine so fully as it was afterwards thought fitting to do and th● they did not judge it necessary to descend to all those particulars which were examined and looked into in afte● Ages It was possible also that the would not deduce all those particular sequels which were inclosed or shut up as it were in those Principles which they established as our Blessed Saviour himself had formerly dealt with the● It is also very likely that men o● of neglect not preserving those Truth in memory as they ought to have done they came insensibly to ●e forgotten or that whilest mens wits were wholly taken up in defending some part o● them against Hereticks who opposed them there was not so much heed taken of those others which never came into Controversy However it be this i● indubitably certain that a time there was when many things were not clearly and distinctly known nor at such time obligatory as to exercise of faith which the Church has since placed in the number of such things as are belonging to Faith For although all those things were comprehended in Holy Scripture and in the Doctrine of the Apostles and that there alwayes were the same marks to know them by yet they were not alwayes taken notice of with the same reflexion or application But now by occasion of Disputes which have been raised at certain times the Church having set her self to examine them legally and according to form and making reflexions upon Holy Scripture and looking back upon the neighbouring times of the Apostles making up by such means unto the Fountain-head of true Apostolical Tradition she has declared them to be of faith as being exactly conformable to the Rule of Belief 6. I do not say therefore what some haply of our Adversaries who are not so well acquainted with our Tenets may reproach me with that the Church has Authority to frame new Articles of Faith No I do acknowledge together with them that she cannot act but according to Rule which is the holy Scripture and Tradition truely and purely Apostolical from which also we have received the holy Scripture it self She holds forth nothing new but she proposes unto us Antiquity which we knew not before She does not give new birth to Scars which never were before but she makes them appear in that Instre which formerly they had done by removing those clouds which did obscure them She has no new revelations she onely publishes those antient ones of which we had no forme● assurance Finally she settles no other Principles but such as she receive● from our Saviour himself out of which by force of her light and certain necessary sequels she makes those Veritie● appear which were hidden and as 〈◊〉 were Quid est Depositum Id est quod tibi creditum est non à te inventum quod acceptisti non quod excogitasti 〈◊〉 rem non ingenii sed doctrinae non usurpationi● privatae publicae traditionis rem ad te perductam non a te prolatam in quae ●on author debes esse sed custos non institu●or sed sectator non ducens sed sequens Comment 1. c. 27. shut up in those Principles This is that which Vincentius Lirine● sis expresses most admirably applying unto the Church those words of S. Pa● to his Disciple Timothy Depositum c●stodi keep well the Depositum which 〈◊〉 put into your hands What is the meaning of this Depositum saith he speaking of matters of Faith It is that which you are intrusted with and by no means that which your self have invented It is that which you have received and in no wise that which your self have found out it is not the result of your own Wit or understanding but it is what you learn from that Doctrine which has been taught you It is not any thing which you have established in the World by your own private Authority it is a Point of Tradition which you have been trusted with for the publick good It is a Treasure of which there was no Mine in your own Land You are not the Author ●ut the conserver of this Doctrine You are not here the Guide but he that follows the Guide What Guide The Word of God which is this Guide and the true Rule of Holy Church Vald. l. 2. Doct. fid c. 22. Can. l. 2. de Com. 7. à castro de Lu● go valentia alii Videte quid dicat qui fuerunt non qui sunt ut exceptis Apostolis quodcunque aliud postèa dicetur abscindatur Hier. in Ps 86. All our Divines agree in this Doctrine which they have taken from the Holy Fathers For St. Hierome has it in ex●ess terms upon the 86. Psalm where he Psalmist sayes that Our Lord will delare in Scriptures of People and of Prinoes and of those that have been in her He makes use sayes St. Hierome of a word signifying time past fuerunt that have been because we are to hold nothing for a Point of Faith in the Church but what we find in the Prophers and in the Apostles who are the Princes of the Church And upon this ground it is that St. Irenaeus and after him S. Augustine saith That the faith of our Ancestors and ours makes but one and the same Faith because we believe nothing at this day which was not contained in the whole Body of their Faith The Church therefore never did make Iren. l. 3. c. 2 lib. 4. c. 13 Aug. Ep. 51 and undoubtedly never will make any new Articles of Faith since it is not in her power to define any thing but according to the Word of God which she is alwayes to consult with as with her Oracle and the Rule she is bound to follow But there is no question also but upon occasion of Differences from time to time in mens judgements and opinions she has often declared for and defined some Points which were antecedently by some questioned and that without offence or at least were not known before unless in general and by a confused kind of knowledge There is nothing more certain nor more common in the History of the Church and Councils where you shall frequently see defined and proposed as a Point or Principle of Faith that which before Conte●●s did arise and before that violent clashing which has been in almost every Age of the Church about some Point or other in Controversy which was neither defined nor so much as thought of For example concerning the authentickness of some Canonical Books concerning the validity of Baptisme conferred by Hereticks concerning one or two Wills and operations in our Blessed Saviour concerning the Procession of the Holy Ghost and many such like All which are now no more to be called in question although before the definition of the Church it might have been done without offence For if it be true that it belongs unto her to propose that as matter of Faith which was not before
of our Blessed Lady It is certain that in former times men did not set themselves to search into that particular subject because they did not so much as reflect upon it There was onely a confused kind of knowledge and a general Id●● of the priviledges and Prerogatives of the Blessed Virgin above the rest of Mankind without descending to particulars People were wholly taken up with opposing those Hereticks who drew up against the Honour of the Blessed Virgin who would have deprived her of the glory of her admirable and perpetual Virginity even after Child-bearing and above all those who so violently pleaded against th● glorious title of Mother of God which is the ground of all her other Priviledges They were satisfied to ascertain that true source or fountain of all her greatness fortifying it by Scripture and Apostolick Tradition without regarding to penetrate further into that suite or train of other priviledges which did accompany that one great prerogative or examining particularly whether it were to be concluded by a legall ensequence flowing from that Principle that she was preserved at the first instant of her being from Original sin It was not at that time positively believed that she was exempt from that stain neither was the contrary in their Creed And this because it was not so much as thought upon At another time it has been thought good to employ many serious-thoughts upon this subject and to search more narrowly into the business Great Contests have risen about it Whole Volames have been written by Learned men who have produced strong and clear testimonies out of the Holy Scriprures for it and have endeavoured to derive it from the very Fountain of Apostolical Doctrine by the way of Tradition Whole Universities and especially that of Sorbon have spoken loud in favour of that Opinion and engaged themselves by solemn Oath to maintain it And yet notwithstanding the Church has not thought fit absolutely to determine any thing concerning this matter of so great importance But leaves us at liberty to believe what we please concerning it She has not proceeded in the same manner concerning her exemption from all guilt even of venial sin For this she has decided and resolved upon as a matter of Faith not that she had any new revelation thereof since the time of the Apostles but that before the proposing this verity to the world 〈◊〉 be believed she consulted with the holy Scriptures Apostolical Tradition and the opinions of holy Fathers co●cerning the preeminence and qualition of the Mother of God for the finding out the whole extent of them An having discovered by this means th● her being exempted from venial sin w● comprehended in that Supreme Dignty as a necessary consequence is ●●cluded in its Principle she has defined as a Point of faith revealed in the We of God in which it is contained Th● is the reflexion of the most eminent as Learned Cardinal de Lugo in his exc●lent Treatise of Faith Disp 3. Sect. 5. n. 7. Let us now imagine the Churd should do the same concerning the 〈◊〉 emption of the Blessed Virgin from Original sin Let us suppose that she h●ving examined the passages of Host Writ and the Testimonies of Trad●● on which are alledged upon this subject should find this also included as in necestary consequence as she did the other as it is not unlikely she would If she should think fit to proceed to a further examin of the business then all we who are Catholicks and agreed in this that the Church is Judge of Controversies and that we are bound to submit to her Decrees should quickly lay aside all difference of opinions ●●d although we had not hitherto held seas matter of Faith should then believe it to be so not because there had been any new Revelation concerning it ●●t because the Church should have declared it to have been alwayes revealed although there was not a general Agreement concerning that Revelation 16. Behold then us and Protestants agreed as I take it upon this Principle that the true Church of Christ has power to decide and propose that as an Article of Faith which antecedently to that decision and proposal was not of obligation to be believed From whence is easily concluded that for the franing an exact rational discourse in matters of Faith it is necessary to avoid these two extremes which a loose kind of reasoning is apt enough to fall into The first is That this has not alwayes been believed therefore it is not now to be believed The second This is 〈◊〉 believed ergo it has alwayes and in a● Ages of the Church been distinctly believed It is evident by our Principle● that this way of reasoning is very salk and erroneous Here then is the reason why when there happens a Contest between two Parties of the same Church supposed alwayes the true Church as we shall by and by shew it is not alwayes necessary that we search narrowly into the doctrine of Antiquity for the discovering what was held in those dayes concerning the matter in Dispute It suffices for ending all debates that we know what the Church having taken full cognisance of the matter shall have determined by a solemn judgement and Sentence according to the usuall form and method What she resolves in such occurrences according to the Word of God the true meaning whereof she faithfully gives us is to be received as matter of Faith whether it were beforehand known or not known to be so And the contrary is an Error which we are obliged with her to condemn and anathematise unless we intend to become Infidel and Schismaticks Here is the Principle we are agreed upon on all sides as I have made appear both by the Doctrine and proceedings of our Adversanes themselves It imports now very much to apply this to the particular subject we have in hand and it shall be my endeavour to effect it CHAP. III. The applying this agreed-on Principle to the Subject of the Holy Eucharist TO make a due Application of this general Principle to the subject of the Holy Eucharist with the same peaceableness and quiet we have hither to endeavoured to maintain and together with the consent of Parties we must needs step a little aside but still in such order and measure that we may go friendly on in the same path hand in hand together without justling one another still laying all Disputes aside The first step therefore that I make of this kind is to produce what is agreed upon on all sides to have been in all Ages believed concerning the Holy Eucharist to wit that it is a Sacrament which is a Memorial of the Death of our Lord Jesus Christ who is there present and wherein his blessed Body and precious Blood are truely received by the Faithful according to the express words of the Son of God himself who says Take and eat this is my Body do this in memory of me This is what
these dayes ought to stick to the decisions of their Church in matters contested between them and us because they own her for the True Church But I think it is not at all hard to discover a great difference For making up to the head or source of the decision we shall find those who first raised the doubt and brought these Points into debate were of the same Church which was accordingly the True because the onely Church and owned for such by both Parties before she declared her self upon the matter in dispute which without trouble we are agreed upon with Monsieur Claude The case is not here so Because we who are at Dispute with Protestants are not of the same Church with them and so are not within the limits of thy maxime which has with mutual corsent been established and received Again they having taken part with those who at that time revolted from the True Church because they would not obey her Decrees made by Canonical Judgement it is manifest that their Community is but a false and Schismatical Church according to the Principles received from them in the Synod of Dort 3. Secondly the Church before she gives Sentence upon any Point proposed examining it by Scripture and real Tradition and for the better understanding them searching into the Sentences of the Ancient Holy Fathers endeavouring thus to reascend unto the Apostles themselves we are from hence to conclude that she being inspir'd by the Holy Ghost who has promised to teach her all Truths as occasions require what she defines is alwayes conformable both to Scripture and Tradition Thus it is that we are to learn by her definitions what is the true meaning or sence of Scripture when there is place for doubting thereof Before the Council of Nice there were most desperate Disputes concerning certain passages of Scripture which the followers of Arius alledged for the upholding their upstart doctrine As for example about that in the fifth of St. Iohn where our Blessed Saviour says that his Father is greater than he Quia Pater major me est Joh. 5. from whence they inferred that he was not of the same Substance The others on the contrary maintained that this passage was to be understood of the Son of God considered according to Humane nature which places him infinitely below the Father and makes him submit even to the death of the Cross but not according to his Divine nature which renders him equal and makes them both to be of one and the same Substance These two sence were hotly maintained by the two Parries each of them challenging the true sence or meaning of Scripture on their side But when the Council having throughly examined this important question had defined the Consubstantiality of The Word making use of a terme which is not found in Holy Writ for the clearer expressing that Truth which she discovered there then was there no more time nor place to doubt what was the lawful sence thereof and there arose an obligation through this definition of believing that that was the true one which was given by the Divines vvho opposed the faction of the Arians The same is certainly to be said upon this occasion especially our present cause being upon much better termy and more strongly provided for by the evidence of the Texts alledged for it When at first the poposition vvas made concerning the Real Presence in the time of Pascasius as Mr. Claude pretends and presently opposition was made as he is pleased to say for at present we will assume nothing but of his free gift there happened a great Contest which grew yet much greater after some time concerning the true sence of those words This is my Body One side maintaining that they did express a Real Presence and the other pretending that they onely signified that that which our Blessed Saviour gave unto his Apostles represented his Body Both parties as we have often taken notice were of the same Church which they acknowledged and owned to be the True Church This Church having throughly examined the business in her General Councils defines a Real Presence and substantial change even to the making use of the word Transubstantiation which is not literally found in the Gospel for the expressing more clearly that verity which she discovered therein and for the efficacious obstructing any other sence which might be given to those words This is my Body From that time forward it was no longer lawful to doubt of the sence of them And by this definition men stood obliged to believe that they were to be understood plainly and literally not metaphorically When there is really place of doubt it is not for particular persons who are at strife to determine the sence of the Text in Dispute but this belongs properly to the Church which is Judge in the case For else there could never be any end of Disputes and God should not have furnished us with any certain means for the finding out Truth when doubts do arise concerning Holy Scripture nor consequently for the clearing those debates which may arise in matters of Religion Which certainly would be the same as to say that he had not provided for the Government quiet and peace of his Church Non quia Canon solus non sibi ad universa sufficiat sed quia verba divina pro suo quique arbitratu interpretantes varias opiniones errorèsque concipiant Atque ideo necesse fit ut ad unam Ecclesiastici sensus regulam scriptueae caelestis intelligentiae dirigatur Common 2. c. antep Cap. Penul It is not as Vincentius Lirientius sayes that the Word of God does not contain all the Verities which we believe but because many presuming to interpret the Holy Text according to their fancy mishape their errors accordingly Thus it becomes necessary upon such occurences to regulate the sence we are to give to Holy Scripture by that meaning which the holy Church gives it And from hence it was that he took occasion some three years after the Council of Ephesus to enveigh so sharply against that desperate presumption of wicked Nestorius who had the impudence to maintain that he alone had the gift of Understanding those Texts of Scripture which he alledged for the authorising his impious blasphemies and that the whole Church represented in that Council had erred grosly for want of understanding them Thus when Disputes arise we ought not to judge of the Doctrine of the Church by that sence which our selves give of Holy Scripture but we must iudge of the true sence of Holy Scripture by the Doctrine of the Church The same in proportion is to be said of the passages of Holy Fathers For it being the custome and order of the Church to advise with them concerning the Judgement she is to give regularly speaking we ought to understand them according to her Doctrine whenever these arises a controversy concerning the meaning of their words which do not alwayes
at this day to joyn with them without becoming complices with them and guilty of their revolt This is that we call a true solid and general Prescription against all those who contend with us Behold here an end of the war a conclusion of all Disputes the bond of peace the union of hearts and understandings the certain Rule the immovable Point the unquestionable Principle and sole abridgement of all Controversies What we are to believe concerning the Invocation of Saints the veneration of holy Images of the number of Sacraments of Purgatory of Grace of Free-will and of Justification Let us not now renew those old quarrels which have set the Christian World at odds concerning these points Let us not again fall a questioning and discussing all those Texts and passages which have been a thousand times mentioned a thousand times brought on one side and as often returned on the other in a quite contrary sence Let us not engage our selves in those quarrels where the victory never appears certain because such Champions are alwayes in a readiness to charge the enemy afresh being never out of breath and resolved never to quit the field nor lay down their arms Behold what will set us all right and bring us to an agreement in a moment putting a period to all our troubles even before they begin Let us see what that Church which was common Mother and commander of both Parties when the war first began has resolv'd in each of these particulars Here you shall be able to discover wherein true Faith consists Because the True Church which in all mens opinions has power when the question is moved to declare what is to be believed has judged thus and thus according to those Rules which she never failing to apply them in due manner and just proportion can never be deficient He whosoever he was who refused obedience to that Decree became ipso facto a Schismatick And it is no less evident that all who joyn with him are in the same Predicament This is that one Fundamental and allresolving Point which alone can end the quarrel and that in the most peaceable manner imaginable without being obliged to enter into further debate or discussion of the matter And this is the reason why speaking all this while of a True Church which certainly is somewhere or other as all the world acknowledges I have purposely omitted to say any thing of the Church of Rome or of the Authority of the Pope or of his quality or prerogatives as Head thereof For infallibly I should have met with some rub or other this being a Point highly contested between us whereas for my part I was resolved to enter into no quarrel but to be at perfect agreement and go on my way hand in hand with those of the Protestant Church For I conceive we have nothing else to do but to apply this our Rule and agreed upon Principle unto the present matter and to allow unto St. Peter and his Successors that which the Gospel gives him as it is understood by that Church of which we all were when Disputes first arose concerning that subject and according to what that Church has set forth in those great and holy Assemblies of the first Oecumenical Councils which are and ought to be reverenced and respected by all who call themselves Christians I ask but this which I think cannot be denyed me and this alone is an assured means to bring us speedily to an agreement and to cause a cessation of that lamentable division which is amongst us and is so unfortunate to the Church so pernicious to the publick good so injurious to the peace and quiet of the People and so fatally prejudicial to the safety and Salvation of so many Persons Wherefore for a conclusion I humbly and with my whole heart and foul beseech our Brethren of the Reformed Church in the fight and presence of God to lay aside that inveterate prejudice they have against us 〈…〉 which obstructs their peaceable treating with us as if we were people who refused the Word of God for the Rule of our Faith and actions I beseech you Gentlemen do not eternally use that language to us Templum Domini Templum Domini Jer. 7. The Temple of the Lord the pure Word of God the pure Word of God without any mixture of humane inventions and Traditions This was and is at this day the custome and practice of the Ariant the Sabellians the Nestorians the M●nothelites the Anabaptists the Socinians the Independents and Quakers whose language this ever was and to this hour is and yet I do not find you have any great correspondence with or kindness for that gang of people whom we suppose you have as great dislike of as we our selves Have you not taken notice that the Enemy of Mankind himself when 't was to his purpose made use of Scripture That father of lyes said it as boldly as some of his children afterwards that the true sence of the Word of God made for him 'T is a Reflexion of Vincentius Lirinensis who was much esteemed in the fifth Age of the Church and is highly extolled even by the Magdebargian Centuriatores themselves Cent. 5. c. 10. That wicked fiend sayes he that teaches and Master of Hereticks would needs perswade the Son of God that if he was the true Messias he must cast himself down from the Pinacle of the Temple to make himself known to the world There is nothing more false And yet for proof he produced that passage of the 90 Psalm Psal 90. v. 11 22. Sicut tunc caput capiti ita nune membra membris l●quuatur membra scilicet Diaboli membris Christi perfidi fidelibus sacrilegi religiosis Haeretici postremò Catholicis Common ● c. 37. where it is said He has given his Angels charge of thee that they keep thee in all thy wayes In their hands they shall bear thee lest perhaps thou knock thy foot against a stone What the Chief of Hereticks said at that time to the Chief of Christians the same do the members of that wicked one say at this time to the members of Jesus Christ the Infidels to the Faithful Hereticks to Catholicks ever alledging Scripture for themselves The question therefore is not whether the Word of God be that Rule which we are bound to follow There is not not ever was any Heretick upon the face of the earth who did not affirm this as stoutly and resolutely as any Catholick can do As the debate never arose about this so shall the decision of this Point never end the quarrel nor bring peace among us There is no body questions it neither you nor we doubt the least of it And yet the feud for all that still increases That then which is of true importance or concern is to know whether that which we call the Word of God be really so or no and whether the interpretation which I give or that